#this is a threat to people who consume my content <3
listen, i’m probably going to make a separate account because i know a fair amount of people don’t like anything surrounding the marauders/hp universe, but i just wanted to tell you all that i’m in the marauders fandom and it’s something i along with many others enjoy. if that makes you uncomfortable, feel free to unfollow me, but don’t harass me for something like this. i’m honestly tired of all the discourse and i’d just like to engage in content on my own time. like i said, if you’re uncomfortable and feel like you can no longer morally support my blog, go ahead and unfollow. i won’t be mad and i understand it’s not anything personal. in fact i’d be happy that people are setting boundaries on here instead of engaging in unnecessary drama, and i don’t really want to be moots with anyone that would condemn me for my involvement in the fandom.
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intothestacks · 8 months
As a children's librarian, people who harass fans of Harry Potter indiscriminately really worry me.
Here's why.
1. The majority of Harry Potter fans are children.
I've had people call me disgusting and scum and an embarrassment to my disabled community. I've been suicide baited and have received death threats. All of this can be heavy enough stuff for an adult to deal with.
And then I think of how most of my 700+ elementary-aged students are huge Harry Potter fans. Because, you know, Harry Potter is a children's series. And they also have access to the internet and social media like TikTok and YouTube.
Now imagine the stuff that's been said to me being said to a kid. Because Harry Potter's main audience are KIDS.
2. This black-and-white mentality isn't healthy.
Very few things in life are cut-and-dry good vs bad. And if you employ this kind of thinking in one area of your life, odds are you'll apply it to other areas too(more on that in a moment).
And people who go out of their way to harass people who like Harry Potter don't seem to particularly care about any context beyond "If you like Harry Potter in any way whatsoever you're scum".
It hasn't mattered when I've pointed out that I absolutely and unequivocally think Rowling's TERF views are awful and scummy and wrong. It hasn't mattered that I try my best to consume the content only in ways that won't monetarily support her, (which kids typically can't do, btw). It hasn't mattered that it's literally in my job description to keep up with children's media to procure content for my patrons as well as to be able to hold conversations with them.
3. Saying "You're not allowed to read this without being harassed" is no different from saying a book should be banned.
This is ironic, seeing as the people doing the harassing are also often up in arms about queerphobic and racist book bans (as they should be) while demanding book bans of their own.
Because in their all-or-nothing way of thinking, book bans are only bad when the "bad" people do it.
No. Book bans are always bad, no exceptions.
Book bans aren't bad because they're banning the "good" books, they're bad because banning access to different ideas is always bad. Because every book has a lesson to teach us (perhaps not the lesson intended by the author, but a lesson nonetheless).
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pedgito · 1 year
hey, im a big fan of your writing. I am also a big fan of Javier Peña, Joel and Din lmao. So can I request a story about either one of those (mostly sfw mainly because im in my feelings) that is more of a hurt/comfort angst? Maybe bottled feelings are freed, a near death experience occurs after a heated confession that didn't go well...? idk I leave it up to you if you want to write it of course. Anyways, again, love love your stories, especially the way your portray Javier. Have a nice week <3
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pairing | javier pena x fem!reader
content warning | mostly sfw, arguments over commitment/relationships, mention of violence (bombing), descriptions of minor injuries and emotional distress, just lots and lots of angst [2.6k]
author’s note | this screamed javi so hard so i couldn't pass up the opportunity to write some angst for him
↝ other fics | requests? | ao3
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You’ve been at it for months now, waiting for Javier to finally give in and confess to you what he’s been holding back for so long—he’s so closed off it’s impossible, his back turned to you as he grips the chair shoved into the small dining table tucked in the corner of his apartment.
This was supposed to be a one off job, spend a couple months down in Bogotá with Steve—play alongside him in the hopes of catching Escobar, settling into a mix between the three of you, realizing fairly quickly that Peña wasn’t the type of nice guy you were used to.
He was brazen, straight-forward and a little bit—scratch that, a lot of an asshole, so full of himself that it oozed out. Still, that didn’t stop you from climbing into his bed a week into your stay, breaking the one rule you had.
Never fucking sleep with your co-workers.
Look where it got you; fighting an emotionless wall of stone.
He wants you, but he can’t have you. He doesn’t want to see you with other people, but he can’t stake his claim and call you his—but god forbid you so much as consider eyeing another person, someone interested in showing you the attention you wanted, that you deserved. His jealousy is unmatched, the curl in his lip when he sees you across the room around them, the short and fleeting touches they gave to your arm in passing—from your perspective, a simple gesture between friends, but to Javier, it's a threat.
And it wasn’t that he didn’t try to show you attention—Javier was more than that, all-consuming in a way, passionate to a fault. But, he was not a lover type guy.
Still, you were naive enough to think you could change that.
“I’m not doing this anymore,” You spoke strongly, watching the tilt of his head as looks down, burning a cigarette held between his fingers, “whatever this is—we can forget about it.”
“Yeah—I’m sure the others will have a fuckin’ field day when they catch wind,” Murphy let it slip once and it’s been the constant topic of conversation, playful teasing toward you but torture on Peña who likes to keep things private, always, “always eye fucking you across the room.”
“Who cares, Javi?” You ask, feeling like you were talking to a ghost as he refused to look at you. “You don’t give a shit what’s going on here, why should I?”
And it hurts because you do.
It was innocent at first, one hookup that should’ve ended that night. But, one turned into several and eventually you were spending most night at Javier’s apartment to the extent of grabbing dinner on the way there—or, for fucks sake, cooking for the man. You knew that he loved breakfast in the mornings despite his constant refusal to eat it, how he couldn’t focus without his first cup of coffee and why he kept his gun at his bedside and the spare under the mattress.
He’s got scars, faint but visible when you lay against his chest at night—some from childhood, some not, but you wouldn’t know had you not spent the time with him and watched the vulnerability he showed when it was just you, just him after a long, stressful day trying to catch a terrifying monster and the both of you itching to burn off steam.
“You can’t ask me on a date, can’t—jesus—you can’t even look at me, Javier.” He hears the break in your voice, how hard you’re struggling to keep things together.
And you’re fuming, furious, aiming to hit him where it really hurts. You want him to feel. Feel anything.
“You like to play house and let me cook you meals, act like I’m yours when it’s convenient for you.” He twitches at that, slamming the burnt end of the cigarette into the ashtray. It’s the only real sign of emotion he’s shown all morning. “That’s all you care about. Egoísta.” (Selfish)
He slams the ashtray down roughly, ashes flying over the table. You don’t jump or flinch, not at all fazed by his outburst. You saw it too often during work when things fucked up or didn’t go his way. When he did show emotion it was intense and full body.
“I told you,” He says slowly, turning toward you now, “I don’t do this,” He punctuates slowly, fingering wagging between the both of you, “I can’t do—this.”
“Can’t or won’t?”
The difference is staggering, truly. You wanted an answer.
“You tell me you never want me to leave your bed, your apartment, that you want to keep me here forever because there’s nothing that makes you feel this close to home—and you can’t do this?”
He speaks it against your lips almost every night when he’s pulling you into his chest, pressing those soft lips of his against your forehead and kissing you with a tenderness reserved only for you.
Javier never answers, gaze growing more intense by the second, bound to retreat from the situation before emotions boil over—but you beat him to it, grabbing your bag and storming out without a word.
He’s never had to beg you to stay and he doesn’t realize how desperately he’d wished to ask you until a few hours later, a phone call from Steve that has his heart dropping into his stomach, the equal worry in Murphy’s voice as he relays the information.
Steve mumbles your name—hurt, bomb, Escobar written all over it, dead, so many dead.
You’re lucky to still be standing—or rather alive, forced onto a gurney lined in the aisle of some rundown Bogota hospital where the workers were running rampant, clearly on edge and scrambling to save lives.
It was minor compared to what could have been. A small concussion, some lacerations to your face and a nasty gash on your side that required some stitching. It wasn’t anything some pain medication and bandages couldn’t fix, but in that commotion you had lost all of your belongings, undoubtedly damaged beyond repair. You had been in the shopping center ten minutes prior to the explosion and you were shaken, admittedly, wondering why your life had been spared over so many others.
And you always hear about your life flashing before your eyes during a near death experience, never really believing it until it happens—and selfishly, you couldn’t think about anything but Javi.
He was a nasty parasite, the kind that sucked the life and energy out of you, took everything and gave nothing in return. You knew how he was going into things, knew he wouldn’t budge or change his ways.
But still, there was a hope that maybe he would change.
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The first thing you manage to do when you find a phone is call the embassy—anyone who would answer and let them know what happened, but they were miles ahead and already fifty feet deep into investigating.
Carillo is the first to ask if you’re okay, not that it matters—but then Murphy is scrambling for the phone, a soft commotion in the background as he argues with the man until he finally lets up and hands it over.
“God, we thought you were dead. Please tell me you’re alright?” Murphy pleads, sounding just as strained and worried as you’d expect, “All your limbs, nothing missing?”
You laugh softly into the phone, the first breath of life back into after what has been a terrible day. It’s already evening, the day has come and gone and the sun is setting without a trace of anyone coming to help.
Not that you expected it—Javier wasn’t the type to get over things easily.
“Yep. Head’s still attached and everything.” And Steve can appreciate your way of coping, adding a bit of lightheartedness to a dark situation. You release a shaky breath, squeezing the plastic tighter until cracks under your grip, “Is there—I mean, they just discharged me, but I don’t have a ride.”
“Javier didn’t pick you up?” Murphy asks, sounding confused. “I told him—he should’ve…”
He trails off, cursing away from the phone as he speaks to someone distantly, “Which hospital are you at?”
You look around for any indication, reading off an unfamiliar name to Steve as he repeats it, scribbling it down on a piece of paper.
“Shit—Javi’s probably clear on the other side of town from you.” Murphy runs a tired hand through his hair, over his face. “They told us they sent everyone to the one here close by the embassy.”
Families searching for their missing—you couldn’t even imagine it.
“He—does Javi think I’m—“
“Shit, I don’t know. He’s been on edge since he got here this morning, we’ve been trying to figure something out, anything—he left a few hours ago when we weren’t getting answers and I just—did something happen?”
“I think I pushed him too far this morning,” You say softly, huddling closer to the wall as the halls become more crowded, louder and suffocating in a way that has your curling around yourself slightly, mindful of the pain in your side, “fuck, maybe this is karma, Steve.”
“Hey, no—don’t say that shit,” He stops you in your tracks, “Javi is…Javi, you can’t predict anything he’s gonna do. Dude’s a fuckin’ brick wall half the time.”
There’s a long moment of silence.
“Steve, I don’t have my phone.” You tell him, “Can you just—call him? Let him know. I need to find a cab or someone willing to drive me back to Bogota if that’s even fucking possible. I don’t even have my wallet or badge with me.”
