mwagneto ¡ 10 months
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gomens fandom having a normal one (take under the cut)
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particular-one ¡ 10 months
oh, i was raised on little light.
synopsis. 5 times that blade listed every reason why he can never be with someone like you, and the 1 time you proved him wrong. pairing. blade x gn! reader cw. hurt/comfort, a lil angsty on blade's part with brief mentions of blade's insistence on dying, implicit spoilers about blade's lore in general author's note. i have been itching to write a 5+1 fic for the longest time now....i was listening to northern attitude and it reminded me of blade so bad. hello blade nation i know i understand why he’s so angst-ridden appealing to write for 🙁
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when blade met you for the first time, everything in him knew you would be different from the rest of the group. you were the newest addition to the stellaron hunters, whom elio took a great fascination towards — why so, he never figured out, but this landed you in the same ranks as him, kafka and silverwolf.
you easily found a friend in both kafka and silverwolf; blade knew that much because he had watched as you indulged in kafka's innate interest in beauty despite the clear confusion in your eyes. he had seen how you would chat with silverwolf about the latest games that she's invested most of her time into.
but he would merely observe you; if, in any way, you had tried to interact with him, he would brush you off with a cold shoulder, never responding to your rather inquisitive words about him.
he didn't understand why you wanted to know so much about him, nor did he expect to be greeted with the same smile and greeting despite constantly keeping you at arm's length.
that was when he knew that you were too nice for your own good, but most of all, you were too nice to someone like him, who'd push you away even when every inch of his soul did not want to.
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the second time was when you had accidentally found out about his despondency with immortality's curse and in turn, everything that blade had wanted to hide from you.
when you had approached him about it, blade immediately went on the defensive and angrily asked you to stay away from him. he didn't — couldn't bear to see the hurt in your eyes when he snapped at you, thus, the stellaron hunter turned his back on you and fled. which had exactly been the source of the never ending spiral of thoughts that was slowly consuming every fibre of his being.
he's done it now. he's blown any chance that he could form anything meaningful in this ruined life of his.
he had not noticed your presence in the common room, until you made a clanging noise that was the result of two porcelain cups making contact. blade was startled to see you here, especially when he had just uttered those spiteful words to you. he stood up to take his leave, when you called his name.
even the way you said his name had a gentle tenderness to it; he hated how melodious your voice had sounded, hated how he watched as you gingerly set down two porcelain tea cups filled with jasmine tea, one quite noticeably for him, hated how you took the seat in front of him and told him that you were sorry, and that if he ever needed someone to talk to, that you would always be there for him.
but most of all, he hated how his heart rose at your promise, and how much he clung to your words since that night. all the while fully knowing that he could never subject you to being intertwined with the likes of him.
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the third time was much more of a painful wakeup call — quite literally. blade had always prided himself in diving straight first into battle without a single thought, desperate to die and get on with it. this mission was no different, but now you had been watching over him and ready to provide support if needed.
today's battle was much more vicious than his usual ones, but blade had always enjoyed the thrill of fighting. it had been the uncertainty of whether it would finally be his time that allured the stellaron hunter.
but… things had gone quite differently today. for the first time, blade was not seething in his obsession to die when he had seen you valiantly fight off the enemies that had threatened to overwhelm him. ha, as if they could.
he had not noticed that one was charging straight at him with his spear raised, and for a split second could quite literally see his long life flash before his eyes just as he narrowly avoided a fatal injury if it weren’t for the fact that you shouted for his name.
"stay still. i still need to bandage your side." your voice had inevitably brought him back to reality, just as you wiped off the last of his injuries with a warm towel. you had insisted on patching up his wounds yourself, and even when blade had told you that it would just magically heal by himself, he learned that day that it was rather hard to say no to you when you pleaded.
also, he could barely say no when he saw how you were radiating in concern and worry for him. not to mention how your eyes had gleamed like stars in the sky, but that was besides the point.
at the touch of your hand, blade suddenly winced at the contact. you immediately retracted your hand and mumbled an apology, but blade could see that your eyes was moving towards where he covered up the scars he's accumulated for fighting for over a century.
"are you wondering about my scars?" you seemed rather surprised at his question, but most likely due to the sudden indulgence to what you had been obviously looking at.
you slowly nodded. "do they still hurt?"
"not anymore." not any more than his painstaking wish to be free from the shackles of immortality.
you had started to set down the alcohol and bandages on the floor just as blade averted his gaze from you. the silence that proceeded was rather deafening, even for someone like blade who would rather sit in uncomfortable silence than deal with something intimate.
which was ... quite the contradiction to what he had previously allowed you to do, but you had slowly become the exception to many things in his life.
"there, all done. don't be too reckless next time, okay?" you smiled at your handiwork, and even if blade couldn't exactly benefit from whatever you had just done, he somehow felt a thousand times better than he's ever felt in a century. a flicker of a smile could unmistakably be seen in his features, and whether you had caught that or not, he saw you grinning all the same.
on a normal day, blade would have found himself grumbling about losing yet another chance at death, but instead, here he was, smiling at you.
the thought of dying at last had evidently crossed his mind more than once, but never did the thought of dying for someone else. blade very well knew that he could never be that selfless; maybe he had been once upon a time, but that had only costed him the sweet liberation of death.
and yet, the fact that he feels that greatly for you was enough to keep him up the rest of the night, the image of your blinding smile forever seared in his mind.
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the fourth time these thoughts had started to creep up to him again was when the both of you coincidentally crossed paths at an ungodly hour, that you had the bright idea to go gaze at the stars together.
the thought of doing something together made his heart clench, but blade, against his better judgement, allowed you to take his hand in yours as you searched for the perfect spot to watch the stars from from their location.
the skies were clear that night, as if the universe had anticipated that two sleepless beings would be standing at the dock and watch the stars align before their very eyes. with a watchful eye, he stared as you could hardly contain your own excitement. "look, look! there's the brightest star — oh, i never thought we could get such a proximate view from here!" you kept flailing your hand everywhere and he wondered where exactly you had found that energy.
that was when he realized you had never let go of his hand, and instinctively, blade found himself clenching your hand in an attempt to let go. noticeably, your gaze flicked towards him, a momentary glance but the emotion it held in it was enough to send a chill down his spine. he could feel your grip on his hand loosen slightly, but blade didn't want to be a fool any longer.
something in him told him to keep holding onto you, as his fingers interlocked with your hand and held it firmly. blade could hear your breath hitch at his sudden gesture, but naturally, you just smiled and squeezed his hand back.
oh, how your smile had always made his heart ache.
"beautiful, isn't it?" you whispered under your breath, as your eyes were now fixed on the sky above the both of you. the world felt dangerously quiet, but he did not mind the fleeting peace it gave him. blade simply hummed in approval, his mind lost in the moment but he never found the urge to peel his eyes away from you.
to him, you were the brightest star that night and how he foolishly hoped that you��d never get tired of shining your light on him.
“yes, it is.” but foolish dreamers could never get what they want.
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the fifth time was the last time, the time where blade had fully convinced himself that he could not possibly get involved with someone as great as you.
you were sitting across from him as you shared another cup of tea with him. blade could vividly remember the first time he had done this with you like it had only happened yesterday. still, it had been months since then — but you still haven't changed at all.
"is there something in your cup?" blade hadn't realized that his gaze became fixed on the porcelain cup that you handed to him minutes ago, that he barely even touched it. "no. it’s nothing.”
whether you had sensed his avoidance or not, you didn’t comment on it further. blade ended up taking a sip of his tea just as you were fiddling with the detailed carvings on your cup. now, it was probably his turn to sense that you had been avoiding something. “is there something on your mind?”
you looked up at him suddenly, no doubt wondering if blade had just said what he said — not that blade was particularly good at providing a form of care like you did, but his silence had always made him a good listener.
“you know, i really appreciate that you’re spending time with me.” you started, as blade watched your fingers graze over your cup for the millionth time, a habit that you had often done when you were nervous. how he knew that was something he’ll take to the grave.
blade didn’t say a word, only resorting to taking another sip from his tea. what was there to say? that he felt the same but a million times more in magnitude? it would be uncharacteristic of him to admit something that embarrassing. maybe, it had been his lack of response, that you continued to talk.
“sorry, i know you would prefer much quieter companions,” you spoke with a suppressed laugh, the same distinct chuckle that blade could recognise even from a mile away. “truthfully, i thought you even disliked me.”
it was his turn to be perplexed, as blade looked up to meet your gaze that was … on him. you sheepishly smiled at the sudden confession, before you took a big gulp of your tea. his head was spinning, and maybe it had been something in the tea, but blade could feel his tongue loosen with the many things he had been holding back. “i did. i do.”
a twinge of hurt crossed your eyes for a moment, before you casted your eyes downward. “oh.”
“i hated how nice you are,” he blurted out. “i hated how you would look at me with a great deal of concern in your eyes like i am someone to be pitied.”
“i hated how you’d still try to be there and talk to me, even when i had pushed you away before.”
“i hated how you are able to read me like the back of your hand. i hated how you could easily make me feel safe with your smile.” blade had wanted to stop talking, but the words kept going.
“i hated how gently you would tend to my scars, how your eyes would sparkle at the mention of something you love and how downright mesmerizing it is for me.” he watched as your eyes widened, before they were plunged in a tirade of emotions that were no doubt a result to his words.
he wasn’t finished yet, though.
“but most of all, i hated how whenever i’m around you, or even think about you, dying is the last thing i’d ever wish for.”
the uncomfortable silence settled in between them again, save for the whirring of the machines that blade was suddenly grateful for. he couldn’t bear to even look up at you, lest he’d see the hurt in your eyes again. “blade...”
“sorry. that was very unbecoming of me. i can go.”
“blade...” he took the last gulp of his tea before bringing the cup down with a clang. “thank you. for the tea, as always—”
“blade.” he looked up to finally meet your gaze that was only a breath away from him, before he could feel your hand gently cradling his cheek before you leaned your forehead against his.
oh. oh. you didn’t say anything more but still singlehandedly calmed his largest worries with just a simple gesture.
“you know, you could have just told me you liked me a lot.” typically, the cheeky and teasing tone in your voice would make him groan, but only this time, he allowed himself to smile. “also, what did you mean by the tea?”
now he was confused. “didn’t you give me tea?” you shook your head. “what the hell was that then?”
you could hardly suppress a grin. “you said you wanted rice wine one time, so …” so that’s why all those words spilled out of him … a groan escaped blade just as you laughed at his mishap, but not that he completely regretted it.
he knew that no matter what he did, he could never deserve someone like you — but he would choose to die for you a million times, that much was certain.
but for now, blade could most definitely contend for choosing to live for you instead.
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written by carlyle (@particular-one) copyright: all content belongs to particular-one on tumblr (2023)
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farfromstrange ¡ 1 year
just read ‘long distance’ and i was wondering if you could serve pain? jen walters was mentioned and reader exists, that means angst and maybe cheating (or even a hint of it?) please??? i love your fluff and smut pieces. also the angst (but i dont dwell too much since self harming is better left in the past for me) but i really like how you deliver pain. i hope this gets chosen and written, but no pressure ofc. thank you and may the spirit of creativity live within you.
Hi, nonnie! I'm sorry you had to wait so long. I wasn't sure if you wanted a part 2 or an entirely new fic, so I kind of used part of what I already mentioned in Long Distance and continued in this fic. I didn't do full-on cheating, but it's still angst, and well... there is no comfort. I hope you like it!
Burn | Matt Murdock x Reader
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Reader
Summary: Matt comes home after his work trip and tells you something that changes your life forever.
Warnings: Angst, mentions of Smut, cheating
Word Count: 2.7k
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You’re not sure what happened. 
Matt spent a few weeks in Los Angeles to work on a case that would bring in some money. You didn’t mind; he does it sometimes. Since he, Foggy, and Karen opened the doors of their law firm again, work trips between the three have become more frequent. They’re making money now, and you would always support it.
You have also never been insecure about your relationship with him before. You and Matt have been together for years, even before the Blip, and you held onto each other when all of your friends disappeared. You thought you were happy. His job is going well; you are happy and don’t have to live paycheck by paycheck anymore. At least you thought so. 
While he was away, you talked over the phone regularly. He always seemed so relieved to hear your voice. You often talked for hours, and you texted him sweet nothings during the day. He told you he appreciated it. 
Every other night, you would retreat to your bedroom and he would guide you to orgasm after orgasm with the sound of his voice, and you would do the same. The toy he got you before he left for LA came in handy more than once since you could be connected over the distance now and still somehow control each other’s pleasure.
When he texted you he would be home earlier than expected, you were so excited, you took the day off, put on your best lingerie, and cooked dinner. You thought he would be happy to be with you again; he told you how much he missed you. He compared it very dramatically to a lack of air and that you were his oxygen, and you remember laughing at him. You have never loved a man as much as you love Matt Murdock, so it is only natural for you to get excited, right?
You talked about marriage before, maybe even kids. You planned a future together. Deep down, you’ve been waiting for him to pop the question. Foggy is an idiot and he let something slip one day, and ever since you have been vigilant. You thought that he might finally ask you after coming home from his trip. 
You thought. That seemed to be the common denominator. You always just believe and hope for the best; in the end, things don’t turn out how you want them to. 
You’re really not sure what happened, but something did happen because when Matt opens the door, he’s not even smiling at you. 
“Welcome back!” you greet him with the brightest smile you can offer. Maybe he’s just tired. 
But you know him and you know the difference between exhaustion and guilt; the man before you may be tired, but he is also struggling with the shame he inflicted upon himself, and it is not his duty as Daredevil this time. 
He drops his bag by the door. You lean in for a kiss. “How was your flight?” you ask.
You’re in denial. Something happened, but you don’t want to ruin it. You don’t want to ruin this. You keep telling yourself it’s going to be okay, but you just don’t know what happened to get you here–
He evades your lips, simply hugging you briefly before answering, “Good.”
Your body trembles. “Matt.”
“What’s wrong?”
“What do you mean, what’s wrong?” he retorts. He moves to the kitchen and grabs himself a bottle of beer. “I’m just tired.”
You frown. “Is that why you can’t even look at me?” you ask.
“Don’t be ridiculous, sweetheart–” the usually so endearing nickname sounds so bitter now. “You know I can’t see,” he says. 
“You know what I mean.” You cross your arms. “Something isn’t right.”
His expression is serious, and it sends a wave of unease crashing over you. You try to push away the worry that gnaws at your insides, but it's hard to ignore the change in his demeanor.
He avoids your gaze, his eyes flickering around the room as if searching for something, or perhaps, avoiding something. Silence hangs heavy in the air, stretching the seconds into eternity.
That’s when you know that something happened, and it affects you because if it didn’t, he wouldn’t be so distant toward you. You taught him to always be open with you about his struggles, and he has managed to learn how to voice his needs, so it confuses you when he does neither and treats you more like a stranger than his girlfriend. 
There was only one time in your relationship he acted this way and that was the day Elektra stepped back into his life, and with it, yours. 
Your stomach churns. The hope you had built up crumbles, leaving a bitter taste in your mouth. “What happened?” you urge again. 
He leans against the kitchen counter, turning his head away from you. Tears are glistening in his eyes behind his red glasses. 
“Matthew, please,” you beg. “Talk to me. Tell me!”
The room feels heavy with tension. His shoulders slump, and for a moment, it seems like he's about to break, to let the words spill forth. But just as quickly, he straightens his posture and averts his gaze.
"I can't," he whispers. "I can't tell you."
You step forward, but he shies away as if being close to you is somehow toxic. It breaks your heart. He looks disgusted, and you wonder if it's because of you. Maybe you used the wrong body wash, but that would elicit a different reaction. You didn't do anything differently today, you're simply excited, that's all there is, but as you look at him, he seems to be the exact opposite. Stoic, empty, cold...
“We've always been honest with each other, Matt," you say, still walking up to him even as he recoils. "I cooked dinner for you, took a shower, got dressed... and now you won't even fucking try and look at me. You've been gone for weeks! Please, just... I deserve to know what's going on." You reach for him, but this time, he moves away wholly.
The distance between you becomes a void that you could easily slip in and drown. His body language is a storm, causing the waves to crash into the shore and choke up with their cruel claws. 
His grip tightens around the neck of the beer bottle, his knuckles turning white. You can see the faintest scars; you know he brought his suit with him, you just didn't think he would actually use it. "You deserve better," he says, more to himself than to you. There is the guilt you have been waiting for, but it still affects you because he is talking about you.
Your heart skips a beat. You have had this conversation many times in the past. "Better?" you ask. "Matt, what are you talking about? I don't want better, I want you." You laugh in disbelief, but he doesn't even smile. He's not trying to hide how much pain he is from the weight of his guilt, and it makes you scared for what's about to come.
His gaze flickers toward you, and his eyes reflect myriad emotions—sadness, regret, and something else you can't quite place. "You shouldn't want me," he loathes himself, “Not after... not after everything." 
"What?" You place a hand on his arm, forcing him to turn to you. "I love you," you say.
He shakes his head. He never shakes his head when you tell him you love him. It's like he's telling you the opposite, that you shouldn't love him or that he doesn't feel the same for you anymore; the feelings swirling in your chest are confusing, and you just don't understand. Your mind races, trying to connect the dots, desperate to make sense of his cryptic words. 
His grip on the bottle loosens, and he takes a shaky breath. "I- I fucked up."
Your heart sinks. The pain you had sensed, the distance between you, it all falls into place. The parallel between his behavior now and back when Elektra almost tore you apart. The pieces of the puzzle form a picture you never wanted to see find their way together.
"Did you... cheat on me?" you ask, the words catching in your throat. The mere thought feels like a knife twisting in your chest, but you don't cry, you simply stare at him, waiting for any kind of reaction. 
It's the thought you loathe the most, but you seem to hit the nail right on the head.
Matt's silence is confirmation enough. "Oh God," you breathe.
“It was just a kiss,” he whispers. 
“A– you kissed someone else?”
He takes a shaky sip of his drink. 
“Oh, my God, Matthew!” The cork to your heart pops and you start bleeding out, it seems. “What?” you ask. “Please, tell me you’re just messing with me. Please!” You want to get on your knees and pray to God that he’s lying, but he’s so quiet and his face is so stern, you can’t help but believe him.
The one thing he promised you he would never do, he did. And that is something you once told him that if he ever did it, you wouldn’t be able to forgive him. 
The foundation of trust you had built with Matt feels shattered, and you struggle to comprehend how he could break his promise to you. Emotions swirl within you, colliding with one another, leaving you feeling lost and vulnerable.
He grabs your hand suddenly when you try to put some distance between you to sort your thoughts, his glasses now discarded, and he looks past you with so much pain in his eyes, you can feel your own tears near. He whispers your name. 
“No,” you say. “I can’t–”
“Please, listen to me. I can explain,” Matt says. “I can–”
“You can’t! You promised… I– wasn’t I good enough for you? What happened, Matthew? What did I do wrong?”
“Nothing! You did nothing wrong, sweetheart. Please, it was a stupid mistake.” 
“A mistake?”
He tugs at your arm again. When you don’t seem to budge, he sinks to his knees. Your throat tightens, your heart shattering on the floor next to him. He has torn it out with his bare hands, squeezed it too hard and now you’re nothing more than an empty shell, your very essence broken on the living room floor. 
“Please,” he begs. His hands rest on your hips and his unfocused eyes try to search for yours. 
The fact he only now thinks he has to fight for you instead of coming clear right away makes you angry, not just sad. You turned your back and that’s what prompted him to fight, even though he should have tried so much sooner. 
You loved him with all you had, and a foolish part of you still does, but hearing the words coming out of his mouth that he betrayed your trust in such a cruel way tears down the walls you have been seeing through rose-colored glasses and cut your love for him into pieces with a sharp dagger. 
Your best friend once told you that you should be careful, Matt would do anything to survive. Yet, you stayed around through the sleepless nights and the heartache. You worried about him every day and every night he went out as Daredevil to cleanse the streets, and you stitched him up without knowing what you were doing. You held him as he cried, offered him your endless support, and then some more, anything just to be loved by him, but he treated you so well. He gave you everything you needed, showed you a love no one has before and he was so dedicated, you felt at home with him. You trusted him with your life. You owe him your life, and yet, after everything you have been through together, one work trip to another State is all it takes for him to throw away years of history and kiss someone else? And Jennifer Walters, no less? 
You never thought you had to be worried about anyone catching Matt’s attention. You had been so confident before, but now? Now you just feel useless, imperfect, and like a damn fool. 
“Matt,” you whimper. 
He holds on even tighter. “Can we talk about this?” he asks, his voice barely above a whisper. 
You look up, but the tears are flowing freely now. 
“I’m sorry. Please, I don’t want to lose you. I love you so fucking much, baby. Please! I can’t live without you. Don’t leave me. I can make it up to you, I promise, just… give me another chance.”
“Yeah?” It pains you to tear his hands from your body, but you have to. “If you didn’t want to lose me,” you say, “you should have thought about it before you decided to kiss someone else.”
He says your name, begging you once again to just stay. Talk this through. Stay. He is like a serpent in your ear, and you want nothing more than to give in, but when you reflect on your time together, you don’t know if you should even think about giving in. 
Matt has been obsessed with justice from the start. He chose it over you more than once, and it took you many nights and many fights for you to get him to stay even for a night or two to be with you, the person he claimed to love most of all. And now you are supposed to stay after he did what he did? It may be stupid to react this way if it was just a kiss, but he never once said it was accidental, and that means he has thought about cheating on you. He kissed someone else, someone who isn’t you, and he set your heart on fire the same way he has set your life together alight. 
Maybe he kissed her because she’s like him–maybe he kissed Jennifer Walters because she understands, and he has often accused you of not understanding. Maybe in her, he has found someone who won’t keep him from New York City just for one date night. Maybe in her, he has found someone who doesn’t break down crying when he comes home late because she thinks he died in a fight with a criminal. And maybe in her, he has found the woman he actually wants to marry. 
Marry. The word makes you choke up. 
As if he read your thoughts, he crawls toward you and stops you from walking away. He digs his fingers further into your hips, retrieving a small box from his pants, and God, do you want to punch him right now. 
You were right about the proposal, but he was planning to propose and still kissed someone else, and that is a betrayal on a whole new level. 
“The audacity,” you whisper to yourself. 
Tears are streaming down his face and he looks as if he thinks pulling out a ring after telling you he made out (no, kissed) with Jennifer Walters in Los Angeles is going to fix everything. 
“Please,” he begs, “I only want you. I wanted to ask you–”
“No,” you cut him off. “Don’t you fucking dare, Matthew!” You pull away. “This is… I’ve been waiting for you to do this for so long, but you… what the fuck? No! Especially not now!” Your body Wracks with a sob. “I need time, and I can’t do this right now. Kissing Walters is one thing, but telling me you bought a ring for me and still kissed someone else? It hurts,” you say.
It hurts too fucking much, you can’t breathe. He was your oxygen too, in a way, but he has cut off the supply and now you are dying a slow and agonizing death.
“I’m so sorry.” His arms drop to his sides in defeat, but he remains on his knees. “I never meant to hurt you,” Matt cries, “I promise! I just… I made a mistake.”
“I’m sorry, too.”
“I’m sorry for falling in love with you. That was my mistake.”
Ouch. Now you have taken his heart, pulled it out and shattered it with one twist of your wrist. But he deserves it.
Matt listens to the sound of your hasty movements as you pack some clothes. He listens to your tears, your sobs, and the shaking of your muscles as you shudder. He listens and stays right there on the floor, his head lowered as God’s judgment comes upon him. 
And within minutes, your heartbeat leaves his ears and you are gone. 
You left him, and he deserves every last ounce of pain it inflicts on him. 
He’s an Icarus who has flown too close to the sun, and you deserve better than him. 
It wasn’t Jennifer who brought him back to life, it was you and it will always be you, but he screwed that up, too, and he has to live with it now. Without you. 
The ring box slips from his hands and then, he allows himself to break down. 
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Matt Murdock Angst Tag List: @acharliecoxedfan @gpenguin666 @lina-mar @itwasthereaminuteago @mattkinsella @norestfortheshelbywicked @yarrystyleeza @littlenerdyravenclaw @thychuvaluswife
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angsty-twihardxx ¡ 2 years
Heartbreak Led Me Back to You | E.M
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 |
Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Summary | You and Eddie were childhood friends, best friend even. When your life changes drastically you runaway from Hawkins, leaving Eddie and Wayne without a goodbye. But when things go wrong she has no choice but to go back, a second chance for the two to finally admit their feelings.
