#let’s all ignore that bunny anatomy in the back
snailtaco · 6 months
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Holy shit a fully colored piece?! Yeah, it’s just the bunny again :)
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bvbygrl-writes · 6 months
Wrong House
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Pairing: Stu Macher x Nerdy!Reader x Billy Loomis
Word Count: 3.2k
Summary: A step into wrong house leads to a night of the right fun.
A/N: I was not supposed to upload this tonight but I'm too excited about it. I'm not proof reading this long ass shit either so if something is spelled wrong use your imagination to fix it, mwuah! <3
Warnings: reader has afab anatomy breaking and entering, knife play, homoerotic themes (they kiss but nothing more than that), mentions of murder, eiffel towering, loss of virginity, coercion and ultimatums, rope bandage, panty kink, and panty sniffing.
(Y/n) was naturally an anxious girl but, with her parents out of town and the string of murders happening, she was on edge. She had every single light on in the house, the downstairs tv on, anything to make it seem as though the house was full of life. The reporters on the radio had told people to stay together and while most of the students in school had that option, she didn’t. Nobody wanted to be friends with the quiet girl who still wore Care Bear sweaters and could recite Star Trek lines from memory.
Nibbling the end of her pencil, she let out an exasperated sigh. She had been staring at the same math problem in her textbook for a good 45 minutes. “Focus, (Y/n/n), focus. If you do end up living through all of this, you’ll want to get into a good college.If you fail, mom and dad will make you wish you were dead.” she said out loud to herself, a sad laugh falling from her lips. At that same moment, her stomach began to grumble. When was the last time she ate? Reaching for the phone, she dialed the number to her favorite chinese food place. She loved it because the food was cheap and they were one of the only places that delivered something other than pizza after 10PM. 
“Alright, thank you!” she said, placing the phone back on the receiver. It’d be about a 20 minute wait, giving her time to focus more on her work. Sighing she sat back down in front of her textbook, staring at the page until the numbers started to blur together. “Well, that’s enough of that! I should get the money for the delivery driver seeing as it’ll be here in…” glancing at the clock on her wall she sighed, “Twenty minutes.” ignoring that face, she stood up, bunny slippers stomping over the carpeted floor to the piggy bank on her dresser. She pulled out a 10 dollar bill along with a 5 for the tip. But before (Y/n) could even get to her door, she heard a noise at the front door. 
“Th-that’s weird. There’s still nineteen minutes an-” she shrieked at the sound of the door bursting open. Every anxiety filled thought she had had since being home by herself was coming true. The blood drained from her face, her body growing light at the sound of the voices coming from the living room. Tears began to form in the corner of her eyes as she turned off the lights and closed her bedroom door. The sound of footsteps coming up the stairs put in perspective just how real this all was. She silently cursed her dad for never fixing the damn lock on her window. She might’ve broken a few bones from jumping, but that’d be better than being completely dead! Looking around her room she made the decision to jump in her closet, closing the accordion door.
She became aware of how loudly she was breathing, clamping her hands over her mouth. Her body trembled with terror. ‘Is this how I die? Alone, never experiencing friendship or love?’ Was this really the time to be feeling sorry for her lack of social and love life? ‘Well to be fair, this may be one of the last times I’m able to feel anything whatsoever.’ The sound of her bedroom door opening instantly made her mind go blank. The girl felt as though she was having a heart attack and honestly? She would have preferred that to whatever death she was about to experience.
“Are you sure this is the right house? This doesn’t look like Chelsea’s room.” A male’s voice remarked, the lights flicking on. She could see through the small slots on the folding door that there were two men. One had dark hair and a knife in his hand. The other one was taller with blonde hair and a backpack with god knows what inside of it.
“Yeah, dude! This is 345 Avalee Lane.” the other one exclaimed, an almost sinister grin on his face. The dark hair one made a sound that was a mix of a growl and a sigh.
“You fucking idiot! Chelsea lives in 348, we’re in the wrong house!” he pinched the bridge of his nose, kicking over the little trash can near her desk across the room. (Y/n) relaxed a bit. Maybe since they weren’t looking for her they’d just leave?
“Well at least no one’s home, we can just get out of here.” The blonde one rasped out, eating a piece of candy off of her dresser before tossing the wrapper on the ground. ‘Rude’ she thought.
“The lights and the tv were on. Someone’s definitely in this house. I’m going to go check the other rooms and you look around this one a bit better. We can’t take any chances.” The brunette exited the room and in the distance he heard the sound of different doors being opened. 
The blonde one began to hum, snooping around her room. He walked over to her dresser, opening up her panty drawer. A smile grew on his face as he held up a pair of white ones with a pink lace trim, shoving them in the back pocket of his baggy jeans. “Cute.” he said to himself (or so he thought). Walking over to her bed, he tossed the covers back before bending down to check under the bed as well. Next, he walked over to the cupboard of her collectable figurines, opening up the door. “Hm.” he shrugged before beginning to exit the room. She removed her hands from her mouth, placing them on the floor beside her as she let her body relax. However, before he could leave, she could see a lightbulb go off in his brain as he turned around walking towards the closet. The girl’s eyes went wide as she shook her head. As he opened the closet door, she couldn’t even manage to make a sound. A look of surprise made its way onto his face before he began to grin. “You’ve got cute little undies. Hey Billy!”
All (Y/n) could do was sit there in shock. She recognized this boy, he was in her art classes although he rarely showed up. Now that she could really see his face, he was quite attractive. Before she could delve into why she was letting herself think that, the other one (who she assumed was Billy) appeared right next to him. Although he had a scowl on his face, he was just as attractive. ‘Well, you always said you wanted a cute guy to notice you. There’s two! But you should’ve been more specific, huh (Y/n/n)?’ 
“She’s kind of cute in a dorky little way, ain’t she?” Stu commented as Billy used his knife to lift her chin. She didn’t dare stop making eye contact with Billy for fear of what he might do with that knife the second she did. He tilted her face around, examining it from all sorts of angles before he chuckled.
“She is. (Y/n), right? You’re the girl that’s always winning those sciences awards at school. We have AP English together.” he said in a calm tone. This was the strangest thing she had ever experienced. Why were they dragging this on so much when they could just kill her and get it over with?
“M-mmm-mhm!” she stuttered out, nodding her head ever so slightly so she didn’t cut herself on the blade. 
“Although I agree with my friend here, you still find yourself to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. See, I’ve got a plan and if I let you live, there’s a big chance you’re going to blab and ruin it for me.” he said, his words coming out through gritted teeth towards the end. “So unfortunately, your time’s up.”
“No, no please! I-I-I won’t blab and tell! I don’t have any friends or anyone to tell I won’t tell please! I promise!” she sobbed, begging for her life as he pressed the knife against her neck harder. Adrenaline was coursing through her veins, which would also explain the sensation happening between her legs. Fat tears continued to stream down her face. “I promise please there’s gotta be a way!” she continued to plead for her life, waiting for something, just anything to happen. Whatever it’d take for this situation to be over. However, she was surprised when the knife suddenly was no longer pressed to her neck. Looking up, she saw the blonde one’s hand had moved it away and he was whispering something into Billy’s ear. Their eyes kept flickering to parts of the room and then back to her before Billy gave a singular nod. 
“It seems my friend Stu here has taken quite a liking to you so here’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to have a bit of fun with you and if we enjoy it, you live and we’ll be back to get you after we finish some…business. And if not, I’ll slit your throat right after we finish. Does that sound fair?” Billy said, tugging her from her sitting position to be in between the both of them. She nodded frantically, happy to have even a small chance of living. She knew they were probably going to kill her when they were done, but at least that moment was suspended for a bit longer.
“Wh-what do I need t-to do?” she asked, her heart racing as she looked up at the two of them. They were completely dwarfing her with their size, it was like being trapped between two incredibly hot trees. Stu grinned at her once again before stepping back a bit.
“Well you can start by stripping!” he instructed, phrasing it like a suggestion even though she knew it wasn’t. She nodded, taking off her cream colored sweater, sliding her Power Rangers pajama pants down right after. She began to hesitate slightly as now she was just in her slippers and underwear.
“Allow me.” Billy said, using his knife to snip off her bra. He started at the shoulder straps, taking a moment to stare at her breast before tearing the backband as well. She didn’t try to cover up, knowing her chances of survival would dwindle to none. He went to pull down her panties but Stu stopped him, shaking his head.
“Leave those on her.” he said, before getting down on his knees in front of her. Billy held her arms behind her back with one of his, peeking over the girl’s shoulders to see what his moronic friend had planned. What she didn’t expect was for him to bury his face into her underwear-clad pussy and sniff. Stu let out a low moan as he did, eyes rolling back in pleasure. He continued to sniff at her front, his nose nudging her clit through the fabric. “God that’s amazing. Looks like she’s enjoying it too.” he said, rubbing his finger on the wet spot forming on her panties. He gently pressed his fingers against the fabric causing (Y/n) to squirm a bit, a gentle moan falling from her mouth.
“Oh, that’s such a pretty noise.” Billy purrs lowly in her ear. Standing from the floor, Stu lifts his fingers up to Billy’s mouth and without thinking, he opens it. The girl watches in awe, her clit beginning to throb at the way the two men were interacting with one another. Stu slowly pulls his fingers from the man’s mouth, biting his lip as the other man licks his. “Did you want a taste?” he asks in a deep tone. At the same time, they both lean over and begin to share a passionate and heated open mouth kiss. Little moans and grunts fall from them, a gasp falling from her own lips as Stu grips at her waist, beginning to grind against her front, his bulge slotted between her slit. Billy mimics his actions, grinding his cock against her ass. She was glad the two were holding her up, because at the current moment she wasn’t sure if her legs would work. This was a whole new world for her. She had never been kissed or even touched by one man let alone two. The noises falling from her mouth were completely out of her control, the sensation of their rhythmic rubbing along with the scene of them kissing above her was all too much for her to handle. 
As though they could hear her thoughts, they pulled away from their kiss, turning their attention back to her. She hadn’t even realized that the knife was completely gone now. If she wanted to, she could’ve ran and gotten away. If she wanted to. Billy gripped her arms once more, beginning to walk her over to the bed. She felt her face grow warm at the collection of stuffed animals, causing her to look at the ground. “They keep me warm at night.” she defended weakly. Stu laughed, cooing at her before picking one up and turning it to face the wall, repeating the action several times with the other one.
Billy groaned, annoyed. “Seriously?”
“What? I know how the girls get about that sort of thing.” As Stu continued with his antics, the brunette reached for his friend’s bag. (Y/n) eyed him curiously, thinking he had changed his mind on their deal but was relieved when all he pulled out was a bit of rope. Wait, rope? He tossed it up and down smirking at her before positioning himself behind her as he began to tie her hands together. ‘This is better than whatever they usually probably use this for.’ She tugged at the rope, the friction causing a mild irritation from the action. He pushed her a bit, causing her to fall forward onto the bed. Her ass was in the air while the upper part of her body fell down due to having no support. She listened to the sound of belts and pants clambering before feeling the bed dip down behind her. At that same time, a pair of legs kneeled in front of her as well. She felt as a hand carded it’s way through her hair before tightening, lifting her face to be eye level with a cock. Peering up, she saw that it was Billy.
“Are you gonna open up or am I going to have to do it for you?” he asked, causing a bit of panic to flash through the girl’s (e/c) eyes.
“S-sorry. I’ve never done any of this before.” she muttered, causing a whistle from behind her. She could imagine the grin on Stu's face.
“A cute virgin?! How lucky are we tonight? Oh this is going to be fun. I haven’t popped a cherry in quite a long time.” Stu gushed, rubbing his hands together. “I can barely contain myself!” her panties were then pulled to the side, long fingers beginning to rub all along her slick covered folds. She let out a whimper, her knees trembling as he began to rub circles on her clit. As he slid a finger in, her mouth fell open which Billy saw as the perfect opportunity. Gripping her hair a bit tighter, he began to slide his cock into her mouth slowly. He stared down at her face, watching as her mouth began to struggle with the girth of him, tears falling down her face.
“You better stop with all those tears, I really don’t wanna cum this early.” Billy teased, beginning to rock his hips back and forth. He hissed in pleasure at her tight and warm little mouth, tossing his head back as he let out a guttural moan. Behind her, Stu had managed to work the third finger in, stretching and scissoring them around.Gripping her hip with one hand, he used his other to glide his cock along her lips causing them to both moan. “Hurry up, I wanna pick up the pace but I’m trying to make it easier for you.”
“I’m going!” and with that, Stu slid his cock in with one swift motion. His grip on her hips tightened at the same time her walls did as he fell forward for a bit, head resting against the small of her back. “G-god, oh fuck! You’ve got a tight little pussy, huh?” he said through gritted teeth, beginning to pound into her at an almost animalistic pace. Her pussy drooled around his cock as she continued to moan around Billy, choking as he also picked up his pace. Their thrust were alternating. As Stu would pull his cock out some, Billy’s would enter her throat deep, barely giving her a chance to get used to anything. She had already came around his cock twice, the feeling being overwhelmingly pleasurable. 
They were using her like a doll, holding her up and angling her just right. All she could do was sob and take it, the only thing on her mind was their cocks and her life. She didn’t even care if she was going to die after this, this was the best thing she had ever experienced in her life. 
“You look so helpless when you cry. God, Stu I wish you could see her right now.” Billy moaned out, staring down into those wet (e/c) eyes. Picking up his pace, he gripped at her scalp, full on skull fucking her now. His thrust had grown sloppy and so had his counterpart’s. 
“Tr-trust me, my view is just as good. I’m cl-close!” he whined out, reaching a finger down to rub at the girl's sensitive and swollen clit. (Y/n) screamed around Billy’s cock sending him over the edge. Pulling out, he coated her face and hair in a load of sticky white cum. Watching Billy stroke his cock over her face pushed Stu over the edge as well, causing him to bounce her back on his dick, whimpering as he came deep inside of her. 
The room fell silent and as (Y/n) came to her senses, the question of the hour came back to haunt her. Was she going to live?
“Are you satisfied, Stu?”
“More than, man.”
“Well..” Billy trailed off, stepping off of the bed. As Stu pulled out, she felt cold and exposed. Both men stood behind her, staring as the load of cum began to roll down the back of her legs. The brunette reached forward, grabbing her wrist rather roughly before untying her. “I guess you live. We’ll be back. In the meantime, get cleaned up.” the sound of the doorbell ringing caused the two men to look out the window, thinking she had somehow managed to get in contact with help. However, they both relaxed at the sight of the delivery truck on the outside of the house. 
“Make sure you save me some chow mein!” Stu said. The girl rolled over on her back, letting out a breathless laugh watching as the two quickly got dressed. Before they headed for the bedroom door, Stu took her panties off of her, sticking them in the front pocket of his jeans. 
“For good luck!”
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chippedaxe · 3 years
Title: Loyalty To The Egg
Warning(s): cursing, NSFW, sub reader, tentacles, weird slime shit, rope bunny content, tell me if I should add more warnings.
Pronouns: They/Them, non specific anatomy
Synopsis: The reader gets fucked by the Egg’s tentacles.
Pairing: c! The egg X Sub! Reader
Word count: 1.2k
Note: unedited*
- if you’re not a dsmp fan and you see “egg fucks reader with tentacles” I’m rlly fucking sorry
- There’s a good chance that I’ll take this down since it’s like rlly weird but I’ll leave it up for now ig
- This was also not my original idea! I literally tried to look for who came up w this idea so I could tag them but I just couldn’t find them ??? If anyone knows who came up w the idea than pls tell me or tag them or smth ^^
Tentacles curled around your legs and pulled you to the ground, you winced as you hit the floor. Your body curled up on itself as you tried to get away, another tendril reaching out to softly pat you and calm you down.
Your heart was racing and you weren’t too sure what was going on, the egg’s voice spoke to you and informed you of what was going on which was not only scary but disturbing. “Calm down, don’t you want to pledge your loyalty to me?” The egg asked in a kind of unintelligible voice.
It hurt your head and your ears to be listening to such a harsh voice, it pained you with how the sound rang and echoed around in your brain. You were starting to feel sick, you reached to hold onto your stomach.
Your head was heating up and you were starting to feel intensely dizzy, the feel of a slimy tentacle creeping up your leg bought you back to your senses. You slapped the tendril away and backed up against the wall, the egg hissed a bit at you but then quickly calmed down.
“Don’t you want to join me? Have all of your deepest wishes granted?” You shook your head, you knew the egg had a great influence on the people it came into contact with so you were trying to hold on to the last bit of sanity.
The tentacles slowly crept back up to you but you refused to move from your spot, shaking gently as they approached you and started to wrap around your feet. “Come on, I know what you really want..”
You sighed and lowered your head to stare at the ground, your eyes glancing up at the egg pitifully “and that is?” You asked “power.” The egg’s voice had distorted more as it answered your question.
It wasn’t wrong. You’ve had nothing but utter disrespect given to you since the moment you came to the Dream Smp, it’d be nice to gain some power and show these lambs who’s really in charge.
You crooked your head and glared at the egg “sounds intriguing, doesn’t it?” You were truly considering your options here. You could try to run and ultimately fail, running back to the world of people who hurt you or…
You could flee to the care of the egg, the thing that is promising you greatness. Looking at the two choices in front of you like this, seems like it’s not such a hard decision after all!
Your lips curled up into a slight smile “Fine. I’ll join you, what do you want from me?” You allowed the tentacles to fully wrap around the lower half of your body, your legs unable to move apart from each other.
The egg gently pulled you closer, dragging you across the floor until you’re sitting just beneath it. “I just need you to prove your loyalty” it didn’t sound like such a difficult task at first, you believed that you’d just be instructed to kill someone or recruit others but this task was a bit more complicated than that.
“Let me inside you..”
Your eyes widened “what??” You weren’t sure what you heard, you thought hoped it may have been a misunderstanding. “You need to willingly accept me into you..” the tentacles squeezed your legs tightly.
You gulled nervously and nodded “o- okay” you didn’t know what you were thinking at the time but you hoped this was a good choice. The egg seemed thrilled by your decision as it spawned my tentacles to engulf your body.
Your armour was tossed to the floor, a loud clacking noise echoing the halls. Your clothes were torn as well, most of the fabric still being attached to your body apart from the large holes that were created to expose your sensitive bits.
Your pants were ripped at and torn off, the thread loosening and falling to the ground along with the destroyed fabric. You whines when you started to feel the tentacles’ suction cups sucking on the soft skin on your thighs.
You moved your arms to push the sticky tentacles off your thighs but that only encouraged the egg to tie your hands behind your back, you gasped and tried to get them out of the egg’s grasp but to no avail.
“Let my hands go!” You complained, the egg ignoring you as it’s tentacles slid up your torso and started to gently toy around with your nipples. Your face grew hotter and a large lump appeared in your throat that you couldn’t swallow down in that moment.
The suction cups returned, pinching your nipples and suckling on them like a regular human would be able to. You cringed at the feeling of the tentacles starting to lactate a sticky slimy consistency, lathering your body in it as it touched you.
You had in fact agreed to this but it was still so weird to you!
Another pair of tentacles lunged at you and tore off your underwear, rubbing your crotch gently just to lather it up with the slimy lubricant before pushing into your hole gently “fuck!” You cursed out loud. You arched your back and clenched your eyes shut as you felt it penetrate you, it felt weird and you hated the feeling of the slime inside you.
You growled out loud “do you recruit all your followers like this?!” You shouted, getting no response in return. A gasp leaving your mouth as the tentacle dug a little deeper into your body, suction cups clinging to your tight fleshy walls.
You couldn’t help but start to enjoy the feeling of the tentacles fucking you, your face scrunched up and you tried to focus on your climax. The egg started to enter a second tentacle inside of you, both of the tentacles being quite the tight fit.
You screamed in pleasure and went to cover your mouth with your hand until you remembered your restraints, feeling embarrassed as your pleasurable noises left your mouth.
Your walls tightened around the tendrils, the pressure from your stomach bursting and leaving you a panting mess on the ground. Sweat dripped from your forehead onto the ground, a weird smell emitting from you now that you had just came.
The egg seemed satisfied as it pulled its tentacles out of you, a small but deep rumbling coming from the egg which shook the floor gently. You moved now that you were released, legs a bit too weak to be able to walk so you just stayed kneeling in front of the egg.
“You have proven your loyalty to me, thank you” you bowed your head down “what now, boss?” You asked.
*wrote this in my notes (copied and pasted) so it might be formatted/look different!
- also if no one could tell, I don’t rlly know the egg? I’m not 100% caught up with the dsmp so I got a lot of the info off the internet.
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bungled-writes · 3 years
"Stress Relief" - Football Player! Dream x Reader
AFAB Anatomy, GN pronouns
Not proofread so ignore the spelling errors
Summary: After narrowly losing the playoffs game, Dream needs your help in calming down in the boys locker room.
CW: Smut! (Minors DNI), use of 'Daddy', degration, Dream calling the reader 'Bunny' and 'Cumbunny', choking, dumbification, face fucking, oral (giving), unprotected sex, semi-public (in the school locker rooms), just all around sinful content, dacryphilia if you squint ig, soft dream at the end with some aftercare
Word Count: 2,405
18+ Content. Minors DNI
It was Friday, which meant it was game day. Oh glorious game day where you would go and support your wonderful boyfriend, cheering as loudly as you could from the stands. Game day, where you would hang out with him right before the game and give him his good luck kiss. Game day, the day that was the cause of not being able to walk most Saturdays. You see, win or lose, Dream always got out some of the extra adrenaline buildup after games. If the team won, he would shower you in praise, take you home and thank you over and over for being the team's good luck charm. However, today was not one of those games.
It was a high stakes game, the game that could get them to the state playoffs, but only if they won. The air was tense the entire game, especially the second half. Two points down. Only two points down in the fourth quarter. You thought that for sure they would be able to win this. But alas, as the buzzer sounded, along with many whistles from coaches, the scoreboard stood the very same. 14 to 12, the opposing team claiming victory. From your position in the stands, you saw your boyfriend rip off his helmet and throw it to the ground in a fit of rage. He was not the most graceful loser with a game this close and this high stakes. He made eye contact with you from your position in the bleachers, silently his far away gaze told you to 'meet him in the locker room'. Just that look alone made your thighs clench.
You waited a little bit, watching as people poured out of the bleachers, knowing that you wouldn't be able to enter the locker room till everyone else was gone anyway. But just sitting there, waiting was somewhat tortuous. Especially because you knew exactly what he was going to do to you. Soon enough, you felt your legs began to take you to the highschool, and into the gymnasium, your head just swarming with thoughts of him so angry, ravaging your body and taking what's his.
You pushed open the door, glancing around and seeing only Dream sat on the bench, wrapping up his hand. Right next to him was his gym locker, which now had a brand new dent in it. He looked up at you the moment you walked into the room, eyes hungry. " What took you so long, slut?" He demanded, words spilling harshly from his lips as he stood up and began to stride over to you.
"I'm sorry, I wasn't sure if everyone was gone yet.." you replied, feeling small under his emerald gaze.
" You're sorry, what?" He asked, looking down at you, unhappy with your lack of properly addressing him.
"I'm sorry, Daddy. " You said, eyes big and swarming with lust.
" Good slut. " He muttered, hands grabbing your waist. As he pushed you up against a wall of lockers. "You were pretty useless today slut...not really a good luck charm.." he growled, his knee slipping between your legs and pressing against your core. "So I guess you have to help me another way.." he whispered, soaking in the delicious whimper you made as he pressed his knee rougher against you.
"A-ahh Daddy please.." you gasped, not even sure what you were begging for. All you knew was it was very easy for you to become putty in the males hands. All you knew is that you wanted to please him and make him forget about losing the game.
A smirk spread across his face at your begging, and it grew even wider as he watched you start to grind your hips down on his knee. "desperate whore, wanting to get yourself off on anything, pathetic." He spat, taking one hand and pressing it to your neck. You just whined and nodded in response, which made him laugh. " I haven't even touched you yet and you're fucked stupid.. silly little whore! your mind goes blank even with just me speaking, doesn't it?" When you didn't answer and just ground against him more, he pushed you harder against the wall of lockers. " I asked you a question, cumbunny. And I expect you to answer." He growled in a dangerously low voice, making your entire body quiver.
You melted under his grip, eyes fluttering shut. " Y-youre right daddy! I'm just a mindless whore all for you.." the words escaped you so needily. " Use me Daddy.."
He lunged forward, capturing you in a hungry kiss. Your lips clashed together, him instantly taking control of the kiss and you submitting to him entirely. He took your lower lip between his teeth and pulled, eliciting another one of those whines that he was just dying to hear. Soon enough he pulled away from your lips, leaving you panting and wanting more. Your hips continued to grind down until he swiftly pull his knee away, leaving you with nothing to create friction with. You gave a pitiful whimper at the loss of even the simplest form of contact, but he just rolled his eyes. Both of his hands went to your hair, tangling his fingers up in it before shoving you down to your knees.
He looked down at you with a vicious hunger in his eyes. A hunger for you and only you. Your hands shot up and did quick work of his button and zipper, tugging his pants down quickly. Your eyes glistened as you licked your lips at the sight of his hard cock with just a thin layer of fabric keeping it from you. Leaning forward, you began to kiss and mouth at his clothed cock, mewling in protest when he shoved your head back into the lockers with force. "Not today slut. I need to put that mouth of yours to its proper use.." he growled, one hand staying on your head as the other quickly pushes down his boxers. He stepped out of his jeans and boxers, keeping you presses against the lockers.
His cock stood up gloriously in front of you, and the sight made your mouth water and your core fucking soaked. "Daddy Please.." you choked out, choking on your own desire for him.
"You'll get it soon enough cumbunny..trust me.." he purred. " But for now...open up slut. Gotta shut you up for a bit…" he hummed, both of his hands rooting themselves in your hair again. He pressed his tip against your lips, watching as you parted them.
Still holding your head against the lockers, he started to thrust his hips forward, staring down at you. He watches every single thing that you did, loving all of it. Loving the sounds that he was forcing out of you Everytime he slammed into your tiny throat, loving the spit that was rolling down your chin onto the floor. He loved the way that your hands rested on your thighs, clenching around nothing as they fought against the urge to touch your needy clit. "Such a pretty slut..all for my..just my personal little toy. Aren't ya bunny?" He cooed, shoving his entire cock into your throat and just holding you there, groaning in pleasure.
He let out a shaky breath as he pulled out of your mouth, a string of thick saliva mixed with precum connecting you to his cock still. "As much as I'd love to use this throat as my cum dump...I rather use somewhere else.." he said with a smirk, slightly out of breath from fucking your face.
