#wedding trentino
lamilanomagazine · 8 months
Trento: arriva “Arte in bottega” e la città si trasforma in palcoscenico
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Trento: arriva “Arte in bottega” e la città si trasforma in palcoscenico. Mancano solo un giorno ad “Arte in bottega”, l’evento che trasformerà il centro storico di Trento in un palcoscenico a cielo aperto con 26 formazioni artistiche e oltre 70 performance per 6 ore di spettacolo. L’appuntamento è per venerdì 8 settembre a partire dalle ore 17. La pluralità di linguaggi espressivi appartenenti al mondo della musica, della danza, del teatro, dell’arte di strada, della poesia e della sperimentazione elettronica offrirà al pubblico occasioni di divertimento adatte a tutte le età e a tutti i gusti. Grande varietà degli stili nell’ambito della danza con coreografie di modern, hip hop, danza urbana e freestyle, ma anche nel teatro che offrirà spettacoli di prosa, reading musicati e musical. Il panorama musicale permetterà inoltre al pubblico di assaporare ritmi e suoni diversi, passando dalla purezza della musica classica all’energia vibrante del rock, dalle note calde e sensuali del repertorio sudamericano all’eleganza del jazz, senza dimenticare le più belle canzoni della musica italiana o delle colonne sonore più iconiche della storia del cinema. DANZA Nta Dance School con Voci di principessa, ospitato da Amanito shop in via Cavour 26 alle ore 17, 19 e 21, omaggerà i più bei film di animazione Disney con il linguaggio della danza modern, hip hop e contemporanea su basi musicali cantate. L’associazione Gdm Val di Cembra proporrà in collaborazione con Infinity Dj uno spettacolo di danza urbana e freestyle con dj set. Urban Show si svolgerà al Bar Pasi di piazza Pasi alle ore 17, 19 e 21. La compagnia di danza D.Lab farà invece viaggiare il pubblico tra i ritmi dell’Oriente con Est, spettacolo di danza moderna contemporanea che si svolgerà alla Bottega del caffè Dersut in Piazzetta delle Erbe alle ore 18, 20 e 22. TEATRO Gli amanti del teatro potranno soffermarsi al City Bar di via Roggia Grande 24 alle ore 17, 19 e 21 per vedere lo spettacolo de Il Funambolo A distanza, in cui il teatro incontrerà la letteratura e l’illustrazione dal vivo. Luna racconta...storie all'ombra della luna è invece la proposta di Elisa Salvini (attrice) e Martina Mosconi (fisarmonica), ospiti di Trentino Weddings in via Torre Verde 58 alle ore 17, 19 e 21. Musica e parole saranno le protagoniste anche dello spettacolo A second of feare, ideato dalla compagnia Rifiuti speciali che si esibirà all’enoteca Vinom di via Verdi 71 alle ore 17, 19 e 21. La storia di Trento entra in scena nello spettacolo La soffitta di Trento “a la carte” dell’omonima compagnia La Soffitta di Trento, che animerà in dialetto alcune foto storiche della città alla libreria Due punti di via San Martino 78 alle ore 17, 19 e 21. Gli amanti del musical e del tip tap potranno divertirsi con Tapsteps to Broadway, proposto da Triple Threat Musical, che si esibirà alla boutique Ana Duia di Largo Carducci 22 alle ore 17, 19 e 21. La Compagnia dei Bravi alle ore 18, 20 e 22, porterà in scena alla Casa del caffè di via San Pietro 38 Circus Bidonì, performance che unisce clownerie e teatro comico. MUSICA DuoCellissimo (duo di violoncelli) con Happy Cello Hour presenterà al Bar Incentro di piazza Duomo alle ore 18, 20 e 22 opere originali appositamente scritte per esaltare i suoni gravi e morbidi del violoncello. Viaggio a più tappe nella tradizione popolare del Duo Andretti – Lenardon, che si esibirà al bar Il Monello di via Mazzini 11 alle ore 17, 19 e 21, calerà il pubblico nell’atmosfera di brani folkloristici creati dall’incontro di flauto e chitarra. Ritmi latini, musica brasiliana e bossanova, ma anche italiana d’autore saranno invece il filo conduttore del trio Eu, Vocè, Nos Duet, che aspetterà il pubblico al Gallo Blu Bar di piazza Santa Maria Maggiore 19 alle ore 18, 20 e 22. Anche Anemos Trio con il suo spettacolo Il soffio sonoro che incontra il mare e si fa canto porterà il pubblico a viaggiare tra Sud America e Italia, vicino all’osteria Il posto di Ste nella piazzetta del Sass alle ore 18, 20 e 22. La band Fare Jazz si esibirà invece in Sextet Quartet Dixie Band proponendo al pubblico le pietre miliari del Dixieland e del New Orleans Jazz al KT Store di via Galilei 22 alle ore 17, 19 e 21. Arrangiamenti per lo strumento in solo e composizioni originali di musica classica, jazz e pop saranno il repertorio del chitarrista Federico Bosio, ospite di 19dieci in Largo Carducci 37 alle ore 18, 20 e 22. Il ritmo del blues incontrerà soul, jazz e pop nell’esibizione Anima Blues del Villanova Duet, che suonerà al bar La bella vita in piazza Lodron alle 18, 20 e 22. Al ristorante Le scuderie del castello, in piazza Mostra 30 alle ore 17, 19 e 21, il pubblico potrà assistere al concerto Acoustic live session della band True Notes, che spazierà dal pop al rock, alla musica leggera internazionale. Il duo Double Trouble (voce e contrabbasso) con la performance 6 gradi di swing proporrà alle 17, 19 e 21 al negozio Sottosopra Calaresu di via del Simonino 7 una serie di pezzi in chiave swing inframmezzati dal racconto di aneddoti. Alla pasticceria Momi di piazza Cesare Battisti 4 alle ore 18, 20 e 22 If Sara Wakes Up si esibirà in una serie di cover dei più grandi successi pop, rock e dance dagli anni Novanta ad oggi. Escape Rum suonerà al pub L’angolo dei 33 di via Calepina 33 alle ore 18, 20 e 22, proponendo con Distillato di musica ad alto “volume” un tributo agli artisti della scena rock internazionale di cui racconteranno aneddoti e curiosità. Direttamente da Innsbruck arriverà al bar Baccus di piazza Fiera 11 il gruppo Echoes, che si esibirà alle ore 18, 20 e 22 in un concerto che unisce i suoni tipici dello shoegaze alle chitarre elettriche. A La quinta del sordo in via del Suffragio 86 arriverà Chiara Gilmozzi alle ore 17, 19 e 21 con la performance Il suono della rivolta, che unisce poesia a brani di musica pop, rock, folk cantati e suonati. Maria Devigili accoglierà il pubblico da Uva & Menta Cafè in piazza Garzetti 5 alle ore 18, 20 e 22 proponendo cover e brani originali editi e inediti in lingua italiana, francese, spagnola e inglese. Ospite della libreria Due punti anche la B-Ing Band formata da biologi e ingegneri dell’Università di Trento che si esibiranno alle ore 18, 20 e 22 in un variegato repertorio di brani intervallato da descrizioni culturali e scientifiche. Allo Store 67 di via degli Orbi 9 sarà possibile ascoltare alle ore 17, 19 e 21 Fm. 199 nel suo Concerto in “3D”, un’interpretazione di tre cantautori della musica italiana del calibro di Francesco De Gregori. Fabrizio De Andrè e Lucio Dalla. Alle ore 18, 20 e 22 il Bar Duomo di via Verdi 40 ospiterà il gruppo Kyma che proporrà una performance in cui i suoni dell’ambiente verranno rielaborati in maniera estemporanea per offrire al pubblico un’esperienza musicale amplificata. Maggiori dettagli sono reperibili sul sito del Comune di Trento, al link. Si ricorda che, in caso di maltempo, la manifestazione sarà posticipata a sabato 9 settembre. Per informazioni, è possibile contattare l’ufficio Cultura, turismo ed eventi chiamando il numero 0461.884287 o scrivendo a [email protected].  ... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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arabiaweddings · 1 year
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matteosashawedding · 3 years
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(via Getting married in the Alps , Trentino WEDDINGS IN DOLOMITES)
Matteo De Stefano ist ein Profi und seit vielen Jahren auf Reportagen und Portraits am Gardasee spezialisiert.
