#y’all are awesome and i love ur interactions
wormswurld · 3 months
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OMG! what the fuck. thanks for following me!! yall are gay and i love you :3 thank u for putting up with my madness ‼️
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socksnstuff00 · 2 years
would u mind describe all these melt downs 😂 I love ur funny reactions
oh yes Annie! absolutely lmao just now i was looking for something to distract me from work.
first of all shoutout to @ilovethisgame-andiloveyou for the awesome compilation 💜
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Christmas 2021. Not only bitch woke up and choose murder for Christmas but it was the first time she acknowledged us the shippers so this is basically how we confirmed she knows we know lmao also this pic gave us the confirmation that no one really needed that they were indeed “rommates” in Manchester. Wonderful :D
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2. Titan’s Bday (2021). Everyone was walking on their tiptoes around this one and it was a whole mess cause someone took it from someone’s private account and we all had to act like the pic didn’t existed until Clementine went and posted it herself like “yeah we did spent her bday together, so what?” ending once and for all the whole mistery .. and our lives ofc lmao
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3. 1rst send off game against Mexico AKA my favorite game of all time! The whole experience was magical but when they posted the pic after the game it was the cherry on top of the cake. I say THEY cause Thermometer also posted it and istg I cried lmao the interwebs went WILD lol even a “straight” friend of mine who’s a football fan of Telephone sent me the pic not knowing I was already obsessed with it lmao. I ascended for sure.
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4. Walking for oneness (2021). Such a nice and serene shot and also posted on a random Sunday when no one of us was expecting it. To tell you I screamed lmao they’re so in sync and she decided to show us more of their cute rituals. Also some of the funniest comments from the deniers lmao.
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5. Tokyo 2021. Istg she posted this one to let us know they found time for a little date while they were at the olys lmao. They’re so cute! I really love their faces in here. Everyone else were together doing whatever and these two in their own world .. like always 😉
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6. Teasing us like this is a game lmao (London 2021) this one made us update our deduction skills lmao we all become sherlock for a day xD from the sneakers to the purple vest to the body language and the pose lmao conclusion? 100% pure gay
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7. 3000m hi (2021) AKA the one that broke us all. I mean, I still look at it and I cant believe it exists and she posted it herself, gay on main! Look at them, just LOOK AT THEM! This is the gayest shit I have ever seen lmao I remember I received the notif and literally dropped my phone. Hell im still freaking out nowdays xD I don’t think I will ever be over it. As I said before, they’ll have to post a pic making out to outgay this one!
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8. London good bye (2022) WAGging era at its finest.The beginning and the end of one of my fave eras of them all. also No one can convince me she didn’t posted this pic to let the world know the exact reason why she decided to spend her vacays in the UK lmao.:D look how cute they are. How proud Cocaine is of her girl and how incredibly happy Tusi looks of having her wife there for her. Fucking priceless T.T I might cry again
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9. Couple’s photo (2022) this one im currently on the middle of the melt down lmao. as I said, I saw it in the morning while i was omw to work and I literally had to park on a random gas station so I could release some pressure lmao. I DIED, y’all interacting with a ghost now xD
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JONATHAN!!! of course i've spent my time since finishing the season recently going through your blog, but just overall, i'd love to know what you thought about volume one?! especially the jonathan/byers of it all if you'd like to share!!!!!!! <3
sathana bestie hi !!!!!!!!! hope ur groovin <33
i typed a more lengthy response to this b4 nd tumblr just. nuked it so i’ll just say that while yes this season has numerous problems and bits that i’m not the biggest fan of (hello russia plot, hello stranger things’ patented oddly written bullying, hello stancybaitgate (no offence intended to my stancy mutuals lov y’all)) this season is a MAJOR step-up from s3. like a HUMONGOUS improvement tbh
highlights from the top of my head:
max’s storyline was done so much more respectfully than i was expecting and genuinely made me cry i love her so much
robin and nancy are soooooooo autistic and fruity this season it’s a blessing
murray and joyce being comedic besties (and making their storyline worthwhile)
eddie and steve are two different flavours of off the fucking walls and i love that for them
i love seeing el’s development as she grows up !!! i just wish that she didn’t get thrown into the deep end of high school
the gore effects this volume were simply chef’s fuckin kiss and greatly appealed to the deranged little horror fanatic in me
continuing on from that, vecna/henry creel was soooooooo creepy and cool i think he’s an awesome villain overall (and much better than some of the other human ones in the show 👀)
and finally. my boy. my bestest boy in the whole wide world. jonathan honeypie byers my fucking beloved. i’m glad that he had more of an introspective storyline than he had last season (and an unfair amount in s2 tbh) and we actually have scenes where he’s the primary focus (if only for a little while). i’m overjoyed he has argyle to be there for him, even if he’s a little misguided at times and doesn’t think things through, because jonathan needs and deserves ppl to be in his corner; he deserves a support system and ppl who care abt him. jonathan’s outfits have also slapped this season, loving all the fruity shirts he’s been wearing. and unpopular opinion maybe, but i also rly like his hair !!!! it’s like an overgrown shaggy version of his s1 hair which i appreciate immensely.
overall i wish that the cali storyline had more screentime (also more el too) in all honesty; i want more big brother byers moments!!!! also more joyce/family interactions, given that the s4 interactions between her and jonathan were limited and not super great. i’m also praying that the love triangle nonsense that’s been abruptly rehashed for s4 (which i’d thought we’d moved way past in season 3??? hello) doesnt shit all over his character development, same going for nancy and steve too; if we’re doing this then for the love of fuck please just give us stoncy. i know they won’t but like. please
rounding off tho, i don’t think that the og jonathan that likeminded jon stans prefer i.e the original characterisation of jonathan, from s1 (ya know: perceptive, responsible, sensitive, artistic, self-aware, passionate, ambitious, stalwart) would rly be very happy with this s4 variant. i’ve seen some ppl view some of his scenes where he’s high off his mind as kind of sad? and i can’t help but compare his lack of awareness and how uninvolved he seems (initially, that is) to how hands-on and “take charge” he used to be (i only put that in quotation marks bc i don’t think that phrase greatly applies to him the majority of the time, since he’s not rly your hopper-esque macho male protag). like when joyce asked him what was wrong with him when he was asking “what’s going on” and repeating the things told to him (processing brand new info under an already influenced mind ofc), that just keeps coming back to me as s1!jonathan asking the same thing to his current self ya know?? like idk if the two met i feel that s1!jonathan would be kind of disappointed in what’s happened to him, if not understanding of his s4!self’s circumstances and also kind of thankful that he’s not as on-edge. hm. much to think abt (or write a fanfiction about 👀)
anyways woah i don’t mean to natter on so much in this reply but i hope that, if it makes sense I mean, u like it or at least see where i’m coming from ?? it’s late <3
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darthbecky726 · 3 years
Bad Batch 1x07 Spoilers
I’m back on schedule for now, besties. It’s time to watch the next ep!!
