#this was sitting in my drafts and i want it out so Have Post
itischeese · 2 days
your honor, they're just my little guys.
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shitty sketches of the comic this was supposed to be part of under the cut
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maxbruiser · 2 days
*Desperately shaking your shoulders* Where is the Viking Fic!?! I need it!! I want it!!! ;0;
uhh here’s the first draft of chapter 1 if you wanna see.
untitled Viking fic, chapter 1:
 Long ago, before civilization existed, the beasts of the earth first roamed the lands. Animals which were made and born of the flesh and blood of their mothers, then were returned to the earth when they died. 
Then came the creatures from the heavens, who were made of magic dust in the place of flesh and bone. When they died, their bodies would be turned back into dust. These beings called themselves “monsters”. Among them there was peace.
Beasts and monsters could be found in all corners of the earth and lived amongst each other in the competition of “kill or be killed”.
Another being which owned a flesh body like beasts and possessed strong magic like monsters also walked the same earth as the beasts and heavenly creatures. Where they went there was war. These were humans. They- 
“What do they look like?”
Red stopped mid-sentence and rolled his eyelights, tired of being interrupted by his little brother again for the umpteenth time tonight. He laid his gaze on the image of his younger brother Edge sitting cross legged on the sleeping mat beside him. 
Their skulls’ angular features were illuminated in the lamplight. Sharp teeth and crimson eyelights shone brightly in the darkness of the tent. The amber glow of the lamp flickered as the flame fought against the draft. 
“What’d who look like?” Red asked impatiently.
Edge scooted closer to his brother and elaborated, phalanges laced and held tightly against his ribcage in wonder. “The humans brother! What did they look like?” 
Red blinked at him and thought for a moment, trying to remember how his father told him the same old story when he was a babybones. Come to think of it, he didn’t really know what humans looked like either. Well, he supposed, when a story is passed down through several generations without being written down, details tend to get lost.
He shrugged it off. Most of them have probably died out already anyway from starting stupid wars with themselves. Humans were stupid like that. Or so he was told.
“Hairless. With flat faces. That’s how Dad described them anyway.”
“Hairless?” Edge echoed, unclasping his hands and bringing them eyelevel. He was hairless. Other monsters weren’t. Did he look like a human?
“Yeah, and wrinkly too probably.” he said with a grin, sniggering at the reaction it brought out of his little brother.
“Eeeww.” Edge wrinkled his nasal ridge at the imaginary image of a huge hairless beast shaking a spear in threat. 
“Mhmm. And not only were they ugly, but they were strong too.” Red raised his arms above his head and flexed in example.
Edge snorted at his display. “Their magic was?”
Red nodded. Lowering his hands to brush the stray fur strands from his parka trim away from his face. He continued. “A single human soul could defeat an enemy army of more than a thousand monsters.”
Edge’s brows raised in surprise before furrowing into a glare. “A thousand monsters? You’re pulling my leg bone.”
The older skeleton sighed and laid on his back. It was getting late, and he was already plenty tired from walking from one merchant post to the next. But he’d stick it out. After all, the fate of the wealth and prosperity of their homeland was riding on his shoulders.
“I aint. And If you don’t believe me, then you can paddle your way back to the island and ask Dad.”
Edge huffed, head lowering as he let his fingers trace over the stitching pattern of the mat beneath him.
“Maybe I would if we weren't already so far from home.” he shot back, unenthused.
Red sat back up a bit, propping himself up on his elbows to look at Edge. “Says the babybones who blubbered and begged me to come along.” Red teased. His little brother bristled at his words, an offended gasp sounded from him.
“I AM NOT A BABYBONES!!” Edge screeched. Red was quick to clamp a hand over his loudmouth little brother’s teeth, shushing him and holding a finger to his own with his other hand.
“SSHHhh! What are ya tryin’ ta do? Wake up the whole mainland!? Fine! You're not a babybones, just please keep it down!”
Under normal circumstances, Red couldn't give a rip about how loud and annoying his brother was, but that was back in their home on the island, not camping behind a random trading post in a paper thin tent!
