#vivien elder
incorrect-mtg · 2 months
A little bit of wish fulfillment
In one version of the story, Liliana Vess chooses to take a final stand against the dragon that holds her life in his hands and Gideon pays the price, taking on her punishment so she can deal a final blow to Nicol Bolas.
But shift the battlefield slightly, and everything changes.
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Eager to see the Scourge of Skalla defeated, Vivien Reid charges into battle more aggressively, her projections tearing a path through Bolas' army until she is close enough to see the woman she'd tried to kill earlier that very day throwing her life away to spite her master.
All Liliana wants is to be free.
All Gideon wants is for everyone to be safe.
Vivien? She just wants a dragon to be very much dead.
Their interests align beautifully and, after assessing the situation, Vivien unleashes all she has in Bolas' direction.
Even a Godlike Elder Dragon might struggle to concentrate on enforcing a contract when pierced by a divine spear, attacked by undead gods and then dealing with a magical rhino slamming directly into his face. The greatwurm that follows only serves as a bigger distraction.
Vivien might have preferred to be the sole cause of Bolas' defeat, of course, but avenging Skalla is more important than the way it is done. Her arms are a blur as a menagerie, the combined fauna of an entire plane, charges forward to buy Liliana as much time as she needs.
And then... It is done. Bontu bites through Bolas' neck alongside the spectral beasts looking for their own pound of flesh, a final distraction that allows Oketra's magic to dive into his chest. As his planeswalker spark leaves his body, the Dragon-God dissolves as though a dream.
All combat stop, Bolas' lazotep army crumbling without any commands to follow. In the sudden silence, Jace Beleren — freshly done helping Ugin deceive everyone — surveys the battlefield until his gaze meets Gideon's, the hieromancer kneeling next to an unconscious Liliana.
The necromancer is alive, but the damage all over her body — letter shaped burns that match her contract — still mean she's in critical condition. As Gideon carefully picks her up, Jace establishes a mind link with him.
"I'll take care of her" he sends through.
And then he's gone.
As they realize the battle is over, people all around start cheering. Some just drop down to their knees. Many planeswalkers just leave altogether.
Jace just takes a deep breath.
His duty now is to help with clean up and to make sure nobody decides to go hunting for his friends.
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yandere-paramour · 13 days
Heyyyyy. So I wanted to know how it will be if Atalanta and Vivien met darling’s parents, and the parents were like “ yes my daughter has told us everything about you” . And I mean like EVERYTHING like darling said told their parents everything about them( including how they treat darling) but you don’t have to add that if you don’t want to. Hope you’re doing well btw ☺️
Vivien is sweating bullets. In my version of the story, Darling has no idea about his murders because he generally only eliminates the scum of society or people who hurt/upset Darling. However, Vivien will immediately freak out and think that everyone knows what he did. His eyes are wide, he's sweating, he's fidgeting, he is literally doing everything to make himself seem more suspicious. And he worked so hard too! He put on a nice shirt and combed his hair all nice, AND he brought Darling's parents a cake he baked. He wanted to make a good impression so bad and now everything is ruined! He doubts Darling will visit him in the maximum-security prison he is definitely getting put in. Vivien's thoughts are spiraling when Darling's Dad says "She told us all about the fresh strawberries you grew for her :D She says you're such a great horticulturist". He just stares for a second, then he snaps back to his regular easy-going personality. But late that night he's lying awake in bed thinking that he needs to calm down and probably not commit any murders for a while. Just in case.
Atalanta brought a very expensive bottle of wine to meet Darling's parents. As the day grew closer, she researched them extensively, trying to discover anything they might bring up. She wants to make sure she seems perfect, and everything seems to be going okay, but the situation has an unidentifiable weird vibe. They all sit down to dinner and open the bottle of wine. I doubt Darling would actually say out loud what Atalanta has done; I think there's a higher chance the parents would read between the lines or make up their own terrible conclusions. When they say this, Darling freezes and Atalanta's carefully constructed smile drops off her face.
After a full 30 seconds of tense silence, Atalanta speaks, setting down her fork, "Darling, I believe I heard Abebe call for me. Could you go see what he wants?"
"Darling." Atalanta shoots her eyes to the side, giving Darling a look.
Darling blanches, hurrying up from her seat to go check on the guards stationed outside the suburban home. When she leaves, Atalanta turns her attention back to her in-laws. She expertly picks up her wine glass, swirling the golden liquid a little.
"Now, I truly believe I heard you wrong. What was that you said?" One could never say Atalanta wasn't kind; here she was giving them a second chance.
"I'm going to the police about what you've done with my daughter," Your father hisses, standing out of his seat, "You won't get away with this, you bitch."
Atalanta takes a sip of white wine, the corners of her mouth turning up into a small smirk, "Oh Richard... Who's going to believe you?"
Your father turns an angry red and your mother tries to pull him back down, looking between him and Atalanta in fear.
"Thank you for having me in your lovely home," Atalanta stands up, inclining her head in respect to her elders, "I'll send my precious Darling in to say goodbye. I suggest you stay quiet, if only for your own self-interest. I am extraordinarily lenient with my Darling, but that benevolence does not extend much farther. I'd hate to have to arrange some sort of "accident". I expect Y/N to be back in the car in five minutes.
She smiles, showing off her perfect teeth, "Please have a good night and a pleasant tomorrow."
Atalanta walks away, leaving your terrified and fuming parents in her wake.
