#trying to build up a proper support network
winkette · 3 months
Trope but IRL
You guys read those fics where Dream and The Stars just think the absolute worse of Nightmare and his team, no matter what they say or do otherwise?
I...I'm LIVING that situation right now and it's pissing me off.
contacted my dad over the holidays for help (highly unusual cuz this man has never helped me in my life before)
he agrees to give me a room in the house they dont live in at the moment, I believe this was due to his [wife] who later said she was the one hoping to "bring me home"
get here and given stipulations for everything that were worse than I had thought possible
--- (just some) expected work 40+ hours a week, have move out plan by February, all money is to go to an account I can't access, provide me a phone under a contract, then had me sign the agreement in the event we need to go to court.
Monday they told me I needed to have 4 interviews set up by Friday; told them that wasn't possible in 1 week, they doubled down
I decided I was going to move to the homeless shelter from here, and they immediately equated it to Me. Trying to. Avoid. Working.
Nothing I showed them or did would prove them that I wasn't some lazy bum doing everything I can to avoid working. So they treated me like they needed a short leash and kept reminding me that their 'support' could be taken away if I didn't meet their expectations.
I have Never been able to talk to my dad, cuz he asserts his opinions and then ends the conversation. I have Always been made to feel like I was 'unworthy' or 'stupid' with him. I had thought maybe we could talk while I was here. No. This man's world has shrunk since the last time I've seen him. He lives in his own little reality and none of his kids can get him to see that.
He once told me that "kids are stupid and don't know anything" but apparently his view carries on forever, regardless of the fact he has 5 adult kids.
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stardustizuku · 8 months
PART 4: Royalty Kinda Sucks
So, here’s the situation: When we are first introduced to the concept of Nobility, as seen through the Nobility’s eyes, it becomes apparent that there’s a reason behind every nonsensical tradition there is. 
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You must always smile and conceal your emotions because else, you’ll be in danger, making yourself the enemy of someone you cannot refuse. Civilians must be devoted to their Lord/nobles because they’re the ones with Mana, and without Mana, the farmers suffer. There’s no food, there’s no agriculture. 
And at the beginning of the series, Rozemyne accepts this as the truth.
She sees how the amount of Mana offered correlates to the very livelihood of the commoners. Just like her, we as an audience, believe this story 100%. There’s an order to things, Nobility is inherently superior, some people just wield more power than others. 
Despite this, however, Rozemyne never fully buys into this idea. 
Ferdinand and the rest of the nobles say “There’s no need for commoners, they live entirely by the kindness or lack of it from the nobles”
While, on the surface, Rozemyne agrees to it (or more like, cannot find a way to counterargument), each every action since proves that she very much disagrees. 
She keeps listening to commoners, keeps trying to employ the orphans, educating the kids, and forming connection with the merchants. Her instance on staying on the temple is very much a way for her to cling to her commoner origins and refusing to let go of them. And, whenever someone tries to take advantage of them, she tries her hardest to stop it by any means possible.
My favourite argument she makes, is when she explains, in Part 4 to Hartmut that: 
“If we view this as nobles thinking up trendy goods and commoners making them, then nobles are the thinking mind while commoners are their hands and feet, no? Overloading commoners with unreasonable demands is no better than crippling one’s own arms and legs”. 
On the surface this is an argument that appeals to nobles, seeing commoners as nothing more than another tool that must be properly utilized. However, Rozemyne is inadvertently sneaking in one of her own core views: Nobles and commoners and equals. 
Rather than seeing commoners as an entirely detached object, she introduces the idea of commoners and nobility existing in an ecosystem. And here comes the first bit of proper commentary: 
Hierarchies are fundamentally flawed, and what we need in a society are communities. 
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Rozemyne, being a chronically ill person, depends on others to do her work. To survive, we need communities and support networks. Some of the most brilliant minds and powerful players of the game do not thrive in a society that rigidly adheres to power structures such as nobility. Those so quick to toss away and dispose of whoever doesn't "fit in". Best example is Ferdiand - who was stiffled by Veronica.
This is juxtaposed with Ferdinand Hirschurl and Christine, all geniuses in their own right, extremely capable and talented. Neither of which was able to survive Ehrenfest. Even nobles of other duchies state that a single talented individual is incapable of turning the tides of their duchy. 
It’s only when Rozemyne comes into the picture, forcing people around her to function as a community, as a system, that any real change is made. She’s remarkable, perhaps more than for her intellect, in her ability to raise people. Her ability to form systems and networks of highly skilled attendants what allows her to be perceived as a saint. 
This is a direct contrast to her days as Urano, where she only ever submersed herself in books. I don’t doubt that Urano was as much of a genius as Rozemyne is - but her inability to connect and create a community to help her out was what caused her to be isolated. Only ever to see books and nothing more.
As Myne, she was forced to confront how vital to her survival family and community mean. As Rozemyne, she was forced to build her own, due to how nobility absolutely destroys said community in favour of a hierarchy. 
And all of this, is a microcosm of Royalty. 
The same attitude the nobles have to commoners is a direct 1:1 to how royals treat other nobles. They see nobles as little more than objects to be ordered around, and just like noble destroy communities and networks, royalty destroys them. Just on a much larger scale. 
Rather than seeing other duchies as, you know, arms and legs to make Yurgenschmidt more powerful, capable or rich, they see them as pawns to move around to protect/save Royals themselves. As if they are Yugernschmidt.
Whenever they say “for the good of Yurgenschmidt” it’s always synonymous with the “good of Royalty”.
The duchies only exist to serve Royals, and not the other way around. They’re more than happy to cut off Ehrenfest and let it struggle, even though it’s slowly becoming the new hot spot for technological inventions in all the country. They’re essentially crippling their own body, to save themselves. And sure, in other contexts maybe it could work. Rather amputate an arm rather than lose the head. But that’s not what they’re doing. They see their “arms” as disposable. Why bother to save one, when you have another that can work as well? (Which is dumb)
This is a direct criticsm of politicians, or position in powers, that see for themselves, rather than for the greater good of a country or the collective. People who would exploit the most vulnerable in a community to keep the status quo, all while claiming it's "for the greater good".
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Sisgwald in particular is a great example of what Wilfred could have become if Rozemyne had no stepped in. He very much sees his wives as nothing but ways of attaining more power. He refuses to even think of other people reaching the throne and sees nothing past his own ego.
That’s why he is so taken aback by Rozemyne. Here comes a girl, with so much more experience at negotiating than him, calling him out directly over the many faults that royals are committing. As she points out, they went into a meeting expecting to extort her so completely blind they couldn’t see why Ehrenfest would be unwilling to enter negotiating. 
Ferdinand explained in Part 3 how, whoever has more information in a conversation between nobles has the upper hand. This ought to be the way everyone approaches anything, but Royals very much can’t comprehend this in regards to a lesser/middle duchy. To them, all duchies are the same (much like all commoners are the same to nobles) and do not require the information. This is, to put it bluntly, idiotic to the point of impressive. 
The best example? The very same meeting they had.
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Rozemyne was able to get what she needed. Sure, the Royals also got what they wanted. But that’s it. They were able to obtain the bare minimum. While Ehrenfest was able to walk away with extensive concessions and much more room to make preparations. All while bruising the ego of Royalty.
And because they lack this ability to see nobles as a network, they also have the same problems nobles have. Their petty family drama gets dragged onto the surface for all the country to see. They're giving away information that's critical for negotiations without even noticing.
Hell, they almost exploded a war because Anastasius couldn’t tell Eglantine he liked her. Instead of raising each other up, like Rozemyne does, they drag each other own. Their lack of communication causes Rozemyne to be thrust into the middle of their family feud, trying her damnest to solve their problems, while they worry abt their own selfish desires. 
But perhaps the most crucial network that they’ve lost is: Information. 
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Due to the fact that Ascendance of a Bookworm is a light novel about books - it’s inevitable that we would stumble at some point with the importance of achieving information preservation. Urano herself, as a librarian, is acutely aware of how easily information is lost. Rozemyne on her hand, has had to see the direct impact this has. 
The reason why the Grutrissheit is lost, is not just the war. It’s the lack of any real information preservation. And this is artificially created by the Royals themselves. 
The Grutrissheit was passed by from heir to heir, but this also meant that very few people were capable of accessing the information. When war struck, those few people were killed, and the texts that remained were written in ancient languages. A language which all but few could read (Let’s put a pin on that*).
And now, we find out that Royals of the past (possibly) implemented a barrier so that no one BUT royalty could access the Grutrissheit. This makes it so that the best Zent candidate they have right now, cannot even touch it. 
In an attempt to shield themselves from others, potentially, stealing what they think their “rightful” position is - they’ve blocked access to information. And now that they’re been killed NO ONE HAS ACCESS TO IT. 
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This is something that Rozemyne, as a librarian at heart, is desperately trying to avoid. Through her transcriptions and the rapid spread of the printing industry, she REFUSES to gatekeep information. She wants it to be accessible to anyone who wants, as long as she can get something of equal value (aka, other stories/books), and that's only to emphasize the VALUE books inherently have. 
This is all to say, that the politics of AoB are quite simple if looked through these perspectives, and framing Royalty as the flawed institution it is. 
It’s about how hierarchies of power are bad. The few, who have not proven their worth, have the power to deny information to a large population and deny themselves any responsibility for their actions. 
Ascedance of a Bookworm initially presents you with the idea of Nobility as something rational, just to later point out all the ways it which it’s failing. The only reason why many things are working or improving in Ehrenfest is because of Sylvester and his ability to properly integrate Rozemyne’s ideas. 
Ascedance of a Bookworm also states that this is not a fix that can be solved in a single action, in fact it cannot be fixed in single generation. Something that Rozemyne critiques of Sisgwals is his insistence that all problems ought to be solved quickly so they cannot cause harm in the future (again, amputating an arm to save the head). 
But this is proving to be a flawed response. This idea of cutting all crippled arms is what gives way the purges, and the mana crisis they’re having. 
Rozemyne, perhaps as a chronically ill child herself, does her best to avoid this. She recognizes that just because someone isn’t “up to standard”, doesn’t mean they cannot be rehabilitated and integrated back into society. She does this believing human life to be valuable regardless of what can it offer - but because of the world they live in she has hidden this behind the “so they can give back to society”. 
It’s way more productive to save someone than to kill them. This creates a bunch of problems, yes. But it’s worth it. Being a leader it’s not an easy job. 
