my-0512 · 2 years
1st house
1st house is the house of self so with neptune in 1st house tells that the person’s identity ie very mysterious. People can find them alluring. Over thinker gang. They’re very sensitive and humble and have a soft beauty. 
Confused about many things. people can find them very indecisive or someone who doesn’t know what do they want in their life. Highly intuitive. 
Neptune is the planet of far land so people can find little bit closed off and distant. These people are shy to a fault that they miss all the opportunities in life because they’re too afraid to be in public space. Have a vivid imagination. They can do very well in fine arts. Very sensitive to energies. Can have a beautiful aura. 
As neptune is a planet of illusions they have a hard time staying grounded. People can get addicted to them easily. Eyes so dreamy that they could capture anyone’s heart. They can get really involved in people’s emotions. They have psychic abilities even without knowing. You could try way too hard to fit in the society and not realising that you could be your own society. Don’t go for acceptance here and there. 
They can read people’s intentions right through them. All people you meet might have a different theory about you. Some might see you as an innocent girl or others might see you as a “angels in the street but devil in the sheets”. A vibe which can make everyone at peace, feel space. But sometimes you people can get really clingy.
Neptune in the 1st: Auric fields, immortality in the eyes reflecting back from the mirror.
large, and soft eyes
wavy hair
cute feet
soft skin
beautiful lips
utopian beauty
First impressions:
thoughtful aura
Could make fabulous actors. These people tend to have a very
Flexible personality, and a really distorted sense of identity. So being able to behave like somebody else or being able to take on new personality traits at will is usually not an issue for them. But at the same time, these people are prone to identity crises.
Most Neptune in the 1st/conjunct ascendant people I’ve met tend to have lighter pigmentation and sort of thin/wispy/fluffy hair. Not all of them, but some of them also tend to have these big droopy “puppy dog eyes”. Neptune in the 1st people usually either remind me of Luna Lovegood or Blue diamond (from Steven Universe, as much as I want to forget I was ever a part of that fandom).
Tend to have softer/more whispery voices most of the time, especially when you first meet them. They are also mysterious and secretive af. You will never know everything about them, no matter how close to them you think you are. Neptune in the 1st people also tend to be on the more introverted side.
1st house - Illusions of self and how others see you. People may idealize your image or you may think you’re giving a totally different impression than you are. May be accused of being fake as people see you how they want you to be and you seem to act differently around different people.
You have Neptune in the first house, which means that you tend to have the ability to change (similar to a chameleon) when you’re around people. 
You may have striking eyes, but not in the way that a Pluto ASC will; they may be a bit washed out or dull, or perhaps blue. You may give off an almost ethereal aura to other people, although as I said, you can change how you come off to others. You may not be aware of how others view you, as Neptune blurs whatever it touches.
 Who you seem to be isn’t who you really are, and your friends will learn that! Then Scorpio is in the 10 and 11th house. You may find that your career and friendships, goals, and organizations may be connected somehow, but that a lot of secrets surround both of them. 
You like to work in small, private careers (which you don’t openly talk about often), and have a small group of friends, who perhaps know more about your career than others in your life do.
Neptune in the 1st house
Neptune is the higher octave of Venus, so it makes sense that it would indicate beauty. I find that Neptune is a different type of beauty, though – Neptunian women and men are glamorous, other-wordly. They stand out – they look different and can captivate others very easily.
So many beautiful women have this aspect, including Kim Kardashian, Marilyn Monroe, Ariana Grande, as well as handsome men such as Cristiano Ronaldo and Tom Cruise.
This aspect can also point to those who are very fond of plastic surgery, make up, and photoshop (Kylie Jenner has this aspect, and I mentioned Kim Kardashian above). Thus is because Neptune blurs the line between fantasy and reality. This can lead these folks to present an altered view of themselves to the world.
By the way, this also works if Neptune is in aspect to the Ascendant or is in aspect to the 1st house ruler. I have found that Pisces rising individuals have similar characteristics.
Pisces in the 1st house -> these people are genuinely so dreamy. They have a very slow and silent approach towards people. Most pisces risings i met would always approach me (or i witnessed they approached others) more hesitantly. They are the people that will blend in the crowd, get to know the others individually, establish a good connection and then actually show their more carefree personality. Its only a matter of time for these individuals to get comfortable with others. In first meeting, these people’s aura is literally so pure. I read in most websites about pisces risings that they are kind but i will have to say that they are more quiet at first than kind. They take their time to state their actual opinions, they need to know the people around them wont judge their bursts.
PISCES RISING: Because of their sensitivity, they can sometimes seem aggressive if they try to hide it. They are vulnerable and can’t hide it for a long time, if you ask them something personal and they start talking, their vulnerability will be revealed. They may seem shy and always have a light, dreamy smile on their lips. At times they can even seem completely non-present, because they tend to wander away in their thoughts.
