#paramedic!bucky barnes x doctor!reader
onceuponastory · 1 year
heartbeats - bucky barnes x reader
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Plot: Like most people in the hospital she works in, Y/N is head over heels in love with the gorgeous paramedic Bucky Barnes. Yet she has come to the conclusion that their small chats they have whenever he drops off a patient is the closest thing they have to a relationship. That is, however, until an accident on a night out brings them closer together. Pairing: Paramedic!Bucky Barnes x Doctor!Female!Reader Warnings: Mentions of alcohol, needles, pain meds/drugs, injuries (nothing too graphic) and bruising. As always, if I miss any triggers please let me know! Notes: This is my first entry for the @buckybarnesevents Alternate June-iverse Challenge! One of my squares was Nurse, so here we are! Obligatory I am not a doctor (clearly), so my medical knowledge may not be the most accurate. Not beta’d, so any mistakes are my own. 
“Hey. What have we got?” Y/N asks, waiting to greet the incoming ambulance.
“You know, I’d say I admire your tenacity to provide the best care to patients as soon as they arrive… but I know the real reason you got down here so quickly.” Her coworker smirks.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m here to help treat the patient, which I swore an oath to do.” Y/N lies, ignoring the way her cheeks are heating up with embarrassment.
“Oh suuure, you’re totally here for honest reasons. Definitely not just to see if the hot paramedic is coming. You’re really not subtle, Y/N.”
“Who's to say that’s not why you’re here, too?” Y/N replies. But her coworker is right. Y/N loves her job as a doctor, and getting to help so many people from all different walks of life. Especially after the amount of studying it took to get here. Yet, she’d be lying if she said that seeing the paramedic Bucky Barnes isn’t a big part of her job happiness. Bucky, the aforementioned hot paramedic, is charming, caring and makes everyone in the hospital swoon with just a smile in their direction. If Bucky treated all the people who have heart palpitations and need oxygen when he shows up, he’d be a billionaire. 
As one of the lead emergency doctors in the hospital, Y/N comes into contact with Bucky a lot during her shifts. And each time, his dazzling ocean blue eyes and winning smile send her heart into a flutter and make her legs go weak. Like everyone else in the hospital, Y/N is head over heels in love with the charming paramedic. Every time she sees him, she wants to get over her nerves and finally ask him out, or just to get to know him better. While, of course, secretly hoping that he feels the same way as she does. And yet, she just can't bring herself to tell him the truth. She and Bucky have a great working relationship despite only seeing each other during a patient handover, and despite how much she wants to get closer to him, she also doesn’t want to ruin what they have, and make either of their jobs awkward.
And besides, he has the pick of almost everyone in this entire hospital, so he definitely wouldn’t go for her.
But then, the sound of sirens cuts through the air, interrupting Y/N’s thoughts. It’s time to go to work, and not think about her incredibly attractive coworker. Yet, when the ambulance door opens, a familiar face steps out.
“Afternoon ladies.” Bucky grins. Y/N swears he even throws a wink in there. Immediately, her heart starts beating even faster. Sometimes, Y/N wonders if Bucky does actually know the effect he has on people, how he makes them all swoon and go weak with just a smile. If he does know, Y/N thinks he relishes in it.
“Hey. What have we got?”
“This is Mike. He’s a 23-year-old male who had a fall at work, and is now complaining of pain in his left side.” As Bucky explains the man’s condition, Y/N’s mind goes back to her feelings for him. She’d love to tell him the truth about how she feels more than anything, but the only time they see each other is when they’re with a patient, which doesn’t exactly lend itself to a lot of conversations, let alone heart to heart talks about your feelings. And her time spent with Bucky is always quick before he has to go be a hero again. She can’t just dump all her feelings for him when he’s about to leave. “Can I leave him in your very capable hands, Y/N?” Bucky asks, a small smirk playing on his lips.
“Of course.” As Bucky departs, Y/N watches him go, registering a strange twinge in her heart. One she normally feels whenever Bucky is around. God, this man is definitely going to break her heart one day.
A few weeks later,
“Y/N, are you sure you’re okay? Your ankle looks really bad.”
“I’m fine.” Y/N lies. “I’m a doctor, remember?” A doctor with a very twisted ankle that hurts to even move. Groaning, Y/N leans back, trying to avoid hurting herself even more. This isn’t how tonight was supposed to go. It was a celebration of finally finishing four night shifts in a row and having some time off to recharge. But, after one drink too many and a pair of heels that are just too high to walk in comfortably, here she is. Sitting on the side of the road with a throbbing ankle and her pride and happiness shattered.
“Y/N, I really think we should call you an ambulance. You need to be checked out.”
“I’m a doctor, I can do it. I’m okay.” Y/N snaps. Gritting her teeth, she tries to push herself up, but cannot get to her feet without yelling out in pain.
“Absolutely not. You need to go to the hospital, and none of us are sober enough to drive you.” One of her friends replies, taking out her phone and calling for help, ignoring Y/N’s complaints. As she sits back down, trying to manoeuvre her ankle into a more comfortable position, Y/N knows her friends are right. She needs help, which she isn’t able to provide for herself. Maybe for once, after all her time spent taking care of others… it’s her turn to be taken care of. Soon enough, albeit longer than Y/N likes, an ambulance pulls up.
“Thank god.” She murmurs. However, when the paramedic steps out, illuminated by the streetlight, Y/N immediately regrets her words. “Oh, fuck.”
Bucky Barnes is standing right in front of her.
“Hey everyone, where’s the- Y/N?!” he gasps. She can’t fully explain the emotion on his face as he looks at her. In fact, it looks like a mix of emotions: surprise, concern and pity all rolled into one. Heat rises through Y/N’s body, settling on her cheeks. Bucky is the last person she wants to see her like this, sitting in the middle of the street on a Saturday night, in pain and crying, no doubt with her makeup smeared everywhere. At that moment, all she wants is for the ground to open up and swallow her whole. Bucky kneels beside her, his face mere inches from her. “Not going to lie, you’re not who I expected to see tonight. But it’s a welcome surprise.” He smiles, and Y/N registers a familiar fluttering sensation in her stomach. “So, how are you feeling? Your friend said you broke your ankle, but what’s your personal diagnosis, doc?” He chuckles, and Y/N’s blush deepens. Bucky’s never called her doc before… and she’s just realised that she loves it.
“I think it’s just a sprain. Nothing worth worrying about.” Bucky chuckles, shaking his head.
“Well, you say that… but I still wanna check you over in the ambulance.” Y/N suppresses a groan. Of course he does. God, why does he have to be so thorough?! Why can’t, just this once, he- “Besides, if I missed something, I’d never forgive myself, especially if something terrible happened to you.” He admits, his words suddenly leaving her speechless and her heart racing. “Can’t have the best doctor in the area out of action, now can we?”
“Okay, now I know you’re just saying that to make me feel better.” 
“Nope. It’s true.” Bucky shrugs, and Y/N gasps.
“I-I-thank you.” She stammers out a reply, still in shock. She’s not used to this, to seeing Bucky outside of her job, and especially not as a patient. Or to be complimented so much by him. And what a way to start. But at least she’s finally going to know what being cared for by Bucky Barnes feels like.
“Can you walk?” Bucky asks, gently helping her up. When she yelps in pain after putting pressure on her injured foot, Bucky whispers: “It’s alright. Just lean on me, okay? Your carriage awaits.” He chuckles. Despite how weird this situation is, it feels nice to be so close to Bucky, and to be cracking jokes with him like they’re actually friends, and not just coworkers. Y/N just wishes it could be like this all the time. Aside from the twisted ankle, of course. 
Slowly, Bucky leads her inside the ambulance, and onto the bed inside. Y/N watches him as he grabs all the equipment he needs. Her brain feels like it’s going a million miles a minute as Bucky’s words replay in her mind. “I’d never forgive myself.” Does he care about her? Is there a chance he feels the same way about her? 
But then, her mind brings her crashing back down to reality. Of course he cares about her. It’s his fucking job. And right now, she’s just like any other patient. One that’s hopelessly in love with her paramedic and wants him to feel even a smidge of the love she feels for him. Although maybe, just this once, she can pretend that it’s just for her. Slowly, Y/N’s eyes wander lower. God, how does his ass look so good in that uniform?
“I bet this is a unique experience for you, huh? Being the one getting diagnosed?” Bucky laughs, turning back to her. “Especially by me.” Y/N nods, hoping and praying to whatever higher power there is that Bucky didn’t catch her staring, and especially not at his ass. “I just need to check your vitals.” Bucky explains, holding up a stethoscope. Y/N gulps. Bucky’s going to be closer to her than he ever has before, and there’s nothing she can do about it. Gently, Bucky lifts up her shirt, pressing the stethoscope to her skin. Despite the sensation of the cool metal against her skin, Y/N has never felt so warm in all her life.
“Your heart rate seems to be elevated.” He muses. “Take a deep breath for me.” As she does, Bucky tuts. “Your breathing is a little shallow, and you seem stressed. Although, I guess that’s normal after something like this.” Oh, if only he knew the true reason. As Bucky checks her blood pressure, his face is mere millimetres from hers. So close Y/N can see the grey hairs within his beard, feel his breath against her skin and even smell its minty freshness. And it’s sending her heart into a spiral. If only she could actually work up the guts to tell him the truth about how she feels. “So, do you mind me asking what happened?” Bucky asks as he checks her ankle, gently pressing against the tender skin. Each time he touches it, it sends shockwaves throughout her entire body.
“Well, let’s just say alcohol and high heels really aren’t the best combination. God, I knew it was a bad idea to wear those shoes. Especially when I’m so clumsy.”
“It’s alright. You’re not the first patient I’ve seen who needs a bit more practice with heels, and you definitely won’t be the last.” He reassures her, his words making her smile. A genuine smile, her first since she hurt her ankle. “If I’m hurting you, just say okay?” Actually, it doesn’t hurt. Or at least, not as much as she expected it to. Of course, part of it could be down to the shock, but she knows a larger part of it is because of how much care and tenderness Bucky is treating her with. She looks up, catching his eyes. Would telling him the truth be so bad after all? “I think you’re right. It’s starting to bruise, and it looks like a sprain. But I still want to take you to hospital to get you checked out and get an X-Ray, just in case.” 
“Let me guess, the one I work in? God, my coworkers will never let me live it down.” Y/N groans as Bucky injects her with some pain meds.
“If anyone gives you trouble, just tell me, alright? I’ve got your back.” He winks, and Y/N’s stomach flutters again.
“My hero.” she giggles, and Bucky even bows for her. But Bucky is a hero, one who saves people day in and day out. Hopefully, he knows just how loved and appreciated he is. Of course, as a doctor, Y/N knows people would say the same about her too. Yet, she knows she doesn’t hold a candle to just how kind and caring Bucky is.
Throughout the ride to the hospital, Y/N begins to get sleepier as the meds begin to work. “Thanks Bucky. You know, I should get you a drink after this.” She mumbles, not expecting him to hear her. But when Bucky laughs and says, 
“Okay, sure. I’d love that.” her blood chills. When she said before that she wanted the ground to open up and swallow her whole when Bucky first saw her in pain, she was wrong. This is when she wants the ground to swallow her whole. After that, she sits in silence for the rest of the ride, all the way til Bucky wheels her into the hospital. “Well, this is the end of the line.” He sighs, his tone causing Y/N to raise a brow. Maybe it’s just the drugs talking, but she swears Bucky is sad to see her go. “Now, promise me you’ll take care of yourself, alright? I don’t wanna see you here again anytime soon. At least… not on this side of things. We have to get you back here as soon as possible.”
“Thanks Bucky.” She smiles. “It’s just part of the job, right?” She chuckles. Yet, Bucky shakes his head.
“Not always. Sometimes it’s because you care about the person too.” But before Y/N can say anything, he’s gone, off to save the world again.
“I still cannot believe you got treated and brought in by the hot paramedic.” Y/N’s coworker gasps as she bandages her foot. “What did he say? What did you say?!”
“Nothing.” Y/N sighs. “I was in shock for most of it. Both literally and figuratively.”
“Well, at least you got to hang out with him outside work… sort of.” And now, she’s off work for a bit until her ankle heals, meaning she won’t see Bucky for a while. Just her fucking luck. But then, a knock sounds at the door, and her supervisor pops his head inside.
“This arrived for you, Y/N.” He says, passing over an envelope. Inside is a get well soon card. She knows who sent it to her before she even opens it.
“To Y/N. My favourite doctor. Or should I say my favourite patient? Don’t tell the others I said that. Honestly, though, I hope your ankle feels better soon. If you are serious about that drink, give me a call. Although maybe don’t bring your heels this time.” Bucky’s number is written underneath. Y/N stares at the letter, still unsure that it’s real. Maybe it’s even a hallucination caused by the meds. But, it’s still there. It’s still real.
And that means Bucky wants to see her. Immediately, her heart pounds, and her stomach flutters all over again.
“Oh, my god.” Her coworker gasps, peering over her shoulder to read the card. “Are you gonna call him?”
“Yeah…” Y/N smiles. “Yeah, I think I will.”
Please follow @onceuponastory-library​ and turn on notifications to be notified when I next post!
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imtryingbuck · 8 months
Divorce Always Comes With A Price.
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~ gif not mine credit to owner ~
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Summary: Bucky confesses to having an affair and wants a divorce
Word count: 1023
Warnings: Angst. That’s all.
A/N: there’s going to be a second part.
Part 2
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The skies start to turn dark even with the sun shining brightly, if you didn’t know any better, you’d think it was forewarning for what’s to come.
Taking a deep breath, you look up at the sky to see the birds flying freely with no care in the world. Looking around there’s two paramedics sitting in the van waiting for another call to come through, seeing two young new parents with their bundle of joy waiting for a car to pull up. You smile. Then your pushed to the side. A man in a suit on his phone talking rather loudly about how long he had to wait to be seen. You still smile. That’s when your phone goes off and you see the notification that your Uber has arrived. 
Marty your driver talks about his wife and three children with so much passion and love you just simply can’t wipe the smile off your face. When it’s time to depart you tip him twice the charge and wish him all the best. Walking into the lobby of the huge building, smiling at everyone you come across. With the news that the doctors told you, you just can’t stop appreciating everything and everyone. Stepping out of the elevator your heart soars seeing your family gathered around.
Bucky shoots straight to his feet and before you can say anything he hands you a folder.
Not looking at you he speaks in a voice you can only describe as detached “I want a divorce I need you to sign these. I’ve been having an affair for the past 4 months and I love her”.
The smile you’ve been wearing drops along with your heart. The air is cut off. The room is spinning. Your world has ended. Trying so hard not to strutter which fails as you ask “y-y-um you l-lo-ve her?”
This man who’ve been your husband for the past two years boyfriend of three, the man who promised to spend the rest of his life with you, is same man that can’t even look you in the eyes as he breaks your heart in to smithereens. He nods. With your his families eyes on you, you do the same. With a shaky hand you take the pen out of James’s outstretched one. With a stuttering breath you sign your name. 
You dare yourself to take one last look at his handsome face before you fall backwards and walk out, no one utters a single word. It feels like time stands still as you wait for the elevator doors to open.
It’s only once you’re outside you realise there’s tears pouring out of your eyes. How long they have been falling is unknown to you. You have no idea how long you’ve been standing still like a statue in front of the building doors. It’s only when you hear the mighty rumble up above you take notice of the rain, its only then you take a step forward then the next and the next. You don’t even realise you’ve walked all the way back to your home drenched head to toe and shivering but you barely flinch.
How you’ve done it is lost on you but you’ve packed all your things up. This isn’t your home, it’s Bucky’s he brought it. Your best friends at the door helping you get everything out, he brings you into a tight hug whispering ‘everything going to be ok’ it’s not. And you’re the only one who knows it.
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It’s been a month since that day, and it’ll be the first time today that you’ll be seeing him again. Staying with Matt for the past four weeks has been okay, you just wish you could wake up from this nightmare and be at home with your husband. Not your husband idiot, he’s with someone else now. He’s divorcing you to be with her. He loves her not you. Idiot. Wishing the voices in your head would leave you just like your husband did. 
He still looks the same, still smells the same. Still not looking in your direction which you’re grateful for, if he did you’d break down in a fit of tears. 
“—I don’t want anything in the divorce, he can keep the house the money, everything. I will have no use for that stuff” you speak in a soft way. And with that it’s done. You’re no longer Y/N Barnes, you’re no longer married to James Buchanan Barnes. You take your leave as fast as you possibly can. You can’t bear to spend another minute around him. As you begin to walk down the corridor with Matt and Foggy on either side of you, you seem them. The people that were your family sitting there on the benches waiting for your now ex-husband, they all bore sad expressions but it’s not them you pay attention to no it’s the brunette-haired woman you’ve never seen before. She’s gorgeous. You take a wild guess and assume she’s the woman Bucky had an affair with. Your heart breaks. But you can see why he loves her. Your feet start to slow down on their own accord Matt notices so ever so gently he grabs your hand and gives a small smile.
Getting back to the apartment where you’ve been staying with Matt you finally let the floodgates open and you make no effort at all to make them stop. Matt stands there not knowing what to say or do, nothing he can say will make this pain go away. So he does the same thing he’s done for the past month, he holds you, he holds you so tightly hating the universe for doing this to such a beautiful, incredible loving person. Hating James for causing you grief, hating the other woman even though he doesn’t know her, hating the all mighty avengers for not doing anything for you. Hating how even with the pain and turmoil you’ve been feeling this past month you can’t find it in yourself to hate the person who’s done this to you. He continues to hold you long after you pass out.
