#trapped fanzine
zazrichor · 1 year
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🕯️🩸 | two standalone contributions for @trappedfanzine and one companion piece for the The Body Without Organs written by the brilliant @owlpockets | ☠️👻
Get the free zine here!
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antique-forvalaka · 1 year
Ayyy @trappedfanzine is finally here on ao3!!
In the mood for some sad-spooky han ying feels? Well look no further!
And @mtkay13 did some amazingly eerie art to go along with it!!
The inside of the armory is mostly made up of these labyrinthine paths, burrowing through the mountain like veins. There is no discernible order to them, except that the hallways keep growing taller and taller, narrow and seeming to almost stretch into the black unknown. Multiple times the gloom is interrupted by thin shafts of light, though the small fissures in the ceilings are often too small to catch a glimpse of the true sky outside.
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trappedfanzine · 1 year
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The day we've all been waiting for is here! Trapped: A Horror Zine is unleashed onto the world. Tread carefully!
View and download the zine below! 🌸💀🌸
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heebiebeebies · 1 year
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Here’s what I made for the @trappedfanzine aka my first participation in a zine. It’s a horror themed fanzine about Qi Ye/Tian Ya Ke/Word of Honor, and you can find it here.
The illustration itself was made for a fic by @goldencorecrunches 🖤🐍
I’m grateful for having been a part of something so spooky and beautiful.
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bronanlynch · 1 year
tyk | 3.5k | rated t | wenzhou
ocean horror, hauntings, and bad dreams
written for @trappedfanzine
in which zzs retires to the seaside
OR, People drown all the time, said the man who believed in weather-controlling bandits but not ghosts or curses. Nothing supernatural about it.
Zhou Zishu had been following the river for nearly a month now—without seeing anything that had to be supernatural—for no other reason than it gave him a path to follow, and he knelt down beside it now, the mud sucking at his boots. The sky was too dark for clear reflections, but the face staring back at him, distorted by the current, looked for a moment more like Liang Jiuxiao’s than his own. Liang Jiuxiao was dead, but Zhou Zishu might as well be and would be soon enough, so why did it matter?
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The saw zine I made in 2 days in a hyperfixation-fuelled haze is complete !!! made it as a kinda intro fanzine to encourage ppl to watch :3
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blackhouseltd · 10 months
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Cody Lee Hardin's "Punching Down" book preorders kick off July 7th, 2023 at Noon (pst)/3pm (est).
Save the link below to follow the countdown. Quantities will be limited.
#art #comix #underground #codysucks #book #hardcover #usa #canada #books #blackhouse #diy #darkart #punkrock #bmovies #horror #scifi #humor #funny #europe #australia #metal #parody #grindcore #skate #darkhorse #adultswim
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girlygo2 · 4 months
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A trap?
Surprisingly enough, it's not.
Something tells me Maxwell just wanted to be nice...
The third and final piece I made for the DSTWF Fanzine!! I ALSO REALLY LOVE THIS ONE. I love what's on the tag especially!
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mixelation · 10 months
for your latest reborn au post what WOULD orochimaru do. like. what would this entail. what shenanigans will tori think up this time. and in what ways will this inconvenience everyone around her. asking for scientific purposes 👀
i didn't go into detail because i'm still rotating this BUT the main idea is "you think you are tricking me into being your girlfriend? WRONG i am trapping you the the terrible social conventions of being my boyfriend." here's some ideas
tori insists they have to SHARE dessert to seem romantic and then does her best to take more than her half
she keeps getting drunk on "dates"
"what if we got couple shirts, itachi. it's very popular i promise. i will pick the shirt because all of yours look stupid"
"if i'm in lab past 7:00 you H A V E to bring me dinner. that's what a good boyfriend would do, duh. i will even act like a gushing girlfriend when you do it" but then she WILL "forget" to give him the right security clearance info every time
"okay so i started beef with a random stranger via fanzine again. so for you to understand why they're wrong i'm going to have to explain the plot of three novels to you in detail--"
the problem with tori is that itachi absolutely doesn't have romantic feelings towards her and he never will. but he's a fucked up little man and somehow-- somehow-- she's the most bearable woman he knows. they break up every once in a while and then mikoto tries to send him on one (1) date with another kunoichi and he freaks out and goes back. even tori is impressed with how stupid this is
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coyote-nebula · 5 months
TAGS: Clark Kent & Damian Wayne, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne & Clark Kent, Goliath (DCU), Poisoning, Rescue Missions, temples of doom, Guilt, Redemption, Hopeful Ending, an important ecological subplot, symbiosis between assassin cults and nature, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Misunderstandings, Injury Recovery, Forgiveness, when you have trauma from dying but also from coming back to life
Part One: After Jason is poisoned, Damian vanishes and Superman is called upon to find him. (Damian doesn’t set traps for his rivals/siblings anymore. But when one he forgot to disable poisons Jason, Damian tries to stay ahead of the blame long enough to retrieve an antidote.)
