#you know im going as a TMA character
theaberrantreport · 2 years
the urge to cosplay a podcast character for Halloween vs the knowledge that no one will know who you are
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fiendishartist2 · 9 months
Tumblr media
shout out to elias bouchard for fucking up a perfectly good mildly toxic workplace. you literally couldn't have done worse
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coffee-bat · 21 days
ngl i finished season 4 but i'm still sooo fucking irrationally angry abt how jon was treated by everyone in it
he's one of the 4 people who literally save the world, and he ends up in a coma for 6 months from his injuries, and then everyone is unhappy that he wakes up and they tell him straight up
he first tries to no-anaesthetic amputate his own finger, then gets 2 ribs torn out, just to save one person (who tried to kill him), then spends 3 days trapped underground and probably gets his shit crushed (he's audibly in pain there?), just to save her, and when it's done not only does noone make sure he's okay but i'm pretty sure he doesn't even get a thank you
he gets stabbed, and once again noone even makes sure he's okay or helps him
he's forced to starve himself, then not only does everyone yell at him when he acts out because he's literally starving, but they also want to use him to do things that actively make him hungrier
there's more but god every interaction he had in this season made me feel violent
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fearcicada · 1 year
I wish there were more tma agere fics that weren't just the archives polycule 😭 or even ones that just didn't include Martin in them PLEAAASEE
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koipalm · 2 years
Hi I’m absolutely adoring seeing these live updates as you listen to TMA thank you for bringing me joy on this day that’s all <3
HAHA THANK YOU.... i dont usually liveblog things but TMA has REALLY gotten to me on a different level... man... i mostly did it bc i needed somewhere to put all my thoughts about tma .... and then i figured it would be interesting to see my progression through it if i kept going. also i like it <3 it helps me figure out what the hell my thoughts are doing. haha i didnt really think that anyone wld really see it tho so im so glad youre having fun!! i realize that sometimes i seem nonsensical when i talk about it but thats because i literally open up tumblr while im listening to an episode and rant as it goes.... im going to relisten as soon as i finish so uh. well i guess im not really done yet... i wont have "new" content to consume after this until the magnus protocol comes out so im just going to make my own as i relisten LOL
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taniushka12 · 1 year
seeing a take that you dont quite agree with but still love nonetheless bc bro thats fucking buckwild, i want whatever you're having bc thats funny as fuck
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lo-fi-charming · 4 months
so i've been keeping up with TMP as it's airing, which has been fun, it's actually really nice to experience this kind of story weekly since i came into TMA late and listened up to the s4 finale in like, a month or two. i've been enjoying the new characters and statements, and while i was worried i'd have trouble actively listening (my attention span/executive functioning can be really variable when it comes to podcasts), it's been surprisingly easy for me to actually listen to each new ep the day it drops publicly
all this to say im enjoying the show! but i've found myself feeling increasingly frustrated with a couple things i keep seeing when it comes to discussions of it
to me, it seems... there's been a pervasive reluctance to take TMP as what it is. and i do understand that. it'd be stupid to pretend TMP doesn't exist exclusively because of TMA and that show's success, that it's a successor that was pitched as being similar. it's a story being written by the same people (plus guests), in the same universe (roughly), going for about the same tone and maybe themes.
i just feel like it's a bit of a shame, though, that so many folks seem unwilling not to carry TMA with them when they're engaging with TMP
i don't know where or when it was said, but i swear there was a comment made by jonny and/or alex about how TMP will have some commonality with TMA in terms of world-building, but also, people who listened to TMA first may find themselves theorizing in the wrong direction because we're judging things based off what is no longer concrete, reliable information; things are going to work differently in the world of TMP, and since we have preconceived notions on what is relevant or how things work, that's going to influence how we engage with information presented in TMP if we let it. and that's not even considering the fact that they've been explicit in conveying the idea that TMP was written so you can experience it fully without having listened to any of TMA at all!
i'm very much someone who tries to engage with media on its own terms, largely taking things at face value until i'm given reason to suspect otherwise. that's something i'm trying my best to still do with TMP, even though obviously, i've also listened to TMA and am basing some of my thoughts and personal theories on what we know from that
but that's what i mean to say i guess, it's something you have to actively choose to do. and it feels like, just based on what i've been seeing in fandom spaces, that a lot of people are having a bit of an odd time with TMP because of a reluctance to do that?