Spoilers below as always <3
Promising episode title
I’ve been saying this since mando, the sw title sequence kicks ass
Nice opening
I love echo and tech
Shut up tech lmaoo
I love wrecker
I love how tech was basically just waiting for echo to finish lol
I love cid
Love how echo went and grabbed it w like his stick hand like none of y’all could’ve grabbed that?? lmaoo
I love wrecker and omega
Lmao cid
I love her
Lmao clueless bois 
Lmao wrecker
He will not
I love side characters
I love how she says boyys
Omg tech
Rex ilysm 
Causing chaos
Cid lmao
I love how offended echo gets when she calls it a clone clubhouse he’s like we’re not all that bad. Honey. Sweetie. Y’all are that bad.
“It’s been a while” lmao stfu its been like three months
Echo’s audacity
Y’all ain’t exactly subtle
I knew it was rex they were talking to!!
Wrecker hug!!
Every rule has it’s exceptions, omega. Rex is the exception to all the rules.
He’s awesome
I love her
Rex knows what tf is up w wrecker
He’s had these headaches
Noo tech he has every right to be concerned, he nearly shot ahsoka
Except in crosshair lmao
Oof rex suddenly don’t trust them lollll
Judgmental rexter
“rexxxxx....” they’re so cautious tho tbf rex is actin a lil crazy 
I love the music here
Ooh rex getting real
I wonder if omega has a chip
Lmao bestie you cannot drop that bomb and then peace tf out what
That answers that
Lol omega’s fluent in tech
I love how much they trust rex like he is their bestie
Fuckin sick planet design
My boiiii in full gear!! We love to see it
Lmao wrecker
Scrapper guild wtf is that
Good thing these bois are trained for stealth
So anyway, I’ll be billing Dave Filoni for therepy
Awwwww, they’ve all been on ships like this countless times, rex and echo especially but omega hasn’t ever been on anything bigger than the Marauder
Lol more rex is old jokes
Oooh sounds like a dianoga
Say her name, rex. Echo loved ahsoka, she was the lil sis of the 501st
Lol wrecker’s fear of heights again
It is a dianoga!!
This is not great
Thank you, echo. Being helpful, shooting the dianoga
I love how omega is the first one on the ledge to help him up
Space rats
Lol tech
Lmao rex
I like how hunter grabbed his pack and wrecker like, lightly swatted his arm, that is peak sibling interaction
Awwww, worried baby
It’ll be ok, omega, if the batch dies, rex’ll take you in, he loves younglings
Rex is so proud of hunter bein a dad lol
Oof wrecker starting to be affected by the chip
Is echo still plugged into the computer?? Where’s he at??
Oh there he is
Rex you’re being very shady
Don’t fuckin say the order, rex, you’ll trigger him more
Oh no
I love the sound design here omg
 I hope tech’s ok
What was that, o2?
Wrecker is very efficient at killing
It’s prob gonna take more than that to get him down, hunter
It took ahsoka stunning rex to get him into surgery
This isn’t a good look on you, wrecker
He’s not gonna let that door stop him, omega
Love the lighting
She says their names so weird with her accent
Ooooh this hurts
Thank you rex, finally
You didn’t think to email ahsoka and ask her??? She was the one on the other end and she had Jesse banging the door down behind her
They’re all so worried
Awwww omega’s so cute
Tech omg fix ur tone lmao
She will not leave wrecker
I love her
Are the rest of them gonna get their chips out?? 
They all fell asleep
Did they have to shave tech and hunter’s hair?? Lol
Wtf is echo doing 
He’s so guilty but she’s not having it they’re so pure
I love them
Lol hunter’s bandana covers it so they don’t have to change his character model to compensate for missing hair
Finding crosshair! Don’t write him off yet!
I love rex
I miss rex already
Ugh now we’ve gotta deal w this shit
Ok, that was a good ep, finally resolved the chip thing for them (can’t wait for crosshair to come back so they can remove his too).  Loved seeing rexter again, he is best boi. 
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delimeful · 4 years
hey man! I just want you to know that by combining two of my favorite hyperfixations (space aliens + scary humans and SANDERS SIDES) you make me so happy and you've given my so much daydream material and. You've created something that has truly made me happy. I read your stuff (not just WIBAR/teoba) when I'm sad, when I'm happy, when I'm scared. You're writing style captures my attention in a way few have before. Thank you, genuinely. Take all the time you need, because you're worth it. 💖❤️💚
Anonymous said: I just gotta say (In my opinion) that u make some of the best sander sides AUs. Like u somehow manage to create amazing worlds, keep them in character (plus add ur own depth to them), interact and keep ur readers updated, construct some freaking awesome plots, and just be a great writer in general?? 💖💖 props to u! Just remember to take breaks. It’s gotta be exhausting being so talented😉
Anonymous said: Loving lime hours!! Honestly I love the pace you write at! Not only does it show that you are (hopefully) taking care of yourself, which is super important, but it also makes updates super exciting!
oh my gosh you guys, quit it before i get cavities from all this sweetness! /j
it makes me so so so SO happy to hear that my writing has made y’all happy, so thank you for sending in such sweet and encouraging asks :’) i cant wait to share more stories with you! <3
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lilatreus · 3 years
All of my thoughts on Assassin’s Creed Valhalla!
Of course there are major spoilers for the game and ending. I know it’s been out for like three months now but you never know so I’m putting it all under the cut. And yes this is pretty long. A summary is at the end of the entire text.
also pls don’t send me hate like y’all did for what I said about odyssey literally these are just my opinions on the game if u dont care for them pls just skip I have a lot to say about it and there is actually quite a few things that I really enjoyed when playing the game and if u do read it pls don’t hesitate to shoot me messages and talk to me about the game bc I really enjoy the franchise and I need some more people to talk to in this fandom.
What I enjoyed about the game!!
The blending in with the monks/prayers in the streets to get pass the guards!!!!! Dude!!!!! I know it’s like a really small detail but it just made me so happy because it reminded me of when you had to do that in the first assassin’s creed game. It’s a nice touch of nostalgia and really liked it.
The “glitches” (while some were annoying) I’m super super happy that they were kind of bringing back the glyphs from assassins creed two. I loved doing them because I loved trying to get the little movie. It was really nice of them to bring that back so we can get another little movie like the one from AC2 again.
I think we can all agree: Hytham was a great character. I wish he was more involved in the story than already but that’s just me. I really liked his character so much he’s my favorite from the game.