Warnings | (18+) Adult Themes that some may find upsetting, mentions of abuse, alcohol/drug abuse, slurs directed at reader(f), swearing, angst, sexual references and eventual smut. Pls let me know if I missed anything x
A/N | This is my first Eddie fic series so I do hope that you all enjoy this, there shall be more soon. Please let me know what you think, I’ve been working on this for a while but was so nervous to post it :) x
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Hawkins wasn’t always bad, well not ‘a portal to another dimension’ bad, more of a ‘you can never leave’ type of bad. It was the typical small down that drained it’s occupants of anything good and left their empty carcasses to wander the streets till the day they died—a black hole. 
Instead of monsters, it was the people Hawkins that tormented you. Bored with their own lives they had to prod at yours, sick creatures people are.
Or at least that's how you saw it, your life wasn’t at all perfect and that scared them. Instead of a large clean home you lived in a trailer that wasn’t surrounded by a white picket fence. Your Dad wasn’t a businessman, he was a contractor– who drank too much and got way too angry. Your Mom wasn’t a pretty housewife with a baby on her arm– she cheated on your Dad so she could afford to feed her addiction, rather than you. 
The people of Hawkins saw your parents and whispered with one another, a game of Chinese whispers. “I heard she sleeps with the Chief because Russell can’t get it up.” 
“Probably too drunk anyway.” 
“I bet Shirley just sleeps with him for his pills.” 
Horrible stuff. 
But you? 
They knew nothing about you and yet they still talked, before you even did anything bad they assumed the worst of you. Their evil tendencies passed down to their rotten spoiled children who thought they were entitled to bully you, after all why not? Their parents did the same. It was a waste of their time to get to know you and see under all the mess your parents made, you were simply a kid, who liked skateboarding, and baking, and gardening with the old lady that lived next door. But that would ruin the narrative wouldn’t it? Would make them look bad, and they couldn’t have that. 
“Heard she sleeps around as much as her Mom.” Their rumours even spread to school, wandering eyes judging you, you were just walking to your locker. A folded piece of paper with the words ‘slut’ written as if it was done by a child, instead it was the head of the football team. It was a good thing he had a pretty face, shit for brains. 
If they were going to leave notes for you they could have the common courtesy to have decent handwriting. 
There was one saving grace within the darkness of Hawkins, a shining beacon of light that wore mostly black, and had unruly brown hair that stuck out in places. His ring-clad hand snatched the paper away from you, crushing it into a ball and throwing it at the snickering teens. Eddie Munson. 
No matter how bad your day was, he would always be there to put a smile on your face. He made a promise to himself a very long time ago that he was going to look after you, and I intended to keep that.
Whether it was something as simple as going out of his way to make a fool out of himself just so he can see you smile, or offer his home to you as a place for you to escape from the confines of your home. 
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bonny-kookoo ¡ 2 years
Jungkook: Mendacious
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You're the definition of: don't judge a book by its cover.
Tags/Warnings: Idol!Jungkook, Coyote hybrid!Reader, unlikely couple, established relationship, hybrid/human relationship, judgement, reader is treated poorly and unfairly, minor injury, angst, fluff
A/N: yes, another hybrid fic.
Mendacious : (someone) likely to tell lies.
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If you didn't know it yourself, you wouldn't believe yourself either, if you had to be completely fair.
However, that still doesn't give any of the men the right to push you around like their doing now- the palms of your hands still stinging harshly from the accidental fall just minutes ago. They're still dirty, because you've got nothing to wipe them off on; the dress you're wearing too nice, too many fond memories connected to it to ruin it.
But how did you, hybrid of world-renowned idol Jeon Jungkook, end up at a pound with scraped up hands and a broken heart?
Well- you simply told the truth.
As a Coyote, there's always many bad rumors stuck to your name, no matter how hard you try to go against the odds and prove them wrong. They've tried hard to talk Jungkook out of adopting you three years back- instead trying to make him interested in one of the prettier and more well behaved cat and dog hybrids. But Jungkook had been stubborn; absolutely enchanted by your curiosity, your energy, just.. everything about you.
He'd talked to you, played a bit with you, and it just clicked.
He also encourages you to stay independent; having gifted you your own collar early on- a tag on the front for easy scanning and GPS tracking at all times, so no one would get you confused with a stray whenever you went to go out on your own, and he himself could check your location in case you got lost. It's something he felt like he owed you; you didn't deserve to be locked up inside his apartment like a bird in a golden cage.
He doesn't treat you like a pet; he treats you like a lover, like a friend, like family.
And until now, you've always somehow slipped from every noose thrown at you by life- getting laughed at constantly as soon as you'd say that Jungkook was your owner. But this time- this time, it went wrong.
Horribly wrong.
'Sure you are.' The men had said as they'd pushed you towards the van of the pound company. 'And my brother is the president.' They'd laughed. You'd stumbled, fallen into the van, hands stinging and eyes watering.
But there was no reaction other than the doors slamming shut.
It's not common for hybrids to be allowed on their own outside, so it's also typical to be asked by patrolling officers where you belonged to if you were to walk around on your own. In your case, you'd thought it had been fine; the officer having asked you for your ID and owner name as you'd tried to walk home from taking a walk by yourself.
And then the men of the pound had come around, taking you in for breaking the hybrid-stray laws.
They thought you'd lied.
Even worse; by now, they've taken your collar, arguing that you've probably faked the ID of Jungkook connected to the tag on it-a common crime for strays to stay independent, before it fell to the ground after you had tried to fight for it back- small GPS tracker pack breaking on the hard concrete floor. They were basically treating you like a criminal, and you were worried. Jungkook was probably still at the recording studio with yoongi. It would take some hours for him to go home- and maybe even longer before he'd realize something had happened.
You don't have your phone anymore either.
You have nothing.
And after 24 hours- you're officially considered a stray.
"Go on and change." A young man says, throwing some clothes wrapped in plastic towards you. You've been asleep for a while now- your joints aching from the weird position you'd taken a nap in. "Afterwards you're led into your room." He informs you; and you assume it's probably because the 24 hours are close to being passed.
You must've really slept long.
You're good at obeying though; so you don't fight it at all, simply nodding to go get changed in a small bathroom nearby. You know it's smarter to just go along- you've seen one of the men raise their hand in response to your fighting over the collar a few hours prior.
They won't refrain to hit it necessary.
The clothes are simple, an eggshell-white color, a regular t-shirt and shorts with a cutout for any hybrids tail; adjustable with velcro so it fits any breed, while still being cheap enough. It's a little itchy on your tail, but it'll do; you'll get used to it.
Giving up your dress feels like giving up the last piece of home you've got, however.
It hurts, so much more than your hands, as the man takes the neatly folded piece of attire from you, before he walks in front of you, leading you down a hallway. You can hear noises behind the doors; from arguing hybrids complaining in their rooms, to whining and sad one's making their displeasure known. Your room is a pale orange in color; paint on the walls already starting to chip on some spots however, just like the metal bedframe and sink nearby. "Get in." The man demands, and you do so-
The door behind you closing, before you can hear the lock click into place.
This is it.
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"Baby?" He asks into the darkness of the apartment, assuming you've maybe gone to bed already- though he's got an odd feeling in his stomach. He'd stayed way too long and he knows- maybe you're mad? He wouldn't blame you if you were. He should've told you.
Looking into the bedroom however, there's no you. The guest room? Empty. You're not here.
When he pulls out his phone to check your location, his blood runs cold- the GPS had lost connection almost 6 yours ago; and he knows for a fact that he charged the battery. He's a man of routine- he checks your collar every day before he leaves.
Calling you doesn't do anything either- you're not picking up.
Where are you?
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You're picking ok a string that's escaped from the threading of your new shirt.
It's all you've got really; there's nothing else to do but wait and exist at this point. You've got no way to tell how late or early it is- maybe it's the next day already? Maybe you've been here for more than 24 hours? You don't know.
All you know Is that your hair still smells like that vanilla scented shampoo jungkook always made sure to buy for you, knowing it's your favorite.
Only now does it hit you full force.
So you cry, until a headache starts, and your body falls asleep again.
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"Exactly. And I need the last location, urgently." Jungkook argues with his manager who'd gone out first thing in the morning to ask the store where he'd bought the tracker to read out the last known location before it disconnected. He would've gone himself- but he knows he can't make a public deal out of it. Not because he cares about his reputation; but because it could put you in danger. People could try and find you to get closer to him, and he doesn't want that. It's been way too long already- you're most likely scared to the bone. You don't sleep very well when he's not home, it's why he takes you on his tours and out-of-country schedules at all times.
He feels terrible, as if it's somehow his fault you're gone now.
Maybe you've ran away for a reason? Maybe you were tired of the stress? Of his life? Of him?
It's his biggest fear. He knows it's not just a small favor to ask for you to adapt to his constantly changing schedule and life, to ask for you to understand whenever he has to cancel anything you've both wanted to do just because he has to go back to the studio. You both never had a proper date, and he won't ever be able to do that; partially because of the bad stigma around hybrid/human relationships, partially because people wouldn't let him breathe if they spotted him.
But he shakes his head. No. He can think like this once he's got you back; for now, he has to find you first.
"They're downloading logs right now, just half an hour at max." The manager ok the phone informs him.
"Tell them to hurry up. It's been hours already, God knows where she is!" He argues, irritated by every single delay at this point. He'd already almost walked out himself when they had attempted to get themselves out easy by saying they couldn't read out any location data. He's going to get you back.
There's no other option.
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Dreaming is odd.
Sometimes it's the wildest things that your brain comes up with while you sleep; flying over buildings and clouds, fighting ancient creatures, living in a world in space. You sometimes lucid dream too- controlling your actions and well aware that it's just an illusion.
And sometimes, like now, you don't dream at all.
Or maybe you do?
"..y? Hey, baby?" Its jungkook. His voice seems faint, like he's almost whispering. Will you forget that voice at some point? "Come on, let's get you back home." He says, before you feel him touch you. It's then that your eyes open;
And he's there.
Your eyes widen, shock written all over your face even in the dim light of the light bulb above you, before you cry yet again, pushing yourself into his chest, hands grabbing for any of his clothes you can. You don't want to let go, ever again. "I'm here, you're fine. We'll go home now, okay?" He asks, and you simply nod, giving him the okay to somewhat pick you up and carry you out.
"I really didn't think-" one of the men starts arguing, trying to explain himself, but jungkook cuts him off, voice a bit louder now, and ice cold.
"I think you should start looking for new employment." The idol simply replies, before someone opens the door for him, cold morning air hitting your senses. But you're too tired to really think much-
All you know is you're back home, jungkooks distinctive scent wrapping around you like a blanket.
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You don't remember much at first when you wake up in your bed- one you share with jungkook, who's scent still lingers heavily on the fabric of the sheets, though his body is absent.
It's odd.
You know it's normal- after all, he probably had early morning training again, so it's not untypical of him to be gone when you wake up. But this time, especially now that the memories return, it makes you feel uneasy. Was he mad about the broken collar? It was probably expensive. Was he upset you got yourself into trouble? You tend to break stuff and get into situations like this a lot- maybe you should try and behave better.
You try and swallow it down, before you leave the bed for your own daily routines. Maybe that'll calm you down again.
But even when watering the small plants in the kitchen, even while trying to watch TV, even while making yourself food; your thoughts are poisoned. Everything is suddenly questioned, every sound you've grown so used to suddenly makes you nervous. You could maybe take a nap. Yeah, that was a good idea. If you slept, you couldn't break stuff or get into trouble, and time would fly past like nothing as well. You could sleep closer to the door so you'd hear him first thing- yes.
And that's how you ended up on a blanket right in front of the door.
Not even noticing how you start crying during your sleep.
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Jungkook can sometimes be pretty stupid.
He knows that, and is reminded of that fact especially now that he comes home; door hitting something, before you emerge from the side, yawning and holding your shoulder. "Oh God baby I'm so sorry!" He calls out, before he gets inside and closes the door. "Why were you sleeping in front of the door hm?" He asks, carefully squatting down to check up on any injuries. You're fine though- except for the dried tears he can spot. "I'm so sorry, I should've thought more. Did you think I left?" He asks, and you shrug, before nodding. He clicks his tongue before picking you up, bringing you into the kitchen where he sits you on the counter next to the sink. "Lets make something to eat first.." he mumbles more to hunself, trying hard to drown his guilt. Of course you'd be scared right after what happened yesterday. What did he think would happen?
"Koo?" You ask as you notice him sniffling a second time as he looks into the fridge, door hiding him. But there's no hiding any longer, his eyes unable to look at you. "I'm fine, I overreacted-"
"No no no you absolutely didn't. I'm an asshole for leaving like that, you should be mad at me." He says, making you smile.
"I could never." You say.
"But you should." He argues back.
"But I won't." You respond, tail starting to wag and slap against the inside of the sink- and he laughs, before he walks towards you to hold you close, before be presses a kiss right between your hybrid ears ontop of your head.
"I love you." He simply says.
And your tail wags a little faster at that.
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zeenmrala ¡ 2 years
By The Light Of The Second Moon
A Darth Maul x F/AFAB!Reader Fanfiction
chapter seven: of the rains and of the dreams
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CHAPTER SUMMARY: You go home and face the consequences of your recklessness. The moons rise, the rain falls - and you return to the woods. RATING: Explicit. This work is strictly for those 18+ due to sexual content. MINORS, DO NOT INTERACT. WORD COUNT: 9k CONTENT/TRIGGER WARNINGS: Angst, anxiety. Smut, fingering, unprotected PiV sex, rough sex, biting, bruises/marking, slight bdsm, pain kink, praise kink, choking, controlled/delayed orgasm, female!receiving oral sex, dominant!maul. CHAPTER SONGS: good in red, the midnight, keep on loving you, cigarettes after sex. NOTES: Again, long chapter...I can’t seem to stop myself when I write the spice! ♡
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Chapter 7 Of The Rains And Of The Dreams
When you wake up, you are alone. Your eyes flutter open, and you are not in your bedroom, so you immediately jolt awake, gasping as you sit upright, a spike of anxiety shaking you out of your sleep – because you are…still in the woods? You begin to remember last night, everything in swift, vivid detail, and as you begin to doubt your incredible and strange reality, once more the aches across your body confirm to you the truth. You look around, and slowly, still under the heavy haze of such a deep sleep, become aware of two things. One, that you are not where you fell asleep, and two, that are you no longer naked. You are next to the old, rotten log, the hiding place for your secret sketchpad. You reach inside and run your fingers across it, relaxing slightly at its presence. Next to the log are your shoes, and underneath them is your completely ruined dress. Confused, you look down at yourself and see that you are in a long, black robe.
You sigh and raise the palms of your hands to your face. This whole time, he really could hear what you were thinking. Well, in a way, at least. Maker, how is that real? You take a long, deep breath to smother the embarrassment that unfurls within you. The anxiety of this entire situation starts to creep through your bloodstream with each beat of your heart. Stars, it feels like everything happened so quickly. How did he –
You pause, remembering that severe glare and his instruction to never speak about it. You have never seen his expression so grave, and the coldness that radiated from his eyes felt so urgent, and terrifying. He didn’t say you couldn’t think about it though, right? But if he can hear thoughts, if he can somehow choke you without even touching you – who else can do that? What else can he do? His…abilities – are they a common occurrence in people off world, is it a species thing? Or is it something else? Like many times in your life, you curse your own ignorance, your complete lack of awareness of anything other than your little life here. You feel in your bones though, that this whole situation and anything concerning him and his being here…that is not common or ordinary - anything but. You swallow down a knot in your throat as you consider that this is knowledge that could be fatal. Are you overreacting? Or are you under reacting? You stomach turns at the thought of the latter – you are certain that Maul's sincerity, his seriousness concerning your awareness of his being here, of what he can do - it would not feel so dire if it was not significant in some way. You sigh a defeated groan and fall back to the ground, squeezing your eyes shut as you try to process all that has happened. When you open your eyes again, you are gazing up to the sky which is framed by the swaying trees. The sun is high and almost completely hidden behind thick, grey clouds. Which tells you that it is midday. And you haven’t been home yet.
Stars and Planets.
You really wake up this time. How long were you asleep? It’s past midday and you need to get home, now. And come up with an incredibly believable cover story and fast.
You slip on your shoes and grab your dress – then hesitate before you leave, considering bringing your sketchpad too, but settle on leaving it here. You will certainly have a lot to deal with today, and worrying about where it is and who could see it cannot be another problem for this afternoon. So you leave it there, and you run towards the clearing – you have decided that you will go to the pond just beyond, and use the reflection to fix the robe and your hair so it does not look as strange and messy as it almost certainly does right now. Because you have to walk home, in the daylight – so many people will see you. How will you ever get away with this? And you cannot even consider trying to wear your dress, it’s entirely wrecked. But how can you possibly wear Maul’s robe? You never wear black. It will be so obvious that you have been with someone else, and if your Father finds out, you will never be able to sneak out ever again. That thought terrifies you, almost enough to want to hide in the woods forever and never ever go back into town. You groan, shaking some courage into yourself and hurry your pace – with each step you take, your panic begins to rise, until you make it to the clearing.
And his ship isn’t there anymore.
You cannot ignore the acute pang in your chest at the empty space, and your severe disappointment turns your stomach. Would he really leave…after all of that? You breathe through the dizzying upset and confusion you are feeling, and focus solely on getting to the pond, and then on the feel of your own fingers as you braid your hair into a more presentable state. You then experiment with the black robe that Maul has left you in, fastening a belt out of your ruined dress to bring it in at the waist, tying it tightly to your body and shuffling it into a better fit. You then rip further into your dress to make a sorry excuse of a shawl, which you can drape over the upper half of your body, making it appear as though the robe is a skirt. The weather is beginning to rapidly cool, and the rains seem closer than you first thought, so you look believable wrapped up like this - at least somewhat passable. And more importantly, the make-shift shawl is covering your neck, where you now notice dark, angry marks that trail very clearly across your skin. Kriff. How did this man make you so careless?
And where is he?
You groan at your softness, cursing yourself for how much you care, how attached you have grown to your new friend so soon - when deep down, you know nobody stays for long around here. It wouldn’t be surprising if he has left, what with the implication of what he accidentally revealed last night, and with the severe weather looming. You feel such an earnest sense of loss, not just at him being gone, but at the grief of everything you could have learnt from him. You are naïve for tying your hope to this mysterious and ominous man, but for the first time in your life, you have experienced real excitement. And you almost got to look inside of his starship.
You shake yourself out of your melancholy – Stars, you think, he may not even be gone for good. His ship can disappear, he can read minds. Nothing is out of the realm of possibility at this point. You wander over to where his ship should be, and reach out to touch it, because maybe it is just invisible, hiding. It is not. You feel incredibly stupid and begin your walk out of the forest. If you are somehow able to get away with not coming home last night, you’ll return this evening, and hope that he has come back. Maker, how will you explain this away – you keep trying to come up with something, anything, but there is nothing. You are at a loss. You hope that your Father will be in surgery, that your neighbours won’t be looking, that you can slip by unnoticed. You sigh, certain that the next hour will be one of the most awful of your existence.  
You are met with a couple of strange looks as you walk back, but it is not as catastrophic as you thought it would be. You had envisioned the entire town, pointing, laughing, speculating, your Father ready to lock you inside of a cage to rot, with no hope of ever getting out again. You hope that the odd looks you have received are because you are simply wearing a tatty shawl and the colour black. Most women here do not dream of ever wearing it, sticking instead to tones of green, blue and cream. It hasn’t ever struck you as odd, until now, as you wear it for the first time.
Just as you are about to turn the corner to the road that the surgery sits on, you are roughly grabbed and pulled away. As you go to scream at the shock of it, a hand covers your mouth. You panic and thrash in silence as you are dragged behind one of the neighbouring buildings, your back pushed up against the wall. Your eyes widen as you finally grasp a hold of your senses to properly look at your attacker, see who is grabbing you so roughly and it’s…your brother?
You shove against him and push his hand off your mouth, “Fenn, what the – ”
“I covered for you.” He interrupts aggressively, though he has a softness in his expression.
You stutter, “W-what?”
“I made excuses. As to why you weren’t here, this morning.”
You are flooded with immediate relief, and before you can thank him, he begins to hassle you.
“You were just going to walk in? Seriously? What was your excuse going to be?”
Your cheeks burn and you shove him further away, pulling your make-shift shawl around yourself tighter. You don’t say anything. You still had no idea what your excuse was going to be. You really hoped your Father would be in surgery so that you could sneak in unseen.
He sighs and rolls his eyes, pinching where his nose meets his brow in irritation. “Exactly, yeah…” He huffs, then puts his hands to his hips and looks you up and down.
“Father thinks I sent you out early, really early this morning to collect last minute materials to weather proof the house. I had to make up ridiculous excuses as to why you weren’t here at sunrise, why you had to go so early, when half the town was still asleep.” He pauses, and when you still do not reply, he continues. “Then when you still didn’t come back, I said I had sent you out with Mellie to assist her with her work, and then, to start preparations for when the baby comes - and then after that became implausible, I said I had sent you to deliver some medicines for our more vulnerable clients, because the rains look as if they are coming early.”
You nod, “that works, that makes sense…” You exhale in relief. “Thank you, so much.” “Where - where were you? And what…” His eyes inspect you closer. He tuts your name in disbelief. “What in the galaxy are you wearing? That very obviously is not your clothing.”
He hears his own words back and then shakes his head. “Actually I don’t want to know.”
“Thank you, Fenn,” you say again, “I really mean it. Thank you. I was really stupid, I made a mistake and stayed out way too…”
“Look, you deserve your own life.” That tugs at your heart. You didn’t think he really…cared. At all. You have both drifted over the past few years, fatherhood taking up all of his time.
He continues, “I really try…I want…I hate how miserable you look in the morning when you don’t get out the night before –”
“What did you just say?” Your jaw drops.
“What, you don’t think I see you steal away into the night? You are sneaky, I’ll give you that. Not that sneaky, though.”
You freeze, completely dumb-founded that he knows that. The anxiety that had melted away has come back in full force. “Who else knows?”
“My wife, but she knows everything.”
“Not Father, or Aunt Lyn?”
“Stars, Fenn, you are playing with my nerves.”
“How do you think I managed to get a girl like Mellie to marry me? When I was cooped up in the surgery all day, every day?”
You pause as the realisation clicks in. “You snuck out too? To court Mellie?”
He nods, “yes, and years before you even started doing it.” Then he sighs. “I want the best for you. I want you to be happy. I really do. But you don’t understand how seriously he takes…you don’t know…” he looks away and brings his hands to his head in frustration.
You feel incredibly cross. You snap, “maybe because no one has ever told me why - nobody ever told me what happened to him to make him like this. All I know…is that I look like her. That’s it, and that cannot be the full story. Please, just tell me what happened.”
He looks as if he just might. As if he might finally confess what happened to your Mother, why your family is as paranoid and as strict and weird as it is, but he just sighs and shakes his head.
“Not now. I can see what. What you have been…” He stops, awkward. “Just be careful. Please.”
You nod, “I will…I am. I’m sorry.”
He sighs again. “It’s okay. It’s fine.” He crosses his arms. “Now, to make my story seem legitimate, you need to do everything I said you have, and fast. I’ve put them in your room, the medicines. Deliver them first, and make serious small talk with the clients so that they can vouch for you, so that the story seems closer to the timeline I came up with.”
You nod, and before you talk again, he continues, “I’ll distract Father, ask something surgery related, as you get changed and get out of the house.”
“You’ve really thought this through…” You smile at him, gratefully, shocked by your brother’s kindness.
“I know what this is like…” He sighs. “The sooner you are out of his house, the better…I know you don't want to get married, I know you hate the idea - but it might be for the best. You can at least escape the surgery. Whoever you've been meeting over the past few months, surely he can't be so bad?”
You look down at the ground as awareness to what he’s implying snakes its way into your heart. He thinks you’ve been regularly sneaking out to meet someone, a man from the town. Every night when you have wandered the woods sketching, every time you have snuck away to chat to an off-worlder. He thinks you have been stealing moments with a secret lover. Who he wants you to marry, so you can get away from your Father.
“I can let you stay with us, with Mellie, Lia and I. So you can go out, see him freely, maybe even talk to him about it…”
Your stomach drops as you feel the weight of his implication. Stars and planets, how can he not see, that if that even were the case, that would be no freedom at all? To be married here, to be even more severely rooted to this waste of a planet - it would be to live under the roof of another oppressive, paranoid man. You are sure of it - the idea suffocates you. As you secretly reel at his mistake, he continues to talk.
“I will tell Father you are learning more textile skills whilst helping prepare for the baby. You can stay for a few nights now, like that one summer before, when Lia was born. I’ll just say you are helping us prepare, okay? As long as you do, help Mellie, I mean.”
