#kms if you want me to get to digging like i could never do what you guys do much respect
wintersettled · 10 months
i am once again thinking about the hilichurl rogue :(
the first time i fought it was actually yesterday after climbing a mountain in fontaine cause i wanted to see what it was and the drops really reminded me of neanderthal flower burials + how both neanderthals and hilichurls are/have been seen as primitive beings despite tons of evidence to the contrary (ignoring what we know about khaenri'ah since the curse of the wild seems to cause them to be catatonic for a period of time).
theres tons of literature on how neanderthals actually appear to be similar to homo sapiens and have higher mental functioning as evidenced through their tools, their presumed social structures (taking care of injured/disabled neanderthals rather than abandoning them as would be thought of beings focused only on survival), but most notably for this the evidence of "flower burials" at Shanidar.
Basically, two neanderthals were found buried in primarily medicinal flowers (indicating their possible role in their group). I believe there were 11(?) other neanderthals found there who appeared to have been crushed by rockfall whos ages (if my memory is correct) were from around 7 to mid 40s. The reason i bring this up is because of one of the flowers found at Shanidar: Achillea/Yarrows. I find these flowers to be fairly similar in appearance of the petals (excluding size) to the hilichurl rogues drops
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Now, each drops description:
A Flower Yet to Bloom "a wildflower that a hilichurl rogue treasured. it was plucked before it could bloom. the hilichurl takes nothing with it in its sojourn across the wilderness save this flower."
Treasured Flower "a wild flower that a hilichurl picked bereft of any special qualities. flowers can be used as gifts or offerings to express ones feelings in many cultures"
for this description in specific i would actually like to quote Ralph S Solecki's "The Implications of the Shanidar Cave Neanderthal Flower Burial"
"Under normal circumstances, today, in many cultures, flowers and death go together, as one can see a funeral corteges and burials. The association of flowers as tokens of esteem, respect, or for the joy of looking at [...]. According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, 'the flower has been a universal symbol of beauty in the civilizations of the world. Confucius included its cultivation among the arts that were essential to a man of culture.' We pride ourselves thinking that we know a lot about Neanderthal man, but the association of flowers with Neanderthals adds a whole new dimension to our knowledge of him, and his humanistic nature."
Wanderer's Blooming Flower "a blooming wild flower that a hilichurl rogue treasured, bereft of any special qualities. the eternal outlander asks not for reward, but only to see their deeds come to fruition"
TLDR (abstract lol); hilichurl rogue drops remind me of the neanderthal flower burials found at shanidar
below the cutoff are some sources if you want to do further reading on neanderthals
(im not an anthropologist or even studying it btw but here are some articles on neanderthals i used for a bibliography on neanderthal spirituality in an anth class last winter in case you want to read up on it, theyre formatted in SAA kinda)
Appenzeller, Tim
     2013    Neanderthal Culture: Old Masters. Nature 497:302-304. 
Hochadel, Oliver
     2020    The Flower People of Shanidar: Telling a New Tale of Neanderthal Brothers. In 
Narratives and Comparisons, edited by Martin Carrier, Rebecca Mertens, and Carsen Reinhardt, pp. 99-122. Bielefeld University Press, Bielefeld. https://doi.org/10.14361/9783839454152-005
Mitchell, Mary Shirley
    2021   Geoarchaeological Methods and the Intentionality of Neanderthal Burial. Furthering
Perspectives 11:29-41. https://mountainscholar.org/bitstream/handle/10217/233626/JOUF_FurtheringPerspectives_vol10.pdf?sequence=1#page=29
Morris-Kay, Gillian M. 
    2010    The Evolution of Human Artistic Creativity. Journal of Anatomy 216:158-176. 
Pomeroy, Emma, Paul Bennett, Chris O. Hunt, Tim Reynolds, Lucy Farr, and Marine Frouin
    2020      New Neanderthal Remains Associated with the ‘Flower Burial’ at Shanidar
Cave. Antiquity 94:11-26. http://dx.doi.org/10.15184/aqy.2019.207
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I definitely think prompt 20 would fit deadpool so well
.⋆。Merc With A Mouth 。⋆.
Wade Wilson x plus size reader
There’s only one way to get Wade to shut up and it involves your own mouth
Warnings: some smut, oral (m receiving), swearing
WC: 443
Minors DNI
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3000 Follower Celebration
Wade loved to talk. He could talk for literal days at a time without a break, he wouldn’t even be addressing anyone, just chattering away to himself. And you loved that about him, how passionate he was about things, but there were times when you just wanted him to shut the fuck up. 
And now was one of those times. 
Wade had been talking for a solid 5 hours. Well 5 hours that you knew of, considering that’s when you got home from work. You think you could stand the constant stream of word vomit if it had at least been consistent but Wade had been jumping from topic to topic too quickly for your exhausted mind to keep up. 
Your temples pounded with the beginnings of a migraine that was being compounded by your boyfriend’s loud voice. You groaned and sunk further into the old mattress of your bed as Wade made another lap of the apartment, still talking while stuffing his face with the pizza you picked up on the way home. “Wade, do you want to play a game?” That stopped him in his tracks for just long enough to answer you.
“What game?” 
“The quiet game.” You answered simply.
“Fuck no. Anyway, like I was saying-“ And he was off again. You groaned quietly, digging the butt of your palms into your eyes as if that would stave off the inevitable headache. 
Food couldn’t stop him, neither could sleep. You supposed you could call Cable to rip out his voice box again but the last time that happened he had a weird baby voice for like a day and it made the whole thing even worse. There was that one time when you let him fuck your ass where you thought he had died because he just stopped talking.
“That’s it!” You slid from the bed in a greatly uncoordinated manner and approached your boyfriend. He stopped pacing as you approached, but his mouth never stopped moving. With one good shove, he collapsed onto the couch and you slipped to your knees before him. 
“Oooo am I getting head? What have I done to deserve this? It must have been because of my morning treat.” You angrily ripped his ratty sweatpants down his muscular legs, exposing his rapidly hardening cock to you.
“Will you just shut up and let me go down on you?” Immediately his mouth snapped shut at your snarl and you were graced with a blissful silence. “Thank you, now let me work.” You palmed his erection briefly before giving a kitten lick to his tip, licking up the small drop of pre-cum that gathered there. 
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catierambles · 1 year
Back in the Saddle Part 2
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Pairing: Syverson x Heather Markum (OFC)
WC 4896
Warnings: Some non-explicit allusions to sexy times.
@brattymum96 , @ouroboros113 , @peaches1958 , @summersong69 , @eldarwen333 , @omgkatinka , @identity2212 , @lucypaulette , @km-ffluv , @kebabgirl67 , @squeezyvalkyrie , @rebelangel1102 , @dopegardensaladhuman , @ilsacharlotte
It was by the third yawn hidden behind her hand that she was really starting to feel it, the dreaded caffeine crash.
"You can head out if you're tired." Sy said but she shook her head.
"I'm fine." And just to make her a liar, another yawn split her face making him smile. 
"Go on, go get some sleep. I won't take it personal, you said that's what you do on the weekends anyway."
"I have an idea and feel free to shoot me down, I'll understand."
"What's up?" He asked and she hesitated. "Doll?"
"How about we take a nap together?" It came out in a rush and she looked down at the table, nervous about his reaction. She was coming off as needy, clingy. They'd only met last night for Pete's Sake and she just--
"Sounds like a great idea." He said and she looked up at him. "Really. I wouldn't mind spendin' a lazy day with you, and apparently, Nap Dates are a thing."
"G-great." She said with a small smile, "I'll send you my address and we can go back to my place. Unless you'd rather we go back to yours."
"Yours is good. Whatever would make you comfy. Military life trained me to sleep just about anywhere." Sy said and she pulled out her phone, texting him her address and hearing his phone chime a moment later from his pocket. "Come on. Nap time awaits." 
Even though he had her address as a backup, he had no issues following her back to her place in his truck, parking behind her car in the driveway. He looked around as they got inside, letting out a low whistle.
"Nice digs." He said and she shrugged. "Maybe I should get into real estate."
"You could do a lot with that bachelor's degree you have," Heather said, throwing her keys on the table by the door and kicking off her shoes. "Police, state troopers, maybe even apply to Quantico. Prior military experience will help, too."
"I got a buddy who was snatched up by the CIA when his 6 years was up. He told me he'd put in a good word for me if I decide to leave before retirement age." Sy said, "I don't think I'm spook material, though. Hadn't considered Quantico."
"Never hurts to keep your options open."
"True enough." He said and turned to her, going to her and sliding his hands around her waist. Her own hands went to his chest, the material of his shirt soft under her palms.
"Bedroom's this way." She said, patting his chest once before pulling away from him and leading him up the stairs. "I'm going to get changed out of these clothes if you want to get comfy." He leaned in the doorway of her bedroom, watching her for a moment before his eyes swept over the room. Something on her dresser caught his attention and he went to it, staring down at it with a quizzical expression. "It's resin, don't worry." She said, going up behind him as he stared at the skull and he snorted. Grabbing her pajamas from the end of the bed, she went into the bathroom to change, pulling the clip from her hair and running a brush through it. Seeing as it had still been damp from the shower when she clipped it up, it had dried in messy waves so she just pulled it back again into a sloppy bun at the back of her head.
Sy was laying in bed when she emerged from the bathroom and she saw his clothes folded neatly on top of the dresser, his boots on the floor with his socks shoved into them.
"Kept my drawers on just to be on the safe side." He said and she smiled slightly, looking over at him. The blankets were at his waist and his hand was behind his head as he lay back against the pillows. The sight of his hairy muscular chest and stomach threatened to short-circuit her brain. He didn't have a happy trail, he had a parking lot. Some nervousness started to creep in as she went around the bed to the empty side, her movements a little hesitant as she climbed in. "If you're havin' second thoughts, I can take a hike. No harm done."
"It's just been a while since I shared a bed with anyone, is all." She said and he made an understanding sound.
"Come here, doll." He said, his voice low and she turned over to face him, seeing him on his side towards her. The look in his eyes made her heart race, but it wasn't one of lascivious intent. Moving closer to him, his arm wrapped around her waist and he tugged her even closer, his lips pressing to her forehead and making her sigh, tension she didn't even realize was there leaving her muscles. His skin was warm, his chest hair slightly coarse, and he smelled fantastic. Turning in his arms, she put her back to him and his arm tightened briefly, pulling her back against his chest and she felt his legs tangle with hers, pressing them fully together. "That's my good girl." The whispered praise made her sigh again and, oddly enough, made tears burn in her eyes. She just blinked rapidly to clear them before sliding her hand over his arm and shifting slightly to get comfortable, closing her eyes as she felt him press a gentle kiss to her shoulder.
Heather had been a fitful sleeper just about her entire life, never staying still, tossing and turning, briefly waking up several times. Even when she was married it didn't stop, much to David's chagrin. He was often snippy with her in the morning as her constant movement was an annoyance for him. With Sy, though, she didn't think she moved once, sleeping deeply wrapped in his arms with his warmth at her back. She was utterly and completely dead to the world, not the half-conscious rest she was used to.
She didn't know how long she was out, but it must have been several hours as the sun was setting when she finally woke. Had she really slept the entire day? She had been more tired than she realized. Sy was still asleep behind her, his arm still around her waist and his warm breath fanning across the back of her neck. Shifting slightly, she turned over as gently as she could so she didn't wake him, looking at him with his face relaxed in sleep. He really was handsome, almost devastatingly so. What was he doing with her? She knew they weren't officially together, but the fact that he had any interest in her at all surprised her somewhat.
David always commented on her appearance, telling her how plain she looked, how utterly unremarkable. He also scoffed at her slightly Gothic design and wardrobe choices. Dark clothes, and anatomical diagrams in frames on the walls. Her Tristan and Isolde Salvador Dali painting had been taken out of storage after the divorce, as David hadn’t allowed it in the house, saying it was "creepy", whereas she described it as "hauntingly beautiful".
Why had she married him? Maybe it was because he had convinced her that he was the best she was ever going to get. After she informed him that got herself sterilized while he was away on a "boys trip", he raged at her, calling her selfish among other less civil things. It still devastated her when he asked for a divorce, citing fraud as the reason. Her attorney asked him to clarify and he said that when he married her, he was under the impression that they were going to have children, start a family. She had quickly rebutted that he knew she didn't want children, that she had informed him very early in their relationship that she didn't want children, his sister backing her up at the character hearing. It wasn't her fault, nor was it fraud, that he didn't believe her or had no plans to respect her wishes. The judge agreed and David's attempts to weasel out of alimony on the basis of fraud failed.
It had taken their marriage falling apart for her to realize that he hadn’t wanted a partner, he wanted a Stepford Wife. Someone to rely on him wholly and truly, to take care of the house and the kids, to give up her career and put aside everything she wanted in favor of his own wants. He hadn’t been like that while they were dating, pulling the wool over her eyes, hiding his true self until the vows were exchanged. She should have known, she should have seen. His mother had given up her partnership at a law firm when she married his dad, becoming a housewife, having dinner on the table at 5 o’clock sharp, all chores completed and the house spotless. For some women, that kind of life was fulfilling in its own way, but that wasn’t the life she wanted for herself.
Moving into him, she tucked her face into his neck, sliding her arm around his waist and sighing. It must have woken him, as his arm tightened around her waist and she heard him breathe in deep through his nose, his lips pressing to the side of her head.
“Hey.” He said groggily, and she hummed against him. “What time is it?”
“No idea.” She said, “Sun’s going down, though.”
“Damn, didn’t know I was that tired.” Sy said, his hand starting to rub her back gently. “How’d you sleep?”
“Better than I have in a while.”
“Same.” He said, his thumb moving back and forth over her back.
“You hungry?” She asked and he hummed.
“Don’t want to get up yet. Comfy.” He said and she giggled slightly, pressing a gentle kiss to his skin, making him give out a low hum. "Do that again." She pressed another kiss to his neck, this time to the heavy pulse under his jaw. "Mmmm, baby." He moved, rolling them over so he pressed her to the bed, his hips pressed against hers as he buried his face in her neck, his beard scratching over her skin as he mouthed along her throat. "Tell me to stop and I will."
"No." She said, moving her hands over his bare back. "Don't stop." He picked his head up to look at her, his eyes moving over her face before he kissed her, one of his hands coming up to hold the side of her jaw. The feel of his body on top of hers, his lips moving against hers made that familiar tingle start in her thighs, a pressure building between her legs. His other hand pushed under her shirt and over her ribs, fingertips skirting around the edge of her breast. "Sy…" She sighed.
"Oh fuck, Heather." He said, the timbre of his voice making a shiver go down her spine. Her arms raised as he pulled her shirt from her and she pulled him down into another kiss, wrapping her legs around his waist. "I didn't--I don't want you to think I agreed to this just to get you into bed. Euphemistically speakin'."
"I know." She said, "And I didn't ask if you wanted to with the intent of seducing you."
"But, fuck, you're beautiful." He said and her eyes burned at the sudden compliment. She just closed them, pulling him into another kiss.
Sy took her breath away with the passion with which he made love to her. This man definitely wasn't real. The whispered praise against her skin, the way he held her while he was inside her, and the eye contact. He insisted on looking into her eyes as he moved within her, wanting to see how he was making her feel. His hands on her body, his lips on her skin, how it felt while they were connected, it was all almost too much and she came more than once before he finally seated himself inside her fully, groaning as he released into her. He took her to the bed from their seated position with her in his lap, holding her close.
"Goddamn." She whispered and heard him chuckle slightly.
Sy ended up spending the night, part of her telling her that they were going too fast, but it felt so utterly right to be in his arms. He surprised her the next morning with breakfast in bed, watching her eat as he drank his coffee, a small smile on his face. He spent all of Sunday with her, too, and they had sex several times throughout the day and in various rooms of the house. The shower, on the kitchen island, with her kneeling on the couch, her hands gripping the back as he held onto her hips. He couldn't seem to get enough of her and she was the same with him, returning his advances each and every time with a matched enthusiasm. She hadn't been like this with David, in fact they hadn't been having sex at all for almost the last year of their marriage. 
The feel of Sy's heavy body on hers, the way he touched her with his hands and lips, it made her feel beautiful, cherished.
He would have stayed the night again, if he hadn't needed to report for duty Monday morning and he left late Sunday night to head home. The kiss he gave her at the door made her toes curl and she very nearly pulled him back into the house by his belt. Somehow she resisted and watched him walk away, getting into his truck and pulling out of her driveway, disappearing down the street.
Her pillows still smelled like him when she went to bed and it warmed her heart, his goodnight text making her smile before she drifted off.
Sy had warned her that while he was on duty, he didn't really have access to his phone, so if she didn't hear from him, or respond to her messages, that was why. She kept her messages to a minimum, sending him a good morning text when she got up that wasn't responded to until long after she got home from work. He didn't have access to his phone, so she wasn't going to blow it up with messages.
