#this shit tho... i'm engrossed now
hellishfig · 3 months
it's celia from georgie and melanie's cult!!! celia who that isn't her real name bc she was the one who told martin about jon feeding on her fear in public! SHE KNOWS HIS VOICE!!!!!!!!!!
and!!! sam!!! got an email from someone called "jon"!!!!!!!!!!
and that's not even getting into lena's attempted murder of someone and gwen's attempted blackmail and successful promotion!!!!!
the meta plot is moving forward and i am officially Concerned and Excited simultaneously
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potted-cilantro · 1 year
haha hello i'm sorry ive drafted this so many times you'll have to forgive me if it's still a ramble i assure you the other versions were far worse 😅
but i just wanted to say you know thank you so much??? i had NOT been expecting my lil quiz to get quite as much traction as it has and people being so willing to share their stories with me kind of just blindsided me with this love for humanity
and i have. many. dnd ocs. i know how deeply personal some of them can get and how engrossed in your stories you can become and how wonderful it is!
i haven't been able to stop thinking about circe all day it's a terrifyingly amazing story you've given me and i just cannot express in words how much it means that you were willing to share this- and them- with me
a lot of illtellyouhowthisstoryends was me figuring out my own fears of baring my soul to an audience and how. terrifying. that can be sometimes and for it to be received so well and to have you share something like this with me in turn is just !! so i really can't thank you enough
i hope i can always be an audience for your stories in the same way- if you ever want to ramble about your ocs to anyone, i am always here and always willing to listen!!
but in the meantime i hope this finds you well i hope you keep creating and keep enjoying things because someone out here really loves reading it all <3
-- illtellyouhowthisstoryends
p.s.: due to an inabilty to spell cilantro, i might have sent this to the wrong person. whoops. if this message seems unrelated to you, please disregard everything said here beyond the section about keeping creating and keeping enjoying things, and i hope you have a very nice day!
Aa holy shit hi!! This got to the right person haha :)
DLSFJDSKL TY?? FOR ALL THE COMPLIMENTS??? GOSH,,, Believe it or not that's?? Not the final version of Drifting Apart (the name of the story, I honestly want to change it to something better), I still have a few edits to do in order to make it completely canon-compliant. I went back through the quiz twice to get the entire thing in, if I wasn't on mobile at the time there would've been a bit more context so apologies ^^;
Aa so much to say, where to start-
I really enjoyed i'lltellyouhowthisstoryends!! When I got to the "you promise?" question I just yelled and made everyone in my group take the quiz (I was taking it during dnd if you can believe it) I totally understand the baring your soul to an audience thing and I think illtellyouhowthisstoryends is a great great way to start!! Again I really enjoyed the story of it!
Someday I hope to have enough time to consolidate all of my writings/lore bits into posts for people to look through! For now they remain in unfinished docs or my writing server tho. This is my main so if you want to hear more about my characters you can check out @cilartbloggo which is the OC sideblog! I'm honestly debating making it my main instead so people can find me easier haha
Bottom line is I'm overjoyed you want to hear more about my characters and I'd be happy to share!! And I hope you can find an audience for your writing too, from the sound of it you've already started to gather one :)
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superiorjello · 2 years
Jello Watches Not Me The Show
Part 1:
So I went in knowing "BL, main character joins an anarchist gang, it's based off of GOT7 fic" which was surprisingly little considering what I just got wholloped in the face with.
Reaction time. There will be spoilers.
Twins. Okay. Cool. Black and White is a little on the nose when you're coming at it from an English perspective (reminds me of Fuhrer King Bradley) but I'm sure it makes more sense as a Thai naming thing (cause honestly their whole nickname system is awesome and I love it).
What do you mean THEIR HEARTS ARE LINKED is it MAGIC or something?
Splitting the twins up with no contact whatsoever just seems cruel.
Their dad is kind of a dick. Also smarmy party is smarmy.
How does his dad not instantly recognize it was a twin-heart attack or whatever?
I wonder if they let Black be so beaten up in that scene so they could just use a body double and didn't have to shoot all the Black shots with the same actor and then edit it. Cause usually they let characters just be "prettily bruised" in this kinda show.
Wow, White just goes all-in on the body modification and I am here for it. I hope he keeps it for pranking opportunities once Black is back too.
How does he expect to live a double life though, being both Black and White does not seem sustainable.
HE IS SO BAD AT PRETENDING TO BE BLACK HOLY SHIT like I will give him an initial pass for not knowing his brother for years but if he's gonna go all in on this plan he kinda needs to sell it after a day or two of studying how people react around him...
2 second long motorcycle lesson
"I want to quit." "Haha, funny joke dude. Just chill for a day and you'll feel better."
I love the middle-class student rubbing White's nose in his own privilege. He deserves it. YES SEE THE IMBALANCE INHERENT IN THE SYSTEM HAVE A WHOLE "Oh, THIS is why my brother is doing this" MOMENT!
Garage-owner guy: why don't you stay here for a while, I'll train you up some more.
Me: ah, so at least one person here has figured it out
and they were roommates OH MY GOD THEY WERE ROOMMATES
Stupidest room search ever. What are you even looking for?
Sean and White can have some cuddles. As a treat.
Okay I honestly just got so engrossed I forgot to react for a while.
His plan for meeting Black's ex was weird tho. Not a great plan. And seriously WHO IS THIS RANDOM FRIEND OF BLACKS? HE OWNS A TOWER? His dad did import/export so that's sketchy as fuck.
Sean keeps reminding White that Black is an asshole and he's like "oh right, gotta be a dick" like, Sean, just suck it up and deal with having an angel around now.
Sean: gotta end capitalism, starting with this guy
White: yeah, but you gotta LIVE THROUGH IT TOO
Manufacturer Heist aka can no one plan anything well in this group?
The complex system of dealing with bad employers but causing loss of income to the most vulnerable of their workers IS A REAL ISSUE AND I LOVE THEM FOR ADDRESSING IT
White: dancing around and so clearly not Black
Sean: heart eyes, motherfucker
So Cinderella-cop should quit the cop job, honestly, but NFT's? Really?
Side note is that the same ramen sponsor as KinnPorsche? I feel like it is.
