#top three ask game
#19: Top 3 animated series
Hilda. Hilda. HILDA. This show is SO CUTE and SO CHARMING and I fell in love with it as soon as I saw the first episode! The art style is really nice, and the color palette complements everything perfectly. The characters are new and fun, and I'd totally recommend Hilda to anyone that asked (which I did, lmao)!
The Hollow was actually pretty underrated. So basically, three teens wake up in a bunker without any of their memories. The teens have to work together to escape the bunker and the world they're in. The series has a really cool plot, and is actually pretty inclusive (ex: LGBTQIA+ parents, dark skinned characters, etc.)! The animation always gave me kind of a Tim Burton vibe. The Hollow is criminally underrated and I want to change that!
Last but not least--call me immature, I don't care--is Bluey! I'd heard of the show long before I started watching it, but eventually I got around to watching it on Disney+. That was a good choice! The characters are relatable, the jokes are funny, and the artstyle is nice and simple. I was able to connect to parts of each character immediately, and thinking about what I'd do in their situation. Bluey is really charming and sweet, it's up pretty high on my list of animated shows for that.
The Hollow
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takaraphoenix · 2 years
Let's start with of course Percy Jackson for the Top 3 ask game
Thanks for playing! :)
3 male characters I love: Percy! Nico! Octavian! YES my trash son makes my top three ùû
3 female characters I love: Clarisse, Reyna and Hazel!
3 romantic ships I love: obviously Nico/Percy and then also Jason/Percy and Octavian/Percy, if I have to narrow it down to three
3 platonic dynamics I love: Nico and Reyna are a friendship that means so much to me! The original Golden Trio of Grover, Annabeth and Percy also have to make the list. Aaand mmh oh yeah Tyson and Percy, I looove big brother Percy!!!
3 favorite moments in canon: When Percy controlled a goddess because hot damn boy yes. Obviously Nico's confession before Cupid because it felt incredibly validating to me personally. Third one's hard to be honest... it's been a hot minute since I read the books. Oh! Oh, blue cake and Nicercy, yes. How could I forget to include that.
3 favorite headcanons: pan!Percy is very important to me. Also that Percy can get pregnant because mpreg is literally canon in Greek mythology and particularly with Poseidon. Bianca reincarnating into Nico's firstborn daughter v_V
3 least favorite things about it: The fact that HoO doesn't line up with its own bloody prophecy by making nine demigods essential to the fulfillment of the prophecy but the prophecy is only about 7, because clearly Riordan just retconned Nico and Reyna into more importance after they became very popular. The entire damn ending of HoO, just tear the last like three chapters out.
Top Three Fandom Ask Game
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dimitrscu · 3 months
when i see someone put both radahn and malenia in s tier on their boss ranking list
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la-pheacienne · 2 months
Top 5 literary works written before the 21th century
I'll answer with my faves so this is highly subjective of course:
Les Miserables because I would have been someone else if I hadn't read that book at 14
The Great Gatsby because we stan delusional men with a pretty smile trying to repeat the past
Le Cousin Pons because old gay neurodivergent artists doomed by the narrative
For Whom the Bell Tolls because I need a room full of health care specialists before even attempting to talk about that book
Ninety-three (Hugo) because I cried for a week after finishing it
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
I’m starting a tag game so hAh take that >:D
Anyways it’s time for some self love sooooo
List your top 3 favorite works (art fics whatever u want)
AND WHY :D gotta make sure to do the why👹no self deprivation here🕺
Feel free to rope anybody else into this chain we gotta self lovo 🤸‍♀️
GHOST! This is so cool oh my goodness! Let's make a chain! >:D
1.) Operation WereTiger: BackFired!: One of my favorite works for Bungo Stray Dogs! It combines all my favorite things: Lee!Dazai, Atsushi's paw hands, collaborating with friends, and absolute mayhem! Nym (@intheticklecloset) is a fabulous writer- and getting an opportunity to collab and befriend her makes this fic extra special in my book ^w^
2.) Girls Night: I adored writing this fic ajlkjarkjeajkrakj It's not often I get the chance to write Shinobu and Mitsuri's friendship, nor do I get the chance much to write something so Muichiro-centric. This fic covered both! :D Getting to write these three having a sleepover and bonding brought me so much joy alejkrakjrekj I just love writing sleepover fics!
