#zero fleet au
pinkdaisies9285 · 4 days
Shiny Rings and Forgotten Means
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Bob x Reader
Summary: Waking up next your handsome boss wasn't on your list of things to do on a Las Vegas business trip. Waking up with a shiny, new ring wasn't either.
Warnings: Fluff, Vegas Wedding trope, CEO!au, kinda of Implied Smut
Word Count: 983
Author's Note: Here's my story for @bobgasm 's Au Writing Challenge! I almost forgot to post it so, I hope you enjoy it!
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Waking up next to your boss wasn’t on your bucket list, especially when you don’t remember the night before. Everything was very blurry and only spurts of memories came back. Trying to remember more, made your headache even worse. The pulse behind your eyes was making itself very present. Reaching the nightstand quietly, you see a little glimmer reflecting off your hand. Looking closer, you see a stunning ring nestled on your ring finger. Forgetting about trying to find your phone, you completely focus on the piece of metal encompassing your finger. How did you get there? Why is it there? More importantly, who did you marry? The groan behind you gave you a queue of who this mystery husband was. Turning around, all thoughts flew out of your mind. The man who married you was none other than Robert Floyd, your boss.
The man in question had rolled over to lay on his back which allowed the sunlight from the windows of the room to wake him up. Squinting his eyes open, his vision focused on you. His eyes widened along with yours. Both of you seemed stunned by the situation at hand.
“May I ask why you’re in my bed, Dove?” he asked with a raspy voice.
Dove, the nickname he gave after working for him for a year. It came from you one morning humming a random melody while getting work done. When he heard your little melody, he jokingly called you a morning dove. So it spurred the nickname Dove, which is what he only calls you now.
“That I do not know Mr. Floyd, but could you explain this?” you replied holding up your left hand to show the glittering ring. You wanted answers to why you had what looked like a wedding band on your hand.
Robert grabbed your hand looking down at the pretty diamond ring with surprise and confusion. What made you more anxious was when you spotted a ring sitting on his left ring finger. He seemed to realize that as well when he had cradled your left hand in both of his.
“Dove, did we do something last night?” he questioned slowly. Looking up at you, he realized that you were trying not to throw up. You looked nauseous and panicked. This was true for the most part.
While you had always had a small crush on the handsome young CEO, you knew the boundaries of a personal assistant. Don’t flirt with him and don’t try to date him. These two mental rules you had been set in place very early in your career with Robert. Yet, by the time you had been working for him, you were completely enamored. He was kind, willing to work with you, and gave you a nickname that made you flustered still to this day. Now if you were connecting the dots correctly, you were married to him? Married to the man who haunted your dreams with fleeting touches and soft words. Married to the man who has been your boss for almost six years.
“I have zero idea, Mr. Floyd. All I know is that we had secured the deal with Mr. Robinson and decided to celebrate. After that, I can’t remember anything else,” you replied. Quickly getting up, you decided to see if anything in the room would give you more hints.
Scanning the area, you see a piece of paper sitting at the desk. It was hidden under a quickly thrown notebook. You inch closer to it, hoping it would be the key to your and your boss’s answers. The document had an official-looking seal on the bottom right corner and in the middle had both your signatures. In a pretty cursive said Certificate of Marriage with the officiant’s signature underneath it. You truly had done it somehow, you married your boss without any memory of how you did it.
Robert had made his way over to where you had been standing frozen looking at the pretty piece of paper. Looking over at what you were staring at, he found the answer to all the questions running around his head. He was married to you. He married you, his gorgeous assistant. The one that haunts his dreams all the time. His assistant whom he told himself he would never fall for. He didn’t know if this was a divine stroke of luck or a sick cruel joke. How would things go now made him feel unsure
Should he immediately call his lawyer to file divorce papers? Or does he continue to float in this hoax of a marriage? His heart is yearning for the latter but his mind wants to immediately make sure you’re comfortable with what’s happening first before his feelings. So, he decides to break the tension stewing in the air for ten minutes.
“What would you like to do, Dove?” he softly asked. He didn’t want to scare you away with the prospect that he liked this.
You turned and looked at him for the first time since waking up. What do you do? Tell him that you’re okay with how things have panned out? Tell him you would divorce him as soon as he said he didn’t want this because you wanted him to be happy? You felt sick to your stomach like you just got off a roller coaster after eating a whole funnel cake. God, what do you do? Your brain and heart were at war with this decision. Live in this fantasy or break your heart by doing the right thing.
“I don’t know, Bobby,” you mumbled. Widening your eyes, you realized what you called him, Bobby. Looking over at him, you saw that he was smirking.
“Well, I do Dove,” he replied.
“What’s that?” you asked tilting your head to the side.
“Start our Honeymoon,” Bobby said still smirking.
You definitely were in for a ride.
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Divider Credit: @cafekitsune
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fantasyescapes17 · 1 year
Patience (Part 2, Final)
An elaborate charade- that is what your life has been for these past few years, and it has taken the help of more than one person to balance your delicate lies and secrets. Now entering your final season as an eligible young lady seeking wedded bliss, will you be able to keep up the act in order to achieve your dreams?
Genre: Choi Seungcheol x female!reader. Regency!AU (It's sort of Bridgerton-esque in the sense that I give zero attention to historical accuracy and prioritize aesthetics lmao) You are Jeonghan's sister so your last name is Yoon, but the reader has no other specific characteristics, physical or otherwise.
Word Count: 5.2k+
Part 1
Series Masterlist
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The assembly rooms were crowded this evening. During the early days of London's season, much of the upper class was eager to gossip and speculate on which eligible young bachelors would finish the season with a ring on their finger.
Viscountess Hong's grip on your arm gave you some comfort. "I believe Seungcheol should be here already," she told you reassuringly. "The Viscount told me that he arrived in London earlier this afternoon… ah! There they are!"
A small group of men were gathered around a card table. You recognised many of them- including Mr. Kwon and Mr. Lee from the Grisham's ball a few days ago. 
But it was difficult to pay attention to other people at the card table when the man you were passionately in love with sat there and looked up at you with wide eyes. 
"Miss Yoon," Seungcheol said as he stood and came over to you without hesitation. There was a heavy pause. Multiple pairs of knowing eyes from the card table turned to watch you with interest. 
You swallowed your nerves and smiled. 
"Mr. Choi."
You shakily offered Seungcheol your hand and he did not hesitate to take it. He lifted it to his soft lips briefly- you longed more than anything to feel his lips against your skin, but your gloves and the watching eyes prevented you from pushing for anything more than this fleeting contact.  
"I am delighted- it has been a long time since I have had the pleasure of seeing you in person," he said breathily. Seungcheol stepped closer and lowered his voice so that only you (and perhaps the Viscountess beside you) could hear him. His dark eyes sparkled mischievously. "You look even more beautiful than I remember."
Your heart leapt. 
Seungcheol had always known how to make you speechless. 
“I- erm-” 
He stepped back again quickly. He was as conscious as you of the watching eyes. While those at the card table had been entrusted with the secret of your clandestine affair, it would not do to have any gossip-mongers catching wind of this. You were in love, but you were not young or foolish. There was too much at stake to be careless now. An uncontrolled display of affection would lead to a scandal- and was certainly not worth destroying the hard work of so many years. 
Viscountess Hong tightened her grip on your arm and turned to her husband. 
“Joshua- the dancing has not yet begun. Shall we take a turn about the gardens? I would like for my dear friend Miss Yoon to accompany us. And Mr. Choi, you look rather flushed. Perhaps you had best join us for a breath of fresh air as well.” 
You bit back a smile. Viscountess Hong was not only very clever, but was proving to be an invaluable friend. You wondered how you would repay her. 
Viscount Hong nodded at his wife. “Of course, my dear.” 
You tried to stay calm as the Viscountess led you along with the two gentlemen out to the gardens. It was late evening- hopefully the approaching dusk would make it harder for your group to be spotted. In any case, the presence of the Viscount and Viscountess as chaperones gave your little venture an innocent appearance. 
The Viscountess was speaking to you pleasantly about the upcoming ball that she and Viscount Hong would be hosting the coming week while your group turned about the walking path in the gardens. She led you to a small but thick copse of trees and glanced around furtively before stopping in her tracks and dropping her sweet smile. 
“Well. We finally appear to be alone. If you walk a little farther you will reach a dead end hidden by bushes. Joshua and I will sit on this bench- nobody will be able to reach you unless they cross us and we shall divert them.” 
You stared at her. 
“I… are you sure it is safe?” you asked hesitantly. “If someone were to see us without you...” 
Viscount Hong exchanged an uncharacteristically mischievous glance with his wife. “It is safe. You can trust us. Go,” he reassured his friends. 
Seungcheol thanked him with a quick nod before disappearing further into the trees and you followed your lover eagerly until the Hongs were just out of sight. The trees brought the path to an end and Seungcheol turned to face you with a soft smile. 
“My love…” 
It appeared your thoughts were aligned. Seungcheol reached for your hands and expertly slid your gloves off in one fluid motion before bringing your bare hands up to his warm, familiar lips. He kissed the back of your hand, your knuckles, your palm, the tips of your fingers- over and over again until you finally twisted your hand and used it to cup his cheek.
“I’ve missed you,” you whispered. 
Seungcheol’s eyes closed as your hands gently caressed the side of his face, and he leaned into your touch eagerly. 
“I have missed you too. More than you can imagine,” he replied with a chuckle. “I am afraid Jeonghan has grown tired of me asking about you. But I cannot help it- hearing the sound of your name has been my only solace for the past many months. How have you been, my love?”
Your heart fluttered. My love. You loved hearing the passionate endearment from his lips. Seungcheol’s dark eyes opened and met yours with an expression of soft adoration that he reserved only for you. 
“As well as I can be, considering the circumstances,” you told him pleasantly. 
Seungcheol smiled and raised an eyebrow. “And what circumstances would those be?”
“The circumstances which keep me apart from you. My mother has promised that Mina will make her debut in society next season. I am confident that she will immediately become the centre of attention and Mother may finally admit that I have no other prospects- then she may be delighted at the thought of me marrying you, despite…” you trailed off hesitantly, realising that you had begun the sentence in a manner which made it difficult to complete. 
“Despite my being a father and widower,” Seungcheol finished for you plainly. 
You avoided his gaze. “Seungcheol, you must not-” 
“My love, please. I am certainly not ignorant of the reasons we keep our affections secret. Your mother is not the only one who knows that you could do far, far better than me in matrimony. You are young and beautiful. You deserve to marry a man who can devote himself to you. You will not hurt my feelings by saying so. Indeed, you insult me by pretending that is not the case. Do not forget that I have received from Jeonghan a list of the numerous men that have sought your hand over the past three years.” 
