#youtube is calling me stinky :(
elendsessor · 3 months
i keep getting a stupid ass ad from native that starts with “stinky pits and feet??” and it makes me want to die whenever i hear it
and one time while i was playing some video in the background without headphones in that ad started and my dad walked by and gave me some weird deathish stare
stop harassing me youtube i do in fact practice basic hygiene despite that being very ungamer of me
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elliespectacular · 6 months
Hello, Ellie, I'd like to file a complaint.
When the narrator in your latest upload called me a "shower failure" it really hurt my feelings bcuz I've literally JUST taken a shower a few hours before I started watching it. Come to think of it, it's really bold for a literal youtube POOP to be going around calling anyone dirty, stinky, smelly, etc.
Sincerely, A concerned viewer (who smells fabulously btw)
I apologize for the hurt feelings and misinformation. From now on you are not a shower failure, you are a shower champion!
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spxdxrpxnk · 11 months
PAVITR loves you with everything he has, and he knew you loved him just the same.
and.. and that's something he actually kinda hates- even though he'd never, ever say that out loud.
( notes: this is written by a minor, so nsfw/18+/'minors dni' blogs please do not interact with this post! thank you!
this went from a paragraph to 2k words. i am in love with pavitr prabhakar. reblog )
he loved you so much that you were the first person he revealed his secret identity to! ... or- or built that identity with, rather? seeing as he came to you when he first started experiencing spider powers.
peace and quiet was never really a thing when it came to your relationship with PAVITR.
his bright smile and seemingly endless energy was contagious, so you two often got into the craziest of shenanigans when he'd look at you with that glint in his eye and that smile on his face.
you felt like you were ready for anything pav could throw at you.
... but you really weren't ready for things to be sticking to him rather than being thrown at you.
you heard him when he came into your house, heard his polite yet rushed greetings to your parents before he burst into your room like a madman. there was a piece of paper stuck to one of his hands. he looked like he'd just finished a marathon, or just barely escaped a pack of angry dogs, all flushed and panting heavily.
and considering he lived a considerable distance from you but always chose to walk instead of taking public transportation, you didn't doubt he actually ran the whole way.
before you could even get a word out, PAVITR was frantically calling your name, closing your door and locking it and holding out his paper covered hand. you got a peek of it before he started pacing frantically, and saw that it was an essay for the physics class you both shared.
an essay for physics sounds crazy, and.. well, it is, but PAVITR wanted extra credit to ensure a big fat A+ for the class by the end of the semester.
ever the overachiever.
"what do i do, what do i do-" he questioned frantically, shaking his paper covered hand as if it was burned in an attempt to get his essay off. "you see this!!" PAVITR shouted as he stopped pacing and turned to you, showing you his hand again.
you only nodded, pure confusion on your face, before he started pacing again.
"it's finished, all of it, but it won't come off my hand-"
"pav-" you tried to get a word in, trying to think of a question that could clarify any of that, but you were rendered speechless before you could even finish his name.
you watched, in pure awe, as he just.. started walking up your bedroom wall, and began pacing like that.
he'd make it halfway up the wall, frantically mumbling about how he "can't pull it or i'll rip the paper and it's due tomorrow- literally tomorrow morning!!!- and i- she won't give me an extension and-", before he turned and returned to the floor as if it was nothing.
"pav!" you called a little louder, and PAVITR actually froze in his tracks while standing on your wall, like a cartoon character. he had to lift his head to look at you, eyebrows furrowed with a frustrated pout on his face.
"what??" he asked you, as if you were the one bugging him, when he was getting footprints! all on your wall!!!
and you? you loved him so much that you always worried for him whenever he had to put on the mask to go fight crime, save lives, and put himself in danger to keep the random citizens of mumbattan safe. even kiss a baby or two, when he could be kissing you instead and not some stinky baby, if the day called for it.
and maybe, just maybe, you were a little selfish. but you did have his best interest at heart, and that's what counts.
you always told him to come to you if he had big injuries he couldn't tend to on his own.
you weren't a certified professional, or even studying medicine like that, but.. who needs professional training when you have youtube and a few stolen practice materials from school?
when PAVITR came to you one day with a pretty deep cut on his arm, you were so mad. it was the first time he'd ever seen you so upset at him, and he didn't know what else to do besides apologize. but you were quick to shush him.
"i'm not mad at you, pavi," you said. but the furrow in your eyebrow, the frustration in your voice, and the way you pulled the gauze a little too tight didn't help ease him at all. "i'm mad at the.. the assholes that think it's okay for them for hurt a teenage boy!"
"... everyone thinks i'm over twenty, if that makes it any better...?"
the deadpan look you gave told him 'no, that didn't make it any better.'
"i know you have to be the big tough spidey and keep all the bad guys away, but it sucks seeing you get hurt for people who probably wouldn't even do the same for you. for a bunch of.." you struggled to find the word, pausing with the gauze pulled taut between the blades of the medical scissors from the first aid kit you bought specially for him.
PAVITR really wanted to rub the wrinkle between your brows away, kiss that pout off your lips until you were smiling and giggling, but he loved seeing you like this even more.
when you couldn't think of a word during your passionate rants, you always came up with something so good-
'snrk- sounds about right.'
