#who needs them anyway amiright
nomohmoss · 5 months
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quirkedupfandom · 2 months
Q!PHIL SAYING, AND I QUOTE "It's nice having a lot of stuff" and things on the last vod, and also just being all weird about getting new stuff from *supposedly the federation* (cough ender king cough cough)
Combine this with how much he used to say he doesn't value material wealth and family always comes before anything. Heck, he even BURNS the feds money like 10 minutes ago before going right back into this weird new hoarding mode.
And the fact that his whole philosophy of not getting too attached to worldly possesions is something he kinda passed onto Tallulah and Chayanne, and THEY NOTICED HIS ODD BEHAVIOUR.
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LIKE. THEY KNOW!!! q!phil was able to pick up when something was off when the codes were imitating them, and the kids know him Just As Well. They can tell somethings up and i'm SADD
Because it was q!phil who was sad that Chayanne and Tallulah were thrown into battle and not able to just enjoy themselves. So what do they do when it's their own parent who's now needing saved. Their rock. The constant support in their life. I'm SO scared that this is going to result in a fight or something between them.
Anyway yeah normal fun times on the QSMP amiright hahaha...
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jessicas-pi · 4 months
So originally I was gonna do 3, but this one got REALLY long, sooo....
May I present the Jedi Get Hitched AU?
I posted about it once before here (and it got FANART!!!!) but other than that I haven't said much of anything else, soooo... here's more! and it's ENORMOUSLY self-indulgent.
The basic premise of the AU is that the clone wars end happily except the clones don't have rights but the Jedi find a loophole that will make them recognized as sentient citizens if one of them marries a Jedi, cue Aayla kicking open the door to the jedi council with bly in tow like I VOLUNTEER
ANYWAY. bly and aayla get married (they both freak out about it and Fox and Quinlan respectively have to give them pep talks before the wedding.) All seems well... and then Anakin saunters into the Jedi Council room one day and brings up that now that they're getting married (it was a one time thing, skywalker--) NOW THAT THEY'RE GETTING MARRIED, maybe they should consider that perhaps it would lower political tensions if a Jedi married, like, a senator or a planetary ruler or something. and the council is all like 🙄 skywalker we know this is just about you and senator amidala and he's like what??? haha no, i was talking about obi-wan and duchess satine. but while we're on the topic, i could definitely marry senator amidala too. she just adopted those twins and i could help raise them. they're force-sensitive, what a crazy coincidence amiright?? and plo and shaak are just lowkey planning their wedding and subsequent adoption of All Their Sons and mace. mace wants a break. please.
fast forward in time. Several more jedi have gotten married. Mace has retired from the council, citing "an excess of tomfoolery and nuptials" as his reason. Anakin married Padme, Obi-Wan married Satine and they officially adopted Korkie as their son, and Quinlan Vos and Asajj Ventress got married. Vostress is also currently running a jedi-nightsister exchange student program...
...which is how Merrin, 16 and slightly awkward but eager to learn more, ends up in the Jedi Temple, with a few other Nightsisters, though they're all a few years younger than her. Cal is assigned to give them the tour.
"Welcome to the Jedi Temple!" he says, holding one hand out to her and the other hand waving around them, indicating basically the whole jedi temple. it's supposed to be just a gesture, but then Merrin puts her hand in his. Completely seriously. Cal is like "...okay" and they hold hands for the rest of the tour.
Five years later, there is a second jedi-nightsister wedding.
Jocasta is delighted at the number of records being set within her lifetime.
(Jocasta is also officiating all the weddings, btw.)
A couple years after Mace resigns from the council, he decides to plan a shatterpoint lineage family vacation. So Mace, Depa, Grey (who is an unofficial part of their family), Caleb, and Caleb's brand-new Padawan, 11-year-old Ezra (who is pretty young to be a padawan, but he was following caleb around all the time anyway so caleb figured he might as well just make the apprenticeship official), all pack up... and go to Ryloth.
Caleb, who twenty-five at this point, promptly gets his first crush.
Mace Regrets This Vacation. He's actually started seeing marriage Shatterpoints. Depa and Grey, meanwhile, think it's really really funny that Caleb gets flustered around Hera, and Ezra has made more than a few insinuations about political alliances via marriage. Depa warns him that Caleb will get his revenge, but Ezra dismisses it. (Said revenge does come about, several years later, in the form of Caleb asking if Madame Nu needs to prepare to officiate the second Jedi-Mandalorian marriage in recorded history. Ezra kicks him in the shin. smh padawans these days just have NO respect for their masters.)
Ezra highly encourages Caleb to marry Hera.
It does not take much convincing.
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maxrowave · 6 months
The long-awaited drarry cannibalism writing
This is only a snippet and is part of a much bigger thing, albeit the quality of the writing is a bit dubious because when writing, I'd never intended on them being read, I will provide some context for this + other notes at the end. I would also like to mention that this writing does contain the contributions of a writer who has requested to remain anonymous.
Draco has been subtly manipulating Harry to resent among his closest friends, because of orders from Voldemort; Draco puts Harry into a situation where he needs to either kill Seamus or Draco. Harry chooses to kill Seamus however faces lots of regret. It is also snowing and they are outside, disposing of the body.
Harry Potter is a fool. A stupid, ginormous fool. Whenever Draco traced his forearm, Harry leaned into Draco’s touch, craving it like a child craves approval. He still could not bring himself to meet Draco’s eyes, feeling undeserving after the heinous act he had done. Harry killed Seamus with his hands. He could have pulled out his wand, making his suffering minimal, but a part of Harry wanted Seamus to hurt for abandoning him. Harry wanted- Harry became all too aware of the fact Draco was towering over him and slender fingers found their way into his hair, forcing him to look down and not bow his head in shame. Harry had never bowed his head to Draco before out of pride, but now he didn’t cower solely because of the acceptance offered to him.
“You saved me from David. I saved you from Seamus. Now we’re even.” Harry says plainly "Seems righteous."
Harry began averting his gaze to stare at Seamus. Unlike David, Seamus was not beautiful in death. It was the stark opposite. This was the ugliest thing Harry had seen in his entire life. He looked down at his hands, briefly imagining what it would have been like if the roles were reversed. Harry’s hands would be around Draco’s neck instead with Seamus cheering him as he stood behind him, urging Harry to punish Draco for years of torment. Harry would squeeze as hard as he could until that angelically pale face burned red with vessels bursting, but then Draco would only look at him with those inhuman silver eyes and Harry would pull away ashamed. Harry would have spared Draco, feeling guilty for wanting to hurt him.
Draco stepped a little closer to Harry, not intentionally, but perhaps some subconscious animalistic instinct for warmth; a moth to a flame. He was to report in his next letter, Harry had struggled with killing one of his closest friends, yet he'd done so anyway. He'd indulged himself in a sin and his hands were stained, Draco's curiosity burned with where Harry's limits were. How far could he push this lion? Poke and prod it in its cage and teeter on the tightrope of danger as he observed him. Draco wanted nothing more than to break apart his skull and look into that brain of his.
Alas, he kept the thought to himself, the awareness of Harry's crumbling state as he'd killed Seamus for him like a lamb to a sacrifice. There was this slow and steady building of Harry's commitment to whatever arrangement they were calling this, with Seamus's death and Harry finally sealing his soul to Draco.
This was the moment Draco had fully decided on taking Harry under his wing.
___ OTHER INFO AND BITS Throughout the whole actual writing, in Harry's mind, he often refers to Draco as angelic because of his features -- blond hair, and pale skin, Draco meets a lot of conventional beauty standards. However, in a lot of Draco's subconscious, there are a few metaphors about the devil in contrast, with the devil being a fallen angel and all that. All around some religious references because what's sexier amiright? Furthermore, Harry mentions Draco saving him from someone named David -- that is the first person Harry kills, and it is by accident. The name David was chosen because in the Bible he symbolises goodness, obedience and morals, therefore by killing him, Harry has killed his own morality.
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marihem · 10 days
Let me be the one to ask. How did you come up with this Queerplatonic Frans concept? What drew you into making this?
Aww thank you for asking such a delicious question, pal! Hope you're ready to listen to my 1 am rambles XD
Alright so, to be completely honest...I actually don't truly know how Romance works to execute it myself 😬
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Haha yup, sadly, the concept of Romance and Romantic Attraction didn't naturally come to me my whole life and I had a hard time understanding them. (Skill issue, amiright?) So I learned about them through fiction. And even then, my understanding of Romance was a little bit different from what it's usually is (spoiler: it wasn't actually Romance, the word I needed was "Queerplatonic").