It’s almost like a divine intervention that you hear Javier on the other end, cutting through the flurry of other voices and busy telephones ringing. He’s wrenching the phone out of Steve’s hand before he can get a word in.
“Querida,” He says soft, voice quivering slightly, “Querida, is that you?”
You squeeze your eyes shut, trying to will yourself to remember how badly things ended earlier in the day, even if they didn’t feel as important now, they were still important to you.
Emotions were high now, but the fallout could be devastating.
“Yes, I’m—Javi, I’m okay. A little banged up and stuff but I’ll survive,” The silence grows as he absorbs the information, “Look, I need to go. I have to find a ride back to town.”
“Don’t move,” He says briskly, suddenly, “Fuck—I mean stay there, no te vayas. I’m coming for you.” (Do not go)
The line cuts before you have a chance to reply.
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You love how well he sticks out in a crowd despite how he likes to blend in and not draw attention to himself, but he’s all tanned skin and shiny with a layer of sweat that tells you he probably ran a few blocks to get here.
You did wait, even if it was closer to a half hour before there was any sign of him, despite how upset you still were, you waited.
Of course you did.
His eyes dart around nervously before they land on you, tucked away in a corner as you cradle your side and he’s barreling toward you, scooping you up before you can protest. The small squeak you release has him pulling back like someone stabbed him with a hot brand, brows furrowed with worry.
“My side,” You mumble, shifting his hand away from the wound, watching as it falls helpless to his side again, his gaze lingering over your body, face, seeing the amount of damage you took, “hey—I’m fine, all things considered.”
Javier blinks slowly, rubbing around the side of your jaw, careful of the small bandage covering a nasty cut, that familiar pout growing on his lips. You saw it earlier, but the implication was different.
This wasn’t anger. It was worry.
“Mi amor,” He murmurs, oblivious to the commotion around you both as he looks at you, almost straight through you, “fuck—I’m so sorry.”
You breathe through your nose deeply, shaking your head as you grip his wrist for leverage, pulling him alongside you until you’re outside, away from the crowd of people and alone.
“No, I’m sorry.”
And for once, Javier is surprised.
He knows you always have a comeback poised on your tongue, the will to fight and work through any argument that surfaces, but this is defeat. It’s clear as day on your face in the way it falls, eyes softened to the point of near tears and your cheek covered in a dark bruise that makes his chest hurt.
“I don’t know why I’m forcing you to answer to something you don’t want,” That something in question was you, but it didn’t matter, “maybe we let things drag on too long. I was just—happy, I liked it. I shouldn’t have expected anything from you since you were clear from the beginning.”
Even with Javier being the first to cross the lines he drew himself, asking you to stay that one night and never going back, making mistake after mistake until it stopped feeling wrong and started to seem, well, normal. But, here you were, taking the blame like he had no wrongdoing in any of this.
“Bebita, no.” His voice is low, thumb rubbing a tender spot in the side of your neck, a soft touch that massages the ache in your muscles, head tilting into the touch as you look at him. “I didn’t want to hurt you.”
Oh, the irony.
“Now look at you,” He says, scanning over your face briefly, “consumes mi mente, nena.” (You consume my mind, baby)
“I can’t do halfway anymore, Javi.” It’s pure honesty, fingers finding his wrist as they wrap around delicate, using his touch as an anchor. “I need all of you.”
“Then have it,” Javier says mindlessly, without thinking and speaking instinct—it’s real, you can see it in the way his eyes widen and soften in the same instance, that pleasing look that entraps you, “tómalo.” (Take it)
The tears that sting your eyes don’t fall, but they rise, blinking rapidly to will them away and force yourself to keep composed despite hearing those words, knowing how deeply he meant them.
“Fuck, I’ll marry you if that proves anything to you, querida.” He’s being over-dramatic, but it has your insides fluttering like wildfire, “I should’ve never let you leave this morning.”
But, he was scared. Terrified of how deeply he felt for you.
“There’s so much you don’t know,” Javier explains, “so much I need to tell you but I don’t want to scare you away.”
As if he could.
“Javi, I’m with you.” You tell him steadily, “I always have been.”
Javier laughs through a sigh, breathing through his nose as he smiles for the first time that day.
“We can talk. We will.” Javier nods assuredly, “But, I want to get you home first.”
Home. He means his apartment, but it comes out that way without realizing.
He’s tender when he helps you shower, cleans your wounds up with what little first aid he has, but he manages, helping you dress in what has to be the most vulnerable moment you’ve had since meeting him.
Javier holds you for a long while after that, curled up in his lap on the sofa as he smokes away with his head leaned against the back of the cushion, rubbing a hand over your thigh softly.
You’re nearly asleep by then, rousing with a small hum.
“After all of this,” He trails on, “when we put Escobar away and this shit is done,” He pauses, taking a short drag from the cigarette and blowing it out into the air, “I want you to come back with me.”
“To Texas?”
He nods, squeezing your leg for reassurance.
“I'm terrified of losing you here, but home—I would never let you out of my sight, I could keep you close.”
His trepidation will always be his downfall, but he knows he can’t let you go anymore. He needs you here, he’ll need you after.
“Anywhere you want, Javi. I’ll follow.”
He doesn’t have any reason not to believe you.
“Buena.” (Good.)
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Please consider a reblog if you enjoyed this fic! It’s makes a huge difference. ♡
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loaflovesdoodling · 1 month
Okay, kind of a serious post here. Uh. I'm. Going to apologize beforehand for all the whining.
No, I am not leaving Tumblr just yet; it is my home and my first social media platform after Youtube. But I think I need to make it pretty clear here; my work is not reaching about anyone that I haven't already interacted with. And it is. Rather degrading to my own mental state, which is why I have been nearly non productive at all, not drawing, not posting, not finishing what I start, et cetera.
I've been using Instagram more, and the engagement there is so much better. Likes actually help content spread, and I've noticed most people do take the time to even leave little comments and share on their stories and all kinds of gestures that contribute to the artist themselves.
I may, just may, maybe, make another, completely art-focused and anonymous signature 'Loaf' account on Instagram and begin sharing my art on there. I'm not sure yet.
What I am, however, completely sure of, is that with less and less interaction on Tumblr, a site which, to my knowledge at least, was specifically built on art (and more ofc), I will eventually stop posting altogether. No, this is not some form of threat, it is an act of but simple acknowledgement and recognition. I'm simply beginning to lose motivation and willpower to make art.
I want anyone who's reading this to take this as a sign, and I'm gonna be raw and honest with what I'm going to say here:
If you don't want half of this site's art community dead in the matter of just a few years, you better start actually helping. Likes, although appreciated, do absolutely nothing.
Think of it as a plant. Does admiring the buds help them bloom faster? No. Does watering and checking on the plant regularly? Yes, it does help. And you're soon going to proudly look at yet another flower you have helped grow with your support.
I refuse to believe that half of the reblogs on my posts are reblog spams from my friends, the same 3-5 people who always share my work over and over to help me. The same 3-5 people who do thrice the amount of interactions they should engage in just to make up for what the average consumer should be doing, but doesn't instead.
I don't care if you think the art is ugly, I don't care if the artist maybe isn't skilled enough to you. This is a community built on mutual help and support. If we do not support eachother, it's going to crumble apart.
I know some people are going to say things along the lines of "if you're complaining why share it in the first place". I know. I won't shut you guys up, because your point is valid. But if we make art to share, and what we intend to share does not reach the intended receiver, then it'd be basically pointless altogether. That's why we need your help.
Either way, that would be all my worries out of my system. I apologize once again.
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campwillowpeak · 2 months
although there has been a lot of shit that has happened in the yandere visual novel community, I want to say I'm still grateful for it and the creators. Prior to joining, I didn't feel like I had a group where I could share my interests and hobbies. I always felt a bit weird for my interest in yanderes and visual novels, and the community was somewhere I felt I could share my interests and be as expressive as I wanted without my likes being judged as wrong or something is mentally wrong with me. The communities, games, and media content were always fun to consume and helped me during a very difficult time during university when it was very hard for me to find joy in anything. the art and posts were something I always looked forward to, and I still remember enjoying rereading them whenever I felt down/nothing and needed to feel better or laugh. while there have been many instances where creators were attacked and had death threats sent to them, I hope they know they have done a lot for people like me who felt they finally have a space where they could openly express themselves. I also hope the creators are safe and they don't stop creating and that those who are harassing them a d threatening their safety are caught and are stopped so everyone can feel safe once more and can freely express themselves.
Anon baby, this is sweet and valid and something I think the lot of us need to read and take to heart <3
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Bad Takes
So a number of you on here probably know who Asmongold is. And for the most part even when he is off the mark I can understand where he is coming from. Except for on 2 points that I will not concede.
The first is a bit from this video early on that happens in the first 3 min of the vid. Feel free to watch it but I'm going to go on a tangent. Here's the video however for reference.
Asmon here says that "If you threaten someone you should get a ban 100%" And my stance is that NO you should not. And I can articulate why easily.
If you receive a threat, you report it to the police. In the recent case of the guy saying, "Would you like to be r***d", yeah he was being an obnoxious shit. But she muted him earlier on in the game and was talking MAD shit prior to her video. Several people also confirmed that she unmuted him for content and to try to go viral. Which she did. And she baited the entire thing. And I might hear you say, "That's not an excuse" and you are correct. It's not. But if you have a threat levied against you, and you are REALLY that bothered by it, no matter how BS it is, then go through the legal applications of the law.
Now why do I say no to a ban? Simple reason? Theft isn't ok. Now I'm not going to get to specifics because people will argues the semantics but if a game bans you, or you get console banned, a company has effectively deprived you of a product that YOU purchased in a legal manner. IE: If they take away your ability to play the game at all that IS THEFT! I will not be convinced otherwise. And if we open up that avenue as that "Allowed option" more companies can exploit that. What's the extreme version?
Imagine that you buy this fridge.
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When you purchase it, you unknowingly (by purchasing it) "sign" a TOS that says that this fridge can be taken back at any time if the company feels you do not "Stand for their values". For a person like Asmon, that might not mean much, because he's loaded. But for the rest of you, You can't just go out and buy a new fridge on the fly. But that's the logical result of this line of thinking. You OWNING NOTHING. Fun fact. People will argue that "Well it's in the TOS" yeah I'm aware. But I also know that the legal system is FUCKED and that when software cases have been ruled on often it's in favor of the consumers. Even against Apple. Who are known to have tried to put people in jail for jailbreaking their own phones.
Fact is if a person well funded actually went to court over this most TOS's for games would be overruled by a judge as illegal and not legally binding. What's more, terms like "Purchase" and "Buy" imply ownership after the transfer of the funds takes place. These companies in fact SELL games for PURCHASE. Not for lease. The only issue we have faced with this not having precedent put to it is because these companies have A LOT of money and will often pay a person off just to settle the case. Because they can't afford to have it ruled on the merits. I will stand by the fact that if you get banned from a game, no matter what the reason why, it is theft.
