#chris evans fantasy
boxofbonesfic · 11 months
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Title: Brave [1 of ?]
Pairing: Orc!Steve x Reader
Summary: You learn the hard way what it takes to survive this new life. 
Warnings: 18+ Only, Genre typical violence, Warlord Nomad AU, Dark Fantasy AU, Enemies to lovers, More tags to be added
A/N: i had too much fun with this concept so i decided to stretch it out into more than one part! i really hope you guys enjoy.
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“You understand what I’m telling you, Sweetmeat?” He says, tapping the underside of your chin with the flat of his blade. His bright blue eyes seem to dance with amusement. “I’m telling you to run.” You jump, gasping as he turns the sword with a flick of his wrist, bringing it down in one smooth motion to cut the thick length of rope between your outstretched hands. It falls to the dry grass between your feet, and he straightens back up in the saddle. The massive Clydesdale paws impatiently at the dirt as he laughs again.
You do, with the orc-pack’s laughter burning in your ears. The grass crunches beneath your feet as you sprint. You gather your dusty skirts up around your knees as you make for the tree line. The sound of a horn spurs you onward. 
“The river, Sweetmeat!” His voice carries to you from across the hill. “You’ve only to make it to the river!”
Dry branches tear at your face and clothes as you force your way into the brush. The fear disorients you, but only for a moment. They will run you down if you take the path, sure as daylight. Instead, you make the choice to stick to the trees, moving between them as quietly as you can. You’d seen what the blue-eyed-orc had done to the others—one by one offering them the same choices— 
Run and die. Run or die—
No one got to live.  
It made a sick sort of sense, you supposed, if you used Orc-logic. They were weak—unworthy of the water it would take to sustain them, of the burden it would take for a rider to bear them. You had watched as first the baker’s boy, then the cobbler, and then the smithy each followed the blue-eyed-orc’s instruction, stumbling down the mountain path and disappearing into the trees—only to be brought back at dusk, their remains thrown to the wargs.
Your father had been good for little else but finding his next ale, but he’d paid his guild taxes same as everyone. And a fat lot of good it did him. The few soldiers stationed at the outpost nearest your village had been felled laughably easily, almost as easily as your father. And now he was gone, and you were here, a day’s ride south of the charred remains of your village.
The horn blows behind you a second time, and you swallow your terrified sob. No—you mustn’t panic. It is fear and panic that will get you caught. Your mother’s voice rings in your ears. Find green, she whispers as you crawl through the trees. Find green.
And you will find water.
The trees aren’t dead, not really, not at the roots. There’s thick brown moss growing at the roots, between the sparse patches of dry grass. You fall to your knees, ripping at it. The top layer is dry and brown, flaking away easily under your fingernails. But underneath—
The sound of hoofbeats approaching on the nearby path quickens your step. North—the river is north. You gather what is left of your torn skirts in your hands, trying to stay low and quiet. You have seen the thick-shafted arrows strapped to the backs of the broad-shouldered orc warriors, and you’ve no desire to feel them bury themselves in your back. 
“Fan out!”
Half-blind you push forward, your own ragged breath deafening in your ears. You’re not going to make it—there is no river, there never was, there’s nothing for you to find out here, nothing—
And then you see it. 
The river is drawn back from the bank, a shrunken skeleton of itself—but it is here. From the width of the bank and the depth of the riverbed, you can tell it was once a mighty thing, now tamed by the unending drought. The red clay is dry and crumbling beneath your bare feet as you stumble toward the water. It is cool on your feet as you splash into it, your feet sinking into the mud. 
There is a sound like a whistle, like a switch splitting the air before it parts skin, and an arrow sinks into the wet clay by your feet. 
“Don’t stop now, Sweetmeat. You’re so close.” The voice is taunting, and hatefully familiar. Slowly you turn, and the blue-eyed-orc is there on the bank. His bow drawn, another arrow already nocked.  You stare at one another, your heart pounding in your chest. You wait for him to draw back the bow, to loose the arrow—he doesn’t. After a moment, he lowers it. 
“Brave little thing, aren’t you?” He asks, cocking his head. “You’re not going to run?” 
“No.” You don’t want to die like your father—cowering, with an axe between his shoulder blades that he never saw coming. “I would see my death.” The blue-eyed-orc grins, one sharp fang hanging over his lip. 
“Oh?” To surprise, he stores the arrow back in its quiver, and takes a step closer. “You’ve no weapon to meet it.” 
“It will come whether I’ve steel or none.” You match his step, taking one further back into the river. The muddy water laps at your calves, soaking into your dress. Over the sound of rushing water and the thunder of your own heartbeat, you hear the horses. The riders approach lazily, slowly, like they know you’re cornered. 
You are. 
The pack doesn’t interfere; don’t come any closer than twenty or thirty paces from the riverbank, content to watch as the blue-eyed one circles you like a wolf. 
“Not going to beg, either, I imagine.” He says, and trembling, you shake your head. You’re up to your knees in water now, your skirts soaked and dragging in the current. You are expecting him to unsheathe the massive, hooked axe on his back, to bring your death down upon you swiftly—but he does not even reach for it. Instead, he reaches for your face, cupping your chin in his huge hand. 
“What are you called?” When you answer, he rolls your name around in his mouth like mead. He turns your head this way and that, like someone inspecting an animal for sale. You know he must feel it, the race of your pulse under his fingertips. After a moment, he pulls back, directing his sharp gaze over his shoulder. 
“Bring a horse for her, Buck.” He says, licking his lips. You watch as a ripple passes through the pack at the impact of his decision.
“What—what are you doing?” You ask hoarsely, your teeth still clenched tight with fear. He grins at you over his shoulder as he makes for the bank.
“A deal’s a deal, Sweetmeat,” he replies, beckoning you to follow. “You get to live.” 
to be continued
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georgiapeach30513 · 8 months
Inside Her Fantasy, Part 1
Summary: Ransom was a sweet playboy, and you are America's sweetheart. Two opposite people that met in an unlikely way. Things move fast when you're in the spotlight, and you fell more everyday. He was happy he had someone who he could trust with his vulnerable side. You were happy to have someone who could stand tall and not be irritated by your own fame. Fast love and living in a fish bowl isn't always easy. But can you and Ransom beat the odds?
Pairings: Ransom Drysdale X Reader
Rating: fluff
Warnings:  none, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 4.5K
Series Masterlist
*Dividers created by @firefly-graphics
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Early morning muffled giggles, and the pitter patter of feet make Ransom stir in his sleep. His face burrows deeper into the pastel pink ruffles. Feet hanging off the edge of the bed, but his eyes remain close.
“Daddy,” a giggly voice echoes in the hallway as she covers her mouth with her hand. “Uncle Ranny is in my bed again.”
“Is he,” the big beefy man picks up his littlest daughter, throwing her in the air. “Why are you sitting in the hallway?”
“Because,” she points a finger to her bedroom before covering her mouth with her hand. “I think he has twinkle toes!”
“Not the twinkle toes! Why weren’t you in your bed last night?”
“Uhh,” she draws out, shrugging her shoulders. Usually she didn’t sleep in her room on nights before her parents had to go to the hospital. “I — daddy, I slept in Maevey’s room. And then I wake up to go play, and Uncle Ranny is drooling on my satin!”
“Oh, dear. Let’s wake Mr. Twinkle Toes up, okay?” She responds with an okay, nodding her head while he walks into the room. Ransom let’s out a loud snore, hugging onto one of the little girl’s Squishmallows, and she giggles again.
“Ransom,” her father says, but Ransom snores lower. “Ransom!” He kicks the bed, and Ransom shoots up immediately, groaning before flopping back down on the bed. “You’re drooling on the princess’ pillow.”
“Yeah! That’s my pillow. Why do you always sleep in my bed when you have twinkle toes.”
“I don’t have twinkle toes,” Ransom harrumphs, flipping over to his side. He hugs tighter to her stuffed animal, giving her a peek. “Why are you up so early?”
“You do have twinkle toes! You always drool with twinkle toes!”
“Charlie, baby, I,” he stops talking looking at his best friend and teammate before nodding his head, “Yes, princess, I had twinkle toes, and pranced right in here. I’m sorry, but I’ll buy you a new squishy thing,” Bucky clears his throat, and shakes his head. “I’ll buy you something.”
“Ahh! Daddy, I need to see Maevey. Put me down,” she wiggles out of her daddy’s arms before darting towards her sister’s room.
Bucky gives a long look to Ransom before leaning up against his daughter’s dresser. “Yeah, I had twinkle toes, which by the way, why does your wife call it that?”
“Next time we’ll tell the kids you got shit faced, and stumbled into our house because you used my kids as an excuse to call a cab for some girl of the night,” rolling his eyes, Ransom turns his back to Bucky. “You deserve more than one night stands. Ones you can look at without your beer goggles.”
“Not all of us are cut out to marry our highschool sweethearts.”
“You think it was easy for us?” Bucky sighs, rubbing the bridge of his nose. “She had Maeve when she was sixteen. Pregnant when she was fifteen, and yeah, we struggled and made it work. But you…”
“Grew up in a life of privilege. I didn’t buy my way into the NFL. I worked hard to get there,” Bucky sighs, watching his friend. It had become a frequent pattern with Ransom coming to his house to hide from his problems. The extra help with the kids was nice, but Ransom wasn’t living his life.
“Didn’t say you did. I’m saying those kids love you, and you adore them. You’re worth more than being a fake uncle,” yawning Ransom turns to look at Bucky with an unreadable face. There is zero emotions on his face as he looks at his friend. “There’s going to be some woman who the kids love, and she’s going to send you on a whirlwind. You two are going to fall so hard for each other.”
“Why are you in here, Buck?” He responds pitifully. Ransom was never much into love. It was a made up word that very few could ever hold in their hands. They made excuses and claimed they loved or were in love, but people always disappoint you.
“You’re in my house, and in my daughter’s bed. But Nixon has an appointment. We’re staying overnight, and the girls would rather…”
“You don't have to ask. I don’t want them with anyone else anyways. They’re the only women in my life that don’t make my life a living hell,” Charlie’s bedroom door squeaks open, and the little girl runs onto Ransom’s lap, while the oldest bashfully walks in. She looks at her dad before back at Ransom.
The tall man looks towards the teenager, narrowing his eyes, and pursing his lips. He’s seen this look more than once in his life. “What do you want, Maeve?”
“So, you know my favorite artist right?” Her voice is nearly a whisper. Almost embarrassed to ask Ransom this.
“No, recording artist,” she giggles, shaking her head. She whispers out your name, and looks back at her father quickly. “Umm, she’s playing Gillette tonight. Mom already said we could go, but…”
“Who is that?” Ransom asks, confused. “She…what do you mean she’s playing Gillette?”
“Well, she is the number one artist in the world right now. She’s doing this stadium tour, and she’s going to be here for a few days. I think the itinerary I got online is correct. I know you can’t always believe everything you see on the internet, but I really want to go. Charlie likes her, too,” her little sister nods her head, and whispers into Ransom’s ear about how pretty you are. “It would mean everything to me.”
“Maevey, if she’s as big as you say she is, I might not be able to get us in,” there was only one way he could get the girls in, and he really didn’t want to go down that road again.
“You’re literally the starting tight end of the Patriots,” Maeve wasn’t going to give up without a bit of a fight.
“Your dad is the quarterback.”
“And didn’t you date some…”
“Ahh! I didn’t date her! No, absolutely not,” Ransom decides quickly he isn’t going to ask his ex about tickets to one of the biggest concerts of the year. But then the littlest girl looks up at him, sweetly asking pretty please with a cherry on top, and he can’t say no.
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You bite at your lip, getting a little slap on your wrist by your makeup artist. She hates when you ruin her work. Your lipstick was already on, and now she has to go back and fix it. Staring at yourself in the mirror, you hardly recognize that girl anymore. She’d been through hell recently. Bad breakups are never easy. Worse when the world can watch.
Sighing, you look towards the door. There is always something that bothers you about this talk show. She was invasive, and played up what the tabloids said. You couldn’t keep a man. You just date around to write songs. You were seeing just how many notches you could get. It was insulting.
You are sure you’re not the only woman in the world to date or date around. What you did just was viewed by the world. Growing up in front of the camera may not be ideal, but you didn’t know anything else. This life was all you knew. It gave you the world, while also taking away so much. You loved it, and feared it. You welcomed it, and also wished you could turn it off sometimes. There was never a break.
Someone knocks on the door, and whispers out your name, letting you know it was time to go on to the set of Leslie Locke. Your team always wanted you to put in a good face for this show. It was fun, and the fans enjoyed it, but too bad the press enjoyed your humiliation more.
You squint from the lights as you walk onto set, greeted halfway by Leslie when you take a seat in a chair opposite her. Her blue eyes give you a strange look, and you look out to the audience awkwardly. She was up to something. You just knew it, but what is the question?
“So you had a pretty rough start to the year,” you smile at her, and give her a nod. She was already starting in on you and your relationship. “But the good thing is I’m sure you got some good songs out of it, right?”
“I’d say most writers use their life experiences to tell a story. How is it any different than a writer of a book?” Leslie isn’t used to you snapping back. With age comes a need to protect your peace. Her mouth goes tight as she looks at the camera and then back at you.
“But aren’t authors embellishing the story?” With the breakup came a new realization that you had the power and voice. You didn’t need someone to protect you. You could do it yourself. “We all embellish. Even when I talk to my girlfriends, I’m embellishing the story.”
“So you admit that you use your songs to make yourself look better in the breakup?” She always twisted your words. It was her schtick. You smile, shaking your head no, but have no intentions of elaborating. It wasn’t worth the argument.