3.) Phone Chaos: Lookie, it's our collab! :D I love collabs, can't y'all tell? Alongside that- Spy x Family is one of my favorite anime/manga! The characters are hilariously cute, the story is funny and intense, and I adore these two as a couple so much. Also writing Yor with her face covered in chocolate to go alongside your art with her covered in chocolate is beyond funny alkjrkeakraekrjk
No pressure tags: @rachi-roo, @gladdygirl18, @tklpilled @danibby @otomiya-tickles, @duckymcdoorknob @myreygn @ticklish-n-stuff @intheticklecloset @skribblz @helloitsghost (That's right- I'm tagging you too :P) + Whomever reads this and wants to play! :D
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pocketramblr · 2 years
AU game 1! 5 headcanons for an AU where Tamaki is (inexplicably) a vegetarian, and the Quirks he manifests from eating all his veggies leads him to intern with Kamui Woods instead?
1- Tamaki is a vegetarian because when he was very little and it first manifested, he grew chicken feathers and was so terrified that he was actually turning into a chicken that would be killed and eaten too, he never touched any meat again. This is in spite of his mother having the same quirk as him and telling him that won't happen, but anyway. Instead he uses vines for reach and thorns for attack
2- his hero name is still Suneater, from Mirio's suggestion, and his hero costume is similar, but kinda leans more "forest elf" I guess- green accents instead of purple. Tamaki is relieved when Kamui Woods approves of him wearing a mask that fully hides his face, instead of a transparent visor.
3- Tamaki takes some supplements due to being vegetarian, including iron. This means he's able to manifest iron as a shield, but tends to only do it as a last resort because it really upsets his stomach. Kamui Woods saw this one time and asked if he could manifest other things not just plants, and had he tried meat before? Tamaki panics and bluescreens while saying he can't, leading Kamui Woods to believe that in a trade-off for his quirk, Tamaki can't even digest meat, let alone manifest anything.
4- Kamui Woods is an interesting mix of private and public- keeps a lower profile from his current home and life, but also had a documentary about his apparently horrible childhood made. Tamaki approves of the former, but not the latter, so while Kamui is a great mentor for fighting technique and rescue strategy, he's not quite getting through to him about any publicity.
5- In his second year, Tamaki and Kamui were on patrol after school when a sludge villain attacked a middle schooler, who caused several fires in retaliation. Kamui Woods was unable to get close due to the flames, and Tamaki prioritized rescue over combat, meaning he was running low on any food by the time he turned to consider fighting Sludgy. Then another middle schooler ran out in front of him and tried to help, and then All Might showed up, and Tamaki held it was the most terrifying day of his life for over a year.
+1- (Until the day he's called in to talk to 1A, which he was happy to do instead of going to his internship, which has been different since Kamino and Kamui rocketing up in the rankings, Tamaki does not like change and he likes the publicity increase even less, and he sees those two middle schoolers again, in that class All Might teaches sometimes, and they're asking him too many questions and scowling at him and they were there that day and at Kamino and here now, and nope, they're cursed, he's not dealing with that, he's out of here, Nejire let go of his arm, he wants to go to 1B and get the vine girl to join the internship to take the focus off him, please no Mirio he just wants to leave-)
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st-just · 1 year
Top 5 foolish supplicants, hoping to turn their enemies strategies and weapons against them
The scheming prince, dreaming of regal glory.
The desperate strategist, jumping at any chance to avoid an inevitable defeat.
The scholar, starry-eyed at the grandeur of the mechanisms of the world.
The sin-eater, convinced that by damning themselves they can save the ones they care about most.
The prodigal, grasping at the patronage of something vast for the power they need to escape their circumstances and inheritance.