It’s something even Ferdinand comments on. To be a Zent, you have to give up everything you love for your country. And that means EVERYTHING. Something that, if I’m being 100% honest, I don’t think Sisgwald understands. The mere idea of him waiting to be Zent simply because that’s what he’s been told all his life is tantamount to laughable. 
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At this point, the best option is undoubtedly Eglantine. If he fails to understand this and clings to a throne he’s no longer the best suited for - it’s nothing but useless pride wrapped in a cocoon of delusion. 
There’s so much that needs to be learned and work to be put in. Rozemyne does not accept the role, not because she’s humble, but because she understands this. Leading takes hard work, it takes time, it takes effort. She does not want it, and why should she? She has been offered none of the privileges of royalty, yet she’s expected to perform their labour and duties.
Those who benefit from Royalty are basically dumping all their work on her lap. Well, granted, not all the work. But definitely a good chunk of theirs. For example, transcribing ancient languages to find their stupid bible, instead of asking the temple. 
(*PIN: And mind you, people can absolutely still learn ancient languages. But another huge fault of the royalty, as it is right now, is that there’s no one willing to put in the time and effort to preserve or revive their own goddamn culture).
Yeah, sure, maybe Rozemyne has a duty to rule, as she’s the most capable…But. She shouldn’t. Royalty, who’s been trained their whole lives to rule, or support rulers - should be more than well-equipped to solve their own problems. Hell, they have attracted top talen- No. They’ve stolen top talent from other duchies, they have all the resources they could want, and they have the ultimate say on absolutely everything. Tell me why they want to poach another talented person from their duchy? 
It’s not Rozemyne’s responsibility to solve the problems of royalty. In other words, it’s not our duty to solve politicians’ problems. It’s not our duty to solve the problem of first-world countries, it’s not our duty to solve other people’s problems. 
Ugh, I’m getting heated. 
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This is all, mind you, after Rozemyne was told in her early years she wouldn’t be able to achieve anything because she’s just a commoner. Which, again, bullshit. She’s the prime example that there’s nothing that prevents a commoner from being on the level of an archduke, or hell, becoming a Zent, other than a social one. Truly, Yurgenschmidt’s nobility as made-up as our own. 
The introduction, or rather, the direct criticism of royalty in part 5, is the house of card toppling in all the themes touched barely in previous parts.
The issues with meritocracy, the absurd power inbalances, the outdated view of older generations that refuse to give way to a better future for the youth, as well as a hierarchy based on an entirely made-up concept. 
It quickly proved to be absolutely a political story. But I find it so impressive that it’s not something you would notice, or at least be explicitly made aware, until Part 5. 
Part 1 - 4 made sure to lay the ground of how this world works, then in Part 5 it decided to break the illusion that it is, in fact, working. 
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decolonize-the-left · 2 years
Now is a good reminder as to why we build community. Why we share solidarity. Why it's important to have peers and be comfortable in the physical presence of them.
Mobilizing online is not safe in a surveillance state. We need to physically be with each other. If you look at any old protest or civil rights movement they knew that. They had physical meetups where phones couldn't be tapped and listening ears couldn't eavesdrop.
With Roe v Wade overturned (and Justice Thomas saying that same sex relationship/marriage and access to contraception should also be "reconsidered") I feel like it's important to mention how critical mutual aid is. How crucial it is to have allies and people you can turn to. To know exactly where to go when you need to seek out safety.
Yes protest. Yes make your voice known. Learn how to help others.
But absolutely do not underestimate the power of going to a local meet up/protest and making friends. Not just with your group of feminists or LGBTs or anti-racist action leagues either. Go to each other's events. Build supportive relationships. Build solidarity. Expand your community.
Remember whether it's our uteri they're after, our land, our oil, our kids, our marriages, or our human rights... we have more reasons to fight together than we'll ever have to tear each other apart.
Don't let them do that to us. TERFs, racists, undercover cops, the CIA, the kkk, the FBI, etc. They've all spent decades trying to cut off our communities from one another. Spent decades trying to ruin our communities from the inside out and limit our strength. We can't allow that anymore.
They are coming for all of us.
And it is all of us that they will be up against, united
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How can you help once you created a network/group of friends?
Protest. That's #1.
As an extension of bodily autonomy, allow folks to use their bodies and protest how they see fit. If someone is making you uncomfortable or doing something you disagree with, walk away.
Make sure you're prepared with the proper gear, escape route, etc. Know your rights.
There are tons of tips for this so I'll leave it at this so the post doesn't get too long.
For folks who can't protest but wanna do more than vote and don't know what to do then please check out these suggestions from another post
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Tumblr let me blaze my solidarity post so now I'm updating it to include direct action tips.
#2 Build Mutual Aid
As in, once the systems start being dismantled a lot of us marginalized folk will still need access to things food, water, medical, etc. A lot of us already need this tbh, federal and state aid isn't as effective as most people think it is.
Start community gardens, community fridges, pantries, etc. Work with local nurses and such to set up free clinics. The idea behind mutual aid is that everyone is helping. It is not simply charity. It a chance for communities to come together and give what they can so that Everyone can be safer, healthier, and happier.
Maybe you need a hair cut and maybe your hair stylist neighbor needs their house cleaned or someone to babysit. This exchange? Mutual Aid. The aid ... is mutual. Mutual Aid can be anything also. Maybe you can't cook or babysit but you tell good jokes. Maybe you can't tell jokes but you can reach the stuff on the top shelf. Maybe you're really good at breaking the ice or lightening the mood.
Everyone has a place in mutual aid, everyone is valuable, and everyone has something to offer.
🖤 Take care of each other 🖤
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blackautmedia · 5 months
It ended up being way more intensive than I had planned, but I did finish the writing for the Zelda video.
I managed to grab that James Somerton video he made about queer portrayals in Nintendo before it was privated. I haven't located any evidence suggesting it was plagiarized given the extent he's done it in nearly all his videos but that doesn't mean it hasn't occurred. I'm still trying to search and see if I can find any evidence of plagiarism to credit its proper author(s) if it is in fact stolen. There will be a section discussing the intersection of queerness and race with queer readings of Link and the Gerudo.
That aside, I wanted to share a bit! I picked out paragraphs out of order from how they're actually written, but these are a few of the points in the section about "the natural order of Hyrule."
Both film and TV westerns purport to be based on US history: the past is reframed as a glorious undertaking, the fulfillment of God's wish for his chosen people or as a rescue mission designed to rescue the pitiful other from himself or from some demonic other. Such fantasies serve to justify and legitimize colonial norms and practices. Stam and Spence explain that the colonial enterprise was often presented as a philanthropic "civilizing mission," reframing the colonial presence as a humanitarian intervention rather than an invasion. - Native Americans on Network TV : Stereotypes, Myths, and the 'Good Indian'
In Zelda Lore, it's said according to an entry in Hyrule Historia that "Hylians possessed a special power: it was said that their long ears allowed them to hear the voices of the gods." there's an inherent birth connection to the gods and to divinity in this series.
The best examples of community portrayal in the game exist when you remove Link from the equation. There are numerous instances of the different tribes providing support to one another--the Gerudo providing aid to refugees of Lurelin village, people providing resources to the Rito in their time of crisis, and the construction town helping in the rebuilding effort.
But a central part of what separates gaming from other types of media like books and TV is that you're not just a reader or viewer, but a player--you're asked to actively take part in the narrative and influence it yourself.
That community commentary also conflicts with the desire to treat Link as a demigod with the most major figures in the story continually sacrificing their autonomy and personhood to become resources that Link is ultimately to wield. Rauru gifts Link with some of his powers to save him from the Gloom. Mineru becomes little more than a rock 'em sock 'em robot for Link to pilot with little to no actual concern for her as a person.
Zelda is given the illusion of having agency in this story with how she orchestrates the conditions for Link to be able to defeat Ganon, but ultimately that doesn't come from her utilizing her research skills or building off the things her family provided her. Rauru even says he believes Zelda arrived to them for a reason, and based on what happens, it was ultimately so she could sacrifice herself yet again.
I'm not in the camp of people who wanted to see Zelda permanently stay a dragon at the end, I just want Zelda to not continually be sidelined in a series that constantly asks to sacrifice herself so she can't be an active part of the story.
The land and society once owned by gods must be restored and brought to its former glory as it is fated to be led by the divinely chosen Hylians. To that end, to defeat the evil and violent Middle Easterner who has defied the natural order of Hyrule, everyone must sacrifice themselves for Link to become the divine governor of power.
(This portion is part of the conclusion)
In thinking over what to write for this last portion, I came away feeling Nintendo's patterns here are a good example of why we should heavily value and take seriously the talents of artists and character designers.
It's important because art is so valuable in how it shapes the implications of the story, intentional or not.
I'm not here to convince you to boycott or stop playing Zelda because the issue goes beyond the scope of this individual franchise. What I ask more than anything is to see the people being propagandized as human and to equip yourself with the tools to better detect and resist the narratives both in fiction and non-fictional media.
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
“Obi-Wan Kenobi” as Queer Text: Love, Violence, Masculinity, and Their Deconstruction
Right, so. This meta has been swilling murkily around in my head ever since I finished the series last night, and I finally figured out, more or less, how I wanted to put it into words. This builds on my previous metas (here and here) about the show’s constant and conscious rejection of all the Badass Toxic-Masculinity Tough Loner Action Hero tropes when it comes to Obi-Wan, and how that deeply informs how his relationships with Leia, Anakin, Tala, Reva, and other characters are conceptualized, acted, and written. Since the show is designed to reward complex and multi-layered emotional investment and a deep knowledge of Star Wars, its characters, themes, and dynamics, this is another case where I am excited to get my teeth into the source and do some proper Literary Analysis (TM). As ever, in the usual tradition of queer-focused critical hermeneutics, this is not intended to impose one singular or ultimate reading or interpretation on the text, but to open up possibilities for conversation. Whether you agree with my conclusions is, of course, up to you, but I thought it was worth putting all of this in one place.