“Well, I want to play a game with you,” oh good grief. She loved these stupid games. “Since you’re back on the market, I thought it would be fun to show you some single men,” you turn to look towards one of the cameras with a deadpan look. “No, this will be fun. They’re hot men, just not your usual type.”
“Okay, fine,” you sigh, knowing that it would be easier just to agree.
“Good, good,” she holds up the first picture, and you roll your eyes, shaking your head rapidly. “What’s wrong with Dayton White?”
“I don’t date race car drivers.”
“You mean you haven’t, but you could?” This is a hard no. You wouldn’t date him. “Okay, what about this guy? Big, tall, buff, and he’s a boxer,” you wait a moment for her to give you a name. “This is August Walker.”
“I don’t like the mustache. I like mean without too much going on with their face. Clean cut, ya know?”
“Well, that leaves out these two. Okay, so he’s a football player,” you scrunch up your nose, already looking disgusted. Why would you date a football player? “He’s 6’5”, tight end for the New England Patriots,” not interested. “Blue eyes, all of 265 pounds of man, and a bit of a wild card,” your ears perk up because of course they do. You love those men that have that slight toxicity. They are your weakness. And you hate it.
“Completely baby faced, and he does love going out,” please be ugly. Please be ugly. “You have no idea who Ransom Drysdale is, huh?”
“Ransom?” She flips the card over showing you what he looks like, and you’re a goner. “Oh,” you stutter, trying to look away from his face. “Oh, he’s kinda cute,” the fact that he was holding a small little girl, while hugging another. It made him even more attractive, if his angelic face wasn’t enough.
“Kinda? That is one hell of a man,” yeah, he was. You can’t even imagine how big he would be next to you.
“He’s got kids?” They were adorable little girls. You didn’t think you wanted to date someone with kids, but he could be worth it. You had never dated someone with kids. No, it didn’t matter anyways. You weren’t going to date this man. You were going to look him up. Maybe check out a few pictures of him.
“No, these are his teammate Bucky Barnes’ daughters. He’s very close with the quarterback on the team,” sure he was. He didn’t have kids, that was better. You loved kids, but weren't ready for that. But him being good with kids is a good quality. “You have no idea what the QB does, huh?”
“He throws the ball? Catches it? Tackles?”
“Football isn’t your thing, I see,” she didn’t even answer the question. Fine, you made a public declaration of finding him attractive. Great. You can already see the tabloids writing some stupid nonsense. He is cute though. And somehow loving kids that aren’t his is making him more attractive. It shows he could be a father, but was smart enough to prevent it. Ugh, you can’t be thinking about things like this. You just know his name. But a name is a start. No! Not this one. You will not fall into this trap again.
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Maeve plops down on the couch, sighing as she looks out the window. Ransom was running late, and that only meant one thing. She wasn’t going to the concert tonight.
“Maevey!” Charlie says, bouncing on her older sister’s lap. “Don’t be sad. Uncle Ranny is watching us tonight, and she’ll be at Gillette tomorrow night, too. Can we make bracelets again?” Maeve wants to say no, until she sees her sister’s dark green eyes pleading up at her. “Pretty please?”
“Fine, go get the stuff. I’m sure Ran will just have pizza delivered. And…we’ll watch her interview on Leslie Locke’s today,” it wasn’t the same as actually seeing you in concert, but it would be fine. Maybe you’d talk about some upcoming music. Maybe you’d talk about a new project.
Charlie runs into her room to grab up her beads and elastic. Anything to play and spend time with her big sister. Bringing it back with the biggest smile on her face.
By the time Ransom walks into the house, he gives Maeve a regretful smile, shaking his head, “Maeve, I did try. Me and Candy didn’t end well, so I didn’t think she would help me out. And hey, your dad is the QB, shouldn’t he be able to help?”
“They’re sold out,” her voice is flat as she returns to stringing on a bead. “She’ll be on Leslie’s soon.”
“Leslie Locke’s?” Ransom groans, sitting on the floor with the girls. “All that woman wants to do is hook people up with another celebrity. She’s obnoxious, but she asks questions that nobody wants to ask. You guys really watch that trash?” Maeve shrugs her shoulders, adding another bead to her current bracelet. “What is this?”
“I love friendship bracelets! Here, Uncle Ranny, you start one. You gonna get twinkle toes this weekend?” Snorting, he shakes his head no. Giving a groan when the Leslie Locke theme song plays in the background. It is like he was getting irritated by just the thought of having to hear her voice. “I like when you get twinkle toes. It means we’re going to wake up with you here.”
“I’m here now to watch you because,” he pauses, looking up at Charlie whose eyes darken a moment. “Nixon will be okay. They think there’s a new…”
“Ran, don’t,” Maeve pulls Charlie over into her lap, giving her tiny sister a kiss on the head. “He’s going to be okay, sissy.”
“Of course he is, princess. Nixie boy is going to be so strong, and going to be the best linebacker that the east coast has ever seen,” reaching out his hand, he gives the little girl a tap to her nose, “I promise, Nixon will be okay.”
“Yeah. Yeah, you’re right. Hey, look! Maevey! There she is. Oh, she’s so pretty, huh, Uncle Ranny?” Both girls turn to look towards Ransom, and he is only staring at you as you wave to the camera. Giving the audience the prettiest smile. He’s notices the fake smile you give Leslie. He’s done it a few times.
“What do you think?” Maeve leans towards him, bumping his shoulder. “You have just as much chance as those normal people. But she has this tendency to,” Maeve’s words turn into mush as Ransom watches you. He hadn’t ever seen anyone more beautiful. He isn’t sure why he hadn’t ever thought to look you up. Especially when there was the rumor you would be singing at the Super Bowl.
Your fake little giggle as you look at Leslie is even adorable. He isn’t paying attention to whatever little game Leslie is playing with you until Charlie sees it.
“That’s me!” Charlie shouts, jumping out of her sister’s lap. “That’s me! Maevey, she’s looking at us.”
“Oh, my god,” Maeve chokes out, hearing you mention how Ransom was cute. “Oh my god! She’s seen my face. She…she’s — Ransom, do you understand what this means?” Ransom can’t think of anything other than the fact that you are staring at a picture of him.
“I have an idea. Ran, I have — Ransom Drysdale! She’s going to be at the children’s hospital before her concert. Ransom! Ransom, pay attention to me.”
You thought he was cute. You smiled a genuine smile looking at him. His phone hadn’t rang. Leslie wasn’t trying to put her meddling nose where it didn’t belong. He could call his people, and get them to call your people. This could work. One date. One night.
“What?” He asks, finally looking at Maeve.
“I have an idea, and you won’t have to get anyone’s teams involved. It would just be you and her. It’s perfect, and she loves simple things. She loves little sneaks. And I think she kinda liked the idea that you don’t have kids, but you’re around them. Ran, I know what we need to do.”
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Performing was the easy part of your career. Having moments to tell your stories with a guitar in your hand. Nothing else matters. Just you and the movement of the lyrics. Looking up to see the children’s faces makes you smile.
You wanted a family. One day you would have some of your own. Even though you’re sealed up in a studio alone, this is one of your favorite crowds to perform for. Big beaming smiles as they hang on to every word that you say. They always called you powerful, but they were the powerful ones. Always able to have a smile on their face.
Smiling despite whatever was going on in their lives. Enjoying life regardless of what their diagnoses were. Simple. Peaceful. Looking back down at your guitar, you close your eyes for a moment, and just feel the music. Everyone always had something going on in their life. Money couldn’t buy you everything. Definitely couldn’t make bad stuff from happening to you.
Opening them back up, you look out into the small audience and choke. Having to look away from the handsome man that was standing in front of you. You had only just seen him in a photo recently, and there he was. It was like the clouds had opened up, and the sun shone right on him. His blue shirt setting off his eyes even more. And those jeans made his legs look days long. He is staying casual, even a brand new pair of Nikes on. He wasn’t even remotely your type, and still you feel drawn to him.
“Uncle Ranny she saw you,” Ransom shakes his head no. He imagined the crack in your voice when you looked up at him. He has to hold Charlie up, so she could actually see over the crowd in front, and Maeve leans over on his shoulder. “Yeah huh. She did. Or it was me.”
“It was definitely you,” Ransom responds without looking away from you. You looked delicate in that room all by yourself. Strumming on a guitar and peaceful. He didn’t have the best reputation in the NFL. The reputation of a perpetual playboy. Love them and leave them, so if you wanted to even talk to him, you would have to accept that. And from what research he did on you, any male in your vicinity was automatically your Prince Charming.
Two people from very different careers, and rumors that ruled your careers just as much as your talent. The rumors aren't always true. Some nights Ransom doesn’t even go home with those women. He crawls into a tiny little twin sized princess bed with pink ruffles. The tabloids could write what they wanted to. But this — this is an intimate setting, and he’s never seen anyone more beautiful than you.
You might not realize it, but you look at each child that is watching you perform. Giving them a moment of joy. There are no cameras, and nobody to see what you’re doing but these kids and family. And then he realizes he must look like the biggest asshole because he was here.
“We should go,” he whispers, and he swears he sees you shake your head no. Could you read lips, and were you asking him not to go?
“No, we can’t,” Maeve whispers, her eyes staying on you the entire time. “You have to give her what you made.”
“Maeve, this is silly,” she gives her quasi uncle a quick pinch on his forearm. Something she’s done most of her life. Her silent way of letting him know that she wasn’t going to change her mind, she needs to see this through. “I can just get…”
“She doesn’t like setups like that. She wants things to be organic.”
“I showed up at the children’s hospital to see her,” and saying it out loud sounds even more absurd than it felt. He was crossing a line by coming here.
“You are just bringing us to our parents, so we can check on our little brother because he’s going to have another surgery. This is as random as you can get,” Maeve’s words stop in her mouth as you smile at the three of them. Your eyes looking back to the kids in the front. You aren’t sure why they are there, but you aren’t entirely upset about it either.
He looks more handsome in person. And the way those girls are so comfortable with him. A quick Google search told you how close he was with his QB. How he spent a ton of free time with him, and his kids. You hope that they linger. You always want to give time to everyone before they are shuffled back into their room. Hoping a smile towards them, and holding up a finger, asking them to give you a minute will be enough.
You know it isn’t going to be long before you are going to be ushered away in preparation for the show. Taking a deep breath, you go to hug each and every one of them. Watching your PA from the side who is constantly checking on the time. Hopefully Ransom and his nieces understood it wasn’t being rude. She was always conscious of your time.
As soon as the last person is pulled away from your side, you stand up straight to look at Ransom with whatever smile your social battery will allow. Your PA says your name, and motions you with her head it was time to leave, “Give me ten more minutes?” She looks at Ransom and the girls, and holds up her whole hand. Five minutes was better than nothing.
“So,” you huff out walking towards them. Having to gulp when you realize just how massive Ransom is. No wonder the little girl looked tiny in his arms. “Uh,” you giggle, not knowing exactly what to say. “I’m sorry.”
“My brother is here,” the oldest girl blurts out, and pulls at Ransom’s arm. “He has something for you.”
“No, I don’t.”
“Yes. You do. He’s on the Pats. He tried to get tickets to your show last night, but they were sold out. I’ve always wanted to see you. I’m your biggest fan. My little sister, Charlotte, loves you, too. She’s just four, so she doesn’t understand all the lyrics. But I do. I love how you kinda tease your fans, and give us little Easter eggs in anticipation for your next album, or sneak things into your videos. It’s so cool,” panicking she looks up at Ransom. Realizing she had word vomited all of that to you. This wasn’t how she imagined meeting you would go.
“Maevey, breathe,” the little girl giggles, before hiding her face on Ransom.
“She talks a lot when she’s nervous,” Maeve gives him a pinch to his arm, and if you weren’t standing right in front of him, laughing a tiny bit, he wouldn’t do what he was about to do. “I did try.”
“Well, what if I told you that I have a few extra tickets to the show. I always ask for a box at these stadium shows to stay empty for me just in case. It’s still empty,” both the girls squeal, and Maeve tugs on Ransom’s arm a bit. “I should probably go, honestly. But…I’ll have my people call yours?”
“Uhh…where is,” You point over to a few hidden areas in the hospital. You had people everywhere. He’s sure most are for security. But still one could figure out what it was Ransom needed to do to get to the stadium. Maeve gives him another pinch to his arm, and he grunts as you start to turn around.
“Uh, me and the girls, we uh — we made you something.”
“That’s adorable,” you preen, looking between both of the girls. Ransom reaches his giant hand into his pocket, and pulls out a crude bracelet.
“We made friendship bracelets last night instead of watching your concert. I just brought them here to see their parents and baby brother.”
“This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me,” you’ve had sweet things given to you. But there is something about envisioning this man on the floor with two girls, and making a bracelets with those thick fingers. “Thank you. Honestly, I want to see you guys in the box tonight. Jared will get you all the info that you need.”
“Yes. Yes, you will. Ransom has nothing to do. Nothing at all,” you liked the teenager with him. Even when nervous, she still said what she thought.
Ransom sighs as you walk away. Thankful you hadn’t looked at what the bracelet said while you were in front of him. He could breathe again, but you couldn’t. Walking with your PA, your fingers play with the bracelet until you are helped into your car.
“June, he’s so hot. Like hot hot obviously. He’s so big and wide, and the way he delicately held Charlotte? Oh my god. That was the sweetest thing, and I need them at the show tonight.”
“Don’t let him be a distraction.”
“I won’t,” you roll your eyes, finally giving the bracelet a look. He was smooth. You stuff it back in your pocket. Smiling from ear to ear, and knowing that when you go alone, you were going to pick up your phone, and make sure that he had your number, too.
Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season @marveloustaylortot @pono-pura-vida @sstan-hoe @peaches1958 @seitmai @smile1318 @andydrysdalerogers @cjand10 @midnightramyeoncravings @kmc1989 @floral-recs @fenixstar @astrorogers @musingsfromthemitten @patzammit @stillthatbetch
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newblvotg · 5 months
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mdpplgtz03 · 1 year
Beauty And The Beast - Ari Levinson
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Pairing: Beast!Ari Levinson x Belle!reader
Author's note: Here is the long-awaited start of Fairytale Fantasy! I hope everyone likes and enjoy it as much as I did writing it (Hehehe) I tell you that the back pain I have from working on this is worth it hahaha. I'm a whore for Beast!Ari 🫣🥵
Taglist: @optimisticallygarbage , @smile1318 , @alessandraavengers , @she-wolf09231982 , @octobers-snow , @sizzlingfurydeer , @ccutieprincess , @imrandomstuffsblog
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Maybe you should have listened to your father. Maybe you should have stayed home and called the guards as he told you to do in case something happened to him. But of course, you had to be stubborn and go looking for your father by yourself. Deep down you know why. Because everyone in town doesn't think you're capable. They believe that you are a simple, innocent young woman who does not pay attention to her surroundings and who plunges into the world of fantasy. But that world is so beautiful. Not only reading but writing as well. Your little notebook next to your writing machine keeps stories that have made you lose your innocence for a long time.
If only people knew what you do at night when you finish writing them. The times that your hands have traveled from your chest to your femininity, releasing that pleasure that reading them generates. And it all comes from your mind. Your precious mind.
But that's a secret that the rest of the town doesn't know. Nor will it know. Oh, the scandal they would make! they would kick you out of town, they would try to...
But if they only knew that it started with a dream. A very realistic dream that woke you up in the middle of the night with your underwear stained with a fine creamy liquid.
For in the dream, you were the victim of a beast, an abominable, male, beast.
You remember it as if it had happened in reality. You ran through the forest, your clothes were torn little by little as you collided with the branches of the dry trees. you hide behind a tree enough to cover your body. You closed your eyes. Your heart gave millions of beats per second. And then, as if your body felt it. He was standing in front of you. And you, even with your eyes closed, felt how his great and bestial hand caressed your body...
A strange noise makes you wake up from your thoughts. It's night, and you're still alone walking through the woods looking for your father.
You just hope he's okay.
In the distance, a large object, which is illuminated by the moon, becomes visible before you. Your eyes widen in shock. It's your father's carriage.
You quickly approach and desperate you begin to shout:
“Father? Father are you there!?".
But there is no answer. The carriage is wrecked. On the right side, there are some fine lines marked. As if someone or something had scratched it. Suddenly, a large shadow passes in front of you, alerting all your senses in less than a thousandth of a second. You, desperate and scared, start running, going back the way you came from. Or so you think because it's too dark for you to notice. The great shadow seems to haunt you. Your whole body feels it.
Not daring to look back, you continue and continue running until just a few meters away, a large tree appears in your visual field, and without thinking, you sneak behind it and close your eyes. If there is someone chasing you, they will surely lose sight of you. But how wrong you are... A great shadow rises in front of you, and without daring to open your eyes, you start running again, only, having your eyes closed, you are not aware that there is a stone, and before you could react, your body falls to the ground and everything turns black.
"My sweet daughter, please wake up." You feel a voice from far away.
Slowly, you start to open your eyes as the voice becomes clearer. In front of you is your father, who carries big dark circles under his eyes. You get up without hesitating and hug him.
"Dad! You are alive! Oh, thank you! You are okay," you take a look at his form. His clothes are dirty, and torn, as if someone had scratched him "Wha-what happened? Who hurt you?" you ask, concerned.
"You don't worry about that hun, why did you come here alone? I told you to call the gua-"
A loud throat clearing interrupts your father, who quickly takes you by the arms and runs you, staying behind him.
"She didn't do anything, don't kill her." He says scared of the big shadow hiding in the dark.
“Shut up!” The big shadow now stands in front of your father, and you can't believe it.
He is the one from your dream—the beast.
You do not let out a single word, nor sigh, but how your body is shaking at his presence, clearly shows how scared you are of him. But is it fear that you feel?
"Stupid man, don't you see why you are here?" The big beast lets out a smirk, "You were just bait. A bait to attract what I really want." his penetrating gaze travels quickly to you.
Your father seems to realize that because the way he slowly puts you behind him shows it.
"You won't lay a hand on her, Never!" He spat the last word harshly.
"Then I'm afraid I will have to kill you." The big arms of the beast try to junk away your father from you, but you instinctively stand in front of him. Stopping what he is about to do.
"No! Please wait!” you put your hand up as if that could serve as a shield from preventing the beast to take another step. “Don't kill him, please! I-I'll go with you, just-just don't kill him"
Your father tries to talk to you but you stop him giving him a quick look, silent telling him not to do anything.
“I'll stay on one condition,” you take a deep breath, “Let him go. Alive.” You lower your head as you say it. The penetrating gaze of the beast provokes something in you that you still can't figure out what, or why...
You do this for your father. You do this for your father, you repeat yourself mentally.
The great sigh of relief you breathed when the beast strangely agreed to let your father go.
And even though you would have liked to have hugged him goodbye, you should have been content to see him dragged away from you, outside the castle, while you watched from the castle gate.
Apparently, the beast owns this old and great castle...
And now you find yourself in this great room, standing in front of a great bed, and on top of it, a small box embroidered with your name.
How was he able to know my name?
Doubtful, you open the box, and in it, there is a large note that read: put it on. And without waiting any longer, you stir the box to see what was inside. Your eyes can't believe what they are seeing.
A light knock at the bedroom door makes you jump a little. A slight forward is emitted from your lips.
The instructions were clear. Behind the note that was inside the box there were also two clear indications:
1. Sit in the chair in front of the window.
2. Blindfold.
And this is how you are now, as you listen to the door open.
"Hello?" you ask. Although it is a stupid question because you already know who he is. Him.
Obviously, you don't get an answer, but you do feel how close he is to you.
“You look beautiful,” He says. “Like in my dream.”
"What dream?” your words seem to tremble at the confession. "Have you also dreamed of me?"
You try to get up so you can look at his face, silly of you, because you forgot you were wearing the blindfold. But the fall to the ground never arrives. Large arms support you, preventing the fall.
"Calm down, calm down." the voice comforts you. "Don't tremble, I won't hurt you." The beast's voice emanates sincerity.
His arms lift you up, you emitting a small moan at the action, as they take you to the bed, where you are gently deposited on top of it and immediately afterward the blindfold that covers your eyes is untied. And after so long, you can see him up close.
He is sitting across from you, his eyes seeming tiny before his large features. But nevertheless, that seems to turn you on.
The beast's eyes don't seem to waste time, as they cover your body from top to bottom, with admiration but also with lust. Instinctively your hands try to do what they can to cover your body.
The beast denies and, gently, its hands are positioned on top of yours, detaching them from your body.
"I won't hurt you."
"How can I be sure of that? You kid-kidnapped my father!” You exclaim ignoring his gaze.
"I wasn't going to hurt him, I didn't mean to" The beast sighs. "Everything was for you to come."
Her words confuse you. "What?”
"I saw you in my dreams. You helped me heal."
Your eyebrows knit together, "Heal?"
The beast nods. "To become human again...My name is Ari and I...I have been the prince of this castle for as long as I can remember..." He pauses before continuing. Telling this seems to affect him. "But my greed and ego made a mistake and cursed me, turned me into this!" he says getting up angrily, turning his back on you. And after a few seconds, he seems to give up, “Help me, please…”
You get up and slowly walk towards him. Your delicate hand rests on his shoulder, motioning for him to turn around. And it's what he does. Both are face to face, his eyes connected with yours. The hand that was on his shoulder now rests on his large, bare chest. You nod, giving him to understand that you are going to help him. “Just tell me what to do…” you whisper.
The beast—Ari, with his hands, enclose your face between them and bring you closer to his lips. You stand on your toes quickly since he is much taller and bigger. Your eyes close when you feel the touch of his lips with yours. His tongue quickly asks for passage, something that becomes messy, because no one had ever kissed you, much less done that with you. You were only able to write it thanks to your imagination but, god... this is so much better.
Quickly you both move until you collapse on the bed, he remains on top of you, holding on with one hand to avoid crushing you while the other remains on your cheek. After a few minutes, Ari separates his lips from yours, a fine line of saliva peeling off both of them, cutting in the middle of the separation. His hands now run and caress your body.
"It's perfect for you. Beautiful.” he says referring to what you are wearing. A fine yellow lingerie set covers your beloved body, highlighting your qualities. And it's not like you were going to tell him, maybe not yet, but when you saw yourself in the mirror, you felt a surge of confidence. Well, if there was something that the beast had, it was good taste.
You let out a thin chuckle, your eyes traveling over his bare chest. He was only wearing big pants.
One of the beast's hands is positioned above your femininity. A small wet patch is present on this one. He smiles when he feels it and begins to put a little pressure on that area. Your giggle quickly turns into a moan. A wave of electricity warms up your body in no time. Everything in you asks for more of his touch. Your pelvis rises a bit, signaling him not to stop.
This time it is you who decides to take control of him, joining your lips with his again, intertwining your hands behind his great neck, drawing him closer to you. With his big hand, Ari breaks the fine cloth that covers your precious femininity, and without warning his mouth travels there, fiercely devouring your pussy. The sensation you feel generated by his beard between your feminine lips is incredible. A finger enters your inner walls without difficulty because of how lubricated you are there still, you shuddered in pain, and Ari realizes and lubricates the area even more, murmuring meanwhile to you to be calm and that it's only temporary.
Ari was right. You lost count of how much time has passed, but Ari has been so patient with you, it's amazing to think that this man, who turned into a beast, would take the time to make you feel comfortable, to prepare your femininity.
And now you are ready. Everything in you feels it.
You told Ari how you wanted to do it, and he didn't object.
Sitting on top of him, your hands on your chest, and with all his cock inside you, you move up and down. The sound of both skins colliding, the moans, the scent of sex in the room, everything fits perfectly.
Ari quickly grabs you by the waist to take control, further speeding up his penetrations.
Your moans are getting shorter from all the pleasure you are feeling, and you no longer know where that strength comes from to emit them. This is better than your nights alone. A hundred times better.
For Ari to enter you like this, for him to have been so gentle, is a combination of pleasure that cannot be described.
A knot seems to form in your stomach. Ari notices because he feels how your insides contract, making his member tighten a little, turning him on even more.
Ari takes your body and lays it on his chest, your face is hidden between his neck and shoulder.
You both move haphazardly. You looking for your climax and him for his. But at the same time, both are going to come to the same thing. Your grip on his arms intensifies more. Ari hides his head on your shoulder sucking on a bit of skin until… The ferocious moan they both let out is inhuman. Both reached the climax.
The great jet of hot liquid that you feel inside you tempers your interior. You let out a big sigh. Fine drops of perspiration fall from their bodies.
You are the first to get up from his chest, without removing his member from yours, when you feel how Ari's body changes.
In front of you is no longer that great and enormous beast, but rather a man. And even though he's still so much bigger than you, Ari looks more human. His face is no longer full of hair. But rather only one fraction of it is adorned with a beard.
You and Ari smile. He hugs you and doesn't move away from you, but rather he stays inside and strokes your hair, whispering to you:
“Thank you…”
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moon-language-0 · 13 days
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captain!tony and mermaid!steve manips by @fohatic for my stony mermay fic
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riricitaa · 8 months
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askstevella · 21 days
Hercules AU - The Super Spouses
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Steven Grant Rogers as Hercules (Herc)
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Estella Romano-Strange as Megara (Meg)
Summary: Steve Rogers had been an outcast his whole life, he was always alone aside from a couple of friends here and there, until one day he's given the chance to show the world what he's got. But the question is, he is a zero or a hero in the eyes of a certain fair lady? 
Once Upon A Time/Fantasy AU
In the lower ends of the forests and the mountains stood the forsaken sandy beaches that led to a town filled with men and women of all different ages and sizes. 
In the town held way too many, players and rookies trying to seek like everyone else. Be heroes, lovers, challengers and the list goes on. Some of them just acted to the play the role of bullies.
Where stood Steven Grant Rogers on the other end of it all—no seriously! He was on the other hand of some dude’s fist for the 3rd week in a row for trying to help the baker but instead, he ended up making a mess due to not pulling his weight as he told some jerk to knock it off. Last week, he was trying to fight some larger guy for almost harming some women but his efforts ended with him having to nurse a sore arm that day.
Today, yet again he had his ass handed to him as he tried to fight back holding a makeshift shield. Which was actually a lid from some can, taking a few good licks towards the guy who was picking the fight. 
The guy backed off once his friends yelled for him, rubbing his face and glared at Rogers. 
Steve leaned against a wall, coughing and huffing wiping his nose checking for any blood stains on his face or clothes. He might in relief at being clean, deciding to head home soon.
Steve didn’t like bullies, he rather get beaten up trying to do something such a helping out than watching a person struggle in result of being helpless during a time of need. Only problem was that he was seen a outcast, some scrawny kid, but that doesn’t stop him from doing what he thinks is right.
It also helps that he would find himself looking at status of literal heroes at the fairs and museums wishing he could be seen as more than just what people saw physique.
When he was younger his mother was would get her own little troubles and end up feeling hurt in the end. 
He would ask, “Why don’t you just stand down, ma?”
Her response, “…you always stand up.”
His mother always knew he had a good heart and he would keep fighting until his last breath, as long as he always stands. 
That’s how he found himself at Phil’s stations. Plenty of men were ringing up to become knights and such for the wars, to fight monsters and possibly be heroes. Phil and his bosses was skeptical, especially when Steve showed up for the try outs, to train and become a hero.