You looked up at him softly. “None of them could compare to you.” 
Seungcheol covered your hand on his cheek with his own. “Sometimes I wonder if you deceive yourself.” 
You bit back a playful smile. “I have often wondered the same- that perhaps you have cast some terrible spell on me to make me love you so. But then I remember that Jeonghan would never have encouraged our courtship if he did not think you were the perfect match for me. And I trust my brother’s judgement almost as much as my own.” 
“Perhaps you should not trust him. What is this I hear about your dowry?” 
“Oh- it is another lie. I thought it would ward off the fortune hunters, but I am afraid it has made Jeonghan look like quite the villain. He is not pleased. Hopefully he will be able to redeem himself in society soon,” you explained. “I owe him so much.”
“As do I.”
You took a deep breath and then removed your hand from Seungcheol’s face, choosing instead to clasp both his warm hands in yours. “How is Jiwoo? I have not seen him in many months. He must have grown so much.” 
Seungcheol smiled again, as he always did at the mention of his young son. “He has grown. He remembers you well and asks about you frequently. The only reason he allowed me to depart for London this morning is because I promised to bring back a letter from you.” 
“I will write one immediately,” you promised. 
“I have often wondered whether I should ask him how he would feel if you became a part of our family,” Seungcheol admitted gently. “Perhaps…. it is because I am sure that he would be delighted at the idea that I have not asked. I do not want to disappoint him if things do not turn out as we expect.” 
“Why wouldn’t things turn out as we expect?” 
“Because, my love, we are not formally engaged and if you should finally come to your senses and decide that you want a better life for yourself than marrying a widower with a son… I would not want you to deny yourself for fear of hurting Jiwoo or me.” 
You sighed. “That will not happen. We have had this conversation before, Seungcheol, so many times, and I have always told you-” 
“I know, my love. I know. But the only reason you don’t receive five or six offers a year is because your brother goes to great lengths to prevent them, and-” 
“It is because I go to great lengths to prevent them!” you insisted hotly. “Do you think I take this lightly, Seungcheol? Do you think I have thrown away my most eligible and crucial years in society on a whim? This-this entire charade, this act, all the lies- these are all because I love you and I want nothing more in this world than to be your wife one day. I want nothing more than to be able to stand up in society and call you my husband with pride. Do you not believe me when I say these things?” 
Seungcheol lifted his hand to your face gently. “My love…” 
“Of course I believe you. And I love you. Forgive me.” 
Your brief burst of anger melted away. “We are closer than ever to having what we’ve dreamed of. Please don’t-” 
You were interrupted by a sudden rustling in the bushes. You and Seungcheol jumped apart only to be relieved when only Viscountess Hong appeared. She looked apologetic. 
“I’m afraid some other people have decided to take a turn about the gardens. We may be joined by company in a few moments. I hate to interrupt, but…” 
“Of course,” Seungcheol replied as he dropped your hand and quickly ran a hand over his face. You composed yourself as well and took the arm that the Viscountess offered you. “We should return to the assembly rooms. I am sure the dancing has begun.” 
You walked back with Viscountess Hong, allowing Seungcheol and Viscount Hong to walk ahead. The Viscountess gave you a teasing smile. 
“Had a pleasant conversation?” she asked lightly. 
You smiled at her gratefully. “I don’t know how I shall ever thank you.” 
 “I thought perhaps you may like to name your first child after me….”
You indulged in only one dance with Seungcheol that evening. Any more would certainly warrant suspicion, and you took care to dance with Mr. Kwon Soonyoung and Mr. Lee Seokmin immediately afterwards to ensure that it did not appear as though you were paying any special attention to Seungcheol. Then you retreated to the card tables where you could converse with your lover in a low voice, easily drowned out by the noisy laughter of his friends. 
“I wish this evening would never end,” you whispered to Seungcheol as you pretended to concentrate on your cards. You were not even sure what the card game being played was. Presumably, you were losing money.  “How much longer shall you be in London?” 
Seungcheol’s eyes darted towards you, not allowing them to linger on your face for too long. “Only a few days. I shall probably stay until the Hongs’ ball on Monday- then I will need to return home. You know that Jiwoo cannot be apart from me for long.” 
You smiled. “A feeling he and I share.” 
Seungcheol returned your smile. “Yes, but you do not have the privilege of throwing tantrums and taking out your anger on your governesses. I fear his teenage years dreadfully.”
“Let the poor boy enjoy his childhood. Jeonghan has told me stories of your youth. I know that you were no angel when you were his age,” you said with a small giggle. “Yet you have grown into a gentleman. Jiwoo certainly will too.” 
“Unless you come around and spoil him.” 
You bit back a smile behind your cards. “I might.” 
Seungcheol smiled and turned his attention back to the game as his turn came around. You looked around the room. You had not seen your brother all evening. You expected Jeonghan to be here. He was close friends with Seungcheol, after all, and surely had nothing else to do in London this evening. Perhaps he was tired of company. 
You had just set down your cards, deciding that you were losing too much money to justify continuing this game when the Viscountess approached your chair and bent down near you. 
“Miss Yoon. I am extremely sorry to have to interrupt your evening, but I am afraid I am quite exhausted and must leave for home,” she told you gently.  
You looked up at her in surprise. “Oh- of course. Are you unwell?” 
“Not at all. But my feet have been hurting for some time and I unfortunately as your chaperone, I cannot leave you behind here. The carriage is waiting outside” 
“Of course. I understand. We shall leave at once,” you promised her. You turned to look at Seungcheol who had been listening to your conversation and gave him a longing smile. “You will be at the Hongs’ ball on Monday, you promise?” 
Seungcheol smiled. “I have already accepted the invitation. I shall see you there, my love.” 
“You smile too much in his presence,” your mother scolded you in a hushed voice. “Try not to expose yourself. We may not be in London but there are still enough people around to misunderstand your intentions and spread rumours.” 
You bit back your smile. It was already the third week of your stay at the Choi estate. Little Jiwoo had announced that he wanted to have a picnic by the river and it being a warm spring afternoon, the rest of the household was in agreement. The Yoons and the Chois had set off, with neatly packed picnic baskets and blankets to enjoy the beautiful outdoors. 
“Would it be so very bad, mother?” you wondered innocently. 
Your mother looked horrified. “What? Good heavens, child, what can you be thinking?” 
Seungcheol was playing a lively game of catch with Mina and little Jiwoo on the grass a short distance away. He was incredibly patient with both of them. He made sure to throw the ball gently to Jiwoo, and offered Mina praise whenever she did well. Seungcheol’s bright smile and tousled hair shone in the soft sunlight, making it difficult to keep your eyes off him. 
Choi Seungcheol was the most perfect man you had ever met. 
You tried not to blush. “I only mean… we know Mr. Choi well, He is the same age as Jeonghan, and has been friends with him for many years. He is rich. He has a large estate, he is a gentleman and he has been so kind to us during our stay here…” 
Your mother stared at you. “Are you a fool? He is a widower. He has a son.” 
“Why should that matter? I don’t understand, mother.” 
“You are too young, child. You do not comprehend the dangers of being a second wife. Mr. Choi already has an heir; an heir to whom you are not the mother. Even if you have further children with him, they will not be the ones to inherit his estate. If Mr Choi should die- as men often do- you will be at the mercy of that boy who may cast you out of the house and onto the street. Do you think he will have much love for his stepmother? You are a woman. Your future happiness and security relies on securing a position that nobody can question, a position that is not so precarious.” 
You looked at your mother quietly. “Do you consider your own position so precarious, mother?” 
“It was different for me,” she said dismissively.  
“How was it different?” 
“I was not as young as you. I was not as pretty as you. I was not as rich as you. I took the best position I could find and I am lucky your father was kind to me while he was alive. But you deserve better. You are one of the most desirable young women in society and you have no need to… to settle for someone like Mr. Choi.” 
You looked down at your hands. “I see.” 
“Trust me, my dear. Once we arrive in London next season and all the handsome young men begin vying for your hand, you will understand that you could do much, much better than Mr. Choi. I promise you.” 
You turned away. Seungcheol had just caught a ball that Mina threw at him clumsily and as he turned his head in your direction, your eyes met. He gave you a warm, lopsided smile and brushed his dark hair out of his eyes before gesturing for you to join them. 
“Miss Yoon! You should join our game- your sister Mina says you are a terrible catch and you must prove her wrong,” he called out to you cheerfully. 
You laughed. “I am afraid Mina is quite right!” 
“Then perhaps Jiwoo can teach you how to catch!” 
You glanced at your mother for permission. She looked displeased but made no move to prevent you from joining their lively game. You quickly brushed off your skirts and walked over to little Jiwoo, who looked up at you with a big gummy smile that resembled his father’s. 
“I’m afraid that I do not know how to play. Will you teach me, Jiwoo?” you requested. 
Jiwoo nodded shyly. “Of course, Miss Yoon!” 
You looked up and your eyes met Seungcheol’s once again. He was watching you with a quiet, admiring look in his eyes that made it difficult not to blush. Your mother was right about some things. Perhaps you did smile too much in Mr Choi’s presence, and perhaps you were too enamoured with the handsome widower. Maybe, just maybe, he was a little too taken by you as well. 
But she was wrong about one thing. 
You would not be settling if you married Mr. Choi Seungcheol for love. 
The Hongs’ carriage stopped outside your London abode and you bid farewell to your friends before rushing up the front stairs. A manservant opened the door for you. When you entered the lobby, you realised immediately that something was quite wrong. 
One of your mother’s ladies maids looked distressed and cried out when she saw you. 
“Miss Yoon! Oh, you must come quickly, your mother is in such an uproar!” she cried. 
Your heart sank. “What…” 
There was a loud crashing noise from the adjoining dining room and you could hear the muffled sounds of your mother yelling. You ran as fast as your heavy gown would allow and threw the door open just in time to see your mother throw a porcelain plate straight at Jeonghan’s head. He managed to dodge it and the plate hit the wall behind him before shattering to pieces. 
“Madam, please!” Jeonghan yelled desperately. 
You ran to your mother and grabbed her hand before she could reach for another plate. “Mother!” you cried. “Stop it, what are you doing? You’ll hurt him!”
Your mother turned to you, her face red and eyes wild. “What else shall I do? Do you know what that boy has done? He has proposed to Mr. Jeon’s daughter! After blatantly stealing your dowry and ruining your prospects and driving away your suitors, he has the nerve- the audacity- to marry and next he will throw us out of our home! How dare he? After all I’ve done for him since he was a child-” 
You seized your mother’s arms. “Mother, please, there must be some explanation-” 
“Ask him! Ask him- he is responsible for our current state!” she screamed. 