"and you, honey." he reminded you gently, watching as your expression softened with just those three words. you sucked your teeth as the scissors snipped!, severing the gauze around his arm from the very skinny roll in your hand.
and PAVITR knew he got you with that.
he knew, because you always sucked your teeth or scoffed, and then started messing with something to give yourself an excuse to look away from him whenever you got flustered.
you gently tucked the loose strand into the wrapped gauze, patting his now-properly-taken-care-of arm like it was a shiny new car.
he almost, almost complained that you were missing something, before you kissed your palm and softly patted your hand on his cheek in the way that made him giggle and flush a little, because it was so dumb.
and PAVITR loves you for caring about him so much, he really does, but hates how much you do. and that actually makes a ton of sense, if you think about it.
because, well, he loves having you dote and fawn over him; gently reprimanding him for being reckless and getting more hurt than he needed to. you'd press little kisses on his cheek, which would be bruising from a hit he probably could have dodged, to distract him from the uncomfortable sting of the warm, soapy water you were using to clean an open wound.
but he hates that you care so, so much, that you'd run head first into danger for him.
you, who didn't have the super cool spider powers like he did.
you, without the agility, or the heightened senses, or the quick healing.
normal, average you.
you would risk your life for him, just because you didn't like seeing him hurt, even though he'd heal fully within the week while it'd take you months.
he really wasn't paying as much attention as he should have at that moment, PAVITR admits that much.
stopping a gang of armed men from robbing a bank should have had his full attention, but you were there at the time.
he was walking you home when you heard all the commotion from across the street, and you rolled your eyes with a huff before pushing him into an alleyway so that he could change into his spidey suit.
he wanted to show you how effortless it was for him to fight crime and come out unscathed.
so that maybe, just maybe, you'd stop worrying.
he'd disarmed the guys early into the fight, but they were a pretty slippery bunch. PAVITR got most of them webbed to a wall for the police to handle later, which he thought was all of them, and was ready to swing off to change.
but he was still pretty new to being spiderman, and his spidey sense sometimes lacked.
he wouldn't have sensed the guy running at him full force with a bat until it was too late.
you noticed, though.
and you weren't the smartest either here, sure, whatever. yeling at him to watch out, to turn around- almost anything else would have been better than what you did.
which was running at the guy, tackling him to the ground before he could swing the bat.
you had the spirit, you really did.
it took your very surprised boyfriend with his spidey strength and a few other random bystanders to pull you off.
you were really holding your own, just.. wailing on the guy that tried to attack him. wild fists, some harsh kicks to very sensitive areas thrown in there. even a full force headbutt that left the dude with a bloody, probably broken nose and you with a slight headache.
of course, you didn't come out unscathed, and PAVITR wasn't too happy.
thankfully, he can never stay mad at you for too long.
and yeah, he hates when you get hurt because of how much you care for him, sure- but he'll never get tired of the moments you share after.
"to be fair," you'd started, sitting on his bed with him standing in between your thighs as he placed some very soothing healing cream on your bruises.
he was quiet the whole way to his house, and quiet when he pulled out his own first aid kit ( which was way smaller than yours, by the way ). "he would have gotten you right in the head if it weren't for me. i saved you from possible brain damage, don't i get a thank you?"
and man, if looks could kill…
you'd probably be fine, because PAVITR could never bring himself to glare at you with everything he's got.
no, he loves you too much.
instead of the angered, fiery look he attempts, he gives you a look akin to that of a kicked puppy. "thank you for saving me from possible brain damage. my hero." he replies sarcastically, a pout evident in his voice as he applies the last of the cream and closes the tube, tossing it aside to cross his arms at you. "but i really don't appreciate you getting hurt in the process."
you didn't reply immediately, instead staring at him with an overly smug expression that he pointedly avoided, furrowing his eyebrows. before you could open your mouth to say the four words that would stop PAVITR's entire argument before he even started, he basically said it for you.
"i sound like you." he stated defeatedly, which made you laugh at how ironic it was.
PAVITR sighed heavily, head dropping to rest on your chest. you brought up your arm to pat his back. "now you know how i feel." you told him with a mocking voice, which he gave a muffled whine to since his face was buried in your chest. you laughed again, leaning your head down to press a kiss to his pretty head.
"please never do that again." he mumbled, pure sadness in his voice, and you think you can hear your heart break a little. you smile fondly, rubbing circles on his back.
"no promises, sunshine. spiderman has to get saved once in a while, so that his ego doesn't inflate too much."
PAVITR lifts his head to narrow his eyes at you, trying and failing to hold back a smile at the cheeky look on your face. "i'm being serious."
"i am too! i'm telling you, that guy has such a big head, it's a wonder how he gets that headband around it!" you'd tease him, giggling happily and reflexively shrinking away from him when he places his fingers on your waist.
you lifted your hands, one of them wrapped snug with the last of his soft cotton gauze since you kinda grabbed the guy's fist when he tried to swing on you- like the total badass you were. nothing was broken or fractured or out of place, but it did hurt like hell. neither of you knew what to do besides wrap it and hope the gauze inflicted a healing aura or something.
thankfully, your always honest boyfriend said you looked so cool when you did, which makes you think it was worth it.
"i love seeing this pretty face when it's not all bruised up- even though you're handsome either way." you tell him, tone all mushy-gushy and baby-ish the way it is when you're genuinely complimenting him but playing it off as a joke, a gentle smile on your face as you kiss his nose.
PAVITR smiles along with you, bright and happy and a total contrast from the tragic kicked puppy look he just had.
this was a pretty typical situation for you both, only the roles would be reversed: you'd be reprimanding him for getting hurt while he cracks jokes and flirts with you until you lighten up. and he's all flustered now, since he's always weak for your compliments.
he knows he has a point, the way you always do, and an entire heartfelt rant about how he's a superhero and you're not and you have to stay out of harm's way was right on the tip of his tongue.
but with his flushed cheeks and dopey smile, he decides to hold it off.
instead, PAVITR just pulls you close ever so carefully so that he doesn't strain any of your injuries further, nuzzling his nose to yours in a little bunny kiss before properly kissing you on the lips ever so softly.
and if he tasted a little blood from the benign split in your lip, he didn't say anything.
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waterlilyvioletfog · 18 days
10 CDramas I Enjoyed Enough To Recommend!
1. Nirvana in Fire (2015) — 5/5 ⭐️ 54 Episodes. This is genuinely as good as its reputation. It is a political palace drama and it is insanely compelling. My mom agrees that this is good. You can watch it on YouTube, but I recommend watching on Viki (which you can sign up with for free) bc cdramas on YT can have weird issues with audio + I’m pretty sure the versions available on YT are heavily edited to cut out Zhang Zhehan.