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this rlly does need its own post actually wtf 💀
this is actually another fact post ig. but it's actually dedicated to only ONE SINGLE FACT. which i will elaborate on right........now
so basically: trojan has nicknames for EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER IN THE RGVERSE. WELL. THE ONES HE ACTUALLY KNOWS ABOUT ACTUALLY. the nicknames themselves are pretty random, and if the character being nicknamed's name is derived from the name of the song they're based off of, then trojan's nickname for them will literally be that
a very sorted out and super neat (trust) list of all of trojan's nicknames. some characters are not mentioned because he either has never interacted with them at all as of now or has to forcefully not give them a nickname 😔:
temporal - for tempo (it's pretty obvious right off the bat what song he's based off of at this rate thanks to trojan's nickname for him LMAO)
shifting - for shifta (she rlly is shifting...)
^ adding onto the previous two bullets, trojan would sometimes refer to the both of them as "temporal shifting" if he's talking about them as a duo. do you understand now.
tera - for terabyte (he would've easily gave this nickname to teravolt too. to make things confusing between the two of them bc he likes to be a lil shit)
lite - for satellite (terabyte has this as a nickname for satellite too lol)
ale-ale - for aleph-0 (needless to say aleph does NOT like this nickname. but even he cannot stop stupid lil trojan)
^ adding onto the previous bullet, i made "ale-ale" trojan's nickname for aleph bc i randomly thought of some fruit juice brand that i used to drink from when i was little. i can still vividly remember buying one of them from a local store.......rlly need to drink one again!2!1!11!1!
pam - for pamolia (hahahaha pam pam)
pupapa - for pupa (if you get this i'm hoping you let out a fucking laugh *points a gun at you /j*)
arsi - for ars (iykyk :3)
another her/you (changes depending on if he's talking to her directly or talking about her with someone else) - for ana (waaaatashi no. betsuno.)
lucid (traveler) - for lucas (uogh)
galactic warzone - for galactic (LMAO)
glaci - for glaciaxion (he didn't got creative with this one 💔)
destruction - for destonio (arghena calls him this too)
distorted fate - for fate (HAAHAHAHA)
spinny spin spin - for spinel (im gonna be rlly honest with you guys. im going to fucking lose my shit /j)
up - for upshift (hahahhaa up. up up up)
abstruse dilemma - for abstruse (dedede dreeeeeeeeeet dededede de de de-)
wait for dawn/daw - for dawn (the "wait for dawn" one is mostly used for jokes, tho)
prideful raven - for raven (:>)
rise of the world - for risa (a a a a a a a a a a a a aaa.)
unknown rickroll - for unknown levels (I AM SO ENGROSSED IN THIS JOKE IM SORRY)
arghe - for arghena (primeval, fate, and unknown levels call her this too)
prim prim - for primeval texture (she does NOT LIKE THIS NICKNAME FOR SOME REASON-)
tech/colour - for technicolour (mostly calls techni "colour" tho)
gos - for logos (logos is confused)
ego - for ego eimi (eimi's offended)
THAT'S IT THAT'S ALL. i didn't put this under a readmore bc im LAAAAZYTTYTT
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hokusu · 1 year
tbh I wouldn't even say I'm "trying" to watch anything this season lmao I gave up trying to keep up a very long time ago. the only one I even remotely tried keeping up with was Spy x Family, but even that one I fell behind on after a few episodes despite how much I enjoy the series. I'll definitely catch up with that one once the season is done airing though.
yeah Christmas music is such an important part of the season for me but I have a pretty specific taste in that genre of music haha which I why I have a playlist. living in a place that gets lots of snow can be really nice because it's so pretty and it makes the Christmas season even better, but it can definitely be a huge hindrance too for sure. we hardly ever got significant snowfall back where I grew up, so white Christmases were never really a thing when I was a kid so it's been nice to have them as an adult~
I mean, I struggle to even watch the shorter stuff that's been on my to-watch list for YEARS so I honestly doubt One Piece will ever happen for me. xD but hey, who knows! I know plenty of people who absolutely love it, and my brother also enjoys it, so who knows what the future will bring haha.
as for faves regarding HQ!! and SNK, Hinata and Kageyama and my babies and I adore them with every fiber of my being, but I also really love Kuroo and Nishinoya, and Mikasa and Levi are my queen and king~ what about you?? we've talked a lot about BNHA but who are some other fave characters of yours?
and yeah I totally agree with you regarding Hawks, he deserves so much more love and appreciation. he's been through so much shit throughout his life and he tries SO HARD to do good however he can despite constantly being manipulated by the HPSC and forced to do things that he doesn't necessarily want to do. speaking of Endeavor though... what are your thoughts on him? 👀 I personally can't stand him and the fact that Hawks as a character is so linked to him throughout the story just... hrg;kahgrjabs I absolutely hate it and I do wish we had seen SOME sort of backlash after Dabi's broadcast, especially from Hawks himself, but nothing seems to have changed at all?? I'd love to hear your thoughts regarding that whole situation~
please don't ever apologize about being passionate about a character or anything!! you deserve to be as engrossed in a character or a story or whatever as you want, and I love it!! thank you for sharing your thoughts with me~❤️
~your animanga secret santa❤️
Hello Santa! It's almost Christmas, so going to wish you a early very merry one until reveal day!! 🥰
Aww I love spy x family too, its the perfect balance of heartwarming and funny. Really enjoy the whole forgers family, but even the other characters like Damien I just want to learn more about them!! Hope you'll enjoy when you catch up!
What's your fav music genre? That's so cool you get white christmas now! I'd like to spend one with that one day too. But omg I keep hearing about everyone at freezing temperatures for xmas this year but apparently where I'm at it's going to be quite warm this week. 😅 At least traveling is easy here ha ha.
Ahaha again, totally understandable about OP. There's a ton on my watch list that I'm still waiting for the "right mood" for and haven't started either. I wonder what your favorite animanga is? 👀
Oh hell yeah, all your HQ favs are my favs too!! lol. Hinata is a complete sunshine and literally deserves everything good in the world. I think he's so motivational and really makes you feel like you can do anything haha. And Kageyama was my love at first sight in HQ bcus I have a type and his misunderstood personality speaks to me alsjdkkdd lol. I also love his character development a lot. And Kuroo, his personality, his looks...he's perfect. I also predictably loved that Kuroo's VA in japanese is also Hawks'. ^^ And Nishinoya is just so damn cool and reliable, he's the best! Anyways I really love almost everyone in HQ tho, sports anime always makes me feel that way lol. Idk if you've seen Run with the Wind, but it reminds me a lot of HQ too, so I highly recommend. It's only one season and the main character is such a Kageyama clone too but the story is very satisfying. 💛
And for SNK, Levi and Eren have been my favs since 2013 lol. I love their tragic pasts bound by duty, the way they grew up how no one should've, their personality and need to be free, I love that they never give up and their dynamics with each other. SNK's plot of no clear cut black and white of villains, but watching Eren go from hero to antihero, was incredibly interesting. And at the end of the day, despite what he does is unforgiveably wrong...he just wanted to protect the people most important to him and its really an impossible choice. And Levi is one of the biggest badass so I liked him instantly. When you think super cool character, its easily him!! But you also learn his mistakes, his flaws, his emotions that crack through his inital cold exterior when he's anything but. And like that just makes me feel things, they're both very much human with the weight of too much on their shoulders despite the monsters they're described to be. So I have a very soft spot for them even though I don't paritucularly enjoy the fandom anymore (it turned too toxic). 😅
Besides the favs I mentioned on my last ask, hmm to expand on some of them, one of the reason I like Trafalgar Law from One Piece is because he reminds me a LOT of Levi tbh lolol 😉. The tragic past, the personality, the way he's so damn cool when he fights ...and they even have the same VA too. 😂
And to mention a few more favs,
FMAB - I loveeee Roy Mustang and Ed Elric most but also Greed/Ling.