Er arbeitet ausschliesslich mit Assistenten im Team, um garantieren zu können, dass auch das kleinste Detail Ihres Traumtages für die Ewigkeit festgehalten werden kann.
Matteo De Stefano bietet auf Wunsch einen Fullservice, wie Weddingalben, Minialben, Gästeshooting, Ansichtskarten, Webgallery u.v.m.
Die Webseite von Matteo de Stefano gibt Ihnen einen umfassenden Einblick über seine Arbeit als Fotograf….schauen Sie doch gleich mal rein.
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obsidiennes · 2 years
Profile: Bambietta
Name: Bambietta Basterbine
Gender: female (cis)
Race: Human (Quincy)
Ethnicity: Holy Roman (Italo-German)
Place of Birth: Bergo, Prince Bishopric of Trent, Holy Roman Empire (modern day Borgo Valsugana, Triento, Italy)
Date of Birth: August 6, 1614
Actual Age: 409 (in 2024)
Apparent Age: 24
Hair Color: black cherry
Eye Color: hazel
Skin Tone: ivory
Height: 163 cm (5′4.5″)
Measurements: [CLASSIFIED]
Build: voluptuous (curvy, lithe)
Figure: hourglass
Blood Type: O+
Handedness: right
Voice: Taketatsu Ayana
Religion: Catholic (non-practicing)
Education: informal
Orientation: lesbian demiromantic
Spoken Languages: German, Italian, English, Japanese
Chinese Zodiac: Yang Wood Tiger
Western Zodiac: Leo (Sun), Virgo (Ascendant), Leo (Moon)
D&D Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Official Theme: n/a
Main Theme: Pet Shop Boys - It’s A Sin
Ultimate Theme: K/DA - Villain
Relationship Status: committed (Soifon from late 2008, @waspandr)
Residence: Quincy Quarter, the Seireitei, Soul Society
Known Affiliations: Wandenreich Remnants, Gotei 13
Profession: Bundeskanzlerin (Chancellor) der Bundesrepublik Quincy, Official Quincy Liaison
In the late 1400s, members of the Bästlein family would move south from what is today Thuringia in central Germany to Bavaria, with one individual going even farther south into the Prince-Bishopric of Trent (modern-day Trentino, Italy), eventually wedding another German immigrant. The family would be present there during the start of the Protestant Reformation, the Council of Trent, and the Counter-Reformation, and would commit itself to Catholicism all the more. Italianizing to shed connections (but not a shared language) with their now mostly Protestant homeland, Bästlein would become Basterbine (pronounced closer to “Basterbain”).
Bambietta was born in the early 1600s, and took part in the Thirty Years' War. A fanatical Catholic mercenary, she would be involved in several battles and atrocities until she was almost killed in action. Crying out for salvation, her Quincy blood (somehow) attracted the attention of Yhwach’s powers and she survived, obliterating the nearby area in the process and being left deeply emotionally scarred.
She deserted the war effort, sought out and came into contact with other Quincy, and eventually made her way to Wandenreich, where she spent most of the ensuing centuries other than on periodic missions, mostly for recruitment. She did not agree with Wandenreich’s monomaniacal focus on opposing the Shinigami and increasingly began to go rogue in her own fashion, creating the “Bambies” and periodically assassinating up-and-coming Quincy men to weaken the society as a whole.
Crippled early on during the second round of the Thousand-Year Blood War, she escaped the depredations of her “friends” as well as Yhwach’s Auswählen by being entombed in rubble, only being recovered and healed after the war had ended. Initially treated as a prisoner of war, she promised to make herself agreeable to Central 46 by working to diplomatically neutralize future hostilities with the surviving Quincy.
She can usually be found patrolling around the Seireitei trying to repair and improve relations and generally rehabilitate the image of the Quincy as a whole.
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Anche un rifugio di alta montagna può essere un bellissimo luogo dove sposarsi! #wedding #weddingday #photoshoot #bride #rifugioauronzo #dolomiti #picoftheday #photography #sunset #canon #canon7d #trentino https://www.instagram.com/p/B0AYTAvCB-T/?igshid=mto2tn4zfjep
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usagi7rnr · 4 years
Nice to meet you, I am...
Believe in Love, Believe in Magic, Hell, Believe in Others, Believe in Yourself, Believe in your Dreams. If You Don't, Who Will?
(Jon Bon Jovi)
My name is Elisa but online I am always Usagi7RnR 🐰🌙  and I was born in 1984.
I am a mixture of Emilia-Romagna and Sicily (they are two Italian regions).
My wedding took place on 20 September 2020, I married a Trentino and moved to him (another Italian region).
Ours was a Celtic ceremony ☘️. At 100%.
My life is: music, photography, books, manga, anime, TV series, films, being a vegan, animalist, antispecist, environmentalist, I'm a huge feminist (in the real sense of the word, not any altered bs sense) and I support the hell out of all minority groups in general, minimalist, naturalist, Celtic Pagan Witch and globetrotter (Ireland / Éire + Tuaisceart Éireann and the Japan / 日本国 Nippon-koku are part of my soul), who hates all forms and substances that are addictive, in every sense; and learning foreign languages! Well I’d say I have topics to talk about ^.^ or just be silent to enjoy a song.
☆ Long Live Rock 'n' Roll ☆
PS: I'm always Usagi7RnR on all social networks and messaging apps (with rare changes always on the name Usagi7RnR where you were asked to enter two words), except on FB where I've never signed up and never will.