2. The Untamed (2019) — 4/5 ⭐️ 50 Episodes 🏳️‍🌈 Owns me. Censored BL low-xianxia setting. None of my family believe me about how good it is because they keep seeing out of context episodes and scenes. The Untamed is something you have to just sit through. It is a boiling frog situation. Beats out #3 despite being of lower quality (look. Those special effects…) because this is my best friend my silly rabbit my blorbo my love. My stinky cheese, even. Netflix, YouTube, and Viki.
3. A Journey to Love (2023) — 4.5/5 ⭐️ 40 Episodes. A mixture of court drama, wuxia adventure, and romance. So so so many dramas WANT to be this show, to balance court politics and wuxia shenanigans and epic romance but, frankly, only AJTL manages to perfectly balance all of its genres, plots, and characters. I cried watching the end. I watched this on YouTube, but it’s also on iQIYI.
4. Love Between Fairy And Devil (2022) — 4/5 ⭐️ 36 Episodes. Xianxia romance. Despite outward appearances of trite banality and overdone tropes, this show is gorgeous, insanely compelling, and will sit with you. My mom calls this “the fairy show :D”. Suffers in pacing towards the end, but sticks the landing. Netflix, Viki, iQIYI.
5. Word of Honor (2021) — 4/5 ⭐️ 36 Episodes 🏳️‍🌈 Wuxia adventure censored BL. Lead actor Zhang Zhehan is… a bit of a touchy subject, but I still consider this one of the best cdramas I’ve watched and I do still recommend it. Like LBFAD, pacing suffers in last quarter, but sticks the landing. Netflix, YouTube, Viki.
6. Lost You Forever S1 (2023) — 4/5 ⭐️ 39 Episodes. Xianxia reverse harem romance. Now that description may not sound compelling. But. Idk how to tell you this but I’m insane about this drama. Is it ~good~? I honestly can’t say. I’m insane about it. S2 is probably gonna be a flop and kill my love for it but for now? We’re riding high, baby!! YouTube, Viki, probably iQIYI.
7. The Rise of Phoenixes (2018) — 4/5 ⭐️ 70 Episodes. Court drama/romance. Actually you know what I DON’T recommend this. But like I DO need people to watch it so I have people to talk to about it with 🥺 Watching this is an exercise in masochism. It is gorgeous. It is insanely compelling. Watch like. The first 50 episodes because pretty much the rest of it is just [muffled screams]. Apparently it’s coming soon to Viki which is good bc it’s not on Netflix anymore 🙃
8. Couple of Mirrors (2021) — 3.5/5 ⭐️ 12 Episodes 🏳️‍🌈 1930s Shanghai censored GL romance. Hardly the highest quality, but it’s really fun, and you know what. Does a thing have to be good, historically coherent, and have two full seasons? Is it not enough for a show to be about lesbians??? Who are wanted for murders they may or may not have committed??? YouTube and Viki.
9. New Life Begins (2022) — 3.5/5 ⭐️ 40 Episodes. Fluffy court romance. Is this actually good idek I haven’t re-watched at all. What it is is a solid, serviceable, fluffy little het court romance with Feminism 101 undergirding it all. I liked it perfectly fine. There are many kinds of women and they should all be happy and free to pursue their passions!! Women who are friends!! And you know what? So true, cute little cdrama. So true. YouTube, Viki, iQIYI.
10. The Starry Love (2023) — 3/5 ⭐️ 40 Episodes. Xianxia romance. For the most part, a lighthearted comedic romance drama. It’s cute. It’s fun. It is sometimes comically low-quality, but it’s mostly charming and I like the visuals in general. The main pairing, while fun, doesn’t interest me as much as the secondary pairing or the friendship/sisterhood aspects of it. YMMV with this one. Viki and YouTube.
Honorable mention— The Blood of Youth (2022) Probably better overall than at least a few of these entries, but I’m just still so sad abt my favorite character dying :( Could be gayer.
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roo-bastmoon · 1 year
Juxtapositions, and focus
"How can you think Jikook are still real when they just hugged like they haven't seen each other in months??"
Whelp, my adorable little Vulcan, I'll tell you. Human beings have this thing called "humor" and they often tease each other when they feel safe and happy in each other's presence. (This is my gently teasing you, by the way.)
They hugged like they haven't seen each other in months because it was exaggerated, in a joking way, as Jungkook had been abroad for a week. And possibly they just got snockered together the night before, so it's hilarious to them.
Jimin gave Hobi almost the same exaggerated hug even though two days prior they shared a drink together. I still cling to my work wife every week on the days when we're both in the office and it's been three years of us talking almost daily. It's a silly way to convey love.
Just like when Jimin says "Is it you? Is it you or is it me? The smell of alcohol." He asks this ridiculous question while also cradling a stinky JK to him, and JK is smiling so hard his eyes crinkle while he wraps his arms around Jimin's waist and presses him close with his hands. And then they proceed to stand next to each other, arms touching, like magnets for a good long while. You know, just the usual.
Just like on JK's lives where his eyes lit up and he kept calling for Jimin to come to him... after using extremely formal language to say hello and bow to Jimin? It's not actually conveying that there's distance between them--because in the next breath he's dropping all honorifics and using just the most possessive, entitled, teasing tone. You know, also just as usual.
It's about the juxtaposition of extremes.
Or when JK responded to Jimin's "I miss you" on WeVerse with extremely aegyo "Me too." Jungkook is a 25-year-old millionaire rock star with a motorcycle, a full sleeve of tattoos, several piercings, and 8-pack abs. But he can turn on his big doe eyes and act super cute for Jimin.
Now look, to be fair, I can't tell you Jikook are romantically together as if it were a fact. I don't live in their cupboards and stalk them 24/7. I am pretty sure they are not sharing an address right now that we've seen on camera.