MP 100 - Ughh I'm deep in feels since the anime just ended 🥲 but MOB is so precious.
TokRev - I loved Mikey and Draken almost instantly alsjdkd im very excited for s2. Also Baji?? 😭😭
Anyways!! OH MAN, my thoughts on Hawks and Endeavor..hahah. So I don't like Endeavor at all, but I also don't really think about him much and it doesn't bother me that Hawks is there and interacts with him in the plot because to me it speaks volumes about Hawks' character and not Endeavor. I know there's a lot of people mad that we don't see Hawks react negatively to the situation after Dabi's broadcast. But I also think people have to realize they're in the middle of literal war. Hawks, who has always been manipulated, conditioned and grew up in non conventional ways, who had probably never processed anything in his life—from his personal abuse from his parents and HSPC to what he had to do as a solider and probably a lot more if we look at Lady Nagants' hints, I think hes very good at ignoring his own feelings. He's the fastest hero literally also because I think he never takes a moment to stop, to breathe. He's always in fight for survival mode, he's always trying to do the next thing, to "be of use" (and I think after being told "what use are you" as a kid, he can't help but do this) and it shows. Even when we see him after the injures from Dabi, he's barely recovered but he's already up and about without his voice before, and now with prosthetic wings on a battlefield with the main villain. He'll really do anything including shoving his own feelings away if it means helping everyone else and he's just doing what he's always been taught to do—focus on the mission (AFO in this case). Given the war, of course he still helps Endeavor fight. But beyond that I think he says if he wants to change he'll help is because think about it -- Hawks own parents never did this. He never got answers, he never got any form of redemption from them, they never so much as apologized or recognized him in his entire life. So seeing Endeavor trying to do that? I think Hawks is very much projecting himself into Todorokis family, because he never had someone even try in his own family to reconcile on him. And he himself feels like *he's* the one that turned his back on his parents, when it was obviously the other way around. There's a lot of complicated layers and history that I think people have to understand about Hawks that makes him do what he does. I of course would LOVE to see him break down and react to everything that's ever happened to him and I hope they'll show it, but we'll see. I like mostly of where the plot is and I think there's still room for a lot of what's to come including Hawks changing/processing everything.
I feel like there will be a breaking point soon, where the "old" heroes and society will see how they've been wrong all along. It's not heroes vs. villains when a lot of the villains have been mistreated and discarded by society. I very much think the theme here is, changing and helping people like Toga, Dabi. Shigaraki who was not inherently evil the way AFO is. And that includes Hawks changing, consequences for Endeavor (I hope, after this basially apocalypse theyre fighting to end.) That's my thoughts anyways lol.
Thanks for reading Santa and can't wait to see you soon! 💛
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eonghwa · 3 years
my dear @hoetaeseok​ thought about something and it’s my duty to share the life of these men. 
intro + masterlist ː sh personas profiles
#seonghwa-verse: playing the “why don’t we take sex pills and see how long we can stay away from each other” game
mtl to break first 
answer atoz inception pirate king say my name rapper wave fireworks wonderland halahala
explanation below the cut 
cw: nsfw themes. no specific warning
answer not much to say he basically is a simp for you and wants you all the fucking time. this just makes him ten times more sensitive, and he needs his hands on you right this second. but hey, this also means TONS of pleasure for you. remember, you are always his priority.
atoz the jerk is here just for the sex so he appreciates the fun but won’t even pretend to endure it. he just wants the action. plus, you played with his sex drive. you really don’t know what you got yourself into.
inception and pirate king also just want your hands on them, so they almost don’t even try to endure it either. pirate king may try to hide it, but the way his dick is twitching is no joke. he’d be so flustered because he’s suddenly so needy
say my name, rapper and wave are pretty much the same but with different levels of self restraint. say my name is the one who breaks. this boy REALLY tried his best, but you decided to just stand there staring at each other, his pants hurts now, please have mercy. rapper can go both ways, just depends on his mood the day you decide this little game (when he leans more towards being a sub tho chances are he will be the first to just pull you into him and make you straddle him). and then we have wave who is basically say my name with a tad more of self restraint, so he just waits for you to be fed up and throw yourself at him.
wonderland and fireworks also won’t ever lose this game. not much else to say except for we are getting wrecked, and i’m not by any means complaining.
halahala he’s made of steel. you won’t ever break him.
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passmethatcokezero · 2 years
hows vernon in bed??
Idk but Vernon... i feel like I vibe with him on this (as if he's gonna vibe with me 🥲🥲)
Vernon may be the type to not have (penetrative) sex so often to not lose the sweet, euphoric sensation.
has a number of playlist for different moods in his music library ;)
...cos he definitely needs music to sustain his rhythm when he gets too engrossed; part of it, he wanted to distract your neighbors from the free entertainment.
one time his work in progress suddenly blasts through the speakers right when he was about to get into his release so he had to cover your ears as he stretches you out.
"Ah sh-shit." his thrusts were getting erratic; he's close. "I'm coming, baby." he was exhaling hard as his shaft creates an inhumane friction against your walls. "oh yeah? haa~" you gasped as he hit the spot multiple times with a force so powerful you were seeing stars in the middle of the day.