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startouched-maiden · 6 months
I haven't yet introduced the Walker children after I mentioned them in my Vivien facts post so allow me to do just that! As a Hyur and Miqo'te couple, neither Kaian nor Vivien anticipated having children, let alone THREE!
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Eulalie is the eldest daughter of Vivien and Kaian. Following in her father's footsteps, she is an incredibly talented inventor although chose to persue becoming a machinist versus a gunbreaker like her father. Eula presents as very shy and timid around strangers but she is exceptionally excitable around loved ones. She crafts her own weaponry in Kaian's workshop and has a nearly abnormal love for firearms; each gun in her collection has been affectionately bestowed with a nickname. During combat, she mostly acts as a sniper while employing a mech modeled after a Stubby she saw doodled in Kaian's journal.
Julien is the middle child of the Walker family and can often be difficult to get to know, let alone read. Despite looking so much like his father, the two share a complicated relationship. With Kaian so frequently gone due to his status of Warrior of Light, Julien grew to resent his father and began focusing much of his time into training to become a dark knight in an effort to surpass his father in battle. Despite his hostility towards Kaian, Julien is incredibly close and protective of his mother and sisters, particularly Rosalie. He and Rose are notorious for dragging Eulalie into trouble. He will often take shots at his father in combat to see if he can land a hit and is always unsuccessful.
Rosalie is the youngest of the Walker children and is just as vibrant as her name would imply. Much more outgoing than her elder siblings, Rose thrives in the attention from being the daughter of both the Warrior of Light and the Maiden, as well as being a child of nobility. She oftentimes joins Vivien for House Valentine duties and enjoys being as involved as possible. Deeply inspired by her mother's birthright and starskin, she dreamed of mastering astromancy but could not quite grasp the art and thus is training to become a sage.
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jarusims · 9 months
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Dress Vivien 1
HQ mod compatible 13 swatches Teen to elder Custom thumbnail DOWNLOAD TSR
Please respect my TOU: don´t re-upload don´t claim as your own
Special thanks to all the great creators whose CC I used on my models Feel free to tag me if you use my content.
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plushii-gutz · 1 year
Other half of part 17 PART 18 WILL BE BETTER I PROMISE!! Enjoy the stupid ocs I made for this part
"Land ahead!"
Punkleton lifted Blasoom high, allowing her to get a good view of the approaching island. They sang happily in chirps, hopping down from their seasonal's grasp and over to the rest. They scattered around, playing kickball with Hoola and Blabbit.
It was a bit after lunch, right after a long nap. Most had wandered off to do their own chores or play their own games. Schmoochle had gifted Attmoz a pink and white scarf, which he now refuses to take off. After taking some of Boo'qwurm's books from their library, he found himself lost in the history of Celestials. Furnoss had already warned him ahead of time that he didn't plan on trying to recreate their past, which the air monster didn't seem to mind at all.
He fell deep into the stories of their creations, the many islands and monsters. He wondered how life would be on Plant Island, how the monsters would feel walking among gods. Did the Celestials even hold this title anymore? They were just monsters now, the only of their species. Once they died, they were gone. Could they ever re-learn their past powers?
"Wait," Attmoz spoke to himself, "Can Celestials die? Actually die?"
Glaishur was gone. Loodvigg, too. Their bodies were empty, there was no life in them. But they were full of these magical powers they hardly knew anything about. Could that mean anything?
Attmoz toyed with the idea. They were gone. End of story. Right? Did Celestials not follow the same story of life as every other monster?
"Hey, Furnoss?"
Looking over, Furnoss was downing his second mug of coffee. Viveine had brewed plenty of the stuff earlier that morning, later reusing it with ice and milk.
"I've never felt better in my entire life."
"Jeez, calm down with that stuff."
"You've got to try this, Attmoz. It's like being struck by lightning."
"H- what? How is that a good thing? Never mind that, I have a question."
The fire elementalists sat his drink aside to talk. Unfortunately, the younger Celestials' questions found no answer from the elder. However, it was given by the seasonal that stood in the kitchen with them.
"I'm not entirely sure, but isn't most of Galvanas powers in their orb thing? Can't any Celestial monster use that to do the same process?"
"The amount of energy could kill a full grown monster," Furnoss explained.
"But would it bring Glaishur back?" Attmoz asked.
"Well, if the initial shock didn't make them drop dead.. Even so, I don't think bringing him back is much a good idea."
"Oh, of course you'd say that."
The air monster rose from his seat, only to be sat back down.
"Attmoz, his body has been there for days. The procedure only worked with the living. Who knows what could become of him if he was forced back alive."
"We don't even know if Celestials bodies can decay!" He argued, "I can do the power stuff, I can bring him back!"
"You're going to kill yourself!"
"You don't know that! And even if I did, why would you care?"
Viveine shyly offered some fruit punch, to which both yelled a harmonized 'no!'
"I've already lost two monsters under my care, and I'm not losing another! Attmoz, I do care about you! There's so much tension that I've been trying to give you space - I've been trying to be a good friend, and I don't know how to make any of this better!"
Their argument had been cut short. Hoola ran into the room, Vhamp and Hornacle running alongside.
"We're here!" She exclaimed. "We won't be able to stay long - enjoy the trip while you can!"
And once more, she was gone. Attmoz maintained a bit of eye contact as he left Furnoss behind.
"We can stay here if you want," Viviene offered.
"No," Furnoss followed the group slowly, "I need to watch the kids. I'm not letting his stupidity ruin my day. Not this one, at least."
