#waitin on my prince to kick it over
flannelepicurean · 8 months
my dumb ass:
Sees pic of Fendi handbag with the squared FF logo
"...when the Frieza Force start makin purses??? guess it make sense it would be fur, Frieza a fancy bitch an' a real mean girl, but..."
[SIGH] "goddammit"
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"Waiting for Kris"
'Wish they'd hurry up,' growled Susie, kicking her legs furiously through the air beneath her seat. Next to her, Ralsei chuckled as he set to his crochet work.
'Patience is a virtue, Susie,' he said softly. 'Or so I've been told, anyway.'
'Patience is for dweebs, is what it is.' She cracked a wide smile at her own witticism, sharklike teeth glistening in the darklight. But the creases in her brow, the anxious rippling of her mauve scales, gave away her restlessness. The prince watched her out of the corner of one eye, perhaps nervous that she might make her own entertainment, and that he might be roped into whatever scheme she'd concoct. He'd be lucky if she only took his glasses this time.
'Well, whatever Kris is doing, I'm sure it's important,' he offered. 'A-and they'll probably be back before you know it!'
Susie gave a derisive snort. 'You kidding? You mean like last time, when they almost got... aargh! Shit like this is why I HATE waitin' around! Who knows what trouble that freak's gotten themself into this time...!'
She drove a fist into the seat between her and Ralsei, causing the entire bench to tremble.
'O-oh dear, Susie...' said Ralsei, tone wavering somewhere between concern and admonishment, hand hesitating to reach out to her. 'Y-you're really that worried about them, aren't you...?'
'...worried? Nah, more like pissed off!' She thumped the bench again for emphasis, and the prince flinched from her. 'They get to do all this cool secret stuff while I'm just sat here like some useless piece of trash! I should be out there, helping 'em out instead of sittin' here and thinking, and thinkin'... 'cause that's when... that's when I... when I...'
Her voice hitched, like a walkman trying to read a scratched CD, and her formidable frame sagged, shrinking into itself. It was the first great snort, wringing with roiling emotion, that broke Ralsei's delicate heart.
'N-no, you mustn't...' he said, placing a soft hand upon her quivering shoulder, '...you mustn't say things like that, Susie. You aren't useless, you... you aren't trash... you're nothing of the sort...!'
'And what do YOU know about it, huh?!' she snarled through her hot tears, yanking herself away from his consoling touch. '...what it's like to be... to be HATED by everyone?! When no-one'll go near you 'cuz... 'cuz everyone thinks... you'll bite their face off...? An'... an' all anyone tells you is that you'll never... NEVER amount to anything?!'
'S-Susie, I-'
The dragoness loomed over him, eyes burning amber underneath her matted mane. 'Y'know ANYTHING of what that's like, do you? 'Cuz if not, then don't you DARE tell me what I can and can't call myself! Got it, pipsqueak?'
The caprine boy gave a feeble nod, incandescent with shame. 'Um... yes. I... I'm sorry.'
Seeing his mortification, Susie turned away. A shuddering sigh escaped from between clenched teeth as she realised too late just how she was coming across.
'...heh. Guess you get it now, huh.'
'...Yes. I get it, Susie. It's... clear as crystal.'
Something warm gripped her arm, fluffy fur brushing against smooth scales, small paws rubbing with gentle, soothing touches.
Her head whipped round to look at him. 'Hey hey hey, the hell you doing?! You wanna get decked or what-'
Ralsei met her gaze, and the earnest seriousness in his expression stopped Susie dead. Something in that look, so sad and so tender, struck her full force in the heart, and the raging storm inside her began to quieten.
'You're right, Susie. I... don't know what any of that is like. It sounds... horrible. And I can't believe that anyone would ever... ever say those things to you. N-not when I know you to be so brave, so loyal... I... I really admire those things about you. And I am so happy to call you my dear friend.'
He smiled, and it was as if the clouds had parted and a golden ray of sunlight was shining directly onto her, blinding and beautiful. Warmth radiated from her core, through her arms and legs, suffusing her every nerve with vital electricity.
Was... was this what it was like to be... happy?
Without thinking, Susie threw her free arm around the prince's neck, burying her snout in his wispy white fur, gripping hold of his tiny frame with everything in her. For once, she didn't care what anyone else thought; she didn't listen to the screaming voices in her head. All she really knew was that this, this right here, was good, and she was determined to keep hold of it for as long as possible.
'S-S-Susie...!' wheezed Ralsei. 'I... Is everything...?'
The dragon snorted again, sending ripples through his hair. '...you're a real weenie, Ralsei. Y'know that, right...?'
His smile widened a notch, despite the discomfort. Maybe it wasn't so bad, waiting for Kris.
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vaire-gwir · 4 years
Some Cat and Wolf fanfic I had in mind pt.3
We are back to lockdown where I live so I had plenty of time to kill and this is the result, this is my excuse. There was plot, but I kinda got lost in a messy plan I don’t know what to do with it. 
In short, Lambert is still very messed up and figures out a plan to settle for a while, there’s the usual flashback but I’ve never written smut (under the cut)  in my entire life so I hope it’s not too horrible, an attempt was made. A failed attempt probably, but still an attempt nonetheless. Let me now what I can do to get better? 
Did I say English is not my first language? Well, it’s not, and I always feel like I don’t know enough words to put down what I have in my head. Still not canon, still not anywhere close a valid characterization, still trash. 
<<There you go, 300 crowns.>> The captain doesn't leave him waiting too long, thank fuck for that.  The werewolf proved almost too easy to kill and Lambert is eager to go back to the inn and wash away ever thought of his dead lover with ridiculous amounts of alcohol. Spending the rest of his day drunk out of his mind sounds like a great plan, not one that Aiden would approve of, but he's not here to convince him otherwise. <<I'll find my way out.>> Something moves at the corner of his eyes, and his senses immediately pick up the weird rustling of leaves, preparing himself in case of unexpected danger. A black and orange cat jumps out of the bushes, the small beast is probably chasing something or doing whatever cat business cats usually do, but Lambert could swear he knows those green eyes darting around, he's seen them before millions of times. The animal is gone in a heartbeat and he shakes his head. If he could, he'd kick his own ass, cause he needs to stop thinking about Aiden, it's clearly muddling with his head. <<...still missing.>> He stopped paying attention to the captain's words a long time ago, he had no sympathy left in himself to share with the man. Lambert is only good at dealing with physical pain: the pain of the beatings his father used to give him, the pain of the trials, the pain of a monster tearing at his flesh, he learned to face it cause he knew that it would go away eventually. It was just a matter of time, broken bones and split lips mend, claw marks and cuts fade rather quickly being a Witcher and simply leave one more scar to his collection. Other things, he’s not good at coping with them, especially emotions, cause he's not even supposed to have them. They don't go away like bruised ribs. <<Not much I can do about that.>> <<But you've seen something? We hoped he managed to escape but...we didn't...Is he...dead?>> The missing soldier, Lambert remembers now. The werewolf took twelve men but only eleven bodies were found. <<I saw something alright. Did he have a family?>> He sees the old man's eyes widen at the thought, he sees the flicker of hope and he hates to kill it. <<A wife.>> <<You don't want his wife to see what I saw, trust me on that.>> Lambert leaves without another word.
The sole fact that a cat with green eyes is messing up with his head should be alarming, there must be something wrong with him. There were thousands of cats with green eyes all around the Continent, so why was he making such a big deal out of it? It's not like he'd never seen one before. Though in a way, a Cat with green eyes messed up with more than just his head already, that's what got him in this whole situation he’s not very good at handling.  The only thing he's good at is killing things, and this is what he has to keep doing. He isn’t even that great at eliminating monsters actually, his brothers are much better, but that's all he knows how to do. Maybe he should look for them, track Eskel somewhere and explain what happened, explain that everything went to hell and now there are days when nothing makes sense anymore, he can’t even seem to care enough to find another contract, another village, another monster. He's not going to tell him that he saw a cat with Aiden's eyes and there's not enough to drink in this tavern to chase away that thought, cause patient as he may be, Eskel is not going to put up with crazy.
Looking for his brothers is a terrible idea, now that he thinks about it. He just needs to go somewhere with enough monsters for him to stop moving around all the time, cause he can't travel on the bad days. He can barely leave the room, on bad days. That's why Lambert comes up with a plan: he'll go to the only place where he doesn't have to find work, cause work will find him anyway. That is, as soon as he feels like existing again, because today the shadows crowding the corners of his vision don't leave him alone and there are green eyes haunting him every time he blinks.
Lambert wishes more than anything that he could feel Aiden again, the real one, not the ghost he sees in his dreams, just lay entangled in bed without any words being spoken aloud, their hands, their lips, their touches already said everything that needed to be told. Words have a habit of lingering just below his line of reach, they were there, but just a little too far for him to grasp at them and put them into thoughts he could say out loud. There were so many words between Aiden and him, words unspoken and words he'd like to take back, and why the fuck words are so complicated anyway?
It takes him another day before he's able to travel, but at least now he has a plan. Lambert tolerates Toussaint because people are filthy rich and always willing to pay a little extra to prove just how wealthy they are. He's been there before, spent three full weeks in a castle with Aiden, hunting a striga. The problem is, memories haunt him anyway, he can't get rid of them. At least they don't want to stone him there.
<<Lambert?>> He lingers on the doorstep for a moment before entering and closing the door behind his back. The light of the moon is enough for him to make out Aiden's form slowly sitting up on the bed, rumpled sheets pooling at his waist, and a faint trace of lavender soap invades the air. <<Why, were you waiting for someone else?>> Lambert is still holding an empty cup he brought up from the ballroom he just managed to leave, the only good part of the night was the wine. Empty social meetings and royal occasions are just an excuse for nameless Lords and Ladies to brag about the huge pile of bullshit they were sitting on. It bored him to death. And it all proved rather useless cause he didn't get much information about the striga that was supposedly haunting the castle. Lord Launfal kept passing him and Aiden around, showing them off like hunting trophies for the court to gawk at and bragging about having two Witchers at his services. What a fucking idiot, he hates royals with all of himself. But Aiden didn't even seem to mind! He had princes and ladies eyeing him as if he was an expensive cake they couldn't wait to get their dirty fingers on, and Lambert was upset. He didn't like people looking at his lover as if they were about to eat him. The worst part was that he saw the Cat talking to all those rich idiots, playing along as if he wanted nothing more than meeting another Lady Nobody from Nowhere, as if he was enjoying all the attention. Lambert was already fuming after the first part of the evening was over, and somehow it all seemed to go downhill when people started to discretely slip Aiden invitations for more.
Everybody hated and despised Witchers, in all corners of the Continent they were treated no better than the beasts they were hired to kill, chased out of villages and stoned, with one single exception. In Toussaint, they were some kind of luxury to exhibit, like exotic animals from distant lands, nothing more than the latest attraction among the richest assholes of the province. And Aiden, beautiful green-eyed Aiden, apparently was a favourite. Lambert kept hearing people offering his lover to finish the night in a more interesting manner, and it made his blood boil. He wanted to finish their night in a way more interesting manner, as in slitting some throats or throwing a bastard, or six, out of the window. Aiden pretended to accept the offers with a kind word, fully aware of his position here and what was required of him, saying he was still bound to his job but perhaps he could find time later. Maybe he wasn't pretending, that's what the voice in Lambert's head keeps saying. Maybe he'll take one of those invites. Maybe that's why he's so surprised to see Lambert now.
<<Possibly. I was terribly bored here by myself.>> Next thing Aiden knows, something is flying in his direction and he thanks his Witcher senses or the mug would have hit him fair and square. He ducks out of the way cursing, the loose black shirt covering him slips from his shoulder and his hair is a little tousled. When he speaks again his voice sounds on the good side of rough. <<What the fuck pup? I was just kidding!>> He stares at the cup on the floor more than a little surprised, things thrown at him were not part of his plan for the rest of the night. <<Didn't sound like it to me.>> Aiden smiles, the bastard has the courage to look smug and stare at him while Lambert busies himself with the buckles of his armor. He can tell by the way his Wolf was moving that something made him angry, and considering the night they had, the list of things that could have caused it was unsurprisingly long. <<Are you, by any chance, jealous, my dear wolf?>> <<What? No! Of course not! Do whatever and whoever the fuck you want.>> He tries to sound as careless and uninterested as possible, as if the idea of Aiden with someone else doesn't disturb him at all. He fails miserably.
Lambert finishes removing all his gear, leaving it in a pile on the floor and trying his best to ignore Aiden's pleased expression. He moves towards the screen door hiding the bathroom to retrieve a damp rag, but Aiden is up in a second, facing him. <<You're jealous.>> <<And you're still here? Thought you were waiting for someone, weren't you? Don't keep them waiting.>> He casually points at the door behind them. Of course he's jealous, he is jealous of everyone that ever caught Aiden's attention, constantly afraid of not being enough for the other man, but he isn't about to suddenly admit he doesn't know how to deal with his emotions, cause he doesn't have emotions. He doesn't. The Witcher, heartless, cold, the song didn't say the Witcher a soft sappy guy, it doesn't even rhyme. <<You're kicking me out?>> Aiden raises an eyebrow at him, casually leaning against the stone wall of the bathroom. <<Oh please, I'm sure there's more than one rich Lord or Lady in this house that would welcome you in a soft bed and with spread legs.>> Lambert moves past the Cat, fumbling with his clothes as if he doesn't know what to do with his hands before stripping down to his trousers. He picks up a washcloth from the side of the bathtub, mindlessly scrubbing down his arms and chest, frowning at the water in front of him as if it held the solutions to all his problems. Aiden's scent follows him around the room, and he's so used to it that it's always weird for him to be in a room that doesn't smell like Aiden when they go their separate ways for a couple of days. <<Sorry, when did I turn into a high-class whore in this ridiculous story of yours? All this because you refuse to admit you're jealous?>> <<I don't know what you're talking about. Just...leave me alone, I'm sure someone will keep you busy.>> 
Aiden knows well enough that none of them is after a fight, too strung high after their evening. And he also knows that confronting Lambert is simply not working. He softens his voice and steals the washcloth from his hands, dipping it in the warm water again and beginning to gently swipe it across tense shoulder blades. <<Do you think that if I had my eyes on someone I'd bring them to our room? The very same room where I know you will come back? I decide to cheat on you and I do it in our bed, wearing your shirt? That's not a very smart move. Also, you were with me the entire night, who do you think I was waiting for?>> Lambert doesn't move, taken aback by Aiden's unexpected gesture. He knows the touch of the warm palm on his side he knows the motion of the hand that brings the rug down his back, and he's grateful for the familiarity of it. He can get lost in the sensation. Aiden is being nice to him, even after he practically called him a whore. Damn his stupid big mouth. 