i think the easiest way to explain what i mean is to point to a general acceptance, already on the level of fanon it seems, to interpret the computer voices as Our Jon and Martin (+ Jonah/Elias, maybe). now obviously we have the actual real world reason why their voices are present in TMP, because of course jonny and alex were going to come back as voices in the show in some way. and i 100% agree it's a perfectly logical conclusion to then interpret their inclusion as being related to Jon and Martin somehow. i'm personally very into the theory that it is in no way them - not in any way that matters - but specifically their voices that have been stolen (by the Web?) as a means to help spread fears in other realities. but that's really not how i've been seeing people play with the concept? it seems largely 1:1. and again, i totally understand where people are coming from with that - especially when you consider how it can be a super fun concept for horror and angst, or even just the fact that folks want an excuse to carry their favorite characters into this new show and still play around with them. i promise i don't mean to bring this up as a means of making anyone feel bad or like, chastised for interpreting things a certain way and playing in the space!
it's the biggest example of what i mean though, and was a huge point of frustration for me when we were first being presented with TMP. it's not just that i don't want the voices to be Jon and Martin proper (i am very into their Ambiguous End, i believe it's best to leave that as a space for fans to play in); in all honesty, i think it's kind of a shame and maybe even a bit boring (im sorry!) to be engaging with TMP this way
and it's not just stuff like that - i've been seeing a fair amount of people expressing frustration and feeling disappointed with how TMP is hitting, but i mean, i feel like that's inevitable when you're going into it expecting More TMA? i saw at least one person basically say "ive been waiting for it to make me feel the way TMA made me feel, and it hasn't yet", and i really just feel like that's setting yourself up to be dissatisfied! beyond the fact that we're only 5 episodes in and the story has barely gotten a chance to happen yet, a huge element of this new show is that it's being approached as a largely collaborative effort, it seems, with lots of guests coming in to help shape the story and more writing and plotting influence that isn't jonny
obviously it's fine to not be super into that! undoubtedly it's a question of taste. but you do have to acknowledge that that's the case and adjust your expectations accordingly, or else you're not going to have a great time
i really like TMA, i had a great time with it, but even if TMP is a sequel to its parent podcast, it's not the same thing - and personally, i don't want it to be! i do hope that's a sentiment that is able to be more widely felt by some fans as we gain more distance from TMA while TMP is airing. i just think more people would be able to enjoy it that way, and come up with more interesting theories and interpretations of things! but those are really just my own personal thoughts
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nylongenesis · 6 months
Here’s the thing about Timothy stoker
here it is the tim post
People who say tim is an asshole are partially correct.
People who say tim is ‘toxic’ are INCORRECT.
I am very strongly about this because. listen to me. okay.
Imagine BEING timothy stoker. After whats probaboy the secondmost traumatizing experience of your life in which you almost die if not by the worms then by the MEDICAL EMERGENCY (respiratory acidosis is a medical emergency :3) your body was put into- plagued with nightmares and the pain of your body being covered in holes and your medical issues, you come back to the archives expecting to see your best friend, That will make it all better. It’ll be so worth it once you can see her again.
And then she acts so distant. And you dont know why.
And you have just lost your friendship. The one that’s kept you going this whole time. The one you were starting to believe might have been unbreakable. And you Don’t. Know. Why.
Eventually after many failed attempts to reconnect, you resign yourself to the fact that she just got tired of you. That you were right this whole time. That she just pitied you. You still don’t know what you did wrong and it’s eating you alive, but she won’t tell you, so you have to settle with pretending to be glad that she’s at least alive, All while your boss is literally going insane and STALKING YOU???
Only to find out after a YEAR of believing you were just unlovable that this person? The person youve been trying to ‘reconnect’ with? That isnt your best friend, Your best friend dies and you never noticed. How could you not notice? But when you see the real picture of her she feels like a stranger and you realize you have no fucking escape from your horrible, unforgivable sin of forgetting your friend. Because no matter what you do, trying to look back at your memories, that *thing* is there instead. You can’t even enjoy your memories before she died.
So you sit there, alone and afraid. Angry, grieving, everything else. What are you supposed to do but make the thing that has haunted you since the disappearance of your Brother feel the kind of pain it is making you feel?
Tim isn’t toxic. Hell I wouldn’t even say he’s that much of an asshole.
He’s a hurt child.
Mentally, especially in season three, he’s having the equivalent of a child’s breakdown. The kind they have when they don’t know how to express the emotions they’re feeling. These emotions- this grief, this anger, this pain- it’s so big, it’s so much, and he feels so small, so incapable and weak, and he cannot properly handle it. He cannot cope. Especially since he’s still somewhat trapped in who he was when his brother was taken.