Desmond having some Easter eggs and basically coming back into the series again was great. It was also a nice touch to see the vault from assassins creed three (the place where des dies). It really makes me miss connor and his band of assassins. I miss assassins creed three :( I want more about Connor please put out some more comics with him in it or some easter eggs please I’m begging you. Also fuck u haytham kenway I hate u.
Shaun and Rebecca being back and now it’s canon that they’re together is fucking awesome. I’m actually really happy about that and I missed them so much. I’m glad they’re in the story again. (Rebecca dude I was so worried that she died like no fucking joke I was so upset I thought syndicate really killed her off).
The game itself actually did very well keeping with the lore we were given from assassins creed origins and was actually doing pretty well trying to connect it to the first assassin game.
Speaking of lore I do think they did the best they could to expand upon the not so well liked lore from odyssey and try and fix it but also it did feel a little confusing but I guess that’s just because i didn’t finish the Asgard missions yet so who knows.
The scenery was very very beautiful and I throughly enjoyed walking around and just admiring the view no matter where I was on the map.
Reda just becoming immortal is so funny and the fact that he was just sitting there telling stories about Aya and Bayek.. please my heart. I love them so so much. The letter Bayek wrote??? Soulmates I’m telling you.
Also I did like that they fixed their plot hole for why Bayek and Aya aren’t known for anything history wise in the story (or mainly why Bayek isn’t in the assassin’s history books and Aya, as Amunet, is really the only one written down). I’m very glad that they explained it and I really think I’m just super happy that Bayek was brought back for some easter eggs within the game.
Basim is very handsome and I liked him but I don’t know how to feel about the ending with him. Yes I do love his character and it was super cool to hang around him and do a couple of missions with him but also it felt weird that now you’re technically playing as the bad guy.
Eivor was really cool to play as. I enjoyed running around as them and doing missions. I like the fact that Eivor was basically like “yo you guys [ pointing to the brotherhood ] are fucking crazy but you guys [ pointing to the templars/order of ancients ] are really fucking crazy and weird.” I really loved basically being an assassin and using the hidden blade again. (Yeah I know they technically aren’t an assassin but yknow just an honorary one).
The Canterbury Tales!! The fucking pardoner’s tale!! That was super cool to do I loved those stories and being able to do them in the game made me super happy. I know it doesn’t actually fit the timeline given it wasnt written until like centuries after the game took place but I just thought that side mission was neat!
Fulke was a very cool templar and I thought her character was really really interesting. I wish they did more with her honestly.
What I didn’t like about the game:
So! Speaking of templars! Boy oh boy I have a lot to say for that subject. So for “the order of ancients”:
— I think my biggest problem with this game (as well as odyssey) is that the templars (“OOA”) aren’t actually important to the game anymore. They’re barely in the story now like out of all 20 or so people you have to kill within their order only like 5 or 6 are actually important to the storyline and that’s my biggest problem with it, because now killing the templars is just like a “well since you’re in the area you can kill this dude” and I really hate it. I truly believe that’s why I didn’t like odyssey that much solely bc they made doing the most core part of the video game series a damn side mission and that also goes for Valhalla.
— Also so many of the templar stories, like scenes we get after you kill them, were just so bland. They don’t make them like they used to and that’s another big core part of the series lost.
— They’re straying very far from the main plot of the series and that’s why these last two games didn’t feel anything like an assassin’s creed game. (And you can’t say that “it’s just different because they’re taking place in a time way before the templars were called templars” bc assassins creed origins did very well to changing their game and how they play but also keeping the main goal from previous games: To be an assassin and kill the templars.)
— Also they need to not show us the outline of who the templars are because I could tell who “the father” was as soon as I was able to see the order tab. Please Ubisoft do better.
I know I said this before however the fucking Beowulf mission. My God Did I Hate That. I was really looking forward to the dlc and to see what they did with the story sucked. In Odyssey we got actual Greek monsters and gods and I expected to be given that in Valhalla for the norse deities. And it didn’t happen. (As of right now I can’t comment on the Asgard missions because I haven’t finished them but I’ll probably edit the post and put them in later)
As of right now with the ending and lore shit I’m really kind of indifferent with it. On one hand they are trying to fix the lore that they kind of fucked up in Odyssey by adding more things to explain it better but also that means they added on unnecessary stuff that makes no sense. On the other hand I really hate that Layla is now technically canonically dead because shes now in the grey and basim now has the one thing that would’ve kept her alive. I really wanted them to do more with her like they did with Desmond. I genuinely enjoyed her as a main protagonist and it sucks that she is now dead. Layla deserves so much better honestly!!!!
Also on des: While I don’t want to smack away a fan service gift that includes desmond; it did kind of feel weird that he’s back in the series. Honestly I don’t know how to go about this. I’m super excited that technically desmond is back in a way but on the other hand I wanted them to focus on Layla more and :( Idk man it’s complicated. They have to stop changing the story’s main protagonists Layla deserved to be in more games and hopefully she will be because her “death” felt so cheap. I also wish they explained what happened with her during the year apart from odyssey and Valhalla.
The side missions I have no problem with except for the fact that the little side mission icon just stayed in the place you first show up to to get the mission. I miss the old side mission mechanic bc this new one felt really really confusing and it made me get lost quite a few times.
This one might just be me but I guess they’re expanding more on the gods reincarnating but they’re not focusing on the sages anymore? Like when will Elijah Miles (the newest sage) be shown?? Odyssey fucked up that lore bit but now they’re not even talking about it because any isu god can reincarnate or can take ahold of anyone if they interact with a piece of eden or something. Idk this one little bit is super confusing for me right now and I don’t like that it’s confusing so I will be doing more research on the isu (again) to understand what the fuck is going on with this damn part of the lore.
I know that this is a game where you kill people but this whole game felt so gore-y that I like had to drop it for a bit. Like dude I didn’t really expect that. This one I really feel like is just me. I did not expect to like hear bones breaking when I played it.
The storyline felt kind of all over the place like yes I could understand the big part of the story but also it was all over the fucking place. I just miss the old plot I really do that had a system that was so good it caused several games to follow it’s lead. (I miss AC1 please remaster that damn game)
Also maybe it’s just me but the story felt so slow at the beginning when ur going to England. Literally I hate to say this bc I love this whole series but I was more happy about finally finishing the main storyline than I was while playing the game.
All in all: I did like the game. I did have fun even though some parts were rough. I’m super glad that they got rid/fixed the ship mechanic because I hated every fucking naval battle in assassins creed and that’s something I was worried about doing when I saw that we had longships in the story. The game was enjoyable and it had a lot of great side characters like Hytham, Gunnar, and Yanli. Basim was a treat, though I hope they explain more about him bc I’m going to be honest he’s a bit confusing with this whole loki thing. But yeah this is all I have so far on the game. If you actually read all the way down here comment or like shoot me message to talk about it bc I really really want to talk about the game. Pls pls pls.