Having said that, I will say that I can ultimatum. I'm pro, "Mute the people you don't like or block them". And contrary to what the lady said in the video it's not victim blaming. Reality is a harsh and cruel place. You will NEVER sanitize it enough for the Puritan cult on either side of the isle. EVER. Should the world be an unsafe place? Not a question I can answer because I live in reality. And short of living in the injustice universe at the moral whims of a tyrant dictator in the form of Superman and Wonderwoman, the world will NEVER be "Safe". Whatever that means to whoever you ask.
The next clip is this one. Around the 7:30 mark.
More or less it's a short statement of, " the outcome of this election won't affect you".
Eggs are insanely up in costs
Gas is only down a LITTLE bit because Biden is selling off ALL of our reserves to try to win over voters
Biden has imported over 400,000 illegals from countries that do not care about us and have lost track of a LARGE number of terrorists that the found had crossed the border
Rent has skyrocketed since Biden took office
Biden has only managed to RAISE inflation because he can't actually get it down do to insane ECO policies that are based on BUNK "science".
People are living paycheck to paycheck more now than the years under trump
We are facing actual fears of WWIII
Biden, the day this "verdict" was announced approved Ukrainians to use US firearms in their fight against Russia. A fight they have been losing, all the while we burn money sending it to them.
So this bullshit of, "This election won't affect you" is a crock of shit. Normally Asmon is good about keeping his takes grounded because he started out from relatively humble beginnings. But this trial was a fucking sham. Every single trial has been a sham. And every single step of the way everything has been unprecedented. Up to and including the instructions to the jury that stated, "It doesn't matter what crime you think he is guilty of so long as you think he is. With a veiled threat from the prosecution, and a trial by a judge whose daughter is funding democrats off the trails meaning it was a conflict of interest, and the instructions to say, "It does not have to be unanimous so long as you think he's guilty of something".
If this was happening to literally anyone else, ESPECIALLY a non-white democrat, the media would be demanding action by the national guard and antifa to burn down the courthouse because of this GRIEVOUS abuse of the law.
Fact is we are poorer as a country than we have been in decades. Our money is losing it's worth by the day, and Asmon is to blinded by his wealth to understand what the stakes are. Which makes me honestly pretty sad.
His other points in the videos are off and on but those are the two I wanted to cover the most.
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taehyungfirst · 1 day
Let’s face facts here. Jokers have become extremely toxic within the last 3 years but they can never come close to taekookers because taekookers literally started hating on Jimin since 2015 when Jikook wasn’t even a ship anyone acknowledged back then. I am Taehyung and Jimin biased so i spend enough time in both spaces to have a good idea of what is going on. You don’t have to take my word for it though. To see things for yourself, go on youtube and find taekook compilations from 2015/2016 and see how hateful taekookers were already being towards Jimin because of his friendship with Jk. They called him a bad friend to tae because of how affectionate he was with Jk and accused him of making Jk uncomfortable and this hate tripled after GCF in Tokyo and after Jikook as a ship started gaining traction in 2017. Let’s be honest. Were there any jokers back in the day to even hate on Tae? Did they have any reason to hate on him? After Jikook as a ship gained traction, jokers were busy consuming the tons of Jikook content bighit and jikook fed them with to care about Taekook or taekookers but taekookers got desperate and viscious because of the decline in taekook content so they directed that hate and anger to Jimin coming up with the most ridiculous theories and narratives about how Jikook was a cover for taekook, how Jimin and the company forced Jk to do fanservice, and how Jimin was envious of taekook’s relationship because they were the most popular so the company paired jikook and made them the official ship so Jimin could ride off Jk’s popularity. Hell, go to quora and reddit and check from 2015 and up and you will see the most nasty things taekookers said about Jimin when jikook wasn’t even a thing yet. You said it yourself, jikookers toxicity has been loud for the past three years but ask any pre 2020 army and they will tell you that Jokers were very less problematic then but taekookers have always had a reputation for being the worst shippers in kpop because everyone saw how nasty they were to Jimin and anyone they saw as a threat to taekook.
Some of you are new to the fandom. You came at a time when the the hate Tae was getting from Jokers increased drastically so that is all you know. You don’t know of a time when taekookers were literally treated like a dreaded disease because their toxicity always made headlines. These days Jikookers toxicity makes taekookers look tamer because now the focus isn’t only on taekookers as it was before. Everybody cannot be wrong. There have literally been many polls conducted on twt and tkkrs always came out as 2nd most toxic shippers with the first being Larrys. These days i wouldn’t touch jokers with a 10 inch pole because they have lost their marbles hating on Tae like he is the reason jikook isn’t real and same with taekookers but i will never lie to myself saying that Jokers are worse. That is a lie from the pit of hell and even the taekookers who have been in this fandom for years know it. Plus there is literally proof of the fact that taekookers started this whole mess. There are tons of screenshots from 2015 tkkrs on twitter wishing Jimin death and as i said, you just need to watch a few taekook compilation videos from 2015/2016 to see things for yourself. I think it is honestly so fcked up how Vmin get all these hate from these two groups of shippers all for ships that aren’t even real in the first place. I wish they would free Vmin fr.
Babe, you said it yourself: you’re a Jm bias, of course you’re gonna defend half part of it because it includes your people as well. I’m sorry to say it, but most jkkers are pjms so I’m not really surprised to get an ask like this. I’m not a 2020 army, I’ve been here for far too many years to talk without cognition. Thinking that before the whole jkk push Tae didn’t get any hate is stupid and quite frankly, naive. Tkkers were treated like that because they were the majority and every little thing was blew up, were they vile? Yeah, they’re not saints. But implying that they started everything so what’s happening now is a consequence is kinda crazy, hop off Tae’s back maybe.
That’s my problem with you guys, you think everything must be measured and everything must be a competition. You think that the hate he is getting for the past (since jkk started gaining traction? so since 2017? is it a small number for you?) years is nothing, is borderline EXPECTED because some group of people was vile in the past too. I don’t agree with this. Go to quora and reddit rn, you’ll find pages of posts shading Tae. Go on here. Go on twitter. Go on DC gallery. Go on korean forums.
I do agree with smth tho, it is fucked up that they get all that hate.
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marcussour · 3 months
So, for the like 3 of you that maybe have wondered where have I been the last weeks, well, basically playing FF7 Rebirth and chilling on cohost.
Thing is, after the whole tumblr selling our data to train ai models fiasco, I was kinda in shock and decided to leave this place. I uninstalled the app from my phone, did backups of my blogs (which I wasn't gonna delete, just stop uploading), went to cohost and started posting there (it's super chill btw, it's like early tumblr mixed with old twitter, in case you're wondering). All while processing what to do next, because frankly, we've all felt that tumblr is somewhat on decline and seeing all the bad stuff it's CEO has done as of late -including threats of nuking the site this year-, the last few years always felt like there was an invisible countdown on this website all the time.
But still, I'm not gonna pretend I'm not gonna miss it, if not tumblr per se, certainly some of the people I've met here who are my mutuals of many years, many of which I've become friends with. Also, despite everything, I still think this is a good platform for posting art. Cohost has its good things (like being WAY more relaxed about NSFW stuff), but there are more file size restrictions, photosets are limited to fewer pictures, etc. There might be some ways to improve that besides what the staff there is doing, since cohost lets you edit posts in many more ways than tumblr (read somewhere that it was tumblr, but for hornier and more linux savy people), so there's also that.
Anyway, after processing everything that happened, and understanding that one way or another, my art's probably gonna be scraped from the internet nevertheless, even if tumblr offers an opt out option (that doesn't even consider the people that tumblr decides to sell our stuff to, let alone the fact that it also arrived so late that we probably everything was already scraped to begin with) even if I glaze it or whatever, I kinda made peace with what happened. I'm still weary about uploading, or where to do it. Yes, I know that I don't have huge numbers or a distinctive enough style for people to copy, but I also know that, nevertheless, not only my art, but the things I've written, the photos I've taken, etc., all has been fed into that slot machine of generating content. If anything, with the days I've noticed I'm way more angry at techbros as usual, and especially tumblr ceo and part of it's staff -I know that not everyone agrees with him and that there are good people in the staff, but there's also sycophants, professional "yes man"s and the like-.
So, after all that, I thought, well, might as well go back. But the thing is that, after spending a couple of weeks away (and missing the posts I imagine came up here both about the Cerveza Cristal meme and about Toriyama's death, among other things), coming back here has been weird, like, for better or worse, it has lost its appeal. I've read a couple of posts before writing this one and I was like "has it always been like this here?".
So, what now? I have no clue. I don't think I'm gonna download the mobile app again, if anything, I've noticed how much time it consumed to just check tumblr with the frequency I used to, so I don't feel like doing that anymore. I think I might pop up here from time to time, maybe return to live blogging Critical Role and Candela Obscura. Will probably like more stuff than the one I post and reblog. Still deciding if I should post new art stuff here, we'll see.
Anyway, if any of you have cohost, you can find me there
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grittybugs · 6 months
Hi, I’m Bug and this is my proshit blog! I’m an 18 year old artist who lives somewhere in North America. Given that my blog will contain gore and suggestive themes, I recommend that my followers are 16+. Anon asks are on for now, but I will turn them off the moment I get threats. That being said, I will not being answering DMs on this account or disclosing my main account, because I know the antis reading this (despite all my warnings lol) are gonna act goofy. I will probably post some of my art but my art will not reflect my morals or who I am as a person, think of this almost as a vent blog. You may use any pronouns you’d like for me. Please read my DNIs and CWs before proceeding, and please do so with caution. God bless 💕
🍖 i do not post, share, encourage, or tolerate callout posts unless the person in question has been PROVEN, with real evidence, to be sexist, gross, predatory, etc.
🌈I would say homophobic, racist and transphobic people but I seriously doubt those kind of people would listen to a colourful DNI… still, I’m putting it out there that I don’t support that shit and if you try to start a conversation with me with those kind of beliefs, then you’re getting blocked buddy.
🍖l0lic0ns and sh0tac0ns… I respect ya’ll but that’s just not for me, so please respect that.
🌈art tracers/reposters/editors.
🍖DNI if you’re an anti. Take care of yourself and don’t self harm via consuming content that you know will upset you, you deserve to treat yourself better. :(
🌈As another reminder, I will not be answering DMs on this account! My last proship blog was flooded with DMs of real gore both of real animals and real people, and I do not want the same to happen here. If you need to contact me urgently, please leave an ask with anon off, and I will approach you. However, if your blog seems fishy and I believe that your ask is bait, I will most likely block you.