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boltlightning · 6 months
Got to ask.. top 5 Norrington lines?
ooh. lines and deliveries are, again, very different from choosing a scene as a whole......hmmm. i know i've made this exact list before but it seems just as difficult now. let's give it a go:
i know i was just talking about this yesterday but. the deleted scene where elizabeth accepts the proposal. his delivery of "but is it so wrong to want [your word] given unconditionally?" is so!!!!!! this one line demonstrates that 1) he knows elizabeth is lying to him, 2) he is giving her a chance to be honest about it, and back out before they both regret it, 3) he holds her in very high esteem despite knowing this, and 4) he just really wants to love and be loved in return. it's devastating. i can't think about it for too long
"my story? it's exactly the same as yours, just one chapter behind. i chased a man across the seven seas; the pursuit cost me my crew, my commission, my life." he is blinded by hindsight and justifiably angry by it all; this is the most raw we ever see him
to similar effect: "one good deed is not enough to redeem a man of a lifetime of wickedness". said the guy who sacrifices himself for the exact reason. ok, buddy, go off.
"our destinies have been entwined, elizabeth. but never joined." self-explanatory. i definitely cannot think about this line too long or i lose my grip on reality. next question.
swerve: "you hired me; i can't help if your standards are lax." gets me every time
top 5 asks! 🧐
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Just accidentally discovered my most unhinged tags so new tag game: what comes up when you just type in *
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For the top 3 ask game: 28!
28: Top 3 songs from musicals
HEATHERS. THE ENTIRE SOUNDTRACK. Seriously! But since I can only pick one, I'm gonna go with Dead Girl Walking. I fell in love with it immediately, the instrumental slaps and the vocals are done super well!
I'm going to have to go with Non-Stop or Room Where It Happens for my second one. I love both of them equally. I really love the overlapping in Non-Stop, but the tone shifting, vocals, and instrumental in Room Where It Happens are all SO GOOD!
For my third one, I'm going with Cell-Block Tango. I've never seen the original musical, but each woman plays their part so well, I can't help but fall in love with the song! And honestly, now that I think about it, it kinda fits JD... "It was a murder, but not a crime!"
Dead Girl Walking
Non-Stop or Room Where It Happens
Cell-Block Tango
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takaraphoenix · 2 years
with the movie news, how about teen wolf for the game?
Thanks for playing, though that movie should never be the reason for anything imo! xD
3 male characters I love: STILES STILES STILES he is one of THE BEST BOYS on TV!!! I love this character so much! Second, Derek with his broody dry sarcasm, absolutely delightful. Ah, let's complete the trio of main characters and take Scott, he's honestly so funny and sweet
3 female characters I love: KIRA! I love Kira so much she is so adorable and such a disaster in the best of ways, also I'm sorry but badass kitsune??? Hot damn! Second would be Allison, I always found her incredibly compelling and I am still mad at how she died (but then I'm also still mad at how they shelved Kira. Mh. Here's a trend for you. Date Scott McCall and you get canned <_< Weird writing decisions imo, considering he's the titular lead). And thiiird Melissa McCall, she's a great mom, even if she took some to adjust to Scott's situation, once she did, she was ride and die
3 romantic ships I love: Sterek, at the top, obviously. Stiles and Derek are top-tier. From the canon ships, it'd be Scott/Allison I was honestly so surprisingly much invested in this? And then Kira/Malia, ever since their dance in the club in Mexico!!! That was so yes, finally a femslash ship has crossed my radar for this show!! They were cute and Kira deserves to be happy
3 platonic dynamics I love: Scott-Stiles, their friendship is the backbone of this franchise. Second, mh, I do find the dynamic of Scott and Derek very interesting too, particularly in fics where the McCall pack and the Hale pack coexist (as it should be). And thirdly the Lydia-Allison friendship, I love me a good girls-friendship
3 favorite moments in canon: When Stiles carried Derek in the pool, that was *chef's kiss*, absolutely. Stiles in the hospital, thinking he's going to die of the same thing his mom did, but then the nogitsune reveal - Dylan's acting was incredible in the dual role. Brilliant. Third one is really hard, because despite having such shit writing for the most part, there are absolutely brilliant comedic pearls in this show. Okay let's go with one of my favorite shots, when Stiles and Scott are in the gay bar looking for Danny and Scott suddenly realizes it's a gay bar and turns toward Stiles, who is just surrounded by drag queens and goes "ya think" like he was in his element there and Jeff still trying to convince us that boy isn't bi lol what a fool
3 favorite headcanons: BISEXUAL STILES. Boyd and Erica and Allison LIVE FUCK YOU. Hale pack coexisting with the McCall pack