I'm guessing they spend time over each other's houses when they can, when schedules line up, probably sometimes over night (they are night owls). And on nights when that's not possible, it seems to me that Jimin spends hours watching all of JK's lives and JK spends 90 minutes ignoring the live chat to watch Jimin on YouTube.
I'm pretty sure they keep in contact using technology when they are apart on projects because when Jungkook doesn't answer Jimin's texts, it drives him crazy.
I'm absolutely convinced they love each other and they sure do act like they are IN LOVE with each other.
My god, the tones they use exclusively for each other is enough... And also, I don't see anyone else in Bangtan lifting each other up, trying to touch each other's skin under clothing, squeezing each other's butts, rolling around in soap, calling each other baby, giving each other bite marks, making videos about each other sharing a room or a trip, or including each other on super secret hidden love songs that will never be for sales or streams. But honestly it's the way everyone around them from their members to family to brands to tattoo artists to boxing coaches all still treat them like a couple--that's the clincher for me.
Totally fine if you don't see it. I've tried, I've really truly tried to see other pairings in BTS, watched tons of content around it, and there's plenty of silly flirting and deep respect and tons of skinship, but I genuinely do not see the same exclusive intimacy and heated chemistry among anyone else, and that's saying something because Jimin has chemistry with everyone. (Jimin can make a broken lamppost light up with love.)
But just because *I* don't see it, doesn't mean I look down on others who do see genuine romantic feelings among other pairings. I don't have the monopoly on truth. I'm just making my best educated guesses.
The day I feel the need to wander over to someone else's space and tell them they are wrong and I am right and pop off on some diatribe about why they are so wrong and I am so right is the day I truly have lost the plot, and no longer actually believe in my own assertions.
It's completely normal to have doubts, to question yourself, to ask others for their takes on things. I was a hella insecure Jikooker my first few months as baby ARMY. And I admit, even now, sometimes I doom spiral and ask myself if maybe Jimin and Jungkook are just really good friends who have absolutely no sense of boundaries when it comes to each other and I'm projecting a love story onto them. But naw. Then they act like they did in that Bangtan Bomb from today and I'm pretty sure I'm not full-tilt delulu for thinking if it's not them it's not anyone.
And I do not need to convince anyone. I do not need to convert anyone. I don't even really need to answer this question put to me, but if you're hoping to be convinced...
Why do I think Jikook are still together?
Because while all of BTS really love each other... even if Jikook are apart for a while, the moment they are back together...
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...everyone and everything else sort of fades away for them.
Even ARMY.
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seangelfish · 11 months
can I request a cat-reader that mika has taken in? like he found them on the doorstep of his house?? thank you in advance!!
A/N: This is a really interesting request haha but it’s cute! I decided to write it in this format though because I feel like it falls into the headcanons/scenarios category. This is my first time writing a fic about a cat, so please bare with me!
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w/ a cat! reader
Mika Kagehira x reader
Tags: Headcanons/bulletpoint fic, platonic, wholesome, no mention of pronouns
Word count: 741
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– He found you after rehearsals on top of his doorstep. You were sat there patiently waiting for him inside a worn out cardboard box.
– He was very confused. Surprised, even. He kind of screamed when he saw you in there – a dirty black cat with big eyes.
– He calls Ritsu right away and asks him if this was his package.
"Nope, I didn't order anything," Ritsu replies. "Wait, you mean there's a living cat in there? Haha, that's cute. What are you going to name it?"
"I haven't even thought about adopting it yet!" Mika cries, kind of overwhelmed with this ordeal. "I'll probably send it to the vet..."
"Aww, that's a shame..."
– He looks back at you. You were just a little kitten. Cute, actually. He couldn't help but kneel down and stroke your head. You liked that very much, purring at his touch. He chuckles at this.
"Heh, you're actually pretty cute!" he says. "Where did you come from? Who brought you here?"
You purr in response.
"Hmm, what should I do with you?"
– He ends up bringing you inside the dorm he shares with Ritsu. First, he should bathe you! You were pretty stinky after all.
– He watches a YouTube tutorial on how to clean you since he doesn't know how. He puts you in the bath and gets the water running, and is pleasantly surprised that you don't react harshly when he starts washing you up.
"Hehe, you're a good cat!" he giggles.
– When he's washing in between your eyes, he notices that you also have heterochromia just like him!
"Woah, you're just like me..." he says, astonished. "Haha, we're so similiar! You have black fur and different coloured eyes!”
— Second, he decides to feed you! He looks in the fridge to see if there’s leftover tuna for you. He places it on a plate and watches you eat it happily. He smiles at this, stroking your head to your tail.
— He ends up taking a few photos of you too. He sends them over to Arashi who squeals in delight, calling him the second the pic was sent.
“Mika-chan! You adopted a cat?!” she exclaims. “What did you name it?”
“I-I didn’t name it anything!” says Mika. “I was planning on bringing it to the vet. It’s a stray I found on my doorstep…”
“Oh, is that so? I think you should keep it! Just so I can visit the cutie too~”
— After spending time with you, washing you up and feeding you, Mika has grown attached. Maybe he should keep you after all…
“Hmm… what should I name you?” he wonders as you look at him curiously. “What about… (Y/N)?”
— You nodded which surprised him a bit, but it was cute nonetheless. When Ritsu arrived home, Mika picks you up to show him the cat that was sent to him. Ritsu was surprised at how much you looked like Mika.
— Ritsu brought Arashi over too. She was SO excited! She immediately started playing with you and you enjoyed her presence!
— Mika tells them that he might be keeping you. Arashi is over the moon, and Ritsu doesn’t have a problem with it either.
— From this day forwards, Mika has done everything with you. He brings you everywhere that is permitted. Takes a lot of photos of you too. Has even introduced you to Shu who has taken a liking to you.
— Sometimes Ritsu would play with you with a cotton ball. Shu would sew you clothes which Mika deeply appreciates!