It was about mid-week when she pulled into her driveway, seeing David's sedan parked out front, the man himself waiting on her doorstep. He was still wearing his suit from work and she hesitated a moment before getting out of her car.
"What're you doing here?" She asked as she walked up.
"Where is he?" David asked.
"Where is…"
"Jake Syverson." She hadn't told him his full name when she introduced him, just what he went by.
"How did you--"
"I waited until you guys left the coffee place and ran his plates." David said.
"That's…a massive ethics violation, David. Not to mention fucked up." She said, her fingers curling around her keys.
"Where is he?" He asked again.
"He's on duty this week."
"You mentioned he was in the Army."
"An Army Captain, yeah." Heather said, "David, what the hell is this all about? Please don't go all crazy jealous ex-husband. You asked for the divorce, not me. You wanted to end the marriage."
"He's not who he says he is." David said and she blinked at him.
"Jake Syverson is dead, Heather. He died three years ago in Afghanistan." He said, "I wasn't able to find particulars, just that it was in the line of duty."
"Are you fucking kidding me?" She asked with a sigh, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "Of all the lame ass stories you could have come up with, "He's dead" is probably the dumbest."
"It's not a story." David said, "Whoever he is, he's not Jake Syverson. I don't know why he would take the identity of a dead soldier, but he's not who he says he is. Heather, I know we didn't end things on the best of terms, but I still care about you, and I'm worried about what this guy has planned for you. You need to cut off contact. Stop seeing him. If he tries to get in touch with you again, you need to call me and let me know."
"Absolutely not." Heather said, "And if I see any police cars, marked or unmarked, around my home, David, I'm calling your Captain and reporting you. Now get the hell off my property." Pushing around him, she unlocked the front door and went inside, closing it and throwing both of the deadbolts. Her first order of business after David had moved out was to change all of the locks, so even if he still had his key, he wouldn't be able to get in.  Pulling out her phone, she tried calling Sy but it went straight to voice-mail so she hung up without leaving a message. What would she say anyway? My ex-husband, who's a cop, says you stole the identity of a dead man? "Fucking ridiculous." She muttered and set about getting settled for the night.
She didn't see David for the rest of the week, although she did get an email from him in her inbox with Sy's name as the subject. While she didn't delete it, she didn't open it either, letting it sit there. The weekend came around again and she was laying in bed late Friday night when her phone dinged at her. Picking it up, she turned on the screen and saw the message from Sy.
"Let me in?" She nearly jumped out of bed, bouncing to the front door with a smile on her face and throwing back the locks, opening the door. He hadn't changed out of his uniform and she pulled him in even as he moved into her, his arms coming around her waist as she encircled his neck with hers.
"I missed you, doll." He said, hugging her tightly and she gave a squeak as he suddenly picked her up, walking her into the house and kicking the door closed before setting her down again. He had trimmed his beard at some point and it was neat on his jaw instead of the slightly unkempt it had been before. The whiskers were soft under her hands as she pulled him into a kiss that he responded to instantly, his hands encircling her waist as he pressed back against her. "Come on, baby, let's get reacquainted. It's been a long week." With his hands holding the backs of her thighs, she hopped up, wrapping her legs around his waist and kissing him again. She heard him throw the locks on the front door before he carried her to the bedroom.
Sy was sleeping soundly as she left the bedroom, easing the door closed before walking down the hall to her office, dressed in only the green t-shirt he had been wearing under his uniform jacket. Get reacquainted with each other was right. It was like he hadn’t seen her in months, not just a week. Not that she was complaining. It was early morning, the sun was just barely up and she turned on her computer, needing to check emails for responses she was waiting for.
She saw David’s email in there still and she clicked the checkbox next to it before going up to the garbage can icon. She should just delete it. It was bullshit. Sy was Sy. He wasn’t someone pretending to be a dead man. Her curiosity won over and she opened it, looking over the obituary.
There was a birthday and date of death, but no picture. The in memoriam statements matched what Sy had told her about himself. Born in Coppell, Texas, both parents were still in the picture, three younger siblings. Played football in high school, graduated middle of his class. It even mentioned the bachelors in Criminal Justice from UTD before heading into the Army Officer’s Program. A sliver of doubt started to creep in. It matched what he told her, but then it was his life, why wouldn’t it. She was being ridiculous. Served with distinction in the Army Special Forces, Purple Heart for sustaining injuries in the line of duty (he had a scar on his thigh that looked like a bullet wound), a Silver Heart awarded presumptuously at his service for valor. It didn’t say how he died, but then if he was Special Forces, it wouldn’t.
She was being stupid.
Going to google, she put in his name along with his hometown and the first match was the obituary David had sent her, but the second was a facebook profile. Clicking on it, she looked over it. There were messages on the wall posted after the date of death from friends saying how much they missed him, family saying that Christmas and Thanksgiving were hard without him that year. It was a public profile, so she went into the pictures, her eyes going wide. It was him. One-hundred percent him. The latest photos even showed him with the buzzed hair and beard, smiling a smile she knew so well. One of the pictures he was lying in a hospital bed, the leg with the scar wrapped in bandages and elevated. He looked tired, but still managed a smile and a thumbs up to the camera, a caption of “Well that sucked” on the sidebar along with comments for him to get better soon.
It was him. Why would he fake his death? And if he did fake his death, why would he still go by his real name?
“Babe?” She looked up, seeing him leaning in the doorway of the office. “It’s still early, what’re you doin’ up?” She didn’t answer, staring at him with wide eyes. The scant light coming in from the window was making his eyes glow with an unnatural golden light. “Shit.” She moved quickly, pushing out of the chair and running out of the side office door, hearing him chase after her. She was almost to the front door when his arms came around her tight, lifting her off her feet. Heather fought against him, tried kicking as her arms were pinned against her sides. “Stop fightin’ me, I ain’t gonna hurt ya!” Her mouth opened to scream, but his hand clamped over it, “Heather, baby, please stop fightin’ me. I’m not gonna hurt you. Please, baby, please.” He set her down on her feet, but kept a hold on her, tears burning in her eyes and spilling over, gathering on his fingers. “Don’t cry, please don’t cry.” He sounded in pain, pressing his forehead to the back of her head. “I’m not going to hurt you. I’d never hurt you.” She stopped fighting against him, stopped struggling to break free and his arm loosened around her. “I’m gonna take my hand off your mouth. Don’t scream.” She nodded quickly and his hand lowered slowly. “I need to explain.”
“You’re fucking right you do!” She yelled and felt him flinch at her back as if she had hit him. “You’re a fucking dead man!”
“Yeah, I am.” He sighed, “I died, baby, I died and was buried.” She hadn’t been expecting that, him saying that he faked his death for some reason, maybe, but not for him to actually admit that he was dead. “It didn’t take and I had to be dug up again.”
“What the fuck do you mean “it didn’t take”?!” He turned her around and she looked up at him, seeing the pain in his eyes that broke through her own anger and fear somewhat.
“Heather, I…” He stopped, closing his eyes briefly with a sigh, “The name I registered with the speed dating company is not the name I gave you. I gave you my real name, fuck I don’t know why, but I registered under an alias. I go to them to find women, take them home, feed from them, and then wipe their memories of me.”
“What?” She asked after a moment.
“But you, I knew the moment I saw you that you were different. I didn’t just want to have a night with you, take what I needed, and then move on.” He said, reaching up to hold the side of her face gently. “I wanted so many nights with you, and days, and weeks, and months, and years.”
“What the hell are you?” She asked and he sighed again.
“I don’t know if there’s a word for me exactly.”
“You said you feed off of women. What do you take from them?”
“Their energy, their life force, whatever you wanna call it. Not enough to hurt’em, but enough to keep me goin’.”
“Do they know that you…”
“I do it in the middle of us bein’ together. They probably don’t even notice.”
“But you…wipe their memories.”
“Last thing I want to do is hurt’em by havin’em think I was just some asshole who wanted to get laid and used’em.” Sy said, “Best they don’t remember me at all.”
“But you did use them.”
“In a way, yeah. I ain’t proud of it, but I gotta do what I gotta do to survive.”
“Did you ever…feed off of me?”
“No.” He said sternly, “Heather, baby, I…you’re special, fuck if I know how, but you are.”
“How do I know you’re not just some…psychopath living in a fantasy world? How do I know you’re not just going to kill me and dump my body somewhere?”
“I’d never hurt you, Heather, I told you.” He said, “But you’re right, what I’m tellin’ you sounds crazy. Even to me and I’m livin’ it.” His eyes closed again and he breathed in deep, letting it out slowly. When he opened them again, his blue eyes were gone, replaced by a solid black that covered the iris and the whites, so dark that she could almost see herself in them. The black slowly faded away to the edges of his eyes, and they were normal again. The small display seemed to tire him and his shoulders sagged somewhat.
“Where were you?” She asked and he gave her a questioning look. “The Army thinks you’re dead. Where were you all this week?”
“I needed to feed, so I went out and…fed.” He said and she went quiet.
“I didn’t sleep with’em.” He said quickly, “I went back to their place, yeah, but I fed and wiped their memories of me, leavin’em asleep.”
“You didn’t…” Why was that important to her? She just found out the man she’s been having amazing marathon sex with wasn’t even human and she was hung up on him sleeping with other women? Priorities.
“I didn’t want to. Wasn’t interested in bein’ with’em like that.” Sy said, “Not since I met you.”
“But you still…fed from them.”
“I needed to. Real food doesn’t do anythin’ for me anymore, it’s empty. It’d be like you not eatin’ for a couple days.”
“I was going to tell you, I was, I promise.” Sy said, “When we had been together longer, I was gonna spill those beans and deal with the fallout.”
“David is a cop.” Heather said and he arched a brow at her.
“He ran the license plates on your truck, it’s registered under your name. He emailed me your obituary.” She said, “He told me to let him know if you ever contacted me again.”
“What did you tell him?”
“Absolutely not.” She said, “That was…before.”
“And now?” He asked and there was a moment before she stepped into him, wrapping her arms around his chest and holding him. He gave a great shuddering sigh as he returned her embrace, holding her tightly.
“No one else.” She said and felt him go still.
“You don’t feed from anyone else.” What the fuck was she saying? Was she wrong in the head? “Just me.”
“You said it doesn’t hurt them, right?”
“Yeah.” Sy said, “I don’t take enough to hurt’em. I could, but I don’t.”
“Then no one else.”
“Oh, babe.” He sighed and pulled back, reaching up to hold the sides of her jaw before he leaned into her again, pressing his lips to hers. There was a moment of hesitation before she kissed him back, her eyes closing. “Somethin’ special.” He backed her against the nearest wall, kissing her again as he pressed against her. When she opened her eyes, she saw his were black as he stared down at her and there was a small fissure of fear before she shoved it away, pulling him back in. Bending a little, his face buried in her neck, lips moving over her skin and she felt his chest inflate as he breathed in deep. There was a pulling deep in her chest that made her gasp, her eyes closing and he groaned against her. “Fuck.” He sighed and pressed his lips to the heavy pulse under her jaw before inhaling again, the pull stronger this time and making her moan. It felt like a thread was connecting them and she pulled him up into a kiss, feeling him press against her stomach, hard and thick. “You taste so fuckin’ good.”
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hunting dogs as dark humour jokes bc why not
Jouno: Never break someone's heart, they only have one Jouno: Break their bones instead. They have 206 of them.
Tachihara: A man walks into a magic forest and tries to cut down a talking tree. "You can't cut me down," the tree complains. The man responds, "You may be a talking tree but you will dialogue."
Tecchou: What's a pirate's favorite letter of the alphabet? Jouno: None. Historians have suggested most pirates would have been illiterate.
Teruko: What's the last thing to go through a fly's head as it hits the windshield of a car going 70 km per hour? ITS BUTT
Fukuchi: My favorite Disney film is The Hunchback of Notre Dame. I love a protagonist with a twisted backstory.
Tecchou: I threw a boomerang a few years ago. Now I live in constant fear.
Tecchou: I have a fish that can breakdance. Just for 20 seconds though, and only once.
Jouno: I was watching my daughter at the park earlier. Another parent asked me which one was mine. I replied, "I'm still deciding." They looked horrified.
Fukuchi: Why do vampires seem sick? They're always coffin! Bram: 🕴
Teruko: What's the difference between jelly and jam? You can't jelly a body into the trunk of a car!
Fukuchi: Today, I asked my phone, "Siri, why am I still single?" and it activated the front camera.
Tecchou: Don't challenge Death to a pillow fight. Unless you're prepared for reaper cushions.
Tecchou: Mom died when I couldn't remember her blood type. As she died, she kept telling me to "be positive", but it's hard without her.
Jouno: Want to know how you could make any salad into a caesar salad? Stab it twenty-three times.
Tachihara: Give a man a match, and he'll be warm for a few hours. Set him on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.
Teruko: The doctor gave me one year to live, so I shot him with my gun. The judge gave me 15 years. Problem solved.
Fukuchi: Where did Joe go after getting lost on a minefield? Everywhere!
Jouno: My grandfather Fukuchi said my generation relies too much on the latest technology. So I unplugged his life support.
Tachihara: I have a stepladder because my real ladder left when I was 5.
Teruko: They laughed at my crayon drawing. I laughed at their chalk outline.
Tecchou: The other day, Jouno asked me to pass his lipstick but I accidentally passed him a glue stick. He still isn't talking to me.
Teruko: I have the heart of a lion and a lifetime ban from the zoo.
Jouno: Why is it that if you donate a kidney, people love you, but if you donate five kidneys, they call the police!
Fukuchi: Dark humour is like food. Not everyone gets it.
Tecchou: I was drinking a glass of soy sauce and the waitress screamed "does anyone know CPR?" I yelled, "I know the entire alphabet" and we all laughed and laughed. Well, except one person.
Tachihara: I told my father that I had an imaginary girlfriend. He sighed and said, "you know, you could do a lot better". "Thanks dad," I said. He shook his head and went, "I was talking to your girlfriend."
Nikolai: I was digging in our garden and found a chest full of gold coins. I wanted to run straight home to tell Fyodor about it, then I remembered why I was digging in our garden.
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➖ Mature content, 18+ ➖ check the trigger tags each time ➖      
Chapter 45 - Lost in thought. Episode 2.
Evan: 5 minutes later we were home, and quietly made our way to the bathroom, making sure no one would notice we had been gone.
Congo: He turned on the tab for the shower, regulating the water to a comfortable temperature and helped me to get under it, then closed the toilet seat down, sitting down on the toilet, grabbing my cigs and lighting one, taking a big drag. So… please, help me a bit here… You jump out of bed, telling me you need 5-10 minutes to get some air. I lay and wait, 15 minutes at least before checking up on you, finding the garden empty. I run next door, to find that house empty as well… no sign of you. He sighed deep and took another drag I start worrying, obviously, cause that seems to be my thing, worrying about you… Andy… Marius… all the time… So I get in my car, and 15 minutes later find you, almost butt naked on a street in the city below us… ca 1 km from our safe home… and you want me to believe you just simply got lost in your thoughts, and never noticed you left the garden?
Evan: I nodded softly and pulled the shower curtain in front of me, so he could no longer look at me. I suddenly felt naked in a very uncomfortable way. Almost like he could read my soul.
Congo: He moaned deeply and blew a big cloud of smoke out I'm way too old for this.
Evan: I didn't dare to say anything, I just tried to stand as still as possible, afraid if I even made a sound to breathe the whole room would stop existing somehow
Congo: A few minutes went by before he spoke again So what were you thinking of?
Evan:….. I hesitated a bit before I opened my mouth to speak, but the words only came out as a fragile whisper You…
Congo: What?
Evan: You…. this time the words were louder, although still fragile, so I wasn't even sure he had heard them. Until the shower curtain got pulled aside roughly and he grabbed my back head, kissing me passionately as he pushed me against the shower wall with a deep sigh. I dug my fingers into his back, pulling him closer, moaning soft in his mouth, as I started unbuttoning his shirt
Congo: He pushed me harder against the wall, letting one of his hands quickly travel down my spine, grabbing on to one of my hips, digging his nails into my skin, as he pulled my hip closer to him, rubbing himself against it but only for a split second, before he slammed my hip back against the shower wall, making me moan deeply
Evan: I pulled off his shirt, digging my fingers into his chest, moaning once again as I felt his boner against my thigh, quickly letting my hands travel down to his pants, and with no hesitation I unbuckled his belt, quickly moving on to unbuttoning his jeans, but then I felt his hands tighten around my wrists
Congo: Stop… please…
Evan: I was breathing deep and fast as I looked up at him, getting water in my eyes
Congo: Slow down… please… he kissed my forehead softly and stroke my cheek I get what your body wants right now… and trust me, my body does not disagree… but… I'm afraid your mind wont agree… At least not tomorrow… or even later tonight.