“Of course, Fenn, thank you, of course.” You hug him, so grateful, yet so disheartened. All this trouble, this kindness – he thinks he’s helping to liberate you from your Father’s madness. He is, of course, helping somewhat – yet, nowhere near as much as he believes. Without a doubt, any temporary reprieve from your Father’s control is a blessing. Even if it feels somewhat hollow now, because your reason for potentially sacrificing the freedoms you do have…Maul, he might not be here anymore, and the rains will pour soon, and you will have to return to your Father’s house either way - to your monotonous life, destined for nothing, no purpose. You will use the precious time your brother has gifted you, to make the most of sketching, of the woods, before the world is once again drowning in the rains, and you are confined in the walls of your bedroom, spending your days unspectacularly withering away, out of sight of the larger galaxy.
You and your brother head towards the surgery, and just before you reach it, you stop and ask, without really thinking –
“Are you not going to ask me who he is?”
Fenn just shakes his head.
“You deserve that privacy - him - to be yours alone, for now. At least.”
As you run around town with a huge basket full of medicine, you ponder how you have been so fortunate. You cannot believe how lucky you are. To have gotten away with staying out, to have had your brother cover for you, and get you out of the messy hole that you, impulsive and irresponsible, had dug yourself into
Fenn knew. All this time, sneaking around, disappearing into the Great Wood night after night. He knew. And he didn’t say anything. You are reeling for the rest of the afternoon whilst you work through his tasks meticulously, so that your Father will have no idea at all about your whereabouts last night. Everything seems to have slipped into place so easily and smoothly – and Maker, you are grateful.
Once you are back in your room after having made all of your deliveries, you are sweating from running around like a complete lunatic to keep to Fenn's fictitious timeline, and also from having to wear a scarf to cover the marks on your neck. It could have been much worse though, at least the baking sun is hidden by the clouds. They get thicker each hour, and it would not surprise you if the rains began tonight.
You pack to stay with Fenn, and you hide Maul’s robe at the bottom of the overnight bag, alongside more of the contraceptive concoction (better to be prepared if Maul is still here). You grab your pouch of drawing tools for when you get your sketchpad back, and your make-shift shawl and the remains of your ruined dress you disguise as material that was spare after doing textile work with Mellie. Thank the Stars for her and your brother.
When you face your Father, just before you leave to stay with them, he gives no indication that he is aware of anything other than what Fenn has told him. He simply requests that you give his best wishes to his daughter-in-law. You keep your cool, and for that, you are proud of yourself.
Once you get to their small, homely abode, you spend some time with Lia, and help Mellie with the chores so she can rest. She looks like she is about to burst, and you ponder how quickly the past month has gone by, since the last rains. You take another look at little Lia before Fenn sweeps her off to bed, then at Mellie, and she seems so tired. She must be ready to give birth any day now. Once everything is done, you wish them goodnight, and go to take a bath, and finally, properly look at yourself in the mirror.
Your skin is littered in bruises and marks. You gasp at the sight as you peel away the layers of clothing that shield them. The result of what you and Maul have done together blemishes your skin in trails across your entire body. You take a moment to identify the source of each – running gentle fingers across them - the discolouration on your neck from his teeth, the bruises on your arms from his strong hands, the dark blemishes that pepper the inside of your thighs…
You feel that heat pool in the bottom of your abdomen again, and a sweet flutter between your legs at the memory of his face between them - and you curse yourself. Now? Again? After everything that has happened, that has almost happened and all you can do is…think about him, and his body. And as your thoughts stream on ahead, you think about how strange he is, about what he can do – and finally, how he may no longer be on world. You huff a dejected sigh. You wash yourself and change into a clean dress, one with longer sleeves and a higher neckline. If he is there, you vow to yourself that he is not ruining another of your garments. You smile at the memory of last night, him ripping the dress from your frame with such ease. Kriff, you want him to be there, if only for another night of…relations. You blush and glance out of the window of the small room Mellie works from - this is your room for the remainder of your time here. By now, the second moon is rising into the sky, and the streets are quiet. You can hear the quiet pitter patter of the rain as it begins to fall – and then you have a deep, stomach turning realisation - you left your sketchpad, out in the woods, in that rotten log, to the mercy of the incoming storm. It’s going to be ruined. How could you forget about that? You start to really panic, and get ready to leave. You throw Maul’s robe over your dress, and pull the large hood over your head. You should have gotten a coat or robe that was black a long time ago, it would have made making sneaking out at night that much easier.
Just as you reach the door, you hear Fenn clear his throat.
“Will you be coming back tonight?”
Will you? You have no idea. It depends entirely on what you find when you reach the clearing. If he isn’t there, how can you possibly stay out all night, in this weather, alone? But shouldn’t you try to at least keep up the ruse that your brother has pinned on you?
“I do not know.” You smile.
He rolls his eyes, marking your indecision as modesty. “Don’t wait until midday to decide.”
You roll your own eyes back at him, and he grins, then says, “stay out, all night. And tomorrow, if you like. I’ll make sure no one finds out.”
You wish him thank you and goodnight, and then thank him once again. A whole night and day to yourself…right in the middle of a downpour. You curse the rain between seasons as you head out into the night, the second moons light darkened by fat rain clouds that greedily horde the visible horizon.  
The walk is wet, long, and tedious. You move as quickly as you can without slipping and falling on your face – kriff, you really do hate the rains - especially for the first few nights as it is always heavy and relentless. You manoeuvre through the woods as quickly as you can, your distress starting to rise at how quickly the rain has dampened everything. All the work you have put into that damned book, the faces you have sketched over the years, everything you’ve worked so hard to collect – it could be nothing but a water logged mess by the time you get there.
When you eventually get to the log, you are soaking wet, and the roar of the violent cascade of rain rings in your ears as you reach inside – you feel around, and the sketchpad isn’t there. Did you move it? No, you definitely left it here this morning…you curse loudly, throwing your hood down and scrambling around, searching for it. It was definitely here. As the grief of losing something so precious to you begins to torment your mind – you feel his weighty stare, and then hear that familiar, teasing voice among the thunder of the rain.
“Looking for something?”
You turn around, and in the darkness of the weather he appears as a shadow - you can only see the glow of his rich, yellow eyes. The lack of moonlight makes everything so much harder to see. You try to contain the sheer joy you are feeling at knowing he is still here, not wanting him to pick up on it – you feel somewhat paranoid, so aware of how he can sense whatever you think. You do smile though. You cannot help it.
“I assume you are in possession of – ”
“Yes.” He cuts you off. “I took it.”
“Because it is raining.” He throws back his hood, and you can make out the silhouette of him as your eyes adjust. He has such a regal, solid frame, and holds himself with such conviction – the memory of him so strong on top of you makes you shiver with longing. He continues, “and for some reason or another, you did not take it yourself when I moved you here this morning.”
Then he begins to walk away, and you scramble to follow him. He makes his way to the clearing, where there are no trees to protect you both from the full pelt of the cold rain. The moons blue light is broken by dark clouds, but there is slight illumination, and you can see him better. You bring yourself to say, “thank you – and thank you for leaving me the robe.”
He runs his eyes over your body, the way he did when you first met – yet now the raw lust in his eyes is much more apparent to you. It almost makes your mouth water, the deliciousness of his gaze ravaging your curves almost too much for you to bear. But you try not to get too ahead of yourself – though he makes it difficult for you with his reply.
“You look good in it,” he purrs.
You simper at him, then you turn and point to the empty space where his ship was.
“I thought you had left, when I woke up,” you confess as you turn back to him.
He tilts his head slightly, and makes his way toward you, slowly and cautiously.
“There will be storms. I did not think it best to leave it surrounded by trees.”
“Still, everyone usually leaves for the rains.”
He reaches you and gently touches your cheek, though there is more hesitation to it than you expected. “I still have work to do that requires my being here.”
You slightly furrow your eyebrows in curiosity.
“Do not ask…” he warns, trailing his fingers down your face and gripping your chin, tilting your eyes up to his. “But…” you do not know how to phrase it. You want to ask him about it all, about how he did what he did to you, how he can somehow see inside your mind…
His expression is so somber, and you suddenly cannot stand it. You cannot stand that the one connection you have made beyond the confines of your small planet, this wonderful thing that you both have here - this has been tainted by an ominous and unknown seriousness, an implied danger, another secret you cannot know. Stars, you detest it entirely.
What you have is so genuine, so real, so raw. So rare. For you, at least. So you refuse to allow it to be ripped apart by whatever is beyond your control. You raise your eyes to his, and smirk.   
“I was only going to ask how you could be so cruel,” you tease, your eyes wander down his face, and then linger on his bottom lip, the inside of which is unmarked by those striking tattoos. You want to kiss him. You want to feel his tongue, hot and wet in your mouth.
“Explain, lady,” he says. You lean into his lips and whisper, “how could you be so cruel, to make me so excited about seeing your starship, only to remove it when I arrive to do so. And in this weather too?”
He chuckles, the sound sending waves of arousal between your legs, and images of the last two nights flash before your eyes. He pulls you in but moves his lips to your neck, kissing your skin gently and whispers in your ear. “That’s not why you have come back,” he smirks, before adding, “control your thoughts, wicked girl.”
You pull away, then whisper, “then stop listening.”
He returns his hands back to where they were on your face previously, only harsher. Then he covers your mouth with one hand, and snakes the other around the back of your neck.
“Shhh…” he hushes you, bringing his face closer to yours. “It is not that simple, lady. You are…rather loud,” he says quietly. He removes his hand from your mouth, to gently rest it on your waist. The weight of his touch makes you feel so sensitive, and as he leans forward and kisses you for the first time tonight, the rain beating down on the two of you, you melt into the warmth of his lips. The hot spark of desire that has been so ignored and neglected today, beaten into submission by anxiety and dread, comes back to life. You moan gently at the feel of it beginning to burn. But first…
“Where are you holding my sketchpad hostage?” You whisper, then smile widely.
He returns your smile, “somewhere safe.”
You say nothing, raising a brow at him to elaborate.
“It is in my ship.”
“Which isn’t here.”
You sigh dramatically, looking up at him. He is smirking down at you, both of his arms now tight around your body. You feel like you should care more about your sketchpad, to follow up and make him hand it over - you should, but you cannot, not when you are in his arms like this. Maker, you want him. You want him right now, out in the open, under the rain. But a small part of you also aches to get your sketchpad back, to see inside his starship, to get out of this forsaken weather.
“Make a decision lady, where do you want to be?” He asks, aware of your internal conflict. He begins to kiss down your neck. He pauses as he notices the harsh, dark marks from his teeth the night before, and he lightly growls, and the sound goes straight through you, and your legs almost shake from the desire it stirs within you. “I like the look of that,” he admits quietly.
Amidst the hazy, erotic thoughts rumbling through your mind, you remember that you do not need to go back tonight. There is nothing to say you cannot have him here, and then also in his ship. And so you smile.
“Both,” you say gently, then pull back so you can look at him, at his lips again. “I have nowhere else I need to be tonight.” And then you grab his face and kiss him hard, throwing your weight into it. His hands grip on to you in response, and you cling to the heat of his skin as you suck on his tongue, bite his lip, and lose yourself in the embrace.
“Maul…” you mutter in between his hot, hungry kisses, your hands gripping onto the wet material of his robe. “Maul, I…” “Yes, lady,” he pauses his kiss to ask, “what do you want?”
“I want…” you stumble on your words at the feel of his fingers squeezing your waist. “I want you, to tell me what you want,” you mewl.
He pulls away from you and roughly turns you around, his hands grasping on to your chest, his mouth biting into your neck again. You lean back into him and moan at the change of pace as he brings a hand to your throat. He grabs onto your dripping wet hair with his other hand, the rain pouring mercilessly onto the two of you in the clearing. He tugs your head to the side, pulls your ear to his lips.
“I want to have my way with you, wicked girl.”
He kisses at your ear, and then bites. You cry out and shudder at the pain of it, but he holds you still from behind. He hushes you, moving his hands down your body slowly, feeling your flesh by squeezing you through your wet clothing. His hot breath caresses your neck, and you can feel him rubbing his hardness roughly into your backside. You whine, the ache between your legs growing more and more fierce.
“Do it then,” you reply sharply.
He pulls the robe off of your body, tossing it aside, then darkly laughs.
“Always so impatient…”
You lean further into him, craving his warmth and hard body so much more now, suddenly so cold…
“Oh,” he remarks with a tut, running his hands over your chest and arms, which are fully covered by your most unassuming, prudent dress.
“Modesty does not suit you,” he grumbles, gently moving his fingers to the back of your dress and begins to undo it with tame fingers. “You are much too vicious for something so conservative, do you not think, wicked girl?”
You practically melt at his voice, and his hot fingers feel so nice on your skin as he slowly pulls the soaking garment from your body. “I know what you are really like,” he mutters under his breath as you step out of the dress, kicking off your shoes and turning to face him, entirely naked and vulnerable to the elements.
“Now, that is much better,” he murmurs, taking in your bare body under his gaze as he shrugs off his own robe - he is already half naked beneath it. You move into his arms, craving his hot skin, as you are so cold now, bare in the downpour. He grabs your throat in a rigid fist, and the other hand he places between your legs. You groan as his fingers tease at and then find your slick entrance, and as a string of encouraging moans fall from your lips - he pushes inside you, kissing you gently on your forehead as he does so.
Then you are abruptly on the ground - in a sharp and swift motion he pushes you down hard into the floor. His hands are now roughly working your sex, and you moan a blur of obscenities into his mouth, using your own hands to hold his face as he glares violent lust into your eyes, watching you writhe uncontrollably beneath his dizzying touch.
“Spread your legs wider,” he demands, his voice huskily cold, and you obey, giving him all the space he needs to drive his fingers in and out of you, relentlessly fast. He then kisses your neck roughly and drags his teeth over your already sore bruises. You cry out and continue to moan under the sharp pain of it. His mouth moves to your breasts, and he runs his tongue and teeth over your nipples. You arch your back, leaning into the warmth of his mouth. “Please,” you cry, entirely overcome with lust, your cunt aching for him, for more of him. “Please, fuck me, please.” You feel him remove one of his hands from your cunt, and then a moment later you can feel him, his cock, so hard and hot pushing at your entrance. He moves both of his hands to grope at your chest, then one is around your throat, and he’s putting his weight on you – he is so hot, and heavy on top of you, it feels intensely good. His cock nudges further and further into you.
“You need me so badly, don’t you?” He growls softly, “I know you do, wicked girl.”
You moan a “yes” and he kisses you, then demands, “tell me, tell me how desperately you want this.”
You whine pathetically, so wild for him - then you obey, and beg for him to fuck you. “Maul, I need you, please, please take me, please fuck me now, please.”
He replies quietly. “Good girl,” and he drives his cock into you fully. As he begins to fuck you, ruthless from the start, he groans such a loud and animalistic noise it makes your cunt clamp around him. “More,” you cry through gritted teeth, and he growls in return, squeezing your throat. You claw at his back, and wrap your legs around him, wanting to be as close to him as you can.
How does he do this you? Maker, you are completely undone beneath him, so brazen in your desire, submitting entirely to his strength – and it feels so good, so right, and you swear that this is worth risking everything for.
To be lost in the weight and heat of him and his body, it is worth it all.
He begins to mutter praise for your obedience, “you look so gorgeous, so good” and “you are so wicked, you take me so well,” and he increases his pace, which makes you cry out loudly until he tightens his hand around your throat.
“I…can…take it,” you coo as he chokes you, and his hips snap harder and harder into you each time. He eventually pulls out of you then turns you over so you are lying face down, and then pushes himself back into you with gorgeous brutality. “Oh I know you can,” he whispers in your ear with a strong, harsh thrust inside. You moan, euphoric at the hard, hot intrusion of his cock – and how it is being rammed into you, over and over and over again. You cry out as he dominates you from behind, pushing your face down into the wet ground, then holding up your hips and mercilessly drumming himself in and out of you. He falls into an intoxicating rhythm, and that white hot, addictive heat begins to build, the sweet call of your orgasm drawing you in. You must tighten around him again, as he stops his thrusts, pushing the back of your neck hard, then he leans forward to groan into your ear.
“Not yet,” he commands harshly, before hammering into your cunt again. You growl at his demand, feeling him pull your hair hard. You whine desperate moans as he grabs on to your behind harshly, and you twist your head and see him watching himself fuck you. He must love to watch, because you can see him falter in his harshness, clearly losing himself in your heat.
He curses, then purrs your name in his sensual voice, lowing your body so you are flat on the ground. He brings his hot chest to your back and as he continues to fuck you, slower but with a more feral harshness, he mutters fiercely.
“Tell me now, wicked girl, just how much you enjoy me,” he pauses, groaning as he repositions himself slightly, so he can slide into you deeper.
You cry out, louder now.
“That is what I want,” he moans, “let me hear you. Show me how much you need me.”
Who knew it could feel so good to be treated like this. There is something about his voice, it makes your body immediately yield to him, there is a furious heat to his words that sends you almost immediately over the edge. His strong body, his commanding tone, his rock-hard grip on you, and the thrill of those rough, world-shattering thrusts make you want to scream for him to never stop, for more, more, more.
“So…good…” you manage to whine, the climax you were robbed off previously slowly beginning to build again.
“You love it,” he whispers.
“Yes, Maul,” you cry.
“Good girl…”
“Don’t stop…” you beg, “please…”
“So desperate,” he says callously. You can only whimper in agreement.
“Take it,” he grunts, putting his full weight and strength into his slamming thrusts. “Show me how much you can handle, lady.”
“All of it,” you groan, “all of you.”
He curses, his pace increasing, less of a controlled rhythm and more of an instinctive, wild frenzy - with each word you speak and every moan you cry - he is coming closer and closer to his own undoing.
The sweet, ache of him stretching you, his warm breath and firm hold, his hot skin and the cold, relentless rain – it all becomes so overwhelming – and finally you can feel yourself giving in to the oncoming fury of your orgasm. He grunts his approval as it rips through your body with a sudden, surprising tidal force.
You sob into the ground, your whole body feeling so light with dizzying satisfaction. He pulls out of you again and you cry at the cruelty of his hasty removal, as you are rolled onto your back. He immediately falls on you, back in you, and he holds your face in his hands, his eyes glaring down into yours as he fucks you again, slower now, though still hard.
“I want to see you,” he confesses, “your face.”
Another solid shove into you. You whine.
“You look so good beneath me…”
Another hard thrust. Another.
You turn your face to kiss his palm, and his other hand snakes into your hair, pulling you back to look into his eyes.
“Let me see you take me,” he demands.
Another. Again and again and again.
You stare lazily at him, though your eyes are fluttering from the gorgeous soreness of his cock – and you keep moaning for him, honestly and vulnerably, with no filter to your cries. He seems entirely undone, and is now mercilessly fucking you again. As you look up at him you can see him losing control, so close now to his peak, and you think that he looks so impressively himself, so intoxicatingly magnificent when he uses you and your body like this for his own pleasure. You suddenly feel entirely insatiable, how could you possibly ever get enough of this beautiful, dangerous man ravishing you in this way?
With a harsh growl he comes inside of you and you hold his face, pulling his lips to yours and kissing him through his groans. You feel his body relax, and you use your hands to lower him to your chest, holding his head with weak, shaking arms – you wince as his horns dig into your skin, but you do not pull away from the pain. He slowly groans and starts to kiss you, all over you, then brings his face back to yours. You try to slow your racing heart through deep breaths, but your legs won’t stop shaking – kriff, your whole body is shaking.
“I took great pleasure in having you out here, in the rain,” he finally murmurs, planting a kiss on your temple. “But you look as if you are about to collapse.”
You nod in agreement, clinging closely to his warm, tattooed skin - feeling suddenly so cold, so fragile and weak. He hushes you, sitting up and reaching for your drenched clothes.
“Let us go to the ship, lady."
You can only smile as he quickly dresses himself, then covers you up with his robe, and carries you through the trees. He moves quickly, seamlessly, and he does not stop until he brings you into the furthest clearing beyond the woods, revealing his ship - and you cannot believe that this is finally happening.
As you walk into his starship, you have never felt so incredibly overwhelmed, in every possible way. It isn’t exactly how you pictured it, but you were close enough.
It appears as if you have walked into a ready room, and there looks to be storage bays to your left, and sleeping compartments to your right. It is small, but warm, and that is all you really need right now, dripping wet and cold as you are. As you try to take in all the incredible details of what is and could be in here, he strips off the wet robe and wraps a dry one over you. As he hangs the damp garments up to dry, you spin all the way around twice, taking in your surroundings as best as you can in your condition. There must be more on a higher level, you realise, and then you notice what looks to be a lift to the cockpit, and go to walk to it, but he stops you from leaving the ready room, putting an arm around your shoulder.
This is all so exciting, your minding is racing. Where to begin?
“Refresher, maybe” he replies to your thoughts, and points to a small door beside it. “As much as I appreciate this wild, ravaged look,” you blush as he says it, “you are utterly filthy, and clearly very cold.”
It is then, that you notice how caked in dirt you are – it would have been even worse, had you not been rained on so intensely. You stifle a laugh, then pause, allowing a moment of silence.
“Come with me,” you say gently, and reach for his arm.
He says “okay” and he slowly moves with you into the refresher.
It’s not a sonic shower, and though that would have been incredibly fun to experience for the first time, you are grateful for the hot water that warms your bones. You are both slow and deliberate when you move in here. He does not speak at all, and spends a lot of time watching and touching you. He runs his hands softly over your skin, pausing only to smirk at and admire the marks he has left on you. As he washes you down, you notice how delicately he treats you, as if you may break at any moment. His demeanour is so different to how roughly you both had each other less than an hour ago, that it almost makes you dizzy, seeing two such incredibly opposite sides to him. After you are both clean, he leans into you and kisses your jawline and you feel him becoming hard again, his cock gently rubbing into your leg. A zap of longing strikes you between your thighs, and you feel your cunt becoming wet once more. Kriff, will you ever get enough?
He dries you both off, and before he can dress himself again you reach for his cock. He groans a low “mmmm” at the touch, and pulls you into his arms.
“Will I ever escape your insatiable lust, woman?” he mutters into your neck.
“Never,” you whisper, then you kiss him, your tongue slow, hot and intense.
You move into one of the sleeping compartments, and it isn’t much of a room, or a bed. It isn’t much of anything at all - but it is warm and dry, and it is his. His kisses are deep and lazy, and as he lays you down on to the cot, he runs his hands steadily down your body. You hiss slightly as he eventually slips his fingers into your folds, you are feeling sore now, after having such rough, fervent sex on the floor of the forest three nights in a row. He hushes you, then slowly moves down and positions himself so he can use his mouth on your cunt. He laps and kisses at you so gently it makes you want to cry. You cannot help but be entirely swept away in the soft, sincere motion of his lips and tongue. He groans approvingly at the taste of you, and the way he greedily feasts alongside the heat of his mouth makes you quickly soaked. He slowly begins to dip into you with his fingers again, and though there is a sharp sting to his touch at first, it bleeds away into pure bliss once more. He plays with your clitoris with his other hand, his movements so tender and lazy, and you moan, and moan and moan. Maker, each time he has his lips between your legs it gets better and better. As you look down at him and watch as he is entirely invested in your taste and warmth, you notice that he has subtly adapted his motions to what you like - learning from your movements and reactions to find where it feels the most euphoric for you. It is so fiercely perfect, that you lose all track of time, focusing entirely on the bliss of his tongue.
Eventually, the need for him to be inside of you becomes too great, and you slowly pull his head away from between your legs. He groans as he sits up, and you notice that he is incredibly hard. You smile hungrily at the sight of it, and move to kiss him - then push him back so he is lying down on the cot beneath you.
You straddle him, then move up slowly, dragging your wetness across his solid, aching cock, teasing him like he has done so many times to you. He moans at the feel of you, so hot, so slick, so close. His hands grasp on to your legs tightly, but not at all rough, more so robust and secure - and you use your hands to trail your fingers down his chest, tracing across his thick, black tattoos. The gentle touch causes a soft, yearning moan to fall from his lips.
“So beautiful,” he mutters quietly, his golden eyes glazing across your naked chest, your hair, your face. It is as if he doesn’t know where to look. You blush, feeling so exposed and vulnerable with his gaze on you like this. Even with your nervousness, it still feels so right to be intimate with him in this way, and so you make yourself meet his eyes with your own. You slide on to him confidently, and the sharp ache of him stretching you makes you whine. He gasps gently as he slips inside, and his hands move up to hold your waist as you begin to ride him.