🍖 As another reminder, I will not be disclosing my main account on this side blog for personal reasons, because I know ya’ll Antis go crazy with the doxxing, the death threats, and the distribution of real CSEM and gore, so I will not be sharing any information I consider to be personal or a threat to my privacy.
🌈 please do not ask me unprompted to draw your oc.
🍖please do not give me art requests unprompted.
🌈as a quick heads up! If you find yourself feeling brave enough to send me hate, with anonymity off, I will pin your username to my profile for about seven to twelve days, so that my mutuals & friends are given the opportunity to make their blog safer by blocking YOU. While I will never condone or encourage harassment, please note: that I am not responsible for any blacklash you receive from this, as the actions are strictly yours to make and the consequences are solely yours to bare. <3
🍖 Adventure Time
🌈 Invader Zim
🍖 Helluva Boss
🌈 Fionna And Cake
🍖 The Owl House
🌈Hazbin Hotel
🌈Cuphead: Don’t Deal With The Devil
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thdrama2 · 1 year
I was hoping to actually read the blog before a possible ban. mod is fine hopefully but hello there! would have put rules for the asks by chance? even if someone else won't follow that helps a lot still
Drama blogs are godless soul sucking places but you ask for rules? I’d be better off herding cats. At least they’re food motivated.
Our Demographics Are....
1. Never trustworthy and often have ulterior motives. Toyhouse drama blogs are full of bullshit, believe nothing.
2. Full of immature children and petty adults. The anon whose opinion you’re taking to heart is probably a scorned 15 year old, so don’t. You won’t actually know who you are talking to when you argue with anons here.
3. Consumers of large amounts of negative content that makes them mad. They are liable to make bad faith knee-jerk opinions on strangers and other anons. Take them with a grain of salt.
4. Hypocritical. They hate drama blogs and think other anons are bad, but here they are, still reading and sending them. No one is safe from being a hypocrite, even me. I hate these things. 
5. Have no qualms with stalking, gossiping about, harassing, or arguing with children. I watched you do this to a 16 year old for just copying one image on Google. She had to change her username and private all of her accounts. “I’m not like that!” Don’t care, you’re an enabler. Drama blog demographics are not good people and will not have mercy on you for being a child. 
6. Bloodthirsty and sent death threats to other blogs in the past. If you think you’re about to go down that path you’re not in a good place mentally. I sympathize, but no one here is your therapist or friend. You’ll just be ignored and blocked.
7. Unlikely to read all these long rules. Lol
I Publish....
1. Opinions. “User123 is being a jerk” yes. “User123 called my mom a slur and I have nothing to back it up please believe me” no, you’re making stuff up and now blocked.
2. Confessions. “I sent a fake claim about someone to thdramas because I hate them, forgive me Lord for I have sinned” yes.
3. Frustrations. “I wish my art sold easier, what am I doing wrong?” yes. “I hate  XoXoPOPFUR2XoXo because they’re popular” no, you’re just whining about someone doing better than you.
4. Tyrannically. I publish what I want and reply how I want, or not at all. Anon opinions are not my own unless I comment on them with agreement or disagreement.
5. Some gossip if it’s not going to harm someone or push an unsourced narrative that could cause harm. “User123 responded to the claim he was a jerk, but then deleted it, and I don’t have a copy of it” +1. “I heard User123 hates God and eats kittens” something is wrong with you, now you’re blocked.
6. If I want to. I might get bored or just forget about this blog because it’s on a separate account. You’ve got 100 other blogs for muckrackers to choose from.
I Do Not Publish....
1. Unsourced claims are full of bullshit, won't get published. Because if they do, you'll believe them.
2. Your screenshots are not automatically a sourced claim, and could be bullshit. Use an internet archive or put your credibility on the line by not being on anon. Making a sockpuppet account on toyhouse unlinked to your main is still being an anon. Anons and sockpuppets are not crediable. 
3. Discord screenshots of she-said-he-said. Go talk to your friend in private like a functional human being instead of airing your dirty underwear out on Toyhouse. It is almost as embarrassing as owning a drama blog for a dying character storage site. 
4. Whining about a minor’s art being bad. Before you send that anon calling a 16 year old a terrible artist leave your basement and make some friends. You’re unpleasant.
5. Whining about a adult’s art being bad. Before you send that anon calling a 20+ year old a terrible artist leave your basement and make some friends.  You’re being unpleasant.
6. Proshippers or antishippers crying about who has moral high ground. There is no defending pedo/zoo/incest content, but also no calling for anon123 to be crucified for consuming dark media. You both need better therapists.
7. Tantrums about someone else selling adopts easier than you. No one cares if XoXoPOPFUR2XoXo sold a white cat for $100 while you can’t sell one intricate design for $15. Popular people are- surprise- more popular than nobodies.
8. Dekudog discourse. I don’t care if somebody uploaded Fluttershy in glasses and a trench coat and renamed her Stutterfly. There are worse things on Toyhouse than some kid’s character looking too similar to a canon MLP.
9. Syscourse. I don't know half the things you are saying to me and the things I do understand sound like a lot of not minding your business with people you'd never be friends with anyway. Nope.
And remember... the little holy baby Jesus is watching you, edgelords.
Tumblr media
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zee i’m BEGGING for your dark and mysterious backstory
Alright. I had to ask my girlfriend's advice, but alright.
Everyone settle in. Get some popcorn. This shit is long, and it is batshit. There are five people that know the entire story. Me, the other person it involves, my girlfriend, Dani, and my other best friend who we lovingly refer to on this blog as "the golden retriever." My therapist also knows, but we don't really count that. But that is it. That is everyone who has ever gotten to know.
There should probably be trigger warnings on this, but I don't even know what it could possibly be for. So like TW for mentions of suicide, inappropriate minor-adult relationships, death threats and probably a few other things.
I used to be very involved in the Harry Potter fandom. And some of the fandom still brings me comfort, and I do love a lot of the fan-made content that JK Trolling has nothing to do with. I, however, cannot consume Harry Potter content in the same way I used to after this story, and I'm sure you'll see why.
Now, if y'all were involved in the Harry Potter community on TikTok in 2020, you probably heard about Golden Boy. It was a Fred Weasley fanfiction, for those of you who have no idea what I am talking about. It was... explicit, to say the least.
It was a Fred Weasley sex novel. I'm not even going to try to sugarcoat it. It was a very explicit sex novel.
I heard about it through TikTok, like most people did. The author was named Samine, and she had a pretty decent following on TikTok (150K when I found her I think) and she had a very large reading (about 2 million people when I found it). It was kind of a trend on Harry Potter TikTok to read GB and record your reactions, so I did that. She liked the video and commented on it and that was the first time I interacted with Samine.
I was 16. She was 21.
It was during quarantine, so I didn't have much to do, so I started working on an art piece. I drew one of the original characters from her story. I sent it to her and said "hey I made this. You probably won't see this but thank you for the inspiration" and the whole thing, you know?
Well, she did see it, and that began my very long relationship with the author of Golden Boy.
She asked if she could post it on her Instagram, and add it to the beginning of her new chapter, and of course I said yes. She had almost 200k followers on TikTok and 40k on Instagram and 3 and a half million readers and I was sitting there with my 2000 followers, so of course I said yes. I did not expect the reaction I got. I gained a shit ton of followers overnight and people wanted more art, so I started making more.
Now, here's where it gets a little shady. Samine was 21. She asked me to lie about my age because of the nature of her story. Being the naïve little 16-almost-17-year-old that I was, I, of course, said yes. I told people I was 17 almost 18 for over a year.
I started getting some hate. People kept saying it looked like I was making my headshots on ArtBreeder, but we cleared it up quickly by posting a video of my process and it mostly went to rest. I still got some mean messages, but it wasn't too bad and Samine told me not to worry about it because she "got way worse."
It should have been a red flag, but alas.
After like 5 headshots (unpaid, even though they took 15 hours each, of course) she asked if I would be her official artist. And, again, I said yes without a second thought. We started an Official Golden Boy Art Instagram account, and we started getting followers on there. Her following grew on all platforms, her readership getting to about 14 million reads at some point, and mine was steadily growing as well. I was really excited.
At this point, "Zee" was born. I was going by my actual name, and it just wasn't working anymore. People were finding me, and my friends, and my family. It was uncomfortable. It was scary. I started going by Zee so fewer people would find that shit out about me, but it still happened and if you look back far enough on any of my social medias, you'll find my real name. People found my school. My High School. Someone called my school and pretended to be my mom.
Samine started talking to me about some really personal things. Her mental health, her issues with her family, her sex life. (again, I was underage the entire time I worked under Samine) We had a friendship, as well as a work relationship. Which, I suppose, is why I did thousands of hours of work for her unpaid. Each headshot could take anywhere from 15 to 30 hours and I normally charged for them, but I didn't with her, and they took up way too much of my time, so I couldn't really do commissions anymore. I didn't care. I had a following, and I was getting brand deals and it was super cool.
Then things started to take a turn. There were people who had found details in GB that were... less than politically correct. There were some racist undertones, some mlm fetishization, and some blurred lines of consent. Some of it could be explained away with author ignorance and at that point I was convinced I knew Samine enough to let her explain it all away.
That did not stop death threats to both of us and she got doxxed, but oh well.
She took the story down at 20M and started rewriting it. The whole time she was telling me about her mental health, her family drama, her sex life and romantic relationships. I would like to put here that she had a gf and was telling me every detail about how they sexted and shit. It wasn't uncomfortable at the time, but looking back, I want to smack myself across the face.
She reposted the fic after a rewrite, and it was met with mixed reviews. Some people were happy to have it back. Some people were still upset with Samine (FOR OBVIOUS AND VALID REASONS) and some people were just finding out about everything for the first time. And, once again, people found problems in Samine's writing. This time it couldn't be boiled down to ignorance. Because she had been told at this point. It wasn't ignorance anymore.
She was doxxed again. Hacked. Someone was like dead set on making sure she didn't have a platform (and honestly she probably shouldn't have had one). There were like "fandom wars" and stuff. People were defending Samine and people were ripping her to shreds. People were in my DMs every day saying shit and at one point I had to post something saying that I wouldn't be answering or reading any more of them because I was getting too many threats.
I was called... awful things. Things I cannot repeat here. I didn't have anything to do with the fic except the art and the "marketing" for the rewrite but I was friends with Samine, and that was close enough for them. It was really bad. My mental health suffered. But I was more focused on Samine's mental health because she had told me before that she was suicidal.
When Samine went offline for a few days at a time without notice, I was looking up obituaries for her hometown. That's how scared she made me for her. Every time something went wrong, or we disagreed, or I told her she did something ignorant, she brought up the fact that she was suicidal.
So, one day, when I was with Dani and Golden Retriever, I got a text that say "{her real name} died. She killed herself last night." And I believed it. Because I didn't have any reason not to.