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~ banners credit goes to @sweetpeapod ~
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writing-for-marvel · 1 year
He’s Hazardous To My Health Series Masterlist
Warnings: strictly 18+ only, smut, unprotected vaginal sex, possessive sex, semi public sex, TRIGGER WARNING mention of a child dying from an epileptic seizure, mention of child abuse, car accident and resulting injuries, set in a hospital/emergency room, mentions of wounds & surgery & loss of life, needles & stitching, injuries to children, jealousy, angst, individual warnings at the top of each fic
Main Masterlist | Ask me anything! | Taglist | Library
Paramedic!Bucky Barnes x Resident!Fem!Reader
Summary: Bucky Barnes is a beefy paramedic with a traumatic past, who has left a trail of broken hearts behind him. You are a resident doctor new to town, who barely has time to date between long shifts. When your paths cross in your ER during a disaster, is it the start of something magical, or are you destined to be just another of Bucky’s former flames?
Last Updated: 28th August 2023
Triage (3.2k)
Short of Breath (4.6k)
Withdrawal (2.8k)
Fight or Flight Response (3.8k)
Heartburn (5.1k)
Night Shift (4.5k)
Blunt Force Trauma (3.4k)
Quarantine (1.3k)
Part Nine (coming soon)
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midtwentiescrisis · 11 months
Fave Bucky Barnes One-Shots & Two-Shots
here are my favorite oneshots and twoshots that I reread time and time again. I truly don't know what I would do without the amazing writers that exist on this platform. thank you to all the writers out there that takes the time to write such master pieces that allow us to escape reality one fic at a time.
**some of these writings contain mature content, so please read the content warnings for each fic!
• ° • ° • ° • ° • ° • ° • ° • ° • ° •
Graveyard // Sacrifice Feel Again (doctor!bucky) Back to Bourbon Street
Flashing Lights // Convalescence (paramedic!bucky) Haze
One in a Trillion (soon-to-be dad!bucky) Soft (tattoo artist!bucky) Home // Better
Deadweight // Deliverance In the Right Hands
The Ghost of You Find Me
Gentle Beauty of Bucharest
Unsettling Relaxation by @piecesofem (mafia!bucky)
Our Family by @imaginativeavengers (dad!bucky)
Respect is Earned by @duuhrayliegh
Waiting Game by @buckychrist (biker!bucky)
A Matter of Time Part 1 // Part 2 by @hanoella (healer!reader)
Need More of That Blue in My Life by @foreverindreamlandd
I Am Your Fall by @sinner-as-saint (mob!bucky)
Siren // Burn by @boxofbonesfic
Precious Cargo by @chokemewanda (pregnant!reader)
One More Meeting (stucky x reader) Don't Fall Asleep (stucky x reader)
Disconnected Who is She // The Long Run
You’re Here Now Under the Influence
Yours Hearsay
He Can't Hurt You Anymore Don't Move
Falling for the Flames by @kiritella (firefighter!bucky)
Never Giving Up by @itsthewritergal (mob!bucky)
Signature Needed by @purple-babygirl (daddy!bucky)
In the Blink of an Eye by @stardustdreams-andcaffeine (mafia!bucky)
Anyone But You by @nev3rfound (mafia! bucky)
The Markmans by @ohtobeleah
Capture My Heart by @buckyalpine
Bad Blood by @samthemarvelfan
• ° • ° • ° • ° • ° • ° • ° • ° • ° •
to be continued…
updated july 2023
[Fave Bucky Series]
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buckysimp101 · 2 years
Love at First Grade (18+) - 15
Single Dad!Bucky Barnes x Single Mom!Reader; Teacher!Bucky x CEO Reader
chapter warnings: idk sadness?? fluff. not a whole lot of like angst-angst
a/n: sorry about the atypical break in posting (but posting daily for 2 weeks straight and having a busy couple days at work will do that to ya) but I’m back! hope you enjoy this chapter! 
Series Masterlist
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Wild eyes stared into Bucky’s. They felt like they were piercing his soul. Bucky has started to come to during your monologue but chose to keep quiet until the last possible minute. But one thing about Bucky? He couldn’t stand to see you cry. And hearing you say you loved him? The icing on the damn cake. He knew he had to speak even though it hurt. It hurt to move. It hurt to speak. But damn was it worth it to see your face when he said those three words. Your mouth opened and closed like a fish and he could see new tears beginning to form in your eyes so he slowly lifted his right hand to cup your face, straining all the way due to a sharp pain in his ribs but treating it more like an inconvenience. One of the machines hooked up to him made sure to alert everyone of his pain as loud beeps started going off throughout the room. Doctors and nurses rushed in as you took Bucky’s hand into your own and brought it up to cup your cheek gently. 
Bucky could feel the tears pricking hot and heavy in his own eyes but he didn’t care. You loved him. You really loved him. And he loved you. Bucky wanted to caress your face, he didn’t care that the doctors and nurses were waiting expectantly and so he reached for you with both hands. Well. He tried to. That’s when Bucky’s attention was drawn to the surgical gauze covering his shoulder, and blank space where his left arm should be. He took in a deep, shocked breath at the realization. He turned to look at you, you had a sad look on your face as you realized what he’d just learned. A throat cleared from the horde of medical professionals and a woman in a doctor’s coat stepped forward to talk, you busied yourself on your phone as the doctor spoke.
“Welcome back, Mr. Barnes. I’m Doctor Summers. It’s so good to see you awake,” her soft tone didn’t seem to match up with her serious expression that may as well have been glued to her face. She seemed to want to continue with the niceties so Bucky cut her off, the rasp in his voice having disappeared slightly.
“Give it to me straight, doc. What happened?” Bucky tried to steel his voice, keep it from wobbling as he awaited the answer to a question that he already knew. 
Dr. Summers took a breath and spoke, “Mr. Barnes, when the paramedics arrived on the scene your left arm was completely pinned between two large pieces of metal. When we brought you into surgery we did the best we could to try and save your arm but sadly it was beyond repair. We had to perform a shoulder level amputation of the left arm. I’m so sorry.”
Bucky just sat there. Contemplating the words the doctor had spoken as he felt your hand slip into his right, your thumb rubbing soothing circles on the back of his hand. He’d never be able to hold you in both his arms again. He’d never be able to hold Becca like he used. Would never get to hold all his girls in his arms at the same time. And that thought? That’s what broke him. But Bucky held out. He didn’t want to cry in front of the horde of medical professionals. He’d wait it out. Dr. Summers seemed to be allowing him time to process her work before she continued.
“You do have the option to receive and be fitted for a prosthetic arm if that is what you wish. We have multiple models and companies to choose from, each with their own unique features. But that’s a conversation we can have in a little bit. We’ll leave you two alone, and if you’d like the rest of your visitors are also allowed in now that you’re awake,” and with that, Dr. Summers was rushing the rest of the team out of the room, leaving the two of you alone. 
The tears that Bucky had fought so hard to keep back slipped through his defenses and fell down his cheek, the motion catching your attention.
“Bucky,” you whispered and squeezed his hand.
That’s all he needed to hear. He was done. He’d heard you say you loved him when he was just waking up but hearing you say his name for what felt like the first time in forever? And after the news he’d just received? Bucky knew he’d receive the care he needed and so he did what he needed to do. Bucky cried. He cried for his arm, he cried for your love, he cried for the uncertainty of his future. And you scooted up next to him and just…held him. You held him and you let him cry. You wrapped him in your arms as gingerly and tenderly as you could. Bucky couldn’t remember the last time he’d cried in front of anyone other than his mom or Steve. But this felt right. He knew you weren’t acting out of pity, you were acting out of love. Love for him. And Bucky felt thee warmth of your love wrap around him in ways he’d never felt before. When Bucky finally caught his breath and was able to breathe without hyperventilating he chanced a look at you.
Your face was red from your own tears and your eyes were puffy. Bucky was certain you hadn’t slept much last night and he would bet if your last week was anything like his, you’d barely slept since Monday. Bucky needed to talk to you. And he needed to do it before his family decided they were ready to visit.
“Y/N, honey. I need you to know that I am so incredibly sorry about how I acted on Monday, and the rest of the week honestly,” you started to interrupt him but Bucky fixed you with a look that said ‘let me continue’, “it was stupid of me to run away. I want you to know that I don’t blame you. God. I could never blame you. I actually appreciate you telling me when you found out instead of keeping it a secret. I guess…I just never suspected that Dot may have had some ulterior motives when she came to me talking about a baby. Fuck, I was so blind I never noticed she was fucking cheating on me,” Bucky spat, a look of anger and resentment crossing his features. 
But you squeezed his hand and so he finished, “I needed a little time to process the information you gave me. I realize that I could have gone about it in a better way, or just have fucking communicated. But instead I shut down. And I shut you out. And that was so incredibly idiotic of me because you were hurting too. And for some reason at that time I didn’t stop to think about how that same information may have affected you. And honey, my baby, my absolute love I will never be able to forgive myself for running away when you needed me. But I’m done with that. If you’ll have me, I hope you know I will never run again. I love you, Y/N. You and Avery. I’m so lucky the two of you came into my life, and Becca’s, and I’ll spend the rest of my days making sure you know it.”
Bucky finally finished his monologue and looked into your eyes. Eyes that were swimming with tears. Eyes that seemed to show Bucky just how much you loved him. And then you spoke, “Bucky Barnes. You’re an idiot if you think I could stop loving you because you were scared. I should have known that your fear response was to run after our first night together,” you hinted with a pointed look causing Bucky to blush at the memory but you recovered quickly, “but I knew you needed time. I just wish we could’ve talked about it earlier this week instead of nesting in the shit and having it hang about like a rain cloud every day. But, I also acknowledge that you needed to process it on your own time and in your own way. All I ask, Bucky. All I ask is that you please don’t shut me out. I love you, James Buchanan Barnes.”
Bucky’s heart was floating. He swore it wasn’t connected to his body anymore. And so he did the smartest thing he could think of, he leaned as close as he could to you and whispered, “kiss me please?”
You happily obliged, being a little more gentle with his scrapes and bruises you leaned in and kissed Bucky softly, one of those kisses that’s made sweeter with the knowledge that the two participants are hopelessly head-over-heels in love with each other.
When you broke apart, a wide grin on your lips and a small smirk on Bucky’s you had the nerve to ask, “when did you know?”
Bucky quirked an eyebrow at your question, knowing you wanted to know when he realized he loved you. “When you called Becca ‘your girl’…and again when you called Becca and Avery ‘our girls’, just the thought of you loving her so much and seeing her as your own? As part of your family? Baby I knew then and there,” he spoke softly, watching your face light up at his admission. Then he saw a look cross your face he didn’t usually encounter, a look of bashfulness. 
Bucky looked at you questioningly before you spilled what was weighing on your mind. “Becca called me mama!” You blurted as you averted eye contact with Bucky. He merely chuckled, remembering when the feisty six year old had called you ‘mama’ the night before.
“Yeah, she did that last night before I called you. In fact, the kid is part of the reason I kicked myself into gear and had to talk to you. She kinda talked some sense into me…without really saying much,” Bucky admitted with a sheepish grin. Now it was your turn to raise an eyebrow questioningly. Bucky merely shrugged, where a grin was going to cover his face a grimace took its place at the pain from bruised ribs and a recent amputation became evident. Your questioning gaze turned to one of concern but Bucky just brushed it off and continued, “Becca can be real persuasive for a six year old.” 
Your whole body shook with laughter and his admission and Bucky tried to join in with breathy laughs as he fought through the pain. You must have noticed his discomfort because you stopped laughing and looked at him pointedly. 
“Bucky, if you’re in pain you need to let someone know.”
Bucky rolled his eyes and playfully whispered, “yes mom.”
Your eyes flashed in realization and you were scrambling from the bed as fast as you could without jostling him too much.
“Sweetheart if I knew calling you mom would make you jump away I wouldn’t have done it, come baaaaack,” Bucky whined but you just shook your head and grabbed your phone.
“No Buck! Your mom’s here! In the waiting room! With Bex, Steve and Becca!”
Bucky’s eyes widened, not fully understanding that his whole family was waiting on him. He couldn’t help thinking about how he was he going to explain this situation to Becca. You must have seen the tentative look on his face because your softened from one of surprise to one of comfort. 
“Bucky…do you want to see them?” you asked, obviously unsure if he was up for seeing his family. Bucky merely nodded his head in response as he began to mentally prepare for the group that would surely rush him momentarily. 
To his surprise, they were all relatively calm. Becca was excited to see him awake. You had helped her up onto his bed and had told her to be very careful and he could tell that she was treating him the same way she would a stray kitten. So Bucky used his right arm and tugged her close to him, her little arms wrapping around his neck as she hugged him tight. Bucky then realized that he wouldn’t have to explain to her what happened because his mother had done that already. His mom explained through choked breaths that when she and Becca had come to visit him earlier while he was unconscious the six year old had asked where his arm was. His mom had told her that he had been very hurt and that the doctor had to take it in order for him to get better. For some reason, the six year old didn’t have any questions other than “when does he get it back?” That statement? Coupled with the idea of never fully holding you or his girls in his arms again is what pushed him to consider a prosthetic. After discussing it with his family, he was ready to call in Dr. Summers for a conversation.
“Alright, Mr. Barnes. There are a couple of different prosthetics you have to choose from. There’s one company that is pretty new in the game, they’re called HYDR-“ Dr. Summer’s started before Bucky cut her off with an immediate “no!” The confused look on the doctor’s face mixed with the immediate reaction from Bucky at the mere mention of HYDRA Corp brought a smirk to your face. Bucky looked at you and he could tell you wanted to say something and so he nodded his head for you to talk.
“Dr. Summers, if you so much as try to put a single piece of HYDRA Corp’s tech on Mr. Barnes’ body you will be hearing from my lawyers,” you stated coolly as Dr. Summers’ usually fierce facade let in a tiny look of fear before you continued, “I believe earlier you mentioned a company who used a metal alloy constructed prosthesis that connects neurologically. There’s only one company who does that, Udaku Tech. Either Mr. Barnes gets Udaku Tech here, or we go to another hospital that will gladly fill that request.”
Bucky loved when you used your CEO voice and couldn’t help but think…God. I’m so fucking turned on right now.
Dr. Summers looked at Bucky for confirmation, as if making sure that you did speak for him. Bucky nodded his head and finished where you left off, “I’ve done more than enough research about Udaku Tech even before I found out that I would need their help. I trust Udaku Tech and know that I’d be lucky to receive a prosthetic from their company.” 
Dr. Summers nodded at Bucky’s statement and let him know that he would need to go back into surgery following a consultation with Shuri of Udaku in order for the connectors and receptors for the arm to be put in place and she gave Bucky some paperwork to sign acknowledging his consent for the consultation and the subsequent procedure. When Dr. Summers left, he let out a breath he didn’t know he’d been holding. The atmosphere in his hospital room seemed to lighten as if he’d been holding all the oxygen available in the room in his very lungs.
Becca reached out to him, her small hand holding a piece of construction paper. “What’s this Becca-bug?” Bucky wondered aloud as he took the folded piece of paper from his daughter.
She looked at him with a big toothy grin before announcing happily, “it’s your birthday card, daddy!” It was like in that moment everyone, Bucky included, realized what today was.
“What a hell of a birthday,” Steve muttered from the corner of the room causing you to nudge him in the ribs and Bucky to snort. Steve always was the one to provide a little comedic relief. The whole room started laughing and Bucky was about to comment when a knock sounded at his room door. You went over to see who it was and you were greeted by two uniformed police officers.
“Good afternoon, folks. We’re here to speak with a Mr. James Barnes?” The officer in the front took the lead as Bucky nodded for them to come in. The officer spoke again as his partner shut the door to the room. “Mr. Barnes, I’m Officer Williams and this is Officer Roberts, we were the first officers on the scene after last night’s incident and we need you to recount whatever you can remember from last night.”
Bucky nodded, understanding that this would be a part of the process and so he told the story. Of how he left Steve’s place after dropping Becca off. How he was driving to your place, it was dark. He was waiting at a stoplight when his light turned green, as he rolled through the stop light another car came from the opposite direction, speeding like a bat out of hell with little control, and rammed right into the driver’s side. Bucky knew he was lucky to be alive. Lucky that all he was missing was his arm when he could be missing his life. The officers took his statement and as they stood to leave, Winnie asked them about the person driving the other car.
“It was a drunk driver. He and his car were in way better shape than Mr. Barnes. We have his information in case you wish to press charges.”
Bucky nodded his consent, there was no way he wasn’t going to take the person that had changed his life to court. Officer Roberts looked through his notes and gave the information of the other man involved.
“His name is Brock Rumlow.”
a/n: how about that ending huh?......