Punkleton and Hoola led the many little monsters outside and onto the new island, using a very steep walkway to the top of it. Their excitement turned to nervousness real quick, apart from Torrt as expected. It was a small island, still doubled the size of their previous. It was lined with markets and small houses, a very tiny town formed. Despite the many shops, all were empty. The center of the island was filled with its residents, a stage holding a podium standing tall in the crowd.
"Everyone, please," a monster spoke, "calm down. It's been brought to my attention by many of your concerns. Yes, the weather has been cold. It always is at some point in the year!"
"Never this long!" One from the crowd yelled, "never this long!"
"The island is cooling!" Another chimed in.
Coming closer, the visitors were able to get a better picture of the situation. On the stage stood a Candelavra, assisted by a Kayna. The smaller of the two, Kayna, moved closer behind the other as the voices surrounding them grew louder.
"If Amber Island freezes over, where will we go? The fire islands aren't fit for long-term stay since the storm! Answer us, Cecilia!"
Cecilia slammed her hands against her podium, silencing them.
"I would bring you good news if I could. Firesight only comes when the stars decide such. It isn't mine nor Enya's fault. Now, please. I promise that our home will remain as bright as fire burns. The storm will pass, and we will be ok. I will make sure of it. Carry on with your day at ease."
"As if that'll happen."
"Don't make me come down there!"
The meeting is dismissed. It was obvious that Cecilia's words hadn't changed the fire monsters' minds in any way. She and Enya left for the castle, stressed and worried.
"So," Punkleton used its words to change the mood, "Wanna look around after we get the package? Maybe look through the markets?"
The kids seemed to enjoy the idea, hopping behind as the Spooktacle monster took leadership once more. Attmoz took Galvana's hand, likely knowing how easily they would wander off. They stopped first to get what they primarily had come for. The package was at a small flower shop, colorful and scented sweetly of its many blossoms.
"Ay, Pereskia!" He called out, "Guess who!"
A Barrb looked over, holding a watering can in one hand and a bucket in the other. She donned a sun-bleached sun hat decorated with a ribbon and flowers and soil stained gloves covered with sap, clearly worn out after many years.
"Well, hey, Punkleton! Been a while, huh?"
"Sure has been! Haven't seen you at any of the Spooktacle celebrations recently - how's life, how's the whole gig going? Eh?"
She sat down her items, moving a dirty box from the floor into Punkletons' grasp. The Seasonal took it, holding it under his arm as Pereskia leaned onto the counter.
"Could be better. The sudden shift in temperature has already taken a toll on this island. Hasn't been this bad since our element had been rediscovered, apparently. Buck has been sick, too. Say, who are all of these lil' rascals you brought into my shop?"
"Oh - uh, right."
Furnoss moved to the front, giving an awkward wave.
"Oh my stars!" Pereskia stumbled backward, slipping on her own foot and then jolting back up. "That- That's Furnoss! Where did you find a fucking Celestial?"
"Oh, there's plenty more where that came from," Attmoz leaned over to be seen, holding Galvana out.
"Y-You better not be here for Buck! He isn't that sick, he'll be fine! You ain't takin' all I have left! Scram! Outta my shop!" The Barrb yelled. Her hostility compared nothing to her fear.
"Perry, please, chill," Punkleton moved aside for the rest, "There's a lot to explain, but I'll leave ya with this: we're jus' taking a look around, making sure everything is alright."
"Why ya short?" She asked Galvana.
Galvana poked at her face, giggling. Funny talking plant. They like Pereskia.
"Good answer. Alright, well.. I'm not too sure how the rest will feel seeing ya'll. Maybe try an' keep a low profile. Not too great to have your home fallin' apart, and seeing the guy you hoped to fix everything to be a kid."
The fire elementalist wishes there was any way he could help. Unfortunately, he's too young.
"Celestials powers grow over time," He went on to explain, "And I think it's clear I don't have mine yet."
"I was told Galvana was just born with theres - In that orb, right?"
Furnoss moved back to look at Galvana and Attmoz, but they were gone.
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portergage · 1 year
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#also this season what a shit show but thank goodness for them even if their storyline was also kinda a shit show
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Practised eyes tonight with some of my favorites characters.
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“You know, I used to wear dog tags too before the end of the world.” “Do you still have them?” “Traded them for a bottle of gin.”
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Mon billet n°1 en 2022
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(art by @drovenna 💚)
A Fallout 4 complete fanfiction
“It's been two years since Nate escaped Vault 111 and found himself, by some twist of fate, the Overboss of Nuka-World. There, not only has he found a new and dysfunctional family, but he's rediscovered his will to live.
This bizarre little idyll is disrupted, however, when his outposts start falling victim to attacks by the Brotherhood of Steel.
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Read the full story on AO3.