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VVVVID my username is Usagi7RnR . https://www.vvvvid.it/#!user/profile/1348817411
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Manga Zone my username is Usagi7RnR
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jcbisms · 4 years
@avahalliwell​ — you...
location: Near the open dance floor.  time: After 9pm. 
For siblings who seemed to be at odds with one another, Nathan had really pushed it with the favors. First, he’d been overly generous with the concern for his youngest brother's racing incident. In hindsight, Jacob should have taken notice of that but the offer of the vacation house in Catalina, an island he had never stepped foot on until now, had once again put Nathan in a favorable light to their parents. One-uped again and with the same damn vacation home too. Nathan two, Adam, one and Jacob...half a point seemed generous.  
Then, Nathan had sprung the wedding on him. The first in a series of favors Jacob would pay him back with because that home in Ventura came with a price, one Jacob had willingly agreed to pay the moment he had taken his big brother up on his offer. Mistake number one. Mistake number two was that he didn’t see it coming. Not even when he was well into downing his fifth? No, sixth? drink near the end of the evening with an aged and clearly denying balding male. No, Jacob would have willingly continued to listen to another half hour of the benefit of a higher sheet thread count if it meant he could avoid the all too familiar face of Nathan’s wife, Ava.
Trentino wouldn't have even been able to direct a better reaction that started when his blue eyes caught sight of her. Followed by a sudden inability to swallow the alcohol he then chocked on, but to refrain from dramatics he didn’t drop the glass or proceed with a spit take, despite how satisfying that would be given his present company. His grip around the cold glass of his drink tightened once he had stopped the sudden coughing fit and pushed away the man who proceeded to slap the palm of his hand against Jacob’s back. This guy needed to go. 
Still, Jacob didn't move, rather he found the rest of that alcoholic beverage to be the cure for the obvious hallucination of the she-devil. But on second and third glance with narrowed eyes to focus his attention, Ava hadn’t gone anywhere. He should say something, but he didn’t. No, Jacob just opted to continue this moment of agony and stare. 
Did Nathan know about this?
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mrs-hollandstan · 5 years
Heaven Ain't Close || Mob!Tom x Reader
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Warnings: talk of depression, talk of mob tendencies, talk of not feeling wanted, kissing, brief thigh touching, suggestive actions, language
Word Count: 3,393
Author's Note: Soooooo, here's my mob!Tom fic I've been talking about for a while. This is the one with a wedding/dance flashback that I want to go more in depth with if you guys want. But I thought the whole *spoiler* diving across a table to kiss someone was cute. So yeah, lemme know what you think!
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The very first warning when you came to New York was to stay away from the mob bosses. Of course... when they looked like Tom it was a little difficult. He was like the blackest of clouds when the sun decided to make an appearance on a stormy day. He was like a clear night sky, stars sparkling and dancing beside a full moon. The first time you met him, his eyes alone intimidated you to no end. Sitting in his office, surrounded in the darkest pieces of wood and carpeting, he toyed with a pen at the edge of the large oak desk, listening to you ramble before his eyes cut to you. They narrowed and you could have sworn your heart stopped in your chest. Against the heeded warning of roommates and friends and students around the university you attended, you started working as a receptionist for one of the most feared men in New York. Someone who didn't put up with anyone's shit. Someone who, with one glance had women scrambling out of his bed and men begging for their lives. He was the silent, deadly type that, equipped with the darkest eyes, could have whatever he wanted with a single, silent stare. But the relationship that developed between he and you was something that had his men, in pairs, looking to each other in surprise and awe. He had been a place to stay if it was late in the night and he didn't want you driving or he felt it was too dangerous for you to be out in New York. He had been a backup plan when you were low on funds. But he never let that happen. He was even your plus one to a friend's wedding which was an interesting situation. He'd agreed to the plus one rather hastily, opting for a black tie suit with your confirmation. Accompanying you to the nearest mall, he insisted on buying two wedding gifts that were honestly added to the registry as a good laugh. The look on the bride and groom's face when they unwrapped a full crystal barware set from Neiman Marcus and a cashmere Trentino throw would have humored Tom to the full extent and the call from the honeymoon had you rolling in pure giddiness. The night of that wedding was the first time you'd seen Tom unwind. It was the first time you'd seen Tom lose his jacket and tie, sipping drinks and watching the bridal party interact. The way the lights around you set his face in haunting shadows and his eyes danced across the dancefloor as he watched strangers dance with their significant others. When you stood and held your hand out, he looked you over, eyes lingering on the bare skin of your legs exposed by your dress before giving you a questioning look. "Let's dance." He hated himself for the way he loved to hear your voice. He wanted to hear you beg, but the adoration and playfulness in your eyes had him taking your nimble hand in his calloused one and following you out to the dance floor where he took you in his arms and twirled you around the other patrons. For once, just one night, he felt human. He felt normal. And he loved it. The way you rested your arm over his, hand heavy in his own as your bodies swayed together, melding with the music. No one paid attention to the both of you. No one knew who he was. No one knew the bad things he'd done and he could let loose. With you in his arms. And towards the end of the night, he cradled you close to his chest, your ear laid over his heart as you wrapped up the night. That night, he came to terms with having feelings for you. He came to terms with his stomach flipping and his heart skipping a beat when you entered a room. And even if you asked, he'd deny moving seats to sit beside you on his private jet just to have your head on his shoulder when you'd fallen asleep. Draping a blanket over your body, his heart nearly turned to mush when you whimpered in your sleep and pressed yourself closer, nuzzling into his shoulder. By the time he was shaking you awake, you were landing and he was off to do whatever he did before he included you in his business. But even after that, he couldn't hide the way his hand slipped between your thighs just to feel your soft skin in the seats of his all black, 1968 Chevy Comaro SS. Windows rolled down, driving fast down the highway just driving wherever, your hair tied back and out of your face. Tom had never thought you were more beautiful than in those few moments, but he'd never admit it. And you never told his men just for his reputation. Just for his business. You knew you couldn't be used against him as ransom. The feelings were there but the both of you didn't act upon it. He looked forward to Monday's just to see his receptionist. It was tradition for you to be on your computer when he came in in the morning, sliding a steaming cup of coffee across the glass table you were perched at with the corners of your lips quirking up when he thanked you quietly. And with business booming, he felt guilty dragging you into mission planning. But he asked nicely and you weren't one to deny your boss. "Okay." Tom looked up when you entered the room, announcing your presence with a sighed word, blueprints in hand. You didn't lock eyes when Tom stood and you spread the plans and blueprints across the meeting table in his large office. Strutting over, he gave you a look over, loving the way you looked in the pencil