Pisces: BIG expressive eyes. Very dark hair. They can be quite the chameleon, can fit into any group. Can be a bit plump.
🌊 pisces rising - eyes tend to be main focus, either due to being large and rounded or squinted. eyes tend to be rather watery. nose shape also tends to be prominent. weight of face tends to be in eye/nose region, somewhat similar to sagittarius (except with more focus on eyes). smiles can seem strange in some way (crooked, lips cover much of teeth, the like). takes on a similar broodiness to cancer, but more curious than gentle. bodies have a similar softness to cancer, but doesn’t take on the same round/stocky quality.  
Pisces Rising: You guys look like people with many talents like dancing, art, and people with a passion for life. Always daydreaming and aloof but seem capable of focusing when you need too. Coming off as very corporative people almost like everyone’s favored co-worker (lol). As well as a hard person to get to hang out w/ since everything about you, including your imperfections, are likable. Therefore it’s easy to understand why people would want your company to themselves. When people see you their first impression may be that you love being home cuddling with your pets, singing in the shower, and watching the coolest things on Netflix. You’re very adorable likeable people. However that warm-hearted vibe you give can easily fade if inside you’re not as warm-hearted as you seem. See once you wrong someone they’ll look at you completely different and it isn’t pretty (but that’s usually not the case anyways.) You guys are caring people w/ eyes that really make the rest of you stick out somehow like maybe it’s the color or way their shaped. You all normally dress in things that are comfortable OR shimmery and really YOU. Guys with this rising look good in jackets or dark shades like grey. Both just looks great and as for girls very loose clothing maybe even a baggie hoodie if chilling or if going out so nothing too tight and just be you. đŸ–€âœš - celestial-starqueen đŸ‘œ
With a placement in Pisces, your ascendant sign is mutable and of a negative polarity. So to people who don’t know you, you may come off as a not so dominant or outgoing person. You probably give off the vibe of being introverted and understanding. Because mutable signs are very good at adapting you may give off the vibe of a social chameleon since you are able to communicate differently with different people. Maybe even fake because a person from the outside may see these many forms and automatically perceive it as such. With an ascendent in Pisces you may come off as rather dreamy and unrealistic maybe even spiritual, depending on the topic. You also may come off as emotional and gentle. Possibly even indecisive because this sign sometimes appears to lack direction because of its dreamy and spiritual nature. To people who don’t know you, they may be attracted to the dreamy and gentle nature you give off. It is very comforting to people and they might even feel like they can rely or rant to you when they have a problem because you just seem like such an understanding and kind person.
Appearance wise, Pisces ascendents, like cancer ascendents, typically have beautiful emotional eyes that can be rather hypnotic in a great way. They’re entrancing. You definitely physically appear to be dreamy and rather ethereal with fluid movements like water and soft features like a baby. Without looking at genetics, you’re probably pale too(by this I mean maybe paler/lighter than the ppl in your family. You don’t have to be white to be to be pale). Clothing wise you look great in flowy dresses of a white or dreamy/ethereal or mermaid colors. Flowy, clothing with ruffles, loose sleeves, etc look nice on you. Possibly even baby doll dresses, soft Lolita, and trapeze dresses. ‘Spaced out’ or once again, dreamy looking makeup probably looks absolutely stunning on you. Even soft experimental clothing looks good. The same colors that I said look good on you, look good in clothing form and in makeup form also. This isn’t what you have to wear or dress like, but it is what you may possibly look best in or what you may be attracted to clothing wise.
Pisces risings are the most compassionate and sensitive sign of the zodiac. They can really open their heart and get it touch with others. Somehow they can relate. They are kind, loving, sympathetic and make great confidantes. Pisces risings can hold a secret tighter than bark on a tree. Cancer’s always tell secrets, while Pisces will never reveal a secret. Pisces risings have a hospitable, kind and courteous disposition. 
They are the most idealistic sign and the most impressionable. Because they are represented by the two fish that cannot make up their mind, they will float toward whichever story sounds better until they settle on one, which shows how impressionable they really are. Once they settle, they are locked in to that ideal. Pisces risings have a great imagination; they are emotional and have a quiet, orderly manner. Because they are one of the most intuitive signs, they are mediumistic, receptive and telepathic. Their inspirational faculty can always be increased if they choose to increase it. Pisces risings do have a tendency to observe and name other people’s faults or deficiencies. If someone has not completed a project, the Pisces will be the first to point it out. 