You looked at Jeonghan. Your brother had turned to face the wall and was pressing his fingers to his temple. He looked stressed, and your heart sank in your stomach. This was your fault. Jeonghan was taking this abuse from your mother solely for your sake and it struck you how selfish you had been. 
“Mother, sit down,” you told her gently. “Let us talk about this-” 
She huffed. “I will not sit down! I am going to take our carriage straight to the Jeons’ manor and inform Mr. Jeon the precise nature of the villain that he is about to promise his daughter to! After destroying so many of your prospects I don’t see why he should be allowed to happily marry whomever he pleases!” 
Jeonghan turned and looked at your mother, alarmed. This was the first you had heard of Jeonghan courting anyone, much less proposing to Miss Jeon,  but that was a discussion for a later time. It was clear from your brother’s expression that the idea of your mother going anywhere near the Jeons’ home absolutely horrified him. 
“Mother, you will do no such thing,” you told her firmly. “Jeonghan has not taken my dowry.” 
“I asked him to lie. The dowry money is safe and Jeonghan has promised he will give the full amount to me when I am married- only… only I have already decided who I wish to marry, mother.” 
Your mother looked bewildered. 
“I don’t understand. You have not received any proposals this season.” 
Your lower lip trembled. It was difficult to reveal the secret that you had kept hidden from her for so long- almost as much for her sake as your own because you knew how she felt about Seungcheol. You knew that her disapproval of him stemmed not from any ill will towards him, but from her own insecurities and her love for you. 
But it was not right to allow Jeonghan to bear the brunt of your problems any longer. 
Somebody would be hurt tonight. Perhaps it was best for it to be you. 
“Mother, I have been courting Mr. Choi Seungcheol for the past three years.” 
Your mother stared at you in horror- she looked disbelieving for a moment but then a sudden understanding dawned behind her eyes. Her knees trembled and you kept a grip on her arm as she pulled out one of the dining room chairs and sat down shakily. She looked up at you with disdain. 
“I warned you about Mr. Choi. He is a widower! He has a son!” she cried. 
“I know,” you whispered. 
“You know nothing! You are a fool! Is this the reason you have turned down multiple proposals over the last three years? I wondered why all those eligible men never-but- for heaven’s sake,” her fingers gripped the tablecloth in rage as she stared at you. “To go so far as to destroy your own prospects?” 
“I thought… if my prospects were not quite so attractive….” 
Your mother whirled around to face Jeonghan. “And you! Did it not occur to you to talk your sister out of this damnable courtship instead of encouraging her foolishness and enabling it?” she demanded. 
“Mother, you cannot blame Jeonghan for everything-” 
“Why not? He is the man of this household, he is responsible for safeguarding the virtue of his sisters-” 
Jeonghan sighed and let his shoulders slump forward with exhaustion. “Madam. My sister's virtue is perfectly safe. But believe me when I say that she could hardly find a man more trustworthy or devoted to her than Mr. Choi."
Your mother looked more and more distressed as she realised that this was serious, that you and Jeonghan and Mr. Choi had been keeping up this charade for years now. She slumped against the chair and looked up at you with a defeated expression. 
"You are making a mistake," she whispered. 
You blinked back your tears. "Mother, I love him. And I love you as well. I know you have my best interests at heart, but please. Please allow me to make this decision for myself."
"He has a son-"
"A son whom I will love as my own."
She shook her head. "You are a fool. You are a blubbering fool, you will destroy your younger sister's prospects if you insist on making this unseemly match-"
"Then I will wait. I will wait until Mina comes out in society and is married, and only then will Seungcheol and I marry."
"That could be years."
"I have already waited three years. A few more will not kill me."
Your mother looked at you with an unreadable expression and then clenched her fists before standing up. She seemed to have reached some form of silent resignation. “Well. If you have arranged everything for yourself then I hardly see why my presence is required here. I shall retire for the evening. Do not follow me.” 
Your mother stood and left. You were left alone with Jeonghan in the large dining room. Your knees felt weak- it was incredibly painful to be forced to reveal years of deception to your mother, but at the same time you felt as though an enormous burden had been lifted off your shoulders. You looked up at your brother shakily. 
“Well, it is what it is,” he told you gently. “She had to find out someday.” 
“Not like this.” 
“Go to bed, sister. You must be tired. We will speak in the morning.” 
You swallowed and nodded. 
The sunlight streaming through the sheer curtains woke you the next morning- you had slept fitfully all night and had a headache. One of the maids came into the room and hurried to your bedside. 
“Miss Yoon- you must awaken! Mr. Choi Seungcheol has come to call unannounced this morning, and he is sitting in the breakfast parlour with your mother and brother!” she insisted. 
You sat up. 
“Hurry- you must dress!” 
You felt light-headed and allowed the maid to quickly help you dress and make you presentable. Once you had composed yourself you hurried down to the breakfast parlour, where you found your mother and brother just finishing their breakfast- and Mr. Choi Seungcheol sitting at the table with a cup of tea in front of him. 
You swallowed nervously. “Mr. Choi-Seungcheol- what… what are you doing here?” 
Seungcheol gave you a gentle smile but it was your mother who spoke up. 
“He came to seek my blessing to make you an offer,” she told you tightly, while tearing some of the crust off her toast. “I will not pretend I am happy about this. I have put far too much effort to let you throw yourself away and marry beneath you. But considering how long you lot have kept up this charade and how many men you have already refused, I am no longer confident in my ability to persuade you to marry another man.” 
Your heart leapt. “Mother…” 
“You will not marry now,” she ordered firmly. “You will be quiet and announce your engagement only after Mina is wed. I won’t have your foolish decisions destroying your younger sister’s prospects. She deserves the best she can have.” 
You nodded. “Of-of course.” 
“And Jeonghan, you will immediately correct any misconceptions the ton may have about the dowry your sisters are to receive.”
Jeonghan smiled. “Of course, madam.” 
“Then,” your mother replied as she dropped her toast back onto her plate and rose from the table. “It is settled. I will count on your continued discretion, Mr. Choi. I will not have my daughter’s honour questioned and I trust you will not take unnecessary risks or liberties until I have secured a husband for my younger daughter.” 
Seungcheol stood calmly and bowed his head. “You have my word, madam.” 
Your mother left the room before you could stop her. Jeonghan stood as well, and gave you a gentle smile and a reassuring pat on the arm before leaving the room so that you could be alone with Seungcheol. Your lover came towards you and took your hand. His dark eyes met yours hesitantly.  
“Perhaps that could have gone better- but I imagine it also could have gone much, much worse,” he admitted.  
You bit your lip as you looked up at him. “How did you know?” 
“Jeonghan sent word of what occured last night. I thought it was about time I stopped hiding behind this clandestine affair like a child and brought myself to face your mother. She is not wrong to have her fears, my love. I thought it was my responsibility to try and convince her that her daughter would be safe and loved with me.” 
“I… I….” 
“It’s all right, darling. Come here.” 
Seungcheol took you into his embrace. His strong arms encircled you firmly and you pressed your cheek to the soft fabric of his coat. This sort of intimate touch was rare, and as you wrapped your arms around him you realised that you were one step closer to becoming his wife, to being able to embrace him and feel him close to you like this every single day. 
Seungcheol leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to your hair. 
“I am sorry that we must wait longer,” he said to you gently. “I know it has already been so long. But your mother is right, we should not do anything that would jeopardise Mina’s debut in society next year. Your sister deserves the very best.” 
You nodded into his shoulder. “I know.” 
“Can you wait for me a little longer, my love?” 
“You are lucky,” you told him with a smile as you looked up into your handsome lover’s dark, smouldering eyes, “that patience is not a virtue I lack.” 
“I love you, my darling.” 
“And I you.” 
Seungcheol brought his hand to your chin and tilted your head up before pressing a soft, chaste kiss to your lips. It was more than you had ever dared to do before- but in the safety of your home with no fear of being seen, it was a liberty that Seungcheol could not resist taking. You closed your eyes and let out a soft sigh against his lips. 
“Do you mean to steal my virtue before we are even formally engaged, Mr. Choi?” you teased him lightly as he pulled back, his dark eyes still focused on your soft lips. 
Seungcheol smiled. “I suppose I shall try to make do with the heart I have stolen for now.” 
You smiled and embraced him once more. 
It would not be easy, you thought to yourself as you melted into his arms. But you would wait as long as you had to, for a chance at a lifetime with Choi Seungcheol.
A/N: Thanks to anyone who made it this far reading! I know this wasn't totally complete (in the sense it didn't go all the way up to their getting married) but I'm thinking of maybe showing that in a spin-off story through the eyes of another character? Does anyone want to see what Jeonghan's been hiding behind the scenes here, or maybe experience this world through the eyes of either Mina or Mrs. Hong? (or just a totally different member that didn't show up here?) Feel free to hit me with thoughts.
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aro-in-danyl · 4 months
Eve!Alastor AU with Fallen!Adam AU
Continuation of this post
A snake demon ascended to heaven, it's only fair that it's the first man that proves souls in heaven could also fall.
But of course, that wasn't quite correct.
Just like with the apple in Eden, it was Eve who had first eagerly jumped headfirst into sin. Consuming the apple and making a deal for access to hell; never thinking of the consequences.
That's how Adam thought of it in his more narcissistic moods. But in his fleeting self-reflective moments, he admitted that it was because she was more courageous, confident, and charming than he ever could be. And he loved her for it in the same measure that it made him insecure.
There was a reason both the women made for him had a personality that shown brighter than the light-bringer himself.
Eve did as she pleased, giving zero fucks about how others perceived her. When they'd both reunited in heaven, Adam observed how the angels saw Eve, they watched her like she was an equal. He was a joke to them, the second human to eat from the apple.
And now the second former angelic human soul to fall. What a fucking joke.
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abitohoney · 1 year
Loving your work Honey. Reader crushes on Sev since they frequent the same workout gym? I crave one where Sev workouts frequently. I think its so obvi she takes good care of her body aside from the smoking, drinking, and fighting lolol ^_^ - Kimari
I'm glad you're enjoying my silly little stories. Thank you! 🥰
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Clearly, this woman works out. LOOK AT HER BICEP! 🥵
I could totally see Sevika purposefully working out in front of the gym window, hoping to catch the attention of some cute thing that happens to stroll by. I personally have no time for the gym, but if I found out Sevika was frequenting my local gym you better believe I'd be signing up for a membership! Or at least staring at her from the window. I have like zero flirting skills, so I’d probably do something stupid like hold a sign up to said window with my number on it and mouth the words “call me” while holding my fingers to the side of my head like a phone.