Now im not saying the way he went about this is at all great, but yknow. Everyone forgives reactions to trauma until they’re personally inconvenient or ugly.
Tim lost everything, and honestly i would be pretty damn similar if I was in his position! That’s DEVASTATING.
In the end, there’s such a horrible tragedy to his entire character that goes almost entirely unnoticed unless you’re like me and you’re insane and overanalyze someone based on one word in an extra audio thats not in the podcast.
Anyways, that’s why I love Tim.
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ambi-kiko · 8 months
here are some tma food hcs bc AAAA
i think that jon gets hungry for real food, too. but its more of a deep hunger? he actually needs food less and less and eventually just doesn't need to eat, but he still can and he still gets hungry, when he lets himself be relaxed enough to realize what his body needs
hes a great cook and at the safe house, cooks amazing meals and bakes warm loafs and all of martins favorite meals
jon sometimes gets hungry and doesnt let himself eat bc he doesnt feel human enough and feels like he doesnt deserve it
martin notices that last one and tries his best to make something jon likes
i think that martin is the best at making tea, really excellent at making classic chocolate chip cookies, and just awful at anything else in the kitchen. he still tries his best, and jon eats everything he makes
lonely!martin loses a lot of weight bc he leaves the office less and less and doesnt care for himself as much
jon is the only one who notices this and starts putting out a little tray of homemade biscuits near the tea in hopes that martin grabs some
when theyre in the safe house, jons #1 priority is to figure out martins favorite meals as subtly as he can to get martin to stop starving himself accidentally out of habit (he actually wasnt subtle at all, but martin found it endearing so he played along)
Melanie wanted to be a baker when she was younger and got really good at making treats. Her first youtube channel was for baking
Georgie cooks and Melanie bakes and they always call eachother the better chef
georgie is pretty good at cooking but she isnt exceptional by any means. melanie is excellent at baking, but she considers it pretty useless because "you cant live off fancy cakes and meringues"
daisy says that she knows how to cook and for a pretty long time basira believes her bc you cant be that buff if you dont eat
one night she comes over and finds that all that daisy has been eating is frozen meals
basira is fine at cooking (enough to live off of), but she cooked the best meal she could in hopes to inpress daisy
daisy had so little actual ingredients that basira rly struggled but it was amazing. daisy didnt notice bc she was too tired. she crashed on the couch and basira left after tucking her in. daisy was pissed at herself for not appreciating basira
after that, she stops eating frozen meals and tries learning to cook. shes really bad at it at first and almost gives up multiple times, but wants to be able to cook for herself (its really for basira but she wont admit it)
tim is the cook and sasha cleans up after
he feels bad making her clean but she insists bc "cooking is so much more useful and time consuming" and that he should "let her be useful"
tim always helps out in the end and they often end up dancing together in the kitchen
tim gets this weird feeling of loneliness when certain songs come up when hes cleaning the kitchen alone after not!sasha
peter leaves homecooked meals at elias' desk when he has his back turned (he starts with warm foods, but realized that they always turn cold and that isnt very pleasent, so he starts bringing salads and poke bowls)
if i missed anyone, lmk! i could continue w these for a while but im blanking on other characters and i dont want to go on too long in 1 post so see ya later!
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brainbleedo · 4 months
TMA S1 Character Opinions
Jonathan Sims
love him, wasn't sure at first but now that the season is done I really like him- honestly he is absolutely a wet cat kinda character.
Martin Blackwood
also love him, honestly I cannot pick a favourite character, regardless though his whole living in the archivesthiny was brilliant especially the sheer doomsday esc preparation he had set up. Istg if he dies I will cry.
Sasha James
okay so I've said this for everyone so far but I love her, I love loads of these characters, sadly dont know much about her so far but after the finale something is definitely up and whatever that is it is NOT my sasha
#not my sasha
Elias bouchard
right, Elias, I don't hate him but I'm not fond of him either- neutral right now. He doesn't seem malicious or anything though but for the Magnus institute he seems like a weirdly normal boss so far and it's got me on edge. All in all tho, don't care much for him yet, tho I think he knows more than he's letting on.
Jane Prentis
Jane motherfucking Prentis. God I both hate and love her, she's interesting and I want to know more about the rot and whats happened to her but on another note I hateeee her and her wormy holey skin it's just no. I don't think she's dead, im not even sure she CAN die but regardless I don't think she's dead, tad anticlimactic if she is, I think she might be injured but not dead especially with her whole rot and decay thing that's going on.