You move slowly at first, watching him groan beneath you, any tension he held in his body melting away under your heat. His hands hold on to you with that gentle yet firm grip, and his eyes continue to roam all over you, taking in every detail he can, and as you grind down on to him harder, you see his expression soften. He looks utterly bewitched by each and every movement you make. You start to move faster, using your hips to bounce on him, and it feels so good that you cannot help but whimper and mewl at his hardness inside of you.
He absolutely loves this - you can tell by the soothing of his features and the languid desire in his brilliant eyes, that he is completely enthralled, watching you in motion on top of him. He gently groans, rocking his hips in tandem with yours. You pick up the pace, and after a little while of lazily enjoying your efforts, he slides his hands down your hips and thighs so that he can move up on his elbows and bring his face closer to you. You lean into him, and he catches your lips in a hotly intense kiss. You moan as he thrusts up into you, and the momentum moves your arms to either side of his head. You move together, moan together, and revel in the pleasure of your bodies connecting in this way.
“Such a good, wicked girl,” he groans quietly, sitting up to hold you closer. You wrap your legs around him, and your arms around his shoulders. You lace your fingers around the horns on his head - this has grown to be one of your favourite ways to hold him. He cradles you in his arms as you both move faster and faster, harder and more intense with each moment that passes.  
He keeps praising you, whispering in your ear at how good you feel, how wicked and sweet you are, how well you take him.
“You are so beautiful on top of me, precious girl,” he says between breaths, kissing your jawline gently. You coo softly at the praise, throwing your head back so he can kiss your neck.
He obliges, running his lips and tongue down your throat. He growls your name and mutters into your skin, “you are such a good girl” and as you respond to his praise with frenzied moans, you feel his undoing, and he moves faster, muttering such sweet, devilish things that make you feel as though you could melt.
“So hot, so wet…” he groans, “so sweet and wicked, and all mine,” and then his grasp around you tightens, and just before he reaches his peak, he growls that delicious, toxic word one more time - that word that makes you ache for him in a way you have not before, that word that shoots volts of pure gratification through your veins. “Mine.”
You spend the night in his arms. He is quiet as he caresses you with his fingers, lightly dragging them all over your skin, watching your reactions to his touch so intimately and with great interest. You touch him back, moving your hands gently across all the planes of his body. He reacts oddly, moving rapidly between states of hesitation and relaxation - and you can only guess that he is not used to such affection. It makes your chest ache in a way you do not fully understand. You eventually doze off, but soon awaken again, and you nestle further into his hold, closer to the comfort of his warm skin. He strokes your hair as you listen to the gentle thud of his hearts, the soothing rhythm rocks you into a soft, deeper sleep.
You dream all night long. You dream of the sun, of the stars and the moons, of war-torn, far away worlds. You dream of fruit and water and light. You dream of the unknown galaxy. You dream of Maul. And finally, you dream of a place that lies beneath the deepest part of the most violent ocean, at the centre of the universe, and how freeing it would be, to be trapped there with him.
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thenaivegirly ¡ 3 years
MY BOY ~ Fred Weasley
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Pairing(s): Fred Weasley x Fem!reader
Warnings: Angst
A/N: requests are open, this is my first fic please don’t be mean
My boy, my boy, my boy. Don't love me like he promised. My boy, my boy, my boy. He ain't a man and sure as hell ain't honest.
Y/n and Fred had been dating for almost five months and for y/n it was the most amazing thing in the world cause she was totally in love with him, she knew he was the one when he first saw him at the burrow when they were 5 and since then he has always being her crush, so five months ago at the start of the 7th year when he confessed his feeling towards y/n she couldn’t believe it, at first she thought it was some kind of prank by the way he said it.
5 months ago
“Y/n i have to tell you something that is a matter of life or death”, Fred said with a grin on his pretty face, she didn’t even was paying attention to what he was saying she was just too mesmerized with his beauty, “Are you listening to me ?, Fred asked seeing that she was not paying attention he decides to go straight to the point, “I was saying that you are my crush”, Fred said with a smirk.
Y/n was astonished everything crossed her mind, “is this for real?”, she said but Fred didn’t answer so she felt right to tell him the truth about her feelings, “Fred i’ve being in love with you since we met when we were five, at first it wqs just a silky crush but we gotbolder and got into hogwarts and i realized it wasn’t just a silly crush, what im trying to say is... im in love with you Fred Weasley”, he didn’t know how to react and he just said “i love you” and hugged her.
My boy's being sus and he don't know how to cuss. He just sounds like he's tryna be his father (Who are you?). My boy's an ugly crier but he's such a pretty liar and by that I mean he said he'd "change".
Everything happened so quick, Fred didn’t realized how fast this was going and now they’ve been dating for five months, “When are you going to tell her the truth?”, George asked Fred not realizing someone was listening, they should have been more careful and not be talking this in the common room where everyone could hear them “I don’t want to tell her, is going to break her heart she is the sweetest girl i know”,Fred said with guilt on his face, “Freddie you don’t love her, you can’t be with her just for pity”, George said annoyed almost screaming,” Yeah? Well this would never have happened if you hadn’t made me do that stupid bet, it’s all your fault”,Fred said angry.
5 months ago
“Freddie im telling you she likes you”,George said while laying in his bed in their dorm, “No she doesn’t,we’ve been friends since forever believe me if she liked me as more than friends i would know dear brother”, Fred said calmly and confident, “well then if you are so sure about that...”, George said with a grin, “Go on..”, “Let’s make a bet, 5 sickles that she is in love with you”, “you’re on”, Fred said with confidence and he was sure that he would win the bet, after all she knew y/n for years.
Fred was walking on the halls of Hogwarts and spot y/n a few meters away, he thought it was the perfect moment to prove George that he was wrong, but when she started telling that she loved him he didn’t know what to say, he couldn’t tell her that it was all a bet and that he wasn’t in love with her, so he told y/n that he loved her too, i mean he wasn’t absolutely lying right?, he did love her but not the way she wanted to.
Y/n wanted to surprise Freddie with a gift from hogsmeade we wanted since forever but he couldn’t afford it, so she started saving some money to give it to him, she was so excited to see his reaction that she couldn’t wait to give it to him and going as fast as she could she went to the common room, she spoted Fred right away, but she heard something that she shouldn’t have heard, “Freddie, you don’t love her, you can’t be with her just for pity”.
She just stood there frozen, astonished, broken, without even realizing she started crying and sobbing, Fred and George turn around and saw y/n standing there crying, “y/n i can explain”, fred said with guilt on his eyes, she didn’t even bother on going away from him, she couldn’t even if she wanted to, Fred tried to explain everything to her but she wasn’t listening she was just wishing that all of this was a nightmare that soon she would wake up and hug Fred and he would comfort her and tell her it was just a bad dream that everything is alright but obviously it didn’t happen, she came out of her trance as soon as she heard Fred said “im sorry but im never going to love you, not the way you want me to”, she didn’t utter a word she just left and went to her dorm.
My boy, my boy, my boy. Don't love me like he promised. My boy, my boy, my boy. He ain't a man and sure as hell ain't honest.
It has been 4 months since y/n’s heart have been broken, she tried to move on, she tried to fool herself into believing she didn’t love him anymore so she started dating other guys but nothing ever lasted, until she started dating Matt a slytherin guy, he treated her well, he was kind, sweet and always gave her flowers, he loved her and she loved him back but she knew she would never be able to love someone the way she loved Freddie.
Fred stood in the hall watching how Matt gave yellow flowers to y/n, her favourite flowers, everytime Fred smell those flowers it reminds him of her, her scent, her laugh and her beauty, he then realized he did loved her as more than friends, but know it was too late because she was happy with someone else and he wouldn’t ruin that for her, he fucked up and there was nothing that he could do about it, it’s not like he could go back in time and fix it all... or can he?.
You want me to be yours well then you gotta be mine. And if you want a good girl, then goodbye. You want me to be yours well then you gotta be mine. And if you want a good girl, then goodbye.
271 notes ¡ View notes
whereisten ¡ 4 years
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“I make no promises, I can't do golden rings, but I'll give you everything tonight”
Pairing: Mafia Leader!Jaehyun x female reader (cafe owner)
Genre: Friends to lovers au, fluff, smut and angst at the end I’m sorry :(
Warnings: shower sex, unprotected sex, slight choking kink, slight innocence/corruption kink, oral sex (male receiving), brief mention of violent attack towards the end
Word Count: 3k
((A/N: this is a short fic inspired by the song “Promises” by Calvin Harris & Sam Smith. I’ve been obsessed with it for a while now so I hope you enjoy!!!!))
“Why do you always come to me when you’re bruised and beat the hell up?” You rushed you your bathroom to grab your first aid kit.
“And now, you’re bleeding all over my floor..damn it Jaehyun!”
Jaehyun only gave you a half smile as he watched you walk back and forth while flailing your arms in the air. He sat on the couch and held his stomach while breathing heavily.
“Last time I checked, I don’t have a son that’s a gang leader! Why don’t you go to your mom’s house?”
You sat down beside him with a bowl of warm water and a cloth to wipe his bloody mouth.
Jaehyun was just a man that frequented the coffee shop your worked at. He liked looking at you while he sipped his coffee at the table in the corner, you were the calmest thing his eyes saw in his chaotic world. He was quite nervous to speak to you, and as the leader of a mafia, he wasn’t sure why.
But just a few months ago, he finally mustered up the courage to speak to you.
The two of you grew relatively close. He stayed with you when you closed the cafe by yourself, making sure no creeps followed you home, but he also just wanted to talk with you.
Something about you made him feel..happy.
You weren’t like everyone else in his life, you didn’t have any experience with crime and you sure as hell didn’t want any, but despite learning about who Jaehyun really was, you still stuck around.
You didn’t push him away, you only asked that he make sure to not bring that mess in the shop. You were also interested in him.
The two of you talked about movies, music, food, virtually anything. You clicked like you had been friends for years.
Jaehyun was somewhat satisfied with being your friend, but he knew he needed more. He felt a tinge of jealousy when he watched you smile with other customers. Your eyes crinkling at the sides as you laughed. Your voice was soothing, heavenly even. In a cruel world like this, not everyone deserved to share a space with you, he thought.
Oh and the twinkle in your eyes when you got excited about perfectly baked and iced cupcakes. He loved it. He loved everything you did a little too much.
A clear sign to him that he was too far gone. But what would happen if he asked you to date him? Would you say yes or would you say no and would the friendship be ruined?
“Jaehyun...when are you gonna protect this handsome face of yours?”
You asked while delicately wiping the blood from his face away. It has trickled down his neck, covering his intimidating demon neck tattoo in the process.
Your sweet voice disrupted his thoughts as he looked back at your worried face.
You were close to him, lips just centimeters away from each other.
Should he close the distance? No, that’s creepy. And what about his hands? Can he touch your back? No, definitely creepy.
Jaehyun was a murderer and criminal, but a creep he was not.
And almost as if you hear his thoughts run wild because of your close proximity to him, you look up with those large doe eyes and lock them with his. Your chest is stuck in place, you lick your lips, but quickly shift your attention away from his eyes and look to his neck.
Your hand stops moving and Jaehyun’s mouth opens slightly as if he’s about to tell you to keep touching him.
But instead, he apologizes.
“I’m-I’m sorry for always coming to you like this..”
He sounds genuine and your heart drops at how soft his voice sounds.
“Jaehyun..can you..kiss me?” You let out quietly without actually thinking it through.
Jaehyun’s eyes widen and he moves forward without hesitation.
Your lips finally lock as the cloth slowly drops out of your hand.
Jaehyun holds you close, pressing his palm into your back while you roll your body into his, gently pushing him into the couch more.
He looked amazing in his tight black t-shirt and you had to admit, you just wanted to feel his body on yours. His eyes were always dark and tempting as they watched you, tracing over your figure whenever you reached up high for something in the bakery.
He was a typical bad boy, irresistible, sexy, and dangerous. But Jaehyun has only showed you kindness. He was a normal person, besides the life of crime he lived.
Jaehyun takes your limp and awkward arms and wraps them around his neck while you kiss. Contrary to his rough look (created by the scary tattoos and black attire he had), Jaehyun was incredibly soft, delicately pressing his fingers in your back to massage it. His mouth caressed yours slowly, passionately but still yearningly.
He closed his eyes first, turning his head so his tongue could dance with yours.
Your hands ran down his chest tenderly as the sounds of labored breathing and quiet moaning filled the apartment.
“Jaehyun..” you whisper, asking for more without actually posing the question.
You bite your lips and look at his eyes. You take his hands and intertwine your fingers with them.
He breathes heavily and watches your lips.
You bring his hands under your oversized T shirt and take in a sharp breath when you feel his cold fingers on the sensitive skin below your breasts.
Jaehyun doesn’t know if he’s lightheaded from the blood loss or the fact that he’s finally touching you.
You still hold his hands, bringing them to your breasts and moaning once you feel his large, calloused and bruised hands on you.
Your head falls back and Jaehyun immediately leans forward and lays sloppy kisses on your neck, his hands now kneading into your breasts and palming the hard tips.
Your hand reaches down to his jeans now, patting the bulge in them gently.
Jaehyun bucks into your hand on instinct and nips your neck. You cry out, but he then holds your throat, giving it a gentle squeeze.
Jaehyun nearly screams when you look down at him through your lashes. His tongues darts out over his swollen lips as he blinks rapidly. He wants to take you but the dealings of earlier have made him sweaty and dirty, and being a nasty man for you just isn’t what he wants. So he thinks of the perfect way to please you.
You’re about to question why he stopped, but then he smirks.
“Bathroom. Where’s your bathroom?”
Your hand flings against the light switch as your two bodies stumble into the bathroom.
Your lips are locked as Jaehyun takes and moans that you have for him. Your bodies are hot and needy, you’ve teased each other enough already and are both in need of release.
You and Jaehyun help each other strip down completely naked before getting into the shower.
Jaehyun presses you into the chilly wall of the shower, your shoulder blades feeling attacked instantly. But his luscious lips on yours make you forget the pain soon enough.
You squeeze some body wash onto your hands and coat Jaehyun’s body with it, slowly caressing his sculpted body while he groans. Your touch drives him crazy. “Fuck..” he mutters our as your hand runs over the silky skin of his pelvis, so close to his hard member, but not close enough.
The hot water decorates your bodies and only adds to the heat between the two of you. Soon the steam builds up in the bathroom and you are both taking deeper breaths between kisses.
Jaehyun returns the favor by rubbing you down with body wash all over, teasing you while watching you tremble with a smirk.
He kneels down and runs his hands up and down your thighs, slowly working their way inwards and up to your folds. His long fingers just barely touching against your bud. So close, but not close enough. You bite your lips and bring yourself closer to him but he chuckled.
“Mmm being teased isn’t nice, is it, baby?” He winks.
“If we stay any longer in this shower, you owe me half of the water bill.”
He stands up straight and chuckles. “You know me, baby, I always pay my dues.”
“Is that so? So how did you end up with those bruises, huh? You-“
Jaehyun shut you up with a kiss. Your eyes fluttered shut and you couldn’t help but smile.
He grabs your legs by the crook of the knees and wraps them around his waist before pulling away to look into your eyes. His playfulness has disappeared and you both swallow hard.
“Are you sure you want this...with me?” Jaehyun asks quietly.
You gulp and look at his neck tattoo, the one thing that constantly reminded you that he was no normal man. He wasn’t gonna be someone you could tell your parents or friends about. He wasn’t someone you could walk in the park with. He wasn’t someone you could walk down the aisle or raised kids with one day. No. He’s a gang leader. Someone that lived a life you didn’t understand. One that was just downright scary to you. And yet here he was, resting between your legs, ready to take you.
Jaehyun tried not to think too much about the doubt that he saw in your eyes when he asked if this was something that you wanted. But he knew you were conflicted. His reputation wasn’t great and you were scared, he had to understand that. You had reservations about him and unfortunately, he couldn’t promise to prove you or anyone else wrong. He couldn’t promise to be the long term partner you deserved.
Nonetheless, Jaehyun has showed you a side no one knew. He opened up to you and you opened up to him. You had more in common than you had ever expected.
You nodded.
“Fuck me, Jaehyun.” You whisper lowly.
Jaehyun smirks when the word falls out of your beautiful mouth, making him weak and even harder than he was before.
He pushes forward, teasing your entrance as he runs the tip along the folds, parting them every now and then.
You whimper, your mouth falling open as it feels incredible just to have some sort of friction against your needy pussy.
Jaehyun goes back to sucking your neck while one hand takes a fistful of hair.
His other hand pumps up and down his length as the sounds of your moans are muffled by the thunderous flow of water from the shower head.
“J-Jaehyun, please.”
Jaehyun places both hands on your thighs now, pushing into you slowly with his hard cock.
You gasp and hold onto his shoulders, your back riding up against the tiled wall as you pant.
Your heart feels like it’s stuck in your throat while Jaehyun stretches you out. He grunts and pulls back before pushing in slowly again.
“Fuck..you feel amazing.” Jaehyun’s member is comforted by your silky, tight walls closing around him with each push.
Your head falls back again and he watches your radiant skin sparkle with water drops that run down your neck and into the crevice if your breasts. It’s a beautiful sight for him and he never wants to forget it.
He then sucks hard into your neck as his speed increases. Your mouth stays open as you whimper and grip his shoulders, your nails digging into the skin.
When you looked at Jaehyun as he stares at your lips through low eyes, you feel butterflies in your stomach. His black hair plastered onto his forehead gave him a more gentle look, and his slightly parted lips were so kissable, you wanted to feel them everywhere.
But his dark eyes. Eyes of a wolf that watched his prey. You felt desired, wanted, special..
he groans as he gets closer, you can feel his dick twitch each time it enters you, and you know he is hesitant to go harder on you.
“It’s okay, Jaehyun.”
Jaehyun’s eyes widened. “A-are you sure?” He he snaps his hips into you hard as if to give you a teaser of what’s to come.
“Yes!” You cry out at the sudden feeling of him in the base of your stomach.
And so, he continues to push into your pussy harder. A mixture of your loud moans and his grunts filling the bathroom. The tip of his cock hit your depths as he pushed all the way in, leaving your legs weak as they widened more. Your spine tingled with pleasure.
Your back becomes numb as it rubs against the wall repeatedly, but you don’t mind. Jaehyun fills you up so satisfyingly and the way his skin presses against yours just adds to the erratic feeling you have inside. He breathes hard against your shoulder as his hips snap into yours.
Jaehyun puts a hand around your neck and looks into your eyes. You immediately nod before he kisses you, biting his lip as he pulls away.
He squeezes it while you moan, your close so Jaehyun rubs circles into your bud. You ignore the aching feeling in your trembling legs and shit your eyes tightly.
“Oh fuck, Jaehyun, yes..”
He grinds into you even harder and soon you feel yourself climax, you clench around him as his grip on your throat tightens.
You cry out his name as he continues to push into your throbbing and soaking flower, but he pulls out quickly.
“On your knees.” His tone is gravelly and surprisingly demanding for the first time this evening.
But you don’t hesitate to drop your knees for him and open your mouth.
“Can I?” He tilts his head and gives you a cocky expression because he already knows your answer.
You nod and without a second to spare, Jaehyun shoves himself into your throat, immediately hitting the back of it and making you gag, but you ignore the pain and hollow your cheeks.
The water hits your sore back as Jaehyun fucks into your mouth with his hand on the back of your head.
Tears run down your cheeks, but you feel yourself become increasingly wet every time he grunts or curses. Looking up at the tattooed man above you as he slowly loses it just makes you think of all the ways you’d love to have him ruin your insides, and even though you just came, you want more.
Jaehyun can’t get enough of your wet and wide eyes. You looks so innocent and pure, yet so nasty for him as spit runs down your chin. He pushes in faster and you him to push him along.
“Oh, fuck...Swallow.” He demands once again before shooting out strings of white onto the surface of your throat. He releases everything into you then pulls out while breathing heavily.
He helps you to your feet and uses a washcloth to clean the spit and cum from your chin.
He then cleans between your legs and watches you giggle as he purposefully tickles you.
He carries you off to your bed and lays you down while smiling softly.
“Did..you like that?” Jaehyun was surprised with himself, he normally didn’t care for a girl after fucking her. He’d send them in their way whether or not they were satisfied because only he mattered. But you. He wanted you to be satisfied, more than satisfied to be exact.
Your approval meant something to him and part of him hated that.
“Yes, I did. I’m always down for another round some time.” You gave him a wink and blushed.
“It’s funny because I wanted to ask you something..” Jaehyun looked away and onto the blanket that covered your body. He felt like he was back in middle school and about to ask his crush to the dance.
You had a feeling you knew what was coming.
“Will you-?” Jaehyun was interrupted by his phone. He cursed and took it out of his pocket, his soft demeanor shifting as his expression grew irritated.
“Give me one sec.” he looked away from your look of disappointment and left your bedroom.
You couldn’t hear what he said on the phone, but you knew that he looked angry when he saw the name on the caller id.
Jaehyun hung up and walked back into the room. He started to put on his clothes in silence while you clenched your blanket and watched.
“What’s wrong, Jaehyun?” You asked so softly, Jaehyun wanted to give in and cuddle with you all night. But he couldn’t, especially not after hearing what he just heard from his henchman. Someone from his rival gang had stalked and attacked the girlfriend of one of his gang member’s.
She survived but was hurt badly in the knife attack and it just served as a reminder to him of the kind of life he lived. He couldn’t live happily. He couldn’t love someone like you and put your life in danger just for his own benefit. He had to end things now before it got too late.
“Jaehyun..were you going to ask me to be your girlfriend?”
“Girlfriend? Listen..y/n..what we did..it was great but let’s be realistic..we would never last. We’re just too different.” Jaehyun couldn’t look at you when he said this. He was just so angry with himself. How could he get so emotionally involved? How could he fall in love so easily while knowing that nothing good could come of it?
“But Jaehyun..” you started but he grabbed his jacket and headed for the door.
“I..won’t be seeing you again, y/n. I regret ever meeting you.” His brows furrowed. How could he be so mean? He had to push you away, even if it meant saying cruel and untrue things.
Your eyes started to tear up. “W-What do you mean? What’s wrong?” You jumped off the bed and walked towards him, confused as to why his mood shifted and why he was acting like this.
But you were too late. He already slammed the door shut and headed down the hallway, pacing fast towards the elevator.
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kats-baku1999 ¡ 3 years
Love Language
Shoto has a hard time processing the jealousy he feels seeing you laying with someone else.
I don’t even want to call this angst, because it really isn’t but then again could be.
kiribaku is present in this fic because I love them
poorly written scenario I thought of when thinking about how badly I want this boy to hug me
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Todoroki was minding his business, and finishing up some last minute assignments. You hadn’t been answering his phone so his plans of having you come study, and cuddle with him, were thrown away. Which was fine, he had figured you just fell asleep in your own dorm. He couldn’t lie, it was going to be weird not holding you. Physical affection was not his strong suit, but you fell asleep in his arms once and now he couldn’t go back. Something about the way you seemed so peaceful, and felt safe enough to fall asleep next him, just warmed him more than his left side ever had.
His silent day dream was ruined by the sound of his door slamming open. He turned his head from his desk to see Bakugo standing in his doorway. Sure he always looked cranky, but right now he looked overly annoyed.
“Hey, Icyhot bastard, will you remove your girlfriend from my boyfriend’s arms?” Bakugo huffed, “Training kicked my ass and I would really just like to lay in his bed, but it’s hard to do when she’s passed out in my spot,”
Todoroki felt his heart freeze up a little bit. So the reason you weren’t answering him was because you were in Kirishima’s bed? Todoroki knew that Kirishima was your best friend, and he never minded it. Now though, every touch he had ever witnessed between the two was flashing through his head. As if he had just caught you doing something.. wrong? Had you been cheating on him with Kirishima this entire time? You were both so affectionate with one another, sometimes playing with each other’s hair in the common room, or holding hands as you walked to classes or training. He never once thought much else of it, after all, he didn’t think he had any reason to worry about your relationship. The two of you were at a good point with one another, he was learning how to communicate with you about his feelings. He was slowly becoming more comfortable with all kinds of affection.
“Did you, did you find them together?” Todoroki looked at Bakugo, his heart hanging on the line. Bakugo stared at him, annoyed and confused.
“Did you not hear me idiot?” Bakugo snapped, “Go get your girlfriend out of my boyfriend's bed!”
