#to balance things out a bit
maranull · 1 year
excuse me, but imma brag a bit cause I earned it
almost 1000 words written today (my usual is maybe 200 on good days)
ch8 is fully checked and edited
and I'm at a decent spot on ch9 already
ehehehe :)
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ferronickel · 3 months
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A bunch of webcomic Ralseis! I've been wanting to do fanart for all of these comics for a while and I've got an upcoming page of my comic that requires a mix of styles/shading, so I thought this would be good practice!
Eldritchrune by @lynxgriffin
Looking Glasses by @ferronickel
The Chara Timeline by @lilybug-02
Reconnecting by @purplebehittindifferent
Twin Runes by @akanemnon
Flat colors under the cut because I think you can see some of the stylistic differences better without shading.
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kellterntempest · 18 days
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I never finished my stobotnik week prompts :'( but this is what i have for day 4: magic AU.
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animaxvi · 6 months
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"Always an adventure when I'm with you" 🌊☁️✨
Day 5 - 'opposites attract'
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stealingpotatoes · 5 months
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every year i think "there's no way I can draw as much as I did last year" and then then I make myself look like an idiot. ending 2023 with a genuinely disgusting number of arts this year:
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anyway call me a tree bc i'm abt to get real sappy: thank you all so much for a genuinely INSANE year in terms of how much i drew, how much i improved, and how much LOVELY support i've gotten!!!!!!! like my followercount more than quadrupled from the start of the year and i just can't believe?? there's this many of u?? that like my art???????? dead on the floor i love you all SO much!!!! thank u!!!!!!!!
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bongo-clash · 2 years
Peacock Au Part 1
Okay so Big Huge credit to @stealingyourbones for letting me do my own take on their amazing eldritch Danny idea!!!! This started out as me just doing a drawing but then I ended up with a whole DPxDC fic that I'll be posting the part two for at some point!!! Anyway, here's the vague designs:
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And here's the part one of the fic under the cut!!! :D (Edit: Part 2 is Here!!)
There’s a Lazarus Pit forming underneath Gotham. Normally, this would not concern John Constantine at all, because it’s Gotham, therefore Bat territory therefore not his problem, and honestly he has his own things to worry about. Unfortunately for him, however, the infamous Dark Knight has somehow gotten it into his head that he can do something about it and, Hell, he’d said it would be a ‘big favour’, which meant the man really must be desperate; had to have been in the first place, he supposed, to have even bothered with John in the first place. 
Still, he’d almost kind of forgotten what a huge mess any kind of favour for Batman could be, and thus, he now holds possession of a book that is probably going to get him killed. 
Whether the actual book itself wants to kill him is up for debate, but Constantine has read the contents of this particular Book of Summonings and nothing in here seems remotely safe. He’s absolutely going to be hiding this away somewhere deep in the archives of the archives of the Justice League watchtower with an incredibly pointed ‘DO NOT TOUCH’ on it once he’s done with this, but for now, it’s the only thing he’s got in the way of sorting out this Pit problem. 
There’s an entity that exists, this book claims, that keeps the balance between realms. ‘Closes doors’, apparently, and the doors the pages depict certainly look like a Lazarus Pit. This is brilliant news, obviously, but the book doesn’t describe the entity itself at all beyond that; barely any of the other entries are as vague as this, and that plus some of the frankly bizarre sigils he’s having to draw to summon the damn thing are giving him no comfort. The only remotely comforting thing about it is that the ritual doesn’t require any blood- which either means the entity is benign, or it wants something more valuable than blood. 
…Okay, maybe not that comforting, actually. 
But, before he can consider that maybe this wasn’t his best idea and backing out would be for the best, the sigils flare with light, and Constantine squints to keep track of the way they activate, desperate for any indication of what he’s managed to summon with that stupid book. 
His feet feel feathery against the ground, like they’re barely tethered by gravity and just waiting to float away, and perhaps the seeming lack of atmosphere is fitting with how dust like stars lift from the summoning circle, bringing with them intercepting layers of purple-blue-pink-white, galaxies and nebulae being peeled off the floor. It comes with a sound- something whistling, almost. Seeming hollow, between a shriek and a bell ringing, or maybe more musical than that. It seems to change every moment he tries to focus on it, as if it’s something his ears can’t really hear but his brain is desperate to process, painful to try. 