<<Plenty of options. I heard about all the invites you got.>> He mumbles under his breath, all the demanding voices of the evening just spent still echoing in his ears. Aiden lets the washcloth fall back into the water, placing a small kiss just under the nape of his neck as he was used to do every time they were cleaning up after a contract, it was his way to tell him it was all done, they could relax now that it was over. It's one of the little things Aiden does to keep him grounded, like leaving something of his in plain sight in the rooms they shared, so if Lambert woke up alone he would always know that he hadn't left for good, he was just at the blacksmith or getting them breakfast and he was coming back soon, or the fingers ghosting at the inside of Lambert's wrist when he was getting mad and he wanted to be on his own, so Aiden remained just close enough to trail his fingers on the back of his clenched fists or his wrists from time to time. Small things, habits picked up in many days and nights together, learning each other quirks without ever pointing them out, without ever judging but simply accepting them and learning what to do with them, cause they know fully well that sometimes fighting and fucking until they were out of energy was not enough, cause they were on edge and everything threatened to set their nerves off, so their best chance was trying to smooth out the razor-sharp corners of their frustration with soft touches and whispered words in the quiet. <<I refused all of them. You were there. Every single time I turned them down.>> <<Then why did you sound so surprised when I walked in?>> Aiden laughs at his sudden outburst, moving his arms around Lambert's waist and pressing himself against his back. <<Cause I was sleeping you stupid pup! You said you wanted to stay a while longer but I was this close to snap someone's neck. I had to go.>> <<Oh. So you were not....waiting for someone else?>> Lambert feels his lover placing another soft kiss at the back of his neck before resting his chin on his shoulder. He tentatively lays one of his hands on Aiden's arm still around his waist, fingering the black fabric there as if he wasn't sure he was still allowed to touch him after the things he said. <<You're so stupid, you're lucky I love you. I couldn't bear being shown off among those bastards as if I was for sale, that's why I came back here. I cleaned up and I wanted to wait for you to return but I must have fallen asleep. >> <<You love me?>> Aiden hears him whispering, his voice so low he can only make it out because of his sharpened senses. He lays another kiss on his shoulder, tracking an errant drop of water with his lips. <<Very much. Now tell me why were you so angry?>> <<I thought...nevermind, it's stupid.>> Lambert sighs loudly and moves away from his embrace, suddenly feeling even more self-conscious than usual. Aiden was not cheating, of course, why did he even say that? This was him being an asshole as always, taking out his anger on the first person who tries to put up with him. <<No, come on, tell me. What did you think was going on here?>> Lambert sits heavily on the edge of the bed, eyes trained on the green carpet covering a good part of the floor. He wants to make things right, but words are dirty treacherous things slipping out of his reach, and he doesn't know how to explain why there's always a nasty voice in his head whispering cruel things. 
<<I see you. And I see people around you. They look at you. Want you. And you're...you, you flirt with them. They always reek of lust and desire, I could practically catch pretty maids getting wet between their legs when you talked to them. You could be spending the night with a fucking Princess or a Lord, but you're here in the servants' wing for no good reason.>> He lets out the breath he didn't realize he held, it always seems to require him a huge effort to say out loud his thoughts. Cats were supposed to be unbalanced and all that but fuck balance, sad lot of good balance and control did to him.  
<<Lambert, look at me.>>  His vision is fully occupied by Aiden's form standing directly in front of him, he didn't realize he moved but now an extended hand reaches out to his chin, thumb tracing the dark stubble there and he can't avoid his green eyes. Aiden is always moving with feline grace, when he's fighting, fucking, walking through a crowded room, or killing a beast, smooth as if everything he does is the easiest thing in the world. When he places a hand on the side of his face, Lambert nuzzles into the touch, feeling all his rage melting away in the palm of that hand. <<I am exactly where I choose to be. With you. I could never choose anything in life since I was brought to Stygga, and I don't remember anything before it, but this thing between you and me, I chose it. I want this.>> Aiden slowly straddles him, his knees resting on the mattress below them and Lambert can't resist putting his hands around his waist, hitching the shirt up a little, yearning for the warm skin underneath,  for a touch to prove that this perfect man above him is areally here.
Lambert feels so stupid for even thinking those ridiculous words he said out loud. He never knows what to say cause he never had to try to fix things with someone, people were not this patient with him, they just walked out of his life when it all got too hard to handle. But Aiden is here, and all he can do is look at him and kiss him eagerly, the soft lips open to leave him full access to his lover's mouth. He wants to pour all these nameless things he feels in their kiss, seeking forgiveness on the tip of Aiden's tongue moving against his own.   <<'m sorry.>> He tries to say when they break apart, leaning his forehead on Aiden's. Aiden kisses him again, letting his hands roam free on the exposed planes of Lambert's back, sending shivers down his lover's spine and silencing his excuses in a languid kiss. Lambert trails his hands down to Aiden's hips, too much fabric getting in the way of his exploration. <<Are you really...wearing my shirt?>> <<It smells like you, and I was lonely. I felt bad after being ogled like I was dessert by a bunch of old royal assholes.>> <<I...Shit, I thought you...you enjoyed the...attention.>>   <<Why would I like a crowd of perverted nobles staring at me? I put up with it cause this contract is good money, not because I wanted to be noticed.>> Lambert is suddenly overwhelmed by the need to touch, to feel his skin under his palms, and have him closer. <<Fuck, Aiden, I'm... I hate them even more now.>> Lambert tightens his hold around his lover, relishing the feeling of Aiden's body on top of his own, of holding him, of those hands caressing his skin, and of his scent enveloping him. He knows he hardly deserves any of that. <<Me too pup, trust me, me too. Why did you stay if you despised it so much though? >> Aiden traces the scar on the right side of his face, fingers gently brushing on his forehead down to his cheek, exploring the different texture. It's his favourite one. Lambert didn't even want Aiden to touch it at first when they began to get more intimate, finding the ugly mark particularly horrible to look at, but the Cat was set to show the other man he didn't mind one bit, and he clearly succeeded in his mission. <<Tried to get more details on the striga. I caught three servants gossiping about how Lady Launfal was willing to do anything to make sure the castle stayed in her family even after her death.>> <<Ugh, they can't let go of their stupid stuff even when they're rotting six feet under.>> The contempt in Aiden's voice is crystal clear, and he chases it away kissing Lambert again, taking his time in exploring his mouth, nipping at the full bottom lip before suckling the sting away. Aiden slips his tongue between parted lips, licking into the inviting mouth, his lover's beard tickling his skin as he deepened the kiss. It's never enough for Lambert, he's addicted to this body, to this taste, he could hold him forever and he'd still want more. He feels Aiden moaning in the kiss, desire pooling inside him at the sweet sounds escaping his lover's mouth. <<Missed you.>> Aiden says while Lambert outlines with his thumb the edge of the pink scar under Aiden's ribs, this one is special cause it was the first he patched up himself, stitching his best friend in a dark cave by the fire, terrified to lose him. 
<<I should have come back sooner, it was a huge waste of time anyway.>> Lambert stares at the wet, shiny lips he just tasted and slips his hands lower, cupping his lover's ass and squeezing it roughly, drawing him impossibly closer. Aiden starts to slowly roll his hips, eliciting a barely muffled groan from Lambert and smirking like the cat that got the fucking cream when he feels Lambert's cock twitch beneath him. <<Oh you're such a good boy, aren't you pup? But work hours are over, you're mine now.>> Aiden purrs in his ear before moving lower to place small kisses on his throat, nibbling on his collarbone and running his fingers over Lambert's chest, nails catching on his nipples and stopping his journey to squeeze one hardening nub. <<You could have...fuck yes, that's nice...you could have helped.>> Aiden bites a little too harshly on the soft spot where neck and shoulder meet. He loves the way Lambert grips at him harder, fingertips digging into the supple flesh of his ass, keeping him right where he wants him. <<I'm helping! I was half-naked in your room, wearing your shirt, all warm and ready for you, not my fault you had better things to do than join me.>> Aiden licks a few times over the reddening spot at the base of his lover's throat, the taste of his skin invading his mouth. <<Looks better on you.>> Aiden hides his grin in Lambert's neck as he deliberately starts to move his hips again, slowly rocking back and forward to create delicious friction between their clothed erections and drawing sharp groans from both of them. Aiden presses down on his shoulders, pushing Lambert to lay flat on the bed and working his trousers open before slipping a hand inside to slowly palm his cock, staring at his Wolf with hungry eyes, burning with lust. <<I want you. I've been wanting you the whole night. The one time we get to go to a party, and you get all jealous of me. And it looks so fucking hot on you. You thought I wanted a prince, but I kept dreaming of fucking with the scary, mean Witcher in every dark corner.>> The way Lambert shamelessly moans into his touch is sinful, and it's one of the best sounds Aiden ever heard. <<Oh fuck, Aiden...>> He leans on his Wolf just enough to whisper against his lips, sharing the same breath for a heartbeat. <<Yes love, that's the plan.>> Those inviting lips are gone just like that, and Lambert almost whines at the loss. Aiden pulls down his smallclothes, effectively shoving them out of the way before finally moving back to sit on his thighs, stroking his cock again. He loves feeling Lambert getting hard under his attention, feeling his erection growing when he licks his nipples or bites down on the sweet spot on his neck that makes his lover shiver. He begins to trace his fingers over all those places that make Lambert moan, teasing the head of his length with a thumb before wrapping his hand around it, enjoying the sounds he can get out of him.
<<Need you naked right now.>> Lambert groans while he moves to work the buttons on Aiden's shirt, his shirt, and he can't get the offending material off of his shoulders soon enough. Aiden laughs while standing up to quickly remove the last of his clothes. He gets a small vial of oil from the bedside table before wrapping his legs around Lambert's hips again. No matter how many times they've been here, the first skin on skin touch always feels like fire to Aiden, burning hot in his groin and making him crave more. Lambert digs his fingers into the dimples on Aiden's back, pushing their hips together as his lover begins to move in the most taunting rhythm. Sparks of pleasure flood his brain when he feels Aiden's cock rubbing against his own, smooth and velvety, the slow movements are enough to drive him crazy with need. <<Fuck me. Need you....need you now.>> Lambert knows this is not going to be one of the nights when they'll take their time, teasing each other over and over until they're both losing control, he can sense the same urgency he feels deep inside him in Aiden's voice.
Aiden sits up a little to get the vial of oil he left well in his grasp and pours it on his fingertips, eyes fixed on his lover beneath him as he reaches behind himself. Lambert watches entranced as Aiden starts to slowly stretch himself open, the sweet scent of the oil mixing with their arousal. <<You look so fucking hot Aiden.>> He moves his hands to grip Aiden's spread thighs, feeling the muscles quivering under the grasp of his fingers, harsh enough to leave little red dots scattered on the skin. Lambert nudges Aiden back a little, fingers moving on the inside of his thigh, stopping just to thumb at the slit on his lover's wet cock, losing himself in the keening sound that leaves Aiden's lips. <<So damn beautiful, can't believe you're all mine.>> He shifts enough to sit up and start mouthing Aiden's neck, tasting his skin and causing him to moan out loud. <<Need you...oh fuck, Lambert, need you inside...>> Lambert moves his hand back to grip the other's hips, steadying him as he kisses and bites his throat, and is so hard to resist the need to claim what's his. <<Let me. I want to feel you.>> Aiden shivers at his words, sneaking his free arm around Lambert's neck. Lambert brushes his hand on his spine in a soft caress, feeling the sweat already running down his back. He reaches the place where his lover is spreading himself open, two fingers already pushing inside his hole. Aiden slowly removes his hand, a small cry leaves his parted lips when he feels his lover teasing his entrance and when Lambert starts to press one finger there it's enough to make him writhe in his lap. <<Want you...Inside me...>>  He rests his head on Lambert's shoulder, panting against the side of his neck as he feels a second finger entering him with no resistance. Aiden starts to roll his hips again, trying to grind their cocks together every time he nudges his hips forward, feeling the fingers inside him slip in even deeper. <<I am inside you, Aiden.>> Lambert easily works his fingers in and out, searching for the bundle of nerves that will make Aiden scream and savoring the sight of his lover coming apart before his eyes when he finds it. Aiden moans in the most sinful way when he pushes a third finger in, rocking forward a little faster, enough for their erections trapped between their bodies to rub against the other just right. <<I'm...I'll come if you keep it up.>> Lambert feels the body in his arms shaking and quivering, and knowing he's the one that put him in that state always gets to his head. <<That's the idea. You make the most beautiful sound. I just want to make you come over and over again so I can hear it.>> He knows how to play with his lover's body, twisting his fingers just right to stroke his sweet spot, causing Aiden to cry out loud. <<Fucking....fuck, don't say that, I'm so close already.>> Aiden presses their bodies together, and Lambert can't help but wrap his hand around both their erections, pumping them with a sudden urgency.   <<I know, I can feel it.>> Lambert smirks at him, brushing his fingers against the tip of their cocks, spreading the wetness already gathering there. <<Not like this...I want to come with your cock deep inside me, I want to feel you everywhere.>> <<Gods, that mouth of yours.>> Lambert lets his fingers slip free from his lover's body, and he doesn't miss how Aiden whines at the loss. He tries to catch the green eyes he loves so much, hesitating for a brief second before asking <<You sure?>>
Aiden raises his head and looks dead serious while he shifts his hips enough to settle himself on his lover's thighs, feeling the hard cock twitching beneath him. <<You have to fuck me right now or I swear I'll find someone who will.>> Lambert grabs his ass possessively, squeezing hard enough to bruise and meeting Aiden's lips in a burning kiss. <<Like Hell you will!>> Aiden grins before taking his cock in his hand and guiding it inside himself, slowly sinking down as they both hiss in pleasure. For a moment Aiden remains still, very much enjoying the feeling of Lambert so deep and hot inside his body. Lambert tries as best as he can to stay still and let his lover adjust, losing himself in the vision before him. <<Aiden... Fuck, can you...Fuck, tell me you're good.>> Right now, stretched around him, with his eyes closed, hands braced on his chest and his tongue occasionally sneaking out to wet his lips, right now Aiden looks obscenely divine. He looks like everything Lambert ever wanted. <<My wolf, all mine...you feel so fucking good inside me.>>Aiden moans in his hear before settling a lazy pace, lifting himself up and slowly sinking back onto Lambert's cock. <<Tell me>> Lambert's voice is too rough and needy, and he can feel his control slipping away when Aiden sinuously arches his back, baring his throat for him to sink his teeth into the tender flesh. <<Feel so full, so deep inside me...I've been wanting you all night, wanted to ride you like this for so long...Oh fuck, you're gonna mark me? Cause I want you to.>> Lambert growls, hiding his face in the slope of Aiden's shoulder, biting down at the base of his neck, grateful for the fact that he doesn't have to hold back anymore, and Aiden tangles his hand in his hair to keep him close, crying out at the feeling of being claimed. <<Oh fuck, fuck, you feel so hot inside me.>> Aiden starts working his hips faster as Lambert meets him halfway, thrusting up in the welcoming heat and feeling the coils of his pleasure tightening inside him. Lambert licks the red mark decorating Aiden's throat, whispering <<Mine.>> against the heated flesh. He knows he won't last, they both heal quickly, but he knows it will be there in the morning. <<Yours. I need you to fuck me so hard I'll still feel you inside me tomorrow. >> Lambert moves his hands to grip Aiden's hips, holding him on his lap as he fucks into him, need burning inside him like flames. <<Godsdamn Aiden! >> A beautiful string of moans leave his lover's lips, Aiden was always loud, but right now he's sure every other person in this wing is probably hearing them. <<Oh, oh fuck, harder, please, just....fuck, you feel so good! I can take it, you know I can...>> Lambert knows he's not going to last long this time, Witcher's mutagens and all be damned, how can he resist with Aiden's tight ass around him, fully fucking himself on his cock. <<You're so tight, do you know how good you feel around me?>>  Lambert feels how Aiden's whole body tenses up in his arms, and adjusts his angle to hit the right spot again and again, as he savors the way his lover clenches tighter around him, pleasure coursing through their bodies like sparks, bringing both of them closer to the edge. <<Show me...I need to feel you coming inside me, show me how good...>> Lambert watches Aiden quickly unraveling, relishing the loud moans and cries that keep falling from Aiden's lips every time he takes his whole length inside, tremors shaking the strong figure on top of his own. <<Fuck, keep moving like that and I will. Can you come on my cock like this?>> Lambert takes his lips in a bruising kiss, craving to feel his taste again before moving lower to lick at his neck, and Aiden's words go straight to his cock. <<Yes, yes, Gods yes, keep...keeping fucking me like this, fuck this is perfect...>> Aiden's fingers dig into his lover's back, nails leaving moon-shaped marks just above Lambert's shoulder blades as his hips desperately rock down to meet the hard thrusts claiming his body. <<Mine, only mine, my Aiden, fuck, come for me, I wanna see you.>> Aiden's whole body is tensing and twitching as a loud cry leaves his open lips, finally letting go, spilling his release between their bodies in pearly white lines pooling on Lambert's stomach. It takes Lambert only a few more thrusts into his hot clenching hole before his orgasm washes over him, filling his lover's body and gasping against the reddened skin of Aiden's neck.