Slowly beginning to catch your breath, you looked up at him with doe eyes and wiped some of the dribble from your chin and nodded. " Please daddy use me.." you begged once again, him letting out an animalistic growl and pulling you up by the hair. Once you were standing up, he let go of you and stepped back, pulling his shirt off and staring at you.
Your body didn't waste a moment, hands quickly moving to pull your shirts and pants off without thinking about it. Once you were out of all of your clothes, you looked at him, feeling his gaze. Sometime when you were undressing he had sat down on the bench, a hand wrapped around his cock and slowly pumping himself. You clenched your thighs together, walking closer to him. The moment you got within reach, he grabbed you by the hips and pulled you to straddle his lap. " Look at you cumbunny...all perfect ..all for me" he groaned as he attacked your lips in another bruising kiss, hands lifting your hips up and lining himself up with you.
You mewled into the kiss as you felt yourself sink down on him, your walls tight around him. " Oh daddy-!" You gasped, tilting your head back but you were cut off by him pulling you into another kiss, helping you sink all the way down on his cock. Once you were all the way down, he pulled away from the kiss, looking at you with a smirk.
One hand rested on your hip while the other went to your clit, fingers gently pinching the delicate bundle and making you quiver. " Desperate slut. " He said as he lightly slapped your clit, watching at your head rolled back, your hips soon rolling as well. The roll of your hips pulled pleasured sounds out of both of you, your back arching as he hit every perfect spot inside of you.
"Please Daddy, fuck me, please please please! Fuck me!" You begged out, arms wrapped around his neck. You needed him to just fuck you like a ragdoll. Like you were nothing but a little toy to him. You didn't want to be able to walk for the next week. You just wanted him to fuck you into oblivion.
"Yeah little cumbunny? You want daddy to fuck you stupid? You want daddy to make you cum over and over again on his cock? Yeah bunny?" He said as he stood up, hooking your legs over his arms as he slammed you against the wall again. He was holding you up, staring down at where you two were connected. "Daddy's gonna fuck you stupid.." he whispered.
He started to fuck in and out of you at a desperate pace, burying his face in your neck as he groaned right in your ear. You were in absolute bliss. His cock filled you just right and every thrust he hit every perfect spot that was aching for his touch. Your head tilted back against the lockers as your eyes shut. It had only been a few moments of this, but you were already gone. Broken moans and begs spilling out of your mouth uncontrollably as your hands scratched his back, desperate to grab onto something.
Tears started rolling down your faCe from pleasure, sobs of pleasure escaping your mouth as a hand dropped down and started quickly rubbing your clit. Dream pulled away from your neck for a moment and could've cum right then there at such a pretty sight all for him. Tears rolling down your face, leaving shining streaks accenting your face. Your eyes all glossy from crying and your lips glistening with spit. Your hand needily working at what he couldn't, pinching and rolling that little bundle of nerves. Your entire body was quivering in pleasure, and the sight of you already fucked dumb made him lose it.
He sped up,snapping his hips into you at a rougher pace. You gave a choked out whimper, feeling your orgasm closing in. " D-daddy! M-m gonna cum!" You gasped, unable to think of anything but his cock fucking into you at such a violent rate.
"Cum for me bunny, cum all over daddy's cock. Come on.." he said breathlessly, his own orgasm nearing.
After a few more thrusts you screamed out his name, going completely limp in his arms as you clenched down on his cock and your orgasm came crashing down on you. You came all over his cock, your toes curling in pure pleasure as your eyes rolled back. He kept going even after you came, making you whine and push on his chest, the overstimulation making you cry a little bit more. " I'm almost there hun..just a little longer.." he said softly, letting you know that it wouldn't be too long. " Just hold on for me .."he whispered sweetly. His tone was quite sweet and gentle as opposed to his violent and ruthless pace of fucking into you.
His thrusts soon got very messy and after a few messy thrusts his entire body shook, shoving his entire length into you. Your thighs quivered and eyes shut gently as you felt him start to fill you up. He groaned loudly as he came inside of you, burying his face in your neck once more.
Once both of you had reached your highs, he stayed buried inside of you for a few moments, both of you panting in unison. "You took me so well Cumbunny...took daddy's cock and cum so well. " He said softly as he rested against you.
Your attempt at speaking just came out as a few whines mixed with whimpers and a mumble of daddy. He chuckled softly. " Did I fuck you stupid sweetheart?" He said with a chuckle, pressing a loving kiss to your forehead. " Thank you…" he whispered softly. " Thank you for helping me baby..and you're always my good luck charm. You know that?" He whispered gently.
You nodded softly, just cuddled against him, mind still foggy and lost. " Okay baby..let's get cleaned up and then head to my house.." he said softly as he pulled out of you, smiling at the whine of protest. He changed your position so you were bridal style in his arms, heading over to the showers. He turned on the water and let it run over both of you, washing away traces of sweat and cum off of both of you. One hand lovingly ran through your hair, a smile decorating his face. " Open your eyes for me y/n. Don't want you falling asleep just yet.." he said gently.
Your eyes opened softly as you looked up at him, a tired smile appearing on your own face. " I love you dreamie.." you whispered softly.
"I love you too sweetheart. So very much.."
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Sit by the fire until... Chapter 2
ao3 link:��https://archiveofourown.org/works/25870150/chapters/81650737
Here’s the thing they don’t tell you when you get magically transformed into a bunny rabbit against your will by the corrupted darkness of the Sacred Realm: somethings, unfortunately, tend to stick.  
Now, Legend isn’t saying that he’s hiding a cotton tail under his tunic or that his soul secretly aches to frolic in meadows or spend his time sleeping in holes or whatever else it is that rabbits do when they're not busy being very confused and scared twelve year old Hylians.
But that doesn't mean he was left unscathed by having his entire anatomy re-written in less than an instant.
Because of course he wouldn’t. Goddess forbid he ever catch a break for once in his life.
He was still pretty young when it happened, so Legend can’t remember if his teeth had been quite so bucked before the incident. Regardless if they were or not, they sure as Hylia are prominent now. Then there's also the fact that he never really grew into his ears, the damn things always just a shade longer than they should be for a regular Hylian.
Before he joined this wild cucco chase masquerading as an adventure, Legend would sometimes catch himself looking at Ravio wondering, Is that how I would have looked? Besides the hair and eyes, the merchant was supposed to be his mirror image after all. Zelda and Hilda were, so it stood to reason that he and Ravio should be the same.
In which case, the bucktooth thing was going to be a problem regardless.
The ears, on the other hand, are a completely different story. From the quick glances Legend has managed to steal of Ravio’s side profile, the merchant has relatively short ears himself, which just make the Veteran’s own look comically long when the two stand side by side.
And ugh, and that wasn't even touching on his… less physical changes.
 Namely, his cravings.
Noshing on some leafy greens while home alone doing some chores? A-Okay.
Getting caught by Warriors and Twilight absentmindedly chewing on the hay he was supposed to be feeding the horses? Ehhh, not so much.  
Goddesses, his ego still hasn’t recovered from the amount of jokes the Pretty Boy had made at his expense. And that’s not even mentioning the veritable mountain of carrots he found in his bedroll, no doubt courtesy of that flea bitten farmhand.
Regardless of the less than natural way he got these… attributes, Legend couldn’t say they were all bad. ‘Cuz sure, his ears were a bit longer than average, but he could also hear better than most of his companions, able to catch the sound of crunching leaves above even their loud bickering. Like wise, his eyes were sharper than others in the low light of dawn and dusk, allowing him to see things others would miss.
Frankly, both skills had helped keep him alive during his quests. He was thankful for them in a weird huh, guess that works kinda way, but thankful all the same.
But sometimes Legend wanted to wring the goddesses necks because really? Being turned into a rabbit couldn’t have fixed this particular problem?
This particular problem being his absolutely horrible pollen allergies.
“ A-A-A!”
Each rapid, involuntary inhale feels like a simultaneous punch to the gut and a gasp for breath, the air yanked into his body and then stoppered up. It leaves the veteran in a state of limbo as a paralyzing calm falls over him; lungs full of air, shoulders hiked up, muscles tensed.
For a second, everything feels lodged in place, frozen, like the Champion had used his stasis rune on him.
Legend clamps his mouth shut and tucks his face into his elbow just as tension snaps and–
“- acheew! ”
Nothing but a soft, cut off sneeze slips past his lips, yet, the force of holding it back  still sends Legend bowing over. He stays there, hunched over for a breath as his body recovers, before he straightens back up, sniffing irritably as he tries to ignore the itch prickling at his eyes and the congested pressure throbbing behind his sinuses.
A chortling huff sounds next to him and when Legend glances down he can see Wolfie– or should he say, Twilight– peering up at him, mouth open and tongue lolling in a doggy grin, but icy blue eyes too pointed, too teasing, to be anything but human.
Legend's nose twitches tellingly as it begins to tickle again and the wolf gives another stuttering huff. A laugh. Legend can practically hear Twilight’s twangy, Awww. You sneeze like a bunny.
The bastard.
“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, dog boy,” Legend grumbles, wiping harshly at his face in an attempt to stave off another sneezing fit. “Don't you have trees to piss on or something?”
That earns him peeled back lips and a growl, but Legend just sends the other a responding sneer as strides past the grumpy wolf and out into the rolling field of tulips that stands in front of them.
Another huff, this one more annoyed than amused, sounds behind the veteran before the wolf streaks past him, loping through the flowers with his nose down and tail high.
Legend rolls his eyes.
Twilight loves to show his teeth, but the farmhand is quite literally all bark and no bite.
And besides, they both have better things to do than needle one another. If Legend is going to be miserable, he may as well take steps to make that misery as short as possible.
Afterall, they aren't out here swanning through a meadow of flowers for pleasure.
The last Dark Portal they had all walked through had, once again, separated them. Legend and Twilight were lucky enough to find one another quickly, though, now that Legend thinks about it, it probably had less to do with luck and more to do with Twilight’s nose.
After regrouping, they had tried to search for the others more that day, but a storm had them holed up in a cave overnight to wait out the deluge. They had gotten up early to start their search again today, but so far they had no such luck in finding any of the others in the forest.
Which just left the inexplicable meadow of tulips surrounding the wood.
Legend had been hoping that the rain would keep some of the pollen at bay, but nooo that would be too merciful, wouldn’t it?
If anything, the rain just made this whole experience more aggravating. Now, along with stinging eyes, a running nose, and a throbbing head, Legend also had the delightful honor of feeling the tulip stalks and leaves and petals sliding wetly across his skin, the annoying slap of his tunic smacking his thighs as it got more sodden by the second, and the disgusting squish of water between his toes with every step he took through this Wind Fish damned field.
And sure, maybe it was worth it to reunite with the other heroes, but really, would it kill the goddesses to make his life just a little bit easier.
A bark pulls Legend from his miserable musings. Twilight's dark tail stands out among the ocean of pastel pinks and yellows and oranges, wagging frantically twenty meters away. It disappears after a second, replaced by a muzzle and expectant eyes.
Twilight barks at him again.
He must have found something.
Finally, Legend thinks as he begins to make his way over toward the other, hopefully a reason to get out of this floral hell hole.
“What is it, boy?” Legend asks, voice going high and mocking as he takes delicate care stepping on as many flowers as possible, “Little Time-y fall down the well again?”
Instead of a growl for his effort, Legend gets a flurry of black flecks falling upward, like pieces of reverse snow, in his peripheral vision.
“You know,” Twilight says as he straightens to his full height, eyes half-lidded. Unamused, “You’re really not as funny as you seem to think you are.”
And before Legend can interrupt that– No, actually, you just have a dog shit sense of humor. Literally– Twilight continues, “I can smell the smithy all over this thing.” He nods down at a small tree stump breaking through the tide of flowers. “The scent is a bit old, probably from sometime before last evening, but still traceable. I should be able to find him from here.”
Legend eyes the stump for a moment, peering into the cracked hole in the top of the wood. Inside, he can see the round, red caps of several toadstools sprouting.
He can also sense magic. Close to that of the fairies– natural and glittering and smelling of moss– but not quite the same.
The Smithy’s doing?
Or a natural occurrence?
“Welp,” Legend says, straightening up, “Let's go find him. Couldn’t have gotten far on those little legs of his.”
“Again,” Twilight huffs, the black fractals already consuming him once more as he transforms, “You’re not as funny as you think...”
His voice distorts and fades into nothing as the magic swallows him whole, leaving Legend once again having a conversation with a very unimpressed looking wolf.
“I like you better when you can’t talk,” Legend tells Twilight as the other sets off, snuffling at the ground.
The other pauses to give Legend a look that would be more at home on a disapproving mother’s face, before continuing his tracking.
He also whaps Legend in the leg with his tail.
The prick.
They continue on their trek together like that for a while, Twilight occasionally pausing to shove his nose into the dirt some more as he decides which direction to follow as Legend trails behind, keeping his eyes peeled for a quadripartite tunic and a head of straight, gold hair.
It isn't long before the farmhand turned canine breaks off into a light trot and then a jog, and then a full on sprint.
And stops just as suddenly.
Legend is out of breath by the time he slides to a stop behind the farmhand, but from a cursory glance around, there doesn’t seem to be a short, mouthy smithy anywhere in the vicinity.
“What happened?” Legend asks, still searching, turning circles as he cranes his neck, “Did you lose the trail?”
Twilight gives a light whine, grabbing Legend’s attention.
Then he does two full spins and sits primly, looking up at Legend.
“The hell is that supposed to mean?” Legend crinkles his nose at the canine. “Use your words.”
Wolfie rolls his eyes in a way that Legend didn’t think was possible for dogs and then stands.
The canine stares at him intently, as though making sure Legend’s eyes are locked with his own. And then he flicks his eyes over the yellow tulip he is sitting next to meaningfully. Then back to Legend. Back and forth back and forth, his eyes go for a full minute before he stops and stares at Legend once more.
Legend feels as his face wrinkles in confusion.
It's just a regular tulip, just like the thousands currently around them. Pretty enough, he supposes. The bulb seems to be a little wilted, like it's been weighed down by rain water perhaps, but other than that, nothing to sneeze at.
Or everything to sneeze at, if you’re Legend.
Legend gives the flower one more skeptical glance before turning to look at Twilight once more, brow raised.
“Pretty,” he assures the other. “Not sure how it helps us find Four.”
Twilight heaves another too human sigh.
And then he reaches up,  takes the sleeve of Legend’s tunic between his teeth, and yanks.
“Hey!” Legend yelps as he’s dragged down into the dirt, “Watch the teeth! The embroidery on this thing took forever to do and even longer to enchant!”
Twilight pays him no mind, pulling him down and forward, closer to his chosen tulip.
Legend tries his best to keep his face away from the damn thing.
“I swear on The Three, if your slobber stains–”
Legend’s words crumple up and die in his throat.
There’s something in the tulip.
At first glance, Legend would identify it as the Smithy's earring. The small feathered one that he takes special care of. The one that Four refuses to tell Legend the origin of, besides his cryptic, “From a friend.”
Legend would say that it was just the earring, but… but it isn’t.
Rather than being completely red with a white tip, Legend can see that this little feather is only mostly red. Right before the tip, a darker red plumage takes over, followed by purple and blue and green.
Also, rather than being attached to the small, golden chain and stud Four uses to fasten the jewelry to his earlobe, it’s attached to a body.
A very, very small body.
By now, Twilight has let go of his sleeve, but Legend both doesn’t notice and doesnt care, all of his attention fixed on the little creature before his eyes.
From what he can tell, the little creature is asleep, curled up in the bulb of the flower, his feather tail tucked up near his nose for warmth. Looking past the plumage, Legend can see that the little guy has a very rat-like face, complete with a small, twitching pink nose, long whiskers and–because the creature is shivering– long, chattering rodent incisors. Oval shaped ears stick out from the creature's head, a mix between mouse-like and Hylian.
And framing those ears is shoulder length, soaking wet blonde hair.
Blonde hair held out of the little guy's face by a green headband.
And he’s wearing the smithy’s tunic?
“... Four?” Legend whispers in amazement.
And just saying the other’s name out loud is like a spell because suddenly Legend can see all signs. The little guy has Four’s bag over his shoulder and the Four Sword at his hip. That same magic that was by the stump– the not-fairy, fairy magic– completely surrounds him, dusting him in the same way he is currently dusted in yellow pollen.
“Is that you, Smithy?” Legend asks a little louder.
But rather than startle awake, the small creature– Four, Legend reminds himself– simply hunkers down more fully into the flower, curling up more fully as his shivers increase.
“He must have transformed in order to speak with the Minish around here.”
Twilight’s voice, even though it is a whisper, gives Legend a start. He hadn’t realized the other had transformed, nor had he seen the farmhand crouch down by his side.
The other isn’t looking at him as he speaks, cool blue eyes instead locked on the fitfully sleeping smithy, face concerned.
“He once told me that the Minish are insatiable gossips. He must have transformed to try and find us.”
The concern on the farhand’s face darkens the longer he stares.
“He must have been caught out in the storm,” Twilight says grimly.
Legend tries to imagine what that would be like. To be the size of a mouse and out in a storm. Tries to imagine what it would feel like for gale force winds to pull at drag at him, crushing him into the dirt one moment and yanking off his feet the next. Tries to imagine dodging back and forth between tulips, avoiding the head sized, stone cold rain drops pelting down from the sky
It's not a pretty pictograph, he’ll admit.
And ugh, Legend really isn't a fan of what it's making him consider.
He spares another glance at Four.
And fuck, the little guy shivers and shivers and shivers until the fower he is sleeping in is shaking with it.
And then, he sneezes, the sound coming out tiny and squeaky and weak.
Son of a bitch.
With a sigh that is as weary and reluctant and annoyed as he can possibly force it to be even though the vetran is feeling none of those things, Legend takes hold of the flower near its stem. As gently as possible, he digs his nails into the soft green there, cutting the flower from the ground while keeping it intact.
He hands it to Twilight, who takes it from him with gentle, if slightly confused hands.
With one hand, Legend flips open his shoulder bag. With the other, he rips his hat from his head with a motion probably a tad more violent than is really called for. He arranges the hat inside the bag, making sure to cover his items with the soft fabric while also shaping a soft bed.
Without looking up from his work, Legend extends a hand out to Twilight.
Makes a grabbing motion when what he wants isn't immediately in his hand.
After a second, Twilight slowly places the stem of the flower back in Legend’s hand and the Veteran gently lowers it in the small nest he had created, making sure the bulb sits in a place both shielded from the sun and extra comfortable thanks to the extra fabric padding beneath it.
In one smooth motion, Legend takes a hold of the strap of his bag, pulls it carefully off of his shoulder, and places it on the other side of Twilight’s neck.
And then, he reaches down and touches the dark stone hanging from the necklace around the farmhand’s throat, letting the darkness flock around and consume him.  
When Legend blinks open his eyes, Twilight is looking down at him smugly.
He is looking down farther than usual.
Also looking smugger than usual.
“Shut up,” he grumbles, shaking out his fur before hopping on all fours to get closer to the bag.
“I didn’t say anything,” Twilight replies, not bothing to wipe the smug look off his stupid face even as he lowers the bag to the ground for easier access.
“Yeah you did,” Legend hisses quietly as he clambers carefully into the satchel, settling down the nest of leather and items and hat.
He pulls the flower closer to his side where it is warm.
Inside, he can feel as Four’s shivers begin to lessen.
"Cute," Twilight laughs from above them.
"Fuck you," Legend whisper spits, though he makes no move to push Four's flower away. If anything, he pulls it closer when he hears the smaller hero start to make small, chittering snores, surprised the smithy could sleep through such a racket.
Twilight, thankfully, doesn't comment, instead pulling the top of the bag loosely closed to give them some shade. Then, Legend feels as he gently lifts the satchel back up, slings it slowly over his shoulder as to not disturb the contents inside, and begins walking, hopefully back in the direction of the forest.
Legend can still hear the farmhand laughing to himself from within the bag, but without the others' eyes on him, he finds he doesn't care.
The pollen still itches at his eyes and nose and Legend can still feel the pound of his sinuses even now.  But something about the shade and warmth and soft rocking of the bag makes it hard for him to mind.
Four gives a harty twitch, kicking a petal directly into Legend’s face.
And even that doesn't dissuade the veteran from his task.
Instead, Legend sighs and pulls Four even closer, relaxing despite the discomfort.
He’s got dirt on both Twilight and now Four, the two heroes with sticks most firmly inserted into their asses. He can get out of whatever chores and lectures they try to pin him with.
Yep, he thinks , distantly. That's why he did this.
For the blackmail.
And no other reason.
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hollyhomburg · 4 years
Ma’am I NEED that bunny hybrid au so bad…even in ask form. Hoseok’s bunny desperately needing her because of his rut and wanting to bury his nose in her smell everywhere and fuck her over and over again 🥺
(NSFW: references to s&m, master! hoseok, Sub! koo, knotting, belly bulge, cumplay, voyeurism, referenced double penetration, humiliation kink, clit slapping, slight panty sniffing? jungkook just really likes the smell of her slick okay, bunny jungkook in rut) ahhhhh why is like? the idea of them having rut and heat playdates so hot? like maybe Hoseok calls up Yoongi and is like “Hyung my bunny is in rut again can you bring yours over?” and Yoongi can just like- sense how sore Hoseok is over the phone. bunny heat/ruts are no joke because bunny hybrids have ridiculous stamina and the only thing that can really satisfy a bunny hybrid during a rut or a heat- is another bunny hybrid or several partners. 
and of course, they need to supervise you and Jungkook and make sure nothing bad happens. as much as they all love kookie he’s a little non-verbal during his ruts. He’s already made the living room a kind of nest- but they’re no reason why Yoongi and Hoseok can’t sit on the couch and have a coffee while you and Koo tangle in the little blanket nest. 
Jungkook pulling you down until your back is up against the blankets, already starting to growl and chuff as he takes off your underwear and buries his nose in it. you send yoongi a panicked glance because you’ve never seen your sweet bunny friend act this way- act so...animalistic. Kookies brown eyes are almost completely blown black.  but Yoongi soothes you with a little look. 
Your expression suddenly Blissing out as Jungkook decides he’s had enough of your underwear and instead- leans down to smell your slick just from the source. lapping at your entrance but completely neglecting your clit- Hoseok gives you a wince in sympathy. But, unfortunately, the only thing that Jungkook cares about during his rut is slick and a firm pressure around his own knot. Hoseok’s been edged enough times by Jungkook accidentally to know your pain- the attention just enough to keep you on edge but not enough to let you cum. 
Yoongi and Hoseok just talk while you play, catching up on each others lives and at times completely ignoring your moans and squeaks, punctuated by Jungkook’s low grunts.  They just want to catch up after all, having you there to help kookie is only part of the draw to having you both over. 
occasionally Hoseok glances over when he hears you give a particularly loud squeak. a caution to his voice “gentle bunny, wouldn’t want to hurt Yoongi’s little princess” when Jungkook tries to fuck his fully formed knot in and out. and when he doesn't stop- Hoseok leans over and grabs Jungkook by the ears to pull him up to face his owner instead of keeping his head buried in your neck. “I said stop bunny” 
“yes, master, sorry master” Hoseok loves the way Jungkook’s hips quiver, wanting to thrust forward- but Jungkook’s desire to be a good boy outweighs his need to fuck- only barely. Yoongi leaning down to give your ears a stroke, soothing your heavy panting breathes. you get so pretty like this- so sniffily and overwhelmed with a knot. The kind of look Yoongi and jin can only get out of you if they give you both their cocks at the same time. 
“one second” yoongi retrieves a pillow for you to bite down on to keep your little cries down. “you’re vocal little bunnies” Hoseok teases, and you whine- the humiliation at interrupting their conversation burning hot through you. Jungkook’s tongue lapping at your throat and chest, pulled out of the top of your lowcut shirt, happily drinking down your spiking pheromones. Yoongi and Jin know you have a little bit of a humiliation kink. and he’s happy to indulge you in it now especially if Jungkook enjoys the way the words make you gush around his knot.  
both of the humans ignoring how hard they are in their pants watching a rut addled Jungkook knot you again and again in the span of only about an hour, eyes heavy on each other because yeah- maybe Yoonjin bring hoseok in as their third partner sometimes but still- they usually have their jin Hyung to supervise. Hoseok enjoys the sight of Yoongi shifting, obviously turned on by the impressive display of breeding that Jungkook’s putting you through right now- Yoongi didn’t know Jungkook could cum quite that much. 
 maybe when you leave later at night Yoongi doesn't even let you clean up, instead preferring to have jin do it when you get home (jin might have texted yoongi to tell him not to let you clean up), and a hint of humiliation tickles down your spine as yoongi leads you to the car, and you can actually feel the cum dripping down the edge of your thigh. hoping no one is around to see or smell it on you. 
you’re just as messy when you get home, jin heaving you up on the edge of the kitchen counter. turning up the edge of your rumpled skirt and examining your puffy and pink entrance. your tummy a little bulging, a little full from the amount of cum jungkook fucked into you. Your hybrid anatomy keeps most of it inside, but only just- a little spilling out and down your thighs that jin swipes his fingers through. “messy baby” jin would coo- “did you have fun on your rut playdate?” 
and jin absolutly preens at the way you blush and smile at the memories, “yes jinnie,” they’re definitly going to make jungkook come over during your heat- the idea of you both like that at the same time is enticing. jin and hoseok talked about it on the phone a few minutes ago- the other calling the elder to update him on the day. and he remembers the other man's words “I wonder how tight she gets when jungkook knots her? have you ever wondered hyung?” 
 “tell me your favorite parts?”  ahhhhh why do I love the idea of jin making her describe her time with Jungkook in detail as he slowly rubs the cum into her clit. punishing her with a little spank to her clit whenever she gets too distracted to continue. and jin and Yoongi both deciding that yeah- they want to add to the bulge in her tummy just a little bit by fucking their cum into her. playing with her neglected clit (because Jungkook was so deep in the throes of rut he didn’t bother to pay attention to it) until she’s squirting and clenching so hard it forces some of the cum out. 
yeahhhhhh- bunny jungkook and bunny reader are a whole kink.
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nomimits7 · 3 years
Stubbornly Broken| Drabble
Tumblr media
Title: Stubbornly Broken
Pairing: Hoseok x reader
Genre: Anatomy au, student au, professor au, University au
Warnings: I can’t call this yandere can I? Mention of alcohol abuse, cursing, student professor relations, degrading in a way, self-doubt, insecure reader, stubborn reader, kind of stalk-iss Hobi
A/N: So this thingy I wrote when I had anatomy for the first time in my life. The phrase ‘good girl’ was actually said to me in class and this drabble was born. I am not proud of it. I feel it can be better but that’s something for another day. Please do criticize it so I know what to fix when I one day do this properly.