3 least favorite things about it: ahahahahahaha *ugly sobbing* how do I narrow this down to 3? *more sobbing* okay top has to be the existence of season 6B that was just shit the only good thing about it was FBI!Stiles and the way Derek carried him bridal style but other than that this shit half-season has no rights. Second? KIRA and how she was shelved, like, they didn't even fridge her the way they did with Allison, letting her die a heroic sacrifice death, instead they took this young woman with her whole life ahead of her and... and... put her in the sand to be gone forever what the fuck what the fuck what the actual fuck (plus the behind the scenes shit I mean hot damn to not tell Arden that they'd write Kira out of the show???) And third is genuinely hard, like, probably the existence of this good for nothing movie sequel and that they want to make a spin-off show from it
Top Three Fandom Ask Game
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shivunin · 2 months
Boop! <3
Thank you for asking!! 💗
(Low-stakes ask game)
Honestly? I replayed Bioshock 2 again recently (the Minerva's Den DLC) and I forgot the sheer amount of opinions I have about it like. The AESTHETIC of early programmers, the black hole plasmid, the little vacuum robots, the main story!! Like. What makes a person? A machine? How much programming do you have to feed an artificial intelligence before it sounds like the person you loved most in the world? Before you can almost believe it's them?
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misssprinkles · 7 months
How long have you liked cemetery mary? And who's your favorite character
Gosh, i dont remember when I first played it, but since then lol
My top three characters are probably:
2. Crowven
3. Zapara
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cherrypikkins · 3 days
FE3H Music Ask Game - Bonus Round
For Shamir!!!
Funny how those friends forget you when you tired of their games You miss a show or a party that blows And they've forgotten your name, yeah And you wonder what you've become They pull you back when you try to run
City - Natalie Imbruglia
(putting together a playlist with a song for each fe3h character :3 check out the progress in the tag fe3h music ask game)
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alynnl · 6 months
top three favorite AA (or AA spinoff) characters for the Character Bingo
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For the one, the only Detective Gumshoe! (From the original AA trilogy as well as the Investigations duology!)
He's got it all. He's funny. He's pathetic. He's loyal and reliable. And I don't believe he's simply "dumb muscle" either. He's better with tech than Phoenix and Maya. And while he doesn't have Edgeworth's powers of deduction, once he gets a lead he has the determination to follow it through and get crucial evidence, sometimes at the risk of his own safety. Investigative icon.
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For Edgeworth's Interpol rival in the Investigations duology, Agent Shi Long Lang!
He is horrible (affectionate), confrontational, and stubborn. But He has a soft side where he cares about his subordinates and would put his life on the line for them. He also took the incident with the President and his father very personally, showing his outward care for people other than himself. That being said, I would have still liked to see a more defined story arc where he has to outgrow his own hubris and place more of his trust in the abilities of other people. Lang does his work with honor and integrity though, I can give him that much.
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For Susato Mikotoba from The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles, the greatest judicial assistant in the world!
She's book smart, observant, but funny at the same time. She has her moments where she lightens the mood when it's desperately needed, but her sense of humor doesn't feel like it's out of place. Thankfully her role in the story is being a true partner to Ryunosuke in his investigations, and she never ends up being the damsel in distress. She's been through enough (never getting to meet her mother who died in childbirth, and having to be raised by her grandmother because her father was busy traveling abroad) - so it's great that she gets her chance to shine in most of the cases within Chronicles (especially the most important one, case 2-5), she's important without having to be rescued by Ryunosuke.
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raceweek · 7 months
Imo chalex did not die at monaco 22 they were literally giggling at each other like 3 weeks later at the canadian gp. However they were severely wounded bc we were at an all time chalex peak before that (chalex takes LA 2021, charles leaving carlos’s bahrain golf team for alex’s, them leaving the infamous jeddah driver meeting together, australia 2022 chalex masterclass, miami 2022 content, that one golf game with lando and nick cassidy, literally every driver parade up until that point). I pray every day we can return to that peak 🙏
ur sooooo right the chalex peak was an indescribable rush i was glued to that drivers parade livestream every week…we didn’t know what we had</3
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