arandommarvelstan · 2 years
As kids, everyone has superpowers when they wear caps, glasses, and hoodies, but after the age of twelve/eleven, they lose their power, their power is based on how creative they are, and the quicker they lose their imagination the quicker they lose their powers, so just imagine, this crazy old man floating his grocery bag, coming in a shop, and smiling at the crowd of people looking at him
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arandommarvelstan · 2 years
Hank Van Dyne and the Hope Diamond (A Marvel Next-gen short story)
A/N: So...I was thinking about Hope x Scott and I wrote this, It's kinda weird, but I liked it, anyhow, this happens when all the Avengers had kids, and nobody died in Endgame and Infinity war (Wistful thinknig)
When your grandpa works with ants, life isn’t normal.
At least that's what Hank Antony Van Dyne - Lang thought, but he was biased, his mom literally shrunk down and flew around, his grandma had magic powers from the quantum realm, his dad named him and his little sister, Fern Antioanette Lang, after ants, and his grandpa literally invented a shrinking suit and spent his free time making ants drop sugar cubes in his tea.
“You’re going to be late for school Hank! Oh! Hi Antavius!” He heard a perky voice call, Hank groaned in his pillow, of course, Antavius was a random housekeeper ant, how his dad, Scott and his sisters, Cassie and Fern kept them straight, she had no idea.
Hank got up, still bleary eyed “Just a second for the love of god”
“You mean the love of Anton?” Fern clarified 
“No” Hank replied, he glared at the door
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“What did he do now?” Hank asked, his mom had a tired smile like ‘Oh yeah, again’
“According to Woo-”
Fern threw her spoon on the floor “Not Woo!”
“-He sneaked into the Smithsonian and robbed it of the Hope diamond-”
Fern picked up her spoon “Mom, I’m sure you’d look great in it”
“Stop interrupting!” Cassie said, interrupting Hope again, Cassie smiled “Keep going, Hope”
“Cause the cameras reported ants” Hope finished, Hank tilted his head, in many ways he was more Van Dyne than Lang, he had grayish brown hair, a bit like his mom’s, determined look, creamy skin, and hazel eyes, and his grandma always insisted that he won’t be the next ant man, but the next Wasp.
Hank liked that idea, flying was cooler.
“But why would dad steal the Hope necklace thing?” Fern asked, Hope shrugged, Hank sighed, Cassie grinned, Fern was defenrlty a Lang, same expression of ‘I think I did somthing funny but I don’t know what, but I still want to smile’ same brown hair, the knack for getting in massive trouble (Last week, somehow, Antavius ate her homework) and the dumb sense of humor, even at eigth, she wasn’t showing any signs of being as mature as Hank, but thats how birth oder worked
“Maybe cause it’s called the Hope diamond” Cassie suggested
“Or maybe cause he was sleep ordering the ants, the possibilities are endless” Hank waved his hands
“Hank is right, we’ll never know, unless…” Hope started, Hank, Cassie and Fern exchanged a look
“UNless…” Cassie prompted
“We prove them wrong!” Fern finished, Hank nodded
Hope turned to give them a dangerous look “You three have school, you’re not sneaking anywhere” “Oh no, it’s not like one of us is basically seventeen or something and can drive” Fern said subtly, she winked at Cassie and Hank, Hank frowned, Cassie grinned
“You two are very subtle” Hank whispered
“That's why you’re coming too, Hankster” Cassie whispered
Hank sighed “And…what's your plan?”
Fern took a spoonful of cereal “We get proof that daddy didn’t do it, find the diamond, give it back, celebrate with pizza and cake, got it Hankster?”
“Stop calling me that” Hank hissed
“Why? Auntie Ava and Grandma Janet call you that?”
“Yeah, but Janet has a plan and she knew me longer” Hank smirked
Cassie coughed “Where did you get that line from?”
“I made it up”
Fern coughed dramatically “I don’t believe you”
Hank got up “Thanks for the cereal, I’ll go pack my backpack” Hope nodded absentmindedly, adults were zombies when it came to phones, it didn’t spare Hope, she was completely absorbed in the phone, not noticing the three kids who were discussing escape plans, or when Hank grabbed a tiny earpiece, or when Cassie opened a Altoids box and took some small things from it, or how Fern started singing Captain America’s theme song.