Summary: When your only goal in life is to seek the approval of your anatomy lecturer, who in turn has a slight obsession with you, will you finally give up your stubborn ways and allow his sly comments to get to you or are there still some fight left in you?
Anatomy. You loved Anatomy. The study of the human body was one of the most interesting of subject you had. Unfortunately, you had to take it in a foreign language, in which you weren’t fantastic in. This meant you struggled a lot with remembering the names and so on. Your professor, Mr Jung, was one of the people that pushed you to do better with every assignment, test and practical. He was like the father figure your own dad failed to be.
He pushed you in odd ways though, well odd in the sense that no other lecturer at your university did the things he did. Snarky comments on how he’ll call your parents if you didn’t improve (Not like your drunk of a father or slut of a mother would ever pick up their phones) or how disappointed he is in the fact that you made stupid mistakes. These comments would only make you feel small. You were used to being yelled at, but something drove you to WANT to impress your professor.
Normally, you would just laugh it of turn around and take a seat, you hated the disappointed look he would give you and this served as the best method to avoid it. You turned to silence and would usually stay up all night rewriting your notes that betrayed you. Your class mates started noticing how you would just suddenly become quiet. Some even expressed their concerns to you, but being the stubborn girl you were, you just smiled and dismissed their concerns.
It was normal, right? Trying to impress the one person in your life that actually gave a fuck about your future. Who cares if he gave you lower marks on purpose to keep you the one student that would so anything for some form of praise? He knew of your home life. He saw how your mother would slap you when you tried to reason with her and how you would have to care for a good for nothing father. He also very well knew what your social life would become if he gave you what you worked for.
Mind you, Mr Jung was no fool. He kept all your ‘real’ marks safely locked in his drawer, just in case something would go wrong. He plan was simple. Break down the stubbornness and replace it with the love he has for you. He wanted you to be his.
Being the talkative girl in the class did not help hide your disappointment or hurt when Mr Jung would say something to you. Comments like ‘stupid girl’ and ‘you clearly didn’t care to study’ never failed to leave a mark. Yes, these comments hurt, but they were the main reason you kept on working. You simply HAD to prove it him that you can and will do better, even if it took a year to do so. But let’s be real, those comments slowly broke down your spirits. And that was what Mr Jung wanted. He wanted you to be helpless even if you were a stubborn girl.
Mr Jung Hoseok was a smart man indeed. Smart and attractive. With his black hair, slim body, tight fitting jeans and almost black orbs he saw right through your little act. He knew what his comments did to you, and in a very small way he hated what it did to you, but he also knew that that was what would motivate you to fight even harder. This in turn would make your submission so much more sweeter than it would have been without a fight.
Even though Mr Jung was your Lecturer, he wasn’t that much older than you were. And in truth you liked him as a lecturer, Snarky comments and all. If there was one thing you lived for (without realising that it has become a daily goal) it was his praise. That one in a billionth time you would get something correct was worth the tears and millions of re-written notes.
It was during one of your classes that you noticed that he actually liked you, as a student. You see, being stubborn and all didn’t come with out the sarcastic side. You frequently challenged his comments with some of your own, even if you knew he would just shut you up in the end. He absolutely loved it that you weren’t scared of him. In a strange way it became his goal to try and in still that fear into your bright eyes. The fact that you could stand up for yourself was another thing that irked him. He loved the challenge, well, you suspected this if his smirk was anything to go by.
You refused to stop. You were to dam stubborn to submit, besides the little game you were playing was way too good to give up. You hated losing, and in your mind, it was a competition to see who would crack first. Again, Mr Jung was a smart man. He knew you would play ‘hard to get’ and he developed the urge to finally see you submit.
It was during one of the many classes on the abdomen that he instigated his ‘master plan’. He knew you were writing a test that day and the next day and he also knew you did not prepare for class like you always try to do. Keyword being ‘try’. So, he simply waited to catch you, he wanted to catch you, to say something that might trigger you, maybe even force you into action.
But he had another thing coming. What Mr Jung failed to pick up in his daily stalking of his favourite student, was that your memory tends to kick in when you are under extreme pressure. This little fact was one of the reasons you have yet to fail a final exam. He wanted to trap you by using your unpreparedness to his advantage, but like always you had a few blows ready.
Thinking he was smart he asked you to explain the difference between a thoracic vertebra and a lumber vertebrae. To his surprise you could actually answer him without hesitation, seeing as you had done this over a month ago. To say that you yourself was surprised would be a complete understatement
“In the Thoracic Vertebrae the tubercle up there faces anteriorly while in the lumbar vertebrae that tubercle faces latterly. Sorry I forgot the names.” You said softly as you pointed to the picture on the screen. It was quite clear to most of the other students that your lively personality had taken a dip, but you didn’t seem to notice. Mr Jung on the other hand did.
“Wow, Y/N. You’re remembering the previous section. Good girl Y/N.” Mr Jung said as he struggled to hide his surprise.
That was it. Your smile fell, your pupils dilated, and an electric shock made its way through your body and headed straight to your core. A very unexpected shiver ran up your spine. THIS did not go unnoticed by your lecturer. A satisfied smile plastered on his face as he continued the class. You, however, did not concentrate one bit as your mind went foggy with all the possibilities those two-word held.
Before you knew it, class was over. You slowly got up and packed away. You were the last one left in the class as you were still in a daze. With you back to the door you failed to notice Mr Jung slowly closing and locking the door. The soft click had you frozen in your movement of zipping your back closed.
You were a little bunny in the eyes of a great predator as Mr Jung approached you. Slowly he moved your hair aside as his other hand grabbed your waist. His chest against your back, he proceeded to leave a trail of butterfly kisses along the expanse of your exposed neck.
“Come my little bunny. Let me take you to a real home. I can make you feel all the love your parents have failed to give you. Let me take away your pain my love” Hoseok whispered as he slowly pressed himself against your back.
Even though you knew it was wrong, so wrong. You could only lean into him more. Your need for love and affection far to great to ignore when offered on a golden platter like this. Tears streamed down your face as you closed your eyes. Whether they were from fright, sorrow or joy you did not know. Your voice was almost inaudible as you sealed your fate with just two words.
“Please do”
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Paul x Reader: Thanksgiving
Warning: Child Protective Services (CPS) and Adult Protective Services (APS) involvement mentioned. Death of elderly, and implication of abuse and neglect are written
Takes place LONG after the war with the Volturi; Renesmee is 16 and Jake JUST imprinted on her. Not when she was a baby. Let’s just act like Bella didn’t almost die when she had her and they just moved away until recently, okay? Cool.
Also like I said before, all the imprints are the same age as the guys. No pedophilia bs is EVER in my stories.
I met Leah in my Sophomore year at Washington State. I was going into Development and Family Structure whereas she was going in to be an RN like her mother. We met in a Health and Sex class that was considered as an elective course. Because we had to travel across campus to make it to this class, we always ended up sitting in the back of the class together. Eventually creating a friendship that you’d rarely see develop and stick together. Now, we’re Juniors and I am currently packing to head to La Push with her and her boyfriend Lajohn for Thanksgiving since I didn’t have a family.
I was lucky if I’m honest. I was given to the state at 12 after CPS finally indicated that my parents weren’t fit to take care of me and my grandmother. Unfortunately, it took the death of my grandmother for anyone to do anything. Although I was given to the state at 12, I didn’t leave until I was 18. The likelihood of getting adopted after 10 is slim. I was happy for those who did, but it hurt to see some of them come back. You realize through others that just because the idea of parenting is wonderful, being a parent is completely different. I was lucky enough to take advantage of resources that were provided for me and some of the other kids that lead me to this point.
I got my first job at 16 and worked from then onward. I applied to college and financial aid as fast as I was able to so that I wouldn’t be alone. I receive enough grants and scholarships for my associates and now working on my bachelor's. My previous roommates were, well, trash; which motivated me to get a job and move into the nearby apartments. My roommates now are chill, we all just don’t talk to one another. Which lead me back to this moment at my apartment.
“I don’t know what to wear!” I said looking in my closet for a perfect outfit to bring to Thanksgiving.
“I don’t know why you’re stressing about it. I told you, no one is going to care. But, if you’re that worried, wear the ripped jeans and the black off the shoulder sweater shirt. Oh! And the booties!” Leah said going through my closet. Even though she says and acts like she doesn’t care about fashion and appearance, I know deep down in the pits of hell that we call her soul, that she really and truly still doesn’t, but she has a soft spot for it.  
“Thank you! Oh, and I’m mad at you, you bitch.” I said packing up the outfit.
“What, why?”
“You got your eyebrows done without me! You see mine looking like Chewbacca over here!”
“I’d say more like baby Chewbacca…”
“That’s not the point!”
“Sorry, look, it should be around 12:30 or 1 by the time we get to Seattle, we’ll stop there. I promise.” She says smiling while hugging me. Bitch.
“Fine. Now let’s go before Lajohn comes up here like a brat crying.” We laugh and start heading towards the door. We have a long seven and a half hours to get to La Push. Let’s see how this goes.
We stop to get something to eat, fill up, and get my eyebrows done. Lajohn took that time to fall asleep in the car because knowing us, we’d get sidetracked and find some shit for everyone. But we resisted! Mainly because our paychecks don’t come in until next week and I’m barking on this dinner and the leftovers (if there is any based on what Leah tells me about her brothers) to last me until then.
 Paul’s POV
“Alright guys, now Leah is bringing her friend Y/n. can we please not repeat what happened when she brought Lajohn over to meet us.” Sam said, looking directly at Quil, Collin, and me.
“I swear I didn’t start it!” Collin tried to defend himself.
“It doesn’t matter who did or didn’t start it! We can’t have y/g knowing what we are. Lajohn is Leah’s imprint, she’s just her friend. Got it!” Jacob stated. I rolled my eyes but said nothing. I won’t lie though, I haven’t seen someone run as fast as he did, especially when he is almost as big as us and just as human as the next person.
“We won’t, I promise. Scouts honor.” Making a joke about this situation.
“You weren’t in boy-scouts Paul,” Jared said.
“That’s beside the point. Look, we’re not going to do anything to out us again.” I said with a smile. Not one person believed a damn thing I said, hell I don’t think I did either. But it’s worth a shot.
“Well now that we have that settled, we have to meet up with the Cullen’s. There’s going to be some unwelcome visitors stopping by in a few days, and the last thing we need is to deal with this on Thanksgiving.” Jacob said. We all got up and begrudgingly met up with the leeches. Can’t they give us a break?
We pull up to this cozy small house with a swing set on the porch. A lady who I’ve seen in Leah’s room steps out of the house to greet us. I can positively assume she’s Leah’s mom.
“Lajohn! How are you!” She says, ready to embrace the giant man twice her size. Compared to Ms. Clearwater, he was a good foot and a half above her. Compared to Leah, a half a foot maybe. He was “6’7”, black hair in a fade, soft brown eyes, mocha skin, slim yet buff, and a complete gentle giant. He and Leah met in their anatomy class. She said she walked into class late after getting lost and the only seat available was in the front. The bad news was, she had one of those teachers who was a stickler and a petty asshole. He made it hell for her. The good news was, she met Lajohn who was good at the class and had no problem tutoring her. It was “Love at first sight” for both of them.
“Sounds like some hallmark bullshit. Let me guess, it was raining, you were soaking wet, and by the end of class he gave you his jacket and you looked into each other eyes and BAM! Instant connection.” I laughed. She rolled her eyes and smiled.
“Yeah, yeah, shut up Bunny. One day, it’ll happen to you. $20 says it will”
“What, falling in love or love at first constipation?” she gives me a look, and I just smile.
“Love you too Leah-bird” I laugh.
I snap back to reality to Leah joking around with another person coming out of the house. He looked just as big as Lajohn but resembled Leah and her mom. I can assume this was Seth. I step out and walk over to everyone as Lajohn goes to the car to get our luggage.
“Mom, this is my best friend-”
“Holy shit, Leah can make friends!?” Said the babyface giant.
“Will you shut up Seth! Yes, I can. Can you get a girlfriend? No, you can’t. So, hush.”
“Ouch Leah. That hurt.” He says folding his arms over his heart and rolling his eyes with a sad look on his face. I just want to make him cookies and tell him its okay.
“Anyways, this is my best friend Y/n. Y/n/n, this my mother Sue and my annoying-”
“Yet handsome.”
“-Little brother, Seth.” She says, ignoring him completely.
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you guys. I’ve seen pictures of you guys back at Leah’s apartment and she talks about home all the time.”
“It's nice to meet you too Y/n. Come on in and let the guys get your stuff.”
“Yeah, Seth, chop-chop little puppy,” Leah says clapping her hands to rush him. He just looks at her and gives her the finger when their mom isn’t looking and walks towards the back of the car. I can hear him and Lajohn talking about some pack of cold ones. I don’t think Seth is old enough to drink…
The next day: Thanksgiving
For the rest of yesterday evening, Leah and Ms. Sue (who keeps on insisting I drop the Ms. Part; I will not, my grandmother taught me to always say Mr., Ms., and Mrs.,) showed me around town and I was able to meet Emily and Sam, and Jacob and Billy. They seemed welcoming. Emily especially, although, Sam, Jacob, and Billy seemed on edge with me. I told that to Leah and she reassured me that their faces and attitudes are always like that with everyone. Lajohn eased my worrying saying they were worse with him because he was dating Leah. He was more scared of Seth and their mom out of everyone though.
Currently, Leah, Ms. Sue, Lajohn, and I are on our way to Emily and Sam’s place. When we pull up, we’re greeted by her and a few other girls from the reservation. We walk up and I’m automatically hugged by this small “5’8” girl with wild layered hair with streaks of color in it.
“Hey everyone! Y/n, this is my niece Clair. Sorry, she just gets excited about meeting new people. And this is Halulah and Kim, Embry and Jared’s girlfriends. Come one inside, the guys will be back in an hour or so. That should give us enough time to finish the turkey and dessert.” I waved at them and we all went inside. That time was short-lived until we heard wolves howling in the distance and Sam and Lajohn were out the door. I was about to ask what that was about but was cut off by Leah shoving plates in my hands to set up the table.
A little while later, we hear laughter and thumping of footsteps coming from the front door.
“HONEY I’M HOME! Ouch! Jared! What was that for?!” one voice said.
“For being a dumbass, that’s why.” I assume is Jared’s voice.
“Language!” said Seth followed by a loud punch and a yelp from him.
“Ouch, damnit Paul! That hurt!” said Seth.
“LaNgUaGe!” said, who I can assume is Paul with a bolstering laugh. Emily rolled her eyes and looked at Sam, who looked at them before they turned the corner. A choir of “sorry” and “my bad” was said before they showed themselves.
“Y/n, I’d like you to meet my children for all intended purposes. The boy who is giving Clair a piggyback ride to is Quil; the boy hugging Halulah is Embry—the one I told you about. This is Jared, Kim’s—godforsaken—boyfriend.”
“Hey! I’m not that bad!” she ignores him.
“Jake should be here with his girlfriend Nessie in a little bit, and the one behind us thinking I CAN’T SEE HIM STEALING THE TURKEY! Is Paul.” I looked behind her and catch a red-handed guilty-looking, Paul.
“Hey, at least I tri-” he stops mid-sentence as our eyes connect. I felt like I was in my apartment room reaching cloud 9. Everything around me blurred and all I saw was him. I felt my heart skip a beat and was knocked the air out of me. I couldn’t move, didn’t hear a sound, and kind of dizzy. I snap back when I hear laughter.
“Aww! Bunny! See! I told you it would happen!” Leah says laughing. I look at her confused then looked back at everyone else who was laughing too. Paul coughed and I looked at him. His expression went from being shocked, angry, sad, then content and surprised. He looked at Sam then walked over to me. Standing in front of me, he smiles and introduces himself.
“Hey, I’m Paul. What’s your name beautiful?” Damn, I guess I owe Leah $20.
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evendeadlmthehero · 5 years
The Keepers (1/10): “Trick or Treat”
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Based on after the events of Avengers: Endgame and Spider-Man: FFH
Summary: The Keepers, they call themselves. Little children know them as Santa, The Easter Bunny, Leprechaun, Jack O’ Latern and you. You’re Valentine Cupid; a seducing-angel who’s good with arrows. The Keepers have been a secret for centuries, but when one member goes rogue, this forces The Keepers out of hiding and needing the help of The Avengers.
Warnings: swearing, brief mention of suicide from a family member
‘The Keepers’ Masterlist
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You hummed to yourself as music played faintly against the pristine white walls of the kitchen. Your foot slowly tapped to the rhythm of the bass, your hand gently moving the strand of hair that had befallen against your face.
Today was Halloween, meaning tomorrow was Thanksgivings day. Although there was no Keeper for Thanksgivings day, as it was created by humans rather than an ancient beings, you still wanted to celebrate it with your fellow members.
So you marinaded a turkey with exotic spices before placing it in the fridge as the song ended. You smiled to yourself, wiping the sweat off your brow before checking the time.
6:42pm, the clock had read. In ten minutes, it was sundown. This had also meant Jacko would have to leave the house and come back when the clock strikes twelve.
“Time to scare some children,” you heard Jacko speak as he entered the kitchen, buttoning up his black shirt. Yes, it was Jacko Latern himself, the Keeper of Halloween and mischief. The once man probably had it the secound worse out of all of you guys.
See, Jacko was a simple man before. He was a French farmer in the 1370’s. He had died from the Black Plague at the age of 32. When he had woken up, it had came to a shock that his whole craniofacial area was a pumpkin head rather than a human one. It had taken him a while to finally accept that he will never have his human face again. You had seen photos when he was still a human, and no one could deny his irresistible boyish looks.
The person who had it the worst out of all of you, even Jacko? Osterhase Spring. Also known as the Easter Bunny. He was also a simple man, living in the poor outskirts of New York when the Great Depression hit during the 1930’s. His daughter had then fallen terribly ill so Osterhase was forced to steal medicine, but was caught in the process.
This had costed him his life. And when he had woken up? He was a two-foot tall bunny. In normal circumstances, this would have been hilarious. But his daughter had died from the illness causing his wife to take her life. The poor women thought that not only her child was dead, but so was her husband. Not knowing her husband was a full, grown rabbit, too afraid and embarrassed to show his face to his own wife.
See, none of you guys chose to be here. All of you would give anything to go back to the previous lives you lived. The one where you worked a $10 an hour job and came back to your lover waiting for you at home. But it was fate. Fate had brought you guys together. The Keepers were a family that looked out for one another. It was a family you never asked for but was glad you had.
“Easy there big boy,” you spoke with your velvety voice. You were the artist of seduction and love, of course you had an alluring presence. “You can’t just scare them. You have to give candy as well.”
“You’re always the sweet one, aren’t you Valentine?” Jacko smirked at you, his carved eyes lighting up with flames. You were always fascinated by his facial structure. How fate had given him such a detailed carved pumpkin head that was lit up with fire. It was almost poetic, really. “But then again, what did I accept from the most gorgeous women alive?”
“Stop your flirting Jacko,” you heard a gruff voice speak. Nicholas Santa entered the the kitchen, a sour and tired look in his face. This wasn’t something new. This man had been alive since light first touched the earth. He was grumpy the day he realised he was the only original keeper left. “Keepers aren’t allowed to date one another.”
“Relax Christmas,” Jacko scoffed as you awkwardly walked around them to place the spices back into the cabinets. “It’s harmless flirting. We don’t see each other like that.”
“Awe Jacko, you really broke my heart,” you looked back at him with a pout, closing the door of the cabinet. “Am I really not pretty enough for you?”
Nicholas scoffed, grabbing milk before leaving the kitchen. You laughed at the old man and his tendencies of taking jokes way too seriously. Out of all the people here, Nicholas probably was most reserved one. He didn’t get today’s customs and norms. He didn’t want to. He was still an oldie by heart.
“Well,” Jacko spoke, walking over to you before placing a kiss on your cheek. He gave you one last final look before walking backwards slowly. “It’s time for Halloween to begin. I have a feeling this is will be the greatest holiday yet.”
“That’s what you always say!” You yelled back at him as his figure started walking towards the door. “But Valentine’s Day will always be the best holiday!”
“You guys both know it’s Easter, right?” Osterhase spoke as he walked into the living room, jumping on the couch. He grabbed the remote before turning on the TV. “Kids love their chocolate eggs.”
Jacko shook his head before opening the door of the house and leaving. You walked over to the couch, stealing the remote off of Osterhase. “Hey! I was watching Grey’s Anatomy!”
“That’s boring,” you replied back, changing the channel before it landed on the news. You were going to switch channels until you realised who it was on the news.
“Many of you have been asking for months now about the status of the Avengers. I am here today to introduce the members,” a dark-skinned male had spoke into the mic. “First member is of course myself, Sam Wilson. We also have Wanda Maximoff, James Rhoudes and Bruce Banner.”
You bit the inside of your cheek as you saw Bruce Banner stand behind Sam with the other Avengers on-screen. You disliked the Avengers, especially Bruce Banner. Osterhase felt your anger and grabbed your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. “Hey, it’s okay.”
You heard a ringing in your ear as you quickly ran. To where, you do not know. All you knew is that Earth was under attack and you needed to get out of the centre of New York City before these aliens could kill you.
You cried as you heard a loud shuttle above you, as you collapsed on the ground, letting out a scream. You were desperate to leave. You just wanted to go home. Home to your fiancé. You look up to see that it was Iron Man who had flown above you. This had gave you the hope that the Avengers were here to rescue you.
They were here to rescue you, right?
You heard footsteps near you, making you look to your left. Aliens had growled at you, pointing their weapons at you. This was it, you had thought. This was how you died. You closed your eyes, accepting your fate until you saw a green giant scream as he grabbed them and chucked them against the wall.
It was the Hulk. He had saved your life. At least, in that moment, that’s what you had thought. You had thought that the Hulk understood right from wrong, evil from good. But it turns out the monster was filled with rage, rage that cannot be tamed. Rage that had caused blindness to the eyes. The Hulk was never a hero. The Hulk was anger.
He turned around and looked at you. You had wanted to thank him. But the Hulk let out a blood curdling roar before chucking a car your way.
It happened in slow motion. You felt all the bones within you break, one by one, splinter by splinter, before you were nothing but a number on the death toll. ‘The Battle of New York’, they had called it. ‘The Avengers’ they had called them. And you? You were death number 53 out of 74. Only a hashtag on twitter for 23 days.
Your eyes had fluttered open as you took in your surroundings. You were in a little cottage home, a blanket wrapped around you. Four men surrounded you, faces grim as they had to tell you the worse news of your life. That you had died and now must claim the mantle of Cupid. That you must learn the arts of seduction and precision with arrows. That you had to leave everything behind, including the love of your life.
“Now I will introduce new members,” Sam continued to speak as you ignored Osterhase and continued watching the screen. “Here we have Peter Parker, Ant-Man, The Wasp, Queen Valkeryie, Black Panther, Carol Danvers, Dr Strange and Bucky Barnes. We will be opening a new building in San Fransisco that will generate 5,000 new jobs and decrease traffic by approximately-“
You changed the channel until you reached some random reality show. You placed the remote down as you crossed your arms together out of frustration. You didn’t get it. How the Avengers could kill so many and still be celebrated. Still be able to have their own building worth billions of dollars. How their salaries come from the pockets of taxpayers. “Hey Valentine? Are you okay?”
You nod your head yes, your tongue against your cheek. You were snapped out of your thoughts as Saint Patrick walked in with a smile on his face. “Anyone wanna play UNO?”
“Fuck off,” Osterhase spoke, grabbing the remote back to change the channel to Grey’s Anatomy again. “You always cheat.”
“I do not!” Saint spoke, his hand against his chest as if he had been offended.
“Ah yeah you do,” You spoke back, making Saint let out a scoff. “Your powers are literally to increase your odds at things going your way. You’re literally the embodiment of luck.”
“That isn’t cheating!” Saint argued back, but his small stature had not aided him in anyway. He then sighed, throwing the packet on the table. “Fine, I just wanted to spend some time with you guys.”
You watched the Leprechaun walk away, a pang of guilt consuming your body. You let out a sigh, grabbing the packed of UNO cards before chucking it on his head. You were the god of precision, of course it landed directly on his head. “C’mon Lannister, go deal the cards.”
Saint smiled excitedly, running over to deal the cards. Osterhase let out a sigh, tired of being interrupted from Grey’s Anatomy but happy to be apart of this social bonding despite not showing it. Saint dealed the cards to everyone, making sure everyone got the same number of cards before placing all the rest down.
You guys played for hours. Of course, Saint had won them all. You tried not to bring up how his powers were cheating, just happy to see him get excited and to get some family quality time with you and Osterhase. At some point, Nicholas Santa had come down to see what the fuss and yelling was about.
Only to come down to see you guys laughing and playing games. It brought a smile to the old man’s face, reminding him of the first group of Keepers. He wish he could have joined you guys, but he didn’t have it within him to suck up his pride and join in. So he left.
“Okay I think that’s enough for today,” you laughed, shaking your head as Saint had won once again. “You’re obviously the King of Uno.”
“And cheating,” Osterhase replied back, his ears falling down in dissapointment as he always came last.
“I think next game you have a chance to win,” Saint suggested, trying to lure you into another game. Osterhase scoffed, chucking the cards at Saint’s face, making you laugh. You eyes unintentionally made their way to the clock, filling with confusion when you realised that it was late and Jacko still wasn’t here.
“Guys, it’s 2AM and Jacko’s still not here,” you told them, your heart dropping to your stomach. You were worried. The person who were closest to still wasn’t home, leaving you feeling queasy. “Maybe we should look for him?”
“Awe c’mon Valentine, you know Jacko,” Osterhase spoke, leaning back on the sofa as he put one leg on top of the other. “He’s probably just showing off the little fucker.”
Osterhase then got off from the sofa and yawned. “Alright kids, I’m off to bed.”
You nodded at him, watching his retreating figure. You felt a hand grab yours as your eyes met the green one’s of a certain leprechaun. “Hey Val, maybe you should get some rest. Osterhase is right, Jacko is probably trying to make this Halloween the best holiday of the year.”
You nodded him, giving him the best smile you could muster. He smiled back, before getting up to head back to bed as well. Your smile faltered as you looked back at the time, realising how late it was. You had a bad feeling and you could tell that something wasn’t right.