"what the-" he suddenly slows down, a bit confused if he should stop or not. "shit, shit, shit." the music transitions from The Weeknd to a series of beats and strings you have not heard once from his “Quickie Fixins” playlist. "ah, fuck it," he mumbles as he covers your ears softly, as he kisses you hard as he goes on; anyway he had to go back immediately at Jihoon’s to revise something right after he’s done with his “loosening out.”
would always start passionately. but would end with anything you least expected.
likes (giving) foreplay and would GIGGLE every time you seem so pissed yet enjoying it;
would be too impatient if he’s the receiving end that he’d whine so much he’d hold a grudge and open it up right after
loves toys, or anything new and would always be open to what’s trendy nowadays
would actually research for various positions while on the heat of sex
Prefers friction over force
does not believe in top or bottom / submissive or dominant titles. he believes anyone can be both depending on who’s needy or has the urge, or completely feeling it
would give you A N Y T H I N G you want.
as long as you do to him, too.
“more, huh? can you take it?” there were tears in your eyes and the vibrator was too generous of its magic, yet you wanted more. “yes, please.” he nods at your plead, turning the power up to what, you lost track now. your moans reached a higher pitch, volume so loud you tried muffling them with your arm although Vernon was quicker to halt the action - he wanted you to let it out. “let me hear those moans baby, they’re music to my ears.”
would mimic your moans to tease you from which he’d earn a playful slap
PLAYFUL YES THAT’S IT, he loves it playful
You got that privilege to enter his studio anytime just to makeout when he perhaps requires his members a pair of shoes to enter outside business matters (i.e just to chill) lol
eating :) you :) out :) is :) a :) hobby :)
“ah, babe, k-keep it down, please.” you whispered when he slurps you so loud, it echoed throughout the room. your legs were almost squishing his head. he was just too good, his tongue might have been his most ripped muscled yet in his entire body. “ssh... t-the others might hear.” “then they hear it, i don’t care.” and proceeds to enjoying his dessert on bed.
would watch any kinds of p*rn with you like no big deal (he’s very selective tho; he never picks anything that were beyond his morals)
loves fucking you from behind
game for a threesome ;)
“what the fuck?” you had just had your release above him, but it seemed like the idea already had your core going crazy. you heard it right, he just suggested a threesome as a birthday gift, even telling you that his friend is on the way to your place. “no, i-i’m okay, Vernon... I’m...” red has tinted you all over, blushing of his totally unexpected offer. “ah... i thought you’re gonna like it, you were totally down for it when we were watching that video yesterday. should have consulted you first, my bad.” there was a hint of disappointment on his voice but nope, you’re not gonna let him down on your special day. “alright, babe. no, come let’s have it. i mean, it’s your surprise for me so... i’ll take it.” you assured him with a smile and soft kiss on his lips. “you sure babe?” you moaned yes on his mouth as you slowly regained your rhythm as you feel him grow once again inside you, excitement already sending electricity to your spine.
sexting after a tiring schedule and have no time to meet you as he got another schedule early tomorrow
hall of famer on cockwarming challenge cos he always wins over you
Cliche but would finger you when watching movies or series after a really heated scene you'd forget about the episode
Did I say he loves toys?
Likes to lick your ears
Advocate of safe sex!!!
ALWAYS the one initiating cleanup, and he can never let you clean by yourself. I just think he's very tidy, especially if he fucks you in his studio
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tojislovebot · 3 years
Don't mind me just wanna request for a fic :P
Smut / fluff / angst
character : 𝒈𝒐𝒋𝒐̄ 𝒔𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒖
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could I pls get some nsfw/fluffy headcannons with gojō !! Like it can be how gojō and u have been together for a good amount of yrs { let's just say highschool lol ( yes I'm aware I'm so hooked for this guy that it's concerning ) } nd uk ur both jus’ cuddling on the couch or sum shit and then the cuddling leads to soft!domgojō domain expanding y/n’s pus-
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𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑔 𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑠 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑡𝒉𝑒 𝑓𝑖𝑐 :
~ 🌕🤍
All day-Gojou Saturo
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Headcanons + Drabble
A/n: YES YES OMGNEOE I've been thinking about this for quite some time I hope you like it mama <3 p.s I'm sorry it took longer than expected :(
Summary: you end Gojo are spending time together and like @moonlitkambe said, he ends up domain expanding your pus-
Character: (soft!dom)Gojo saturo
Warnings: fluff+ smut, oral (m->f), fingering,titty sucking (18+ content) minors do not interact.
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Gojo and you decided to have the weekend, to yourselves by binge-watching a shit ton of movies and series, cuddling, and eating sweets
You barely got time for each other, and you really needed his cuddles after a stressful week and now here you are preparing for the massive movie weekend that you both have been planning
Yes gojo bought a LOT of sweets and other goodies for the two of you
“Honey, can you get all the sweets from the fridge that I got yesterday?” “all of them?” “what kind of question that is my love?” chucking to yourself, you grab all that you could, rushing your way to the TV room.
“Okay!! Which movie did you pick?” you said getting all excited, you fluffed up your quill and was about to cuddle your boyfriend but he didn't even move a bit, just gaping at the sweets on display
“How could you?” “hmm?-oh-” “YOU FORGOT MY DAIFUKU” “I have only two hands you see babe” “heh just say that you are not as strong as your handsome boyfriend to carry all those sweets at once, I get it” he simply shrugged and kissed your cheek before going to get his daifuku.
It took him like 10 seconds to get the daifuku considering his long slender legs.
“Okay sweetness, I have these two movies, I suggest you this first one where the hero almost dies at the end you know it's super cool” “um you spoiled it, let's watch the second one then?”
“Ah yes my love, so in this-” not wanting to get spoiled anymore you shoved a chocolate in his mouth.
Gojo was sitting with his back resting the armrest of the recliner sofa, while you were in between his legs, hugging his torso with your face squished in his chest.
He kept feeding you chocolates and sweets now and then, with surprise head kisses
interval time.
“Okay pee break” you declared getting up from the cozy spot, gojo got up too, but to get more food.
After all your business you returned to see gojo in a blanket roll waiting for you to come, just unwrapping two of his favorite sweet, one for you and the other for him.
This time you were sitting against the armrest and gojo hugging your waist and using your boobs as his pillow ‘they are so comfortable’ he says
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You were too much into the movie while gojo paid no attention. He was done which was so surprising because usually its the other way around. He needed your attention and for that he knew excatly what to do.
you were engrossed in the movie, getting excited at the moves that the hero pulled. Gojo being the slick man that he is, slowly crept his hand under your shirt, bring it closer and closer to your boob.
Thinking this was very much out of habit you ignored it. This man LOVES your breasts. He adores him and loves to just rest his head on them or his hand when cuddling.
“Oh my God baby look what he did!” you clamored to gain his attention.