The confidence of the Pisces rising is usually lacking because they simply have a tough time making up their mind. There are times when they can be over-anxious and somewhat discouraged or disheartened. They are capable of psychometric, intuitive and telepathic qualities. Pisces has a love for animals, scenery, nature and music. Pisces risings are the hardest to guess out of all of the signs. The height, more often than not, will be below average. In some rare instances a few of them may be tall overall, however the physical features (face, hands, feet) may be small, almost doll-like in some rare cases. The body may be slightly fleshy and can have a pear shape. 
The limbs usually are short. The feet may be emphasized in some way or another – either small, large, well-formed or somehow afflicted. The hair is fine to the touch. The forehead may be very arched. The eyes often are beautiful, soulful, dreamy; they may be black, brown or deep green. There is a general roundness and fullness to the face. The teeth may not be too strong, sometimes requiring extra care. There is no set style that they have. They are something of a chameleon in that you are so impressionable that they tend to imitate those that are near them. 
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my-0512 · 2 years
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my-0512 · 2 years
We are just a moment
So embrace that moment you think means nothing
Because it could be everything
You will be forgotten
It’s written within the rules
The things you keep at heart will die with you
So die happy
Take chances
Love wild
Kiss strangers
We all end up as dust eventually
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my-0512 · 3 years
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my-0512 · 3 years
No one can consent to being born. So it’s not “the gift of life,” but rather the “imposition of life.”
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my-0512 · 3 years
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—Me (JNH)// Grief greets me in the mornings
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my-0512 · 3 years
First, you have to grieve the loss of the parent you never had. Really grieve the fact that you didn’t get the parent you needed, the one who put you and your needs first. Part of that requires releasing the fantasy that your narcissistic parent can change and eventually give you what you need. They can evolve and grow, but they may never evolve enough to meet your deepest needs. Therefore, managing expectations is key, particularly when you see glimpses of the healthy parent you wish you had had, but in fact those glimpses are often not sustainable. Accept that your parent was limited—and could not give you unconditional love or even deep empathy because she could not get past herself to truly see you. Allow yourself to feel your feelings, the anger and the sadness. Emotion has the word motion in it; allow your emotions to move through you. You might not have lost your parent to death, but you lost what could have been—you lost an opportunity to be truly mothered—and that is really a profound loss. Accepting this, rather than denying it, is the first step in opening your heart to healing.
You are going to need to discover boundaries—where you begin and your parents end—to free your authentic self. When you choose who you want to be, rather than who your parents wanted you to be, you break free from their narcissistic grip. Tolerate their discomfort, even if they make a lot of noise. You are not misbehaving, rebelling, or rejecting them. You are being you, the real you—maybe for the first time. This is the first part of breaking the cycle. Next, you don’t want to repeat/generalize the relationship that you had with your narcissistic parent to your coworkers, partner, or friends. Realize where you are meeting the needs of other narcissists in your life, real or imagined. Sometimes children of narcissists assume that every person they’re close to will need the same kind of hyper-attention and appeasement that their parent did—and unconsciously begin doing mental backbends to please others. At times you may be tapping into the expectations of a narcissistic boss or partner, and reflexively playing that familiar role. At other times you may be making erroneous assumptions about what someone important to you really needs—perhaps they don’t want you to mirror their opinions or they don’t need you to sugarcoat your real feelings or soften constructive criticism. Breathe, pause, give yourself some psychic space and then test it. Try just being frank, try not to rush in and take care of their feelings. If being different from your loved one feels uncomfortable—or if you feel you’re risking love with that stance—just notice it. Watch how much stronger your bond is than what you secretly imagined it to be. This is the gift of evolving past the scene of the original crime—your own childhood. Surviving childhood meant taking care of the narcissist and swallowing your feelings. But now as an adult you can begin to surround yourself with people that you feel safe and at home with—like soul mate girlfriends—who know and love the real you, and this can be deeply transformative.
Children of narcissistic parents often wonder if they are really loveable. You are! Start loving and caring for yourself in ways that you wished your mom or dad had loved and cared for you. Start paying attention to what really matters to you; what makes you feel alive and moments when you feel authentically you. Maybe you will need help mothering yourself. Maybe that means getting re-parented by a therapist, or maybe the healing comes from an emotionally reparative romantic partnership. Maybe you have a friend’s mother who is nurturing to you, or a mentor who celebrates the real you. All of these people can become part of your collective parent. No one person is ever capable of meeting all of your needs so start building your collective parenting community. And once you have learned to mother yourself, you will be able to mother your child.
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my-0512 · 3 years
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Tajikistan by Alovaddin
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my-0512 · 3 years
I asked why the world didn’t stop for the deaths of so many, unprecedented in our time, someone asked in reply, “I’m sorry for your loss, who died?”