I've drawn ship arts before I started drawing Frans and let me tell you, almost all of them were 2 characters just standing next to each other, no hugs, no kisses. Maybe they'll look at each other with fondness. And I was like "hell yeah, I've achieved Romance 😌" pfft.
My 2020 Frans works were where my ship art skills got improved. But you can still see that they aren't explicitly romantic (like, the first time I drew a Frans forehead kiss was for a request). Whatever, I was drawing stuffs about my fav lil guys and I was happy... and yet a tiny part of me wasn't feeling it, like it felt...odd to call them romantic. All these shippy art and I still felt uncomfortable to draw something extremely Romantic. (...this kinda sounds similar to a comphet kind of situation, you get what I'm saying?)
2 years later, I learned about the term "queerplatonic" and just like that, everything made sense =o Now THAT'S the kind of relationship I've been thinking about all these years and it felt magical. Suddenly, with this new knowledge, drawing shippy art felt more comfortable for me, cozy even. Cuz now, the "romance" I'm making is like something a little special for me.
And then I thought "what if I...👀" I grabbed Frisk and Sans like figurines and used them to make my own little ideas of a queerplatonic relationship as they were the perfect materials to work with for me.
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I've actually been busying myself with thinking up ideas for them a year before I revealed it to my mutuals, even long before I revealed it publicly 😅
Still, my Roommate Banter AU Frans is still classic romantic. I've only been making funny lil contents of them but I swear! They're secretly crushing on each other, there's romance underneath! I just suck at Romance 😭
So yeah, TL:DR, I don't completely understand romance so I did what I felt comfortable and did actually get the most, approach a ship with a queerplatonic lens.
Tho I'm still learning about Romance cuz there're other ships I'd love to draw shippy art for XD
Anyways, yeah thank you to anyone who read all of this and thank you dear anon for indulging me with your ask <3 Have a lovely day/night ^^
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steve0discusses · 10 months
Ep 45 Part 2: I, Again, Did Not Expect Ryou
The revolving door of characters wandering into this boss arena continues, and this time it’s Pharaoh who is trying to catch up to the plot with the dead woman on the ground, the giant tablet to the side, and Seto who is cackling to himself in a corner.
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And Seto does a big ol laugh and it’s been a while since we got a villainous laugh out of Seto. Been a LONG TIME. Probably felt great for this voice actor to go back to his roots.
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(read more under the cut)
It’s been a while I’ve been doing this blog, right? And I take it slow, especially right now with chronic fatigue stuff, but MAN I really thought we’d be dueling SETO. Not Aknadin in a Seto Bean! That’s a different guy!
Yugioh! That’s a completely different guy!
And there’s time for the big showdown between Pharaoh and Seto to actually happen. But trying to write it so we no longer develop this rivalry between Seto and Pharaoh feels like...they had to do that because Seto became a friend maybe kind of unintentionally.
It still works, they haven’t lied to us, I just...I have mixed feelings about it.
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Mimicking Blue Eyes in Season 1 and Season Zero, this dragon will not work for you if you are not Seto Kaiba. Or Yugi. She’ll sometimes allow Yugi to play her in his deck. But definately not Seto Imposters. And like that, Aknadin is dead by his own hubris.
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Hubris be killing a lot of billionaires lately, amiright? Yugioh just leaning into my love of killing billionaire gentry with hubris.
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This romantic moment somewhat ruined by the animation team refusing to draw fingers and always keeping everyone’s hands clenched like they’re gonna furiously poop.
Yami watches as Seto recreates the vision that Kaiba had seen several years prior on the blimp. And Yami I’m sure felt entirely 3rd wheel. But he’s used that. He lives in Yugi’s bean. He probably thinks 3rd wheel is normal and how everyone feels all the time.
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Seto decides he’s had enough of watching behind a pillar, and now that everyone is dead and sobbing he should go out and harass Yugi. Youknow, at this funeral. The funeral of his beloved from like a previous life or whatever. Seto is kind over it and for once he is the one that needs a ride home.
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And he’s like “hey so...I noticed that guy looks like me”
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And then, when you think “well I guess Seto joins the party?” they just start screaming at eachother, within earshot of Seto, within earshot of the dead dragon card, within the earshot of like the entire world.
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Remember that no one can actually see Seto but Pharaoh, which makes it even more funny.
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Bakura segue’s us back to Yugi and his cursed friends, where he’s trying his best to explain the logic of cursing your classmates with dark magic so you can go on playdates.
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The idea that you go through all the trouble to curse people into liking you, but the puzzle itself is made of dark magic, so it finds the most terrifying people to make your friend, is funny to me although it is completely my headcanon.
Anyway, get ready for the still my computer caught for this next one.
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(it’s “surprise” but eh I don’t feel like fixing it at this point.)
It DOES look like Tristan is doing a weird cross punch, he’s actually tossing both of them and his hands over extended to the other side, which is a thing we do in animation, we go past the point you intend to go so it looks more fluid--but it does make the tweens funny.
The floor gives way and creates scales made out of the eyes.
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Will Yugi leap from his scale and send his friends to purple doom, or will he find Pharaoh’s name and save the world?
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which like, wouldn’t be a good episode of Yugioh unless multiple people were asking to die, and Joey nailed it in the most Brooklyn way this Japanese boy knows how.
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And so Bakura was like “never mind.” which I guess was an option in the footnotes that only he could read.
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Not shown is a hard to cap animation where Yugi leapt from his edge of the scales and just clung to Joey’s waist and Joey was like “gotta hang on to your friends, right Yuge?” And Yugi was like “Does that mean you forgive me already? Or are you being sarcastic right now?”
Inside of the room is this.
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I LOVE the outline tool in photoshop. Good stuff. I LOVE it. and so does this animation team. Outlined the HELL out of those birds.
They leave the name zone room, with no idea at all how to say Pharaoh’s name. Where, they ran straight into Tristan and decided enough was enough, it’s time to have a chat. Because no, they haven’t figured it out.
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You may be asking “so where did Tristan go?”
He’s probably not fine. But um. No idea where Tristan went.
Also, guess who we haven’t seen in like 20 episodes since Seto stepped over his prone body on the steps?
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Ryou! Little Ryou is back!
This guy who we...thought was a good guy? Anyway he’s off to literally kill Yugi, just like he’s want to do.
Straight up...I can’t fully predict Ryou, mostly because we rarely ever see the kid, but damn, he sure did wake up just ready to do a murder today, didn’t he?
And yes, this does mean that Ryou was pretending to be Bakura pretending to be Tristan, just so we the audience could get a fun triple reveal in this episode.
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For some damn reason Ryou brought a duel disk to ancient Egypt. So we WILL get actual proper cards. And by proper cards, I mean Yugioh TV show cards, which line up not at all with the actual card game. Can’t wait to spell FINAL and then die.
Anyway, here’s the link to read these in chrono order.
We are quickly running out of people in this season to kill, but we still got a few of Pharoah’s ancient friends left, and as for who dies next episode? My bet is on...Isis. Sorry Isis, I know you got a cool hat and you’re the token girl but, she’s super dead next right?
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throwaway-yandere · 1 year
Of Dream A-Dreaming (Yandere Idol!Itto/Reader)
The real a/n: dang, restricting myself to 1-1.5k words for this event is fricking difficult when I usually upload fics around 3k lolol. The urge to make this unnecessarily long looms above my shoulders and the crack fic ideas are piling up instead of yandere ones i need therapy fr—
Unreliable synopsis: You're the self-proclaimed "Numero Uno" idol's producer! He has his screw loose that's for sure, but hey, what makes him think you're not eccentric as well amiright???
Alice's note, Mother of Klee: Strange... Could've sworn you and Ayato would end up partnered together considering your similar "personalities". Oh, well. Producer Lumine thought it would be hilarious to see you take Itto on. This should still be entertaining. Let's see who's going to be the bigger menace between you two, snailnon!
Yandere Idol 1k event masterlist
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"Itto, what do we say when we want to go to the restroom?"
"P–... Please, (Y/n)?"
"Perfect! Ehehehehe, good boyyy!!!" You ruffled his hair roughly, which made him voice out complaints about his hair gel. "Now go take a dook-dook."
Itto sighed, his relief heard throughout the whole cafe. "Thank God! Thanks, granny snai–"
"Call me granny again and I'll whoop your a– I mean, kindness isn't the absence of mean thoughts but evil actions! Now go, be free!"
Itto rushed to the restroom, leaving you with a playful grin on your face.
The scent of caffeine fills the air, fueling the chatter inside the humble cafe. It had never been this buzzing. The tender space not once had more than five customers. For all it's worth, its owner probably never would've imagined a day where eight drop-dead gorgeous men would play baristas for three days in his place. Pairs of the regulars' taciturn eyes carefully eyed the idols' movements, gazing at the men like exotic animals behind glass. Their existence as regular customers made their presence reasonable, these eight celebrities with you, however, not so much.