Gertrude Robinson
not much to say on her character, she's dead, but more so her death and I really really want to know more, especially the fact she was found shot which is so ??!??! It's such a 'normal' death I'm more concerned about that than anything else, and you still have the whole thing of her blood which makes me think it wasn't entirely natural either. Doesn't seem fully supernatural either tho I mean a gun? All this spooky supernatural stuff and it decides to just shoot her a few times? Nah. Nah I don't buy it, I'm placing my bets on joint efforts.
Tim Stoker
I totally did not forget to talk about Tim, definitely. I really like him tho haven't actually heard much from him yet though from his fucking "Statment of Joe Spooky regarding Sinister Happenings" I think he is absolutely going to turn into one of my favourite characters
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anthroposeen · 10 days
tmagp 17 relisten notes!!
as always, tmagp and tma spoilers below the cut! hope you guys enjoy the breakdown :)
- she's been teleported to another road side, this time very close to a highway in oxford. she missed the play with sam and didnt have a way to contact him about it
- she wants to make up for missing the play by paying for their next date, and seems pretty genuine about her guilt and interest in him
- once the incident ends, she thanks the computer/chester for it. this could have been a sarcastic comment on her part, but it comes across as her acknowledging the case for what it is, and acknowledging that it is somehow curated for her. i think this is evidenced by her telling alice the incident wasnt very useful, implying she tries to find their meaning, and takes them as some form of sentience.
- he seems a bit peeved that celia didn't call him to tell him she had to cancel, and tells her to not make a habit of this kind of thing. i think its important to keep in mind that we've established he's very sensitive to rejection and people "not having time" for him.
- "im not a big horror fan" who's going to tell him?
- her computer keeps malfunctioning, showing a jmj error
- shes back to making bad puns and jokes at gwen's expense, a hard shift from her demeanor last episode
- she jokes to gwen about venting their problems as a group exercise, but denies actually having a problem to discuss
- she helps alice with the jmj error, and says that colin hasnt been in the office in weeks, though theres no more word in his whereabouts
- she also! denies having anything to talk about! great communication guys!
- narrated by chester/jon, read at celia's desk.
- incident pulled from the magnus institute oxford outreach center -> important for the obvious reason and because celia woke up in oxford the most recent time she teleported
- darrien is given low viability for agent, subject, and catalyst
- states that "continued incarceration" is the advised method of containing/studying the subject and phenomena, implying that sometime after the statement was given, the magnus institute incarcerated darrien for unknown reasons.
- the statement was given by a man named darrien -> episode 13 also featured a darrien, but it doesn't appear to be the same man to me, i think its most likely that ajn and johhny are just having a good time with recycling names.
- darrien was in a court ordered anger-management program and was transported across dimensions during a therapy session -> intense meditation seemed to be the trigger here
- the receptionist at his therapy office was a "big, soft looking guy" who stumbled over his words, this is followed by the mention of a "bookish looking guy" who darrien says gives him weird pervert vibes. while these are incredibly in character descriptions for them both, i cant say im sure these are alternate-dimension's martin and jon. ide also like to point out that these are characters from darrien's previous universe, not the tmagp one where he finds himself.
- when darrien wakes up from his meditation he has a strong migraine, dry eyes, a stiff neck, and he was dizzy. later, he discovers hes emaciated as he continuously passes out. these symptoms seem to go away as he stays in this dimension
- he woke up in the tmagp universe in a shopping center, coming from a magnus institute outreach post -> seeing as how we know the main building is still active, it could be that the outreach centers also serve as "portals"
- he experienced similar things to anya villette's statement in tma s3. he couldnt contact his employer, had no emergency contact to give the hospital, woke up in a different location, and was taken to the wrong address.
- the tmagp native darrien (who ill call other!darrien for clarity here) was welcoming to his lost doppelgänger, letting him stay in his house and offering him advice on how to keep his anger in check
- darrien describes meeting his other!self as "trying not to fall through the cracks" -> potentially a call back to anya villette's episode "cracked foundation"
- they reasoned the coincidence out by figuring they were half siblings, though they were both named darrien. they discovered a couple of time discrepancies, seeing as their dad died on different days
- the housekeeper, sharon, was wary of them, giving darrien a scared look and looking for opportunities to leave the room when he was around
- when darrien asks how other!darrien manages his anger, hes taken to a heavy door in the basement. there was a single drop of blood on the staircase leading down. ragged breathing and pleading for help rose from below the stairs, and darrien refused to be a part of this anger-vent exercise. he pushed other!darrien into the room, locking it back.