A beat of silence passed before Red’s hand slipped away from Edge's mouth, narrowly avoiding being bit by him and losing a phalange.
“M’not a babybones.” Edge mumbled, fishing out a brown, tattered blanket from his pack and shaking it out over himself. He didn’t bother undressing or even taking off his scarf, knowing that as soon as he woke up he’d have to be back on his feet and hiking to the next town in search of traveling merchants. It also didn’t hurt that his day clothes added a bit of extra warmth to help ward off the biting cold of the late Autumn. Not that he needed it, he was a skeleton of course. ‘The cold goes right through him’ as his brother would say. But he liked the little bit of comfort it gave him.
He pulled the blanket over his head and rolled over, curling up as he did so. From under the blanket Red heard a quiet and muffled “finish the story”.
He settled again, this time choosing to rest on his side. Now, where was he?...
Another characteristic that separated humans from the likeness of monsters was that their souls were inverted and held a color that would predict their greatest attributes. A crimson soul represents the trait of a human’s strong determination, orange equated to bravery, yellow meant justice, green kindness, cyan patience, blue integrity, and violet was perseverance.
At some point in Red’s storytelling, Edge had rolled back over to face Red, eye sockets peeking out from under his covers.
 “They sound like they’d make great warrior allies.”
Red held back a laugh, instead letting it go as a sigh. “Yeah? Well, maybe they woulda been if they hadn't all died tryin’ ta kill all the monsters.”
“Yup. Humans’re evil. Strong magic and a soul trait couldn't beat us. Now they're all dead. G'night.”
Red blew out the lamp and rolled over.
Red ignored Edge and tried to get comfortable on the floor mat unsuccessfully. Its thin design allowed them to be lightweight and easy to travel with, however, being easy luggage didn't mean comfortable. Like sleeping on a napkin-
“Ow!” Red yipped, hovering his hand over where Edge just kicked him in the back.
“But how? I thought you said a single human soul could defeat an entire monster army?” Edge questioned, clearly unsatisfied with the story’s ending.
‘Fuck it, he ain’t gonna let me sleep until he gets an answer.’ Red thought bitterly.
He rolled back over and said to him;
“Cuz they were already fighting among themselves that’s why. Couldn't stand each other already. Add another war on top of that mess and it just wipes them all out.”
Red’s glowing eyes find his brother’s in the dark 
“Monsters help each other. Humans don't do that. That's why we're still here.” 
He takes Edge’s silence for the end of the conversation. And a long night.
He shrugs off his parka and lays it over the both of them, the thick fur material giving them more insulation than the old blanket ever would.
“Get some sleep. The next post is farther up than the previous ones.” 
It’s still in the tent. The sound of the wind whistling is the only noise. The brothers find solace from the cold under their coverings. They drift off to sleep
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Rise Characterizations Pt. 8!!!!!!!!
This has literally been sitting in my drafts for so long I forgot it existed. Sorry to all the Baron Draxum fans (and Draxum himself, bbgirl deserves better). If you're new to my line of notes here's the beginning where I started with Raph. Alright part 8, Baron Draxum, here we go.
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Language Habits:
Speaks in long and drawn out sentences, if you're getting nervous about run-on sentences you're on the right track
Due to this, tends to give speeches or monologues
Dramatizes everything fairly eloquently, look for the most exaggerated form of a word. Classic villain speak: "imbeciles", "brethren", "eliminate"
Puts emphasis on those dramatic adjectives and verbs
Occasionally refers to himself in the third person, not as often as Raph
Tends to yell or raise his voice when frustrated or lost in passion
A common gag is trailing off in a casual tone about the severity of his experiments ie his "if it works right" about the ooze causing pain when mutating that poor fish guy
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Incredibly intelligent yet impatient. It isn't known to my knowledge who taught Draxum or if he taught himself, but his mastery of alchemy and fighting makes him a truly impressive opponent. However, he's always cutting corners to get to his goal. He wasn't willing to raise through the ranks of The Foot the traditional way, he created an army of mutants rather than seek yokai, and was unwilling to spend further time interpreting the prophecy of doom towards yokai-kind
Flair for the (over)dramatic. Draxum is almost your classic evil villain kind of guy. He'll pull out all musical stops, including flowing hair and clothes. On the other end he'll completely overreact and commit to things of little matter like his position as a lunch lady.