Todoroki stood up and rushed past Bakugo to Kirishima’s room. The door was slightly ajar, so he pushed it open. Sure enough, there you were. Laying against Kirishima, your arms wrapped around his waist, and legs entangled with his. Kirishima was just nonchalantly scrolling through his phone, before he looked up to see a literal steaming Todoroki standing above him. His eyes widened a little bit, shaking your shoulder quickly. Your eyes cracked open a little bit, shifting around before looking up at your boyfriend. A soft smile spread across your lips, but before you could greet him, you processed the pissed off look across his face.. Like year one Todoroki.
“Let’s go.” His voice was cold, and sent a chill up both yours and Kirishima’s spine. You sat up and grabbed your phone off of Kirishima’s bedside table, and gave him a small wave. Todoroki pushed past Bakugo who stood in the doorway, who would’ve blasted his head off for doing so if it weren’t for the fact you looked worried enough as it was. You gave a small wave to Bakugo, who watched you both walk back down the hallway, Kirishima joining him in worrying about what was happening.
You followed Todoroki to his dorm, feeling small when you stepped inside and closed the door behind you. Trying to think in your head about what you could have possibly done to make him so upset? Everything was fine when you left classes earlier, sure you were supposed to come over once you were done hanging out with Kiri, but you accidentally fell asleep halfway through the talk you two were having.
“Sho?” You mumbled, stepping forward to grab his hand but having it ripped away from your touch.
“I think you can just collect your things now and leave,” Todoroki glared at you, walking over to his dresser. He gathered up the spare clothes that you had left in his dorm, in case you fell asleep there. Throwing them on the ground in front of you, tears started pricking your eyes as you watched him pace over to your desk, your forgotten notebook and textbook tossed on top of the pile.
“Shoto, what is happening?” You whimpered, not even bothering to wipe the tears that were coming down your face. His head snapped up, and focused his eyes on you. He felt his heart clench at the sight of you looking so confused, and broken.
“You knew how hard relationships were for me, how hard I was trying to be good for you, and yet you still go and do this?” His voice was still low and cold, “And with Kirishima of all people, isn’t Bakugo one of your best friends?!”
“What are you talking about, I am so confused right now Shoto, you’re not making any sense!” You finally yelled, frustrated out of your mind.
“You’ve been cheating on me!” Todoroki yelled over you, “I never paid any mind to how you two were with one another, just writing it off as close friends, but this crosses so many lines,”
“Todoroki I would never do that to you, or to Bakugo?!” Your mouth was hanging open, completely taken back by the accusations, “And with Kirishima of all people?!”
“You were in his bed, alone, wrapped around one another?!” Todoroki yelled louder this time, finally gaining the attention of your classmates.
“It’s Kirishima, Todoroki, not some random guy?!” You laughed dryly, finally growing frustrated, “I fell asleep, on accident, and he was holding me, as he always does!”
“But Bakugo he-”
“Bakugo is an overdramatic crybaby, who loves cuddling with his boyfriend, so he was probably pissed when he couldn’t do so right away because I was in there!” Your hands were shaking as you bent over to gather your things in your hands, your face hot with anger and damp with the tears that were spilling out, “News flash Todoroki, I don’t have the right facilities for Kirishima do be interested in me, because he likes men,”
Todoroki’s anger, jealousy, that had been fogging his mind cleared out. Watching anxiously as you held all of your things and began backing towards the door. Thinking about how stupid he probably sounds now, considering he knew Bakugo and Kirishima were practically attached at the hip. Already making plans to be married within five years after they were done at UA. Plus Kirishima was nothing but kind to Todoroki, so why would he possibly do something like this to him?
“For the love of, do you know why Kirishima and I are like that with one another?” Your voice was quieter, “Because it’s how we both show love, it’s a love language for both of us to be physically affectionate, so it’s hard when your boyfriend can barely hold your hand some days and all you want is for someone to hold you and tell you you’re okay,”
“(Y/n),” Todoroki was beginning to feel guilt wash over him where he stood, “Wait please love don’t go,”
You ignored his words and swung open the door anyways. Revealing an angry looking Kirishima, who grabbed the things out of your hands. Todoroki stepped forward to grab your hand and pull you back. Earning looks from the red haired boy and his significant other. Todoroki grabbed your waist and spun you around.
“Please, (Y/n), I’m sorry, I don’t know why my mind went there, but just seeing you look so peaceful against him snapped something inside of me,” Todoroki mumbled, his eyes starting to prick with tears too, “I was jealous, because after the other night I thought you sleeping like that with someone was reserved for you and I,”
“Shoto, you call me Shoto,” The words were practically a whimper as they left his mouth, panic clear across his face, “You're the love of my life, so you call me Shoto, or Sho, or love, or-”
“Hey, hey calm down,” Your annoyance was starting to fade as you watched the tears start falling out of his eyes, you had only seen him cry one other time.. So the fact he was allowing himself this moment knowing your class was standing in his doorway at this point.
“Please don’t leave, please, I won’t do that again, I didn’t even mean to do that, I know Kirishima loves Bakugo, and you love me,” Todoroki’s eyes scanned over your face, as you reached up to keep wiping the tears off his face, “You love me, right?”
“Yeah, yes of course I do,” You smiled up at him, and turned around to your class, “Can you guys give us a little bit?”
Kirishima nodded and both he and Bakugo ushered everyone backwards. Closing the door behind them both. You walked Shoto over to his bed, where he sat down but kept his arms wrapped around your waist even though you were standing up. His face pressed against your stomach as tears kept streaming out of his eyes. Your fingers ran through his hair, scratching his scalp.
“I’m so sorry,” He mumbled, pulling back to look up at you, tears still brimming in his eyes, “I don’t know what happened, I just felt sick to my stomach and then just angry,”
“Jealous, Sho, you were jealous,” You smiled, holding his face in your hands, you leaned down and kissed his cheek to catch a tear, “Which is a completely normal feeling, but you have to handle that jealousy better, and next time you feel like that just talk to me, not throw my things at me,”
“I am so-”
“Don’t say sorry Shoto,” You cut him off, before having to pry your way out of his arms, to climb onto his bed. You sat against your pillows, and held your arms out again, he crawled on top of you reluctantly laying his head against your chest, “You’re allowed to feel things, but I meant what I said when I let Kirishima be affectionate with me because moments like this with us are far and few between,”
“What if I promise to be even more physically affectionate for your love language?” You nodded letting him know he was correct, “If you promise to only let me be the one to hold you while you fall asleep?”
He sounded like a child almost, trying to negotiate how to get a later bedtime. It brought a smile to your lips, before a giggle escaped. He picked his head up to look at you, his eyes slightly red and swollen from crying. His chin rested against your chest as his eyes scanned your face, waiting for your answer.
“I don’t want you to feel like you weren’t doing a good job before, because you really were, and I just felt bad trying to push more,” You pushed a few hairs out of his eyes.
“Is that an answer to my request?” He was pouting, actually pouting. You grinned down at him, pulling his face closer to you to kiss his nose.
“I accept your request, and if anything makes you uncomfortable or jealous ever again, please tell me?” You counter requested, and he nodded.
Wiggling out of your arms, and disappearing out the door. You laid there for a bit, before he came back into the room with your things, and a terrified look on his face.
“Are you okay?” You laughed a little bit, looking at him with a large grin.
“Kirishima is terrifying when he is protective over you,” He shuddered, causing a small laugh to escape your mouth, “He made sure to remind me that you two were like brother and sister.”
Todoroki quietly refolded your clothes, before reaching into the drawer to put them back. He grabbed one of his sweaters in the process before walking over to you and motioning for you to scoot towards him. Carefully he removed your sweatshirt, revealing a tank top underneath, before sliding the knitted sweater over your head. He also handed you a pair of his sweatpants.
Respectfully turning around so you could change into them, earning a flick when he tried to be cheeky and sneak a peek at you as you changed. Grinning when he caught sight of the grey underwear, that had cute little lace on the top of it. He took his turn getting changed, not minding if you saw him. Sliding into another pair of sweats, but not bothering to put on the shirt. He chuckled to himself as he watched your eyes frail up and down torso, noting how they lingered just a bit longer on the happy trail right below his belly button.
Todoroki crawled into the bed again, before pulling you into his chest. One arm tucked beneath you, absentmindedly playing with your hair as you tucked yourself further into him, the other one rubbing your cheek with his thumb. Before holding your chin and pulling your face closer to his. His lips ghosted over yours for a second, before planting a gentle kiss against your lips. Todoroki’s grip against you pulled you even closer into him. As he put a little more force into the kiss. Eventually swiping his tongue against your bottom lip, you gladly deepened the kiss, your hands making their way to pull on the two colored locks. A moan vibrated against your lips at the action, which caused both of you to break apart for a second, finally needing to catch a breath.
“Can you promise to never do that with anybody else either?” Todoroki whispered, his breath a little uneven as he tried to regain his composure.
“I swear to you, you’re the only one who will ever get to experience that.”
You both smiled at one another, before pulling even closer to one another. Fingers tracing patterns on the other gently, without care. Enjoying the moment for what felt like forever, before you finally felt your eyes grow heavier. Before you fell asleep though, you took notice of how relaxed and calm Todoroki felt now, as a few gentle snores left his mouth.
“I love you, Shoto.” You whispered before finally letting sleep take over your body.
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tpwkjerii ¡ 3 years
strawberry kisses
you and felix have a longstanding tradition of baking the day after finals. usually, it’s the best method of relaxing after long hours of studying. unfortunately, you find yourself rather tense this time — after all, it’s always fun to spend an entire day in a cramped kitchen with your crush, isn’t it?
pairing: lee felix x reader
warnings: fluff and kissing, mild angst, reader likes strawberries (sorry if you’re allergic skdlsd), ex boyfriend (but supportive bestie) minho, reader has low self confidence :(, like two curse words, kisses!!
genre: friends to lovers au, kinda idiots to lovers, mutual pining
word count: 2.9k+
a/n: short fic for Felix hehe
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Your eyes glazed over as you reviewed the last response of your final exam of the term. After two long hours of plugging equations you hardly understood into your nearly-dead calculator and speed-writing to the point where you’re sure you’ve bruised your dominant hand, you finally finished. At lightning speed, you gathered your exam papers and submitted them at the front with a quick prayer to the universe.
A few other students followed your rushed pace out of the large lecture hall, all of you eager to finally get out of the stuffy room.
As you stepped out of the packed hall and into the cooling outdoors, you checked your phone, which was filled with texts from the one person you were trying desperately to get out of your head (and miserably failing at that).
felix (strawberry head) <3
5:23 PM
did you finish your chem final ???
hyunjin and i just submitted our video for our dance performance
your editing was very good btw :D
5:35 PM
y/nnnnn you’re taking forever :(
we’re waiting at the quad for you !!
5:40 PM
*i am waiting at the quad for you
the others got too hungry and left, but i’m waiting for you!
pls hurry it’s cold :[
You bit back a laugh at his texts, his heartwarming tone filling you with a familiar fuzzy feeling. You pushed the feeling aside as you texted a reply.
5:43 PM
be there in 2 :D
You stifled a smile as you rushed towards the quad. Soon enough, you saw Felix and his bright, red-dyed hair (you first noted that it closely resembled a strawberry). The moment your eyes met his, you felt your heart skip a beat and heat spread across your face. This was the common reaction you’ve had for the past few months whenever you see Felix.
He rushed over to you with a giddy smile and his arms outstretched. Quickly, he barrelled into you and pulled you into a tight embrace.
“You took so long,” he whined, his chest vibrating as he spoke.
“I know, I know. ‘M sorry,” you responded, your voice slightly muffled by his shirt. You took a second to enjoy his hold and the comforting warmth that Felix always provided you whenever he was near. Over the past few years, you’ve grown accustomed to the scent of his sweet floral perfume, the feeling of his tight hugs, and the way he played with your fingers when he was bored.
All the things you were fond of were now extreme nuisances in your life. Not because they were annoying or because you disliked Felix, but rather the complete opposite; you were completely, helplessly, and foolishly in love with him.
“You ready to go?” Felix asked suddenly, breaking you out of your thoughts. He brought his arms down from around you, and you looked down at the ground as you nodded, hoping that he didn’t see the intense blush that was spreading from your face to your neck.
You are so fucked for tomorrow.
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After an entire night of tossing and turning in anxiety, the next day finally arrived. To say you were nervous was a massive understatement.
The minute you woke up, you began to anxiously clean your apartment while your roommate Ryujin laughed at you. As you wiped down every visible crevice, she made sure to pester you about a “missed spot” or tempt you with sweets.
“You’ve never cleaned this much whenever Felix came over before,” she pointed out with a laugh while you wiped down the kitchen counters for the fourth time.
“What do you mean?” you asked, your voice uncharacteristically high-pitched.
Ryujin scoffed. “It is so obvious that you like Felix, there’s no point in lying to me,” she stated bluntly.
Your hand froze mid-wipe on the counter. You looked over at your blue-haired roommate nervously. “Is it really… that obvious?”
“Yes,” she deadpanned.
You winced and dropped your head onto the smooth stone countertop. “Do you think he’s noticed?” you moaned into your arms.
“If he hasn’t, I will personally pay for his glasses prescription.”
You whined again as you lifted your head up to look directly at Ryujin. “If he’s noticed then why hasn’t he said anything?”
She stood up as she answered, “Not sure but you could always ask him today.”
Your mouth dropped in horror at the suggestion. “I can’t tell him how I feel! That would completely ruin our friendship!”
“So you’d rather continue tip-toeing around him and never get a clear answer?” she questioned, her arms crossed.
Ryujin sighed and started to collect her things. “You can do whatever you want,” she started as she placed her papers in her backpack, “but I recommend you tell him soon.” She stood up and headed for the door. Just before opening it and leaving you alone with your thoughts until Felix arrived, she turned around and said, “I won’t be home until late, have fun.” With that, she winked and walked out of your shared apartment.
You scoffed at her suggestive tone and stood upright to check the time.
10:08 AM
You gasped. Felix said he was going to arrive at 10:30, but knowing him he would be at least 15 minutes early, meaning you only had 7 minutes to get yourself together!
You cursed and rushed to your bedroom. Switching out of your wrinkled pajamas, you opted for a random hoodie you grabbed out of your closet and jeans. After you changed, you made a beeline for the bathroom and fixed your appearance. You quickly brushed through your hair and washed your face, hoping you removed all remnants of your restless sleep.
Just as you predicted, you heard four distinctive knocks on your front door right at 10:15.
“Coming!” you exclaimed as you rushed out of your bathroom.
Right before you opened the front door, you placed a hand on your beating heart and mumbled words of encouragement to yourself. Then, after deciding that you were probably taking too long, you pulled the door open.
Immediately, Felix, covered in a large hoodie and arms filled with large bags of baking ingredients, greeted you with a large grin. Like every other time, you felt your heart skip a beat when you made eye contact with him.
“Hi,” you said simply, a smile on your face.
“Hi,” he responded. He looked you up and down, asking, “Are you wearing my hoodie?” 
You paled and looked down at the large pink hoodie, immediately recognizing it as the one that Felix lent you almost one year ago when he dropped you off at the airport since you forgot yours in the car. Once you got back from your trip, you’d forgotten to give it back to him.
“O-oh,” you stuttered, looking down at the oversized sleeves. “I didn’t even realize,” you continued awkwardly. “You can ha -”
“It’s fine,” he cut you off, the smile never leaving his face. He shrugged. “You look better in it anyways.”
Your mouth dropped and you found yourself unable to respond for a few moments. Felix laughed at your dumbfoundedness and gently pushed you aside to walk into the apartment. Once he set the bags down on the kitchen counters, you returned to your senses and closed the door to walk over to him.
“So, what are we making today?” you asked, trying to keep your voice as level as possible. It wasn’t an easy task to do, considering his proximity to you.
You held your breath as he grabbed your hands and looked into your eyes. “What’s your favorite fruit?” he asked excitedly.
“Er, strawberries?” you answered, tilting your head to the side in mild confusion.
At that, Felix let go of your hands and quickly pulled out a carton of fresh strawberries from one of the bags. You gasped in delight at the sight of the bright fruit and immediately thanked him.
“It’s no big deal,” he responded while sliding the fruits into the fridge. “I’m gonna eat most of the tarts and choco strawberries anyways,” he added with a sneaky laugh.
You scoffed. “You always say that but you always end up giving me the most.” You smirked at him while taking out the baking materials.
“I don’t give it to you,” he countered. “You steal them.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night,” you told him with a sing-song tone. He laughed from your side, and you swore that you heard actual sparkles, as if he were a fairy, when he did.
You cleared your throat, hoping to rid your mind of distracting thoughts that could be potential problems during the next seven hours that Felix would be at your apartment. “So, master chef Felix,” you started, lowering your voice like a TV show announcer. “What are you going to do first?”
“Well, my fair announcer,” he began, holding up the silicon whisk like a microphone. “I think we should start with preparing the shortbread dough, what about you?”
“Ah, you are the chef. Lead the way,” you responded with a wide smile.
You both laughed together and actually began the baking. Like usual, Felix did most of the work while you played music and assisted from the side. You worked together seamlessly, and soon enough the shortbread cookies were done and strawberry jam cooling to the side.
While you taste-tested the jam, Felix began to whisk the melted chocolate, and you took this time to admire him. You stood at his side, allowing you to admire his side profile.
Felix was easily one of the most beautiful individuals you ever laid your eyes on. But his appearance wasn’t the only part you fell for — he was one of the few people whose inside beauty matched their outside beauty.
Felix was kind, funny, optimistic, and just about every positive adjective you could find in a dictionary. After every failed test, he was there with a cup of strawberry ice cream and a shoulder to cry on. When you landed your first job, he was there to celebrate with you even when your own family wasn’t. And when you and Minho mutually broke up, he was there to give you advice as you coped with the end of your first relationship.
How could you not fall for him?
And sometimes you had the feeling that he liked you back. The touches that would linger for just a few seconds too long, the soft smiles that Chan claimed he only ever gave to you, and his late-night texts all spurned a tiny hopeful fire in you that kept your crush alive.
No matter how many times you tried to get over him and convince yourself that your crush didn’t exist, the tiny voice in your head still spoke. “But what if he likes you back?”
Now, as Felix stood by your side with a soft smile on his face while he whisked the chocolate, that voice screamed louder than ever.
And just as you gained a sliver of courage, the same paralyzing thoughts that have held you back for the past few months returned.
Felix was out of your league in every way. He was social and easily commanded the attention of an entire room with so much as two words. His outward beauty matched his insides, and everyone on campus reached a collective agreement that if angels ever existed and walked among us — Lee Felix was certainly one of them.
And those things were only the tip of the iceberg that is Felix. He was talented, sensitive, supportive, passionate, and everything you could ever ask for and then some.
You then thought back to all the people he rejected - kindly, of course - and how you matched up to them. If Felix didn’t choose to go out with all those beautiful and talented people, what on Earth made you think you would choose you?
At this point, Felix picked up on your sudden silence and how your breaths grew heavy and uneven.
“Are you… alright?” he asked carefully, his own chest beating heavily.
You stared at him, panicked that he caught onto your apprehension. “Um…” you started, trailing off as you met his gaze.
Felix let go of the whisk and grabbed your hands. “You can say whatever you need to.”
“I uh,” you started after a few moments, internally battling yourself to gain courage as you realized that it’s now or never. “I kinda like you,” you admitted quietly, looking down at your intertwined hands anxiously. You waited for him to pull his hand away in disgust and start to kindly reject you like he did to all those other people, but it never came. After a few seconds, his hands still the entire time, you looked up at him with glassy eyes in confusion.
“What?” he finally said, his deep voice softer than ever.
You looked back down at your hands shamefully. “Do I really have to repeat it?” you asked weakly. “I like you, Felix. I have for the past few months and it’s been driving me insane because it feels like my heart’s about to stop dead whenever I see you and I can never think straight when you’re with me. Apparently, it’s been pretty obvious and I really tried my best to get over it so it wouldn’t hurt our friendship.
“Trust me, I really wanted to get over it but I couldn’t, and I know you don’t like me back so it’s ok. I can deal with it on my own and you can just leave a -”
“Y/N,” Felix said suddenly, his voice firm. You looked up, tears rolling down your face as you were sure that he was about to reject you.
“Felix please don’t interrupt me. At least let me finish what I have to say,” you pleaded softly, removing your hands from his.
“Y/N,” he repeated, his voice much gentler. He carefully wiped the tears from your face and took your hands into his again. “Can I say something before you finish?” he requested.
You choked back a sob as you nodded, certain that he was just going to let you down kindly.
“I like you too, Y/N,” he said shyly, a blush spreading across his freckled face.
Your entire body froze.
“I was too scared to admit it because I didn’t think you liked me back,” he continued, the words slowly registering in your mind. “To be honest, I thought you still liked Minho.”
You blushed at his words, thinking back to all the times you would pull Minho, your ex-boyfriend, to the side to talk about Felix these past few months. You didn’t realize how it must have looked to Felix or your other friends.
“I was also… afraid of ruining our friendship, so I’ve just kept it to myself the past two years.”
You gaped at him. “Two years?” you sputtered, causing him to laugh at the way your eyes widened comically. “That’s when we first started uni!”
He shrugged. “What can I say? I was instantly attracted to the way you fought Chan on why you should be allowed to keep the minifridge in your dorm,” he joked.
You blushed at the embarrassing memory, although it wasn’t completely regrettable as it was how you met most of your current friends — including Felix.
“I’m surprised,” you voiced simply. “I didn’t think you would ever like me back.” You breathed out, your muscles relaxing instantly.
Felix grinned again and he moved slowly to envelop you in his arms. He rested his hands on the small of your back and his head on the crook of your shoulder.
“Does this mean that I can take you out on a date?” he whispered.
“Will you promise to stop taking unflattering pictures of me and sending them to me in the middle of the night?” you asked, your head resting against his and arms around him.
He sighed. “Fine,” he answered reluctantly with a whine.
“Then sure,” you responded and pulled your head back to meet his eyes. His eyes shined from the sunlight pouring through the windows and his freckles glimmered like stars across a canvas. Felix was truly beautiful inside and out.
“You have some strawberry jam on your lip,” he said after a few silent moments where you both admired each other.
“Really?” you asked. Your hand moved from his back towards your face, but Felix caught your hand in midair and returned it to its original position.
“I’ll get it,” he murmured with a gentle smile before closing the distance between your lips.
You held your breath as he pressed his soft lips against yours. You instantly recognized the strawberry chapstick he uses and the taste of the shortbread cookies. He swiped his tongue against the corner of your lip, and the sudden sensation caused a shiver to run down your spine.
You brought your hand up to his hair and gently tugged at his dyed locks. Felix brought you closer to him and massaged your back as he deepened the kiss.
When you finally pulled away, your face was burning red and you were completely breathless. Felix was smiling giddily, his arms still around yours.
“I think there’s still some jam left,” he told you, not even giving you a second to respond before he pressed his lips against yours once again. This kiss was much more playful than the last as you giggled against each other in the kiss.
“Did you get it all?” you asked him, your voice reduced to a murmur as he continued kissing your lips.
He hummed, kissing you once and twice in between, before responding, “I don’t think so.”
You laughed against his lips. “Well, I guess you better get it all. I can’t have strawberries stuck on my lips all day.”
He laughed with you, and true to his words, he eventually did get all the strawberry jam off (an extra two hours and an uncountable amount of kisses later).
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suchalonelysunflower ¡ 3 years
You Said Forever (c.h)
Pairing: Calum Hood x Reader
Requested: Yes!
Summary: Based on the song “Driver’s License” by Olivia Rodrigo. You did everything you could to get over him, you talked to friends, went on long drives and even wrote him a song. Why cant you just let him go?
Warnings: Angst. Language. Mentions of alcohol. Some grammar mistakes? (English is not my first language, I’m sorry)
Word count: 6.7 k
Author’s Note: I’m so excited someone requested this! I highly recommend listening to the song before you read, references are in the text and dialogs. Please remember that Reblogs, Coments, Feedback and Likes are more than welcome and encouraged! You don’t know how much they help me 💕 Hope you like it and Happy reading 🦋
Fic of the week // My Materialist // wanna be part of my tag list?
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@rime-warrior : Hey love! Has anyone requested an imagine for Calum based on the song “Drivers license” by Olivia Rodrigo yet? I think you’re the only one who would be able to do it any justice 😭💕
“I still see your face in the white cars, front yards
Can't drive past the places we used to go to
'Cause I still fucking love you, babe”
You could hear the doorbell ring over the thunderous storm raging outside. It was late, probably closer to midnight than you imagined. Who could possibly be outside right now? especially in this kind of weather?
After four consecutive rings, you decided to get up from your spot on the bed and walk up to the door. It must be something very important for someone to startle you that way.