Hope drove them to school, the Y.A.A, also known as Young Avengers Academy, Cassie was probably one of the oldest students, like Cooper Barton and Lila Barton, Fern and Hank tended to be a bit lonelier, but in the past months, Hank became great friends with a girl called Edith Barton, or Hawkette, and Fern got along great with Nathaniel Barton, even if he was slightly annoying, but the Barton’s were on holiday, so they’d have a great time to discover the Hope diamond’s location.
“Hey Hank! Hey Fern! How’s it going?” A boy smiled, dark blonde, blue eyes, basically a knight in shining armor, and if that wasn’t enough, he also wore Captain America’s costume and shield
“Hi Joseph!” Fern waved, Hank nodded absentmindedly, he was focusing on EMP communication device, making ants do something simple, like crawl towards him, judging on the extend look on Ferns’ face, he succeeded
“You got an EMP?” 
He nodded “I thing Cassie got us suits” Fern squealed like a little kid (which she was) and jumped around, almost tripping over a racoon
“Hey! Watcha dancing ‘bout?” Rogue called, he hissed, Fern backed up
“Sorry Rogue!” She apologized, Rogue tried to say something else, put a girl with a metal arm pulled him back, she gave them a smile
“Sorry guys, Rogue! We’re going to be late for gadgets”
Rogue spun around “Why Are we waiting’ then Rebbeca?” The two ran off, Fern and Hank went in a corner, Cassie came towards them, she handed them the Altoids box, Fern poked it open
“Wow!” She gasped, Hank was tempted to agree, three small suits, a purple one, a red one, and a grayish-green one, definitely the Wasp one, he snatched it
“I’m keeping the Wasp”
“I’m Ant-Man!” Fern squealed
“I’m Stature!” Cassie excalemed, Hank and Fern frowned “What? I made it up”
Hank shrugged “Suits won’t help If we can’t figure it out”
“I had a idea” Cassie said “Someone needed a EMP controller, which means they must have stolen one from grandpa and grandma, or from our parents”
Fern nodded, she drove towards the bath, almost bumping into a blue cyborg “Sorry Nimbus!”
The son of Nebula muttered a curse and went off, Cassie also went to the bath, Hank rolled his eyes, he clicked a tiny button, the suit became a small gauntlet, he put it on, making sure nobody saw him.
“OMG!” Something said in his ear, Hank gasped “Calm down Hank! It’s just me!” Fern waved, Hank rolled his eyes again
“So” Cassie’s voice said “My plan is to get to the smithsonian”
“Which is hours away” Hank said sourly “That won’t work”
Fern coughed “Ah, brother, trusty convenience, remember?”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Cassie asked, Fern shrugged
“Uh…I don’t know, mayb-”
“A portal?” Hank finished, Cassie looked surprised
“I refuse to let Donna Strange in this”
Fern coughed again, for the sake of coolness “Uh, convenience? Like…stealing a sling ring from a certain sorceress, making a portal while one other reasheses the diamond?”
“Dibs on researchers” Hank said, Cassie became normal size, Fern didn’t, but Hank swore he did see something jump to Cassie
“Cassie, our plan is-” Fern started.
Hank left as quickly as possible, hoping that Fern and Cassie were smart enough to find a way to get in the Sminthsonian and anywhere as soon as possible, and also hoping that his dad didn’t get in jail yet, and that he’d find a book on the Hope diamond
He went to the library, Hank, being a intelligent life being, always put reashars 
“Hank” A girl poked her head away from a book shelf, her blonde hair messed up, she gave him a shy smile “What today?”
Hank nodded, officially, Bruce Banner was the librarian, but he was sure that Bruce must have a coffee break or something, since Gwen usually was his assistant, even if she was a student “Uh…the Hope diamond”
She typed that in the computed “The yellow library, the one near the history aisle, big book about the diamond, hope it helps” She smiled as if she made a clever joke, Hank rushed to the history aisle, and crouched, a large thick book with a large diamond on the cover and the tiele ‘Hope Diamond: The legendary history of a lost gem’ he started reading at top speed
“Hankster” A voice whispered when he was at page two hundred twenty, he dropped his book, a tiny purple thing was holding a ring “We got this thing ring”
“Sling ring”
“That's what I said” Cassie muttered
Fern zoomed near Hank “I think Gwen likes you”
“She likes everyone” Hank rolled his eyes, Fern poked him 
“She likes like like like you” Fern clarified, Hank sighed
“She likes someone else, I like someone else, now use the ring already!” Hank hissedFern shrugged and put it on, she waved her hand, nothing
“Uh…give me a second” She waved her hands again
Cassie sighed and put down her helmet “This could take awhile-”
“I channel my inner Strange! I am superior!” Fern put on a superior expression
Hank facepalmed “Actually, you’re channeling your inner Khan”
“Same difference! I am superior in every way!” To Hank’s and Cassie’s surprise, a sparkly orange thing started to glow
“Keep channeling Khan” Cassie wisepred, she looked behind the shelves “Uh oh, Donna dead straight, hurry up sis” Hank heard the clacking of Donna’s hard boots
“Herring!” Fern added, but the portal opened, the three shrunk down and disappeared  
“Scott, one last time” Woo paced around the interrogation room, Scott sighed “Did you-”
“Steal Hope? I already have a Hope, don’t need another one” Scott pulled a card out of his sleeve and threw it “Why do I need a diamond?”