- darrien denies the invitation into the torture chamber, "i couldnt join him down there with my father", later saying he felt guilty for not killing other!darrien and "saving whatever poor soul he had kept". at first, i thought that his other!father was being kept in the basement and tortured, but i think he uses his dad as a metaphor for the anger they both carry. this opens up the scarier realization that other!darrien is just torturing a random person
- once he locked other!darrien in the basement room, he adopted his life.
- sharon didnt return to darrien after her vacation was up, and its thought that she reported him to the institute, where we can assume they began his incarceration
- "i'm ok/its ok" spoken by celia as she's trying to reassure herself
- no glitches after gwen and alice say they have nothing to share. its very possible this is because they dont want to share with each other
extra comments:
- the jmj wrror stops popping up after alice proposes talking out their issues as a team, but considering they dont actually do that im chalking it up to a coincidence for now
- this incident follows chester's normal shtick: statement from the magnus institute, directly targeting someones business, and sort of providing a cautionary tale
- this may be my favorite incident so far. it has a very similar vibe to the early tma statements, and an ominous music bit from s1-2 even played briefly as darrien meets his dopplegänger (at least, thats what it sounded like to me). it has a lot of revelation-centered horror that really grabs me, knowing exactly who will be in the house as darrien knocks on the door and following his dopplgänger into the torture room were so vivid for me, its the exact type of horror that always makes me genuinely creeped out!
- this episode raises a lot of questions about the stability of this dimension, and all dimensions in general since there seems to be reoccurring leaks/cracks. this manifests as celia teleporting across space, existing in this universe in general, the giant cavern in the magnus institute ruins, and darrien's adventures in universe-hopping.
- as i mentioned in the incident points, jon and martin have a sort of hinted cameo in darrien's original universe, but a part of me refuses to believe its them just because i enjoy the mystery set up after mag 200. if this is all the content we get of potential jon and martin dopplegängers, ill actually be happy with that. i really do enjoy the notion that they exist in some boring reality somewhere else, and martin still stumbles over his words and jon still needs anger management therapy. i like that theres consistency even in an alternate universe. im certain we wont be seeing these vague background characters again, but i would love to see darrien's reaction to norris's voice.
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herbertp · 1 month
TMP 14 Reactions
Someone on TikTok mentioned that Celia not drinking coffee is a hint she’s from the original TMA universe- I’m sad that this episode throws that idea away immediately because I loved that idea
Jealous Alice is so so sad
This Celia-Alice interaction is so Tim coded in the way Alice deflects
Worried Alice!! The Sam-Alice dynamic is so sweet- I’m hoping that we get more Tim and Sasha parallels from them
The transcript makes the interaction so much more awkward and makes it so obvious that Alice still holds some feelings
“Sam’s masculinity is spreading hanging by a thread”😭😭😭
Lena creeps me out in the same way Elias did in the first few seasons (the creepiness from Elias turned into blood boiling rage)
The shopkeeper is giving corruption avatar vibes- I wonder if the rats and reptiles love him. Is he consumed by that which loves him?
The statement giver immediately talks to her dad when in trouble- do we think that the dad could be from the original TMA universe? Do we think the fears have been in this universe long enough for generations to be well-versed in knowledge of the fears?
A part of me thinks that the dad knows a lot about the fears- the way the statement giver promises they weren’t being nosy gives the vibe that their dad wants them to avoid the eye
CORRUPTION TAKING THE STATEMENT GIVER WITHOUT HER CALLING OUT??? Is it an attack or has she turned into an avatar?
An institute rejecting the shopkeeper is weird- and Sam obviously connects it right to the Magnus Institute but if it is, it doesn’t align with the institute we know? It’s a weird idea that you could get rejected from it
Gwen being so uptight about getting each statement right is such a fun character thing- like even as she’s terrified about what the OIAR is doing she’s helping Sam categorize them and suggesting super specific categories
Sam’s trying to help is so sweet- the switch up with “of course not” made me sad for him though. I wonder how many times he’s been told he can’t understand something.