He falls back on the bed, Aiden slumped forward on his chest with a silly smile on his face, and laying there contented is all they can do for now. It's a while before they can string thoughts, let alone words, together, both still coming down from their height. <<Lambert? I'll let you fuck me again if you admit that you were jealous.>> Aiden says it in the most innocent voice ever, and it shouldn't be possible coming from someone that looks so thoroughly fucked. Lambert just growls at him, his brain still refusing to work properly. <<Oh you little shit, can't you just drop it?>> Aiden curls up next to him, fingers drawing imaginary patterns connecting the scars on his chest. <<Careful love, I was under the impression you liked this ass.>> Aiden pretends to miss the words his Wolf just said, only because he knows he can and he will get away with it. <<What was that, pup? Was somebody jealous?>> Aiden smiles before scratching his nails over the sensitive skin on the inside of Lambert's thigh. <<Fine, fine, I was jealous, happy now kitty?>> <<Depends. Are you up for another round?>> Lambert rolls them over, giving a silent thank for the only one blessing brought by the mutagens in their blood. <<With you, always. I mean, have you seen you?>> Aiden spreads his legs open invitingly before arching under him. <<Then I'm very happy.>>
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highladyluck · 4 years
Wheel of Time Playlist
Mat Cauthon/Tuon Paendrag: The Soundtrack
Direct link: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1LWolFwiwWQtcnQV7zceMj
30 songs, 1 hr 43 min. This is my take on the canonical arc of Mat Cauthon and Tuon Paendrag's relationship, told largely through swing music and 80s power ballads, with a few surprises here and there.
I put a lot of time and thought into this so I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! There are spoilers in the playlist and track listing for Winter's Heart through A Memory of Light, since this is meant to mirror the narrative. It's organized mostly chronologically, though a few songs cover multiple books, or reference scenes placed slightly out of order, to better alternate points of view.
The order will be preserved if you have a paid Spotify account. (I know that's not ideal; I tried for several hours to get this into 8tracks through a series of increasingly convoluted methods but wasn't able to, as I don't directly own the music used.) If you can't listen to it in order, I've got the track listing under the cut so you can at least see what I was trying to do.
Track List:
1)      Royals (feat. Cory Gray) – Jake Coco, Corey Gray
“I’m no lord. I’ve more respect for myself than that.”
And we'll never be royals (royals)/
It don't run in our blood
2)      Almost There – Anika Noni Rose
Behind her veil, she was merely the High Lady Tuon, of no higher rank than many others of the Blood, but in her heart, always, she was Tuon Athaem Kore Paendrag, Daughter of the Nine Moons, and she had come to reclaim what had been stolen from her ancestor.
Ain't got time for messin' around/
And it's not my style
 3)      Ramblin’ Gamblin’ Man – Sammy Hagar
“I’m a gambler, not a soldier. A lover.”
I ain't good looking, but you know I ain't shy/ Ain't afraid to look a girl in the eye
 4)      Primadonna – MARINA
 “She is my wife! Your bloody Daughter of the Nine Moons is my wife!”
Would you get down on your knees for me?/
Pop that pretty question, right now baby
 5)      Been Caught Stealing – Richard Cheese
And Mat and the others galloped out into the storm, carrying with them three Aes Sedai, two of them escaped damane, and the kidnapped heir to the Seanchan Crystal Throne, while behind them a far worse storm broke over Ebou Dar.
Walk right through the door/ Hey all right!/ If I get by, it's mine/ Mine all mine!
 6)      Luck Be A Lady – Frank Sinatra
“As soon as I can figure out how to send you home safe and sound, I will. I promise.”
“So long as you keep your promises, I will neither escape nor betray you in any way, nor will I cause dissension among your followers.”
Let’s keep this party polite/
Never get out of my sight/
Stick with me baby, I'm the guy that you came in with/
Luck be a lady tonight
 7)      Holding Out For A Hero – Bonnie Tyler
“Do you remember Hawkwing’s face, Toy?”
I'm holdin' out for a hero 'til the morning light/ He's gotta be sure/ And it's gotta be soon/ And he's gotta be larger than life
 8)      Play The Game – Queen
“I’ve changed my mind, Toy,” she murmured, placing the white stone carefully on the intersection of two lines near the center of the board. “You play very well.”
All you have to do is fall in love/
Play the game, everybody play the game/
Of love
 9)      Poker Face – Lady Gaga
Despite himself, Mat began to laugh. He threw his hat down on the floor and laughed. With everything, all his efforts, he did not know this woman at all! Not a bit! He laughed until his ribs hurt.
Can't read my, can't read my/ No, he can't read my poker face
 10)   Young Dumb And In Love – Mat Kearney
Her big eyes were dark pools a man could spend a lifetime swimming in. Her rare smiles could be mysterious or mischievous, and he prized them.
I'm talking much, and you don't make a sound/
The prettiest face and those rock-a-bye baby browns/
All I've waited for's come true/
To be young and dumb and in love
11)   Zebra – The Magnetic Fields
She was still beaming. Her big eyes shone. “She’s a very fine animal, Toy. A wonderful gift. Either you have a good eye, or you were very lucky.”
“I have a good eye, Precious,” he said warily. She seemed more delighted than even the razor called for.
so there's one thing I crave/ when my days become ho-hum and blah/ I want a zebra
 12)   Steppin’ Out With My Baby – Fred Astaire
He grinned at Tuon, who gave him a slight nod. He had missed this, dice in a common room or tavern, coin on the table, wondering how long his luck would hold. And a pretty woman at his side while he gambled. He wanted to laugh with pleasure.
Steppin' out with my honey/
Can't be bad to feel so good/
Never felt quite so sunny/
And I keep on knockin' wood
 13)   Mack the Knife – Louis Armstrong
Tuon nodded approvingly. The bloody woman was dying to see him get into a knife fight!
To him, the world consisted of his two knives and the men crowding each other to get at him, and his knives sought the places where men bleed most heavily. Some of those ancient memories came from men who had not been very nice at all.
You know when that shark bites
With his teeth, babe
Scarlet billows
Start to spread
Fancy gloves, though
Wears ol' Macheath, babe
So there's never, never a trace of red
 14)   Rescue Me – Fontella Bass
“If one army is out to kill you, then they probably all are, and there are too many soldiers between here and Ebou Dar. But don’t worry; I’ll find some way to get you back safely.”
His boot slid in a patch of blood, and as he staggered, he knew he was about to die.
Abruptly Tuon was there, left hand seizing the young woman’s wrist—not the wrist of the knife hand, worse luck—twisting so the arm went stiff and the girl was forced to double over.
Come on, baby, and rescue me/ 'Cause I need you by my side
 15)   Too Close For Comfort – Eydie Gormé
He bent his head to hers. She was far from the first woman he had kissed. He knew what he was about. Surprisingly—or then again, perhaps not so surprisingly—she did not know. She was a quick pupil though. Very quick.
Be wise, be smart, behave my heart,/ Don't upset your cart/ When he’s so close.
 16)   Fever – Michael Bublé
She laid fingers against his cheek. “I thought so,” she said in that slow honey drawl. “You’re feverish. Some of your wounds must be infected.”
Mat blinked. He gave her a kiss that had to have curled her toes, and all she said was that his face was hot?
When you put your arms around me/ I get a fever that's so hard to bear/ You give me fever when you kiss me/ Fever when you hold me tight
 17)   Burning Down The House – Tom Jones, The Cardigans
Karede felt as if Hartha had kicked him again. No, not Hartha. Aldazar. What madness was this? Cauthon looked like a man watching an arrow fly towards his face, knowing he had no chance to dodge.
“Bloody Matrim Cauthon is my husband. That is the wording you used, is it not?”
This had to be a fever-dream.
Watch out you might get what you're after/
Cool babies strange but not a stranger/
I'm an ordinary guy/
Burning down the house
 18)   Love Is A Battlefield – Pat Benatar
“The next time I see Seanchan, I expect it will be on the field somewhere, Tuon.” Burn him, it would be. His life seemed to run that way no matter what he did. “You’re not my enemy, but your Empire is.”
“Nor are you my enemy, husband,” she said coolly, “but I live to serve the Empire.”
Both of us knowing/ Love is a battlefield
 19)   Empire – Alpines
Tuon straightened her back. She had not thought to become Empress for many years yet. But she would do her duty.
Fortuona was empress.
 I'm building an empire/
I'm building with my body and soul/
I'm building an empire/
So little time and so much to do
 20)   Distant Stations – Andrew Bird
Stay well, you curious man, she thought, glancing back at the balcony, northward. Do not dig yourself into trouble deeper than you can climb to freedom. You are Prince of the Ravens now. Remember to act appropriately.
Wherever it is you are.
Thom finished by making a wavy line through the center, as one did at the start of any game of Snakes and Foxes.
Mat crouched beside a fern, unseen by the dozen or so Deathwatch Guards who stood in a ring around Tuon as she went through a series of fighting stances.
 It was a triangle/ With soft, round edges/ And a split down the middle of one corner
I waited for you/ But I never told you where I was/
I waited on the steps for you/ And I hid in the bushes whenever a car pulled into the parking lot
 21)   Black Coffee – Sarah Vaughan
I should very much like to have him back. She froze; she hadn’t meant to admit so much. She found her own emotions curious, however. She had felt safe with him, ridiculous though it seemed. And she wished he were with her now.
Black coffee/ Feelin' low as the ground/ It's drivin' me crazy/ This waitin' for my baby/ To maybe come around
 22)   Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps – Cake
“Love?” Tuon sounded surprised. “Perhaps we will come to love each other, Matrim, but I have always known I would marry to serve the Empire.”
“And do you love me?” he asked, forcing the words out.
 You won't admit you love me/
And so how am I ever to know?/
You only tell me/
Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps
 23)   Best of You (with Elle King) – Andy Grammar, Elle King
“When you saw me,” Mat explained, “with a dagger in hand—as if to throw at you—you didn’t call for your guards. You didn’t fear I was here to kill you. You looked over your shoulder to see what I was aiming at. That’s the most loving gesture I think a man could receive from a woman. Unless you’d like to sit on my knee for a little while…”
 'Cause the best of me loves the best of you/
And all the rest, I can see right through/
You trust in me and I'll trust you too/
'Cause the best of me, loves the best of you
 24)   Dance Me to the End of Love – Leonard Cohen
“I’m not going to sit on your knee,” Tuon said, pulling one arm out of her robe, exposing her breasts, “though I may allow you to sit on mine.”
 Dance me to the wedding now, dance me on and on/ Dance me very tenderly and dance me very long/ We're both of us beneath our love, we're both of us above/ Dance me to the end of love
 25)   Roll the Dice – Annie Vincent
Order in one hand—something known, something she could measure—chaos in the other. Chaos in the form of a one-eyed man who knew Artur Hawkwing’s face.
Had she not just told Selucia she would bet upon him?
Roll the dice (C'mon)/ Take a chance with life, just roll the dice/ This will be your time, so roll the dice/ And nothing's gonna stop you now - no, no, woah
 26)   Short Skirt/Long Jacket – Cake
She was something incredible, though. He felt a thrill each time she gave orders; she did it so naturally.
 I want a girl with a mind like a diamond/ I want a girl who knows what's best
 27)   They All Fall Down – XY Unlimited
“A last stand,” Mat said softly. “All of us, together, at a one place where the terrain favors us.”
 One by one the soldiers stumble/
See them as they stand and tumble/
You're here with me
 28)   Let’s Call The Whole Thing Off – Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong
“I’ve had it with you,” Knotai said, waving a hand at her. “You and your bloody Seanchan rules just keep getting in the way.”
“Then I have had it with you as well,” she said, raising her head.
“I suppose you give me the opportunity… perhaps the mandate… to follow what my heart would choose, whether or not it is wise.” She stood. “General Galgan, gather your troops. We return to the Field of Merrilor.”
 For we know we need each other/ So we better call the calling off off/ Let's call the whole thing off!
 29)   Never Knew I Needed – Kathryn
“Well, I guess I’m off the hook, now. You have an heir.”
“I have an heir,” Tuon said, “but I am the one off that hook. Now I can kill you, if I want.”
Mat felt his grin widen. “Well, we’ll have to see what we can work out. Tell me, do you ever play dice?”
 You are the best thing I never knew I needed/ So now it's so clear, I need you here always
 30)   Twin Human Highway Flares – The Mountain Goats
All he had to do was convince Tuon to forsake her throne and run off with him.
  You turned to me and asked me if I'd always be your boy/
As we drove across the river into western Illinois/
And on the railroad bridge, half a mile of solid steel/
Wheels were spitting out sparks, scraping at the rails
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ReyLo Playlist Track 6: Come and Get It - Selena Gomez
Did I THINK I would put a Selena Gomez song on my ReyLo Playlist? No. But I mean, hey this is what happens when you stop for midnight drunk munchies in a Wawa gas station when you're on a TROS rebellion Reylo kick.  You make curative decisions about your very exclusive playlists which you, otherwise, may not have.  I didn't even hear the whole song, just the chorus and I was like "Hey, this is Rey waiting for Ben to get his head out of the dark side, ie his ass". I looked up the lyrics and get that it matched well enough to warrant a spot here. Hey, Rey needs a cosplay burlesque song too.
You ain't gotta worry, it's an open invitation / I'll be sittin' right here, real patient / All day, all night, I'll be waitin' standby / Can't stop because I love it, hate the way I love you / All day all night, maybe I'm addicted for life, no lie
If there's one thing we know for certain about Rey,it's that she knows all about waiting. This was a crucial point many ReyLo's held to when the naysayers insisted she had given up on bringing Ben Solo back from the Dark Side as well as any flame she had for him (we know that she not only holds a flame, but a wildfire the size of California). But despite the massive nature of her passion for her Space Prince, Rey is patient in the long haul (though she may get a little frustrated in the meantime) It's just a matter of letting him simmer down and think about his choices for a while. And while he's doing that, she'll still be there, silently standing by until he's ready to face her again.
I'm not too shy to show I love you, I got no regrets / I love you much, too much to hide you, this love ain't finished yet / This love ain't finished yet/ So baby whenever you're ready...
I love to imagine this part being Rey, casually thinking about how she's going to bring Ben to the Resistance base, because she just doesn't give a fuck what they'll think. If they try to jail him she will beat their asses. this is also another great part that emphasises how SO NOT OVER their relationship is.