“HAH so weak” he shrugged before lightly kissing your chest and turning his face away so now he was looking at the reclining backrest.
He really couldn’t wait, you looked so tempting,even tho you were wearing one of his shirts that fitted you like a dress, and only those black short shorts. how dare you looked so good without even trying?
And when you moan under him? to continue with his hard sloppy thrusts? the way you squirm when you want more of his pretty mouth or his slender long fingers. He really needed to feel you, your warm walls that clench around him. It’s like you were made for him. They way he fills up and you suck him in so well, so perfectly. A perfect mould to fill up. He couldn’t wait anymore.
He crept his hand on your pretty swells again, this time drawing light circles around the nipple. He wanted to rush this but yet go slow, you had the entire day to yourselves anyways.
“s-satu,.not now” you said, but who are you trying to convince? you can never say no.
“how much is pending my love?” he mumbled, never stopping his actions.
“Fo-forty minutes I think” you wanted to look him in his pretty eyes and tell him to proceed with what he was doing and ask him to fuck you senseless but the look he held described a different thought.
Slowly placing a kiss on your neck “then pay attention to the movie sweetness, you don't want to miss out on it now do you?” he murmured, you simply nodded because what else will you do? you want this as much as he does.
He lifted up your shirt and latched his mouth on your nipple. Sucking, gently biting, it got you distracted, the thoughts of you ruined under him made you wetter second bu second.
“Pay attention to the movie lovely” he looked at you while his hand slipped in your shorts.
“no panties? hmm sweet” he said as he started circling your clit, very slowly and very gently. “you’re dripping sweetheart. all because of me?” he asked nipping at your neck. “I d-didn’t feel it today” you muttered.
He slowed his movements on your clit just to watch you squirm. “P-please Saturo,” you said grinding on his fingers for him to quicken.
“Okay tell me what you need baby?” he said inching close to your lips, kissing you, it was long pending and he needed to feel your lips on his. Pulling apart he looked at you waiting for your response. Taking too much time he decided to discard your shorts and throw them behind somewhere, later to be found.
“Go on tell me what you need mama?” he asked, bending down to your throbbing pussy,
“your m-mou-FUCK SLOW DOWN” you gasped, he replaced his fingers with his skillful mouth, lifted your shirt, and pushed the hem in your mouth signaling for you to grab onto it with your teeth.
“mhmm nghh~” you whined, your hand grabbing a handful of his hair pushing him in more, his tongue lapping circles. It felt so good, so so good. A little bit more and he can make you see stars all day.
He looked at you with a smirk, pulling apart, using his fingers now to keep going slowly.
“How am I doing?” he asked, he looked so innocent, committing such a sinful act.
“you look so pretty like this,” you said, grinding on his fingers, again.
“I know I know my love,” he said as he inserted his middle finger in your tight cunt.
“ahhhhh yes yes, keep-keep going” you kept nodding, clutching your eyes shut. oh how Saturo Gojo loved this reaction from you, all whiny and submissive, just for him.
Thinking about all this got him worked out and with no other thought he added a second finger.
“MHMMNGHFUCK SATURO, ke-eep going. Please please I'm so so close so close ahh” your remark made him speed up.
“Cum for me baby, all over my fingers. Be a good girl for me okay?” he said adding a third finger, arching your back while your legs clasped about saturo’s shoulders you came all over his three fingers, he kept going helping you ride out the mind-blowing orgasm that you just had. He aligned his fingers in front of your lips wanting you to suck them clean, and you did so, moaning while doing so.
“Sweetlove the movie got over,” he said getting up, kissing you all over your face, making you chuckle.
Your sight fell upon his evident boner. Fuck the movie you thought.
“Can I-i ride you?” you asked making his eyes light up like the kid from a candy store.
He happily sat back on the couch, bucking his hips a little so that he could remove his sweatpants and his boxers, making his member spring out.
His arms were around you as soon as you straddled him. He wants you so close to him. He wants your warmth, he needs the affection you give him daily.
“Come on baby girl, put me in” he said.
You grabbed onto his shoulder for support while you held his member in your hand, slowly guiding it in.
“ahh fuck” you choke on a moan.
“Want me to take over lovely?” he asked with a hint of worry, he would never want to hurt you.
You delivered a small nod, saturo’s hands gripped onto your hips pushing you down, filling you, earning a yelp from you.
“Look how well I fit in,” he said kissing your forehead. Regaining some strength you slowly started to bounce up and down on his length
“Yes just like that. Such a good girl for me right?” He said as he started to suck on your breast again.
“F-for you fuck. Only for you” you moaned.
He held you so close to him,he wanted to make you feel so good. You wrapped your arms around him, feeling the knot in your stomach slowly tighten.
Placing small kisses on your shoulders “are you close my love?” he asked
“yes fuck so close, uhh so - close” you moaned.
Before you knew, he made you lay on your back as he started to thrust in your abused cunt.
“Yes yes so close so close so close fuck” you let go coming all over his fat cock, eyes rolling back in your skull, back-arching, and the fact he did made you see stars. Riding out your high he started to even thrust even harder and stopper, signaling he was close
“Im gonna cum sweetness, open your mouth nice and wide for me” he demanded, why would I waste my seed huh? He usually jokes.
You did as he asked you to do so opening your mouth, he slipped out of you, and now in your mouth shooting got strings of cum.
Being the greedy girl you are, sucked him off a little making him moan.
“So good for me baby so good” he whispered laying down on his back. He dressed you up with his shirt while he wore his sweats, later pulling you so that you were on top of him, peppering his face his kisses.
“Lets resume the movie now” he said
“It's already over but it's okay we have the whole day with us” you laughed.
“Oh yes we do and on that note,” he said getting up and throwing you over his shoulder, “let's have some more fun” he added making his route to your shared bedroom.
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goodkwuestion · 2 years
I’m so glad you’re alright and well!! The chapter was of course a wonderful perk but I was just so pleased to hear from you. Speaking of the chapter, thank you for an amazing one! The email notification made my week as it always does.
Question time! If that’s okay. Just how sensitive are your vamps in terms of their hearing etc? Can Ian tell what heartbeat is Mickey’s or does he just know it’s his when he’s expecting him? When my dog gets all excited standing right at the door wagging his tail when he can hear someone arriving home before any of us can… that’s what I’ve been envisioning as Ian’s energy when he can hear Mickey from the elevator haha. But I assume he didn’t this time, was it because he was… preoccupied? 😭 Was his hearing and smell not as focused due to Eric and not expecting anyone else so he missed Mickey’s noises/scent?