Sam babe who the hell hurt you. “No one ever does [have time for this]” like bruh what happened
Maybe that’s too mean to Sam but also- you’re going to go on another date with Celia and Alice explored the ruins with you and people just need a break
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just-some-guy-joust · 2 months
im stubborn and i like talking here's the reasons i put every character i did in side a into the tourney. I'll do side b later cause i gotta go to bed soon
important first note, quite a few of my decisions were because i was trying to get women in here and it was getting desperate because i had to cut out a lot of women for only being "just some guy" because they were written by a misogynist that made her sit on the sidelines and cheer for the male leads. The Woman Situation Is Always So Fucking Dire.
anyways on to the actual contestants im gonna start with the characters that have been causing the most people to start up shit about them not being just some guy
barry bluejeans (taz balance): 2 submissions, personal bias. i think a lot of people are misunderstanding what this tournament is tbh. this isnt about the "normal" characters, tho normalcy does play a factor in it. this is about dudes who are just some guy. there is a difference. barry is a dnd npc who wears blue jeans in a fantasy world and he loves his wife. yes he is a lich. yes he is involved in the main plot. he's also just chillin. like if the plot didn't happen the way it did barry would be playing sudoku or crosswords. he'd be an average man in a very fantasy world. he is so average and human its funny. he is just some guy
tommy (hlvrai): 1 submission, personal bias. his just some guy energy is so there. he gets a propeller hat that does nothing when all of his crew is getting cool guns and upgrades. his life goal is to go home and take his dog for a walk. he gets a chuck e cheese birthday party. he sounds like he's going to burst into tears at any moment. compared to the rest of the crew, tommy is comedically just some guy
ulala (persona 2): 1 submission, description swayed me. it described the list of characters in persona 2 and ulala was just "your roommate that wanted to go to a party". that's hilarious. also i was getting fucking desperate for women that didn't suck ass as i stated above
apollo (ace attorney): 2 submissions, personal bias, descriptions swayed me. yall the submissions for him were so fucking funny. he's just a lawyer. he just wants to do his job but he lives in the ace attorney universe so everything is fucked all the time. he would've been a normal lawyer if he hadn't met phoenix wright. he's just chillin.
ok now here's every other character
sasha james (tma): 1 submission, friend bias, good description. i asked r if i should put her in because they know tma and they said yes. submission described her as loving to organize and avoided many monsters by being just some guy.
reigen arataka (mp100): 2 submissions. i thought it'd be funny and i was right. he is also just a normal man pretending he's not and he refuses to give up the bit he 100% deserves to be here
joy (underworld office): 1 submission, friend bias. the mc is going through wild ghost related problems and she's just going . hey man. you good??? r's sister submitted her and im not letting her down dude she's awesome
junpei (zero escape): 3 submissions, personal bias. he is literally the only character who has no connection to the larger mystery he's just there because he loves 1 girl. he's PAINFULLY and VITALLY just a dude. i need him
horse (centaurworld): 1 submission. i thought it'd be really funny to include just a horse. her name is horse. thats fucking awesome dude
phone guy (fnaf): 2 submissions. he was the only character from fnaf that got more than 1 submission and there were like 9 fnaf submissions i kinda felt bad tbh. he was also the best example of just some guy out of all the fnaf submissions
gordon freeman (hlvrai): 1 submission. he is a guy playing a video game. he is the straight man to the rest of the crews antics and by god he plays his role well
joshua gillespie (tma): 4 submissions, friend bias, hilarious descriptions. he avoids getting killed because he's so good at following instructions despite him clearly supposed to be dying here. they said don't open the coffin so he didn't. simply don't tuesday
namari (dungeon meshi): 1 submission, personal bias. i like her c: she's pretty level headed compared to like. everyone else in laios's crew. she seems like somebody i could just be friends with and hang out with
shez (fire emblem): 3 submissions, hilarious descriptions. i might try getting into fire emblem because of this. ok so they got murdered in a previous game off screen and now they're the playable character of a new game in a new timeline and they're fucking everything up because they're just supposed to be some guy? thats so fucking funny holy shit i want to know more
henry stickmin (henry stickmin): 1 submission. henry stickmin. like idk i dont feel like i gotta explain this one he's a stickman
stanley (tsp): guaranteed entry