skirt and blouse clinging to your skin. Leaning in on your hands over the chalked over blueprints, you pointed to the front doors, "Some of you can enter through here. Not you though. The second you walk in this door there's... fifty guns on you." Tom smiled, watching you chew the inside of your lip. Cocking your head, you point to a large, ground level room on the plans, "This is where the newest shipment is. Gressoni just got an arms shipment and this is where it'll be." Pausing again, you sigh and point to a seemingly hidden door around the back, "And this is a maintenance door. This is where you'll go in." Looking up, you lock eyes and Tom gives a nod to show he's been listening. Circling the door on the prints with your finger, you look up again, watching Tom lean in on his own hands, "There's a hiccup in the system Jacobs can breach for about a minute before security is onto yo-" Your eyes widen when Tom nearly lurches over the desk, his lips pressed to yours. He kisses you for a few seconds before pulling back just the slightest, eyes darting all over your face. The deafening silence that rings through the now passion thickened room is nearly too much to handle. Tom licks his lips of your taste, "I won't apologize. That's been long awaited." You shake your head, the breath in your lungs stolen by the man standing before you that has a whole new look to him. Your arms feel like limp noodles as you process what's happened in the last minute, "I-I don't want you to apologize. That uhm... was nice." He nods in return, the feeling in the room shifting to nervous. Abandoning the blueprints, you stand straight and round the table slowly. Tom can't tell if the sound reverberating off of the walls is his heart pointing out of his chest or the sound of your heels. His eyes cut up to your own when you stand before him, "Surely we can't just... leave that there. What uhm...  where do we go from here?" He swallows, rubbing his clammy hands together. He shrugs, "S'up to you I suppose. I uhh... I've obviously just... showed you that there's something I have for you as far as feelings go but... if the feeling isn't mutual, that's okay." The idea of his feelings not being reciprocated actually breaks his heart. He's never not had a woman like him before. His heart stutters in his chest when you give a half-hearted laugh, taking that final step forward before your lips press to his gently again. This time the kiss is longer, his lips forced against yours as he presses you back against the table behind you, your bottom slipping onto it. He slips his fingers up under your chin, holding your face up to him. When you pull back to breathe, his lips travel down to your neck, kissing and nipping at the skin, "I can't... my boss... the one person I was warned against is making a move on me." When you scoff, he smiles against your skin, "Doesn't really matter anymore does it? You've got feelings for me, the feelings are mutual. Any friendships that would've been jeopardized because of me, are long dissolved by now then." His touch ignites your skin, fingertips grazing the bare skin of your legs as he leans back. He cocks his head, eyes darting between yours. You smile and his eyebrows furrow, lips pulling up into a smirk, "What?" He asks with a chuckle you've never heard before. It's like music to your ears and brings a wide smile to your own face. Jutting your chin over your shoulder towards his desk, you look back to him, "Can I sit in the chair?" He looks to his own desk, pursing his lips. If no one was in the room, they'd never know that someone else had sat in the boss's chair. No one would know another person had been in it. Looking back to you, he looks you over once before giving an unsure nod of his head. His heart skips again when you squeal, your heels clicking against the polished wood floor of his office until you're standing before the mountainous leather chair you'd seen Tom in so many times. The one that you'd fantasized about sitting in his lap in while he discussed business terms. You lick your lips, taking hold of the arm and turning it, seat facing you. Turning to sit in it, you eye Tom, hands tucked in the pockets of his black pinstriped, three piece suit slacks. Lowering yourself into the chair, you sigh, running your hands over the leather arms. His shoes squeak as he walks forward, "Worth it?" You nod, smiling up at him when he leans against the desk beside you, "So worth it. You have no idea how amazing this is. This chair is like... a dream. This conversation is a dream. That kiss was a dream. God you... if you had known how much I wanted you... how many times I wished you were something more than my boss when I was at my lowest points, you would've kissed me months ago." He cocks his head again, eyebrows knitting together, "What do you mean?" Finding his eyes once more, your shoulders slump, "Well I-I you know-" "No, I don't. What do you mean your lowest? Darling... what have you been through? I told you you could talk to me. You've known since the wedding you could talk to me about anything." "I know, I know, I just don't want to burden you. And if I'm being honest... you probably wouldn't have listened. You would've hear but you wouldn't have listened to what I had to say." "I'm listening now." He pipes up. You click your tongue and shake your head, avoiding his eyes, "Doesn't matter now." "Of course it does." Pulling his leg further up in the desk when he sits on it, he sighs, "Shoot. I'm listening now. Full focus on you." Picking at your nails, your heart pounds. His pressing scares you and you'd much rather not ruin your makeup with the tears that will inevitably fall, "Why are you pushing?" "I'm your boss. You don't hide secrets from me." "That's a double standard." "Fine, I'll tell you about all the babes I've bagged. You first though. You look like you need it." His wide smile fades just the slightest when he sees you're not amused, "Its alright love... you can talk to me. Here," standing, he rounds the desk, walking to the large door of his office, opening it and mumbling something to Harrison on the other side before closing it again and clicking the lock shut. Walking back to you with a sultry strut, he resumes his spot, "there we go. Continue." "What did you say?" You quiz questioningly. He smiles, "Told Harrison I was laying you out. He doesn't question." He replies with a shrug. You click your tongue, "Tom-" "I'm not though. We're just talking. Like I said, Harrison doesn't question." Staring up at him, he cocks his head and gestures his hand out, "Go ahead. Rant to me. I'm all ears darling." Sighing, you pick at a thread on the arm of his chair. Bringing a leg up to cross over the other, you swallow, "I uhm...  I dunno. I guess I... just don't feel like I'm worth anybody's time. I'm not worth your time. You're a busy man and I just... I don't want you wasting your breath on me." Tom cocked his head, "I dunno babe, you're pretty damn important. I don't waste my time on you. All those drives up the coast. That wedding we went to. The way I held you when we danced. All of that. I... I'm... in love with you Y/N. If wasting my time is what you think dating me is like... letting me lay you out is like... I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed in most of the relationships you make." "I know. That's... that's what I'm afraid of," he eyes you, watching you look down at your lap, "I haven't... had a boyfriend. Not really. I just... I'm not good enough for anyone. No one really likes me." Tom clicks his tongue but let's you continue, "I just feel trapped. I feel like my life is going in a circle and I'm... I'm not worth it. My life doesn't have any meaning." Tom's eyebrows furrow, "Darling... oh love." Standing, he holds both of his hands out. You take them and stand, a lump in your throat and tears burning your eyes. He sits in your previously reserved spot, placing his hand at your hip and pulling you into his lap. He wraps his arm around your waist, the other hand placed over your knee soothingly, eyes locked in yours. He sighs, his jaw clenching, "You're beautiful. There are a number of reasons that I hired you as my receptionist. You're beautiful, you're kind, you're calming, and the boys love you. They know that you're a sort of calming thing for me. They love the attention they get from you. Walking into all those business