So you stayed up. You stayed up all night trying to wait for Jacko to show up. 3AM, 4AM and 5AM passed, and there was still no signs of him. Your eyes were desperate to shut, but it couldn’t outweigh your desperation to ensure Jacko had made it back on time.
The sun had begun to rise, and still no sign of the pumpkin carved faced. The hope that Osterhase and Saint had enstalled onto you had begun to dim down until it was nothing but a flicker every now and then. You watched outside the window, seeing the clouds pass by slowly until they went out of your line of vision.
You heard a small bang before quiet footsteps. Out of fear, you grew your wings that hid inside your back. They were around 3 meters wide each and were covered with white feathers. Your normal clothing was also replaced with body armour, which was a white, short-gladiator-like dress. Your hair also self-braided in a way that Daenerys Targaryen herself would be jealous of.
You then pulled out the arrow and quickly pointed it towards the source of the sound. You let out a sigh when you realised it was just Saint standing there, his hands up in surrender. “You scared the hell out of me Irish.”
“I just wanted to check up on you, didn’t realise you’d armour up and try to shoot me,” Saint spoke as he watched your wings motion back inside your back and your normal clothes adorned your body once again. “And plus, lets be real. Your the best aimer in the world. But with my luck, you would’ve missed.”
“I never miss,” you spoke back as your hair fell perfectly against your face after de-suiting. You then sighed, falling back against the sofa. “You lied.”
“About what?”
“Jacko never came back,” you whispered as you felt tears well up in your eyes. They didn’t fall though. You didn’t want them to. “You said he would.”
“Valentine I-“ Saint started before he stopped himself, his eyes stopping at Osterhase and Nicholas figures. Osterhase looked disappointed whereas Nicholas was shocked as this was the first time he was hearing of Jacko’s disappearance.
It was a day of mourning. Because it was the day you lost a member. A member who did not die, because if he did there would be a new Halloween keeper, but rather just left. He left you guys without a word.
He left you without a word
1 Month and 10 Days Later
Bucky felt his phone buzz under his pillow. Groaning, the soldier pressed the power button twice to decline the call. Not even five secounds later, the phone started buzzing again. This time, Bucky picked up his phone and chucked it far away from him so that the buzzing did not disturb his sleep.
“Incoming call from Sam Wilson,” F.R.I.D.A.Y spoke, making Bucky groan once again, chucking the pillow at the wall. He was trying to get F.R.I.D.A.Y to stop talking so he could get some shut eye, obviously forgetting that F.R.I.D.A.Y is an inanimate object who cannot be hit with a pillow.
“I’m afraid this is urgent Mr Barnes,” Bucky let out a sigh, brushing his now short hair back as he rubbed his eye. He was frustrated that he was deprived of sleep.
“Tin man you have 5 minutes to suit up!” Sam yelled into the phone. This had awoken Bucky, as Sam’s voice was laced with urgency. “It’s a possible Level 7 threat.”
At this news, Bucky quickly suited up. For a while now, Bucky had been dealing with Level 3-5, nothing major. Drug cartels, human trafficking and the threat of a new emergence of a disease from some wacko with an IQ of 250, is what Bucky had dealt with.
But level 7? Level 7 is a worldwide threat. The ‘world is at stake’ threat. It deals with crazy aliens from outer space, gods who think they should rule earth and robots who believe in the extinction of mankind.
Bucky quickly ran out of his room in the new San Fransisco Avenger’s tower and bolted towards the office where they usually talk battle strategies and threats. When Bucky had finally made it, Wanda, Bruce, Sam and Peter were already there.
“Now that Bucky is here, let us begin,” Sam spoke with the leadership quality that had been bestowed to him when Steve had given him the shield. “Just a minute ago, our radars detected strange weather patterns, high energy readings and a great deal of movement from civilians. Bruce and I then proceeded to look at what’s going on with satellite images.”
Live footage started playing. Bucky squinted as he saw a man in a pumpkin head, fighting with a 2-foot rabbit, an old man in a red suit, a very short man in green clothing and women in a short white dress who had wings attached to her back.
“Who are they?” Wanda spoke confusedly as she watched on. The pumpkin-headed man was shooting flames at the four individuals as civilians were desperately running away, looking for shelter.
“We don’t know,” Bruce spoke, folding his arms up. “But we shouldn’t take chances. We have a quinjet set up outside to take us to New York. We will have to arrest them and take them into questioning. Be prepared. We don’t know them. They could have powers beyond belief. We are going in blind.”
“Wait a minute,” Peter spoke, his eyes widening in realisation. “Don’t you guys get it!”
“Get what?” Sam spoke, looking at the screen to the five individuals. The women with the arrow flew up, flinging an arrow towards the pumpkin man who just used his fire to disintegrate the incoming threat.
“The old man! In a red suit! Who’s making snow!” Peter yelled, getting up from his seat. “That’s Santa! And the two-foot rabbit is the Easter bunny! Guys, everyone in this video is part of some holiday.”
“Peter you are way too imaginative for your own good,” Sam spoke, making Peter slowly back down to his seat. Sam looked back at the screen at the old man with the red suit. “You’re trying to tell me this man goes around the whole world once a year while fighting a pumpkin for the rest of the 364 days he has off?”
“I don’t know Sam, the kid’s onto something,” Wanda spoke to Sam. “I mean, aliens flying in from outer space? Magical stones? Greek gods our mothers used to read to us when we were kids? Is it hard to believe that the tales of Santa and the Easter Bunny didn’t have some truth behind it?”
Bucky’s eyes fell back onto the screen when your face had popped up. He watched as you flew and landed gracefully on two feet before trying to successfully land an arrow on the man attacking you.
His mind was on a whirlpool as he couldn’t decipher how one can be this beautiful, this elegant. You were a beauty beyond compare and your face was one that Bucky will remember for the rest of his life.
“Cupid,” Bucky whispered to himself, making all the Avengers turn towards him. He shook his head, before looking at Sam. “She’s Cupid. She’s got the blonde hair and Roman clothing. She’s got wings and her choice of weaponary are arrows-“
“And she’s hot!” Peter chimes in, but instantly quitened down as everyone started at him. His face went red as he looked down at his hands. “Sorry. Continue Mr Barnes.”
“When she shoots her arrows and it lands on the dude shooting fire, it doesn’t kill him or even cause him pain for that matter. But it does make him less inclined to kill her. And what is a Cupid’s known activity? To shoot people with arrows and trigger attraction between people,” Bucky finished before looking back at the screen. “Peter, as annoying he is, might be right about this.”
“Well whoever they are we have to arrest them,” Sam spoke, grabbing the remote to turn off the screen. “So we’re leaving now. Wanda, you’re going up against Pumpkin head and Santa Clause. Peter, you’re going up against the large rabbit and Bucky you’ll go after Miss Universe while I go take on the Mr Cabbage patch kid. Bruce, you come in if things go out of hand.”
Bruce nodded before all of the Avengers stood up, ready to leave to room and fight a battle in New York. Bucky remained in his seat, smiling at Sam. Sam looked at him confusedly as all the Avengers left the room but him. “Why are you smiling at me like that?”
“Oh nothing,” Bucky teased, getting up from his seat before giving Sam a light punch on the arm. “Great job today Captain America.”
Sam smiled to himself as Bucky had left the room. He had a serious weight on his shoulder after being given the Mantle from Steve himself. He had faced a lot of criticism and racism from the public and the higher rank officials. But one things for sure. Sam was glad he had Bucky through all of it.
He was just hoping this mission goes smoothly and he doesn’t fail. That the Avenger’s don’t fail.
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S.Experiments (M)
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➾ pairing: min yoongi x oc
➾ genre: step sibling, smut
➾ word count: 3k
➾ summary: It started from innocent curiousity. “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”
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chapter two:
Two weeks has passed since that anatomy lesson and Yoongi and Soo Jin has been spending time as usual. It didn’t change their relationship and they were still hanging out all the time, going to movies after school, sleeping in one another’s room if one of them were too tired to go back to their own room after binge watching variety shows episodes etc. They even talk about that day as a joke now, calling it Yoongi and Soo Jin’s anatomy class.
Yoongi really thought that anatomy lesson was going to be the last and only until Soo Jin prove him wrong when she barges into his room at 1 am on a Friday night. She woke the sleeping Yoongi and somehow lure him into the same exact situation, telling him it’s anatomy class time and there’s a few things she’s curious of today and wanted to try with him and he can’t say no because she stole his hard disk that contains all the songs he produces while he was showering this afternoon and if he said no she’s going to throw it to the school pool. 
Honestly, she didn’t even need to threaten him anymore to give in to this anatomy lesson because even though Yoongi looks like he absolutely hates this idea, he's actually pretty curious about what she wanted to try today. But yeah, he’s going to play along and act as if he’s doing this only because he doesn’t want his precious hard disk 5 feet underwater.
“Okay so first, today my friends told me that guy’s nipples are really sensitive and I wanted to know if it’s true.” Soo Jin said as she pulls her pants down, revealing her cotton pink panties that has a brown cartoon bear head in the front. 
The room lamp was off and the only light illuminating was the nightstand lamp on the either side of Yoongi’s bed but it was bright enough for Yoongi to see Soo Jin clearly. Yoongi lift his brow at the sight, judging her unsexy choice of panties “Seriously? How old are you? Ten?”
“Shut up you’re one to talk when you’re wearing a dragon ball boxer.” Soo Jin roll her eyes and she heard Yoongi saying something like ‘dragon ball is cool’ but he shut up as soon as she took her panties off and Soo Jin swore she saw Yoongi’s Adam apple bob. 
Next, she’s urging him to lift his shirt before pulling down his boxers and Soo Jin was surprised to find Yoongi rock solid down below. “What? Don’t judge me, it’s natural reaction.” Yoongi muttered. Can she blame him though? He’s still a teenager after all and his body is going to react. 
“I’m not judging you idiot, I’m impressed.” Soo Jin cooed in awe as she felt the same thrill and excitement she felt two weeks ago. She pushes Yoongi so he’s laying completely down on his bed and he look at her with anticipation. Honestly, he didn’t know either if a guy’s nipple is sensitive or not, he never really plays with his own nipple.
He stares at Soo Jin as she sat beside him looking unsure what to do. “Aren’t you going to do anything?” Yoongi ask and Soo Jin hesitantly brought her thumb to rub on Yoongi’s left nipple and a weird feeling wash over Yoongi. His eyebrows knit together but he wasn’t moaning or anything. 
“How does it feel?” Soo Jin bit her lips, her other thumb was rubbing on his right nipple now and Yoongi felt both his nipple growing stiffer than it was before. “I don’t know?”
Soo Jin huff as she kept rubbing, “Seriously? Just tell me how you feel.” Yoongi shook his head in confusion, “I don’t know? It’s ticklish but I don’t know?” All Yoongi knows is that it wasn’t his cup of tea but he didn’t understand how to interpret the feeling. His dick was still rock-hard thought. Soo Jin let out a frustrated sigh at Yoongi’s not so helpful description.
“Can you be more specific? Is it good? How does it feel to have your nipples rubbed by someone?” She had stopped rubbing by now and she had her arms crossed. Eun Ji had told her how the guys she slept with had really sensitive nipples and how guys’ nips were sensitive in general but obviously it’s not the case for Yoongi right now. 
“Look how about you feel it for yourself because I can’t explain to you the feeling.” Yoongi said without thinking as he sat up and he watch as Soo Jin’s eyes light up in realization. Yoongi’s eyes widen when he realizes what he just suggested. 
Fuckkk he’s putting fuel to fire.
Honestly tonight he was only planning to let her see his dick again and yeah, he was also down to just stare at her pretty pussy for a while and then kick Soo Jin back to her room so he can jerk off before going back to sleep. 
But now he accidentally offers to play with her nipples and Soo Jin’s already taking her Pajamas shirt off and he can see her bra that has little brown bear head pattern on it and even though it’s the most unsexy bra Yoongi have ever seen he’s still so excited and there was no way he would back out from this.
Still, when Soo Jin actually unclasped her bra, Yoongi’s eyes automatically closes before he can see what’s underneath. 
“Omg stop being such a chicken Yoongi. You’re my best friend and we’re just experimenting.” Soo Jin whine as she plop down on the bed in the same position Yoongi was in a few minutes ago. Yoongi felt her tug on his arms and Yoongi try to assure himself that yeaaaahh they’re just experimenting and this is totally normal. They’re best friends and they promised to always help out each other. Inlcuding this...right?
“You’ve seen my pussy anyway. Boobs are nothing, stupid.” Soo Jin mumbled and that’s all Yoongi needed to hear before he opens his eyes. He was greeted with the sight of a naked Soo Jin laying down on his bed with her A size boobs exposed and her pink nipples all perky and Yoongi almost groan at how hot he thought she looks like even thought her boobs isn’t big but he still finds it so hot? It was the first real boobs Yoongi have ever seen and it’s right in front of him. 
Holy fuck there’s really a naked girl laying on his bed and Yoongi didn’t know how he can function normally now without getting a random boner if he sees his bed.
A part of him is screaming this naked girl is your step sister though bro but a part of him is also screaming back it’s STEP sister bro and Yoongi is literally having an inner turmoil but before he can think of backing out, Soo Jin took his hands and put it on her right boobs and Yoongi couldn’t hold back the grunt he let out. He was touching a real breast.
“Isn’t it soft?” Soo Jin giggle as she felt Yoongi squish her right boob and she watch as Yoongi’s mouth gape open. “Yeah it’s so soft…” His dick was leaking precum again by now and he can feel it drip down his length. “Can you rub my nipples now so I’ll know what you felt back then?” Soo Jin cooed and Yoongi gave her a nod as he began rubbing her right nipple with his right hands. Soo Jin gasp when she felt the sensation washes over her. 
A moan slips out of her mouth and Yoongi bit his lips. “Is it good?” Yoongi mutter as his left hand began playing with her left boobs and another moan slip pass Soo Jin’s lips. “Y-yes.”
Yeah, she had tried rubbing on her own nipple before but having another person touch her nipples? Yeah this is a whole another sensation.
“How can you not like this?” Soo Jin gasp as she enjoyed the feeling of Yoongi’s thumb on her nipples. Yoongi could feel the tips growing stiffer and he thought it was one of the hottest thing ever how her nipples were so damn sensitive.
 “Well I guess it’s different for each person.” Yoongi mumble absentmindedly, too focus on rubbing in attempt to get another moan out of her. He loved how responsive she was.
Soo Jin had her eyes closed by now, she could feel wetness pooling down below and her legs parted unconsciously. “Fuck you’re leaking.” Yoongi groan at the sight of Soo Jin with her legs spread out, clear liquid was seeping out of her tiny hole. 
A million dirty things flash through Yoongi’s mind and he had to momentarily stop his actions and remind himself that he’s only here to rub on her nipples for a minute, fulfill his weirdo best friend’s curiosity and that’s it. Nothing more nothing less.
“Alright we’re done here.” Yoongi stop all his action and stood up from the bed to find his boxer, he didn’t think he’ll still be sane enough to not do anything dumb if he was to keep playing this game with her for another minute. Soo Jin was still laying in his bed, cheeks red and eyes hazy from how turn on she was. 
“Come on I still have a few things I’m curious about.” Soo Jin pouted as she takes Yoongi’s arm to pull him back to the bed. She’s giving him the puppy eyes and Yoongi could only curse at this situation mentally because goddamn this situation is so tempting and he’s just a hormonal sixteen years old boy. But no, he’s not giving in and he’s just going to sleep this horny feeling off.
“Nah we’re done here. I want to sleep so dress up and get back to your room Soo Jin.” Yoongi retorted, putting on his boxers before he slips in his oversize t-shirt. He watches as Soo Jin give him another puppy eye look, her lower lips protruding in a cute way from the pout she did.
“But you don’t even need to do anything for the next thing, just lay down like my experiment bunny.” Soo Jin begged, poking on Yoongi who had lay down on his bed with his left arms covering his eyes as he try to sleep. 
When silence greeted her and she was sure that Yoongi was going to keep ignoring her, Soo Jin decided to put on her t-shirt and panties on before plopping down to Yoongi’s bed. It was getting a bit cold and she thought she didn’t need to be totally naked for her next experiment.
“Yoongi.” Soo Jin whisper to Yoongi’s ears and all Yoongi can think off is damn she just won’t quit trying huh. He’s still trying to fake sleep or at least trying to actually sleep but it’s proving to be difficult when Soo Jin kept whispering his name on his ears and poking his neck. 
It only takes a minute of Soo Jin persisting whispering to make the sleeping boy crack. “WHAT.” Yoongi finally snap, sitting up on the bed and giving Soo Jin a death glare. Instead of being offended, Soo Jin burst into a giggle “Aren’t you curious what I wanted to do next?”
“No.” Yoongi was lying to himself. Honestly while he was pretending to sleep he was wondering what were those things she said she wanted to try next. But she didn’t need to know that.
“Okay so just imagine you’re a bolster and all you need to do is stay still.” Soo Jin started, pushing Yoongi back to lay on his bed and Yoongi decided it wasn’t that bad so he’ll follow through with his best friend’s plan if that means she’ll stop pestering him afterwards. 
But he wasn’t prepared for the shock of his life when Soo Jin suddenly went on top of him and sat right down on his hard on so their crotch sat snugly against each other. 
“What the fuck are you doing!” Yoongi grunt and he didn’t even have time to realize what’s going on because Soo Jin is already moving back and forth on top of him and making their privates rub against each other. Moan spilled from both of their lips and Yoongi didn’t even have the strength to push her away because the pleasure coursing through the lower part of his body is intense and unlike anything he has ever felt before. 
“T-they said this is called dry humping.” Soo Jin moan out, closing her eyes and biting her lips when she felt her clit rub against the tip of Yoongi’s shaft. He was only in his boxers and she was only using her panties and the material only added to the delicious friction. Her friends weren’t lying when they told her how good it was going to feel because Soo Jin could feel her wetness seeping through her panties and she was sure there’s a wet patch on her panties by now.
Meanwhile the poor boy below her is having the biggest conflict in his life. He had his head thrown back, eyes close shut in pleasure and his lips were parted as a couple string of curses slip past his lips. 
Both of his hands were gripping tight on Soo Jin’s waist. The feeling of Soo Jin rubbing herself on him felt beyond amazing, but a part of him knew this is wrong, so he musters up the last common sense he has on his brain and choke out a soft, “W-we shouldn’t be doing t-this...”
“S-shut up Yoongi. I told you just imagine you’re my bolster.” Soo Jin pant out, refusing to stop herself from sliding back and forth against Yoongi. She was panting hard above him, hands clutching onto the shirt on Yoongi’s chest and Yoongi swore he wasn’t going to last long at all. Her assuring words had managed to calm him down and Yoongi decided that fuck it I’m her bolster.
“I-i’m going to cum.” Yoongi choke out, bucking his hips up when he felt the familiar whirlpool of pleasure in his stomach that indicates his incoming orgasm. The sight of her on top of him, the feeling on his dick and the moans that past by her lips, it was too much. 
“Wait don’t cum yet, give me a minute.” Soo Jin whine, a long moan followed afterwards as she slumped down to bury her head against Yoongi’s neck, hips still moving. “Fuck, you’re asking for a lot.” Yoongi groan, right hand pressed on her ass to help her rock her hips while his left-hand circle her small frame. 
“Ngghh...I’m almost t-there.” Soo Jin huff and Yoongi never felt more relief to hear that because frankly, he didn’t know how much longer he can hold it.
A few more strokes of Soo Jin’s covered slit against Yoongi’s swollen erection is all it takes for him to slip past his breaking point and he’s crying out “F-fuck, Soo Jin i’m cumming. I’m sorry.” Soo Jin squeal when she felt Yoongi’s dick twitching under her and a few second later he’s arching his back and holding her still against him while he’s trashing his hips upwards. He’s chanting Soo Jin’s name as he rides through his orgasm.
Ropes of hot white semen burst from his engorged tip, wetting his boxers and leaving a dark big spot on it. Then as if Yoongi realize something, he’s shoving Soo Jin aside away from his dick and into the spot beside him. “Shit get away from my wet boxers or you might get pregnant.” Yoongi look beyond fuck up, his entire face a rosy red as he pants loudly as if he just ran an entire marathon.
Meanwhile Soo Jin is pissed af because she still hasn’t cum and she had felt how flaccid Yoongi’s dick was after he came and now she’s left hanging. She’s horny and pissed, not a good combination. 
“Are you serious! I only needed a few more seconds Yoongi!!!” Soo Jin whine, glaring at the boy beside her who's still panting and breathing loudly with his eyes closed. She gave his arms a shove in annoyance and Yoongi finally open up his eyes, looking at Soo Jin with a sheepish smile. "I'm sorry just give me like 20 minutes and I think I can get it up again."
Soo Jin’s mouth gape open, “Twenty minutes?! I’ll be dry and turn off by then!” Soo Jin cry out and Yoongi can only give her an apologetic look. Soo Jin roll her eyes and decided to take her panties off to show him how soaked she was and also partly because she was a tiny bit scared her panties had touched Yoongi’s wet boxers and somehow, she might get pregnant?
“Look you left me hanging Yoongi, it’s unfair so you better do something about this.” Soo Jin pull Yoongi’s head to look at her pussy and the boy’s mouth gape open in amazement at how wet she was. 
“You’re soaked.” Yoongi gulp, eyeing her swollen clit and her labia that has gotten a tiny bit puffier. “W-what do you want me to do?” Yoongi croak out, head spinning from wondering what she’s going to ask him to do. He didn’t want to do anything she didn’t tell him too.
Soo Jin’s cheeks heats up, she didn’t have this one plan out. She thought she was going to cum from the dry humping she wanted to try today but that didn’t go as planned. Her eyes widen when she remembered how her friend had said that getting your clit rubbed by someone else feels better than masturbating on your own. Maybe she can test that out today.
“Rub my clit with your fingers.” Soo Jin pull Yoongi’s hand towards her and Yoongi almost choked. They’ve never had direct contact with each other’s genitals before. For Yoongi that seems like it’s crossing the line. 
“Aren’t we going too far?” He bit his lip as he hesitates. The dry humping, he can pretend he’s a bolster, the nipple rubs he can assure himself that it was quick and only to fulfill her curiosity, but actually rubbing her to orgasm?
“What’s the difference with you massaging me? You’re just massaging me in a different area.” Soo Jin roll her eyes, parting her legs wider. At the sight of her pretty soaked pussy, Yoongi’s inner conscious was screaming Yeah, she’s right what’s the difference with a massage? You both give each other massages all the time it’s no big deal Yoongi. It’s just a massage.
RiGhT iT’s jUsT a MaSsAgE yOoNgI.
“Alright.” Yoongi nod, “Just a rub at the clit, nothing more. It’s like I’m giving you a massage.”
Soo Jin broke into a grin, excited that Yoongi finally gave in. Her fingers were clutching onto his sheets, the room suddenly feeling like it’s warmer. She watches as Yoongi experimentally dip his pointer finger and middle finger on her slit, grunting when he felt how wet she was. 
She couldn’t hold back the soft moan that slip pass her lips when she felt the first touch of his finger against her most sensitive region. Yoongi’s mind was going absolutely bonkers and he’s thinking wow i'm touching a vagina. There was no going back now and Yoongi might as well just finish what he started.
Her moans grew louder when Yoongi dip his fingers again, this time rubbing the wetness to gather on his fingers before he swipes up to rub on her swollen clit. “Y-yoongi.” Soo Jin gasped, throwing her head back as her body arches from the pleasure. She’ve masturbated a lot of times before, but the feeling of someone else touching her, it’s a whole different level.
“Is it good?” Yoongi lick his lips, he was getting turn on from this and even his dick was getting harder. Soo Jin could only nod, her eyes closing in pleasure as Yoongi kept rubbing his fingers against her clit. 
Her breathing was becoming uneven and she was letting out sounds she didn’t even know she can make. “Shh… Keep it down. Mom and dad might hear you.” Yoongi whisper out. He was enjoying the sounds she made but the sane part of his brain reminded him that their parents are sleeping in the same floor.
“It’s ngghhh…too good.” Soo Jin whimper out, one of her hands clutching tightly into Yoongi’s shirt. Her back kept arching and Yoongi slip his left hand under her to hold her back. Yoongi’s right hand was going loco down there rubbing her clit like a mad man. 
He swore his hands were going to get cramps, so he was thankful when Soo Jin moan out that she was going to cum soon. Soft squelching sounds and heavy breathing resonates the room. Yoongi felt her swollen labia puckering and her clit was a deep shade of red and engorged. 
Soo Jin thrash left and right, eyes closed and head thrown back, calling out Yoongi’s name softly and a lot of don’t stop as she felt her orgasm coming. He’s assuring her with yeah I’m not stopping, never and it only took a few more rub after that for an earth shattering orgasm to wash over Soo Jin and the young girl is almost sobbing in pleasure.
“Feels good?” He’s still rubbing her softly, letting her ride out her orgasm until she clutches his hands to stop him from overstimulating her. “Oh god…Amazing.” Soo Jin pant, chest going up and down. A thin sheen of sweat covered her forehead, her cheeks were pink and she literally look glowing.
“I’ve never came this hard before.” Soo Jin admitted before she’s pointing towards her crotch where her cum was leaking out of her hole. The clear sticky liquid trickle down the bed, wetting Yoongi’s sheets and forming a small dark grey circle. 
Two seconds glimpse of her wet pussy and Yoongi’s immediately standing up to the toilet. 
He’s splashing cold water on his face and boner after he washes his hands. Trying to not think about how ready Soo Jin’s pussy looks and reminding himself that massage time is over now. When he came back from the toilet she’s all dressed up in his bed and she gave him a sheepish giggle, “I’m sorry I made your bed dirty.”
Yoongi nod curtly, plopping down beside her and closing his eyes as if he’s sleeping. “Yeah nothing new, you drop food on my bed all the time anyway. Now go back to your room because massage time is over sis.” He heard her chuckle as she stood up from his bed, greeting him a goodnight my bro~ If I have more things I want to test out I’m coming to you before she dashes out of his room like nothing happen.
Yoongi finally open his eyes when he heard his door closes with a loud thump. If not for the actual stain on his bed and the obvious scent of pussy on his sheets, he might think all of that was just some wet dream because she was gone as fast as she came. 
What the hell has he got himself into?
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hellas-himself · 4 years
More Than Enough
Remember that self indulgent crack ship holiday fic I was writing about Cassian and Feyre? And how I couldn’t seem to mix the past with the present? 