whole (chonny jash): 1 submission, friend bias. tbh i saw him and went oh fuck yeah thats the thing my friends like and then i put him in there. i dont actually know enough about chonny jash to say anything on this but i fully trust the submitter knew what they were doing
larry (pokemon): guaranteed entry
luke carder (inscryption): 1 submission, friend bias, good description. he is just a normal youtuber in the lore of the game. he fucking love card game. good for him man good for him
leorio (hxh): 3 submissions, friend bias, good descriptions. idk a lot about hxh but the descriptions of him compared to the other main characters was pretty convincing
barry the quokka (sonic): guaranteed entry
april o'neil (tmnt): 1 submission, friend bias. absolutely normal girl that just happens to be the one that found the turtles and become their friend
tsuzuru (a3!): 3 submissions, friend bias. descriptions definitely made him feel like a good fit. he's so good at being just some guy i actually thought he was a different character and was shocked when i went to grab images for the tourney and he wasnt the guy i thought he was. which is really funny. like who the fuck is he then. this didn't change my opinion or anything it was just so good
matt (woe.begone): 1 submission. woe.begone fans have ALWAYS been kind to me so they got some mod bias sprinkled in. i dont know what this guys deal is but in the dbtn tourney the guy who got in there had a giant fucking list of things that are happening to him all the time and apparently thats just what woe.begone is like so i believe it when told matt is normal in comparison. everything else is so batshit wild I Just Believe You
gilear (fantasy high): 2 submissions. he seems to be just a dad. wasn't going to get in at first tbh just for personal reasons but i was running out of characters that i felt actually fit the tournament well so ultimately he got in
emmet (lego movie): 4 submissions. honestly with the number of submissions we got, 4 submissions was basically a guaranteed entry. and emmet's whole story is about being just some guy
stahl (fire emblem): 1 submission, hilarious description. fire emblem fans are so funny. what do you mean he can only be perfectly average because everyone else improves/gets worse with him to keep him perfectly average. what the fuck. thats so good
doug (wolf359): 2 entries. i dont know jack shit about wolf359 and honestly the submissions didn't tell me a lot but it was enough to figure he qualifies and i was running out of characters that felt good for the tourney. i trust you wolf359 fans
jack townsend (tales from the gas station): 1 submission, good description. he works at an evil gas station and the description gave me no follow up on what an evil gas station is which is awesome. apparently the horrors are constantly happening and he's just kinda staring at them. he's not paid enough for this
frisk (undertale): guaranteed entry
brian pasternack (yuppie psycho): 1 submission. im gonna be super honest with you here. i dont remember. i know he qualifies but i have 0 thoughts about him. maybe thats a good thing in this tourney. he's an average office worker who has now been tasked with killing The Witch.
trevor (american arcadia): 4 submissions, personal bias, good descriptions. dude i fucking love american arcadia it's so fucking good what a nightmare. he's so normal they were going to kill him for not being entertaining enough
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silly-lil-scribbles · 11 hours
dumb idea, but felt necessary
so heres my moots (some of them atleast) and what tmagp character i associate them with.
@styrofoamdoor colin. youre like an absent father. i refuse to elaborate.
@ngalu celia. generally pretty chill, kind, and every now and then youll just say something insane like it’s absolutely nothing.
@chouthechaoticraccoon gwen (post bonzo). on your own unrelated sideplot, overthinking everything, and most likely on the verge of a mental breakdown. put the coffee down. please.
@chaoticbuggybitchboy alice. really cool, definitely struggling in some way at all times, and you probably handle that with humor (me too friend). generally just fun to be around. on a side note, put the fanfic down. please. also, you have correct opinions on everything, i dont make the rules.
@jetstar2828 sam. idk why. vibes.
@sunflowerqueen333 i dont know that much about you but youre really nice, so im choosing celia :3
@princessofthesapphics sam. again, dont know you that well yet (unfortunate), but you remind me of sam. welcome to magpod posts btw, you can never leave. you should be expecting wayyyy too much talk about tma(gp) from me in the future :)
@fruityfroggyfelon lena. stressed. congratulations, you get the #1 blorbo and shes a complete mess. you either consume way too much caffeine, or youre just like that. nobody knows. you tend to appear from the void to yell about something, before disappearing yet again. silly <3
@raccoons-under-a-trenchcoat “chester”. i feel beheld. u seem like the kind of person to email me a random mans address completely unprompted and i love that for you.
@alley-brigade-productions colin. eye coded while simultaneously holding a grudge against the eye. no further explanation.