It became a really big thing. I had like 5,000 unanswered DMs when I opened Instagram (it had been a few hours because me, Dani and Golden Retriever were on a day-road-trip), the GB account was blowing up, someone was posting on Samine's account. I got in contact with a few of our other GB "team members" and let them know what was going on. Because I was the Official Artist, they believed what I told them.
THEN Samine's ex-gf texted me and was like "hey, the bitch isn't dead."
When I tell you Dani, Golden Retriever and I were baffled.
But, sure enough, she was posting on twitter all merry and shit. So I texted her on her actual phone instead of Instagram and she answered. I'd spent like 12 hours crying into Dani's shoulder about this bitch being dead and she literally wasn't. She was alive. She was fine.
Samine pretended she didn't know what was going on. She said she got hacked (by a stalker she had conveniently never told me about before). She had me post her statements to the Official Account while she "worked on getting her account back."
Samine eventually "got her accounts back" but decided the drama surrounding GB wasn't worth it and she abandoned the fic. She abandoned her account. She abandoned me.
She left me alone to deal with the fallout of it all. I still get hundreds of DMs a week asking about if GB is coming back. I have abandoned the GB account, mostly abandoned my original account from before GB and cut ties with all things Harry Potter.
I literally cannot watch Harry Potter anymore. It sends me into a panic. It hurts me. I also don't make art anymore. It feels wrong. For a very long time, I also didn't write because Samine had convinced me that I would never write as good as she did.
I know I didn't do anything, really. I was a kid, and I was being manipulated, just like all of her followers were. I still feel extremely guilty for being part of something that hurt so many people.
I don't know how the fuck I managed to get through it. I was seventeen and receiving death threats for drawing pretty pictures. I was seventeen and reading explicit private messages from a 21/22 year old. I was seventeen and lying about my age so people wouldn't call her out about her inappropriate relationship with me.
I made a few good friends from it. I met my gf because of it. I am literally bonded for life with Dani and Golden Retriever because they are equally traumatized from the day that we all thought Samine had "died."
I find the good in it because it's all I have.
At the height of GB I had about 15k followers on Instagram (more on tik tok and other platforms). I'm down to about 2k now on the Instagram I use, and I am more than happy with that.
So, when someone said earlier that I was "famous" and I said no it is because I know what it's like to be an "influencer" in a fandom, and this is not it. When asked if I would start drama for fun, and I said no, it is because I've dealt with that shit before against my will and it is not fun.
That is my dark fandom past. I feel guilty for it, even though I shouldn't. I'm fucking traumatized from some of the dms I got over the year and a half I was working on that fic.
Overall, YR is better. My 1000 unhinged tumblr followers are better. I am very content to never do a brand deal again.
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Spotlight: Autobots Roll Out!
Not me forgetting for ages and ages to finish and post this! </3 Anyway, here’s the previous one, but today we’ve got Autobots Roll Out! over at @transformers-autobotsrollout !
Q) Give us a run down of your cont! What’s it about, what’s it called, what’s it like?
Autobots Roll Out! is arguably a black comedy/action Transformers series. We open with Optimus and his friends trying to get to another planet, only to be thwarted by the evil Decepticons who blow up their ship! Or, at least, that’s what Hot Rod’s nightmares consist of. There’s a mystery element to the predicament Optimus and his friends have found themselves in; everyone is convinced they’re dead with the exception of Hot Rod, who’s faith and optimism haven’t wavered a day in the cycles they’ve been gone. But trouble’s afoot in more ways than one, and both teams are going to have to confront everything they thought they knew to solve it.
Q) What characters take the lead here? Any personal favorites?
Well, you can’t have a Transformers series without Optimus Prime! He’s joined by Jazz, Bumblebee, and Perceptor! With Optimus’ social awkwardness, Perceptor’s lackadaisical glee, Jazz’s spirtuality, and Bumblebee’s teenage sass, you can imagine how they get along stuck on this distant mudball. Back on Cybertron, Hot Rod, Arcee, and Springer are an unbeatable triad… and hey, sometimes Blurr hangs around to make sure they don’t get themselves killed.
I was admittedly a little sick of Megatron ALWAYS being the main force of the Decepticons, so instead of him taking the spotlight, we get the motley crew of Blitzwing, Astraea, Motormaster, and Flamewar to harass the trio back on Cybertron. These creeps are a delight but not the biggest threat, though. That would have to go to the mysterious and beautiful Flipsides, who’s probably my favorite villain in the whole series. She’s got a LOT of baggage to go with that pretty face of hers, and I can’t wait for y’all to meet her. There are some other threats on the horizon, but let’s keep those under wraps until their moment in the spotlight.
On Earth, we have to deal with Sixshot, a modified superhunter who's been sent after Optimus to ensure the only way he'll be coming back is in a coffin. His young ward Chop Shop has a very fascinating relationship with the humans, too.  It's almost like he wants to become one of them... and peculiarly, Starscream's found his way onto Earth as well. Hmmmm.
Q) Is there a bigger point to this, like a theme or some catharsis? Or is it just fluffy fun?
[looks directly into the camera] War is bad and only benefits those who sell the weapons. Also, I wanted an excuse for my favorite characters to interact with each other, so there ya go.
Q) How long have you been working on it?
Back in August 2019, I dabbled in the idea of an original continuity. It was gonna be called Young Optimus Prime, and it was MASSIVELY different from any of this. It had been years since I’d consumed any Transformers content and I was going fully off TFwiki descriptions of random characters and secondhand info from my friends.
Batshit would be an understatement.
Blurr was a girl. Starscream was Megatron’s son that he brainwashed from Thundercracker into being an emotionless killing machine. Bumblebee was a baby robot that would grow up to be a Seeker. Arcee was going to be a stereotypical mean girl that bullied Elita One and tried to steal Optimus from her. Outback was a main character. There was an entire lake of Quintesson blood that turned people evil if you drank it. The true main villain was gonna be goddamn Tyrest. This story concept fizzled out quicker than a sparkler and frankly I don’t know if I regret it enough to keep it totally buried.
On October 12, 2020 Autobots Roll Out! started out the same way, with some utterly insane story elements that I made for the sake of being cool rather than linking together coherently. Plotlines such as an anarchist brigade led by Ultra Magnus, Beastformers being irradiated mutants that were the victims of a nuclear war, a direct depiction of police states, and most shocking of all – Starscream getting a redemption arc – are things that I knew I’d have to drop once I’d gotten the story on the road.
Q) Give us a behind-the-scenes look! Show us a secret ;))
Would you like to see Flipsides’ nightmares?
All noise vanished from the room. Every other bot had become faceless masses of twitching neon polygons, at least the ones that had been by her side. She couldn’t even tell what had happened to the rest, as the room had become an endless black void asides Megatron and the slab he was on. Beams of colored light shooting out from behind her squawked and chirped as they smacked into the once-living bots and slammed into invisible barriers.
Flipsides paid no mind to the chaos as she stepped forward, but the slab and he both seemed to get farther away. She tried to run and catch up to him, only to fall with an inelegant splash as what had once been the floor was now a reflective black pool of fluid. She resurfaced in an instant, trying to regain her bearings as she swam to Megatron’s side, the table somehow floating atop the still surface. He laid on the slab, spark exposed and optics dull grey, as if they’d never been alighted. Another version of herself was at his other side, one hand clutching his and the other holding his shoulder.
“Megatron?” she asked, pulling herself up. “Megatron, please.”
The other her raised her head and stared. The black fluid that covered the floor was seeping from her blank, featureless face.
Q) Where did you draw inspiration from? What canons, what other fiction, what parts of real life?
Oddly enough, this entire thing feels like a giant Kingdom Hearts fanfic at times. There’s a lot of pomp and circumstance about how you can’t lose yourself to despair and how the power of friendship is way past cool… in an anime way.
To be more serious, though, I took a lot of inspiration from Transformers Animated, Generation 2, Beast Wars, and Tranformers Cybertron. In hindsight, I wish I added more from Robots In Disguise 2001, but I’ve never been that big a fan of sentai shows, and RID 2001 was basically a Transformers sentai show despite how much I like it.
Q) Show off something you’re really proud of, a particular favorite part of your cont.
I love the character designs I’ve done for this series. I feel like I’ve improved so much with my artwork working on this series. Here’s my top five favorite designs in no particular order.
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Q) What other fan canons do you love and why? Would you like to see them interviewed?
Man, I can’t really choose. I just get tickled seeing everyone’s interpretations and reimaginings of this series that I think there’s something special about every single one. Sorry if that’s a cop out!
Q) No worries, with such a menagerie of good content it’s tough to pick!
And that’s that! Thanks Orb for giving us a neat glimpse into ARO! Sorry for leaving this for so long oof. I gotta check my list for who’s up next for a spotlight, but stay tuned!
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hobicakess · 1 month
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SUMMARY: . The Min Brothers were fucking insane
PAIRING: Ganster!yoongi x reader / Law enforcement!AugustD x fem! reader
RATING: 18+ (I am not a babysitter. You're in control of what you consume)
CONTENT WARNING: porn with HELLA plot   violence, plus sized reader , afro asian reader , dead bodies , blood , slight gore mention, stalking , twin rivalry , yandere, heavy angst, nonconsensual recording + photo taking , death threats towards innocent people, cheating, mc is very ... not smart! ( for the plot ofc ) , gang violence, reader not having a great relationship with law enforcement, reader has a criminal record ( don't we all? ) , murder , character death, guns, kidnapping ( kind of ) , e2l ( more like fuck buddies ) , hints to a robbery, SMUT hate fucking , clit / coochie smacking , bondage with a tie , overstimulation , degradation , gagging, car sex , bratty reader , dom!augustd , sub!reader , spanking , biting , spit mention, i hope that's all.
TAG LIST : @kooliv @princxssly82 @btsw1fe @princess-sunshyn @goldenmidnight @borahaerhy @itzz-me-duh @akiiron @thisladysperspective @kooliv @whenthebeatdrop-beatdrop @jenniexjenny @bashbri @cherryjenie
A/N: this is my longest fic ive ever written! the amount of times ive scraped this and rewrote it should be illegal. i honestly didn't see it becoming this big all i wanted was for me to hunch the police 🫤 WELL HERE WE ARE NOW!!!
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Looking a man in the eye and shooting him dead was never on your bucket list of things to do. You always wanted to go to Hawaii and lounge around in a tropical setting, or a picnic in front of the Eiffel Tower but you simply weren't normal enough for that.
You were at your mailbox boredly flicking through the bills and useless advertised telegrams when a bright yellow envelope caught your eye.