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bastardtetsu · 3 years
✩ ・ emma’s top 10 of 2020 ・ ✩
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thank you @honeybunny-sawamura​ for the tag !!! i didn’t start this blog until a bit later in the year, and i didn’t start fully writing & posting my own content until even later, but appreciating the things i’ve made so far has made me even more excited to continue creating in the new year <333 
so without further ado here are my top 20 posts of the year (i.e. my personal favorites but also a few of my most popular ones bc i love validation too) :
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⭑ chaotic spotify playlist titles (general hc)
one of the first and easily one of the stupidest things i’ve ever posted, but nonetheless one of my favorites
✩ critical thinking (kuroo multi-chapter)
my first full-length fic !!!! this is what ultimately catapulted me into actually actually writing and i’m really pleased with how it turned out :) big HUGE thank you to my angel and love elle @karasimpno​ for being my beta audience and biggest cheerleader while writing this, ily <33
⭑ suga sesh playlist
one my fav playlists i’ve made simply bc i hc suga to have the most immaculate music taste ever
✩ fine (tsukki oneshot)
one of my pieces for the 25 days of ficmas collab ! i feel like i hit the right balance of angry and soft that i feel towards tsukishima with this lol, also the vagueness of the ending is rlly yummy to me
⭑ you matter to me (kageyama drabble)
part of my stagedoor milestone event ! writing this made me so soft omg, the song this is based on is literally one of my favorites from waitress so i was thrilled when @solelytobios​ requested it <3
✩ mini mixtape milestone event
this whole event was so fun to do, i got so many awesome requests and had such a good time ! also thank u to everyone who liked the akaashi playlists for validating my niche music taste & my hc that he is heavily into contemporary jazz lmao
⭑ people will say we’re in love (kuroo oneshot)
another 25 days of ficmas piece, this one is simply a manifestation of my thirst towards both kuroo and star of the 2019 broadway revival of oklahoma! damon daunno. absolutely frothing over both of those men until the end of time
✩ kuroo’s vintage housewife playlist
my first playlist !!! i made this with tetsu in mind but honestly it could work for any character lol - for all the lil housewives out there who are happy to keep ur man’s dinner warm til he comes wearily home <3 i really went off and used my musical theatre education on this one too hehe
⭑ it only takes a taste (yukie oneshot)
i did it for the gays and i have no regrets. i wanna kiss her so bad </3
✩ this kuroo meme
i lied earlier, this is the stupidest thing i’ve ever posted. but i stand by my message
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thank you again to everyone who has interacted with me and/or any of my work, y’all make my heart smile <3 happy 2021 !!!!! ✨🌻🌷
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hyuckles-chuckles · 3 years
favourite works of 2020
rules ; it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (or so) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want so we can spread the love and link each other awesome works.
tagged by ; @hyucksie​ thank you for tagging me bb 
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your favourite boy (and sequels) ; haechan — i mean...y’all knew this was going to be here. of this list i don’t have second and third place wrt to favouritism, but this baby 😖 this is my most favourite writing i have ever written and deserves first place for everything. it not only shows in the sequels but also shows in the reactions that y’all give me when you read this and it warms my heart and makes my eyes water every time i see someone says ‘yfb is good’ 🥺
dark clouds (m) ; mark — i just really wanted to write for qtah!mark i didn’t think it would turn into this 😳 like my crush on mark only got bigger after this i guarantee it!
just a sucker (m) (and sequels) ; jeno — this was my comeback to writing smut and i’m honestly so proud of it...like i wouldn’t have a-whole-nother blog if not for this bad boy 😎
the battle for the lion’s heart ; junmyeon and jaehyun — the beginning of my harry potter based ff 😌 i loved this kind-of-confusing love triangle and i kind of want to write another one 👀
how about right now? (m) ; haechan — this was based on a horny drabble and icb i turned that into this 😳 like i truly like how i wrote this and how the characters interacted with another wow
honourable mentions and wips — love bites, the things you should’ve done (m), his highness, the courtyard, wait for you — the breakfast club, first time for everything, i remember
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i can see from this list that i like my longer writing of this year 🥺 and i hope to write much longer things in 2021 i think that would be so much fun
tagging ; (ignore if you’ve done this already) @leesmrk​ @pastelsicheng​ @neo-cult-ure​ @mistymark​ and other writers who i didn’t tag!
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shorkbrian · 4 years
My inbox is overwhelming me and I Lub y’all very mucho and so I’m gonna answer a few asks under the cut. AS always, these aren’t in any particular order,  if you don’t see your ask answered it’s because I’m holding onto it to write a lil sumn sumn with it, and if you don’t want to see these types of posts from me, block the tag #shorkbrian answers a lot of asks.
I may or may not be using a lot of memes to convey my feelings, emotions are a bit hard for me.
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I’m doing bad as always but I think that’s just how it be, but ty for checking in black-heart anon, I love you very much 
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oh honey I have blessed you with this newfound love, he is an amazing man. have fun with ur new fantasies god bless.
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The list is enormous but here goes
@sawamooora​ bc she's funny and gets my humor and is adorable and is my rock. Check out her account she’s amazing and deserves more followers and deserves the world. Makes my soul go “!!!!!!! Same hat!!!!” and it’s one of the most refreshing feelings in the WORLD 
@the-grimm-writer​ hopefully it’s not pretentious of me to say we’re friends but she’s one of the writers that inspired me to start doing stuff, very kind 10/10
@absolute-flaming-trash​ like me, stays up way too late. I feel like we’re slowly becoming pals and I enjoy it very much, they’re a very interesting person and way too gentle and understanding with stupid ole me.
@midoriyas-wifey​ SNAKE friend!!1 and by snake friend I mean they have snakes!!!!!!!! AND I LOVE SNAKES!!! almost as much as sharks. But forreal very cool buddy, like talking to them and they always have the greatest ideas.
@goldenyukhei​ I’VE KNOWN THEM FOR LIKE THREE DAYS and same levels of unquenchable thirst for Kiri, I rlly hope they start a blog (at the same time I don’t cause I selfishly wanna keep all their good thots to MYSELF) cause I wanna get a glimpse into the way their mind works cause UGH they are literally like my Horney soulmate like we’re on the same frequency and I vibe.
@1-800-cinnamon-roll FRICK I forgot his @ cause I’m used to talking to him on discord but he is my BRO my Broski my homie my pal. Have spilled my heart out to him several times and he’s so non-judgmental and open and sticks with me even though all I do is complain, I’m ever grateful to him.