Drabble/ficlet (1.4k words) below the cut. (Gonna treat this like a modern AU as I doubt Zaun has gyms. At least not like we are accustomed to. Probably just a creepy abandoned warehouse or basement with a punching bag and a bench, or something like Jinx's cool punching contraption.)
SFW (Gasp! Me? Writing something without smut?)
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You had been considering getting yourself a gym membership for some time. You just needed a little extra push before finally biting the bullet. Little did you know, that push would come in the form of a window display. And it wasn’t the equipment.
After having heard about a new promotion at one of your local gyms, you decided to go check the place out. As you strode past the large windows lining the front of the establishment, you curiously peered inside. A long row of treadmills and bikes lined the first half or so, most of them occupied. Nothing surprising about that. But when you continued on, noting a series of benches, something- or rather someone- caught your eye.
You froze in your spot and turned to face said eye-catching person. And, my oh my, did you just find your reason to get that membership. Standing beside one of the benches lifting a single dumbbell was a tall, dark, and incredibly buff woman. Immediately your eyes were drawn to a flexing bicep.
Just as the woman's gaze lifted to peer outside in your direction, you quickly resumed your trek towards the entrance, praying she hadn't seen you gaping.
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While the girl behind the front desk recited the rules and conditions, you quickly found yourself tuning her out completely. Instead, you scanned the gym, hoping to get another glimpse of the attractive woman. As if the gods heard your wish, you spotted her striding across the room. And not only that, she was staring right at you. Your eyes locked with hers and her dark lips pulled into a small smirk. It only lasted for a fleeting moment before her eyes left yours, but it was enough to make your stomach flutter and your pulse quicken.
Wait- was she… smiling at-
"Excuse me, ma'am," the voice of the clerk pulled you out of your daze.
Reluctantly, you turned back to her and mumbled a quick apology.
"Do you understand the rules and agree to the terms and conditions of the membership?" She repeated.
You failed to take note of her irritated tone, still swooning over that brief moment. So you simply gave her a quick, "Yes, I understand." The sooner you got this over with, the sooner you could get in that gym.
To workout.
That's all.
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With a brand new shiny membership card, you started visiting the gym. Frequently. For no other reason than to improve your health. The fact that you happened to notice which days your latest crush visited, and happened to set your schedule to the same days was entirely coincidence. At least that's what you would tell anyone who asked.
Although you always situated yourself far enough from the woman, you still ensured you faced her, observing her as nonchalantly as you could manage. Taking mental notes.
She rarely spoke to anyone. Only mumbled something to herself under her breath occasionally. She normally looked rather perturbed, brows furrowed and lips pulled into a frown. But anytime her eyes met yours, those soft-looking lips of hers pulled into the faintest smirk. Her left arm was actually a prosthetic, mostly metal, and painted to look like a mix of copper and gold, with neon purple accents that resembled tubing.
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It wasn't until one day on her way out that you finally learned of her name.
"See you next Monday, Sevika!" You overheard the girl behind the desk call out with a smile. A smile you thought looked a bit suspicious. A little too… flirty. Not that you cared. Nope!
So… Sevika? What a gorgeous name. Fitting.
Several weeks passed without so much as a word to or from Sevika. You simply admired her from a distance. Admired how her workout clothes- a simple pair of shorts and a tank that revealed her midriff- clung to every line and every curve. How the expanse of her exposed rich, brown skin glistened with sweat. How each muscle beneath her arms, across her back, and down her legs- all flexed as she moved. She really gave a whole new meaning to the phrase ‘tall, dark, and handsome’. She was truly stunning.
A goddess among men.
But you would never approach her. You were far too fearful of rejection. After all, what would a goddess want with a mere mortal like you? So you settled for just crushing on her, daydreaming of what it might be like to feel those muscles beneath your hands. To feel those strong arms wrapped around you as she holds you tight.
However, as you would soon find out, she had her eyes on you as well.
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One day, as you took a seat on the nearest weight bench, you discovered Sevika situated not more than a few feet from you. She was bent over, back to you, and facing a mirror while she picked up a large weight in her flesh hand.
Momentarily forgetting what you even sat down to do, you let your eyes travel up the backs of her toned calves and over the curve of her ass. And as she straightened up, you were blessed with the expanse of her muscular back. When your gaze reached her broad shoulders you gawked, transfixed on those muscles as they moved like waves behind her smooth skin.
Realization hit all too late that you were openly ogling this woman, and your eyes darted to the mirror to check if you’d been caught. Reflected gray eyes locked onto yours.
She caught you. And yet you couldn’t look away from those beautiful gray eyes, caught like a deer in headlights. Oddly enough though, she didn’t appear angry. Instead, out of your periphery you notice a small upward tug at the corner of her mouth.
Ripped from your stupor, you quickly turned away, praying to any deity willing to listen that Sevika somehow hadn’t known you’d been intentionally watching her. Too flustered by that slip-up, you laid back on the bench and just grabbed the barbell previously loaded on the hooks, with no regard for just how heavy it might be.
You somehow managed to lift the damn thing, but then nearly dropped it on your chest. You strained to keep it up, every muscle in your arms screaming and burning.
God, if you died right here, like an idiot, in front of the most gorgeous woman you’ve ever seen-
“Need a spotter?” a delightfully deep voice called.
Fuck, you really were dying. You could hear the voice of an angel.
Wait- a spotter? Why the hell would an angel say that?
You tilted your head back against the bench to find a pair of familiar gray eyes peering down at you, and just below those was a pair of dark lips curled into a lopsided grin.
Just let me die now.
Suddenly being caught gaping earlier didn’t feel nearly as embarrassing.
“Please,” you gasped.
With no effort, Sevika grasped the barbell and lifted it back onto the hooks.
“Thanks,” you panted as you sat up. You watched her from your periphery, too ashamed to meet her gaze. You expected her to leave. To return to her routine now that she’d saved the dumbass who tried to lift more than they could handle. To your surprise, she remained at your side, her large frame casting a shadow over you with how close she stood.
"Can't help but notice the way you've been watching me," she finally said after an excruciating stretch of silence.
Damn, her voice was just as smooth and rich as her body.
Her words replayed in your head, finally sinking in. Heat rushed up your neck and flooded your cheeks. Had you really been that obvious- besides just today?
"Oh I- I'm sorry I-" you stammered.
"Maybe you'd like to do more than watch?" she asked, not allowing you to finish your pathetic attempt at an apology.
"What? I- You mean…" Why were words suddenly so fucking hard?
"Let me take you out to dinner tonight."
Oh, that's not what you thought she meant. Of course she didn't mean anything like that.
"I'd really like that,” you replied sheepishly and finally looked up at her with a small smile.
Yeah? Hmm," she hummed. Then she leaned over and brought her mouth to your ear. "Then maybe afterward we can go to your place for dessert?"
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AN: I feel like a lot of what I write is incredibly cheesy/corny. I'm such a dork. I'm sorry. 😭 Sevika would like a dorky gf though. At least that's what I tell myself. Lol
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rhett abbott x oc | another au
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Summary: "we always used to have sleepovers as children, why would it be weird now?" aka what if they were childhood best friends to lovers? huh? what then? (wc: 3393)
Requested: YES by @saltynametag
Warnings: childhood best friends to lovers trope, idiots in love, a sex joke involving doggy bedsheets, and SUPER suggestive at the end there + a cliffhanger on where that situation goes
✎……uh...if ya want me to finish out what happens at the end there just lmk...
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It is a truth universally acknowledged that children of ranchers stuck together. Even if one of those ranchers specialized in cattle and the other in horses. 
Tessa Abernathy and Rhett Abbott were no exception to this truth. They met when they were just four years old, their fathers having brought them along to the local tractor supply to pick up a few things for their respective ranches. Both Royal Abbott and Nathan Abernathy set their kids down for only a second to look at something. But then the little tots were gone. Nowhere to be seen in the large store. They were only missing for about five minutes — neither of their fathers were even all that worried. Royal and Nathan wandered up on the two of them standing side by side on an overturned bird feeder box, looking at the baby ducks under the heated lamp.
The two of them were inseparable after that. Pre-school and kindergarten, elementary to middle school — their friendship even lasted throughout high school, when some childhood friendships were most tested. Kept together through their love of the rodeo and each other. Weekends spent at one or the other’s houses, when they weren’t traveling with the rodeo team. Pictures up in their bedrooms of shared bathtubs when they were still little, pillow forts with Nintendo 64 controllers in hand, vacations one or the other tagged along on, and dances where neither of them could think of someone else to go with. Neither of them could imagine a world where the other wasn’t in their life. It seemed impossible, when they had spent nearly their entire lives knowing and caring for and teasing one another.
Everyone expected, their parents included, that they would get together eventually. That they would finally realize that they loved each other as more than friends, bite the bullet, and start dating. But it never happened. High school came and went and the subject was never broached or even brought up once — even amongst their other friends.
Even though they both, at the time, secretly harbored crushes on the other. Little fleeting things they hoped would just go away with time. Because they were best friends. Had known each other forever. They couldn’t possibly be a couple. They would drive each other mad. Or at worst, it would ruin their friendship forever. And neither of them wanted to take that risk. So the crushes went away with time, and friends they remained.
The children of ranchers stuck together like glue.
Rhett had just finished helping Tessa move into her new place. A little cottage on her parents’ property that was entirely hers to do with whatever she wanted. Her own place after living at home for twenty-three years. She didn’t think it was that special. She was still living on her parents’ land and even renting from her parents, but Rhett thought she was lucky. She was out of the house, with her own space but still some responsibility. He would kill just to have one of the lofts in a barn to himself. But he was happy for her, even if he was a little jealous.
It was late by the time he pulled out of her driveway, the sun dipped low below the horizon and the moon hanging high in the sky. If they were younger, he would have just stayed the night. Not caring or even thinking about the implications of it. But now he was older. Now, he understood that Tessa was a woman, in every sense of the word. With soft curves and pink lips and zero inhibitions about being as close to him as possible. Now, he knew what all that could mean — what it meant to stay the night with a woman like that. 
And he knew Tessa didn’t want that from him. Never has, and never would.
Even if that twisted up something inside him he refused to understand.
But, he was about halfway home when his phone started to ring with a call from her. A picture of her sitting on top of her horse grinning ear to ear back at him greeting him as he picked his phone up from the cupholder.
“Hey, sunshine, I forget somethin’?” he questioned, small smile on his face as he answered her call.