And I did not understand. Is my heartbreak accepted only if the millions that have died were all people I knew? Can’t I grieve for humanity? Every moment I am awake I don’t want to be left to my thoughts because I am always on the verge of tears. Even if I acknowledge that my sorrow should only be for the people I know, I will still cry... because I do know these people, each one of them is me, and you. It is so surreal to me how the world goes on as the systems we built are failing, and the most vulnerable of us are left to die.
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my-0512 · 3 years
We both went our separate ways
But with you, lovely were my days
Alas, I told myself, I’m free
I ask myself, am I happy?
Multiple doors opened to me
But were they opportunities?
Without you, I looked to improve
To face you and then make a move
My time without you was lonely
How I missed your smile so lovely
I thought about you everytime
You’d give me smiles of a lifetime
You were angel, and I was soul
Your mere presence, it made me whole
Crazy how you circle my mind
You always put me in a bind
You were the light when it was dark
You immediately left a mark
I saw you and I was amazed
Everyday I crave your embrace
Now, I find myself in your arms
O so mesmerized by your charms
For me, the true meaning of glee
Is when I’m in your company
I found a friend and a lover
Who became my one true partner
Thank you for every little thing
For that I’ll let you hear me sing
I’m grateful for that shooting star
For it gave me the brightest star
But I thank you the most my love
You made me believe in true love
—Soul (poem sent to me)
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my-0512 · 3 years
She hides among the silence Hoping for some peace Surrounded by people, She can not feel at ease Sinking into nothing She ceases to exist Invisible, not being Ignoring all the screaming, She lives inside her world At night she waits for stories But no one’s there to tell She searches for a being But no one is she seeing Completely left alone Despair cuts to the bone She tucks her little body And rocks herself to sleep Abandoned to her worry And so begins her story, A little girl unwanted Her presence went uncounted A nuisance in the path, Miscalculated math But now the righteous choice Has given her a birth Except she didn’t want it To live upon the earth, Was torture beyond measure A pain she’d learn to treasure She clutched her only doll And wrapped her in a shawl, Showered her in kisses Told her how she misses, When they spend time apart Whispered that she loved her And tightened  her embrace I’ll never leave you lonely She promised in dolls ear I’ll always tame your fear I will be strong for you With smiles and cuddles too And no one else is needed Except I wish that I, With soft sobs she said blinking Without really thinking, That someone loved me too ©2021 -MyPoeticSoulNy (-mps)
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my-0512 · 3 years
-Mary Gates, Decoding Bill’s Brain
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my-0512 · 4 years
Last night, I bid my goodbye with a promise of not changing who I am just to please other people. I did not promise not to make the same mistakes I did before, though, because I know that I'm not perfect and that my flaws are a part of me. I did promise, however, that I will learn from them.
That I will try my best not to cry for the same reason, that I will always find the strength to pick myself up everytime that I fall. I promised myself to heal, to always know when happiness is delusion and when it's real.
I may not know what tomorrow brings, but I promised myself better days.
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my-0512 · 4 years
“I believe that all of us should be proud of our lives, because making a life is the one profound and sacred opportunity shared by every person ever born. Life is what we make it. No one else can do it for us; no one has the right to tell us what it ought to be.
We make our own goals. We define our own successes. We don’t get to choose where we start in life; we do get to choose the kind of people we become.”
Excerpt From
Life Is What You Make It: Find Your Own Path to Fulfillment
Peter Buffett
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my-0512 · 4 years
Life is hard so you must equate it with ✹hardwork✹ what a capricorn mantra đŸ„Ž
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my-0512 · 4 years
“We make mistakes because we’re human.
We make mistakes because of knowing too little; we make mistakes because of imagining we know more than we do.
We make mistakes when we neglect the importance of a moment; we make mistakes when we think only of the moment.
We make mistakes when we become impatient; equally, we make mistakes when we are indecisive. There are foolish acts; there are foolish failures to act.
We make mistakes out of boldness; we make mistakes out of timidity. We make mistakes when we are overly ambitious and when we are not ambitious enough.
We make mistakes when we let our actions become detached from our values.”
Excerpt From
Life Is What You Make It: Find Your Own Path to Fulfillment
Peter Buffett
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my-0512 · 4 years
So many nights spent staring at this endless darkness. In wonder of the scent you carry now. Has your skin changed into a softer silk I’ve never touched. Are your eyes deeper than the sea I Iost my mind in once before. Does your hair flow with the winds I once walked within. Have I felt those same winds that have brushed across your soul and have never known. The expanse of lands and new hearts that separate us. Yet will never know the indelible imprint you’ve left on this canvas. In the universe that may never exist, the thought of you is eternally on my lips.
Cryptictalk ©
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