His bosses didn’t believe this short skinny kid had something to prove. Hell, Phil stopped having tryouts once he saw how poor of a turnout there was. But was surprise Phil the most weeks later was the same short skinny kid showed up at his doorstep with such determination, heart and willingness to give it his all. 
He even brought a friend, James Barnes, with him as his support and fellow fighter. 
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After a long hard stare, Phil deeply sighed and decided to give it a shot, but warned Steve that if he messed up or made a fool out him, there would be problems. He already had plenty of men do the same to him before, where they’re egos and pride got the best of them.
Weeks of training, grit and determination, along with hope of the gods themselves. It was as if he was given a transformation that seemed otherworldly on how he started out.
Steven Grant Rogers was taller, stronger, could run faster than he could before, quicker on his feet and had muscles to back him up. His friend wasn’t looking too bad either.
It was a grand improvement, and his skills showed it better than Phil expected. His pal, Howard came to help out every now, grinning at the show in front of his eyes. 
One afternoon, it was just Phil and Steve training in the forest, until the tall blonde got it right. Despite Phil’s best efforts, there was his spark of impact in the young man’s eyes wanting to help people and put his skills to the test.
See what else can he do. He was training, fighting beast within waters and trying to outsmart them. However he had his misfortune moments there too, where he would fall and misstep somewhere.
There were moments where Phil was too hard on him too.
Phil said, “With time, you will do so. Have patience, rookie.”
Steve just nodded. 
Until he heard it, the sounds of grunting and yelling. A few trees away at the same forest, stood a women trying to run away from some monster, a centaur named Nessus. 
“I swear, put me down! If my brothers hear about this—” Yelled the women, trying to be released from his grip.
“You’ll what? Call them to use their magic on me? I ain’t scared, call them, sweetheart.” Repiled Nessus with a smirk.
“Ugh! You’re breath stinks.”
“Heh I like ‘em fiery too, baby.”
“Ew! Let go of me, dimwit!”
Steve stood behind a few pills of tall grass and bushes, watching this all go down as his facial expressions were ones of disgust and distant for the blue centaur holding the women in his grasp. He didn’t like it one bit, hell he didn’t even hear Phil or Bucky’s soft shouts to talk him through on how to fight the dude, he just went for it.
He flipped his sword and grunted, stomping along the water grabbing the centaur’s attention, “Halt!
“Step aside, two legs.” The centaur snarled, still holding the women.”
“Pardon me my good…sir. I’ll have to ask you to release that young maiden at once.”
That was when the women finally face him. She whipped her head around, taking a deep breath pushing her long bangs, pushing herself from the centaur’s grip.
“Keep moving’, jolly steam.” She remarked, grunting.
He raised an eyebrow, “Aren’t you a damsel in distress?”
“I’m a damsel, I’m in distress…I can handle this. Bye!”
“Ma’am, I think you may be too close to the situation.” 
The two started to bicker, but soon enough the big blue eye backed Steve onto the water. Phil rolled his eyes and Bucky whined wanting to help, Phil shook his head. Steve got up and snarled, overhearing Phil and Bucky’s shouts of encouragement that sounded like tough love to his ears. 
Steve thought for a moment flipping his sword and thought to use his head, as he swung and kicked the big blue guy  so hard he was went flying backwards. Hell, the women was left from his grasp and falling into the water, coughing and crawling to sit on a rock. 
Steve helped her off and onto the rock but before he can get more than two sentences out Nessus went up for round 2, as the blonde excuse himself to fight him.
The women ring her wet curls out and let out a light chuckle, “Is wonder boy for real?” “Yeah he’s real..a real punk.” Bucky muttered with a scoff then shouted, “Get his legs dummy!” 
“Friend of yours?”
Eventually Steve got the upper hand, as Nessus went flying and Bucky took a final swing at the blue jerk. Both friends nodded and grinned.
“How was that Phil?” Steve asked, fully soaked.
“Not how I hoped it was good. You made mistakes, but people will catch onto it in the big leagues.” Phil repiled. 
“I beat him, didn’t I?” Steve said, 
Bucky remarked, “I helped!”
Phil groaned and yelled, “Next time, don’t let your guard down cause a of pair of big goo-goo eyes! Both of ya!” 
“Hey, he’s the one who didn’t listen! And I don’t crack under the pressure..” Bucky defended himself poorly.
“I know but you guys gotta stay focus! Especially Rogers.”
“I’ll talk to him, I promise—wait where did he go?”
Steve has walked off to check on the women he tried to save earlier, he wanted to make sure she was alright after all of that. This time he got a better look at her, as he found her to be rather pretty. She was standing up, wearing a long blush red dress, ringing out her curls into the stream of water beside them. She looked over to face him, catching a look at the wonder-boy’s soft blue eyes and brown clothes. 
He was handsome.
He half chuckled with a slight awkwardness and he carefully asked, “Are you alright, miss…?”
“Um, Estella..but mainly people call me Stella. I didn’t need you to save me back there, you know?” She asked in a hush yet sassy tone.
“I know, but you looked like you needed the help. You were stuck in his giant hand.”
“And I couldn’t live with myself knowing I could’ve at least done something to get him away from you.”
“Heh, ‘wow’ what?”
“You sounded very genuine with that line. Also you let me fall to the ground.”
“Again, I was trying to help. And I apologize  for the incident, it wasn’t my intention for that part to happen.”
Estella watched him for a moment, seeing how he was actually being genuine and doing his best here. It was pretty clear he was new to this, all of this for that matter.
The least she can do is cut him some slack.
“Alright. They give you a name with that whole look?” She asked, looking over her shoulder smiling.
He hummed returning the smile, “Heh, I uh—I’m um, uh..”
“Are you always this articulate?”
“Uh, no. And to answer your previous question, my name is Steve Rogers.”
“Steve Rogers? Hmm. It’s cute. But I think I prefer wonder-boy.”
Steve raised an eyebrow at her comment about to make a remark at her words but decided against it. Instead he asked, “So, if you mind me asking, how did you get mixed up with the big blue guy?”
“Pinhead with hooves?” She responded, “Things happened, I fell into the wrong crowd.”
“Well yeah, you know how some men are. They think no means yes and get lost means take me I’m yours.”
Bucky could be heard snorting in the background, trying to cover up his laughter. Phil scoffed not knowing to like this women or not at the moment. Steve half smiled as he watched Estella thank him for his efforts, walking away saving she had to head home.
Rogers spend the time couple of days training and trying to protect his craft, perfect his skills with Phil and Bucky. They traveled to different places within the cities and town looking for anyone who might need help.
They fought an ogres, a beast or two and taken out some jerk who infested a town by being greedy to the folks. It was nice, they were small fest of fights to keep of his strength and protect others from harm.
It’s what he wanted to always do. And he was more than glad to do so. 
And so did the women—Estella, who watched from afar nodding and smiling at his accomplishments along the way. She had to hand it to him, fighting off those beast and making sure some town folk were given the some peace. A piece of her melted seeing his smile and kindness towards the people, even if many didn’t really have an appetite or cared to give him the time of day. He kept doing what he could with his friends. 
She knew from stories, people needed to see the big moments to consider someone a hero, not a zero. At the moment, he was seen as zero to Estella despite all the things he’s done. She didn’t know his true motivations yet and wondered if he did for the power, the fame and glory. 
The girl was at odds.
Yeah sure he was strong, tall, blonde and nice, but most men can be like that one the surface.
She needed to see the real fight here. See if he was would run away and show his true self or stay to fight.
Not the small ones that prove nothing, but someone who was trying to hard.
It also didn’t help that her big boss was thinking of sending a challenger his way…
A couple of weeks later, that answer comes as clear as day. 
In a quiet city within a kingdom, Steve was resting after a simple day of swimming and enjoying his afternoon at the market place. Him and Bucky had spent the day trying to familiar themselves with that side of the city, get to the people if possible, as the idea was suggested they moved there.
It was pretty much close to home and still far to travel around too.
Currently, Steve was taking in the light clouds that blew past the sunlight as it shinned upon his body. His week was rather odd to say the least, the basic training, traveling, talks with friends, and trying his best to make sure people were doing alright. 
But a small of him yearned for a fight. A true battle, like the one he can prove who he was and take a stand for others. He wasn’t asking for a war, just to look out for the little guy and show others that they can be helpers to anyone who need it.
He sighed wondering if maybe he was trying to hard, if he should just pack it up and go home for a while. It’s not like was looking for trouble to appear on his doorstep and neither did he want to see anything destroyed or hurt. 
Maybe he could see that fair lady again and—
He was suddenly taken out of his thoughts at the sound of screams and shouts, as he rushed onto his feet looking around for who that was. He followed the noise rushing to see was happened. Then he saw it, two kids stuck under wood and dry stonewall, hearing women crying and men shouting. 
He raced in to do his part, appearing underneath the collapsed temple yelling for the kids to hear their voice and make sure they were still alive. He heard some coughing and wheezing coming from their voices, as he rushed to lift up the wood and stone that collapsed over them. He held his breath lifting the items, urging both kids to try and move as he throw the stone to side, helping them out of there. 
Before the temple can take full force and collapsed any further, he got everyone out holding both children, who seemed to be around 7 years old, in his arms making sure they were okay. The kids nodded and thanked him, as they rushed off to their parents. 
Steve finding let out his breath at the sigh of both children safe and sound, that he didn’t even realized people were watching. He was more concerned with their health, looking over his shoulder to see the temple in pieces as dust and rumble surrounded behind him. He half smiled and waved at ‘your welcome’ to the parents who thanked him in grateful for their held, watching the kids who kept their gaze on him before looking back at their mothers.
Then he heard it, some clapping and shouting in the air for his act of bravery as he nodded and gave the few who noticed him a smile. Bucky rushed in just in time to see the motion and scoffed at his friend getting some recognition for his work, after all the weeks.
But it wasn’t over yet.
“Steve, look out!” Shouted Bucky who pointed at the what crawled out a crave near the temple.
A beast appeared more like a dragon with a long neck, sharp teeth and killer eyes snarling at Steve. The blonde’s eyes widen gulping as he realized he left his sword behind but thankfully Bucky found it and tossed it over to him.
The warring fight had began, as the dragon snarled and wicked his head around as Steve circled him with his sword throwing everything at the beast. This wasn’t something he ever fought before. Steve, along with Bucky’s help, trying to distract the dragon and knock it off balance to not eat them. 
At one point, the dragon wrapped his tongue around Steve’s ankle and threw him midway into the air, opening his mouth and swallowed him whole. Bucky looked away and groaned, battling the dragon in revenge for his friends but was knock into a wall. 
People watched, gasping and screaming at the sight. Estella was standing afar gasping, thinking Rogers was a goner. 
But to the dragon’s surpassing surprise and everyone else include, their breaths were held back. As inside the dragon’s throat was a rumbling noise and crawling tickle that confused the beast, as a sudden slice cut off his airway and his head went flying off. On the other side appeared Steve Rogers, holding his sword and grunting ever so loudly as his body slammed onto the ground alongside the dragon’s head.
People clapped and smiled, some sighed in relief. Bucky helped his friend up as Estella whined at the gross smell surrounded them. Steve got up on his feet, looking around and ordering Bucky to get other’s to safely as he figures out what to do with the dragon’s head.
Speaking of heads…one cut off, 3 other grew just like it. Once he turned around his eyes widen once again, grabbing his sword and giving Bucky a signal to join him.
Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes were fighting The Hydra. 
It was brutal sight to see, as The Hydra snarled, growled and screamed in their direction as both men fought him. The crowd was running and yelling as rain showed over the land at the same time. Bucky fell to the ground, as Stella rolled her eyes dragging him up the bench before he could get killed muttering something under her breath, meanwhile it was left to Steve to finish him off.
The rain was pouring, the screams were engulfing everyone around, people gasped and ran for the heavens. But Steve Rogers maintain his breath, sword were on the other end of the ground as the HYDRA picked him up and threaten death in his eyes. In a last effort to think quick on his feet, Steve balled his fists and steady his shield slammed the wall of thick rock until it came crashing down.
The Hydra came crashing down and he went down with it.
Silence fell on the ground above, you could hear a pin drop as everyone fell their breaths. Stella gasped and looked over her shoulder watching her boss, Hades, sitting in the dark corners watching with a grin. 
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Hades’s grin was clear as day watching Steve collapse with his challenger, betting all his coins he has fallen, snickering at Stella’s face toward horror and bitterness. A part of Estella reminded him of his only daughter, Luna, who started out kind and all so sweet then somehow she escape The Underworld, then he never saw her again. 
But with Stella, it was different, she was a slave to his deeds after some stupid deal to have her big brothers live while she went to find Hades whatever he needed in return that day, but she never reading the fine print. That she would stay under his thumb for as long as he liked…
However his grin slowly fell, as he leaned forward in his chair and saw movement from below, furrowing his eyebrows and grunted, “..no. He should be crippled or dead..”
Underneath the dust and stone, grunts and growls were heard, suddenly a large piece of stone was thrown to the side as below stood the blonde man, Steve Rogers, with a couple of cuts and bruises yet he was standing tall holding his shield taking a breath.
Hades screamed in his corner surprised, on how only a mere mortal could have so much strength and courage to stand after that battle, he should have fallen. 
He wasn’t even a god yet he had the looks, kindness and determination of one.
The people scream and shouted, clapping at the Rogers huge save and fight among the folks there. They loudly cheered and went to tell anyone who was standing next to them the news.
An old lady, named Frigga, who was watching the huge fight and seeing how Rogers came out on top despite the tough challenge, nicknamed him Hercules. 
Stella was leaning against the wall, in pure shock and scoffed as a soft grin took over her face and nodded at the sight.