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irelandking · 10 months
modern au fic recs
bucky barnes x reader
❤️ = fluff 😔 = angst 🔥 = smut 📱 = social media au
seat 2C - @viollettes
Part 2 & Part 3 Bucky gets signed up to be a seat-filler at the Academy Awards, only to get assigned to the seat next to one of his favorite actresses. ❤️
i’m with you - @wkemeup
When two strangers meet on a layover in the Charlotte Airport, they are sent on a whirlwind weekend filled with cancelled flights, painful questions over giant checkers, an ex-boyfriend’s wedding, and a confrontational graduation. They find that a lifetime can sit in the span of three days and it doesn’t take very long at all to fall in love. ❤️
soul mark - @kaunis-sielu
Part 2 soul mark au ❤️
city love - @chrevastan
You attend one of Natasha’s office parties against your will and end up meeting a charming stranger who turns out to be the person who runs the company. CEO!Bucky ❤️
the holiday hack - @gogolucky13
part 2, part 3 You ask Bucky to be your stand-in boyfriend for your family’s Christmas party. [Fake dating AU] ❤️
mais charmante - @sunmoonandeddie
James needs something.  More specifically, he needs someone.  Someone he can take care of that’ll fill his daily quota of affection.  Who better than a college student whose heart is too big for her own good? sugar daddy au ❤️📱
baker bucky au masterlist - @angrythingstarlight
all interconnected one shots ❤️🔥
fight for you - @teamatsumu
At the annual local boxing championship, Y/N is the leading medical specialist on call. It’s a whole new environment, and despite the drastic change, she loves it. Bucky Barnes is the reigning boxing champion of Brooklyn. Virtually undefeated, this tattoo artist by day, boxer by night is someone that is now fighting his way into Y/N’s head. And she’s helpless in front of his winning streak. ❤️🔥😔
once upon a time - @navybrat817
part 2 & 3: far, far away, a real prince charming librarian!bucky - happily ever after begins in the subway ❤️
freshly picked - @navybrat817
beefy!bucky florist, multiple parts ❤️🔥 budding romance, blossoming, fragrance, petal, sweetest nectar, efflorescence, adventures in babysitting, and grandeur
sugar and spice - @navybrat817
tattoo artist!bucky au, multiple parts ❤️🔥 and everything nice, what dreams are made of, and sweet and strong
everyone's watching him (but he's looking at her) - @writing-for-marvel
The entire world’s eyes are on movie star Bucky Barnes, what he’s wearing, who he’s dating, even the mystery behind why he needs a prosthetic arm - but Bucky doesn’t care about all that, he’s only got one thing on his mind, you. ❤️😔
sugary sweet - @all1e23
Is it all just sugar or something more? This is not a typical sugar daddy fic. Ya know me. Can’t make Bucky anything but the softest man to ever exist. There is smut so 18+, please. * ❤️🔥
he's hazardous to my health - @writing-for-marvel
Bucky Barnes is a beefy paramedic with a traumatic past, who has left a trail of broken hearts behind him. You are a resident doctor new to town, who barely has time to date between long shifts. When your paths cross in your ER during a disaster, is it the start of something magical, or are you destined to be just another of Bucky’s former flames? ❤️🔥😔
i'm with you - @wkemeup
When two strangers meet on a layover in the Charlotte Airport, they are sent on a whirlwind weekend filled with cancelled flights, painful questions over giant checkers, an ex-boyfriend’s wedding, and a confrontational graduation. They find that a lifetime can sit in the span of three days and it doesn’t take very long at all to fall in love. ❤️😔
all the blind dates - @supersoldierslover
After finding out that your boyfriend was cheating on you, you agree to go a few blind dates to help you move on ❤️
feelings you can't deny - @buckysmischief
You love working with your brother and best friends. But what will happen when Bucky visits the Avengers and you can’t seem to stop embarrassing yourself? bucky x stark!reader ❤️📱
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buckybarnesevents · 11 months
𝐀𝐥𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐞-𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭
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𝐎𝐍𝐄  |  𝐓𝐖𝐎  |  𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄  |  𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑  |  𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄  |  𝐒𝐈𝐗  |  𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍
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C4031 ⋆。°✩ THEEMDASH
𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘶𝘱 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘺. ♡
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C1   |   First Responder AU
⭑⋆⭑   PRE GAME
C2   |   Hockey AU   |   Hockey!Bucky Barnes x Reader
⭑⋆⭑   Stay with me
C3 + C4   |   Dad’s Best Friend + Adrenaline AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Reader
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C4033 ⋆。°✩ SUNALSO
𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘶𝘱 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘺. ♡
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⭑⋆⭑   a true hero
C1 + C2   |   Mythology + Royalty AU   |   Blacksmith!Bucky Barnes x Princess!Reader
⭑⋆⭑   heartbeats
C3   |   Nurse AU   |   Paramedic!Bucky Barnes x Doctor!Female!Reader
⭑⋆⭑   last stroke of midnight
C4   |   Fairytale AU   |   Prince!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
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⭑⋆⭑   Whenever I Fall (at your feet)
C1 + C2 + C3 + C4   |   BDSM + Modern + Hospitality + Tattoo Shop   |   Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
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𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘶𝘱 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘺. ♡
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⭑⋆⭑   Be My Muse
C1   |   Artist AU   |   Aritst!Bucky Barnes x Reader
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⭑⋆⭑   On the Verge
C1   |   Adrenaline AU   |   Modern!Bucky Barnes x Reader
⭑⋆⭑   Play Back
C3   |   Modern AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Reader
TUMBLR   |   AO3
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C4039 ⋆。°✩ CHRISSIHR
𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘶𝘱 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘺. ♡
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𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘶𝘱 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘺. ♡
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Graphics & Masterlist made by @rookthorne / @rookthornesartistry
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joansiefics · 3 years
Add yourself to my taglist
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~ Neighbor To The Rescue - Paramedic!Bucky helps you after you sprain your ankle
~ Deja Vu - Doctor!Bucky (Pulmonary Specialist) is also your brother’s best friend. When you end up in the hospital with a punctured lung, due to being bullied, Bucky has to insert a chest tube.
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baby-dr1ver · 3 years
I’m suddenly having a craving for doctor!bucky/paramedic!bucky au’s……….. please send some fics, would be appreciated
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Pairing: Paramedic!Bucky x Reader
Summary: Recovery is a long process; Bucky knows that better than anyone. He just really needs to get you standing before he can get down on one knee.
Word count: 5k
Warnings: Descriptions of injury
a/n: This is a part two to my fic ‘Flashing Lights’! Read part one here!! Sorry for taking ten years to write it, but here it is!! :)
You can follow my library blog @pellucid-library​​​​ for fic update notifications 🤍
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Part One
The red lights filtered through your living room window before the sirens sounded off. They were quick—just a heads up that it was your boyfriend banging up the stairs to your apartment. You rushed to grab your things before he got inside, but with your legs still stiff from your surgery all those weeks ago, ‘rushing’ was nearly impossible. 
“Hey, pretty girl, you ready to go?” Bucky called out, his boots heavy against the hardwood.
“Just a sec!” you yelled. “I need to grab my jacket.” 
“The one at the top of the closet? I’ll get it for you, don’t move.” 
“No, no. I got it, Buck. Just let me—uh, hold on, I just need to—” You knocked over a few boxes from the top shelf, sidestepping them to the best of your ability. 
Bucky’s footsteps were then hurried in the hallway. “You okay back there? I’m gonna come help you, just hang on.”
You let out a huff and hobbled back, abandoning your plans to be independent. It’s not like you weren’t used to it; your life had been an endless loop of needing help, and the plastic braces on your legs always exacerbated things. Bucky appeared in the doorway a moment later, his lips turning up in a small smile after his eyes had assessed you for any damage. 
He reached up and grabbed the jacket, giving your chin an affectionate tap as he passed it to you. “There we go. Now you won’t get wet in the rain.” 
“Great,” you grumbled. “Now if I could only get dressed by myself, this would be a perfect day.” 
Bucky tugged you to his chest and pressed his lips to your forehead. “Aw come on, pretty girl, it’s not so bad. You walked all the way back here by yourself. That’s progress!” 
“Oh yeah, definitely. Someone get this on camera! I can walk down the hallway.” 
“Hey, at least the accident didn’t take away from your sense of humor.” 
Your life had also been an endless loop of Bucky’s positivity. The second the doctor cleared you to go home, he was all smiles and encouraging words. You took it as residual worry; just Bucky still dealing with the emotions from the crash. Bucky saw it… differently. In his eyes, the more supportive he was, the less you would want to get back in a car on your own. 
The chest patches on his uniform scratched against your cheeks as you pulled away. “You ready to take me to the hospital now, Dr. Barnes?” 
“Definitely not a doctor, sweetheart.” He brushed his thumb against your cheek before leaning in for a quick kiss. “But yes. I’m sure Wanda’s very excited for your appointment. She’s been goin’ on and on about how well you’re doing. Tells everybody on her floor about ya.” 
Your cheeks burned. “I’m not doing that well. She’s just being nice.” 
Bucky started leading you out of the apartment, a protective hand pressed to the small of your back. You knew he would have preferred to just pick you up and carry you out, but since you started physical therapy, you had been adamant about doing things on your own. And Bucky had been very hesitant to agree. 
“I’ll be the judge of that one.” He lifted you up when you reached the stairs outside. Some things were still too hard. “I’m gonna sit in on your appointment today. Gotta see how you’re doin’. And there’s the business of you getting these off.” His pointer finger tapped at the brace on your calf. 
“You have time for that? I thought you had a full shift today.” 
“Got Stevie to cover for me. Been workin’ too much and I miss my girl.” 
He set you down in front of the ambulance, opening the passenger door and guiding you in. Once he had you settled, he slid in himself and put the van in drive. 
“Buck, you don’t have to pick me up in this thing every time. We could always take a cab,” you said, glancing at the medical equipment in the back of the vehicle. 
“Nah, we couldn’t take a cab. Cabs can’t get through traffic if there’s an emergency.” 
“I hardly think my physical therapy appointment constitutes an emergency.” 
“Guess not, but it’s still bigger than a cab, you know? Safer that way. Those tiny cabs are like death machines.” 
There it was—the massive, ever present elephant in the room. Ever since the accident, Bucky hadn’t allowed you within ten feet of any vehicle smaller than a minivan. You had offered to catch a cab to your appointments plenty of times, but he never agreed. He was always bounding up those apartment steps every week with keys in hand. And if it wasn’t the ambulance, it was Bucky’s massive pickup truck that took up too much space on New York City’s narrow streets. 
“You know, Bucky,” you cautiously replied, “I’m going to have to drive myself places eventually. Maybe even have to take a cab every once in a while. Your supervisor’s going to stop giving you time off eventually.” 
He tucked his hair behind his ear, metal whirring with the movement of his arm. “We’ll deal with that when the time comes, sweetheart. For now, just let me get you to the hospital.” 
You shut up after that; Bucky’s eyes became shifty and his left knee started to bounce to a rhythm you couldn’t place. You had made him nervous. 
You seemed to do that a lot since the accident. 
The first time you realized it was over the phone. It was two weeks after you got home from the hospital, and you called him at work to let him know the power had gone out in your building. He didn’t even let it ring once. 
“You okay? I can be there in fifteen minutes, sweetheart, what's wrong?” He hadn’t even said hello. 
Once Bucky realized you were, in fact, okay, and there was no reason for him to be running down the halls of the hospital with Steve trailing behind him, the conversation ran a bit smoother. He was still uncomfortable with you being home alone with no mobility and no power, but you reassured him you were fine. He sent Sam to the apartment anyway. 
Then there was the incident at the restaurant; the incident that you were convinced was entirely no one’s fault, but Bucky begged to differ. It was your first real outing since Wanda cleared you to walk short distances. Bucky took you to the Chinese place one door down from your apartment. Everything was fine—great even. 
Until you got up to go to the bathroom. 
“I got it, Buck. What, are you gonna go in with me too?” Your tone was light, but you weren’t messing around. You needed to make this small walk by yourself. 
“I know you got it. But I think it’d be better if I just—” 
It was a Friday night. The restaurant was busy. Of course standing in the middle of a walkway would get you flat on your back, a tray of ice water toppling over your chest, and the stocky waiter hovering over you. His eyes were wide as he attempted to help you up, but his body was ripped from yours in an instant. 
Bucky was not a violent man; he comforted old women when they fell down the stairs and held children when they cried outside of house fires. He baked cookies with you when you were sad and bought Alpine special cat food when she was sick. Bucky was a good man. But Bucky saw you half-dead in the middle of the street, and that follows a person. 
“What the hell is your problem, man?” he seethed. The waiter was tossed into the table as Bucky crouched beside you. “Are you blind? The girl as braces on her legs and you go pushing her like fucking ass.” 
“Is it that hard to look? You probably set her back weeks.” 
In all honesty, the fall didn’t exactly feel great; you landed weird on your already tender back and one of your knees bent more than it was ready to. All that, and your shirt was completely soaked through. You were also pretty sure one of the plastic cups had knocked you over the head, but that was the least of your worries. 
You hid any discomfort on your face to save the horrified looking teenager leaning against the table. But Bucky could always tell when something was wrong, and the night was over before it had started. 
“I—I’m so sorry. I didn’t even see her, I swear. I can comp your meals and—and—”
“Just leave,” Bucky grumbled. The waiter didn’t need to be told twice. “You're alright, sweetheart, right? Tell me if this hurts or if you can’t feel it.” 
His hands were steady on either side of your neck, pressing his fingers into points that probably had meaning. When he was satisfied up there, he reached down and started feeling up your spine. Each time you didn’t cry out in pain, he gave himself a satisfied nod. 
“Bucky, I’m really okay. People are staring and my knee kinda hurts—” 
Wrong thing to say. Bucky picked you up before you could finish talking, and had you in Natasha’s office so fast it made your head spin. 
You had been fine—obviously—but that was just one instance in the chain of events that was Bucky’s worrying. 
He was more subtle about it the healthier you got. Instead of body slamming a waiter for running into you, he would create a barrier between you and those that walked by you, his body acting as a wall. When he couldn’t cart you around in a wheelchair anymore, he would snake his arm around your waist and lift you up just enough so that you had no weight pressing into the ground. 
And of course, there were the ‘check ups’. For the first month you were home, Bucky greeted you every morning with a full diagnostic; limb movement, temperature check (he didn’t want you to get an infection), antibiotics, a rollerball on your back, and then you could get out of bed. When you stopped letting him do that, you could feel the way his fingers still assessed your tendons when you sat with him on the couch. And you swore he was kneading the muscles in your back as you slept because there was no way it felt so good right after waking up. 
But Bucky loved you, and you loved him. You knew if things were the other way around, you would be doing just as much. So you let him fret over you and acted like you didn’t notice, all to give him peace of mind. 
Today though. Today was different. 
Wanda said you might get to take the braces off, and unfortunately for Bucky, you weren’t going to let him talk you out of it. 
What you didn’t know was that Bucky wanted you out of those things almost as much as you did. Because he had plans; plans that involved you standing on your own two legs, free from any reminders of the incident, and wholly, completely focused on him. 
With a final turn into the back of the hospital parking lot, Bucky snatched the keys out of the ignition and jogged to the other side to help you. 
“Ah, ah, Mr. Barnes,” you chided, slipping your feet down. “If I’m getting these suckers off, then I need to be able to get out of a car on my own.” 
“Sweetheart, this thing’s huge. Lemme just—”
“Bucky,” you warned. 
He sighed, but backed off with raised hands. You struggled a little as you shimmied down, and Bucky’s lip disappeared between his teeth when your feet connected with the ground, but you did it. A swell of pride consumed your chest at such a simple task; it seemed like things were actually starting to get better. 
“I did it, Buck,” you laughed. “I actually got out of a car by myself.”
His eyes shone, hands stuffed into the pockets of his work pants. “You did, pretty girl. Saw with my own two eyes.”
The smile you threw back at him sent a heat through his chest that he hadn’t felt in a while. A part of you had vanished in the accident; the part that Bucky loved the most. The smiles and the laughs and the witty humor that made him hunch over and wheeze. Little by little, that spark within you started to reignite; the more you healed, the more you came back to him. 
He hoped you would be cleared today, because if you were, then the rest of the night was going to really bring that light out of you. At least he hoped it would. 
“Let’s get those things off of ya.” He swung his arm over your shoulders, guiding you to the physical therapy floor of the hospital. But he still didn’t put the full weight of his arm on you. You hoped that would stop soon; that you would feel normal again. 
“Wait, don’t you think she should hold on until—” 
“Barnes, I will kick you out of this room so fast.” 
“Wanda, I was just saying. Maybe she holds on until after she takes them off.” 
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Wanda scoffed, continuing to unbuckle the braces on your legs. “Did you go to physical therapy school? No, you didn’t. Don’t make me get Natasha.” 
Bucky slid down further in the tiny plastic chair, hand coming up to rub at his forehead. He had been doing really well not saying anything during the appointment, even when you could see the way his knee bounced when you hissed through your teeth, legs still sensitive to the touch. It wasn’t until it was time to take the braces off that he spoke up. 
“Bucky, the worst that’ll happen is that I fall flat on my face. And Wanda won’t let that happen. The ortho said I was good to go on the inside; all the rods are in place. It’s just up to me at this point,” you explained. 
He could tell you were nervous. You always rambled when you were nervous. 
“You don’t have to do this if you aren’t ready.” 
You shot him a look. “I’ve been talking about this for weeks.” 
“Doesn’t mean you have to be ready.” He stood, kneeling in front of your chair as Wanda prepped the room for your walk. “There’s always next week. Or the week after that. Hell, I’d be willing to cart you around on my back until we were old and gray if you wanted.” 
He looked so sincere. Bucky’s hands had come up to rest gently on your newly uncovered thighs, and you tried to imagine being an outsider in this situation; being one of the people Bucky saved off of their bedroom floor or at the playground. His kind eyes bore into yours as he smiled that half smile that won you over and it made you feel safe. 
It would make anyone who looked at him feel safe. 