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fiornue · 1 year
choi  minju (최민주) a  former  trainee  under  a-rise  ent,  she  joined  the  company  in  2015,  when  she  was  only  14. she  is  quite  close  with  uya  &  miyabi  as  a  result.  she  was  best  friends  with  jinha,  who  went  to  the  same  school  as  her.  she  was  slated  to  join  whimsy  before  she  was  replaced  by  jinha.  she  now  works  as  a  producer  under  the  company. dob  //  feburary 12, 2001 faceclaim  //  bae sumin
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kim  seokhwa (김석화) the  son  of  a-rise’s  ceo.  despite  not  being  an  artist  or  idol,  he  still  holds  sway  over  the  company.  he  went  to  the  same  kindergarten  as  sieun,  and  it  was  him  who  recommended  sieun  to  his  mother  as  an  addition  to  whimsy.  he  is  also  the  on  &  off  boyfriend  of  jinha,  having  started  dating  a  little  before  whimsy’s  debut.  this  fact  is  known  only  by  his  mother,  who  has  a  soft  spot  for  the  young  girl. dob  //  november 7th, 2001 faceclaim  //  jung sungchan
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gong  jinri  (공진리) jinha's  elder  sister,  she  is  a  seasoned  solo  idol  under  mnh  entertainment. whilst  jinha  brings  up  her  sister  often,  jinri  has  a  less  than  favourable  impression  of  her  younger  sister. dob // feburary 11th, 1997 faceclaim // nam dawon
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nagamoto  yuuma (長友 雄馬) miyabi’s  childhood  sweetheart.  they’ve  been  a  relationship  for  about  five  years.  he  is  currently  a  law  student  in  japan. dob // 1995 faceclaim // matsumura hokuto
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vivien  park cherum’s  best  friend  from  nyc.  past  art  student,  current  free-lancer.  she’s  always  tired  but  lends  an  ear  to  cherum’s  troubles. dob // 1998 faceclaim // jinny park
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brookston · 1 year
Holidays 12.2
Armed Forces Day (Cuba)
Atomic Day
Build Joy Day
Chichibu Yomatsuri (Night Party; Japan)
Feast of Pirate Utopias
Gospel Day (Marshall Islands)
International Day for the Abolition of Slavery (UN)
National Anytime Hawaiian Day
National Day (Laos; UAE)
National Mutt Day (a.k.a. National Mixed Breed Day) [also 7.31]
Oshiroi Matsuri (Face Paint Festival; Japan)
Pan American Health Day
Play Basketball Day
Safety Razor Day
Special Education Day
Walter Plinge Day (UK)
World Computer Literacy Day
World Pollution Prevention Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Business of Popping Corn Day
National Fritters Day
1st Friday in December
Bartender Appreciation Day [1st Friday]
Eccentric Day (Bell's Brewery; Michigan) [1st or 2nd Friday or Another Day]
Farmer’s Day (Ghana) [1st Friday]
Faux Fur Friday [1st Friday]
Gospel Day (Marshall Islands) [1st Friday]
International Sweater Vestival [2nd Friday after Thanksgiving]
National Salesperson Day [1st Friday]
Open It! Weekend begins [1st Friday]
Independence Days
United Arab Emirates (from UK, 1971)
Feast Days
Avitus of Rouen (Christian; Saint)
Bibiana (Christian; Saint) [hangovers]
Channing Moore Williams (Anglicanism)
Chromatius (Christian; Saint)
Cromwell (Positivist; Saint)
Fart Like a Pirate Day (Pastafarian)
Grog Guzzling Day (Pastafarian)
Habakkuk (Eastern Orthodox)
King Crab (Muppetism)
Nonnus (Christian; Saint)
Rodan Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Uncyclopedia Bad to Be Born Today (because it reminds people that Christmas is "So close, yet so far". They will hate you.) 
Black Dog, by Led Zeppelin (Song; 1971)
Cruising with Ruben & the Jets, by Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention (Album; 1968)
Dreamgirls (Broadway Musical; 1981)
Giant Steps, by John Coltrane (Album; 1959)
I, Robot (Novel; 1950)
Jackie (Film; 2016)
The Naked Gun (Film; 1988)
Reasons I Drink, by Alan’s Morissette (Song; 2019)
Rick and Morty (Animated TV Series; 2013)
Samson and Delilah, by Camille Saint-Saëns (Opera; 1877) 
Tequila Sunrise (Film; 1988)
3rd Symphony in F, by Johannas Brahms (Symphony; 1883)
Thriller, by Michael Jackson (Music Video; 1983)
Today’s Name Days
Bibiana, Jan, Lucius (Austria)
Bibijana, Habakuk (Croatia)
Blanka (Czech Republic)
Bibiana (Denmark)
Aira, Aire, Airi (Estonia)
Anelma, Unelma, Unna (Finland)
Viviane (France)
Bibiana, Jan, Lucius (Germany)
Meropi, Solomon (Greece)
Melinda, Vivien (Hungary)
Bibiana, Savino, Viviana (Italy)
Meta, Sniedze (Latvia)
Aurelija, Milmantė, Paulina, Svirgailas (Lithuania)
Bård, Borghild, Borgny (Norway)
Adria, Aurelia, Balbina, Bibianna, Paulina, Sulisław, Wiktoryn, Zbylut (Poland)
Bibiána (Slovakia)
Bibiana, Viviana (Spain)
Beata, Beatrice (Sweden)
Solomon (Ukraine)
Tayler, Taylor, Todd, Vita, Vivian, Viviana, Vivianne, Vivienne (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 336 of 2022; 29 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 48 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ruis (Elder) [Day 7 of 28]
Chinese: Month 11 (Dōngyuè), Day 9 (Ji-Chou)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 8 Kislev 5783
Islamic: 8 Jumada I 1444
J Cal: 6 Zima; Fiveday [6 of 30]