ADDICKTZ has an "Of Drink A-Dreaming" barista event today, which was primarily led by Diluc and his producer. The idols were dressed in typical European barista fashion, with the exception of Ayato, Thoma, and Itto wearing sets of Kazagoshi respectively. 
"(Y/n), where's Itto?"
You laughed. Unlike your colleagues, Diluc doesn't enjoy addressing you by your respected title. "I don't knooowww. Take a guess. Hehe."
Diluc's eyebrows knitted. 
"You're his producer. The filming's about to start in five minutes." He stressed out sternly.
"I guess you have to film him in the bathroom then." You smiled, completely unbothered. "Cause, you know, he's there."
Normally, people would recommend a straight jacket for the deeply disturbed, but the founder of TEYVAT Productions said "I got just the thing for you!" before Producer Lumine gave you a contract to be Arataki Itto's producer for the next 5 years.
Yes, THAT Arataki Itto. The most troublesome member of ADDICKTZ and its best rapper. The guy who's supposedly a next-in-line monarch from a ruling family in a small village until he had a disagreement with his parents– but no one knows about that tea except you and Alice. You were going to decline this job but he... lacks critical thinking so much that you decided you must protect this high school dropout. Or at least make his life challenging. You're winning on either option, anyways.
You continued sipping your coffee. As a fellow cheapskate like the person you're producing, you're savoring every last drop of this fine brew, ignoring the free cake-like brownies on your table. You're much more laid back than normal because you're going on vacation tomorrow. Doesn't mean you're unaware of your own tendencies; if you don't care, you often won't put in the effort. And right now you genuinely don't care about what Itto's up to.  Your succulents are genuinely the only thing you're determined to take good care of, and you already set an alarm as to when you're going to water them.
Diluc sighed. The poor idol slash Dawn Winery heir just couldn't put in the effort to scold you both anymore. "Fine. I'll give you ten minutes and that's final."
Eh, don't count on it. This is you and Itto, and together you're both a hindrance. 
"Hehe. Gracias, compadre!"
That mesomorph couldn't possibly untie his apron without your help and you'd probably take five minutes trying to untangle it. It was considerably difficult getting Itto to wear his uniform, especially with his muscular build (but that's just because you made sure it's extra tight for the hell of it.) It goes without saying that Itto will always be by your side. If he wants to escape this girl scout's knotting nightmare, he'll need your help. Aww geez, what would he do without you?
"They sure get along quite well." The CEO's assistant muttered, their eyes staring directly at you. For someone who's supposed to be observing in secret, they sure aren't doing a decent job worth that paycheck. Not like having them here affects you. You'd still violate a few rules even if someone with authority is around.
"(Y/n)," Thoma sheepishly limped towards you, apologizing to the few empty chairs he bumped into. "C-Can you please help me tie my apron?"
"Heh, yup! Sure thing!!!"
Childe looked over his shoulder and raised an eyebrow from the other side of the room. "You're really going to ask for THEIR help?" 
Thoma froze.
The Mondstadter had been hanging out with you a lot lately that he forgot you're not the most reliable person out there. Hard not to like him. Blondes are pretty cool. Men are cool, in general.
Your iconic grin is back in town.
"O-Oh, never mind! I'll just ask Ajax–"
"Naahhhh, you're here now!" You smiled, making grabby hand gestures. "C'mon, let me tie it for you~."
The poor blonde's smile was forced upward and twisted from too much pressure. He carefully handed you his apron with unfathomable reluctance– 
But before you could take it, another hand yanked Thoma's away, prompting him to yelp. That hand was slightly damp, clear that it just came from the restroom.
Itto's grip tightened.
"Tie it yourself, Thoma."
Thoma gulped.
You couldn't see from this angle, but whatever Thoma saw, you had an inkling that it wasn't anything other people ought to see.
Zhongli tensed up. "Itto, that's enough–"
Before anyone got another word out about Itto's strange outburst, another voice called out. You barely looked away. 
You already know who it is.
"Why hello, Akira!" You greeted with clenched teeth.
One problem after another.
Most of Itto's fans are men. It's entertaining how they get hyped up whenever he's on stage. He's a role model when comes to exercise. You would know since you've once encountered an obsessed fan who gushed about how Itto's poster motivates him to do more push-ups and lunges and still insists he doesn't have a crush on Itto. His fans' muscles may be as strong as bricks but their heterosexuality weakens around him. As it damn should, honestly. You don't have any sports so listening to them talk was like watching a toddler show off their jumping skills. 
That fan was funny, but Akira? Not by a long shot.
He was supposedly Itto's first stan. And stalkers are not funny. 
"Why are you still his producer?!"
The CEO's assistant looked around, asking how the stalker got in under hushed whispers but to no avail. Your eyelids lowered. 
You're going to have a serious talk with security later.
You shrugged with a small, innocent smile. "Cuz I'm an amazing person...?"
"No! Hell no!!!" Akira grumbled. "You're a psychopath! You're not a real fan, you're just doing this for the money!!!"
No shit, Sherlock. Don't be delusional. No one works for free.
You huffed.
"Sure, maybe I have problems using empathy sometimes, but take one good look at your situation and you'd realize that you're the one who looks like a psychopath right now."
Akira shut his mouth up immediately.
You looked at Dainsleif, who understood your signal.
You're pissed and you want Akira out.
Dainsleif nodded, grabbing Akira's shoulder.
You closed your eyes, drowning out the sound of Akira's loud complaints with your louder slurping. Knowing Dainsleif's skills, he would've peacefully kicked the stalker out of the building.
"You okay, bro?"
You opened your eyes again.
The stalker's gone, and Itto is sitting right in front of your table.
"Yeah, of course, I am."
Itto smiled. Don't be fooled, he was wholly aware that you're angry– you have the tendency to repress your anger and he knows you're harboring some spite.
"You know what will get him to stop?" He grinned, snapping his fingers like he was the smartest person in the room (he's not.) 
"A good beating."
You chuckled, your voice mixed with concern and intrigue. "What? No. I'm a nice person. I ain't letting ya."
"Are you nice or are you just my producer? Anyways, yeah, but what if, I like, challenge him in a dance competition?"
You looked at him laconically.
That must be…
"The stupidest idea I have ever heard." You patted his back. Hard. Itto spat his drink, the brown liquid spilling to his chin like baby food. "I LOVE it. Go kick his ass."
Ain't no way you're passing up a chance to enable his family-friendly bullshit.
Ahh, you love life. It’s things like this that makes life worth living, because despite how empty you may feel at the end of the day, you at least know that you were a piece of something great.
A piece that caused Arataki “Numero Uno” Itto challenge a stalker fan into an impromptu dance competition.
Itto raised an eyebrow. "I thought you were gonna stop me."
"Well, you know how my mind works. If it is funny, then you should probably do it. Unless you, or someone else, get hurt. 'Cuz then it's a lot less funny…"
But then you remembered there was this one time you convinced Itto that "STFU" means "so thankful for you" and he sent that shit to his grandmother. Who then whooped his ass. With a wooden spoon. In front of CEO Alhaitham.
Oh, this poor summer country boy.
A strange chortle-like noise exited your lips.
"Wh-what is it?"
"Ohh, nothiiing." You patted his head, this time, you didn't ruffle his hair. "Hmm... I'll give you permission to challenge him in this dance competition thingy, but it better be AFTER the event, mkayyy?"
"Hmm! You got it, boss!"
So, that was a fucking lie.
You just got back from buying some pins at the convenience store to secure Itto's apron, and this is the thanks you'll get? You pinched your temple, sighing with an eerily large smile.
This doesn't look like a dance competition.
As Itto grabs Akira by the collar, the crowd that had formed around them just stood and stared. It's a good thing that phones are prohibited. Kaeya was close by, but he doesn't seem motivated to dissuade his unit mate either. Annoyingly, you got a glance from the man that said "find a way to stop him."
Hah! Like that's easy– Wait.
Out of the blue, you recalled a vital memory.
A week after you started working for Itto, you found him losing his shit over a deranged fan who insulted his best friend, Kuki. You'll never forget the way he bent his knees, ready to pounce until the show was abruptly interrupted by ADDICKTZ's Creative Director, who hurled a cup of soybeans in his way. You received some more beans from Sir Zandik, who advised you to take similar action should the need arise... but you already ate them months ago. 
How troublesome, but Arabic beans should work.
Ayato's eyes widened as your unsanitized hand reached for the bean bowl. "Stay still, Mx. (Y/n), don't do anything rash–"
With amazing precision, the beans reached their target.
The Kamisato heir shut their eyes, clicking his tongue in disappointment.