meetings? They love that. All that pizza you bring and the smile you wear. You seem beautifully confident and... I honestly... don't think I've ever felt the way I feel for you... for any other girl." He shakes his head, cocking it again. Staring down at him, he grunts when you slouch, your feet thrown over the arm of his chair. Laying your head against his shoulder, his arm binds around your shoulders, head rested over yours, "I don't like hearing you talk about yourself like that. You're beautiful. You're absolutely stunning and I can't imagine life without you. I think a piece of my heart would be missing." You don't move, eyes trained on the veins and ligaments pulsing from his wrist. He leans in and kisses your forehead, "You're worth it darling. And if you'll let me... I'd love to claim you as my own. In secret for now though. Until we can figure out this mission." Placing your hand over his shoulder, you wrestle from his grip, sitting face to face, "Really?" His eyebrows furrow again and he nods, "Yeah... hell yeah... I need a pretty little distraction. You're it if you want." Looking between his eyes, you only saw them swim in hope. Those same eyes that you'd been terrified of months before, were intoxicatingly beautiful. You wanted to get lost in them over and over again. You wanted to lay your had over his shoulder just as you'd done and be held in his protective arms, held to his chest when he was in a meeting. You slowly nodded, almost entranced in his coffee colored eyes. His smile widens, "Yeah? You sure? I swear to you that I'll make you feel like the only girl in the world. You'll feel better once you're with me. I swear. Okay?" You nod, his hand coming up to your neck, holding you in place as he leans in to kiss you again. He hums into the kiss this time, much slower than before. Almost in reassurance. When he pulls back, his lips are dark pink, his head cocked once more before his lips dance with yours for a few more seconds. He tasted like coffee and blueberry muffins, both of which you brought this morning, a favorite of his. Moving your head, your nose nudges his, a toothy smile erupting out over his features. You giggle, "I'm kinda into the forbidden love thing." Tossing your legs down to place your feet on the floor, he hums watching your body shift and move, "I'm kinda into everything, hips and below on you. Those legs." Licking his lips when you stand before him, his legs are spread, eyes locked on the little black pencil skirt that clings to your hips as you sort through the papers on his desk, "Where's the mission briefing?" His brain is consumed with all kinds of thoughts but where the mission statements are the longer his eyes linger on the back of your body. When you turn to look him in the eye, he suddenly breaks from his trance, "What? Oh... the mission briefing... right." He stands, not bothering to step around you before he finds it amongst the mess. Offering it to you, you look straight ahead at the door, a smile on your lips as his heat radiates off of him and straight into your body. He chuckles, his chest pressed to your back, hands braced on the table, "So... what now?" Turning your head, you look at him, eyes dark and playful, "I was going over the plans Mr. Holland." He closes his eyes, giving a labored breath, "Love it when you call me that. So sexy." Giggling, you press your hands over his splayed across your hips and stomach, leaning into his electrifying kiss for what feels like the tenth time. When he pulls back, you lick your lips of him, hands held over his. You stare into each other's eyes for a moment before he swallows, "Should get back to it then?" You nod, throwing your leg around his and stepping from his arms, "Yeah, I don't wanna be the reason you get shot. Being sappy and all." He chuckles, following you again, "If you tell any of those men before I'm ready to admit it... I'll kill ya." Clicking your tongue, his eyes travel to your waist again when you smooth the corners of the blueprints you had messed up, sitting on the desk, down, "What would you do without me?" He hums, tucking his hands in his pockets again, "Probably seize to exist. But I will deny it. I'll deny all relations with you." "Well lucky for you, I don't plan on saying anything." Leaning over the table when he steps the other side of it, Tom nods, "Good. I'd hate to make you disappear." Scoffing, his heart skips a beat at your sudden brazenness, "Yeah... make me disappear... who'd bring you coffee and muffins and who'd bring the boys pizza?" Glancing up, a smile breaks out across both of your faces. Oh yeah, Tom loved you. And you were most definitely staying.
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incantavaxx · 5 years
“I’ve been working at season 4 for months. In the original version this season is Sana’s and to prepare myself I found out and get to know the reality of young italian muslims. I met fantastic people and I’ve been “adopted” by a second generation italian family with whom I spent a lot of time: I went to weddings, dinners, I lived with them a meeting for young muslims in Trentino. 
I worked a lot and in my mind the show is ready. I’m ready to shoot it, but right now there’s still not a confirmation for season 4. Sadly we already had to postpone the shooting that was supposed to start this spring. I hope we’ll be able to make what I wrote. The crew and cast are ready and waiting and we are also saying no to other projects because Skam Italia is all of us’ priority. Many of the actors also said that, in case of problems, they’re also okay with working for free for the show. 
We hope that in the next days we’ll be able to do an official announce. Everyone is working hard so that in autumn we’ll be able to shoot season 4 , I don’t see why we can’t do it, let’s hope the decisions will be taken in time. Sadly, if the official announcement won’t come in the next weeks, we risk that Skam Italia will end here, with season 3. I know the people who have to make this decision are smart and they love this project, so I’m sure they’ll find a way to go on. We’re hopeful.”
Ludovico Bessegato  (translated as best as I could)
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multifangirlsworld · 4 years
Translation in English :
On the fourth season we did a very serious job, much more intense than the interviews with the boys of the previous seasons. I went to Sumaya house for more than a year, I went to weddings, met girls and boys of Muslim faith with whom I spoke and with whom I still keep in touch . I stayed in camps with young Muslims in Trentino, I slept in bunk beds, I was sworn in the talent show of young Muslims where an extraordinary singer, Manar, rapped with the veil ".
Sumaya is Sumaya Abdel Qader, sociologist, writer with already two novels published for Mondadori, mother of three children, practicing Muslim, very active in her community and activist for women's rights who participated in the writing of the show as a consultant and she helped Beatrice Bruschi in the creation of Sana, also thanks to the meeting with her teenage daughters. "The first word that comes to mind to comment on this series is" finally "- says the activist - finally there is something new in Italy, a narration outside the stereotypes of an Italian Muslim girl who has a strong faith , who wears the veil by choice and not by constraint. With Beatrice we have worked very well on all aspects of what it means to be Muslim women in Italy, we are not used to stories of everyday lives of this second generation, a word that I hope will come modified soon into Italians of Muslim faith. Muslim boys and girls are the future of our country, they are an integral part of a real representation. The series does not answer all the questions, but they are important food for thought ".
After having dealt with delicate but absolutely everyday topics for today's teenagers, such as bullying, revenge porn, sexuality, drugs, mental illness, coming out, but also friendship, love, betrayal, team up this training novel now focuses on a character who has always been present but who is in the foreground this season. Sana is part of the group of girls who manage Radio Osvaldo, the school radio, a quartet which includes Federica, Silvia and Eva while Eleonora, the fifth of the group protagonist of the third season, went to the United States to follow her boyfriend Edoardo .