Julian: 19 November 2022
Moon: 72%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 28 Frederic (12th Month) [Cromwell]
Runic Half Month: Is (Stasis) [Day 8 of 15
Season: Autumn (Day 71 of 90)
Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 10 of 30)
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Holidays 12.2
Armed Forces Day (Cuba)
Atomic Day
Build Joy Day
Chichibu Yomatsuri (Night Party; Japan)
Feast of Pirate Utopias
Gospel Day (Marshall Islands)
International Day for the Abolition of Slavery (UN)
National Anytime Hawaiian Day
National Day (Laos; UAE)
National Mutt Day (a.k.a. National Mixed Breed Day) [also 7.31]
Oshiroi Matsuri (Face Paint Festival; Japan)
Pan American Health Day
Play Basketball Day
Safety Razor Day
Special Education Day
Walter Plinge Day (UK)
World Computer Literacy Day
World Pollution Prevention Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Business of Popping Corn Day
National Fritters Day
1st Friday in December
Bartender Appreciation Day [1st Friday]
Eccentric Day (Bell's Brewery; Michigan) [1st or 2nd Friday or Another Day]
Farmer’s Day (Ghana) [1st Friday]
Faux Fur Friday [1st Friday]
Gospel Day (Marshall Islands) [1st Friday]
International Sweater Vestival [2nd Friday after Thanksgiving]
National Salesperson Day [1st Friday]
Open It! Weekend begins [1st Friday]
Independence Days
United Arab Emirates (from UK, 1971)
Feast Days
Avitus of Rouen (Christian; Saint)
Bibiana (Christian; Saint) [hangovers]
Channing Moore Williams (Anglicanism)
Chromatius (Christian; Saint)
Cromwell (Positivist; Saint)
Fart Like a Pirate Day (Pastafarian)
Grog Guzzling Day (Pastafarian)
Habakkuk (Eastern Orthodox)
King Crab (Muppetism)
Nonnus (Christian; Saint)
Rodan Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Uncyclopedia Bad to Be Born Today (because it reminds people that Christmas is "So close, yet so far". They will hate you.) 
Black Dog, by Led Zeppelin (Song; 1971)
Cruising with Ruben & the Jets, by Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention (Album; 1968)
Dreamgirls (Broadway Musical; 1981)
Giant Steps, by John Coltrane (Album; 1959)
I, Robot (Novel; 1950)
Jackie (Film; 2016)
The Naked Gun (Film; 1988)
Reasons I Drink, by Alan’s Morissette (Song; 2019)
Rick and Morty (Animated TV Series; 2013)
Samson and Delilah, by Camille Saint-Saëns (Opera; 1877) 
Tequila Sunrise (Film; 1988)
3rd Symphony in F, by Johannas Brahms (Symphony; 1883)
Thriller, by Michael Jackson (Music Video; 1983)
Today’s Name Days
Bibiana, Jan, Lucius (Austria)
Bibijana, Habakuk (Croatia)
Blanka (Czech Republic)
Bibiana (Denmark)
Aira, Aire, Airi (Estonia)
Anelma, Unelma, Unna (Finland)
Viviane (France)
Bibiana, Jan, Lucius (Germany)
Meropi, Solomon (Greece)
Melinda, Vivien (Hungary)
Bibiana, Savino, Viviana (Italy)
Meta, Sniedze (Latvia)
Aurelija, Milmantė, Paulina, Svirgailas (Lithuania)
Bård, Borghild, Borgny (Norway)
Adria, Aurelia, Balbina, Bibianna, Paulina, Sulisław, Wiktoryn, Zbylut (Poland)
Bibiána (Slovakia)
Bibiana, Viviana (Spain)
Beata, Beatrice (Sweden)
Solomon (Ukraine)
Tayler, Taylor, Todd, Vita, Vivian, Viviana, Vivianne, Vivienne (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 336 of 2022; 29 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 48 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ruis (Elder) [Day 7 of 28]
Chinese: Month 11 (Dōngyuè), Day 9 (Ji-Chou)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 8 Kislev 5783
Islamic: 8 Jumada I 1444
J Cal: 6 Zima; Fiveday [6 of 30]
Julian: 19 November 2022
Moon: 72%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 28 Frederic (12th Month) [Cromwell]
Runic Half Month: Is (Stasis) [Day 8 of 15
Season: Autumn (Day 71 of 90)
Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 10 of 30)
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bookclub4m · 2 years
Episode 154 - Battle of the Books 2022
This episode we’re giving our book pitches for our Battle of the Books 2022! Each of us has picked one title that we think we should all read and discuss and you get to vote for which one it is!
You can download the podcast directly, find it on Libsyn, or get it through Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, or your favourite podcast delivery system.
In this episode
Anna Ferri | Meghan Whyte | Matthew Murray | Jam Edwards
Books We Pitched
Vote for the book you want us to read and discuss!
Death by Dumpling by Vivien Chien 
The Sentence by Louise Erdrich
Shady Characters: The Secret Life of Punctuation, Symbols & Other Typographical Marks by Keith Houston
Hurts So Good: The Science and Culture of Pain on Purpose by Leigh Cowart
Our “Long List” of Titles
Upright Women Wanted by Sarah Gailey
The Echo Wife by Sarah Gailey
The Unbroken by C.L. Clark
Because Internet: Understanding the New Rules of Language by Gretchen McCulloch
Track Changes: A Literary History of Word Processing by Matthew G. Kirschenbaum
Crying in H-Mart by Michelle Zauner
Things We Lost in the Fire by Mariana Enríquez
Amoralman: A True Story and Other Lies by Derek Delgaudio
Podcast Episodes
Just Plain Wrong - Zombies, Sharkfarmers, and Beavis & Butthead: Discussing Comics and Graphic Novels with Amish Characters (Featuring Matthew!)