Maybe there was still hope for Steve Rogers yet? Especially after a couple of voices called him a hero. 
She smirked looking over her shoulder watching Hades’s annoyed and practically about to blow a fuse with such a short temper. 
She was more than impressed by all of this.
That's all folks! Might do 'I Won't Say I'm In Love', ‘Zero to Hero’ or something next, who knows? Let me know what y'all think!
Tags: @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @meiramel l @gcthvile @rickb-chaos @gaminggirlsstuff @wizzzardofoz @cherrysft @parisparker269 @thechoooooosenone @luna-d-marsh
12 notes · View notes
emotionalmessss · 2 years
A/N: lloyd hansen one-shot because I am obsessed with his character. sorry for any mistakes in advance. I tried to capture his character to the best of my abilities.
Synopsis: lloyd kidnaps six's girlfriend to get back at him.
Warnings: violence, torture, rape/non-con, humiliation, kidnapping, hostage situation, manipulation. This is dark. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Word count: 6.2K
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My eyes slowly scan over the parking lot of the restaurant that I work at. The street lights had flicked on and barely illuminated the street beside me. I had worked over eight hours, greeting and waiting on people who would drink until they could barely stand and talk about their next business venture. High end restaurants often brought in many douche-bags, but it also provided me with good money. I would be lying if I said it did not pay off waiting on the old men who would eye up my body and slide me an extra hundred for my ‘services’. I learned to smile and laugh when this would happen, whilst holding in my puke.
Six had told me that I should just quit, and that I would be well provided for. Which was not something that I wanted to do. He was always working, and never really home. I loved him, but I always felt forgotten about. I barely knew anything about what he did, but it raised a few questions when I started to see the scars on his body.
“It’s for your own safety.” He would always say.
Sometimes I felt like it would be safer if I did know what his job was. I knew he worked for the government, and that he needed to be away for awhile. It had been a week since I last saw him, which was unusual.
I had to be shunned from everything in his work field. I was again told that it was for my own safety and security reasons.
Even with Six’s work putting a strain on our relationship, I always found that I completely forgot about it when I was with him. My past relationships had instilled an ungodly amount of insecurities and trust issues upon me. Since being with Six, I had begun to let go of those feelings and worries.
I let out a heavy sigh as my heels clicked against the pavement, removing myself from my thoughts and focusing on finding my car. It was not hard, since there were very few vehicles in the enormous parking lot. I had finished my last table for the night and was ready to get home and crawl into bed.
The night air left my body feeling hot and sticky, clinging to my skin like latex. I could not wait to get out of this dress and eat my leftover Chinese from the night before.
My fingers looped through the keychain that was attached to my car keys, pulling it out of my purse and swinging it back to my side. I pressed the unlock button a few times, hearing the beeping of my car in the distance.
I approached my black Audi, opening the driver side door and sliding in. I slung my purse over and onto the passenger seat, letting out another sigh. This was the first time I was able to sit down all night, except for the rare moments I caught a small break in the kitchen. I realized just how exhausted my legs were now that I was able to sit down. My feet were cramping up in the heels and my calves felt like they were going to collapse under my weight at any second.
My fingers tried to find the push start, fiddling around aimlessly in the dark. The car slowly rumbled to life and I reached around to grab a hold on the seat belt. It extended with a small whine and then stopped immediately, unable to wrap completely to the buckle.
“The fuck?” I said before I felt the excess belt wrap around my neck and pull tight. My hands immediately shot up to my neck, attempting to get the looped belt off of my neck. I strained as I felt it tighten against the soft skin of my neck, digging in painfully with every move I made.
My heeled foot slid off the brake in my panicked state and I went to scream.
It was short and shrill before I felt a sharp tug of the belt, causing me to cough and sputter as I slammed back against the headrest. A groan tried to escape my throat when I hit the seat, hard. I shut my eyes for a moment, trying to get an understanding of my situation.
“Nice car. What is it? 2020 or 2021?” The voice came from the back seat. “It smells new, I would say 2021?” The voice continued as a cold sense of fear washed over my body as I remained silent.
My hands were still fighting with the seatbelt strap, wanting it off my neck.
“Don’t go doing that now, you’re going to hurt yourself.” His voice taunted as my eyes attempted to strain back to look at him. They were widened in panic and my breathing became erratic at the sound of his voice.
The man’s hand fell to my bare shoulder, keeping it there. I felt myself taking large gulps of air and glancing around wildly. “There’s money in my purse and you can take the car.” I rambled out quickly, my chest rising and falling quickly.
The man let out a deep chuckle and tightened his grip on my shoulder, reminding me that he was very much still here and this was not a dream. The cool side of a blade touched my jaw line, but now enough to break the skin. It was a silent threat, causing me to shudder and try to edge myself away from it.
The seat belt strained and the tip of the knife dug further into my neck.
I heard the man click his tongue and tsk at me, almost like he was disappointed in me.
The sound of him sliding closer on the leather seats filled my ears and my eyes darted up to the rearview mirror, where I was able to see a glimpse of his face. His eyes were bright, as if he was smiling at me, but I could not see the rest of his face. I also caught a glimpse of my own terrified eyes, which were illuminated by the dash of my car.
“I don’t want either of those things.” He purred, much closer to me now. His warm breath hit my ear and I could faintly smell chocolate on his breath.
“Then what the fuck do you want?” I whined, straining my head back to remove some of the pressure on my neck. Which only brought me closer to the man that rested directly behind me.
The man hummed. “I want a lot of things, but we’ll get to that soon.” He continued to taunt me, his lips grazing the side of my ear now. His breath was hot and wet, making goosebumps rise up on my bare arms.
I felt my mind shift over to Six for a moment, wondering where he was and what he would do in this type of situation. I also feared that I would not see him ever again after this moment. I wanted nothing more than to be at home with him, anywhere but here.
My eyes moved away from his, looking everywhere but at him. “Awe, you’re so nervous you won’t even look me in the eye, cupcake.” I clenched my jaw at his words and looked back into the mirror, locking eyes with him.
I opened my mouth to scream and tried lurching forward, my hands were reaching for the shifter as I slammed my foot onto the brake.
“Ah, ah. Where do you think you’re going?” The man said, grabbing onto the seat belt once again and pulling it tight again. He exhausted all of the belt and let it whine back up, keeping it tight without him touching it.
His free hand now covered my mouth and pulled me against the seat again. “I don’t think I’ve ever had a woman so eager to get away from me before.” His voice oozed out from beside me and I glared back at him in anger, unable to get any words out.
“You’re going to be a good girl now, or I’m going to put a bullet between those pretty eyes, okay?” The man sounded annoyed and humored all at the same time.
I did not react to his words until his hand squeezed my cheeks together, painfully. “Okay?” He repeated and I forced myself to nod in agreement. A rush of heat came up to my cheeks and I felt humiliated at his actions.
“Now, I think it’s time for you to take a little nap. You’re a bit cranky.” His voice mocked in a high tone as he released my cheeks.
My eyes widened in realization. I tried again, to launch myself towards my purse for my pepper spray that I kept in the console, in one last attempt to escape this strange man, but was caught by the belt. I felt a wet and smelly rag press into my nose and mouth and my head whipped from side to side, trying to get his hand off me. I involuntarily took a deep breath in when he pressed it into me.
“Tell me, does this smell like chloroform?” The man asked, his voice once again mocking me and my current situation. By the tone of his voice and the way his eyes squinted, I knew that he was smiling from ear to ear.
I tried to hold my breath as long as possible. My lungs felt like they were going to burst and I knew I would never be able to get his hand away from me, even with my hands attempting to pry it away from me. My vision began to grow fuzzy and my eyes rolled back as I let the darkness take over.
******** My eyes lazily adjusted to the light as I began to open them. My vision was blurry and gray in some spots. I blinked a few times, trying to get my vision to straighten out. After a few moments, it did. Although, I could feel a raging headache start to creep up behind my eyes.
I shook my head for a moment, trying to gather up as much information as I could. Work. Parking lot. Stranger. Knife. Kidnap. My mind raced with thoughts as I began to glance around. There was a blinding light above me and a dirty ground beneath me.
I tried to pull myself forward to stand, only to find out that I was tied to a chair by my arms and legs. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. My mouth felt dry and I also realized that there was a gag in my mouth, preventing me from screaming.
“Nice of you to finally wake up. Did you have a good nap? Feel refreshed?” A man stepped out from behind me, placing himself in front of me. He was smiling proudly as he looked down at me.
I narrowed my eyes on him as he cocked his head to the side.
“Are you into bondage or anything? I can’t help but note how good you look like this, cupcake.” There it was again, that sick nickname he came up with for me. It made me nauseous every time he said it.
I watched him nervously as he stepped forward and removed the rag from my mouth, dropping it to the ground. I shifted my tongue around freely and swallowed hard, still tasting the bitter rag on my taste buds. I flicked my gaze away from him and noticed my purse sitting on a shiny metal table a few feet from us. It was tipped over and my phone laid there, all out in the open.
“Are you worried your mommy called or something?” The man asked, seemingly understanding what I was thinking. He stepped back into my view as he walked over towards the table, his body standing tall and proud.
“What do you want from me?” I asked, trying to create some saliva in my very dry mouth. The feeling of the rag being stuffed into it was still present. My body was awkwardly tensed on the small chair that I sat on, feeling way too exposed in my current situation.
His back was turned away from me as he rummaged through my purse, throwing the contents all over the table. My eyes moved up and down his body. He was wearing a black turtleneck shirt that was tight around his muscular body and a pair of gray dress pants, along with some god awful loafers. His hair was slicked back and he had a thick mustache above his lip.
The man turned back towards me, his head cocking to the side. “Six.”
I sucked in deeply and frowned, averting my eyes for a brief moment at the sound of his name. “Why would you need me for him? You seem perfectly capable of finding him yourself.” I muttered back to him, rolling my eyes. I tried my best to maintain my composure around this man, something in the back of my head told me that he fed off fear.
The man raised his eyebrows in surprise, his smile widening as he did so.
“He’s your boyfriend, isn’t that right? Where is he?” His back faced the table, which he was now leaning against casually. I refused to answer him, remaining silent. The man’s eyes closed for a moment as he shrugged. “I’ll get it out of you soon enough.” He clicked his tongue and crossed his arms as he eyed me.
I felt a flash of embarrassment. I knew that he was studying every inch of my overly exposed body and it made me feel sick to my stomach. His eyes paused for a moment at my exposed tits, which were shoved up by the bra I was wearing. I watched in humiliation as his eyes then scanned down to my legs, taking in every inch of them. I felt the anger and humiliation nip at my skin, trying to claw its way out. I wanted to make him feel the way he made me feel.
“And you have a horrible mustache.” I felt myself saying it before I could stop myself.
The man’s reaction surprised me. He began to laugh deeply, placing his hand on his stomach and bending his knees slightly. His hand went up to wipe his eye and he shook his head in amusement.
“Oh, you’re too funny!” The man laughed hard, too hard. Confusion washed over my face before I could hide it. I could not even blink before he was leaning over me, his hands placed on the armrest of the chair as he glared down at me. “But a little predictable don’t you think? Not very original.” The man deadpanned, his demeanor changing within a flash.
“I’ll ask this one more time before I resort to measures you won’t particularly enjoy. Where is he?” His threat was clear and promising, his grip on the armrest of the chair tightening.
The warmth of his body was discomforting, his body hovering over mine and making me feel tiny beneath his strong figure.I leaned back into the chair, attempting to create some distance between us. “I’m not telling you anything.” I argued back, knowing that I was testing his limits.
The man’s eyes glistened and he smiled, his shiny white teeth filling up his face. “Have it your way then.” He straightened himself as he began to reach into his pocket. I inhaled deeply, feeling like I could finally breathe again. I glared up at him in defiance, feeling the hatred for this man bubble up in my stomach. I had no idea what he wanted with Six. The less this man knew, the better.
“Lloyd!” A man came rushing through the door, causing us to both break our eye contact.
“What have I said about interrupting me when I’m working!” The Lloyd man spoke, seemingly annoyed. “Can’t you see I have a pretty guest waiting for me?” He shook his head slowly as he walked over to the man who called to him.
He tilted his head to the side as the man whispered something to him. I edged forward in the seat, trying to catch a word of what the man was saying. Lloyd’s eyes widened and he pursed his lips forward. “Who knew it would be that easy to get Six out of hiding with you. Looks like you’re more useful than I thought.” His attention turned back towards me, a toothy grin reappearing on his face.
“I have no idea what you are talking about.” I played stupid as I tried to hide the feeling of fear at the sound of Six’s name. This was new information for me too, I had no idea where Six had been for the past week. My thoughts raced as Lloyd closed the distance between us once again.
“Don’t play dumb. Your boyfriend stole something rather important from me and ran, sunshine. And you’re the perfect leverage to get him out of hiding.” He pointed up and down to me, and I frowned. He knows too much, I cursed.
I looked up at him. “I have nothing to do with this. I haven’t seen him in-”
“A week or so?” Lloyd interrupted me, his smile taunting. I frowned deeper and averted my attention from him. “Does it ever get lonely?” He suddenly asked, taking a step closer to me. His hands were in his pockets and he leaned back slightly, as if he was catching up with an old friend.
“Does it ever get tiring being such a dick?” My eyes lazily flicked back over to him, barely giving him a second gaze before looking away again.
Lloyd’s eyebrows raised once more and he crossed his arms, his smile not changing. “Does it ever get tiring picking shitty boyfriends? Trying to fill the void that daddy left you with? Hm?” He rebutted, crouching down in front of me now. His shoes squeaked on the floor beneath him, adjusting to his new position, he looked up at me with a fake sense of sadness on his face.