And then, the entity begins to form. 
Unnoticeably at first, a white glow drifts forming in the centre. It congeals as Constantine’s gaze finally fixates on it, layers forming like jellyfish trails, or flowers, or peacock feathers with runic circles at the tips, fading smaller and smaller as they reach the centre, and a thing akin to a body unfolds into view at the front, a centrepiece. A child’s image of a shadow in opalescence, a strange curving feature where a neck might be, and searing-green spots of varying sizes scattered along the space where cheeks and eyes could’ve been, fading up and down across the lower-half of the ‘face’ and into the ‘hair’. He barely understands what he’s looking at, but maybe that’s the point. 
The sound of a thunderstorm rings across the room, and the curve of the neck unfolds, and it’s an eye, and the tips of a thousand twisted, cosmic peacock feathers become eyes as well, if they weren’t always. They move, wavering, either lashing or flickering from visibility. 
“And what is this?” The voice is a kaleidoscope, echoing off and from every corner of the room, and when they speak, infinite eyes become infinite mouths, too many teeth barely contained by the edges of what seem vaguely like frostbitten lips. To have something even remotely human suddenly etch itself onto the entity is somehow worse than the parts he can’t comprehend. “Who are you, to have summoned me, and seem so afraid?”
Constantine wishes, maybe for the first time, that it hadn’t been an obligation to do this alone; he’s never wanted Batman or one of the Light members with him more than now. It’s a difficult thing, almost impossible, to shake off the speechlessness. It’s a wonder that it’s possible at all, with how the room seems to have been twisted into a vacuum. “I was told you could- you could help with the pits?”
“The pits. There are many pits.”
God, this is creepy. “The Lazarus pits to, uh, to be specific. There’s a huge one cropping up under Gotham that’s not supposed to be there, and the local- I mean, the locals are getting antsy about it. …I heard you can take care of them.”
“I can smell its blood between the gaps of atmosphere, encircling. You, whose soul is bound in so many directions, who may be pulled apart like meat in time- can you sense it? Does it draw you?” John doesn’t know how this- this thing knows that, but he’s scared asking will invoke some kind of consequence, and more and more he’s wondering why the Hell he decided to do Batman this favour. He feels exposed. 
“Uh… no, I don’t think so. But can you fix it?”
“…Will you fix it?”
The chill is getting to him. Goosebumps are running across his arms like a livewire, and he’s never doing anyone a favour ever again. The entity makes an approximation of a hum, his ears shriek with whale song and stars, and after a pause, everything switching up and down on itself, the peacock eyes form into huge, reaching hands. For a second, Constantine’s whole body freezes with terror, because he’s petrified the thing’s going to grab him, but then the arms tumble phasing into the ground, and the green spots on their ‘face’ flare with a supernova glow and they make another piercing noise, chiming or trilling. 
A long moment later, the hands slowly return to the entity’s back, and fade into the peacock feathers or jellyfish bells or whatever they were before, blinking at him. “It is gone.”
“Uh… cheers?”
“It will not return, but this place shall see its dead for some time. Try not to look.”
This is maybe the worst day of Constantine’s life. “Can I- uh, yeah, great advice. ‘Appreciate it. But, can I ask just, y’know, what you are? Or not.”
“That is up to you.” They say, and though the eyes that appear briefly between sentences bely or reveal no expression, it feels scrutinising. “What is it that closes doors? Is it alive?”
He hates riddles. He hates riddles and he hates cosmic horrors and he hates eldritch entities and he hates Batman for getting him to agree to this horrible favour. He wants to go back to the House of Mystery and pass out for long enough that this whole thing becomes a dream. “Fair enough! Forget I asked- cheers for sorting out that pit, though. Uh, don’t suppose you’ll just let me go on my way or anything now.”
“I know of your Bat.” 
Oh dear. Constantine’s stomach sinks like a shipwreck into the Mariana Trench, but the entity moves on like they’d never even said it. “I will recede, and find you in time, perhaps both. You will know when I am coming, and I will find my recompense.”