Episode 058 - The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making
Episode 079 - Which Book Should We Read?
Episode 083 - The Fifth Season
Episode 103 - Battle of the Books 2020
Episode 107 - Pet by Akwaeke Emezi
Episode 130 - Battle of the Books 2021
Episode 134 - Piranesi by Susanna Clarke
Episode 007 - Cozy Mysteries
Links, Articles, and Things
PEDMAS - Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication/Division, Addition/Subtraction
Order of Operations (Wikipedia)
Dim Sum of All Fears by Vivien Chien
What Should I Read Next?
At sign (@) (Wikipedia)
Soft sign (ь) (Wikipedia)
Financial domination (FinDom) (Wikipedia)
“Our cats opened the bathroom cabinet drawer, thereby blocking the bathroom door from opening.”
30 LGBTQ+ Non-Fiction by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, & People of Colour) Authors
Every month Book Club for Masochists: A Readers’ Advisory Podcasts chooses a genre at random and we read and discuss books from that genre. We also put together book lists for each episode/genre that feature works by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, & People of Colour) authors - to help readers to diversify their reading and library professionals to diversify their readers' advisory. All of the lists can be found here.
Angry Queer Somali Boy: A Complicated Memoir by Mohamed Abdulkarim Ali
Before Night Falls by Reinaldo Arenas
A History of My Brief Body by Billy-Ray Belcourt
¡Hola Papi!: How to Come Out in a Walmart Parking Lot and Other Life Lessons by John Paul Brammer
Punch Me Up to the Gods by Brian Broome
A Two-Spirit Journey: The Autobiography of a Lesbian Ojibwa-Cree Elder by Ma-Nee Chacaby
When We Were Outlaws: A Memoir of Love and Revolution by Jeanne Cordova
Asegi Stories: Cherokee Queer and Two-Spirit Memory by Qwo-Li Driskill
Bi: Notes for a Bisexual Revolution by Shiri Eisner
Dear Senthuran: A Black Spirit Memoir by Akwaeke Emezi
Brown Trans Figurations: Rethinking Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Chicanx/Latinx Studies by Francisco J. Galarte
Histories of the Transgender Child by Jules Gill-Peterson
We Have Always Been Here: A Queer Muslim Memoir by Samra Habib
Belly of the Beast: The Politics of Anti-Fatness as Anti-Blackness by Da'Shaun Harrison
Wayward Lives, Beautiful Experiments: Intimate Histories of Riotous Black Girls, Troublesome Women, and Queer Radicals by Saidiya Hartman
Becoming Human: Matter and Meaning in an Antiblack World by Zakiyyah Iman Jackson
All Boys Aren't Blue: A Memoir-Manifesto by George M. Johnson
How We Fight For Our Lives by Saeed Jones
Some of Us Did Not Die: New and Selected Essays by June Jordan
Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches by Audre Lorde
Continuum by Chella Man
The Black Trans Prayer Book edited by J Mase III and Dane Figueroa Edidi
Antiman: A Hybrid Memoir by Rajiv Mohabir
nîtisânak by Jas M. Morgan
Borealis by Aisha Sabatini Sloan
Black on Both Sides: A Racial History of Trans Identity by C. Riley Snorton
I'm Afraid of Men by Vivek Shraya
I Hope We Choose Love: A Trans Girl's Notes from the End of the World by Kai Cheng Thom
Beyond the Gender Binary by Alok Vaid-Menon
Covering: The Hidden Assault on Our Civil Rights by Kenji Yoshino
Give us feedback!
Fill out the form to ask for a recommendation or suggest a genre or title for us to read!
Check out our Tumblr, follow us on Twitter or Instagram, join our Facebook Group, or send us an email!
Join us again on Tuesday, August 2nd we’ll be discussing the genre of Literary Fan Fiction!
Then on Tuesday, August 16th we’ll be discussing an update on what media we’ve been enjoying outside of the podcast!
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gnomeofinvention · 3 years
Everford, Chapter 5: The Great Purge
You can watch the livestream replay over on my YouTube channel. Fair warning, though, the content might be a little too intense for younger viewers. This quest took a bit of a dark turn.
As the war between the pirates and the guildsmen spilled over into Everford, King Vivien grew steadily more and more agitated. Townsfolk were taking sides and fighting with each other. To make matters worse, it seemed as though everyone and their mother wanted something from him. The queue of petitioners grew longer and longer every day.
Eventually, something had to give.
And that something was Vivien.
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And what's the best way to work out your problems? Have a psychotic break and go on a killing spree. Pirate? Noble? Didn't matter. If you so much as looked at Vivien the wrong way, he was inclined to send you to the pit.
It started with this guy. He paid him to "take care of" a petitioner who had been nagging him, and then immediately order him to be executed.
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He settled a dispute over who owned a falcon by ordering the falcon to attack one of the villagers. She died, and sent the other woman to the stocks instead of the pit because he was in a merciful mood.
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He killed two more guys at the docks with his own hands...or sword, rather. Just straight-up slashed them in the gut.
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He tickled this guy relentlessly until he died.....wtf.
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He bought poisoned ink from this guy and then turned around and poisoned him with it. That's cold.
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After the incident with the guy in the interrogation chair, Royal Advisor Hannah called Vivien out on his homicidal rampage, so obviously, she had to go too.
He freakin' blew up the ship while she and his manservant Cedric were on it.
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Final death count: 9 Sims, not counting any crewmates on the ship he blew up.
It's like he's asking to be assassinated.