“Um, no…” Tessa answered, voice sounding small and a little afraid.
Rhett sat up straighter as he drove, prepared to pull over or turn around at any second. “Wha’s wrong?”
“S’nothing,” she replied instantly, but when he didn’t say anything back she sighed and went on. “I jus’ feel weird bein’ here alone, s’all.”
His shoulders relaxed, his grip on the wheel loosened. He should have known she would react like this to her first night alone. Tessa might have been on the quieter side, but she was a creature of the den. She liked when there were people around, noise and comfort. Knowing that she wasn’t alone. But there she was, all alone in a little two bedroom cottage for the first time in her life.
“Y’r parents’re righ’down the road,” he said lightly, even as he pulled over into the shoulder and made sure no one was coming up or down the dark road.
He knew what she was going to ask before she even had to say it. 
“I know, but —” There was a pause as she sighed, Rhett could practically see her in his mind’s eye standing there with the phone pressed to her ear, bottom lip caught strong between her teeth. “Can you stay the night? Jus’this first night. Please?”
“M’already turned around. Be there in ten,” he said, pulling back out onto the road. “I better get extra pay f’r this.”
Her laugh, soft and gentle through the phone, was like music to him. “How ‘bout I have hot chocolate ready when ya get here?”
“Yeah, that’ll work. N’breakfast in the mornin’?”
“Yes, n’breakfast in the mornin’, ya bottomless pit,” she laughed again.
“Wait, you even have eggs?”
“Yeah.” He heard the fridge open in the background. “Ma insisted we stock up the fridge n’cabinets before we moved any’a my stuff in.”
They stayed on the phone and talked until Rhett pulled back into her driveway. He didn’t need to ask to know that she wanted him to stay on the line until he got there. He just knew.
He didn’t even knock before he came inside. Just pushed open the door and took off his shoes, greeted by the smells of hot chocolate and Tessa humming under her breath as she stirred the pot it was in. Always from scratch, never from a packet with her. She smiled over her shoulder at him as he approached, pushing his hair back from his face with a returning grin.
It felt…Domestic in some way. Her standing in the kitchen, him coming home to her, the house all to themselves. Rhett wasn’t the type to imagine things often, save for a ride he was minutes from undertaking. But he could just picture coming up behind her and wrapping her up in his arms. Pressing kisses into her neck just to make her laugh. Making her sway to the song that wasn’t playing but they both heard. Coming home to her every day for the rest of his life.  It felt so real, so effortless for him to do. For them to do. As he approached, he nearly did just what he imagined. His arms instinctively reached for her. It swelled up something inside him that, again, he refused to understand. He refused to acknowledge as he got down the mugs he put away only hours before instead of living out his fantasy.
“Thank you, f’r comin’,” Tessa said quietly as she ladeled out the steaming beverage into each of their mugs.
Rhett shrugged with a lopsided smile. “Y’called.”
They drank their hot chocolate in relative silence. She didn’t have all her furniture yet, so they had to squeeze together on an oversized armchair and watch some crime show on her laptop. She leaned her head on his chest, their legs tangled together as they somehow managed to sit comfortably, and again there was that feeling. That fantasy bubbling up in Rhett’s mind. His heart. His gut. How he could so easily put his arm around her and press his lips to her head. How some part of him wanted to end every day just like this. With her by his side. How he could just so, so easily pull her into his lap and kiss her like he’s always wanted. 
Like he’s always wanted? Rhett fidgeted with his empty mug, completely lost on the plot of the show in front of him. Has he always wanted to kiss her? Love her as more than a friend?
Has he been in love with her his entire life and has only just now realized it?
A kind of heat he wasn’t familiar with flooded his chest as the idea dawned on him. As the answer hit him with the force of a raging bull. Because of course he’s spent his entire life loving her. What else was he supposed to do? It’s almost what he was made for. To love Tessa Abernathy. The girl who ran away to look at ducklings with him. The girl who encouraged him to follow his dreams of becoming a bull rider in the first place. The girl who took care of him when he broke his ankle and his arm at the same time. The girl who forced him to go to prom. The girl who had spent her whole life loving him, too.
When the episode was finished and both of their mugs were emptied, Tessa disappeared to wash them out and put them in the sink. Then she came back to where he was still leaned back and spread legged in the chair with a sleepy smile.
“Y’ready f’r bed?” she asked.
He blinked up at her for a second. Could nearly picture her reaching out a hand, ready to drag him to their shared room where they could hide under the blankets from the world. But she wasn’t doing that. She was just looking at him with that tired smile and her hands messing with the hem of her shirt.
“Yeah,” he finally sighed as he pulled himself from the armchair. “Got any clothes f’r me?”
“You sleep in y’r boxers,” she pointed out, even as she led him back to her room, the bigger one on the right side of the hall.
She only had a full bed and a box spring for now. Little by little she would buy all the furniture she needed for the place, make it her own. Earlier in the day, Rhett thought her excitement about her own place and having her own furniture was endearing. Maybe even cute. But now he couldn’t stop thinking about going with her to test out bed frames and couches, moving it all in his truck and getting thanked for a job well done with a few kisses. Rhett shook his head as he followed her into the sparse room, pushing a hand through his hair again. 
He needed to get his head on straight. Tessa was just a friend. His best friend. Always had. Always would be. 
And there was that twisting in his chest again. Sharp and brutal as a knife.
How could he spend his whole life loving her and be just her friend?
“S’cold,” he explained simply, “N’it’ll be even colder out on that armchair.” 
She looked over at him with a furrowed brow as she opened one of her boxes of clothes. “M’not makin’ you sleep on that thing.”
“Where’m I sleepin’ then? The floor?”
“In here — on the bed — with me,” she said it simply, like it didn’t crush something in his chest.
“Tess…” He tried to think of what to say, how to excuse himself from having to share a bed with her when it was all he wanted to do.
“Oh, com’on. We used t’do it all the time as kids,” she argued, not finding what she was looking for in the first box and opening another.
“Yeah, cause we were kids.”
“S’not like this’s any different.”
Her words felt final, like there was nothing more he could say that would make her change her mind. And Rhett didn’t know if he wanted to make her change her mind. So instead, he stood there and stared at the bed they would soon be sharing. Just like when they were kids. No big deal.
After a minute of digging through a few boxes, Tessa presented him with an old pair of his sweatpants and a t-shirt from the high school rodeo team. Also his. He narrowed his eyes at her as he took the proffered clothes she had clearly stolen at one point or another. But she just rolled her eyes — he couldn’t tell if the blush on her cheeks was him imagining things again or not.
Again, they got ready for bed in silence. Moving around each other like they had been doing it for years. Tessa offered the spare toothbrush she had for when she needed to change out her own. But all the while, something was building and twisting and knotting itself in Rhett’s gut. Anticipation? Worry? Guilt? Desire? He didn’t know and he wasn’t sure if he wanted to. 
He just wanted to get through what was bound to be a sleepless night in the same bed as his best friend. Just so she didn’t feel alone. Just so she felt comfortable and safe. God, he would do anything to make her feel that way. Even if it left him uncomfortable and wanting.
Even if it made their little world crumble down around them.
“Y’re in Montana nex’week right? Big rodeo up there?” she questioned as she pulled back the covers, an extra on her side so she wouldn’t get cold.
“Yeah,” Rhett replied, pushing back his hair again. “Migh’even’ave a chance t’win big.”
“Maybe I could…Go with ya r’somethin’,” she spoke bashfully, sitting down by her pillow.
He gave her a look. “Thought y’had that big girl job now — they just gonna let ya have a week off?”
“S’all remote work. Imputin’ numbers and balancin’ books — borin’ but it pays. I could, I don’know, work at the hotel durin’ the day when I have to n’then be there at the rodeo at night.” 
“Could be fun,” he said with a shrug and a smile. “Like the good ole days.”
“C’n even sneak down t’the pool past closin’, if ya really wanna relive those days,” she chuckled lightly, picking at the sheets.
“If’s the good ole days we’re both drunk on straight vodka, which, honestly…” Rhett groaned as he laid down on his side of the bed. “The memory of makes me wanna hurl.” 
“Yeah, might be too old f’r that bit now.” 
They both laughed at that. It was true, they were getting older. Tessa got a degree and was working a full time job now. They still probably drank and partied too much, but they hardly ever stayed out past midnight anymore. Pretty soon they would be sipping wine or IPAs at dinner and not staying out past nine. The idea, despite Rhett not regretting a single thing about how he lived his life save for still living at home, sounded nice to him. If he was sipping wine and IPAs at dinner with her. If he was calling it a night and curling up on the couch to watch TV with her.
He wanted to do anything and everything with her.
But then he noticed her sheets.
“Hol’on, y’still have these sheets?” he asked incredulously as he pulled part of the fitted sheet up to a point, looking up at her with a smile and a raised brow.
“Back off, I still like these,” she replied, cheeks pink as she shoved at his shoulder.
They were green and fleece, which were both fine, especially now that it was getting colder out. Rhett’s only complaint, and really his only tease, was that they were covered in little cartoon dogs. And he remembered them being on her bed when she was twelve. That was over a decade ago and she still had them on her bed. Rhett grinned at her again as he worked on straightening out the wrinkle he had made.
“I don’know how I feel abou’sleepin’ on ten year ol’ doggy sheets,” he prodded.
“Jus’do it doggy style then,” she replied.
Then went red in the face, shifting her blue eyes over at him with her lips pressed into a thin line. They both knew what she said. They both knew what she meant and also what it sounded like. And usually, Rhett would have just gone on teasing her. Disipated the tension by pointing out what she just said and bringing it up for the next several days. But he just couldn’t. Not when it felt like there something lodged in his throat and he was just now noticing her warm thigh pressed up against his own.
Not when his imagination, suddenly so active, was showing him images of Tessa, his best friend he’s known since he was four, on her hands and knees for him. Her skin bare and sweating, a forming bite mark on her ass, her back arched, and whining high in her throat for him to come closer. Just to come closer. Looking back over her shoulder at him, so much like she did in the kitchen, only now her eyes were glazed over and she was begging him to be inside her. Filling her. Loving her. 
Rhett coughed awkwardly as he pulled the covers up over his lap. 
“Well, good night,” Tessa offered quickly, voice high-pitched and her cheeks still bright red as she turned off the cheap lamp on the floor beside the bed.