As most of you probably know, I am an academic historian in real life who works on premodern and early modern queer history as one of my primary subject areas, and hence that is the background that informs this meta. One of the chief challenges in this field of study is how to identify queer experiences at all: is it by careful inferences of language, deliberate omission, pointed metaphors or religious/literary signifiers, official records or narratives, or something else entirely? Obviously, premodern queer people didn’t have the extensive micro-labeling vocabulary that has developed today, but they still had rich experiences and a variety of ways to record those experiences, whether through themselves or (far more usually) third-party chroniclers who are not necessarily interested in telling us anything useful about the queer experience or queer individual -- rather, they often (though again, not always) want to efface or remove it from collective memory. However, premodern queer people themselves also engaged in this project of linguistic reclamation, so that they used the same words as heteronormative society but imbued them with different meanings and references. Some of that is discussed below.
First, to briefly sum up my previous metas: Obi-Wan, as a main character and a hard-bitten protagonist of a sci-fi action series, rejects almost every single stereotyped character trait that you would expect from him. He’s emotionally available (indeed, he spends most of his time trying to get AWAY from all that emotional availability, the poor man), he’s soft, gentle, not fond of confrontation, prefers to defend rather than attack, and spends much of his time being led by and reacting to the agency of powerful female characters (including in Tala and Reva, powerful women of color). He likewise runs around after young Leia, and has to take care of her, rescue her, and provide the paternal nurturing that her biological father can’t. However, I LOVE how this series emphasizes the importance of adopted families and the strength of their love and care for their children, whether it’s Bail and Breha with Leia or Owen and Beru with Luke. There’s absolutely no question that the series beautifully upholds and ferociously affirms that your chosen family is your real family, that the Organas and the Larses are Leia and Luke’s real parents as much as their biological parents, and that Reva’s grief and anger over her chosen family/classmates/friends being murdered in the Temple is an absolutely valid reason to seek revenge on Anakin/Vader (and indeed, to ultimately turn away from it). As queer people are often unfortunately used to choosing their own families and having to form new support networks in the wake of rejection from hostile birth families, the fact that the series leans so hard into their affirmation is a quiet but lovely example of its consistent queer subtext.
Next, Deborah Chow (the series’ director, who also worked on The Mandalorian and its similar story of a tough lone-wolf warrior being forced to bond with and nurture a small Force-sensitive child), openly conceived the central emotional conflict as being not a fistfight between two macho soldiers who hate each other, but the tender, gentle, and terribly traumatic aftermath of a love story:
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As I’ve said before, it doesn’t particularly matter how you interpret Obi-Wan and Anakin’s relationship, but the point is that their love and the terrible consequences of its loss was intentionally foregrounded, allowed to inform the entire narrative, and underscored by some of the most gutting emotional moments in all of the extant Star Wars canon. This isn’t the usual “oh well if the fans read into it, we’re glad they got something out of it” straight-person cop-out. This is the director of the series telling us explicitly that she too saw it and directed it intentionally as a love story, and that the interpretation that queer fans (such as myself) have of it as such is completely valid. Just going off my own personal interpretation here, wherein I see Obi-Wan and Anakin’s love for each other as romantic but not necessarily sexual, there are a multiplicity of queer perspectives that are made possible as a result. Obi-Wan grieving and still being desperately in love with Anakin (which honestly, I think is the only conclusion you can draw from canon), but also being asexual, is a different spin on the usual “gay” love story. Affirming Obi-Wan as a biromantic asexual, if you see him as in love with Anakin and probably also Padme, but not sexually involved with either one, is just one possibility of a nuanced queer story. Especially with all the nasty ace-exclusionist discourse that certain bad actors in the queer community continue to perpetuate, the categorization of Obi-Wan as an asexual hero who nonetheless certainly has nothing “wrong” with him, and saves the day repeatedly with the sheer depths of his love, compassion, and care for others even in the darkest of hours, is a very powerful statement.
Likewise, Vader’s toxic masculinity (his anger, hatred, and constant desire to punish, manipulate, and murder everyone around him) and its destructive consequences are explicitly framed by the narrative as bad, and that they will never lead to happiness, self-fulfillment, or lasting peace, even if you gain some temporary, transient power from it in the meantime. Vader himself is so transparently miserable that his constant taunts to Obi-Wan to “finish what he started” read as a desperate plea to the one person left in the entire galaxy who still loves him, to just put him out of his misery. Yet instead of doing that, Obi-Wan (after being trapped in a literal and emotional pit) gets himself out of it with the power of love (his love for Luke, Leia, and Anakin himself), and then when he finally has been able to physically overpower Vader and break the helmet keeping him alive... he freezes. Because inside is Anakin’s face, Anakin’s real face, and it’s the first time Obi-Wan has seen it in ten years. Please excuse me while I sue Ewan McGregor for emotional damages real quick. Because that look.... the tender, disbelieving smile, the gasp, the instant of joy before the terrible realization hit... I’m sorry. I can deal with none of it.
And then Obi-Wan goes on to do the least Toxic Macho Asshole thing possible: he cries openly, he apologizes to Anakin for everything, and even then, he wishes more than anything that they didn’t have to go back to being mortal enemies who are beating the shit out of each other. And even in the depths of his own hate and darkness, Anakin/Vader offers Obi-Wan a sort of twisted absolution, relieving him from the burden of guilt that he’s been bearing for ten years. Don’t be sad, Obi-Wan, he says. You didn’t kill Anakin; this isn’t your failure, this isn’t your fault. I did it. I killed Anakin Skywalker, not you.
Seeing as Anakin in ROTS was in the place of blaming Obi-Wan for everything, and told him explicitly that this was his fault, this is a terrible dark tenderness on Vader’s part, even if it’s born out of hatred. Obi-Wan has spent so long blaming himself for that, and to hear Vader say that it’s not his fault, is... oddly affirming, because it comes from the one person who has the least reason to lie. Obi-Wan can let go and walk away (as indeed he does) because there’s nothing left of Anakin Skywalker in Darth Vader’s mechanical shell, and he can go back to his chosen life of protecting and watching over what does remain of Anakin’s light and goodness: i.e. the twins. I’ve also mentioned before how Obi-Wan and Anakin remind me very much of medieval knights, who were encouraged to love each other more than anything else, but there was some concern that their relationship would then turn sexual. (See my gay knights meta.) Obviously, there’s a correlation between Jedi knights and medieval knights, who both lived in a religious order of warriors dedicated to a particular chivalric code and certain moral precepts of justice and authority. These medieval knights were also seen as “brothers” in a holy partnership (the ritual that some LGBTQ historians, including John Boswell, proposed as a potential form of “medieval gay marriage” was called adelphopoiesis, or “brother-making.”) So when Obi-Wan calls Anakin his brother and his friend, he is also alluding to the ways in which these words were used throughout history to convey a broader spectrum of male relationships and feelings than homophobic heteronormative modern-day society now allows for them. Likewise, Obi-Wan and Anakin remind me powerfully of “Poem” by Langston Hughes:
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If you know Hughes, a Harlem Renaissance-era African-American poet and writer, you are probably aware that, as with most historical figures of unclear sexuality, biographers argue over what he “really” was or how he identified. This is, in my view, rather pointless. Hughes was deeply attracted aesthetically and romantically to men and wrote poems for them, but he remained closeted due to “respectability politics” and the fact that, as a Black man who had obtained entrance to white academic and intellectual circles, it was already bad enough for them that he was, you know, Black; being openly queer as well would not be possible. So if you have the subtext of a queer man who may or may not have ever fully acknowledged his own sexuality writing a poem mourning the loss of a “friend,” it’s easy to understand the unspoken love, longing, and grief that might not have any more complicated or specialist vocabulary available to it. It’s the same, at least in my view, with how Obi-Wan uses it when he talks to/about Anakin. Because it’s clearly so much more than any ordinary friendship, but at its heart, that is still what it is. I loved my friend. He went away from me. There’s nothing more to say.
Anyway, the themes of race, power, and queerness bring us nicely to Reva. I reblogged this meta before the show was released, which criticized the new SW media’s willingness to add villains of color, seemingly for token cosmetic diversity, without addressing the particular reason (both in- and out-of-universe) that the Empire is traditionally made up of white British-accented men. I totally agreed with it, and I was watching carefully to see what they did with Reva and how they handled her. I still think there’s a little more that they could have developed/fleshed out, but overall, I absolutely loved her and the way in which her arc was used as the unpredictable element in a story where we otherwise know how everything turns out and where the characters are going to end up in order to set up A New Hope. I knew from the first scene of the first episode that Reva was one of the younglings in the Temple during Order 66, and I likewise figured right away that was why she had a grudge against Obi-Wan; she blamed him for not stopping Anakin and protecting her friends and family from being slaughtered. And of course, it turned out that I was right; her flashback scene in episode 5, when she’s speaking to Obi-Wan through the door, was absolutely harrowing. As was her ultimate realization in episode 6, when she’s about to kill Luke, that she is becoming Vader and doing the exact same thing he did, and that she has to ultimately reject and overcome it.
Reva was a fine line to walk as a character, because there was the risk of playing her too much as a Strong Angry Black Woman stereotype, and of course the fandom racists couldn’t resist pissing in their racist Cheerios about the fact that she dared to exist at all. However, the show also did something unusual in completely validating Reva’s anger. It allowed her to be right about being upset that Vader slaughtered her and her classmates and the older Jedi and institutional power structures that were supposed to keep her safe totally failed at that job. It didn’t play down or excuse that horror, and it ultimately served as the catalyst for Reva to turn back to the light side of her own volition and recognizance (when Obi-Wan offered his hand and helped her up from her knees in episode 6, telling her that she was right to choose mercy.... Tears, y’all, Tears). She was paralleled with the white-male-hero-Chosen One, Anakin, who of course totally blew that to hell and fell to the dark side instead. Reva starts out on the dark side, as a Black female antiheroine, and then goes through the exact inverse of Vader’s character arc; she ultimately overcomes obstacles where he failed and makes the choice to be better than she was before, whereas Vader can’t manage it almost until his death, when he saves Luke and kills Palpatine in ROTJ. This blunt subversion of white male heteronormativity, this unexpected positioning of Reva as the Chosen One (she did what Anakin was supposed to and couldn’t do), is likewise a deeply queer-coded challenge to the traditional structure of (white masculine) authority, again both inside the Star Wars universe and in our own.