Evan: I sighed softly as his words swirled around my head
Congo: I can't do it Evan…. not while knowing you will probably feel different about it later, when you are no longer all heated up. I'm sorry. He turned on the tab and kissed my forehead again You mean too much to me. He slowly got out of the shower, drying his hair, and while doing so, he handed me a big towel Please dry yourself, I don't want you to get cold again, we're both still sick.
Evan: I quickly dried myself, trying not to look at him, as he left the room and I could hear him rumble a bit in the tv room, probably searching for something to wear. I felt… exposed… vulnerable… ashamed…. I was about to marry my best friend…. the man I love beyond anything else… the one…. my mate…. And here I was…. doing whatever the fuck it was I was doing…. feeling…. something…. Fuck… I didn't even know what it was I was feeling, beside this incredible warmth every time he is near! Fuck!!! I leaned my forehead against the wall, sobbing silently as I softly kept hitting the wall. I was too embarrassed by myself to face him. What would he be thinking about me now?!
Congo: Evan? His voice sounded warm and concerned, yet a bit firm
Evan: I had to go in there, somehow. I took a deep breath, quickly drying my eyes and nose, wrapping the towel around my hips. I made my way to the bed in almost slow motion, finding him in boxers under the blanket, observing him a bit questioning before I quickly got under the blanket. He looked calm and relaxed, but still a hint of concern on his face. I quickly slide closer to him, burying my face at his chest, just wanting to disappear and feel safe again. I sighed relieved as I felt his arms wrap around me
Congo: You should take that wet towel off. The bed will get wet too, and it's never good to sleep in a wet bed.
Evan: But… I'm naked?
Congo: Mh? People are normally naked when they shower, Evan. Where are you going with this?
Evan: I sighed softly and made a tiny chuckle I don't know, I just thought…
Congo: He ran a hand through my hair and kissed my forehead softly Evan… I think about you too…
Evan: I dug my fingers into his chest and felt dizzy
Congo: A lot…. somehow, being stuck down here with you half a week, has made me…. I don't know…. feel something I didn't feel before. He sighed deeply I wont go as far as call it falling in love…. but I can't deny either that there's definitely something happening. And I get the feeling you are getting affected by it too…
Evan: I didn't dare to move or speak… my heart was pounding like mad
Congo: Oh for Petes sake! Will you please remove that towel? he chuckled softly I feel like it's a wet sponge, sucking my knee!
Evan: My hands were shaky as I fumbled with the towel, feeling like it took me an eternity to get it off and throw it on the floor
Congo: All I ask of you, is that there will be no sex between us. And here I mean
Evan: I know what you mean! Somehow I couldn't stand to hear the word right now, as I felt it would tip me over and make the anxiety return
Congo: Hey hey ssshh he grabbed my hands gently and let them up to his lips, planting a soft kiss on each of them try to relax, please…. I love when we lay here together, tangled in each other. Feeling safe and warm for hours.
Evan: I nodded softly Me too. Somehow I was still too scared to look at him
Congo: Look at me, please…
Evan: I shook my head softly
Congo: Please… he grabbed my chin lightly and lifted my head so I had to face him I don't want to hurt you, in any way. This is very very important to me, okay?
Evan: I nodded softly
Congo: That does not mean you're not allowed to want me in the heat of the moment. I want you too… and not only in the heat of the moment. I just have a very high self control, so I can hide it better. After all, I had 10 years of practice, staying away from Andy he chuckled softly and smiled Look, all I'm saying is, I will not have sex with you, based on what your body wants, or what your brain thinks it wants when we are both heated up… okay? I would never go down that road with you, unless I felt your brain was fully in it. That does not mean you have to stay away from me… alright?
Evan: I nodded softly and felt tears press in my eyes
Congo: Please don't cry…
Evan: I just… somehow don't want it to stop again…
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amesstm · 3 years
Nose Bleeds: Part 1
Pairing: Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader
Word Cout: 1692
A/N: sorry for taking a week off! I was drowned with schoolwork and then did some college visits. I’ll try to keep up with my set schedule! Also, this is my first Haikyuu story because it has taken over my life. Plus, thank you to whomever made the gif!
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“Got it!” You exclaimed as you dug the volleyball towards your setter.
“Good Y/L/N!” Your friends cheered. The set ended with another point for your team.
Your team crowded towards the center of your side of the court. Amongst the trees known as your teammates, you looked like a shrub in comparison. Of course, your short stature was an advantage since you were the libero but it was always funny seeing as you only made it up to their shoulders or chests.
After bowing to the opposing team, your friend Tendo rushed to congratulate you. He swept you off of your feet – which wasn’t very difficult – and swung you around like a doll. “You did amazing, Y/N!”
You giggled as he set you down, “Thank you Tendo. But I could still use some work.”
Tendo grinned mischievously and wiggled his eyebrows, “I think I know how you can solve that.”
“No!” You whispered harshly. “I won’t take you up on that idea!”
“Please?” He whined, clutching onto your cheeks like you were a puppy. “I think it’d be a good chance for you two to get closer. There’s only so much time before we all graduate.”
You sighed, “I know, but I can’t even be around him! I’m as good as a rock when I try to talk to him.”
“Well, he’s more or less a rock in general,” Tendo acknowledged with a shrug. “Why not just one practice with Miracle Boy?”
You bit your lip and avoided looking at Tendo’s convincing smile. If he could control you like a Sim, you were sure your romance levels with Ushijima would be off the charts.
Of course, you wanted to get closer to Ushijima in the last months you had before you inevitably went your separate ways, but again – there were only a few months left. The boy seemed as dense as ever, never having understood what you tried to say to him in the first place. Then again, it might’ve been because you were incredibly flustered.
But, if you had only a few months left, why not enjoy it?
You sighed in defeat, “Okay, I’ll try one practice.”
“Finally!” Tendo jumped into the air from sheer excitement. “You’ll redeem yourself from the last time you tried to talk to him.”
A groan escaped your mouth, “Please don’t ever mention that again.”
Obviously, Tendo would always mention it. He would never forget when you tried to ask the tall boy if he could sit lower so you could see the board during class. Before you mustered the confidence, you could only rely on hearing the teacher to take notes. Even Ushijima’s broad shoulders prevented you from looking around him.
So, you finally tried asking him. By asking, you meant getting so shy that you were a whispering mess. In the end, you failed and had to ask to be moved up front. So much for being able to admire Ushijima’s back muscles.
“If you two get married, I’ll have a whole presentation of all the times you were shy around him,” Tendo teased.
“Do you want me to smack you on the head?” You threatened.
He smirked, “Can you reach?”
How did you let Tendo convince you to do this? Did he secretly enjoy your suffering? You saw Ushijima walking to the gym for volleyball practice, as usual. Butterflies fluttered in your stomach, urging you to beat them down. Breathe in and out. Inhale. Exhale.
Okay, you got this.
You stepped towards Ushijima, who noticed you immediately. His olive eyes peered down at you, looking curious. No doubt, he thought you were looking for Tendo. He was about to open his mouth to ask, but you beat him to speak first.
“Hi Ushijima. I know we don’t speak much, but would you mind practicing with me?” You asked as calmly as possible. Yet inside, your heart was pounding wildly.
He only blinked, so you elaborated. “I want to work more on my defense so I’d really appreciate if you would serve for me.”
“Why practice with me?” His baritone voice rippled. You were suddenly reminded of your thoughts about what it’d be like to rest your head on his chest. The thought made you blush and widen your eyes. Surely, you must’ve looked like a deer in headlights.
So, you faltered slightly. “W-well, I wanted to be able to practice with someone outside of my team.”
“Is Tendo not willing?” Ushijima asked, surprised that you two wouldn’t practice together first. He always saw you two attached at the hip. If Ushijima didn’t know that Tendo only saw Y/N as a friend, he would’ve mistaken them for a couple. Except for the fact that Tendo treats you like a little sister regarding your height.
You rubbed the back of your neck with a soft laugh, “I think Tendo would distract me more than anything.”
Ushijima resisted the urge to smile. Instead, the prodigy nodded with understanding, “Then we’ll practice tomorrow.”
For the first time, Tendo saw Ushijima smiling for no reason. It wasn’t one of his forced smiles when someone asked if he could ever smile. Those smiles were terrifying. However, this smile was different. Tendo had a gut-feeling that he knew why, but he would love to hear the reason.
“Hm, is there a special reason why you’re smiling?” Tendo teased, winking at his friend. He leaned over towards Ushijima with sparkles twinkling in his eyes.
Ushijima’s mouth returned to his firm line, secretly embarrassed at being caught. “Why do you want to know?”
“Is it because of Y/N?” Tendo asked in a whisper, using his hand so only Ushijima can hear.
Y/N and Ushijima didn’t know, but Tendo has been acting as Cupid ever since he found out they liked each other. For Ushijima, Tendo noticed the quiet boy looking at her more than anyone else, even with all his admirers. For you, it was because you couldn’t talk to him at all despite your radiating confidence. Of course, he was right. When was Tendo’s intuition ever wrong?
“I’m surprised that she asked me instead of you,” Ushijima muttered.
“I thought I scared her.”
Perhaps all the times you were unable to speak to him was interpreted incorrectly on Ushijima’s end. It would make sense, given that he was intimidating for most people in the first place. It was even worse looking at the two interact. To anyone it would seem like he was scaring you.
Tendo sighed before he giggled, “It’s in a good way. Trust me.”
“Being scary is a bad thing,” Ushijima said with a hint of confusion in his voice.
His friend sighed and clasped his face, “What will I do with you?”
For you, tomorrow came too soon. Your nerves made you arrive earlier than necessary – 20 minutes early to be exact. You wanted to warm up a bit beforehand, just so you wouldn’t embarrass yourself in front of him.
You tied your hair up and put on your knee and elbow pads. Then, you decided to stretch out your legs. Spreading your feet out to match shoulder length, you sighed as you pushed yourself towards the ground. Luckily, you seemed to have the flexibility of a gymnast so you easily touched the floor.
“You’re here early,” a deep voice rumbled behind you. You look through your legs to see Ushijima. His eyes quickly averted from the position you were in.
You unraveled yourself, maintaining eye contact with him. As much as you could anyways, without combusting on the spot. “Yeah, I just wanted to stretch.”
He grunted, “We’ll start in a moment then.”
For a second, you watched him set down his belongings. The apples of his cheeks reddened slightly as he gulped. You raised an eyebrow, and then died a little inside when you realized why.
A few minutes of silence passed, until Ushijima called you to attention. He stood at the opposite end of the court, ready to serve. The absolute focus in his eyes ignited a sense of admiration within you. He smacked the ball in front of him, before looking ready.
You nodded. Not a second later, you were making contact with a ball he served. You’ve seen him serve before. A gunshot would ring out in the court, with the ball only making an appearance after it landed on the opponent’s side. Yet you were able to connect with the ball. However, it felt like he was serving directly at you.
He made another deadly serve. Once more, you were able to dig the ball. Another.
“Hey,” you yelled across to the other side. “Are you just going to serve towards me or make me work for it?”
If you were closer to him, you would’ve been able to see a small smile form on his face. Instead, all you saw was a nod and heard a grunt. He served towards the middle this time. You sprinted towards it and took a roll to get it. Finally, you were able to feel out of breath and sweaty.
“Again!” You smiled like a maniac.
Another ball went towards the back corner. You were fully in control of your side of the court. Ushijima made sure you were light on your feet by purposefully making the ball hit the net before slowly falling on your side. After an hour, you felt a bit fatigued by running across the floor.
Perhaps that’s why you didn’t notice the ball coming right at your head. You fell to the ground, feeling like you just got hit by a car. Afterall, sometimes spikes can be over 100 km/her. You groaned, the lights on the ceiling blurring. The dulled sound of long, quick strides towards you overwhelmed your ears despite the ringing in your head.
“Y/N, your nose is bleeding. I’ll find a tissue and then we’re taking you to the nurse.”
You couldn’t respond, except with a groan. He muttered something about not being able to find any. Ushijima returned to your side, taking off his shirt. Luckily, your vision was returning. Then, your nose started bleeding more.
“Is this heaven?” You asked, dazed.
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frostedfaves · 4 years
Repercussions (6)
Pairing: dark!Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader, future dark!WandaNat x fem!reader
Summary: Natasha tries to get you accustomed to your new life, and Wanda has a confession for her best friend.
Warnings: dark themes, slightly sexual content
A/N: currently wishing that Wanda and Nat teaming up to obsess over their girlfriend together had been my plan all along because I’m in love with the concept already! this part’s pretty tame compared to previous ones because it’s more of a filler chapter, but I might post 7 tomorrow to make up for it...anyway, tell me your thoughts!!
Previous part
Commotion in the connected bathroom brought you to consciousness the following morning, and you sat up to stretch as your fiery-haired captor walked into the room. Her eyes trailed over your frame shamelessly, a soft smile on her lips as she walked over to drop clothes in the laundry basket on the opposite side of the room.
“Good morning, my love. Feeling rested?”
“Yeah, I guess,” you mumbled as you rubbed your eyes, jumping back when you opened them to the sight of Natasha sitting next to you. “Fuck, you’re quiet.”
“Lots of practice, baby.” She leaned forward to peck your lips, stealing a few more quick kisses before pulling away with a grin. “I’ll make some breakfast while you get ready.”
“Ready for what? I’m not exactly allowed to leave.”
“There’s nothing out there for you!” she snapped, taking a deep breath and bringing her smile back to the surface. “I wanted to give you a proper tour of our home today, one that you could remember anyway.”
You got up and grabbed some things for the shower, deciding that it was far too early to fight with someone who had the upper hand anyway. Of course you took your time anyway, moving so slowly with showering, moisturizing and dressing that Natasha returned to the room to look for you.
“Food’s getting cold,” she huffed, arms folded across her chest as she stood in the doorway.
“Thought you couldn’t cook anyway.”
“I’ve been learning from Wanda.” 
As soon as you stood up from putting on socks, she grabbed your wrist roughly and pulled you behind her on her way back to the kitchen. She then pulled out your chair and pushed you into it, taking a seat across from you and digging into her meal. The pancakes and eggs on your plate seemed surprisingly edible, and the two of you ate in silence until your plates were cleared. After washing the dishes, Natasha took hold of your hand, lacing her fingers between yours as she pulled you to your feet once more.
“I don’t want you to get bored, so you have access to every room except the bedroom at the end of the hall. I locked it so you wouldn’t be tempted to wander in there,” she told you with a wink as she led you away from the kitchen.
She showed you the spacious backyard, pointing out the different swings attached to the huge trees and the jacuzzi that was covered but ready for use. She also implied that you’d be in trouble if you were to step foot in the garage again, especially to try and escape. She trusted you enough to leave the keys on display, and wouldn’t hesitate to put you in your place if you made any moves.
She showed you a few more bedrooms (one that held whatever clothing she’d moved from the tower), and another bathroom before leading you to the main level again. There you found a third bathroom, one more bedroom, a dining room with a much bigger table and a living room with a huge television. 
There was another television in the basement, even bigger than the one in the living room, and a room marked “Security” that was also off limits to you. Around another corner is where you found a gaming area. You sat on the pool table and looked around at the arcade machines and video games that were in various areas of the room. You were so lost in admiring everything that you didn’t realize Natasha was speaking to you until her hands were on your thighs, spreading them apart enough for her to step between them.
“You didn’t hear a word I said, did you?” Her tone was playful, and you felt yourself physically relaxing as her fingers ran back and forth between your hips and knees.
“No, sorry. I’ve never seen so many games in one house.”
“Well, they’re all yours now, printsessa. Really, you can have anything you want...” Her voice seemed to deepen as one of her hands landed on your lower back, her forehead leaning against yours to give you a perfect view of her eyes as they darkened with lust. “All you have to do is ask.”
Her free hand joined the other as she kissed you, pulling you closer to the edge of the pool table as she worked her tongue into your mouth. Your legs wrapped around her waist as you got lost in the feeling, breathing a little heavier as her lips separated from yours to ghost over your neck, nibbling here and there until she found a spot that made your back arch in her hold. After teasing you until you were grinding impatiently against her, she pushed you back onto the table and started unbuttoning your jeans just as someone cleared their throat.
Natasha pulled back slightly and the two of you turned your head to see Wanda in the doorway, eyes wide and cheeks flushed. You quickly sat up as Wanda walked into the room.
“I’m uh, so sorry to burst in like this, Tash. Clint is here and I also need to talk to you when he’s gone.”
“Alright, I’ll be back.” 
She sighed in frustration as she forced herself to leave you while she ran upstairs, and you found yourself looking at the seemingly nervous witch while she avoided your eyes. You weren’t sure if it was the fact that she held control over your mind for a week (or possibly more), but you felt surprisingly at ease in her presence, which only made you more curious about her.
“You’re not using your powers on me right now, are you?” Your question broke the silence and caused her to finally make eye contact with you, her gaze significantly less red than the first time but still nice.