“Then who did it? Ants, ants, ants, you are literally ANTMAN” Woo banged his fist on the table, and then hopped around
“Uh, maybe some random villain guy stole the ant controller, or-”
“Hank Pym did it” Woo looked in the distance like ‘AHA!’
Scott laughed “Dude, are you insane? Hank Pym? It’s more likely that Luis stole it!”
Woo looked triumphantly “Aha! So-”
“That was a joke man!” Scott waved his hands “Weren’t you smarter about stuff like that?” Woo gave him a weird look
“Anyhow, you are the best-”
“What about Darren Cross?”
“He’s dead” “Uh…Loki?”
“Why would Loki steal a diamond?”
“Why would I steal a diamond?”
“For Hope”
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“Maybe Hope did it”
“We’re superheroes, not thieves”
“Captain America stole his shield”
“I think some agent girl gave it to him”
“Still his fault”
“Cap would never steal” Woo covered his ears “Oh lord! I’m out” He marked out, leaving Scott alone, he sighed and looked to the camera “Hank? Hank? Hope? Janet? Luis? A little help?” He waved to the camera, nothing, Scott sighed “Never-”
A suit dropped in front of him, together with a tiny note, he grinned “Thanks Hop- oh holy Anton”
Hey dad!We’re busting you out of jail so you can help us prove you’re innocent!
Love, Fern, Hank and Cassie
Ps: This wasn’t my idea - Hank
Pss: Hurry up - Hank
Psss: Yeah, what Hank said - Cassie
Pssss: We’re just outside, Hank is in the smithsonian - Fern
“I get it why mom loves this suit” Hank said, Cassie and Fern, being propper Langs, he went to rescue Scott, while Hank, like a proper Van Dyne, went to get proof, the case was empty, and police was milling around, Hank flew to the case quickly and looked around
“We got dad” Cassie reported Hank heard a scufflying sound “Oh, yeah, hi kids, how did you find me?”
“Trackers” Fern’s voice said cheerfully “Hank, did you find the fingerprints? Or anything”
Hank looked around carefully “Ants were here”
“Cool” Fern said “How does that help?”
“A person only stole the EMP earpiece” Hank explained “So, I assume this guy or girl wants money”
“Usually people are more like ‘avenge my dead family’ but…” Scott trailed off
“What dad?” Cassie asked
Hank closed his eyes “I think I can track the ants down”
“It’s too dangerous to go alone” Fern said seriously “And the portals were really wonky, make one, get home, leave me here, I can fly, If I really need, I can call mom or grampa”
“Be careful Hankster” Cassie said finally 
“We’ll be back ASAP” Fern promised
“With Antea! Or Antavious, or Antony the tenth” Scott added Hank breathed in deeply “Thanks, but I better become Sherlock Holmes”
Fern gasped “Sherlock reminds me of Dr Strange!” Scott also gasped, Hank facepaled
“Yeah! He does! That's why I thought it was so weird!” Scott’s voice added “Oh my gods!”
“Please stop” Cassie said, Hank nodded, thankful for Cassie knowing that dad and Fern were weird, the comms went silent “But he does!” Cassie agreed
Hank grounded “I’m leaving the coms” He clicked off, Hank focused working with the EMP “Okay ants, I want you to track down your buddies, like you did in my science experiment for Dr Banner” About a dozen ant crawled towards the exit, a random police man squashed one, Hank flew onto one “Let’s do dad honor and call you Antinus” Hank patted Antinous as the ants crawled as quickly as possible.