Part Two: Jason recovers, and Damian searches for redemption.
WORDS: 7,486 
This was my piece (plus a new addition to serve as an epilogue) for The R Stands for Redemption: A Damian Wayne Fanzine! Inspired by Bruce & Dick tracking Jon down for Clark in Nightwing #89 (but a reversal of that).
ao3 link (archive locked)
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ageofzeroart · 1 year
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Well, I bear sad news with the posting of this (you can check https://limitbreakpress.com/ for a little more detail, but the short of it is that the sephzine at present isn’t going to print), but the mods said we could post our zine contributions in full now, so I’m gonna do so.
This is my piece for the xXZine_of_Despair_Xx, (or @zinesephiroth​) a Sephiroth fanzine
I did this traditionally, and it’d been a while since I’d worked with colored pencils, so it was a real joy. My color range was so aggressively limited, I was relieved to remember that there’s a blue ribbon around the hilt of Kadaj’s sword and yellow caution tape jkhasdf lmao.
And it gave me something physical to give to @fallintosanity​ , my bff and president of Silver Elite (unofficial) and who was going through a rough patch when the signups were happening. But I also had to make it for me and add the silver hair trio in there because I just like them? idk, I love these fragments of a person who’s lost so much of himself in death but still refuses to Die. And of the three fragments turned into thinking people, only one of them was given enough sense of self to notice the trap he was in. He’d never be a real person, he’d always be a fragmented little tool for making a bigger picture. We don’t have time to get into that in Advent Children, but I think about it all the time.
So yeah, it’s a bummer that I won’t get to see a physical copy of any of the zines I’ve been in thus far, but I’m grateful for having done the work anyway. The pieces were all pretty cool and everyone was really passionate about the project. Zine production has been rough across the board, so it’s not exactly a surprise but it’s still a bummer.
bonus: the photo I took of where it’s framed in my friend’s home, alongside the pencil sketch which no one else outside the zine has seen.
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zazrichor · 1 year
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🕯️🩸 | cover art for @trappedfanzine | ☠️👻
Get the free zine here!
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mywifeleftme · 3 months
292: Various Artists // Abstract Magazine Issue 5
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Abstract Magazine Issue 5 Various Artists 1985, Sweatbox Just got up to flip the record after sitting cross-legged on the couch typing on my laptop for quite a bit, not realizing my leg had fallen asleep until I tried to plant on it and had to pinwheel my arms to keep from falling flat out and cracking my head into my turntable. Absolutely how the coroner will shoot my body someday too, ass-naked and alone on the floor of my apartment, surrounded by instruments I can’t play and books I haven’t gotten to, bleeding into my record collection with a scythe propped sardonically against the wall in the background.
Speaking of ignominious deaths, while doing some research on the compiler of today’s record, a post-punk compilation / fanzine combo from 1985, the first thing that came up was a 2007 post from Burl Veneer’s old Typepad blog, specifically this inimitable sentence: “Abstract was the brainchild of Rob Deacon, who died last month in a canoeing accident at age 42 (same as me).” Strange nautical coincidence that, and a neat trick for Burl to keep blogging after death too (in fact, he’s still at it here on Tumblr), but I kept link hopping, and have learned that Deacon was quite a special guy, and a pivotal figure in two or three generations of UK music.
