#this song lifts my mood everytime
pittiplietsch · 2 years
nobodyknows+ performs Kokoro Odoru (ココロオドル) on THE FIRST TAKE. Enjoy~!!
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lixiebokie · 4 months
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sorry i love you
genre: lee felix x reader, hwang hyunjin x reader college au; dancer!felix x artist!reader x artist!hyunjin, fluff, angst
chapter 1: dorm parties
“do you think everyone has a soulmate?” felix thought for a moment popping another cherry into his mouth.
“i would like to hope so.” he responded eyes not leaving the view of the open city from the small window of bedroom. he watched as the car zoomed past and people walked past. “i hope i have a soulmate.”felix broke his gaze now looking at y/n. “are you serious? ofcourse you have!”
you were 15 then. everything was so different. felix was so different. 15-year-old him would have never threw a house party like this. so full that the wriggle past people was almost impossible or loud booming rave music that you both would make fun of together.
but everything had changed. of course it had you were no longer teenagers, now young adults who had classes tomorrow morning but in lixs famous words ‘deal with it in the morning.’
“excuse me.. sorry..”
“hey move the fuck out the way!” nessa shouted as y/n watching the crowd of people part and nessa walked through. the scene was what she imagine moses would look like parting the sea. she was always so confident but no matter what she never switched up no matter how much attention she got.
unlike felix.
“abit harsh ness.” the other girl rolled her eyes playfully.
“if you want a job done you have to do it.”
y/n still doesn’t know how she manage to land a best friend like nessa kate.
if life was a movie she’d be the it girl. everyone loved her, never afraid to speak her mind yet still able to keep her opinions respectful until it didn’t need to be.
“so, you’re going to find a cute boy to talk to and i’m going to find minho. we’ll meet back in 40?” she watched her hair flick around as she turned as if she was looking for someone.
“minho? why?” y/n asked. it was obvious nessa had a thing for him but that was something only y/n knew. everytime she seen him on campus she’d send him a sweet smile or a shy ‘hi’ if she was feeling confident. usually followed by y/n trying to dodge felixs eyes trying to catch hers. the rest of the group shit on felix for ditching them for him how would they react if nessa started dating him? especially hyunjin..
“i just want to talk to him..” she shyed away looking off to hide her smile.
“hm or kiss h-“
“okay bye love you. ttyl!”
felix looked gorgeous tonight. dyed blonde locks pushed back with a few strands hanging over his eyes. black outfit tightly wrapping his tiny figure, his sleeves pulled up that the veins in his arms were visable.
his freckles were y/n’s favourite thing on lixs face. they weren’t as visable as usual but still could be see up close.
he was just.. stunning.
when felix had found y/n’s eyes he couldn’t help but smile across the room to her. he lifted his arm motioning her to come over to him.
“im so happy you’re here.” he shouted over the music close to her ear. she was tense from how close he was and his hands on her arms holding his balance.
“i know. crazy..” the song changed and so did felixs mood. his mouth widened into a smile and his eyes went big showing the blue contacts he’d put in.
“this is my song!” he shouted loud enough that she could hear clearly over the music.
one thing about felix that never seemed to change was the love he had for dancing. the song was familiar, his first or second dance recital he had perform this song with a few of his team mates.felix took a few steps back letting go of y/n’s arms and began to recall the moves. they weren’t perfect, but how perfect could they in a room crowded with people. but almost accurate.
felixs dream had never to be a dancer, it was something he did for fun. just for fun. he wanted to be a baker. open his own bakery on lonely street, the street opposite the beach so he’d have the view of a life time while doing what he loves.
so when he changed his culinary major to dance everyone was quite shocked. something was off about it. that was until he told the others about how his new friends had offered him a place on their dance team. also known as the schools dance team and one of the most talented in the country.
y/n watched as a circle had formed around felix as he kept dancing. he turned to her showing a smile after seeing the attention he’d gained, not missing one move. finally finishing he stuck a pose as people whistled and cheered for him.
“that was good, blondie.” minho wrapped his arm around the shorter boys shoulder.
“thanks min.” minho pulled back now looking towards y/n would still awkwardly stood with them. he was intimidating, leader of the dance team, there was rumours that even if one mistake was made he have a show made of you.
hopefully felix was able to keep up..