"Ow– what was that for?!" Itto frowned angrily. "Seriously, what the hell, (Y/..."
Arataki Itto stared at you blankly, his eyes slowly rolling upward.
"... Itto?"
"... (Y/n)..."
"I… t-trust you, homie–" His eyes fluttered, closing gradually while his knees buckled.
"Catch me."
"Huh? H-Hey, wait–"
Just like a snail's shell boldly crossing a busy pedestrian lane, your body was absolutely wrecked. Your upper back hit the floor first as you cradled Itto's weight between your arms.
Everyone was stunned. Kaeya's producer looked at you in confusion.
"Do you have any idea what you just did...?"
"I have no idea what I've done either, heh." You wheezed, unable to breathe properly as Itto crushed your lungs. "All I know is that Dottore told me to do that if he starts acting violently."
Dainsleif and Zhongli immediately rushed towards you and Itto, with the latter fruitlessly attempting to dial 911 with his lack of technological wisdom. Diluc came back, asking what the hell just happened before Childe and Dainsleif carried Itto off you. Meanwhile, Ayato stood by the corner, laughing to himself. You would too if you weren't so busy getting suffocated by Itto's comically heavy muscles.
Childe slapped the back of your head after you were safely untangled from the unconscious man's limbs. "You idiot! He's allergic to beans!!!"
"... Hehe, whoops?" You heard CEO Alhaitham's assistant sigh from behind you, but you still quipped up a joke. "Can I blame Master Dottore for this, pretty pleease?"
"Arataki Itto is your responsibility, Mx. (Y/n)" Someone spoke in a low, reverberating voice.
Everyone stopped to look at Zhongli, whose face expressed indifference yet his crossed arms exude something far more ineffably foreboding.
"As written in the contract, a TEYVAT PRODUCTIONS producer should be the one looking after their idols if they're admitted to the hospital, correct?"
You stiffened. 
Oh no. 
"... Hey, Ayato?"
"Hmm?" He answered with a hand covering his clearly smiling face.
"How long does allergy-induced comas last–"
Dainsleif chuckled, replying instead of the young politician. "Could be between 24 to 48 hours."
Needless to say, you brought this to yourself.
... So long, 3-day vacation.
You want to turn into a snail. 
The remainder of the event came to an abrupt end. The CEO's assistant rescheduled everything while the remaining ADDICKTZ producers unwillingly cleaned up everything. Compared to Zhongli, who sat back down on an empty table with his osmanthus tea, Childe was the loudest complainer. Being wise beyond his years, the Liyue man drank in silence while ignoring the mayhem going on around him.
If everyone saw the way both Arataki "Numero Uno" Itto and his accomplice Akira smirked when you chucked a bean to his head, you might just catch on that he's keener than what most underestimated him for.
Your idol noticed that you've been busy hanging with Thoma lately and wanted to monopolize your attention for a while, so he staged himself up for a beating. Did Itto plan on getting completely knocked out by beans? No, probably not. You're quite unpredictable and this is merely a consequence of poor planning.
Still, unfortunately for you, Zhongli and Itto are unexpected kindred spirits. Knowing the reckless nature you both shared, Zhongli anticipated something like this might happen. It's a good thing the Liyuean helped him with revising their contract. 
This will be their little secret. Unconscious men tell no tales, right?
Zhongli laughed.
Ah, youth.
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Ansytea: y-you absolutely scare me, please kindly accept this offering, my lord snail– anyways, thank you for joining the 1k event!!!
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whereonceiwasfire · 2 years
Drabble prompt: Danny wakes up one day and everything is normal. Until someone asks what’s up with his teeth
Oh haha, this was a fun one! (I took a few liberties with it, I hope that's okay). Thanks for the request :)
Danny is fine. Danny is ok. Sure, maybe he just about died in his parents' ghost portal last night, but so far there don’t seem to be any adverse effects to getting nuked like a freezer-burnt Hot Pocket, which. Yay for him. And, besides, nobody was around, nobody actually knows that he accidentally turned the portal on with himself inside of it, so...no harm no foul. 
That’s how that works, right?
Still, he’s jumpy, uncomfortable at school this morning. He doesn’t know what he’s expecting—Sam to turn around in her desk, her arm thrown over the back of her chair, her features turned on a knowing smile as she asks him, “so, Danny. Have any near-death experiences over the weekend?”  
Well. On second thought, that wouldn’t be the weirdest question she’s ever posed to him out of the blue. Maybe he’s right to be concerned. 
“Hey, Fenton.” 
The whispered words come with a gentle tap on his shoulder, and Danny lets out a startled shout, slapping his hands over his mouth as half the class turns to look at him with lifted brows and bemused frowns. Lancer gives him about fifteen seconds of attention before giving his patented I-should-have-been-an-account sigh, and turning back to the board to continue writing his list of hyperbole examples.    
It’s only then Danny twists a hesitant glance over his shoulder where the petition came from. Valerie is pursing her lips together as if to smother her laughter.
“Did you, ah, need something?” he asks through a cough, scrubbing the back of his neck. 
“I was just going to ask to borrow a pencil. Though you’re obviously going through it, so don’t worry about it,” she says, tucking a dark ringlet back into her headband and scribbling circles in the corner of her notebook, trying to get her pen to do more than leave empty gouges against the page. 
“No, that’s okay, I can lend you a pencil!” he basically shouts the words, fumbling with his pencil case and spilling his crap all over the floor with an enormous clatter.
The class just ignores him this time. 
With an awkward laugh, he stoops out of his seat to grab an extra pencil off the grimy linoleum—gives a broken smile, caught somewhere between a nervous grin and a pained grimace, as he hands it back to Val.    
“What is up with your teeth, Fenton?” she asks, a horrified crease at the corner of her eyes.
She arches a brow, wordlessly slides an orange compact across her desk to him. He accepts it, fumbling with the catch a second before it pops open, revealing the mirror inside. He turns back around in his seat, ducks his head, shields his face with a hand, and bares his teeth in the glass. 
What the heck? He has fangs. Since when did he have fangs? 
Holy crap, holy crap, holy crap. Could this be related to the portal thing? 
He gives a near hysteric burble of laughter as he slaps the compact shut and rapidly twists around to thrust the mirror back at Valerie. 
“Oh that,” he says, though the way his words pitch up in the middle makes it sound less casual and dismissive than he was hoping. He has no idea how he’s going to dig himself out of this, no idea how he’s supposed to evade suspicion, no idea what’s even going on with him. He just starts talking, hoping something helpful somehow finds its way out of his mouth. “My teeth have always been like that. I don’t even really know what you’re talking about. Fangs? Who said fangs? That’s ridiculous. They’re for a costume thing. I sharpened them. I’m a vampire buff? I mean. Teeth are so weird anyway, amiright? They’re bones outside your body? Like. Ew. Did you know that mosquitos have 47 teeth? Now that’s weird. Okay, you can keep the pencil, bye.” 
He turns abruptly forward in his seat, spine straight, chin high, gaze lazor focused on the board—lets out a breath and pretends to jot a few notes like nothing is even remotely wrong.  
Phew. That was close.
Good thing he totally nailed it.
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hamartia-grander · 1 year
OKAY so I finally did my own run of the Hunger Games simulator. I’m just gonna put all of them in one post but under the Keep Reading so I don’t take up anyone’s dashboard. Not because I’m nice or anything but because I’m too lazy to keep reblogging my own post. Anyways. @itsybitsybatsyspider and @detroitbecomeonline this is for you nerds
My cast is: DISTRICT 1: Connor, Nines. DISTRICT 2: Gavin, Hank. DISTRICT 3: Kara, Alice. DISTRICT 4: North, Simon. DISTRICT 5: Chloe, Kamski. DISTRICT 6: Markus, Leo. DISTRICT 7: Josh, Echo. DISTRICT 8: Luther, Zlatko. DISTRICT 9: Sixty, Tina. DISTRICT 10: Shaolin, Fowler. DISTRICT 11: Rose, Ralph. DISTRICT 12: Jerry, Amanda.
None of the districts or characters are determined on any actual canon I just put them in randomly lol
As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds.
North scares Gavin away from the cornucopia. (yeah)
Zlatko runs into the cornucopia and hides.
Amanda grabs a backpack and retreats.
Leo takes a spear from inside the cornucopia.
Fowler sets an explosive off, killing Ralph. (NAUR)
Connor snatches a bottle of alcohol and a rag.
Luther scares Markus away from the cornucopia. (lmfao real)
Hank runs away from the Cornucopia.
Kara grabs a shield leaning on the cornucopia.
Alice runs away from the Cornucopia.
Echo runs away from the Cornucopia.
Josh gathers as much food as he can.