My eyes widened for a moment and I sucked in a sharp breath. A new sense of anxiety washed over me now, one that I could not hide due to my shaking body. My teeth were clamped down so hard that I thought I might shatter my teeth. My cheeks heated up with anger and embarrassment. I didn't even want to know how he knew so much about my personal life, or what else he knew about me.
Lloyd was seemingly enjoying my reaction, he fake pouted as he rested his elbows on his knees. “You just can’t catch a break, now can you cupca-” I spat at him before he could finish his sentence. I knew I had met my target when he stiffened for a moment, his eyes closing and his nostrils flaring in anger as he let out a deep breath of air.
I instinctively leaned back in the chair and watched him with a stoic face. He fed off my reactions, and I was not about to feed into his sick mind.
Lloyd reached into his pocket and pulled out a small rag. He dabbed his face slowly, keeping his eyes closed as he breathed slowly, like he was trying to contain his anger. Once he was finished, he tucked it neatly back into his pocket.
His eyes finally opened as he looked back at me, anger flashing within them. “I’m going to gut you like a fish when Six gets here, but not before I kill him in front of you.” His threat immediately took me by surprise and my jaw dropped. So much for not giving him any more reactions.
“I- What? Six is coming here?” I blubbered, my face contorting up in confusion.
Lloyd chuckled, his reaction giving me the answer I needed. I was confused and scared, and he was enjoying every minute of it. His eyes were scanning me up and down, watching me with a new found excitement.
“Awe,” he mocked. “Are you sad our time is coming to an end, cupcake?” My eyes narrowed at his words and I turned my head away from him. This sick, twisted man was going to kill me. The only thing I knew was it involved Six, which is probably why he did not want to tell me much about his job.
“Opposite, actually. I’m glad I won’t have to look at your face anymore.” I twisted my head to the side and huffed. “And you should really consider shaving that thing off your face, you might end up on a sex offender list if you don’t.”
I turned my head back towards Lloyd as I heard him stand up quickly. “You know what, I’m going to enjoy this so much more now.” His words did not register in my brain until I heard the click of a knife. The metal flashed in the light and I flinched back into the seat, half expecting him to make word on his threat.
I squeezed my eyes shut and felt the ropes suddenly loosen from my body. I opened my eyes and in a flash, I was hauled up by my armpits and pressed into the wall behind me. My legs struggled to keep up with his long strides and I let out a small cry of surprise when my back hit the cool metal of the warehouse.
The air knocked out of my lungs and my head collided with the wall. My mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water, desperately trying to get the air that had escaped my lungs, back inside me.
“Sorry about that, didn’t mean to bash your head there.” Lloyd was pressed into my body, his chest brushing against mine as I swayed slightly. His hand went up to rub the side of my head and I jerked away from him.
My eyes met with his and I groaned. “Don’t fucking touch me.”
Lloyd’s tongue clicked and he chuckled. My arms were pinned to the sides of me, and even with my heels I had to look up at him. “Beautiful dress. Did Six buy this for you?” He let out a breathless sigh as I blushed at his words and turned my head away from him.
His eyes trailed up and down my body, his large hand moving to cup my waist. I shuddered and bit down hard on my lip. I turned my head back towards him, desperately trying to plead with this man silently.
Lloyd’s eyes were filled with excitement and a smirk pulled at his lips, he was once again enjoying my humiliation.
“Sorry to say that I’m going to have to ruin it.” He says as he tucks the knife back into his pocket.
Both his hands touch my waist now, slowly moving their way up to my tits. His eyes hungirly watched over my body like I was a piece of meat. His hands grasp at my breasts, kneading them through the material of my dress. A sigh of surprise leaves my lips and my skin riddles with goosebumps at his touch.
Another rush of humiliation washes over me and I turn my head to the side, no longer wanting to see him smirk at my demise. I squeeze my eyes shut as I hear him groan in satisfaction. My body reacts before I can stop it, I try to buck him away from me, only to have him tut and dig his hips harder into me.
“Are you going to be shy with me now?” He sneers at me, humor filling up his voice.
Lloyd’s hand finds the thin straps of my dress and he rips them in one strong pull. My dress drops slightly, exposing my tits and upper torso. I hear him suck in a sharp breath as he watches my tits bounce slightly from his hands tearing my dress.
“Hm. Would you look at that?” His head tilts to the side as a smirk pulls at his lips, all the while his bright eyes not leaving my chest.
Before I could say anything in response, his hands were cupping my tits again. I began to shake with fear as his thumb slipped into the dark material of my bra and flicked over my erect nipple. His eyes shoot back up to my red and teary ones, giving me a look of surprise.
“That’s a surprise.” His smug voice makes me want to spit at him again, but I decide against that idea almost immediately. “What if I just…” Lloyd mutters to himself as he tugs my bra down, my tits all out in front of him and I cringe.
He palms my exposed chest, his eyes glistening with amusement.
I shrink back into the wall and feel my lip start to quiver. My body was reacting to his touch and I could do nothing to stop it. I knew where he was going with this and there was nothing that I could do to stop him, which didn’t mean I wouldn’t try.
I tried to jam my knee up into his crotch but his reflexes were almost inhuman. His hand left my breast and caught my knee before I could reach my target. I groaned in fear and shook my head frantically.
Lloyd let out a humorless laugh. His hand gripped my thigh tightly as he rammed my leg back down to the ground. I wobbled as he jostled me against the wall, trying to adjust myself on my tall heels.
I sucked in hard when his knee wedged between my thighs, keeping them spread open for him. He leaned down towards me, his mustache tickling the side of my ear as he spoke slowly, “Too slow.” His knee parted my leg further and I cried out in fear.
“No!” I tried to fight back against him, only to have him lean further into me.
I felt Lloyd’s tongue press flat against my collar bone, trailing upwards to the lobe of my ear. His tongue left a trail of saliva on my skin that made me shudder and shrink back into the wall. My face contorted up with disgust and I whimpered.
Lloyd pulled back and looked at me, “Not into that?” He shrugged.
The soft material of his shirt pressed into my tits, rubbing against them every time he swayed or laughed. I knew he could feel it too. One of his hands locked onto my jaw, twisting it to the side as he began to kiss at my neck. While the other trailed down my waist, stopping at the hem of my dress.
“Fuck you!” I managed to cry out after not saying anything for so long.
Lloyd halted his actions and I felt a small vibration against my chest with his laughter.
“If you say so.” His voice was deep and gruff as he gripped onto my shoulders, ripping me away from the wall and taking me down to the ground with him. He landed on top of me and I cried out in pain when my back slammed against yet another hard surface.
“Sorry about the mess,” he said as he glanced around the room. “Maid is away on holidays.” He continued to taunt me as I lay beneath him. I squeezed my eyes shut, not wanting to look at him. The fatigue had started to take over my body now. My muscles were sore and achy, but I refused to give in.
“Don’t you just look beautiful like this, cupcake.” Lloyd’s voice was deep and lustful, his breath fanned across my face as he spoke.
“You’re a sick man.” I growled back at him, my eyes narrowing dangerously back up at him.
Lloyd’s expression never faltered as he gave another toothy grin. “Never said I wasn’t.” His legs once again found their way between mine, spreading them wide for him. My dress strained due to its tight texture and I heard a few seams pop.
The cool air wafted between my thighs and I tried to close them back up, but Lloyd’s legs were much stronger than mine. His hand found its way between my thighs once again, fiddling with the hem of my underwear. His thumb pressed hard against the thin fabric and he chuckled.
“That’s another surprise.” I frowned in disgust at my own body reacting to this, feeling so ashamed.
His thumb moved up to my clit, rubbing the sensitive bud through my underwear. I bit down on my lip hard, feeling a tear slide down the side of my face. Lloyd’s thumb moved quicker and I started to breathe heavier. I soon felt the cool air hit my pussy as he slipped his middle finger inside me.
My mouth opened his shock as he began working his finger around inside me and on my clit.
“So wet for me, cupcake.” Lloyd groaned deeply, his eyes closing for a moment. “Hear that?” He stopped talking and picked up his movements with his fingers. I frowned in shame when I heard the wet, squelching noises that I was making.
I could barely take anymore of Lloyd’s taunts and my body betraying me.
“You’re loving this, cupcake. I wonder what Six would think if he knew what was happening?” I cried out at Lloyd’s words. His fingers left my heated core, lifting them up in front of my face. As much as I tried to deny the fact I was this wet, his fingers showed otherwise.
I opened and closed my mouth quickly, shaking my head as he watched me with an amused expression.
I suddenly felt his hand grip onto my jaw and his other fingers slam into my mouth. I cried out once again at the intrusion and strained my head back away from him. His fingers prodded around my mouth, making sure that I tasted myself. Lloyd laughed hard at my grimace and shrugged.
“More for me.” My pussy clenched at his words. His fingers retracted from my mouth and found the top of my dress, tearing the rest of it off of me. He bundled them up at the bottom of my legs and pulled at my underwear.
A shrill cry escaped my lips, his face now leering down at me. “Shh, shh.” His fingers pried my mouth open and stuffed my underwear inside. I gagged at the sudden intrusion and snapped my head to the side. My tongue rubbed against the soft material, trying to push it as far away from my throat as possible, so I wouldn’t keep gagging on it. His large hands slammed my jaw back shut, before I could spit it back out at him.
“That’s better, don’t you think?” He let out a heavy sigh and trailed his eyes along my body. His hands moved to find the buckle of his belt, the sickening sound snapping me back to reality as I laid there, stunned.
My body ached from holding up his weight for so long. I could feel my legs starting to cramp and my arms grow weak from all the fighting.
I couldn’t help but glance down as Lloyd moaned from above me. His cock sprung out freely, glistening with precum as he stroked himself. My body went cold and I tried to move back from him, only to earn a sharp glance from him.
“Now then.” I watched Lloyd wipe the sweat that had formed on his forehead. He leaned forward with a grunt and gripped onto my shoulder, flipping me over onto my stomach without so much of an ounce of struggle. My arms lay in front of me, outstretched and clawing at the floor. My tits press into the cold floor, sending another shiver down my back.
“You’re not going anywhere.” Lloyd warned as he pulled me back towards him. His hands grip at my waist, pulling my bare ass towards his cock. Saliva suddenly hits my bare pussy and I jump at the feeling. I feel his finger enter me once again, another joining soon after. My walls were stretching to their capacity and I groaned at the foreign intrusion.
“So wet for me.” He moaned. His fingers dug into my waist, keeping me flat against his body while his fingers thrusted in and out of me. My back arched awkwardly, trying to relieve some of the pressure that it was under.
“Lloyd!” I tried to cry out through the gag, but it sounded muffled.
His fingers curled inside me, my walls clenched around him and my face pressed into the cool floor. “You feel so good.” His voice purred from behind me as he pulled his fingers out from me. My head strained back to look at him.
“Don’t look at me with those pretty doe eyes when I’m fucking you like this.” He grunted as he placed his cock at my entrance. My eyes widened and I whimpered, trying to move my ass away from him.
Lloyd slapped my ass hard, the sting registering immediately and my ass reddening at his action. My ass slumped back against him as he rested his cock at my entrance. Without warning, he slammed into me. A sharp cry escaped my throat and fresh tears poured out of my eyes. Lloyd let out a loud and satisfied grunt, his thrusts not relenting.
My tight walls tried to adjust to his size, straining under the feeling of this throbbing cock entering me so hard and fast. My nails dig into the floor underneath me, trying to scramble away from the force being applied to my cervix.
“Oh no you don’t.” Lloyd catches me with one hand, bringing me back towards him. His hand tangles its way through my hair and he tugs my head back. My neck strains and I cry out. I open my mouth and push the gag out of my mouth, gasping for air.
“Please, stop this.” I cried, feeling his movement pick up as he slammed into me, over and over.
I was panting for air as he seemingly ignored my pleas.
My tits bounced as he rubbed his pelvis against my ass, digging into the soft skin painfully hard. My pussy feels like it's being split open and I cry out once more, wanting him out of me. My walls burn like fire and my body screams at me for release.
I feel Lloyd’s hands on my shoulders once more, flipping me over onto my back. My lips part in surprise, but only for a moment. Lloyd’s movements do not cease as he quickly leans down towards me. His lips meet mine, hard. My eyes snap open in surprise and I groan at the feeling. His mouth moved hard and sloppily against mine, his tongue invading my mouth and swirling around.
I bite down hard when I catch his bottom lip between my teeth, feeling the skin break beneath my canines and blood fill my mouth.
Lloyd cries out in surprise and pulls away from me. This time, he stopped his movements. His fingers touched his red lips, looking down at the blood on his fingers. His brows furrowed in anger and a low rumble came from his throat. His angry eyes meet back down to mine, looking at me with a whole new sense of rage.
“You stupid bitch!” Lloyd’s hand wraps completely around my throat, cutting off my air supply immediately. My lips burn from his mustache and his blood sits on my tongue, leaving a metallic taste.
“You want it rough? I’ll give it to you rough.” His hand tightens around my neck and my mouth hangs open.
He slams into me harder now, the sound of flesh hitting flesh filling up the room. His cock rams into my core hard, making me cry out in agony and throw my head back. His hand never leaves my throat and I can feel my vision grow spotty. Before I can black out, his hand leaves my throat and pinches my nipple hard. He lowers himself down, sucking and biting down at the sensitive bud.
“You like to bite? So do I.” He growls and brings his hand back down to my clit. I feel him take the throbbing numb in between his two fingers and squeezing hard. My body jerks forward and I scream out louder, feeling a rush of heat up to my chest.
Lloyd continues to suck and nibble at my nipples, moaning to himself. “You taste so good.”
I cringe at his words and twist my body.
Time feels like it has slowed as his movements grow sloppy and more erratic. My vision blurs with tears and I feel them soak my cheeks. His cock twitches and throbs as he cums inside me, feeling me up with his hot and thick liquid.