Bucky was a good paramedic, but more than that, he was a good man; a good man that was yours. And you wanted to be whole for him. 
“I want to do it now,” you whispered. “For us. To get our lives back on track.” 
“I don’t care what track my life’s on, pretty girl. S’long as you're on it.” 
“Alright you big flirt. But I can’t keep those things on forever. I do have a job outside of sitting on our couch you know.” 
He laughed, the curve of his finger bringing your chin down to press his lips to yours. “I’d say that’s not too bad of a job,” he said against your skin. “Wouldn’t mind my wife sitting on the couch everyday when I got home.” 
A surprised sound escaped your throat just as Wanda clapped her hands, disorienting you further. 
Wife? You and Bucky had always talked about getting married, but he hadn’t brought it up a single time since the accident. You were actually getting a little worried that he stopped thinking about it. Springing a word like that at you right before you had to take the test of a lifetime was jarring. 
“Everybody ready?” Wanda smiled. 
Bucky gave your leg a comforting rub, an unknowing smile on his face before you spoke, “Uh, yeah. Ready, Wanda.” 
It was hard. Walking without the braces to support your weakened muscles was beyond hard. And you weren’t even allowed to hold onto anything; for months you had the rails to guide you, and now you were walking with absolutely nothing. Your shoes appeared too big compared to your shrunken ankles, the scars on your legs screamed angrily back at you as you took them in. 
Bucky nodded to you with kind, encouraging eyes, but all you felt was embarrassment. What kind of adult didn’t know how to walk? Who else had to look their boyfriend in the eye and attempt to take their first steps like some toddler? Not to mention the pain. After not being on your feet for such a long period of time, everything ached. Your feet, your ankles, even in your bones. 
You could feel the air in your lungs start to burn. You couldn’t do this, not with everyone’s eyes on you. This was humiliating; it hurt and they were looking at you with so much hope and you could fail. You brought a hand up to clutch at the material of your shirt—to yank it away from your heaving breaths—when metal met your skin. 
“Look at me.” Bucky’s level voice brought you to the surface of a water you didn’t know you were under, but you couldn’t break through yet. “Look at me, sweetheart.”
Dazed eyes snapped up to his, and he continued, “You feel that? You feel the metal?” He pressed the vibranium hand to your cheek. “I did this, just like you. It hurts and it doesn’t feel good. I was so angry at myself—at my body—for not just doin’ what I wanted it to. I wanted it to be like how it used to be right away. That Stark scientist showed up with his fancy briefcase, and I thought I was home free. 
“But—hey, look at me, y/n,” he stressed, bringing your fallen eyes back up. “It was nothin’ like that. Stevie came with me to the appointments to get me used to the prosthetic and I couldn’t even grab a damn apple. Kept rollin’ all over the place and I even crushed a few. Got him right in the eye with apple juice a few times” 
Your eyelashes fluttered, and Bucky took that as a good sign. He started to shift your weight away from him. 
“Was real embarrassed too. I couldn’t even do my job for a full year. Couldn’t look any of the guys in the eye without feelin’ stupid. I had an arm, I should’ve been able to use it, right? But it’s not that easy. It wasn’t for me, and it’s not for you.” When your breathing evened out, he steadied you on your feet. “You with me, pretty girl?” 
Your chest felt normal again—good and even. “Yeah, sorry, I just—it was just—”
“It’s a lot. I get it. Take your time, sweetheart. Like I told you, ‘old and gray’.” 
You glanced over Bucky’s shoulder, receiving a reassuring nod from Wanda. You were on your own feet again, you realized; it was now or never. 
With a deep breath, and Bucky’s words ringing through your head, you took a step. And then another. They were jerky and stiff, but they were steps. Your lashes fluttered again, but this time it was in surprise. 
You just had to make it to the line on the other side of the room. Then you could get braces off and be one step closer to your old life with Bucky; the one that didn’t have him escorting you out of cars and carrying you down the stairs. 
Just a few more steps. You were starting to sweat, but that wasn’t going to deter you. 
“C’mon, sweetheart, almost there.” Bucky's hand was covering his mouth as he spoke, nerves increasing with anticipation. Wanda wasn't reacting as much, and you had to remind yourself that she was a professional and not just your close friend. Bucky’s career always blurred the lines there. 
As soon as the line of tape hit the tip of your shoe, a breathy laugh escaped your chest, filling the room with the most amazing sounds Bucky had ever heard. Because you were laughing with yourself this time, at something you did; something you were proud of.
“God, I knew you could do it. My girl’s amazing, isn’t she, Maximoff?” His arms wound around your waist, lifting you as you continued your broken laughs. “Go on, tell her.”  
Wanda leaned against the wall, shaking her head fondly. “She is pretty amazing. But she’s been putting up with you for years, so I already knew that.” 
The room blurred past your eyes as Bucky spun you, kisses pressed into your neck with each praise he showered you with. And you had only taken about ten steps; you didn’t even want to consider what he’d do when you walked down an entire block. Actually, maybe you did want to consider it. With those shackles off of your legs, there was a lot you wanted to consider. 
Bucky nuzzled his head further into your neck with so much glee that you were beginning to question his intentions. You thought he would’ve been opposed to you being able to walk free; no more braces meant much more freedom—more dangerous opportunities. So why did the smile against your skin rival the sun?
“So—” Wanda trailed off, halting Bucky’s never ending kisses. “You two have plans then? Bet you can pick out a cute outfit now that you don’t have those hunks of plastic on your legs.” 
You craned your neck down at Bucky, still hoisted up in his arms. “I mean I don’t think so. Do we, Buck?”
Bucky raised an unamused brow at Wanda—who, by the way, knew all about Bucky’s master plan—before giving you an adoring smile. “I’ll figure somethin’ out to celebrate, pretty girl. This is a big day for you. You just get dressed when we get home.” 
“Well I mean if you insist.” 
He could get used to this; to the way you left his chest compressed with your smile. Your real smile. The one he fell in love with. 
After holding up about a dozen dresses to your body in front of the mirror, you decided on pants. Pants would hide the ugly scars that ran up your legs—red and cruel and a reminder. At least you didn’t have to wear shorts anymore. 
Plus, Bucky hadn’t told you where you were going. 
“Almost ready, sweetheart?” he called. 
“Yeah, just give me about ten minutes to walk down the hall.” 
Bucky laughed, and it wasn’t one of those uncomfortable, pity laughs he’d been giving you. Who knew hobbling a few steps in the hospital would lift such a weight off of his chest? Again, it was almost strange to you. Of course Bucky wanted you to walk comfortably, but something was different about him; he was more…confident, sure of himself. 
When you finally re-entered the living room, you were surprised to find Bucky still in his uniform. 
“Did you get called in?” you asked, trying to mask the disappointment in your tone.
He quickly raised his hands. “No, sweetheart, I wouldn’t leave ya after such a big day,” he smiled. “I just thought that maybe this would—uh, you know what, can you grab my coat out of the closet for me? Now that you’re a walkin’ woman and all.” 
You laughed. “Did you wait to get ready just so I could walk to the closet all by myself?”
“Yeah, that’s why.” 
He was acting very strange, and you had to repress a second laugh as you started your trek to the closet. When you flung the door open, Bucky’s usual black overcoat wasn’t hung up. And he most likely knew that. You gripped the metal handle a little tighter. 
“Buck, your coat’s not even in here,” you looked at him from over your shoulder. “What’s going on?”
“Oh!” he flung his head back in feigned forgetfulness. “You know what I think it fell off the hanger. D’you see it on the ground?” 
With furrowed brows, you glanced back in the closet. Sure enough, it was lying on the ground in a massive heap. Which was unusual considering there were only two things hung up in this closet at all times. 
“What, is this some type of bending test? Bucky, there are much easier ways to test the dexterity of my knees than playing mind games with me.” 
But you bent anyway—very slowly—and grabbed his jacket, only to uncover a very out of place cardboard box when you did so. You had spent every day of the last few months in this apartment; you knew what was in here and where it was. Bending again, you snatched it in your hand. 
“What’s this?” 
“C’mere, I’ll open it.” 
He flipped a tool out of one of the many pockets of his uniform, and sliced through the tape covering the crease. He was taking his time to slowly open it, shifting certain corners away from you. 
“Bucky,” you whined. “This feels like a riddle or something. What the hell are you doing?” 
“Well I saved a few of these,” he began, pulling something out of the box. “Figured I’d need ‘em for some grand romantic gesture the moment I met you.” 
And he shoved a sticker in your face. The same sticker he used to flirt with you all those years ago at the children’s fair. It was an almost perfect replica of the patch currently on Bucky’s chest, and you’d be lying if you said it didn’t transport you to the first day you met, with his, “I’d break the rules for you any day, sweetheart”  and the ever so charming, “you gotta boyfriend walkin’ around here somewhere?”. 
You cracked a confused smile. “Okay—cute, but why the gesture?”
“Ah, you don’t remember? I think I promised you a whole box of these on our first date, didn’t I?” 
“You did. Which you did bring me. And then we donated them back a few years later. At least I thought we donated them.” 
“Oh, you’re right, sweetheart. Of course.” The looks you were throwing at him were comical as he faked exasperation. “So you think I’m a bad guy for not sending them all back?”
“Bucky—what are you going on about?” 
“Wanna take a look inside and tell me if I should donate the rest?” 
Humoring your half-mad boyfriend, you glanced inside. 
And then with wide eyes, you shot your head back up. “Bucky,” you choked. “That’s not—”
“It is.” His tone was low. “Now I’m gonna get on my knee in front of my girl, and she’s gonna stand while I propose to her.” 
Your waterline glistened as you tracked his figure down, a joyful sob bubbling up in your throat. He looked so unbelievably happy to be doing this; to be on the floor of your living room with Alpine bouncing around his feet, his head now far below yours. 
“You came outta nowhere, I’ll give ya that. I volunteered that day to get out of conditioning with Fury, and I left knowing my future wife.” Tears fell down your cheeks. He grabbed one of your hands in his—in the metal one. “And I can’t tell you how many times I’ve thanked my lazy ass for doin’ that because you? You’re the best thing to ever happen to me. You make me slow down and enjoy the little things, not spend all my days working. You gave me Alpine and this wonderful home and this amazing life. 
“I’d been tryin’ to propose for months. And then you got hurt, and I thought I missed it; that you were gone and you didn’t know how much I love you. So I waited for this to be separate from that, but I can’t wait anymore. 
“I love you, y/n. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Marry me?” 
If someone told you that every emotion from the past few months was now crashing down on you, you would have believed them. Joy and pain and love and sadness and so, so much happiness you would never be able to fully explain it. All of it. All at once. And Bucky just kept looking at you as if you hung his world. 
The ring you knew cost way too much was held out in his hand as if you needed that; as if you would ever need anything other than the way he felt against your skin and his soothing words in your ear. He pushed it out a little further when your eyes flickered over the stone, and the ache in your chest grew. 
There was so much that went into this man in front of you; so much good and so much love. 
But you could ask anyone, and they’d tell you the same thing. Because Bucky was a good paramedic, but more than that, he was a good man; a good man that was yours.
“I love you. I love you so much, of course I will.” 
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writing-for-marvel · 1 year
Short of Breath
[He’s Hazardous To My Health Series]
Paramedic!Bucky Barnes x Resident!Fem!Reader
< < PART 1 | Series Masterlist | PART 3 > >
Summary: You hear rumours about Bucky’s reputation within the hospital just prior to him taking you on a first date you’ll never forget.
Warnings: strictly 18+ only, oral (fem receiving), mentioned unprotected vaginal sex, some light angst (I mean it’s me, what do you expect?), Bucky having a reputation as a heartbreaker, but also him being super sweet and planning a very cute date, additional warning for my terrible flirty dialogue
Word count: 4.6k
A/N: square filled for @sebastianstanbingo ‘picnic date’ (shhh that’s meant to be a surprise), banners by @vase-of-lilies
Main Masterlist | Ask me anything! | Taglist | Library
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‘Does 6:30 sound good? I’ll pick you up from the hospital lobby.’
Your stomach flutters with butterflies as your phone vibrates with a new message, the name Bucky bookended with blue hearts flashing in your notifications. An inexorable smile overcomes your features as you instantly message him back confirming your availability.
Gosh, when was the last time you were both this excited and nervous to go on a date?
“Well don’t you look smitten.” A friendly voice mentions from beside you. Wanda, a fellow resident and currently just about your only friend in your new workplace, leans against the lockers next to yours, gazing at you with raised brows, as if to silently ask why you’re so enamoured with whoever your messaging.
“I’ve got a date tomorrow night with an absolute beefcake.”
“Oh, is it that attending who’s been giving you all the good cases?” You stare down at your phone when it buzzes yet again, smiling when you notice Bucky has reacted to your message with a heart.
“No, it’s not Odinson.” A chuckle leaves your lips as Wanda frowns, almost looking disappointed it’s not a Thor you’re going out with.
“I always thought he was sexy, you know in a chiselled like a god with a gentle heart sort of way.” There’s a dreamy quality to her voice which makes you suspect she’s thought about having unethical relations in this hospital with him before. “Who is it then?”
“He’s a paramedic. I met him the other day when the train derailed. His name’s Bucky.” The joy you could perceive in Wanda’s eyes changes to something closer to dismay.
“Oh sweetie, you poor naive young thing.” You’re unsure why her voice is now filled with consolation, but it makes your chest tighten and the bottom of your stomach drop.
“What are you talking about?”
“Bucky Barnes has earned a bit of a reputation around this hospital.” You can sense in her voice she’s hesitant of revealing too much, trying to break the news gently to spare your feelings.
You aren’t an idiot, Bucky was quite clearly a natural flirt, that was evident from your interaction in the ER the other day, but by no means does that make him a bad person or someone to stay away from.
“He loves the chase. But that all ends the moment you sleep with him.” Wanda continues, discerning that she hasn’t provided enough information to convince you. “He’ll wine and dine you, and take you back to your place if you’re willing to put out on the first date. Then the only time you’ll see him again is across the room when he’s bringing patients into the ER.”
Your heart sinks below your stomach. You don’t want to believe petty rumours about someone you barely know, but it’s hard to look past the fact that someone as gorgeous and charming as Bucky isn’t already taken. Wanda also has no reason to lie to you, in fact, she’s likely the only person in the hospital you’d trust in this position.
“Sounds like you’re speaking from experience…” Your voice trails off, eyes trailing to the floor and out of the corner of your eye you see Wanda slump in response.
“Not me personally, but I’ve heard first hand stories from other doctors and nurses.” Her hand finds your shoulder in a reassuring touch. You must not be doing a good job of hiding the disappointment drowning your lungs. “Still go - at a minimum you’ll get laid. Just don’t get your hopes up that there will be anything beyond that. There is nothing wrong with you sweetie, no one gets a second date with Bucky Barnes.”
You shut your locker slowly, feeling completely demoralised compared to the swelling hope and joyful mood you had arrived at the hospital with.
Maybe you could be the one who changed him? Was that a foolish fantasy destined to end in heartbreak?
Determined to not let this piece of news ruin the rest of your day, you hold your head high as you start your rounds, heading firstly to see Sasha and her mom. Just because Bucky didn’t want more than a one night stand with some other hospital employees doesn’t mean it will be the same with you.
There was no denying you both felt something as you were patching him up earlier in the week. You’ll just have to wait until tomorrow to figure out if that something is just attraction, or destined for so much more.
* * *
Fiddling with the ends of your dress, you stand waiting for Bucky in the hospital lobby, feeling more nervous than excited after your conversation with Wanda the previous day. Unsure about what Bucky had planned for the night, you chose to wear something you shined with confidence in, guessing that’s something the self assured Bucky Barnes would appreciate.
Trying to push any anxious thoughts to the back of your mind, you instead choose to remind yourself Bucky was the one who gave you his phone number, he’s the one who asked you on this date. He wants you.
Just prior to 6:30, before you’ve even had the chance to glance at your phone, anxious about if Bucky is actually going to show, you hear your name called across the foyer. Looking up, you find the most handsome, staggeringly beautiful man walking towards you and you swear your heart skips a beat.
The first thing you notice about Bucky's appearance is that trademark smirk you’d found yourself missing the past few days. That same grin which had your cheeks heating and butterflies fluttering in your stomach in the emergency room, elicits the same reaction now as he strides towards you in a blue button up which makes his eyes shine like sapphires.
“You clean up nice.” You comment, seizing the opportunity to take all of him in, to appreciate just how broad and strong he is, even in civilian clothes.
“Not as nice as you do.” Grabbing your hands out wide, he makes a show of looking you up and down as you had done with him, but instead much more conspicuously, and in a way that has confidence soaring in your chest. “You’re breathtaking.” This motherfucker knows exactly what he’s doing, you think as a bashful smile overtakes you’re features.
Bucky then pulls you in for a quick, friendly hug before leading you out to the carpark with the promise of taking you to a place you probably aren’t expecting to go for a first date.
He stops by a motorbike and offers you a helmet and his leather jacket, and for a split second you have to hold back laughter, thinking he is joking.
“You’re a paramedic, surely you know better than anyone how dangerous these things are!” You comment as Bucky straddles what you assume he refers to as his prize possession. You must admit it is a gorgeous motorcycle - polished to perfection, and Bucky somehow looks even more attractive with his thick thighs spread around the heavy bike.
“I promise to drive safely as long as you promise to hold on tight.” Bucky quips as you take the helmet and jacket. You’re going to be able to shamelessly feel more of him a lot earlier on in this date than you were expecting, but you’re certainly not mad about it.