You tuck the rest of the envelopes under your arm— using the acrylic nail on your index finger to open it. Slowly you began to remove the endless series of pictures. They all contained you and Yoongi together in multiple situations. One of you holding hands and walking into your apartment, the other of the two of you coming out of the car together. Your hair was disheveled, your hand tugging at the top of your dress, a wide smirk on Yoongi's face as his eyes looked directly into the camera fixing at his pants.
You swallow hard, heart beating a bass drum in your ears.
This is exactly what Yoongi warned you about in the beginning of your relationship.
“Y/N L/N?” You jumped shoving the photos into the envelope turning towards the voice. You are met with a man, his eyes a light shade of brown and his hair dark and curly.
“Who's asking?'' Clearing your throat, the grip on your once useless mail got tighter watching him dig into his pocket, pulling out his golden badge.
“Detective Kim Taehyung, I’d like to talk to you back at the station. Little birdy told me you know the whereabouts of Min Yoongi. Otherwise known as ‘Suga’.
You gulped, looking over his shoulder and seeing his partner leaning on the edge of his patrol car the ripped man throwing you a smile and wave. The bunny like smile didn’t even match his hulking figure.
“Well, your little birdy? Was wrong Mr. Kim have a good rest of your day.”
“Please don’t make this any harder Ms” You begin to walk away from the fed quickly, descending up the stairs of your home.
This is exactly what Yoongi didn't want.
“Y/N L/N you’re under arrest for the murders of Kim Hongjoon, Song Mingi, and Choi San"
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At the Seoul police station, you were roughed up and thrown into a cold interrogation room. Rubbing your raw wrist throbbing from being bound too tight by the handcuffs you were unlawfully forced in. Groaning your head banged on the cool metal table. The names of any of the men Detective Kim had listed didn't ring any of the bells inside your head. You had your petty crimes throughout your youth, but you were partially civil enough to not murder anybody. This was a tactic to get you to spill what you knew about your boyfriend, and his very illegal line of work. Hell, you didn’t really know anything but, in all honesty, you were ready to fold when he pulled his badge from his pocket. You and law enforcement never mixed well.
You hear the door open, making you sit up straight with a scowl deep on your face. "No one read me my rights."
He chuckled, his dark hair shiny in the low yellow lights. He turned, and your mouth dropped open. “I'll be sure to scold my officers.”
This man was a carbon copy of your Min Yoongi.
The only difference was that the scar on the left side of his face looked to have healed better and was faint. Unlike your boyfriends, whose scar was still an angry, bright shade of red, thick, and tissuey leaving him partially blind.
You knew your boyfriend had a brother. A brother who was in some type of higher up position working for him and covering his messy jobs. Though he rarely talked of him in greater detail, Yoongi had failed to let you know of his very identical twin. “You might catch flies Mrs. Y/n”, setting a large binder on the cold table and taking a seat in the wooden chair in front of you. You shut your mouth, mind running a million miles per hour.
“Seems like he doesn't talk about me much” A noise of disapproval left his lip. Lending you his hand, “Detective August, I requested your presence here in regard to my brother current whereabouts”
Your mouth turned into a thin line, and boy you really wished you knew. “I don’t know what you're talking about...” he hummed, cracking open the large binder skimming through it.
Your body stiff as he read off a file everything about you, “Your grades were decent in high school, though you dropped out suddenly in the middle of your senior year, you were homeless for a year after that, and you have a couple petty thief's and three assault charges”
He looked at you, nodding “You and my brother are a perfect match”
“My brother keeps many women around” he started leaning back into the chair, legs crossing “But you? He's kept you around for the longest, seven months?”
He whistled mockingly, “That's a world record. What makes you so special, huh?”
Crossing your arms over your chest, nails digging deep into your skin as your leg bounces with anxiety. He was pissing you off and the smirk told you he knew it. You could jump over the table and punch him for being an asshole cop and just for unfortunately sharing the same face of your absent boyfriend, but you didn't need another assault charge on another cop.
"And what the fuck does that have to do with me?”
“I always keep tabs on my little brother, always running around and making messes around the city"
So, you're his personal maid?" Watching his jaw clench you smile in satisfaction.
He harshly began to pull out batches of pictures, men whose faces you've seen before somewhere in your life. Till it clicked in your brain— all of these men have tried to make a pass at you over the past couple of months of you dealing with Yoongi romantically. The next handful of photos he pulled were them all laying in pools of their own blood.
"Very sloppy jobs done by yours truly."
Your stomach twisted in knots. You knew what Yoongi was capable of, but all of this for you? You swallow hard, letting a loud sigh leave your lips. "I haven't heard anything from him in 3 weeks he never tells me where he is, what he's doing, or when he's coming back”
August cursed under his breath, hand wiping down his face, "There's been radio silence for five days, were not even sure if he's in Korea anymore."
With that the worst possible scenarios flashed before your eyes, “Don’t worry, Mrs. Y/N, we’ll find him. It's not the first time this has happened”
“And how long was he missing?”
“A year and a half.”
You swallow hard, "And my murder charges?".
"They've suddenly been dropped. I'll be sure to remind my men to be less rough next time"
“Next time?”
The long months of being with Yoongi him disappearing on you wasn't rare. Being that he constantly let it be known that his line of work wasn't meant for you, and you didn't need to be involved. Three weeks has been the longest your lover has been gone. Three very long weeks with not even the smallest bit of news from Hoseok, his right-hand man. You were worried sick, but you knew your boyfriend was tough, and he always came back home to you.
Towel wrapped around your body, you sighed heavily, feeling yourself buzzing from the red wine you'd been consuming since you walked in the front door. It was near dark when Detectives Kim and Jeon dropped you off at home, apologizing for how forceful they were.
You didn't even know if you should have been talking to him and telling the man anything, but you just figured it was fine because he did cover a lot of Yoongi's ‘accidents.
After rubbing your body down with essential oils, you jump at the sound of the phone ringing. The caller ID stating ‘unknown' made you immediately press the green answer and put it on speaker phone, “Hello?
“Don’t you miss me, doll?” You stiffened hearing his voice for the first time in weeks made your body feel like jello. “You mad at me, princess?”
“Mad is an understatement.” glaring at the bright phone screen, “You're so cute when you frown” his words made your glare deepen, looking around your bedroom.
“Is there a fucking cam-” he cut you off. His voice was deeper than usual, all dark and serious, different from his usual playfulness. “I know you saw my brother today.”
“It's not like I had a choice” he clicked his tongue and mumbled shit over his breath and slightly ruffling like he was running his hands through his hair.
“I don’t want you seeing him again, he's a fuckin’ pig. You need to be more assertive. Hobi told me you folded as soon as Taehyung pulled out his badge”
You were at your breaking point, you haven't spoken in weeks and now he was trying to coach you?
“Oh fuck you Min Yoongi, our first conversion in weeks is this bullshit? I've been worried sick.” he stayed silent on the other end listening to you rant about everything. You weren't a dumbass. You knew that dealing with a gangster would come with extra baggage, but this was making your head hurt.
“Your killing innocent men for flirting with me? Then you might as well murder the 14 year old who gives me a free rose every monday”
“You think I won't?” blood running cold as a chill ran down your spin
"Yoongi can't be serious right now” His sigh was loud and frustrated, “Me killing six men for you isn't serious enough?”
“This is exactly why I didn’t want my brother around. Of course, he goes to you when I'm away. He’s already getting to your head and filling it with nonsense so he could have you to himself”
You scoff angrily, scuffing down your glass of wine. “You're so delusional, fuck you and your brother, I don't want anything to do with either of you anymore. Don't bother coming back here” he paused, then his laughter rang through the speakers like he was watching a comedy special.
“Youre hilarious, baby." he sighs and sniffs. “You know I can see you right? Been watching you since I left.”
Your eyes scan every corner of your bedroom. “You don't want me to come back and play with that pussy for you?”
“No.” You didn't answer just staring down at your clench thighs as his soft hum fills your ears, “You're not a good liar momma.”
“Fuck you Min Yoongi” he hummed, almost sounding like cats purr “I plan on fucking you.”
“l'll be home in two days, and I'm gonna make it up to you with this dick deep in your guts."
“I love you, and stop drinking so much your hangovers are the worst.” he hung up with that leaving you shunned to tears. Throwing your phone down you turn up the whole bottle of cheap wine.
Fuck you Min Yoongi
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There were three things that you learned over the past 24 hours.
1. No matter where you went there were always people watching you.
Even your own house isn't safe. Yoongi somehow placed cameras in unknown places all throughout and his men were on your tail along with August and his lackeys.
2. Yoongi was so right about your hangovers.
Your head was thumping the moment you woke up in the morning, still you got ready for work.
3. The Min brothers were fucking insane.
Pulling on the detective's sleeve, you drag him outside the saloon. August had shown up today at your workplace asking around for you and causing a scene. Knowing how nosy and gossipy your coworkers and customers were, you'd be the hot topic for weeks, horrible for your lowkey reputation.
“What the hell are you doing here?” you ask when the two of you were furthest away from the shop and out of sight.
August stared you down, face blank. You hated that he shared the same face as your boyfriend, and he was just as handsome, but the way he carried himself was totally different from his brother.
While Yoongi was very loose and airy, August was tight and stiff with every movement. Despite that, both brothers had a very demanding and dominated aura, taking up space even in the largest room.
“ If you had to ask me something, a phone call or text would have been great. Instead of barging into my workplace like a madman”
He blinked once, twice, then again, looking behind you. You turn and see several people entering your job. He then gripped onto your forearm and dragged you into his chest. You fight against his grip, cursing him and complaining.
"What's going on? Are you crazy?"
"Listen woman" he hissed grip tightening as he shook you slightly. "My brother needs to tighten your leash before I have to."
You open your mouth to get ready to mouth back, but his look shut you right up. "Those pictures you got in the mail. Who do you think sent them?"
You swallow hard before gulping harshly, putting two and two together. He knew what was going to happen if you stayed in the saloon longer.
"Now be quiet and get in the car."
August was seated beside you in the drivers seat of the tinted Audi. You hated this, you wanted to sleep but everytime you dozed off August was there to flick you in the forehead claiming he wasn't going to carry you when the ride was over. You kept asking him when that time was coming and his answer was always a dry 'soon'.
"You have a very foul mouth for a lady," he grumbled, not even looking in your direction.
"And you're annoying. No wonder Yoongi doesn't like you”
He growled hands tightening on the steering wheel. “Me and my brothers relationship is hardly any of your business” With a roll of your eyes and a huff, you cross your arms.
“You two should have never made it my business." his eyes shifted towards you for the first time since getting put in the car. His eyes burning into the side of your head, but you kept your focus outside of the window, ignoring him. Your thigh began to bounce in anxiety as you got tired of his staring.
"Can you keep your eyes on the damn road?" You snapped at him. "You've spoke to my brother yesterday, no?"
"So what if I did." Looking back out the car window.