His cock slips from my pussy, along with some of his cum, which had spilled down my thighs and onto the floor. I feel him push himself off me and stand up. My vision sways as I stare up at the bright lights.
“Let’s see what Six thinks of this.” Lloyd laughs.
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fake-adonis-ia · 11 days
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Captain America
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boxofbonesfic · 9 months
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Title: Brave [5 of ?]
Pairing: Orc!Steve x Reader
Summary: The journey to Tarrath is not one to be undertaken lightly—there are more things to fear in the untamed places of the world than stags, a lesson you are soon to learn. 
Warnings: 18+ Only, Genre typical violence, Warlord Nomad AU, Dark Fantasy/n AU, Enemies to lovers, Eventual smut, References to past abuse
A/N: 👀
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You have been riding since before sunup, and your hips and back ache from long hours spent in the saddle. The pack sets a leisurely pace through the grass sea, meandering through the plain in a loose line. The vast mountains you knew are at your back now, shrinking into misty, faint points. They tell you how far you have come with their distance, and you wonder how many steps you have taken since last you were the person you had been before. 
Since you left the woman you were supposed to be by the riverside—and how many more you will have to take to become someone else entirely. Though it has been only a fortnight sine you watched the village burn, it feels like a lifetime ago. Someone else’s memory, someone else’s eyes. 
The pack keeps a steady pace until the sun is high in the sky and the mountains are meaningless pinpricks. The land changes too, the flat plains turning into rolling hills that remind you of the cresting waves you have seen painted in books and on tapestries. The only difference is, these don’t come crashing down to drown you, the grass whispering quietly in the breeze. 
You ride somewhere in the middle of the line, the pack stretching both before and behind you, riding towards the sun as it begins to sink low in the sky. You can see Steve near the front, his sword strapped between his broad, bare shoulders. Like he can feel your gaze, he turns back, one thick fang hanging over his lip as he grins. You drop your head, your cheeks burning. 
Let them see.
When you look up again, he’s gone. 
Night on the grass sea is beautiful. A thousand thousand stars glow like fireflies caught in tar, stretching out further than you can see into the darkness. The pack does not stop, continuing at the same pace as all light fades, and the moon rises cold and clear. At first, the sheer drop in temperature is enough to keep you awake—without the thick furs and blankets neatly rolled and strapped to your horse, your ripped dress offers less protection against the biting wind. But after a few hours, despite the chill, your eyelids begin to droop heavily, your shoulders dropping as you slump in the saddle. 
It is the feel of Steve’s warm hand on your back that wakes you, instantly jolting you into panicked awareness as you turn sharply to glare at him. 
“Easy, Sweetmeat,” he replies. “I mean only to keep you from breaking your neck.” He raises an eyebrow. “Unless that is your wish this night.” 
You scowl. “No, I—thank you.” The words come haltingly.
“The journey is a long one.” Steve shrugs. “You will learn to sleep in the saddle.” 
“Or fall out of it,” you mutter, and he laughs, a loud boisterous sound that carries out into the night. 
“You never cease to amuse, Sweetmeat,” he says after a moment, the words still colored with the sound of his mirth. “I wonder what the elders shall make of you.” There is fear at his words, but your curiosity burns just as brightly. 
“What is it like?” You ask. “Your city?”
“In your tongue, Tarrath means ‘city at the end of the world’.”  You feel your eyes widen in spite of your attempt to keep your features schooled into neutrality. “It was built into the cliffside by my people long ago, before we knew the arbitrary lines your kings drew on their maps.” You gape at him, floundering for words. The maps you know end somewhere out into the grass sea. At their edges, perhaps an orc settlement or two, but mostly… nothing.  The impossibly vast mountains and the forests that border them are all you know.
But perhaps the truths you know are not truths at all. 
“Have you seen the sea, little one?” You shake your head. 
“What does it look like?”
Steve smiles. “Blue. The water is salt to the taste, but so blue. Like… two skies.” He motions with his hands, and you hold the reins tightly as you close your eyes and try to see it. More water than you could possibly imagine, as deep and endless as the sky.
“And the city?” You ask, stifling a yawn. 
“There are great towers of red brick with fires at their hearts. And there are not so few men as you might think.” 
“And more.” He nods. “Elves, Dwarves. Children of the world before.”
You begin to slump again as he speaks, but this time Steve doesn’t wake you. He reaches across your lap to grasp the reins in one large hand. He loops them around the horn of his saddle. When you do finally begin to lean over, it is against his warm shoulder. 
“You coddle her.”  Bucky’s irritated voice doesn’t wake you—the firm hold exhaustion has on you is too heavy to drag your mind back to wakefulness, and you will not remember these words when you do wake again. Steve chuckles. 
“I like her.”
“Storm’s too thick.” You, and the rest of the pack are crowded around Bucky as he speaks, the horses shifting anxiously in the stillness. You can see it, the band of dark, angry dust stretching across the horizon. You’ve never seen anything like it, like the Gods’ fury given terrible form. When Bucky had set out to scout, it was a pinprick–and now the cloud stretches almost as far as you can see. “We’ll be waiting days for it to pass.”
Steve grimaces, his tusks hanging over his lip as he showcases his displeasure. 
“Aye,” he agrees, turning his eyes toward the horizon, eyeing the storm. “We’ll go around.” 
“The pass?” There’s a murmur of something like discomfort that passes through the pack. Something like fear. “Gods damn it.” Bucky looks back toward the storm and curses again. “We don’t have the rations to wait it out.” He doesn’t ask—it isn’t a question. And Steve’s grim expression is all the answer you need. 
“We’ll put it to a vote. The pass—or the storm.” He turns to the pack. “Those who want to brave the storm, step forward.” Lightning crashes in the distance, and you swallow thickly. By the sound of it, the pass is equally formidable. You recall the stag, it’s hungry jaws and fierce eyes, and wonder what else waits for you on this road—the one you’ve chosen. 
After a moment, Steve nods stonily, his expression battle-fierce. 
“The pass it is.” 
The pack wastes no time reorienting itself, turning west to skirt around the tempest of stinging sand and thunder. Carol rides up beside you, her expression grim. 
“Do not think we have chosen the easy road, little human.” 
You don’t. “What is the pass?”
“It was a road, once. One that has returned to the sea and the things that live inside it.” Her voice is low, warning. “Men are wise to fear the zikaegina,” she gestures at the endless shifting grass. “It hides many things.” 
“Why did you abandon the road?” Carol grimaces, her expression heavy with memories, knowledge you don’t share. Her eyes are dark when they meet yours again.
“Because other things used it too.” 
to be continued
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georgiapeach30513 · 6 months
Inside Her Fantasy, Part 2
Summary: You and Ransom can't stay apart
Pairings: Ransom Drysdale X Reader
Rating: adorable
Warnings:  mentions of sleeping together, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 4K
Series Masterlist
*dividers created by @firefly-graphics
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“Uncle Ranny!” Charlie shouts walking into the box of the Gillette, “Is this your box?” The little girl tugs on Ransom’s arms, but he shakes his head no. “I didn’t think this looked familiar. Oh my god!! Maevey, she’s going to be right there. Nixie, lookie, bubba, right there is going to be your future,” Ransom turns his head quickly, and the little girl smiles up at him, and turns back to her baby brother with a giggle.
“Nixie, if Ransom and her get married, she will be your aunt. Shh, don’t tell Ranny that secret. I don’t think he knows.”
“It was nice of her to get all of us in here. Bucky, you got Nixon’s headphones, right?”
“Yes, ma’am, Sarge. Nixie boy has got his ears, and he’s going to be dancing all night long, and then we’re taking all four of the kids home,” Bucky’s wife rolls her eyes, knowing that Ransom wouldn’t be going home with them. She heard her daughters tell her all about meeting you. He was smitten. Even now he is nervously staring at the stage. She just could see the difference in his eyes. He was interested in more than what you could offer him.
“Daddy, you don’t have four kids. Mommy are you…?!”
“No,” she says, putting her hand over Charlotte’s mouth. Walking over to her eldest daughter who is staring dreamily at the stage, “Maeve, you okay, baby?”
“I actually get to see her. Mom, she invited us here. I know that some people think it’s a big deal to be Bucky Barnes’ daughter, but this is a big deal. She’s going to be right there on stage, and…I’ve been a fan since I was Charlie’s age.”
“How long has this girl been performing?” Bucky grabs Nixon out of his wife’s arms, and places him in the baby carrier, letting the little toddler stare out at the stage as well. He turns around to peer up at his daddy, and pats his hand over his mouth, while Bucky kisses it softly.
“First off, let’s call her a woman. Secondly, she now has ten albums, and her first single went number one when she was sixteen,” Ransom interjects, getting the biggest smile from Maeve. Yes, Ransom had to do some research on you. It was for his nieces completely. It had nothing to do with himself.
“So she’s more famous than you, buddy. Oh, this is great. She gave you pity seats,” Ransom shoots an irritated glance towards Bucky. This wasn’t helping his nerves at all.
“No, her didn’t,” Charlie stomps her foot, staring up at her dad. “Her gave this box to me and Maevey, her biggest fans. Do they have chicken tenders tonight?”
Bucky’s wife goes over to check on her oldest daughter. Her eyes staring owlishly at the stage, still in a state of shock. Ransom wanders around aimlessly. Sitting down, only to stand back up, while Bucky and Nixon watch him. “Drysdale, you okay, buddy?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. Never seen the stadium from here before. It’s nice. Spacious. That’s a giant stage. And it’s just going to be her up there. I’m out there with all of you, and…”
“You seem nervous,” Ransom shakes his head, but has to look away from his friend. “You met her for just a minute,” he remembers the feeling of knowing he had found his one. And sixteen years later, she was still his one.
“She’s different,” Ransom pulls at his collar when the lights in the stadium start fading. “She’s…America’s sweetheart. They all love her. And I’m…”
“America’s slut.”
“Shut up. I don’t — I mean I have, but not all of them. I enjoy a woman’s company, they just get annoying really quick, and if they have a laugh I can’t stand all they get is a peck to the check. Ya know?” Bucky nods his head, not fully understanding what was going on through Ransom’s head. “I just…”
Everyone turns to the door when a woman in jeans comes in. Nodding to everyone present, “Hey, so I was told to inform you guys if you’d like to stay after the concert, she has a few days off before her next stop, and…”
“Yes!” Sarge shakes her head, looking at her oldest daughter. “Mom, why not?”
“This is a three hour concert for just her set. Nixon and Charlie need sleep, and so do you.”
“I’m not a baby!”
The woman clears her throat, demanding attention again. “She will be off for a few days. Maybe Mr. Drysdale can handle waiting after the show for her. She would really like it if you waited.”
“I should really help them get the kids in bed,” Bucky playfully nudges Ransom’s leg, while all the girls turn to gawk at him. Maeve especially, realizing that Ransom was blowing this for her.
“Maybe you didn’t understand, Mr. Drysdale. It wasn’t as much of an ask as it was a request. Please, you want to wait for her. She normally doesn’t take long to get out of costuming, and the eyelashes come off, and the makeup toned down. It would be in your best interest to please just wait,” she gives a final nod before leaving the box, and Maeve walks to stand right in front of Ransom.
“She never talks after a concert. She’s interested. Don't ruin this for us. I need you to stay here and wait for her, okay?” Her head gives him a few nods as she raises her eyebrows.
“Ran, she is perfect. You can tell by her lyrics that this stage is just her job, it’s not who she is. Just don’t ruin this for us. I would love for you to spend the next few days that she has off with her. And then you can bring her over to the house because you always sleep in Charlie’s bed.”
“Yep, you do, Ranny. You need this. You don’t need to have twinkle toes no more. You need to sparkle!”
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Ransom takes a deep breath as he paces the room. Wandering back and forth, and questioning what it was that you could want him to linger in the box for. He’d never seen Gilette like this. Not from this angle or it lit up with sparkling lights the way it was. You were even more incredible, and he questions what it was about you.
Ransom was in fact a simple man. And you had all this glitz and glamor up on the stage. Singing to a sold out stadium. Just you. Sure he’d played here to a sold out stadium, too, but with a team. These people came to see you. His honorary nieces were infatuated with you, and they weren’t the only ones.
A few times he thought he caught you looking up at their box. Of course you would know where they were. He told himself you were looking at Charlie and Maeve, but he hoped it was someone besides little girls. And hopefully it was a man that wasn’t married and 6’5”, and named Ransom.
He sits down, and stands back up again, starting to get nervous. You had forgotten and made him a joke by waiting. How long exactly did it take to get here? The stadium was empty, and janitors were starting to clean everything, and he was left here remembering your silhouette. Imagining you were making your way to him. Start with a playful conversation, and both of you would counter each other with quick remarks.
It was starting to feel like being in school when you would pass secret notes to your crush while your teacher droned on. He hadn’t even properly met you. He felt like he just stood there and stared at you while you smiled this beautiful smile at him.
“Ugh,” he groans, starting to head towards the door, but instead you open it. Giving him your beautiful smile. That’s what had taken so long. Gone were the fake lashes, red lips, glitter, crystals and larger than life woman. She was replaced by someone that seemed normal. Jeans and a shirt, but still the prettiest smile.
“Sorry,” you giggle as your eyes flick down his body. “I don’t like leaving the dressing room in her clothes.”
“Her?” He asks, a bit confused.
“Yeah, her. That girl you saw on the stage. That’s not really me. I change when I walk out on the stage. But then I take off the costume and makeup, and I become me again. Just a simple girl.”
He pauses a moment to smile and nod. His eyes trailing up and down your body. It was the same person, and yet so very different. “I love to sing and perform, but I love being me most of all. Are you like the cocky man that’s on the football field? Doing your little dances after a touchdown?”