You straddle the bike behind him, and though there is ample space for you to both fit, you snuggle close to his back, hands finding his hips to steady yourself as he starts the ignition. Once Bucky drives onto the main highway, you’re clinging tightly to his firm middle, fearful about the lack of a barrier between you and the unforgiving asphalt surface of the road.
Your anxiety is short lived as Bucky soon takes a turn to a part of town you’ve not been to before, and soon pulls over to a quiet, non-distinct park which you have to admit you aren’t expecting.
“This place is a hidden gem of this city, I love to come here to clear my head.” Bucky comments as he guides you past the trees and once you step foot into the clearing beyond, you can understand why he’s brought you here.
The riverbank overlooks the city skyline, with a perfect view of where the sun will be setting and the light warm orange and pink hues painting the night sky. Bucky gazes at you with a sweet smile, as you take in the scene, leading you over to a red and white chequered picnic blanket already set up to seat two, with a bottle of sparkling water and a basket of finger food ready to be consumed.
Damn, he really is going to a lot of effort for you.
“You’re really pulling out all the stops, aren’t you?” You take a seat on the blanket, looking around to notice that you’re completely on your own. You’re unsure whether this fact should surprise you, if Bucky had a hand in ensuring that you’d have your privacy for your first date, or if it’s purely a happy coincidence.
“Well I am trying to impress you.”
“Eh, I think you could do better.” You jest, when in fact you admire how much effort he’s gone to for you. He loves the chase, Wanda’s words echo in your mind, and a small, hollow void in your chest feels jealous that the gorgeous Bucky Barnes has treated any number of other women to a comparable date.
“Well I haven’t kissed you yet, just you wait, you'll be putty in my hands.” He says with a pure faith which compels you to believe him, though also makes you wonder just how many other girls he’s kissed merely by using that same line.
“Confident, are we?”
“Once you kiss me, you won’t want to kiss anyone else, I promise you.” You’re positive that even just a single kiss from Bucky Barnes will have you addicted, if you aren’t already, which is why you take a sip of your sparkling water instead of leaning closer than your faces are already. Perhaps you’re a cynic, maybe you don’t want to open your heart to the prospect of being hurt, but you’re not going to just give into his charms within the first five minutes of this date because he’s cute and has a way with words.
“You’ll have to earn a kiss from me first, James.” You say but are met with a cheeky grin. He loves the chase, and you’re pretty sure this challenge is only adding more fuel to the fire of his motivation.
Conversation flows easily, the only silence between the two of you comfortable as you tried the diversity of foods Bucky had packed. Amid the shameless flirting, he asked you about your home, and what prompted your change of cities. He told you all about his childhood best friend Steve, who you could have mistaken for his brother with the pure love he spoke about him with.
The only question he wasn’t forthcoming with an answer was when you asked about why he became a paramedic. Though, you understand there are sensitive matters Bucky wouldn’t want to discuss with someone on a first date, so you don’t push the subject, choosing to instead change the topic to something where you know will bring out his contagious smile you’re quickly falling for.
As the sun sets, an ombré of vibrant oranges, reds and pinks decorates the sky, and you have the perfect view sitting on the riverbank opposite the city centre. You feel content, happy, and though the sight is gorgeous, you know it mostly has to do with the man sitting next to you.
“I can see why you like it here, this is beautiful.” You comment, eyes soaking in the stunning scene, noting this moment in the part of your brain that stores influential moments, those that you want to remember for a lifetime. However, you can sense Bucky’s attention beside you isn’t focussed where yours is as he speaks.
“I think I’ve got a better view right here.” You turn back to find Bucky looking at you with an affection you wouldn’t typically associate with someone sharing a first date, yet the undeniable fondness is there nonetheless. The softness and earnestness in his voice could fool you into thinking he truly does mean the sentiment, and it’s not just a pickup line.
“That’s so cheesy, Barnes. You take all your girls here at sunset and pull that line on them?” You immediately regret your choice of words - even if he had, you don’t want to know if he’s done all this for someone else, this moment between you feels special, magical, and you’d rather believe the tale that you’re the only one he’s shared this with.
“Nope, not a single one.” His voice is low and honest, with a level of desperation to make you believe him. “And even if I had, I’d have never meant it more.” His hand tenderly cups your face, swiping his thumb over the apple of your cheek, as you lean into him. The warmth his touch provides welcome in the cooling night.
“You really are something else, aren’t you James?” There’s a flicker in his features when you refer to him by his first name, an indication that you're not joking as you do when you use his last name or sometimes the adorable childhood nickname he’s known to everyone else by, rather, he knows you’re being authentic.
“I think that’s you, darling.” Bucky murmurs, brushing his thumb this time over your bottom lip. You close your eyes, savouring the sensation of his long awaited touch after craving it sitting across from him throughout the night. “Never met anyone like you. Haven’t been able to stop thinking about you all week.”
He makes it too damn hard to resist him, and instead of spending energy enduring the space between you, you decide it’s time to surrender to what your body wants.
Bucky watches intently as you move the picnic basket, which was dividing the blanket in half, and move over to his side, which seems much more limited for space with his large frame.
“So I recall you mentioning something about a kiss…” You lean forward, expecting Bucky to meet you halfway, but to your surprise and disappointment he tilts further away from you.
“You sure I’ve earned it yet?” He teases, not even able to keep his own small chuckle from leaving his lips. Your stomach flips as you anticipate what’s about to happen next.
“Why don’t you come here and find out?”
Without missing another beat, Bucky grabs either side of your face and crashes his lips onto yours. You can feel the blood rushing through your ears with how nervous and excited you are to be finally giving in to what you have been yearning to do since seeing him carry Sasha into the ER.
As his tongue sweeps into your mouth, his dominant hands move down to your thighs and lift you from your place next to him to straddling his stocky thighs.
You hate to admit it, but he was right.
You are putty in his hands.
And the longer the kiss lasts, the more certain you are that James ‘Bucky’ Barnes is the only man you ever want to kiss again.
Bucky smiles into the kiss, the jerk somehow knowing exactly what thoughts are running through your mind and the overwhelming effect he has on you. But you’re determined to prove it’s not just him that can elicit a lustful reaction. From your vantage on his upper thighs, you rock your hips deliberately slowly, drawing a whimper from Bucky’s lips.
Just as his large hands slip under the hem of your dress, brushing the bare skin of your back and pulling you even closer into him, you feel a spot of rain on your cheek. Then another. And before you’re even able to untangle yourself from Bucky’s embrace, the rain is pouring down on you both.
Neglecting the picnic blanket and basket, you both run to the cover of a nearby tree, Bucky covering you with his large leather jacket. Though the act is sweet, it ends up being fruitless as the water comes in at such a harsh angle you end up saturated anyway.
“I’m soaking!” You laugh, more at the inconvenience and your vexation at the timing of Mother Nature, than actually finding the situation funny. Bucky cups your face with a smile on his own, that same fondness still brimming in his eyes which makes you come undone.
“I’m sure there’s a joke about you being wet in there somewhere.” He’s not wrong, you were dripping before the rain started, but you’re not letting him onto that, at least not yet.
You laugh genuinely at his stupid wisecrack before pulling him back into a passionate kiss, not caring enough about how you look when absolutely drenched while Bucky gazes at you like you’re still the most beautiful person he’s ever laid eyes on.
You're not sure how long you spend kissing under the tree, but the rain is still pouring down when you both come up for air. Bucky looks at you expectantly, gentle hands still maintaining contact on your hips, and you know in this moment you’re deciding if you want to be one of the girls Wanta told you about that Bucky Barnes fucks on the first date.
“Take me home, Buck.”
The ride back to your place is longer than the earlier drive, stretched out by your need for Bucky not being fulfilled while the only contact possible is your arms around his solid waist.
Once Bucky’s parked his bike, you rush to your front door to get out of the rain, though it is a futile exercise as you're already completely sodden from the drive.
He presses you up against your door, in full view of any of your neighbours who might happen to be passing by, and remedies the situation of your mouth missing his tongue. His kiss is fervent, lips and tongue hungry, tasting all that you give him access to. Your hands find their way to his hair, his own slipping beneath the hem of your dress, his calloused hands brushing over the backs of your thighs before moving higher to find your ass, squeezing.
When you pull away you’re out of breath, but by the smug look in Bucky eyes, he seems proud of that feat.
“Would you like to come inside?” You ask breathlessly, already presuming his answer, your chest heating and your heart palpitating under his stare - if you didn’t know how aroused you were from Bucky’s kiss alone, you might actually be concerned for your health.
Bucky cocks his head to the side, and you just know something cheeky is going to come out of his mouth.
“You want me to cum inside?” You have to refrain from rolling your eyes, because as shameless and forward as Bucky’s being, your more than happy to follow through with his inference.
“Yes, I certainly want you to cum inside.”
Bucky’s hands never leave contact with your hips as you grab your keys to unlock your door, and once you’ve made your way inside, he takes complete control. Your back hits the door with a thud, but it’s excitement that tingles up your spine as Bucky leans his weight on you, lifting your thigh to curl your leg around his waist which allows you to pull his pelvis flush with yours.
You let out a small gasp when you feel Bucky’s clothed thick, hardening length press against your core. His signature, disarmingly charming smirk curves at the corners of his mouth as he leans down closer to you, piercing eyes never leaving yours.
“I’m going to make you feel so good, darling.” He promises in a low voice, before closing the remaining meagre space between you, lips capturing yours in a greedy kiss.
His hands locate the end of your dress again, sourcing your soaking entrance, his touch light not enough to satisfy your desperate need for him. Bucky smiles as he pulls away from your lips, bunching the end of your wet dress in his hands as he drops to his knees.
Fuck, he looks so damn perfect kneeling between your parted legs, licking his lips like he’s ready to devour you like a man starving. When was the last time a man fell to his knees for you? Have they ever?
Your train of thought comes to an abrupt stop when Bucky hooks your leg over his shoulder and places a kiss on your clothed pussy, you feel the flood of wetness pool at his teasing touch.
“Don’t you dare tease, Bucky.”
“But that’s what I’m best at.” He quips, placing a few delicate kisses to the soft inside of your thigh, each time closer to your centre than the last. Though he soon enough adheres to your warning by pulling your panties to the side and using those cheeky lips of his for good use by sucking on your clit.
Pleasure tingles up your spine as Bucky continues to eat you out, his strong arms keeping you upright as the sensation of his warm, wet tongue licking up your dripping arousal overwhelms all your senses.
“Mmm so sweet.” He hums against your folds, the reverberations sending jolts of ecstasy through your body.
“Fuck, Bucky, right there.” You manage to articulate between the stream of moans and whimpers his frenetic motions pull from the back of your throat, the sounds of which only spur Bucky on.
As he laps up all the wetness he himself is responsible for, you hurtle ever quicker towards the edge of bliss, the band in your stomach straining to an almost painful tension. You shift the angle of your hips ever so slightly, and when Bucky’s lips attach once more to your clit, you’re coming undone for him.
Your all consuming orgasm knocks the breath from your lungs, fingers grasping tightly to the strands of Bucky’s long hair to keep you grounded to Earth and stop you from floating away on a cloud of pure euphoria. Bucky slows his motions as he helps you ride out your high, hands maintaining a strong grip on your hips to keep you upright, determined to pull every ounce of pleasure from your body as possible.
When he figures he has, Bucky rises to his feet, locking lips in a bruising kiss in which you can taste yourself. He kisses you until you are short of breath and disoriented in your own home, hypnotised by how his hands tenderly caress your body, which contrasts to the vigorous assault his tongue just performed on your clit.
“This time, I’m going to watch as you fall apart on my cock.” Bucky commands as he starts unzipping his pants.
Based on his first performance, you’re positive you’re in for the time of your life tonight. Now all you have to do is let him ruin you.
* * *
Your head lays on Bucky’s bare chest feeling the steady rise and fall with each breath. It’s only your first date, and yet you’ve not felt as tranquil nor euphoric since you moved to this new city as you do right here in his arms.
It’s been hours since you arrived home, already having christened your front entry, couch and bed, twice, with the filthy things Bucky has done to you, and in what you have to deem the most successful first date you’ve ever been on.
Being with Bucky feels like you’ve found your new home in this isolating city. The final piece to the puzzle which makes moving here feel complete, purposeful, and in hindsight, like you’ve absolutely made the right call.
Just as you snuggle closer to his side, his head leaning to rest on your own, he sighs and starts to speak. “I should head home, I’ve got an early shift tomorrow- well, actually technically today.” He chuckles looking over at the alarm clock on your nightstand. “Need to have a shower and change.”
Anxiety, maybe even something closer to panic, rises in your chest. This is it. The one night Wanda promised you’d get together before he inevitably exits your life for good is over.
But not if you can help it.
“If you stay over, you could wake up with my mouth around you and be having the most world shattering blowjob of your life.” You place a delicate hand on his bare, hairy chest, keeping him securely in bed with you, whispering the words smooth like honey into his ear. “But I guess if you want to spend the night alone…”
“God, you’re making it so hard-”
“I make you so hard, do I?” It’s you this time who is wearing a cheeky smirk, and Bucky chuckles in response.
“Not quite where I was going, but yes, yes you do.” It’s difficult, nay impossible, to believe that someone who you just shared a night filled with pure ecstasy, multiple orgasms, and who is currently gazing at you with more warmth than the hottest summer day, is going to ghost you.
Bucky places a sweet kiss to your lips before climbing out of bed, leaving the space beside you vacant, cold, and making the bed feel far too big for just one person.
“I’m gonna call you.” He says, as if sensing you need reassurance from the tension in the still night air between you. Once he tugs up his pants, quickly buttoning and zipping his fly, he strides over to you and places a lingering kiss to your lips. Your hands snake around his neck in an attempt to pull him back into bed with you, but he’s quite literally a ball of muscle and you find you don’t have the strength to make him budge. “I’ll call you.” He reiterates, and though there is minimal light in the room, his blue eyes shine with sincerity.
“You promise?” You ask as he searches for his shirt which was thrown somewhere earlier in the night, your heart clenching when he finds it, knowing even your naked presence in a soft bed isn’t enough to make him stay.
“I promise.” He pledges as looks back at you one last time, his hand reaching for the door handle when some quality about you prevents him from opening it. He returns to your side and kisses you again, ardently, urgently, and for a moment you’ll think he actually will stay.
But you’ve never been that lucky.
“You think I’m passing up on an opportunity to do this again with you? I promise I’m going to call.” He repeats assuredly, placing one final, earnest kiss to your lips that leaves you dizzy. When you open your eyes, you only just catch his bulky figure leaving the room. Pulling the covers over you as the warm comfort you need, a few seconds later you hear a click as the front door shuts and within the minute his bike roaring to life as he drives away.
The words Wanda spoke in the locker room the day before reach the front of your mind. No one gets a second date with Bucky Barnes.
Hopefully you’re the exception.
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Part 3 > >
Be added to the series taglist here
Triage [Paramedic!Bucky Barnes] Taglist: @lavenderpenumbra @crazyunsexycool @eralen @buckbuckyoongs @blackwidownat2814 @roschele @crayongirl-linz @ozwriterchick @desert-fern @misshale21 @chalesleclerc164 @rookthorne @janineb86 @emmabarnes @scarletbich @fallenlilangel99 @princezzjasmine @mdrovert
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zestyemby · 3 years
Monsters in the Shadows - Avengers X Reader - Prequel Chapter
Pre-story Note: This is MCU Avengers based, alternate timeline so events are obviously going to be a bit different, but I’ll try and stay as close to canon as possible. As of right now, I don’t know who the pairing will be. Past Reader was obviously with Bucky and may be again, later, or she could be paired with someone else. Feel free to comment who you think she should end up with. This chapter is also a prequel of sorts, and once Reader’s powers are activated, her fingers a kinda stained an inky black, like, permanently.
Warnings: Loss, Trauma, Language (don’t think there is much, if any, in this chapter though)
Other Info: Y/N – Your Name & Y/L/N – Your Last Name
           Ten years ago, she had been normal. Fifteen years ago, she had friends and was about to go to college. Her whole life was ahead of her and there was not anything standing in the way of it. They, her friends, had planned a trip to Washington D.C. to visit the Smithsonian before they all went their separate ways. It was something they had always wanted to do but could not until they graduated, a rule their parents had come up with. It was not even that they were interested I the history of it. More like, one of the had a weird obsession with Captain America.
           So here they were, entering the museum with a crowd of people hoping to see the same exhibits. While her friends talked, she looked silently at the exhibit, taking it every bit of information, she could. It seemed familiar to her somehow. When they reached the section on Bucky and Steve, a switch flipped in her mind. She was flooded with memories, not of her life now, but of a life sixty years ago. A life that she had lived. A life that she had spent, loving a man that died at war. The same man that was Captain America’s best friend, James Buchanan Barnes.
           “Hey doll,” a voice called, “are you ready to go?”
           “Just a second,” she replied. She looked herself over in the mirror one last time before running towards the door. “Ready!”
           “Steve is coming with us tonight.” The man held a hand out to her, “Hope you don’t mind.”
           “Not at all. It’ll be fun.” She took his hand with a smile on her face and giggled as he twirled her around.
           “I’m going to miss that sound.”
           “You make it sound like you won’t be coming home.”
           “You never know...”
           “Bucky, you have to promise me you’ll come home.”