When you're ready come and get it / Na na na na 3x/ When you're ready come and get it / Na na na na 3x / When you're rea-ea-ea-ea-eady / When you're rea-ea-ea-ea-eady, ready / When you're ready come and get it / Na na na na 3x
This is totally what Rey's eyes are saying to Ben with her eyes when she closes the door on him in TLJ. And I don't think much more needs to be said.
This love will be the death of me / But I know I'll die happily/ I'll know, I'll know, I'll know / Because you love me so...
I can really see her thinking this when Ben turns against Snoke, because he's so ready to commit to her and only her. And the death here isn't actual death, but the death of the old rey, the frightened child and she's happy to let that version of her die because THIS PERSON, loves her with every breath in his massive body and she's found her belonging. Which is why she had faith in him that eventually he'll be ready to let Kylo Ren die too.
Now seems like a good place for some predatory Rey. "Come and get me..."
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oodanijadeoo · 4 years
Nature’s Balance (Ardyn x OC) Chapter 2
Vedrixia leaned against the Regalia in the blistering Liede heat. The car had broken down just a short while into their journey. Each member of the retinue looked as if they would soon melt into the interior of the Regalia, or in Prompto’s case, the tar of the road.
Gladio sighed as the fifth vehicle passed by without stopping, “I think we can forget about hitching our way there. Thought people were friendly outside the city.”
Piping up from the driver’s seat, “You can only go so far on the kindness of strangers,” Ignis said.
Vendrixia shed another layer of her Kingsglaive uniform, “Well, we’re going to have to figure something out before we all have to take a potion to save us from heat stroke.” She threw an arm across her eyes, attempting to block out some of the sunlight.
“Looks like we’re just gonna have to push her all the way,” said Gladio with a slightly revived energy.
“But I’ve already pushed myself,” Prompto began with an air of theatrics. “To the brink… of death!”
Vedrixia nudged his shoulder with the toe of her boot, popping off the back of the car, “Come on, up with you. The sooner we get this thing rolling the sooner we can get to some air conditioning.”
With that, Prompto was quickly on his feet.
“You too, Your Highness.”
Noctis merely grumbled, inciting Gladio to use a bit more force with the young prince.
He slapped him on the back, “Oh, get up.”
The four of them began pushing the Regalia with Ignis in the driver’s seat and the boys quickly began their usual banter.
“Let’s hope this isn’t some kind of omen.”
“Gladio, do me a favor,” the young prince said.
“Push this thing by yourself.”
“All by myself?” He continued as Vedrixia chuckled quietly.
“You won’t even notice if we just let go,” Prompto chimed in. “Besides, my hands are killing me.”
“You rather I kill you with mine?” Gladio quickly retorted.
Vedrixia felt like the tension was getting to be a bit too much, “Hey now, you had better not get any blood on my boots. I just polished these so if you’re going to have a quick lesson in natural selection, I suggest you take it to the side of the road.”
“I concur,” Ignis commented from the front. “Cor did just send the Regalia to be waxed and surely would not appreciate and blood spilled on her.”
Noctis and Prompto both groaned.
This was going to be a long trip.
Finally making it to Hammerhead, each member of the party was thoroughly exhausted. Ignis and Gladio were both stretching their legs, walking around the Regalia while Prompto and Prince Noctis laid haphazardly on the ground. Vendrixia, on the other hand, was sprawled out in the backseat of the Regalia with her feet propped up against the passenger door.
“Hey there!” A high pitch, accented voice sounded from outside the vehicle. Vedrixia raised her head just in time to see Prompto stumbling to his feet. He looked as though he had never seen anyone of the female gender before. “Y’all sure kept a girl waitin’!”
The barely-clothed blonde glanced around their group, “Now which one’s the Prince?”
Noctis popped up from the other side of the Regalia behind Vedrixia’s head as she took her cue to straighten up and exit the vehicle.
“A-ha! Hello, your Highness!” The blonde said, popping a hip out. “Congrats on your wedding!”
“Not hitched just yet,” Noctis replied, scratching the back of his head.
“Lady Lunafreya’s groom-to-be, here in Hammerhead,” She said in awe.
Ignis joined in the conversation, “Apologies for taking so long.”
“You’d best be savin’ your apologies for Paw-Paw,” She said seriously.
Gladio rounded the car, “Well that makes you…”
“Cindy,” Finally, a name, Vedrixia thought. “Cid’s grease-monkey granddaughter.”
A crackling voice sounded from within the shop, “Roll ‘er in while I’m still young!”
“I suspect that’s Cid?” Drix asked Cindy. She gave a hum and nod of her head.
Cindy’s aging grandfather made his way to the group, “Didn’t yer daddy tell ya? She’s a custom classic, not some beat up ol' clunker.” His expression was enthralled in reminiscence and nostalgia. Cid’s gaze shifted to the young man, “Prince Noctis.”
“Uh, yeah.”
Vedrixia scoffed at the boy and crossed her arms. The lack of respect the young prince could exhibit was astounding to the Glaive. She had received many slaps to the back of the head from Cor due to ill-timed sass in her youth. Being seven years older than the prince, she knew he had a lot to learn in a very short amount of time.
“Prince,” Cid shook his head, indignant. “Like they took your old man and kicked the dignity out of him.”
That certainly caught the Prince’s attention. “What?”
“You got a long way to go, son,” Cid began grimly. “And that slack jaw’s gettin’ you nowhere fast. She’s gonna take a while, y’all get ‘er in and run along.”
Cindy watched as her grandfather made his way back to the shop, “Y’all heard him! Let’s get moving.”
Vedrixia walked around the outpost, kicking rocks and cans. She sipped on a can of Ebony she purchased with the little gil she brought with her. Vedrixia knew she would need a caffeine boost if she was going to make it the rest of the afternoon without biting off the young prince’s head.
Vedrixia had just picked up a stick to swirl around in the dirt when- click. 
Whipping around just in time to be stunned by the flash of a camera, she rubbed her eyes and soon saw shocked Prompto that knew he had been caught. 
“Sorry,” Prompto laughed nervously. “I hope you don’t mind me taking your picture, Ms. Astaroth. I like to take photos on our trips for… memories… and stuff…” he trailed off, looking everywhere but Vedrixia out of embarrassment. 
Vedrixia laughed lightly, “That’s alright.” She smiled warmly at him, “Your reputation with a camera has made its way around in the Kingsglaive, so I expected nothing less.”
“Oh,” He sputtered, hanging the camera back around his neck. “I didn’t know.”
Vedrixia turned her attention back to her stick and dirt, “Yep. And you can stop with the “Ms. Astaroth” deal. We’re going to be here for a while so we might as well call each other by our first names. Not to mention, it makes me feel old.” She grimaced and stuck her tongue out as if the mere thought left a bad taste in her mouth. “You can call me Vedrixia, or Drix if you prefer. And that applies to you as well, Ignis, Gladio,” she spoke louder to the two boys sitting on the bench.
“I suppose you’re right,” Ignis said, pushing up his glasses in the most dignified manner. “This has been a most inconvenient delay.”
“Yeah, and this “inconvenient delay” is making me stir crazy,” Gladio ran his hands along his face, stretching his legs out. 
“I may be able to amend that shortly, I must go discuss our dwindling funds with Noctis,” Ignis said, rising to his feet.
As Ignis went to go find Noctis and Prompto busied himself with taking photographs, Gladio decided to strike up a conversation with Vedrixia.
“So, Drix,” He began, testing out the nickname. “How long have you been a member of the Glaive?”
Drix stood up to face Gladio pacing along with her stick in front of him, “Let’s see, this will make…” She drew out the word, counting in her head, “Eight years? Although I trained with Cor for four years. He wouldn’t let me join until my nineteenth birthday. Something about it being too ‘dangerous.’” She scoffed, chuckling lightly at the thought. 
“Nineteen, huh? So that would make you…”
“Twenty-seven,” She answered. “I’m practically ancient!” Drix said in a dramatic voice, raising a hand to her forehead as if she might faint at any moment.
Gladio hummed in agreement as he looked away, never appearing fully engaged in the conversation.
“I don’t know why the King thought we needed a Glaive to come with us,” He said suddenly. Drix stopped her pacing, sensing the conversation was about to take a sharp turn.
She chose her next words carefully, “I don’t fully know either. Cor didn’t tell me any reason to need extra security, aside from it being the Prince’s wedding, of course.”
“Well, if Cor didn’t give you any extra reason to be here, it sounds to me like you shouldn’t be here at all.”
And there was the guard rail.
Vedrixia clenched her fist and opened it back again, shutting her eyes and breathing deeply. Don’t piss off the Guard, Cor will ream my ass. Don’t piss off the Guard, Cor will ream my ass.
After thinking over her mantra several times, Vedrixia responded, “I can assure you, Gladiolus, that while neither of us may be aware of why I am here, I can assure you the need exists, otherwise King Regis would not have requested my presence. Furthermore, I promise you that whether or not I know my reason for being here, I will perform my duties as a Kingsglaive to protect Prince Noctis to the fullest of my abilities, whether or not you find a need for me.” As her defense went along, Vedrixia had slowly begun to stand at Glaive Attention. Then, she noticed a faint golden glow coming from one of her clenched fists. Deciding she had elevated her blood pressure to the point of hallucination, Drix gave Gladio a curt nod and went to find Ignis and the Prince.
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His Savior
Summary: Y/n saves Gabriel causing him to take a liking to her.
Pairing: Gabriel x reader
Warnings The door opens to Asmodeus’ throne room and Ketch walks in with you sneaking behind him. Asmodeus is seated on his throne and Gabriel is in a nearby cage that you have yet to notice, your eyes glued on the man who sarcastically says, “Mr. Ketch. Sorry to keep you waitin’.” Ketch looks over at Gabriel who is huddled in his cage, which draws your attention to it as well, before addressing Asmodeus in an angry tone, “Why am I here?” “The Winchesters are gathering up pieces to a spell. A real big magic sort of affair.” “I’ve heard. Their pet angel was just in the Holy Land,” Ketch says causing Asmodeus to lean forward in his throne. “You knew and didn’t tell me?” “You didn’t ask.”
Eventually you stopped listening to the two men and focused on the archangel in the cage and the way your heart clenches seeing him that way, until you hear a part of their conversation that sparks your interest. “Well, if they got the spell from the Demon Tablet, which they did -- some blood, few other things, and whole mess of archangel grace.”
“Ah, and here you are pumping it into your veins,” Ketch says cockily. “Everyone needs a little pick me up from time to time. But enough about my juice box. It’s time we talk about us. You see...I don’t believe you understand the nature of this relationship.”
“You pay me. I do what needs to be done. End of transaction.”
“Yeah. See. No. It’s more like, I own you,” Asmodeus says stroking his beard. “You don’t ow--” “I do! And it’s time you get in line, boy.” “If that’s how you feel. I believe I’m done here. Good day,” Ketch says turning to leave, but Asmodeus has teleported behind him and is blocking the path to the door. “You’re done when I say you’re done.” Gabriel watches in horror as Asmodeus beats Ketch. First he hits Ketch in the stomach, then the face, laughing as he does so. Ketch tries to fight back but is no match for the demon Prince. Using his power, Asmodeus holds Ketch immobile on his knees. Seeing this you go farther into the shadows to hide as you devise a plan to save Gabriel. “You’re gonna learn, son. You do what I say…” Asmodeus says as he brutally punches Ketch in the face, knocking him to his stomach on the floor, “When I say!” Asmodeus kicks Ketch in the face. Then he picks Ketch up by the back of his jacket and slams his face into a pillar, “And if you ever even think of sassing me again…” Asmodeus picks Ketch up as if he weighs nothing, and throws him onto a wooden table. The table splinters and collapses. Ketch is bleeding heavily and barely conscious. Asmodeus stops and notices Ketch’s blood that has splattered on his white suit. Annoyed he says, “Ah. Look what you did to my suit,” before he leaves.
You watch him leave still in shock at the brutality of what he just did. Ketch is leaning against the pillar, pulling a broken tooth out of his mouth and spitting blood. Gabriel peers at him through the bars of his cage, drawing Ketch’s attention, “What are you looking at? If I had half your power, I’d…,” he begins angrily before he gets an idea and looks around to confirm that Asmodeus is gone, “In fact…” Ketch hurries over to Gabriel’s cage. Gabriel moans and cringes back in fear.
The sound snaps you out of your trance just as you hear Ketch say, “I believe it’s time to go,” before he lifts the door to the cage and speaks again, “Consider this a rescue.” Gabriel huddles in the far corner, afraid of Ketch who goes to the cabinet and gets the archangel blade from its case before he returns to Gabriel, “Come on, you. Come on!” Gabriel is frightened, especially with seeing the archangel blade in Ketch’s hand so he doesn't move. Ketch reaches in and grabs Gabriel’s leg and pulls him out of his cage causing Gabriel to struggle in panic. “Come on,” Ketch demand before you jump out from your hiding place with a gun drawn and pointing directly at Ketch.
“Let him go,” you demand as you cock the gun.
“I'm trying to help him,” Ketch says as he tries to drag a struggling Gabriel down a corridor in Asmodeus’ lair, “And this would all go so much faster if he just flapped his bloody wings.”
“He's scared you ashat, let his leg go and give me the blade. If you want to help just lead us out of here,” you say as you walk closer and grab the archangel blade from him after you tuck your gun away. Once he is disarmed you slowly make your way towards Gabriel and offer him a hand which he hesitantly takes, “You're okay, I'm here to help you.” Once you're helping support Gabriel enough to make your way through Asmodeus’ leir Ketch comes upon Wallace who exclaims, “What the hell?” I toss Ketch my demon blade and he stabs the demon before he tosses the dead demon aside and turns back to us, “Where were we?” He asks leading us the rest of the way out.
Ketch emerges from the Library and when the boys see him they immediately pull their guns on him causing Ketch have his hands up instantly, “Wait.” “Son of a bitch,” Dean says “I come in peace,” Ketch pleads before Sam scoffs. “Yeah, right.” “And I brought you a gift,” Ketch adds pointing towards you and Gabriel. “Wait a second. Is that….” Sam says shocked. “That Gabriel?” Dean asks looking at you and Gabriel from where we sit in a chair at the other end of the map table. “No, no that’s impossible. He…he’s dead. We -- we saw him die,” Sam says “Or did you?” “What’d you do to him?” Dean questions Ketch. “Not me. Asmodeus. The Prince was holding him prisoner until I liberated the poor man. And I understand you may need an archangel for a spell, perhaps. Well, what luck.” “We need his grace,”  Sam says and Gabriel begins to screech and moan in fear only for you to grab him and try to calm him. “No, no, no, no, no. Calm down. Calm down,” you say before Ketch he reaches into his jacket and pulls out one of the vials of grace that Asmodeus had been injecting into himself. He puts it carefully on the table, “Here. Take that. And, uh…” Ketch pulls out the archangel blade and also puts that on the table, “The archangel blade.” “Why would you… What’s the catch? What do you want?” “Protection. From Asmodeus.” “The one you’re working for?” Dean suspiciously asks. “Was working for. But when he finds out that I stole his prize milk cow, well, I imagine he will hunt me to the ends of the earth. So...this is the only safe place I know.” Sam scoffs “What? Do you think you’re gonna just move in?” Ketch hopefully says, “Dibs on the top bunk?” When you hear Ketch ask this you roll your eyes and grab Gabriel's hand slowly leading him to your room.