And just like that, their whole form shimmers into clouds and pearls and smoke and mirrors, and they fade back into the runes that summoned them like tap water down the drain. The galaxies they’d formulated within the confines of the room fold back in on themselves and turn to whispers and then nothing, but the feeling persists on his skin long after weight has settled back onto his bones. He hadn’t known a thing like that existed until now. He doesn’t know what it can do, doesn’t know how all-encompassing it truly is. 
And he owes it a favour. 
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"TAZ Balance was so much better than what they're doing now—" boooooo. tomato tomato tomato i'm throwing tomatoes
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luck-of-the-drawings · 2 months
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smth smth about 'the thing that the character did that you thought was rly rly funny in the moment is actually linked to a terrible trauma that lies within said character.' or wahtever.
#jrwi show#jrwi fanart#jrwi riptide#gillion tidestrider#made this within a short span of wahtever bc i gotta go up to the mountains for my stupid gay job tonight n im trying#nnot to frrRREAAAK THE FUCK OUUTTTTTTi dont wanna work but. get that bread we fuckin shall i guess#ONWARDS TO THE FISH TORMENT!! sometimes flowers feel pain when you trim them before their blossoming. atleast i imagine so#i used to draw gillion with loooong hair tied into a big ol braid. and then it was confirmed that he had short hair when he was little.#AT FIRST I WAS SAD. but then i realized the duality of. when they were little. gill had short hair. edyn had long hair.#AND NOW THEYRE OLDER. and gillion has long hair. and edyn has short hair#both mirroring eachother. looking up to eachother. subconsciously or not. they most certainly care. and most certainly miss eachother.#GILLION ALWAYS LOVED HOW LONG HAIR LOOKs. atleast i imagine so. he hasnt cut it since he left the undersea. sure he wanted to go back home#but even at the very start. he knew he was free in some way now. free to grow out his hair. an adventure would await him before he returns.#he knew it would be a while. so he cant let this go. he cant let this sought-after hair-length get cut away from him again#not yet. not yet. i like to think he loved music too. I SAW SOMETHING INTERESTING A BIT AGO#i see alot of ppl commenting on my baby gill comics like;'i wouldFIGHT this teacher i wanna KILL EM i want them DESTROYED#all very good and nice sentiments! i LOVE the energy here! and it would be nice. to have that catharsis#but the story of young tidestrider is not a story of catharsis. it is a story of agony and being so so small and so special and also so dum#and sucking so bad. and just being a kid and doing the things that a little kid does and so many tired tired people reacting badly to it#youre supposed to be the hero that will save us. our world hangs in the balance and you are the one who tips the scales.#YOU are supposed to SAVE US!! you NEED to SAVE US! CAN YOU PLEASE STOP SQUIRMING IN YOUR STUPID CHAIR!!#you'd think that young tidestrider ought to prevail. and be tucked someplace all safe and sound.#elders gone missing and rotting in a jail. their cultists nowhere around. but theres no happy endings. not here not now.#this tale is all sorrows n woes. you may dream that justice n peace win the day. but thats not how this story goes#BIG ideas for this lil baby gillion series. if anything i make ever gets disproven im killing myself in a well as to poison a water supply
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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For your consideration.
(Reminder to vote in the poll)
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skunkes · 3 months
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westwindy1 · 4 months
Neither Hiccup nor Astrid would make a good Chief. Hiccup is an inventor and a wanderer; he's innovative but he's not particularly considerate when he's making decisions. He doesn't think about other people, he just jumps right into things and the other Vikings just have to tough it out and suffer the consequences.
Hiccup leading the Vikings away from Berk was stupid, he was displacing hundreds of Vikings and putting them at a tactical disadvantage, so was trying to befriend Drago in 2 and in HTTYD 1, he definitley was not thinking at all with the whole bola thing. It's really obviously implied that his inventing and trying to shoot down dragons caused problems before and his repeated efforts to the same end pre canon really shows a lack of thought and consideration for others.
Astrid is an amazing warrior; she's razor focused and determined and excels under whatever set of rules she's made to operate within, but being a good warrior does not mean having good leadership skills, expecially when part of being a good warrior means being good at deferring to other people. She leaves it to Hiccup to make the eccentric decisions, like in the first movie with the dragons.