It’s a fic now. Still in the same AU just like... the year before. Leading up to the cheesy ass nonsense it is now. Originally it was going to be angsty at first but I think we have enough of that in our real life. If you haven’t read the crackship holidays featuring these two dumbasses, start here or on AO3.
Also. I promise all my other fics are not being abandoned. 
I’ve had a playlist to listen to when writing them but it is so incredibly inappropriate if you understand spanish. and i haven’t made it onto spotify yet. But this song reminded me of them and that’s where the title comes from. Which is funny because Alina is who i put beside Toni Mafud as Rhys and Feyre whenever fan casts come up. ANYWAY. 
Let’s follow Feyre as she thirsts after her best friend. 
I blame it on the music.
Cassian lost his shirt about half an hour ago and is doing pull ups. The garage door is open, letting in the cold winter air. My fingers are cold but I don’t like wearing gloves when sketching. I had been working on hands and eyes but once he tossed his shirt… It’s not like I’ve never seen Cassian without a shirt on before. Between him and his brothers, they seem to always find an excuse to not wear one. But the difference is I don’t find myself daydreaming about what it would be like to run my fingers down their backs.
It’s definitely the music.
Even if I didn’t understand the words, the beat itself is way too sensual to not be about anything else but sex. But the lyrics and Cassian’s sweaty, half naked body mixed with the fact that I haven’t had sex in months is probably the worst mix. I am not supposed to be imagining sleeping with my best friend.
I clear my throat, startling Valo who was falling asleep at my feet.
“Sorry, baby, I need a drink.”
I set my sketch book and pencil down on the crate beside my chair.
“Would you get me a drink, bunny?” Cas breathes out and my face flushes all the more. I didn’t need another detail to this stupid daydream.
“Yeah,” I squeak and head into the house. I already know his post workout drink recipe by heart. I drink ice cold water while the blender is going.
Cassian is suspended in the air, holding his entire body parallel to the floor with his hands. Goddamn him. He drops his head back so that he’s looking at me upside down and he smiles.
“I love you,” he says and I roll my eyes.
“I’ll love you more if you don’t bust your ass.”
He chuckles and just to drive the nail in the coffin that is my desire to be the reason he’s making noises like that, he slowly lowers his body and resumes his pull ups. I set his cup on the table where he has his tools and go back to sit down.
Cassian drops down and walks over to his mat to do his cool down stretches. A new song comes on and the words are so filthy that I find myself staring at him. His tattoos. My ex-boyfriend had always believed I was into Cassian- and I wasn’t. But I wasn’t blind and I’ve been at his house almost every single day since Thanksgiving- he is always without a shirt.
It’s just the music.
“Plan on drawing me?” Cassian asks and I blink. I look away from his tattooed chest and to his face. He is smirking. Shit.
“Uh. Yeah. What better way to do anatomy studies than with a living reference?”
“Anatomy, huh?”
He flashes me a grin before he walks over to the table for his drink.
“Hey, what do you want for dinner?”
His question distracts me from looking at his ass.
“Uh, whatever you want… I’m not really craving anything.” Except you. I sigh and cover my face with my hands and lean over. I need a cold shower.
“Hey… You alright?” he asks softly.
I nod and slowly sit upright.
“I’m just… I’m fine. I promise.”
He doesn’t believe me but he walks over to grab his speaker.
“I love this song,” he says and starts to sing along to it as he gratefully goes back into the house.  
Cassian meets me in the living room now dressed in a white tee and grey sweatpants. He lifts both my legs up so that he can sit down. This is normal. I always use his lap to rest my legs.
“I ordered Greek, I hope you don’t mind.”
“I told you, I’m not craving anything except-”
Fuck my entire life. Cassian raises a brow and I toss him the remote.
“Why don’t we finish your show so then we can watch my movie?”
This pacifies him and thankfully, his stupid show is so violent and bloody that all thoughts of fucking my best friend fade from my mind.
Our annual Christmas party is tonight and I’ve found an outfit. It is the kind of outfit Tamlin would have told me not to wear. It’s blood red and insanely inappropriate for winter with its spaghetti straps and super low neckline. Mor says it’s the perfect thing to wear after a break up and just the thought of all the pictures we’ll take with me and Cassian together makes me believe it.
I hang the dress up in the closet of Cassian’s bedroom. The heels are set beside his dress shoes and I can’t help but think about his reaction. Of dancing with him all night and coming back here and-
“I’m in the closet!”
I hear him chuckle. 
“Shut up,” I call out and walk into the bedroom to find him pulling off his shirt. I feel my face go hot.
“I’m going to shower… do you want me to use the other bathroom?” 
“What? No, this is your house,” I say far more casually than I feel. “Besides, we’ve got time, we can share.” 
I want to punch myself in the face. Cassian starts to grin. 
“The shower might be a little too small for the both of us but I’m sure we could find a way to-”
Cassian laughs when I smack his arm. 
“Not exactly where I like being spanked but I’ll take it.”
“Oh my god, Cassian.”
He laughs and disappears into the bathroom. I force myself to leave the room when I hear the water.  
Cassian walks into the kitchen in nothing but a towel, his hair wet, water dripping down his chest. He walks over and takes the sandwich from my hands.
“Fuck, we’re out of beer,” he mutters as he opens the fridge. I grab the second sandwich I made, expecting him to steal from my plate and force my gaze up. On his stupidly gorgeous face.
“I can go get some,” I say but he shakes his head and walks over to take my cup of iced tea.
“Are you cool with us taking a cab tonight?”
“Uh, yeah. I guess.” 
Cassian drinks from my cup and sets it down before pinching my cheek. 
“It’ll just be you and me,” he says softly. “So don’t worry about it.”
I blush at this and Cassian kisses my forehead. 
“I’m gonna go get dressed. Thanks for the snack,” he says with a wink and walks away.
I keep my makeup rather muted; lip gloss and the usual winged liner. Nude eyeshadow. Cassian picked out the highlight and I have to admit, he chose well. My hair isn’t going to get any better, so I leave it in loose waves rather than the curls I’d wanted. I’ll leave that to Mor. I feel nervous, this is the first time since the breakup that I’m going out with all of our friends but Cassian will be there, and that’s enough to ease my nerves. Almost.  
“Our ride is here,” Cas says as he walks into his bedroom. He stops and just stares. I approach him and hold out my ID card and debit card, needing to ignore the way his attention has me feeling.
“I don’t have pockets.”
“What?” He blinks and looks down at my hand. He laughs and pulls his wallet out. “You only need your ID.”
“Maybe so,” I say and reach out to smooth down the collar of his shirt while he puts my cards away. I remember my lip gloss and put it in his back pocket, giving him a wink.
Cassian holds my hand when we go outside, helping me down the steps and the driveway. It’s a regular occurrence, but I blush when he opens the door for me. And when he slides an arm around my shoulders when he sits down beside me. We take a bunch of pictures and call Cassian’s parents to check on Val- as if we hadn’t seen him an hour ago. 
When we get to the club, Cassian holds my hand as we walk inside. Cassian and the boys are all friends with the owner, so we get to skip the line.
“Where are we going?” I ask as Cassian leads us up to the VIP lounge.
“Meeting up with Rhys.”
“What’s he doing up here?”
Cassian chuckles. “You know Rhys never passes a chance to be extra as fuck.”
I can’t argue with that.
Upstairs, Cassian helps me out of my coat. His fingers brush my skin and my mind takes a swan dive into the gutter.
“What do you say to a few drinks before we go downstairs?” he asks as he takes my hand. The bouncer outside the lounge acknowledges us with a nod.
“Yeah, I could use it.”
Cassian flashes me a grin and then opens the door.
“SURPRISE!” Everyone shouts and I find all of our friends standing under a Happy Birthday banner.
I am at a loss for words and Cassian laughs, bringing me further into the room. I’d completely forgotten about my birthday, I hadn’t cared enough to even think that anyone else would. But Elain is here with Az. So is Rhys and Lucien, Amren, Varian. Viv and Kallias, too. I’m separated from Cassian as I’m hugged and kissed by everyone. I realize Tarquin and Cresseida are here as well. Rhys is the one who breaks open the first bottle and we all stand around the little table to take shots.
“There is a cake,” Elain says as she hands me another shot. “But that’s later.”
She winks at me and shouts for Azriel.
“That’s my favorite song!” she exclaims and her husband happily ditches his brothers to go out and dance with his wife.
Lucien and Rhys pull me in for another hug as the others begin to trail down to the dance floor.
“You look good enough to eat,” Lucien mumbles and I laugh.
“Don’t tell me you’re already drunk, Luce.”
“We may have pregamed at the house,” Rhys admits. “But we took an uber! It’s okay.”
I roll my eyes.
“You both suck. I’m going to go find me two other cute boys to dance with. Boys who would have invited me to pregame with them and no amount of flirting is going to fix that.”
They begin to whine and I laugh, holding onto Rhysand’s forearms as they keep me caged between them.
“Alright! You win!” I say with a laugh and look over to find Cassian looking my way. He smiles.
I want to ask him to dance but Mor pulls him away before I can open my mouth.
We drink and dance and drink and dance and drink some more. I feel light headed and everything makes me laugh. But I haven’t danced with Cassian yet and that’s enough to dampen the mood. I push my way through the crowd until I find Cassian at the bar. I take the empty barstool beside him and sit down. I order myself a margarita before turning to face him.
“And where have you been all night?” I ask and Cassian smirks.
“Enjoying the night,” he says and takes a sip of his drink.
“Without me?”
I don’t understand the look in his eyes as he takes a sip of his drink. He sets the glass down and leans forward. I didn’t really understand just how short this dress was until he lays his hand on my thigh. If I turn my chair completely, if he moves his hand just an inch more…
“Yes,” he says and kisses me cheek. “But I think I’m about to enjoy it more now.”
“Why?” I manage to say. Cassian’s hand brushes my thigh as he sits upright.
“I’m about to go dance with my best friend.”
“Are you now?”
My drink is set before me and I grab it, chugging it down as Cassian slides off his chair. He turns mine so that I’m facing him completely and puts his hands on my hips.
“If she says yes, of course.”
I finish the last of my drink and set down the glass.
“When have I ever said no to you?”
Cassian grins.
I have danced with Cassian many times. At parties, at the beach, at clubs and bars and festivals. At his parents’ house. I should be used to the feeling of his body against mine, of his hands on me while we dance but not like this. I want nothing more than to take him back up to the lounge and push him down on the sofa or go find an empty bathroom stall.
But I don’t.
Birthday cake and alcohol isn’t the best mix, but I haven’t felt this alive in months. My face hurts from laughing, from smiling. My vision is spotty from all the pictures we’ve taken but I don’t care. Everything is right in the world.
“My feet hurt,” I complain and sit on Cassian’s lap.
“Want me to rub your feet?”
I shake my head and lean into him.
“No. Not until I’m showered.”
He laughs. “Okay.”
I sigh when he wraps his arms around me. He is so warm and smells so good, I want to stay this way forever.
“I think the birthday girl is done for the night,” Rhys says teasingly and I realize I was dozing off. I look up to see Rhys standing there with a stupid smirk on his face.
“Fuck you,” I say and curl up in Cassian’s arms. I feel his hand holding my dress down from showing everyone else my ass.
“Tempting,” Rhys says and then shoves his hands in his pockets. “But I think I’ll pass.”
I don’t think much of the look Rhys gives Cassian in favor of playing with his hair. I take way too much satisfaction in the knowledge that not everyone gets to do this, and that he enjoys it. Cassian seems to win whatever silent staring contest he and Rhys were having and Rhys rolls his eyes and goes after his boyfriend.
“You’re making me sleepy, bunny.”
“Good thing we’re going home together then,” I say before my mind catches up. But Cassian only chuckles and hugs me a little closer.
Cassian and I are a laughing mess as we stumble into the house. I lean on him to step out of my heels and he laughs as I shrug off my coat and toss it at him. We’re both trying to catch our breath, and I swat his hand away when he tries to tickle me again.
“I’m taking a shower,” I breathe out and walk off but he stops me.
“Wait,” he says and I turn to find him smiling.
“Happy birthday,” he says softly and pulls me in for a hug. “I promise I’ll make you breakfast in the morning.”
“Hm… you really know the way to a girl’s heart, Cas.”
He pinches my side and I yelp.
“Go shower,” he says and kisses the top of my head.
“I won’t be long.”
My shower is clumsy and not at all relaxing. My feet hurt. So I put lotion on my body and grab the bottle of perfume that is on the dresser, except it’s not perfume but cologne. I shrug and put on Cassian’s Nirvana tee shirt and double check I actually have underwear on before I go looking for him.
“Cas?” The house is dark save for the light coming from his room. “My feet fucking hurt.”
He says something but I don’t understand it. His room is open and I step inside, finding him lying on his bed. He’s got basketball shorts on and his hair is loose.
“Bunny!” he says as if he hadn’t seen me all day. “I almost busted my ass in the shower.”
“Me, too.” I say with a laugh. “Maybe we should’ve showered together. It would’ve been safer that way.”
“I like the way you think, Archeron.”
He holds his hand out to me and when I’m close enough, he pulls me into bed with him. “You smell good.”
I snort. “I smell like you.”
I swat his arm but he ignores it, putting his arms around me.
“My feet hurt,” I complain, hoping he’ll make good on his promise.
“Just stay here,” he says simply.
My heart stops and starts too fast.
“Like… sleep here?” I ask too quietly.
“Mhm.” He goes quiet for a moment and then groans. “I forgot to turn the light off.”
“I can do it,” I say.
“No… Stay here.”
He goes quiet once more, and I let myself relax. We haven’t shared a bed since we were kids, playing video games until Adela would force us to go to bed. I smile at the thought and rest my head against his chest.
“Goodnight, Cas,” I say quietly, my eyes getting heavy.
“Goodnight, bunny,” he says and lets me go to stretch. Then he wraps his arms around me again and moves us so that we’re on our sides. He presses a kiss to my forehead and I close my eyes, letting the warmth of him lull me to sleep.
@mythicaitt @bookloveaffair @nalgenewhore @candid-confetti 
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bettydice · 4 years
(Planning the Day) To Meet You
Wangxian, Modern AU, Slow Burn, E-Rated
Chapter 2
  Tuesday, First Day with Wei Wuxian
The books Wei Wuxian has spread out over the table are all about veterinary medicine. Lan Wangji pictures Wei Wuxian working as a vet and the image of Wei Wuxian holding up a bunny to his face makes his heart skip a beat. He wants to ask Wei Wuxian whether he’s actually studying to become a vet to confirm his daydream, but he doesn’t.
As soon as Lan Wangi closes his laptop, because it is time for lunch (and it is already later than usual because he’s been having an argument with himself about whether he should ask Wei Wuxian to join him), Wei Wuxian rushes to give him back his pen, stuffs his books haphazardly into his bag (Lan Wangji cringes) and then stands up to leave, before Lan Wangji gets the chance to say anything.
“You’re so right, Lan Zhan, it is time to go. I already stayed longer than planned. Thank you for sharing your pen and your table with me!”
Lan Wangji can only nod and watch as he leaves.
He had hoped saying “I’m going to have lunch outside” would have prompted Wei Wuxian to invite himself, but now he missed his chance to test this theory. He wonders whether he’ll ever see Wei Wuxian again.
The pen is still warm in his hand.
Lan Wangji arrives at his usual time. He tries not to expect anything. It is a rare occasion that anyone approaches his table, so waiting for the same person to appear twice is a hopeless endeavour. Yet he catches himself looking up any time he hears the slightest noise, hoping it will turn into footsteps approaching.
No matter how hard he tries, his concentration stays elusive today. He has to read the chapter on “Music in the Tang Dynasty: Foreign Influences” three times before it registers in his brain and by then he has forgotten what information he was looking for and has to start all over again. Maybe this is a sign that he should not include it in his paper; he should be trying to narrow down his topic anyway, not be adding more to it. “Music And Poetry of the Tang Dynasty” is indeed way too broad a topic for a 20-page research paper. So far, Lan Wangji has read 16 books and filled 35 pages with notes. And now, when he needs his brain the most, it abandons him.
Wei Wuxian arrives at 11:25 a.m. and distracts Lan Wangji from his inner struggle. Wei Wuxian seems almost surprised to see Lan Wangji and for a while he just stands and stares at him, blinking. He appears to have no books with him today.
“Lan Zhan, you’re here again! Ah, I didn’t really think you would be, haha. Well, I’m just… just wanted to say hello, I suppose.”
Wei Wuxian shakes his head then, as if to clear his mind, laughs, comes closer and leans against the table, basically sitting on it. Lan Wangji has to tip his head back a little to look into Wei Wuxian’s face and it is like staring straight into the sun.
“Are you here often then?"
“Not Sunday.”
“... soooo, you’re here every day but Sunday?”
“I see! How nice, Lan Zhan, you’re such a diligent student, your professors must like you a lot. You probably don’t get scolded like me, haha. Well, I suppose I’ll see you around then. Tomorrow? What day is it tomorrow? Let me think, today Wen Ning made congee for breakfast, which means it is Wednesday... okay, I will meet you tomorrow! Thursday!”
Tomorrow. Wei Wuxian will meet him tomorrow. He’ll be here, because Lan Wangji is here.
Lan Wangji only sees Wei Wuxian for five minutes today, but he is in a good mood for the rest of the day.
Apparently it shows on his face, because his brother mentions it during dinner. Lan Wangji doesn’t say more except that he had a good day at the library, which is not a lie. Xichen smiles and nods in the way he does, whenever he knows that Wangji isn’t telling him everything, but he won’t push. He never pushes.
Only when he is lying in bed, almost falling asleep, does a tiny, niggling worry appear at the back of his mind. Who is Wen Ning? Why is he cooking for Wei Wuxian? Friend? Flatmate? Cousin? Boyfriend? He is glad that Wei Wuxian gets proper meals one way or another and is not just simply eating prawn chips all day. But…
Maybe Xichen is right. Maybe his life is boring and lonely after all if his thoughts are so easily taken over by a stranger, simply because they keep smiling at him.
Thursday, Third Day with Wei Wuxian
Wei Wuxian shows up at 10:30 a.m. Today, he brought books but this time, as far as Lan Wangji can tell, they’re mostly about Hong Kong Cinema. Alright. Interesting.
Lan Wangji cannot muster the nerve to ask him whether he wants to have lunch together, but he also doesn’t want Wei Wuxian to get up and leave as soon as he closes his laptop again, so he… ignores his hungry stomach and keeps working.
Wei Wuxian leaves at 12:30 p.m. Lan Wangji thus has a very late lunch. His stomach is not happy but the rest of him is.
When he leaves the library at 4:30 p.m., someone calls his name as he walks by the lawn in front of the university. This is unprecedented. He whips his head around to see Wei Wuxian among the frolicking students, sitting next to… Nie Huaisang? He does not know what to do with the information that someone he knows also knows Wei Wuxian. At least that means that Wei Wuxian is not just a creation of his mind, but a real, wonderful person.
Wei Wuxian is wearing shorts and flip flops, and Lan Wangji’s brain insists that this is something he should take note of. He tries to argue with his brain that surely Wei Wuxian must have been wearing the same thing this morning and it hadn’t been a problem then, but his brain once again refuses to listen. Wei Wuxian has his hair in a high ponytail instead of a bun, stray hairs escaping still and his legs are crossed and bare and he looks carefree and is waving at Lan Wangji as though he’s happy to see him.
“Lan Wangji! Lan Zhan!”
Lan Wangji slowly approaches them, sees Nie Huaisang looking from Wei Wuxian to Lan Wangji with undisguised curiosity - undoubtedly wondering how and why he calls him ‘Lan Zhan’ - and then stands next to them, giving a curt nod as a greeting.
“Nice to see you, Lan Wangji. It’s been a while.”
“Likewise, Nie Huaisang.”
“You two know each other? Huaisang, how can you know someone like Lan Zhan and not tell me? Were you keeping him to yourself? How rude, how rude! Lan Zhan, come sit down and enjoy the sun with us!”
Lan Wangji does not sit down on the grass. It is not something he does; also he’s wearing white trousers. Wei Wuxian pouts while Nie Huaisang stares at him as though he has lost his mind for asking Lan Wangji to sit with them.
Despite feeling a bit stuffy in his clothes ever since he left the air-conditioned library, he now feels a cold chill run up his spine. Unrooted anxiety squeezes his heart and he nods again, turns around and briskly leaves, ignoring Wei Wuxian’s concerned “Lan Zhan? Are you okay?” and Nie Huaisang’s “I can’t believe you know Lan Wangji, call him Lan Zhan and just asked him to sit down on the grass” . He does not hear Wei Wuxian’s reply.
Friday, Fourth Day with Wei Wuxian
Despite Lan Wangji’s worries that he hopelessly embarrassed himself yesterday, Wei Wuxian shows up again at 10:30 a.m. and does not mention anything, nor does he act any differently.
This time, he brings only one book. “Equine Anatomy”. And then he begins to… draw. Really well. Lan Wangji has given up on trying to deduce what Wei Wuxian studies. Maybe he’s not a student at all, maybe he just sneaks into the library to read books on any topic that catches his eye. Whatever the reason, he is glad that Wei Wuxian spends time here, at this table.
At 11:30 a.m. Lan Wangji loudly declares “Lunch”, closes his laptop, stands up, and stares at Wei Wuxian for almost 20 seconds until he recognizes it for the invitation it was.
Lan Wangji eats his carefully cut up and packed vegetables and fruits and drinks his green tea. Wei Wuxian eats his prawn chips and drinks a coffee that he got from the frankly sketchy looking vending machine in the foyer of the library. Lan Wangji has never seen anyone else use it and is sure that it’s more likely to give you lasting bowel issues than to provide you with a tasty beverage. Wei Wuxian takes one sip and then says “Disgusting. Just what I need right now.”
Lan Wangji learns a lot about Wei Wuxian during lunch, because now there is no “no talking in the library” to hold him back and Lan Wangji is gifted with almost twenty minutes of Uninterrupted Wei Wuxian Talking Time.
Things he learns about Wei Wuxian during these twenty minutes:
Wei Wuxian studies Computer Sciences. Lan Wangji has trouble making sense of that, after the hodgepodge of books Wei Wuxian has been reading. He has yet to see Wei Wuxian with anything resembling a computer.
Wei Wuxian is 24, just like Lan Wangji. But he’s still busy with his BA, because he had to take a break last year for reasons Lan Wangji doesn’t know yet.
Wei Wuxian moves his hands a lot when he’s talking. Lan Wangji has to move his head a few times so he doesn’t get hit in the face.
Nie Huaisang and Wei Wuxian know each other from school. Apparently they used to call each other the The Three Drunken Masters (they were really into Jackie Chan movies back then) and ‘Jiang Cheng’ was also a part of that. As soon as he says that name, Wei Wuxian’s face, that is always so very expressive, turns blank, as though he’s very consciously trying not to show any emotion.
Twenty minutes of Uninterrupted Wei Wuxian Talking Time is not enough.
Saturday, Wei Wuxian-less
Wei Wuxian does not come to the library on the weekend. He had told Lan Wangji this. Lan Wangji still finds himself disappointed.
He spends a lot of time not thinking about his paper and instead thinking about Monday.
Sunday, Wei Wuxian-less
It is a Sunday and Lan Wangji’s inner peace is in serious trouble. No matter what he does, all his thoughts are drawn to Wei Wuxian. It is as though Wei Wuxian visited his flat while he was asleep and left his traces everywhere. Sweetness that lingers in the air and enters his mind with every breath.
While he makes breakfast, he wonders how Wei Wuxian might eat his. Does he eat breakfast at all or does he skip it? Does he eat congee every day or only when ‘Wen Ning’ makes it for him? Perhaps he’s the type to only drink coffee. He frowns at the thought. Lan Wangji does not have a coffee maker. Maybe it is time to buy one. Then he frowns again when he realises what he is doing here. There is no reason to assume that Wei Wuxian would ever share breakfast with him, especially not here, in his flat.
He decides to distract himself with reading and grabs the first book that catches his eye. It turns out to be a collection of love poetry that Nie Huaisang had given him once because “I would never dare to give you porn, so this is the next best thing”. Lan Wangji had long given up on understanding Huaisang’s logic and just accepted the gift instead of arguing.
He reads the first few poems with burning ears and realises quickly that this is… not the euphemism-heavy fare he’s expected. The verses are brimming with melancholy and speak of separation and longing. Of lovers that parted, lovers that never were.
Not… a good distraction.
He slams the book shut, forgets all about good posture and lets himself fall against the back of his couch, basically slouching, and stares at the ceiling.
Frustration mounts in him that apparently he has built his peace and happiness on such a fragile foundation that everything collapses as soon as he is slightly shaken.
Wei Wuxian hasn’t even done anything. All he did was sit down at his table, talk and smile, instead of turning around and walking away at the first sight of Lan Wangji’s frown. Has he really been lonely all this time and is now retroactively having a crisis about it, because he was finally made aware of it?
He’s always been aware of the fact that there’s one corner of his heart that has been cold and deserted ever since his mother died. No matter how much warmth he’d found in his brother’s smile, in a soft bunny paw on his hand, in bringing order to the chaos of history… It had never reached this furthest corner of his heart.
How could it be possible that he’d find it in this stranger from the library?
Wei Wuxian. Wei Wuxian. Wei Ying. Wei Wuxian.
Lan Wangji goes to the gym and tries to outrun his thoughts on the treadmill. He mostly succeeds.
Monday, Fifth Day with Wei Ying
Lan Wangji wakes up with a hard cock and an itchy heart. A dream, there was a dream… he tries to recall, but the morning sun chases all remains of the night away and the dream dissipates with them.
He decides to postpone his morning exercise until the evening and takes a shower to take care of himself. Even in this, Lan Wangji has a routine, knows how to satisfy himself in five minutes or less.
He takes himself in hand and quickly strokes himself to hardness, focusing on how he feels , instead of getting lost in specific images or fantasies.
Except this time, it’s not enough. His heart still itches with… something. He grips his cock harder, lavishes extra attention on the sensitive head, twists his hand on every other upstroke… There’s still something missing.
Then, a thought. “What if it was someone else’s hand.”
Then. “What if it was Wei Wuxian’s hand.”
Then. “What if Wei Ying was with me in the shower.”
Ah, he can imagine it so well, so easily.
Wei Ying naked, pressed against Lan Wangji’s back, his arms holding him, one hand splayed over his chest, one hand stroking his cock. He’d be just tall enough to whisper into Lan Wangji’s ear, breath hot against his skin.
“Mhm, Lan Zhan, look at you. So hard in my hand… you’re already close and we’ve barely just begun. So impatient. Lan Zhan, pretty Lan Zhan, this is all just for me, isn’t it?”