After some convincing you and Gabriel sit on your bed with everything in front of you. You are using a scalpel and tweezers to remove the stitches from Gabriel’s mouth, your heart silently clenching with each a stitch removed. You didn't know what to expect when you got the last a stitch, but you made sure to have a glass of water beside your bed ready for him if he needed it.
Gabriel downed the whole glass of water and you both sat in silence for a while longer before the boys popped in to say they were leaving. Once she heard the bunker door she knew she had to do something to help Gabe get cleaned up so she slipped out of her room before grabbing some of dean's clothes and going back to him.
“Do you think you can take a shower?” you asked softly placing one of your hands over his gently and he doesn't say anything until you add in, “ill sit right outside if you want.”
He nods softly and you lead him to the bathroom, starting the shower for him you slip to the floor across from the stall and wait. Eventually he gets in, leaving the curtain open to see you, and does everything he needs to before slipping on the new clothes you gave him. Once dressed he gazes at you expectantly and you reach your hand out for him to grab, he takes it willingly following you to the kitchen where you prepare something sweet for him to eat as well as a sandwich before you take him back to your room.
After watching him eat every crumb you lay back on half of your bed leaving the lamp on for him on his side. He unexpectedly lays beside you and curls into your side, after a minute your brain catches up with what's happening and you wrap your body around his cradling him as he lets out a hoarse, whispered ‘thank you’ causing your heart to swell a little. Kissing his forehead on that note you softly say, “I will always try to save you,” before laying there and trying to go to sleep while you hold him.
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haven-raven012591 · 6 years
Just Because
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Warning: fluffy and Smutty
She was laying on the couch because she didn't want to be on the bed anymore. She'd woken up and cleaned up the house as she waited for him to get home. She'd been having a lot of headaches lately and wanted to get rid of the one she had now before he came home. She also wanted to ease him into the fact that while he'd been gone she'd adopted two pets. He loved animals so she wasn't extremely worried about that but they'd only been dating a year and that's what was bothering her.
She answered her phone and smiled. "Hey you what's up?" Raven asked. "I'm ok love just wanted ta check in wit ya before I got on the plane." Finn said. "What, babe you're not on the ground yet?" Raven asked. "No, tere were delays and stupid shit." Finn said. She rubbed her timple and sighed. "Raven what's wrong?" Finn asked. "I was just so excited I thought you'd be home tonight." Raven said. "Love I will be." Finn said. "I know." Raven whined. "What's wrong wit my Raven?" Finn asked. "I have a migraine and I'm whiny." Raven said.
He laughed and she licked her lips. "Have a good flight Finn." Raven said hanging up. He looked at his phone and sighed rubbing his neck. "You messed up didn't you?" Seth asked. "Yeah." Finn said. "I'll get Dylan to call her." Seth said. "I'll make it up ta her Seth." Finn said. They got on the plane and Finn leaned back and closed her eyes. Raven sat on the couch and held her new puppy close.
It sliently licked her tears away and it made her feel worse so she moved to the bed. The kitten was on her side and she smiled. "Binx come here boy." Raven called. He came to her and she put Annika on the bed. She rubbed his little head and smiled when he jumped into her arms. She laid in her side and stroked Binx's fur and he purred softly. It calmed her to sleep. Finn got home and saw the house spotless and then saw the couch. "Ok Raven where'd ya go, yer cars here and so is yer purse." Finn said as he laid dinner and flowers along with a bag on the counter.
He dropped his bag in the laundry room and took off his shirt as he went to the bedroom. He walked in and was greeted by a growl and a yip. "Well now where did she get you huh?" Finn asked softly as he moved closer to the bed seeing her asleep. "A ghrá." Finn whispered as he moved to her side. He moved her hair and a pair of green eyes looked up at him. "She finally got ya huh buddy." Finn said. She mumbled and he kissed her forehead. "Baby?" Raven whispered he turned on her light and she blinked looking up at him. He sat down and moved the kitten.
She sat up and hugged him tightly. "I've missed you." Raven whispered. "I missed ya too a ghrá." Finn whispered playing with her hair. "I love ya so much Raven I didn't mean ta laugh ya just sounded so damn cute." Finn said. She giggled and he kissed her neck. "Finn don't ok I don't think I can take it." Raven whispered. "Let me pamper ya love and run my hands over yer skin." Finn said. She looked up and kissed him heatedly. He laid her down and pulled back.
"So what's wit the pup and kitten?" Finn asked. She smiled and rubbed his arms. "New additions if you'll let me keep them." Raven said. "Ya could've waited and I'd have gone wit ya love." Finn said. She laughed as he laid his head in the hallow of her neck. "You'd have picked every animal in the place baby I knew I could limit myself." Raven teased. "Yer not hiding anymore secrets are ya love?" Finn asked. "No." Raven giggled as he nuzzled her neck. "Finn that tickles." Raven giggled more.
He moved so fast and kissed her passionately as her arms went around his neck needing to be closer to him. "I have ta stop dinner is gettin cold and yer presents are waitin." Finn said. She rubbed his shoulders and he picked her up smiling. "You can put me down ya know." Raven giggled. "I like doin tis." Finn said. She kissed him long and slow. "I know baby." Raven said. She held him close and he sighed. "I love bein home wit ya Raven, I don't wanna leave some times." Finn said.
She nuzzled his neck and he sat with her on the couch. "You're so frustrated my love but it'll be ok I promise." Raven said. "I want ta be a champion again I want my title back." Finn said. "One day my love, one day you'll get it back and this time I'll be there to make sure you don't get hurt." Raven teased. "My lucky charm I can't lose when yer there." Finn said. "Baylay seems to be a good luck charm." Raven said. He caressed her cheek. "She is my friend you are my Raven, my everything." Finn said. She looked at him.
He'd never said that to her....ever. She couldn't stop the tears from falling then. "No, Raven tat was supposed ta make ya happy not cry I don't understand." Finn said as he thumbed away her tears. "Finn you've never called me that baby not ever." Raven said softly. "I...I know love but I mean it, ya are my everything and when I'm home wit ya I am so happy." Finn said. He was rubbing her arms and kissed her hands. She wrapped her arms around him and held onto him tightly.
"Oh my Raven what I wouldn't do ta keep ya like tis for days." Finn breathed as he kissed her neck. "I love you Finn and you're my everything as well." Raven sobbed into his neck. "Love what's wrong?" Finn asked. "I'm jealous of her because she gets to hug you and be with you and I'm here." Raven said. He held her tightly and rubbed her back knowing it was something else. "My Raven tell me the truth." Finn whispered. "I can't." Raven sobbed. "Ya can tell me anyting love." Finn soothed. "It's dark again." Raven whispered.
Finn held her close stroking her hair. "I love ya Raven and I'll sit here and hold you until you can face the world." Finn whispered. She gripped his shoulders and he leaned back rubbing her back smiling. "Why didn't ya tell me Raven?" Finn asked. "I couldn't bring you down with me." Raven whispered. He looked at her and she pulled back getting up. "You eat ok I'm gonna take Annika for a walk." Raven said. "Love let me go wit ya." Finn said. "I need to clear my head Finn!" Raven yelled.
He went to her and took her hand. "Go away." Raven growled. He framed her face. "I can't." Finn whispered. She pulled away and he took her hand. "Where you go, I go." Finn said. She wobbled and he pulled her close holding her tightly. "Shh my Raven." Finn whispered. She shoved him back and he just stared at her. "I love you." Finn said. "You'll leave they all leave just wait I'll fall like this and you'll leave me drowning." Raven accused. He shook his head and she turned putting the leash on Annika. "You'll be gone when I get back I'm sure." Raven said her voice broken and hallow.
She put her shoes on and walked out. Finn put his laundry in the washer and got in the shower. His little bird was having a hard time flying and she didn't mean anything she said he knew that. He got out and warmed up the food keeping it in the oven and warm for them. He put her flowers in a vase and on her nightstand. She was special so the sunflowers and black roses would make her smile. The little gift bag he put on the coffee table in the living room. Happy with what he had done he waited for her.
The sky opened up and it started thundering and lightening like crazy. One loud clap of thunder and Binx jumped into Finn's lap. "Aww hey boy it's ok, yer mom loves thunder storms sometimes." Finn said. Just then he got a call. "Hello, oh hey Dylan." Finn said. He sat up and sighed. "What are you two doing in....oh ok, yeah I'm coming." Finn said. He dressed and got her some warm dry clothes and went to the hotel. Dylan opened the door. "Hey, did you two fight?" Dylan asked.
Finn went in and saw Raven there in the corner with Annika. "No we didn't fight." Finn said. "Oh no, she's down again." Dylan said softly. Finn nodded. He put the bag down and went to Raven. "Hey man." Seth said. "Hey." Finn said as he crouched down. "Raven." Seth said. "I don't wanna talk." Raven said. "Finn's here." Seth said. She looked at him and then Finn. "Came to crash, to tell them I kicked you out making me the bitch?" Raven accused. Finn touched her leg and she pulled away as Annika growled at Finn. "Yer not big enough ta growl." Finn teased.
Annika snapped at him and Raven popped her nose. "No ma'ma that's da...no Annika." Raven said. Finn saw the unending sadness in her eyes. "Annika come here girl." Finn called. She went to him and he played with her. "Good girl protecting mommy." Finn said. He gave her to Seth. "She looks almost like prince." Seth said. "Storm cloud." Dylan giggled. Raven looked at her friend. "Why don't you two take her I shouldn't have gotten her." Raven said. "Raven if you wanted her then you keep her sweetie." Dylan said.
"I don't, I have a kitten I need to give back." Raven whispered. "We can't keep Annika." Seth said. "I'll take her back tomorrow." Raven said. "No ya won't and yer not takin Binx back either ya love tem Raven tey're yer babies until we have one." Finn said. Raven looked at him. "Yo...you want a baby with me?" Raven breathed as tears fell. "My Raven I want the world wit ya." Finn said. "But I'm broken." Raven whispered. "No yer not, yer my beautiful Raven the little bird tat stole my heart." Finn said.
Dylan pulled Seth away and he held her close. "She's so lost right now I hope he can find her Seth." Dylan said. "He will he loves her." Seth said. Finn helped her stand and stroked her hair. "I brought you warm comfy clothes." Finn said. She held him close and he smiled. She took the bag and changed in the bathroom. When she came out Dylan and Seth hugged her tightly. "We love you too Raven and you'll be ok with Finn he loves you so much." Dylan said. Finn and Raven left when they got home she dried off Annika and smiled at her.
"My sweet girl." Raven said. Finn put dinner on the table and they ate after they fed the animals. "Ya have flowers by the bed and a present on the coffee table." Finn said. "I love you." Raven said. He pulled her close and kissed her forehead. "Ya have noting ta worry about my Raven I will always love you." Finn said. She held onto him and he rubbed her back. "I don't want to move." Raven whispered. Finn picked her up and took them to the bedroom. "Let me clean tings up ya stay here and get warm yer still shakin." Finn said.
She grabbed his hand. "Finn I'm sorry!" Raven sobbed. He sat with her and she laid in his lap her head on his thigh. "Raven, love sit up." Finn said softly. He couldn't handle her like that not when he needed her so badly. She did and curled up holding her legs to her chest. "I'm gonna sleep in the guest room I'm sorry." Raven breathed. Her heart sinking lower with every beat. "I want to hold you." Finn said. "You just asked me to move you use to love me laying in your lap." Raven said. Finn had her on her back under him in seconds.
"Ya want ta know why ya had ta move?" Finn growled. She stared up at him her heart pounding in her chest. "Answer me." Finn demanded. She licked her lips. "Yes." Raven breathed. He parted her thighs and groaned as he felt her soft skin. "So fucking soft." Finn growled. "Finn." Raven whispered. He thrust his jean clad erection to her core. She gasped and her hands went to his arms on instinct. "Tat's why ya had ta move ya were to close." Finn groaned. "Do it again." Raven said.
He gripped her thighs and thrust into her core as she arched. "Finn." Raven whimpered. He crashed his lips against hers roughly. She yanked his shirt off and rubbed his back. "Ya minx I'm so fuckin hard ya have no idea how much I need ya how badly I want ya." Finn groaned as he ground against her. She pulled him down and he caressed her cheek. Finn and kissed her long and slow. She pulled back and he held her head between his hands. "I love you Raven!" Finn vowed. She touched his arms and she passed out.
"I will never leave ya." Finn said stroking her hair. He got her present putting it on her table before he laid with her holding her close. She woke up and looked up seeing him there. "What?" Raven whispered. He looked down and smiled. "Hey love." Finn whispered. "When did you get home?" Raven asked. "Funny, ya know I got home last night." Finn said. "No, your plane was delayed." Raven said. "Raven, I was home last night ya tried to push me away, ya tried ta give Annika ta Seth and Dylan." Finn said.
"No." Raven said. He moved and turned on the light and stroked her cheek. "Ya don't remember it do ya love?" Finn asked. She shook her head. He pulled her close and stroked her hair more. "You'll be ok my love." Finn said softly. "Can we stay like this for a while?" Raven asked. "Of course." Finn said. She snuggled closer to him and he kissed the top of her head. "I want ya ta open yer present love." Finn said. She rolled over and picked up the box opening it. "Finn." Raven breathed.
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She closed the box and rolled over facing him. "It's a promise ring Raven." Finn said. "Shouldn't you, I don't know do this on our anniversary?" Raven asked. "I can't wait another year." Finn said. She opened the box and he slid the ring on her hand. "Ya know what it is right?" Finn asked. "It's a love knot with a moonstone in the center." Raven whispered. He lifted her chin and caressed her cheek. "If I could've asked and known you'd say yes it would've been an engagement ring." Finn said.
She kissed him passionately and he wrapped around her. His hands gripped her hair as she wrapped her legs around his hips. She moaned as his lips moved to her neck. She rolled them over and took her shirt and bra off. He ran his calloused hands up her body and she shivered under his touch. Her nipples hardened from the rush of cool air became even more sensative as he rolled them between his thumb and forefinger. She took his hands and pinned them above his head as she flicked his ear lobe.
"Raven." Finn groaned. She nuzzled behind his ear. "I win champ." Raven purred. He switched there positions yanking her shorts and panties off. "I win." Finn whispered as he disappeared under the covers. Her eyes rolled back in her head as he licked her slit. "You haven't won until I cum." Raven moaned. He flicked her clit once, twice, three times earning a loud moan from her. "Which from the sound of things is any second." Finn teased. He sucked and flicked her clit hungrily. "Finn!" Raven moaned.
She rolled her hips to his mouth needing more. He threw the covers off and kissed her inner thighs wanting her to beg for release. "Finn oh fuck don't stop I need you!" Raven whined. He kissed up her body and stroked her. "So needy for me yer almost ready." Finn whispered as he rolled her clit. "Finn!" Raven moaned. "Beg my little bird, beg me to give you what only I can!" Finn growled. She giggled and he snapped. He kissed her deeply and passionately as he held her closer than ever as she kissed him with so much passion it took his breath away.
He moved over her and she took his boxers off. She kissed him again holding onto him as he thrust inside her. "Yes." Raven moaned and rolled her hips. He kissed and licked her neck as he thrust deeper. She arched and moaned. "Tats it Raven spread wide for me." Finn said between licks. She grabbed his hair moaning louder. "Don't stop oh fuck baby deeper!" Raven moaned. He pushed all the way inside her and she whimpered in pleasure. "Oh fuck." Finn growled.