Beatrice tells it this way: "Sana is a second generation girl with a very strong faith, we will see more clearly her conflict between faith and desire to participate in a social life, at parties, to have a sentimental life. Her difficulties, which shared by many other boys like her, is to focus on her identity, she feels misunderstood on the one hand by her companions, for her choice of faith, and on the other by her Muslim family and friends, who do not fully understand her choices. She feels lonely, like so many teenagers she is afraid, she tends to isolate and close herself ".
Inevitably, although there is very little in common between the two stories, reference is made to the story of Silvia Romano and his conversion, a fact that Sumaya Abdel Qader comments thus: "Silvia says she made a choice, who we are to question whether she did it freely, whether his choice is free from conditioning is legitimate. Silvia was not on vacation, she was in a crime context, wondering if they would have brainwashed her is legitimate. it is the passage from having a doubt to arriving at threats and intolerance. At this moment Silvia in our country should only have been accepted and not judged ".
The word also goes to Mehdi Meskar who in the series plays Malik, the boy Sana falls in love with. "Malik is an Italian boy of Moroccan origins - says Mehdi, an Italian who now lives and works in France - I loved the script right away. It is not easy to find a character with positive values ​​of generosity, knowing how to live with others, they are not found often in characters of Maghreb origin. Malik loves taking care of others, he has a comforting smile. So, being a friend of his brother, he meets Sana, despite his young age he has found something that others have not found, a balance between his values ​​and his place in society. I have always wanted to be an actor, from elementary school when I was doing theater at school but only at the age of 13, when I was on vacation in Paris and I saw the city full of posters of a film starring a Maghreb boy , I thought I could really do it. Maybe a series or a single film can't change a whole company but even if only a boy's perception would change he would have done a lot already. "
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claudiaantolini · 6 years
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lamilanomagazine · 9 months
Trento: “Arte in bottega”: musica, teatro, danza e arte di strada nelle vie del centro
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Trento: “Arte in bottega”: musica, teatro, danza e arte di strada nelle vie del centro. Selezionate le 26 formazioni di artisti che in occasione della terza edizione di “Arte in bottega” animeranno il centro storico il prossimo venerdì 8 settembre a partire dalle ore 17. Anche quest’anno l’iniziativa sarà un omaggio alla pluralità dei linguaggi espressivi e unirà sotto lo stesso cielo musica, danza, teatro, arte di strada, poesia e sperimentazione elettronica. Oltre 70 le performance che si alterneranno in vie e piazze, offrendo al pubblico occasioni di divertimento adatte a tutte le età e a tutti i gusti. Grande varietà degli stili nell’ambito della danza con coreografie di modern, hip hop, danza urbana e freestyle, ma anche nel teatro che offrirà spettacoli di prosa, reading musicati e musical. Il panorama musicale offrirà inoltre al pubblico la possibilità di assaporare ritmi e suoni diversi, passando dalla purezza della musica classica all’energia vibrante del rock, dalle note calde e sensuali del repertorio sudamericano all’eleganza del jazz, senza dimenticare le più belle canzoni della musica italiana o delle colonne sonore più iconiche della storia del cinema. DANZA: Nta Dance School con Voci di principessa, ospitato da Amanito shop in via Cavour 26 alle ore 17, 19 e 21, omaggerà i più bei film di animazione Disney con il linguaggio della danza modern, hip hop e contemporanea su basi musicali cantate. L’associazione Gdm Val di Cembra proporrà in collaborazione con Infinity Dj uno spettacolo di danza urbana e freestyle con dj set. Urban Show si svolgerà al Bar Pasi di piazza Pasi alle ore 17, 19 e 21. La compagnia di danza D.Lab farà invece viaggiare il pubblico tra i ritmi dell’Oriente con Est, spettacolo di danza moderna contemporanea che si svolgerà alla Bottega del caffè Dersut in Piazzetta delle Erbe alle ore 18, 20 e 22. TEATRO: Gli amanti del teatro potranno soffermarsi al City Bar di via Roggia Grande 24 alle ore 17, 19 e 21 per vedere lo spettacolo de Il Funambolo A distanza, in cui il teatro incontrerà la letteratura e l’illustrazione dal vivo. Luna racconta...storie all'ombra della luna è invece la proposta di Elisa Salvini (attrice) e Martina Mosconi (fisarmonica), ospiti di Trentino Weddings in via Torre Verde 58 alle ore 17, 19 e 21. Musica e parole saranno le protagoniste anche dello spettacolo A second of feare, ideato dalla compagnia Rifiuti speciali che si esibirà all’enoteca Vinom di via Verdi 71 alle ore 17, 19 e 21. La storia di Trento entra in scena nello spettacolo La soffitta di Trento “a la carte” dell’omonima compagnia La Soffitta di Trento, che animerà in dialetto alcune foto storiche della città alla libreria Due punti di via San Martino 78 alle ore 17, 19 e 21. Gli amanti del musical e del tip tap potranno divertirsi con Tapsteps to Broadway, proposto da Triple Threat Musical, che si esibirà alla boutique Ana Duia di Largo Carducci 22 alle ore 17, 19 e 21. La Compagnia dei Bravi alle ore 18, 20 e 22, porterà in scena alla Casa del caffè di via San Pietro 38 Circus Bidonì, performance che unisce clownerie e teatro comico. MUSICA: DuoCellissimo (duo di violoncelli) con Happy Cello Hour presenterà al Bar Incentro di piazza Duomo alle ore 18, 20 e 22 opere originali appositamente scritte per esaltare i suoni gravi e morbidi del violoncello. Viaggio a più tappe nella tradizione popolare del Duo Andretti – Lenardon, che si esibirà al bar Il Monello di via Mazzini 11 alle ore 17, 19 e 21, calerà il pubblico nell’atmosfera di brani folkloristici creati dall’incontro di flauto e chitarra. Ritmi latini, musica brasiliana e bossanova, ma anche italiana d’autore saranno invece il filo conduttore del trio Eu, Vocè, Nos Duet, che aspetterà il pubblico al Gallo Blu Bar di piazza Santa Maria Maggiore 19 alle ore 18, 20 e 22. Anche Anemos Trio con il suo spettacolo Il soffio sonoro che incontra il mare e si fa canto porterà il pubblico a viaggiare tra Sud America e Italia, vicino all’osteria Il posto di Ste nella piazzetta del Sass alle ore 18, 20 e 22. La band Fare Jazz si esibirà invece in Sextet Quartet Dixie Band proponendo al pubblico le pietre miliari del Dixieland e del