Unyielding in his stubbornness. Draxum is not easily swayed in his belief, and even as hard as Mikey tries he is not rid of his disdain for humans by the end of the series. Guy was also incredibly persistent in his research despite his lab blowing up twice. This also allows him to hold longer grudges, even resorting to childish pettiness if he feels annoyed enough.
Affinity for muscles and power. He was drawn to Lou Jitsu for many reasons, but a main one was definitely his muscles. All his guards are usually incredibly beefy, and he was immediately drawn to Raph as "beautiful" when he's reintroduced to his specimens. As for power, he's drawn to the dark armor and is lost in the ecstasy of being imbued with so much mystic energy.
Self-absorbed and egotistical. Draxum is kind of obsessed with his title and self-proclaimed responsibility for saving yokai-kind. He's not one to easily admit his mistakes and takes great pride in his work.
Willing to toe the line of morality. Huginn and Muninn have blatantly called him their evil boss, but Draxum does see his actions for the good of yokai-kind. I don't think he really cares if he's working with evil organizations (The Foot) or doing evil things if he saves the day.
Team builder. I think it's interesting how Draxum is drawn to building teams. He's drawn to working together, all he wants to do is unite yokai and his mutants into an efficient force. This does not mean he's very successful.
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Has minor telekinesis
Was a warrior before he was an alchemist
Does not have a good relationship with the Three Heads (apparent leaders of the Hidden City)
Controls seeds that can a) grow into vines, b) expand into robotic vine gauntlets, c) encase his gauntlets into meatier gauntlets that can shoot out waxy cocoons
Is referred to as a sheep-man from the brothers, but I suppose whatever animal you interpret him as is up to you
Has a great singing voice :) ( which is subjective I suppose)
Alright now that is finally posted just gonna let you know that this Isn't the last of my rise analysis posts!! I'm so sorry for the wait!! I got lost in so many schedule things. I'll try and pump a few more analysis posts out within these next few weeks (excluding June 16-22), but I've also been busy working on miscellaneous wips. Thank you for being so sweet to me on all the other notes posts, you guys are so awesome :)
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kinopio-writes · 6 hours
HH Characters x Physically Affectionate!Reader (Pt.1)
A/N: I don’t know why I decided to do this, considering I have three (requested) posts collecting dust in my drafts (along with an additional new one), but here you go. I’ve been feeling pretty unmotivated to write anything, so I settled on headcanons to make sure I don’t hit the ‘updated 1 month ago’ status again.
Warnings: None
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• she’d be a little surprised since she’s usually the one who initiates it
• but she gets over with it quickly and becomes really giddy about it
• you two go, “Mmm!” every time you hug (not a high-pitched “Mm!”, more like—“MMMM!!”. It likely depends)
• she’d probably give you tons of hugs after each exercise, especially if you did well (and if you’re a patron, that is)
• she also probably gives you quick and several pecks on the face
• she doesn’t really have a favorite one, but she loves being held
• overall, probably the best one to be affectionate over
• generally, she doesn’t like touch that much
• but if she likes you enough, she’s fine with mild touching (like on the shoulder)
• if you’re together, then by all means
• she’s usually the one who initiates it, though
• but unlike you, who’s so restless about it, she’s more on the casual side of affection
• she also doesn’t really have a favorite but loves holding you a ton
Angel Dust
• touched-starved, probably
• but that of course doesn’t mean he’s fine with you getting all handsy with him
• like, woah, lay off the merchandise! He doesn’t come for free
• he gets pretty confused if you do it without an ulterior motive of wanting something more
• but once he gets used to it, he loves receiving back rubs from you after a long day at work