There are probably more that aren’t registering right now cause it’s late and I’m tired, but honestly literally anybody that messages me I hold near and dear to my heart, even if we only talk once. You guys don’t understand how each little interaction with my friends and followers warms my heart so flipping much. I’m very sad very often and it helps me to be a little less sad when I get to interact with everyone. Lub u.
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I love Kiri with my whole heart man. TY for your support.
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^^^ After I posted a little ficlet about a bully request ^^^
Y’all KNOW y’all better UNDERSTAND that bully yanderes who bully their darling instead of coming to terms with their feelings, or bully their darling because they have zero emotional intelligence and equate any intense feeling with hatred (cough cough bakuhoe) are my JAM
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Black heart anon you’ve done it again - my heart is warm, my cheeks (on my FACE u pervs) are red. Luv u man.
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Sounds SUS.... You lost your phone while sending in an ask? girl I’m 
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just say u wanted me to answer ur ask and go (ajkhskaka I’m kidding ur fine lol) but Yes, I did receive your ask and I filled it here  
(at least I’m pretty sure that’s it? if not, send in another ask bbygorl)
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I don’t like kids I’m sorry just the idea of them-
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Black heart anon.... I love uuuuuuuu......... eaugh 
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I think you’re the same anon... But bro if you want Sero content @reinawritesbnha​ is ur man. I’m not the greatest at Sero stuff, sorry.
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okay BAKUGOU akhjsfjzlskf lol but srsly I'm 
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I will only respond to “dehydrated piece of cement” from now on ty
Okay, gonna end this one here. I have a few more asks in my inbox that I’d like to do a post for, but this one is getting a bit long cause I have no self control with memes. real quick before I go though I'd like to say sumthin about this last ask - 
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girl.... idk what to tell you but a yandere aint fun. like.... it’s literally horror and its awful and scary and horrible. Even if the yandere is kind and awesome (like Kiri aww) it’s still terrifying and creepy and a bad dynamic. Please guys, this kind of behavior (ANY behavior in my fics, ANY of the creepy stuff, ANY of the descriptions of unease or sick feelings) should NOT be happening in a healthy relationship ship. You should not be afraid of your partner, your partner should not force you into things, your partner should listen to “stop” and “no” a nd understand that those two words are complete sentences. Please stay safe.
17 notes · View notes
asks (26)
@spickerzocker​ said:
hey there! just a heads up that i tried to click on the "why i don't ship" explanation link in your faq and it says that there is no post with that url/it's generally broken. also your "a conversation about recovery" thing is beautiful and hurts in the best way and i love it. have a nice day!
Yes, I intentionally took that link down awhile ago, and last night I went and updated some of the tabs on my blog. Here are my basic thoughts:
I wrote that link years and years ago, while I was first navigating the internet and while I was still figuring out important things about my own identity and opinions. I ran my blog differently back then, but by the end of the first few months, I knew I was uncomfortable with shipping. 
As people began to interact with me and my work, I told them over and over again no, I don’t want to talk about that, and I don’t want to write about it, and it makes me uncomfortable. I don’t think that was a common position to take at the time, so it wasn’t what people expected from me. 
During those years, I felt like I had to justify myself and give a valid explanation. I wrote that post explaining why I had that boundary, and I put it in a place where anyone could find it.
I said no when people asked, let them make jokes about it, and made jokes about it myself in response. As time went on I got more and more exasperated when I had to repeat myself. I wrote definite rules into my ask box, request tab, and FAQ. People still asked. I wrote it into my description. People still asked. 
The truth is yeah, there’s a pretty simple explanation for my discomfort. It makes sense. It’s easy to understand, and most folks think it’s a “good enough” reason to leave me alone. The difference between young-me and current-me is that I no longer feel the need to justify myself. 
None of y’all need to know why I set the boundaries that I set. My explanation isn’t relevant, and I’m not obligated to give it. I said no. That’s enough. 
I think a good number of folks remember my explanation from the past, and I don’t mind that at all. There may be a time where I talk about it again, in a more appropriate context, so I guess we’ll see.
That’s a lot of information in response to a very helpful ask. Thanks! The link is gone now, and I’m so pleased that you enjoyed the fic :)
Anonymous said:
U suck
Kenza sent this anon as a joke. She’s right, and I thank her. 
Anonymous said:
I'm a doctor and ive seen it all.....but the milk fic made me gag
@wingedskyes said:
Ah. Wait. I wasn't on anon....uhm. oh well. It's fine. I like milk and am not ashamed. 😆
I don’t think I received another message from you actually, but I too like milk and I’m glad we’re on the same page
@thelittleredheadedmusician said:
To add to the milk discussions: my best friend from home and best friend from college have each finished a gallon a milk by themselves within 2 days.
I do that too, every once in awhile. When the milk craving hits it’s a gallon a day
Anonymous said:
Hold on I have to google some things
Yeah this is funny
Anonymous said:
I have read that milk fic three separate times and every time I’m laughing just as hard as Tim and dick by the end it’s just so excellently executed and builds so perfectly that by the time dick cracks I’m ready to go too and I just lose it it’s amazing I love it
Awww anon I’m so pleased :)
@the-smartass-under-the-mountain said:
Just wanted to drop by and say your recent fic with Tim antagonizing Damian with increasingly outrageous milk concoctions had me giggling. It was so cute and refreshing to see Dick enjoying Tim's little prank. And Bruce's reaction to just... walk away was fantastic!
Thank you! I’m always so thrilled when y’all think the jokes hit
@njtheboywonder​ said:
I havnt really enjoyed a fic in years, but i stopped to read ur fanfic with tim drinking milk just to fuck w dami amd it made me smile. Thanks, for writing it.
Oh that warms my heart <3
@bruciewayneisbatman​ said:
Tim Is totally the guy who would drink ridiculous amounts of dalgona coffee to annoy damian, according to that fic.
Had to google that one, but I guess so huh
Anonymous said:
(diff anon) but that birthday fic was so good oml and you have opened my eyes as to the batfam in quarantine this is such a Concept
We’re all here dying..... together...
Anonymous said:
Happy birthday! 🎉 or belated! 🎂 thank you for being in the fandom. 😊
Anonymous said:
To anon! Sorry. I forgot to add that! Anyway, thanks to them we get a lovely fic. I hope you have many more birthdays! 😊
Message for you anon
Anonymous said:
Your writing gives off good vibes
Hear that guys I “passed my vibe check.” Is that what the youth say these days? I am an elder now and I do not know
Anonymous said:
finding your blog while being relatively new to batman fandom is such a bliss. your batfam content especially is *chef's kiss* amazing.