Chloe runs away from the Cornucopia.
Simon scares Jerry away from the cornucopia.
Kamski finds a canteen full of water.
Tina kills Sixty with a hatchet. (NOOO SIXTY😭)
Rose runs away from the Cornucopia.
Nines breaks Shaolin's nose for a basket of bread. (dear lord that bread basket amiright)
North constructs a shack.
Zlatko makes a slingshot.
Markus begs for Kamski to kill him. He refuses, keeping Markus alive. (oh thank fuck. Makes sense though I mean Kamski’s not gonna want to kill his creation. I think.)
Leo and Echo work together for the day.
Josh camouflauges himself in the bushes.
Connor practices his archery.
Nines questions his sanity.
Simon overhears Fowler and Gavin talking in the distance. (They’re discussing Gavin’s bad behaviour in the workplace)
Kara chases Tina. (Get her girl)
Hank steals from Chloe while she isn't looking. (HANK YOU BITCH)
Shaolin receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
Amanda hunts for other tributes.
Rose receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.
Jerry begs for Luther to kill him. He refuses, keeping Jerry alive. (aw)
Alice receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor. (who giving a 9yo an explosive🤨)
2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
Ralph, District 11. Sixty, District 9. So sad.
Kara and Markus sleep in shifts. (FUCK YES MY TWO FAVES)
Zlatko, Shaolin, and Rose get into a fight. Zlatko triumphantly kills them both. (NOOO)
Gavin goes to sleep. (for once)
Leo tries to sing himself to sleep.
Hank stabs Tina in the back with a trident. (Hank is so mean in this)
Chloe, Connor, Echo, and Alice sleep in shifts.
North, Jerry, and Kamski sleep in shifts.
Amanda and Nines huddle for warmth. (Nines would be mom’s favourite)
Luther climbs a tree to rest.
Simon receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.
Fowler attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.
Josh receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
Kamski chases Chloe. (HELPSFJGDH)
Kara is pricked by thorns while picking berries.
Gavin tends to Josh's wounds. (???? OKAY)
Fowler steals from Nines while he isn't looking.
Simon thinks about home.
Zlatko sprains his ankle while running away from Leo.
Amanda kills Markus with a hatchet. (NOOOOOOO she would tho)
North and Echo hunt for other tributes. (Oh my God. Holy fuck. Oh my. Ima need to sit down a moment. Holy shit. Oh my God. Not to be a lesbian but oh my fucking god. oh my god. jesus fucking christ. Imagine these two hunting you down. Nah I’d roll over and let them have at me. Holy fucking shit.)
Jerry tries to spear fish with a trident.
Alice and Luther fight Hank and Connor. Alice and Luther survive. (SO DID THEY KILL HANK AND CONNOR??? LMAO)
6 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
Shaolin, District 10. Rose, District 11. Tina, District 9. Markus, District 6 (crying). Hank, District 2. Connor, District 1 (I hope Alice killed him).
Zlatko begs for Nines to kill him. He refuses, keeping Zlatko alive. (Damnit, Nines)
Leo cries himself to sleep.
Chloe, Josh, Echo, and Jerry tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood.
Amanda decapitates North with a sword. (OH MY GOD NOOOOOO NORTH MY BELOVEEDD she’d wanna get killed by a sword tho tbh)
Kara lets Kamski into her shelter. (Kara baby nooo)
Fowler tries to sing himself to sleep.
Simon, Luther, and Alice get into a fight. Simon triumphantly kills them both. (SIMON WHY)
Gavin sees a fire, but stays hidden. (coward bitch)
Gavin steals from Zlatko while he isn't looking.
Chloe collects fruit from a tree.
Jerry tends to Echo's wounds. (he would)
Fowler, Amanda, Kara, and Nines raid Leo's camp while he is hunting. (LMFAOOO)
Josh receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
Simon and Kamski hunt for other tributes.
3 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
North, District 4 (screaming crying sobbing throwing up). Luther, District 8. Alice, District 3. This is the worst.
Kamski receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
Kara bashes Leo's head against a rock several times. (OMFG SDGHJSHDAH SHE WOULD)
Jerry, Fowler, Simon, and Nines sleep in shifts. (Everyone who teams with Simon is in danger)
Echo thinks about winning.
Josh sees a fire, but stays hidden.
Zlatko lets Amanda into his shelter.
Gavin cooks his food before putting his fire out.
Chloe sees a fire, but stays hidden.
Gavin makes a slingshot.
Chloe diverts Josh's attention and runs away.
Amanda injures herself.
Kamski goes hunting.
Fowler, Echo, and Nines hunt for other tributes.
Simon sprains his ankle while running away from Kara. (ar naur)
Jerry is pricked by thorns while picking berries.
Zlatko tries to sleep through the entire day.
1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance.
Leo, District 6.
Zlatko cooks his food before putting his fire out.
Kara, Josh, Simon, and Fowler sleep in shifts.
Jerry shoots an arrow into Amanda's head. (JERRY OH MY GOD???)
Echo sets Chloe on fire with a molotov. (NO ECHO HOW COULD YOU)
Nines begs for Kamski to kill him. He refuses, keeping Nines alive.
Gavin is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth. (lmfao bitch)
Kara, Josh, and Nines hunt for other tributes. (Now there’s KARA HUNTING??? Holy fucking shit. not to be a lesbian bu)
Kamski tries to spear fish with a trident.
Jerry attacks Fowler, but he manages to escape.
Gavin discovers a river.
Zlatko poisons Simon's drink. He drinks it and dies. (NOOOO)
Echo dies from thirst. (That is so sad)
4 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
Amanda, District 12. Chloe, District 5. Simon, District 4. Echo, District 7.
Kamski questions his sanity.
Fowler screams for help.
Nines receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
Kara stays awake all night.
Gavin and Jerry talk about the tributes still alive.
Josh passes out from exhaustion. (pfft)
Zlatko cooks his food before putting his fire out.
The cornucopia is replenished with food, supplies, weapons, and memoirs from the tributes' families.
Kamski sets an explosive off, killing Kara, Jerry, and Nines. (NO NO NO NO KARA MY FAVOURITE MY MOST DEARLY BELOVED I WAS ROOTING FOR YOU😭😭😭)
Zlatko decides not to go to The Feast.
Josh bashes Gavin's head against a rock several times. (HAHSFHSJDHG FUCK YES)
Fowler cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide. (NAUURR)
Zlatko and Kamski work together for the day.
Josh travels to higher ground. (“I have the high ground!”)
The remaining tributes begin to hallucinate.
Zlatko survives.
Kamski survives.
Josh survives.
5 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
Kara, District 3 (😭😭😭). Jerry, District 12. Nines, District 1. Gavin, District 2. Fowler, District 10
Kamski looks at the night sky.
Zlatko and Josh run into each other and decide to truce for the night.
Zlatko stalks Kamski.
Josh cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide. (NO NOT JOSH)
1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance.
Josh, District 7.
Kamski severely injures Zlatko and leaves him to die. (OH MY GOD WAIT-)
The winner is Kamski from District 5! (helpdfjgkdjh)
Not what I was expecting lmao. This is literally just the Kamski ending.
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toms-cherry-trees · 2 years
The Shelby Way - Ch. 6 “End Of The Road”|| Shelby! Reader
Summary:  Usually you either triumph or go down with a small slip. This time, you crumbled down like an avalanche
Word Count: 2809
Warnings: none
Author’s note: I know I know it’s been a WHOLE ASS YEAR but better late than never amiright? Anyway please don’t kill me. I don’t even know how many people in the taglist are still interested so I am tagging later on because I am shameless
Taglist: @alandofmyth​ @lovemissyhoneybee​ @theshelbyclan​ @auggie2000​ @danarysstormborn​ @nickwilding @desertgremlinsficrecs @homosexualjohnwayne @redperson58 @glupolizam @xxbeckybeexx-blog @ms-reader @big-galaxy-chaos @mr-robot-x @buttercup-beeee ​ @brujademente ​
Chapters: One - Two - Three - Four - Five
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A million scenarios played in front of your eyes in the few painful minutes after the door closed on your face. None of them were pretty. You could only hope the sweet lady who housed foundlings would have mercy on you. You knew not all gangsters held the same morals, but most of them had the decency to spare children. Sure, you were quite keen on behaving and being treated like an adult, but now it felt convenient to remember you were just over 16. Still a child playing grown up and now failing at it.