I’m really sorry if this is either meant to be obvious or if it sounds nitpicking I hope it doesn’t come across as that as I don’t intend it to be, just genuinely find vampire lore a lot of fun! And also find it a lot of fun that Ian can be as surprised as us haha.
Thank you again for this chapter! I for one am thoroughly enjoying myself. Stay safe and have a nice week! I hope you get some time to rest.
The coolest thing about making my own version of vampire lore is that I can actually answer these questions with unabashed confidence (again, very new to the supernatural game.)
Vampire hearing is very sensitive; not werewolf/your precious dog levels, but way better than normal humans. That said, Ian would not be able to differentiate Mickey's heartbeat from anyone else's in a crowd. He knows it's Mickey because he's the person he's expecting to be in elevator in the middle of the night, on the floor where Ian is the lone occupant. Someone's scent and the smell of their blood tho? Ian could typically pick up on that as if he was Colombo.
Bingo on preoccupation being the main factor here. Ian was feeding, so he's not trying to see or hear anything else just then. It sucks to hear, but at that point, Eric was Ian's whole world. If Eric hadn't spotted him, Mickey could have probably dipped without Ian even knowing he was there. I envision feeding to be such a powerful, all-engrossing thing.
I watched Midnight Mass on Netflix and -spoilers!- when the "Angel" was feeding, they didn't even clock that they were getting royally fucked up by the enemy. Dude was having their wings ripped apart and the most they could muster at one point was a "can you not?" annoyed handwave. Now that's what I'm talking about.
Don't even worry about it, I love discussing and answering stuff, for the most part. Especially now since I know my writing is context clue heavy and I'm in the middle of furious fantasy world building.
Oh my god, the shit that's yet to come... We are nowhere yet, fam. We are nowhere.
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veralovemail · 3 years
Hi! I would love myself a matchup if it's ok 👉👈
I'm female and pan, I'd prefer one of the males tho, Survivors please!
So uhhhh I differ in my personality a lot depending on the situation! I'm more of a loner around strangers IRL— shy, quiet, I don't like interacting and prefer to stay by the sidelines since being in the middle makes me uncomfy.
I try to be as polite as I can, even keeping in my opinions and pain a lot as to not Hurt anyone. I also tend to blame myself a lot for bad situations I'm a part in unless I know I absolutely didn't do anything!
Also I'm quite hot headed and have a bad temper, though I'm working on it! I have quite the problem with guilt and it comes to me fairly quickly when I do something bad.
Ah yeah I'm really forgetful and also really impatient KNRKS
Now- online!!
I'm a lot more open and chaotic. I like to tease my friends and jokingly make fun of them, etc. I try and stop when they tell me to, but I might understand it as them just joking too if they write it that way in my eyes-
I try to look on the positive side for them and their situations and am always willing to make someone happy even without words since it makes me happy too. I'd say I'm caring to a fault- I don't let loose until they finally do something healthy that they've been avoiding and I do get rather angry if I'm not taken seriously with that, causing me to maybe lash out at someone unwillingly,,- and then guilt pops in like "hi there 😍" KDHDJDJ
I encourage anyone to vent, though I'm not the best at giving advice. I'm more of a person who likes to listen and give support if they need it. Oh yeah- my attention span is REALLY short (as short as me good ol' 5'1 me aNENSJJSJD) so I get distracted pretty easily and procrastinate then.
As for hobbies: I love to draw! (As you might know-)Music is my life (especially Jazz) and video games are, too. Though mostly singleplayer Games since I only really like multiplayer with friends-
What else can I write..
Maybe like- I'm an ISFP-T And I think it was 5w6 that I was given by another test
I also got Philophobia, the fear of falling in love because of bad experiences but I'm tryna work on it!!
I guess I can also write about my appearance? I've got short, curly but chaotic black hair that's p much swept to the side- I'm definitely not that skinny lmao- and as I've said before, I'm 5'1! I usually wear casual clothes (hoodies, e.g!! They're so comfy...) I also got brown eyes and glasses!
I think that should be it.. ah yeah! In your introduction, you should prolly add your ID for others to add you because name search doesn't work! :0
Ok that's really it now- take your time, don't rush yourself and stay safe and hydrated!! 💕💕 Hope your blog takes off!
Sorry for my English by the way- I'm German so I might've messed up on a few things!
OH MY LORD I DID NOT KNOW THAT I HAD TO PUT IN MY ID... oml... thank u for telling me that. and don't worry about it, i can see how it'd be difficult (i actually studied german for my gcses :], it was very fun) but anyways! tysm for sending in btw!! i loved writing this, i hope u enjoy - mod vera ♡
i match you with ... naib subedar!
he kinda takes on to your quiet personality, unlike some of the other people around the manor. it's relaxing to be around somebody who doesn't talk much.
you two most likely met when robbie came over to the survivors' side of the mansion, jokingly demanding sweets... but it most likely sounded authentic. and oh god, is that an axe-
you two accidentally locked eyes but you both had a " ah shit, here we go again " face. it just kinda went from there.
at first, he's a tough nut to crack, but if you try hard enough, within a month or so you gain his trust and he .. deems you a friend?
you both kinda start falling for eachother after a period of time, but naib is great at hiding it BUT SIKE, so are you! it's like a game of who can pine for the other in the most subtle way possible.
however, if you tell him about your own troubles with falling in love, he may just open up a little too about his own troubles.
it's takes a while for you two to build a relationship, but eventually (after a lot of rescues, late night hangouts and just being near eachother) you make it!
when he learns about your more chaotic side, naib tries to keep up with you as best he can, he may just need a little tug to do so.
he loves your smile, especially the one you have when you're talking about your passions.
he also tries to help with your temper, but he's just as bad as you are.
however, he's there whenever you have a bad day - he can almost instantly tell, even if you try keep it to yourself. it could be the way you look at him, try to smile or talk, he does notice the change in your aura.
since your shorter than him, he likes holding you. it makes him feel like he's just protecting you from anything and anything, especially on one of your bad days.
he likes your optimism, looking on the good side of every situation. he once saw you trying to comfort robbie when he started crying about not finding any sweets around and you told him "look on a brightside robbie! now we know for next time to stash some away for you before we eat it all!" AND OH GOD, IS THAT AN AXE?
naib gets frequent nightmares about his time being a hired merc, so sometimes you may get woken up at 3 am because he's a bit distressed and needs a bit of comfort.
other times, he just finds holding you while you're fast asleep enough to put him back in a coma for the next 2 hours.
naib also encourages you to talk to him about stuff. whether it be what made you mad, how much of a bitch vera can be, ect. he's there for you and that man is never gonna let you carry your burdens alone.
saying that, you also have to remind him that he can't carry his own burdens sometimes and when you encourage him to talk to you about what's upsetting him, he'll most likely tell, depending on how bad it is.
he also grounds you a lot!! if you tell him about your forgetfulness, he's most likely going to try and remind you.