“No, of course not. Why do you ask?”
“I don’t know. I just feel weirdly peaceful around you, and I thought maybe you were doing something.”
She shook her head as her polite smile turned into a grin, and she seemed to just muster up the courage to say more to you when Natasha came downstairs again.
“Okay, Clint’s gone,” she told Wanda as she approached you again, leaving a gentle kiss on your lips and cheek. “Go play a game while we talk in the other room, baby.”
Natasha watched you jump down from the pool table obediently and head over to the nearest arcade machine, an adoring smile on her lips the entire time. She then turned to Wanda and nodded at the couch in front of the television, following her over there and sitting next to her.
“What’s going on? You seem shaky.”
“I think I should stop helping you,” Wanda told her, shrinking back a bit when Natasha frowned.
“What, you got cold feet or something?”
“No, I just have a problem and I don’t want it to get worse.” She sighed heavily, mentally reminding herself to stay calm. “I think I’m falling in love with Y/N just as quickly as you are. She’s been in my head since the night I went with you to her apartment and I thought maybe it was just physical attraction but… Honestly, I’d kill anyone if it meant being able to have her the way that you do, and I don’t think it’s fair of me to stick around when I feel this way.”
Natasha was silent for a few moments with a neutral expression, and Wanda didn’t dare listen to her thoughts in fear of hearing something she’d hate. Finally her best friend turned to her with a playful smirk.
“Well, as long as my printsessa agrees, I don’t see why we can’t share her.”
Wanda felt her muscles releasing every bit of anxiety-induced tension they held, and a timid smile appeared on her own features. 
“Are you sure, though? If this isn’t something you want, I have no problem just--”
“It’s fine,” she chuckled as she grabbed Wanda’s hand to stop her from rambling. “It’s new for me, but I’m willing to try it out. Maybe our baby will listen better to both of us.”
“Our baby...I love the sound of that.”
“I do too.” She squeezed her hand with a suddenly mischievous grin as she came to a realization. “Since you’ll be joining us, I have something to show you.”
Tags: @littlegasps @imnotasuperhero @emilyprentisswife @fayhar @bebe404 @seventeen0 @nat-km-mh @natasha-danvers @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @sxphiaswitch @becka107 @trikruismybitch @cherrieloco @muted-stoneheart @its-a-long-way-to-ba-sing-se @mjaudrey @buckmesidewaysandcallmesteve @darkangelxoxo @witchxaf @sakurat123 
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wannabe-fic-writer · 4 years
Natasha Romanoff x Reader : Prove Me Wrong
Summary: She can trust you, even if she doesn’t know it yet.
Warning: 18+ Mental Health, Mentions of Death, Mentions of Violence, Smut
Chapter 5
The presence of the weekend always raises the question of “what to do.”
You specifically don’t make appointments on the weekend or on Monday’s. The team deserves a break just like everybody else and nobody wants to do anything on Monday’s and you didn’t want to deal with the team while both you and them are grumpy.
So here you are, on a Saturday with nothing to do. 
You’d already been to the gym, you really just used the treadmill, despite all the state of the art equipment in there. Admittedly you aren’t the athletic type but you do enjoy the occasional cardio workout. 
Then you showered and made breakfast for the team which they have already demolished.
Just as you’re choosing between going for a walk and watching the next show on your Netflix list, there’s a knock at your door.
“Hey Y/N.” 
You look up and immediately smile when you see Bucky leaning into your room.
“Hey Bucky, what’s up?”
“Well Steve got tickets to a baseball game and I remembered the talks we had about the game and figured maybe you’d be interested in coming with us. If not that’s fine just, there’s three tickets and-”
“I’d love to go.” You cut him off before he can start to nervously ramble.
He nods and tells you that you’re leaving in a hour before disappearing. 
Already having showered, you pull on an an outfit you deem suitable for the event, and leave out, stopping at your office for something and then going down to the common room. 
Steve and Bucky are already waiting in the common room when you get there and you figure they gave you the hour just as a curtesy.
As the three of you head over to the garage and climb into the black SUV, you mentally admit to yourself that you’re nervous to be hanging out with them.
Despite living with them, you haven’t hung out with anyone from the team. Which is equally you’re fault and theirs. You aren’t the most outgoing person and the team is pretty intimidating. Also none of them have really reached out in that way.
You figure you’ll have to step out of your comfort zone and reach out to them.
Before you know it Bucky is pulling into a parking spot in the structure across from the stadium.
You all climb out and walk over to the venue. 
“Not gonna lie, I’ve never been to a baseball game before.” 
Both men freeze in their steps, looking over at you as if you said you just committed murder. 
“You’re lying.” Steve says, eyes still wide.
You shake your head.
The man turns to look at his friend. You hear Bucky mumble ‘I don’t know what we’re gonna do’ and you’re tempted to laugh. But you know they’re serious about this.
Quietly you watch them, waiting for them to say something else.
Except they don’t.
You quickly learn that the two are ‘Show Not Tell’ kind of guys. 
They drag you into the stadium and deck you out in Yankees merch: a shirt, a hat, a foam finger, and a cup that they promise to keep filled during the game, then buy you “classic” game day snacks. 
By the time you find your seats your arms are full.
“Guys, was this really necessary?” 
“Yes.” Bucky says instantly.“ It’s all apart of the experience.” 
“He’s right.” Steve nods.
Chuckling, you ease into your seat and start situating your snacks and drink in your lap. 
Just before the game starts you thank them both and they smile at you and say ‘you’re welcome’. 
Watching the game here in the stadium, the guys all excited beside you along with the crowd, and the surprisingly good concession snacks, makes this so much fun. 
As you’re finishing the last of your popcorn you remember what you grabbed before you all left. Digging down into your bag, you pull the four boxes out. Pulling them apart in pairs, you nudge Steve and shake them.
“Buck.” Steve taps his best friends arm excitedly, grabbing his attention from the game.
For the first time since you’ve met him, a bright smile takes over the man’s face. You can’t lie and say it’s not adorable.
He looks up at you with a question in his eyes and you immediately nod.
Both he and Steve grab the snack from you and you have the privilege of watching them open it with childlike excitement. 
It seems as though that makes the entire thing better for them. Not once do they stop smiling and laughing. 
The highlight of the whole thing comes when the Yankees hit a home run in your direction and Bucky jumps up and snatches the ball out of the air. Before offering it to you with a grin on his face. 
By the time you all get back to the compound the air that surrounds you makes you feel as though you’d known them for years. The hat they bought you sits crookedly on Bucky’s head and Steve is waving the foam finger around as you toss the homerun ball in the air repeatedly.
It’s obviously unexpected since when you all step into the common room, everyone raises their eyebrows at you. Sam is sporting a very amused grin, Vision and Wanda smiling just cause you all are, and Natasha is watching you all with narrowed eyes.
“What’s got you three smiling all hard?” Sam asks.
Steve is the first to answer,“ me and Buck just took Y/N to her first baseball game.” 
“It was so much fun! Like way better than watching it on tv.” You tell them. 
They chuckle, amused by your excitement. 
“Who won?” Sam asks.
Steve starts walking over to talk about the game and you turn to head to your room.
Bucky frowns at that,“ you’re not stickin around?” He asks.
“I am, I’m just going to put all this away.” You smile softly in reassurance.
He nods, taking the cap off his head and playfully slapping it on to yours. 
Laughing, you turn and leave. You put your souvenirs on your desk, happy to have reminders of today.
With the way Steve and Bucky kept to themselves, even more so than anyone else on the team, you hadn’t expected them to be the first people you connected with. Today had proven you wrong.
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t love getting to know them outside of your office. It wasn’t about all the traumas they had experienced and were dealing with. It was about their friendship, all the fun they had, and how much fun they were having with you.
And it was about you too. The men were eager to ask you questions about yourself and your preferences. You didn’t know it for sure, but the men found themselves enjoying your company more than they had anyone else in years. 
When you get back to the common room you’re expecting the conversation to still be about the game, instead you find everyone’s focus on a new presence.
The blonde woman stands in front of the group in a blue and red, possibly leather, suit. Her hands move as she speaks and her short hair sits disheveled on her head.
You’re drawn closer when a bright smile lights up her face and her voice gets louder in excitement.
Her brown eyes land on you as you come to stand behind the couch and her words falter on her lips, effectively causing everyone, who didn’t already know you were in there, to turn to look at you.
Her smile reappears,“ hi, I’m Carol.” She waves.
“Y/N. Nice to meet you Carol.” You reply with a friendly smile in return.
It goes quiet for a moment, everyone looking between the two of you.
Sam is the one who breaks the silence,“ Danvers was just telling us about her mission. You know, if you want to finish that.” He started talking to you but turned back to the blonde.
It’s almost as if she waits to see if you want to hear it to continue, only doing son after you give a small nod. She gives you a quick review of what she’d already said. 
You find yourself completely immersed in her story. The woman travels the universe for crying out loud.
The most you’ve ever seen is y/ht and New York, if that. So when she finishes and everyone breaks off to a different topic you excitedly ask the woman more about her space travel. 
All the while as she smiles charmingly and talks to you, who wears an amused smile, Natasha watches. 
She can’t dismiss how out of character it is for you to just approach someone that you’d just met. She remembers noticing how you didn’t make any efforts to engage the team until days after you’d arrived. 
In fact she knows, apart from today with Steve and Bucky which she’s still trying to understand, that you have yet to actively build a relationship with anyone. 
Natasha would never say that you were rude to anyone because you aren’t and haven’t been. You simply keep to yourself and it just so happens that you are surrounded by people who tended to do the same.
Apart from Tony, who you had a previous relationship with, and Sam and Peter, who are as genuinely outgoing as a person could get. 
That being said, she wonders why you’d chosen Carol to suddenly be invested in. 
Was it the woman’s knowledge of space?
Her inviting smile?
The confidence that seems to pour off her broad shoulders?
Or maybe her charm? No one, Natasha included, could deny that the woman was charming.
And then Natasha stops herself. She shouldn’t care. Why does she care that you and Carol are talking more now than you and she had in the months you’ve been here? Why does she care that you seem to be laughing so freely at whatever the woman is saying?
With a frown pulling her brows together Natasha tells herself that she doesn’t care. And then she’s up and out of the room before anyone can even acknowledge that she didn’t want to be there anymore.
taglist: @username23345 @muffliat-o  @aaron-despair @natasha-danvers  @nat-km-mh
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sweetiejunie · 4 years
Txt reactions when they realised they unintentionally left marks on you from the night before.
[legal members only!!!]
Genre: fluff, slight smut
♡ Request from anon: Can you do a second part of ‘Marks’ where they react to marks on Y/N instead??? ♡
Part 2 • [Y/n edition]
You hadn’t seen boyfriend or the boys in a while. School work was catching up with you and honestly you were just too tired to go out anywhere. The moment all your assignments were handed in, you decided that a perfect reunion would be to watch movies together.
It was supposed to an innocent movie night with him and boys. You guys munching on popcorn whilst having a netflix marathon of your favourite shows. Eventually, once everyone had gone to bed, one thing lead to another and the night became more physically exhausting than what was initially planned.
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He woke up with you in his arms, snuggling your head in his chest.
Smiling to himself as he studied your sleeping figure, admiring the peacefulness on your face.
He laid there for a while, not wanting to get up, afraid he would wake you. Just wanting to make up for the weeks of not having you with him.
If he could, he would stop the time just so he could keep this moment forever.
Brushing away the hair that fallen across your face and neck, he smirked when he saw little red patches leading down your neck and to your body.
Smirking as images from the night before started coming back to him. Neither of you had bothered to get dressed again before falling asleep. Simply choosing to cuddle up under the blanket.
He loved marking you. Not for flaunting or showing off that he got laid but for the simple fact that it showed whose you were (he possessive boy)
As he continued gazing, he could help but untangle himself from you and started placing gentle kisses on the areas, slowly following them down
He had made it down to your chest when he heard a little whine from you. He stopped and looked up to see you already staring at him through your sleepy eyes.
“Good morning, my love,” he said smiling, his chin resting on your stomach, his hands caressing your sides.
“Yeonjun, what are you doing?”
“Nothing,” he relied, with an innocent pout.
You whinned as a response, “junnie, not now. I’m too tired.”
“Dont worry about it, you just looked so lovely with my marks all over you. Just let me take care of you.”
With that, he covered himself back up with the covers as you felt his kisses travel further south.
All ill say is that, that morning, was the best meal he had in weeks and probably one of his favourites.
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As you step out of bed, you looked over to the sleeping boy next you. Tightly tucked under the blanket, looking like a giant teddy bear.
You couldn’t help but smile, lightly stroking his messy hair.
You put on your shorts and reached for soobin’s tshirt that had been thrown on the ground the previous night. Only to notice the red marks on your wrists.
‘Ah shit’ you mentally cursed at yourself. Guess no short sleeves for today.
You didn’t mind. You just didn’t want to know or go through what the other boys may have to say. Knowing that they would never let soobin, or you, live it down.
Instead, you grabbed a hoodie from soobin’s closet, knowing it would practically cover your entire hand.
Roughly 30mins later, you were in the kitchen. About to grab yourself a glass of water when you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist tightly.
“Morning,” he greeted, his voice hoarse, still filled with sleep.
“Hello bin. Sleep well?”
He nodded, lying his head on top of yours
You giggled at his drowsiness, reaching up to grab one of the glasses on the shelves. The sleeve of the hoodie falling, exposing your wrist.
Of course, it didn’t go unnoticed by soobin.
“Baby, what happened to your wrist? Did i do that? I’m sorry,” he said pouting, holding your wrist in his hands, gently rubbing the red areas.
The previous night, soobin had pinned your arms above your head and might have tied them a bit too tightly. Slightly scratching your skin as you struggled against them.
“Its okay, it doesn’t hurt anymore,” you replied, trying to assure him you were fine.
But soobin still pouted and gave you a kiss. He hated knowing he had hurt you in anyway. So safe to say, for the rest of the day he didn’t leave your side, practically glued to you.
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Beomgyu woke up, tossing his arm around what he expected to be you. But was only greeted by emptiness.
Combing a hand through his messy hair, groaning as he sat up to go find you.
Instead, he heard the shower in his bathroom start running and figured that must have been you since the other boys wouldn’t dare enter his room when you were around.
Grinning, he got out of bed, planning to join you in the shower.
Opening the door, he heard your lovely voice singing to one of his favourite songs. You didn’t acknowledge his presence, so he thought you mustn’t have heard him enter.
Out of nowhere, he popped his heard through the shower curtain, “hello baby.”
You jumped at the sudden intrusion. “Oh my f-. You scared me.”
Snickering, he stepped in, studying at your naked figure up and down. Stopping at your hips when he noticed small bruises caused by his nails digging into your skin just a little too much.
“Guess i was too rough last night, huh?” He stated, grabbing your hips as his thumbs ran across the bruises.
You laughed, looking down to his hands. “These? Don’t worry about it, i actually forgot about them.”
“I’m sorry, I won’t be so rough next time,” he apologised, kiss you lightly.
But you could only chuckle at that statement.
“What do you mean?” You said, shooting him a look of disbelief. “You always say that, but you’re always rough anyway.”
Hearing that, he smirked and gave you another kiss, longer and more passionate this time.
“Challenge accepted. I guess I’ll just have to show you how gentle i can be when i want to. But don’t start whining when you don’t get what you want, baby doll.”
Omg if this shit doesnt work im going to kms ahhdskallalajshska ive reposted this so many times im so annoyed
Masterlist • Pt1
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allisonbaelfire · 4 years
The One that was once Mine
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Pairings: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Dean was now on his own again and got lost while driving at night, where he met another hunter. Y/N Kyle. She was a famous vampire hunter, but more of a myth as no one had ever seen or really knew her. Who was she and could he trust her?
Chapter Summary: Dean and Sam had an argument, which is why Sam decided to be alone for a while. Dean got lost because Sammy was actually the one who always said where to go. When he wanted to look at the map, he noticed a woman covered in blood.
Words: 1,810
Authors Note: Summerbreak is over Ladies and Gentleman, I’m back.
This is an Supernatural AU! This story isn’t based on special season, but it still happens in the beginning before the angels came.
“You’ve a place in my heart no one else ever could’ve.”
Dean looked at the tombstone and placed a red rose under the picture, the woman who still occupied his heart even after her death. Dean tried to suppress his tears when he saw the picture on the stone. He took a deep breath and turned around, he couldn’t look at the tombstone without his heart bleeding inside.
Dean and Sam had an argument that broke the barrel for Sam. When he saw a bus stop, he brought Dean and his Impala to stop and got out of the car with his things.
“Oh Sammy, come on.” Dean lifted his arms up as his younger brother was about to leave. “Where do you want to go? Just take a god damn Bus and take off?”
Sam stopped and took a deep breath. "Anywhere." He turned and looked at Dean. Sam was tired. "I need some time out, I have to think."