When she takes initiative, things don't usually end up well, like when she was smack talking to Drago. She's not an out-of-the-box thinker; There's just not much sense to it.
Astrid also defers to Hiccup too much, even in the third movie where the decisions he makes are heavily led by her words; she never outright tells him to do something, just implies and implies and waits for him to get it, and the ends she's working towards aren't even for the best of the village; they are, in part, self motivated.
Neither of them listens to other people; Hiccup listens to himself and what he thinks is right even when it's not and Astrid listens to the lead. Everyone else just has to follow along.
Hiccup CAN'T lead.
Astrid can't, either.
A good Chief would consider the voices of the people, they wouldn't be trying to push people into working for their own personal motivations. It should be the opposite; they would instead take the improvement of the quality of life for everyone and their physical and mental health as their first priority.
A good Chief would WANT to do that, which is also why I don't think either Hiccup or Astrid would be great at it.
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crystalpallette · 23 days
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get you a girl who can give you everything
this started a long long time ago when I made a joke about how sega should put ringo in more dresses, and then my friend reminded me that oh yeah!! I can do that instead!!! and then one thing led to another and we joked about punk ringo and I drew that too. using ringo like a dressup doll is so cathartic it's kinda crazy
some bonuses (original designs, timelapse) under the cut bc I like these designs!! I might do some more with them!! please disregard the band poster in the first second of the timelapse that's something else!!!
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#everyone look at my girl isnt she so pretty#puyo puyo#ringo ando#my stuff#please look at the timelapse it nicely packages a week of suffering into a minute :)#you cant tell at all from the recording. but all those teeny tiny scallops on ringo's dress? i drew all of those by hand#because the scallop brush i downloaded didnt look right. it never does why do i have that#plus the lace cutouts on the bottom i also drew by hand because i wanted them to look kinda like bunches of apple seeds#but thats not really a thing you can search for- 'lace brush that looks like apple seeds' is wildly specific#there's probably an identical brush to what i painstakingly drew by hand but dont tell me about it i want to think i did that for a reason#punk ringo on top was a lot less work on the lineart bit except for that godforsaken guitar#i had to make sure it looked right and it took forever#but what punk ringo gave me the most trouble with was posing#i knew i wanted an arm out to mirror lolita ringo but thw initial draft was meant to be her holding the guitar the opposite way she is now#(as in her hand was gonna be backwards)#and do you know how hard it is to balance a guitar like that. i had to grab my guitar and do a photoshoot to see what was most natural#while still having leg up arm out#this was fun to do even if i had about three crises in the middle of it#i tried doing my old rendering style again after a while and it was fun too#lolita ringo gave me a bit of trouble in the fact that my brain couldnt handle the dress being shaded but the apples being flat#but we got it lmao. i dont know if ill ever do this again it took too long#but maybe half of the time was because suddenly halfway through everybody needed my help for something or other that required me to leave#anyway wow thats enough rambling. i should go to bed now
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electrozeistyking · 28 days
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Me when I have thoughts about Varian and The Seven Kingdoms, but then implement them into the Blind Varian AU. So, uh. Yeah.
-In general, Varian in this AU randomly cracks jokes at his own blindness. Hearing the responses to them makes him laugh. He has not gotten tired of it yet, and is a menace. It's not the first time Hugo has heard him do it, but it's the first time he reacted that strongly.
-Yong has taken it upon himself to describe things to Varian, especially if he finds them cool. That being said, he once described Hugo just to distract Varian from the fact one of his fireworks went very, very wrong. It worked. Called Hugo's nose big, though.
-Varian will now also put his goggles on in certain situations beyond anything to do with science and alchemy and other things. Just to make sure nothing randomly gets in his eyes or somehow stabs into them (he'd like to keep them, very much).
-Varian usually turns in the direction of people he likes/cares about when they're talking, just to be polite. I imagine Hugo might be annoyed by that, considering that it would it take a bit before Varian starts doing that with him.