She yanked his lips to hers as they made love. He laid there beside her as she slept again. "Raven." Finn whispered and rubbed her back. She didn't answer him. "Wake up my love." Finn said. She looked at him and smiled. "I love yer smile Raven." Finn said. "I love yours more." Raven said. He rubbed her back with his finger tips. She shivered as he traced the tattoo on her shoulder. "Finn baby I've been having a lot of headaches lately and it gets me depressed." Raven said.
"I'm always gonna be here when ya need me Raven tats why I gave ya the ring." Finn said. "I knew you were going to be here for me without the ring." Raven said. He laughed and held her tightly. "I love you and if you can't face the world then we'll stay in until you can." Finn said. She kissed him softly holding his hand. "I can face anything as long as I have you, I love you." Raven said. He held her tightly and kissed her timple.
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constantconfuse · 6 years
Fishes Give Stitches... or something like that. (a Final Fantasy XV injury/sicfic) 1/2
When an early morning fishing trip turns almost lethal, Gladio is left in pretty rough shape. But, when things are looking better, he develops some complications that give the Chocobros quite the scare. Between ornery Garulas and bloodthirsty daemons, they'll have to make it back to Lestallum to get him the attention he needs.
This is my solution to the lack of Gladio whump. There wasn't enough, so I made MORE.
MMMMMMM I realized that I should probably just do this as a text post SO HERE WE GO redo~
unfortunately there is no sickfic in this part, but there is injury. im still gonna give it that tag tho so it’ll be findable when i do post the second part.
Read on Ao3 here~
It was a misty morning in Cleigne. The wan rays of early light fought to pierce through the dense fog to two men walking along a secluded path, weighted down with rods and tackle boxes. The duo picked their way carefully through the underbrush on the nearly hidden trail beneath their feet as they wandered closer to their destination.
“There she is, Noct. This is the spot I was tellin’ you about when we set up camp.” Gladiolus stopped to gesture with the tackle box. They were on a slight rise just before they hit the fishing spot; a small, murky pond that was probably deeper than it looked,tucked away in a forested grotto. Admittedly, all Gladio could see from their position was the dock but he’d gotten a good look when they were hunting for a haven the previous night.
“Wow. I wonder what kind of fish are here…! With how secluded this place is, there’s gotta be some veritable monsters in this thing.” Noctis’ eyes were sparkling, that much Gladio could see. There was very little that Noctis would get up early for, but fishing? He’d beat the sun for that.
“Well, Your Highness?” he gestured to the dock with a grin, “After you.”
Noct started down the incline towards the dock with a kick to his step, “Looks like it’s big enough for both of us to set up. Gladio, what side do you want?”
The two men bantered back and forth in their usual manner as they settled in to spend the morning fishing. Noctis, of course, claimed what he considered to be the best side, and Gladio let him have it with a roll of his eyes. He didn't care what side of the dock he fished off of, he just wanted to bring back something big for breakfast. Ignis had promised the previous night to treat them to something that sounded fantastic if they did just that.
The sun crept ever higher over the horizon as the minutes passed in comfortable silence; the two had already caught a few fish, but they had thrown them back in hopes of a better catch. The fog still settled heavily around them, unphased by the light. Gladio looked around them, squinting, “Kinda weird how the fog’s not goin’ anywhere.”
“Who cares?” The prince grunted as he recast his line out into the murky water, “‘sides it's probably because of the trees. The light just hasn't hit the fog yet.”
Gladio looked behind him and quirked an eyebrow, “Sounds like a load of bullshit.”
Noctis just shrugged. He didn't know how this kind of stuff worked, and frankly he didn't care, “Maybe it's some kinda magic, and this is an enchanted pond,” he adjusted his grip on his rod so he could sit on the dock, one leg underneath him and one dangling just above the water’s surface, “And little did we know, we've been fishing up the guardians and now we're cursed…” he shrugged again, “Or something like that.”
There was a solid second of silence before the both of them erupted into laughter. Gladio howled, gripping the post next to him for support, “What the hell?! Where'd that come from?”
Noctis was dissolved into giggles, holding himself around the middle, “I-I don't know, but wow . I think Prompto’s rubbing off on me!” he managed to catch his breath after a bit more giggling, “Seriously though, I wouldn't worry about the fog. Maybe it's just a weird phenomenon that we're getting to experience first hand. Let's just focus on the fish.”
Gladiolus chuckled a bit, “Yeah yeah, Your Majesty, don't wanna scare ‘em off, got it.”
Despite his best efforts to focus on fishing, the unease from the still remaining fog ate at him. He sat hunched over, nerves on end. He was no longer focused on his tackle in the water, but on their surroundings; something didn't feel right, and Gladio just couldn't place it. He came to a conclusion: they needed to leave.
He opened his mouth to say as much, “Hey, Noct--” But he was interrupted by a loud groan of frustration from the younger man.
“What the hell is this? Nothing’s biting now!” he leaned back on his free arm. His face was furrowed into a cloud of irritation when he looked at Gladio, “This is your fault. Your crazy loud laugh scared off the fish.”
Gladiolus stared at the Lucian prince before sputtering, defensively, “What?! I sure as hell did not! Besides, it's probably for the best,” he glanced up to the sky, “Can't see shit through this fog but I'm pretty sure we need to head back to camp. Iggy’s probably waitin’ on us.”
Noctis gave Gladio a look that could only be described as a pout, “But we haven't caught anything decent yet! Just a little bit longer, the fish will be back any minute now, I know it.”
“Noct, come on ,” the shield ran his hand through his hair, “You sound like a damned toddler. Let's call this a wash and get the hell out of here. This fog ain't natural, I don't care what you say.” He stood from his seated position and started packing up his things before turning to Noctis’ box. A hand on the lid stopped him, “Noct, I'm serious. We're leaving.”
“Then you go. I'll catch up in thirty minutes,” he had recast his line in a slightly different position with a new lure, “I'll be fine, I'm just going to catch one fish. I'll be right behind you.”
Gladio knew this routine. He also knew there would be no convincing Noct otherwise, but still.
“Fine. But I'm waiting on the path, and if you're not up there in thirty minutes, I'm hauling you back to camp whether you caught a damned fish or not!” he scooped up his own gear and stomped off the dock. For good measure he turned and yelled, “Thirty minutes!” Noct just waved and adjusted his line.
Gladio stalked up the slope to the crest of the path. He slumped against a tree with the gear tossed next to him, grumbling angrily. In seconds he had his phone out, first to set an alarm, then to send a heated text message to Ignis… but he had no cell signal, so the text would have to wait. He impatiently tapped his foot, straining to hear any signs of the Prince leaving…
But he heard nothing.
With a sigh, he let his head fall back against the tree. This was going to take a while.
Several minutes passed and Gladio wished he had brought a book with him. He occupied himself with a mundane game that came with his phone-- King’s Knight apparently required a data connection. A splashing noise caught his attention and he lowered his phone, squinting back into the fog. That sounded like Noct hooking a fish…
“...what the--?! WHOA!!” That didn’t sound good-- “Gladio--!!”
An even louder splash echoed, and Gladio was vaulting down the path with his sword slung over his back, phone discarded by the gear. He stopped at the edge, scanning the depths. Noctis was no longer on the dock; he was nowhere to be seen on shore. That could only mean one thing...
He ran to the edge of the dock and hastily searched the water. It took him seconds to find what he was looking for--bubbles.
Letting his weapon return, he ripped off his shirt and dove into the murky water. Beneath the surface, he finally saw what he was dealing with.
Noctis was surrounded by sahagins; he had daggers in his hands, slashing every direction, but landing no hits. In the water, the beasts had the clear advantage. Red floated in the water around him...he’d been injured somewhere. Gladio’s brain went into overdrive; his weapon would be too cumbersome underwater, he had to do without. Using the momentum from his dive, he swam for the beast that was about to dig its teeth into the Prince. He hit the sahagin full in the side, knocking it off course. Noctis swirled in the water, eyes wide with surprise. He shared a look with his Shield for a second before hastily handing Gladio a dagger. They would have to fight their way out, and quickly. They wouldn’t be able to hold their breaths much longer.
Using the opening that Gladio’s arrival had created, Noctis swam as hard as he could towards the surface. Gladio noticed he could only use one leg, which explained the blood. He followed Noct as best as he could, swinging the dagger at the aquatic beasts when they got too close. Most of them didn’t seem to want a difficult meal and were losing interest, but a few looked hungrier than the rest and kept pursuing.
Ahead of him, he saw Noctis break the surface after some desperate swimming. His own lungs were burning from the lack of air, but they had almost made it… Almost.
He felt the force before he saw it. A bigger, older, clearly sneakier sahagin rammed into his side, sending him tumbling back towards the others. The force from the blow startled him into taking a breath and water flooded his nose and mouth. Panic started to set in; there was no way he was going to stay conscious if he had already inhaled water, plus now he was staring down what was clearly the alpha of the pack… how had they not noticed these guys?! The dagger had been knocked from his hand, and he knew. He knew this was where he was going to die. Well, he was going to go down fighting at least.
The sahagins rushed him, and Gladio braced himself, but a bright light cut through the water, distracting him… he looked up. The Shield’s eyes widened.
He saw bright, crackling light. Then he felt pain. And then it all went dark.
Noctis gasped with effort and pain as he dragged Gladio’s form out of the water. His leg was burning and he didn’t even want to think about how it looked. His first concern was to make sure he hadn’t just accidentally killed his friend.
He dropped next to his knees next to Gladio, his hands hovering in uncertainty. He knew Ignis had taught him what to do in this situation, but his panicking brain wouldn’t let him remember.
Noctis couldn’t believe he had summoned Ramuh with his friend still submerged. But, like he had been since the first sahagin had snatched him by the leg off the dock, he panicked… and apparently that was enough. The sahagins were dead, and Gladio probably was too…!
He shook his head hard. He couldn’t let this stop him, he had to think. What was it…? He had to check if he was breathing… nope, definitely not breathing. Then was it… chest compressions? Right, then mouth to mouth. Gross… but that didn’t matter.
Noctis desperately started trying to revive his friend, his memory jogging as he performed the action. He ignored his own injury, knowing that the time to fix it with potions was running out, but he didn’t care. He had to bring him back…!
After about three or four desperate minutes, Noctis sat back on his heels with a panicked sob. It wasn’t working…! He didn’t know if he was doing it right, but he was trying! He buried his hands in his hair and pulled, breathing escalating. There had to be something… something!
He gasped. Of course, why didn’t he think of this sooner…? He shoved his hands into his pockets and pulled out a sodden feather. It was a bit worn around the edges from the water, but it should have still been functional. The Prince scrambled for Gladio’s limp hand and wrapped the feather in his fingers, crushing it. Light flooded the Shield’s body, and Noct held his breath.
Seconds passed, and just as Noctis was about to give up hope, Gladio’s eyes shot open. He scrambled to try and roll to his side and Noctis gave him a push to help as he started to retch water.
The Prince crawled closer, patting him on the back to try and ease the retching and coughing. The shield’s arms were shaking once he could catch his breath, and he fell face first back onto the ground, panting. Noctis hovered, “Are… Are you alright?”
Gladio turned an eye to him, chest still heaving, “Am I… alright…” he lifted up on his elbows, teeth grinding, “Just… peachy… after you almost killed me !” The angered screech had him hacking again, dislodging more water.
Noctis deflated, “I-I’m sorry… I panicked, I… I shouldn’t have…”
Gladio put up a hand, stopping the Prince. Noctis’ mouth closed with an audible ‘clack’ and Gladiolus fell back down, rolling onto his side with his eyes shut, “Gimme… sec… hah…” After a few minutes of trying to get his breathing under control, Gladio sat up, “We’ll… We’ll talk about this later,” he looked at Noctis, “...You… alright, Highness?”
Startled, Noct sat up straight. His leg throbbed, reminding him of his own injury, and he cringed. He shifted until he could get a look at the bite and he paled. It was… gruesome to say the least. And now that he was looking at it properly, and the adrenaline was wearing off, it was starting to hurtproperly as well. He grunted as the pain flooded over him and he gripped at his knee, “I… I don’t think so…!”
Gladio cringed at the wound; it looked like the sahagin had done quite a number. He was frankly amazed Noct had been able to pull him from the water. He looked at the prince, “How long’s it been? If… If you can still use a curative, use it now.”
Noctis nodded, “Think… it hasn’t been too long…” He reached into his pocket again digging desperately for the familiar shape. His fingers wrapped around it and he hastily pulled it free, crushing it in the process. The healing glow flooded through his body, and he grimaced as the muscles in his leg began to repair. He sighed with relief and let his forehead rest on his knee, “Thank the Six…”
“Damn right, that would’ve been nasty if it had gotten infected,” Gladio offered. He looked at the remains of the phoenix down in his fingers. They had so few of those already, Noct must have really been desperate… he couldn’t stay too mad over what happened knowing that. He sighed, but grimaced when a sharp pain flared in his chest, “Shit… ow… damn, those things must’ve done a number on me… can’t breathe too deep.”
Noctis looked sheepish, “That… may have been me. I tried to do CPR before I used the phoenix down, so…” his eyes turned downcast, “I don’t think I did it right.”
“No, actually… that’s not uncommon,” Gladio grimaced again. Yeah, that felt like a broken bone… “Do you have any other curatives? That should fix it.”
Noctis nodded and dug in his pockets again, but he turned up empty, “...oh, I only had the one…” At Gladio’s withering expression, he frowned, “I didn’t think I would need to bring more, alright?! And yours are probably ruined…”
“Yeah, they are.” He confirmed, taking the remains of an elixir out of his pocket, likely destroyed from Ramuh’s electricity. With his hopes for a quick recovery dashed, he rolled to his feet with a groan. Noctis scrambled up to support him when he wobbled; the rib that Noct broke was more painful than he thought and it almost brought him back down, “I'm alright, I'm alright,” he gasped at the prince, trying to reassure him, “Just hurt more than I expected. Let's… let's get back to camp. Iggy’s gonna kill us.” he started back towards the slope through the now lifting fog. He couldn't even begin to guess what time it was.
“Here,” Noctis slipped under the shield’s arm, “Lean on me-- don't argue, or I'll make it an order.”
Gladio’s mouth shut, effectively cutting off the complaint that was on the tip of his tongue,  “Yessir.” His voice was laced with amusement, “But only if I have to.”
Noctis huffed, a small smile on his lips, “Fine. I can take that compromise.”
They started back towards camp, passing the gear Gladio had left. The shield paused, “Grab my phone, will ya? Should be around here somewhere.”
“What about the rest of our gear?” Noctis looked back towards his abandoned rod wistfully.
“We can come back for it later, it's not gonna go anywhere,” Gladio scanned the ground, “It's over there, grab it for me?”
“I wonder if mine still works…” the prince handed off the device to his Shield.
“You might have to put it in some rice and hope for the best.”
Noctis groaned.
To say that Ignis was angry was putting it mildly. Ignis had long surpassed angry and had gone straight into absolutely fucking hysterical . As soon as they cleared the entrance of the fishing grotto Gladio’s phone positively exploded with notifications. He scrambled to remove it from his pocket just in time to receive a phone call from the advisor himself. He barely had a chance to glance at the notifications, but what he saw were all missed calls, all from Ignis. He braced himself, “Yeah?”
“Where are you?” the edge on Ignis’ normally calm tone made even him wince.
“We're just leaving the fishing spot, Iggy, we’ll be--” Gladio tried to explain, but was cut off.
“Do you know what time it is?” Gladio could tell the question was rhetorical so he kept quiet, “You were due back two hours ago.”