Dean didn't know what to do, on one side he understood his brother, Sam emphasized often how tired he was of hunting and he was still so young. Dean has always wished that he could live a different life but on the other side, their father had disappeared, there was no time for a break. It made Dean angry to see how selfish Sam was.
Dean shook his head. “Just go.” 
Sam let his head down a bit. There was no point in arguing with his big brother, it never was. Before Sam could even raise his arm to say goodbye, Dean said "I'll find you when I need you", then he turned around and drove off with the Impala. Dean looked in the rearview mirror and saw Sam getting into the bus.
He was very worried about Sam. He was afraid of losing his brother too, now were his father was nowhere to be found. But he was also angry, angry that Sam just left him by himself. 
Dean tried to distract himself and turned on his favorite AC/DC CD, The Razors Edge. He wanted to sing along, but he couldn't get out more than a mumble. He was thinking too much.
Dean wasn’t used to drive alone anymore, usually Sam told him where the next stop was and through his thoughts he wasn't really paying attention to where he was going. He was lost. Dean stopped at the side of the road, got out of the car, and went to the trunk. 
 He looked for the map but couldn't find it. "God damn it!" he slammed the trunk shut.
“You freakin’ vampires, I’ll kill all of you!” 
A woman's voice that sounded so tender despite being angry caught Dean's attention. It took him a moment. "Vampires"? 
The voice wasn't far away. Dean went back to his trunk, got his knife and two pistols and decided to look for the woman.
But she was faster. What initially looked like a speeding shadow, quickly turned into a woman covered in blood, with a long knife in her left hand, that Dean had never seen before.
“In the car, hurry!” She shouted.
Dean couldn't move, the situation was confusing him. She walked past him and got behind the wheel of his car. 
“In the car now, or I’ll drive off.”
Dean jumped over his cowling to get into the passenger seat. As soon as he saw it in his own car, the unknown woman drove off with screeching tires.
“What the hell, Lady?”
Dean finally found words again. It almost hurt him seeing how the unknown woman next to him drove his baby, and how she smeared his steering wheel with blood. Also, it was very strange for him to sit in the passenger seat.
She didn't say a word, which confused Dean and also angered him. Still, he looked at her to see if it was her blood or someone else's.
“Are you okay?” He asked in a softer tone.
She nodded. “I didn’t mean to scare you, or steal your car for that matter.”
She had a soft and warm voice, but Dean noticed that she was still very stressed.
“You know where you’re going?” 
She grinned slightly, she tried so hard to get them both as far away as possible, that she hadn't given it any thought where to go next. 
She shook her head. “Nope, do you’ve a map?” She looked at him.
It was the first time that he could really see her, even when it was dark, there was something beautiful about her silhouette.
Dean looked at her a bit too long to really see something, "so?" she asked. Dean was glad that it was dark, he felt that it was dark, he grinned because he felt caught out.
“Usually, I’m the driver and my brother shows me the way, so I have no idea where he put the map.” He replied.
“Maybe its right in front of you.” She spoke.
It took Dean a minute, the he opened the compartment in the dashboard. “Damn it, Sammy.”
She chuckled a little. “So where’s the next motel?”
“30 km straight ahead and then left.” 
By the time they got to the motel it was past midnight.
“I don’t know if we’ll get a room here.” Dean said as he looked around. “Looks tiny and dark.”
“You can have my blanket, if you need to hide under it.”  She replied while looking around to find out where to check in.
“I’m not afraid.” 
“Yup.” Then she glided past him.
“Hey, we need two rooms.”
“Separated rooms.”  Dean insisted on making that clear while faking a smile.
The woman standing in front of the two was paralyzed when she saw them both in front of her. She wondered why they needed a room so late and why she was covered in blood. But she also thought it would be better not to ask questions, she ran a motel, and strange characters appeared often.
“We- we only have one more room le-left.” She replied while trying not to stare at them.
“Fine.” Dean rolled his eyes, while the Motel Dame gave him the keys.”We’ll leave tomorrow, don’t worry.”He smiled.
Dean opened the door to the motel room and the unknown woman, of whom he still didn't know the name, strolled in first.
“One bed, I probably should shower first.” She joked as she looked around. “You can have-”
Dean closed the door behind him. He pulled out his colt and the second he tried to unlock it, she turned around in a flash and pointed a knife at his neck.
“Ah-ah, I wouldn’t do such stupid things if I were you.” She spoke soft as his green eyes starred at her’s trying to figure out what was going on. “You’re Dean Winchester, I should’ve known by the Impala but I was to distracted-” She locked her eyes with his and noticed tiny specks of yellow, “to safe your ass.”
He tried not to swallow while the knife was so close to his throat. “I think my Baby and I saved you. Who the hell are you?”  Dean managed to hold his knife to her ribs unnoticed.” He looked mischievously at his knife, he wanted her to notice. 
Dean’s effort amused her, “My name is Y/N, Y/N Kyle.” She took a few steps away from Dean.
“The Vampire hunter.” He remembered.
Sam had told Dean that he heard of a rumor, a rumor that made the rounds around hunters for a long time, a woman who was digging out vampire nests all by herself and she was very successfully.
“If you don't want your famous Winchester hand to be missing a finger, I would recommend you put the knife back, slowly.” Y/N had a menacing undertone while she put her knife on the bedside table. 
Dean thought she would be reckless for a hunter to turn her back on him like that. But maybe he was the reckless one all along.
“I can’t believe this.” He mumbled and put the knife back. 
He would always help someone in need, that’s just what he does and it was the middle of the night when he heard her, but she clearly said vampires. How couldn’t he have noticed that she was a Hunter? And what's more, it could have been a trap, it could still be a trap he didn’t saw any Vampire.
“You don’t trust me.” She could tell by his body language. “Chill, if I wanted you dead, you’d be.” Y/N gave him a soft smile.
Dean lifted the corner of his mouth sarcastically. He thought about leaving Y/N here, she was safe and she was right, Dean didn't trust her. He could just get in the Impala and drive on.
“You won’t drive,”
Dean tilted his head slightly, could she now read thoughts and how could she say something like that? She didn't know him.
He crossed his arms. “-What? Why wouldn’t I?” Y/N triggered something in him but Dean didn't know what it was.
Y/N pulled off her shirt. She couldn't stand the smell of blood and sweat for a second longer. Dean turned around when he saw that she was undressing, but she still hadn't answered his question.
“Because it’s the middle of the night, you’ve nowhere else to go and besides that you’re alone and a not so un-famous hunter. Every monster will be after you when they notice you’re on your own.” Dean raised his eyebrows. “Besides that you’re curious why I ran.” She pointed out.
Y/N noticed that Dean felt uncomfortable when he ran his hands through his hair. She sometimes forgot that she could be intimidating when she analyzed people, she often did so unconsciously, especially after another mission when she was not around any other humans for a long time.
“I have nothing to wear, my car is about 80 km away. I can take a bus tomorrow but it would be nice, if you could lend me a shirt and let me take a shower now.” 
Y/N tried to sound nice, where Dean also saw that she was exhausted. “Sure, I’ll get my stuff, I’ll take the key with me but I’ll knock twice before I come in.” He wanted to make sure that Y/N could feel safe, he thought maybe she could use that.
Dean went to his Impala, he sighed. He was clearly overwhelmed by today. Still worried about where Sam might be, he opened his car, got his stuff from the backseat and locked the car again. 
Y/N had a point, he wouldn’t drive away just like that. Y/N was right about the things she said but Dean thought that not only was he alone, she was too and who knows what she had to go through today.
I hope you liked the first part of The One that was once Mine, please leave a small comment, it’d make my day. :)
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joyrose-fandomer · 3 years
Music club AU Chap4 (Sanders sides Human AU)
TL;DR: Remember when the twins mom hoped that Virgil was emotionaly strong ? He’s not. But at least he have an ally now !
POV : Virgil
Relationship: Creativitwins, Prinxiety, Logicality parent to Virgil, Dukceit
TW: Little panic attaque, thaughts of getting hurt or bullied, avoiding somone (You know, the Virgil set, but really it’s ok)
Virgil wished a meteor fell from the sky and flattened him like a pancake.
This was the only thought he had when he saw the twins arguing about god-know-what at the school's entrance the next day.
He immediately stopped and looked for any possible way of reaching his classroom without getting through them.
So he followed the gate all around the school until he reached the back entrance which was, of course, closed. The anxious high school boy checked around to be sure he was alone before taking a few steps back. 
He then ran to the gate and with momentum, he managed to climb and jump to the other side.
Virgil felt himself jump out of his skin. A boy looking a year older than him was starring at him in amazement. He was wearing a bright yellow scarf, had heterochromia brown/yellow, and was wearing a f-ing fedora. HOW did Virgil not notice him? Where was he hiding?
"Did you forget your passe?"
The boy visibly forced a smirk through shock.
He didn't forget his passe but Virgil didn't feel like explaining the situation and nodded.
Something unreadable when through the eyes of fedora boy whose smirk widen.
"You know there's a camera here?"
Virgil, when pale and slowly turned around to look at where the boy was pointing, no doubt, this was a camera.
Oh no, he was in big trouble. He was going to be called by the director. He was going to have detention. They will call his dads and they will be so disappointed in him and-
"Hey, calm down, I was just joking. The camera doesn't work."
Virgil's breathing was very fast and the other teen was looking at him worryingly.
He looked at the older boy with eyes that that meant 'tell me it's true, and you're not messing with me again. I beg of you.'
Apparently, he got the message because he apologized and insisted he was telling the truth. He then sank to Virgil's level and took a long breath to silently prompt Virgil into doing the same thing.
Once the anxious teens breathing evened fedora boy stood back up.
"Want me to accompany you to class? My class is still in an hour but I'm guessing your's is starting soon?"
Virgil nodded and they walked together to his classroom.
He was still on edge but whenever his breathing started to pick up a hand fell on his shoulder to ground him. It reminded him of the way his father calm him when he felt bad and it was comforting.
Until a familiar voice yelled from behind.
There was a flash of green in the corner of his vision and in the next second fedora-boy got tackle-hug by a very excited Remus in a green dress, both of them almost falling to the ground.
A gasp came up from behind Virgil.
"Emo Knightmare!"
Roman shouted, bouncing around like he just saw Santa Claus. Remus immediately picked up on it dragged Virgil into the hug.
"We waited 2 hours for you to get past the gate emo boy how did you even get in? No, both of you! I didn't see you either J!" Remus complained to the older boy.
Instead of answering, Jay smiled and kissed Remus's forehead, living the chaotic twin to mumble happily against his chest.
He then looked at Virgil, understanding clear in his eyes, and winked at him.
"Aren't you three late to class?"
"Do we have to?"
Remus complained and reluctantly let go of J getting a chuckle and a kiss on the top of his head in exchange.
"Yes, you have to. Now get to class both of you. I will accompany your friend to his own class"
Remus grumbles and dragged his brother to their classroom, who was complaining that he couldn't talk to Virgil and digging his heels in the ground ineffectively.
Once there were gone a hand fell back on his shoulder.
"They're a handful at first but they will grow on you eventually, you'll see."
With one last squeeze on his shoulder, Jay walked toward Virgil's classroom, forcing Virgil to run to catch up.
Once they were there J knocked at the door, the teacher was already there and looked at the second year confusingly.
"One of your students got lost so I brought him."
He lied casually, pointing at the worried teen behind him. When the teacher allowed Virgil to come in J whispered to him.
"Meet me behind the school at the first break"
And then he was gone.
The classes when too fast for Virgil and he has no idea what half of what the teachers said were. His brain was rolling a 100 km/h and he still had no idea what Jay wanted from him, or Roman and Remus for that matter and he was freaking out.
What if they were actually bullies and he was going to get bit up. A voice in the back of his head sounding suspicious like his father told him that it didn't make any sense and he needed to calm down.
But he couldn't, they were all so random and nothing during the last three days made any sense to him. Why were they even talking to him in the first place!
The bell ran his imminent doom. He couldn't escape it, who knows what they could do.
When he reached the other side of the school Jay was waiting for him. He waved at Virgil with a smile and asked him to follow him. They snicked past a half-closed door held close by a single rusty chain. Into an abandoned room that was probably the old PE reserve. It was arranged to be more comfortable, with old blankets added to the gymnastic mattresses and few candles here and there to have some light.
"Sit wherever you want." The older boy prompted so Virgil sat obediently on the closest mattress.
"I'm used to going to this room when I'm overwhelmed. I'm the only one who knows or at least remembers it's here so no one ever bothers me. Don't tell Roman and Remus about it, I like them but they can be a little much sometimes."
He sunk on the opposite side of the mattress.
"I guess you know about it too now"
Virgil was confused about why he was telling him that. Was it a threat or something?
"You're wondering why I brought you right?" Virgil nodded 
"To talk to you about the twins. 
They tend to do everything too big. They are constantly moving and loud. like, two big toddlers. They are doing a new challenge every day, they basically never stop. 
It's a wonder where they find all this energy."
He laughed lightly at the taught, fiddling with his gloves. He had gloves?
"I'm telling you that because you don't seem like the type to deal well with those. And it's pretty obvious that they had taken a liking to you, they probably already made a challenge out of who befriends you first. 
So you're basically stuck now."
Vigil swallows down the lump growing in his throat.
  "Yeah." Jay acknowledged Virgil's worry and continued. "Getting the attention of only one twin is manageable but with both, you're definitely gonna need a hand."
He smiled at the anxious boy next to him in a comforting gesture but wasn't very effective.
He sighed and sat closer the put his hand on Virgil's shoulder for the third time today.
"It's not so bad once you get used to their hyperactivity. They're the most loyal and sweet guys I got to see in a long time. The first weeks are just going to be, long."
Virgil was still confused about where he was trying to go. Was he trying to comfort him? Because it wasn't working.
"So I'll give you some advice. First of all, stop with the silent treatment. It only gets them more curious. Trust me, I tried."
Virgil sends him a panicked look. He couldn't just start talking with random people just like that, especially not people like the twins. Speaking sucks, what if he stuttered? What if he said something wrong?
He got a squeeze on the shoulder silently asking him to get back on earth.
  "Want to try talking with me first?"
Jay asked.
Virgil thought about it for a moment before nodding.
"Good, let's start simple. What's your name?"
The anxious teen took a deep breath.
"... V-"
His voice lost itself in his throat at the last second.
"It's ok, try again."
Jay prompted
Fedora boy smiled proudly.
"That's a good name. I'm Janus"
The bell rang. Janus stood up, helping Virgil up in the process.
"In what class, are you?"
"I'm in 209, want to go together?"
Virgil nodded. Janus frownd.
"Out loud please."
The older student smiled and walked out of the room.
"Know that this room is now also yours. If you're ever overwhelmed just come here. But it stays between us ok?"
"And, Virgil? Just so you know. The twins are definitely going to abduct you for lunch. So brace yourself"
Fedora boy smirked wickedly, making his yellow eye shining in amusement.
Oh, no.
Hey, sorry for the wait I sayed it would come soon and it had been 2? 3? month. Sorry. I hope having some snake boy will compensate. (^-^’)
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 264: You Either Die a Hero...
Previously on BnHA: The kids of 1-A sat around waiting for something exciting to happen, and then it did happen, and they were all “!!” Over on the front lines, the heroes charged the Ol’ Villain Hotel with poor Kaminari crying the entire time, but we’ll excuse him since he is only in the second grade. Tokoyami gave him some gentle encouragement by reminding him of how hard he can slappa da bass, while Midnight told him to think of his one true love in order to find his inner courage, so he immediately thought of Jirou and everyone was like WHOA DID THEY REALLY JUST, and yeah, they kind of did? Anyway so Cementoss ripped the building open and Kaminari got all Thor on us and started battling this other electric guy, and then we cut to Hawks and Twice, who were having a friendly conversation similar to the friendly conversation Hawks had with Best Jeanist on the very same day that Jeanist abruptly went missing and was never heard from again! Hey, wait a second. You guys don’t suppose...??