“oh, um this is y/n.” goosebump rised where ever minhos eyes landed on her. he looked back up leaning forward to shake her hand. “she’s my friend.”
friend. yes not best friend this wasn’t high school anymore.
his arm slapped the top of his thigh as he pulled back, straightening his back and looking back to felix.
not even a hello?
“i should go find hannie before he tries to swing off anything.” minho stepped back rocking on his heels, hands stuffed in his pockets.
“good idea, i’ll find you later.” felix nodded and the older awkwardly walked off in a swift manner.
“he’s.. nice.” y/n stuttered out trying to make some sort of small talk but also wanting to get that awkward encounter out her mind.
felix turned from back around his shoulder. “he’s just shy.”
“lee minho, shy?” felix nodded.
“believe it or not he didn’t properly talk to me until i joined danceracha. hannie had to do all the talking.”
and the tension was back.
no matter how close her and felix were nothing could stop the thought that they no longer knew each other. y/n couldn’t even remember the last time a conversation was held for longer than five minutes.
felix wasnt like nessa.
he let the attention get to him.
it wasn’t bad at first, puberty hit and he started getting flirted with, going on dates. it was whatever but then he got cozy with the frat boys and switch his major from culinary to dance. two things he loved but something in the way he followed lee minho around campus seemed to be strange. then felix started partying, doing frat things even when he wasn’t apart of it.
he didn’t care for uni anymore it was more of a live life now thinking about it later mentality one felix never use to have. live fast, love dance. the moto of his dance team really reflected his new way of living. none of it affected y/n as much as the others hated it. well except she was slowly becoming more distance with the boy she was in love it.
“i should go find-“
“actually i wanted to ask you something.”
felix interrupted before she could walk off.
yes? she wanted to ask. anything for you felix.
but instead she turned back around and just looked at him, waiting for him to finish what he wanted.
“the girls dance team, you know the one hyunjins sister is in, wants a new logo. i showed them a few of things you’ve drew and they’d love to meet you.”
y/n sighed. does he really expect her to want to do more drawing on top of her uni work?
“you don’t have to but i thought it would be nice. and i’m friends with some of them. it might be nice to get close with some of them, it must be tiring only having nessa for your girl problems.” is he serious right now?
y/n shrugged. “couldn’t you ask hyunjin?”
“you think hyunjin is going to agree to work with ‘preppy bitches’?” felix air quoted hyunjins words before throwing down his hands looking with a dumbfounded expression.
chan: haven’t seen jinnie for a while is he with you?
y/n glanced at her phone then looked back up at lix.
“ill think about it”
“great!” felix answered before walking off to meet minho and the rest of dance friends.
you: no, i’ll go see if i can find him.
it was a surprise hyunjin didn’t end up like felix. he was just as attractive: tall, long healthy brown shoulder length hair, dumpling face with a piercing gaze and great sense of style. but hyunjin didn’t let just anyone get close to him.
he wasn’t shy for say, just not outspoken.
“hey have you seen hyunjin?” y/n asked walking up to seungmin surrounded by his music friends. he shrugged. “check lixs room?”
“oh y/n!” she could tell the voice out. she was caught up to by a few girls on two or so one being yeji, hyunjins younger sister.
the two other girls she recognised as girls on her team.
“felix told us you’re designing our new logo. that’s so neet!”
“well you know me.” she awkwardly laughed with the girls as they looked at one another. she couldn’t believe felix had already told them she would do it. even after minutes prior telling him she wasn’t sure. if he didn’t want to let anyone down no way should that have anything to do with her.
“come get a drink with us?” yeji linked her arm guiding her to the kitchen.
“i really shouldn’t.. im suppose to find-“
“it’s just one, then we’ll let you go. promise.” in the kitchen there was lots of girls all wearing the same dance jacket.
she started to feel nervous as they got closer and the girls all turned to smile at them. their was also a boy, dark hair and small frame. he stood with them but went quiet when they reached them.
“everyone this is y/n. she’s gonna be designing our logo.” the girls all showed her welcome and even a few gave a hug to show their appreciation. there was no backing out now.
she’d rather stress and overwork herself than have 15 angry dancers on her back at all times especially when one was her friends sister and someone she use to be quite close to.
yeji had spent about 20 minutes talking to her about how her uni life was going so far and how she was enjoying everything and her new friends. every other minute she was receiving texts from chan asking her were she was, how hyunjin was. she found other times herself watching felix in the corner of her eye as he spoke to a group of girls. some old one direction song blasting through the speakers next to do the drinks made it almost impossible to hear anyone.