Once you got closer to the door you could also distinguish some strong bangs coming from the other side accompanied by the endless ringing “Okay, okay! I’m coming!” You called, but whoever was standing opposite to you mustn’t have heard you as they continued to disrupt the peace of a stormy night.
A shiver ran down your spine before you could reach the doorknob, almost like the ghost of a feeling, a warning for you not to open the door. Despite your common sense, you decided to open the door, already being too late to go back.
He was standing in front of you, completely drenched from head to toes. His breathing was uneven, almost like he ran all the way over here, but his eyes were set on yours, unmoving as you both tried to take each other in.
“Calum-what is?-” Your words got stuck in your mouth as he pushed himself forward, grabbing your face delicately as he clashed his lips with yours.
You felt yourself melt into the kiss, making it everything you ever wished for. You wrapped your arms around his neck and deepened the kiss as you brought him closer to you. He was here, he was finally here with you. It all feels like a dream.
Your alarm clock marked 6 AM when you jumped from your dreams into reality. You should’ve known, everything was too good to be true.
You brought one hand to your face, trying to wipe away the tiredness of your eyes, but you found your cheeks were humid due to tears you didn’t even know you shed through the night, damping your pillow sheets once again.
It was always the same dream: Calum coming back to you. Night after night your mind drifted to another reality where you’d meet again, sometimes it was at a concert, other at the local café of your neighborhood that you used to love so much, but tonight was the first night where he appeared at your house. Which was funny considering that he hasn’t stepped foot in this place for almost a year.
You pushed your thoughts away as you tried to go back to sleep. And you did try, but the tossing and turning made you restless, you cursed your mind as the only thing you could see when you closed your eyes was Calum, standing at your door and asking for a kind of forgiveness you weren’t sure you could give. Although, who were you kidding?
Checking the clock once again you realized it was 20 past 6, still too early to go back to real life, but not too early to start and try to live a little.
Pushing yourself off the bed, you grabbed a big hoodie and some pair of sweatpants before putting on your running shoes and hopping into the bathroom to brush your teeth and clean your face before grabbing your keys and getting out of the house.
You sat on the driver’s seat, just like you did a thousand times, taking a big breath before starting the engine.
“You do know you have a perfectly good car in your driveway, right?”
You smiled at him and greeted him with a hug and a kiss as you climbed into the passenger's seat.
It was your usual morning routine. Ever since you met and he found out you lived nearby the studio he always volunteered to carpool with you. Since then, your mornings were filled with hugs, good coffee and stolen kisses you gave each other as the road to the studio became longer and longer thanks to all the detours you took.
“Hello, Calum. I’m very good, thank you for asking, how are you?”
Calum rolled his eyes and gave you a little peck on your lips “I would’ve been on time if I hadn’t had to pick your ass from the other side of town”
You lightly punched him in the arm “You know you love me” He smiled.
“That I do, darling. But I would love you more if you drove us from time to time”
“You know I don’t have a car!” Calum turned to you and pointed to the classic mustang sitting in front of your house, raising his eyebrows as if to ask if you were stupid “That’s my dad’s car!”
“That he kindly gave to you when he helped you move to LA so you could pursue your dream of becoming the next new sensation of music,” He said mocking a dreamy voice to try imitating you “He said it was yours, so it's yours! And honestly, it’s a pretty cool car if you ask me. A real chick magnet”
You mocked a gag at his old reference of movies from the 50’s “Sexist much?” You both laughed as he started the car and started driving “Anyways, he only gave me the car because mom was threatening to sell it on eBay if he didn’t get rid of it soon enough, so he could still come and get it whenever he wants to” You shrugged.
Calum started sniffing the air, “What?” You asked, sniffing as well in case there was something wrong.
“Do you smell that?” He asked with a concerned face.
“Smell what?”
He leaned closer to you and sniffed harder before whispering “The bullshit”
You scoffed and pushed him back “Haha very funny”
You waited until he stopped laughing, you never told him the truth, well two truths actually.
One: That you enjoyed the drives you had with him, it was a special time for the two of you to be yourselves without anyone to judge. You would laugh, sing, talk for hours as you sat in traffic under the city lights. It was the little moments that matter for the two of you, these were your little moments and you didn’t want to give them up just yet.
It was not easy being in a “relationship” that no one knew about, not even his bandmates, although you knew they were suspecting something. All the sneaking away while amid a recording session, hanging out in each other’s rooms, how adamant he was to carpool with you every day, even when he didn’t need to go to the studio… It was an easy tell, but it was also your private life.
You told yourself that it was for the best, that you shouldn’t mix work and personal life, especially when your personal life included Calum. He was adamant to keep whatever you had out of the public eye “What we have is good” He said, “Why ruin it with labels?” And you agreed, knowing that making everything official could just mess everything up. Calum was your best friend, after all, you would be damn if you lose him.
And for the second truth:
“I don’t know how to drive”
Just in time, the traffic light turned red. Calum turned to you in disbelief “Bluff” You shook your head, not looking at him just yet “Bluff! That can’t be right! Y/N how old are you?”
You shrugged again “I never needed to! I always enjoyed walking plus,” You said nudging your arm on Calum’s “I have the best driver right here!” You pecked his cheek with a kiss and saw how quickly they blushed, making you celebrate this tiny victory inside your head. You loved making him blush, it gave you some kind of security that he felt the same way.
Calum stared at you for a moment too long, making you self-conscious under his eyes. You could tell the gears were running inside his head “What if I teach you how to drive?”
You chuckled “Now I call your bluff”
“I’m serious!” He said, not taking his eyes from you “We have time before the tour starts, and that way you could drive us somewhere for once! You know? Picking me out and going on a date?”
Your eyes were set on him with an alarming tone, a what now? Was he serious? “You would do that for me?” You asked shyly, not wanting to fall into another of his pranks, but he seemed serious enough.
“Of course!” He said with a chuckle that accentuated all his dimples “Let’s get you your driver’s license, Y/N!”
Calum grabbed your hand and intertwined it with his, shaking it as a victory celebration and then placing a kiss on your knuckles. You laughed and reminded him where you were “Eyes on the road, Hood” even though the light was still red, you would rather him not noticing the red that tinted your cheeks and the loud beating of your heart.
You saw how the sun was starting to illuminate the coast as you drove by. Everything was so quiet this early in the morning and you were thankful, you needed this quiet so you could be alone with your thoughts once again. And, just like every day, that just meant you were thinking of Calum.
Could you blame him? Possibly, your friends said you should. But could you live with yourself knowing that you are holding a grudge towards someone who is probably unaware of it? Not in the slightest.
You were never official, not to the public at least, but in your heart, you knew he was the only one who could make you feel like this. He was the only one capable of making you laugh as hard as you did, cry the way that you did, and enjoy yourself to the fullest. You were your best when you were with him and now… How are you now?
Would he care?
You knew he loved you, he said so himself. The only thing you didn’t know was in what way. Did he love you like a lover? or just like a friend who he’d get to kiss and make love to from time to time?
The lump in your throat became stronger as you remember the last moments you had with him and all the promises he couldn’t keep. You tried to distract yourself, crying behind the wheel could be dangerous and you weren’t going to risk your life for him, not yet at least.
You turned on the radio in hopes that it would call your mind, at this point even the commercials would make you feel better if they made you think about anything but him.
“And now, Laurie. We have the hottest single of the year!” Said the radio host with the most cheerful tone a person could mutter this early “This up-and-coming artist debuted this single almost a month ago and it is still top of the charts in almost 34 countries all over the world!”
Now the lump in your throat came back but this time with a knot on your stomach as well. The first time you heard the song play on the radio you felt excited, after all this is why you came to LA in the first place. Yet the feeling became bittersweet in no time.
“My girls, boys, and non-binary folks; if you are in your car right now get ready to sing this at the top of your lungs with all the feelings you could muster and send a fuck you to your ex. This is ‘Driver’s License’ by Y/N L/N”
“I got my driver’s license last week, just like we always -”
You turned off the music and kept driving in silence.
You knew it was a bad idea to release the song you wrote about him. Maybe it was a petty move on your part, but… didn’t you have the right to be petty this time?
Either way is not like people would realize it was about him. It was your little secret, yours and Calum’s if he ever heard it, although you believe that if he did then he would’ve said something to you by now. Yet his silence was similar to the one in your car; deafening and heartbreaking.
“I don’t know Calum,” You said as you stared at your car parked in front of you “Is it safe to do it here?”
Calum was leaning on top of the hood, rolling his eyes at your indecision “Would you rather do it on the PCA?” You shot your eyes at him with a deathly glare, he just chuckled “I promise is okay, this parking lot is big enough and there are no cars left that you could accidentally hit”
You were both standing in the middle of the studio’s parking lot late at night. Calum insisted that this was the day you learned how to drive, so he spent the night at your place and today he drove you in your car, that way there would be no excuses left for you not to do it.
However, you were still hesitant. This was technically your father’s car, his other baby, and if you ever crash it you wouldn't know what you’ll do. Calum noticed your doubt and took a step closer to you, grabbing your hand in his to give you some sort of encouragement.
“Look, babe. It’s okay if you don’t want to do it. I won’t pressure you” He said softly “I just thought this could be fun for the both of us” He smiled “Fun and educational for that matter. But if you’re not ready then we can go home and-”
“I want to do it, Cal,” You said, “I just- I don’t know where to even begin!”
He chuckled and placed a kiss on your forehead, making all the butterflies in your stomach take flight.
“Tell you what,” Calum said confidently “You get behind the wheel and I’ll put us some inspirational music”
He walked back to the car to connect his phone to the speakers “You better put my song first!” You called after him as you walked towards the driver’s seat.
Calum laughed “God, I should’ve never told you that! Now your ego’s off the damn roof!” Soon enough he sat on the passenger’s seat next to you and buckled up.
“Not my fault that you think of me so often you want to put it into song” You teased, leaning in for a kiss that Calum was happy to oblige.
“Yes,” He said mid-kiss “It is completly your fault” Next thing you know ‘Kill My Time’ was playing on the radio, but Calum was not letting go of you just yet.
You wished this moment last forever, you wished every moment with Calum would last forever, but you both needed to breathe at some point “I wish I could kiss you all day long, I swear I could die on your lips and die happy” You said as you pressed your forehead to his, smiling like a fool in love.
“Soon, love,” Calum said as he crashed his lips against yours “Just wait until tour is over and then we’ll have forever to do just that”
You grinned at his words, a few days ago he promised to make your relationship publicly official once he came back from tour, that way you’ll have more time together as a fairly new couple. If he was willing to take that step, then you were more than ready to follow along. You knew you’d give everything for him if you had to and you still won’t regret it. You love him, and that was enough for you.
“Think I’m ready to start,” You said once you pulled away from him for the last time.
Calum nodded and patted his hand on your thigh “Okay, first you have to turn on the engine. Good, then you check all your mirrors and make sure your gear shift is on position-”
“My what?” You asked.
“Your gear shift, you know? The stick in-”
“Oh, you mean the PRNDL? You said, trying your hardest to stay serious, but failing to do so once you saw Calum’s face.
“You couldn't go one day without your references now, could you?” He said in amusing disbelief that had you both laughing.
The lesson was fairly simple, it just consisted of going forwards and on reverse a few times and practicing some turns in circles around the parking lot, and you were proud to say you were getting the hang of it pretty quickly. Calum turned out to be a great instructor with the patience of a god, he never got mad at you or showed that he was scared - even though it was pretty clear that he was, especially when you turned too far and almost hit a lamp post - and you appreciate him for that.
It was almost 2 AM when you decided to call it quits for the day and start back tomorrow. Calum was now behind the wheel driving you to your house so he could pick up his car and drive home.
“Cal?” You said once he parked in your driveway.
“Yes, love?”
“I’m really happy with you” You shyly admitted.
Calum’s heart beamed with love as he pulled you closer for a goodnight kiss “And I’m really happy with you”
You kissed him one more time before jumping out of the car “See you tomorrow!” He called before you watched him drive away.
The sound of a horn woke you up from your daydream memory. You didn’t know the light had just turned green until the car behind you started pounding their button and cursing at you to move.
You watched the white car from the rearview mirror as you drove away, it looked like his, all the white cars did, but you knew he couldn’t be here just yet, not until the tour was done.
A sinking feeling of hopelessness filled your inner thoughts once again. The promises he made faded like the wind in the summer once he stepped on that plane and decided that you were something he had to leave behind. It would’ve been good to know beforehand, that way you wouldn’t have wasted a year by the phone, hoping it would ring and that he’d be on the other line.
You glanced at the car’s clock one more time, it’s already too late to do anything, you’ve been driving around without a destination for hours when it only felt like minutes. Time is something you learn how to lose when you’re alone, minutes become meaningless once you realize there is no one there to share them with you, but it’s late and it was time to head home. You let out a sigh at the realization that your drive-through therapy didn’t work this time.
Deciding to take the long way home, you started to drive through the lesser-known streets of LA, hoping that you’d get lost somewhere and not knowing if anyone would care.
The dreams of running away came flashing down, more of an idea than an afterthought. Yes, you made it in LA, you have a hit song and your dreams are coming true. Why didn’t that feel like enough?
If you were gone, even just for a little bit, would anybody notice? If you just got up in your car and started driving somewhere unknown until the feeling of loneliness faded away. Could you drive your feelings away? Outrun them somehow?
You knew that if Calum could do it then so could you. It was so easy for him to just leave whatever you had behind, to leave you behind and hope that you were okay somehow. If he thought that you were okay then he maybe didn’t know you at all and you are probably better off without him, just like your friends say all the time.
But were you better off without him?
Tears started piling up in the corner of your eyes once again. No, you were not better off without him even though you want to be. And neither you are better off with him, if he ever came back to you, that is.
You swallowed a sob, trying your hardest not to break down again. It was useless, all the tears and all the songs and all the fuck him an attitude that you could muster… What was it for if not to dwell on your pain even more? You are still hurt and he still did not care.
You took a turn on the left, knowing the way like the back of your hand. You knew this path would lead you home, but you also knew it would lead you to his house as well.
The first time you did this was to practice how to find your way to Calum’s home without getting lost. You knew he wasn’t home and he wouldn’t be for many many months, but you wanted to surprise him once he got there, to pick him up and drive him to that date he promised you once he returned. Now, you avoided that road like a plague unless you had days like this, days in which missing him became everything you did, and now passing through his empty house gave you the reality check you desperately needed: He is gone. It also inspired you to write the song, it was a blessing and a curse.
You turned into the familiar street and looked to your right, you counted the houses passing by one, two, three, four… Until you spotted his old porch. Normally, that’s all you did. You would drive through his street and see the house dark and cold as his owner was out of town. But today there was a white car on his driveway.
Your breath got caught in your throat as you recognized the license plate, immediately stepping on the breaks and making the car stopped abruptly in front of the house.
That is his car… But how? You knew that Calum kept his car in Ashton’s place so they could drive up together to the airport every time they had to leave. What is it doing here? Tour didn’t end until a week from today and-
The sudden movement coming from the house pulled you from every rational thought as the front door opened. You held your breath as the person who stole all your sleepless nights came into view.
He was home.
Calum stepped out of his house with a bright smile on his face. His hair was shorter than the last time you’ve seen it, and he was less tanned, a fact that was easily noticeable thanks to the contrast of his leather jacket on his skin. But his dimples were intact as he smiled at whoever was inside the house.
A small figure came behind him, wrapping her arms around his torso as she was laughing at something he said. Her blond hair was falling down her back so elegantly, and her smile was bright as day as she hugged him, you wouldn’t have noticed that in the photos. She looked happy, but what broke you the most is that he looked happy as well.
He was home, but he was home with her.
You knew something was going on, even if there wasn’t anything official from either of them. You weren’t official, too. But seeing them was all the proof you needed to believe it. Believe that it was actually over and neither of you said goodbye.
You bit the inside of your cheek as silent tears started rolling down your face. You wanted to scream, to cry your hearts out, and let the world fuck itself over and over again. But for the love that you had on yourself, you promised that you wouldn't dignify him by making a scene. He didn’t deserve it. He didn’t deserve to know you cared.
With that in mind, you wiped your tears and floored the gas pedal, driving away from the scene.
“Guess what?”
“I can legally drive on my own now :D!”
Read 19:05
“Oh, you must be at the concert now, my bad!”
“Let me know when we can FaceTime again! I can’t wait to tell you how it went! I’m so excited we can finally switch places and let me be the one in charge of the road, lol”
Read 23:54
“Is everything alright, Cal?”
Read 04:32
“I miss you”
Read July 19th 14:49
Last week you sent your last text to him and he still hadn’t responded yet. You tossed all night waiting for at least a smoke signal from him. He was gone for two months now and he never missed one of your calls, it was so unlike him, especially when he promised you to call every day he was on tour.
You tried to distract yourself by doing everything you could think of. You watched videos, listened to music, played candy crush over and over again, and still, there was no answer.
You were starting to give up when a notification from Twitter graced your screen, it read: “Calum Hood, bassist from the band 5 Seconds of Summer, seen cozying up with a mysterious girl in a nightclub two nights ago”
You blinked twice and reread the headline, hoping that your eyes were deceiving you.
“The Australian bassist seemed to be catching up with some friends and letting it all loose at a wild night here in London after their sold-out show in the O2 Arena.
Hood was wearing-”
You skipped all that unnecessary information, scrolling down to the bottom where you knew all media kept the real gossip. A bubble of anxiety started forming inside your throat, as your fingers moved over the screen. The atmosphere became heavy while you could hear your heart thundering inside your chest, every little beat it made was hurting you, almost like it was banging your ribcages begging to be set free.
Time stood still as you looked at the pictures, not wanting to believe your eyes as they analyzed every detail of it.
There he was, hugging a blond woman from behind and resting his face on her shoulders just like he used to do with you. Even from the picture, you could tell she was gorgeous. The next picture showed her wrapping her arms around his neck and smiling at him. He had his hands cupping her cheeks, his face denoted a serious expression, but the look in his eyes was fixed on her.
He kissed her in the third picture, his hands still cupping her cheeks. It seemed like he was smiling through the kiss.
The last picture had them sitting on some kind of leather sofa. She was sitting on his lap and his hands were wandering very close to her butt, holding her close to him.
“The fans of the band wasted no time on identifying the mysterious girl. She seems to be the new tour assistant manager of the boys. Let’s hope that work and pleasure don’t get between this beautiful couple #goals<3”
The stream of tears was never-ending. You couldn’t understand what was going on, why Calum hasn’t said anything to you, why-why did he let it happen? Something was not right, and it wasn’t just your breathing getting heavy inside your lungs or your shaky hands as you typed the next text.
“We need to talk, please call me?”
You got no answers that night as you cried yourself to sleep, realizing that you had no one to comfort you cause nobody knew that you two were even together. You were utterly alone.
The next morning you woke up to no text from him, not even a call or a voicemail.
Read 08:45
You forced yourself to finish your nighttime routine. Ever since you came back home you did nothing but cry, but not of sadness, you were crying of anger.
With him being far away it almost didn’t seem real. You allowed yourself to create some sort of fantasy where he would come back to you, to start over where you left off and be together for everyone to see. How foolish.
You thought that he’ll hear your song and he’ll be running back to you to apologize, to ask if you still love him like before. But he won’t, because he is happy without you while you rot in your own pity party.
You grabbed hold onto the counter, trying to hold the tears as everything suddenly became clear as day. All the red flags you ignored were now shining as candy apples. He made a fool of you and didn’t even dignify you with at least some kind of warning or apology. He brought you down and now it was up to you to climb back up and even higher than before.
How could he?
All the memories you held close to your heart were burning in the pyre of your soul. You loved him, you knew you did. But all you meant for him was just a summer fling, something to waste time on before the real thing came along.
But he loved you…
Did he?
He spent entire days and nights next to you. He told you stories no one’s ever heard of. He sang to you to sleep and wrote you the most beautiful poems you’ve ever read. He picked you up every day and stayed with you until it was your time to leave. He made you feel welcome and there was not a day where you didn’t feel safe around his arms. He was your best friend. He taught you how to drive and what it meant to feel something real, something as important as the love you could have for someone. He loved you, he said he did, he promised he did.
Maybe love was not enough for him.
Your mind was divided, fighting over and over and over again about the same thing. Part of you cursed his name while the other part just wanted to be held by him, telling you that it will all be okay. But you couldn't even trust yourself on this one.
The doorbell rang, one, two, three times.
You were not going to answer it. One look in the mirror and you knew you couldn't answer anyone in this state. Your eyes were puffy and red, your cheeks were hollowed from not eating all day. There was nothing you could do to make you look or feel better, so whoever was behind the door will have to find another way to disturb the chaos in your mind.
However, they were persistent. With the ring of the doorbell came a few bangs. It seemed urgent.
You took one last look at yourself before deciding with a sigh to go and open the door. Whoever it was must have a good reason to come banging at your door a little past midnight.
“I’m coming!” You called, voice coming out a little hoarse from crying all night.
A shiver ran down your back and you felt like you were here before, in this exact moment where all your instincts told you to walk away. You decided to ignore them as you gently turned the doorknob and opened the door. Immediately wishing you didn’t.
He stood in front of you, soaked from head to toe. Hands in the pockets of his jacket, not the leather one, but one more cozy. He was also wearing a pair of sweatpants and part of his hair was stuck on his forehead. You didn’t realize it was raining.
“Can I come in?” He asked, not even a hello.
You debated on whether or not to let him in. Part of you wanted to throw him back into the streets, but a storm was coming - much in the literal and subliminal way, and you didn’t want him to drive in this weather, you still care for him even though you shouldn’t.
With a simple nod, you opened the door wide enough so he could enter the house, a little “thank you” came out of his mouth as he stepped inside for the first time in over a year.
You closed the door and started walking into the kitchen with Calum following you like a stray dog. Your hands were shaking so you hid them behind your back as you slowly wrapped your arms around you in an attempt to comfort you throughout this whole ordeal.
Calum is standing in front of you on the other side of the island. He is not looking at you, but rather he is looking at his feet. You figured he was too scared to be the first one to talk and it broke your heart that he has suddenly become shy around you when you used to tell each other everything. ‘But whose fault is that?’ You thought.
Now you were just two strangers in a room.
“I thought you’d still be on tour,” You said, breaking the silence that has fallen upon you.
Calum looked up and he almost looked thankful that you spoke first “The last two venues canceled at the last minute due to weather conditions,” He said “So we came back earlier than expected”
You nodded and faced the other way. The fact that he was here in your home made your stomach turn and not in a good way. You always thought him coming back was going to be something joyful, but it became more painful as time went by.
“They closed café Mariannete while I was gone” He said, was he really going to talk about that right now? Did he came over here to reminisce about the café you used to have breakfast in?
“I didn’t know. I don’t go there anymore”
More awkward silence came upon you. You both knew he was bullshiting his way into the real conversation he was avoiding to have. He always used to do that and you have forgotten how much you hated it.
“Were you driving by my house today?” He asked and you froze on the spot. You didn’t think that he saw you.
“I was,” You cleared your throat “I was coming back home”
“And you didn’t say hello” It was more a statement than a question.
A sour taste filled your mouth. How dare he? “You were busy enough” You knew it was a petty answer, but what did he expect?
A flash of hurt came through Calum’s eyes as he said nothing in return. He knew you saw him with her, so he had no excuse to push the topic back to you.
The atmosphere was tense as the only thing you could hear was the ticking of the clock and the raindrops falling through your window. There was so much to say and yet none of you were brave enough to muster them.
You had every right to be mad and he had a right to explain himself, but you were not going to be the first one to cave in. Not without hearing from him first.
Eventually, Calum got restless of the silence.
“Your song is amazing,” He said, pleading for an answer that didn’t contain poison in your words “Ashton showed it to us the day it came out”
So he has heard it, you didn’t know if you should be proud or ashamed “Thanks”
“I forgot to congratulate you on your number one”
“You forgot to do a lot of things”
If there was ever a moment where you could give him the chance to redeem himself, this was it.
You saw how Calum shifted his weight from foot to foot, he had his lips pressed in a thin line and you could see how his eyes changed and fell into a deep pit of regret as tears were forming in the corner of his eye.
“I know the song’s about me-” He said.
“How did you figure that out?” You said sarcastically.
“Y/N…” He pleaded, running a hand through his face, but you were having none of that.
“Why did you do it, Calum?”
You needed an answer, something you could hold onto to eventually let go. Calum, however, was almost speechless.
The ticking of the clock became even louder as you counted the seconds until he spoke again. One, two, three…
Ten “I don’t know”
The answer cut right through you as you let a stream of tears roll down your cheek, not lifting your head to look at him in the eyes. It wasn’t what you expected, it was way worse.