Today on BnHA: Re-Destro gathers in the basement with all his followers and they’re all like “Re-Destro!!” and he’s all “what??” and they’re all “the heroes are attacking!!” and he’s all “:) :) :) the fuck??!” Outside, the heroes continue to wreak havoc, and between Edgeshot, Midnight, Honenuki and Toadette, I’m pretty sure they have actually killed some of these guys. But that’s silly though because heroes would never actually kill someone. Speaking of heroes not killing someone, back in the hotel, Hawks is all “(Ò‸Ó)” and Twice is all “(இ‸இ)” and then Hawks is all “I’m gonna arrest you but I’ll help you get through this and get back on your feet again afterwards because you’re a good person” and Twice is all “WHAT THE FUCK NOT THIS SHIT AGAIN” and does the whole Sad Man Parade thing. And Hawks is all “I don’t want to fight you!” and Twice is all “TOO BAD” and meanwhile Dabi is running up the stairs all “time to start some shit” and then the chapter ends. So while I’m relieved on behalf of Hawks’s soul, I can’t help but be a little concerned on behalf of his, uh, life. Shit.
okay, so! I finally have time to read this damn thing. but before I start, a couple of holdover thoughts from the prior chapter!
firstly, I want to go on the record now and say that I’ve decided once again that Hawks, in spite of all appearances, is not a murderer. you hear that Hawks. I’m putting my neck on the line for you. gonna look like a real stooge if you go and murder Twice before going on to fight Dabi to the death while we cut to Noumu!Jeanist taunting Bakugou
but in all seriousness, I just can’t reconcile it with what we know of Hawks’s character. his behavior during the fight against Hood almost got him exposed because he couldn’t bear to let anyone get hurt or to let Endeavor get killed. I know the HPSC got their claws in him at a young age, but in spite of that I don’t think he’s harboring a dark side. to me he always just comes off as tired and struggling to do the right thing even though he never asked to be put into this kind of position. he’s smart enough to understand the whole “needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few” thing, but he’s also young enough to still hold to a certain idealism, and juuust cocky enough to have faith in his own cleverness and convince himself that he can somehow achieve this mission without sacrificing anyone else’s life
so in short, I don’t buy the dark!Hawks theories. I just can’t. but I guess we’re about to see! and my guess is that Horikoshi will probably have Dabi interrupt before Hawks can reveal his hand either way, because Horikoshi is just like that. what a troll
(ETA: I forgot that sometimes Horikoshi also likes to troll by giving you exactly what you want but in the most painful way possible. shit.)
now, moving on, the other thing I wanted to quickly address is Viz’s translation of this very important line from last week! so as a reminder, here is readheroaca’s version
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and here is Caleb’s
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I’m actually really glad I’ve been reading the fan translations first, because it made me more aware of the potential nuances in this scene. so is KamiJirou actually being confirmed here, or not?? and I spent 20 whole minutes digging into this more the other day because I have no life, so here are my findings!
first, here is the actual Japanese panel
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and while I don’t speak Japanese, I can read hiragana well enough that I was able to plug it into a couple of translators to basically figure out what was being said. so here’s the full dialogue:
難しいなら --
so the part in bold there is the line in question -- 大事なもの (daijina mono). “daiji” means “precious” or “important”, but the thing is, “mono” for whatever reason is written in hiragana and not kanji. and the word mono (which can be singular or plural btw) can hilariously mean either of the following depending on the kanji used:
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lmao. so basically the bottom line is that from what I can see here, Horikoshi purposely didn’t specify! now I could be completely wrong; maybe this is a common enough expression that Caleb felt comfortable deciding that he meant “person.” or maybe he just guessed based on the context. or maybe he just said “fuck it, you only live once” and just went there because why the heck not
anyway, so that was fun, and for me it reinforced the fact that I really do prefer to have at least two different translations to compare in order to get the most complete picture of what exactly is going on here in this stupid manga that I obsess over week after week! so now let’s finally get to reading this thing
oh my
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I have so many thoughts whirling around in my head right now, such as “oh my god look at all these secret entrances/exits the villains apparently had” and “wow the heroes are so thorough” and such, but ngl, right now the biggest one is “why are they all entering so slowly??” seriously though. let’s just gradually meander on in single-file. no rush. meanwhile 800m northwest and 1 km east, Cementoss is literally tearing the building in half and the other heroes are charging full speed all “ARGGHHHHH.” and over in Jakku, Miruko kicked a door open so hard it killed a guy. but we’ve all got our own styles I guess??
at least this one guy 800m north of the hideout is doing some doorbusting. sheesh. be more exciting please
oh hey it’s this place
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behold. the great realm and dwarf city of Dwarrowdelf. well there’s an eye-opener and no mistake
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oh my god. first of all wtf is that shirt. and second of all oh my fucking god, let me just shut up and read this is amazing
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oh man. Re-Destro is one of the few characters whom I really want to see die. come on Horikoshi. don’t be a fucking coward. he’s had it coming ever since he killed that little mouse. and let’s not forget Giran. JUSTICE FOR GIRAN
oh we’re actually cutting back to this fight!
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I wasn’t sure if we would! shounen authors have this habit of showing the start of a really cool battle only to then cut away to a bunch of other stuff and leave us hanging for a dozen chapters, so yeah. of course, that may still happen. I’m just lucky that I’m invested in virtually every single thing that’s going on right now, so it’s a win-win for me no matter where we cut to next
(ETA: lmao there really wasn’t much more to this fight to speak of. but what do you want to bet Horikoshi will try to pull this shit with Dabi and Hawks next week though.)
holy shit
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this looks like when I attempt to build a gingerbread house. that’s uncanny
lmao Kami
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(ETA: Kaminari’s ridiculous smiling face is the balm we all need in these troubled times. tempted to ask him if he wouldn’t mind heading up to that telenovela happening over in Twice’s room and telling them all to lighten the fuck up.)
Lefty is all “does he have an absorption quirk?” because apparently he’s one of the two people that never watched the U.A. Sports Festival? how does anyone in this day and age manage to come across one of the 1-A kids and not know what their quirks are. and you’re a fucking general or whatever too, aren’t you? god you suck
so now he’s all “I BET YOU WON’T BE ABLE TO HANDLE... A FEW MILLION VOLTS” jesus christ. I bet you he can! but still, that’s awfully murdery of you. and to think, he’s on your side!! Kaminari are you really sure you want these guys as your friends
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straight up prepared to be massively disappointed in Viz when they inevitably translate the “Ninpo” part instead of leaving it alone and letting everyone bask in these sentimental Naruto vibes. and also ngl I prefer for Edge’s lines to be as close to the original as possible so I can better imagine them in my head. stupid sexy Edgeshot
holy shit “I’ve pierced a small hole in each of your lungs” !!? WELL ALL RIGHT THEN, YOU SADISTIC WARRIOR OF THE NIGHT. YOU HEARD HIM BOYS. I’M SORRY, BUT HE’S ALL OUT OF FUCKS TODAY
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and if it’s not all right, well. tough
can you imagine. you’re just a simple villain, chilling out in your Hilton Garden Inn HQ and minding your own business when all of a sudden the walls come to life and some fucking shinobu busts a small hole in your lungs, and then you just fall asleep. sometimes life comes at you hard
now Kamui Woods is doing his whole Lacquered Chain Prison thing, but we’ve already seen that one so I’m not gonna bother showing it! tough break Kamui!!
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oh shit everybody shut up we’re cutting back to Hawks!!
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but you pulled it off because you’re so damn smart. so now let’s stand around and explain your plan to everyone. what the fuck, Hawks
(ETA: and the thing is, now I’m thinking that by “incredibly difficult” he doesn’t mean that it was the cipher part that was difficult lol. that part was child’s play. any simpleton could do that. no, the difficult part was betraying his new friend. anyway so how’s everyone doing? what a fun chapter!!)
hey everyone I still have unwavering faith that this man is not a killer just FYI
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what does that say about me I wonder. let’s just completely ignore everything being presented on screen here. also what the heck happened to all this furniture? did he upend the entire room with his crazy feather attack, or is that damage from Cementoss’s shenanigans?
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fuck yeah. of course, I realize that by betraying Twice so harshly like this, Hawks has still found himself on lots of people’s shitlists. but I would just like to put out a friendly reminder that Twice, despite being the nicest and most loyal guy you will ever meet, is still a terrorist who was going to kill a lot of people because he’s friends with a guy who wants to destroy the entire world. so basically there’s just no clean way out of this and it’s all very tragic
but anyway if it’s any consolation, I fully expect Dabi to turn up in the very next panel and be all “BLARGH! IT’S ME!” before we commence with the single sexiest battle in this manga to date
lmao Horikoshi. “but before we get to the sexy battle let me just twist that knife up in there real good!” jesus
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friendly reminder that despite all appearances, Hawks is still objectively the good guy in this scenario. anyways for real, how are we all doing this afternoon. how many death threats has my bird son gotten today. I’m afraid to check. poor Twice is so trusting and I really hate to see him cry like this, poor baby. but I’m sure it’s also tearing Hawks up inside as well but we’re just not seeing it
and here we have Hawks, about to unleash his Mangekyou Sharingan
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“are you sure you don’t think this sinister maniac looming in the shadows with the deranged look in his eyes is a ruthless killer, makeste?? are you really sure?” Horikoshi asks while pouring every last inch of malice he can into a single chilling panel
and yes, you bastard. I am sure. fuck you, how long are you going to make me sit here looking like a complete ass. look, we get it!! either way, Hawks is clearly a compelling actor! but the question is, which one is really the false face? is it the smiling, easygoing Hawks who always seems to have a faint hint of sadness in his eyes? or is it this menacing figure stripped of all mercy? is it really so crazy to go ahead and say that it’s the latter? huh?? [pokes Horikoshi in the chest] huh?????
anyway so Twice seems to slowly be progressing his way from despair to anger, which is probably not good. heh. fuck
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maybe I was wrong about Dabi showing up and saving Twice, maybe his arrival will actually save Hawks instead lmao
anyway Hawks is still being all cold and creepy, and he’s all “you have my thanks.” and Twice is still crying, so maybe he’s still more sad than angry. well this is starting to drag out now though so if a certain spicy flame boi wants to make his grand entrance now, he’s welcome to do so anytime
oh shit Hawks is throwing me a bone!!! yessssss
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YOU SEE!! THE SAD LOOK. HE DOESN’T WANT TO DO THIS. HE’S A GOOD BOY. oh my god I just realized how tense I was. hahaha what is this chapter
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fuck!!! this is why I was so sure he was going to die! because he won’t go quietly; he’s not the type to ever betray his friends. to him the League are basically the only family he’s ever known, so of course he’s not going to just be all “okay sure I’ll go to prison and let you reform me”
so then what, Hawks?? you didn’t fucking think this through you stupid kind-hearted punk!
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is that one of Hawks’s feathers slicing open the mask. sing it with me guys. to the tune of Jingle Bells: fuck fuck fuck, fuck fuck fuck, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuuuuck
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oh shit!?!
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lol excuse me are you really just going to end it there? fucking seriously. Dabi running up the stairs with the crazy eyes while Hawks regretfully thinks of himself and his side as “hero scum”?? fff
and that last part! holy shit! again, I don’t buy into any of the dark!Hawks theories, and that includes the theory that Hawks will turn on the heroes and end up siding with the villains (because, again, it has nothing to do with him liking the villains, or secretly resenting the HPSC; it’s strictly on account of the whole “the villains want to destroy the entire world” thing. like. unless you think Hawks is cool with all of that of course). so I have to admit this was very startling for me to read
but I do think this is probably just some of the inevitable self-loathing finally spilling over after being forced to play this role and do all these things for the sake of the greater good, rather than him hinting at a desire to turn against the so-called “hero scum.” but still, that’s probably as dark as we’re gonna get from him, and ngl, it’s some heavy stuff
goddammit. feel like we need to cut to some wholesome class 1-A antics or something after all of that. as always, angst is a double-edged sword that I always anticipate and love but am also destroyed by sigh
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floralfloyd · 4 years
A Field of Flowers - Samuel Castell Chapter 8
Hello my sunshine’s, I hope all is well and everyone is safe out there. I’ve decided I’m going to try and update this every Wednesday and every Monday. If anyone has any suggestions or things they’d like to see in the series feel free to highlight them to me, I’m always open for suggestions. I hope you all enjoy chapter 8 and are keeping well :) - KM
Chapter 7     Chapter 9
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“Will you do me the honour of becoming my wife, Lucille Smith?”
Lucille blinked back tears as she began to comprehend his words, biting down on her chapped lips she nodded, forgetting how to talk in that very moment. “Is that a yes?” he asked as he leaned forward to cup her cheeks, his eyes full of hope.
“Yes! You don’t even need to ask; you know I’ll happily marry you” she grinned as she pulled him in for a kiss.
Their lips met in a heated kiss, it was like all the tension and feeling of being forbidden was released in a short moment of lips meeting lips. Pale delicate hands moved to cup his cheek as her thumb caressed the hairs on his jawline that she had come to love so much.
Samuel slowly pulled back as his eyes gazed into hers. How could one woman be so beautiful? He thought as he silently began to memorise her gorgeous features causing the brunette to blush heavily.
“See something you like, dear Samuel?” she asked, her voice as soft as cotton.
“Many things my dear, many, many things although we have to wait before we explore such things” his thumb began to caress the soft skin that was below them “I think Saturday shall be the best day we wed, not too far away and not too close. I’ll speak with the reverend, get things worked out.”
Lucille nuzzled against him with a smile “It’s a good job I have one good dress suitable then, hmm?” her body relaxed against the touch of her lover.
“And many more will be in your possession once I write back to England. You will have the finest of silks that can grace the bodice of such a beauty.” He moved so that he could wrap his arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer “I will get Mercy to help move your belongings into your new home. If it makes you more comfortable, I shall stay with Christopher until our wedding night”
Shaking her head, she closed her eyes “No, no, I feel that I’d find most comfort being in the arms of the man I love so during the long nights. We may as well start now, practise for married life”
Samuel administered a chuckle as he kissed her forehead before moving some stray strands of hair that were dangling in her eyes “I can’t argue with that. I promise I’m going to keep you safe from harm, we’re going to grow, have an amazing family and just explore this new world in a trance of love” his eyes sparkled in the light, the one thing Samuel Castell was so set on was having a family of his own. A child to teach and have grow up in the world created amongst the settlement. 
The smile on Lucille’s face turned into a grin as she opened her eyes to gaze at the man that sat beside her “it all sounds perfect; I can’t wait to see what the future holds. Now run along to the reverend so I can begin to pack the little belongings I own.” She giggled as she playfully shoved him.
Lucille sang as she folded her garments delicately into the chest that they arrived in from the ship. 
Mercy smiled as she picked up some of the vases and candle sticks that her friend and soon to be mistress had brought with her. “The lord must have been answering my prayers. The Master seems utter most happy that you will be marrying him soon. I myself is happy to have you as my mistress.” 
She let out a heartfelt giggle as she gazed at the young girl “You’re very kind, Mercy. Please remember although I am marrying your master, I am still your friend and we will split such chores” 
“Only if you’re sure, ma’am” she smiled more as she stood up straight “right, lets start getting your belongings home ma’am” 
Lucille nodded and began to help her carry the lighter objects to the recorders home. It was just a little bigger than her small chalet, the wooden oak bed with four posters gave off an aura of grace and wealth, something she wasn’t used to, something that would take some time to get used to.
Samuel stepped in behind them, making sure no one was walking by, before wrapping his strong arms around her waist “A beautiful sight in our home, I hope its all okay for you, my love”
“Samuel, a tiny tent in the middle of the fields would be perfect for me, so long as you’re by my side” she leaned into his chest, placing a kiss on his chin “although, I do really like it here”
“I’m glad my dear, this is our home now and you can decorate it however you see fit” he kissed her forehead “and you may choose whatever side of the bed you want to claim as yours. I have sent some helpers to carry the rest of your belongings here. You need your rest. I’ll get Mercy to brew you some tea to aid your sleep”
Nodding she broke free from his embrace as she walked around to the side of the bed furthest from the door, slipping off her shoes, Lucille lay down under the sheets, thankful she had only braided her hair that morning as hair pins would dig into the scalp as she rested. 
He lay another soft kiss on her forehead before moving out the side door to help with moving her belongings, although there wasn’t much, he made sure they were all handled with care. 
It was true, the tea that Mercy had brewed had Lucille out like a light in one of the most comfortable sleeps she had the delight of experiencing since she arrived in Jamestown.
——————————————————————————————���————- Loud giggles and the noise of pillows hitting pillows could be heard by anyone that walked past Recorder Castell’s home. 
“You started this, Samuel” she giggled as she lightly whacked him with the pillow, feathers straying all over the wooden floor. 
“Don’t make me tickle you, sweetheart. You’re the one who said they were bored” he moved forward scooping her up into his arms, eliciting a squeak from her mouth as he lay her on the freshly washed sheets 
“We could’ve read but no, you decide hitting me with a pillow is more fun” she giggled gazing up at him “Lordy, I’m marrying a man child”
“Hey! That’s it!” he chuckled as he began to tickle her sides lightly before getting more and more intense. 
Lucille wriggled and giggled, tears sliding down her cheeks as she gasped for breath “No! Stop! Samuel! I can’t…I can’t breathe” her arms tried to push him off but her struggles only made him smirk more. 
She bit her lip before quickly leaning up and capturing his lips in a soft and love filled kiss. 
Samuel slowly stopped tickling her as he moved a hand to caress her cheek. It was one thing that he could not resist, that and spending time in their field. Her eyes fluttered shut as she deepened the kiss. Her hand moving to play with the hair at the nape of his neck. 