" hey, [ name ], you did bring [ item ] into the match, right? "
" um... "
" goddamnit [ name ], i thought i reminded you "
naib takes it upon himself to rescue you, or keep you within his general vicinity if you're in a match with him. he does know you can kite very well though! he just wants you near him for a bit of reassurance.
he can be mean sometimes, but he means it in the most endearing way possible since most of it is sarcasm.
you two kinda have " stab as a warning " vibes so nobody really opposes the two of you. even norton. not even freddy dares to oppose you because the last time he did, aesop almost had to prepare his equipment to embalm the poor fella.
when you lash out at someone, naib is there almost immediately to take you away to calm down and comfort you when your guilt kicks the door down and goes " Hey girlie! Hold still 😎 "
sometimes you have to do the same for him because you both have a tendency to lash out.. but.. never at eachother? you two kinda agree on the same things, there isn't much to exactly disagree on.
please draw him!! watch him while he's training in the garden and draw him, or just a few silly doodles of him.
he likes looking at your drawings, it kinds boosts his ego knowing that he's worthy enough to be drawn.
if he finds out that you like music, he'll tell you about nepalese music, or at least what he knew of it - if you both get engrossed in it, he may try and get you some records to play.
teach him how to dance, if you can. it'd make listening to music together way more fun.
he's very content with you!! he likes kissing you out of nowhere, too. you could just be chilling and naib would come up to you, turn you around and give you a smooch outta nowhere. but only in private.
i feel like neither of you would be big on pda, you just stick to holding hands around the manor.
if this were in a modern setting, you two could probably play a game like phasmaphobia together just for funsies.
all in all, your relationship with naib is mutually beneficial and robbie has learned to never ask for sweets again.
i hope you enjoy this <3 it's my first time writing naib too so i apologise if it's not very good </3
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stevebabey · 7 years
hello cabbage feet mcgee and congratufrickenlations!! my name is kass and i think i'm hilarious (i'm not) i listen to so much shit ummm mostly pop and some rock kinda and maybe some hip hop?? i'm a pretty good writer (maybe) and english and history are my strong subjects. i love to act (it's my passion) and i hope to be an actress, photographer, screenwriter or director or just something w film. my selfie tag is #my face. LARB YOU RUBY CONGRATS
hellOO lettuce hands mcgee & thank you!!!
blog compliment!: um okay kass i totally freaked out when you were like “oh year i’m spideyyparker” and i waS like wAIT what bascially you’ve been way too cool from day one!! you’re an angel to everyone, i larb ur icon and layout and entire aesthetic and your writing??? whfiksdjla don’t get me started i just love you, sa-lad
ALSO I FORGOT TO MENTION THAT YOU NEED TO SEND IN A SCENARIO BUT BECAUSE I LARB KASS I MADE ONE UP FOR HER yeah kass yours is extra bc i love you and i forgot instructions
okay so peter
peter is fucking whipped for you
since day one
you were new to midtown and he didn’t completely notice you at first
too engrossed in his book
till ned elbows him like
“psst new girl”
and holy god
he’s pretty sure that when they talked about love at first sight this is what they meant
kass, you little cutie,
would’ve just been sitting, headphones in
trying not to look too weird or different for like your third day at this new school
but when the teachers hushes the class
everyone turns to ‘new girl’ because oops, someones forgot to turn off their loud music and now everyone can hear the faint tune of fergilicious through the ear buds
but peter just finDS it so adorable as you rip out your headphones with gloriously red cheeks
he finds out he’s in your history class too and fdsfklsdhnkds he spends the entire time gazing adorably at you 
“peter, you need to stop staring, its weird you loser” - mj 
“i think he prefers the word, ‘romantic admiring from afar” - ned 
but afterwards, he made sure that ned invited you to sit with them at lunch 
very persistently 
“you have to ask her to sit with us–otherwise she’ll be sucked up by the populars and then my slim chances of being friends with her become zero negative!” 
tho he didn’t want to be just friends
so ned asked if you’d like to sit with them 
it was a lil awkward (like all friendships are) 
“um, yes, hi, i’m kass–” 
peter just zoned out his only thought being kass 
oh my god i’ve just discovered the name of the love of my life
but with ned there the conversation carried really easily
just everything he learned about you was ???? amazing??? spectacular??? 
he’s supa supportive about your career and he loves going over lines and shit with you 
he goes on loads of photoshoots with you so you can practice photography 
but he spends too much of his time taking photos of you 
it means you get so many cute candid pictures of peter parker with a camera so??? 
he uses your love of film to have constant movie nights
“think of it as…studying!!” 
you can’t really say no though 
especially because movies are when peter gets confident enough to hold you hand under the blankets
because you still make this cutie really nervous
um basically peter parker would love you with his entire heart
and i hope you find your peter parker, lettuce hands mcgee 
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indiegem · 7 years
junhui + your birthday
it’s just been chilling in my inbox so i asked her if i could post her submission and she said yes so now everyone who reads this can suffer along with me and drown in fluffy feels. thANKS AGAIN FRIEND I JUST ASDFHJKL; BLESS.
@sassocrates:“so here’s a Thing. I hope you like it friend! Happy birthday!
so Jun is planning stuff for your birthday
and he’s freaking out about it a LOT
like, really freaking out
and he was hanging with Josh and Minghao, and he was STILL freaking out about Getting Things Right
to the point where Minghao is like “dude are you all good”
and he’s like “yeah I just want it to be really great, you know? because she deserves it and i’m scared that i’m going to be a let down and she doesn’t like”
and Josh and Minghao share this knowing look
and Jun’s like “what. what was that about”
“oh nothing”
there’s a silence
and Jun’s like “…what’s going on”
“nothing, nothing!”
“what are you thinking”
and he glares at them until josh breaks and he’s like
“I’M SORRY we were just wondering if you were gonna say anything to her”
Jun frowns in genuine confusion like “what do you mean?”
and josh is all like “well. You know. About liking her”
everyone is quiet
And then Minghao’s like “so. Do you like her?”
and Jun’s like “pft no we’re just good friends”
and Minghao’s like “yeah right”
Jun is Offended he’s like eXCUSE ME what are you implying
“I’m just saying… like. You’re so stressed about this, you know?”