• he also melts at any tender affection from you
• very obviously differs if you’re a woman or a man (non-binary and others are in between, I think)
• he’s more tolerant if you initiate it out of nowhere and you’re a woman, even if you two aren’t that close (as long as you’re not someone like Susan)
• flirtatious intent will not be put up with, however
• actually, depending on what you do, it might go past his head and he’d think it’s just all innocent
• if it’s obvious, he’d either get uncomfortable or he’d hide the fact he’s uncomfortable (depends if he didn’t expect it from you)
• if the touching is what Angel Dust would do, radio static suddenly starts to play
• if you’re a guy, don’t even try, lol
• if it’s too early in the relationship (not romantic, just in general), he would be hissing at you—possibly growling
• but if you’re the type to be affectionate after getting close with someone, he doesn’t mind all too much
• he’s fine with anything just as long as you don’t try to do all those things while he’s busy as the bartender
• don’t try to overdo it in public, either
• in private, however, he’s all yours
• he loves it when you give him shoulder massages or back rubs
• she doesn’t mind at all
• by at all, I mean at all
• but she usually initiates it, though
• mostly by climbing on top of you like a tree gremlin
• her favorite is when you pick her up and let her sit on your shoulder or head
• if you’re short enough, she loves holding onto your hand
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breadandblankets · 2 months
duke thru some combo of X-ray vision and just being straight up magic can see people's facial expressions even in face covering helmets/masks
people might find it disconcerting to work with say Cass, Jason, Steph, Luke Etc, but Duke finds it as natural as having a conversation barefaced
(the funniest way this would work is if he sees their faces superimposed onto their masks like we as comic readers see it)
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moongothic · 2 months
Okay so realistically speaking, giving birth is an excruciating, painful nightmare, and from the few Crocodad fics I've seen most people seem to prefer to write realistic pregnancy and make Luffy's birth a (physically) painful thing. Because it makes sense, it might be more relatable for some writers that way etc, and that's perfectly fine (like genuinely, it's not an issue at all, this is not a critique or a complaint)
God I don't know how to make this segue- Have any of you watched Ore Monogatari!! (My Love Story)? It's a great early 2010s romantic comedy series, funny as hell, super cute and sweet, would reccomend, but that aside. During the series the protagonist Takeo's mother gets pregnant and she ends up giving birth to Takeo's baby sister. And it's that scene, where Takeo's baby sister is born, that I keep on thinking back to whenever I wonder how Luffy's birth might've gone.
Takeo and his mother alike are Sturdy Motherfuckers. Like absolute gigachads, borderline superhuman, it's great and it's funny as hell. And because of that near superhuman nature... Takeo's mother goes to give birth at 4:15 pm. And she has finished giving birth at 4:16 pm. One fucking minute is what it took for this woman to bring a child into this world. An absolute legend
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The screencaps do not do justice to how fucking funny this is in the actual episode
And so like
Like we know Crocodile's been through absolute hell, being an amputee and all. And as Domino told us at the entrance of Impel Down, we also know the man did not even flinch when forced into Impel Down's traditional 200 Celsius cleansing bath (or 392F)
So Crocodile has better pain tolerance than the average person. Like, you might have to put in a bit of effort to cause him actually hurt. So if giving birth to Luffy was an absolute cakewalk for Crocodile, not only would it make perfect sense in-universe and be completely in-character for him, but also
It would be objectively funny as hell
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honeydots · 5 months
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i love olivia's flying dancer alt so obviously inigo needed an outfit too.....