-Hugo has been smacked over the head with Varian's staff before. And was subjected to a prank where Varian claimed that he wanted to feel his face, only for him to slap both of Hugo's cheeks as hard as he could. See? Menace.
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that-ghosts-art · 11 months
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Everyone go read @biplet ‘s Portal Fantasy :3 end of statement
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project-sekai-facts · 2 months
Isn't there Minori's image color on the logo? Like there's paw prints and minori is the only character who has a dog besides hona. Would they do that? Could they pull that off? Since they dgaf anymore?
i'm dying over on discord about this rn
those aren't...member image colours. those are VBS/WXS/MMJ/LN unit colours.
Rui and Nene work too, but it’s pretty much confirmed that Tsukasa and Emu are the fes cards, so is clpl cruel enough to put 3 of 4 wxs members on lim rateup 8 days after wxs lim rateup?
I need to stop saying things...surprise rui lim? even if it's not rui or he's just 3* or something I still don't think it would be Minori. She already has 6 lims. I mean they could give her a 7th but there's still characters on 4 lims, that feels a little too unfair even by colopale standards.
Under the assumption that it is indeed all units except Niigo then Akito/Rui/Honami (based on the title colors) + anyone in MMJ except Minori for the 3* (based on green being a secondary color). However if you wanted to say those were member colours... Akito/Honami/Nene/.....KAITO (???).
I'm gonna tentatively say Akito/Honami/Airi/Kaito still, but I wouldn't be surprised if the lineup was Akito/Honami/Rui (darkfes 2.0) with no 4th card to balance the fact there's 3 fes cards. Then an MMJ 3* card. Basically there’s no Niigo and that’s all that we can tell from the logo.
Also I think it might be sports themed? There's a frisbee and some dog paw prints so maybe like that frisbee dog game from wii sports resort LOL. Akito gets over his cynophobia event.
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laundrybiscuits · 6 months
let me out my head, let my mind run free / let me just pretend that I feel like me / need a flicker start ‘cause I’m ready / anything to spark a new beginning
That murky summer was the longest of Eddie’s life. It had started in rapid-fire panic and death like a blockbuster horror flick, and tapered off to a dull ache that seemed to stretch over his body and soul like a shaky meniscus. 
He moved slow, that summer. He’d never thought too much about his body except as something that had inconvenient wants and needs sometimes; it cleaned out the fridge and cupboards faster than Wayne could fill them, it kept shifting and fidgeting when he knew damn well that he had to sit still, it had strange hungers that he swallowed down again and again. 
In the spring, he’d opened his eyes to a pea-soup fog of pain, and for a little while it had felt like he didn’t have a body at all, just a useless collection of twitching flesh pieces strung together with chicken wire. 
It got better. The docs threw around words like “miracle,” but it didn’t feel much like one. Mostly it just felt like getting back to his old body, but with all the dials turned down. Slower, especially at first, and stiffer, and weaker. Everything took twice as long to do, and consequently the summer became longer and longer. It might’ve had the same number of minutes in it that all of Eddie’s summers always had, but every one of those minutes was soaked through with a grey kind of languor. 
Dustin didn’t really get it, but he kept coming around anyway. With him came Steve Harrington.
Steve didn’t talk to Eddie a lot. Not that summer. Not at first. He was just sort of there, flipping through a magazine in the corner of Eddie’s hospital room like a blurry apparition, then shepherding in Dustin and sometimes Mike and Lucas (and even Erica, once or twice) while Eddie held exhausted court from a recliner, handing them off like a pack of puppies for Eddie to watch for a couple hours.
Eventually, Eddie roused himself enough to ask: “Where do you even go while they’re here, man?”
“Just around, I don’t know,” said Steve. “I drive around. It’s nice out.”
“That’s really dumb. Just stay here,” Eddie told him. So after that, Steve stayed. 
It was easier when Steve could say hey dickheads, Eddie’s tired, let’s go. And then ten or fifteen or twenty minutes later it’d be quiet again, and most of the time Eddie wouldn’t even bother  moving, he’d just curl up and fall asleep on the recliner. 
He was just so worn-out all the time. There didn’t seem to be any such thing as rest for him. Even when he wasn’t actually sleepy, getting through the day felt like slogging through calf-deep sand. 