Ants use a pheromone as they find food, apparently the guy or girl that made them steal the diamond didn’t pay attention to tell them to not let that go, so Antinus and Co managed easily to follow the trail, if given the choice, Hank would wave summoned fire ants, bullet ants, siafu ants (AKA Army ants) or weaver ants, or all of those species, even if weaver ants weren’t exactly fighters, but glue gun larvae could have been usefully.
The ants moved quickly, but Hank knew that hours could pass before they would get there
“Hey, Antinus, is there a way to get there fast…” Hank stopped, a large building loomed over him and the ants, they stopped and Hank clamped off “Thanks guys” the ants dispersed, Hank was sure that they were Argentine ants, since they were easy to find
Hank flew in, hoping that nobody would step on him, since that would be a bad ending for the Wasp to die.
“We got it boss” Someone said
“Blamed it all on Scott” Another person added
Hank flew in, two normal guys, ugly and big, but the boss was bigger and uglier, wearing weird gray armor “Exactly like I said”
“Uh…actually, that wasn’t you boss”
“Whatever!” Armour dude said “I now have the Hope Diamond! Which I will break apart and sell, immediately after framing the Insects”
“Uh…Boss, Spiderman isn’t with them”
“Nevermind” Hank frowned, gray armor, ugly, strong, and Maybelle kept talking about a guy from another universe, where…
“Rhino…” He whispered
Rhino put his head up “What was that?”
Hank cursed silently
“I think it was a rat boss” A guy said
“Or maybe it’s the Spiderling” THe other one suggested
“It’s not Spiderman, give me the life tracker” Rhino ordered, Hank wanted to curse, he flew as silently as possibly towards Rhino, maybe the tracker wouldn't work if he hi-
“There! It’s a tiny one!” Ugly number one said 
Other ugly nodded “Yeah” “Probably the flappy one” Number one said “Cause it’s moving quick!”
Rhino smiling creepily “Come out Hope Van Dyne” Hank smirked
“Actually…the name’s Hank” He zoomed out right in front of them, they looked shocked “And yeah, I’m the Wasp” 
Everything went great, he turned tiny and punched ugly one in the head, almost knocking him out, then poked him in the eyes, carefully not looking, cause it would be gross
“Ants! Obey me!” Rhino said, about ten thousand argentine ants crawled out of the cracks of the concrete 
“Uh, nope” Hank concentrated, he couldn’t sway the ants, but he could summon more, preferably enemies of the Argentine ants, or even better, ants that could kill them, while trying to get rid of Ugly Guys
“Die Pym!” Rhino cried, he punched Hank in the gut, technically, it should have not hurt that bad, but Hank was small, Rhino was strong, and Hank was distracted
“It’s actually Van Dyne” Hank hissed, he turned small and hid in a small tube, red imported fire ants, Hank thought, he closed his eyes and felt a small group, maybe fifty or one hundred, that wouldn’t be enough, Hank decided, since Argentine ants fought in numbers, so he also added some bullet ants, weaver ants (probably from a shop, since they weren’t supposed to live here)
“What now?” Rhino frowned, the Ants battled each other, trying to get to the adversary, Ugly guy two pucnhed Hank from the back, but Hank turned tiny and blasted him, a dozen bulent ants attacked Ugly guys while the rest battled the Argentine ants, swarming them and ripping their feet off (Hopefully you weren’t eating)
Hank zoomed up “Where’s the diamond?”
Rhino grinned “Where’s Hope?”
Hank’s face slackened, a red herring, he thought, it was home all the time, to frame them, he turned tiny again, just in time to almost get squashed, Hank remembered Sherlock Holmes, and also wished he didn’t catch a red herring
“Hank? Hankster? HANK?” Someone shouted
“He must be here…that's what the tracker said”
“If you say so aunt!” Suddenly three figures apred out of the dark, two girls and one woman dressed in a weird white suit, he grimaced
Cassie coughed “Aunt Ava”
“We’re here to save your ass!” Fern cheered, the three charged forward, Fern and Cassie turned tiny, Ava tackled Rhino down, phasing everytime he punched her, Hank clothes his head
“It’s a herring!” He shouted
Fern repaired on Eye poke ugly, banging him on the head “A herring? What are you talking about?”
“The diamond! It’s at home!” Hank shouted as Cassie pushed other ugly down the window, into a rose bush, hopefully he didn’t die, but then again, it must hurt
“Then go!” Ava shouted “Duh!” She added helpfully 
“Fern! I might need your help!” Hank looked at his younger sister, she nodded
Cassie signed “Well, It’s just Stature and Ghost then”
“Stature? Who’s Stature?” Ava said in a horrified voice, Hank could agree, Stature was a terrible name.