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boy in silly sitting positions compilation
#cats#I especially like the last one where he just has one single paw poking out of that box for some reason lol#I still have costumes to post and like a billion other things.... grr... constantly failing at staying active on social media aughh#I think because currently my Main Focus is on trying to get my game done and stuff.. which basically just means sitting and writing all day#so there's not much to post about. Though I know the Good At Social Media thing to do would be to post about the#writing and share progress and talk about the game and characters or whatever to try to build interest or something but that is SOOO weird#to me.. I could maybe get it if it was like a tiny tiny discord groupchat of playtesters with like 5 people in#it.. But something about talking openly about things before they happen is weird to me?? Like presumptuous feeling or something#''oooo guess whats gonna happen LATER!!!'' like.. how do you know.. what if it doesnt. what if you dont finish it. what if its not the way#you think it's going to be. what if something changes. etc. Like I literally avoid movie trailers and game trailers for the same reason ghj#Even if it's not ME doing it it just feels... weird.. Maybe it has to do with my OCD and how I just don't like talking about ''future''#things in Certain Terms. Like if I was going to say ''Oh yeah sure. come over to my house in a few months''. I would have to follow it up#with like ''HOPEFULLY you can come over to my house in a few months'' or 'They'll come over in a few months MOST LIKELY''. Because just#stating that something will happen matter of factly takes for granted like.. what if somehting horrible happens and I DONT have a house#in a few months? or what if something bad happens to me. or to the person coming over? I can't ever DEFINITELY say with 100% certainty#that one could ACTUALLY come to my house in a few months. anything could change. So I have to allot for that in my phrasing. hbjjkn#There are a lot of situations where you're expected to just Assume Things but for some reason that bothers me. My brain literally does not#even Assume the most basic things.. like how do *I* know that just because it's someones birthday that they want to be wished a happy#birthday? what if they dont? everyone is different and has different preferences. I should check with them first. or wait until they public#ly announce that theyre accepting birthday wishes. I have to allot for all 5034859069 rare possibilities at any given time and never take#anything for certain. etc. ghjbjhbh.... ANYWAY.. I have been feeling a bit sick lately as usual.. but still slowly making progress on some#things. Moslty I need to edit costume photos. make sculptures. and work on the game. Going back reading some of the old writing from like#2018 and suprisingly I don't have to change that much of it? In fact I like it mostly. so that's good. I would be very interested if I were#playing the game myself. Though that doesnt mean much since my tastes are so niche lol..#Still really want to clear some of my million tumblr drafts as well... alas and aughh and ooughh and so on and so forth. Between all of my#evil appointments other such things...why cant I have one billion dollar to retire into relaxed hermit artist life of no stressors.. bleas
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compacflt · 11 months
idk if this question has already been answered or not but idrc, would your ice have considered it "talking about it" to admit his physical attraction towards mav? like calling him beautiful or genuinely complementing him. this goes for mav too
i do feel post debriefing ice would call mav beautiful openly or some sappy bs like that
love your writing 💌
anon i need you to know this ask was so cute it made me physically nauseous. i was sick all week thinking about how cute this ask was. thank you for sending it.
i actually had a couple drabbles where yes ice both pre- and post-TGM mission is like yeah im physically attracted to you, but it’s less like “oh my god you’re so hot 😍” and more like “i mean, yeah, you objectively look like tom cruise so it’s not like i really have a choice.”
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but “beautiful” specifically i had not thought of, and it has knocked me off my feet and made me go feral/rabid/undomesticated for a few days straight, so i will be writing something about this. thanks.
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Maybe I'll just step away for the rest of the evening ... or maybe a bit longer. I'm just feeling gloomy and little things are bothering me. (/nbh though--life is being challenging, rn, is all.)
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badolmen · 8 months
Not to be extreme but dear God hold onto hope.
Things will be better one day. People will sing and dance in colorful clothes under dazzling lights again. A parent will rock their child to sleep on a quiet night again. A grandparent will teach their grandchild to cook a family recipe again. People will laugh and cry and love and grieve in the most mundane of ways once more. This will happen no matter what you believe, but hoping and believing in such things will ease your heart and kindle your resolve to see it within your lifetime. Have hope, and you will give life to the world you hope to see.
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sluckythewizard · 3 months
SHHH SH HEYYY HEY DONT TELL ANYONE BUT... ive been workin on smth since BITB came out..... itsa lil musical animatic involvin kian and becky.... ITS NO WHERE NEAR DONE YET but loooook look im puttin lil screenshots under the cut. its supposed to go along with Am I In Heaven? by King Gizzard n the Lizard Wizard. infact yknow what cmere come sit with be bc ALOT of songs from the 'IM IN YOUR MIND FUZZ' album makes me think about becky and kian. oh my god. those two make me so damn emotional. like Her and I was the first one to rly resonate with me, and EMPTY was another good one, all just stuff about. yknow LOVE!! doomed by the narrative yet burning SO SO brightly in its last moments, holding hands, playing music, THEY WERE SO IN LOVE WITH YOU THAT THE COPY OF THEM LOVED YOU, AND YOUR COPY LOVES THEM TOO. WHAT A BEAUTIFUL, CRUMBLING, BURNING, HISSING, SQUIRMING, MELTING, CLICKING LOVE STORY..