Thank you my darling :) I’m glad you’re here
Anonymous said:
Best line in a fic? Hard to pick just one, but this particular one from "Just Desserts" by fyeahbatmanandrobin on Tumblr is one of my faves: “Anyone else would be hard-pressed to provide the particular brand of excitement you bring to my life, Dami.”
@noisypaintersong​ said:
For the line thing: "I don't doubt it. Bruce Wayne, the unexpectedly normal guy wrapped in a mystery wrapped in a superhero wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a fake socialite wrapped in a businessman wrapped in a secretive billionaire." He paused. "…You're the seven-layer burrito of Gotham," he pondered. - Barry to Bruce in 'Of Friends and Foes' by Paganpunk2 on FFN. It's one of the funniest things I've read someone say to Bruce LOL
@kirakats​ submitted:
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Anonymous said:
“I do know that according to everyone else, there is no chance, no future, no universe where I stay a hero.” Describes my frustration with the way DC treats Damian so accurately. Let the kid be a hero dammit.
Thanks! That’s really helpful. I’ve got a decent answer to my question now. 
@kurawastaken​ submitted:
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So this is Kenza retaliating against me for the milk fic. I very much hate tomatoes and specifically ketchup. This photo (1) is a nightmare and (2) fulfills its intended purpose.
Anonymous said:
I love your blog!!!
And I love you 
Anonymous said:
quick question: how do you think jason reconciles with the fam?? i think in the comics they kinda just reboot and now he’s on better terms. but like what conversations happened, yknow??? (you’re doin great work by the way, it rips out my heart but it’s great)
This is an amazing question, and I’ll be thinking about it for the next bit, I think. That would be a really interesting topic to explore in depth
@angel-gidget​ said:
*hugs you real tight* would you please send this to the first 10 people in your dash? Make sure someone gets a hug today and stay safe!
Oh thank you for the hug <3
Anonymous said:
I hadn’t been aware of that Memphis petition, but I live in Memphis too (Altho I know you said you just grew up there so you may not be living here currently haha) so ig I just wanted to say thanks for bringing it to my attention!
I’ve been in Texas for six years now, ever since I started school, but I’m still in and out of Memphis for family purposes. Love the trash heap of my birth 
@damianwaynerocks​ said:
hey! any chance you know of any other dc heroes around damian’s age?
Sure! You could try Billy Batson, Jon Kent, or Maya Ducard
Anonymous said:
hi! i don't know if it's okay to leave anons like these but ive been feeling down because my country has passed a bill that deprives us of lots of human rights freedom and i want you to know that i just found your blog through the damian/bruce + justice fic and it comforted me. im slowly going thru your works and so far they are all comforting. i love your stuff, thank you.
Philippines? I’ve heard some things, and I’m real sorry y’all’re going through that. I don’t know that there’s anything I could say about that to help, but I hope you’re finding joy somewhere
@awesomeness-ofgaybitches​ said:
Tumblr hates you. The links in your bio and to your fic masterlist don't work on mobile. I'm sorry.
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tellthemhowihope · 4 years
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hello friends! i recently hit 500 followers!!!! i never, ever thought this would happen but i love you all so much and i’m so grateful to have made some really wonderful friends here. you guys are just the sweetest people ever 🥺💜
to celebrate, i thought i would do some blog rates! (this is lowkey a selfish ploy for human interaction please forgive me)
here are the rules:
you must be following me - it’s hard for me to compliment people i don’t know!
reblog this post so that i can keep track of all who enter (but not like the government - @ the nsa agent in my computer, who’s probably considered an essential worker, don’t worry buddy i’m not coming for your job)
likes will be considered bookmarks
send me ♕ or ☾ for a blog rate (format under the cut)
also - send me anything else, if you like: music/movie/podcast recs! recipes! fav books! top 5′s! quotes/poems you like! your favorite emoji! tell me about your day or the new hyper-fixation getting you through quarantine! send me pics of your pets! 
or - ask me something random and i have to answer
blacklist #nina’s 500 celebration if you don’t want to see it! 
it’s also critical to note that i CANNOT make headers but decided to try anyway (please ignore it - i did my very best with my one brain cell)
icon: a baby!! | SO PRETTY | i’m obsessed | literal perfection | i’d kill for an icon like this | CLARA OSWALD
theme: lovely! | v aesthetic | LOVE IT!! | may i have it please | it looks,,, so nice,, i’m crying | ROSA DIAZ
url: nice | awesome! | brilliant!! | G O A L S !! | who’d you sell your soul to? | ARTHUR PENDRAGON
posts: not my thing but live your best life | fantastic!! | iconic,, ur mind | all my fav things | i’ve been scrolling for 72 hours now | SARA LANCE
overall:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | SAM WINCHESTER
following? no but i love you | i am now!! | forever and ever and ever!
compliments: just let me say nice things about you please i have been forced to say too many nice things about myself this week yes i am begging
planet: mercury | venus | mars | jupiter | saturn | neptune | pluto (it’s still a planet in my heart, okay?)
location: seaside | mountains | city | countryside | forest
season: winter | spring | summer | fall 
element: fire | water | earth | air
time of day: dawn | morning | midday | afternoon | evening | night
Hogwarts house: slytherin | hufflepuff | gryffindor | ravenclaw
creature: mermaid | angel | fairy | witch | werewolf | vampire | ghost | dragon
compliments: no one can escape the compliments, sorry 🥰
tagging a few mutuals, if y’all don’t mind: @thefandomsinhalor​ @fierydeans​ @gomez-michelle​ @mrrmiracle​ @demondeals​ @episode-rants​ @wanderingcas​ @rauko-is-a-free-elf​ @pray4jensen​ @jaredpalalecki​ @stardustsam​ @peanutbutterandgrapejelly​ @lovedsammy​ @until-it-kills-you-both​ @fierydeans​
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queen0fm0nsterz · 4 years
For the ship thing: all combinations between the main five from woy !!
Disclaimer: I’m a HUGE multishipper and I’m interested in all the ships I’m about to list. However I do have my preferences, so I’m going in order from my least favorite to my absolute fave. Don’t get upset, for this is only my opinion. Ty!!
Bonus 11th ship: I’m really into Something The So and So x Emperor Awesome. I called it Something Awesome. Just putting this.. out there
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10) Deathstar (Wander x Dom)
Ah, my two hyperactive spoons. Usually I’m all about the “perfect angel/literal spawn of satan” dynamic, but for some reason they never really clicked for me. Maybe it’s because they didn’t have that many interactions in canon??? But damn, the fanarts are super adorable!! i will die!! (death star shippers yall wanna come in my askbox and talk death star to me?? i would appreciate sm!!)