The first time Steve showed up by himself, Eddie wasn’t sure what to make of it. 
“I thought Henderson left for camp this week,” he said. Steve had a key by that point, to save Eddie having to get the door all the time, so he’d just walked in and started unloading groceries. 
“Yeah,” said Steve, like it was obvious. “That’s why he’s not here.”
Eddie didn’t ask the conspicuous follow-up question, but he thought it real hard as Steve shut the fridge. 
Maybe the bat bites had psychically linked them after all, because Steve huffed out a sigh and turned around. “I brought a couple of those movies you like—the werewolf one and the zombie one. Plus we just got Jewel of the Nile, so I figured if you wanted a change of pace…” Steve wiggled his eyebrows, and Eddie found himself laughing without really meaning to. 
“You thought I’d like Jewel of the Nile for a chance of pace?”
“No, I thought I’d like Jewel of the Nile and you’d put up with it because you’re such a good friend,” Steve said. “For a change of pace.”
So that’s how Eddie found out they were friends. 
After that, it was easier. That was about the time Eddie started being able to move around a lot better too, so it all got tangled up in his head: Steve, and movement. Freedom, and Steve. 
It was a lot to put on Steve’s shoulders, so mostly Eddie tried not to. But Steve kept coming around by himself sometimes even after Dustin got back from camp, and the back half of the summer passed a little smoother and a little sweeter like that. 
The kids started preparing to go back to school, and Eddie didn’t. Steve very blatantly tried not to ask about it until one evening, sitting on the porch, he finally said: “School.” 
He pressed his lips together like he hadn’t even meant to say that much. Eddie just shrugged.
“Got my pity diploma in the mail, dude.”
“What? When?”
“Like, uh. A month ago? Maybe two?”
“Shit, man. You shoulda told me, I’d have—we’d have—the kids’d go nuts, you know that.”
“Yeah, I know that.”
“What, uh. What’re you planning? Like, what’s next?”
Eddie rolled his shoulders. “I dunno. What’s next for you?”
Steve leaned back, bracing himself on his hands and looking up at the violet sky. After a moment, he said, “Guess I don’t know either. Maybe we both need, like…a fresh start. We could, I don’t know. Go somewhere.”
“Ste-eve Harrington.” Eddie smiled up at him. “Are you asking me to run away with you? Whatever will the society papers think?”
Steve didn’t take the bait, though. He just grinned back at Eddie and said, “Maybe I am. Whatcha gonna do about it, Munson?”
Eddie hesitated, but what did he have to lose? Or rather—what did he have to gain?
He reached out, slow and careful, and settled his hand over Steve’s. It felt like a circuit connecting. Like something was clicking back together inside of Eddie at last.
Steve didn’t say anything about it, but he didn’t move, either. They just sat there for a while in the twilight, watching the light change.
DVD extra:
“I’m going to see Eddie!” Lucas hollered, halfway out the door. “I’ll be back by dinner!”
“Uh-huh, and I’m not good enough for your stupid boys’ club?” Erica shrieked, tearing around the corner and skidding to a stop so she could plant her hands on her hips and glare at Lucas.
“What?” said Lucas. 
“It’s just a little suspicious how there’s no girls allowed when you go see that long-haired freak,” she sniffed. 
“Do you…want to come with me?” Lucas said slowly. 
“Of course I don’t, dumbass! Why would I want to go?” Erica pushed past Lucas, swinging her backpack over her shoulder. “But someone’s gotta make sure you stupid boys don’t burn the place down.”
“Hey, Lucas,” called Steve, leaning out of the car window. “Erica coming with us today?”
Lucas made frantic throat-cutting motions.
“Huh?” said Steve. “She’s…not coming with us?”
Lucas groaned and jogged up to the car. “She’s coming, just don’t talk about it,” he hissed. 
He thought for a second about trying to slide over the hood of the car like cool guys in the movies, but if he messed it up, Erica would never let him live it down. She’d be telling the story at his wedding and his funeral. So he just walked around to the passenger side like a normal person and got in.
“Seatbelts,” said Steve.
“I remember you being less of a nerd,” said Erica. “Now move it, the king of the nerds is waiting.”
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