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#THIS IS A DRAFT that i made like. months ago. woopsie.#BUT IM CHIPPING AWAY AT IT AGAIN. IT CANT STAY UNFINISHED FOREVER. ONE DAY YOU WILL ALL SEE! YOULL ALL SSSEEEE!!!!!!!#no reblogs either this stays between US!!!!!!!!!!#and if you guys like it enough i might post an old fuckin wip i have all packaged together on youtube. its a VIDEO it goes w the MUSIC!!#SOUND WITH THE MOVING IMAGE?? IVE ONLY EVER DONE IT ONCE!!!#ill post the Lord of Lightning animatic i made on tumblr when i get the chance. in the meantime i ahve it posted on twitter. GO FETCH#but THIS SECOND ONE is out there.. all synced together..#but its a wip and its rough and old and scuffed and i HATE IT. my son whom i wish was dead#but you can see it. for the small small price of uh. begging.#also ouuhh my god i love becky and kian so much... they make me so emotional.. SOMETHING ABT DOOMED SHIPS...#even as the boat sinks these two clung together so tightly. they really really did love eachother so much. even after ten years of ROTTING#of sitting and waiting and wondering 'where is she?' is she lost? hurt? did something happen? is she okay? did she even want to be here?#does she hate me? did she leave because she hated me? she never wanted to see me again? where is she? where is she? guess ill write a song#FOR TEN YEARS. when i was just busy. i was distracted. so much came up. things got serious. my dream became clear and i had to chase it#i didnt know you were waiting. im sorry. i should have chased the thought of you more. but i was busy. i was just busy.#i wish that i could apologize with the throat that was my own. i hope this copy will suffice. i hope this copy will suffice. UGH
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raiiny-bay · 3 months
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the degenerates: out of context
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jakowskis · 20 days
u kno when ppl have those rlly silly long fandom-specific dnis in their carrds that are like 'dni if u think scrunglus is not glorpo. and if u think scrunglus is squeegee tbh u should die.' im getting close to that point with torchwood i cannot lie.
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sincerely-sofie · 8 months
I made this blog mainly as a place to store art + memes for my fandoms and doodles of my original stories. I’ve posted a lot of the former, but none of the latter, so… Here you go? Have some goofy “incorrect quotes” inspired jokes of a project of mine called The Name-Oath.
Context is indented and italicized, but you can probably read through the doodles below without getting too confused if you skip it:
The first half of the actual plot is your standard fae romance starring a human woman who doesn’t realize the male lead is a supernatural creature, and just thinks he’s really into cosplaying alone in a mansion in some freaky forest. The second half is rom-com shenanigans between the divorced human woman and male lead after the world's ugliest breakup. He desperately tries to get back together at every waking moment and she just wants to hang out with her bestie Summer and raise her half-fae daughter in peace. The human woman is named Eglantine, but goes by Egg. She got stuck with the nickname during high school and decided to start going by it in an effort to have a more "average" sounding name. This did not work as intended, but it certainly helped her avoid getting her name stolen when she first met the male lead. She's something called a skipwitch. This is a whole worldbuilding thing I'm not going to get into here. The male lead is named Kieran. He is a drama king. He spent several centuries under magical house arrest. He can talk to rats. He has pretty hair. This is all you need to know about him, except maybe the fact that he's royalty. Summer is Egg's best friend, and she is the resident fae expert in her and Egg's coven. Competitive and protective of Egg. She hates Kieran's guts, and the feeling is mutual. Egg and Kieran's daughter is named Violet, but she goes by Froggy. She is a terrifying force of nature by virtue of being the offspring of a skipwitch and Unseelie prince. Enjoys microwave pizzas, her pet beta fish, video games, and getting her way. Alois is Kieran's invisible butler. He's a surprisingly talented singer.