“i… just want my friend to have a good birthday?”
and Josh is like “not to be that guy but like… you’ve been really enthusiastic about this. like you’re doing all this special stuff. Like. flowers. a nice restaurant. the sort of stuff that, if I were her, i’d think it was a date.”
“it’s not a date”
another knowing look
Josh and minghao are like “oh sorry sorry  it’s just. So obvious dude.”
and jun is having an existential crisis like !?!?!?!!?!?!?!
so he goes home afterwards and he’s sitting there trying to write your card
and he’s like??? blanking??? or not blanking
it’s just that when he writes anything down it just sounds s o o o cheesy
like he’s cringing at himself
and he’s like “why am i like this???”
“maybe… maybe they’re right? no, no, no, i’m just… there’s a lot of feelings i need to express, you know? not those types of feelings, just… totally platonic ones…”
even though he manages to convince himself it’s Just A Lot Of Platonic Feelings, he still knows there’s something off about it bc. he’s Jun. he’s always so affirming with his loved ones
but now he had to write a letter to you and he’s??? nervous??
and he’s like wHY so he decides to just write something down without thinking about it or looking at it and then he’s like iM GOING TO BED
so it’s the next day and Jun is waiting for you outside your house and he’s like. Really nervous
he’s gotten dressed up and he’s like “what if she thinks I’m ugly what if she thinks I look like a Fool”
and then he’s like “… maybe Josh and Minghao are right…” but he’s like “nO that’s insane she’s just my friend we’ve been friends for aaaages I’m being silly i worked it out last night”
but then
he sees you come out of her house and you’re dressed up and he’s like
and like he’s just standing there with the flowers and he’s floored and he’s like I cANT BREATHE
“well shit looks like I do have a crush on her”
ao he’s trying to process all of this but then you smile at him and he like. He literally Dies. He can’t take it
so he doesn’t even wish you a happy birthday he just sort of shoves the flowers forward like “hERE”
and you’re like !!!!!!!!!! bc they’re your favourite flowers and you’re like tHANK YOU SM
and he’s sweating he’s so nervous bc he’s like. Still processing the Truth and he’s like. “all my behaviour. All my feelings. They make sense now”
and you’re talking to him about something and he’s like sHIT I WASN’T LISTENING 
so he just smiles at you handsomely and you start blushing bc he has such a nice, warm smile and he’s dressed up so nicely and it’s like? but you’re like no i can’t think about him like that it’s unfair on him
truth of the matter is that you’ve had a bit of a crush on him for a while now but like. you feel bad about it bc you guys are good friends 
so you’ve just tried to push it away but how can you when he looks so damn good? 
but you’ve become really good at hiding it so you’re just like “hey! i’ve missed you!” and you go in for a hug
and he’s still screaming internally but he hugs you and he’s thinks “i have NO idea how i’m going to survive today why did i do this”
so he gives you your flowers and your gift but he keeps the letter to himself bc he’s like No i will be Exposed
the two of you head off to the restaurant, which is Jun’s big treat for you
it’s one you’ve wanted to go to for a long time and it’s a bit on the expensive sid
and it’s like this lovely restaurant and the people there all look so classy and beautiful and jun can’t help but think that you fit in there
so the two of you are seated and you’re both really excited bc !!! this is a cool experience
and waitress is like “oh is this an anniversary dinner??”
and Jun freaks and he’s like “NO NO NO it’s a birthday”
and the waitress is like “oh it’s sweet that you’re treating your partner like this on their birthday”
and Jun is like !!?!?!!??? “we’re not.. We’re”
but the waitress is GONE and jun is just. A mess inside
he’s doing a pretty good job of keeping it together externally tho
and he’s like. Asking you questions and trying to make you laugh bc he thinks your smile is a genuine blessing
and he can’t help but think about how happy he is to be a part of your life and he’s just
so enamored
like it’s actually kind of embarrassing but you haven’t noticed yet so it’s fine 
and so he’s like oKAY here’s a letter i wrote you for your birthday sorry it’s trash i just. kind of banged it out in one go
and you’re like “oh thank you!”
and you think it’s just going to be one big Meme 
but you read it and it’s just so heartfelt? and you actually start tearing up because you weren’t expecting it to be this so genuine?
so you don’t really know what to do and you just say a really quiet thank you
and jun thinks you found it weird and he wants to disappear but tHANKFULLY your food comes and you two engross yourselves in that
you only really make polite conversation over dinner and you’re both very scared and confused
so when you’re walking home, you try and make some conversation with him but he’s just. out of it
and you’re kind of concerned because you were just blown away by his letter and you hadn’t known how to respond? 
so you’re just like i gotta know if he’s okay
and you ask him what’s wrong
he turns and looks at you and he says “I think I’m in love with you”
you’re just like “what”
and he’s like “yeah”
and you’re like “I'm…”
and he’s like “yeah me too”
and the two of you fall silent bc of shock
and he’s like “I’m sorry… for being so forward… I was just thinking about our friendship and like… recently, I’ve been feeling a certain type of way and I was always like 'nah it’s nothing’ but it was definitely something like… I never used to be nervous around you but recently I’ve always been like… worried what you think of me… and being with you makes me really happy and i?? I just sort of ignored it bc it was easy but like… it’s the truth…”
and she’s silent for a few moments and jun is starting to freak out bc hE’S RUINED EVERYTHING
but then she says “you know what… it’s been the same for me”
“wait really”
“yea… like I was thinking abt you differently and I felt so bad bc I thought it was unfair on you so I just… suppressed my feelings and prayed they’d go away”
and he’s reeling bc. this is not what he thought would happen. he had braced himself for rejection 
he’s just so happy that he takes you in his arms and he presses a gentle kiss against your forehead
and it just feels so natural and so comfortable and you’re both like ????? why did it take us this long ?????
and you look up at him and you thank him sincerely for his letter and the two of you just sort of look into each others eyes and you realise you’re standing under a street lamp and it’s so cheesy but you don’t care 
he takes the plunge and he leans down and kisses you
and you’re like !!!!!!!!!!! but you kiss him back and melt into him
and he’s like why didn’t i do this sooner holy shit
and when you pull away you both just. can’t stop smiling and it’s the cutest thing ever okay
afterwards you’re just so blushy and shy and you hold hands while he walks you home
and when you get to your door he kisses you again and wishes you a happy birthday
and it’s officially the Best Birthday Ever because your gift was getting the best boyfriend in the world 
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