“Only for Wei Ying.”
Wei Ying strokes him faster, teasingly dips a finger into his slit and then squeezes, just how he likes it. Hot pleasure travels up his spine, coils deep in his stomach. Lan Wangji lets Wei Ying take over, lets him do whatever he wants.
He feels Wei Ying press kisses against his shoulder, his fingers playing with his cock as freely as with his pen.
It feels so good, Wei Ying feels so good and he wants…
Lan Wangji has Wei Ying pressed against the wall and he’s kissing him, kissing his lips, his neck, that collarbone and Wei Ying is laughing, loud and carefree and…
Lan Wangji comes so hard that he slips and only barely avoids falling and suffering a head injury that would be really difficult to explain.
Pressing his head against the cool tiles, he closes his eyes and breathes hard until he comes back to himself.
He cleans himself (and also has to clean the shower door, he’s embarrassed to notice), finishes his bathroom routine, gets dressed and then stares at himself in the mirror.
His heart is not itchy anymore but now it’s filled with dread. He feels as though… It’s not guilt, not exactly but he feels as though he has crossed boundaries that he only realised existed, once he’s looking back. It is one thing to fantasize about someone he finds attractive… but Lan Wangji went beyond that, didn’t he? He put words into Wei Wuxian’s mouth, words he’d never say but that he wants to hear and…
It is not a thing he can ask permission for, the thought alone makes him anxious… “Wei Wuxian, I would like to pleasure myself to thoughts of you and in my fantasies you talk a lot and you’re my boyfriend because casual sex is not appealing to me. Do I have your approval? Also, what do you eat for breakfast, I really want to know.”
He wants to stay home today and hide under his blanket, because he’s sure that people will look at his face and know.
However, his wish to see Wei Ying… Wei Wuxian … is larger than his not-quite-guilt.
If Wei Wuxian was successful in reading his face and now knows his indecent shower secrets, he does not mention it. They spend their time at the library as usual. Lan Wangji marvels at this thought - now it is their time and they have a rhythm . (Wei Wuxian’s choice of reading today is: Artificial Intelligence. The first thing that could actually have something to do with Computer Sciences. No computer in sight yet.)
He tries to not think about this morning and hopes he’s able to find a good medium between Not Looking At Wei Wuxian Because He’ll Know and Looking At Wei Wuxian A Lot Because He Is Beautiful.
When Wei Wuxian leaves shortly after lunch, he feels exhausted. Lan Wangji never takes naps, Lans do not nap (one of Lan Qiren’s weirder rules, he’d been very strict about it nonetheless) but he could really use one right now.
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sun-summoning · 5 years
Hi! Sorry to bother you, but I was wondering what happened to the fic the grad fad? I loved it but I can't seem to find it on FF. Thank you! :)
you know what i read this and had a moment of “wtf is the grad fad” followed by “it sounds SO FAMILIAR” then i looked through stuff on my computer and found a doc with that title that was last updated in 2013 and thought “oh god that’s when i graduated university wtf was this fic about???” i assume i deleted it off ffn back in the day bc i knew i’d never finish it.
anyway here’s all that i found:
Note: This is my last year of university and I’m actually quite sad, so this is mostly for my lawlz. But I promise I will have a plot.Warning(s): AU, going by my own university’s calendar Pairings: SasuSaku, NaruInoDisclaimer: I do not own Naruto.
SEPTEMBERi need a place to live
“Can I live with you?”
Sakura needed a home.
She was luckier than most people with her parents living just an hour and a half’s commute away from Konoha University, but she would rather pay rent every month than go through the two trains and two buses and twenty minute walk she spent her entire freshman year dealing with. She spent her second and third years living with Tenten, but that recently-graduated, totally lame, Judas loser decided to take the Next Step in her Relationship and Move In with her boyfriend, hence Sakura’s problem.
Sakura was homeless. Sort of.
Karin only raised an eyebrow at her before eyeing her one-bedroom apartment. There was a solarium, yes, but those doors were see-through and offered no privacy. “Seriously?”
But Sakura would not be moved. She nodded eagerly. “Honestly, I’d be down for a closet. Please? Lend me that room?”
And so that was that.
Except it wasn’t.
It worked well enough, Sakura supposed. At the beginning, that is, when Sakura was still enjoying the remaining bits of frosh week and the constant keggers going on. On the first week of class—when all that happened was syllabi-reading and maybe an introductory lab or two that Sakura didn’t need—there were Mojito Mondays and Because I Freaking Feel Like it Tuesdays to go along with the traditional Thirsty Thursdays. For the first week of class, Sakura mostly came home to her glass room at Karin’s home in a lovely state of drunk or delirious.
But then she started coming home sober.
Second week struck and so did its readings upon readings upon readings. Sakura scrambled from the KU Bookstore to the shop for cheaper used books a few blocks away from the university where all the hipsters lived. She would then go to the printing press on the other side of the city for that course pack, and then to another printing press on the other side of the city for another course pack. Then she would settle down in the library with a chai tea latte and lemon poppy seed muffin and shut off her phone and get her readings done.
(Not that anyone was texting her, of course. Ino was basically ignoring the world and Naruto still felt like it was move-in time and Sakura knew for a fact he had a keg at his house and Sasuke and her basically didn’t talk unless they were forced to.)
In her second week of September, Sakura would come home extremely late, with aching shoulders and arms full of books.
In her second week of September, all Sakura would want to come home to was a cozy bed and ugly bunny slippers and Netflix. Instead, she came home to Karin’s bra on the sneakers Sakura left by the door and the beautifully permanent sight of Karin and Shikamaru doing the deed on the couch.
Sakura just sighed. “Guys, like, I eat my breakfast on that couch!”
They barely noticed her before Karin let out a squeak and they casually moved their canoodling over to her bedroom.
“Seriously?!” Sakura yelled, dropping her book bag and mourning the sight of the beloved Lazy Boy, forever tainted by Shikamaru’s naked ass, cute as it may have been.
Sakura plopped down on the carpet, sitting right in front of the recliner.
This wasn’t going to work.
“Can I live with you?”
Sakura twitched when she got no response. Ino had been like this all summer. She was in I’m-taking-my-LSAT-therefore-nothing-exists-but-these-LSAT-notes mode and essentially drowning everyone and everything. There was no time for double fisting the red sangria and the white sangria at Red Room after a long day of class, nor was there time to listen to Sakura propose potential research paper topics. Ino had quit her job and her social life in favour of studying, studying, studying.
Ino had a pretty swanky place, actually – for a studio apartment, that is. But it was surprisingly large for a kitchen-living-room-bedroom hybrid monster. It even had a balcony!
“Yo! Blondie!”
Finally, Ino looked up. “What was that, Sakura?”
Sakura pouted.
They were at the coffee shop near the Bio labs on the west end of campus. Ino had only agreed to Sakura’s invitation when Sakura offered to buy her sleepless friend some coffee. Apparently the implied “you’ll have to listen to me when I speak” part of that deal went unnoticed, however. Great.
“Can I live with you?” Sakura repeated.
Ino didn’t miss a beat. “No.”
“What?” Sakura couldn’t help it. Her jaw literally dropped. She was ready to prepare some grand speech about friendship and bonds and love and all that jazz that Naruto would have been super proud of, but Ino waved her hand – granted, she looked more like she was trying to swat away some irritating bug.
“Sakura,” she said flatly, “consider the size of my apartment.”
“It’s fun-sized,” Sakura reasoned. “Super fun-sized.”
“But I’m homeless!”
“You live like an hour away—”
“—you’ll manage.”
“But I’m homeless!” Sakura repeated pathetically, hoping that if she pouted Ino might have been moved.
But that was not the case. Ino’s eyes were already back on her binder of notes for her LSAT studying. “Nope.”
“You’re a heartless, wretched beast,” Sakura said. She gathered her things and made sure to grab the caramel macchiato she spent a grand four dollars on for some traitor. She stuck her tongue out when Ino let out an indignant cry for having her coffee stolen. “Sorry, I don’t buy drinks for jerks!”
“Just commute, you lazy baby!”
“Can I live with you?”
Naruto didn’t look even remotely surprised to see Sakura on his front porch with a bright pink gym bag full of her clothes and a backpack that looked ready to burst at the seams. And he didn’t even want to think about how heavy that other bag pulling at her left arm was, considering all the textbooks sticking out of it.
Like the good friend he was, Naruto grabbed the bag of books and the bag of clothes.
“Come on,” he said, moving to the side so she could enter the house.
“You’re the best, Naruto!”
“Yeah, yeah…”
Sakura had been to Naruto’s place many times. It was a house in the so-called “student ghetto” just off of campus with an open-concept main floor and a fair number of bedrooms. If Sakura remembered correctly, Naruto had the big room in the basement, Suigetsu called dibs on the attic, and Sasuke and Shikamaru had rooms on the second-level. But now that Neji had moved in with Tenten—
“Am I getting Neji’s old room?” Sakura asked.
Naruto nodded, guiding her up the stairs even though she already knew where to go. “Yeah, I figured you’d be here eventually.”
“What?” Sakura felt tears spring in her eyes. She couldn’t help it. She was tired and stressed and her shoulders were killing her. “You saved a room for me?” She was in awe of how sweet he was.
But Naruto just shrugged and looked away. Sakura saw the way his cheeks reddened though. “It’s not a big deal. We just didn’t bother looking for another guy. I had a feeling things wouldn’t work out at Karin’s when Shikamaru basically stopped coming home all of first week…”
Sakura still tackled him into a hug, forcing him to drop her bags. She pulled away and smiled. “You are literally the best, did you know that?”
He grinned back. “Obviously.” But a thought came to mind and his smile waned. “Um… there’s just one thing…”
“Yeah?” Sakura was too busy marvelling at the fact that her new room came with walls (and a bed and drawers and a closet and even a calendar) to notice his frown. “Don’t worry about rent. I got my job at the registrar’s office again so I’m good.”
“It’s not that.”
Sakura finally looked at him. “What is it?” She suddenly looked equally as frantic. “Oh.”
“Are you okay with living with your ex?”
“I figured.”
“Meh.” Sakura shrugged. She took her bag from Naruto and opened it up to beginning the process of moving in all over again. “I’m kind of homeless, so I’ll make due. And you know how I am during school. I basically just live at campus during the year.”
Naruto laughed and ruffled her hair. “Don’t worry,” he told her, “we just have one more year of this crap, right?”
Sakura glanced at the calendar and nodded.
“Just one more year.”
OCTOBERi need reference letters
So it was October.
October came to mean a lot of things to Naruto: midterms, essays, Thanksgiving a.k.a. Turkey Day, pumpkin spice everything, breaking out the awesome orange scarf Sakura knitted for him years ago, pretty leaves, and so much more.
Now the boys didn’t usually maintain their house unless someone was coming to visit. Fine, the tiny front lawn would see a mowing every other week or so, and the backyard was only managed if there was going to be a party. And then the inside was divided that every man would take care of his own place, the kitchen would always be cleaned by whoever made whatever mess, and the bathroom would go through a weekly cycle of sorts. But things like the broom and the vacuum were only broken out for special occasions.
In the living room, Sakura was sketching silly outfits on the bare bodies in her anatomy textbook in lieu of studying, while Naruto made his own efforts to procrastinate pretty obvious as he made a tower of all the novels and plays and poetry anthologies he had to read for the semester. So far, his stack was balancing at a rather noteworthy twenty-two. Shikamaru, on the other hand, was making paper balls with his notes and throwing them at Naruto’s tower.
They all looked up at Suigetsu’s frantic shout.
“What is it?” Sakura asked. She had the grace to look annoyed by the interruption to her ‘hard work.’
“Sasuke’s mom is here!”
Immediately, Naruto and Shikamaru rose, their eyes wide and their arms near flailing. Sakura raised an eyebrow when Naruto shrieked. His book tower had fallen over when he stood up so fast.
“Clean that up!” Suigetsu yelled, pointing.
Naruto anxiously did so by pushing all of the books under the couch. At the same time, Shikamaru was taking all the randomly strewn about mugs and plates and – oh god – beer bottles and hiding them in the video game drawer. Suigetsu was keeping a careful eye on the driveway from the window by the stairs.
Sakura could only frown. “What are you guys doing?”
“Sasuke’s mom is here,” Shikamaru pointed out.
Sakura looked at the boys like they were idiots and, for the most part, they returned the look. Suigetsu finally sighed. “Sakura, have you ever seen Sasuke’s mom?”
“Yes,” she said. “In fact, I—”
Naruto shushed her. “Sakura, haven’t you heard? Sasuke’s mom has got it going on!”
Sakura did not look amused, but that didn’t stop Naruto and the other boys from opening the door and yelling their hellos. They all ignored Sasuke’s knowing glare as they took his bags from him and all warmly greeted the lovely Mikoto Uchiha. They exchanged pleasantries and thanked Mikoto wholeheartedly when she graced them with a whole turkey for the house – her little Thanksgiving present to them.
“Oh, Mrs. Uchiha, you didn’t have to do that,” Suigetsu told her sweetly.
But the older woman just smiled and waved the matter off. “Oh, but you boys need to be properly fed!”
Sakura could only pray she had that kind of decency when she was older and sending her son off to live with his fellow cavemen. Sakura eyed Mikoto Uchiha’s beautiful cashmere sweater and her form fitting skirt and could actually kind of understand why her friends were all salivating like dogs. She suddenly felt incredibly insecure in her yoga pants and the sweater she ninety percent belonged to Shikamaru. God, she was such a mess, Sakura realized. At least she wasn’t wearing her UGGs…
“Sakura Haruno, is that you!”
Sakura blinked. “Huh?”
Finally, the boys got out of the way and Mikoto rushed over and hugged her. “Oh, darling!” Mikoto let go enough to look Sakura over and frown disapprovingly. “You’ve lost weight!” she pointed out gravely. “Why haven’t you been eating, missy? This better not be over some stupid boy, because let me tell you—”
Sakura flushed. “Nope!” she interrupted. “I just…” Sakura laughed awkwardly and took a step away from Mikoto. “I just, um, have been busy and haven’t really been sleeping properly…”
Mikoto immediately turned around to face the boys. “And why haven’t you all been making sure Sakura is eating correctly? Hm? Shikamaru? You’re the responsible one!”
Shikamaru froze for a moment with the attention on him. “Um.” He chuckled. “Well, I haven’t really been around either, Mrs. Uchiha. But I’ll definitely make sure our little Sakura eats three square meals a day.”
“Yes, you better!” Mikoto took her turkey out of Naruto’s hands and deposited it into Sakura’s despite the blond’s protests. She winked at Sakura. “Eat up, sweetie.”
Sakura smiled. “Thank you.”
Mikoto gave her son one last kiss on the cheek before saying her goodbyes to everyone. When she was finally gone, Naruto let out a low whistle and made some flattering but inappropriate comment that led to Sasuke punching him in the stomach and stomping away. Still wincing, Naruto hurriedly stole the turkey away from Sakura and brought it to the kitchen.
That was one last thing October meant to Naruto: Mikoto Uchiha sending over a whole turkey for their little house of broke students.
But the gesture of turkey-giving didn’t arouse the same happy feelings in Sakura. As Suigetsu thoughtfully took a bag of Sasuke’s on his way upstairs, Shikamaru volunteered to walk Mikoto to her car, and Naruto took the turkey for some “alone time,” Sakura went back to her anatomy textbook and suddenly felt incredibly lonely.
Sakura had spent Thanksgiving dinner with the Uchiha family once, back when she and Sasuke were still together. She got along with them all to the point that Mikoto would literally text Sakura at least every other day just to make sure she was okay or to talk. Ino thought that was weird, but Sakura justified things with that Ino had never been in a real relationship – not one that included bonding with your partner’s parent. And when Sasuke dumped Sakura, Mikoto immediately asked Sakura if she was okay. But Sakura soon began to distance herself from the woman, mostly out of propriety, and seeing her in person today made her feel horrible.
Sighing, Sakura picked up her mug of sangria and whined when she realized it was empty. She grudgingly went to the kitchen and took the bottle out of the fridge. After a moment of consideration, she decided to learn from past mistakes and drink from the bottle and skip the mug.
“Well done,” she told herself after a sip.
“Sakura, it’s ten in the morning.”
She joked and spun around. Sasuke was leaning against the counter with a cup of tea and judgemental frown.
“Um.” Sakura lowered the bottle and reconsidered her mug. “Hey.”
He then took an economics textbook out of his backpack and went over to the couch, sitting beside her scrawled dresses and flower hats. She cringed, but he didn’t seem to notice her doodles. Sakura slowly made her way back to her book and sat as close to the edge as she could, at this point gulping down the sangria.
Seriously? Sakura thought. That was how he wanted to go about things? He wanted to ignore what happened three weeks ago that essentially set the shroud of awkward that hung over them whenever they saw each other in the kitchen or the hall or the living room?! What the actual fu—
When the silence became too much for her to concentrate in, she turned to Sasuke and found him already looking at her.
“How was your break?” she asked. Granted, KU didn’t really offer a “break” so much as one single day.
“What did you do?”
“Helped my mom cook,” Sasuke said.
Sakura grinned. “Since when do you cook?”
“Excuse you, but if I recall correctly, I’m not the one who set off the smoke alarm from boiling water.” Her eyes widened and he smirked.
“THAT WAS ONE TIME!” Still blushing, she kicked him, but he only grabbed her ankle to steady her. “Hmph. Well, what did you cook?”
“Mashed potatoes.”
Sakura raised an eyebrow. “Oh, and that’s just such a feat. Look at you Top Chef Wonder.” She giggled at her own not particularly funny joke and told herself it was way too early in the day to already be tipsy. But from what she could remember, Sasuke actually was a great cook. “Is that all you made?” she continued.
“I made a pie, too, actually,” he said. Then he pushed her leg off his lap and went back to the kitchen. The bounce of her foot on the cushion was what made her realize the Sasuke had actually been drawing nonsensical things on her calf andandand—
No. No, she told herself. This. Is not. Allowed.
Finally, he came back with a Tupperware and a fork, handing them to her.
“What is this?” she asked, drawing her legs in and sitting up straight.
“Pie,” he repeated. “I made pumpkin pie. It’s Itachi’s favourite and I remembered that it’s yours too so I brought a slice back for you.” Sasuke shrugged and all but buried himself in his economics textbook.
Sakura smiled at the gesture. “Thank you,” she mumbled, poking at the pie.
He glanced at her but saw her focused on the dessert. “You’re welcome,” he replied into his book.
And after finishing the slice, Sakura picked up her own book. The two sat on the couch for a few hours simply reading in a comfortable silence.
October also came to mean sucking up. October meant heading over to office hours (even the ones that started at 9AM) and making an impression and getting on your professor’s good side so that at the end of the semester, when they were determining Naruto’s participation grade, they would remember his bright hair and bright clothes at each and every lecture.
But this year, their final year, meant going to office hours would no longer just be about proposing separate essay topics or clarifying anything said in class.
This year meant reference letters.
Reference letters for grad school.
But those also meant office hours, which, with Naruto’s luck, meant 9AM with Dr. Kakashi Hatake – which actually kind of sort of meant 10AM considering the man was always late…
Still, that was early considering said hours were on a Friday.
“Let’s move, lazyass!”
“But I’m tired,” Naruto whined, lagging behind Sakura. “Can’t we just be death eaters?”
“Or we can just be homeless,” he pointed out. They were on their way to the Humanities Building where Sakura was going solely as Naruto’s moral support while he asked for letters of recommendation. Naruto Uzumaki was going to graduate school, but… well, he was sort of too much of a wimp to approach his favourite professors alone. Likewise, Naruto may or may not have treated her to slash bribed her with a delicious lemon poppy seed muffin and chai tea latte for breakfast.
“I have worked too hard all these years to be homeless,” Sakura said between sips of her drink.
“Fine, not homeless, per se.” Nevertheless, Naruto continued along to the Humanities Building. He stopped the oblivious Sakura from walking into the doors, knowing that for whatever annoying reason, the automatic doors weren’t so automatic. He knew. He may or may not have walked into said doors before…
“We can live in a box,” Naruto told her with a wink.
She rolled her eyes. “Just ask for your letters, Naruto.”
“I don’t know what to say!” But they were already in the elevator.
“You say ‘Hey, Kakashi, I really want to come back to KU for another year to do more readings and write more papers and lead more seminars yada yada yada.’ He’ll love it.” The sad thing was that Sakura wasn’t joking. She’d had Dr. Hatake in her first-year “Literature for our Time” course with Naruto and from her own visits and talks with the man, she’d come to know what he was like.
And well… Naruto looked like he was considering.
“Do you honestly think that would work?”
“I have full faith.”
She genuinely did.
Sakura herself had been going with the more formal approach of: “Dr. Whatever, would you be willing to write me a positive letter recommendation for X Med School?” Most of her professors were very familiar with her and her study habits and her amazing work, so Sakura didn’t actually need to put the operative “positive” in her requests, but it didn’t hurt to stay safe.
But with a professor like Kakashi, things would work out fine for Naruto.
They stood outside of Kakashi’s office and Sakura gave Naruto a pat on the back. “Do you have any idea what you’d want to research though?”
Naruto nodded. “Gothic literature!” he told her eagerly, looking ready to actually tell her more. “I’d like to look at the late eighteenth century and then maybe at the revival of Gothic literature in contemporary times. I mean, Gothic work is just so prevalent nowadays and—”
“Don’t tell me this stuff,” Sakura interrupted. She pointed to Kakashi’s open door. “Tell him!”
“Oh, right…” Naruto laughed awkwardly. “Okay. I can do this.”
“You can do this.”
“I can!”
“You can!”
“…I CAN’T.”
Fed up, Sakura pushed him into Kakashi’s office.
“Okay, so that went better than expected.”
Sakura rolled her eyes. “I told you.”
“Yeah, I know…” Naruto shrugged. “The entire asking-thing is just… nerve-wracking, I suppose.”
The two were at one of their favourite off campus haunts that served Sakura’s favourite sangria and made some of the greatest ramen Naruto had ever tasted. Sure, it was only noon, but it was never to early for wine and whining – at least, that was Sakura’s philosophy. And well, it had served her well for the past three years so…
Besides, it was Friday. Why not get nice and day drunk?
“So what schools are you applying to?” she asked Naruto.
“KU, of course,” Naruto listed through a grimace. “But… I don’t think I’ll get in. KU is so evil, Sakura-chan!”
She nodded. “Oh, I know.” While completing an undergraduate degree at KU was a magical feat in their humble opinions, to complete one and be accepted into the university’s graduate programs would be hard considering the CGPAs most KU students usually escaped with. While Sakura knew she wouldn’t have any problems, she did know that Naruto might. “Where else?”
“Not sure.”
Sakura raised an eyebrow. “What? Naruto, don’t just apply to one grad school if you’re set on doing your Master’s!”
“You don’t think I can get in?”
Sakura sighed. “It’s not like that,” she said, “it’s just that these are competitive programs. You should at least apply to more than one. I mean, what would you do if you didn’t get into KU?”
“…become a death eater?”
“You are so—so—” She sighed again and finished off her sangria. She poured another glass and sipped on that. “You’re like Ino.”
“What? I don’t like Ino!”
“Huh?” Sakura laughed. “No, I said you’re like her, not that you like her. That’d be weird.” In her semi-drunken state that was starting to become Sakura’s default state, she missed the red on Naruto’s cheeks.
“Well, how is Ino, anyway? I haven’t seen we had that kegger in September.” Both of them cringed, remembering their own personal awkward mistakes from that night. Naruto made a face. “Yeah. Ino.”
But Sakura snorted. “Who’s Ino? Oh! Did you mean Ino, the girl who’s apparently my bestie?” Sakura looked a little bit bitter. Maybe she was. Maybe she’s been in dire need of a girlfriend for the past two months but Ino hasn’t really been that great of a friend. “Yeah, she’s studying. She basically won’t have any human contact aside from lectures until she takes her LSATs in December.”
“I see.” Naruto noticed the sad look on Sakura’s face and wasn’t sure if she wanted a serious attempt at comfort or some kind of joke. “Well…” Naruto shrugged. “At least she has plans?”
“Yeah,” Sakura said with a nod. “I guess I just miss her.”
“What law schools will she apply to?”
“I DON’T EVEN KNOW THAT!” Sakura yelled. Her face crumpled and she took a long swig of her drink. “I miss her, Naruto. I know I’m being irrational and that my period is probably coming—”
“Thank you.”
“—but I mean it’s like she just doesn’t care about anyone right now!” Sakura refilled her glass and finished that in one go. Naruto subtly ordered another pitcher and Sakura continued: “I mean, I’m not trying to be clingy. I get it. She has stuff to do. But like, I’m living with Sasuke! HOW HAS SHE NOT EVEN ASKED ME IF THAT IS REMOTELY OKAY?!”
“Huh?” Naruto blinked. “I thought you said that you were okay with that… Sort of.”
“I am!”
“What?” God. Why were women so confusing?!
“I don’t care about Sasuke, Naruto!” Sakura looked at him like he was the one acting crazy. “What I’m saying is that Ino—my Ino—would have texted me the first night asking if I reacquainted myself with Sasuke, followed by an unnecessary amount of wink-faces! Current Ino responds to my text messages days late and never wants to hang out. Like I’m not even allowed to go to the library with her because she thinks I’ll distract her!”
“…you kind of are a huge distraction.” Which she was. As surprising as it was, Sakura was actually the one between the two of them that could be found not working (but still, unfairly enough, maintaining a 4.0 CGPA, so like what the hell).
Their next pitcher arrived and Sakura’s face lit up. “I’m just sad, I guess,” she admitted forlornly. “Or tired. A bit of both.” She sighed and suddenly looked a bit bashful. “I’m sorry. I’ve been ranting all this time. How are you and Sasuke doing?”
Naruto levelled her with a flat stare. “You make us sound like a couple.”
“Aren’t you?”
She giggled and Naruto let her. Mocking his “bromance” with Sasuke was always something that could make Sakura smile so he let it go. But suddenly the smile fell and she adopted a serious look. A bad serious look.
“Hey!” she yelled, grabbing his hand on the table. “Are you single?”
Naruto felt very, very uncomfortable with her hand on his. “What?”
“I have this friend,” she clarified. “She’s seen you in a lot of my photos and has probably stalked you on every possible social network. She thinks you’re really good-looking. She’s a super sweet girl and I think the two of you would hit it off really well.”
“Are you…” The words felt weird coming out of his mouth. “Are you trying to set me up?”