The recorder slowly pulled away muttering under his breath “we must wait, we can’t go further”
She leaned up to cup his cheeks “dear, we don’t need to but if we did, I could assure you I wouldn’t regret such actions”
“Luce, I want you to feel like an absolute goddess the first time we make love, show you that I worship the very ground you walk on” his lips brushed against her fingertips as he held her hands in his “ I promise you that on our wedding night, I’ll be gentle and treat you with nothing but love” 
“I never thought I’d be so lucky coming here, but it seems I’ve came out on top. The luckiest maiden in the settlement” she gazed up at him before opening her arms “Cuddles?”
“I may grant you some cuddles, my fair lady”
Tag List: @supernaturalee @queensdivas @queensdivas @what-wicked-delights​ @likesomekindofcheese​
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anikimanystories · 4 years
“Neki kar dariya me daal” 
(Do good to somebody and forget, never expect anything in return…..automatically u will get it back  some day……some way…..that u never expected)
I have heard this proverb but never known that one day I will become an example of this proverb in a very filmy way.
Some 10 years back I used to stay in PG…my office was hardly 500m from my PG. Every day I used to go to my office by walk….in the middle of the way, one of the biggest hospital of that city was there. I was very happy with my job, office…..then one day I have been shifted to a project in which for some operational requirement, twice in a week…. I need to travel to our another office which was nearly 65 km from my PG. Whenever I need to go to my far office I used to tell to my office they used to book cab….they used to provide cab details etc….I used to do my work …..and mostly I come back late night as it was far….and traffic was also too much…..that far office was about 35 km from the main road….the path was  in between some village….some time while coming back no road light used to be there…..anways the cab driver is being provide by our office so I wasn’t bothering so much….he will take care like dat was my attitude…..while coming back I used to sleep in the cab….it was far and I used to be tired also. It was that day…December month ….it only my 5th visit to my far office….till dat time I wasn’t so much familiar of the path after the main road….it was nearly 7pm when we started from my far office…..bcz of some operational requirement I stayed late dat day…..anyways we started at 7….it was so dark….no road light was there….but our car light was sufficient……and road side some houses were visible…..very dim light was coming from them….I told the driver open the window…very nice air ……some small shop were also visible….i was feeling sleepy…..I was about to sleep but….suddenly our car stopped….I aksed ….what happen bhaiya…..he replied …don’t know madam, suddenly it got stopped, I will check….I told..ok…..I saw outside it was dark…..after sometime driver told me ….madam you be inside the car…..he closed the windows also…. I will just check if some mechanic shop is there or if somebody can help…..I told ok….I was acting bold outside…..but actually I was so scared from inside….nearly 20 min passed  the driver didn’t come back…I called him many times but he didn’t pick the call…..very bad thoughts started coming in my mind…..whether really some problem is there in the car….where the driver gone…..why he is not coming back…..I was so much scared…I was feeling to pee….not able to control….mind wasn’t working ….whom to contact…I tried to call some of my friend….some of my friend picked also….but they couldn’t understand……may be my network was weak ….I messaged to many of my friends about the situation….dat somebody may reply or call back…..I wasn’t able to control…wanted to pee…..I thought I will pee and immediately I will come inside the car…..I saw near far if it is safe to go out…..from the nereby housed light… I felt dat I can come out…..I came out…..after finishing…..When I stood I felt somebody is behind me…..and I didn’t dare to turn back…..I didn’t think for a fraction of second and started running…..my heart sound I was able to listen…..some hot air was coming out my ears….I started running towards the village house….to ask help……I don’t remember how much I ran…..I don’t know whether really somebody was there……or driver would have come back…I don’t know….my mind was going through so many thoughts…and actually I was crying….i was seeing houses but not knocking thinking that whether some women will be inside or only men will be there….I did’t have any idea of this area……slowly I started seeing more houses.…more lights……I got some hope….people were there….I was feeling safe…..suddenly I remember I left my purse….phone ….everything I left in the car….I don’t know where is the car parked…..i don’t remember from which direction I came. Then I saw a shop in which a lady was selling…..some snacks…..all were closing their shops…..I went to the lady…..All people there was turning back and seeing me…..obviously I was a stranger for them….I asked that lady…..Aunty do u have phone…..I want to call somebody….I told I don’t have money….I was talking then I realized Aunty could understand only there local language…..I asked her …Hindi or English…..Then see called one nearby boy….I was explaining the things to the boy….may he was in hurry….or don’t want to get involve in some stranger’s problem……he locked his shop and left…..I saw Aunty also started packing…..I told Aunty what is the time….She saw in her phone it was 8.50pm….I asked Aunty plz give me phone…..maybe she understood….she gave me phone….but I only remember my own number & my father number, who was in my native…..I called my number if driver would have come, maybe he will pick the call….he didn’t pick then I called my father….then I got the info that balance is insufficient to make the call….I was losing hope….what to do….I moved from there….all were closing shops….before that I should ask help…..next shop I asked about the auto stand or bus stand…..that old man has given me direction for auto stand…..I asked him if he can with me….he didn’t respond……only told the direction that this way I may get auto……I was about to leave from there ….suddenly from the next shop….one man was there……he greeted me with a big smile and he was looking very happy & surprised…he acted as he knows me……”Namshate madam…..kaisa hain?” Aap idhar kya kar raha hai madam….kisi ke ghar pe aaya hai kya….ghar jao madam….idhar ab sab band hone ka……ye lo madam….aapka paisa….mai bhoola nai madam….aap phir mila hi nai…..he gave me 2000rs….and he was giving me so many blessings…..I was very happy to take the money bcz at that time I was really a beggar…..but who is he…..he was may be of 45-50 age……after taking money I felt as directly God has come to help me…..why he gave me 2000rs…..whether everything is real…..what is happening……whether this man is genuine….shall I believe him…..I was trying to remember that whom I have given 2000rs…..I couldn’t …..anyways I have money I should leave now….may be this man has misunderstood me for someone else…..I don’t have mind or time to think about this man…..it was going to be 9.30pm….almost all shops closed……I was still scared and feeling very unsafe but at the same time I was brave and conscious also. The man was also closing shop…..I was simply standing and thinking whether I shold ask help from him….shall I explain everything to him…..again he asked “kya hua madam…..aap ghar jao madam…..kiske ghar me aaya aap….idhar ham sabko janta…..ye mera gaon….idhar he janam liya hai….bolo kiske ghar aaya aap”…..I didn’t tell anything that I am lost here….I only asked that …..can you come with me to the auto stand or bus stand……? He turned back to me…..Itna raat ko kidhar jayaga madam…..why this man is asking so many questions….again he started ….subah me jao madam…..chalo mai aapke sath aat kiske ghar jana aapko…..I was only willing to get an auto…..I started in the way to auto stand…..the old man has told…..dat man also started coming behind me…..I started running…..that man also stared running…..madam….ooo madam….ruko itna raat ko kidhar jana aapko bolo madam…..I was not able to run much…..dat man came behind me…. I wasn’t able to run now…..I was getting sacred….this man was scaring me…..I told him dat I will manage by myself….you plz go….but he still coming behind me…..I was getting angry….suddenly I saw a big bamboo stick I took dat and threatened him dat don’t come behind me….don’t think dat I will give you any favor and I am not going to give you money also…..get lost from here…… Dat man was suddenly looking little sad…..aap kya baat kiya madam….hamko kuchh nai chahiye….aap itna raat ko akela jara iske liye mai puchha……aap mere ko help kiya so mai aapko aisa akela nai choor sakta…..by that time I was so much irritated…..I shouted hey don’t do so much drama….and get lost from here…..what help ha?? He told aap iss (told name of the hospital) hospital ke paas rahta hai na madam……I was surprised…..yes….how you know dat….he told the exact location….slowly I calm down….we both started walking toward the auto stand…..I told him I want to go to the same place plz find an auto for me….he told…..ekdum madam……he came with me to the auto stand and talked to the auto person ….in start they were not willing to go so much far in this much night…..but he told to the auto person…. ye mera daughter hai…..ye jidhar bole udhar isko drop kar do….then one auto person got agree to drop me…. Auto started then I asked auto person to stop for some time….I told that man in few days I will return his money…..he told ye aapka hi paisa hai madam…..aapko yaad nahi kya…..I told no may be u have misunderstood me for someone else……he laughed….bahut duniya aur log dekha hai madam….aadmi pahchanane me galti nahi karta mai…. With curiosity I asked….what help I did to you?? He told…..some 1 year back he was in a very need for money ….his son & wife both were hospitalized in that hospital…he was asking help from people…..no body was listening to him….people were not giving even 5 rupees….suddenly I came and kept 2000rs in his hand and left…..I told you so much thank madam….bahut der tak mai aapko dekhta raha….jaise God aaye ho……aap uss din bhi same kapda pahna tha madam. After some time the auto started …..I started recollecting my memories…..but I could not remember any such event……and if I would have given also……may be 2000rs note I would have misunderstood for 100 and given….hahahahah…and as today I have become beggar….may be that day he would have become beggar…..anyways I was feeling little relaxed….all these paths were known to me….I was going in the correct path….The auto wala dropped me to my destination. Next day I came to know dat my cab driver has fallen down in big dig….he lost his phone there….his leg was fractured…..village people have admitted him to the hospital… It was so filmy…..next day I reported the event in my office…..they have given official mail…dat for any work in our far office….we should go early….and we should start before 2pm in any case. In the next visit to my far office….I told the cab driver to find that man shop…..we found….I saw him from inside the car…..but I could not remember anything dat I would have seen him anytime near the hospital.
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the--sad--hatter · 5 years
Frozen Heart (Prologue)
When Nick Fury finally catches Ex-Shield Agent ‘Black Ice’, The Thief with a Frozen Heart he puts her where she belongs. With The Avengers.
You’re not happy about that decision but you’re the only one who’s kicking up a fuss.
Natasha and Clint are happy to have you back in their lives, Sam Wilson is a big fan, Tony Stark just wants you to keep your hands off his stuff and Steve finds out that not only do you have a connection but you were there for him when nobody else was. 
Bucky Barnes is one of the few people who doesn’t have a connection with you but he’d really really like one. 
                                         CHAPTER ONE
The Kalahari desert was in Southern Africa so it was quite obviously hot. In fact it was 930 thousands square km of arid, sandy, scorching hell. Or at least it was supposed to be. Nick Fury used his one good eye to take in the perplexing scene in front of him. Smack bang in the middle of the sand dunes was a military style base which according to their intel belonged to a black arms dealer and known human trafficker known as "The Scorpion".
Bad guys having secret bases was hardly unusual however, what was unusual was the fact that this base was covered in at least three inches of ice. Mercenaries who worked for The Scorpion were scattered around, guns raised and alarm on their faces. Fury paid them little attention, they weren't a threat seeing as they were frozen solid like creepy gun wielding statues.
His attention was focused on the battered remains of a tent in the very center of the icy carnage. The tent was barely erect, the front panel frozen in place and giving him a clear view inside to the young woman lying on the frozen ground, two of his medical personnel checking her for signs of life.
They found what they were looking for and related the news to Fury with a sharp nod of affirmation. She was alive. Fury had known she would eventually make a mistake and now she had, he finally had her.
Your head felt full and heavy, your eyes burned and the air around you was so hot you were suffocating. You forced yourself to drag your eyes open, taking in the scene around you. Sand? Tents? You knew what these things were but why they were here was confusing and you couldn’t seem to get your brain to work properly.
Something moved and you looked up, seeing it was a person coming towards you. You knew them, your brain was telling you they were familiar. Your brain was also screaming something else at you, something important but you couldn’t grasp it.
There was a deep gnawing sense in your gut, not a good feeling. You shifted in the seat and tried to move and that was when you realized you couldn’t.
You couldn’t move.
You felt something on your wrists, binding them together. Raw panic started to claw its way through you and you reacted instinctively, reaching down deep inside yourself for the part of you that you’d locked away. You needed to be free, bad things happened when you couldn’t move.
You remembered the blood and you didn’t want to remember that.
You let the primal power inside yourself out and froze the ropes binding you but it all went horribly wrong. You couldn’t reign it in, you couldn’t control it. The last thing you remembered was screaming.
9 DAYS LATER – Avengers Compound, Up-state New York
You had a habit of waking up in unfamiliar places so you weren't too worried at first. It wasn't until you registered the steady beeping of a heart monitor that your brow furrowed in confusion. Your eyes flew open and you tried to sit up, immediately regretting it as the cuffs on either wrist snapped against the metal bed-frame, pulling you back down with a wince of pain.
Panic rippled through you but then a deep chuckle to your right had you turning to face your company, and a growl of displeasure ripped out of your throat as soon as you did. Still, the sight of him calmed your fears and you knew, even if you were cuffed you were safe.
"What the fuck Clint?" You spat out, your voice hoarse from disuse, your hands automatically twisting in the cuffs.
The blonde man sitting on a chair next to the hospital bed you were currently cuffed to smirked at you, unfolding himself ungracefully from the uncomfortable looking plastic chair and leaning over to offer you a cup of water.
You glared at him as he raised it to your lips, tilting it to allow the cool liquid to pour down your throat. The sensation was most welcome, you had no idea how you’d become so thirsty.
Then it hit you, you had no idea how you’d ended up in hospital at all. A quick glance around the room offered no answers. It looked like a standard, albeit well-funded hospital room. The blinds were closed, there were no glass panels on the door to look out of and you and Clint were the only ones in the room.
Panic and uncertainty started to claw at your gut and you looked up at Clint, your expression blank and controlled but he saw the fear and vulnerability in your eyes. He could always see right through you.
“What happened to me?” To anyone else it would have sounded like a demand but Clint knew you well enough to see the plea on your face.
You pulled at the cuffs again and huffed in annoyance. Clint smirked and tapped his ear to let you know he could hear you, you didn’t have to sign.
“What’s the last thing you remember?” He asked you gently.
You frowned, trying to pull up your memories and Clint watched the emotions flit across your face, confusion, pain and then horror.
“Motherfucker.” You whispered.
“That about sums it up... Miss Daniels this time are we?” A deep voice spoke and the door sprung open as Nick Fury walked into the room.
Your expression hardened instantly and Clint's turned apologetic. Fury noted that, the way he noted everything. He glared down at you, trying to intimidate you.
“You froze a 2 mile radius in the desert, killing everyone there instantly. When we found you, you were nearly dead yourself. Lucky for you, we patched you back up and covered up your little mess.” Fury stated.
There was a long pause as he waited for you to say something but you didn’t.
“What, you’re not even going to say thank you?” Fury enquired sarcastically.
“Saying thank you could be taken as an admission of guilt, so no.” You rebutted.
Fury turned to look at Clint who sighed heavily.
“It’s over, you were found in the middle of the scene. We know you’re responsible.” Clint told you.
“We even have a good idea as to why you did it.” Fury informed you and he didn’t miss the way your jaw clenched in response.
“One of the bodies we found on site was First Lieutenant Charles Braxton, your commanding officer. The man who trained you for the past two years and fast tracked you to his special black ops task force. Decorated war hero, husband, father and best friend to Senator Jim Grant. Oh and he was also the criminal known as The Scorpion.” Fury said.
You took in a deep shuddering breath before you spoke, keeping your voice as even as possible.
“If you already know what happened, why bother asking me? What’s your play here Fury?”
“I’m asking because I don’t know what happened but I’ll tell you my theory. You found out Braxton was The Scorpion and he drugged you, kidnapped you and took you to his base. He probably thought he could turn you to his side. He had no idea who you really were though because you would never trust anybody enough to tell them what you were capable of. So when you woke up tied to a chair in the middle of the desert, having just been betrayed and attacked by your supposed mentor and friend you reacting instinctively and tried to freeze the ropes binding you enough to snap them and free yourself. You didn’t account for the drugs in your system or the adrenaline or the emotional turmoil you were facing though because you have always hidden your abilities away rather than learn to use them and instead of freeing yourself you lost control and created a cold snap in the Kalahari that killed everyone around you. How’d I do Miss Daniels?”
“That’s not a theory, that’s exactly what happened and you know it. But you’ve got a second theory lined up where I’m the villain right? Either you rescued a powerful asset or you took down a threat.” You laughed but there was no humour in it.
You knew what was going on. Fury had told you this day was coming and deep down you had always known he was right.
“You’re damn right I do. You killed a lot of people and even if I wanted to I can’t ignore that. I can bring you into the fold and protect you or I can lock you up and throw away the key. Those are the only two choices here. Now I made no secret about wanting you to re-join Shield but last time I asked you told me in no uncertain terms where I could shove that offer. I’m hoping you’ll be smarter this time now that SHIELD isn’t around. So what’s it going to be Miss Daniels, are you finally ready to become an Avenger or are you going to spend the rest of your life in a 4×4 cell?” Fury asked.
You whistled lowly.
“Alright Shaft, I’ll admit it. I was not expecting that.” You said, eyebrows practically disappearing into your hairline.