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moongothic · 7 months
I want to preface this by saying that this is meant to be kind of a shitpost. I just. The thought passed my mind. I laughed at it. Thought about it again, laughed some more and I just had to get it out of my system. So here we are
So when I read the myth of Toyotama Hime I did start to wonder if it could be used as fuel for the Crocodad Fire, the myth being about Toyotama coming from Ryuugyuu Castle to give birth on land etc. And in One Piece, we do have that very castle on Fishman Island. Which isn't surprising or anything, Oda getting inspo/names from various mythologies is nothing new by a long shot, and it's unlikely you could somehow tie Crocodile to Fishman Island through that myth. Like Toyotama coming "from the ocean" could just be turned into "Crocodile coming from the sea as a pirate", doesn't have to be deeper than that
But then I thought
...Do we actually know Crocodile isn't part-merman
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Like. You see--
We know half-merfolk-half-humans do keep their fishtails like full-merfolk (see Charlotte Praline), and we know that while mermaids split their tails after 30, mermen never do. So between that and us having The Most Scandalous Feet Pics of Sir Crocodile (from the jailbreak cover story), well, we know he has basic ass human feet, so we know for certain he can't be half-merman
But also
Chimney is 1/4th mermaid. The only mermaid features she inherited from her grandmother were her hair color and her being a "good swimmer". Chimney is part-mermaid, and she has human feet
Like the only thing that could debunk this idea (based on what we know about Chimney) would be if Crocodile was a shit swimmer, but he's a Devil Fruit user so of course he can't fucking swim. So we have literally nothing to prove or debunk the idea.
So like
You've heard of "Crocodile is Whitebeard's bio-son" You've heard of "Crocodile is the missing Kuja Empress" You've even heard of "Crocodile is Xebec's son".
So how about
"Crocodile is 1/4th merman"
Why the fuck not
But the funny thing is
Not only would it weirdly explain why the fuck our beloved Sand Man Who Can't Fucking Swim is named after an animal known for swimming (like OP has weird fucking names, see; Smoker, Baby 5, Monkey D. Dragon, etc. What bugs me about Crocodile is the slightly contradictatory theming, but if he was named "Crocodile" by his merfolk parents, suddenly, it kind of works)
But also like. We know Crocodile fucking Hates the Government. And to be fair, there's plenty of reasons for anyone to hate the World Government, you don't need a personal grudge to hate them.
But if he had merfolk parents (who might be stuck living on the surface because they wouldn't have been able to get their child to Fishman Island without someone essentially delivering him there, 'cause he wouldn't have been able to just SWIM there), then there's a genuinely possibility said parent(s) could've ended up getting caught and turned into slaves. And boy would that give someone A Personal Fucking Grudge Against The Government
But also, due to the in-universe discrimination against merfolk, if Crocodile was part-merman it could mean he could've been harassed for it since a young age, or worse yet, could've become a target for slavers if anybody found out. And somehow, having to hide that part about his heritage would work really well into his trust issues
Not to mention, after escaping Impel Down, Croc and Jinbei have this brief convo (that turns racist) where Croc expresses his surprise over Jinbei being able to summon fish, having thought only merfolk could do that. Of course, Croc being a seasoned pirate and all you could totally expect him to like know about mermaid legends etc, but him having no knowledge about Fishmen is a bit odd. Especially because we know he's been to the New World, so you'd think he must've gone to Fishman Island at least once before? Although, his former Shichibukai Rights probably would've allowed him to cross over the Red Line through Marijois instead of having to pass through Fishman Island, but regardless, it's odd, is it not? But if Crocodile did have merfolk parents whom he got separated from at a young age?? Maybe he learned a thing or two about that side of his family, but never enough?? And then having to hide that side of his heritage could've left him just estranged????
Also IDK if it's worth anything but in the cover stories, we were introduced to our first mermaid Camie at the tail end of Alabasta, while the Miss Goldenweek coverstory ran during Water 7 where we meet Kokoro and Chimney. IDK it's a funny coincidence
I just
Could you fucking imagine
How fucking insane would that be, if Crocodile was part-merman
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