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“Fern, this isn’t working” Hank complained
Fern huffed “Nonsense!”
Hank looked at the sky “We’re never getting home” Fern rolled her eyes
“Dramatic Hanks Thank covered his ears, Fern said something else, but then Hank heard a click on the comms
“Hank Anthony Van Dyne!” Hank gasped, how did his mom get on the comms? “How could you ditch school, sneak in the Smit-”
“Mom! The Hope diamond! It’s at home! We have to find it!” Hank shouted, his mom stopped, and said a really bad curse
“Woo’s coming” His dad’s voice said “At home, he’ll find it, and then we can’t prove otherwise”
Hank wished he knew some family friendly curses, but nope
“STUPID RING! GIVE ME PORTAL!” Fern shouted, three sparks sparked, Fern instituted the ring again (Sling rings don’t have mothers or fathers Fern) and a portal swirled into being, right in the face of Hope Van Dyne
“Mom! We have to find it!” Hank painted “The-”
“On it!” Hope ran up seats, followed by Fern, Hank knew that searching the house wouldn’t saucesce, unless…
“Time for the trusty convenience” Fern shouted, Hank closed his eyes, Hope, the ugly Rhino guy said the Hope diamond is with Hope, where does Hope hide?
“Hey mom” Hank called “Where do you usually hide?” Hope froze in the action of opening a drawer, she turned and looked to Hank slowly
“Wardrobe, red with horses on it” She and Hank rushed out of the house
Hope snatched the Hot Wheels car collection, getting ready for the epic car chase “Fern! We’re leaving to grandpa-” Fern poked her head out 
“Mom, I got a sling ring, we don’t need a car” She waved the ring, Hank sighed
“WORK STUPID RING! YOUR MOTHER WAS A BIRD!” She hollered, the ring (which would probably have nightmares for weeks about Fern) sparked a portal, Fern dashed in, followed by Hope and Hank, the three almost singing superspeed.
Janet and Hank were having their tea peacefully when Hank Jr, Hope and Fern came yelling about diamonds, Hank dropped his tea, almost had a heart attack and then screamed
“What the he-”
“The wardrobe! Quick! Keep the portal open!” Hank shouted, Hope and him ran as fast as possible to the red wardrobe, Hope opened it and Hank gasped “The Hope diamond” Hope picked it up gingerly as the massive dark blue diamond glittered in the weak light
“WHAT THE HECK IS HAPPENING?” grandpa Hank shouted, Hank sighed
“Oh nothing, just got in a tidbit of trouble, Woo thinks that dad stole the Hope diamond”
Janet coughed “What now?”
“Why does he need another Hope?”
“Hank ple-”
A banging sound was heard “Scott Lang! You-”
“Sup Woo?” Another voice said “Oh My Gosh! You’re actually here! That epic! One time, I had a wood hanging around-” 
“Luis! Shut up!” Scott shouted “Woo? You’re here to arrest me for a crime I didn’t commit?”
“Whats you-” Woo started, someone (probably Luis) coughed
“Buddy, we got like, this epic thingy, like a truth serum! And we use it on Rhino buddies! Ask him yourself!” Luis said happily, Hope and Hank climbed down the stairs, where Janet, Fern and grandpa Hank were 
“The diamond” Hope tossed the diamond to a very confused Jimmy Woo
“Hope Van-”
“You’re under-”
“Hankster what th-”
Fern dropped a teapot on the floor, angering several ants “Shut up Luis, Woo and grandpa! Let Hankster and mom talk! Actually, let Rhino talk!” She nodded towards two women who sighed, Cassie kicked Rhino, who was tied up and looked sleepy
“Did you steal the diamond?” Ava demanded, Rhino yawned
“I stole it, I used the EMP controller to make the ants do it” He yawned again and fell asleep, snoring loudly, making Hank wonder what Cassie and Ava did to him
Cassie nodded and looked at Woo like ‘see that dad didn’t steal it?’
Woo sighed “Well, I shall see you again Scott-”
“Like, on a date?” Scott asked
Woo hesitated “No”
“He’s married” Fern said obliviously
Scott shrugged, “Can we go out for pizza now?”