You had watched some of his footage. You did care enough to learn about him and his career. So it wasn’t just him that was scouring the internet for interviews and clips to get a better idea of who you were, you did the same thing. Ransom starts to relax a bit more with this knowledge, “No, not exactly. The adrenaline — I get it. Why did you ask me to stay behind?”
“I don’t know. What I do know is I like to look at you, and the girls. It’s sweet. Real, and there’s just something that is enchanting about you. I can see by the way you’re looking at me you’re not used to having someone be so direct?” He chuckles, but it isn’t nervous like you had expected. Like the others always were.
“I don’t see the point in beating around the bush. I’m attracted, but it was how you were with those girls that really did it for me. And the baby?”
“Nixon. He’s my little linebacker. Well, one day. As soon as his legs get situated. He’s going to be unstoppable. He’ll be bigger than his dad. But first he’s gotta walk. He will though. He’s our rock. Bucky and his wife, we call her Sarge because she runs a tight ship, but they’re good people. Great parents. She had Maeve when she was sixteen, and they’re still together. They beat the odds, and made it, and have this beautiful life, and…you don’t want to talk about them.”
It was quite the opposite. Ransom’s eyes light up when he talks about them. Most men just wanted to quickly get you in their bed, but Ransom was talking about his family. That’s what they were. Teammates second. He respected their marriage, and loved their children. He was good with them.
“I have a mom. She’s very supportive. My dad’s an ass. But she wasn’t always the most loving. She was there, and made sure my education and sports was always top notch. Never did without, and she went to every game. But there’s something about the way Sarge and Bucky are there physically, mentally, and emotionally there for their kids. Even with Nixon. They divide their time, and god, I love those kids, ya know? I am sorry.”
“You’re fine,” your mouth turns up in the biggest smile as you watch him. “It’s cute. It’s a good quality in a man that wants a family.”
“Do you want a family?” He blurts out too quickly, and wishes he could take it back, but instead you nod excitedly. “What’s yours like?”
“I never knew my dad, but my mom — she’s amazing. I’m glad I can…well, I can make sure she has the best of everything that she needs. The Barnes and I are alike like that,” there was definitely more to it than that. Ransom could tell, but it was something you didn’t elaborate on. If you wanted him to know, you would have said something.
“I couldn’t have dreamed my life being like this, ya know? I thought I would be a music teacher with four kids by now. Life has a funny way of going, and telling you what it is you will do. Not what it is you want. I was gifted with song and being a storyteller, you were gifted with agility and strength, but that doesn’t guarantee we’d end up here.”
You and Ransom talk back and forth a moment before your hand presses up against your stomach, and a loud rumble echoes into the box. “How much time do you have?” Ransom asks with a devilish grin.
“I don’t leave Boston for another couple of days. And then it’s on to the next city.”
“I think you need food, don’t you?” You would love food. But there was always an entourage that went with you out in public. You wanted time with just Ransom.
“I think we’re going to have to sneak away from my security.”
“Don’t worry,” he stands, and offers his hand down to you. “I know how to get out of here undetected. Just make sure they know you’re safe. I really don’t need to get arrested for trying to kidnap you. Tell your PA.”
“Yeah, she’ll understand,” smiling you give June a quick text as you lift your hand up to Ransom. Looking down at your wrist, he smiles, tracing his thumb over the crude friendship bracelet he made. “I think you need to make me another one. I don’t need your phone number to get out to everyone.”
“I’ll make another one when I see my number in your phone.”
“Deal. Shall we go get some food?”
“Our chariot awaits, rosebud,” you pause as you look up at him serenely. Trying to hide the soft grin that was threatening to sneak up your throat. “What? Did I say something wrong?”
“No. My mom used to call me her little rosebud when I was little. Said one day I was going to bloom into a beautiful rose. That is the title of my next album.”
“Well, how about buddy? Bud? Or I can use your name. Sorry, I keep putting my foot in my mouth.”
“I like Bud. But I like you talking to me more,” it was settled immediately. You loved hearing his voice. A deepness that rumbled out of his chest. Sounding a bit burly, but enough playfulness to make you giggle constantly. The way you bashfully keep biting at your lip, and feeling your cheeks heat up. Wonderstruck. He had captured you in the most pure way. How was he able to do that? He wasn’t even a jerk. He was pure.
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“Ransom, it’s getting late.”
“It’s just two in the morning,” he smiles from across the table from you. His leg was propped up on your side of the booth. Any other man would have made you feel trapped, but with him, you wished he would close the gap and sit with you. It was late, but you didn’t want it to end.
“Are you tired?”
“A bit. I did have a three hour show.”
“Oh, but I got to wear a color changing bracelet and dance with the cutest four year old ever. But if you’re ready for our night to end I can take you to your room, or you can sleep in the most comfortable bed in all of Boston.”
You gulp as you look at him. You wanted him, but didn’t want to ruin the innocence of the budding relationship just yet. He was ready to take you to bed, but you could always set the boundary of just sleeping. You were tired, and just talking about it had made you even more so.
“This bed is so comfortable you’ll feel just like a princess.”
“On one condition,” you answer, leaning forward, and he meets you halfway across the table. “No kissing.”
“I can agree to that if you agree to my terms,” cocking up your eyebrow, you give him a short nod. “You don’t fall in love with me the first night.”
“Done,” your sweet giggle is music to his ears, even if he was slightly offended you wouldn’t fall in love the first night.
“You said that too easily, Bud. What happens if you do?”
“Then you get a kiss,” you give his foot a little push as you start to get out of the booth. Turning back to look at him. You wouldn't fall in love on the first night. That was just silly. You were creating a bond with him, but not like that. “Take me to the best bed in the city.”
“Whatever you say.”
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“Ahhh!” Charlie screams as she points at her bed. “Ahhh! Daddy! Daddy! Ranny has twinkle toes, and he’s not alone! Daddy!!” Groggily you groan, burying your face even deeper into Ransom’s chest. This was not the wake-up call you were promised. “Daddy! Maevey! Mommy!”
“Psst,” Ransom’s arm holds you tight to his chest as he wiggles his fingers towards the tiny girl, “Charlie, baby, can you just go play with your dolls or something?”
“You have a woman in my bed, Ranny! And my dolls are…oh! My! God!” You look up at the little girl with a tiny smirk before nuzzling back into Ransom. He didn’t lie, this was the best bed in the city. But you think it had more to do with him than the bed itself. “Maevey!”
Charlie screeches as she runs from her room. Ransom’s arms go above his head as he stretches, and then back on you, pulling you even closer to him. “How did you sleep?” He doesn’t even attempt to get too close or make you uncomfortable. You assume it won’t be long until the entire Barnes clan returns.
“This was the best sleep of my life,” you weren’t even exaggerating. You had a six year relationship, and nothing felt better than Ransom’s arms.
“I think it’s because you had a big man as your pillow.”
“I think it was the pink canopy. These blankets really are so soft. Hey,” you smile up at Bucky holding his son, followed in by his wife, and the littlest girl. But when Maeve walks in, gasps, and walks back out you stifle a smile. “I was told this was the best bed in Boston, and that I would get blueberry pancakes.”
Everyone just stares at the two of you, and you clear your throat sitting up. Still in last night's clothes, and so was Ransom. Knocking his arm because you two had only slept two hours at most. “Guys, I believe we all met yesterday. But she has a new name, Bud.”
“It’s short for rosebud.”
“I’m going to make some blueberry pancakes I suppose. Charlie, baby, come help me,” Charlie shakes her head no, refusing to look away from you. “Charlotte Anne Barnes, now. Daddy, you keep Nixon,” the little girl gives you a bit of a wave before following her mother out the door.
Bucky grabs a chair from Charlie’s table, and sits down, staring at you and Ransom. “Guys, need I remind you that when two people love each other, sometimes babies are made. You two just met, you don’t love each other, and I would love it if you weren’t making babies or practicing making babies in my daughter’s princess bed, and…”
“We didn’t even kiss, Buck,” Ransom yawns, his sinewed arms stretching above his head again. “You’re making a big deal out of nothing.”
“Did you have twinkle toes?”
“No, and I resent you asking,” it was like watching a tennis match. The two of them barely breathing before responding to the other. They were just like siblings.
“Then why are you here?”
You nervously look at anything that isn’t Bucky, mostly staring at the little cutie he had in his arms. His four tooth grin is looking at you. “I feel comfortable here, Buck. I just…”
“Bud? You mind giving me and Ransom a moment? Kitchen is down the stairs and directly to the left. I’m sure Sarge would love some help,” giving him a quick nod, you jump up. Stopping in the door to smile at Ransom. You are so tired, but got the best sleep of your life. Other than this moment, it feels right.
Bucky doesn’t say another word, until you’re completely out of earshot, and then he narrows his eyes at Ransom. “Ran, what the hell man? You bring a stranger into my home with my kids. And you’re in one of their beds.”
“She was asleep in Maeve’s room. So I didn’t bother going into the guest bedroom.”
“You have a home.”
“I have a house. And it’s empty,” realizing why Ransom was always here makes Bucky slowly nod his head. “I want what you have, so I stay where you are.”
“You want my family?”
“I want a family. I don’t have to be the father or husband. I just feel comfortable here. And she…we didn’t want to say goodbye, and if I took her to my house it would have been pressure to sleep together, and I want to. But I want to wait, and she’s incredible. She’s funny, and she’s…”
“You didn’t besmirch my daughter’s bed?” Ransom repeats the question as he laughs, shaking his head at the random word Bucky used. “Here’s the deal, pal, you brought her into my kids’ lives. She better not be a casual fling. Maeve loves her, idolizes her. Charlie loves anything Maeve does, and Nixon’s a flirt. Did you see him bat his eyes at her? You involve my kids and this becomes more personal.”
“If I involve your kids it means more to me than a night. You know that right? Those are my girls, and Nixon is going to be my linebacker, and I like her, Buck. Her laugh, she hums in her sleep. She fits perfectly in my arms. I like that.”
“Let’s go get some blueberry pancakes,” Bucky sighs. It was enough for him to realize Ransom wasn’t playing a game. If he brought Maeve around, then it was serious. Charlie is one thing, but Maeve is his princess. The first child Ransom had ever been around. The man that Maeve would run to over her own father.
“I can’t believe you guys didn’t kiss,” Bucky would have to call that out.
“Yeah, well, the princesses were staring at me. Cinderella is knocking me off my game. And I think Peppa was looking, too.”
You turn around from your conversation with Sarge when you hear Ransom’s voice. Looking back at her before you skip over to him. Looking up at him with the biggest smile. You liked the Barnes’, too.
Making sure no one is looking at your arm around his neck, pulling him down to your lips when you give him a chaste peck. “What was that for?” He asks with a smile, wishing he could kiss you again. Longer. Make it last. He didn't ever want to let you go.
“I owed you,” you sheepishly answer. Licking your lips just to taste the slight cherry flavor of his chapstick. “Last night was enchanting. I want…would you want to go to the next show?”
“You owed me?”
“Don’t make a big deal about it. But I always make sure to pay up my lost bets,” he looks adorable when his entire face turns pink. Going all the way to his ears when he realizes what you mean. He got the kiss because you fell in love the first night. No sex. No kissing. Just talking. And you wanted to talk even more.
“Yeah. Yes, I want to go to the next show,” you’d get with June to arrange him traveling with you. He was in his off season, and you were just getting started.
“Good. Bucky, you mind if I hold that handsome man?” You spin on your heels, needing to hold the sweetest little baby boy, while Ransom stares at his family loving you just as much as he is. Last night was enchanting. And he wanted every night with you. There are some things you just feel in every part of you, and he did. He would marry you. It was the first thing that Ransom knew with the utmost certainty, and he didn’t want to be away from you ever.
Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season @marveloustaylortot @pono-pura-vida @peaches1958 @seitmai @smile1318 @andydrysdalerogers @cjand10 @midnightramyeoncravings @kmc1989 @floral-recs @fenixstar @astrorogers @musingsfromthemitten @patzammit @stillthatbetch @pandaxnienke
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newblvotg · 5 months
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mdpplgtz03 · 1 year
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Fairytale Fantasy Masterlist.
(Inspired by J. Scott Campbell's princess illustrations - and this post).
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- Beauty And The Beast.
(Beast!Ari Levinson x Belle!Reader)
- Cinderella.
(Prince!Andy Barber x Cinderella!Reader)
- Rapunzel.
(Thief! Frank Adler x Rapunzel!reader)
- Tinkerbell.
(Captain!Lloyd Hansen x Tinkerbell!Reader)
- Little Red Riding Hood.
(Wolf!Ari Levinson x Little Red Riding Hood!Reader)
- Emerald City.
(Scarecrow!Frank Adler x Cowardly Lion!Ari Levinson x tin man!Andy Barber x Dorothy!Reader)
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moon-language-0 · 2 days
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ICYMI: all "Medieval AU" Stony manips by @fohatic! You can browse the master tag for the individual manips + related posts <3
(note that—yet again—the sexiest manip isn't showing up under the master tag for some reason, which is the same bs tumblr pulled when i tried to collect all my stony vampire manips in one place...)
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daenysthedreamer101 · 2 months
Every single time I find some new actor to obsess over I have to go through the inevitable process of finding out they have a partner/wife/girlfriend.
Is this man usually 10-25 years older than me?
Is it surprising that such an attractive man is taken?
Am I fully aware that I have absolutely no chance what so ever?
Yes, I am.
Does it still shatter my heart into a million pieces when I find out they're taken?
Yes, yes it does.
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(This is how it feels lol. Or that scene of Regina screaming and trashing her room. Or that scene of Azula breaking down)
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2milli0n · 6 days
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