Out of the corner of his eye he could see Noctis cringe. He wanted to cringe, too. He sighed, but it was cut short with a grunt when his rib reminded him of why that was a bad idea. Gladio swore he could hear Ignis’ eyes narrowing on the other end of the line, “Ignis--”
“What happened.” Damn this man and his perceptiveness. That wasn't even a question, it was a demand. He wasn't going to be able to play this one down at all.
Reluctantly, he answered, “There… was a bit of an incident.” he paused, listening to the tense silence on the other end. He let out a groan, “Look, can we just explain when we get back to camp? I'm not gonna lie, I'm in pretty rough shape, and I'd like to save my energy for walking, alright?”
The silence continued. Just as Gladio was about to check if he had been disconnected, Ignis spoke, “Is Noctis safe?”
Gladio huffed a short, painful laugh, “A little waterlogged, but he's just fine.” He could feel the relief from the other man. He glanced at Noctis, who had been rather quiet this whole time. He saw him looking off ahead, guilt etched into his face. His heart ached, “Hey, Iggy.”
Gladio cleared his throat, “Mind giving us a lift?”
A soft chuckle filtered through the line, “Get to the road, we’ll meet you there.”
Gladiolus and Noctis hadn't gone terribly far to fish; By foot, it had taken them just a bit longer than thirty minutes to get to the grotto. Despite that, Gladio was thrilled when Ignis and Prompto met them at the nearest stretch of pavement. Just the walk there had caused the shield some considerable pain, though he’d done his best to make sure it hadn't  shown too much.
Prompto was the first one out of the Regalia, rushing to Gladio’s side opposite of Noctis and helping to support him, “Wow, you guys are drenched! And where’s your shirt, Gladio?”
“Dunno. Took it off when I dove in the water,” Gladio muttered, “Didn’t think it was that important, so I didn’t look for it.” Ignis was holding the door of the Regalia open for him, and he eased down into the back seat with the others’ help. The roof was up, and the stretch to get himself into the seat drew a pained groan from the shield.
“I'm assuming you abandoned the gear to avoid possible enemies?” Ignis asked from the driver's seat. The Regalia thrummed as he shifted gears, taking them back towards camp. Prompto turned in his seat to watch the bedraggled pair, concern in his blue eyes.
Noctis shook his head, “No, we couldn't carry all of it with Gladio injured. We decided to come back for it later.”
Ignis nodded, “A wise choice. We can come back in the morning.” His eyes drifted to Gladio in the rearview. He took in the way the larger man was breathing shallowly and the hand pressed to his rib cage, “I still want an explanation.”
Gladio nodded, “‘course.” He looked out the car window as they pulled up as close to the haven as they could get, “Once we get to camp we’ll give you a rundown.”
About thirty minutes later--once everything had been said and done with Gladio settled into a camping chair with an ice pack, a change of clothes, and a potion for pain relief-- Ignis mulled over what he had just been told.
He thought he had been furious earlier. Now he was livid.
But no matter how hard he tried to stay angry, the feeling faded. He leaned back into his own chair, letting out a long sigh from his nose and crossing his arms. Noctis sat across the fire, next to Prompto; Ignis watched him tense in response to the sound. He'd spoken only when it came to his part of the incident, content to let Gladio explain what he could. He’d kept a stony face, but his clipped tone and averted gaze gave away the guilt he felt. Yes, Ignis was not pleased with how the Prince had handled the situation, but…
Would the outcome really have been any better if he had reacted differently?
“Noctis.” The prince looked towards Ignis, away from Prompto’s camera; They must have been going through today's photos. Ignis thought carefully on his next words, “In the future, let's take more care to not catch our comrades in the cosmic backlash, shall we?” Noctis’ eyes widened, “Ramuh normally wouldn't have caused any harm to us, but it sounds like it was the pond that conducted the electricity that did the deed.”
“You're… not mad?” The Prince was staring at Ignis, voice subdued.
Ignis smiled, though it was conflicted, “I'm not pleased… but, I believe that Gladio’s fate was going to be rather dismal no matter the outcome. While not the ideal choice, it still saved his life, in the end.” Ignis leaned forward and met eyes with the Prince, “You needn't feel guilty for that.”
Noctis’ eyes glimmered suspiciously in the firelight and he had to turn his head back towards Prompto. His hand came up to swipe at his face, “...I won't.”
Ignis’ smile softened and he stood, “Well, I’ll whip something up for dinner, then we can all get some rest. You two need it.”
The soft sounds of Ignis cooking filled the haven, and the two boys started discussing the photos again with some minor ribbing from the blonde on Noctis’ behalf. Gladio smiled and closed his eyes, relaxing into his chair. The ice was making his ribs hurt less, and before he knew it he was dozing lightly until a bowl of food was nudged into his hands. He accepted it with gruff thanks…
In that moment, he truly felt like everything was gonna be just fine.
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brokengem · 7 years
Hey!! I just wanted to ask if you could write a Harry x evie fic, maybe one where they're trying to hide their relationship from their friends? Thanks!!
Oh Anony, this was so much fun to write. Thank you for the prompt. Here you are, hope you enjoy it. 
Title: Subtle you are not AKA The Five Times Evie and Harry tried to keep their relationship a secret Plus the one time they failed.Word Count: 3216Rated: G.Note: On AO3
I. Ben
Ben knew he was late. The appointment he’d set up with Evie had been for noon, but of course the meeting with the council had went over the allotted time. Grumpy having taken an instant dislike to something Genie had suggested and things only escalated from there. Ben had to defuse the situation before things got out of hand.  
Fifteen minutes later and he finally arrived at Evie’s dormroom. He only hoped she wasn’t too angry with him for making her wait. Ben knocked lightly to announce his presence, giving the doorknob a quick twist, surprised when the door didn’t budge. He waited a moment and listened only to hear a soft giggle followed by someone shushing another.
“Evie, I’m sorry that I’m late. The meeting got a little hairy towards the end but I was able to settle things. I hope you aren’t mad. Evie?” Ben’s smile wilted, staring at the closed door, “if you’re busy I can come back another time.” Another giggle was his only response. The young king just making out some rustling before Evie gave him an answer.
“No, it’s fine Ben. I was just working on another commission. Give me a second and I’ll let you in.”
Ben nodded, despite knowing she couldn’t see him. Rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet, the king waited, greeting any student who happened to pass by.
“Sorry for making you wait, Ben,” an innocent smile graced Evie’s lips as she pulled open the door. Ben’s brow rose as he took in her appearance. Her normally perfect hair was in disarray, though it looked like she had tried to calm it down before answering the door. The top she wore was slightly skewed, delicate hands quickly working to smooth out a few wrinkles.
He waved her off her apology with a smile, thinking nothing more of it, “no I’m sorry. We made this appointment and I was the one late.”
“Yer majesty,” Harry cooly addressed from where he lounged on Evie’s bed, giving the king pause. If he noticed the lack of boots and socks on the pirates feet, he didn’t say a thing.
“Don’t mind him,” Evie reached for his hand, pulling him towards the little platform for him to stand. Ben didn’t miss how her eyes lit up when she looked at the pirate. “He was helping me with one of my latest orders.”
She waved to the beautiful blue cape draped across Mal’s bed.
“For Chad?”
Evie nodded, ignoring the snort that came from her bed, “how can you tell?”
Ben laughed, “peacock feathers gave it away.”
Evie clapped her hands together, “right! Well let’s get started on that new suit!”
II. Gil
Gil growled in frustration. He just wasn’t getting this problem. Now that he was in Auradon he was getting much but with his studies. There were still a lot he couldn’t grasp yet, like this damn chemistry problem. He’d been trying to do it on his own for five minutes now, but he wasn’t having any luck. Thank god, Evie had come over to help him and Harry with their work.
“Evie, I still don’t get this,” Gil mumbled, looking up from the worksheet.
The blue haired princess didn’t reply. Instead all her attention was focused on Harry, the pair sitting impossibly close. Evie’s hand rested casually on the pirates knee and Harry’s arm was draped loosely around her shoulder. She giggled to something he couldn’t hear, the brightest smile on her lips as she looked into Harry’s eyes.
“You know,” Gil coughed, head tilting to one side as he observed them. They jumped apart, Evie making as much space between them as she could as Harry scowled at him. “You two would make a pretty cute couple.”
Evie giggled nervously, tucking a strand of her behind her ear, “we wouldn’t. We are far to different.”
He only shrugged, “I think you fit pretty well. Harry behaves best when you’re around. Your friendship is good for him.”
“Hey!” Harry growled, fingering drumming angrily against the top of his knee, “ye need to shut up.”
Gil watched silently as Evie’s fingers brushed against Harry’s arm, his friend’s anger  instantly melting away. Harry huffed, looking back at the girl from the corner of his eye. “See,” he exclaimed, hands thrusted out towards them, “if I didn’t know any better I’d think you two were already dating.”
Evie caught one of his hands in her,giving it a gently pat, “don’t be silly, Gil.”
He frowned, “I may not be the brightest but I’m pretty damn observant.”
And he was. He noticed things and there had to something more here. They acted so different around each other. How couldn’t someone assume anything else.
“Didn’t ye have a question ye needed answered?” Harry drawled.
Gil blinked, looking down at his forgotten worksheet. How could he forget? All thoughts about Evie and Harry’s questionable relationship leaving his mind, “Right! Evie, I can’t wrap my brain around this problem.”
He moved closer to the girl, missing the relieved looks passed between the pair.
III. Jay
Jay was going to kill him. Harry was late to R.O.A.R practice yet again, the third time that week. If he wasn’t such a great asset to the team, he was sure Lonnie would have kicked him off the team and if he keeps it up she just might. She wouldn’t blame her if she decided too.
He doesn’t get why he’s the one being sent out to try and find the skeevy pirate when Gil or even Uma could go and hunt for him. He was their best friend after all, but no apparently it was his job to babysit the other boy.
He was beginning to imagine all the ways he could mess with the pirate during practice when he heard the giggling. The tourney field was empty with most the players in the gym for R.O.A.R practice, but that was definitely a giggle coming from the bleachers. He’d hate to scare whoever it was but he really needed to find Harry before Lonnie killed him.
“Harry, you’re going to be late” a familiar voice giggled.
“Few more minutes,” Harry’s thick drawl answered, “they won’t miss me.”
Busted. Jay grinned, making a beeline for the bleachers. “Think you’re so smooth. Let’s go Casanova.” Jay frowned when the pair came into sight. Evie’s back was pressed against the frame of the bleachers with Harry’s arm overhead as he leaned in. The pair stared back at  him wide-eyed.
Jay’s brow rose in question, arms crossing over his chest, “this is new.”
Evie smiled innocently at him as Harry slowly took a step away from her, “Jay, how are you?”
“Oh I was great. All ready for R.O.A.R practice but you know we’re missing a member so I had to go out and hunt him down,” Jay glared pointedly at the grinning pirate.
Harry shrugged, “What can I say mate? Princess needed help with some lines. What kind of pirate would I be if I didn’t help.”
Jay scowled at him, glancing between the two. Evie’s cheeks had a much darker tint to them than normal and Jay hadn’t missed the anger that had lurked in Harry’s eyes when he interrupted. He was being lied to.
“Pirates aren’t helpful,” he snapped back, “ but whatever. Lonnie wants you to stop being late to practice. So if I can steal you away for a few hours, you can come back and finish whatever THIS is.”
Evie straightened herself, leaning up to whisper something quickly to the pirate. Jay’s eyes narrowed as Harry nodded, a soft expression creeping into his eyes as the girl walked away from her.
“We were just finishing up. Good luck with practice!” She gave his arm a friendly pat, humming happily to herself as she left.
Jay turned a questioning brow to Harry, the pirate simply tossing an irritating grin his way with a shrug.
“Can’t keep sweet Lonnie waitin’ can we?”
IV. Carlos
Carlos was going to kill him. He could have sworn Jay had made Chad return all the spare keys he had made of the room. But he he was only a few steps away from his opened door. Jay was off running R.O.A.R strategies with Lonnie and Li’l Shang. Mal and Evie normally let them know ahead of time if they were going to invade the room, so there was clearly only one possible person. Chad apparently held out on them.
“Chad I swear to all that’s high that I’m just going to let Jay pummel you,” Carlos ranted, ready to give his own pummeling to the invasive Prince, “you aren’t Chad.” He frowned, staring at the familiar red covered back. The pirate groaned, hastily closing something in front of him before glaring at Carlos from over his shoulder.
“Last I checked, mate, I wasn’t that pompous prince.”
“I can see that, mate,” Carlos mocked, taking the briefest steps back when Harry turned to face him. The shorter boy squared his shoulders, head held high like Jay taught him. This was his room and Harry was the trespasser, he couldn’t show fear. “But seriously man, what are you doing in my room? How’d you even get in here?” Carlos quickly looked at the doorknob to see if it’d be tempered with.
Harry rolled his eyes and turned away, palms flat on the table housing the 3D printer, “got a key.”
Unbelievable. He really need to talk to Ben about possibly installing some sort of alarm system for their room. He was getting tired of the unwanted visitors.
“What are you making anyway?” Carlos approached, disappointed when Harry reached into the machine and quickly snatched the item inside. It was small, fitting perfectly into the pirate’s palm.
“It’s nothing for ye to worry about pup,” Harry carefully tucked the item away, “if ye don’t mind I have some place to be.” The pirate left with a tip of his hat.
Carlos shook his head, hurrying to his machine to find a folded piece of paper lying beside the controller. Curious Carlos unfolded it surprised to see the design for a ring; one with a braided ring band and a heart shaped sapphire in the middle with four tiny leaf shaped rubies on both sides. It was beautiful and Carlos could only imagine the cost if Harry had actually bought a real one. Above the ring he could just make out the pirate’s sloppy handwriting, Evie.
“That belongs to me,” Harry growled, snatching the paper from Carlos’ hand, he clenched it tightly, “what did ye see?”
Carlos rose his hands in surrender, “she’s going to love it.”
Harry gave a slight shrug, “ah agree. CJ will love it.”
“No, I meant…you made it for Evie, right?” Carlos asked, watching as Harry’s frown deepened, “it might not be the real thing, but she’ll love it. Giving it to her for her birthday?”
Harry scoffed, crumpling the paper in his hand before stuffing into his back pocket, “it’s for me sister, not the little blue berry princess.”
“Right,” Carlos sounded unconvinced. He knows what he saw, but if Harry wants to play he’d let him. The pirate snarled in response, leaving in a flourish of angry red.
V. Mal and Uma
Mal growled, punching her pillow angrily. Sitting up evil glared at the other girl through the darkness. Evie froze on her way to the door.
“You need to work on your sneaking skills, E,” Mal deadpanned, watching her best friend sag in defeat, “Evie, where are you going at this hour?”
“Dizzy just has a bit of an emergency,” Evie answered, as she continued towards the door, “I’ll only be a few minutes. Promise!”
The girl was out the door before Mal could disagree. Mal frowns, concerned over her friends’ strange behaviour. For the last few days, Evie had been sneaking out at ungodly hours. She thought she was sneaky but everytime Mal had woken up and just let her go. Not tonight. She didn’t believe for a second that Dizzy needed her at two am. Mal was up and out of bed in minutes, she needed to hurry before Evie got too far ahead. It would defeat the purpose if she lost her target before finding out what she needed to know.
As quiet as a mouse Mal followed her blue loving best friend, Evie glancing this way and that as she made her way through the corridors. Where are you going that you’re so worried about being followed? Mal wondered as Evie continued to look over her shoulder. The girl stopped just outside the double doors leading to the kitchen, she gave one final look around before a hand shot out pulling her in.