Then she flopped down onto the bed beside him, blankets yanked up to her shoulders as she curled up on her side. Facing away from him. And he tried his best to just lay back on his pillow and go to sleep. He really did. But how could he when his mind wouldn’t stop and the object of all his desires was laying right next to him? When he couldn’t stop thinking about kissing her and kissing her and kissing her and kissing her? When he could feel the heat coming off of her skin and she was so close he could nearly touch her? There was no way he was making it through this sleepless night now. Not when all of it, his desire and his love and his years of longing, were bubbling just beneath the surface of his skin. Like a pot about to boil over on the stove.
Before he even knew what he was doing, he was rolled over onto his side and tugging at her arm. She rolled over to face him without any fight, just a sigh like she knew this was coming. 
“Look, I get it what I said was dumb —”
“Sunshine, I — I can’t do this,” he muttered out as he looked at her face in the blue light of darkness.
She just looked at him confused. “Do what?”
He didn’t know how to say it. Didn’t know how to articulate anything that was on his mind or on his heart. His mouth opened and shut a few times, trying to find the words that would speak it all into existence. But it just wouldn’t come. He couldn’t force it, even if he tried. It was all blank save for the pulsing need between his legs. His need for her. That really had been there all along. Even when he didn’t know it. 
So instead, he reached out for her and blindly took her hand beneath the covers. The furrow between her brows seemed to deepen as he dragged her hand across the small distance between them. But her mouth popped open and her chest heaved when he pressed the palm of her hand against the bulge in his sweats.
“R-Rhett…” she whispered, voice wavering and unreadable.
“F-Fuck, please, sunshine,” he breathed back, pushing further into her hand, further into her space. “I-I can’t anymore, please. Need you. Need you.”
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lunarfeat21 · 2 days
Now that I'm working on the Zero Fleet art reference, I wanna give a seek peek that might make you chuckle ᕕ( ᐕ )ᕗ (plus some little lore as a treat)
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This is Captain Zero, or his full name is Scaramuccia Zero, and apparently he's a little crabby. Why, you may ask?
Well, this (and I will explain a bit):
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Bro's is short compared to his men, even Zip & Zug are a few inches taller than their pissy captain.
However, in my yandere tugs au, Zero is 5'9 ft (or 175 cm)... take a good look.
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The thing is, his men aren't really human. They may looked human, but a bit over the average height.
They're called Avatars, humanoid vessels for the tugs' soul. It's not only a tug thing, but every sentient marine vessel (lightships, submarines, trampers, launch vessels, just anything with a face essentially) and can be taller (or stronger) than a human.
Probably a good thing in the Zero Fleet's case, cause Captain Zero is infamous for his short temper and wanting to fight would-be opponents, only for his tugs will haul him away if the opponents don't want to deal with crazy.
It also didn't help that Captain Zero wore modified gloves most of the time, gloves are a bit thick and attached to the ends are curved metallic blades for claws.
(sounds like a recipe of pain when manhandling a human version of a very pissed off cat...)
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bruhstation · 8 months
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I feel like I’m 14 and Know nothing about Ask the famous 8 again, I am not sleeping, I am not eating, I am gripping my phone waiting for notifications, you tapped into the perfect intersection of hyper fixation, human au’s, and GORGEOUS ART and I’m LIVING, I AM BREATHING, I AM SHAKING
Congrats, I salute you o7
WOAHHHH????!??!?!? WOAAHHHHHHHH. this whole analysis page is making my jaw drop to the floor like it’s truly award-worthy how you managed to catch some of my very VERY niche references here and there. I cannot applaud you enough!!!! good lird!!!!! truly amazing work, you!!!! I’d like to give some of my comments as well :]
1. captain zero is not beating the bitter ex husband allegations #actuallydivorced
2. zorran and zip take after captain zero but in vastly different ways. zorran has been around far longer than zip; he’s his first employee and right hand man, after all. he took after captain zero like his speech mannerisms and view on the world, but the strain of responsibility captain zero put on zorran weighs down on him. zip is a newbie, having joined just a few weeks ago. he sees captain zero as a father figure, which is not 100% reciprocated by him (literally the first adult figure in zip’s life to show him a semblance of human decency which is not going to end well for the z-stack youth). zorran took after something that is a thorough, long process (speech mannerism), while zip took after something that is at face value (coat). also reflects their emotional maturity (zorran is more cautious, while zip is easily impressionable and needs others to guide him despite their intentions)
why does captain zero name him “zip”? it was zebedee’s idea, partially. he joked that he got the epiphany when he ate a piece of marzipan, but captain zero thought it’s fitting. zip means “to close something”. zipline. zipper. ziplock. to zip. you say “zip it” when you want someone to shut up. (also remember how zorran said “shut it zip in the first episode)
"he sees a child” captain zero views zip as an employee when he expects zip to go through with his plans, while he views zip as a child when he’s talking down on him and giving commands. zip has no problem with this
3. “why is it not a war?” captain zero’s scared. ahaha
4. “stop talking” remember the first episode, sunshine, and his line, “I don’t expect you to think”? remember how I said in the previous posts that there’s hunting dog imagery within captain zero?
5. zip’s crossword puzzle!!! yes!!!!!! you noticed it!!!!! the words and the meanings I try so hard to convey!!!!!!! you nailed almost every single one of them
6. “cops? acab” this is hilarious and fitting considering what I have in store for captain star
7. “invasion” “something is coming” with how captain zero’s criminal history remains shrouded in darkness and the very tiny bits we got from johnny cuba’s words to zebedee...... I’ll just say that it’s going to come back to bite him
8. “camaraderie” “9 across doesn’t exist” these speak for themselves. especially with zipcents there (starts clawing on my face)
9. the fleets do work together, occasionally. they gotta set aside personal feelings for the contracts, and to an extent, their captains. and yeah something bigg is coming and it is Not Pretty! (see point 7)
10. zip’s suspenders has three black lines, while zebedee and the rest of the z-stacks have five!
that’s all I have to say for now!!! phew!!!! this was very fun to respond to and I’m really happy you noticed the stuff I’ve laid out for fortezza bigg city so far!!!! also I love the tiny doodles :3 zebedee is so cute!!! and your gal zaffre looks amazing! the suspenders are definitely fbc’s signature. her high hairdo is such a fantastic look on her, too :D once again, thank you very much!!!!
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werbitssft · 1 month
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Zorran - Great Dane
Zebedee - Cane Corso
Zak - Canarian dog (or Dogo Canario)
Zug - Dogo Argentino
Zip - German Boxer
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garblixdligzoog · 2 months
So have some of my AU (Mostly gnarpy AU) headcanons
Gnarpy was forcibly drafted at a VERY young age due to xis special condition. Xe faintly remembers xis mother and father because of this.
Child soldiers are common in Gars. Gnarpy wasn't given any special treatment, for this, they were even more ruthless and harsh on xim.
Gnarpy is older than Garby by three years. While Gnarpy is a co-leader, Garby is a fleet general.
The reason why Gnarpy was born green in my AU would be heavy spoilers for something I'm working on.
Garblix Dligzoog hates it when someone spells xis name as "Dilgzoog."
The transition between a soldier and co-leader is a long process, taking five to ten years wearing a pack of some sort. Improper removal will cause... well... Let's just say that it won't be pretty to watch.
Gnarpy has HORRENDOUSLY bad luck when driving a UFO. For this, xe will ask one of xis soldiers to drive for xim.
Mach is able to take down low-level deities with her banhammer. But no higher.
Gnarpians did many experiments on many different people across the galaxy and gave them nicknames. Like Spud, Floob, Glab, and Hotdog. However, one would be named "Incident Zero"... No gnarpian talks about "Incident Zero"
If Gregoriah would meet Gnarpy, he would probably give xim a ton of affection... and receive some bite marks back.
One thing I will tell you about "Incident Zero" is that he's very forgiving. Especially to those who he finds cute.
Cutting this off before I spoil too much on my new project lollllll /all ooc
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kingscourthouse · 5 months
Pretty please, tell us more about the SLB au! (I'm pretty sure those were the letters)
Be careful asking me this because I can quite literally ramble for hours about this (<- DID ramble about it in someone's dms for 5 hours)
The au is based off of the song Starlight Brigade, from my favourite album Together Through Time. (Also partially by Starship Velociraptor but not as heavily) Watch it and you can even see the scenes I redrew.
The basic story is that Gem is from a planet with zero technology. It's one of the few existing planets that still uses magic consistently and has a very small population due to it being a battle grounds in the past.
Through the place only inhabited by forests and wildlife, she wanders into the deepest reaches of the woods where the battles used to be fought. And there she finds an abandoned ship, covered in overgrowth and buried in the dirt. Curiosity takes over as she investigates the ship and falls inside where she can't find her way out. A stone set in her chest, the source of her magic, starts to glow and suddenly the ship comes to life and issues an emergency protocol taking her to 'The Base.'
Since she can't escape, she's brought to the base where a group of people welcome her to the base. A knight that leads the team (Wels,) a man in armour that never speaks a word (Xisuma,) a large wolf adorned with gold and a somewhat nasty attitude (Ren,) a man that hides his face and scar on his eye (Etho,) and a large bot made of screens (Hypno.)
Fighting back and forth about what should happen to her, she forces her way into the Brigade regardless of what they think and fights to make a diffrence. Learning more about her team, other planets and their enemy, Gem becomes part of the Brigade and fights for a home that she may never see again in hopes to save the universe.
Honestly when making the au and 'major events,' I picture it in my head as if it were episodes so it's very blocky how things play out. Everyone even has full backstories, detailed designs, and full arcs that they all go through with varying outcomes. Like, enough that I could make an entire new post about each one of them.
There's also people that work on the base, other fleets, and civilians on planets that are all hermits and stuff too. (Includes traffic series people, hermits, and empires peeps)
I doubt I'll ever do anything with all of this so I'm calling it free use until I decide to do something with it. I'd make it an ao3 series but I haven't posted my work in ages and I'd be so awkward doing it. But I've thought about it tons so there's plenty that other people could use lol. If anyone wants, I can ramble about anyone on the team, or just anyone and their place in the au because I'm insane about this.
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choeto · 6 months
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Hello everyone, kittens 👋🚘
I want to share my idea with you. In short, I started drawing a comic book based on my AU on tugs. Of course, it somewhat resembles Lackadaisy, BUT HEY it's not like that! Yes, there are gangsters in my comic, too, two fleets compete with each other for life and death (spoiler: not Starfleet will compete with Zero). But the plot and characters are completely different! Now, unfortunately, due to school worries, I will not be able to return to the comic, but during the winter holidays I will definitely continue to draw my idea.