“No. Maybe. Yes.”
“What?” Naruto laughed at the mere idea. “What’s her name?”
“Hinata Hyuuga. Really smart, really sweet, really pretty. You’d like her.” Sakura pulled out her phone and logged into her Facebook to find the girl’s profile. She was about to show Naruto a picture but he covered the phone and placed it face-down on the table. “What?”
“I trust your judgement.”
Sakura blinked, utterly astonished. “So… you’ll go on a date with her?”
Musing over all the nothing that had been going on his life as of late, Naruto nodded. “Yeah, I’ll go on a date with her.”
NOVEMBERi need to go to sleep
November was the worst. November was when you got back your midterms or assignments, cried, rechecked said midterms or assignments, cried again, and then drowned your sorrows in your alcoholic beverage of choice.
For Naruto that was beer.
And as Naruto whined over the grade he got on the paper he wrote the morning it was due, Sakura rubbed his back with one hand and scrolled through the Recently Added section of Netflix.
“It could be worse,” Sakura said.
“How could it have been worse?” Naruto asked her, his eyes still trained on the bolded 72 at the bottom of the page.
“Naruto, a 72 by KU standards is actually pretty damn good!”
“Oh, shut up Miss 4.0. Leave me alone. Leave me to wallow in my sorrow and beer. There is nothing left for me. Alas, woe is me!”
Sasuke, on the other hand, wasn’t nearly as comforting. “Listen, dumbass. You passed. Passing is good, remember? You’re fine.”
He sat down beside Sakura, leaving her between the two boys. He handed her a mug of sangria and passed a brand new beer over to Naruto, letting him drink it between awkward whining noises that mimicked some sort of dying animal. Sakura looked ready to say some more words of consolation but Sasuke shook his head, signalling for her to stop. “Leave him be,” Sasuke said. “He’s always like this when he gets back a grade.”
“I know but…” Sakura glanced at Naruto. “He looks so pitiful.”
“I AM LITERALLY RIGHT BESIDE YOU, SAKURA-CHAN.” Naruto sat up straight, letting the blanket he’d wrapped himself in fall back a little. He stole the remote away from her and began to look through the files of movies and shows from Suigetsu’s hard drive that they had connected to the television. “My life is over.”
Sasuke rolled his eyes. “Your life isn’t over.”
“It is.”
“You’re being an idiot.”
“Listen, Princess,” Naruto hissed, now glaring at Sasuke. “Not all of us have names that all but grant entry into programs and internships and all those other pretty things.”
Sasuke took offence to that. “I still need to maintain a good GPA to get in, Naruto. My name isn’t everything.”
Naruto didn’t seem to have any proper response to go with that so he simply stood up, tightened his burrito of a blanket, and waddled away. He came back a few seconds later to grab his beer, but still gave Sasuke and Sakura one last look of contempt before leaving.
“Such a baby,” Sakura mumbled when he was gone.
ALRIGHT AND THAT IS WHERE IT ENDED. i did find this though. i assume it was supposed to be part of the november chapter, which i never finished:
“Oh,” she said, understanding his look of awkwardness. She rolled her eyes. “No, this isn’t a gift with some meaning behind it, Sasuke. I mean, you made me pie, remember? It’s not like it had some implied Sakura-you-goddess-please-take-my-unworthy-self-back between the bites, right?” When he failed to reply, Sakura only frowned before shrugging the matter off. “The point is, this is a gift for you from me, Sakura the Friend.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Friend?”
She nodded. “Well we are friends, aren’t we?” She preferred ‘friends’ to ‘two people stuck being around each other despite lingering awkwardness simply because they had way too many mutual friends.’ “Sasuke?”
“Yeah,” he eventually replied. “We’re friends.”
Sakura grinned and patted the tablet. “Then accept my gift, friend.” She winked, emphasizing the word weirdly.
“Okay, don’t ever do that again.”
and then this the outline:
December: i need to study
Go sledding at the university 
Have a snowball fight on the field 
Everyone goes out to celebrate after Ino’s LSAT and get unbelievably drunk 
Sasuke and Sakura have gotten back together, which Naruto knows but doesn’t call them on 
Goes to his house for Christmas because her parents are travelling
Ino and Naruto hang out 
NYE party at the house 
Ends with Sakura checking her KU email and realizing there is a problem with her potential graduation
January: i need another vacation
Sakura ends up being in a Jane Austen course with Naruto because she was told she needed a humanities credit
February: i need to fix my habits
Go on a road trip for Reading Week
Come home Sunday night and scramble
March: i just need to graduate
Naruto and Sakura discuss their Big Boy/Girl jobs and the likeliness of them 
Naruto reveals that he’s seriously dating Ino 
Sakura is happy for him and tells him about Sasuke 
“I know. It’s not hard to tell. Why do you think rent isn’t so bad in that house? The walls are paper thin, you bitch.”
Dread paying back student loans 
Sakura tells him she’s nervous because Sasuke is studying abroad next year whereas Sakura’s dream school is KU’s med school – will they break up again 
Doesn’t tell him she plans to backpack for the year
“Do you realize this is like… the last time?”
April: i need to get in
Acceptance letters
May: i need my damn grades
Go on another road trip to unwind
June: i need to go back
and i found this, which i think is meant to be in the january chapter:
“There is something very, very wrong with a situation if you are taking a class to bum notes off of Naruto.”
Sakura merely laughed as she spread out some sheets of paper and pretended to read them. She still had another two hours of work and she wasn’t particularly inclined to, well, work, and Tenten—the girl she shared the front desk with—didn’t really care whether she did anything or not.
“I know that sounded really bad,” Sakura said, “but I just need a Humanities credit.”
“Still!” Tenten urged, not even looking away from her computer screen. “Naruto.”
“He’s not as dumb as everyone thinks he is, you know.”
Tenten considered this before shrugging. “I suppose. He has been at KU for the past four years and is even graduating on time.”
“Exactly.” Sakura moved onto the mug of pens on her desk, testing each one to see which still had ink. “And he’s actually really good at Lit courses.”
“He should be,” Tenten replied with a snort. “I mean, that is what he’s specializing in.” Her chair squeaked when she leaned back and pushed away from her desk to roll over near Sakura. Their desk was L-shaped with each of them on one side. “What course is it again?” she asked. But being the fidgety person that she was, Tenten moved to put away some student files. She climbed onto the stool and alphabetizing. “It was something cheesy.”
“Austen and Her Contemporaries.” Sakura hadn’t gotten past her first word before Tenten burst out into giggles. She couldn’t help but smirk when another thought came to mind. “Want to know something even better?”
Tenten gave Sakura her full attention. “Um, obviously.”
“Sasuke’s taking it with us too.”
oh man.
thank you for asking about this fic because i had absolutely no recollection of it but as i read all these docs, i realized how trashy i was in undergrad. and how frightened i was of graduating! just reading this makes me remember how afraid of growing up i used to be -- of not being a student and having to get a job and running out of time. but man i’ve been so much happier since then. the fear of “running out of time” is always around but i also have lost the will to care about people and/or things as the years have gone by. 
ok sorry that totally wasn’t your question lmao. I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THE ROLLERCOASTER OF THAT OUTLINE. 
how did it end? well, everyone graduated. presumably everyone got into the post-grad programs of their dreams (although funding??). the naruto arc was totally based on me in my 4th year and his plans are NOT where my future went lmao. although to be clear, future him is definitely satisfied with where his life took him. ss and ni double dated happily ever after. maybe. probably.
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matsbarzal · 6 years
What Jack Doesn’t Know (3) - Noah Hanifin
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Notes: bet I would let Noah Hanifin get me pregnant any day... anywho here’s part 3!! also this ones got a little Noah action in it, but nothing spectacular :( next one I promise. ALSO, the end gets a kind of dramatic, and like, kind of bad? This is a trigger warning for a tiny mention of miscarriage towards the end, please don’t read if that is a trigger! 
Requested: kinda
Up next: undecided 
“Do you uh... do you um...”
“Do I know who the father is, mom?”
Shamefully nodding her head, your mom twisted her the hem of her sweater, a worried look on her face. “I do know who the father is. Before you ask, no, he doesn’t know about the baby.”
“Are you going to tell him?” 
Pursuing your lips, you shrugged your shoulders, “I don’t know... probably not? I told Jack I wasn’t going to but he thinks I should.”
“So Jack knows who it is?”
Nodding your head at your mom, you twirled the sonogram picture in your finger, eyeing the tiny speck that was slowly getting bigger and bigger. 
“Do you love him?”
Choking on the sip of water you took, you looked at her in shock. “Jesus mom, is this 20 questions? No I don't love him, we weren’t dating, obviously we forgot to use protection and now I've got a bit of an issue.”
“Noah Hanif-an, then?”
“Hanifin, mom, you’ve known him since we were 14. And possibly, yes.”
Ignoring your correction of Noah’s last name, she gestured for the sonogram in your hand. “At least my grandchild will be beautiful. He must have fantastic genetics. Have you seen him?”
Shaking your head in silent laughter at her words, you simply nodded your head, agreeing with her. 
A few moments of silence passed as the episode of Grey’s Anatomy played on the television screen.
‘Can you help me unravel my latest mistake? I don't love him, winter just wasn't my season.’
“God mom, what am I gonna do? I can’t... he can't know, this was such a mistake, I should’ve listened to Jack mom, fuck.” Tittering at the vulgar words leaving your mouth, your mom moved closer, wrapping her arm around you and pulling you towards her side as tears slipped from your eyes. 
“We’ll figure this out, baby. You’re not alone. You’ve got so many people around you, we’ll figure it out, we always have, haven't we?”
The offseason in Boston was filled with three things, parties, parties, and 4th of July parties. Or at least, thats what it usually was. The moment the beginning of June hit, and the party texts started flying in, you were able to avoid most of them, citing ‘chronic illness’, ‘babysitting’, ‘work’, and so forth as the reason why you couldn’t come.  
Those excuses became a little difficult when Jack showed up at your front door, unannounced, again. “I thought you were just avoiding Noah, not all of us. Even Auston’s worried about where the hell you’ve been, and Auston only cares about himself and his ripped jeans.” 
“I've been sick.”
“With Noahitis? You’re not even showing, the least you can do is show up at some parties and act like you don't hate everyone all of a sudden. Everyone’s blaming Noah anyways, they think he broke your heart or something. Only if they knew the truth.” 
Shoving Jack, you ignored his comment. “I don’t wanna be around a bunch of drunk hockey players and puck bunnies, Jack. It’s not healthy, what if I get shoved or something? Or if someone spikes my drink? I don’t want to fuck this thing up before it gets out of its pea-sized phase.”
Rolling his eyes, Jack plopped down on the couch beside you, pulling the duvet that was covering you over his legs. “One party, that’s all I’m asking for. I’m hosting a 4th of July party. It’ll be the only party this summer before everyone goes home and stuff, please come. A few of the girls wanna see you too.” 
The ginger pleaded with you, his attempt at puppy dog eyes just making you completely uncomfortable. “Ugh, fine. Stop making that face, it’s making you look uglier than you already are.” 
“Wow, add a bit of Noah’s genetics into your body and you’re suddenly a female him. Disgusting.”
“And you can’t see anything? It still looks completely flat?” Your mom nodded her head for the fourth time. The black and white shirt hung loose, with a small zipper at the top being the only tight part of it. Matched with a pair of black bottoms, you couldn’t deny that it outlined your curves and did not, whatsoever show your non-existent bump.
“You look the same that you looked last summer, now go, before Jack sends the mob looking for you.” 
Laughing, you grabbed your car keys from the table. Pulling the front door open, you made your way towards the car. Not being able to drink had its perks, you were able to drive yourself to and from parties, you didn’t have to worry about being an idiot, and you could leave whenever you wanted to. 
Your house was a quick ten minute drive from Jack’s, the proximity between your two houses being part of the reason why you grew up such good friends. 
Parking your car on the street outside Jack’s house, you walked towards the door, opening it, you were immediately hit with the loud voices and music pumping through the front of the house. 
“(Y/N)!” A chorus of your name went throughout the dining room, which had apparently been turned into the beer pong room, with the looks of it. Smiling and waving at a few of yours and Jack’s mutual friends, you felt yourself being tugged into the kitchen, an arm around your waist.
“My favourite girl is here! (Y/N)!” God, Jack was the most obnoxious drunk.
“You’re already off it Eichel?” 
“You’re not my mom, (Y/N), boss your own kid around.” 
Pinching his wrist, you encircled your own arm around his waist, a grin plastered across your face. You missed this. Hanging out with your drunk friends, seeing everyone so happy and enthusiastic and just living life. 
You felt a solo cup being thrust into your hand, which you tried to hand back, just for the person to reject it. A fake smile went across your lips in thanks at the other person as they yelled past you to whoever was apparently, “breaking the fucking vase, you crackhead.”
Looking towards the culprit, you made direct eye contact with Noah’s blue eyes, a large smirk overtaking his face as he caught your eye. 
“(Y/N)!” Yelling, Noah walked towards you, ignoring the person yelling about the vase he pulled you into his arms, his hands resting on your waist as he hugged you.
Awkwardly hugging him back, he pulled away and smiled down at you. “Hi, Noah.” 
“Man, I haven’t seen you in like... a month. Where’ve ya been?” 
Shrugging your shoulders at him, “Ya know... around and stuff.”
“Oh okay, whatcha drinking? Want a refill? Apparently Jack’s being a terrible host tonight.” Leading you towards the table stacked with alcohol, Noah gestured towards the multiple bottles. 
“Pick your poison, I’ll mix you a great drink. Those Swedes in Carolina have been teaching me how to make some mean Swedish drinks.”
“Oh uh... I’ll just grab a cup of sprite or coke or something.”
Looking at you weirdly, Noah shook his head. “Nah. C’mon, one drink. You always drink at these parties, you’re always the life of the party. Especially after.” 
Lowering his voice and his head for the last comment, Noah got closer to your ear. The hand that was still on your waist began gently rubbing circles against the exposed skin there. “Jack won’t know if we just... disappear, babe.”
A shudder ran through your body at the feeling of him so close, a tingle running right to your core at the images that ran through your brain. The coherent part of you shook your head, gently pulling yourself out of Noah’s arms. “We shouldn’t do that anymore, we promised Jack we wouldn’t.”
“When has that ever stopped us before, baby?” Moving closer to you again, you didn’t realize that he was cornering you into the wall until your back hit it, a soft gasp leaving your lips. 
“You should only be making that sound when you’re bouncing on me, you know that (Y/N).” 
“Noah I... I need to go to the bathroom.” Shoving past him, you ran towards the stairs, skipping each second step as you made your way upstairs and towards Jack’s ensuite bathroom. Locking the door after you entered, you turned the sink tap on cold, gently holding your sweaty hands underneath the cool water.
Your head felt like it was spinning. He always knew how to do this to you, make you want him until you were going crazy. This is exactly what got you in the predicament in the first place. Shaking it off, you moved towards the toilet, pulling your shorts down and then your panties, you didn’t notice the spot on the light blue until you were sat down. 
When you did a soft cry left your mouth. Red... everywhere. Wiping yourself revealed more of your nightmare, and more red. 
Pulling your panties and shorts back on, you rushed to wash your hands, pulling the bathroom door open to run, quite literally, into a hard chest.
“Get out of my way, Noah. I need to go.” You didn’t realize the nervous tears were flowing down your cheeks until Noah swiped one off. 
“You shouldn’t drive like this kid, what’s wrong?” 
“Noah, I really need to go, please get out of the way.” Shaking his head, Noah gestured to the keys in his hand. 
“Let me take you home, you shouldn’t drive when you’re this upset. You can even tell me what’s wrong on the way there, I won’t make any snide remarks, please?”
“I’m not going home, Noah.” You tried to push past him against, just for him to gently grab your arm. “Let me drive you wherever you’re going then.”
“Jesus, Noah. I need to go to the hospital, can you please just let me go, for fuck sakes?” 
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catalystcrisis · 6 years
Chapters: 7/? Fandom: Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dragon Age - All Media Types, Dragon Age (Video Games) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Cullen Rutherford/Original Character(s), Cullen Rutherford/Spirit Healer, City Elf | Elves/Cullen Rutherford, Cullen Rutherford/Mage(s) Characters: Cullen Rutherford, Original Female Character(s), Eve Surana, Female Trevelyan, Dorian Pavus Additional Tags: Healer, Spirit Healer, Slow Burn, Rivalmance, blood and guts and revivals oh my, Medicine, Medieval Medicine, Addiction, Drug Withdrawal, like the slowest of burns probably Summary:
"Some call the Circle a prison - that can only breed resentment. Perhaps opportunities to work outside the Circle? A mixed military service, or healers' clinics with templar support." - Cullen
This fic is his idea brought to life. Skyhold is crammed with refugees, pilgrims, an army, and a sunny Inquisitor who flings herself at Venatori and dragons with her reckless companions at her side. There is no way the Inquisition can mend itself and defeat Corypheus without a resident spirit healer.
Cullen just wishes that she were grandmotherly and doting. Not ridiculously young, mouthy, and unrepentant whenever he catches her stealing military scarves to use as bandages. And she'd better stop saying "Maker's gilded spank paddle!" or he'll shut her mouth for her.
(A big thank-you to my Discord DA fanfiction writing groups! You're all amazing and I'm so thankful for your help!)
Hello readers! Thanks for popping in. I know you want to get to the fic, so here is a quick rundown:
This fic is mainly told from a spirit healer's perspective, which means that there will be descriptions of injuries, diseases, and bodily fluids throughout the fic. It will include 'medieval medicine' which is prevalent in Thedas (ie. humorism, leeches, amputations, bloodletting, trepanning, etc.) but it will also incorporate some modern aspects of medicine, so while it may get a little jumbled, I hope it will make sense eventually. This fic isn't meant to be the most accurate history of medicine (I mean, it's Dragon Age), so please bear with my creative license. Feel free to write a comment or DM me if something is unclear!
This is a slow-burn rivalmance. Feed the flames with comments! Please?
Chapter 1: The Alienage and the Ex-Templar District
(You can read chapter 1 if you click below!)
"See here, Eve? How you can feel a rounded firmness - no, use the pads of your fingers, not the tips - there, feel it now?"
Eve held her breath against the sweet smell of rot, knowing that if Nessa spotted a shudder that she would get an earful later. Gently, she edged around the work table and obediently used her fingers to locate the lump under the patient's grimy, whiskered jaw. Just to the side of a muscle was a pea-sized spongey node.
The man hissed in pain and jerked away, cupping the side of his face so just the tip of a pointed ear stuck up above his hand. "I'm so sorry," Eve sputtered, hiding her flushing face behind her long black hair and twisting her hands behind her.
"S'alright da'len," the man muttered, trying to smile but grimacing around his swollen jaw instead. "I just need to grit and bear it."
"Hmm, well, gritting will only make the tooth rot feel worse," Nessa mused. She deftly coaxed the man's mouth open and lifted a candle to illuminate the inside of his mouth. "Eve, how can we tell that it's tooth rot and not an ear infection?"
"Umm," Eve said, trying to ignore the sounds of a spirited foot race outside. It sounded like her friends from the thieves' guild were out there racing the all the alienage children. "His tonsils and ear drums aren't swollen or red, no change in his hearing, and no pus found, thank the Maker."
"And what are the cardinal signs of a localized infection, Eve?"
Eve, who was edging to the clinic door, stopped in her tracks. "I can't remember," she muttered to the dirt floor, tamping down on the guilty twinge at the lie. She curled her bare toes, hoping Nessa would just dismiss her in exasperation.
"Tsk. I taught you better than this and Maker knows I've dragged you to see more than enough infections since you showed up at my door," Nessa said imperiously. There was an undercurrent of steel beneath the wry amusement in her crisp tone.
Even surrounded by mismatched furniture and tools cobbled together from odds and ends, Nessa was regal in the daylight streaming in from a nearby window. She sat on her patched clinic stool like a shem noblewoman - no, as if she sat on the Ferelden throne, a sharp light glinting from brown eyes stamped with crow’s feet. The man dutifully held still in her hand as she surveyed her apprentice with an expectant look.
Eve straightened and crossed her arms. "And they have all been disgusting," she declared. A prickle of pride glowed in her chest - her voice hadn't wavered that time.
The man winced and Nessa pursed her lips in a disapproval. "While that was true for some - most - of them, that is not a cardinal sign and your rudeness will cost you latrine duty for the week," Nessa said coolly, boring her eyes into Eve'. "What did I tell you about treating patients, yourpeople , with respect?"
"Oh, it's alright, she's just a child-"
"A child old enough to know better," Nessa said firmly over the man's protests, fixing Eve with a look that made her feel like a flea-infested nug.
"It'd be easier if infections and the pus weren't so gross!" Eve protested, knowing that she should shut her mouth like Nessa was always after her for, but she was right - infections were horrifying, and the smell ... she was just telling the truth.
"Well, don't get any high hopes for the future," Nessa said, "you are the child of an alienage surgeon. Your future won't be full of gold and candy. More of the pus and guts variety, I suspect."
Eve curled her little hands into fists. She was frustrated . She'd just learned that word that week and that was what she was. Frustrated of being cooped up in the same shabby clinic day after day with its never-ending line of sweating, coughing, puking patients that looped around the Vhenadal all the way to the outskirt fence penning the alienage in the city. Frustrated of standing on aching feet, as hour after hour she would hand over a tool Nessa needed to fix the patients or look at a particularly stomach-turning piece of anatomy that Nessa would present for inspection. Frustrated of having to trot at Nessa's heels as they paid house calls to particularly sick elves who would inevitably be stewing in their waste by the time they got there while the other alienage kids ran and played past them, or ran messages for extra coin from the thieves' guild. Not that she was mistreated by Nessa, not like some of the others or those who served in shem houses, but it was hard to live with the formidable woman.
Heat boiled into her cheeks and she glared as sharply as the costly scalpels Nessa used in her surgeries. Then I wish I'd been left on someone else's doorstep! Eve thought fiercely, wishing she could say it all out loud and hating how calm and expectant Nessa looked, as if she knew and it didn't matter .
A beat of silence stretched, then two. Only the somewhat muffled sounds of a crowded alienage pressed in through the thin walls as Eve glared then dropped her gaze. "Swellingheatrednesspainlimitedmovement," Eve spat out quickly. She sent a small pair of tongs skittering across the table to Nessa then bolted out the door.
Then, because she had what Nessa called ‘an unrepentant need for noseyness’, she hid around the corner. A low whistle drifted through the swinging door. "Thought for sure that she'd do something stupid and curse you til she was blue in the face," the man’s voice said. "What a fiery little troublemaker. And what spooky eyes. Must've rained and stormed the night she was born."
A short sigh followed. "Well, she was left at my door nine years ago, so I couldn't tell you," she heard Nessa say dryly, "but let it never be said that I raised a dumb bunny. Now, close your eyes, open your mouth, lay back and think of Andraste."
Evening settled down into the alienage, the dust quieting as families retreated from the deep blue shadows into the warmth of their shabby but cheerful kitchens. Eve loitered under a ratty awning, tugging the hem of her threadbare shirt higher to cover the colorful bruise she'd earned in her latest roughhousing match from her messenger friends. If only Nessa would let her out more; she'd be able to keep up with them and learn how to do more than just slip out of an attacker's grasp. She could learn to return the blows, learn how to wield a dagger with her eyes closed, slip by Nessa's watchful gaze with the stealth of a black cat. Then maybe she'd be able to join the thieves' guild one day and become one of its infamous Fangs.
She jumped when the door to the clinic opened and shielded her eyes as a bright light pierced the gloom. "Is that my loving and respectful aid?" a familiar voice drawled. "Will the Maker never cease his miracles?"
"I'm sorry," Eve blurted to the dirt without preamble. Even as she’d raced and scuffled with the other alienage kids, she’d felt guilt for leaving Nessa and the patient behind in the clinic. Nessa was the best surgeon of the alienage and deftly cared for patients too complex for apprentices, but what if she needed Eve for something? What if a kid came in with tooth rot and needed Eve’ smaller hands? She hadn’t been able to shake the guilt, even when her friends were teaching her how to dodge a flying kick. "I shouldn't've been rude to the carpenter. I didn't mean to make him feel bad. I know it's worse from a surgeon."
A thoughtful pause. "Why?"
A crimson flush flooding from the collar to the tips of his pointed ears of the bedbound patient flashed through her mind's eye, red in his chagrin and mortification. It'd been the first time Eve had felt such strong waves of nausea and pity at the same time, warring with each other until she could school her face into the semblance of calmness that Nessa wore all the time when she pretended to not notice these things. "Because," she said slowly, looking up, "we're there when people feel their worst. And they need us to help. It'd be worse to ask honestly for help when you feel weaker than nug piss and the surgeon told you to nob off because you stink."
Nessa's dark eyebrows had steadily climbed her forehead, the corners of her lips twitching. "That's- Maker's furry nut- I mean, for Maker's sake, where did you learn-" Nessa heaved in a breath then seemed to count silently to ten like she was after Eve to do. "Next time the guild kids start that talk, I want you to stuff your fingers in your ears or I will clean your mouth out with soap," Nessa threatened firmly.
Eve nodded, biting her lower lip to keep from grinning. She was about to offer to make dinner when Nessa hoisted her traveling satchel higher on her shoulder and instead blurted, "Where are you going?"
"Hmm? You know where I'm going," Nessa said absently, now adjusting her cloak and checking the oil supply in her lamp. "I go there every other week, for Maker's sake."
Eve didn't want to say anything that broke the bridge they'd just repaired, but a cold tendril of fear snaked around her insides. "You shouldn't," Eve said, "not alone. I can go with you-"
"Da'len, you are shaking in your boots - well, if you ever actually wore boots," Nessa said dryly, swinging her lamp to light the cramped alley. "Eat the stew and make sure the fire is put out by the time I am back."
"Nessi, no, I'm fine - I can do it!" Eve insisted, feeling like a baby, using her nickname for Nessa while clutching her fists against her sides and trying to stop the quivering. She knew that she was glistening with sweat in the amber lamplight and didn't care because Nessa could not go alone. "You can't go - not with those, those things . They're crazy!"
Nessa's face vanished in shadow as the lamplight swung in the breeze, obscuring her expression. But her voice sounded thoughtful when she spoke again. " That ," she murmured, "is precisely why I need to go. They may be crazy, but they gave their lives to the Chantry and that blasted dwarf dust they keep begging for. The People are not the only ones who suffer, and we have not forgotten - just as we will not forget others who suffer."