— Arashi would babysit you whenever Mika was busy with idol training/work. Her roommates, HiMERU and Tetora, were always happy to see you too. If they weren’t available, Jun was able to take care of you. Thankfully, you got along with Jun and Hiyori’s dog Mary quite well.
— Mika would buy cat toys that he hopes you’ll like! He loves watching you play, he finds this time fun. He takes a lot of videos too.
— You would lay on the table beside his laptop as he works on his homework. When he’s learning choreography or lyrics to his new song, you’ll watch and listen. You’ll even fall asleep to his voice.
— He likes waking up everyday to say good morning to you, and kisses you every night. He’s very thankful that you came into his life.
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butcherlarry · 9 months
Clark Kent Head Canons-Animal Rescue Edition
During my lunch break yesterday, I saw this post about how skunks are only native in the Americas and how someone had to tackle their international college roommate from messing with a skunk when they saw one for the first time. As I spent time in the cooler at work, the idea fermented inside my head of Clark doing the same thing with Kara when she first sees any Earth animal. He knows she's indestructible, but it still gives him a heart attack when he sees her try to befriend a grizzly bear. He also doesn't want to get stinky when she DOES see a skunk. Maybe he has a childhood memory of running into one when he was younger, and getting a tomato juice bath was no fun. Although, I don't think the tomato juice bath actually works, it only gets rid of some of the smell and covers it up with the tomato smell. RIP baby Clark, covered in tomato juice, his super smell was probably going crazy that day.
As I pondered this idea more, I figured the Supers would be fantastic animal handlers, especially when it comes to wildlife rescue (I have been watching too much Urban Rescue Ranch and raptor/bird rescue/rehab videos on YouTube, so that's been on my brain). It would be easy for them to spot and catch whatever animal they've been called out to rescue (super hearing and super vision would come in handy for that). And when taking care of the animals, they would be able to pick up easily on when the animal was stressing out. Plus, x-ray vision to see if there are any broken bones or other injuries! They would also never have to worry about being harmed by the frightened animals since they are pretty much indestructible.
I shouted this idea at the lovely @januariat, and was delighted to find out from them that this is close to being canon in the comics, Clark has a rescue for alien animals in his Fortress of Solitude:
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(Thank you for the comic panel evidence januariat!!)
This got my brain going AGAIN. If you are a regular viewer of the Urban Rescue Ranch videos, you know that Ben (the guy who runs the rescue) has a murderous rhea named Kevin. It pleases me to no end to think that Clark also has a murderous alien animal in his FoS rescue. He named them "Lex" though.
This thought awoken another memory in me of a post I read, but this time about a guy who is a husband to a crane, meaning that he works in the rescue/conservation group that's trying to increase this crane species low population. This one female crane (named Walnut) hates all her male crane suitors (the post said that she killed 5 of them. But that might be an exaggeration), but she will do a mating dance with this one human guy instead. So essentially, this guy is "married" to this female crane. They do the mating dance and he'll artificially inseminate her so she can lay eggs. I enjoy the thought that Clark also has a rare female alien animal that he's trying to increase the population of, but the alien animal hates all the males he brings of that species and only does a mating dance she sees Clark. Clark names that one "Bruce" (of course).
Anyway, there needs to be more of this content in the world, whether it's in the DC universe or an AU. Now that I think about it, that would be a cute meet cute for smol Superbat (Damian and Jon). Damian brings in an injured animal for Jon to rehabilitate, and it all builds up from there. Up to you if it's no capes/powers, with capes/powers, an alien animal, or earth animal. I just think it's a cute idea :D
Feel free to add any ideas you have about the Supers and them rescuing animals! I would love to hear them!
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horangkwon · 1 year
❝⭐Five Dollars and a Dream.❞
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨Kwon Soonyoung୧˚
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❍ Pairing: Hotel concierge! Soonyoung x Fine arts major! Fem reader.
❍ Genre: SMAU, romcom, hotel! au, fluff, little angst, slowburn.
❍ Synopsis:
Soonyoung's plan was perfect: get a degree in contemporary dance, upload covers on YouTube, perform on the streets, ???, become rich, and live in a gigantic mansion with a family of tigers. Well, there might be flaws in his logic, but his passion (and a lucky encounter) will push him to make his dreams a reality.
❍ Alternatively:
One more step is all that's left for you to finally graduate from college and start working as a professional film director. The problem? You, and your group of perfectionist friends, cannot decide what to do for your final project, so you take everyone, against their own will, of course, to a four-star hotel surrounded by nature for a change of scenery.
❍ Featuring: Rest of Seventeen members, Jiwon and Jisun (Fromis_9), Heejin and Hyunjin (Loona)
❍ Warnings: Swearing, empty threats, suggestive jokes, friendly teasing. Mentions of throwing up, knives, fire, food.
❍ Status: On-going (taglist open!)
❍ Started: 22/11/2022.
❍ Updates: Every three days.
❍ Disclaimer: I do not own any of the pictures used except for the banner. This is obviously a work of fiction, any of the ships that appear are purely for plot purposes. English is not my first language so please bear with me🙏 I would greatly appreciate any kind of feedback :)
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Profiles 1 | Profiles 2 | Profiles 3
Turtle moans.
Man fuck you :/
Super vig titties.
Become one with the wolves.
The Great Margarita Fiasco.
Shove stinky toes up their noses.
Sherlock's punching the air rn.
Decorative plants have seen some shit.
I'm revoking your vacuum sealer privileges.
Chill trip to the backrooms.
Dudu's daily dose of protein.
His name is Kwon Stupid Soonyoung.
Hyunjin's toenail collection.
The rest of you can drown in piss idc.
Let that cat cook!!
I'm feeding Bukkeu with your ballsack.
Hyunjin pulled the Tangamix.
That's it, I'm keeping you in a cage.
Praying to the gods of broke college students.
Mingyu can rizz Seungkwan out of the way.
Eres una en-vi-dio-sa.
The Seungkwan iceberg.
Baby cupcake.
I personally enjoy barking at people.