Now, as you can see, I am drawing characters from my AU (Zebedee is depicted in the photo), I will try to create and draw them in different ways ":0
Thank you so much, suns, for taking a little time and reading this post, I am very grateful for that 🙏🧡
Всем привет, котята 👋🚘
Хочу поделиться с вами моей затеей. Если кратко, я начала рисовать комикс по своему АУ по буксирам. Конечно он чем-то напоминает Lackadaisy, НО ЭЙ это не так! Да, в моём комиксе тоже есть гангстеры, конкурируют между собой не на жизнь, а насмерть два флота (спойлер: не Звёздный флот будет соперничать с Нулевым). Но сюжет и персонажи совсем разные! Сейчас к сожалению из-за школьных забот я не смогу вернуться к комиксу, но на зимних каникулах обязательно продолжу рисовать свою затею.
Сейчас, как видите, рисую персонажей из своего АУ (на фото изображён Зебеди), постараюсь их создать и нарисовать разными ":0
Огромное вам спасибо, солнышки, что уделили мне немного времени и прочитали этот пост, очень благодарна за это 🙏🧡
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I love him.
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Hercules doodle that was not meant to be so detailed.
Anyways, here's some fun facts!
* Hercules has been working in Bigg City Port for many years, but for most of those years was a free lance ocean tug, not specifically owned by anyone, except for most of his early life he was in the Navy
* He worked for the Z-Stacks for some time before joining the Star Fleet, and the Zero Fleet some what fell under after losing their ocean tug(more Z-Stack Hercules lore will be revealed later)
* His glasses are solely sunglasses, though they have major sentimental value to him, and they never leave his possession
* (human au) Hercules used to perform on small stages in his free time (which was how Zorran met him), and he is an incredible singer, though he doesn't have as much time to perform anymore, he is great friends with the Bridge Cafe Band
* When he was working free lance, he frequently changed his livery colors and appearance, and includes his outfit and hair in human au, though more recently he has kept the same appearance, mostly because he just doesn't have the time anymore, but also for branding
* He has really bad insomnia, wouldn't say severe but.. my mans don't get enough sleep, and often falls asleep during work meetings, and the Stars have to take turns carrying him to bed
* He wears a gay pin on his jacket as an attempt to get women to stop hitting on him, doesn't always work but it's something at least
* He and Lillie are best friends, and they relate with their experiences with the solitude of the sea so Hercules enjoys one on one hang out time with her, also since she's often more alone than he is, so he makes the time to spend with her
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002yb · 1 year
Current thoughts: the titans 2018 tv show understandably has to deviate from dc’s messy comic timelines for coherency - and thus the need to rewrite a major part of everybody's origins- but i wanna see what would happen if everything was comic adjacent timeline wise - other then the titan's timeline. I.e. dick and Jason meet far before, Nightwing being far more established when the titans come together again and how this affects the narrative.
Basically established relationship dickjay but they don't really recognize it as anything relationship-wise (platonically or romantically), they just have this notion of “hes mine - im his” so it comes naturally. Their natural functional codependency and how Jason’s death leads to far more drastic reactions. (Because Dick Grayon hallucinated Jason for a while - just to talk to him, keep him sane, just to have his little wing back for a minute. Because Dick Grayson beat the joker to death for uttering Jason's name.)
Unironically this started because pre-crisis red-head Jason is very dear to me and he had to dye his hair to emulate dick, but I also need people to dip into the potential of him having to wear mascara and other makeup to hide other features. Just a scene of Dick watching him in the mornings, red roots and freckled face stumbling about - purely Jason - before he hides himself from the world. Maybe Dick is a bit mournful that he has to go through this length, maybe he's humored at the sight of Jason struggling with mascara so early in the morning, maybe he gets a lick of possessiveness at the fact that nobody will see Jason the way he can. And then it expanded to (everything else). (And maybe after it all he has the fleeting thought of how pretty he is in his mind, and if Jason is strangely flushed under his stare he doesn't comment.)

Also : @coffeestainsonpaper - nothing posted yet though…but there are plans i promise :,,)
Oh~ pre-established dickjay with a loosely defined, companionable relationship? Sign me up, this sounds lovely. Especially with this being their starting point! Having zero context to explain their closeness and the intimacy they share, leaving everyone to sum it up to being a 'Robin' thing, lol. This is a really cute and sweet concept, for real.
Sort of related but kind of not, but like - an AU where Dick finds his own replacement (Jason). No animosity, no drama, no angst (in the sense of jealousy or insecurity or inconsideration). Because Dick recognizes that he's outgrowing this mantle and identity he's created; it's something he sits with and stresses over for some time. Resentment growing only because he feels stifled, obligated to care for one city (Gotham), one person (Batman). It makes him feel cagey, clipped. Even still, he's resigned because discipline is in his blood, but duty was beaten into him after a decade long career of vigilantism.
And Dick just sort of spirals, losing sight of what it is Robin means to him - what it should be to this city. How he can change, adapt, grow within a cage.
And it's not that Dick passes the responsibility to Jason so that Dick can get gone - he would recognize that Jason is different. He's like Bruce (with that close relationship to Gotham), only more (because Bruce was hurt by Gotham; Jason was born from it). Jason cares for and understands the city, it's community. He knows how it works in a different way than Bruce. Jason wants and tries to help (via crime to help himself, a growing community of transients, working girls, streetkids, etc). Jason stands up for those in need although he's a runt, less than a hundred pounds soaking wet - a firecracker, steeled and gritty and wonderful.
There's something hopeful about Jason, though Dick doesn't doubt that the kid will get himself killed with how he throws himself into fights he can't win.
Which leads to Robin being a bit of a guardian angel with looking out for him.
And like. Takes of Jason being prickly at that sort of attention is cool and all, but what if he was just a sweetheart lol. Just very !! at Robin coming to defend him because guess what? Robin has been his hero for so long. An inspiration. A hope that people like Jason can be safe and protected and cared for.
Needless to say, Dick comes to love him. Quietly. With so much affection.
Jason is kind and caring and compassionate. He's tough and scrappy and resilient - always standing up after getting knocked down, always trying again and again -
Of course Jason was going to be Dick's legacy.
And uh. Yes. So much digressing here LOL. But basically Dick and Jason having a good relationship before Dick leaves Gotham and even after. Jason is Dick's Robin, after all. So they stay close. And when Dick calls, Jason comes. And it's easy between them; they're fond of each other and happy because at the core of their relationship - they see hope in one another.
Hm. Another digression mid paragraph?? Idk where the thoughts are anymore but hahaha love your idea of pre-established nightwing/robin!!
As for red-head Jason with the makeup - that could be fun! Anything with Dick quietly admiring Jason and contemplating him while also potentially being all possessive over what people do and don't see of Jason I'm all sorts of down for hahaha. Possessive!Dick is top tier.
I feel like a lot of people (I've only talked to like, two people ever so maybe not LOLOL) like red-head Jason, so potentially a hot take, but~ I'm fond of dark haired Jason because like. The comedic potential of someone asking Dick if he's attracted to Jason because Jason looks vaguely similar to him is so fucking funny to me ahahahahaha.
Sorry this took so long to reply to, anon. Life is a time. ;U;
edit: hello, hello all the best with the tumbling @coffeestainsonpaper ╰(⸝⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝⸝)╯I forgot to reply to this portion of the ask whoops I hope I was the first follow though LOL
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sisterdivinium · 7 months
In good faith, I don't consider WN ships I don't follow as "spam". I simply open the fics that catch my attention and the ship tags for it, I read a bit and if I don't dig it I move to the next ones. If you do not read fics I don't understand why it seems to bother you considerably. Ok that's the part where I don't agree with your post, however it's a fair assessment of what's going on. I do follow avatrice fics, so what I'm about to say next it's from that perspective. I think avatrice is like 95-96% percent of the works on ao3 for various reasons. The show being cancelled and ava going away at the end of S2, despite it being clearly implied she's back, people feel left out to dry because we didn't get to see them reunite. So there's this almost manic drive towards fixing that thru fics. We didn't get to see them as an open explicit couple, so that's also something people have taken to fix. Another reason is that Ava silva is just such an alluring character, people went and are still nuts for her. She's so genuine, so open in her affections, so loyal and unwavering. Another reason, she happens to have been played by an actress that did an outstanding job portraying her, and I believe that the fact that Alba is so conventionally attractive plays a huge role in the pull avatrice has. And I do not mean to diminish Beatrice or Kristina's talent or acting in any way. I merely want to point out I honestly believe that if avatrice were 2 non white women, we wouldn't be seeing the amount of works that pop up daily for them, nowhere near the numbers we have currently. So in that regard it's kind of a double mortal combo that ava was written as she was and that she was played by such a pretty and charming actress. Well a triple combo, because she's white. I personally think the wlw couples that dominate fandoms have almost invariably at least one white character. Ok that's the trifecta by which I explain the popularity of avatrice (outside of them being a legitimately solid and good pairing). As for the amount of AUs I think it's due to wanting to take these 2 characters and separate them from their original universe as a way to repel/protest/take them the hell away from the universe in which they had no resolution, to cope with the feeling of severe incompleteness that canon left. Ok now that being said I join you in lamenting that we don't have more shanon/Mary and other pairings, because I feel entirely alone in shipping Ava and Camila... listen the heart wants what it wants and in my cursed unlucky case, it seems my heart wants 2 golden retrievers/gremlin energy characters together and in love. But my crack ship exists only in my fantasies 😭
I've read and found some great doctor superion works. but at least here I have found zero posts/content about my wretched crack ship, null, none, naught. At least you guys do have some content. Also I think doctor superion not having more traction is straight up ageism. Which is so sad. Anyways these are my personal opinions about it sorry for the wall of text.
Let me clarify why I called that spam, first of all, so that you understand I wasn't being malicious (or not gratuitously so, anyway, lol): every now and again, even if I don't read fic, I do take a look at the pairing tag for the one ship I write about. And, without fail, there will be at least one story posted under that tag where that very pairing is nowhere to be found. It's a fleeting mention at most. I consider it spam to post what is, say, an avatrice smut fic on the Jillian/Suzanne tag if you won't do anything with the latter ship apart from a side comment like "oh, and the two of them are together now".
A few days ago, I read an interesting post about how people posting fic and adding tags should ask themselves whether people interested in those tags would indeed find what they wanted through your story when you used them.
Let me say, then, that a Jillian/Suzanne shipper is not looking for something that can barely be called crumbs at all when she sits down to read something -- so why lead her on? At the very least tag it properly and say it's minor/implied/mentioned or something of the sort. It's annoying to me in the sense that I also use the tag, I like to know who fellow tag users are and coming across this sort of thing is disruptive. People nowadays "overtag" and I get it depending on what they have written because they want a reader to know what she's getting herself into -- and, precisely, I think it would be fair for a Jillian/Suzanne shipper to be warned of the fact that her ship isn't really featured at all in something instead of seeing that tag tacked on just because they're mentioned as a couple en passant. I'm sure that might apply to other pairings as well, as I do recall @foulbearobservation mention some phenomenon of the sort for Camila/Lilith too a few months ago.