@humanteethmarksonhumanbone celia. if you said you wake up on train tracks next to an interdimensional hellportal, i would probably believe you. good friend, even if we dont talk much :>
@encryptidarchivist lena. question, how much sleep do you get, perchance? go drink some water. do it. like, right now.
sorry if these aren’t accurate, this was just for fun and if anything was insult adjacent just know i mean it lightheartedly, love you ^^
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I've seen you post about The Locked Tomb. But you're also primarily a TMA poster. If there were a crossover how do you think that would work? Like crossover specific headcanons. Like what House would they belong to? Are they a necromancer? If they are a necromancer what is their specialty? Are they a cavalier? And if so what's their fighting style? Who would they ascend to Lyctorship with? Would they be capable of lyctoring with that person? Gimme TMA(GP) + TLT ideas and hcs pls
firstly and most importantly. tma characters are house, tmagp characters are non-house/blood of eden. i don't know why, but it makes sense in my head.
ok so.
first house - all the older avatars. i think their saint names would be fear-related, e.g. jonah the first, saint of beholding. i honestly don't know who would take god's role, for some reason i wanna say simon.
second house - necromancer basira hussain, cavalier daisy tonner
third house - i honestly don't know
fourth house - necromancer callum brodie
fifth house - necromancer sasha james, cavalier timothy stoker
sixth house - necromancer jonathan sims, cavalier martin blackwood
seventh house - necromancer agnes montageu, cavalier jude perry
eighth house - necromancer manuela dominguez
ninth house - necromancer oliver banks
ok so. turns out sorting these fuckers into houses is harder than i thought!!! but i HAD to make jon sixth, it just. makes way too much sense. same for ninth house oliver. agnes somehow reminds me of dulcinea a lot so i put her in seventh, and also cuz of the whole "beaty that blossoms and dies" thing being real desolation coded. the beaty inherent to destruction etc etc.
i think jon would 100% specialize in psychometry, like palamedes. oliver is probably fond of bones, but i actually think he'd be a spirit magician primarily. i don't think there's any flesh magicians among them, for obvious reasons.
ok now tmagp. since boe doesn't have a sorting system, i'm just gonna refer to the actual characters.
i am so incredibly fond of the idea of lena as commander wake. that entire (paraphrasing) "the only thing my civilization can learn from yours is that when our towers fall and our cities burn, we rarely become heroes." speech is so insanely her coded. hmmm gwen as pash, methinks. just because nepo-baby. alice could be angel/ame? no idea who nona is.
gaahhh thank you so much for the question!!!!! this was so fun to think about ahdjfkejfke
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jhnnyjstr · 1 month
i am winning the idgaf wars when it comes to the magnus protocol bruh.
i cannot get myself to be even remotely interested in this series. im listening out of obligation (number 1 tma fan), but i end up just waiting around for those 20 minutes to end with zero interest. for there to be a sequel to the magnus archives, a podcast with a fully rounded and complete elaborate storyline, it has to justify itself. to me, tmp doesn’t justify itself.
right now, tmp feels like someone going “oh! oh you liked THIS?? you liked THIS PART of tma??? well look at THIS!!!!! this is THAT!!!!!” and it completely flops at it every time. i won’t say its shit, i’ve liked certain episodes and i enjoy some of the characters, but side by side with tma…? come on
part of the beauty of tma is that every episode felt like you were slowly uncovering a plot with the mc. not only that, but characters were gradually introduced, and supplementals didn’t even have proper full character scenes/dialogues until s3, (a little in s2). then look at tmp. the first episode is random characters ive never heard of talking all at once, and this continues for every episode until the current one. i don’t care about any of these characters, and i feel no attachment or ‘riding along with the mc’ feeling with any of them. it feels like a random group of people sprinkled in amongst a vaguely tma-ish plot.
i also hate the attempt to INSTANTLY get into the ‘ooo big background mystery’ when there absolutely hasn’t even been enough context set for that to even matter to the listener. why do i care that gwen is getting promoted? why would any of this sinister secret plot matter to me when i barely understand the way that this institution functions normally? (which i don’t even know the name of, mind you).
you could easily say “but dan!! this will be SHORTER than tma!! its 3 seasons, not 5!!!” think about what was achieved in 3 seasons of tma. by season 3, jon was in his exploration era. he was meeting mike, jude, the monster hunters, gerry, nikola, sarah, he learned about the nature of the entities, we learnt about rituals, learnt that jon wasn’t fully human anymore, hell we even met peter, and we saw elias’ ass being sent to jail!
the pace of tmp is so fast when its plot already bears so little relevance to the listener, and it doesnt help that some of these episodes are, in complete honesty, poor. i find the writing of characters and the interactions between characters rather poor already as well.
im not trying to be harsh, but this is definitely nagging at me. ive been growing fairly irritated with tmp. feel free to disagree obviously, i can see why people would be fans. but it doesn’t hold a candle to tma. im trying reaaaally hard to give it a chance, but im growing more and more disappointed/underwhelmed by the day . pllbbttfhhh . 👎
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