“it’s been so long since we spoke-“
“listen yej i appreciate this but i really need to get to hyunjin.”
“why is something wrong?” he eyes turned doe like and big at the mention of her brothers name. face suddenly filled with worry.
“no he’s fine, just gonna check on him.”
“ahh true, he’s never been a party person. how are we even related?” she laughed looking into y/n’s cup.
“you’ve had barley any drink. want me to go check up?”
she passed her drink to her. “no ill be fine, it was nice catching up.”
“found you!” y/n peeked in finding hyunjin sat on felixs small bed. legs crossed with his sketch pad rested on them.
he gave her a small smile as she walked in quietly closing the door.
“just had to escape your sister and her friends.” y/n joked and sat down next to him.
hyunjin rolled his eyes and scoffed. “what about felix?”
“hm? what about him?” y/n peeked up at his name making hyunjin chuckle.
he closed his sketchbook putting it to the side and resting his weight on his arms.
“you spoke to him?”
y/n hummed looking down at the creased duvet. playing with it between her fingers.
“yeah, i spoke to minho aswell. it was terrifying.” hyunjin laughed.
“you spoke to anyone tonight?”
“vanessa.” hyunjin answered pressing at his tiny phone typing a message to someone. “ and chans up my ass making sure i’m okay.”
felixs room was nothing unusual. white walls and laminate floor, a box for his jewellery which stood on top of his drawers of clothes, on the ground next to it a neat folded pile which needed to be put away. but one thing that stood out was a small cork box placed on his desk leant against the wall.
it was full of random shit, a cinema ticket for fast and furious, some photos jotted around of him a dance shows and with the dance team and some of his parents.
not far in front of it stood a framed photo of felix and minho. they were dressed up in one of their dance uniforms. much like the solider uniform cheryl cole wore in her fight for this love music video.
y/n picked it up taking a closer look. felix seemed so happy around minho liked he’d found the older he always wanted but never had.
“what you got there?” hyunjin asked looking over her shoulder.
y/n turned to him not putting down the photo. “you think we were abit harsh on him?”
hyunjin went to scoff but sighed after seeing her sad expression.
“hey i remember this night!” hyunjin avoided and instead pointed to a photo seemly hidden by the photo frame.
she placed it down pulling the photo off its clip.
it was a photo of her. it was from hyunjins eighteenth a night she didn’t remember much of but was one of the best nights of her life. her arms wrapped around felixs neck and his on her waist. both squished together in a big hug but still smiling at the camera. felixs smile wider from his lack of intoxication and eyes red from the flash.
y/n smiled down fiddling with the ends that had creased over time. she felt like she was in that scene from mean girls.
but felix was cady and he wasn’t madly inlove with her like cady was for aaron.
HJ’s 18th
my bff 4 life
was scribbled on the back in felixs swirly writing.
no wonder it had been hidden, felix must have been so embarrassed it wasn’t a good photo to begin with, eyes presented red from the flash and all fuzzy from nessas shaking hands.
y/n felt angry for some reason. it was hidden. the only photo of the group on his stupid cork board was out of sight.
replaced with lee fucking minho.
she threw the photo down making it fly off his desk behind. she didn’t see it land anyway, now truly out of sight.
“i don’t understand why you still like him.“
y/n turned leaning on the desk. what wasn’t there to love about felix? he was kind, and loving. he always put her first, he was ambitious and a great baker. only, only half of that was true now. was she often wondered was she holding onto someone who was no longer there?
“the same way you like nessa.” she shurgged still leaning on the desk behind her.
“except ness isn’t some attention loving-“
the door opened and felix stumbled in. interrupt hyunjin mid sentence.
“please down tell me you were hooking up in my room!” he pinched his nose teasing them.
y/n smiled awkwardly but hyunjin wasn’t as impressed.
he picked up his sketchbook and walked out before felix could say anything else.
felix sighed walking over to his bed to pull out a storage box.
“so, you and hyunjin?”
“it’s not like that..”
felix grabbed rumidged through the box “then what is it?” he asked glancing to her. he grabbed something out the box and pushed it back under the bed. “i thought hyunjin was into ness?” felix propped up his feet so he could hug his knees.
“what are you doing in here?��
“um.. last time i checked this is my room.” he teased rising to his feet. “so?” she sighed. felix had no right to now be interested in hyunjins personal life after bailing on him after 5 years of friendship to play buddies with the dance team.
and hyunjin wouldn’t be happy finding she was going around telling everyone his business.