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9) Wandering Eye (Wander x Peepers)
First of all I wanna say, y’all Wandering Eye shippers are perseverant af?? they had like one episode together and it was early first season, it’s been a lot since that. i respect you guys. As for the ship itself, what can I say? I love small boys being in love!!! But once again, nearly no canon interaction... smh
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8) Astigmagmatism (Peepers x Dom)
THIS SHIP HAS SO MUCH COMIC POTENTIAL!!! I WILL SCREAM FOREVER I mean the angry smol and bastard tol dynamic?? PLUS theyre both villains???? as in evil fucks??? Who are also rivals?? If there were any canon interactions this ship would DEF be really high on my list but I don’t really have that much to say rn...
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7) Zboneak (Hater x Sylvia)
Alright at first I wasn’t really into it but I got my filthy hands on one (1) fanfic and you can bet your ass I was immediatly captivated. The thing I look for in Woy ships is comic potential and these two have SO MUCH POTENTIAL. Plus, “The Date” is one of my favorite episodes ever, so yeah. add that to the list. Let them interact in season 3!!!
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6) Death Glare (Peepers x Hater)
Ok so, Death Glare. At first, until late first season, I wasn’t into it at all. I’ve never been a big fan of boss/subordinate (saving a few exceptions). The episode “The Funk” made me do a complete 180° becAUSE HOLY SHIT DID YOU SEE THEM??? HOLDING HANDS???????? BRUH MY FUCKING HEART HAS BEEN D E S TR O Y E D...................... And while I do love them as a friendship, I can totally see them romantically!!!! also once again the comic potential
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5) Sylander (Sylvia x Wander)
THESE TWO WHERE DO I EVEN START. I literally tear up when I think about them? Platonic or not, their love is so pure, innocent, real, it makes my heart do backflips. You have no idea how many times I cried watching them. When they’re together you can’t tell where one begins and the other finishes .... but the reason why I’m so attached to them is because I happen to have a person in my life that... she’s the Sylvia to my Wander (hey @awesome---disaster talkin to you).  I understand how it feels to have someone this important in your life. The episode “The Ryder” is particularly hard to wacth (despite it being my number one favorite) for this reason. GOD THE TEARS I CRIED.
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4) Sylava (Sylvia x Dom)
What can I say? I stan girls being in love. Plus the CHEMISTRY they had in “The Night Out” omg.... I JUST FDSHFHLGLHSLLIHSBLIHSLI MY HEART EXPLODES WHEN I THINK ABOUT THEM???? I CRY  THEY WERE F U CK I NG HOLDING HANDS WHILE RUNNING OUT OF THAT BAR OK DO NOT TOUCH ME. when are we getting the good season 3 sylava content when they make up and become friends again? disney pls
Also, y’all got some good Sylava fics that I could read? Blease?? im starving
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3) Skeleton Dance (Wander x Hater)
iM TALKING VALID BOYS HERE!!! The sweet smol/ grumpy tol is my aestethic always and Im all about it. Plus, I mean the dEVELO P MENT THEY HAD IN SEASON TWO!!! The episode that got me to ship them strongly was “The Buddies” and God my love kept growing from there????? ITS UNSTOPPABLE EVERYTIME I SEE THEM MY HEART KILLS ME
 Ok I will admit im kinda projecting on Wander a little bc I love Hater but can u blame?? me?? who doesnt love the hate man
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2) Dom n Hater (Hater x Dom)
Ok if youve been on my blog for like 1 minute you probably already know that these two are the light of my life, but why?
... well tbh there are a lot of reasons but to be quick it was a gradual process of me going from “Yeah right like THATS ever gonna happen” to slowly going on to “I mean its not even that bad” to “It’s cute? I like it” and then it fucking skyrocketed out of my control and suddently I’m crying like a little bitch during “You’re the Greatest”. I do not know what happened or how. It just did. 
I have an ask of someone asking me about them (BLESS U MAN) that inm going to answer eventually so I’m not going into detail but I WILL SAY that the height difference kills me bc it’s not that much but it’s jUST ENOUGH to make it obvious that hes shorter than her and im just oudfgusguaigGUivfehuhaf i live for height differences
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1) Black Eye (Sylvia x Peepers)
I’ll be honest with y’all: I was actually gonna put Black Eye in second place at first bc Hater & Dom just own my hear,t but upon lots of thinking I belive this is the best option. because DEVELOPMENT. God I’m all about that sweet DEVELOPMENT we got!!! Wander and Sylvia may be the perfect friendship but Sylvia and Peepers are sure as hell the PERFECT TEAM!!!!!! BRAINS AND MUSCLES!!! TOGETHER!! TO SAVE THEIR IDIOTS!!
I am a BIG fan of enemies to friends to lovers, height differences, villain/hero, smol/tol, angry/chill...... these two were a gift from the Gods. I love them so much.
On an unrelated but kinda related note, I love how all Blackeye shippers just silently agreed that Peepers is a lovestruck nerd who can’t process his feelings and refuses to acknowledge them despite how hardly he’s pinning after Syl?? AND SYL IS NOT OBLIVIOUS AT ALL SHE ACTUALLY KNOWS???? its amazing. 10/10 best ship thank u for ur time.
And thats that! Wow that sure took long didnt it- but its here.
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floorbe · 4 years
replies ^-^ (dr v3 spoilers)
This is it fam
Thank u bro... it really is...
upperstone replied to your post “hey again! im the same anon who requested fem!reader walking in on...”
This trope is SO good!!
Honestly!! It’s one of my favorites asdfghjkl
upperstone replied to your post “@shsleyebrows​ Ahh thank u!!! And oooh, would y’all be interested in...”
Would def be interested dude!!
Okay awesome!!!!
upperstone replied to your post “how did you personally feel about the ending to drv3? how would you...”
Man i hated v3’s ending so much. It was way too meta. Space would’ve been a great take on it, i just hated the fact that they basically erased the first two games! it left me with so many questions, like, if shuichi auditioned for the show, doesn’t that mean he still has family waiting for him irl? what happened to all the people that died? did kaito get to, idk, go to the afterlife or was it like he never existed at all???? so many questions bro, team Danganronpa did us dirty :(
I agree full heartedly!!! There were SO many questions that V3 raised, not only within their own game but with the other two games as well! Like wth was happening w Ultra Despair Girls then? Or the ending of THH??? Like if  the Togami organization doesn’t exist does Togami just flounder out there? Then how is he in UDG... man. I get they wanted a more ambiguous ending but seriously :^/
shsleyebrows replied to your post “@shsleyebrows​ Ahh thank u!!! And oooh, would y’all be interested in...”