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myth-of-everett · 4 years
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servingliesarch · 4 years
not to sound dramatic but we gotta love merlin and his victorian girlfriend, look how cute they are
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#( outofmagic. )#the victorian look is superior#anyway those that followed me for a while might now that the 19th century was pretty solid for merlin#he had a lot of solid friends and had a decent time#especially with the rising popularity of the occult which amused him to no end#three major npcs from that time are this couple he met when they were young#and he knew them until their elder days#they left him their mansion#and his victorian gf#who sadly died bc he can't hold a romantic relationship to save his life they always die :///#his longest lasting relationship was with vivien and it didn't even last that long#you know the lady of the lake had a bunch of names including vivien or nimue#since i'm a mix of bbcm and legends i just made all of them be separate people#obvs it changes if i write with somebody writing any of those characters but for my blog's canon:#nimue was nimueh in the show (we love nimueh in this house btw uther destroyed her and we hate him)#freya was the lady of the lake#and then vivien came later#around the second time merlin is noted as possibly existing#in like late 900s / early 1000s#she was a powerful sorceress who trapped him in a cave until he helped her#and they fell in love#i went on such a big tangent i am sorry#anyway if u came to this blog for fanon we're not doing that tbh. i know majority of the bbcm fandom makes merlin gay#but not in this house#he's a bi disaster and there's that#it's fine if u hc him like that like go for it you do you just like i don't agree#i think he swung both ways and in fact had a crush on virtually everyone when he first came to camelot thanks#I WENT ON SUCH A BIG TANGENT I AM SO SORRY I'M JUST BVHDFJK#making icons#before i lose those caps again
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decennia · 3 years
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madeleine madden & poorna jagannathan as tatiana karkaroff (née dolohov) †
elder sister of maksim dolohov. wed to ilya karkaroff, mother of igor and ksenia karkaroff.
karan brar & sendhil ramamurthy as maksim dolohov †
younger brother of tatiana karkaroff, husband to the late rosalie slughorn. father to antonin dolohov.
deepika padukone as rosalie dolohov (née slughorn) †
cousin of horace slughorn, wed to maksim dolohov. mother of antonin dolohov.
rushi kota & hrithik roshan as antonin dolohov
only child of maksim and rosalie dolohov, husband to sophronia burke. father of diana dolohov, durmstrang elite. his was one of many names uttered by his cousin, igor karkaroff, in a bid to save himself from azkaban.
camila mendes & lana parilla as sophronia dolohov (née burke)
sister to vivien and herbert burke, wife of antonin, mother of diana.
summer bishil as diana dolohov
durmstrang elite, only child of sophronia and antonin dolohov. death eater supporter, participant in the second wizarding war. attended the triwizard tournament as part of the durmstrang entourage.
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pollyaunt · 3 years
The Prom: Jurdan High School au Chapter 2
Fandom: TFOTA | Ch 3
Warnings: None
Summary: Jude and Cardan have hated each other from the start but one tragedy forces them to work together. After all, emotions can't be in control.
A/N: Lemme know how you feel about this. As always, much love...
Chapter 2:
Cardan and I were still staring at each, rage of pure hatred boiling inside our eyes while everyone left the room until only we were there.
Finally, returning to his cruel form, Cardan spoke, "Well, it seems like we are bound together. What a tragedy." God, that stupid smile. I want to slap him for that.
"Give me your number," I announced, voice harsher than I intended.
Displaying his smug smile once more, he gave me his mobile instead of his number. I didn't argue.
I quickly saved my number, returned the mobile, and went for the door.
Just I was about to leave, Cardan called out from behind, "Your place today at 5."
I turned around narrowing my eyes, "Be on time and don't be useless." With that, I left.
Honestly, I was in no mood to argue so I let him come to my place.
As I reached home, my step-mom, Oriana greeted me. "Hello, Jude." Me and my twin were adopted by Madoc and Oriana when we were 7. When we came here, I realized we had an elder sister, Viviene and a younger brother Oak. They all have been nice to us. I think I love Vivi and Oak the most but I also love Madoc and Oriana as well.
"Hi. Today a classmate of mine will come because we have been partnered up for a history project. Hope you don't mind," I gave a small smile at that and went upstairs to my room.
In my room, however, Vivi was lying on my bed. "I was wondering what caught you up."
"Vivi, I have a problem."
Quickly, I recounted everything and by the end, Vivi was cackling with tears in her eyes. "This isn't funny Vivi!"
But she kept on laughing, "Oh yes it is. It absolutely is." I glared.
Finally after an eternity, she stopped and gave me a "Happy Project" with a beaming smile and left me to my fate.
I sighed and started cleaning the mess of my room as well as my life.
It was almost 5 pm.
My room was clean, my laptop and notebook were on the carpet, I was wearing black joggers and a red crop top and left my hair loose.
A knock sounded on my bedroom door. I quickly opened it and OH MY GOD!
He was wearing a black t-shirt with white jeans and black sneakers. Two rings glimmered on his left hand and a single curl of his hair was falling over his right eye.
"Like what you see?", And here was that smirk again.
I felt myself staring and opened the door fully, "In your dreams."
I shut the door and we started working as soon as we sat on the carpet.
I plopped up a cushion on my lap, reading Professor Noggle's mail, "Have you read Professor's mail?" I asked my eyes never leaving the laptop.
He didn't respond for a while. I finally looked at him, "Well?"
He replied with genuine honesty, "Umm I forgot to bring my laptop. Would you mind sharing?"