"You remind me of my brothers last whore. A dumb puppy." he said, you didn't even think when your hand raised smacking the clone of a man across the face. The raw sound of the skin colliding echoed throughout the car.
"You sound jealous of your little brother August." His face went through the most emotion you'd seen him show.
"Awe, poor August always in Yoongi's shadow, hoping and wishing to be just like him- ACK"
August foot slammed hard onto the break sending you forward, seat belt digging in your chest, head inches away from hitting the dashboard.
"Don't talk about shit you don't know about" his voice raises looking at you with slitted eyes. But you didn't have to know much to figure out that August was living in his brother's shadow. So you pressed on, acrylic nails tapping all over his buttons.
"Yoongi gets to do things without consequences while you pick up and clean up after. I'm sure you're tired, I know you wished you could make a mess and not clean it up for once."
“Get out.” and with that you opened the door, slamming it hard beginning your long walk down the dark road. Hearing the sound of the driver side door close your turn and see August. Giving him two middle fingers you grabbed your phone from your work pants, cursing as there was no cell service. You heard August behind walking steadily.
You must have misjudged the distance between you and him before you knew it you were lifted off the ground. Your phone is thrown to the ground and his shiny dress shoe is stomping on it. You claw at his back, kicking and screaming “You psycho! Put me down!”
A smack echoed through the trees. Your ass stings as you embarrassingly laid limp over the detective's shoulder. He walks both of you back to the car. There was no getting out of this situation and before, you knew it. You were thrown into the backseat of the car, an angry August looming over you.
You both were breathing heavy as you stared at each other, and before you knew it, he was smashing his lips onto yours. You should have screamed more, or headbutted him like Yoongi taught you, bit his tongue when it slipped inside your mouth, but you didn't.
You allowed him to put his tongue in your mouth. You allowed him to grope your chest as he grinded himself against your crotch and you let the moans slip from your mouth. High-pitched and whiny they were. When you two parted a thin line of spit followed his lips immediately latched hard onto your neck.
He was mumbling. You couldn't what he was saying with the way his hands roughly dragged your work pants down your ankles and rubbing you through your damp panties. Humorlessly he laughed,
“If this is the mess he would leave i wouldn't mind cleaning it”
"I wonder which one of you got the most attention growing up?" smirking as you egg him on further, making him bite your neck hard, you were sure there was blood leaking. "You run your pretty fucking mouth too much." Shoving your panties into your mouth roughly shoving your legs up to your chest.
Staring at your glistening folds he groans, slim fingers ghosting over your peeking clitoris. Your thighs quiver as his fingers sink into your wet hole, moaning against the damp fabric in your mouth. “I wonder what my brother would say if he knew how easy it was to get you spread open for me.”
Lewd sounds came from the bottom half of you as his curled fingers roughly fucked your insides, you were sure that the mess was leaking onto the dark interior of his car. He never looked away from your face, staring intensely into your eyes and every time you closed your his thumb would press directly on your swollen and sensitive clit. “You're gonna cum?” He asked obviously, telling from the way your thighs twitched and from the way you squeezed his fingers like they'd stolen something from you.
“Slut” he hissed, watching you fall apart in loud high pitched, pornographic moans. He didn't stop his movements until you were sobbing for him to stop, the buzz and sting in between your legs was simply too much to handle. “Tch...” he removed his finger from your insides smacking his palm against the wet flesh. His pants were hurriedly unbuttoned, and his hot flesh smacked onto your own.
When he sinks himself into you— gasping out loud nails digging into your palms. While Yoongi was long and curved at the tip like a dagger stabbing at your g spot, August was thick from bottom to top, feeling him throbbing inside you as he forced himself deep into your stomach. “This is why he kills for you, fuck...
His thrust rocked the car heavily as your moans and his occasional grunts filled the small space. Your noises muffled against the panties in your mouth, damp with your saliva. You could feel his thrust becoming sloppier and your stomach tightening. The grip on your neck loosened as he pulled you to kiss him. Your organisms crashed together as your thighs shook against his waist and he came deep inside your withering body. The two of you laid there breathing heavily as your eyes slowly began to drift shut. “If this is what gets you to shut up, I would've done it a long time ago.”
He huffs, swiping his fallen curls back as he moves to untie you, removing the cloth from your mouth as you limply laid. He wrapped his suit jacket around you and pulled up your pants still mumbling. “Sleep well, we've got 20 minutes left.”
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You awoke with a yawn rolling over you blinked a couple times before remembering your night eyes popping open you wipe the sleep from them, blinking. “Goodmornin’ doll.”
Min Yoongi hovered over you with a gummy smirk causing you to gasp. Leaping up from your plaited position your arms wrapping around his neck. He hugs you back tucking his face into your neck, inhaling the sweet scent that always stuck to your skin. In that moment you forgot that you were supposed to be mad at the man too overwhelmed with his presence. He pulled back pressing his forehead against yours, his eyes were darker than usual. Sucken in from the weeks of lack of sleeping and you noticed how much thinner he was.
Then it hit you like a truck.
August, kidnapped? the car, his dick . . .
You were a dirty dog clinging to your boyfriend after getting your brains fucked out by his twin brother who he obviously dislikes.
You cry into his neck as he shushes you, he was way too calm about this and that was just the signs of a storm slowly but surely brewing. He lets you go softly, standing to his feet. Nodding at the clothes hanging on the dresser in front of you "Put those on and meet me downstairs." With a quick kiss he leaves you sniffing and alone.
Descending down the long staircase your bare feet pad against the cold tiles. You spot Yoongi and his men standing at the bottom. Yoongi watched you walk down hands stuffed into the pockets of his leather jacket, cigarette burning between his lips. He was quick to grab you when you finally hit the last set of stairs, arm snuggly wrapping around your waist as he walked you through the large house.
"Where are we Yoon?"
"Do you trust me?" He asked, as Namjoon opened the door to the outside. Your eyes widen in horror as you see what's behind the door.
He grabs your face to make you look him in the eyes as he asks you again more aggressively "Do you trust me Y/N?"
You sniff back tears looking the man you love in the eyes. "Yes. I do Yoongi."
He clicks his tongue staring at you a moment longer. "I don't believe you."
You let out a string of protests as he drags you outside, you stumbled falling to your knees. You hand smacking into the pool of blood. You gagged dry heaving as Yoongi scoffed at you snatching you back to your feet.
Blood staining the concrete ground as multiple bodies lay only inches away from you both. Their faces were covered with blood stained bags, and their hands and feet tied together. You could hear some sobbing and begging while others laid still more than likely dead.
You stood there shaking in fear as you watched Yoongi pull a gun from the waistband of his pants. While Namjoon and Hoseok pulled a squirming man in front of you. "You see, doll everything I do is for a reason."
"I tell you to stay out of my business for a reason"
"I tell you to keep Hobi at your side for a reason."
He clicked the silver weapon as he yanks the sheet of the man's head revealing August. His face was bruised and bloody as he stared from the gun to you. A humorless chuckle leaves his lips as he bows his head to the ground. "If you shoot me, our pact is done, and you'll never see the light of day or your slut again."
Verbally wincing when Yoongi knocks the butt his gun against his brother's face. August makes no sound head turning as he spits the blood from his mouth. Yoongi crouches down to his level, clicking his tongue as he hums. "I'm not gonna shoot you August what kind of little brother would I be?"
"Grab the runts." He tells his right hand men, bringing in Taehyung and Jungkook who struggled against them. "You see brother you think you're so smart because you got your little degree."
"But that doesn't mean shit." He stands to his full height turning towards. "There's a reason our father gave me his empire and not you. You're predictable and impulsive you think fucking my girl is going to send me over the edge and make me break our pact by ending your miserable life."
He laughs, "Well August... I'm not going to kill you no matter how much I'm burning too."
He turned towards you giving you a gummy smile. Not at all appropriate for the current circumstance you were in. "She is."
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- © hobicakess ! do not steal, modify, copy, plagiarize, nor repost any of the works on this blog without given permission!
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can my isp see my browsing history with vpn
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can my isp see my browsing history with vpn
ISP tracking with VPN
When it comes to online privacy and security, many people turn to Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) to protect their internet activity from prying eyes, including their Internet Service Provider (ISP). ISPs have the ability to track your browsing history, monitor your online activities, and even sell your data to third parties for targeted advertising. This has raised concerns about invasion of privacy and the need for more secure browsing options.
By using a VPN, you can encrypt your internet connection and hide your IP address from your ISP. This means that your ISP won't be able to see what websites you visit, what files you download, or what content you consume online. Your online activity will be routed through a secure VPN server, making it much harder for your ISP to track you.
VPNs also provide other benefits beyond hiding your online activity from your ISP. They can help you bypass geo-restrictions, protect your sensitive information on public Wi-Fi networks, and maintain anonymity online. However, it's important to choose a trustworthy VPN provider that doesn't log your data or compromise your privacy in other ways.
While VPNs can be a powerful tool for enhancing your online privacy, it's essential to remember that they are not a cure-all solution. It's still important to practice good security habits, use strong, unique passwords, and stay informed about potential online threats. By incorporating VPN technology into your online routine, you can take a proactive step towards protecting your digital privacy from ISP tracking and other risks.
Browsing history privacy
Protecting Your Privacy: Understanding Browsing History
In the digital age, our online activities leave behind a trail of breadcrumbs known as browsing history. While this log serves to enhance user experience by facilitating quicker access to frequently visited websites, it also poses significant privacy concerns. Understanding the implications of browsing history is crucial for safeguarding your online privacy.
Firstly, your browsing history contains a wealth of personal information, ranging from websites visited to search queries entered. This data can be exploited by advertisers, who use it to target personalized ads based on your interests and preferences. Moreover, unauthorized access to your browsing history could compromise sensitive information, such as login credentials or financial details, putting you at risk of identity theft or fraud.
Additionally, many internet service providers (ISPs) and websites store browsing history data for extended periods, raising concerns about surveillance and government monitoring. In some regions, ISPs are legally required to retain user data, further eroding privacy rights. Furthermore, data breaches or hacks targeting these repositories of browsing history could expose individuals to reputational damage or blackmail.
To mitigate these risks and protect your browsing history privacy, several measures can be taken. Utilizing private browsing modes or virtual private networks (VPNs) can obscure your online activities from ISPs and third-party trackers. Regularly clearing your browser cache and cookies can also help minimize the footprint of your browsing history.
Moreover, advocating for stronger privacy regulations and supporting initiatives that promote transparency and data protection are essential steps in safeguarding online privacy rights for all individuals.
In conclusion, while browsing history serves as a useful tool for enhancing online experiences, it also poses significant privacy risks. By understanding these implications and implementing proactive measures to protect your data, you can navigate the digital landscape with confidence and peace of mind.