So, to reiterate, it's less "ew, this doctor superion fic has been tainted with another ship" (which, honestly, would never bother me) and more "ugh, this other ship fic said there would be doctor superion but there is nothing and I feel duped!" The fact that I don't read it myself doesn't mean I'm not in contact with other Jillian/Suzanne shippers who do seek out fic and who do experience these feelings which we do talk about amongst ourselves.
With that out of the way, let me first thank you for getting in touch because I was very curious about hearing someone on the avatrice side of things!
It's not surprising to me, per se, that avatrice dominates and I think I mentioned it in my post that there is a reason to it. Or various reasons, really, adding to those I cited the ones you give here, being the "unfinished business" aura that the ship has acquired thanks to that damned cancellation. (I will, however, express my surprise at your passionate manifestation considering Alba as I see Kristina lovers gushing about her much more frequently -- I suppose that goes to show you how we none of us ever have the whole picture in mind, how we are always looking at things at an angle even when we try to consider them more fully! A very good reminder to keep in mind how fragmentary our understanding can be...)
What baffles me is not that avatrice is everywhere, but that there are so very little other ships around it. Historically, people in fandom have always played the "there aren't enough nice/fun/compelling/whatever female characters in canon for me to care about f/f ships" card and what's perfectly clear in WN is that this card simply cannot be played given how many wonderful female characters it has (lucky us!) And I suppose it adds to my surprise (again, this is merely me being a bit confused at the situation rather than "denouncing" it; far be it from me to tell avatrice shippers they're doing anything wrong, no, fandom is for fun after all and, as you say, it IS a solid and good pairing, I would never contest that!) that there are so many stories set in an alternate universe for what is a canon ship. It's a bit of a paradox to me, I suppose, although the idea of a "protest" against an unfinished, incomplete canon such as you mentioned might explain part of it.
On prejudice, I wouldn't want to accuse anyone of anything. There's also a predominance of white characters in a lot of media, so them being featured in a lot of pairings is a bit due to the maths of their presence as well -- going forth, as we begin to see more and more diversity (well, if the goddamn companies stop cancelling every one of our shows!) I figure the trend will begin to diminish as well. Or so I'd like to hope, unless the issue we're discussing persists, being that one ship gets all the attention and all others get zilch when the potential for others is right there staring us all in the face... Then again, it does bother me that older characters are more or less ignored by fandom at large, I won't lie, and I've seen some comments on disturbing depictions of Mary in certain corners of fandom as well. I'd like to make use of good-will towards people and not expect from them only the worse, but sometimes it can be... Challenging, let's say.
Do have my thanks for introducing me to the concept of Ava/Camila! It hadn't crossed my mind, I admit, but now I think it could be something fun to play with. I was interrupted so many times while typing up this answer that I used some of that time to write something for the pairing and I'll post it here soon-ish and maybe that can kickstart some more visibility for it! :)
Alongside my thanks, please also have my sympathies. I've always been on the rarepair side of fandom so I understand, even if your case really is a bit extreme if nobody else has ever done anything for the ship! Then again, that is the whole point of the post, the fact that it's so very hard to see anyone try something out outside of their OTP, if just for fun, just for a day, just for a drabble even!
See, my problem is not that there isn't a lot of doctor superion -- my problem is that there isn't much of anything else! I do my part, I write for my pairing that which I would like to read (and I encourage you, friendly anon, to consider doing something for Ava/Camila as well if you can! Sometimes we need to take the first step, sometimes that's what introduces people to the thing and inspires them to put their own spin on it as well. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't even have thought of maybe trying out your ship, even if it won't be a 890.000 word epic). It just strikes me as odd that the toys are all out there and there are few people who take notice of them apart from the two shiniest ones!
To end this, please don't apologise for walls of text. If ever you've been around my blog, you'll know I'm prone to them myself, as this answer attests to! Thank you for chipping in!
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selfproclaimedunicorn · 6 months
Alicent and Yorick remaining friends despite being no more innocent children, breaks my heart and at least I'm happy that she has someone that cares about her😭❤
If Yorick and Alicent had been married, the green children(bronze eh) would have been happy❤😭
Gonna take the opportunity to share my silly little headcanons about "The Alirick AU"
Claere lives long enough to talk to Rhea about getting Yorick & Alicent betrothed to discourage more Young Rhaenicent Smooching (Claere Hightower Homophobic Confirmed)
They have a "blend' of Alicent's & Yorick's SOTF!canon kids (see: Yorick's oldest daughter is a canon event, so she's Aegon's twin sister & then Helaena>Aemond>Daeron as actually happens)
Alicent's kids' ages are all shifted down & their names are different: Rhea & Addam (formerly Aegon) are 17, Claere (formerly Helaena) is 15, Yorbert (formerly Aemond) is 14, Theo (formerly Daeron) is 11
The Alirick Dynamic is nowhere near as tooth-rottingly sweet (or ungodly horny) as Yoreen, because after pregnancy #4 it gets pretty clear to Yorick that she's just never gonna be as into him as he is her. So it just sorta becomes "lesbian & her bestie who she has kids with." It's very wholesome & sweet, but not at all romantic (and Yorick doesn't get to indulge in how much of an absolute freak he is capable of being. Everyone pour one out for his being into MILFs & wanting to fuck at the high table not seeing fruition due to Alicent's lesbianism & turbocatholocism)
Alicent's kids (save Daeron, who was raised away from the BS & has a fighting chance regardless) get to be so much more well adjusted, & because that's his actual dad, Aegon isn't unwell about Yorick
Because Alicent isn't there as an option for Vizzy (because if the Alirick match was one of the last things Claere did, I think Otto would be trying to find some other option for raising his House's station just to honor his wife's memory) the marriage to Laena goes through--thus negating the need for Rhaenyra/Laenor, so Rhaenyra marries Harwin & her boys by him are legitimate (Jace becomes Jaehaerys & goes by Jae, Luke is...just Luke, idfk what Joffrey's name is. Maybe they name him after Lyonel's dad? Another Valyrian name?)
This fucks the factions for The Dance majorly & probably heavily alters who the Royce siblings side with (if anyone), because you cannot avoid it unless Laena has zero sons. Corlys would be going to war to put his grandsons on the throne.
This AU kinda fucks over poor Ella. If we're putting The Harwin Push on Rhaenyra, we aren't putting it on her...which just kinda means there's no perfectly timed interruptions by either his brother or The Reachmen Fleet to stop Larys from being fucking weird. I'm not saying that Larella happens, but there is no interruption for his attempting to make it so & IDK what happens there other than him having her as an attack dog is fucking terrifying.
The Daemon/Laena marriage doesn't happen, obvi, so his half-self-imposed exile in Essos goes very differently. Am I sure how differently? No.
Aemon's story does not change at all. Literally zero changes other than who he's absurdly loyal & concerningly attached to (see: Alicent &...no, I shant say)
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nerdy-the-artist · 1 year
Dread it… run from it… destiny arrives all the same. Or rather, lesbians, bird people, and pirates. The series kinda just grabbed onto me out of seemingly nowhere at the beginning of March. Resisted the urge at first as a whole lot of series have disappointed me but, man, this fits all the niches for me. Great female protagonist, lost civilization tropes, pirates, galactic politics, galaxy threatening parasites. I honestly don’t know why I didn’t dive in sooner. To speak about the learning Chozo bit, it’s a slow process for me. Spring break is coming up, so I might take that opportunity to expedite the process then.
Mostly, however, I’m gonna share some more token details from my Metroid AU. Granted, I may be jumping the gun, as I haven’t gotten an opportunity to actually play a Metroid game, so perhaps I’m not the best gal to write a story on the matter. But the world building is fun. Without further ado, I will now proceed to rant about actual tidbits from the AU.
1. Ala the manga, Samus does have a slight telepathic bond between her two Chozo blood donors, Grey Voice and Raven Beak. However, due to hardly ever seeing Raven Beak, she does not recognize him. He appears in dreams though, in which she describes him as “the man with the broken face”. Yes, I’m going with his beak being a prosthetic. In any case, in the rare few times Samus dreams of this man with the broken face, he simply tells her to come find him. With time, however, Samus writes the dreams off as just that, dreams.
2. Ridley’s moniker of The Cunning God of Death is taken to another level. While he is well aware that he has no supernatural power or dominion, he styles himself as a god. In his speeches to his underlings, he proclaims the masses they will slaughter as “the mortals”, with his personal kill squad being known as The Revenants. His propensity to survive the unsurvivable helps cement this image in both the eyes of the pirates he controls, and the enemies who hear tales of his crimes.
3. While this may be controversial, the whole term of Space Pirates will be vastly expanded upon. As opposed to one great monolith of a faction, there will be many factions and sub factions jockeying for power in the lawless regions of space. Ridley and (upon the invasion of Zebes) Mother Brain’s faction are known as the Glaxamore. Additionally, membership into these various Space Pirate factions is not particularly restricted by race. There are a great many human and elfan pirates, in Glaxamore and beyond. One such human pirate will be a ship captain in the fleet surrounding Zebes, post invasion.
4. Back during Samus’s teenage years on Zebes, she and Old Bird would play pranks on Grey Voice. One such instance that I am itching to write, if for no other reason than my own entertainment, is when the snuck an Iono Feria (peaceful creature, once again, from the Manga), into Grey Voice’s personal study in the middle of the night, much to his fright and frustration when he woke up the next morning.
5. To speak more about Samus in particular, I wanted to dip more into the character-at-rest portion of her personality. While she is still a loner, she does make use of that time to improve herself beyond her ability to fight and survive. For one thing, she meditates. She tries a variety of different techniques, both human and Chozo, in order to commune with nature. This pursuit was one Old Bird passed onto her. Another thing she inherited from the Chozo is an accent! Samus and the Chozo speak English with a very distinct accent, which is slightly comparable to Greek or Spanish. I may pitch in some voice acting to show what I mean at some point, but not yet. Lastly, in addition to power suit and zero suit, another staple of her wardrobe is a Chozo poncho, with ornate patterning and a very earthy color palette. She often wears it during meditation sessions or when she simply wants to chill.
And that will be all for now. If you guys are interested in hearing more tidbits of this AU, I would be happy to post more. For now, however, I will leave it at this.
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