           The memory caused her to stumble back, holding her head. “W-what?” She looked around but she could not tell what was a memory or reality. It all seemed to blend together. When she heard a knock, she started to panic. There was not a door nearby, but it sounded so close. “I can’t….”
           The knock came again, signaling her that whoever was at the door was not going to leave until she answered. She set the rolling pin aside and wiped her hands on her apron. Upon reaching the door, and opening it, she saw that it was Steve, only, he was bigger. “Steve? What happened to you? Why are you here?”
           “It’s Bucky,” Steve began.
           “What happened?” She saw the broken look in his eyes and took a step back, shaking her head. “Don’t you dare…”
           “I’m sorry…”
           The moment he saw her begin to shake, he stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her. Her knees gave out then, and if he had not hugged her, she would have collapsed. It was the muffled screams into his coat that caused him to tear up. He held her as she cried, but he did not try to console her beyond that. There was not anything he could say that would ease what she was going through.
           Upon coming out of the memory, she began hyperventilating. The heartbreak she felt, it was as real as if it had just happened. By this point, her friends had noticed something was wrong and were immediately at her side. “I... I can’t breathe...”
           “Let’s get her outside,” one of her friends had said as she wrapped an arm around her waist. “Janet, help me!”
           “Right, sorry,” Janet said, tearing herself away from looking at the picture of Steve Rogers. She took over on Y/N’s other side, and the three girls started heading outside. “What happened?”
           “I don’t know. She was looking at the exhibit about Bucky and then this happened.”
           “Maybe we should get her back to the hotel?”
           “Or she needs medical attention?”
           “Michelle,” Janet looked shocked, “We’ll have to end the trip early if she goes to the hospital.”
           “Fine, we’ll take her back to the room. But if she does not calm down soon, we’ll have to take her to the hospital.”
           “Deal.” Janet released Y/N and went to hail a cab. After several attempts, one pulled up to the curb and the girls loaded Y/N up then climbed in.
          Several minutes later, it did not seem like Y/N was doing any better. In fact, it seemed like she had passed out. There were tears still streaming down her face, but her breathing had returned to normal.
          “Should we call her mom,” Michelle asked, concerned.
          Janet pursed her lips, unsure of what to do. Just as she was about to say something, Y/N’s eyes snapped open. The only problem, they were pitch black. “Uhm, Y/N? Are you okay?” The response she received was a high-pitched scream that caused the driver to swerve into another vehicle. This resulted in several vehicles crashing into one another, an eventually lead to a pileup.
          They thought it stopped there, along with Y/N’s screaming. But it did not. What happened next would cost D.C. half a city block and resulted in what would be nearly two hundred missing persons. A burst of darkness came from Y/N and swallowed everything within three hundred feet. As it faded away, the only thing left was Y/N, breathing heavily, and reaching out with blackened fingers.
          Elsewhere, every available news source was covering the story of how a portion of D.C. disappeared in a black hole. Nick Fury entered the office, furious. “Someone tell me what the hell is going on! What just happened?”
          “We don’t know sir,” Maria said as she hovered over one of the techs. “All we know is that there is one survivor.”
          Nick looked up at the screen, seeing Y/N on the ground, clearly disoriented. He watched as paramedics rushed to her. “What hospital is she at?”
          “It looks like,” Maria took over for the tech, “George Washington University Hospital.”
          “Let’s go. I want to talk to her.”
          “I’m willing to bet that teenager knows what happened. Might even be the one responsible.” He did not wait for a response before turning and walking out of the room. Maria followed quickly after. Within an hour, they were walking into Y/N’s hospital room, and he was taking a seat by her bed, while Maria stood by the door. “Y/N Y/L/N?”
          Y/N had been staring at the ceiling since she had been brought in. Everything that was said to her went in one ear and out the other. When she heard someone say her name, she turned her head slowly to look at them. “Are you here to ask questions too? I already told them I do not know what happened. The last thing I remember was being at the Captain America Exhibit.”
          “No,” Nick said, “What part of the exhibit were you looking at?”
          She turned back to look at the ceiling. “James “Bucky” Barnes. I looked at it, and when I saw his face, I remembered things.”
          “What things?”
          “It wasn’t my life, but it was. It felt so real.” She lifted her hand and looked at it, turning it over a few times. “The warmth of his hand. The feeling of my heart breaking when Steve said he was dead.” Putting her hand down, she turned back to the man. “Who are you?”
          “My name is Nick Fury and I work for SHIELD.”
          “What’s that?”
          “The reason we are here.”
          “I don’t understand.”
          “You are a peculiar individual Y/N, and we want to help you.”
          “You think I did it, don’t you?”
          “I’m not saying you did but your hands,” he gestured to her blackened fingers, “say you were at least involved.”
          “By helping, do you mean lock me up?”
          “Is that what you want?”
          “Then no, unless you give us a reason.”
          “Okay.” There was not a reason to deny the help he offered her. Everyone else that had been in her room had already decided she was guilty. It was the way they asked their questions. The way that they looked at her. They did not treat her like a survivor. “Can you make me disappear too?”
          “Sir,” Maria turned to Nick after seeing a doctor coming.
          “What is it,” Nick asked.
          “The doctor is on his way. He isn’t alone.”
          “Who is with him?”
          “Looks like police.”
          “Tell them we’re taking her off their hands.” When Maria nodded in response and left the room, he turned back to Y/N. “Welcome to SHIELD Y/N.”
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myblueeyedbuggers · 3 years
My Boys
Chapter 5
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14
Pairings: Reader x Steve Rogers (best friend) Reader x Bucky Barnes
Word Count: 1402
Warnings: Slow Start, Language.
Summary: After being abandoned by her parents in Brooklyn in 1929, y/n makes a living for herself by working for the Црни лабуд gang until she meets two boys in a back alley and her life slowing begins to change
Hi all, so this one is more of a filler chapter, I couldn’t leave it out and skip straight to my next idea cause to be honest the story wouldn’t of made sense and we would of been confused XD. But luckily for you all, because this ones so short I’m gonna upload chapter 6 tonight as well :) Enjoy Everyone!
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-Third person POV
Pure terror filled with atmosphere the minute the little girls body hit the floor, blood seeped out of the wound and stained the floor as the two boys fell next to her, calling her name in a panicked frenzy. The police pried the two boys away from the younger girl, carrying her over to the nearby paramedic as the pair watched helplessly, guilt crushing the both from the inside. Different people flocked to her side, one placing a mask on her face while another lifted her shirt and applied pressure to the wound.
Everyone’s gazes followed her, watching with sad eyes as the ambulance crew frantically packed her into the van, suddenly the young girl started convulsing and thrashing around as a crew member rushed to the door and slammed it shut as the ambulance pulled away, the sirens echoing off the buildings as the van disappeared from view. The two boys left behind were inconsolable as they turned away from the scene and followed the path of the ambulance, ignoring the calls of the police officers attempting to console them.
-Time Skip
The doors of the hospital flew open, Mrs Barnes flew across the floor, her two sons in tow as her daughter and husband followed them, her eyes were red from all the crying she had done, her heart heavy with dread and worry for the sweet girl brought to her a few days ago. The news of her boys being involved in something so horrifically violent nearly gave her a heart attack, knowing that if it wasn’t for the young girl, then both of her sons would have died for no reason.
The amount of gratitude she felt her the younger girl’s actions was indescribable, her disbelief that this girl was so willing to sacrifice herself for a pair of boys she hardly knew was baffling Mrs Barnes brain in more than one way. She had to know that the girl was okay, not only for her sake but for the two boys behind her, neither had said a word since they told her what happened, both too consumed by their own guilt.
The rapid pace of her approaching footsteps grabbed the attention of the nearby doctors and nurses, all watched with wide eyes as she neared the reception desk, the look on her face implied that she meant business. “Excuse me, but could you tell me which room y/n is in? the little girl brought in with the gunshot wound? Please she a very good friend of my sons and I’m worried sick about her” desperation laced her voice as the receptionist glanced at the woman wearily, “That all depends if you’re inquiry as a family member or a family friend Ma’am”.  A shaky laugh passed through the lips of the older woman as she stared at the receptionist disbelief, “ I’m not related to her, but she hasn’t got any family coming to see her, we’re the closest thing she has to that, please she saved my sons life today, I just need to know if she’s okay” the older woman’s voice faded into a whisper as she fought back the tears, Mr Barnes stood next to her and wrapped a arm around his wife in an attempt to comfort her.
Seconds passed before the receptionist replied, “Y/n’s in surgery, the bullet shattered, the doctors are trying to find all the pieces, she’s suffered a lot of blood loss due to internal bleeding, but all our best doctors are in there with her. She’ll be okay Ma’am. Room 296 has been prepped for her, I’ll put you all through as family for tonight, but only tonight.” The older woman grasped the hand of the receptionist, whispering her thanks before following her family down the corridor to the little girl’s room.
-Bucky’s POV
It’s all my fault… if I hadn’t of been so stupid y/n wouldn’t be in this situation. Her eyes were haunting my mind, the way they glossed over as she fell, the amount of pain that showed in them was enough to slowly send me insane. What the hell was I thinkin’?! she was fine before I decided to play hero! she was safe, alive and well.
She could die because of me, that’s the worst part. Because of me and my stupid ego she could die, I’d promised to protect and all I’ve done is hurt her, she’s better off without me near her, why didn’t I listen to her? She told me time and time again to leave her alone, that it was too dangerous for us. If only I’d listened…“Stop it Buck” Steve’s voice broke me outta my pity party, my head turned towards him as he began to talk, “Stop blaming yourself, it’s not your fault how were you to know that this would happen? Hell, how were we both supposed to see this happenin’? I knew she said she was in some kinda’ trouble but I never thought it’d be this bad. This is on me Buck, I was the one who followed her into that fight, not you, me. It was my idea to go and save her, my idea that got her shot, not yours.” Steve’s eyes shone with tears, his head was facing the floor in shame, “No Steve, this is on both of us, I was the one who brought her back home, the one who wouldn’t leave her on her own, and if you’re gonna try play that card, I didn’t stop you when you walked into the middle of that fight, I followed you in. So, if anything it’s on both of us”.
We both shared a look, each of our faces mirrored each other as we came close for a hug, my hold on him tight and firm as shared my strength with his.
I hope to god Y/n has it in her heart to forgive us both
-Time Skip
Third person POV
3 hours later, the sound of approaching footsteps woke Mr and Mrs Barnes from their sleep, the 3 kids still sound asleep on the sofa, quietly both parents stood up and made their way outside. A team of a doctor and nurses were rolling the bed currently occupied by y/n towards them, the young girl was a pale as a sheet, the dark bags under her eyes practically glowed in the low light, bandages covered most of her midriff and dark bruising covered her nose. Mrs Barnes clamped a hand over her mouth to stifle her cry, her head turned into her husband’s chest as he fought to hold back the tears at the sight of the young girl, the doctor approached them with a sympathetic smile as he held his hand out to Mr Barnes.
“Good Evening Mr Barnes, my names Doctor Miller, now y/n has lost a lot of blood, the bullet nicked the aorta artery, but we managed to stop the bleeding. We had to put her under some sedatives for the time being, she’ll be very weak for a few days and unfortunately, she’ll have to remain in the hospital for the next few days while we monitor her progress, y/n will need lots of rest while she’s recovering so anything you can do to help her would be apricated. Besides from a broken now and a few bruised ribs, she’ll be okay, just give her a few days to come around.”
“Thank you for this doctor, there’s no words to say how grateful we are” Mr Barnes then offered his hand to the doctor and shook it, his eyes reflecting the gratitude for the doctor’s actions and his relief for the little girl being okay. With one final nod, Doctor turned and joined the nurses leaving y/n’s room, both parents glanced at each other as they prepared to walk back into the room, neither wanting to see the young girl in such a horrible state.
Both parents opened the door and made their way to the young girl’s side, sparing a glance to the other children on the sofa and checking to see if they were still asleep, luckily all three were still out for the count. More tears slid down the face of Mrs Barnes, her hand gently grasping the little girls as her husband pulled her back into his chest, him too struggling to fight off his own tears.
So that’s chapter 5 outta the way, kept it short and not to sweet (Pardon the poor play on words there). Hopefully you all enjoyed :)Thanks for Reading!
Rose xxx
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aesthetical-bucky · 4 years
In Sickness and Health
Pairing: Paramedic!Barnes x Infected!reader
Summary: Bucky is a paramedic and is on the front line in the health care, helping thousands of people with Coronavirus. When one particular patient becomes extremely sick and has to be admitted to hospital, he gives her hope and the will to fight the virus.
Authors Notes: This is written for @the-ss-horniest-book-club for the Quarantine Heroes challenge 💕🌸
Bucky has lost count how many times he’s sat outside on the steps of the hospital crying because of the pain in his patient’s eyes. He sees the pain daily, how badly this virus can effect people in so many different ways. 
Bucky feels helpless, he wants to help and save as many people as he possibly can. He wants to save someone’s mother, father, daughter, son, grandparent. Because he too had a family once, and knew what he would be willing to do to keep them safe. 
Another call comes in over the ambulance radio. A patient with severe breathing difficulties needs assistance right away. Bucky stands abruptly, wiping his hands on his paramedic pants as he jumps in the driver’s side of the ambulance. Once he and his partner Sam have established where they are going, the sirens blare through the streets of New York. Because these guys know that every second counts. 
“Patient’s name is Y/N, Y/L/N. A (Your age and gender), started showing symptoms 3 days ago which have gotten considerably worse.” Bucky slaps the steering wheel, frustration returning because he wants to do more but knows there’s nothing else to do. 
The paramedics reach your apartment after changing into their PPE, where a doctor is already inside and gave you an oxygen mask. Bucky kneels in front of you and grasps your knee, squeezing it reassuringly. 
“Hello, ma’am. I’m Bucky and I’m gonna take care of you alright?” You nod your head, gasping for air as the mask does very little. “You’re going to be absolutely fine.” He has said this phrase so many times throughout his career, it sounds almost robotic. “I need you to keep breathing through the mask for me. We’re gonna get you to the hospital in a bit.” 
Bucky checks your blood pressure, your heart and the other essentials and writes them down on the pad. 
You get a good look at Bucky. His bright blue eyes make you feel safe. They remind you of the ocean. His eyes are shielded behind some plastic eye protection. A medical mask covering his mouth and he’s dressed in a white hazmat suit. His deep velvety voice keeps you grounded. 
Bucky looks up from his pad and smiles behind his mask. He stares deeply into your (eye colour) eyes, he takes a glance around your apartment and he smiles. 
“I see you like 40′s Jazz music. When you get better we should go dancing, just as a celebration!” He beams and you nod, agreeing. You would love that. You’ve always wanted to line dance. “Great. Come on, let’s get you to the hospital and on a ventilator. You gotta get better now, you owe me a dance.” 
The only thing on your mind was your family and this paramedic who risked his life to make sure he could save yours. 
You would forever be grateful to the heroes working on the front line. Doing their best to keep patients alive. You hoped your immune system would be strong enough to fight this. 
Taglist: @jobean12-blog @hailmary-yramliah @criminal-cookies @marvelgirl7 @nano--raptor @the-wayward-robot @godofplumsandthunder
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Outsider Pt. 20
Pairing: Step Dad!Tony Stark x Teen!Reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Summary: Everything’s going to be alright now that Reader’s free, right?
Warnings: Implied mild torture (?)
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Bucky had been sitting in one of the chairs, and shot to his feet when you stepped out of the bathroom. 
“Hey. Your ma and Tony are talking to the doctor right now. Want me to call ‘em?”
You wanted to say yes. You should’ve said yes. But you shook your head, and slowly walked over to the bed. He had offered to help, but you were determined to make it on your own. 
He watched you settle into the freshly made bed, and found himself at a loss when you turned to him expectantly. He cleared his throat, and placed the chair he’d been sitting in next to your bed.
“Before anything else, I promised Pete I’d ask you if it was ok for him to come see you.”
You thought about it for a moment, and while you didn’t want Peter to feel sorry for you once he saw you, you wanted something to feel normal. Peter could talk for hours and not tire, and you decided it would be a welcome distraction. 
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
Silence filled the room again, but unlike before, it was awkward and full of tension. Bucky saw the fresh bandages on the table, and gestured to them. You nodded, and he carefully started to redress your wrists.
“I’m so sorry,” he finally said. “It’s my fault.”
You were glad he was the one to start talking, but you were confused by what he’d said. “What? How?”
“I knew somethin’ was goin’ on.” He took a shaky breath as he wrapped the bandage, unable to look you in the eye. “I shoulda told someone, but I didn’t.”
As Bucky explained, his strange behavior and his hostility toward Dean began to make sense. As it turned out, Dean also had his suspicions about Bucky.
If it hadn’t led to what it did, you might have found it funny.
Whatever good the shower had done you was ruined when he told you about the bombing. Sam could have died. Many others did. 
“I know I can’t even begin to make it up to you, but I-”
“Promise me.”
Bucky finally looked up, brow furrowed as your own determined eyes bore into his. “Huh?”
“No more secrets, Bucky. From now on, if something’s happening, you tell me. Promise me.”
A lump formed in his throat, but he swallowed it down and nodded. “I promise.”
“Thank you.” You bit your lip, knowing your next question wasn’t going to go over well. “What happened with Kasady?”
Bucky shut his eyes and sighed. “Don’t, please.”
“I need to know.” Your voice cracked, but you continued on. “Mom won’t tell me and I’m sick of being kept in the dark.”
“You don’t have to be afraid of him anymore.”