There’s genuine fondness and grief in The Guardian obit, the kind they reserve for lesser-known people who busted their asses and made a difference behind the scenes in media, and they spell out a resume I’m a little ashamed not to have been more up on. He was in his late teens when he started Abstract magazine, profiling the cream of the post-punk crop and cajoling exclusive tracks out of a bunch of them. Abstract would eventually morph into his own label, the influential Sweatbox, but the magazine + compilation bug stuck with him, and he’d go on to start the CD-era Volume series, which moved real numbers for an indie comp and featured… Jesus, everybody, apparently. He followed that up with the groundbreaking Trance Europe Express and Trance Atlantic electronic compilations, became a dance night impresario, did music photography, started a label (Deviant)… and then he fell out of his fuckin’ boat. Damn.
Abstract #5 is a real time capsule of 1985, featuring songs and interviews with the likes of Swans, Gene Loves Jezebel, Cindytalk, Colourbox, and the Jazz Butcher, interspersed with record reviews, scene reports, comics and more. The written pieces are all over the place stylistically, some transcribed in a borderline-incoherent fashion, others fighting for their lives against the adventurous two-tone printed layouts, but it has a wonderful fanzine energy and a level of ballsy spite you don’t see much these days.
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Nearly every artist has a bone to pick with their label or journalists or bands they used to like that sold out or fans who have any sort of expectations of them. (The editorial pages get into it too, describing Morrissey “prancing daffodilously” and previewing a new New Order tune called “I’ve Got a Cock Like the M1,” which would see daylight as “The Perfect Kiss.”)
It’s zany and vulnerable and, even just shy of 40 years later, totally inspiring stuff. Highlights include Swans’ Michael Gira’s typically serial killer-coded interview, in which he talks about watching TV for 14 hours a day and shares the trans body horrific lyrics to a song called “BASTARD” that would eventually come out during the band’s maniac 1986; an account from industrial music pioneers Test Dept of the ’84 miner’s strike in South Wales, with a photo of one member who appears to have two sets of upper teeth like a shark; and the 400 Blows talking about having recorded their contribution to the issue in an echoing drainage pipe in which they nearly became trapped and drowned.
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Musically this is by design a mixed bag (side one is kind of the uncommercial, experimental bits; side two the peppier guitar pop stuff). None of these exclusives would make anyone’s definitive collection of any of these bands, but as a complete listening and reading experience, Abstract #5 is a beautiful celebration. Cheers to Rob.
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trappedfanzine · 1 year
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It's been 1 week since Trapped was released! Check out the zine's hauntingly beautiful cover by @zazrichor 🌸🕯 Trapped is a FREE horror zine! If you haven't downloaded it yet, you can right now below:
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okenki · 4 months
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Me in my last post: Against all odds it seems that I survived December and 2023 as a whole (hope i'm not talking too soon!) The last days of 2023: and I took that personally
The struggle those last few days. Whoah. Tough.
But yeah! A few more hours and it'll be DONE. Phew. Whoah. Yeah DONE.
1: Can't wait for 2024. I really hope I can make the fancomic ever and teleport into space.
2: Fury Sadji, taking after his uncle C.
3: Trop hate que Lyon devienne la nouvelle Capitale.
4: Less resolutions, More REVOLUTIONS.
As 2023 is ending I would like to thank everyone who gave me support through the year.
Very grateful for all the time, words, sharing and all you did with my works.
I was able to go to a convention, have a little exhibit, meet new friends,… it was nice.
I ran in circles too, had doubts, felt trapped. Had very very difficult periods to go through… It was a year of struggling mostly.
But it was also a year where I drew a lot, even if less than other years? I don't know for sure. It's how it felt.