This is also the case with Tala, in a slightly different way. I can’t tell you how fast I went “something’s not right here” when she was first introduced in episode 3, wearing an Imperial officer’s uniform, because we have indeed only seen white men wearing those. The very second that Tala, a woman of color, showed up wearing one, I was like .... hold on, what’s going on here. Of course, it’s soon revealed that she is the leader of a rebel cell hidden beneath the Empire’s very nose, and is using their own trappings directly against them. The scene where she shuts up the interfering junior lieutenant by ordering him to treat her as his commanding officer and call her sir... oh man, that was good. Likewise when she can’t get out of the next pickle, she straight-up kills the dude and then calmly goes back to advising Obi-Wan over the comlink. Tala often dresses and acts like a man, and not just that, the Toxic White Masculinity Power Trip that the Empire embodies. But it’s a mask, a deliberate “performance” of gender a la Judith Butler, to co-opt that power for the purpose of helping the oppressed, including and especially the people that the Empire is committing genocide on (i.e. Jedi and anyone tangentially connected to them). Tala is once again demonstrating the show’s philosophy that the Empire’s white-male-supremacist violence and pursuit of ultimate power is wrong, and that the real heroes are those people working to subvert it at any cost (including, eventually, Tala’s own life). She moves freely and gender-fluidly between “performances” of toxic masculinity for cover purposes, and her own authentic self as a committed and passionate feminine rebel leader, right in the Empire’s plain sight. Damn. Once again, this show did not have to go that hard, and yet.
Likewise, even with the more minor supporting characters of color (Roken, Haja) the series makes sure that Obi-Wan, the white male hero, supports and uplifts them. He tells Roken to continue as a leader because he’s good at it; he tells Haja that his word is good enough for him to trust, even when Haja points out that it’s coming from a con man and fake Jedi. I have also mentioned how we were all thoroughly head-faked out to think that the series would focus on Obi-Wan and little Luke -- NOPE, it was Obi-Wan and little Leia (who have had almost no meaningful interaction in other SW properties to date). By putting so much of the emotional resonance of the series on the shoulders of a young female child actor (and Vivien Lyra Blair absolutely killed it), which could have been mawkish, overly sentimental, cringe-worthy, or just flat-out bad if it was handled wrongly, they gave incredible depth to Leia as a character and the events of the original trilogy, and prized Leia as the ultimate heroine and fearless political leader that she is (we don’t talk about Bruno the sequels in this house, but yes). This is what I mean when I say that the show deeply respects and cherishes what Star Wars, at its best, has always been about. It didn’t reduce Leia, flatten her, minimize her, randomly destroy her life/relationships just for grimdark lulz (yes, sequel trilogy, STILL LOOKING AT YOU) or do anything but provide an absolutely affirming and deeply adoring portrayal of what the character has been for 40+ years, and why she has had such a deep impact on so many girls and women. I so wish Carrie Fisher could have seen it, because she would have loved it so much.
By having Obi-Wan interact with Leia and learn from her and take strength from her, as much or more than Leia learned from him, it also underscored the series’ deeply feminist ethos, and the way that Obi-Wan gets confidence to move forward in his life, and recommit himself to his purpose as a Jedi, because of his ability to love her as his own child (and he is indeed, yet again, the narrative foil and stand-in for Anakin, who has deliberately chosen to separate himself from any possibility of providing that fatherly love.) This is when he finally gets to see Qui-Gon again, who has apparently just been chilling in the desert all this time, not-so-patiently waiting for Obi-Wan to finish eating his breakup ice cream and blasting his breakup songs and, y’know, get on with it. Obi-Wan’s slow, painful, agonizing recovery from death and trauma and unbearable, savage grief isn’t made out to be cheap or easy or something that can be done overnight; after all, it’s been 10 years since Revenge of the Sith when the series starts. It respects the fact that he’s been grieving so desperately all this time, and it doesn’t cheapen it or mock it, but it also gently nudges him, and us, to start thinking about the next step we can take forward, despite that. It’s always deeply connected to Obi-Wan’s love: for Anakin, for Luke and Leia, for Padme, for Qui-Gon, for the Jedi, for what’s true and right and good. We see him struggle and be beaten up and burned to within an inch of his life, but he still continues. And once again, there is a queer resonance in that resilience, and our strength to persist, especially now, in the face of so many hostile forces that seemingly likewise want us to be erased, silenced, and forced back into the shadows. No. We stand up. We fight.
Anyway, tl;dr, Deborah Chow is the only person authorized to do any new Star Wars movies/TV shows from now on. I don’t make the rules.
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juste-une-etudiante · 2 years
Here goes my analysis of the last chapter
I'll leave the emotional growth of Garou, Bang and Tareo for the people who are better versed for such matters, although I must say that I'm really happy that the manga took a rather wholesome turn compared to what happened in the webcomic, and I may briefly mention some stuff to prove a couple of points
So, without further ado, let's begin
Garou has mommy issues
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We all suspected that his parents weren't particularly supportive before this happened, seeing how they acted when his son was bullied at school, but this detail really emphasises their neglect towards Garou -they never took responsibility for what his child did, and it doesn't look like they will anytime soon- which confirms the aforementioned theory
However, there is hope for the future, for Bang seems determined to mend his mistakes, and finally try to connect with his disciples instead of giving them a stoic -rather cold- treatment. Considering that Garou was inclined to dealing with problems on his own due to his family situation, having someone to rely on may be crucial to break through his insecurities, thus embrace who he has always been: a kind spirit who only wishes to protect those who can't stand up for themselves
Bang's approach to establish a proper relationship with his (adopted son) student is, as expected from an alcohol enthusiastic Casanova, to enquire about his love life (as if homeboy hadn't spent the past months on the run not being able to take a shower and then making up for it by sitting under a waterfall for God knows how much time), since Garou isn't legally allowed to drink yet
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Garou's response to this is very funny, he (naturally) gets all awkward and nervous, and isn't quite thrilled to having to talk about it. Perhaps it's my bi ass projecting, but I kinda saw myself reflected here, as it's always slightly uncomfortable when my relatives ask me if there's a special lad too hahahaha... Even though it could be argued that this is a bit biased, I think there's room to interpret this situation under this light as well
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Regarding Garou's answer, there's a big red flag that I think some are wishfully ignoring in order to celebrate that the guy may be straight: the girl is from a TV show
We all know too well how prone the boy is to idealising these sorts of programs, breaking them down to their essence and then trying (failing) to apply their simple rules to a nuanced reality. It doesn't end up well
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Having the actress being similar to his mother, yet differing in the most important characteristic that affects Garou -kindness- speaks volumes about the nature of his feelings. He's simply looking for a figure that shall give him the love his parents failed to provide, and people reading this as an "usual" crush is imo low-key off-putting
My personal opinion on this (besides it being a poor and bizarre attempt at pulling out a "no homo"), is that a possible reason behind Garou's self-worth problems and perception of the world has been revealed to us: he has mommy issues
It has been discussed that people who have daddy issues might suffer sadness or depression while people who have mommy issues become sociopaths. Nevertheless, I am no psychologist, and so my knowledge of this subject is limited. I don't intend to sound like an authority, and everyone is free to disagree with this idea
In spite of there being many (myself included) who would like to have more information on Garou's childhood, I think we've been shown enough to properly understand his character, and what's left to see is his future growth now that he's slowly building a supportive network
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arnabdasgupta · 13 days
How to Mastering client acquisition as a freelancer?
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Client acquisition is challenging for freelancers, especially those looking for their first client. The initial step is the toughest when someone wants to establish credibility and reputation. Establishing a reputation is also tricky. However, they can be overcome if anyone implies proper strategies and techniques. Here are some beginner-friendly tips on how to get high-ticket clients as a freelancer.
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Set your target audience
To get a client it is mandatory to set your target audience. Try to find out the problem they are facing on their business promotion. Once you understand their problems, create a marketing strategy that resonates with the answers to these problems.
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Build an impressive portfolio
Potential clients want to check your portfolio first, so it is recommended that you organize your portfolio properly. Show your demo work, highlight your skills and expertise, and if you have any testimonials, please add them, too.
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Build a strong online presence
To showcase your service:
Build a professional and responsive website.
Create specific landing pages for each service.
Create a content calendar for social media business pages and start promoting your services and skills.
Building an online presence is crucial for establishing your credibility and reputation.
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Network with other freelancers and professionals
Building Networks with industrial professionals and other freelancers is another powerful process for finding clients for your business. Attend industry events, seminars, conferences, and other tech events to connect with potential clients. Another effective approach is joining various groups and forums and connecting with individuals in your niche on LinkedIn.
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Offer free consultations
Start offering free consultations and trials. It will help you to attract more clients.
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Offer Personalised Service
You should create premium and personalized packages according to your clients' needs. Highlight the value and benefits of working with you, such as quick response, personalized content, 24X7 online support, high-end AMC services, and more.
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Consistent follow-up
Following up with your clients in a professional manner is a great initiative. It can encourage potential clients to share their thoughts and concerns. Solving these concerns will earn you their trust, which will ultimately lead to the signing of contract papers.
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By reading this article, you can understand that acquiring clients as freelancers is not that difficult. If you remain focused and work hard on your strategies, you will be on your way to success in no time. 
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does minecraft work on vpn
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does minecraft work on vpn
Minecraft multiplayer VPN compatibility
Minecraft Multiplayer VPN Compatibility Explained
For avid Minecraft players, the allure of multiplayer gaming is irresistible. Whether you're teaming up with friends to construct elaborate builds or engaging in epic battles, the multiplayer experience adds a whole new dimension to the game. However, for various reasons, players may encounter obstacles when trying to connect to multiplayer servers, such as geographic restrictions or network issues. This is where Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) come into play.
VPNs serve as a solution for players looking to overcome these obstacles and enjoy seamless multiplayer experiences. By connecting to a VPN server, players can mask their true IP addresses and appear as though they are accessing the internet from a different location. This can bypass geographic restrictions imposed by server hosts, allowing players to access multiplayer servers from anywhere in the world.
Furthermore, VPNs encrypt internet traffic, providing an added layer of security and privacy for players. This encryption prevents ISPs and third parties from monitoring or intercepting data transmitted during multiplayer gameplay, reducing the risk of DDoS attacks or other malicious activities.
When it comes to Minecraft multiplayer VPN compatibility, most VPN providers support the game without any issues. Players can choose from a wide range of VPN services, each offering different features and server locations. It's essential to select a VPN provider with fast and reliable servers located close to the Minecraft server you wish to connect to, ensuring minimal latency and optimal performance.
However, while VPNs can enhance the multiplayer experience for many players, it's crucial to note that some server hosts may have policies against VPN usage. Players should always check the server rules and guidelines before connecting via a VPN to avoid potential penalties or bans.