Mal frowned, rushing forward to help her friend. Throwing open the door, Mal glanced around in confession. The kitchen was empty. Everything left untouched. Where was Evie?
“Gotcha now, Harry!” Uma whispered, the young sea-witch scowling at the sight of Mal, “what are you doing here?”
“Looking for Evie,” Mal answered, crossing her arms, “not that it’s any of your business. Lose your first mate?”
Uma mimicked her pose, head held high and arms crossed, “he’s been sneaking out. I wanted to see what he’s been off doing.”
Mal hummed, glancing around the kitchen once more hoping for some evidence of Evie to pop up, “Evie’s been disappearing to. I followed her into the kitchen, but clearly,” she waved her arms out around her, “no Evie.”
“And no Harry,” Uma grumbled.
“You don’t think they went off together?” Mal’s nose scrunched up in distaste, holding up a hand to stop Uma from answering, “Ew, actually don’t answer that. I don’t want to know what they’re doing. Not at two in morning. I’m going back to bed and giving her the benefit of the doubt. I’ll bother her about it later. For now I need to keep my sanity.”
Uma could only laugh as Mal brushed pass her in a hurry.
+ VI. Busted
“Careful Princess,” Harry laughed, catching her before she fell.
Evie silently cursed the raised branch that caused her to trip. She supposed it was bound to happen at least once as they made their way to the Enchanted Lake, her excitement getting the better of her. But Harry steadied her, his hand securely in hers as they continued down the path. She sighed happily, taking in the beauty of the forest at the went.
After hearing all about Ben’s first date with Mal, Evie had wanted nothing more than to see the Lake for herself, especially with someone she cared for. And here she was, hand in hand with her boyfriend going to that very spot. She hadn’t expected much for her birthday. Actually she expected nothing at all, but Harry surprised her with the most beautiful ring. One she already had on her finger to admire. She knew it wasn’t real. But it was a promise, a promise of so much more. Evie thought the ring was all but Harry had just laughed, taking her hand and leading her out of Auradon Prep. A picnic he had said, teasing her over her sappy desire. She was beside herself.
“There it is, love,” Harry pressed a kiss to the top of her head.
Evie gasped. It was just as gorgeous as Mal had described it. The water was so clear she could see all the colorful rocks beneath. The remains of a stone gazebo stood decorated with a Happy Birthday banner, blue and red streamers lacing down each of the three stone pillars with matching balloons securely tethered down to rocks. In the center, three large picnic baskets sat over a glittering blue blanket.
“Harry, it’s beautiful. You did all this for me?” She gave his hand a squeeze, turning to face him confusion dancing over his feature.
“Well I did do th-” she reached up, standing on her tiptoes to promptly cut him off with a kiss. It was sweet and tender, making her wish they could stay like this forever.
They drew apart, staring wide-eyed at the various teens coming out of hiding. Popping up from behind bushes and stepping out from behind trees, their friends stared back with various expressions.
“Bloody hell! We can’t get a moment’s peace from ye lot” Harry cursed, glaring. Evie blushed, burying her face into the lapels of Harry’s leather jacket.
“Called it” Uma gleefully announced, wiggling her fingers at Mal, “pay up.” Mal grumbled, passing over a few bills.
“What are you guys doing here?” Evie asked, her question muffled.
Carlos rubbed the back of his neck, “we wanted to throw you a surprise party for your birthday, but we couldn’t figure out where we wanted to have it. Gil kept hearing Harry mutter about surprising you at the Enchanted Lake so we figured why not. We got the decorations up and we’ve been waiting.”
Evie smiled, finally facing her friends, “how sweet of you guys. Thank you.” Harry’s arm wound around her waist, “so this wasn’t you?”
Harry stared at something of to the side, “ah made a picnic for us. The rest all ‘em apparently.”
She couldn’t help the laughter the bubbled from within at his pout. Forgetting about the current audience, Evie took his face between her hands and gently pulled him down. The pirate rested his forehead against hers, he took one of her hands in his and kissed her palm.
“It’s great to finally have this all confirmed,” Carlos exclaimed, “and you gave her the ring! I told you she’d love it.”
The spell temporarily broken, Evie pulled away to turn back to her friends. “You knew about us?”
Jay scoffed, “you two aren’t exactly subtle about it.”
Evie sighed in disappointment, “I thought we were doing a pretty good job at hiding it.”
Harry shrugged, “I wasn’t really tryin’ to hide.”
Mal walked up to the pair, taking Evie’s hand in hers as she gently pulled her out of Harry’s arms. “E, why did you think you need to hide your relationship with Harry?”
“We…I thought it was for the best,” Evie smiled, sadly, “there’s still a bit of a riff between all of us. I didn’t want to cause anything to trigger anything war.”
Ben smiled reassuringly, the young kid coming to Mal’s side and taking Evie’s other hand in his. “Evie, we want nothing more than for you to be happy.”
“And if that’s with Harry,” Uma having made her own way over to Harry’s side, gave her first mate a playful jab in the ribs with a teasing grin, “and heaven only knows why, than be happy.”
“You guys,” Evie gave Ben and Mal’s hand a squeeze, tears blurring her vision.
“E don’t cry. It’s your birthday.”
Mal swept the girl into a tight hug. Evie’s face pressed into the girl’s shoulder, those pesky tears of joy not wanting to stop. She sighed happily as a familiar warm presence stood behind her, his arms wrapping securely around her waist as he rested his head on hers. One of by her friends surrounded them, just becoming a big entanglement of limbs as they all wished congratulations and support.
Best Birthday Ever.
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iwantsomeore · 7 years
Silver Lining: Chapter 2
Velox, Prompto’s twin, along with Noctis, Gladio, Ignis and Prompto himself, must push the broken down Regalia to Hammerhead.
Prologue Part 1 Prologue Part 2 Prologue Part 3
hello everyone! I’m off to Orlando, more specifically the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, at 4:00 am and I’m sooo excited! I’ll be returning Monday night, so I may be inactive this weekend… I wanted to get this chapter up before I left, so it may not be perfect. nonetheless, please enjoy this update! I’ll be tagging some regular followers of this story as well as my usual pals!
@kerrtrashwrites @joioliviapolaroid @themissimmortal @ruby1126 @awelllitplace
Prompto had collapsed onto the scalding pavement road, his limbs widely spread as if making a snow angel. Filling the empty space beside his friend, the prince tiredly plopped onto the ground. Ignis, who had been attempting to repair the engine with The Sheild and Velox, now occupied the driver’s seat. His arms were crossed over the wheel and his head rested on top of them. Gladio slowly paced beside the Regalia while Velox sat on its trunk.
“Just our luck, huh?” she said, swinging her legs back and forth.
Ignis’ head raised in response before returning back to the wheel. “‘Luck’ isn’t the word I’d use.”
“Yeah, it takes talent to bust a car like the Regalia,” the prince chimed.
The gunslinger groaned, “You guys are never gonna let me live this down, are you?”
Velox gazed down at her brother. She gave him an empathetic smile before lifting her head to look at the road. The blonde noticed a shiny object in the distance and squinted to see what it was. She adjusted her glasses and kept her eyes on the glint as she hit Gladio’s chest.
“Incoming,” Velox announced, hopping off of the trunk to stand in front of The Shield.
Gladio followed her stare and readied himself. As the car came nearer, he waved his arms in the air and the blonde jumped up and down, demanding its attention. The car drove past the retinue and continued on the endless stream of black pavement.
Gladio leaned against the Regalia. “I think we can forget about hitching our way there.”
“Aren’t folks outside the city supposed to be friendly?” the blonde frowned.
Ignis sighed, “You can only go so far on the kindness of strangers.”
“So no luck with the engine?” Velox asked.
The Shield stretched his arms and rolled his shoulders back. “Just gonna have to push her all the way.”
“I’ve already pushed myself… to the brink of death,” Prompto professed theatrically.
Gladio and Velox moved to the back of the car where the boys slumped.
“Oh, get up,” said The Shield, kicking the prince’s boot. “C'mon, car isn’t gonna move itself.”
They bellyached loudly. Velox outstretched a hand to her brother, who gladly took it. She pulled Prompto to his feet and brushed some dust off of his vest before sending him to the front of the car.
“I thought the car was supposed to move us,” the blond stated.
“Wouldn’t that be nice,” Noctis said, exasperated.
“Can it,” Gladio barked. “Ready…”
Noctis and Prompto stood on opposite sides of the car. They grabbed the doors with one hand and held onto the frame of the windshield with the other.
Velox and Gladio remained at the back of the car and placed their hands on the trunk.
The Sheild looked at Velox and nodded.
“Push!” they shouted in unison.
The quartet began pushing the Regalia while Ignis steered. The air began to permeate with complaints and moans.
The prince clenched his teeth. “Un. Believable.”
“Pretty believable, if you ask me,” the blonde remarked.
“Not exactly a fairy tale beginning, huh, Prince Noctis?” The Shield joked.
“We let ourselves get carried away,” Ignis claimed.
“Look, these things happen!” Prompto conveyed.
“Let’s just hope this isn’t some omen,” Gladio declared.
“Gladio,” Noctis grumbled, “do me a favour.”
“Push this thing by yourself.”
The Shield snorted, “All by myself?”
“You wouldn’t even notice if we just let go.”
“Prompto, don’t even think about it.”
Velox shook her head and smiled. “At least you’d still have my help.”
“If only Prompto followed your example,” Gladio smirked.
“Save some breath for pushing,” said Ignis, clearing his throat in order to gain everyone’s attention.
“Ignis, c'mon—time to switch!” Noctis begged.
“Nuh-uh!” The Shield disapproved. “We just switched back there!”
“And it’s my turn, Noct,” Prompto insisted.
“To be fair,” Ignis said as he thought for a moment, “it’s actually Velox’s turn.”
“You’d give it up for your precious twin brother, wouldn’t you, Sis?” yhe blond whimpered optimistically.
Velox mirthfully sighed and grinned. “Unfortunately.”
“You’re the best!” Prompto praised. “It’s a good thing you said that, ‘cause my hands are killing me.”
Gladio growled, “You rather I kill you with mine?”
“Easy there, tough guy.”
The prince turned to Ignis, who was tinkering with the radio. “Any luck?”
“Only a busy signal.”
“Throw in a CD, then,” Velox suggested. “Music’ll make this a little more bearable.”
“Hold the phone—is it just me, or was it supposed to be way closer?” Prompto inquired.
“I assure you the map is correct.”
“The map said Hammerhead was right there.”
Velox looked at the boys. “Have you guys ever even seen a map before?”
“Geography, remember? First year of high school,” the prince recalled.
The mention of high school sent Velox’s mind into a flurry of memory. She reminisced on the semesters she spent with her twin and the prince. Geography was amongst the many classes the three had taken together and it had been one of Noctis’ worst subjects.
“Remind me what you got in that class,” she snickered.
Noctis remained quiet for a few moments, mentally reliving the scolding he received from his father that year. “… Point taken.”
“It was literally next door,” Prompto repeated.
“Looks that way on a map of the world,” Gladio informed.
“The world’s a big old place.”
“Filled with wonders,” Ignis added.
“Find anything, Iggy?”
He opened the glove box and rummaged through it.
“This will do nicely,” said the advisor, sliding a disk into the slot above the radio.
“Are you guys even pushing?” Gladio yelled.
“Hard as I can!” Prompto sang.
Noctis agreed, “With everything I’ve got.”
Velox laughed, “I think we have different definitions of ‘push’, guys.”
When the night has come And the land is dark And the moon is the only light we see No, I won’t be afraid Oh, I won’t be afraid Just as long as you stand, stand by me
The exhausted group had finally arrived at Hammerhead. Noctis sagged against the car and panted. Gladio wiped the sweat from his forehead and Ignis stepped out of the Regalia to stretch his legs. Prompto and his sister sank to the ground, leaning on each other for support as they caught their breath.
After a few moments, a voice interrupted their restful silence.
“Hey there! Y'all kept a girl waitin’!”
A young woman with curly hair of gold and dazzling green eyes strode towards them. She wore a cap, a yellow jacket, denim shorts, a tool belt and tall boots.
“Now, which one’s the prince?” she asked, tapping her chin as she surveyed the area.
Noctis stood and patted the dirt off of his clothes.
“Aha!” she exclaimed as she approached him. “Hello, Your Highness. Congrats on your wedding!”
“Not hitched just yet,” the prince stated.
The blonde placed her hands on her hips. “Lady Lunafreya’s groom-to-be, here in Hammerhead.”
“Apologies for taking so long.” said Ignis, stepping towards her.
“You’d best save your apologies for Paw-paw,” she advised, inspecting the Regalia.
“Well, that makes you…” Gladio trailed off, awaiting an answer.
“Cindy—Cid’s grease-monkey granddaughter.”
“Roll ‘er in while I’m still young!”
An elderly man emerged from behind Cindy. He had a beard and a maroon cap that sat atop his messy grey hair. He wore dark pants and a maroon jacket accompanied by and leather gloves. Velox assumed that this was the 'Cid’ Cindy had mentioned.
“Didn’t yer daddy tell ya? She’s a custom classic, not some beat-up ol’ clunker,” he informed. “Prince Noctis.”
“Uh, yeah,” the prince answered timidly.
“'Prince.’ Like they took your old man and kicked the dignity out of him,” the man spat.
Noctis’ face flushed with surprise and confusion. “What?”
“You got a long way to go, son. And that slack jaw’s gettin’ you nowhere fast.” Cid said, retreating to the garage. “She’s gonna take awhile. Y'all get her in and run along.”
“Y'all heard him!” Cindy instructed cheerfully. “Let’s get movin’. Right this way.”
The retinue returned to their prior positions and pushed the Regalia into the building. Cid waved his hand, signalling for them to exit.
“And now we play the waiting game.” Ignis said as he stepped out of Cid’s workplace.
“Never liked that game,” Prompto said, crossing his arms.
“Never any good at it, either,” Noctis nodded.
Cindy approached the group with a welcoming beam. “Y'all ain’t never been out this way before, have ya? Go on, have a look around! This’ll make sure y'all don’t get lost.”
She handed a map of the world to the prince. They thanked the blonde and she left to join her grandfather.
“Well, might as well make good use of the extra time,” Gladio shrugged.
The Shield and Noctis headed for the restaurant in the lot while the siblings entered the shop neighbouring the garage. The twins tried to drag Ignis along, but he insisted he would catch up with them after her spoke with Cindy.
They entered the shop and Prompto immediately began scanning the shelves. His gaze fell upon a tall black can with big white writing on it.
“Whoa! They got Ebony out here! Ignis is gonna flip!” he gasped as he studied the can intently. “Wait…”
“What is it?” Velox asked.
Her brother handed her the can and pointed at the sticker on it.
“Uh, what’s a 'gil’?”
“I’m pretty sure that’s the currency here.”
Prompto continued to explore the shelves in wonder. Velox pointed at the window displays and noticed Ignis standing outside of the shop. His face was now painted with a thin layer of concern.
“Hey,” she said, turning to her brother and pointing at Ignis, “does he look worried to you?”
The twins left the shop and made their way to their friend.
“A moment, you two?” Ignis asked.
They nodded and followed him. The trio entered the restaurant, where Ignis collected Gladio and the prince.
“We’ve expended the last of our funds on the repairs,” he spoke seriously. “I suggest we confer with Cindy.”
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