Kept making comics. Worked on things for goth boyfriends, have a new one shot (too long…) in mind, have some more projects in the oven.
Got taken in a few zines/fanzines. It is/was nice! Will keep doing my best with that.
This years had its failures but it also had some victories. I don't know where I'm going.
4/10, glad it's over, it had its highlights, can't wait for 2024. Thank you everyone who followed my progress so far, thank you to those who will stay, best of luck to those who won't, I'm just glad we shared a moment.
Big big love. xoxo, ken
PS: I have a big 69% off (nice) sale on my itch.io, you can snatch everything for 4 buckaroo! let's gooo
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fettesans · 1 year
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Top, screen capture from Aftersun, directed by Charlotte Wells, 2022. Via. Bottom, screen capture from the program Open Door, 1973–83, still from a TV show on BBC2. “North West Spanner Theatre Group: Born Free Trapped Ever After,” 1980. Via.
Contrary to the US public-access television that inspired it, which was narrowcast on local cable stations, Open Door was broadcast nationwide on a channel with a directive to act in the interest of the country. Anyone could propose an episode so long as they were not promoting a political party. Those selected were paired with a producer and crew for technical assistance but ostensibly retained full editorial control. Prison abolitionists, sex educators, fox-hunt saboteurs, punk fanzine–makers, single parents, vegans, community-theater enthusiasts, trans advocates, supporters of Palestinian liberation, women suffering from cystitis: They all reached millions. (This last group, the U & I Club, received thousands of letters from viewers.) Not all causes showcased were progressive. While individual episodes of Open Door were free from the requirement of “balance” mandated by the BBC charter, when taken as a whole, the series was meant to be inclusive of a wide spectrum of opinions. Absent from “People Make Television” was a 1976 episode by the British Campaign to Stop Immigration, a group linked to the extreme-right National Front party. Included was one by the Campaign for the Feminine Woman warning of the dangers of “unisex culture,” something “more menacing and damaging . . . than either communism or fascism.”
Erika Balsom, from on “People Make Television”, in THE SCREEN AGE: VIDEO’S PAST AND FUTURE, for Artforum, May 2023.
Straight culture’s orientation toward heteroromantic sacrifice is also influenced by socioeconomic class. Respect for sacrifice—or sucking it up and surviving life’s miseries—is one of the hallmarks of white working-class culture, for instance, wherein striving for personal happiness carries less value than does adherence to familial norms and traditions. Maturity and respectability are measured by what one has given up in order to keep the family system going, an ethos that is challenged by the presence of a queer child, for instance, who insists on “being who they are.” Queerness—to the extent that it emphasizes authenticity in one’s sexual relationships and fulfillment of personal desires—is an affront to the celebration of heteroromantic hardship. As Robin Podolsky has noted, “What links homophobia and heterosexism to the reification of sacrifice . . . is the specter of regret. Queers are hated and envied because we are suspected of having gotten away with something, of not anteing up to our share of the misery that every other decent adult has surrendered to.”
For many lesbian daughters of working-class straight women, opting out of heterosexuality exposes the possibility of another life path, begging the question for mothers, “If my daughter didn’t have to do this, did I?” Heterosexuality is compulsory for middle-class women, too, but more likely to be represented as a gift, a promise of happiness, to be contrasted with the ostensibly “miserable” life of the lesbian. The lesbian feminist theorist Sara Ahmed has offered a sustained critique of the role of queer abjection in the production of heteroromantic fantasies. In Living a Feminist Life, she notes that “it is as if queers, by doing what they want, expose the unhappiness of having to sacrifice personal desires . . . for the happiness of others.” In the Promise of Happiness, Ahmed argues, “Heterosexual love becomes about the possibility of a happy ending; about what life is aimed toward, as being what gives life direction or purpose, or as what drives a story.” Marked by sacrifice, misery, and failure along the way, the journey toward heterosexual happiness (to be found with the elusive “good man”) remains the journey.
Jane Ward, from The Tragedy of Heterosexuality, September 2020. Via.
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