Calum noticed your crying and started panicking, spilling every thought he had through his mouth “I-I don’t- I was drunk and she was there with our groups of friends and we were too drunk to even take notice of what was happening and we just kissed and- Y/N, I’m not perfect. We weren’t perfect, we weren’t even official and it was only a kiss and I thought it would be okay but then the tabloids and your message and I just- And she’s a great friend, she didn’t mean any harm but things happened and-” He stammered, unable to connect his thoughts as he desperately tried to fix something so you would stop crying.
“For me it was perfect” You cried “We were perfect in my mind, you made it perfect. God, Calum. Why didn’t you tell me? I spent months in agony trying to figure it out, to make it make sense! I beat myself up over and over again and there you were having the time of your life with a stranger!” Your voice was loud, not enough to yell, but enough to make it clear that you were fuming.
“What are you talking about?!” Calum said matching the tone of your voice “I missed you every fucking day but there was nothing I could do about it! You don’t know shit of what you’re talking about!”
You scoffed “Oh yeah! It surely seemed like you missed me! You never called me once, Calum. Not even to apologize and try to make it better”
“I didn’t know how!” He said, “I was scared that-”
“That I’d hate you?”
“That you’d forgive me,” Calum said in one breath, making you stare in shock “I-I didn’t want you to forgive me, Y/N, cause you deserve so much better. On tour I realized that I wasn’t ready for a relationship, no matter how much you mean to me and I didn’t know how to tell you that so-”
“And are you ready now? That’s why you are with her?” You interrupted, head filled with anger to even think straight.
“I’m not ready to be with either of you!”
The room felt silent once again.
You had no answer to that and you weren’t sure you wanted to hear more from him.
The rain outside your window started to calm down, only droplets of water were left as the memory of the storm that almost was.
Your legs gave out a minute later, sliding you down slowly onto the floor. Calum walked up to you and sat next to you, neither of you saying anything for what it seemed like hours.
“You said you loved me…” You said with a faint voice.
Calum sighed “I did. I do”
“And you love her too?”
He thought about it “I don’t know. I might” You closed your eyes as a tear fell down your cheek “She’s good to me, Y/N. And we really got close but-”
“I know,” You said with a soft sniffle “We weren’t perfect either”
“You do know I love you, right?” He said softly, turning his face towards you “And that everything we had was real. Every minute of it, every word in every song was true and it still is. All was real and it’s still there somewhere. I still want you in my life, Y/N, cause you make it better. I just,” He sighed “I need to figure my shit out”
“Yeah, you do” You said, making him chuckle darkly “But I can’t promise I’ll be here”
“I wouldn’t ask you to”
You sat there in silence for a few more moments, just enjoying each other's company before everything fades away.
“I love you, too” You said in a whisper, hoping that he won’t hear “I still fucking love you”
Calum sighed “I know”
“Guess that you didn’t mean what you wrote on that song about me
‘Cause you said forever now I drive alone past your street”
Tags: @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @mystic-232 @talksoprettyjjx @theshyspy @sarcasticallywitty15 @hoodhoran @flaneurcth h @notinthesameguey @myloverboyash @yeah-and69 @fckingpernico
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ficrecsbybu ¡ 3 years
WinterIron fic rec 2021: Part I
Note: this fic rec consists only of Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark fics. the only Stucky & Stony you might see is as past relationships but that’s it. it’s also complete works ONLY. also - no underage stuff 🔪.  if you have any requests for Winteriron fic recs (for e.g non-superpower au, only one shots, series, hardcore smut, post-tws, college au, not team cap friendly fics, bodyguard au etc.) you can send me requests ^^. anyway... enjoy 😉 
✨ The Guiding of Death by RayShippouUchiha
“That whole Merchant of Death thing,” someone off to the side faux whispers, “makes a lot more sense now.”
It echoes across the bridge like a gunshot. 
Rated M, Hades & Persephone AU, Canon Divergence, always female Tony Stark, not Team Cap friendly. word count: 41391
(note: listen... I know het pairings and/or gender bend is not popular and I never really read those in general BUT this is straight up one of the best fics I have ever read so I NEEDED to share this with y’all...✌️)
✨ Forms of Love by bear_bell
Tony's the bad guy, after all. He's used to it. He's fine with it. He's good at it.
Only now, there's something far worse loitering around the tower - The Winter Soldier. No one notices the guy at first, but when they do, Tony figures that he should have the soldier's back.
Birds of a feather should flock together, and the bad guys should start a book club.
Rated E, Post-CW, Bucky Barnes & Winter Soldier are Different Personalities, Team Iron Man. word count: 33591
✨ Looking at You by NotEvenCloseToStraight
Bucky looks for so long that now all he wants to do is touch and hold and fix everything. But Tony can barely be in the same room as Bucky, cant even look him in the eye. So Bucky doesn't know what to do about Tony, but he is determined to do something. Because all he wants is to look at Tony, and see Tony looking back with a smile.
Rated E, Post-CW, PTSD, team heals, mental healing, forgiveness, angst with a happy ending. word count: 28,168
✨ I'll Be Your Bodyguard (If You'll Be My Security Blanket) by NarutoRox
When one of Loki's pranks gone wrong leaves the team with a young Winter Soldier in their care, they know they're going to have their hands full. Especially since this newer, tinier version of Bucky seems to have a bodyguard complex - and a particular attachment to Tony.
Rated T, kid fic, age regression/de-aging, de-aged Bucky, tiny bodyguard Bucky. word count: 4,993. 
(note: finally something CUTE. Im so sorry for being such a slut for angst and heavy stuff 😅)
✨ Fate Strings Not Required by Akira_of_the_Twilight
Tony took the hint.
Tony wrapped his hand around the new guy’s elbow. He kept his touch light and breakable in case he’d misread the cue.
“Just some guy claiming to be my soul mate, babe.”
The new guy’s eyebrows rose to his hairline in surprise. He chuckled and gave the first guy a smirk. “Strange. Last time I checked we were soul mates.”
Rated T, AU - no superpowers, AU - soulmates, Bodyguard Bucky Barnes, age difference. word count: 7,032.
✨ Shameless  by Finely Honed (jaqen_hgar)
Tony isn’t actually sure which of them starts it—he’d like to take credit, but if he’s learned anything it’s that Barnes is by no means a wilting flower. Besides, the start doesn’t matter as much as figuring out who’s going to actually finish it.
rated M, flirting, dirty talk, sexual tension. word count: 2,560
✨ Winter Wooer by salytierra
Winter may not be the most pleasant guy to live or share your body with, but he isn't nearly as destructive as everybody expected him to be either. He likes to brood in the corners, watch British TV, and freak people out. And Tony. He really, really likes Tony Stark. There's just one problem – Bucky's pretty sure he doesn't feel the same way about the guy.
Rated M, Bucky Barnes & Winter Soldier are Different Personalities, team as family. word count: 8,726
✨ Even Darkness Must Pass by Finely Honed (jaqen_hgar)
“Fake it till you make it,” Bucky whispered to himself, swallowing around his panic. Sam had drilled the idea into him, and it had become a mantra of sorts, something to hold onto when all he wanted to do was blend into the shadows and disappear.
“You’ll be fine.”
Steve placed a warm, strong hand on Bucky’s shoulder and squeezed, his super soldier ears having picked up Bucky uttering the now familiar saying.
Bucky nodded, tried to believe his own words, and followed Steve onto the common floor, a wall of sound hitting them as they entered.
rated M (but mild sexual content), parent Tony Stark, Bucky Barnes recovering, team as family, of love and hobbits 🧝🏻‍♂️. word count: 15,289
✨ Paths Are Made by Walking by Potrix 
The road to recovery is long, winding and a different one for every person walking it. Bucky chooses to help himself the only way he knows how; by doing what he does best.
Or, alternatively; the one in which Tony is a mess and accidentally kick-starts Bucky’s protective mother hen instincts.
rated T, post-TWS, fluff, humour, getting together, idiots in love. word count: 4,744.
✨ Rise In Perfect Light (Be Not Fearful Of The Night) by RayShippouUchiha
At first, the new element singing in his chest, Tony doesn’t understand what he’s done.
Doesn’t understand the full consequences of his actions.
But, to be fair, there’s no way he really could have.
Not even a futurist like him could have ever seen this coming.
rated G, post-CW, past Stony, angst with a happy ending. word count: 3,589.
(note: this fic is SO BEAUTIFUL. lemme just asjkdjnsjkdm)
✨ and amidst the ruins, there was you by TheKitteh
With everything resolved - post the Berlin conflict, Siberia and the rogue Avengers' return - Tony relishes in the clarity of what the team is now. He can finally see the well-defined lines, he can rely on solid rules and the chain of command. He's settled into his life like never before.
That is, until one day, an unhinged sorcerer with no grasp on his magic shatters that new-found balance.
As a result, half of Tony's soul is now gone, but he's willing to do anything to get it back.
rated T, post-CW, canon divergence, au - Dystopia, Dimension Travel, magical accidents, slow burn, getting together. word count: 36,976
✨ and so we unfold by TheKitteh
Senbazuru. Thousand Cranes.
An ancient Japanese legend that promises anyone who folds a thousand origami cranes will be granted a wish by the gods. Some stories believe you are granted happiness and eternal good luck, instead of just one wish, such as long life or recovery from illness or injury.
Bucky’s not big on believing in any legends, not after all that has happened. He just wants to create something for a change, not destroy.
He needs to prove himself that he can be trusted to handle something delicate. He doesn’t need a promise of a wish come true. He just,- needs to do this for himself.
He doesn’t need noticing how sad, tired Stark looks. Doesn’t need to want to do something for the man, when he can barely do anything for himself.
rated T, CACW canon divergence, getting together, reconciliation, POV alternating, Bucky Barnes recovering. word count: 14,449
✨ Spilt on the Ground like Water by tisfan
Tony has been black-bagged and illegally held at the Raft. Steve has no intentions of going to rescue him.
But the Winter Soldier isn't going to leave him behind.
rated E, Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes, implied/referenced torture, frottage, dub-con, mention of part non-con (HYDRA trash party), not Steve friendly, suicidal thoughts, touch-starved. word count: 10,853
✨ Norns, Save Us (From Ourselves) by phlintandsteel
It’s been ten years since half the universe was dusted.
rated E, post-IW au, A/B/O verse, Omega Tony, Alpha Bucky, Soulmates, Peter & Harley playing matchmaker, still recovering Bucky Barnes, not Steve Rogers Friendly, angst with a happy ending. word count: 37,324.
✨ Change You Like A Remix by ficlicious 
No one ever said Avenging would be easy, but Bucky could have really used a memo about the weeks where the hits just didn’t stop coming. He’d probably still have signed his soul away to the gods of spandex and paperwork, but a heads up woulda been nice before he nodded and smiled and took up residence in the house sanity fled when the Avengers moved in.
---- Soulmates, misunderstandings, snark, genderswap and sleep-deprived Avengers abound. Tony's a woman. Must be Friday.
rated E, AU - soulmates, established relationship, temporary gender swap, jealous Bucky Barnes, misunderstanding, miscommunication. word count: 10,494.
✨ Getting to Know You by orbingarrow
It had been an adventure, navigating the sweetly apologetic Bucky Barnes, who haunted the tower most days, and the the Winter Soldier, who occasionally inhabited Barnes’s body. The Winter Soldier was not apologetic; he was scary. And he was currently chilling out, uninvited, in Tony's lab.
“Leave,” Tony said, because Tony was either a dead man or not, and there wasn’t much he could do about it before coffee.
“Or you could give me permission to be here,” the Winter Soldier suggested.
“I don’t let strangers poke around my stuff,” Tony grumbled, as he walked past the Soldier to take a seat at his workbench.
“Easily solved,” the Soldier deflected. “Get to know me.”
-This is what happens when Tony does.
rated G, Bucky Barnes & Winter Soldier are different personalities, fluff, Clint Barton is a good bro. word count: 9,470
✨ Safe House by ali_aliska
For years, Tony had successfully kept his secret. Neither the world nor his team knew he was Iron Man and as far as he was concerned, everyone was better off that way. On his best days, Tony Stark was not someone people liked and trusted, so the last thing Tony wanted was to tarnish Iron Man’s good reputation by revealing the truth.
But then SHIELD falls, the Avengers face disarray, and a stray Hydra assassin forces Tony to go into hiding—and where better than the safe house he had just crafted for the Avengers and their own ex-assassin ready to come in from the cold?
Tony plans to hide away from everyone in his makeshift workshop until the coast is clear and he’s safe to go home. No one would care to spend any time with the reclusive, arrogant billionaire anyways, right? Iron Man is the one everyone wants around.
Bucky Barnes, on his own journey to reclaim his life and identity, seems to disagree with that sentiment.
rated T, post TWS, canon divergence, au - Secret Identity, mutual pining, team as family, slow burn, misunderstandings. word count: 89,533
✨ Versace on the floor by withered
The modern man’s armor is his clothing, and Bucky wants Tony out of his.
rated T,  post CW, Bucky Barnes & Winter Soldier are Separate Personalities, Barnes & Soldier & their hard-on for Tony, not team cap friendly. word count: 2,127 
118 notes ¡ View notes
shoutaaizawas ¡ 4 years
I know youre probably busy but I was thinking maybe 👉👈 you could do a fic bakugo x reader where you ask bakugo out he rejects you and starts being mean to you only for you to get sad and distant and the other students start hating on bakugo fir hurting you (Pls take ur time ur probs busy you dont have to do it right away
thanks for your patience~ i always love writing for bakugou
↳ bakugou katsuki x reader → sorry
summary: bakugou rejects your confession in a panic but quickly regrets it and tries to make it up to you word count: 1,541 tags/warnings: light angst with a happy ending
Bakugou Katsuki was not a boy that earned a lot of attention from girls, more often than not girls were scared off by his demeanor. But you weren’t scared off by him. If anything his fiery spirit was endearing in a way. You had a crush on him but you hadn’t yet worked up the courage to tell him.
He was your friend, as much as anyone was friends with Bakugou. You hung out with him in groups and even spent time with him studying or training. A part of you was scared that if you told him how you felt it would ruin the relationship. You didn’t want to lose him as a friend.
It was one day when you heard that another student was interested in him, that you decided that you needed to say something. The last thing you wanted was to miss your chance and for someone else to date him.
You decided to make him his favorite dessert, he wasn’t big on sweets but he mentioned once that he really liked chocolate chip banana bread. You spent all night trying to get the recipe perfect. You placed it in a nice tin to keep it safe and attached a little note to it.
It was after class, you were heading back to the dorms to study with Bakugou. You thought it’d be best to get it over with. You stopped on the path as you walked beside him, pulling out the tin with the dessert in it.
“What are you doing?” He asked turning around.
“I-I wanted to tell you something.” You said. What you hadn’t expected was for there to be a good amount of other students around when you did this. It was too late now. You held the tin in your hands nervously playing with it. “Bakugou, I really like you. More than a friend and I was wondering if you’d go out on a date with me.” You said holding it out in front of you as an offering.
Even though your nerves you saw Bakugou’s expression change a few times before he spoke.
“Why would I be interested in an extra like you?” His biting tone cut through the silence.
“Oh.” Your voice was quiet. Tears welled up in your eyes as you looked at Bakugou. No, don’t cry not now in front of everyone. The metal of the tin rang out as it hit the ground loudly. You swallowed painfully before running off in the direction of the dorms.
Bakugou stood there staring blankly at the space where you stood moments before. He could hear snickers from the students around him. He turned around to glare at them and they ran away. He kneeled down picking up the tin you had dropped. Opening it he saw his favorite dessert and his heart dropped. Grabbing a piece he was shocked at how good it was, it was even better than his own recipe. There was a note on top of the container.
I hope you enjoy this, I know my baking isn’t as good as yours but it was made with love.
Every passing moment he felt more and more like a monster. The teary look on your face haunted him.
Why did he say that? He liked you too but he never expected you to feel the same way. With all the people around he panicked and did what came naturally to him, he was mean. He knew he should apologize and explain but he just couldn’t bring himself to. He went to the training gym and took his frustration out there.
“I know you can be mean sometimes but you had no right to do that to her,” Mina said, approaching him as he sat at his desk waiting for class to start. He couldn’t reply before she continued. “She really likes you, the least you could have done was let her down easy.”
Mina stomped off before he could say anything to defend himself. Not like there was anything he could say to defend himself.
You were nowhere to be seen for the rest of the day.
The rest of the week he got dirty looks from his classmates, even Kirishima had given him a disappointed look in the cafeteria before sitting down at your table to eat.
He couldn’t bear to look at you, even with the other students flocking to your side to cheer you up, you still looked so sad and it was all his fault.
“Man, that was really messed up,” Denki said walking beside him to class. “You know you could have just said you weren’t interested.”
“Shove off Pikachu.” He growled before walking ahead.
He knew how bad he messed up, he couldn’t sleep at night, he could barely eat. All he could think about was how sad you looked. He had to make it up to you but how?
“On one condition,” Kirishima said. “You never hurt her again.”
“I didn’t mean to in the first place, okay. I don’t like seeing her sad.” Bakugou replied. “I just need your help to make it up to her.”
“Alright but I’m holding you to it.” He said.
Bakugou had a plan and he hoped it would work. He was cooking all of your favorite foods. Then he would set up on the balcony of the common room a table with candles and you could eat together. Or by yourself, if you decided not to forgive him. All he needed from Kirishima was for him to bring you out there.
You had one of the worst weeks of your life. Every day you were both too embarrassed and too sad to leave your room. You got away with one day but you knew you couldn’t sacrifice your learning for some guy. Even if it was Bakugou Katsuki.
Your friends had been amazing, staying by your side, bringing you food and anything else you need but it only could do so much. Time would be the best solution, Momo told you. You knew she was right but you just wished it would hurry up and make you feel better.
It was a Friday night and you were sulking in your room listening to sad music once again. You weren’t expecting a knock at your door. You sighed it was probably one of your friends hoping to cheer you up but you just wanted to be alone right now.
“Hey, I need to show you something.” He said.
“I’m really tired, Kiri. I just want to stay in my room.” You told him.
“Please, it’s important.” He said. The genuine look in his eyes guilted you into following.
As he led you to the common room balcony you thought you might scream if Kirishima made you leave your room to show you another cute frog outside again.
What you didn’t expect was a nice table covered in a white cloth with flowers and candles. Even more so was Bakugou standing there with a guilty look on his face. Before you could question Kirishima he was gone.
You looked at Bakugou before turning to leave.
“Wait, please.” You were shocked to hear him say please. It made you pause. “Just let me explain myself and I’ll leave if you want me to.”
“Okay.” You said more curious than anything else. What was he up to?
“I didn’t mean what I said. I was caught off guard and there were all those people there and I spoke before I could think.” He said.
“Yeah, imagine how embarrassing it was to be rejected like that in front of everyone.” You said. You knew it was unheard of for Bakugou to apologize but it would take more than that to earn your trust again.
“I know, I know. I feel horrible about it.” He said, rubbing his forehead. “What I’m trying to say is- I’m sorry.” The words came out quite but he did in fact say he was sorry.
“Okay.” You said, not quite sure what to say.
“Not just that but I feel the same way.” He admitted. “I like you too and I want to go on a date with you.”
You were even more stunned, he felt the same way?
“I made your favorite food, I can leave.” He said opening the metal cover over the plates. It looked amazing and smelled even better. “You can eat with Kirishima instead if you want.”
Bakugou started to head for the door but you caught him by his wrist
“No. Stay.” You said. “This can be our first date.”
Bakugou smiled. Not his usual cocky smirk or the smile he gave when he was about to beat someone up. The soft smile stopped your heart for a moment.
You sat down together at the table.
“I would have worn something nicer if I knew this was going to be a date.” You laughed. He smiled at your joke.
“You look better than anyone else I’ve seen.” He said. You hadn’t expected any of this but you really weren’t expecting Bakugou to be so smooth.
Things weren’t always going to be easy with Bakugou but he knew how to show he cared when it mattered most.
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idy-ll-ique ¡ 3 years
Pairing: Steve Rogers x F!Reader
Genre: Fluff, little bit of Angst
Warnings: jealousy and insecurity
Requested: nope
Summary: In which Steve is into art but Y/N is not.
Author's Note: Hiya peeps! Haven't got anything to say specifically so,,, enjoy the fic! Hope you like it!
[Y/H - Your Hobby]
"Oh my God, this is awesome!"
"It is, isn't it?" Y/N smiled softly, staring at the pure joy on Steve Rogers' face as he stared at the beautiful painting in front of him. "So much! Ah, realistic paintings, they're always so amazing. Do you like them?" he grinned, putting an arm around her shoulders. "Sure, they look cool," Y/N shrugged, not really understanding the painting. It was aesthetically pleasing, though.
Well, anything to make her boyfriend happy. They were at an art gallery in Brooklyn, which Steve loved to visit. Y/N, knowing how much Steve liked art, and her, always accompanied him. Steve and Y/N had been dating for nearly a year now. "Yeah! I know you aren't into art, but thanks for coming."
Y/N scoffed, burrowing closer to him. "You're my boyfriend, bro, anything for you." She giggled when he gave her a playful shove, immediately pulling her back to him. "Don't call me that, I'm your boyfriend," he chided jokingly, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Sure you are." Steve laughed, ruffling her hair.
"We've been together for a year." They stood in front of an abstract painting. Just as Y/N was about to retort, they heard someone clearing their throat. Turning around, they saw a woman standing there, smiling at them. "Hello, I'm Tiffany! You're Steve Rogers, if I'm correct?" she addressed the man.
"I am, and this is my girlfriend, Y/N Y/L/N," Steve answered with a polite smile, unconsciously pulling Y/N closer to him. He didn't like the way Tiffany was looking at him. "This is my painting, do you like it?" Tiffany asked. There was something off about her... "Ah, sure sure, it looks really good." Even though he didn't trust Tiffany, he couldn't lie about the art.
"Thank you! What do you think about it, Y/N?" Tiffany turned her smile unto Y/N. The woman blinked and glanced at the art. "It's nice," she shrugged truthfully. "Ooh, I'm so glad! The meaning is truly wonderful, I worked hard on it," Tiffany clapped her hands. "Yeah… the meaning…" Y/N cleared her throat, looking away from her.
"If you wanna see more of my art, you're very welcome to check it out! This one is on sale, actually, if you would consider," Tiffany offered, looking directly at Steve. "Oh no, not here to buy anything, just to admire," Steve chuckled, waving his arm in dismissal. "Okay, okay, but if you want to ever talk about art, you can give me a call. Toodles!"
With that, Tiffany handed Steve a business card, turned around and left. Steve stared at the card he involuntarily accepted, scrunching his nose. "Oh God, that—" He cursed, throwing the card into a nearby trash can. "What about her? I think she was lovely," Y/N lied, giving him a quick smile.
"She was clearly condescending! Ugh!" Steve rolled his eyes, "Anyway, we don't wanna ruin our day. Let's continue with the art!" Y/N's mind wandered as she casually latched on Steve's arm, ignoring the words he was saying to her. She couldn't help but think about Tiffany and how it was clear that she was hitting on her boyfriend.
To be honest, Tiffany was kind of better than her. Steve and Y/N had no common interests, why was he even interested in her? Why wasn't he into Tiffany? Steve's main attraction was art, he loved it more than anything else in the world and yet he continued to be with a woman who had absolutely no curiosity in said thing.
Y/N softly groaned.
Oh no, this was gonna be a problem.
Which she was gonna fix.
Impressionism is a 19th-century art movement characterized by relatively small, thin, yet visible brush strokes, open composition, emphasis on accurate depiction of light in its changing qualities (often accentuating the effects of the passage of time), ordinary subject matter, inclusion of movement as a crucial...
Y/N blinked and yawned, throwing her phone on the bed. "Ugh! Why is art so fucking boring and frustrating?!" she moaned, rubbing a hand over her face. She sat up all of a sudden, squinting at the clock in the corner of the room. It was 4:56 am. "Or maybe I'm just tired…" She lay back down on the bed and kept her phone away.
The thing is, ever since that one visit to the art gallery, Y/N's little confusion about Tiffany and Steve had turned into the biggest insecurity of hers. Since that time, she had been limiting her meetings with Steve, as was she learning more about the thing that made Steve most happy: Art.
Steve hadn't questioned her as of yet, which was good. He didn't suspect a thing. She knew he didn't like Tiffany, given how he had called her unsavory things and also immediately threw her business card in the trash. Y/N just couldn't help feeling like she didn't belong with Captain America, Steve Rogers.