I looked between my laptop and him for a few seconds. He raised an eyebrow and I gave up for the second time that day. "Fine but just for today."
I realized we had to sit closer to each other since we were sharing a laptop. He seemed to realize at the same moment as I did.
We moved closer, our thighs pressing together and our backs pressed against the bed's footboard. My laptop kept on my right and his left thigh.
We started reading and discussing the mail and the ideas to fill in the awkwardness.
"So since you don't have a laptop right now, we can research and then I will send you whatever we'll do today."
"Sounds cool."
We researched and discussed for what seemed like a small eternity.
To be honest, he was actually interested in the project. We understood our ideas the best and filled in the gaps whenever the other wasn't able to elaborate.
"oh, god! I can't find after 'The Attacks' thing." I was annoyed.
"Use your eyes Duarte," He responded calmly.
"I am using them that's why I can see your stupid face."
"Oh well, you should see this is as well," he pointed the cursor on the link which said 'The problem after the attacks'.
A furious blush stole my cheeks while he continued smirking.
Another knock sounded on my door again and came in my little brother, Oak and Vivi with a food tray.
"JUDE!", Oak came and gave me a tight hug. I hugged him back with the same pressure.
"Mom has sent this for you two. And you must be Cardan," Vivi said with a wicked grin.
"Yes, I am Cardan Greenbriar." They both shook hands.
"Huh, nice meeting you. I am Viviene. Jude has told me a lot about you," I was glaring daggers at her which said I am going to strangle her.
"Oh, so you're Jude's boyfriend? I am Oak by the way. Vivi told me that you two-" Vivi actually put a hand on his mouth, "Oak, mom must be calling you. Let's go." With that they left.
Silence fell in. "Umm sorry about that. Vivi likes to fantasize things and Oak-"
"I get it. He was cute though." He said with a sheepish smile.
Surprisingly, I gave him a small smile too.
We ate snacks and finally retired at 8:30.
We parted ways with a small good-bye and a smile on both of our lips.
When I closed my bedroom door, I rested my head against it, "What was that....."
And Folks that was the second ch! IK REALLY LONG but worth it! Again, feel free to be added to the tag list and send prompts.
tag list: @slightlyrebelliouswriter23 @thewickedkings @thekingdomofelfhame @greenbriarxrose @cinnamonsketchdust @charincharge @clockworkgraystairs @jurdanhell @jurdannet @nee-naw-nee-naw-beepbeep
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Hey Mods! Here's your chance to be a little creative, suppose you could create your perfect LI, tell us about them and what their route would be about. My psychology Prof told me you can learn a lot about a person when you learn about the kind of person they're drawn to soooo don't mind me I'm just tryna pick your brain a bit mods 😘
“My perfect LI would be kind and caring, but knows how to have fun, and is a total history nut. She would probably be Japanese, long hair, and of course, drop dead gorgeous, and… big upstairs. Her route would mostly be her helping me though my issues. Her parents like me, which turns out she’s a princess, and we wind up in a relationship.”
- Mod Liora ✨
“There is never enough representation for Indigenous folx, so I think a Two-Spirit or Female First Nation American (or Canadian) Love Interest would be nice to see. (As long as the writer is Indigenous themselves.) 🪶🪶
If it’s set in the States, they’d/she’d probably be an activist, finding ways to protect the land and elevate the voices of nature & the Indigenous community. They’d/She’d be brave when they/she needed to be, but also kind, empathic, and sweet when alone. Adding in the mythology of our land would be lovely. Helping to win against big corporations and settler ideals by day, and exploring the lessons that the elders, ancestors, & our Deities can teach us by night. 🖤🤍❤️💛
I love worlds that combine real-life with mythology.”
~ 🐺 Mod Mackenzie
“My perfect LI would be Jordan, so, I don't even need to come up with one. 🤣😏”
- Mod Ruelle
“I honestly want a character with a disability to show that it’s there. Like autism is a huge disability that’s misunderstood, but there are so many other disabilities to choose from. I just want it in the open. So I want a caring relationship between the two as they figure out their lives with this.
I’m a sucker for females in general. But the stronger the personality makes me like them more. Sure, I like caring, but I want someone who gets shit done. 😉”
- 🐍 Mod Medusa
‘This is surprisingly hard, probably because Helena Klein is so close to my ideal LI that trying to think of writing a "perfect" LI feels like I'm tweaking her. I mean just look at my dream woman list:
•Soft domme? Check.
•Not interested in causing pain, but big into bondage? Check.
•Older? Check.
•Brilliantly intelligent? Check.
•Strong protector/defender type? Check.
•Incredible redemption story? Check check check!!!
That said, if someone took that list and tucked it into a big woman LI, I'd be the first to lay down some serious money for it. Us ample bodied gals need more representation, imho.’
- Mod Helena ⚔️
“Ah, the perfect LI... where to begin?
Ya know, ya boy loves some creativity!
A beautiful soul!
orange hair
Okay let's be serious.
Navra Satrinava
I'm thinking someone very... artistic? I love creativity, I like the idea of being each other's inspirations. We need communication, we need an open mind to new things, we need curiosity! I need something that'll last (LONGER THAN FOUR SEASONS. LOVESTRUCK!). Always interesting, but please god, no social drama. I don't need to be spoiled, I don't want wealth necessarily, I just want conversation! Communication! Just words! Please!
To put it in simplier words, the perfect LI for me is creative, open minded, curious, interesting, and just an all around good person.”
💎 Mod Vivien
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