One eye open when I'm sleeping.
I love burnt pizza yum yum.
I'm so fucking stupid.
Perm-a-son or whatever it's called.
Reasons why Jeonghan should be in jail.
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Thank you for your interest!
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
You might get a kick out of this article someone linked me to, to try and argue that BL is in fact fetishizing (because Yada Yada women consume it and produce it and all that)
Article is a fairly short read. But I have to chuckle at it as "evidence" since it makes a fair amount of claims with 0 sources:
That young teenage women make up a majority of fandom (and that's whose consuming/producing BL)
Straight, white women get paid more to write gay romance novels (and that these novels often feature Adonis like males with 0% body fat and no body hair; play into gender/hetero norms)
Honestly the....article, if I can even call it that, isn't cohesive. I do find myself agreeing with its first two paragraphs...and surprisingly only the first two. However, this article spends a lot of its time focusing on fetishization of Trans bodies and chasers who go after transfolks bodies (which I'm not too familiar with this so if anyone wants to speak up on this point...)
I'm very confused by how someone could read this and think "this proves my point!"
I don't even agree with the beginning. Trashy "girl-on-girl" isn't what's making men think women exist to serve them. Society is doing that. Porn is a reflection, not a cause.
Not to mention the fact that f/f-for-dudes is astronomically common compared to shitheads pestering lesbians in bars. The latter are too common because the correct amount is 0, but just based on the numbers, a lot of dudes are capable of consuming this porn without being confused about what's fiction and what's reality.
The mass quantities of f/f-for-dudes do make it hard to find f/f-for-ladies, but this article has taken the wrong message from that. The correct takeaway is that we need better labeling and search features that are driven by the nerdy desire to categorize and not by algorithms that want to sell you stuff.
As long as het romance novels or porno movies for straight guys or bestselling thrillers or whatever are popular, they're going to drown out the algorithmic results for more niche things one is interested in.
Libraries and AO3 don't have this problem. Amazon and Youtube do.
the world of “slash fiction” (fanfiction portraying a romantic and often sexual relationship between characters from a given source) began centering gay men
Wow, article writer. So you know nothing then.
it’s been claimed that straight, white women are paid more than gay men by publishers to write gay romances
I'm honestly embarrassed for this article writer. First, most of this burgeoning field is selfpub anyway. Second, many established writers in the romance field are women, and established names will probably have a shot at better pay than new people.
Third, anyone who injects "white" like this is a moron and a wanker. If we're talking about racism in the Romance field (and boy howdy is there a lot), white gay men are no better, and men's race is just as relevant as women's. Either we're talking about race or we're not.
As it stands, this author just comes across as a misogynist piece of shit.
The overwhelming majority of these romances portray relationships between white, cis, abled men with no fat or body hair.
I have bad news for them about cis gay men's media. (Well, okay, some of that has a lot of body hair and interminable descriptions of the smell of ball sweat and stinky armpits, but still...)
Men who fit the first archetype will take the position of “top” in the numerous, inaccurate, graphic-as-possible sex scenes that are central to these stories and also appear to be central to many readers’ enjoyment.
I see we're in the usual "I, a sex-repulsed person, speak for all of humanity" mode.
People like horny art. News at 11.
These are complex issues deeply rooted in society. It’s difficult to envision mitigations and solutions. However, somewhere to begin would certainly be promoting more positive, intersectional, realistic representations of queer people and queer relationships. A vital action that can further this goal is choosing to consume media with queer representation that was created by queer people whenever possible.
Honestly, my response to this ending is:
Fuck off, you entitled git.
This uninformed little whiner is equating all kinds of unequal things. Chasers are all over the place, but they aren't the ones writing fanfic or any other amateur, personal writing. We have no right to other people's hobby time. Sure, we can vote with our feet, and we should, but this article doesn't really sound like it's advocating that: it sounds like it's crying that other people have different taste from the writer. Boo, hoo, hoo, someone I don't like got attention.
It's the usual ignorant trash.
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sgiandubh · 10 months
If Miss Marple investigates under the rugs, it's investigation, if you do it, it's meddling. The stinky chihuahua smells worse and worse🤢
Dear Investigation Anon,
As curiosity, double standard killed the cat. And FYI, it's "Born-again Taliban Chihuahua" on this page - yours was a creative license, I believe. I shall not comment your innovative approach and I hope she has a loving family, lots of friends and an interesting life. Let her insult and spew venom and call me names. I shall be merciless towards the hateful idiocies she writes, but I refuse to respond in kind, ad personam, even to the sad liar she presents herself as, to this fandom.
If a twenty minutes research on the YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook pages of a public institution, about a public event, for which tickets could be pre-booked online and access was free is snooping, to this person, so be it. The logic is shabby and the information was truncated in the Anon she sent herself, on purpose.
Unfortunately, this questionable attitude slowly becomes canon, because it serves a multitude of agendas. That group are unaware puppets involved in a game which rules they did not draw and do not control. I believe the Spanish word is títeres - daily performance in the Parque del Retiro, heh.
We are better than this, Anon.
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tofudemaru · 10 months
tofu returns to tumblr real???
given the fact that twitter has become very stinky, i have decided to try to actually use this site again! my old intro post on this account was kind of outdated so errrm...
hello! i am tofudemaru, but you can just call me tofu :]
🟡 21, they/them, pan & ace (borth: December 17th)
🟡 i am a spherical little electric mouse in your walls
🟡 i make penguinronpa and other various videos on youtube
🟡 main interests: Club Penguin, Banjo-Kazooie, Super Mario, Pokémon, Gravity Falls, Phineas & Ferb, Big & Small, Undertale, Deltarune, Conker, Bug Fables, Ace Attorney, and Danganronpa
i am @/tofudemaru on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Twitch, Discord, and that's about it! seeya around, nerds!!
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pileofpawns · 5 months
Hello, my name is Turtle Johnson. I make posts so good, that I bring back the dead.