New Orleans Jazz al KT Store di via Galilei 22 alle ore 17, 19 e 21. Arrangiamenti per lo strumento in solo e composizioni originali di musica classica, jazz e pop saranno il repertorio del chitarrista Federico Bosio, ospite di 19dieci in Largo Carducci 37 alle ore 18, 20 e 22. Il ritmo del blues incontrerà soul, jazz e pop nell’esibizione Anima Blues del Villanova Duet, che suonerà al bar La bella vita in piazza Lodron alle 18, 20 e 22. Al ristorante Le scuderie del castello, in piazza Mostra 30 alle ore 17, 19 e 21, il pubblico potrà assistere al concerto Acoustic live session della band True Notes, che spazierà dal pop al rock, alla musica leggera internazionale. Il duo Double Trouble (voce e contrabbasso) con la performance 6 gradi di swing proporrà alle 17, 19 e 21 al negozio Sottosopra Calaresu di via del Simonino 7 una serie di pezzi in chiave swing inframmezzati dal racconto di aneddoti. Alla pasticceria Momi di piazza Cesare Battisti 4 alle ore 18, 20 e 22 If Sara Wakes Up si esibirà in una serie di cover dei più grandi successi pop, rock e dance dagli anni Novanta ad oggi. Escape Rum suonerà al pub L’angolo dei 33 di via Calepina 33 alle ore 18, 20 e 22, proponendo con Distillato di musica ad alto “volume” un tributo agli artisti della scena rock internazionale di cui racconteranno aneddoti e curiosità. Direttamente da Innsbruck arriverà al bar Baccus di piazza Fiera 11 il gruppo Echoes, che si esibirà alle ore 18, 20 e 22 in un concerto che unisce i suoni tipici dello shoegaze alle chitarre elettriche. A La quinta del sordo in via del Suffragio 86 arriverà Chiara Gilmozzi alle ore 17, 19 e 21 con la performance Il suono della rivolta, che unisce poesia a brani di musica pop, rock, folk cantati e suonati. Maria Devigili accoglierà il pubblico da Uva & Menta Cafè in piazza Garzetti 5 alle ore 18, 20 e 22 proponendo cover e brani originali editi e inediti in lingua italiana, francese, spagnola e inglese. Ospite della libreria Due punti anche la B-Ing Band formata da biologi e ingegneri dell’Università di Trento che si esibiranno alle ore 18, 20 e 22 in un variegato repertorio di brani intervallato da descrizioni culturali e scientifiche. Allo Store 67 di via degli Orbi 9 sarà possibile ascoltare alle ore 17, 19 e 21 Fm. 199 nel suo Concerto in “3D”, un’interpretazione di tre cantautori della musica italiana del calibro di Francesco De Gregori. Fabrizio De Andrè e Lucio Dalla. Alle ore 18, 20 e 22 il Bar Duomo di via Verdi 40 ospiterà il gruppo Kyma che proporrà una performance in cui i suoni dell’ambiente verranno rielaborati in maniera estemporanea per offrire al pubblico un’esperienza musicale amplificata. Come affermato dall’assessora alla cultura Elisabetta Bozzarelli, “Torna arte in bottega nel centro cittadino per valorizzare tanti e diversi luoghi e sostenere attraverso la cultura le economie di piccole imprese e pubblici esercizi: botteghe, plateatici e luoghi urbani saranno teatro di nuovi racconti, concerti e performance. La cultura nei caffè, nelle vie e piazze con musica, danza, parole e dialoghi. Valorizzare insieme la cultura, con importanti opportunità per gli artisti trentini, e farne volano per l’economia, esprime una caratteristica di Trento Aperta, sempre più contemporanea e plurale!”. Maggiori dettagli sono reperibili sul sito del Comune di Trento, a questo link. Si ricorda che, in caso di maltempo, la manifestazione sarà posticipata a sabato 9 settembre. Per informazioni, è possibile contattare l’ufficio Cultura, turismo ed eventi chiamando il numero 0461.884287 o scrivendo a [email protected].... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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hell-heron · 6 years
I finally watched the italian 2013 Romeo and Juliet miniseries with Alessandra Mastronardi and honestly I hate everything about it but specifically:
- i LOVE Alessandra and she was my childhood but she’s too old for this. Romeo also is too old for this - they went for a more mature angle and I hate it. And Elena Sofia Ricci is too young to be the Nurse (but very done and funny, also she and Alessandra played mother and daughter in the past so they have a chemistry that makes me cry) Also why is it set in the snowy mountains somewhere in Trentino, what’s this, and mostly, if we’re so keen on changing setting and stuff, why did no one in this wretched boot made it in a 19th century setting with pro unity folks VS austrian loyalists
- There’s also Ken Duken (Anatole in War and peace 2007) as Mercutio, it’s not a criticism because he’s lovely and good at it and an adorable little shit. But it severely weirds me out. Also HE is the sensible one and Romeo the one who has the idea of sneaking to the ball???
- Apparently Juliet has an older sister, Ursula who is betrothed with Paris and hella jealous and catty that Paris loves Juliet instead (?) so she told tales on her and Romeo. Romeo has a younger brother, Antonio, instead of Benvolio (insert appropriate wailing for this tragic loss) who is a violent little shit
- I liked that Juliet’s first line was “I’m stronger than you think”. I liked less that the first scene is literally ROMEO&CO SETTING THE CAPULET’S CARRIAGE ON FIRE wtf and Romeo saves her from rape like in the worst trash action movies. He also kills a man immediately which imho ruins all the impact of him killing Tybalt but okay I guess we all hate innocence and men showing emotion here. Apparently Romeo used to believe in Revenge but Juliet changed him? Ugh
- They made Tybalt in love with Juliet AND southern (or at least it seems to me it’s implied by some lines, I don’t know if the actor is southern too) Such an hot take! What a fresh and interesting casting for the literal embodiement of jealousy and murder!! Really the proper message in a story which is supposed to be against prejudice and domestic conflict! (he was a pretty and badass guy though, so it’s forgiven).
- There’s a dynamic that Lord Capulet promised him he’d marry Juliet, but actually he has no intention whatsoever to give her to him and just uses it as an excuse to criticize him and say he’s not worthy, also the family fortune is in shambles and there’s a more wealthy suitor and the family’s wellbeing is more important than Tybalt’s even thought he always sacrificed himself for the family - man this is even more Nikolai\Sonya than it usually is. Marriage shit otherwise, they could be a very sweet brotp and she calls him “like a brother to me” a lot, so fuck you for ruining this with this romantic nonsense I guess.
- Lady Capulet is so shrewd and political and dominates her husband and I love her, she’s my only joy here. That and the Capulets having cats swarming everywhere.