Internet service provider monitoring
Internet service provider monitoring, also known as ISP monitoring, is the practice of tracking and logging the internet usage of individuals or organizations by their respective service providers. This monitoring can involve recording websites visited, online searches conducted, files downloaded, and other online activities.
One of the main reasons ISPs monitor internet usage is to ensure network security and prevent illegal activities online. By tracking the online behavior of users, ISPs can identify and block malicious websites, phishing attempts, malware downloads, and other cyber threats that could harm their network or compromise user data.
ISP monitoring can also be used for bandwidth management purposes. By monitoring data usage patterns, ISPs can identify users or applications consuming a disproportionate amount of bandwidth and take appropriate actions to ensure fair access for all users.
While ISP monitoring can help enhance network security and performance, it also raises concerns about user privacy and data protection. There is a growing debate about the extent to which ISPs should be allowed to monitor and collect data on their customers' online activities, as well as how this data should be stored and used.
To protect your online privacy, you can use virtual private networks (VPNs) to encrypt your internet traffic and hide your IP address from ISPs. Additionally, you can utilize privacy-focused browsers and tools to minimize tracking and data collection by service providers.
In conclusion, ISP monitoring plays a vital role in maintaining network security and performance, but it also highlights the importance of balancing security needs with user privacy rights in the digital age.
VPN and data encryption
Title: Understanding the Importance of VPN and Data Encryption for Online Security
In an era where cybersecurity threats loom large, the need for robust protection measures has never been more critical. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and data encryption stand at the forefront of safeguarding sensitive information and ensuring online privacy. Let's delve into why they are indispensable components of today's digital landscape.
First and foremost, VPNs provide a secure pathway for internet traffic by encrypting data transmitted between your device and the VPN server. This encryption scrambles the data, making it virtually impossible for unauthorized parties to intercept or decipher it. By routing your connection through a remote server, VPNs also mask your IP address, effectively concealing your online activities from prying eyes.
Moreover, VPNs offer an additional layer of protection when using public Wi-Fi networks, which are notorious for their vulnerability to cyber attacks. Whether you're browsing the web at a coffee shop or accessing sensitive work files from a hotel room, VPNs create a secure tunnel that shields your data from potential threats lurking on the network.
Data encryption, on the other hand, plays a pivotal role in safeguarding information both in transit and at rest. By converting plain text into ciphertext using complex algorithms, encryption renders data unreadable to anyone without the corresponding decryption key. This means that even if unauthorized users manage to intercept your data, they would be unable to decipher its contents without the encryption key.
In conclusion, VPNs and data encryption serve as indispensable tools for fortifying your online security and preserving your privacy in an increasingly interconnected digital world. By harnessing the power of encryption technologies, individuals and organizations can mitigate the risks posed by cyber threats and navigate the internet with confidence.
Online activity anonymity
Online activity anonymity refers to the ability of individuals to engage in various activities on the internet without revealing their true identity. With the increasing concerns about privacy and data breaches, many people are now seeking ways to protect their online identities and information.
One of the most common methods to achieve online activity anonymity is through the use of virtual private networks (VPNs). A VPN creates a secure and encrypted connection to the internet, masking the user's IP address and location. This enables users to browse the web anonymously and access geo-restricted content without being tracked by advertisers or hackers.
Another popular tool for online activity anonymity is the Tor network. Tor routes internet traffic through a series of volunteer-operated servers, making it extremely difficult for anyone to trace the user's online activities back to their physical location. This added layer of security is especially useful for individuals living in countries with strict internet censorship.
In addition to VPNs and the Tor network, using anonymous browsers like DuckDuckGo or browsing in incognito mode can also help protect one's online activity from being monitored. These browsers do not track user data or store browsing history, providing a sense of anonymity and privacy while surfing the web.
Overall, maintaining online activity anonymity is essential in today's digital age where personal information is constantly at risk of being compromised. By utilizing tools such as VPNs, the Tor network, and anonymous browsers, individuals can take proactive steps to safeguard their online identities and protect their privacy.
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arunrout123 · 3 months
Protecting Your Brand: A Guide to Proactive Online Reputation Management
In today's digital age, your brand's reputation can be your most valuable asset. With the proliferation of social media and online review platforms, managing your brand's image has become more challenging than ever before. One negative review or viral social media post can quickly tarnish your reputation and impact your bottom line. However, by implementing proactive online reputation management strategies, you can safeguard your brand against potential threats and maintain a positive image in the eyes of your customers. In this guide, we'll explore key tactics for protecting your brand through effective reputation management.
1. Monitor Your Online Presence
The first step in proactive online reputation management is to monitor what people are saying about your brand online. This involves regularly monitoring social media channels, review websites, forums, and other online platforms where discussions about your brand may take place. There are various tools and software available that can help automate this process by providing real-time alerts whenever your brand is mentioned online. By staying vigilant and monitoring your online presence, you can quickly identify any negative comments or reviews and address them before they escalate.
2. Engage with Your Audience
Engaging with your audience is crucial for building trust and credibility with your customers. Respond promptly to customer inquiries, comments, and feedback, whether they are positive or negative. When addressing negative feedback, remain professional, empathetic, and solution-oriented. Acknowledge the customer's concerns, apologize for any inconvenience caused, and offer to resolve the issue privately. By demonstrating your commitment to customer satisfaction, you can turn a negative experience into a positive one and showcase your brand's dedication to excellence.
3. Create High-Quality Content
One of the most effective ways to protect your brand's reputation online is by creating and sharing high-quality content that showcases your expertise, values, and unique selling propositions. Develop a content strategy that resonates with your target audience and consistently produces valuable, informative, and engaging content across various online platforms, including your website, blog, social media channels, and email newsletters. By positioning yourself as a thought leader in your industry and providing valuable insights to your audience, you can enhance your brand's reputation and attract loyal followers and customers.
4. Encourage Positive Reviews
Positive reviews play a significant role in shaping your brand's reputation and influencing consumer purchasing decisions. Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews on popular review websites such as Google My Business, Yelp, TripAdvisor, and industry-specific platforms. You can incentivize reviews by offering discounts, loyalty rewards, or exclusive perks to customers who take the time to share their positive experiences. Additionally, make it easy for customers to leave reviews by providing direct links and clear instructions on how to do so. By proactively soliciting positive reviews, you can counterbalance any negative feedback and strengthen your brand's online reputation.
5. Address Negative Feedback Promptly
Despite your best efforts, negative feedback is inevitable in business. When faced with negative reviews or comments, it's essential to address them promptly and professionally. Avoid getting defensive or engaging in heated arguments with disgruntled customers online, as this can further damage your brand's reputation. Instead, reach out to the customer privately to resolve the issue and offer a satisfactory solution. In some cases, you may need to publicly acknowledge the feedback and demonstrate your commitment to improving customer satisfaction. By handling negative feedback with transparency and integrity, you can mitigate its impact on your brand's reputation.
6. Monitor Your Competitors
In addition to monitoring your own online presence, keep an eye on your competitors' activities and reputation online. Pay attention to what customers are saying about competing brands and how they are responding to feedback and reviews. Analyze their strengths and weaknesses and identify areas where you can differentiate your brand and offer a superior customer experience. By staying informed about industry trends and competitive dynamics, you can proactively position your brand for success and maintain a competitive edge in the market.
7. Seek Professional Help When Needed
Managing your brand's reputation online can be a time-consuming and complex task, especially for larger businesses with a significant online presence. If you lack the time, resources, or expertise to handle reputation management effectively, consider seeking professional help from experienced digital marketing agencies or reputation management firms. These experts can provide tailored solutions and strategies to monitor, protect, and enhance your brand's online reputation, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business with peace of mind.
Proactive online reputation management is essential for protecting your brand's image and fostering trust and credibility with your audience. By monitoring your online presence, engaging with your audience, creating high-quality content, encouraging positive reviews, addressing negative feedback promptly, monitoring your competitors, and seeking professional help when needed, you can effectively safeguard your brand against potential threats and maintain a positive reputation in the digital landscape. Remember that building a strong reputation takes time, effort, and consistency, but the long-term benefits are well worth the investment.
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bono-aesthetic · 6 months
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[𝖯𝗅𝖾𝖺𝗌𝖾 𝖽𝗈𝗇'𝗍 𝗂𝗀𝗇𝗈𝗋𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗌𝖾. <3]
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༊*·˚do not steal, copy, repost or even translate ANY of my work. i don't fuck with plagiarism.
༊*·˚i write and interact with nsfw content 80% of the time, so minors, please don't interact with my blog. don't attack me for 'ruining your innocence' or any shit like that. you think you grown? i am never responsible for what you consume on here.
༊*·˚please be patient if you request anything. i do live a life off tumblr and this a mere hobby for me. do not demand things from me nor rush me. i will ignore you.
༊*·˚please be nice! i write for fun and i want my blog to be a positive space, as small as it might be. have manners when interacting in any way, and I will respond to you with equal mannerisms.
༊*·˚i'm open to any venting but please don't trauma-dump in my askbox. please be aware i'm a stranger on the internet and you're intrusting your deep, personal matters to me. i'm not saying you shouldn't trust me, but i'm saying be mindful of what you share. i am not your therapist, sweetheart but i highly encourage you get the help.
༊*·˚anon hate, threats or any tomfoolery like that will be clowned before being fully ignored. i really won't take you seriously and i will LAUGH at you.
༊*·˚please don't bring any drama in my askbox or anywhere on my blog, especially if it envolves other creators. lovelies, we're here to hoe around and have fun by reading, not drama.
༊*·˚don't spam my inbox please! i would most likely find you annoying and ignore you lol.
༊*·˚no discourse please. like, any at all. i'm not here for things to get messy nor am i here to bring chaos. i will come in clutch if any bullshit arises and i will defend whomever i befriend on here.
༊*·˚i welcome CONSTRUCTIVE criticism but only when i ask for it. don't come here being all rude and expect your opinion to be valued. respect is a two way street, love.
༊*·˚if you have a request, please be specific. i have SUCH a pet peeve for people who don't specify things and expect me to understand everything they mean. a few sentences with enough details (no long paragraphs please) is what i like to see!
༊*·˚please, please, PLEASE reblog if you actually like my work. spam liking doesn't share my work, so reblogs are very much appreciated. :)
Tropes i will NOT write anything forˏˋ°•*⁀➷
incest (inclu. step & pseudo cest), gang bangs, any sort of abuse, bukkake, shotacon/loicon, noncon, scat/piss kink, age regression, necrophilia, vorephilia, ddlg, period sex, charater ships, watersports, race play, wound fucking, high school au! nsfw, amab/male reader, eating disorders, zoophilia, pedophilia, stuckage, knotting, shock play, oc's, fetishes for certain groups of people, m-preg, shoe licking, breath play.
Don't be afraid to ask me if you have any questions! <3
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