Steve, meanwhile, also awake, was sitting on the balcony in his room, thinking about his girlfriend. Why had she been acting so weird for the past one month? Absolutely refused to be around him for more than half-an-hour, sounded tired every time they talked and knew surprisingly a lot about paintings.
How? And why? He sighed and got up, stumbling into his bedroom. A little talk tomorrow won't hurt, right? Running a hand through his hair, he plopped down on the bed, lay down and finally decided to sleep.
"Y/N? Sweetie, can I talk to you?" Y/N glanced at Steve. "Yeah, what happened?" she smiled when he sat next to her, putting an arm around her. "Is everything okay with you? Lately you've been… kind of strange," he whispered. "I'm fine! Just having trouble sleeping, that's it," Y/N muttered, resting her head on his shoulder.
They were sitting in his room at the Stark Tower. "No, it's something else. I've known you for a year, my love, tell me. I'm here for you," he assured her, brushing her hair with his fingers. "Fine! It's Tiffany! She got into my head," Y/N groaned, burying her face in his neck. "Her?! That— sorry," Steve blushed when Y/N gave him a pointed look.
"Look, I get it, man. You're Captain America, you're America's hottest man or something and women literally flock to you all the time but she— she likes art. Just like you do. You both know so much about it, it's insane! I'm only thinking, why am I with you? I've never been interested in art, and Tiffany actually seems like a fun person to be around."
"So you got a little insecure?" Steve teased, pressing his lips to her temple. "I haven't slept in a month! Why do you think I know so much about art all of a sudden?" Y/N huffed, looking away from him. He froze. She gave up her sleep just to make sure she was… worthy of his affections?
"You're lying."
"I'm not lying. I slept at 6 am yesterday. Today, technically speaking. I had to be at my job at 8, and I got half an hour of sleep all because I was researching impressionist art— Why are you looking at me like that?" Y/N deadpanned. Steve continued to stare at her, a look of disbelief and incredulity on his face.
"I want to tell you something very important." He pulled away and turned to sit face-to-face with her. "What's that?" she mumbled. "I love you. I love you so much, Y/N, you're the most gorgeous woman I've seen, we are happy together and I like that. We have different interests, of course I know that, but it doesn't matter."
"Why doesn't it?"
"Because when we're together, next to each other, I have the best time of my life. Everything is blissful when you're with me and it's… it is euphoric. You don't need to learn about art just to hang out with me, I like rambling to you! Unlike artists, who would most definitely interrupt me at all times, you listen. And I like that. I also love listening to you talk about Y/H."
Y/N teared up at his words. "Thank you," she managed to blurt out, sniffling when Steve laughed and pulled her into his arms. "Off the bat, I knew what that bratty woman wanted. But I didn't want it because I already have it better," he chuckled, rubbing her back in soothing motions.
"I love you too," Y/N mumbled into his shoulder, smiling softly when she felt him pressing a kiss to the top of her head. All of a sudden, there were knocks on the door. "Come in," Steve called out and Sam poked his head into the room. "Steve, we have a meeting in 15 minutes, just a heads up. Hi Y/N!"
"Hi Sam!" Y/N greeted enthusiastically. "I see you're doing better now," Steve smiled, wiping her tears away when Sam left. "I needed to talk and we did, I'm… I'm not insecure anymore," Y/N admitted, playing with the hem of the t-shirt she was wearing. "I'm glad we could sort this out. I gotta go now, talk to you later?"
"I'm not going anywhere. Bye!"
She smiled when he leaned over and gave her a chaste kiss. "I love you!" he called out when he left the room. "I love you— close the door, you turd!" She laughed loudly when he turned around with a raised eyebrow. "I love you too, Steve," she grinned cheekily, bursting into boisterous laughter when he closed the door behind him.
Outside, Steve only smiled, happy that his girlfriend was doing much better.
See, a little conversation didn't hurt.
A/N: Hope you liked it! Leave a like if you did, thanks for reading!
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saigonharrington ¡ 3 years
drivers license// stiles stilinski
Hi! This is my first blurb/fic kinda thing about Stiles, but I decided to get out of my comfort zone and chose him for this one. 
Stiles Stilinski x fem!reader (but I think it might be gender neutral)
Summary: based on a song drivers license by olivia rodrigo
Warnings: swearing, anxiety, betrayal (kind of), angst
Word count: nearly 1.3k so quite short
Words in italics are flashbacks.
As I am quite new here, reblogs are highly appreciated, because they help me grow, so thanks to everyone who will reblog this <3
also big thanks to @weasleysandwheezes for checking grammar 🧡🧡🧡
Your friend… boyfriend… or colleague, you didn’t even know how to call him now, was always so excited for you, to get your driver's license. 
He was eager to help you, lending you his jeep to learn everything, despite the car meant so much to him, he wasn’t mad if you made mistakes. He showed his patience, thrilled that soon you’ll be able to drive to his home by yourself, and hoping that you’ll be his private driver from time to time. He has pinky promised you that he will be the first person to drive with you, sitting in the passenger seat, singing with you the songs you two loved the most. 
But the day for you to drive your car by yourself finally came, and he wasn’t there. You had to sit there alone, trying not to burst into tears, failing miserably at the thought of Stiles. He promised. He made a fucking promise, and where was he? 
“Damn Y/N you’re doing so much better now!” He complimented you, getting all goofy and excited. “Last time was truly a disaster, but now I can truly say that I am not afraid to be a passenger anymore. You’re a quick learner. And there is nothing more to be broken so… but anyway. I’m proud. Can’t wait for doing trips to Scott’s house, or just simply driving around town, spying after my dad. I get chills when I think about it.” He added, getting relaxed in his seat.
“Guess you’re going to be the first person who wants to be in a car with me. And I cannot wait too. Can you promise me that you’ll be by my side when I’ll be driving after getting a license? I just know that I will be stressed as hell, and you’re the only  person that doesn’t make the whole process stressful.” You explained, giving him your pinky, which he gladly took.
“Of course, babe. We’ll be driving around the same places for a hundred times if you want to. Just to get you accustomed to driving your own car.”
The answer is - with that new girl, Malia. She came out of nowhere and was immediately seen by his side. He spent every second of his life with her, forgetting about your being. Driving this day was really hard for you, because the only thing in your mind was ‘what could they possibly be doing right now?’. She was older than you, looked pretty even if she didn’t try to. Her hilarious jokes made everyone laugh, she outshone everything with the confidence that she had, making you really shy and awkward around her. You started getting insecure, seeing that Stiles was mesmerized by her. You two were a thing for months, even though it was unofficial, you really hoped that he would ask you soon to be his lover. But he never did, ruining everything that you two had for so long. 
To say it hurt you was an understatement. You were devastated, being friends with him since childhood made you think that you two will never lose touch. Spending every second of life with him and Scott, making unbreakable vows and promises, all of that was now nothing, because of the new girl. It broke your heart, seeing how easily you were replaced, it made you think that you weren’t good enough for him. 
And you were going to admit your feelings soon, you wanted to say “I love you” for the first time, however you didn’t have a chance. It shattered you even more, remembering that one day when you were sitting with Stiles in his room.
“Hi, I came as you asked. What’s that thing you wanted to talk about? What is going on with Scott?” You asked, worried about your friend.
“Actually I wanted to say something not related to Scott first. If you don’t mind…” He muttered.
“Absolutely… oh my gosh! Are you investigating me?” You almost yelled, looking at his legendary crime board, now filled with things related to you and your pictures.
“No, no, no, no, no.” He started panicking, covering the wall miserably with some sheets and blankets. “I swear it’s not what it looks like. I can explain, I am not a creep.”
You sat on his bed, waiting patiently for the response. You could say that he was nervous, because he played with his fingers, trying to sort things out in the head. He scratched his head from time to time, getting ready to speak, but the answer was not coming.
“I ugh… how do I say this… I was just trying to understand you. Remember that one time when we argued about what movie we should watch? I still can’t understand why you chose Big hero 6 over Shrek so…”
“And you did a whole freaking research project? Dude, it was like three years ago. And it meant nothing deep! Will you ever stop investigating?”
“I don’t have anything else to do! We solved every case we had lately, and I had to focus on something. What’s wrong in trying to understand you?”
As you learned later, the movies were just silly excuses, because he was too awkward to admit that he felt something to you, but it doesn’t matter anymore. He’s with Malia.
Unfortunately for you, besides Stiles and Scott, you had only Kira to talk to. She was trying to understand and console you, but she got tired of it quickly. No wonder. Who would want to hear their best friend crying about some stupid boy every time that they meet? She wanted what’s best for you, wanted you to forget about him, but she couldn’t understand what the two of you had.  But how could she understand? She was never with you, only heard everything from your stories, never really paid attention while you were telling.
 No one could comprehend the connection between you and Stiles. Frankly speaking, it felt like you were soulmates. You had so much in common, you could run after him to hell and back, still being happy, because you have him by your side. 
You had. Now everything was lost. All the years of friendship meant nothing. Even if he would dump her, things wouldn’t be the same anymore. You were betrayed, he showed his disloyalty, making his words just wind. 
In the end, it was only you, sitting alone in your car, driving through the town, thinking that Stiles should be by your side. But he wasn’t. 
God, you were so pathetic. He probably forgot about you, while all your thoughts were filled with him. Even though he hurt you, made you feel miserable and not good enough, you still weren’t able to let him go. Because he was the only person that made you feel special. You have never met anyone like him. You were too weak, he had you wrapped around his fingers. 
The truth is, if he could magically appear here now and open that damn car door, you would let him in, ready for a conversation. And you would be the first to apologize, you just couldn’t live without him. 
There were still many years of life, how could you spend them without your friends? After all, that’s what the two of you were at first. 
You could handle your feelings, you just wanted your Stiles back. 
But not when she was around.
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amazingmaeve ¡ 3 years
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atelophobia is the fear of imperfection. the fear of never being good enough
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request - hello !! i've been wanting to see more sam wilson fics so do you mind if i request a soulmate au one and y/n and sam are frenemies of somesort? 🥺
y/n and sam haven’t been the best of friends. he always annoyed her and she annoyed him. he hates how snippy she is, she hates how sarcastic he is. however some jokes of his make her crack a rare smile and sometimes he catches that. two people made for each other.
warnings - angst, fluff
word count - 3.2k
a/n - its an au so no endgame/infinity war stuff happened. also no thanos. it’s my first time writing for marvel so go easy on me! also a happy late birthday to sam as well!
marvel masterlist // sam wilson masterlist
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“Why did you assign me with Wilson,” Y/N seethed out questioning the man in front of her. Her arms are crossed on her chest with anger burning in her eyes.
The man before her, Steve Rogers, raises an eyebrow at her sudden outburst. Sure the meeting was already done but he didn’t expect her to be this angry about it. Steve thought that Y/N and Sam were getting along better now and this could help them get along even better. But apparently he was wrong.
“I thought you two were okay,” Steve asked, confused in his voice as she rolled her eyes.
She didn’t hate Sam. No one could really hate Sam. But sometimes he got on her nerves and she has a short temper and the conversation usually ends up in an argument with both of them stomping away. Y/N was always serious about the work so no one would get hurt.
So it irked her when Sam would be casually joking while on a rescue mission or a mission in general. While Sam hated how Y/N would never have any fun, yes Sam did take his work very seriously but he wanted to make the time more bearable for everyone.
So when Y/N snaps at him whenever he makes a joke or just laughs in general he gets kinda pissed off about it. She’s just so unbearable sometimes that it increased his anger even more.
For the past few months everything was fine between them. Of course not finding her soulmate was bad. She hated feeling alone while couples scattered across the Avengers tower. Y/N would roll her eyes everytime Wanda asked if she ever wanted a soulmate and she would respond no. She thought that all the time ‘I don’t need anybody’ but deep down she wanted to have someone to love her and to love someone.
At least there were some Avengers who haven’t found the one.
Sam this last month has been growing on Y/N. He’s been more nice and actually funny in her eyes. He would crack jokes at the right time which would make her let a little laugh out much to Sam’s confusion. It was common that Y/N didn’t smile often. But then everything changed.
One mission which was a rescue mission ended up real bad. It was a mission that only her and Sam attended since everyone thought it would be easy. But Y/N turned the corner and had a fist to the face, she attempted to grab the gun she dropped but the guy shot her in her stomach making her lay down on the floor, holding the wound. Blood was seeping out of it fast and she could feel her vision get real blurry.
Y/N thought she would die there on the floor and she was fine with it as long as Sam got the hostages home safe and him safe as well.
But when she felt herself almost get lulled into unconsciousness a figure appeared before her and soon she realized it was Sam. He looked down both halls to make sure no one was coming before kneeling down before her worriedness in his eyes.
“You’re gonna be okay,” Sam reassured, putting pressure on the wound. His words sounded like he was talking far away. Tears quickly blurred her vision as soon she realized he wasn’t going to get the hostages.
“You-you have to…..” Y/N began to say but flinched when Sam put even more pressure on the oozing wound.
“Don’t talk you can’t waste your energy,” Sam interrupted her and then picked her up bridal style and began to walk her out of the building. Y/N flinched and looked back to see if she saw the hostages anywhere but her vision was getting blurred again.
“The-the hostages,” Y/N stuttered though pain and biting into her lip from screaming out in pain.
“There fine I got everyone in there handled,” Sam reassured as they reached out doors and then lifted himself up and flew across the sky towards the Quinjet that got them there. Y/N closed her eyes and hid her face in his neck as her arms wrapped around his neck. Her heart was pounding as pain pulsed through her body. God she hoped the people were safe.
Then out of nowhere Y/N and Sam heard an explosion and Sam turned around to see the building that was just standing there was up in flames and smoke. Before Y/N could do anything she passed out in his arms as the pain began to get too much for her.
When Y/N woke up Steve was there with Natasha and he explained to her that the hostages unfortunately passed because there was the explosion.
Y/N felt tears fill her eyes as she sat up on the hospital bed. Steve and Natasha left to give her some space as she wondered where Sam could’ve gone. If she would’ve been more aware of her surroundings she wouldn’t have gotten shot and they would've got everyone out safe and fine. She failed them. And she failed her whole team.
Of course she was angry with Sam after this, he should’ve left her there so more people could’ve lived. But she was more angry at herself. She couldn’t face Sam or anyone for a few days. Y/N was awkward around Sam and had anger radiating off her while she talked to anyone. So people avoided her.
That’s why she didn’t want to be paired with Sam. She didn’t want to have history repeat itself.
“I’m sorry Y/L/N but you’re going to have to face him someday,” Steve apologized. He saw how affected she was about this and maybe Sam could help her get over it since he was there with her when it happened.
“Fine,” Y/N scoffed, bumping into his shoulder as she walked off to her room to get ready for this mission.
Her heart was beating as she started to get more and more nervous about this whole thing. She didn’t want anyone else to get hurt because of her. She didn’t want anyone to die. So she wouldn’t be having Sam’s jokes or his snide remarks this day, she needs to be on point.
Y/N got all of her weapons ready before walking out of her room and finally reaching the Quinjet where Sam was sitting down cleaning his guns out. Once he heard her enter the room a smirk graced his lips.
“Look who finally decided to show up,” Sam laughs, turning around to look at her but only finding her face clenching in anger. His brow furrowed in confusion not knowing what was going on with her.
“Let’s get this over with,” Y/N grumbled, taking a seat and getting all of her weapons in place. Sam snickered at her attitude with confusion all over his face.
Of course he knew that Y/N was upset but Sam thought she was over it by now, but he hasn’t seen her this past few weeks but he heard from Bucky that she was in a horrible mood. Sam sighed before going to sit next her which made her huff out of annoyance.
“Okay what’s your problem,” Sam snapped, turning to face Y/N who had shock written all over her face.
“Nothing,” Y/N lied straight through her teeth, not meeting Sam’s gaze which was burning a hole into the side of her head. She didn’t want to tell him that the reason she’s all broody is because of her own failure.
“I know you’re lying so just tell me the truth so we can at least tolerate each other,” Sam says frustration running through his veins as he rubs his forehead.
When Y/N didn’t respond Sam scoffed.
“Fine let’s just get through this and I’ll talk to Steve about us never going on a mission again,” Sam retorted then standing up and sitting on the other side of the Quinjet.
Y/N looked at him in shock, even though she showed signs that she didn’t like working with him, he was really fun. Now because of her own insecurities and failures she’s going to lose an incredible friend or enemy depends on how you see it. Of course Y/N knew it wasn’t his fault, it was her own. Y/N had to prove that she isn’t this failure that Sam or Steve sees in her.
She saw it in Steve's eyes when she was in the hospital and she believes that she just saw it in Sam’s eyes just now. Deep down she knows she’s a failure and it cuts to her deep to the core to even think about admitting it. The mission she failed just proves it to herself and everyone else even more. God she can’t even do her own job right.
Ever since Y/N was young she was all about being perfect. The perfect grades, the attitude, and eventually to try to be the perfect fighter. Imperfection haunted her as the people in her life, she believed were better than her and sometimes didn’t even like her. Steve usually didn’t talk to her unless it’s work, same with Natasha. Bucky never talks to her, Tony’s too busy in the lab, same as Bruce. Wanda was very sympathetic towards her though since she’s looked through Y/N’s mind. Wanda and Y/N are friends and Wanda is her only friend. Vision was more of an acquaintance.
Sam was different though. She felt the need to prove herself to him. Y/N didn’t know why she felt this since she never felt this towards anyone on the team so why should it matter what he thinks. Sam was an enigma to her, he was an amazing fighter and had this charming personality that made her want to smile but she was too stubborn to do so.
This fear of imperfection ruins things in her life sometimes.
The mission was a success and Y/N gave it her all as she got everyone out okay and the bad guys were all on the way to prison. But it filled that whole in her heart, it didn’t prove anything to her or to anyone.
So whenever she feels frustrated she goes to the gym and let’s all of her frustration on the boxing bag. Y/N is usually here often. She likes to stay fit and it acts as some sort of therapy to her. While she was too busy punching the bag someone entered the room and she didn’t even hear it.
“Damn what did that punching bag ever do to you,” Sam’s voice rang through her ears and she dropped her arms to her side and let out a long sigh before turning to face him. He was in his usual work out gear with a smirk spreading across his lips.
“It broke my heart and dumped a year ago,” Y/N responded, a sarcastic tone in her face as her arms crossed around her chest. Sam let out a laugh at her monotone voice and clearly didn’t seem amused.
“That is the first time I’ve ever heard a joke,” Sam chuckled.
“What are you talking about? I'm a very amusing person,” Y/N let out a tiny smile on her lips.
“Who told you that lie,” Sams’ eyes narrow in confusion.
“Piss off Wilson,” Y/N grumbled wondering why she was joking around with the man. But that conversation caused some butterflies in her stomach. She turned around and bent over to grab her stuff.
When she turned around it showed the soul mark that has been there ever since she turned 18. To Sam’s dismay and his eyes widened in shock as the soul mark matched the same to his on his shoulder. Before he could even mutter a word Y/N left the gym giving him a sarcastic smile.
Sam just stood there in shock. His soulmate has been there all along and he didn’t even notice it. He didn’t know how to feel about it, of course he found Y/N attractive and her attitude was sometimes tolerable. But she made it very clear she was all work and no play. Deep down he knew he felt something for her even before he found out about the soul mate crap.
“Sam you okay,” Steve waved a hand in front of his face trying to get his attention. Sam blinked, rubbing his eyes and nodded at Steve's question.
“Pair me with Y/N for the next mission please,” Sam bluntly asked and shock was written all over the captain's face.
“But you told me last night-,” Steve began to say as he looked at him confused.
“Just please do it and don’t tell her she’ll just get all pissy about it,” Sam asked with a pleading look on his face. Sam narrowed his eyes but nodded anyway.
“Your secrets are safe with me,” Steve promised.
Over the next few days Sam has been trying to talk to Y/N but she always seemed to be in her room and it was clear she didn’t want anyone in there. He needed to talk to her about this, he’s been looking for his soulmate for years and he has to do something about it. Sam’s sure that she has no idea about it since she probably would be more awkward around her.
For her next mission Y/N wasn’t sure who her team mate for this one would be. She was hooping it would be Wanda since she was more comfortable around her than anyone else. Though she wanted to resolve this situation with Sam but was too stubborn to do it.
As she walked to the Quinjet she felt her heart drop as she thought she knew that Sam was going to be there. Even though it was tough to admit she liked Sam’s jokes and his whole persona. He wasn’t even that annoying to her but she has built up so much walls to protect her heart from anyone so she wouldn’t get hurt.
“I thought you didn’t want to work with me anymore,” Y/N stated as she entered the Quinjet and saw Sam sitting there with his leg jittering. He jumped not knowing that she entered the room and relaxed when he saw it was her.
Y/N didn’t blame Sam that he didn’t want to work with her.
“I need to talk to you before we go to this mission okay,” Sam firmly stated, making her eyes furrow as she had no idea what he wanted to talk to her about.
“Okay,” Y/N stated she tried to shake the shock off of her body. She sat next to him since he needed to talk about something. “What do you need to talk about,” She asked fiddling with her thumbs.
“About your soul mark,” Sam softly said resting one of his hands on top of hers making sparks flow through her whole body. It felt weird and she didn’t know. She didn't even know why he wanted to know about her soul mark.
“What about it,” Y/N asked curious as the pad of his thumb rubbed comforting circles on the top of her hand.
“I have the same one,” Sam whispers looking directly in her eyes and at first Y/N thinks this is one of his jokes so she let’s a little giggle out at it. But when he wasn’t laughing with her she looked at him with an un comprehensive look on her face.
“What,” Y/N says as she tries to remove her hand from his but he caught and gave it a squeeze. With a sigh he released her hand and lifted up his shirt to show his shoulder that the soul mark was placed. He bent over the seat he was in a bit to let her get a good look at it.
She was shocked as she stared at his back. Her soulmate was Sam Wilson and man she thought she despised and despised her. Her fingers trailed across the skin and kept staring at the mark. It was identical to hers. Goosebumps fluttered across Sam’s skin as she caressed his skin.
“How,” Y/N whispered as she removed her hand and he sat up straight pulling his shirt down.
“Well everyone’s got a soul mark when they’re born-,” Sam smirked as he started to respond to her question.
“Not like that,” Y/N smacked his arm.
“You’ve been working out haven’t you,” Sam grabbed his shoulder faking a wince. “Okay okay I’ll be more serious,” He put his hands up in defense. “I just can’t believe that my soulmate has been here all this time,” He says in disbelief.
“You don’t want me,” Y/N blurted out as she stood up and walked to the middle of the room as Sam stayed sitting down for the moment. His shoulders slumped as his face was contorted into disbelief.
“And how do you know what I want,” Sam fired back, crossing his arms.
“I just do and you won’t want somebody like me,” Y/N snapped, used her hand and pointed to herself and rested her hand on her heart which was racing.
“Why are you so closed off,” Sam fumed, standing up walking in front of her, his stance matching hers. “Why won’t you let anyone in,” He snapped, glaring at her. He hated the way he was talking to his soulmate but he needed some reasons.
“Because I’m a failure,” Y/N shouted as tears brimmed her eyes. “I couldn’t help those hostages. I don’t even know why I’m an Avenger, I suck so bad,” She ran her hands through her hand and tugged on the roots.
Sam stood there flabbergasted as Y/N turned around and cupped her mouth to keep the sobs in. She knew this was gonna happen, this has been building in her for a long time and it was about time that the volcano exploded.
“You’re not a failure,” Sam says still in disbelief that she would think this about herself. He walked so that he was standing in front of her and cupped her cheeks in his hands. He wiped the tears that fell from her eyes. But she had them closed not wanting to give into him. “You’re one of the most badass women that I know. And even though you can have a snippy attitude I know that you want to help people,” Sam softly says pressing his lips to her forehead making her shiver from the electricity.
“How can you think that I’ve been horrible to you,” Y/N says her voice hoarse from crying.
“I also know how dedicated to work you are and that I can disturb that sometimes,” Sam smiles, removing his hands from her cheeks.
“That doesn’t make it okay,” Y/N nervously chuckles looking up at him as she feels heat crawl all over her body.
“How bout this you make it up to me by buying me a coffee,” Sam bargains a smile plastered on his face.
“Are you asking me out,” Y/N asks, feeling a bit of giddy in her.
“Depends on the answer,” Sam shrugs. She gives him a smile before leaning up and pressing her lips to his and putting her hand on his neck. His hands go to her hips as they stand there and kiss.
The Quinjet flying off breaks the two apart with smiles on their faces. The tears that were once there have been dried away and her heart was feeling better.
“I’m guessing that was a yes.”
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