In conclusion, Minecraft multiplayer VPN compatibility offers a convenient solution for players seeking unrestricted access to servers and enhanced security during gameplay. With the right VPN provider and proper precautions, players can enjoy seamless multiplayer experiences from anywhere in the world.
Benefits of using VPN with Minecraft
Using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) with Minecraft can offer a plethora of benefits to both casual gamers and serious enthusiasts alike.
First and foremost, a VPN enhances your online security and privacy while playing Minecraft. By encrypting your internet connection, a VPN shields your personal data from potential hackers and snoopers, reducing the risk of unauthorized access to your gaming account or sensitive information.
Moreover, a VPN allows you to bypass geo-restrictions and access Minecraft servers and content that may be blocked in your region. This is particularly useful for players who want to join servers or access mods and resource packs that are only available in certain countries.
Additionally, using a VPN can improve your gaming experience by reducing lag and latency. By connecting to a VPN server closer to the game server, you can enjoy faster connection speeds and smoother gameplay, especially if you're playing on servers located far away from your physical location.
Furthermore, a VPN can help you protect your anonymity while interacting with other players online. By masking your IP address, a VPN makes it more difficult for other players to track your online activity or target you for malicious purposes.
Lastly, using a VPN with Minecraft can also be beneficial for parents who want to monitor and control their children's online gaming activities. With a VPN, parents can ensure that their children's gaming sessions are secure and that they are not exposed to inappropriate content or interactions.
In conclusion, incorporating a VPN into your Minecraft gaming experience can provide you with added security, access to restricted content, improved performance, anonymity, and peace of mind for parents.
Limitations of Minecraft on VPN
Minecraft, the immensely popular sandbox video game, offers players a virtual world to explore, build, and interact with others. While its expansive nature is a major draw, utilizing a Virtual Private Network (VPN) with Minecraft does come with its limitations.
One of the primary constraints of using Minecraft with a VPN is latency. VPNs route your internet traffic through remote servers, which can introduce additional delays in data transmission. This can result in laggy gameplay and increased latency, impacting the overall gaming experience. For activities like PvP (Player versus Player) combat or precision building, even small delays can be noticeable and frustrating.
Moreover, certain VPN providers may restrict or throttle bandwidth for gaming traffic. Minecraft requires a stable and high-speed internet connection, especially when hosting or joining multiplayer servers. Bandwidth limitations imposed by VPNs can lead to reduced performance, disconnections, or difficulty accessing online multiplayer features.
Another limitation arises from region-locked content. Some Minecraft servers or game features may be restricted to specific geographic regions due to licensing agreements or regional regulations. While a VPN can bypass these restrictions by masking your IP address and appearing as though you're connecting from a different location, not all VPNs have servers in every region, limiting your options for accessing region-locked content.
Lastly, security concerns must be considered. While VPNs encrypt your internet traffic and provide anonymity by masking your IP address, not all VPN providers offer robust security features. Choosing an unreliable or insecure VPN can expose your personal information and gaming activities to potential risks such as data breaches or hacking attempts.
In conclusion, while using a VPN with Minecraft can provide benefits such as accessing region-locked content or enhancing privacy, it also comes with limitations including latency issues, bandwidth restrictions, limited server coverage, and security vulnerabilities. Players should carefully weigh these factors when deciding whether to use a VPN for Minecraft gaming.
VPN setup for Minecraft gaming
Title: Setting Up a VPN for Secure Minecraft Gaming
Minecraft enthusiasts often seek ways to enhance their gaming experience, and one effective method is by setting up a Virtual Private Network (VPN). By utilizing a VPN, players can enjoy several benefits, including enhanced security, privacy, and access to geo-restricted content. Here’s a guide on how to set up a VPN for Minecraft gaming:
Choose a Reliable VPN Service: Selecting a reputable VPN provider is crucial for ensuring a smooth gaming experience. Look for a service that offers high-speed connections, robust security features, and a large server network.
Install the VPN Software: Once you’ve chosen a VPN provider, download and install their software on your gaming device. Most VPN services offer user-friendly applications compatible with various platforms, including Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android.
Connect to a Server: After installing the VPN software, launch the application and connect to a server location of your choice. For optimal gaming performance, select a server that’s geographically close to the Minecraft game server you intend to play on.
Configure VPN Settings: Some VPN services offer specialized settings for gaming, such as dedicated gaming servers or optimized protocols. Explore the VPN client’s settings to see if there are any options to enhance your gaming experience.
Launch Minecraft and Enjoy: Once you’re connected to the VPN server, launch the Minecraft game client and start playing. With the VPN encrypting your internet connection and masking your real IP address, you can enjoy a secure and private gaming session without worrying about potential online threats or privacy breaches.
By following these steps, Minecraft players can set up a VPN to safeguard their gaming sessions while also enjoying benefits such as accessing region-locked content and bypassing internet restrictions. Whether you’re exploring vast landscapes solo or embarking on multiplayer adventures with friends, a VPN can elevate your Minecraft gaming experience to new heights.
Ensuring smooth gameplay with Minecraft VPN
Minecraft, the popular sandbox video game, allows players to explore, craft, and build in an open-world environment. However, to ensure smooth gameplay and protect your privacy while playing Minecraft, using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) can be beneficial.
A VPN creates a secure and encrypted connection between your device and the internet, making it more difficult for hackers to compromise your data while you play Minecraft online. By using a VPN, you can prevent Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, which can disrupt your gameplay experience by overwhelming your internet connection.
Additionally, a VPN can help you bypass regional restrictions and access Minecraft servers from any location. This is particularly useful for players who want to join servers that are not available in their country or region.
Moreover, using a VPN can reduce lag and latency during gameplay by connecting you to a server that is closer to the game server. This can result in a smoother gaming experience with fewer interruptions and delays.
When selecting a VPN for playing Minecraft, it is important to choose a reliable and fast service with servers in locations that are close to popular Minecraft servers. Additionally, ensure that the VPN provider does not log your online activities to protect your privacy while gaming.
In conclusion, using a VPN while playing Minecraft can enhance your gaming experience by ensuring smooth gameplay, protecting your privacy, and bypassing restrictions. Consider incorporating a VPN into your gaming setup to enjoy a safer and more seamless Minecraft experience.
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uswanth123 · 27 days
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Mastering SAP HCM: Your Guide to a Rewarding HR CareerSAP Human Capital Management (HCM) is a powerhouse in HR software. It streamlines everything from employee data management and payroll processing to talent acquisition and performance analytics. If you’re in HR or aiming to be, learning SAP HCM can be a game-changer for your career. Let’s dive in!Why SAP HCM?
Widely Adopted: SAP HCM is used by countless organizations globally, creating significant job market demand for skilled professionals.
Streamlines HR Operations: SAP HCM automates core HR processes, increasing efficiency, improving data accuracy, and freeing up HR teams for more strategic tasks.
Data-Driven Decision-Making: The module provides real-time insights into workforce trends, enabling better decision-making for workforce planning, talent development, and more.
Enhanced Employee Experience: SAP HCM offers intuitive self-service portals for employees, streamlining tasks like managing benefits and submitting timesheets.Where to Start Your SAP HCM Learning Journey
Understand the Basics:
Get familiar with HR terminology and core HR processes (payroll, compensation, benefits, etc.)
Focus on Key SAP HCM Modules:
Organizational Management: Build your company’s organizational structure digitally.
Personnel Administration: Master employee records management.
Time Management: Handle time tracking, shift planning, and attendance.
Payroll: Become a payroll processing whiz.
Talent Management: Dive into recruitment, performance management, and training.Tips for Effective Learning
Hands-On Practice: Get access to a sandbox SAP system. Applying concepts is crucial.
Build a Network: Connect with other SAP HCM learners and professionals through online communities or local user groups.
Start with a Specific Focus: Try to learn only some things at a time. Pick a module or two and gain expertise.
Stay Updated: SAP releases updates regularly; keep up with new features and enhancements.The Rewards of Learning SAP HCMMastering SAP HCM opens up exciting career paths:
SAP HCM Consultant: Advise clients on implementation, customization, and optimization.
HR Systems Analyst: Support and maintain your organization’s SAP HCM system.
HR Business Partner: Leverage SAP HCM data and tools to drive strategic HR initiatives.
Specialized Roles: Focus on specific modules like Payroll or Talent Management.Ready to Take the Leap?Learning SAP HCM is an investment in your career. With dedication and the proper resources, you can position yourself as a sought-after HR professional with in-demand SAP skills.
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fixyourgadgets · 2 months
Comprehensive Guide to HP EliteBook Repair: Troubleshooting and Solutions
The HP EliteBook series is renowned for its premium build and high-performance capabilities, but like any electronic device, it may encounter issues over time. Instead of feeling frustrated when problems arise, equip yourself with the knowledge to troubleshoot and resolve common HP EliteBook issues. This comprehensive guide will walk you through common problems and provide solutions for repairing your EliteBook laptop.
Power and Boot Issues:
Problem: Laptop not turning on or booting up.
Solution: Check the power adapter for proper connection and ensure the battery is charged. If issues persist, try a hard reset by removing the battery, disconnecting the power adapter, and holding the power button for 15 seconds. Reconnect and attempt to power on.
Screen and Display Problems:
Problem: Blank screen, flickering, or distorted display.
Solution: Adjust display brightness settings, update graphics drivers, or perform a hard reset. If problems persist, connect the laptop to an external monitor to check if the issue is with the laptop screen or the graphics components.
Keyboard and Touchpad Issues:
Problem: Unresponsive keys or touchpad.
Solution: Check for physical obstructions, update keyboard and touchpad drivers, and perform a system restart. If problems continue, connect an external USB keyboard or mouse to determine if the issue lies with the built-in components.
Slow Performance:
Problem: Laptop running slow or freezing.
Solution: Close unnecessary programs, run a disk cleanup, and uninstall unused applications. Consider upgrading RAM or replacing the hard drive with a solid-state drive (SSD) for improved performance.
Overheating and Fan Noise:
Problem: Laptop overheating or emitting excessive fan noise.
Solution: Ensure proper ventilation by cleaning dust from vents, use a cooling pad, and update the laptop's BIOS. If overheating persists, the thermal paste on the CPU may need replacement.
Connectivity Issues:
Problem: Wi-Fi or Bluetooth not working.
Solution: Check network settings, update wireless drivers, and restart the router. If issues persist, consider resetting network settings or reinstalling the wireless adapter drivers.