Ahh I wasn’t sure about the special requests since you already have a bunch of requests but I’d deffo be interested once you’re ready!!
No worries!! It’d just have to wait until the inbox is cleared, which should be soon, so no problems :^)
gundhamsevildoer replied to your post “how did you personally feel about the ending to drv3? how would you...”
Bro you don't mind me spamming your comments right? I'm very bored but I don't wanna bother you
No I don’t mind at all!!! I love interacting w y’all so pls do not worry! If I don’t reply right away it’s just bc I like waiting so I can do a bunch in one post so I don’t spam replies :^)
gundhamsevildoer replied to your post “how did you personally feel about the ending to drv3? how would you...”
But yeah fuck V3s ending. Still, I am kind of glad they weren't associated with THH and SDR2 because I dislike V3's cast, I think it has a great lack of dynamic and the characters are over-exaggerated along with their backstory. Which actually makes sense since it's the 53rd season and the staff is probably out of ideas and need to keep the viewers entertained. This is just my opinion though, from what I've seen fandom loves V3. Lmao to me, DR3 cast >>>> V3 cast
Yeah I agree, if they associated it with the other two games idk what I would’ve done hehe. I feel the e x a c t same, I found it so hard to like any of the characters deeply like I did the other two games. It does make sense when you realize it’s the 53rd season but still weh
gundhamsevildoer replied to your post “how did you personally feel about the ending to drv3? how would you...”
Kaito being the mastermind would have killed me really liked Mugi as a mastermind, I just can't hate her honestly she is so adorable
That’s fair! Despite my qualms Tsumugi was a rly good mastermind so I don’t blame u lolol
gundhamsevildoer replied to your post “hey again! im the same anon who requested fem!reader walking in on...”
Bruh I like this trope as well but the ones that y/n walks on the character is better because personally I would kill myself if this happened to me
Lmao same. I think I would hide under a rock for the rest of my life hghnjbnv
gundhamsevildoer replied to your post “OH COULD YOU DO THAT LAST ASk where the reader walks in on them hc?...”
I stan ur writing thank u 
You’re so sweet thank u.... ;-;
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hobidreams · 4 years
My fave blogs? You, @minniepetals, @pasteljeon, @angelguk... to name a few :3
PLS ur too sweet, anon 💕
@minniepetals has a lovely desktop theme if i do say so myself (looool). i’ve actually read a few of her ot7 fluff pieces before & i enjoyed them! i think she does a great job at creating super cute scenarios 💖 i look forward to reading more! (also a+ url soooo cute)
@pasteljeon pls.... y’all know im IN LOVE with Kura right???? fellow Canadian, which already makes her SO COOL. i love chatting & interacting with her. but her writing!!!!!!!! her writing burrows its way into my brain & refuses to leave, especially with the ridiculously creative imagery she uses. Crystal Snow is STILL one of my all time favorite fics but like. all of her mlist. is so good. ot7 queen. 
@angelguk oooooooooo, FINE LINE! i really enjoyed that fic & the characterization of Joonie!!! the dialogue is snappy. there’s a very distinct voice to her writing that i find so awesome & super unique. i’ve been meaning to delve further into her mlist :’))) 
send me your favorite blogs and i will compliment them!!
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piastri · 5 years
Ok so this is my end of season appreciation post and my REALLY late positivity post:
so I properly started being active on here this year and although I’ve been watching f1 for years being a part of this fandom has made my viewing experience SO MUCH better. Thank you all for the awesome content you have provided!
messages to people I talk/ interact with most on here:
@callumilott Lou aka the queen of the junior series fandom on tumblr and also someone I consider as my big sister on here. You’re one of the kindest people on here and were one of the first people to reach out to me and as someone who is incredibly shy thank you for that 💕
@marcusarmstrng Agnes my fellow marcus stan I’ve loved talking to you and finding out that we have so much in common (from books, 1D, hp houses and our favourite drivers) we’re practically twins 👯 thank you for blessing me with your terrible puns and lifting me up whenever I feel down ❤️
@nyck-devries Lieke i have adopted you as my little sister. I remember talking to you guys for the first time was figuring out when listening to xmas music was acceptable (I still stand by Agnes, August is wayy to early). I love that you always speak up for what you believe in and the way you deal with pesky anons?... iconic.
@jurivips Alice we mainly only talk through asks but i need to shout out ur hilarious tags. Whenever I see you’ve reblogged something I always check to see your tags and they always put a smile on my face :)
@alexanderalbons Brown girls represent! Zeal we don’t actually talk but I feel like I’ve come to know you so well just through your tags ‘otp: throat infection’ 😫😂 thank you for all of your awesome Alex gif sets they’ve made me laugh, cry, smile and get horny (*cough* hand gif set *cough*)
I want to shoutout our lil junior series family on tumblr, staying up with you y’all for macau was a memorable experience and I can’t wait to do it all again next yr! @roberttheminiczar @robschwartzman @robshw @fabioquartarar0 @ilott @maxfewtrell @damsindistress @jackaitkens @youreamonocoque @mick--schumacher @elegantdinosaurgoatee @verstappit @dybaclerc @abbyjaimes03
these are some of the first blogs I followed whom I adore thank you for making me feel included :) @grosjeans @godbastian @maxemav @italianoaussiepapi @papitohulkenbergito @maxstappen @riccciardo @blinksompedersen @manielx333 @riccflair-dripp
other blogs I LOVE: @messymindmessyblog @tororuhroh @totovolff @albonappetit @formula-what @maxverstappen @sebxvettel @fanthaastic @sjarl-eclair @antisoucials @babysharles @ricciardo-dan @k-raikkonen @realmahdrid16 @ovcrtakes @jetmode @maxdevrijns @landofnorris @hyphenverstappen @formula-sainz @landoavocado
I’ve put off doing this post for so long because I just know I’m going to miss people out which I hate! But just know that if I have ever liked/reblogged/followed or interacted with you in any way thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤️
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im-not-a-joke · 4 years
♡❁(or handsome) ♧✖(only if ur comfortable) ♪ ❄️ ✌️™
thank you max!
♡: I love your blog - no u, but like for real, it means a lot
❁: You’re beautiful - i appreciate the gender-conscious wording, and thank you
♧: I wish we were friends in real life - me too! i want to meet all y’all someday
✖: I would give you the greatest hug - yes! i love hugs and i would love to be hugged
♪: You're very talented - thank you! i get really nervous when i post things like that cover and my hcs and it means a lot that you like them
❄️: I cherish you - kjsldkhs thank you and no u. all of our interactions are gold
✌: You’re awesome - !!! thanks!!! i think you are also awesome!!
™: You're a cinnamon roll - i mean, youre not wrong.
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