Feeling your way through the darkness, you noticed the walls were made of soft wood panelling, and there seemed to be tapestries hung too. The floor under your feet didn’t make a sound with your steps, probably covered in fluffy carpets. The room smelled deeply of tobacco and strong spirits, pretty much the same way the back of the Garrison did. Inch by inch, you circled the room until your hands grabbed hold of something metallic and cold. Just as you were about to twist the doorknob and test your luck, the door slammed open, knocking you right on the face and off your feet. The dim lights coming from the lounge barely illuminated the room, but you could recognize the heels standing in your line of vision. 
Lights flickered in the room, and you found yourself face to face with Madame. The flash of recognition in her features was so sudden and well disguised you doubted it was there at all. Her red lips were pressed into a thin line, looking even more scary than the two goons flanking her. She simply signalled to them with her gloved fingers, and they left, closing the door behind them. 
The sound of the lock clicking into place reverberated inside your chest. 
Her feet moved painfully slowly, circling you like a prey. You dare not meet her eye, fearing you would somehow incur in an unknown wrath. After everlasting seconds, you heard the scrapping of a chair being forcefully dragged.
You wanted to obey her command, but your legs refused to cooperate. Your limbs and spine felt like melted ice, but somehow your muscles responded enough to bring you to your feet. Yet you dare not meet her eye, keeping your head so low your chin touched your chest. You kept your hands laced in front of your body to keep them from trembling. 
Again, it took a few seconds for your brain to register the command. Her voice sounded so cold and strict, a stark contrast from the Madame you knew. You even feared for your life. You were no more than a teenager in a foreign land, with no family nearby, no one who knew of your whereabouts and no one to claim you as a missing person if need be. She could do with you as she pleased. 
“I said sit”
Before things took a turn for the worse, you decided that it was better to play along. You sat, finally daring to look up to meet her eye. Antoinette didn’t seem pleased, but she didn’t look upset either. In fact, she seemed to be eyeing you with the keenest curiosity, as if you were some sort of unknown specimen she had never come across before. 
“You followed me. How? Better yet. Why?” Again, no hint of anger. Rather amusement, as if the whole thing was nothing more than a complete joke. 
And you had no answer. Why exactly did you decide to follow her? Because you hated leaving things unanswered? Because of the thrill of the quest? Because, as your brothers so often claimed, you were terribly obnoxious? None of the answers seemed to fit quite into your feeling. Except one last idea
“Because I knew you were up to something” 
Madame quirked an eyebrow. Whatever answer she expected from you, it wasn’t that. 
“Oh? Do you mind telling me what exactly I am up to?”
The fact that she played along emboldened you. The first thing you did was straighten your back. You could still remember Polly threatening to tie you up to a broomstick if you didn’t fix your posture and rambling about how no one expects good things from a girl who slouched her shoulders. A good overall look to make up for the fact that you didn’t have an answer.
If this club, this whole thing was shrouded in so much secrecy, it meant it had to be somehow illegal, no? Yet you ticked the boxes in your mind, and it made no sense. France didn’t have an alcohol prohibition, gambling wasn’t illegal, neither was jazz or dancing and, well, for the other, less “conventional” aspects, it was nothing you couldn’t hide with a few private booths with lowlights and dark curtains crammed on the sides of the dancing hall. So why have it two storeys underground, in the remains of a dilapidated building? 
“If you weren’t up to something, you wouldn’t have your business here, in the darkness, in a building no one with common sense would enter without need, and where no one can see it or know about it except through other people'' Deflecting the question had been a strategy that had saved you from one too many beatings from the school master and aunt Pol. Hopefully it could help you save your neck now.
“Aren’t you a sharp-eyed lady?” Madame smirked once more, which only added to your uneasiness. You felt like Hansel and Gretel facing the witch, ready to be tossed into the oven. She had taken great care of you these last days, in ways not even your family had done. She wouldn’t just simply… kill you now, would she?
Madame stood out and opened the ornate cupboard behind her desk. You expected to see an array of different fireguns, just like Tommy had in the foyer of Arrow house; but no, only a beautiful display of crystal distillers, filled with liquors of various colours, as well as delicate glasses; quite small, just enough for a small serving. Definitely not the kind you’d find in any of your brothers’ bar cabinets. She poured herself an unknown liquor of a bright blue colour and set it on the table
You would have refused even if she had offered you water straight from the tap
“No thank you”
Madame sat once more, taking her sweet time in tasting her drink before refocusing on you once more “Now what are we going to do with you?”
Again, you felt that sheer, overpowering fear you had felt your first night in Versailles. Mouth dried up, sweating palms and the frantic hammering of your pulse on your temples. Your stomach churned uncomfortably, and every muscle in your body urged you to pick up your skirts and run. 
“I won’t speak up. I swear I won't tell anyone what I’ve seen. I swear it on my life”
“Oh, my darling child. You could swear on your life, a Bible and Christ’s tomb and I still wouldn’t be reassured. Don’t you know oaths are made to be broken?”
“I can keep a secret” At this point you were willing to throw yourself on your knees and kiss the floor if that would aid your cause. You hated desperate measures, but these were desperate times “My family does this too for a living. My brothers. We go against the law, we lie, we keep secrets. If things go wrong, we pay those in power to get out. If we can’t reach them, we find those who can. That’s how we’ve survived. That’s how we make a living”
You had caught her attention. You could see it in her eyes. Right now, for her, you had stopped being just an obnoxious child interfering in adult’s businesses. You were one of them, in a way. Not clear of suspicion yet, but less of a risk and more of an asset. Your confession had changed her course of thought, and hopefully of action.
“I see… So, your family, these brothers of yours, they know business? And what about you, mademoiselle? Do you know how to wade through this way or life? Seeing it from afar is not the same”
“I know how it works” Not entirely true but not entirely a lie. You had seen the way the Peaky Blinders worked…from a safe distance and never directly involved. But if you had bluffed all the way up to this moment, who said you couldn’t keep going? Fake it till you make it.
“Perhaps we can reach an agreement, you and I. Something to leave all parties satisfied” Again with that bone chilling smirk of hers. Everything would be a hundred times better if you didn’t have to see that evil grin ever again. She pulled open a drawer from her desk. You definitely didn’t want to know what exactly was stored there “I think you and your brothers could be… very helpful to us”
You and…your brothers?
This was definitely not part of the plan. 
Tommy knew your promises tended to be honoured halfway only, but now more than ever he wished you would stay true to your word, just this once. Six weeks had flown by, and no new letters. No news of you, no idea if you were alive or had been dropped in a mass grave as a Jane Doe, no nothing. He had sent men to France. Twice, in fact, both times returning empty handed. There was only so much information money could buy, and all they had gathered was the crumbs you had left them early on. Showing your picture on every inn they found where you had first stayed in Calais. But the landlord had no idea where you had gone after. All he could recall was you asking him to post a letter, and you stealing a knife from his dining room. 
When the men returned to Birmingham, with just about the same amount of information they had of you before, Arthur attempted to beat them to a pulp, but Polly held him back. She had been the only one who managed to more or less keep her head above the water, knowing your temper and determination better than anyone else. And she knew that they would find you only when you wanted to be found. No later, and definitely no sooner. In the meantime, all she could do was light candles and elevate prayers for your safety; something she had never expected to have to do again, and on your behalf from all Shelbys. 
At this stage, half of the family had already given up, knowing France was too big of a haystack to find a single, elusive needle. Ada said if Finn was allowed to live away from the others, so were you, but her argument didn’t justify why you would live alone in another country. Michael didn’t even dare bring up your name, for every time they touched the subject, it turned into a fight, and more often than not someone ended with a bloody nose. Finn didn’t understand why they didn’t just let you live your life, and only resented you hadn’t brought him along to the biggest adventure ever. 
During your absence, the business had slowly spiralled out of control. Tommy kept neglecting most of his duties, and the rest of them had to double up their efforts to make up for the fact that the captain of the ship had lost his mind. Finding you was more than family duty; it had become an obsession. Because he knew that if something were to happen to you, that if only a single hair of your head was harmed, he wouldn’t live with himself. He wouldn’t be able to cope with not having been able to protect his loved ones well and to not have been enough to honour the promises he made to his mother so many years ago. 
Workload kept piling up in his desk, forming stacks of different heights in every surface of his office and his home study. Only God knew what forgotten agreements, deals and business contracts were buried in the mass, and how much money would be lost if things weren’t set up straight right away. So Lizzie and Mabel, the second secretary, moved all the papers into their own desks to sort through it. It wasn’t until the second day that Mabel found an envelope hidden in between old invoices and inventory lists
“Lizzie? This is for Mr. Shelby, I don’t know how it got here. It comes from… France” 
Lizzie’s eyes widened. Offering no explanation, she snatched the envelope from the woman’s hands and grabbed her coat. John and Arthur had dragged Tommy out of the office, and God knows where they had taken him. If she rushed she could get to the Garrison, and from there phone to Arrow House if needed be. 