This is my introduction post! The bit above is just a reference to the Super Ghostbusters album by Vargskelethor - You can actually call me Plum! I’m your local turtle girl who likes to talk about silly stuff on the internet. This post is really fuckin long and you DON’T have to read it /gen
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About me:
she/her pronouns please, though I don’t mind they/them or any turtle-themed neopronouns
You can default to feminine language when referring to me but I honestly don’t care what gendered language you use! I might not be a guy but you can call me one if it’s funny.
I am a cisgender woman
I am white
I am multiply disabled. My diagnoses are fuzzy, but I definitely have ADHD, myopia (nearsightedness), dermatillomania, mitral valve prolapse, and tachycardia. I also have headaches and migraines frequent and intense enough to be disabling (more prominent in the winter time), a pretty low pain tolerance, and might have major depressive disorder and problems with my feet and legs related to my intoeing. I’ve been questioning whether or not I’m autistic for a while now but I usually call myself allistic since I am, as far as I know. I’m only sharing my specific disabilities here because I feel comfortable doing so and want people to have context when I talk about them.
I’m aroace! (More specifically, sapphic-oriented bold stripe aroace. No romantic or sexual attraction whatsoever but women sure are pretty.)
I’m 18 years old
I am alterhuman and a furry/scalie! My scalesona and main kintype is a three-toed box turtle. You can still call me a human, though.
I do not subscribe to online discourse and don’t have a “DNI” list. However, I do block freely. I kindly ask that discourse be kept out of this blog. Literally all types of queerness, self-diagnosis, and endogenic systems are valid. The human experience is more vast than we can comprehend, so it’s better to be kind than to be exclusionary. Also human rights are cool and good 🇵🇸
About the blog:
I primarily post about my many interests and fandoms (see the list below). I also post the occasional art piece I make, talk about silly things in my life, queerness, disability, and alterhumanity, and make nonsensical shitposts.
I try to keep this blog accessible as possible but it is by no means perfect. Please let me know if you need anything to be changed, like adding image descriptions or tagging things so you can block them. I typically won’t add include image descriptions to things I’m reblogging (I’m currently trying to get into the habit of tagging these as “undescribed” or “no ID” but the vast majority aren’t), but I do usually add IDs to my original posts. I tag common triggers such as blood, violence, death, unreality, and food.
Everything will be tagged for organization and so y’all can filter stuff. “plums art”, “plum rambles”, and “plum shitposts” are the tags i use for stuff I make.
This blog is generally SFW (there will never be anything explicit) but there might be the occasional bit of crude humor or slightly suggestive post, which will be tagged as such so you can block it.
The name of my blog as well as the title of this post are references to the Super GhostBusters album by Vargskelethor. It’s very funny and I highly recommend you check it out. My URL is referencing a collection of OCs I have called pawns.
For reference, the character in my icon is my turtlesona, Tir! You can find more art of her under the tag #tir the tortle.
Some things I like:
Sonic the Hedgehog
Art, especially drawing and various crafts
Dungeons & Dragons
Magic the Gathering (casually)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Usagi Yojimbo
Tales from the Stinky Dragon
SpongeBob SquarePants
Rhythm games
YouTube Poops (YTPs)
My Little Pony (G4 + G3)
Game Changer + Make Some Noise (Dropout shows)
South Park - I’m not very active in the fandom anymore aside from interacting with my fandom mutuals, but I was very hyperfixated on it a while back. I’m well aware of the many problems it has.
Other sites:
I post my writing to ao3 under PileOfPawns
You can talk to me on discord @ pickledplums (if you send a friend request please tell me who you are if I wouldn’t already know)
Sometimes I put things on YouTube @ pickledplums
What you can do with my art
You can do pretty much anything with my art (visual, writings, or otherwise, including ideas that haven’t been made into “real” works) as long as you aren’t making money off of it or claiming it as entirely your own. If you use my art for something, please provide credit if at all possible. Don’t remove my watermark or signature when reusing my art. If and when I start selling my work, these rules still apply.
You can:
Make physical goods that include or are inspired by my art, like prints, stickers, buttons, and shirts, as long as they aren’t mass-produced and/or sold.
Modify my art by drawing over it, adding effects, cropping it, etc. (If you want something like this for a specific purpose, I’m happy to make said edits myself! I love messing with that kind of stuff.)
Crosspost my art to other sites, with credit.
Use my art as your profile picture, social media banner, or digital wallpaper; as emojis or messaging stickers; as AAC symbols; in “edit” videos or similar content
Redraw, be heavily inspired by, copy, or trace my art. (Seriously, go wild.)
🐢🐢🐢 That’s all!
Thank you for reading, and enjoy your stay!
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[Image ID: An animated gif of a yellow smiley face with a floating hand happily waving at the viewer. End ID.]
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opinated-user · 1 year
My guy, do you talk about anything else than about your hate boner towards an indigenous trans woman, can you get a fucking life, why is your trash on my feed, go fucking wash yourself you stinky creep what the hell.
This is one of the most disgusting things I ever saw, you want people to even taje you remotely seriously when this is a behaviour that warants a restraining order? Fucking grow up dipshit.
https://the-e4b.tumblr.com/post/175869079645/the-lily-orchard-fan-pack-google-drive archived evidence of LO sexualizing her own younger underage sister and her own made up dead daughter, who she lied about dying as a toddler.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ct_FNyD0LxPsfLsCnLnoArZOQ-_BwkuUJBMCTpUxXUk/edit archived video evidence of many LO's older videos, including those in which LO defended incest between two underage siblings and openly talked about writing stockholm.
https://gyazo.com/collections/3eae56479eb5e8c0041dd0f6e4317dfarchived conversations that LO had with an ex-friend where she catfished her for years, enough time to get access to nudes of that ex-friends and other women who didn't know who she really was.
https://valorousvixen.tumblr.com/ the blog of that catfishing personality that LO made up.
https://www.tumblr.com/lily-orchard-archives/697942119799832576/2016-09-09 archived of LO encouraging harassment against Ink-Rose, a minor at the time that she helped groom into dating an adult friend of her at the time.
documented debunking of many lies LO has spread, especially regarding Cypher, who LO fancied until Cypher disagreed on headcanons about Sylvannas and then LO cut her off.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBgLVWvC0Gk&t=1185s video with proof of LO creating a RPG that is about colonizing and enslaving ponies, added with NSFW images being given as reward. the video goes to greath lenghts to proof irrefutably that the game indeed was created by LO, connecting it directly to her main current account in youtube.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQxnmE2Bdjo proof that ties LO back to the writing of stockholm, a fanfic that justifies pedophilia, rewards abuse and paints a pedophile as the victim of injust harassment.