“He said he’d come back for me, no matter what,” you quavered. 
“He won’t.”
“He will!” you slammed your fist on the bed, angry that no one was listening. “If he got away, he could still be nearby! If he got caught, he’ll escape! He’s done it before, he told me so!”
“But if he’s held somewhere far, I’ll have time before he makes it to New York!”
“He’s not gonna hurt you again.”
“You don’t know that! You don’t know what he’s done, what he’s capable of! He said I was his, and that-”
“Stop!” Bucky hissed, quieting you. “I promise you, he’s not going to bother you ever again.”
 “But…” you paused, his expression willing you to understand; something he wasn’t saying. “Oh… oh my god.”
This time, it was you who couldn’t couldn’t look him in the eye. After everything he’d done to separate himself from the killer he used to be, and all the crimes he’d atoned for, he’d become what he wanted to leave behind again. Kasady was a civilian; a terrible one, but a civilian nonetheless. 
You hadn’t seen him reach for you, so when he tried to comfort you, you jerked away from his touch. He pulled his hand back and stiffened.
“Bucky, I… I don’t even…”
“It’s fine,” he said through a strained smile as he stood from the chair. “I get it. I’ll send the kid in.”
Deep down you knew it wasn’t your fault Cletus became obsessed with you, but you still felt responsible for the setback in Bucky’s progress. You wanted to apologize, but everything you could think to say paled in comparison to the deed he’d done. 
Instead, you watched quietly as he walked out of the room.
You’d been lost in thought, tracing the scar on your chest as you wondered if your friendship with Bucky would ever recover, and didn’t notice Peter standing by the door, or the stuffed bear in his arms.
He didn’t know many details of what had happened to you, the others had been careful not to speak about it when he was around, but he still picked up on a few things here and there. His throat tightened when your hand pulled the front of your gown down enough to reveal part of the ‘K’, and he hoped that what he’d heard about you having his whole name on you wasn’t true.
Your hand dropped onto your lap, and despite how awful you were feeling, you couldn’t help but smile at him.
“Hey, Peter.”
“How are you?”
You looked down at your hands and shrugged. “I don’t really know.”
Peter approached slowly, looking for any sign of disapproval to his taking the seat beside you. When you didn’t object, he handed the bear over. You thanked him, and held it awkwardly in your arms. You still felt dirty, and you didn’t want the smell you thought lingered on your skin to transfer to the bear, but you didn’t want to voice those thoughts in order to spare Peter’s feelings if you set it aside. So you held it.
“Ned’s on his way,” he said, breaking the awkward silence. “I was going to get you flowers, too, but then I realized that probably wouldn’t be a good idea.” 
“Good thinking,” you grimaced. “Hey Pete, do you know where I was?”
“No, they wouldn’t tell me much of anything. Don’t you know?”
“No, there weren’t any windows or anything.”
Peter frowned, recalling something he’d heard the Winchester brothers talking about. “Wait, but you sent a letter, didn’t you? How’d you know you were still in the area?”
You reached to scratch your cheek, careful not to press against the bruises. “He let slip he’d been to Brooklyn. Figured we couldn’t be too far off. So, you don’t know where I was found?”
“No. When Thor said he knew where you were, he wouldn’t let me come.”
“Thor?” Your hand dropped, eyes widening in horror. “How did he know?”
“He said Heimdall saw you,” he answered, unsure as to what was wrong. “While he came to get Cap and Sergeant Barnes, his brother went to where you were, but they told me to let the others know they were going to get you. Are you ok? You look like you’re going to throw up.”
When Bucky left, you didn’t think you could feel worse. Now you not only felt guilty, but humiliated as well. You knew someone had to have found you, but didn’t want to think about who that could’ve been. Your body felt as if it were on fire, and if you had been attached to the heart monitor, you were sure it’d be going crazy. It would’ve been alright if it had been some police officers or paramedics that came to your rescue, but to have people you would have to face on a semi-regular basis see you in such a state was too much to handle.
Concerned, Peter reached for your hand, but you snatched it away and lifted the bear to cover your face.
“Y/N? Do you want me to call someone?”
“No,” you whimpered. “Can I have some water, please?”
Peter scrambled from the chair, grabbing the small plastic pitcher from the table and ran out to fill it. While he was gone, you forced back the tears that wanted to escape, swallowing the sobs that tried to crawl up your throat.
You didn’t know how’d you’d ever be able to look them in the eye again, when just thinking about it filled you with shame. Avoiding them was out of the question so long as you lived under the same roof. Relief flooded over you when an idea struck: maybe you could ask to go home. 
Peter returned, pitcher full and looking pleased that you seemed to be feeling better. Ned followed in, struggling with the biggest bunch of balloons you’d ever seen. Peter poured you a cup while Ned tied your balloons to a table where they wouldn’t be in the way and pulled up a chair.
“You look great!” he began, looking away in embarrassment as he realized what he said. “I mean, I thought you were gonna be worse.”
“Ned! God, I’m so sorry, Y/N.”
“Well, I did!” he defended. “Hey, do you feel any stronger than before?”
“What do you mean?” you asked.
“Well, Captain America donated the blood for your transfusion. Does that mean you’re all super-y now?”
You couldn’t stop the laughter that followed, no matter how much strain it put on your body. “I don’t think it works that way.”
“It might. I mean, Peter only got bit by a spider.”
“It wasn’t just a spider!” Peter scoffed. “It was radioactive!”
Ned rolled his eyes. “And she wasn’t given normal blood. She has Captain America’s blood. It could give her powers, too.”
You watched the two bicker, the smile slowly falling from your face as you realized how much you would miss them if you left.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Peter and Ned left when your mom returned, and you decided against having any more visitors. Actually, Steve had asked to see you, but even though his blood pumped through your body, you couldn’t face him. Instead, you said you didn’t want to see anyone. It would make things easier in the long run if you were going to leave, anyway.
Tony noticed you’d barely touched the snacks he brought, and frowned when you declined his offer to bring you something else. He’d also noticed how tired you looked, yet when the nurse asked if you wanted something to help you sleep, you declined that, too. When your mother tried to protest, he reassured her it would be fine, and offered to stay up with you if she wanted to doze off. 
“You’ll heal a little faster if you sleep, you know,” Tony offered once your mom fell asleep. You only shrugged, keeping your attention on the old sitcom playing on the tv. “Your body needs rest.”
“I don’t want to sleep,” you snapped, “I want to watch tv.”
Though Tony was a genius, it didn’t take one to figure out why you didn’t want to sleep. It was the first time you’d woken without screaming, after all. 
“Fine,” he said. “I’ll make you a deal. I won’t hound you about sleeping, but in return, you have to eat something.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
“Cletus,” you whined, squeezing your thighs as tightly as you could. “Please, I’m sorry.”
“Are you?” he mocked. “You know the rules, sweets. You don’t get the bucket until I can see again.”  He grinned at you, knowing what was coming. He was livid when you’d run your ceramic blade across his eye, but was alright. He only needed one good one to watch you cave in on yourself. “Trickle trickle tickle goes the stream!” 
“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!” you begged. 
He only laughed, egging you on. You couldn’t hold it any longer, and you felt the ground beneath you grow warm and wet. He howled with laughter as you started to cry, embarrassed that you’d soiled yourself yet again.
“You’re disgusting,” he said. Though the laughter was gone, he was still grinning. “If only your friends could see you now. I bet they’d throw up as soon as they stepped foot in here.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
You woke up with a gasp. It had felt so real, you were still feeling it.
“Y/N?” Tony whispered from beside you. “Are you alright?”
“Oh god!” you grit your teeth. “No no no!”
“You’re safe.” He tried to calm you quietly, not wanting to wake your mother unless he had to. You looked over at him with wide, panicked eyes, which quickly filled with tears. He wasn’t sure what to do when you buried your face in your hands and your body started to shake, until he noticed the wet spot spreading on the thin hospital blanket. “Woah, hey, it’s ok.”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” you muttered. 
Tony called your name, but you didn’t seem to hear him. “Pumpkin,” he implored. He could see the shame in your eyes as you slowly met his gaze. “This, it’s nothing, alright? Just go and clean up, and I go and get you some clean stuff. See? No big deal.” 
You swallowed thickly, hands shaking as you pulled the blanket back. Staring at the floor, you climbed off the bed and practically ran into the bathroom. You turned the water on, and quickly discarded your clothes before stepping into the shower, not caring the water wasn’t hot yet. 
Again, you washed your hair, convinced you haven’t completely cleansed yourself of the foulness of your captivity. You knew Tony wouldn’t rush you, so you scrubbed and scrubbed until the soap wore down to nothing.
You hadn’t heard anything outside of running water, so you were slightly surprised to find clean garments on the counter and your dirty ones gone. You were careful around your stitches and scabs, but some of them had begun to bleed regardless. Your skin also stung in places where you ran your towel over yourself. Yet somehow, you still didn’t feel clean.
Your mom was still asleep when you stepped out of the bathroom, and a chemically smell assaulted your nostrils. Underneath that, though, you could smell the urine.
“They didn’t clean it,” you said to no one in particular.
“They did,” Tony said as he approached. “I was here the whole time.”
“I can still smell it. I can still smell me.” You covered your nose with your hand, turning away from the bed to the window. “It fucking stinks.”
“Y/N, I swear, they cleaned it.”
‘You’re disgusting’
“God, this is disgusting,” you muttered to yourself. “I need a shower.”
“You just took one,” Tony soothed. “Sweetheart, you just took one.”
“No, everything reeks.”
‘Filthy, nasty little thing’
“Y/N, stop!” Your attention snapped to Tony’s grip on your arm. You winced at the contact, and while he loosened his hold, he didn’t let go. “There’s no smell. At all.”
Your short breaths began to steady, and as you breathed deeper, slower, it faded. Now all you could smell was the faintest hint of disinfectant and the antibacterial soap from your shower. You turned away, embarrassed over the whole thing again, and nodded in submission.
Tony didn’t speak as he gently led you back to your bed, lifting the blanket for you to crawl in. He frowned when you turned your back to him, despite that side of your body having the worst injuries. Knowing you had to have been in pain, he wanted to say something comforting, but nothing came to mind.
“Tony?” your mom yawned from her chair. “How is she?”
He noticed the way you curled in on yourself, and his hand brushed over your head softly.
“Fine, Honey. Sleeping,” he whispered. “Go back to sleep, I’ll wake you if anything happens.”
Your mom hummed tiredly, taking no time to drift off again. When her breathing slowed, you relaxed, eyes welling with tears of gratitude.
“Thank you.”
He moved his hand to your shoulder, giving it a squeeze.
Neither of you spoke for the rest of the night. The old sitcoms played in the background, occasionally making Tony chuckle as he continued to stroke the top of your head. You lay quietly, slowly finding comfort in the contact, if for no other reason than it was keeping you from falling asleep again.
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If you enjoy my work, please consider buying me a coffee.
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thefallennightmare · 5 years
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Pairings: Bucky Barnes x reader
Warnings: slight angst but the amount of fluff makes up for it. A few swear here and there.
Words: 5292
Summary:  Bucky never thought that during his usual morning run with Steve his life would change forever.
A/N: This is my first Bucky Barnes fic ever so please leave any type of feedback; positive or negative! Please bare with me as I try to figure out how to make these stories work on Tumblr lol. Feel free to send in any requests as well to get my writing started! I’m down for anything Bucky/Sebastian or Steve/Chris.
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Looking into the rear view mirror, I smiled at my four year old son before my eyes landed back on the busy roads of New York.
“Where going, momma?” His quiet voice quirked from behind me.
“We need to get something for dinner.” I looked over my shoulder before changing lanes and gave a quick glance back to Carter. “Any ideas?”
I stifled a laugh before nodding. “Pizza is it, bud.”
My body froze once I stopped the car at a red light and turned towards Carter; his feet dangling from his car seat and his brown curly locks spilling into his face. I could feel my blood boil at the thought of my cheating ex but let out a large breath.
“Baby, remember what I told you? Glen went back home. It’s just us now.”
Carter only nodded before he went back to playing with his action figure; Captain America. His favorite. Even if he was only four years old, he still was mature enough to understand that this was our life, just me and him. It had been like that for the first three years of his life until Glen came into the picture a year ago. Things were so great that I thought Glen was the one; turns out I was wrong. I had found him in bed with the nanny.
Cliché, I know but our nanny was a man. Needless to say I was shocked however it explained SO much about our relationship.
Snapping into reality, I saw that the light had turned green and the cars were driving past us.
“Sorry baby.” I smiled towards Carter before entering the intersection.
What I didn’t see, however, was the car that ran a red light, directly hitting my side, which caused my car to spin a couple of times before coming to a stop hitting the light post.
Everything was hazy; the loud noise of the horn coming from the other car, Carter’s crying, and the amount of blood I felt dripping from my head from smacking it against the window.
“Carter? Are you okay?” I winced as I tried to look towards him, neck not moving an inch. “Baby, I can’t turn my head to see you. I need you to say something.”
“I okay.”
Breathing at his voice, I gave a small nod. “Are you bleeding?”
“Nope. Momma is.”
I licked my dry lips, the copper taste of blood lingering on my tongue. “I’m fine baby.”
As I tried to open my door, I cursed when I realized that it was stuck. My breathing became uneven as I started to feel myself slipping into the darkness. My eyesight was becoming blurry and I tried to will myself to stay awake, for Carter. But the harder I tried to bust the door open, the more weak I started to become.
“Momma?” Carter’s voice sounded so far away.
“I’m okay Carter.” I reassured him but with the amount of blood coming from my head, I wasn’t so sure.
My body started to feel heavy and I couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer. I felt like a failure, not being able to keep me or my son safe. Everything I vowed to do, to protect him, failed in the instant that car hit us.
“Ma’am are you alright?”
My eyes snapped open once I heard the door practically being ripped from the car and landed on a blue eyed stranger kneeling on the side of the car. Even through hazy vision, I recognized the face right away
“Captain America? Now I know I’ve lost a lot of blood because I know you wouldn’t be here saving me.” My voice came out hoarse and quiet but I knew he had heard me from the quiet laugh that fell from his lips.
“My friend and I were running past when we saw that car hit you. Are you alright?” His fingers cupped my chin to make me look at him and I hissed at the pain.
“I’m okay. My son, though. I need to get to my son.” I tried to undo the seatbelt but Steve quickly grabbed my hands to stop me.
“Your son is fine. He seemed to have fallen asleep. My friend is working to get the door open. The light post is blocking it and the car that hit you is blocking the other door.”
“How are we going to get it open then?” The tears couldn’t help but fall as the thought of not being able to save my son clouded my mind.
I watched as Steve stood up from his spot in front of me before yelling something towards his friend. “Buck, I’m going to cover,” Steve bent back down to eye level with me. “What’s your sons name?”
“Carter,” I coughed out not wanting to talk much, my mouth feeling dry.
“I’m going to get in the back seat and cover Carter with my sweater while Bucky smashes the back window open.”
“Who the hell is Bucky?” I croaked.
“He’s my friend and he’s going to save your son.”
By now, ambulances and police officers had arrived but once they saw that some of The Avengers were on scene, they decided to take a step back and only help if needed. The sounds of the sirens we’re faint background noise as I tried to stay awake.
“What’s your name?” Steve asked while giving my hand a squeeze.
“Okay, Y/N. I’m going to throw my jacket over you so it can cover Carter. You’re going to hear the glass break but I promise you that he’s going to be fine okay? Once Bucky gets him out, I help get you out.”
“Okay,” I gave Steve’s hand a light squeeze.
The brush of his sweater swept over my head and Steve gave Bucky a quick nod before the glass of the back window busted open. Which caused Carter to wake up and start screaming.
“Carter, it’s okay. I’m right here. We have someone helping to get us out. He’s going to pick you up and take you out of the car, okay? Stay with him until I find you.”
My body was stiff as a board still so I couldn’t turn to look at him, I could only hear his scared voice.
“Okay momma.”
“Alright Carter, my name is Bucky and I’m going to get you somewhere safe. My friend Steve is going to help your mom.”
For the first time, I heard a voice from the other man and couldn’t help the feeling that it sounded so familiar to me.
Once he knew that Carter was safe away from the car and other traffic, Steve turned back to me before brushing a strand of hair out of my eyes. I couldn’t help but notice the wince that crossed his features.
“That bad?” I asked with a smile.
“I’ve seen worse,” Steve lied with a mirroring smile.
“Okay, let’s get you out of here,” Steve said quickly changing the subject. “Can you move at all?”
I shook my head. “Everything hurts.”
Steve didn’t say anything instead reached over me and ripped the seat belt off. His strong arms lifted me from the seat and feeling the sudden brush of fresh air caused my eyes to roll back, my head going limp against Steve’s broad shoulders.
“Stay awake, Y/N.” Steve’s pleading voice was the last thing I heard before slipping into the darkness.
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My eyes fluttered open but I immediately shut them as the bright lights seeped in. Giving my eyes a couple more seconds to adjust, I could hear the faint beeping coming from my left and the hushed voices coming from my right. As the thought of the car accident came flooding back, my eyes shot open looking around the room.
“Carter?” I cringed at how broken my voice sounded. “Where’s Carter?”
Steve rushed over, forgetting his conversation with the doctor, before sitting in the chair next to the bed. “He��s okay. He’s with Bucky getting checked out.”
Breathing a sigh of relief, I relaxed back into the bed. “Where am I?”
“The med bay in the Avengers Tower.”