Luckily she didn’t have to. She found the whole family in the snug in the Garrison, chatting and smoking while Tommy sulked in a corner. By his dishevelled appearance, he seemed to not have bathed nor changed clothes for a few days now. A five o clock shadow obscured his under jaw, and he smelled heavily of smoke and liquor mixed with some other unspeakable things. The dark circles under his eyes didn’t help his cause either, nor did his fidgeting. He seemed incapable of not bouncing his leg or running his fingers through his hair every couple seconds.  
“Found this among all the shit piled in your desk” Lizzie threw the envelope right in front of him, so everyone could see it. The word ‘France’ stood out with its red ink “Haven’t opened it. Didn’t feel right reading it first” Nor did she dare to open it. This felt just like wartime, each letter being a possible bearer of bad news. 
Silence had befallen the family, glasses forgotten and cigarettes left to turn to ash as they stared at the letter as if it were a bomb ready to go off. No one dared to touch it even, treating it like a feral animal. Finally, after endless seconds of suspense, Lizzie herself nudged the white envelope towards Tommy “You do it”
The man swallowed thickly, unsure on how to react. He desperately wanted to open it, but he didn’t trust himself to react in a composed manner, if the contents of the letter were not what he expected. His usually sturdy and confident hands trembled as he ripped the envelope and pulled out a thick sheet of paper. The paper was high quality, with golden decorations in the top and bottom, and had been carefully folded in three parts to fit the envelope. The calligraphy was delicate and elegant, something one could expect from a highborn lady, but not the youngest Shelby. That was the first indicator of something wrong.
But then it got so much worse
“Dear Mr. Shelby, whoever may that be”
“I want to start first by greeting you. I had yet to make an acquaintance with a business connoisseur from across the Channel, and I feel that it was long overdue to extend my network. Even though we have never met, I can imagine you down to the last detail while you are reading this letter.
I wish to thank you for sending your sister to deal business with us. Although we are used to more experienced representatives, she has proved to be more than worthy of the task and will surely become a great asset to whichever side she chooses when the time is right, although one can guess whom she will lean into, given the reasons she had to come to me”
I assure you, (Y/N) is alive and well. I decided to write on her behalf, for I have her occupied with more urgent matters. Once she is available again, I’m sure she will be eager to contact her family. In the meantime, I attached a proof of life, you could say, to prove that I have already met your youngest Shelby”
I will communicate with you in the near future to arrange the details of any future agreements. But in the meantime I advise you to not bring your business to France unannounced and unauthorised. It would be very disappointing to find our partnership broken before it began, and as you know, we already have the upper hand in this game
Sending to you and your family my greatest regards
PS: Do not try to track down the address of this letter. As you may imagine, I have my ways to keep my post private”
In the bottom of the envelope, laid an old and dulled by time ring, set with his sister’s birthstone.
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zwy01 · 10 months
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Izar doodles!!!
Doodle compilation of my noblesse oc from my Millennium AU, Izar Siriana! After Zarga died without an heir, Izar was born from the air and earth of Lukedonia as the new Siriana heir. Izar is a massive astronomy & mathematics enthusiast, and a giant nerd in general lol.
For my entire nextgen lineup, please refer to my pinned post! Now onto the drawings…
1) Izar portrait!!!! I love painting my beloved nerd boi. His hair is messy because he almost never pays attention to it, and you can almost always find crumbs and… partially eaten snacks poking out from it. Ehhh. If you point it out to him he’ll just say ooh its a nice surprise, he can eat it later on, meanwhile it can keep sitting there haha so convenient amiright. (Plz dont) And… he’s always smiling. Happy boi. Probably thinking about building his 1628th telescope right now. Also his glasses are totally fake and he just wears them because he thinks they complete the “scientist” aesthetic. Humans sure are trendy aren’t they?
2) Izar is a HUGE junk food lover. Chips, cookies, soda, cheap powdery coffee, anything that’s junk by human standards really. Especially the coffee part. He drinks it not because he needs it but because human scientists do that. It’s fashionable!! If only he could get his hands on Luzia’s eyeshadow, he would’ve given himself dark eye circles lol. Anyways he’s always snacking on something, and shares his snacks with his extremely smart pet ferret & lab assistant Charles. Charles can understand everything he says and often fetches his stuff for him. ps Izar sometimes forgets to clean his hands especially his fingers after a snack session. Consequently his books and notes often have greasy fingerprints on then haha.
3) Izar is basically a neet but he does hang out with his friends sometimes!! He’s very good friends with Ludis’ daughter and the Mergas heir, Susanna. These two have a lot to bond over. Susa is also the one who supplies Izar’s massive, ever-growing pantry. For a super snack enthusiast like him, his snack-eating speed is actually inferior to Susa’s snack-supplying speed. Oh, what will he do without Susa haha. He always looks forward to deliveries from her household. Some random Mergas clan member tasked with delivery will be knocking on Izar’s lab and he’d be at the door in an instant. “Excuse me, Izar-nim? Susanna-nim asked me to deliver—” “YESYESYES IT’S ME!!!” And Susa, while she doesn’t entirely understand the topics to a complex level, loves to listen to Izar’s mini lessons on space and stars. They have great synergy lol.
4) just cute chibi Izar sitting on a planet lol. He loves everything space related. Precious boi and his hobby needs to be protected at all costs.
5) Izar has a massive crush on Jia. Jia has no interest in “meteor-whats” or those “fancy rocks” but she joke-promises Izar that she would help him collect these “rocks” and bring them to him if he can provide her with a satisfying spar. Girl just loves her exercise. Izar is a neet but his fighting skills are no joke so they spar, to both of their surprise Jia is happy and keeps her promise. Her bringing him meteorites makes his inner nerd explode with joy. Their casual back and forths with the spars and meteorite deliveries extends over the years and Izar falls for Jia. Jia really just loves to fight though. Izar hasn’t confessed his feelings yet, but if he does it’ll be a straight-on marriage proposal with a six pack soda. Ehhh maybe thats jumping too far ahead at once. If he does he should bring a grill lol, girl doesn’t like sweet stuff. Jia doesn’t know he likes her.
6) While Izar likes Jia, Kaelestis Blerster, son of Karias and Rael, likes Izar. Izar doesn’t know Kaekae likes him. It all started out when Kaekae became a regular at Izzy’s lab (the lab is always open to any guests he just almost never gets any lol) to get a breather from the uptight life he usually lives. Parenting Karias (yes, not the other way around) is always… sigh, difficult. In Izzy’s lab is where Kaekae truly feels at ease. Listing to Izzy ramble about space and formulas, snacking on junk, being handed plushies and toys… Kaekae feels like he’s being taken care of. It’s really refreshing. It’s his safe space, he finally found it; it was right there in Izzy’s lab all along. That’s how he falls for the giant nerd boi. He knows Izzy likes Jia, so he doesn’t confess his feelings… yet. Though he should. For right now, they’ll just be best friends… yep, that’s enough right…?
7. Susa is even more entertained once she finds out about her peers’ crushes. Oh ho their love lives are gonna be a ride. So entertaining. Meanwhile her brother and parents wonder why she’s snickering to herself. You won’t get it even if she explains, trust me.
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teawinx · 5 months
Is it alright to ask how kalshara would work here or is that too spoilers like she takes their souls out of the animals?
Oh sure it's fine to ask dw dw
No no she doesn't take their souls, c'mon even she isn't THAT bad c'moooonnn
She drains them of their magic, she doesn't need their souls anyway
Basically basically she's a leech. Lemme explain.
Kalshara, back in her youth, was an extremely powerful fairy. She was roommates with Faragonda back when they went to Alfea, and the two became members of the Company of Light.
However Kalshara always had a very extremist idea of what is good and what is evil. She believes that only Light can prevail, and that all darkness needs to be snuffed out. Which includes witches.
Her extreme views led her to take more drastic and independent action against what she deemed a threat to the magical universe, which included her fellow Company of Light member, Griffin, despite the later rebelling against Valtor and the Ancestral Witches.
This led to a deadly confrontation between Kalshara and Griffin. Summoning all her magic, Kalshara attempted to take Griffin out, however the later was saved by the timely intervention of Faragonda. The magical explosion killed Kalshara.
She is now a disembodied spirit, her soul remained behind fueled on bitterness and spite. As a spirit, she is invisible, but she still retains a tiny amount of her magic (much like Daphne). She leeches magic from magical animals to become visible, and thus gain influence over those who are still alive. She can take and give magic as she pleases, if she has enough to do so.