It was worded like a choice but all three of you knew it wasn’t, not really.
Clint knew you were stubborn and liked to dig your heels in but even you wouldn’t choose life imprisonment just to be spiteful. Fury knew it as well. You looked up at Clint and he braced himself for the anger about to be hurled his way but it never came.
You wanted to be angry at him but you knew it wasn’t fair. He hadn’t done this to you, you had done it to yourself. You had locked your abilities away, pretending you were nothing more than human and it had led to you losing control.
Now you had backed yourself into a corner and the only way out was through Fury, whether it be as an Avenger or a prisoner.
“IF I agree to this ridiculous proposal, I want my record wiped. My real record.” You told him.
“You’re in an awfully precarious position to be making demands. You don’t want to go to prison, If I don’t agree to your terms are you really going to refuse to join The Avengers?” Fury asked you.
You met his eyes and he saw it, you didn’t believe he was going to pass up the opportunity to recruit you but if he called your bluff there was no way you would back down.
He couldn’t comprehend why you were so stubborn but he didn’t have to, he just had to accept it. He nodded his assent and you and Clint both let out a small sigh of relief.
“Welcome to Shield Miss Daniels, Agent Barton here will explain the situation to you regarding the events in the Kalahari Desert and as soon as you’re medically cleared you’ll be introduced to the team who will oversee your official training.” Fury spoke in a crisp and authoritative tone before making his way to the door.
He had gotten what he came for, he wasn’t going to stick around any longer but you spoke up before he could make his exit.
“20 bucks says you regret this before we even reach the end of the month.” You called challengingly.
“I’ll take that bet.” He said without even looking back, letting the door close behind him.
Clint shook his head at you.
“It’s impressive how well he can glare at you with just one eye. Wonder how scary he was when he had both.” You snarked.
“It’s the one eye that makes the glare so effective. And you’ve been unconscious for nine days. The end of the month is tomorrow.” He dead-panned.
You swore and tried to sit up, forgetting about the cuffs and swore again as you were yanked back down. Clint made a strangled noise as he tried not to laugh. He reached over and pushed down on the cuffs, they were pressure locked and didn’t need a key so they popped open quickly and you held your wrists to your chest and rubbed them.
“Nine days?” You asked, confused.
“You were extremely dehydrated and had mild hypothermia. Add that to the drugs Braxton used on you and well… you weren’t in great shape when we found you.” He explained.
There was an edge to his voice, he was holding something back and whatever it was was bothering him. You reached your hand out, palm to the ceiling and waited. He sighed and put his hand in yours
“You get yourself into some stupid shit kid, and she’s not happy about it.” He whispered with an apologetic look on his face.
You shot up in the bed, alarm on your face.
“No no no no no, tell me she doesn’t know!” You begged.
Clint swallowed thickly.
“Fury said he’d tell her when you woke up.” Clint said, getting off the bed and backing into the corner of the room furthest from the door.
You went pale as you glanced franticly around the room like a deer caught in a trap but there was nowhere to hide and you knew it.
“Traitor!” you hissed at Clint as the door swung open and you swallowed heavily before turning to face your fear.
Clint winced under his breath at the expression on Natasha’s face and you felt like you’d been kicked in the chest as you laid eyes on her for the first time in years.
There was nothing you could say in that moment, no way to ask for forgiveness so you just reached out you hand to her, silently begging for something you didn’t deserve. She didn’t hesitate to take it, squeezing your hand reassuringly. And then continuing to squeeze.
“Ow, ow, ow. UNCLE!” You shrieked.
“As soon as your better, we’re playing 60 seconds.” Natasha said with a wicked glint in her eye.
“If you’re so mad, why are you here?” You sighed.
“I came to check on Clint. I would have come to check on you as well but we both know you can take care of yourself can’t you? You don’t need me.” She responded cooly.
Clint could feel the rising tension and he didn’t want a repeat of last time you and Natasha had been in the same room.
“You need rest, you start training as soon as you’re upright and we still need to take an official statement regarding the situation in the Kalahari.” He spoke over whatever biting remark you’d been about to shoot off at Natasha.
Natasha turned her annoyed look onto him, though it was legions softer than what she had directed at you.
“I have to convince the team to actually take her. Just because it’s what Fury wants, doesn’t mean Cap or Tony will be on board.” Natasha said, releasing your hand.
“What are you going to tell them about me?” You asked her.
“For once, the truth.” She informed you.
Clint nodded at her and she turned to leave while you studiously kept your face turned away from the door. Neither you or Natasha could see each other expressions but from his position at your bedside he could see it all, the brief moment of regret and longing you both had before you schooled your expressions expressions.
Clint sighed heavily and wondered what he’d done in a past life that was so bad he deserved to be connected to two such stubborn people. It was only when the door clicked closed you allowed yourself to drop the anger and look at him.
“How bad is it going to be?” You asked nervously and Clint chuckled at your reaction.
“They’re going to eat you alive.” He reassured you.
Tomorrow he would break the news to you that officially Agent Daniels had died in the Kalahari. But that could damn well wait because Clint had missed you, only to get you back in a near death state.  
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
“Stark, didn’t you get hit by that ice thief a few years ago?” Natasha asked as she walked into the meeting room.
“Four years ago, she broke into the tower and stole an Iron Suit Prototype and left an ice sculpture replica in it’s place.” Tony said with a sour look on his face.
“Yeah, but didn’t she put the suit back the next day? It was on the news.” Sam pointed out.
“Not the point Wilson. She did it to piss me off.” Tony snapped.
“I think it worked.” Wanda coughed.
“Why are you bringing up old wounds Romanov? Nobody’s seen Black Ice for years.” Tony asked exasperatedly.
“Nobody ever saw her, that’s why they called her Black Ice...” Sam added.
“She’s in your medbay.” Natasha said with a smirk.
There was silence.
“The new recruit Fury dropped on my doorstep is the thief who taunted me? And I saved her life?” Tony shrieked.
“Cho saved her life, you just paid Cho to do it.” Sam sniggered, sending Wanda devolving into a fit of giggles.
“Well I’m going to be the one to kill her!” Tony insisted.
“Barton might be a little upset if you do that.” Natasha informed him.
Tony squinted suspiciously at her.
“Why?” Steve was the one to ask.
“Black Ice is a former Shield Agent and yes Tony... Fury, Barton and I knew it was her who stole your suit. She dropped off the radar three years ago, faked her own death after an incident in Moscow. Clint just got her back, he might be annoyed if you go and kill her.”
“You knew?!” Tony was incensed.
“You’re friends with Black Ice?”Wanda asked excitedly.
“Who do you think gave her the name?” Natasha asked her.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
The next morning you were all but tossed out of the hospital bed by Clint who flung a change of clothes at you and told you the bad news.
You didn’t have any close friends, actually any friends at all to mourn your “death” but you still allowed yourself a moment of sadness for the life you were leaving behind. You were shaken out of your moment by a knock on the door and you looked up to see a Natasha stood in front of you.
There was no readable emotion on her face, no indication as to whether she was here to hug you or to kill you. Though that question was quickly answered as with an almost unnoticeable flick of her wrist Natasha sent a knife flying straight at your face.
You whipped your head back just in time, though you were still a fraction of a second too slow and the blade left a slight nick across your left cheek before embedding itself in the wall behind where your head had previously been.
“Reaction time is a little slow but not terrible. You haven't been keeping up with your training. Keep the knife, consider it gift” Natasha told you with a smirk.
You glared at Natasha with wide eyes as she turned and sauntered away.
“Oh and welcome back to the land of the living сестренка.” Natasha called over her shoulder.
You scowled as you signed the medical discharge papers, almost signing Daniels out of habit. It would take some getting used to being a Barton again.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
So this is going to be my next fic series after Name Calling IF you guys like it. If not, I can scrap it and work on something else. It’s kinda up to you lovely people, and I won’t be offended if this isn’t a hit. 
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7joonie · 5 years
fics I’ve read ♡
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i’m making this post so i can keep all my favorite fics in one place!! lots of different ships, and the stories range from fluffy to smutty to both and everywhere in between, but i loved them all omg, they’re not really organized in any particular way, but here take them. also, i formatted this on desktop, so i’m sorry if it looks weird on mobile ♡
.  . • ☆    . ° .•      ✮      °:.   *₊     .   ☆  ° .     *₊    ☆     ✮       ° .    ☆     *₊   ☆.  . • ☆    . ° .•      ✮      °:.   *₊     .   ☆  ° .     *₊    ☆     ✮       ° .    ☆     *₊   ☆.  . • ☆    . ° .•      ✮      °:.   *₊     .   ☆  ° .     *₊    ☆     ✮       ° .    ☆     *₊   ☆
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wonder by wordcouture (jikook, rated teen & up, 7604 words)
["I wanted to surprise you."
Jungkook feels tears prickling at the edges of his eyes again as he digs a small, thin book from the large pocket in his new pants. The Little Prince. "Me too."]
au: apocalypse / space opera
the superior jikook fic!!
will absolutely make you ugly cry
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up we go by oh_hey_tae (taegimin, rated teen & up, 100331 words)
[Warmth. The memory of it. Sun-drenched earth beneath his feet. A piano song, shivering in the morning air. Wet handprints on his shirt, his waist. Laughter. The scent of orange blossoms and cypress.
“We,” Taehyung starts, grasping at his chest where his heart has begun to hum. “We… Have we…?”]
au: modern with magic / witchcraft
tw: implied/referenced character death, references to depression and suicide/suicidal thoughts, anxiety
this might be my favorite fic i’ve read, it’s so beautifully written 
it broke my heart into a billion pieces and then put it back together (mostly...i feel bittersweet okay)
i just really love poly fics
lots of fluff, romance, hurt/comfort
slow burn
happy ending
i cried a lot, just read this fic okay??
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canvas by daebon (yoonseok, rated E, 94922 words)
[When Hoseok had told the elder that he wanted to make love to him, he hadn't lied. Of all the things to fall from his lips in the last few months, this was the only truth. That first messy time in this very place had felt like heaven, like a sweet dream coaxed from him during a lazy afternoon nap, but this feels heady and consuming, like a strange rite of passage. He knows he'll never be the same after this, but neither will Yoongi.]
au: non-famous/normal life
tw: implied/referenced sexual assault, some internalized homophobia
the amount of angst in this fic almost killed me
there’s softness too 
smut of the artsy variety!!
hoseok is an artist and yoongi is his muse
stripper jungkook & jimin
angst with a happy ending
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lovely bloodflow by aetoms (taekook, rated M, 5246 words)
[“If we’re never able to marry here, promise me we’ll go somewhere else, that we’ll fly to some place pretty and far away from here…?” It came out as a question at the time, the hesitation present in his voice. Jeongguk didn’t know what he had to be hesitant about.
“Oh, darling,” he had said on a sigh, ruffling his fingers through the choppy fringe that stuck to Taehyung’s forehead. “That’s a promise I intend to keep.”]
au: non-famous/normal life
tw: major character death
this fic is written so beautifully, it’s so descriptive and i could really feel the characters emotions
just know that this fic broke my heart made me sob for 20 minutes so read at your own risk!!
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the castle on the hill by bellamees (yoonkook, rated M, 33098 words)
[i'm in love, jungkook thinks briefly, watching the sky change colors above them as nighttime starts its conquering. he's in love with all of them, the lost boys and their mismatched clothes, their boyish chaos, their accent, their smell of fresh paint and the blueberry lollipops stuck between their teeth.]
au: hyyh (hyyh yoonkook is superior)
yoongi is bad at feelings
angst and softness
red string of fate aka bangtan are soulmates and we been knew
bangtan are lost boys
hurt & comfort
some drunk fun times / drunken kissing
the ending of this fic had me sobbing into my pillow at 3am, seriously i just re-read the last few sentences and teared up again oh my god
read it!!
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taste of your lips on me, i can't forget by locks (taekook, rated E, 2420 words)
[It started off something hot and dangerous, and the fire has yet to burn out. Jeongguk hopes it never fucking burns out. He's not just in it for the rebellion, that actually doesn't have a lot to do with this, and a lot to do with the beautiful boy that never strays far from Jeongguk's mind.]
au: church
literally this is just pure filthy smut with lots of beautiful dirty talk
church sex, porn without plot
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everything is waiting for you by 777335 (taegikook, rated teen & up, 12110 words)
[It’s both of them in his daydreams, when it aches so much that he lets himself daydream like it will ease up the pressure inside his heart.  It never works, never eases up.  He lets himself do it anyway, sometimes.  And when he does, when he daydreams, in the little house he has built for them in his head, it’s the three of them and their dogs and their bed is big so they can curl up and look at the rain out the window and talk and talk and talk, Taehyung’s voice like riptides and Jeongguk’s voice like tide pools, and both of them rogue waves and—
au: non-famous/normal life
soft soft soft, omg so soft, pure fluff
this fic left me feeling so happy and warm, i just really love poly taegikook
so much love, just read this, it’ll make you happy i promise
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to live again by mindheist (taekook, rated E, 29984 words)
[“I love you more than anybody.”
“You can’t.”
“I can, and I do,” Taehyung says. His voice is tired, but stubborn, the dreamy haze of his orgasm dissolving in the wake of his insistence.
“I love you too.” It sounds like a dirty secret, the way Jeongguk whispers it for only Taehyung to hear, but Taehyung cups them in his hands like newborn black-and-scarlet koi. “First I love you, too.”]
au: historical
tw: some light violence
forbidden love!!
this fic is so original!! omg i love it
pov of namjoon reading the historical book of taekook’s story
this fic made me cry, it’s so beautiful and bittersweet and it really broke my heart
please read it
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love, i have wounds by sharleena (taekook, rated E, 79451 words)
[There's a pause then a small laugh “I like you so fucking much.”
Jungkook smiles “I know you do.” he says, when in reality he wants to tell him that he's in love. So in love.]
au: college/university
angsty but also fluffy
lots of smut, some rough some soft
themes of loneliness and depression
friends with benefits turned lovers
artist tae, photographer kook
they are so in love it’s SICK and twisted
light themes of abuse so be aware
this fic feels so real!! please read it
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bad boy by xiajin (yoonkook, rated M, 26427 words)
[“you scared?” yoongi murmurs against the kiss marks on his neck, pasting over the ugliness left there underneath. jungkook scoffs, pushing at his shirt, begging closer. “i don’t scare easily.”
“how did i get so lucky to meet you?” yoongi asks, marvels, voice heavy with the weight of his breath.]
au: college/university
tw: themes of possessiveness/stalking/unhealthy relationship dynamics so be aware
angsty and soft
this fic scared me, but in a good way
angsty yoongi
they’re both whipped af omg so in love
kinda slow burn
some violence/sexual assault (not between main characters)
they’re both subtle / not so subtle sociopaths what can i say
it’s also written in all lowercase which for some reason i love
this fic shocked me and it’s written so well, it’s so DARK DARK DARK and the writer really draws you in, i just really love it okay?
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strawberries & cigarettes by notyoongs (yoonkook, rated E, 129328 words)
[“you are so special, jeongguk,” says yoongi. “did you know that? i feel very, very lucky to know you. i feel very lucky that you choose to show me parts of your heart like that.”
“i trust you with it,” whispers jeongguk. “my heart, i mean.”
“i’ll keep it safe, then,” says yoongi. “i promise.”]
au: non-famous/normal life
mutual pining
CUTE CUTE CUTE i was blushing reading this fic
slow slow slow burn omg so slow
SOFT, shy jungkook, soft bad boy yoongi
so much great fluff, very light angst
some smut
so freaking cute, so much love, omg read this now
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384.400 km by bellamees (yoonkook, rated GA, 6457 words)
[“i met someone like you once,” yoongi huffs. “he was in love with the sky, too.”
“i’m not— in love,” jungkook sniffs, shifting on his weight. “you can’t love something like that.”
“ah.” and something of the likes of bittersweetness stains yoongi’s face. “yeah, i guess not.”]
au: magical realism
i’m tearing up right now as i type this
this fic is so beautiful and bittersweet
i cried a lot
please read this fic it’s going to hurt you so much but it’s so beautiful
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logical thinking by only_a_fangirl (namgiseok, rated E, 135153 words)
[“Let go,” Namjoon says, locking eyes with Hoseok. “We’re all close. You can come, let go.”]
canon compliant
this is literally pure filth i’m SO SORRY
rap line threesomes what more can i say
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if you love me, won’t you say something by 777335 (yoonkook, rated E, 102213 words)
[“It lives in the center of my soul,” Yoongi whispers finally, opening his eyes, “how I feel about you, Jeon Jeongguk.]
au: college/university
the superior yoonkook fic!!!! omg it’s my favorite
mutual pining
they are both oblivious and WHIPPED
sloooowwww burn
tons of domesticity and time jumps *chef’s kiss*
some smut
soft af!!
bangtan friend group!!
some drunk fun times
light angst
i know i already said this but it’s the superior yoonkook fic
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