My gaze snapped over to Steve but regretted moving so fast as a sharp pain shot through my head. “Why am I here?”
“Bucky wouldn’t let the paramedics take you guys. He wanted to make sure you and Carter were being looked at by the best doctors in New York.” Steve reassured me that this would all be covered, expenses and all.
Laying me head back into the pillow, I sighed while I brought my fingers up to the bandage covering my head. “How bad?”
“Twenty stitches in your head and you’ve got a few bruised ribs so doctors said you need to take it easy for a while.”
Groaning I covered my face with my hands, careful not to yank out the I.V., and tried to hold back the tears. How could I let this happen? My soul job as a single mother was to protect Carter at all costs and I couldn’t even do that. I wanted to prove my family wrong that I could raise him on my own; I didn’t need the help from anyone, not even his father. The thing was, however, was that it wasn’t his father’s fault he wasn’t in the picture. It was mine. I hadn’t told him that I was pregnant, mostly because it was a one night stand and I hadn’t seen or heard from him since that night back in Romania. I was visiting with some friends where I met Carter’s father in a bar. That was the one and only night I drank so much that I hadn’t remembered much the next morning. The only thing I remembered was his face and vaguely something metal.
Looking towards the doorway, I couldn’t help the grin that appeared on my face. Carter was holding balloons and some flowers, trying to at least. He went to run towards me but the man that was holding his other hand bent down.
“Remember what I told you little man? Your mom is going to be in a lot of pain so you’ve got to be gentle with her and take care of her.”
Carter nodded before he practically dragged the other man with him towards the bed. “Mom, thif is Bucky. He safed me.”
My eyes watered as I looked up to the man who I owed my life too. His baseball cap was pulled low and his sweater was covering his torso but I could easily tell that he was like Steve; a super soldier. Just by the shear strength he was able to rip away the back window of my car before pulling Carter to safety.
“Thank you. I owe you my life.”
He raised his hand to dismiss my promise. “I’m just glad Steve and I were there to help.”
Steve smiled at us before I watched him take in Carter’s appearance. His forehead creased in confusion as he took in Carters brown spiral locks and icy blue eyes before looking back to me and drunk in my appearance; auburn hair and green eyes.
“The only thing he got from me was my attitude,” I answered Steve’s silent question.
Steve rubbed his jaw before shaking his head. “He just looks like someone I knew growing up, that’s all.”
A cough pulled our attention towards the doorway again and I gave a small smile to the doctor.
“How are we feeling Mrs. Y/L/N?”
“Sore but okay.” I answered while holding onto Carter’s hand. “Everything is alright with my son though?”
The doctor nodded. “Mr. Barnes took great care of him while you were out. He does have a couple of scrapes but nothing a few Captain America band aids couldn’t fix.”
I belted out in laughter as Carter proudly showed them off to us; especially Steve.
“Is there anyone we can call for you?” Bucky asked.
I shook my head then nodded towards the TV in the other corner of the room. “Carter why don’t you go watch some T.V for a bit, yeah?”
“Okay momma.” Carter gave me a big grin before skipping over to the TV.
“It’s just us.” I answered Bucky’s question. “It’s always been just us.”
“I’m sorry.” Bucky’s face fell and I gave him a smile.
“Don’t be. I was young and crazy at the time. I thought hooking up with a stranger in Romania was the best thing ever.”
“I stayed in Romania a few years back. Where’d you stay?” Bucky’s face lit up a bit, eyes crinkling with the grin he was sporting.
“Huh, me too. Did you ever try the fruit at the market?”
“Only every day. The plums were the best.” My heart fluttered at the wide grin that spread across Bucky’s face.
Something in Steve clicked as he watched Bucky and I reminisce of our own times in Bucharest and his eyes widen before looking from Carter, to Bucky, then back to me. His mouth went slack then cleared his throat.
“How old is Carter?”
“Four. He’ll be five in August.”
I hadn’t had a chance to ask what was going through Steve’s head because the doctor pulled both of them out to the hall.
I glanced over to Carter and smiled as I watched him play with his Captain America action figure. He mentioned that Bucky had gone back into the car to retrieve it when he noticed he was about to leave it behind.
My heart warmed at the thought of the two men that saved our lives. Looking back to them, I noticed that they were finishing up their conversation with the doctor. Steve had his hands stuffed in his back pockets while Bucky tossed his hat on a nearby chair and ran a hand through his long brown hair; a metal hand.
Something metal.
“I stayed in Romania a few years back.”
We both stayed in Bucharest at the same time.
Sucking in a breath, it felt like the air had been knocked out of me when the realization hit me harder than the car. The man that had saved my son’s life was his father?
“Ugh man I really wish I hadn’t drank so much that night,” I groaned while covering my eyes.
Suddenly as my eyes closed, images of that night came flooding back. Me running my hands through lock dark locks of hair; just like Carter’s hair. Looking into the brightest blue eyes I’ve seen; just like Carters eyes. And the damn metal arm that I couldn’t forget. No matter how hard I tried too.
I always knew that the man I slept with in Romania was Carter’s dad, I just never knew it was Bucky Barnes. The Winter Soldier. One of the Avengers.
“Y/N? Everything alright?”
Removing my hands, I locked eyes with Bucky and felt the heat rise to my cheeks as more memories of that night surfaced.
“Uh, yeah. I think so.”
My heart sank into my chest when I realized that Bucky hadn’t recognized me at all. There wasn’t any hint of it in his beautiful features.
Licking my dry lips, I looked over to Carter, who had fallen asleep before my gaze fell back onto Bucky. He opted for sitting in the chair at the end of my bed and I could tell he was fighting sleep.
He hummed and lifted his head. “You don’t have to stay with us. You should get some sleep.”
Bucky shook his head. “I’m fine. I don’t mind staying and keeping you company.”
Our smiles matched each other and I let out a soft sight. “Where’d Steve go?”
“He had to give his statement to the officers about what happened.” Bucky ran his hands over his sweatpants.
Nodding, I averted my gaze towards the window and took in the night sky of New York. What were the odds that I would choose to root Carter and I in the same city as his father? Slim to none. And let’s not talk about the odds of Carter’s father being one of the men that saved us.
“What’re you thinking about?” Bucky’s soft voice brought me back.
His intense gaze made my stomach flip and I cleared my throat, trying to swallow the nerves. “Can I ask you something?”
When Bucky nodded, I continued. “Do I seem familiar to you at all?”
He shook his head. “No, sorry. I’m still trying to get some of my memories back so if I had met you before I’m sorry but I can’t remember.”
“Gotcha,” I mumbled while chewing on my bottom lip.
I remember reading all about his memory loss when Hydra fell causing all of their information being leaked online; thanks to Black Widow.
Bucky’s mouth opened to speak but quickly shut it as Steve walked back in giving him a small nod. “They want your statement next.”
He nodded and stood while looking at me, “I won’t be gone long.”
I couldn’t help the small smile that came to my lips. “You should get some sleep, James.”
We both blinked when we realized that I had called him by his first name. Bucky’s breath hitched as he squinted his eyes towards me, something coming to his mind. He stuffed his shaking hands in his pockets before walking out of the room, leaving me with Steve.
Silence fell between us and Steve took it as an invitation to sit in the chair right next to the bed, facing Carter. Carter was still asleep on the couch, clutching his Captain America figure close to his chest. His hair was crazy and I wished I was able to move it out of his face. He hated when I did that but it gave me the opportunity to see his bright eyes.
“Doe he ever ask about his father?” Steve’s deep voice turned my attention to him.
“A few times. I never knew anything about him so I lied and said that he was important so he couldn’t be with us. Terrible I know but he’s too young to know the truth; that his mom had a one night stand and got knocked up by some stranger.” I twirled the I.V. cord around my fingers, not wanting to lock eyes with Steve.
“I bet you he’d still think the world of you,” Steve reassured me but I could still see something was on his mind.
“I do know who the father is, I just don’t think he knows he’s a father.” I answered the silent question.
“You should tell him, he deserves to know.”
Glancing over to Steve, I could tell by the look in his eyes that he knew. He knew that Bucky was Carter’s father.
“He’s a spitting image of when Bucky was a kid.” Steve nodded towards Carter.
“I knew that the guy I hooked up with in Romania was Carter’s father, I just never knew it was James,” I admitted, “I only just put the pieces together.”
“Bucky was in a dark place while hiding out in Romania. He was still getting over the effects of Hydra controlling him so don’t take it personal if he doesn’t remember that night. It’s been a long process getting his memories back,” Steve reassured me.
All I could do was nod as I laid my head back on the pillow. It had been a long, exhausting day and all I wanted to do was sleep not have to deal with telling Bucky he’s a father; four years too late.
“Momma, I hungry.”
Carter rose from the couch and tried to move the hair out of his face but frowned when he couldn’t keep it away. Steve and I both laughed before I nodded towards my purse on the table in front of him.
“I think I have some granola bars in my purse.”
Steve stood with a firm shake of his head. “I’ll make him something to eat. You’re probably starving, bud.”
Carter enthusiastically nodded. “Piffa!”
I laughed at Steve’s confused glance towards me. “Pizza.”
“Well lucky for you, kid. We’ve got the best pizza here.”
“Momma come?” Carter asked.
“Why don’t we let your mom sleep and we’ll bring some pizza back for her. Sound good?” Steve reached for Carter’s hand.
Carter was more than happy to walk out of the room while riding on Steve’s back not even bothering to give me a wave goodbye. Sinking more into the surprisingly comfortable hospital bed, I let myself think of the best way I could tell Bucky about Carter. I didn’t expect Bucky to drop everything to be there for us and I didn’t want anything from him. Bucky deserved to know the truth but I was afraid that it would tear my heart out of my chest knowing that Carter’s father wanted nothing to do with him.
“You’re still awake?”
Glancing over my shoulder, I gave a warm smile towards Bucky who was leaning against the door frame. His hair was pulled back into a low bun and it looked like he was freshly showered and changed.
“Can’t sleep.” I lied with a shrug.
“Need some company?”
“You don’t have too,” I reassured him. “I’m sure you’ve got other Avenging business to take care of.”
Bucky shook his head before choosing to sit in the chair closest to the bed, his scent engulfing around me; musty and pine. I felt his gaze on me as he took in the appearance of the bandage around my head before his hand slowly raised up, moving a stand of hair out of my eyes. The feeling brought me immediate peace and comfort.
“How are you feeling?”
“I’ve been better,” I admitted, “I can’t thank you enough James of what you’ve done for Carter and I.”
“Bucky. My friends call me Bucky.” he smiled.
“Wow, I made it to the friend stage already? Aren’t I a lucky girl.” I joked.
Bucky and I sat for a long while, us getting to know each other. Turns out that we had a lot in common, even though Bucky didn’t know much about things in today’s day and age. I was a fan of the older era, loving the idea of dancing and older music. I mentioned that my dad was a huge record collector and he has a huge collection from the 1940’s.
When silence fell between us, I chewed roughly on my bottom lip hoping I could find the courage to tell Bucky the truth.
Taking a rather large breath, I turned my body a little towards Bucky. “You honestly don’t remember me?”
Bucky’s eyes squinted in confusion. “Should I?”
“Bucharest, almost five years ago. Control Club? There was a nasty snow storm and everyone had to stay at the club, they weren’t letting anyone leave.”
Bucky still had a confused look on his face so I tried to think of another memory from that night that might jog his memory. “There was a girl dancing on the bar in a skirt that was way too short and she nearly fell on her face because her heels were way too high.”
His eyes lit up and I could tell it was starting to sound familiar to him. “Wasn’t she the one that knocked a guy out that was twice her size because he tried to grope her while on the bar?”
“Yes!” I exclaimed.
“Holy shit, I can’t believe you were there that night. I’m pretty sure I hooked up with her.” Bucky chuckled while clutching his chest.
“You did. In the bathroom of the club.” I stated.
He looked me over, eyes slowly drinking me in, and when his mouth fell a tad I knew it all came back.
“You’re the girl,” he whispered.
All I could do was nod.
“You disappeared afterwards and I didn’t know who you were,” I admitted, “The only thing I remembered about that night was your metal arm.”
My fingers slowly grazed up Bucky’s left arm and I could see his body immediately tense at the feeling. It was his turn to be silent as he let everything register within his mind. I couldn’t help but think how cute he looked with his furrowed brows, mouth agape.
“Carter?” Bucky’s voice came out hushed that I had to strain my ears to hear.
Our eyes locked and that when everything clicked into place for him. Bucky knew the truth but needed to hear my say it.
“Yes,” my voice cracked as I tried to keep the tears from forming.
“Are you sure?”
“You were the only one I slept with around that time,” I assured him.
Bucky suddenly stood from the chair and started to pace the room, running a stressed hand over his face. “How do I know you’re not lying to me for the recognition?”
My eyes sliced into him. “Because I’m not some two cent whore that’s after your money.”
“Really? Cause that night says differently!” He snapped, his voice raising an octave.
“Fuck you, Barnes! I thought you deserved to know the truth but clearly I was wrong!” My voice matched his and I found myself not caring who heard our argument in the tower.
“You lost a lot of blood. You’re not thinking straight,” Bucky dryly laughed and shook his head.
“Christ Bucky, did you even look at him today?! He’s basically your twin that even Steve could tell he was yours!,” I defended, “If you don’t fucking believe me then test his DNA with yours but don’t come groveling back for forgiveness when you realize how much of an asshole you were!”
“Y/N,” Bucky started but I cut him off.
“Get out!” I barked. “Leave me alone.”
Bucky stood in front of me for a few more seconds before he disappeared from the room. Pulling my knees to my chest, I choked out a sob and let my body rake with tears when I realized that no matter what, it was always going to be Carter and I.
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It had been a few days since the accident and Carter and I were finally ready to leave the Avengers Tower. Steve was with Carter and I every single day. He would take Carter around the Tower and introduced him to the other Avengers which warmed my heart when I saw the smile Carter had on his face.
Bucky, on the other hand, I hadn’t seen him since our fight a couple days ago. Steve had mentioned that Bucky took on a solo mission and didn’t know when he would be back. My heart fell into my stomach when I found out I wouldn’t get the chance to see him to try and explain things more before I left. Once I told Steve about our fight, all he did was laugh. He said that Bucky dealt with things he didn’t want to believe with anger and avoidance; which explained the sudden desire to take the random solo mission.
As I finished packing my things into my bag, the small yellow envelope caught my attention. I gnawed on my lip while deciding if I truly wanted to open it or not. One of the doctors had mentioned to me that Bucky was asking for a paternity test, which I obliged, but I was too afraid to open the results by myself. I knew without a doubt that Bucky was Carter’s father but I thought it would be best if Bucky and I opened it together no matter how angry I was with him.
“Momma ready?”
Turning on my heels, I smiled while bending down to eye level with Carter. “Almost baby. Do you have everything?”
He nodded. “It’s in tha car.”
“Good. Momma just has to grab a few more things before we leave.” I ruffled his hair, ignoring his whines of disapproval, and stood back up to gather my things.
My body froze when my eyes landed on the figures standing in the doorway. Steve walked in first and giving Carter a high five while Bucky kept his feet locked into place. Steve could feel the tension between us so he picked up Carter and mentioned something about saying goodbye to the rest of the team, leaving Bucky and I alone.
“When did you get back?” I asked motioning towards his field gear.
“A few minutes ago. Steve mentioned that you were being discharged so I wanted to come see you before you left.” Bucky still stood in the doorway hands stuffed deep in his pockets.
“I’m glad to see you made it back unharmed," I gave him a small smile.
“I can’t say the same thing about the other guys,” he joked which caused me to chuckle.
Bucky gave me a small smile before his eyes landed on the envelope that I had clutched in my hand, still unopened. “Is that-?”
“You haven’t opened it?” He questioned with a hint of surprise on his face.
“Honestly, I know the truth. It’s not mine to open.” I shrugged.
“Y/N, I shouldn’t have said those things,” Bucky closed the gap between us in just a few giant strides. “I’m still trying to get back to my old self that I took out my anger on you and Carter which wasn’t fair to you guys.”
Suddenly realizing the small space between us, all I could do was give him a small nod. “I shouldn’t have sprung that on you the way I did. I should have thought more about you and your loss of memories rather than my own agenda.”
A small whimper left my lips when I felt Bucky hands cup my face; his metal hand cooling my heated cheeks. “Don’t apologize, doll.”
His breath fanned over my lips as I shakily held up the envelope to him. “Did you want to open it?”
Bucky shook his head. “I don’t need too.”
“Bucky, I-”
“If you say I’m Carter’s father than I believe you,” Bucky stated, “I know I wasn’t there for the first few years of his life but I promise you I’m going to be here for you guys for the rest of your life.
My heart fluttered at his proclamation. “I can’t ask you do stay with me if this isn’t something you want.”
“Believe me, doll. I want nothing more than to raise Carter with you. I felt like a part of me was missing ever since I came back from Wakanda and started to find myself. I just never thought this would be it.” Bucky brushed his nose against mine and I let out a shaky breath.
“Are you sure? You can back out-.”
Bucky cut me off with his soft lips pressing into mine. Eyes fluttering shut, I molded into his body while my arms went around his back, his gripping my waist tightly. Our lips moved together in sync for a few more moments before I reluctantly pulled away, needing a breath.
“I’m not going anywhere,” Bucky promised after giving me another soft peck. “How should we tell Carter?”
I linked fingers with Bucky’s metal ones and gave his knuckles a quick kiss. “We’ll figure it out. Together.”
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