- Oh and one part I like is when they do some adorable love\hate roleplay and make under a stage where a bad Midsummer production is taking place
- OHHHH WAIT Mercutio turned out to be on the verge to poison himself for his long lost love which WHAT that really did came out of nowhere. If they had any chemistry here, I might choose to think it’s about Tybalt but it’s not worth it with what little they interact. Oh I might think it’s an hypotetical dead Benvolio, but it seems this person dumped him rather than dying, and I don’t see Benvolio dumping him
- Now Tybalt, who apparently thinks he is in Assassin’s creed, is climbing over the Montague castle walls and setting fire to the barn. Classic. Oh and Romeo saved Juliet from rape AGAIN
- Oh the wedding happened - not much to say about it. Now Tybalt and Juliet are making out. Well he’s kissing her, she isn’t enthusiastic. Sweet. Also  “I can’t compete with powerful Paris or handsome Romeo. Come on, say it, I’m just the orphan cousin” MAN. I’m marginally happy, tho, because if he’s an orphan he’s not the son of the uncle from the South, so my suspicion there was the usual prejudice about Southern people and violent jealousy here was off
- “We’ll make up new words to say what words can’t say.” “For example?” “I love you, Juliet Capulet” I’m pretty sure these words already exist. 
- Oh Ursula wants to run away, I wish I had some sympathy for her but she’s been a bitch this whole time. Ohh Juliet told her “Can’t you understand neither of us has a choice” poor girl. ...but why is literally no one in this family doing anything about their daughter running away from home in plain sight except Lady Capulet looking a bit upset? This is fully preventable??
- Mercutio is drunk and having knives trown at him on a bet. Also, he’s said to be metaphorically in love with death instead of life, which is beyond bad but he’s still the best character here. Also confirmation that what happened to him is that the woman he loved married someone else. I didn’t need this. OHHHH Romeo took his potion vial an helpful tool that will be useful later...
- Apparently the Bad Thing  happens on Christmas day, literally an hour before Romeo and Juliet were supposed to announce their wedding and fix everything :( oh and we got literally 5 seconds of Mercutio and Juliet bonding at mass, I liked that
- Ken Duken Is Deeply Stressed By His Man Crush’s Dueling Endeavors, A Rai Production
- “I played with death, now death plays me” oh Mercutio this made me sad :( they did the unintentional stabbing but it’s a bit weirdly since Tybalt seemed pretty serious about dueling with Mercutio, not like in 1968 where they looked like 13 year olds playing at pro wrestlers. But Lord Capulet didn’t believe him and beat the shit out of him and said he “won’t cover for him this time” which is fucking rich since it’s said all Tybalt did until now it was because his uncle ordered him and just now he gets mad becaus it makes the family look bad. OH HE KICKED HIM OUT OF THE HOUSE TOO WHAT THE HELL. Literally compelled 3 children out of 3 to quit the family, what the fuck’s wrong with this guy
- Yeah, they didn’t make Romeo kill Tybalt immediately but rather go look for him at his own house, which... looks bad, since it’s more sympatethic if it’s a moment of madness, he really isn’t a premeditated vengeance guy. To make up for it, now his entire family is bullying him into Revenge and calling him a coward. Can I file for adoption of all this guys much older than me?
- AAAAAGH now Juliet is begging Romeo not to kill Tybalt and he gave her back the wedding ring and said her love made him weak and I suddenly hate this again why why why. And she was already sad for Mercutio who she knew five minutes, now she’s getting much worse, she deserves better than this. Oh, Tybalt is fighting with a longsword in each hand because why fucking not, and it was decided Juliet has to witness the fight because WHY FUCKING NOT. And we’re giving the violent Montague baby brother Benvolio’s role because WHY FUCKING NOT. 
- Romeo improved a bit in the post duel part, at least he seems a bit more vulnerable. He snapped at his mom and gave up his family name but that’s understandable since, again, it’s them who pushed him to kill. I may be relating to him a little because I, too, never made any fucking decision on my own and then bitch when it turns out bad
- Paris is a fucking sleezeball iwth no respect for people’s mourning, the Capulets can’t stop scheming even at the funeral and apparently beat the shit out of 2\3 of their children, and Juliet fucking forgave the guy already? The only good people left here are Friar Lawrence and the nurse. I felt really bad because she got bullied by Lady Capulet so much, and he calls Romeo out on his bullshit so well
- Okay, I warmed up to Romeo and Juliet again when they started fantastizing about four children and family Christmas dinners where everyone argues
- Ok the whole ending was actually pretty good and sad, especially all the family arguments. Alessandra was really good here. Also there was Ursula calling out Paris at Juliet’s funeral and I live for that
- OH AND THEY DID THE THING WHERE JULIET WAKES UP WHILE ROMEO DIES BECAUSE WE HATE JOY IN THIS COUNTRY and this lasts so long they have time to have a conversation and talk about peace and children and marble castles again and this took a bad turn
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matteosashawedding · 3 years
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(via Getting married in the Alps , Trentino WEDDINGS IN DOLOMITES)
Matteo De Stefano ist ein Profi und seit vielen Jahren auf Reportagen und Portraits am Gardasee spezialisiert.
Er arbeitet ausschliesslich mit Assistenten im Team, um garantieren zu können, dass auch das kleinste Detail Ihres Traumtages für die Ewigkeit festgehalten werden kann.
Matteo De Stefano bietet auf Wunsch einen Fullservice, wie Weddingalben, Minialben, Gästeshooting, Ansichtskarten, Webgallery u.v.m.
Die Webseite von Matteo de Stefano gibt Ihnen einen umfassenden Einblick über seine Arbeit als Fotograf….schauen Sie doch gleich mal rein.
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biancoantico · 4 years
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Happy Valentine’s Day, lovebirds! In this picture the outstanding beauty of love surrounded by the great Dolomites. Natalie and Paul’s wedding, that took place one year ago in South Tyrol, still makes us dream. Featured on @martha_weddings and @ruffledblog Buon San Valentino, piccioncini! In questa foto la straordinaria bellezza dell'amore circondata dalle maestose Dolomiti. Il matrimonio di Natalie e Paul, realizzato un anno fa in Sud Tirolo, ci fa ancora sognare. Pubblicato su @martha_weddings e @ruffledblog Design and planning @biancoantico & @laurabravievents Photography @melliandshayne @ndcseppi 💕 @paul.seppi #bridesrealweddings #valentinesday #schlossfreudenstein #weddingsouthtyrol #italianweddingplanner #italywedding #chicwedding #luxurywedding #destinationwedding #exclusivewedding #destinationweddingplanner #bridetobe #instawed #weddingdestination #exclusiveweddinginitaly #lovemyweddingmag #weddinginspiration #dolomiteswedding #dolomitesweddingplanner #fineartwedding #fineartweddingplanner #weddingplannerdolomites #sinspirersemarier #getmarriedinitaly #weddingplannersouthtyrol #destinationweddingphotographer #biancoanticowedding #bridalgown #bridalstyle #bridedress (presso Dolomiti, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italian Alps) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8idP5nIRfp/?igshid=1uva6ims2llgw
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uparty-it-blog · 5 years
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La felicità aumenta quando è condivisa 😍 Tagga l'amica che si sposa! 👇😁 #bridetobe #bridestory #bride #weddinginpuglia #wedding (presso Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxYGY_8Ams2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1o007tuho6pk8
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