Hope shook her head “The kids have school”
“But pizza!” Fern, Scott, Luis, Ava and Cassie excaplmed
Hope sighed exasperatedly “No”
Scott stood “I’m getting pizza, you may join me if you want” Fern, Luis, Ava and Cassie all nodded
“I’ll com-” Fern started, just in time for the portal to start shutting down, trapping Hope and Hank in Hank’s grandparents house
“Oh well, I guess I’m not going for pizza” Hank shrugged
Ants can really mess stuff up sometimes.
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arandommarvelstan · 2 years
Yes, this is how to be a hero on Tumblr
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arandommarvelstan · 2 years
"Are you...Tony Stank?" - Stan Lee, as a fedex delivery guy
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arandommarvelstan · 2 years
"Language" - Steve Rogers
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arandommarvelstan · 2 years
"I'm sorry for Redwing" "No you're not" - Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson
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arandommarvelstan · 2 years
Y/N: Why are you on the floor? Bucky: I'm depressed. Bucky: Also I was stabbed, can you get Natasha, please.
Y/N: How did none of you hear what I just said? Bucky: I’ve been zoned out for the past two and a half hours. Natasha: I got distracted about halfway through. Steve: Ignoring you was a conscious decision.
Y/N: Hah! 69! You know what that means? Bucky: What? Natasha: That you're a child. Steve: HOW'D YOU GUESS MY IQ!?
Y/N, Bucky, and Natasha are sitting on a bench Steve: Why do you guys look so sad? Y/N: Sit down with us so we can tell you. *Steve sits down* Bucky: The bench is freshly painted.
Y/N: Wake me up… Bucky: Before you go! Steve: When September ends… Sam: WAKE ME UP INSIDE-
Y/N: Hewwo. Bucky: Hihiiiiii! Natasha: Greetings, Humans. Sam: Three kinds of people. Steve: I want pudding. Y/N: Four kinds of people. John Walker: WHAT’S UP? Sam: Five kinds of people.
*Everyone is standing around the broken coffee maker* Y/N: So. Who broke it? I'm not mad, I just wanna know. Everyone: Bucky: ...I did. I broke it. Y/N: No. No you didn't. Natasha? Natasha: Don't look at me. Look at Steve. Steve: What?! I didn't break it. Natasha: Huh, that's weird. How'd you even know it was broken? Steve: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken. Natasha: Suspicious. Steve: No, it's not! Sam: If it matters, probably not, but John Walker was the last one to use it. John Walker: Liar! I don't even drink that crap! Sam: Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier? John Walker: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that, Sam! Bucky: Okay let's not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it, Y/N. Y/N: No! Who broke it!? Everyone: Sam: Y/N... Natasha's been awfully quiet. Natasha: REALLY?! *Everyone starts arguing* Y/N, being interviewed: I broke it. I burned my hand so I punched it. Y/N: I predict 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick. Y/N: Y/N: Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.
Y/N: Bucky and I have the kind of easy chemistry where we finish each other's- Bucky: Sentences. Y/N: Don't interrupt me.
Y/N: Am I in trouble? Bucky: Take a guess. Y/N: No? Bucky: Take another guess.
Y/N: Okay. I get it. You've had a really hard time lately, you're stressed out, seven people died- Bucky: Twelve, actually. Y/N: Not the point. Look, they're dead now and really whose fault is that? Bucky: Yours! Y/N: That's right: no one's.
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arandommarvelstan · 2 years
"This is a great plan, except for one thing, it sucks, so let me make it" - Peter Quill
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arandommarvelstan · 2 years
"What do you want now James?" "Peace" "That is utter bullsh*t" - Dr Raynor and Bucky Barnes
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arandommarvelstan · 2 years
"Can you move your seat up?" "No" - Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson
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arandommarvelstan · 2 years
"Your mom's name was Sarah, you used to wear newpaper in your shoes" *silence* "And just like that we're cool?" - James 'Bucky' Barnes and Sam Wilson
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arandommarvelstan · 2 years
"Don't make me regret this" - Natasha Romanoff
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arandommarvelstan · 2 years
"I like it, another one!" *smash* - Thor
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arandommarvelstan · 2 years
"I'm with you till the end of the line" - Steve Rogers
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arandommarvelstan · 2 years
"You canott fail" "Have I ever?" - Ronan and Gamora
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arandommarvelstan · 2 years
I'm not your daughter. Everything I hate about myself, you taught me - Gamora
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arandommarvelstan · 2 years
Dance off bro! Just you and me!
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