Battery Problems:
Problem: Poor battery life or not charging.
Solution: Calibrate the battery, update power management settings, and check for background applications consuming excessive power. If issues continue, the battery may need replacement.
Data Storage and Disk Errors:
Problem: Disk errors or data corruption.
Solution: Run disk check utilities, update storage drivers, and ensure proper data backup. If errors persist, the hard drive may be failing and may require replacement.
Hardware Failure:
Problem: Persistent hardware issues.
Solution: In case of significant hardware problems, such as motherboard or CPU failure, it is recommended to contact HP support or consult a professional technician for diagnosis and repair.
Conclusion: By following this comprehensive guide, you can troubleshoot and resolve many common issues with your HP EliteBook. However, for complex problems or hardware failures, seeking professional assistance is advisable. Regular maintenance, timely updates, and careful handling can contribute to the longevity and optimal performance of your HP EliteBook laptop.
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Through this era, massive CPG brand strategy consulting agency corporations mobilized their supply chains and focused on top lines, whereas small players struggled to pivot. Further, 15 percent or extra of shoppers changed their primary grocery store, generating a shock to loyalty and lots of compelled trial. This has created a robust alternative for brand leaders to get closer to the buyer, while reasserting the advantages of scale within the supply chain and key account relationships. But the crisis can additionally be accelerating client demand for worth and reliance on digital. Their concentrate on omnichannel model technique ensures a cohesive strategy to brand improvement and market presence.
Impact Group's wide array of outstanding brands and its experience in commerce and deduction management make them a valuable partner for CPG brand strategy consulting agency manufacturers trying to enhance its sales and distribution strategies. They give consideration to delivering quicker and better outcomes to achieve your business goals on this aggressive market. Target the best audience at the proper time and generate optimized results. We employ knowledge and our network of media consultants worldwide to help every small and enormous model set up itself as a frontrunner out there.
Despite those pressures, the listing of leading CP corporations has remained remarkably steady, a testament to some great benefits of scale. By reshaping their portfolios, revamping their go-to-market fashions and pursuing operational efficiencies, scale leaders have managed to remain on top—for now. Our strategic course of is backed by 20+ years of experience, a healthy dose of creativity and accountability-  hardly ever seen in the agency world. This successfully gives brands a shortcut towards an audience’s preferences. Since influencers are already seen as a trusted source, this clears the similar old hurdle of establishing a rapport that manufacturers usually must work via.
By utilizing social media engagement, inBeat may help solidify your brand’s presence and make your merchandise reach a devoted audience. Five of those tendencies are disrupting CPG brand strategy consulting agency’ conventional mass market brand-building. Digital media and the ubiquity of digital data are transforming how shoppers learn about manufacturers.
After 40 years of outperformance enabled by a broadly used five-part success mannequin, the global shopper packaged goods (CPG brand strategy consulting agency) trade struggled to grow over the past decade. Because 12 disruptive tendencies have diluted the old success model for growing mass brands. Now the COVID-19 crisis is amplifying many of these tendencies, triggering an trade imperative to change.
The tone of voice defines your brand’s persona and language to speak with shoppers, guiding the messaging and making a constant model identity. It’s necessary to understand that there will be iterations to each of those checks, and a few could occur a quantity of times through the model growth process. For instance, a pricing analysis could additionally be wanted after package design testing to find out how excessive a model can worth its product before it hits the ceiling. CPG brand strategy consulting agency testing for manufacturers is an underrated asset a company can use to impression revenues immediately. While testing is standard for features of selling, few brands leverage its power for branding.
Large CPG brand strategy consulting agency acquired small manufacturers successfully in the previous couple of years, typically accelerating their development and helping them over the $100 million scale barrier. Small brands have seen excessive development, rising 4 occasions sooner than massive brands in 2018–19, though they struggled with availability and execution through the COVID-19 crisis. Because 12 disruptive trends have battered the model over the past decade. CPG brand strategy consulting agency players need to rethink their portfolio priorities and “where to play” choices to extend their publicity to rising markets, channels, and subcategories.
Rarely does a brand go viral due to its magic ingredient and even its marketing of such magic. In nearly every case, branding takes them from unidentifiable to recognizable. Quantifying the impact on your CPG brand strategy consulting agency model is possible whenever you make model testing part of your ongoing technique. Now, assuming you probably can measure the impression of your branding marketing campaign, here’s a look at the three most powerful advantages.
Formulate a strategy that defines your model and connects with shoppers. Be positive to have branding-specific disaster administration to handle conditions that may intrude with brand loyalty. Every brand faces a pivotal second when its response to an unforeseen scenario pushes customer loyalty upward or downward. When you can brand your model value proposition, you cut back stress from the life of your advertising division. Instead of trying to find factors of differentiation, they can concentrate on pattern interruption and capturing consideration. When taking a look at competitiveness like a sport, it carefully resembles monitor in that you are trying to distance yourself from the company behind you whereas inching closer to the competitor forward of you.
Maintaining their latest development price of two.6 % risks an roughly 25 percent reduction in market cap (Exhibit 3). However, during the last decade, business performance has faltered in phrases of fundamentals and stock market performance. From 2000 to 2009, financial profit grew 10.4 percent per year; from 2010 to 2019, it dropped to 3.2 p.c per 12 months.
Participating in creating markets after all requires deep native client understanding. Companies need to rebuild entrepreneurial, dedicated local organizations that may execute impactful world advertising campaigns in locally related ways. Grocery volumes surged 20 p.c with pantry loading after which settled at 5–10 p.c, while eating places remained closed or tightly restricted.
Leading CPG brand strategy consulting agency gamers unlock the subsequent progress curve by linking the core levers of RGM—pricing, assortment, promotion, and commerce investment—to the company’s occasion growth and activation strategy. Precision RGM is powered by superior analytics tools that automate key analyses at a very granular level and enable simulation and foresight. Of course, superior useful efficiency can be important for evergreen manufacturers, and the bar keeps rising as private-label contract manufacturers mature. Evergreen manufacturers should obsess over their useful efficiency across all consumer events, using innovation as needed to retain leadership. Before the COVID-19 crisis, major CPG brand strategy consulting agency companies were evolving toward a new mannequin. The US remains a key market, generating 20 percent of world development (the bulk of the 35 p.c developed market share of growth).
SmashBrand tailors this side of our branding service based on the general brand identity and market positioning objectives. We develop a emblem that aligns with the overall brand strategy and resonates with the audience. By analyzing shopper preferences, developments, and rivals, you can perceive your shoppers, what they like, and how brands serve them. Market research for consumer packaged goods pays shut consideration to shopper habits, which captures client insights extra accurately than surveys and focus groups.
The company helps companies penetrate new markets by creating model strategies that use market insights for the most effective model positioning and messaging potential. Mucho also can assist handle a brand’s design and artwork direction, giving it a singular visual identity that a business can use to join to its shoppers. The inBeat company specializes in micro-influencer marketing, helping brands reach their customers with a customized method and focused campaigns. By building a well-known presence on their customers’ feeds and timelines, inBeat can help a enterprise turn out to be a mainstay in an audience’s attention—a essential element to succeeding in CPG brand strategy consulting agency  advertising.
The trade needs a model new method to seize their creativeness and loyalty.
The first step in reaching out to CPG brand strategy consulting agency advertising businesses is to conduct thorough analysis on potential agencies you’re excited about. You can begin by trying to find such agencies on social media platforms, like LinkedIn or Instagram, and reading online evaluations posted by their former purchasers. This will offer you useful insights into their experience, competency, and the types of companies they offer. The cost of our branding services range based mostly on the scope and complexity of the project. Unlike the traditional branding agency, SmashBrand has developed a proprietary method to brand improvement referred to as the PathToPerformance™, a roadmap taking manufacturers from conception to retail-ready. A model development project begins at $25,000.00, but we're pleased to discuss unconventional alternatives for promising partnerships.
Schedule a 30-minute session to fulfill our team, review your objectives and get started. During our brand technique consulting companies program, Brandettes will personalize your portfolio to promote your company’s identification and elevate its distinct character. We know that an genuine story or id will encourage your viewers to immediately relate and belief your product or service, further encouraging loyalty and constant clicks. This means, the CPG brand strategy consulting agency advertising companies can assess if they have relevant expertise and resources to collaborate together with your group successfully. The pandemic has changed how we work together on the earth and that also means purchasing. These companies shall be pressured to continually review how they've marketed up to now in addition to their messaging and inventive executions going forward.
InBeat's expertise lies in serving to manufacturers leverage social media influencers to enhance their on-line presence and attain their target market successfully. From micro-influencer marketing to comprehensive digital strategies and e mail marketing, these agencies provide a variety of companies tailored to meet your specific wants. Firstly, the size and scale of your small business will play a big role in figuring out the price of CPG brand strategy consulting agency advertising companies.
We're all wearing masks and avoiding individuals at socially accepted distances, and by now we all know the drill. But one thing has happened to CPG brand strategy consulting agency (customer packaged goods) manufacturers that no amount of hand sanitizing can erase. Because of our confirmed Path To Performance™ process, our branding packages all comply with an analogous framework. Depending on the needs of our shopper, some companies may or may not be included based on the product class, competitive set, and price range constraints. From the brand to packaging design, our testing and iterative process enhances model id while solidifying model positioning. By implementing these steps, you can successfully measure and consider your brand’s efficiency, enabling you to make knowledgeable choices and drive the success of your CPG brand strategy consulting agency branding strategy.
Their commitment to offering exceptional advertising services positions them as a reliable alternative for manufacturers in search of impactful and results-driven options each day. Their data-driven motion plans and wide selection of companies position them as a trusted alternative for manufacturers trying to elevate their marketing efforts. Beyond The Agency is a DTC-focused CPG brand strategy consulting agency advertising agency specializing in launching and scaling CPG brand strategy consulting agency brands. This full-service advertising agency provides services that range from custom-built headless commerce stores to full-scale production crews. With a focus on market channels and target market identification, this digital advertising agency helps manufacturers obtain consciousness and trial, main to higher sales.