"But, but they're shems," Eve protested, rooting around her frazzled mind for a good enough reason to keep Nessa home and safe, away from the walled-off district full of emaciated wandering humans out of their mind with madness. She sometimes glimpsed their shivering, rail-thin figures hunched beyond the fence separating the grungiest streets of Denerim from the alienage, bloodshot eyes roving; their enraged shrieks and wails for lyrium scared her more than anything. "The Chantry have sisters, don't they? Can't they help? Or pay healers to?"
Tapping came from under Nessa's oiled leather work cloak, a sign of impatience. "You know as well as I that the sisters only know basic remedies," Nessa said tartly, then muttered under her breath, "wouldn't know the difference between an umbilical hernia and a pregnancy without checking the genitals, but I'm not the Revered Mother, thank the Maker." She continued in a somewhat more dignified voice, "And you know as well as I that nothing can be done for lyrium withdrawals, not even with the magic of a healer. And who has the gold to waste for a lost cause? No, better to be eased a little with some headache draughts and focusing solutions than die alone in complete agony."
She wasn't going to stop trying until Nessa stopped using that adult voice and listened to her. "But they don't care about us so why-"
"Who came and put down the abomination in the Banal'ras district last month?" Nessa interrupted.
Eve bit her lip. "Templars," she muttered, hanging her head.
"That's right. We were able to help the injured People thanks to those 'shem' templars whether or not they wanted to kiss every single elf in the alienage. Now, get back inside and not another word out of your smart mouth or I will put you to work with Cyrion."
Help Cyrion fuss over every single human, elf and dwarf that entered his house and listen to him haggle with them over things like 'trade agreements' and 'taxes'? Eve squirmed on the spot, watched Nessa take a few brisk steps down the alley, then ran to catch up before her courage ran out. "I'm coming with you," she declared, hopefully with as much conviction as her hands were shaking, "you can't talk me out of it even if I have to work for Cyrion for days."
"Is that so?" Nessa mused, lamp swinging away to reveal dark glittering eyes and a small furrow between her brows. "Even if the 'crazy' ex-templars start raving?"
"Yes," Eve said stoutly, hiding her hands behind her and summoning every ounce of determination in her nine-year-old body.
She waited on a knife's edge, trembling between wanting to go with Nessa and wanting to run inside the steamy warmth of their home until Nessa finally gave a curt nod. "Get your boots and your bag," she ordered in a tone that brooked no arguments. As Eve scurried inside to obey, she heard Nessa mutter, "and I hope your sticky-fingered friends in the guild teach you how to lie better."
Eve clopped along behind Nessa’s trailing cloak, trying not to trip on the patched leather boots that she was still growing into. The further they walked from their clinic by the vhenadal, the more cramped the dirt roads became with piles of filth and the buildings teetered higher and higher to accommodate the poorest of the alienage. Jagged bricks and hungry eyes gleamed in Nessa’s lamplight as they neared the gap-toothed fence on the outskirts of the alienage. Two tall silhouettes loitered by the posts, their armor glinting in the lamplight set behind them.
“Hello there,” Nessa called in a carefully neutral tone. Eve was suddenly struck with the need to drag Nessa home by the cloak as a distant moan carried through the blackness beyond the light. Was it too late to turn back?
“I am Nessa Surana, and this is my daughter,” Nessa continued, “we are here to help the ex-templars.”
The human closest to them peered down at them from under his helm with eyes rounder than any elf’s. “Help? Riiight… You know that the crazies don’t have anything worth stealing even for you rabbit-ears, eh?” he asked suspiciously. “They’ll have lost it or traded it for dust by now, and they’re howling at the moon tonight. Best to stick to your side of the fence-”
“Trenton, that’s the elf surgeon from two weeks ago.” Another armored human walked up and peered down at them, the lamplight throwing his acne scars in sharp relief. “You here to try and get them to shut up again? We won’t say no to that.”
“They aren’t supposed to,” a new voice interjected from behind Eve. She almost jumped into Nessa as a redheaded elf dressed in battered leathers suddenly stepped out of the shadows with a scowl. “They’re supposed to be home letting the shems take care of themselves.”
“As are you , Shianni,” Nessa said, looking unperturbed. “You’re going to worry Cyrion being out so late and I don’t need him on my doorstep first thing in the morning.”
“And who’s this?” the guard with the scars asked with his hand on his sword hilt.
“No one you need to know, shem,” Shianni sneered with a hand on her hip. At thirteen, she was four years older than Eve and starting to blossom into womanhood. The new swell of her hip emphasized the wickedly curved dagger hanging from her belt. Despite herself, Eve felt a stab of admiration at her courage against the large, towering humans.
“This is my niece,” Nessa said as she swept the youth under an arm. Eve could see Nessa’s fingertips pressing into Shianni’s shoulder tightly. “She is a demure flower who likes to keep her opinions to herself and is always polite to strangers,” Nessa continued, “because otherwise, her aunt will tell the nice guards about that time she ran through the alienage stark naked-”
“I don’t care if you do,” Shianni sputtered, flushing as red as her hair and trying to squirm out of Nessa’s grip. “And anyway, I’m only here because you shouldn’t be out alone and uncle Cyrion agrees with me-”
“Look,” the other guard interrupted, “I don’t care who you lot are or who your aunt or uncle or fourth-removed humpback is. What do you want with the crazies?”
“We want to help heal them,” Eve said when Nessa and Shianni started to argue again.
The two guards instantly took a step back and raised their shields. “What, like magically?” the scarred guard asked.
“No, thank the Maker,” Nessa answered swiftly. “None of us are apostates. We are just surgeons, seeking to help ease the old templars.”
“Well, she’s the surgeon,” Shianni said, pointing at Nessa’s bulging work bag full of draughts and surgical tools, “best one in the alienage and the brat’s her apprentice. I’m their messenger.”
The taller guard glanced at her dagger and the hard look in her eyes. “Messenger. Right. And I’m King Cailan,” he said.
“Just let them through,” the scarred guard said, elbowing his peer. “The Chantry doesn’t look out for them enough after they leave,” he muttered to the elves, “five gold bits and a thank-you doesn’t pay the bills for long or buy enough lyrium for the rest of their blighted lives. It’d be more than what the Chantry does if you could make them feel better with your potions and whatnot.”
The other guard snorted. “Softie.”
“Thank you,” Nessa said gracefully as they passed, leaving the guards to bicker with each other.
Past the fence, the dirt road occasionally winked with shards of broken glass. The muddy puddle Eve stepped in crunched oddly, and she was suddenly grateful to Nessa for insisting on her wearing boots. She didn’t fancy walking around on bleeding feet, forcing glass shards deeper and deeper into her flesh with every step. Then she’d get an infection - probably the nasty kind that turned the skin green, then black and foul until the toes shriveled and fell off… she shuddered and tried to peer beyond the small circle of light the lamp threw off instead.
Skeletal remains of burnt buildings loomed out of the darkness as they passed, broken walls yawning with shadows. Cloaks and jackets propped up on sticks lined the dirt roads as well, sometimes with feet or a hand poking out from underneath. Eve stifled a yelp when the makeshift tent they were passing emitted a high-pitched scream and immediately glued herself to Nessa’s side.
Shianni scoffed, her hand on her dagger as they passed another tent with a pair of bare feet covered in sores sticking out. “You should tuck tail and run home, bunny,” she said, “don’t know why you’re even here, not being a full surgeon or a healer to help at all…”
“Eve’s been really helpful around the clinic,” Nessa said with a warm hand on Eve’s shoulder, “and she’s mostly been good with her studies. Not so much with infections, however.”
Eve flushed a little even as her eyes jumped from tent to tent. “I wish I could heal magically,” she said, giving voice to a persistent thought she’d been having, “so I can fix everything and people won’t hurt anymore-”
“No,” Nessa interrupted. Eve flinched as her fingers turned into claws on her shoulder. “No, da’len. Be glad that you aren’t mage-touched,” Nessa continued in strained voice, “they can turn into abominations in a moment, then tear apart a building and its people in a blink.”
“I wouldn’t become an abomination if I were a mage,” Eve said indignantly. “Or use blood magic. I know better.”
“Well, thank the Maker that you aren’t touched with magic,” Shianni said, “or you’d be shipped off to a Circle, like Neria. Then you’ll vanish when the templars take you in the night, never to see the alienage again.”
“That’s enough,” Nessa said sharply. “Eve hasn’t shown a single sign of magic and that’s how it’ll stay. How else am I going to retire as an old lady? As if your uncle hasn’t enough grief with his only child gone. And enough talk of blood magic, we’re getting up to the right tent-”
A roar made all three of them jump and the lamp clattered into the mud. Shianni scrambled in front of Nessa and Eve with her rusty dagger thrust out as something erupted from the tent right next to them and roared, “BLOOD MAGIC?”
At first, Eve thought a scarecrow had been possessed and brought to life. What froze the scream in her throat was realizing that the black pits carved into the scarecrow’s haggard face were in fact sunken sockets with only a pinpricks to hint at burning, roving eyes in their depths. Greasy, matted grey locks hung around hollow cheeks and dirty skin hung in wrinkled drapes off the bones. What Eve realized to be a painfully emaciated old human staggered to his feet, waving a roughly sharpened tent pole in Shianni’s snarling face while clutching a fist to his breastbone.
“You looking… sacrifices?” he shouted, waving the stick and they all leapt back another pace. “ABOMINATIONS?”
“Hugh, no!” Nessa shouted, raising a beseeching hand toward him and holding Shianni back with the other. “My name is Nessa, do you remember me? I gave you the headache draught two weeks ago when you were feeling bad.”
Hugh jumped at his name, then swayed on his feet as he peered at them with a bloodshot eye. “Nessa?” he mumbled to himself, his fetid breath and quick, jerky movements making Eve mince a step back. “Feel bad… all th’time. All the time. Not abomination? No… not Nessa. Circle prayers start in an hour. Must ready… things. Headache… yesterday?”
“It was two weeks ago, Hugh,” Nessa said soothingly, trying to shake off Shianni and Eve as they tried to pull her back to the gate. “I brought more for you-”
Shianni and Eve cried out as Hugh suddenly dropped the stick and hauled Nessa to him by the arm. “You have it?” he asked fervently, the tip of an open sore on his nose almost touching hers, “you have the lyrium? I need my next dose, knight-captain, I’m burning on low and I found a little yesterday - day before yesterday? Monday? But it wore off fast and I got a wildfire in my head and I need it -”
“Hugh, listen to me,” Nessa coaxed and Eve could hear a note of desperation in it. Nessa threw a warning look at Shianni and continued softly, “Hugh, my name is Nessa. I’m here to help your headache. It’s in my bag - would you like some?”
Hugh swayed and blinked slowly at her as Eve discreetly scrambled to find the right potion in Nessa’s satchel. “Nessa…? Surgeon?”
“That’s right, Hugh,” Nessa said. “I have this headache draught for you. Best to drink it now.”
Hugh stared emptily at her, then relaxed his skeletal hands. He grabbed the bottle Eve offered without really looking at her and swigged down the red concoction as Shianni tugged Nessa back behind her.
“My thanks, Mother Christine,” Hugh said brightly, bouncing on the balls of his bare feet and trying to tuck his stick at his waist like a sword, seemingly unaware that he was wearing nothing but a long, holey tunic. “Best thing for a growing boy like me, need all the food I can get. All this trekking up and down the tower in full armor tires me out like nothing else. Well, maybe not as bad as drill. These mages better appreciate the view, eh?”
“I hope they did, Hugh,” Nessa murmured sadly. “You should get some rest.”
“Not a bad idea, Mother Nessa,” Hugh croaked, turning to peer up the line of makeshift tents. “My room… over here. I’ll see you at morning service. Good night, Mother.”
He bent to wrap a ratty blanket and the lamp threw a ridge of shadows down the knobs of his spine. As Hugh laid down on the dirt and made himself comfortable under the blanket, Shianni and Eve stared at each other, then at Nessa who was rapidly blinking wet eyes.
“We aren’t done yet. Come, he’s usually just along here,” Nessa said briskly, scooping up the lamp and heading past a few more tents towards a burned-down lean-to. Eve lingered, staring at Hugh’s shiny balding pate and at the small glass vial cradled in the hand laying by his whiskered chin before hurrying to catch up to Nessa and Shianni.
Nessa was crouched in the shadow of a crumbling wall with Shianni standing guard at her back. In the corner of the lean-to lay a shriveled husk on its side, even more painfully thin than Hugh. This man - who was probably an ex-templar - had sparse hair, neck and limbs stiffly bent inwards, and if it weren’t for the shallow rise and fall of his ribs Eve would have thought Nessa was paying her respects to a dead man. His crusted eyes didn’t even flutter when Nessa murmured soothingly to him, trying to coax him to swallow the drops of a draught that she’d poured into his mouth.
“Nessa,” Shianni hesitated, for once looking like a young teenager as she watched her aunt work, “I don’t think… will that even help? He looks like he’s going to…”
A muscle jumped in Nessa’s jaw as she abandoned the draught and instead tucked the patched cloak the man was curled under more firmly around him. Eve quietly kneeled beside her and helped. “Yes, he is on his way to the Maker,” Nessa agreed.
“Then why bother?”
“Because no one should die alone like this,” Nessa said. “The Chantry uses up their youth and dedication, then kicks them out when they can’t keep the delirium at bay. You saw Hugh - and you’ll see more, here. They all end up here eventually, without a copper to their name and begging for the demon dust even if it’s what got them to this stage in the first place.”
“Don’t the sisters come here?” Shianni persisted. “They should help-”
“But they don’t,” Nessa said, her voice laced with contempt. She laid a soothing hand on the man’s shriveled fist, the skin covered in old scars. “The withdrawal leeches at their sanity. They forget the most recent events first… how they got here, where they are, where they pawned their sword. Then they forget people - family, if they ever had one. Then their name. Then they forget how to walk, talk… how to eat or drink. Sometimes they remember certain things, but once they forget how to do bodily things… it isn’t long, after that.”
Eve’s eyes burned and she choked down a shuddering breath, patting the man’s cool skin unseeingly. She swiped at her eyes and was surprised to see Nessa watching her, a warm light in her own. “Do you see, da’len?” Nessa asked. “This is… we can’t leave others to a fate like this. Even if they don’t have pointed ears. It’s never a competition to see who has it worse… we must help, if we can.”
Watching the man gasp shallowly through chapped lips, Eve couldn’t help but agree.
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talesofmundanemagic · 7 years
Gertie and Bridget join a club
“COME JOIN THE MAGIC CLUB,” read big, bold letters on a flyer pinned to the dorm bulletin board, impossible for Gertie to miss even before her morning tea.
Meeting in faculty sponsor Mr. Jerson’s room, Haste 209, Fridays from 4-5. Don’t have to bring anything but yourselves! Sincerely, Club President Charlie Nessing.
Gertie managed to drag Bridget and Ernest along with her to the meeting, while Vivien came willingly.
“It’s those guys who beat up Jodie and Nick and their group,” Ernest said. “Do we really need more bullies in our lives?”
“Maybe there will be others who are interested in magic,” Gertie argued. “Wouldn’t it be nice to have more friends?”
Gertie wore a black, wide-brimmed hat that she wore to functions where entertainment was key. The flyer didn’t state to bring any magical demonstrations, but she figured it wouldn’t hurt.
As they walked, she practiced releasing colorful sparks from her hands, using the powers granted to her by the hat. She even managed to shape them into a heart before they fizzled away.
Some other students were in Mr. Jerson’s room already - a few that Gertie recognized, but most she had never seen. Gertie ignored the urge to sit in her assigned seat, and sat in the front row with her friends.
“Nice to see you here,” Mr. Jerson, her Potion’s teacher, said to her, his smile wrinkling the corners of his eyes.
Gertie nodded, nervous energy coming out in drumbeats from her fingertips.
More students filtered in as the clock ticked on. Marissa Hanler, a straight A student, came and sat in front, begging to be noticed by Mr. Jerson. Darryl Fudin, another classmate, came in and sat behind Gertie.
“I thought you’d be here too,” he said with a grin.
“I didn’t know you would!” she said, pleased that her potions tutoring had seemed to actually plant a seed of interest in magic.
“I mean, I have plenty of time in my schedule,” he said sarcastically. “What’s one more after-school activity? I can sneak pizza into the computer lab so I don’t have to eat while running to football practice.”
All together, the club consisted of about twenty-five members. Gertie beamed. There were so many people interested in magic! Who knew?
Then came two of the new students Ernest had worried about: Peter and Faye Nessing. Faye quickly chose a desk off to the side. She placed her backpack underneath, pulled out a book, opened to a bookmark and started reading. Bridget frowned. An animal anatomy textbook? What high school freshman needed to know that?
“Peter, good to see you,” Mr. Jerson said. “Where’s your brother?”
The tall senior slicked back his hair - still wet from swim practice - and shrugged. “I’m sure he’s coming, sir. We can probably start introductions without him?”
Mr. Jerson nodded his approval.
Peter stood at the front of the class.
“Hi, everyone. Thank you for coming. My name is Peter Nessing, and I’m the Vice President of the Magic Club.” He fidgeted with a charm on a leather necklace. “Let’s see. I’m a senior. My siblings and I just started school here last week. Fun fact about me is that I’ve been accepted to Wespire University on a swimming scholarship - I’m on the swim team here too - and I’m going to study Business. How about we-”
The classroom’s phone pealed, loud and irritating, until Mr. Jerson answered it.
He listened for a moment, his hand gripping the receiver harder and harder as the person on the other side spoke to him.
“I’ll be right there,” he said. He stood and addressed the club. “There’s a little...problem in the healer’s office. They need some help brewing a proper potion.”
Mr. Jerson hesitated, trying to decide if he should tell the students to leave.
“I can handle it, sir,” Peter said. “We’ll just do introductions and take down some suggestions for club activities.”
Mr. Jerson nodded. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
As soon as he left, there was murmuring about what could be going wrong in the healer’s office.
“Jodie Migaran threw up in fifth period,” someone whispered. “I wonder if it could have anything to do with that?”
“What? Nick did too. He seriously looked green!”
“Ok, everyone.” Peter held up his hands. “There’s no reason to speculate. As I was saying-”
Suddenly Charlie, the middle Nessing sibling, burst into the room.
“I need help!” he shouted.
“What?” Peter frowned. He looked over his brother as he came to the front of the class, searching for injury. “What’s wrong?”
Charlie pulled his backpack off his shoulder. He unzipped it and turned it over, dumping notebooks, pencils, and a strange golden box onto the demonstration table in the front of the classroom.
The box was tied with twine that glimmered with an enchantment. It was clearly the only thing keeping the box closed, as the flip lid struggled to open, rattling ominously.
“What is it?” someone asked.
“I don’t know!” Charlie’s eyes were wide and panicked. He gestured to the box wildly. “It was just...in my suitcase! I was unpacking and it just started shaking!”
“What’s the string?” Darryl asked.
“Just some store-bought trap twine.” Charlie pushed his thick rimmed glasses up his nose. “It’s all I had. The enchantment’s not going to hold very long.”
The box jumped into the air, the lid struggling against the twine.
“What’s in there?” Peter got closer to the box, staring at it.
“I have no idea!”
“Have you tried a Sparkness circle?” Vivien asked. “It’s a good generic containment spell.”
“Of course I tried that already.” Charlie rolled his eyes. “My parents invented it.”
“Your parents what?” Gertie repeated.
“They work at Sparkslab,” Peter supplied. “Well, they did until recently. Our dad quit to run for Mayor. They’ve invented tons of stuff.”
A student reached to peek into the box, curious about what was inside. The box opened as far as it could given the twine, and orange goop sprayed all over the place, covering the student and those behind him.
“Uck! What is this?” the student sniffed at his shirt and made a face.
“I know, it’s gross!” Charlie wrinkled his nose. “I was able to get it off with some nail polish remover I borrowed from one of my floor-mates.”
Those hit with the sludge left, struggling to wipe off the stickiness with towels from the potions lab, smelling like overripe fruit.
“You know…” Marissa stood, grabbing her backpack. “This isn’t what I signed up for. Not when Mr. Jerson didn’t even mention anything about extra credit. I have homework to do. Good luck with the box.”
She hurried out of the classroom, following the other students.
Vivien traced over one of the symbols etched into the gold side of the box. “Wait, I know this!” she said. She pulled her laptop from her bag and started searching. “It’s a newer magical dialect. I researched it when looking into homunculi.”
“Homunculi?” Charlie repeated.
Vivien nodded, oblivious to his approval.
Gertie looked over her shoulder, kneeling next to her desk. “We can translate it. Maybe it’s a spell that will help?”
Charlie nodded. “Please, anything.”
The box rattled in place, as if it was worried it was being forgotten.
“I wonder what’s even in there,” Bridget mused. “If it could cause us danger, I would think I’d see a vision of it.”
“Did you say ‘vision’?” Peter asked.
Bridget flushed, annoyed she had let it slip. The other students, debating what to do with the box, didn’t seem to notice. “Yeah. I sometimes get visions,” she said.
“That’s amazing!” Peter said.
To his surprise, Bridget shrugged and pulled out her phone, seemingly disinterested in coming up with a way to make the box safe.
“If there’s something alive in there, maybe I can calm it down,” Ernest said. He started to whistle a tune, and the box started rattling harder.
It wasn’t the only thing. Faye’s backpack starting jumping into the air.
“What’s that?” Darryl asked. “A magic backpack?”
The flap fell open revealing a rabbit with his ears pointed toward Ernest. It stumbled forward, its back leg in a cast.
“No!” Faye said. Her voice sounded odd, like it was laced with magic. Bridget watched with her enchanted eye as one of her bracelets sparked. She had recognized one of the girl’s necklaces as having a charm to talk to dogs. Could she also talk to bunnies?
“You get back here!” Faye ordered the rabbit, as it hopped to Ernest. It stopped and turned back toward her ruefully, but it didn’t budge.
“Faye,” Peter said, a warning in his voice. “I thought you weren’t supposed to bring him to class anymore.”
“I’m almost finished healing him,” Faye grumbled.
Ernest stopped his whistling, and the rabbit turned back to glare up at him, wanting him to finish.
“Then I’ll put him back in the forest.” She picked up the rabbit and put him on her desk. “Stay here.”
It pouted, but laid down on its front paws, its ears and nose twitching in annoyance.
The box continued to clatter ominously.
Ernest frowned, and started whistling a different tune. There was a click as the box’s two clips flipped down. The box shook, but the lid wasn’t cracking open anymore.
“Nice job!” Charlie said. “You’re the Yilnog right? I saw you in the yearbook.”
“Yeah.” Ernest shrugged. He didn’t get along with the rest of his family, despite its fame as one of the oldest magical clans. It rivaled even Gertie and Bridget’s, the Mallons.
“It’s good to meet you!” Charlie smiled. “Music magic is a wonderful specialty. Good choice! You know your stuff.”
Ernest didn’t know if he’d ever heard someone compliment his skills like that before. He smiled hesitantly and nodded at Charlie.
At the first success with the box, the other students seemed to relax. They started chatting amongst each other, trading their histories with magic and their skills.
“Done!” Gertie announced, holding up the notebook that she and Vivien had been translating the box spells into. A couple club members glanced over it, admiring their work.
“Should we try it?” Vivien asked.
The box shook, daring her to.
Charlie nodded. “Maybe it’ll shut it up.”
Vivien gestured that Gertie should cast the spell.
Gertie waved her hands over the box, reading from the notebook, summoning the magical energy she had stored in her various keychain accessories.
At the last word, the clips flipped back up and the box lid opened, breaking the twine that had somewhat contained it.
“Uh oh,” Gertie said.
It released a puff of smoke, filling the room with the noxious smell of burnt sugar. Peter tackled the box, slamming the lid shut, but the damage was done.
The other students started coughing, all clamoring to escape the room.
Including Darryl. “Sorry guys,” he coughed, fleeing.
“I can fix this!” Gertie shouted, pulling her t-shirt over her nose and mouth to filter out the smoke.
She searched through the cabinets over Mr. Jerson’s desk until she found a glass cup. It had a symbol etched into the side for “clean,” in a magical language. It was used to clear a room of any airborne potions - and this was close enough.
She held her hand in front of the symbol and said, “Begin” in its magical language.
The smoke cleared from the room, swirling away and disappearing into the cup.
“I really should get myself one of these,” Gertie said, coughing up the last of the smoke.
“Where did you get this box?” Vivien asked, wiping away tears from the smell.
Charlie just shrugged, looking mystified. “It was just...there. In my luggage.”
“It’s a joke,” Bridget suddenly said, standing up. She held out her phone.
Magical A-Musings presents the Caper Carton! Confound your friends! Trick your enemies! It rattles, it shakes, it slimes and it smokes! While perfectly harmless, it is the most irritating riddle your victims will come across. Want to end the madness for them? Just press the hidden button in the back to reveal it was empty the whole time!
Bridget walked up to the box and scratched her nails against its back until she found the hidden compartment diagramed on the website. She flipped it open and pressed the bright red button.
The rattling stopped. Bridget opened the lid of the box, and nothing happened. Just as the advertisement said, it was empty.
“So who tricked you?” Bridget asked, looking up at Charlie.
“No one,” Charlie mumbled. “I just...I found it. But thanks.” He nodded. “Really, thank you. I wouldn’t have thought to look it up. It seemed like an artifact.”
The silence stretched on until Peter clapped his hands together. “Well, I think that wraps up our first club meeting,” he said. “I’ll send out an email and hope that anybody comes back.”
“Will you?” Charlie asked Bridget, Gertie, Vivien and Ernest.
Bridget was hesitant, but Ernest broke into a wide grin. “Yeah! This was fun!”
Gertie nodded along. “We’ll definitely be back.”
After everyone left, Charlie gathered up the box and the discarded twine.
“That’s the first time anyone’s figured out it was a cheap gag,” Charlie mumbled.
Peter nodded. “But, come on, it wasn’t that bad,” he said. “We found some talented classmates. I think we could have a lot of fun while we’re here. And two Mallons and a Yilnog? We hit the jackpot.”
“There’s something great about this pit of a school after all,” Charlie agreed. “If they can be persuaded to bend the rules.”
Faye picked up the rabbit, holding him in one hand and her textbook in the other. “You guys need to be more careful. The Potions teacher probably knows that someone magicked those bullies to be sick. He’ll be on the lookout for who.”
“They deserved it,” Charlie muttered. “Magicaless oafs.”
“If you get in trouble again and it gets back to dad, we’ll never hear the end of it,” Faye warned.
Peter scoffed. “We don’t make trouble, it finds us.”
Charlie smirked. “For now.”
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