Voila! That is my Kalshara's backstory! Hope that explains a few things
(Braffilius is either not a thing, or he's like a side character or something from Kalshara's past. But he's not the Braffilius from canon, gee what a shame amiright)
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draweronly · 10 days
yapping abt mcsr and avallum + bf mention
my two worlds have only touched like 2 times (mcsr and vtubers, raddles and gale doing 1 endurance minecraft "speedrun" stream.) and I need them to collide
can like. cube become a vtuber please or yknow... rosco graves get into mcsr/gale trying to get like a sub 30
rosco would fit in just well the more i think of it
him and couriway would get along
gale and poundy would get along too
or luci and rad
couriway and like everyone
couriway is such a nice person hes so cool
but you know who is cooler
my bf ousushaheheu i love him sm
i lost the game
anyway mcsr amiright
i feel like if avallum ever played in mc events a seagraves x poundy and couriway team would be so cool hhegrggegegeggfrrggrgr
i think feinberg is an acquired taste i feel like even the avallum boys would get whiplash from him
and seeing how they just gave a ton of whiplash in the ggd collab today, thats a pretty high bar
i feel like poundy and couri is a good intro to the mcsr community
maybe fulham
ooh wait fulham and couri with like zanny and rosco ouughhhg man im cooking
zanny and couri have a very similar feel to them like in games its just that zanny is british
imagine couri coaching one of them gehheshs oh my god imagine that
gale would LOVE AA actually. with the whole endurance streams he likes to do, i can totally see it
man i love mcsr and avallum i can only dream of them interacting gaaahhhhhh
but you know what I love more
my bf
i lost the game
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juneviews · 6 months
I didn’t know gmmtv had it in them to put Joss and Gawin together. It’s not just the companies/media from all over who have a really fucked up idea on what makes a queer couple or what a queer couple should look like and it’s all based in heteronormativity. One almost always needs to be smaller (feminine) and one needs to be taller/bigger (masculine). We even see this in wlw like one needs to be more masculine and one needs to be “the woman.” It makes me sick 🤮. My beautiful gl (me trying to flex on her ❤️) and I have similar styles and people are always shocked by us being a couple. Two feminine people can be together just like two masculine people can be together. Now other shows across the board need to catch up because having one show every once in a while isn’t cutting it.
yeah I completely agree, gender roles are so prevalent even in queer couples & it fucking sucks! the worst thing about bl is that even when two actors in a pairing are the same height & size, we're so used to there being a clear top & bottom every time that we'll pick up on small cues to STILL make them fit that type of binary. in the case of jossgawin it would be skintone (gotta love colorism amiright 🙄), the slight height difference & ESPECIALLY facial features. joss has a super masculine face while gawin has softer features so in this case everyone knows that he's gonna be the "bottom"... (and also the trailer literally has joss carrying him bridal style as if he weighs nothing LMAO.) but yeah anyways, next time I wanna see two more feminine actors paired together in a bl, I think it would be way more groundbreaking since feminine men are sadly very ridiculed by society. I'm very hyped for the tall4tall rep of jossgawin though lol, and girllllll I'm so jealous of you I want a fem4fem relationship so bad 😭😭😭 claiming your energy & congrats on your gf! 🫶
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terephin · 4 months
I know I'm not much of a Genshin poster (Which makes sense, not the Hoyo game I've been most into) but there are some things that just aren't really acknowledged often at all in game nor fandom that I'd want to be.
So I'm making this post about one of them.
Anyways, Gānyǔ ; She's pretty, she's old, and thus pretty old, but the old part is sorta what I'm getting at.
I've never seen any Genshin content that touches on the fact that other than Venti, Xiāo, Azhdaha and probably some of the other Adepti she's the person who knows Morax the best. She's spent thousands of years alongside him and I can't remember seeing her interact with him now that he's Zhōnglí (Admittedly I also never even completed the Liyue questline nor watched a full video on it or really looked for Gānyǔ fanfics yet-)
Look, what I want is angst, from multiple directions really (and an answer as to how she hasn't recognised him???? Like of everyone in Liyue she'd be the one who definitely could and should.), angst of Gānyǔ dealing with the fact that Morax is dead now and Zhōnglí and perhaps Xiāo (the wiki didn't mention them ever having really spoken much but it'd be a cool friendship and fantastic for angst because what's better than comforting your friend as she grieves your father who you know faked his death and speak to often amiright?) dealing with the fact that they (just Zhōnglí really but a shift to singular here would've been weird) caused this and they can't help because these are the consequences of their actions.
I want to see (or, well, read) Zhōnglí trying to decide if the risk of revealing himself to her and only her would be worth it, and if he does so I want Gānyǔ to fucking slap him.
Zhōnglí deserves a slap, at the very least, even outside this context. There are better ways to retire than to fake your death and then test your peoples readiness by having them fight a god. If they had failed, and he felt the need to reveal himself as is the only plan he had to my knowledge then I'm pretty sure there would've been an uprising against him in Liyue.
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beatupcorpse · 1 year
look I made that AU for me and my need of my monkey brothers bcuz this fandom has me completely starved. I JUST WANT BONDING AND PAIN TIMES
the title refers to -SWK's- greatest fear, which is to fail MK so badly that this is how things end up, the kid the Lady's new weapon.
i already said it and kinda showed it in my post but MK takes the hit instead of SWK and immediately this is bad this is terrible he attacking right out of the bat. his hits actually hurt. SWK realizes this is full power MK.
since we know that the possessed are still aware of everything, on MK's sight, getting himself trapped like this just kinda leaves him defeated and becomes the perfect vessel for LBD. doesnt help that he is terrified of this demon
This whole situation is a bit different from possessed!SWK who could hold back punches and fight off his possession even if just a lil bit at first. MK won't get that. He is the perfect weapon for LBD basically. doesn't take much energy to control, equal to SWK in power and cannot hold back. DISASTER
Even worse! His friends don't want to hurt him in the first place! w SWK it was easy because fuck the guy amiright, but this is MK! their friend! Mei's bestie!!!! Dadsy's son!!!!!!!!!!!! it hurts to see MK and be met with souless eyes and murderous intentions
haha.... haaaaaaa...this means that when Mac teams up with them....he and SWK get to have moments oh god I can't let my shipper brain take hold. is FIEN, WE JUST GET MORE DIVORCE ARGUMENTS but also perhaps maybe they are very in sync as they talk about the plan? Mei would probably make fun of em. ok thats it thats all Im giving myself .... and the rest of the time they spent together
aND MAN!! SWK IS JUST SO FILLED WITH GUILT!! probably super numb and serious now. trying to make a plan. muttering to himself. Mei forces him out of his bubble and demands him to act like he is part of the team and share ideas or else they (and MK) are TOAST. and he has to SUCK IT UP AND LISTEN. FOR ONCE!!!!!
we get a "you're right pony girl" "I HAVE A NAME" to light up the mood anyway
bcuz at the end of the day, the team would have to be divided just like in the show, just that instead of MK is SWK. Lucky for Mac tho, in this au he doesn't have to fight MK alone, now he has SWK to take half of the hits. its his time to suffer as he tries to defend himself against his own power, take the staff and try his hardest to not hurt the kid.
whenever he does land a hit on him!! man that feels terrible. LBD taunts him about it. careful there, u wouldn't want to take out ur own student. SWK could maybe win if he put his all, he is the monkey kiing after all. but he would rather take a beating and hear her laugh her head off.
Im not talkin much about Mac bcuz I think he would be taken out of the competition so fast. sad sight. he still tried tho. hes bleeding but not dead he is fine i promise. he is happy to just let SWK take it from there
btw don't think too hard about the staff and how its in MK's hands and not stabbed into the ground just shhhhshshshs. wireless charging the mecha (i actually dont remember if thats what it was doing)
but fuck the staff man. IS DESPERATION TIME! SWK starts talking to MK. he apologizes for everything. he begs. "MK. forget everything Ive told you, listen to me now: you cannot give up"
MK seems to stutter in his next attack. SWK blocks it and keeps talking
"Don't give up on me and especially don't give up on yourself. fight it out kid. I believe in you"
The blue glow of MK's eyes weakens. the sounds of LBD struggling increase the more SWK talks to him. she tries to shut him up. MK now has SWK on a chokehold. Still, the annoying ass monkey won't shut up.
The grip in his neck tightens but he continues
"You have such great friends. You need to keep on fighting for them. They miss you too."
"You're something special bud and not because you are the monkie kid."
His expression starts to change
"I'm proud to be your mentor. Please come back"
and MK snaps out of it.
from there I feel like itd be pretty much the same. as u can see the au is not terrible different. is just different enough for me to get SWK being honest and sweet to MK and MK to listen everything he needed to hear. and also pain. I could span on many lil things but is very late and im basically ripping this off my chest so its just out here
oh and also
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I get a real hug between them in this AU
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