Our shoppers embody companies in the meals, beverages, personal and family care, consumer durables, luxury items, apparel and footwear, recreational products, over-the-counter medicines and different sectors. The breadth of our expertise and expertise, mixed with our broad ecosystem of best-of-breed partners, ensures that we tailor highly effective solutions that meet your actual needs. CPG brand strategy consulting agency marketing will likely remain a lucrative marketplace for years to return, which incentivizes CPG brand strategy consulting agency businesses to search out skilled and reliable companies to handle their marketing. By discovering the best partner company, you'll have the ability to develop, launch, and keep a product that your clients will love—and will proceed being worthwhile long-term. The Outloud Group works carefully with companies and influencers, helping CPG brand strategy consulting agency reach an engaged audience for a greater likelihood of revenue. The company has a protracted history of working with some of the most recognizable brands on the earth and has more than a decade of experience in serving to companies from completely different industries achieve success.
G+T Creative's give attention to defining goal audiences, value propositions, and brand stories positions them as useful companions for CPG brand strategy consulting agency manufacturers in search of efficient advertising strategies within the meals business. Their digital advertising staff has a deep understanding of the needs of target audiences along the meals value chain, from grocery retailers to foodservice operators. If your CPG brand strategy consulting agency model operates within these distinctive sectors, partnering with Chapell can offer you useful insights and methods tailored to your industry-specific wants.
We perceive the importance of preserving the established brand recognition and buyer loyalty that your organization has built over time. Our rebranding technique is designed to strengthen these aspects, guaranteeing that any modifications reinforce model loyalty and align with the evolving needs and perceptions of your target audience. We are a progressive CPG brand strategy consulting agency advertising agency that focuses on driving growth and reaching elevated revenue for your business. We decide the right combination of instruments and tangible assets that are required to help your model level up and serve up the proper content to the proper channels, driving brand affinity and growing social influence. Our team of CPG brand strategy consulting agency advertising consultants builds strategic digital campaigns to generate demand and improve ROI. We know how to build actionable plans that lead to greater conversions and our storytelling techniques, backed by key messaging, drives new shoppers.
On the journey to scale, small manufacturers must win on their proposition, be disciplined on industrial levers, and build the backbone for scaling. The small brand proposition is normally the “sparkle”—often predicated on new, area of interest consumer insights or a enterprise mannequin that massive brands sometimes lack the authenticity to offer. The scaling threat lies in expanding past the core too early, before a small brand has earned the proper to supply the adjacency. Whether you are looking for micro-influencer marketing, complete digital methods, or progressive go-to-market approaches, these businesses have you ever coated.
Once you've identified some potential CPG brand strategy consulting agency marketing companies, it is advisable to craft a personalized and professional e-mail or a letter clearly stating your corporation needs and aims. Your e mail or letter must be detailed and communicate your vision, price range, timeline, and audience. Include any relevant details about your small business or brand, similar to product offerings, aggressive landscape, target buyer demographics, and any previous advertising efforts. The first and foremost responsibility of CPG brand strategy consulting agency marketing agencies is to develop advertising strategies that connect the CPG brand strategy consulting agency company’s products with the target market. This includes understanding the goal market and analyzing their habits, preferences, and consumption patterns. You can find examples of our past shoppers and the profitable branding providers we now have offered on our Works web page.
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kristenbrady · 4 months
Over 50 and Looking For a Career Change? Try These Ideas.
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The world is your oyster, if you’re looking to change careers later on in life. Rather than winding down and moving towards retirement, more people now than ever before are seeking a change in direction.
Over 50? Try These Side Hustles.
Life begins at 50. So, let’s learn some new skills.
Below are 11 ideas for a brand-new journey in your 50s and beyond…
Funeral Arranger
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Funeral care careers are not only about working with the dead. A major part of the job additionally includes working closely with loved ones to ensure that the funeral reflects all of their wishes and to provide them emotional support as they are grieving.
A lot of employers will hire funeral arrangers with little to no expertise in this industry so long as they possess the proper attitude. When you have built up substantial funeral arranger experience, you might think about applying for a funeral director job.
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Maybe you are curious about becoming a childminder or nanny?
If you like being around kids and love the thought of working flexible hours, a job in childcare might be just what you have been waiting for.
In the role of childcare, you will typically support and care for children in a variety of ways — from cooking dinner to helping with homework — while their caretaker(s) or parent(s) are at work or away.
Usually, as a childminder, you will look after kids in your own house as parents or guardians will drop them off and then pick the children up at specified times.
Government Jobs
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Image courtesy: Soly Moses via Pexels
You might not be thinking about running for public office; however, you might channel your interest within the public sector by searching for government jobs for those over 50. The civil service and local government organizations invite applications from those over 50.
Government jobs span an array of roles, which includes building control officers, planning officers, environmental health officers, and administration roles.
Sales Roles
If you are dynamic and smart, can develop amazing presentations, are experienced at the art of persuasion, and love a challenge, a job in sales might be for you.
Career options in this field involve everything from telesales assistant to sales director or account executive.
Life Coach
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Image courtesy: Andrea Piacquadio via Pexels
For such a role, it is helpful to possess a good amount of work and life experience to draw from that may be passed on to other people — making it the perfect opportunity for older adults.
Life coaches advise their clients on how to change their lifestyle so they can be happier.
Among the kinds of mentoring jobs are a business coach, a life coach, and mentor to students and young people.
Video Courtesy Brinya via YouTube: How to Become a Life Coach (and get PAID) **very detailed**
Virtual Assistant
It’s possible to say “bye bye” to that regular job and that awful commute by becoming a VA (virtual assistant). As a VA, it’s possible to make a good income without having to leave your house.
Virtual Assistants are those who provide administrative support to entrepreneurs, companies, and anyone needing assistance with routine activities.
If you’re looking to start meeting and networking with clients, the best way to begin is to join freelancing sites, like People per Hour or Fiverr.
Fiverr vs Upwork: Benefits and Features of Both Platforms
Do you want to employ a remote worker, especially a freelancer? If the answer is yes, you might be familiar with…
Pet Sitter
If you like animals, why not think about becoming a pet sitter?
Not only are you going to become your own boss but, provided you have a lot of passion for animals and energy, you will have fun in this job.
The duties of pet sitting involve dog walking, feeding, and taking pets to and from vets. Working with dogs and cats might be an outstanding way to decrease your stress levels when working — and not many jobs are able to boast that!
50 Pet Businesses You Can Start Today
Do you have a love for animals? There are many different businesses to start that permit you to work around cats, dogs…
Retail Job
If you work well with the public and love to keep busy, you may enjoy a role in retail.
It may be an excellent way to keep physically fit and remain socially connected with the community. If you do not want to work on the shop floor, an administration or management role may be more appropriate for you.
Experienced tradespeople are always in demand, and training programs and apprenticeships for older generations are supported by the government.
Among the multitude of career options that are supported by the government are roofers, plumbers, decorators, painters, stonemasons, electricians, and carpenters.
This useful guide from Startups offers an abundance of information regarding how you can become a self-employed tradesperson — which includes how you can put together a business plan, as well as take out the proper business insurance.
Driving Instructor
Video courtesy RED Driver Training via YouTube: The Pros & Cons Of Being A Driving Instructor | RED Driver Training
You would get to help drivers of all ages develop confidence and skills in the car, as a driving instructor. Some students will have never sat in a driver’s seat before, whereas other ones might’ve passed their driving test but just want to refresh those skills.
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There’s an increasing number of folks in their 50s and 60s returning to retrain as educators. You could be a supply teacher, regular teacher, provide private tuition, or teach courses at an adult education college.
Teaching can be very fulfilling, in which it’s possible to draw on your expertise and experience to inspire students and connect with the youth of today.
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🍷Kristen is a contributor on Medium. Sign up here to catch every story when she publishes.
🛒Grab my audiobook on Audible: How to Productize Your Services: How to Make Money While You’re Sleeping or on paperback through Amazon here or free eBook through Gumroad here.
🎀Join Kristen’s online ministry on Substack: https://substack.com/@kristenb
Originally posted on Medium
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bertramdeal39 · 4 months
Bitmain To Release Antminer E9 Asic For Ethereum Mining
It is important to ensure the current demand from your miners do not overload any components on the circuits the place they are going to be put in. To check this, we have to know the circuit's derated present capacity by making use of the 80% rule. Work when it comes to current (amps) when planning installation of recent miners. This simplifies capacity planning as a outcome of all circuit breakers, electrical wire, outlet receptacles, energy distribution models, and energy cords are rated in amps.
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Input the crypto you wish to mine, your hardware, hashing power, and so forth to see how much revenue you'll be able to potentially make per day. An ASIC miner, or an Application-Specific Integrated Circuit Miner, might be the least well-known but essentially the most efficient type of crypto mining hardware there's. Unlike CPUs or GPUs, ASICs are designed for a single purpose — mining, or solving advanced math issues that validate and secure the blockchain. First, custom manufacturing of mining Bitcoin machines acted to centralize the network. Because Bitcoin mining is essentially guesswork, arriving at the proper reply earlier than one other miner has nearly every little thing to do with how fast your pc can produce hashes. FoundyUSA and AntPool are two in style mining pools that hold greater than 55% of the world's Bitcoin mining power. In terms of profitability, it is strongly recommended that you simply use traditional hardware mining, similar to an ASIC or a performant GPU. But in case you are simply trying to get acquainted with crypto mining and not invest significant amounts, then a USB ASIC miner could be right for you. It also features a user-friendly interface that permits for easy setup and administration. BTG looks like a good choice for newbies to begin crypto mining using graphics processing items. Even if the BTG exchange rate drops down, you will be able to make use of the hash energy of your GPU for mining other digital currencies. Grin is certainly not a well-liked cryptocurrency, however it has a dedicated neighborhood of customers who believe in it. In real life we face dust, humidity and altering temperature circumstances - and the AvalonMiner 1246 does well in all environments. MicroBT Whatsminer M50S (126Th) — A formidable competitor to top Bitmain miners. To prevent time and trouble, our group of consultants crunched the numbers, interviewed customers and synthesized their own mining lessons. The producer's website not only offers detailed data on the miner, but a superb tutorial video on getting set up. This consists of connecting the system by way of Ethernet and configuring your mining pool settings via the M32's net interface. The Whatsminer M32-70 is a well-liked mining device, and unlike most of its competition- it’s really out there and in stock on the time of this writing. However, at a price of $6200 it is hardly cheap, and the lower product offerings are out of stock currently. The solely drawback is that ASIC machines are made particularly for one kind of crypto asset quite than supporting the mining of multiple cryptocurrencies. You must think about this aspect and select the cryptocurrency you want to mine when buying or building your individual ASIC machine. Bitmain is a Beijing-based company based in 2013 by Micree Zhan and Jihan Wu. Horizon Miners promotions rose to prominence and is now considered one of the leading ASIC miner manufacturers globally. Bitmain’s Antminer series, notably the S9 model, has been a popular alternative amongst miners for its high hash fee and energy effectivity. The firm has additionally been praised for its customer support and the robustness of its merchandise. Several hundred crypto currencies are included with statistics and revenue information. Full flexibility to add and deploy any customized mining software program, algorithm, crypto forex and mining pool. Since 2015, chip dimension reduction in ASIC bitcoin mining units has been slower and fewer dramatic than in 2013 and 2014. The first major innovation to bitcoin mining hardware came shortly after a market worth for bitcoin was established. Hardware wanted to mine new cash advanced over time as new miners joined the Bitcoin community and started to compete for block rewards. With a lower hash rate, you could have to wait for a lot longer to mine 1 block and therefore obtain the crypto reward, especially if the problem increases frequently. Computers used to browse the internet, launch Microsoft Word and a variety of different countless purposes all contain what is recognized as a central processing unit (CPU). These units control how instructions on a pc are processed and executed. Due to the dearth of miner competition in bitcoin’s early days, the computational power required to create new blocks and earn mining rewards could presumably be easily processed on CPU gadgets.