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-5W8XpQFbVtesAwX2McGhmT9frlt86PX archived evidence of LO manipulating a ex-friend into drawing bestiality/revenge porn for her using the ace character of her ex, who she was dating when this happened.
there are more claims (many, many more), but these are all that have direct ties to accounts that we know for absolute sure belong to LO and can't be disputed.
this is the woman you have decided to defend. this is the woman you think nobody should criticize. the woman who did all of this and more does not deserve it, and she'll hurt you if you give her the chance.
at the very least, understand what you're actually doing by defending LO and going to people who call her out like this. truly understand it and make peace with it however you can, because what is me, i couldn't live with myself knowing i let this slide.
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shinysparklesapphires · 2 months
- kanade’s ex wife, eventually gets back together with her and they and Ellen start a polyamorous marriage
- gay
- same for hibiki BUT bisexual
- weed stash protector
- gay and evil
- sang call me maybe and almost destroyed the world
- the child support
- you literally cannot understand what he’s saying half the time
- not invited to falsettos evil themed birthday party
- still owes Aphrodite $10M in child support
- crushed falsettos dreams of becoming Beyoncé and that’s it
- having an evil themed birthday party that Mephisto isn’t invited to
- was baritones best friend before he told him he’d never be Beyoncé
- wants to be Beyoncé
- has a fat ass
- asmr YouTuber
- his ass is all natural
Noise (booooo)
- has a FLAT ass
- ugly
- stinky
- gross
- has a boner on his chin
the sweets club
- gay and homophobic
- half are gay the other half is homophobic
- also has a fat ass but not as fat as baritone’s
- Mephisto owes her $10M
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bugtoast · 2 years
This post that I replied to gave me brain worms, so here's some mythology brain vomit i'm coming up with on the fly! why? neurodivergency
1) What caused Tumblr to become cursed
I think the reason why Tumblr was cursed by Yahoo in the first place was because, the curse was meant to be a punishment for their greed and immaturity.
Tumblr, years ago, was known for promising grand adventures and events to whoever would listen, taking donations from those who supported their ambitions. Little did these listeners know, that Tumblr was lying, they'd take the gold they were given and would run off with not another care in the world.
Tumblr, before being cursed, was much meaner. much more vulgar. much more like Twitter was before Twitter was sold into servitude. But, when their patron goddess, Yahoo, caught wind of Tumblr's antics, she stripped them of their ability to tell stories the same way they used to as a punishment for their negligence and greed.
and, as we know, tumblr learnt from their mistake and bettered themself.
2) Other possible mythological figures
Steam, A widely renowned inventor and tinkerer
Valve, once a mortal themself turned god, he used to be a tinkerer just like Steam was. it's very rare that this god makes anything anymore... Whenever Valve visits morals, they tend to take the form of a man who people call "Gaben" (if they were to have symbolism in numbers? their number would be 3 for the funnies-- also yes I really just wanted to make a gaben joke)
Pinterest, a godless traveler who steals quite a bit-- but don't let her thievery fool you, she's willing to share whatever stolen goods she's taken, and is very tidy and motherly.
Twitch, a traveling Jester who never seems to have a consistent act. One thing is for certain, though. They love to give whatever riches they make to their patron god, Amazon
Amazon, a god known for his seemingly endless riches. whenever he visits the world of the mortals, he's a traveling salesman who has anything your heart desires. They, unfortunately, are not the kindest god out there...
Facebook, a god taken the form of an elderly mortal. nothin much to it, really.
Instagram, a maiden known for her intense beauty... but, its rumored amongst townsfolk that she's made a deal with the gods to make her even more beautiful
i'm running out of ideas so...
3) Here's the other mythological figures im imagining:
4chan (<- stinky)
probably forgot some-- anyways, just in case this becomes a thing kinda like the sexyman descendants thing did...
4) Suggestions for if this becomes a tumblr-wide phenomenon (not saying it will, i'm just putting this here just incase)
Creepypasta characters, prominent fandom characters and other internet folklore creatures (and i don't mean creatures that are popular on the internet, I mean creatures made by the internet, like slenderman. no real folklore creatures.) are basically this things cryptids and animals (like a phoenix or a centaur)
all of the stories are allegories for internet events (like vine shutting down, Tumblr when Destiel became canon, the sexyman showdown, etc. nothing like youtuber drama)
we should call it something funny and/or really stupid, like "tumbology" or something-- though if we do want something more serious: Interology (internet mythology)
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transpuppetboy · 1 year
Hi!!! Like Pizza Tower & Sugary Spire? Want To Be Part Of A Cool Project?
well have I got the project for you!
a discord and willingness to join a server & have your voice on youtube is required!
so! we call it Pizza Tower Gaming. it's a project where we record things in character! it'd be so cool to have more people!
we're looking for Stinky Sugary Spire, Vigilante, Mr Stick, and more ofc! some enemies welcome, please ask me about them
please dm me or send an ask if you're curious!
auditions can be done via a recording sent to me or a vc with me!
if you don't want to join, please consider spreading this for us!
currently we have:
Pizzelle Pizzano Noise Peppino Fake Peppino Pizzahead Noisette Pepperman Dougie Jones (Pizzard)
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