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beaconcommerce · 6 months
Case Study: Seeding Square - A Revolutionary Gardening Tool
Seeding Square is a gardening tool designed to simplify and optimize the process of planting seeds and growing vegetables. This innovative product was created by Dave and Dan, two avid gardeners who recognized the challenges many people face when trying to grow their own produce. Seeding Square has gained popularity for its user-friendly design and effectiveness in helping both experienced and novice gardeners achieve successful yields. This case study delves into the key aspects of Seeding Square, its impact on the gardening community, and its journey to success.
Seeding Square was introduced to the market in 2015. The founders, Dave and Dan, were inspired by their own struggles with seed spacing and alignment while planting crops in their backyard gardens. They understood the importance of proper seed placement for maximizing growth and yield, and they sought to develop a tool that would simplify this process for others.
Product Description
Seeding Square is a simple but ingenious gardening tool consisting of a square plastic template with multiple holes of varying sizes, each corresponding to different types of seeds and their recommended spacing. The square is designed to fit various garden bed configurations, making it versatile and adaptable to different gardening setups. It also comes with a funnel and a dibbler, further aiding users in the seed planting process.
Features and Benefits
Accurate Seed Spacing: The multiple hole sizes in the Seeding Square ensure that seeds are planted at the optimal spacing, preventing overcrowding and allowing each plant to grow without competition.
Time-Saving: The Seeding Square significantly reduces the time and effort required for planting seeds, making gardening more accessible and efficient.
Versatility: It can be used for a wide range of vegetables and herbs, accommodating different seed sizes and planting patterns.
Seasonal Planting Guide: The Seeding Square provides guidelines on when to plant and harvest various crops, making it suitable for gardeners of all experience levels.
Marketing and Promotion
Seeding Square's success can be attributed to its strategic marketing efforts. The company has used various channels to promote its product, including:
Online Presence: Seeding Square maintains a user-friendly website that provides educational content, gardening tips, and the option to purchase the product.
Social Media: The company actively engages with its audience on platforms like Instagram and Facebook, sharing gardening advice and success stories from customers.
Collaborations: Seeding Square has partnered with influencers and gardening experts to showcase the product's effectiveness.
Trade Shows: The founders have participated in gardening and agricultural trade shows, allowing potential customers to experience the Seeding Square firsthand.
Impact and Success
Seeding Square has achieved remarkable success and recognition within the gardening community. Its impact is notable in several areas:
Increased Gardening Interest: The tool has encouraged more people to take up gardening, particularly those who may have been intimidated by the complexities of seed spacing.
Higher Yields: Gardeners using Seeding Square have reported increased crop yields and healthier plants due to improved seed spacing and planting accuracy.
Awards and Recognition: Seeding Square has received awards and accolades for its innovation, including recognition from gardening associations and media outlets.
Community Building: The Seeding Square community has grown, with users sharing their experiences, tips, and success stories, creating a supportive network of gardeners.
Future Prospects
Seeding Square continues to expand its product line, offering additional tools and accessories to aid gardeners further. The company also plans to reach a broader international audience by expanding its distribution channels.
In conclusion, Seeding Square is a case study in how innovative design and strategic marketing can revolutionize an age-old practice such as gardening. With its simple yet effective approach, it has made gardening more accessible and enjoyable, fostering a sense of accomplishment and self-sufficiency among its users. As the interest in home gardening continues to grow, Seeding Square is well-positioned to remain a leader in this market.
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unitednetizen · 8 months
How to Overcome Depression: Millions of people worldwide struggle with depression, a difficult and complex mental health condition. It can take many forms and affect a person’s thoughts, feelings, behaviour, and general quality of life. Although recovering from depression may seem impossible without the proper tools and support, it is crucial to keep in mind that it is feasible with the appropriate approaches. 
1. Seek Professional Help:
Contacting a mental health professional is the first step in conquering depression. Psychologists, psychiatrists, and therapists are qualified to offer advice and support catered to your individual need. They can provide you with coping mechanisms, explain your thoughts and feelings, and, if necessary, suggest medication. Keep in mind that asking for assistance indicates strength, not weakness.
2.Build a Supportive Network:
Being alone can make depression worse, so it’s important to make connections with friends, family, and support groups. Having a supportive and understanding network around you can give you a sense of emotional validation and community. Even talking about your feelings with a close friend or family member can help you feel lighter.
3.Engage in Physical Activity:
It has been demonstrated that regular exercise is beneficial for mental health. Endorphins, which are naturally uplifting chemicals, are released when you exercise. Exercises like walking, jogging, swimming, or yoga can help lessen anxiety and depressive symptoms. Take baby steps at first, then progressively scale up your activities as you become more at ease.
4.Practice Mindfulness and Meditation:
You may moderate your negative thought patterns and stay in the present moment by using mindfulness practises such as meditation and deep breathing. These techniques promote self-awareness and an accepting attitude towards your emotions. They may eventually assist you in gaining a more positive outlook on your feelings and thoughts.
5.Set Realistic Goals:
Even the smallest things might feel onerous when someone is depressed. You can feel successful and improve your self-esteem by setting small, doable goals for yourself. Honour your accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem. Keep in mind that development is not always a straight line and that obstacles are a normal part of the road.
6.Establish a Routine:
Making a daily schedule might give you the structure and stability you need to manage your depression. Try to keep a regular sleeping pattern, eat well, and partake in enjoyable hobbies. Your mood can be stabilised and a sense of purpose can be developed with consistency.
7.Challenge Negative Thoughts:
Your vision of both yourself and the outside environment is frequently distorted by depression. Use cognitive-behavioural strategies to spot and confront unproductive thought habits. Replace negative thoughts with more reasonable and balanced ones, and replace self-criticism with self-compassion.
8.Explore Creative Outlets:
Making art, writing, music, or other creative endeavours can be uplifting and soothing. Using your creativity to express your feelings might provide you with a way to deal with emotions that might be challenging to express verbally.
9.Prioritize Self-Care:
It’s crucial to look after your mental, emotional, and physical health. Spend time enjoying and relaxing hobbies, whether it’s reading, taking a bubble bath, or being in nature. Your resilience and vitality can be restored through self-care practices.
It takes time, perseverance, and dedication to your well-being to overcome depression. The combination of expert assistance, a solid support system, healthy lifestyle choices, and self-care routines can greatly aid in your rehabilitation even if there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Keep in mind that you are not travelling alone and that recovery is possible. You may reclaim your life from the shackles of despair with time and effort and discover new hope and happiness.
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exito123654 · 9 months
Overcoming the Key Supply Chain Challenges in the Indian Pharma Landscape
The Indian pharma domain in 2021 has observed rapid growth, especially over the last decade. This pattern is likely to continue in the future and looks bright and promising too..
When it comes to the number of drug manufacturing sites approved by the FDA, India is not very far from the United States. However, the trajectory of any industry’s growth is never devoid of challenges. The idea is to identify the gap between strategy and reality while trying out new ways to bridge it. Pharmaceutical companies based in India face supply chain challenges that make it difficult to sustain development. Companies need to formulate flexible, responsive, and adaptive supply chains by focusing on the following areas to tackle this aspect.
Bringing Down Complexities
‘Complex’ is perhaps the best word to describe the current scenario of the Indian pharmaceutical supply chain. For actionable and immediate results, strategists need to focus on simplifying things. The first step is to consolidate and optimise the entire network to support seamless communication across all the parties involved in the supply chain. The next step involves tailoring the supply chain’s visibility along with the segmentation of the customers and markets.
This factor is important to achieve efficient outcomes. Lastly, it is crucial to handle both the upstream and downstream complexities of R&D portfolios and product SKU proliferation. This approach not only optimizes capacity but also helps cut costs.
Boosting Visibility and Agility
As the needs of patients and disease patterns see a shift, the world market is witnessing frequent disease outbreaks and drug shortages. Reacting quickly to these changes is a key requirement to be a top-notch player in the industry. The most obvious example off late is the COVID-19 pandemic, which took the world by surprise. To accomplish the required agility to overcome such unforeseen circumstances, companies need to make sure that the supply chain is well integrated with the sales and operations processes. If they streamline their S&OP processes, not only will their service level go up, but their top-line also will witness sizable traction.
Creating Reliable Quality Systems
Tight quality processes with proper internal and external oversight are the need of the hour. Building compliant and executable standard operating procedures and supporting them with proper compliance training can be the first phase. This phase can follow a strict quality-based culture right from the leadership and supported by appropriate documentation. These practices must be adhered to at all costs by everyone. Local and global audit companies can also conduct regular internal audits to ensure workplace protocols.
Using “Transparent” Technology
Transparency in technology was and still is the most powerful approach for pharma companies to remain relevant. It often leads to systems that aid the top brass to make better decisions. Technology can also be leveraged to integrate various functions in the network, increase the overall visibility, and automate processes for a more efficient and robust pharmaceutical supply chain.
With the continuity of business depending on the sector’s willingness to leverage digital transformation, pharma companies need to be well-versed with digitized supply chains, data-driven insights, and hybrid cloud to remain competitive.
The virtual edition of Pharma IT Summit will foster meaningful discussions around the rampant challenges and best practices for the sector with engaging and active conversations.
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