“i don’t know lix.” felix hummed raising his eyebrow but shurgging off showing he wasn’t as curious as he made out to be.
“oh that reminds me!” he walked to his bedside tide taking a envelope out the drawer.
he came closer to her until he was in speaking distance holding out the card. “happy early birthday from me and the dance team.” she looked to his hand hesitating to take it but she wasn’t going to leave him like that. “i have a comp on your birthday dinner, and i don’t think your friends would want me there anyway.” your friends not our friends. that had just shown felix had completely block the rest of them out of his new stylish life.
it was true, when making invitations to her birthday dinner seungmin had taken felix off the guest list and nessa had to persuade him to put him back on when reminding him of how special her and felixs friendship was but if the group could have it their way, lix would not be there. looks like today is their lucky day.
felix continued on. “but we should go out one night, me and you? to celebrate. not every day you turn 21.”
she nodded taking the card from his hand. “well i better go get this to yeji.” he held up a cropped dance jacket, red with the girls dance team name on the back in diamonds. “she left it last time she was here. so i’ll see you?” and with that felix was gone.
last time yeji was here? excuse me?
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btw-its-tamanna · 2 months
Appreciation April
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For @chand-ki-priyatama / @taurusmoon2008
My big sis, bestie,sister from another mother, chudail, rasmalai, gawar, Elsa, Black cat, Bunbun, Kayaaaaaaaaaaaa , Gurumata, best Kaviyatri and meri jigar ka ek tukda ✨
From your choti bhen, Jalebi, Anna,Shishya,Pisachini,Gawar aurat, Pyaar main andhi ladki 😔
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I still remember the day when you entered the Desiblr Parivar Server, And we talked about some books in dms. From being awkward to text first in your dm I have came to that point where I can rant about my whole day in your dms. Thanks for being my bestie, Thanks for talking to me, Thanks for making me feel I can be loved and I deserve to be loved, Thanks for making me more delulu and always making me remember that there would be a man who would worship the ground I walk on, Thanks for lifting up my mood everytime By sending poems and voice notes of my favourite songs, Thanks for being kind to me, Thanks for making me ✨me✨ again, Thanksss for being so relatable (buri cheezo main bhi ) Thanks for always being together in everything ✨ Kaya or Tamanna isme bhi ek sath hai ✨, And last but not the least Thanks for helping me in pranking the whole server ikyk 🥹
Picture Dump
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Songs that I wanna dedicate to a certain chudail
Maine kuch likha hai padhna hai need your opinions
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parkerarchive · 2 years
MR TELEPHONE MAN ୨୧ ₊˚.༄ lucas‎ sinclair x reader blurb
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byr: female reader, fluff!
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“there’s something wrong with my line!” lucas screeched, letting the entirety of maple street hear. he had started pacing around in his kitchen like a bullet (or well - pacing around as much as one could while holding a wall attached phone.) after punching in his thirteenth try.
yes, thats right. it was his thirteenth time trying to reach your household. you were giving the cold shoulder and for good reason too! yesterday was your ‘1 year of dating’ anniversary. and he. had. forgotten. and no calls, no planned meet-ups, no holding a boombox outside your window as it played your favourite mutual love song. this had left you feeling miserable and mopey in your room; ultimately ignoring him. of course, though, this was unbeknownst to lucas.
“lucas dear...don't you think you should give it a break? our phone bill doesn't pay it self you know." mrs sinclair leaned on the wall, watching her worried son. "no mom, you don't get it! me and y/n specifically planned to call today...but the call never goes through! there's gotta be something wrong with the telephone." lucas whined.
erica snorted while eating her chocolate sundae that she had acquired from god-knows where. "sooo...you think because y/n's not answering, our phone is broken?" "yes! when i dial y/n's number, i get a click everytime. that isn't normal." now erica laughed loudly, "for a nerd you are pretty stupid."
lucas' dark eyebrow quirked. "she obviously doesn't wanna talk to you!…t’s just the facts." erica tried to explain. "what?! no way. why wouldn't she wanna talk to me. i mean we planned to call today at 5pm! so there is no reason for her not to answer!" he started to nervously ramble. did you really not wanna speak to him? "and when exactly did you plan this?” erica questioned. "3 days ago!"
"well suprise suprise, maybe you did some typical idiotic thing to make her mad at you within those 3 days." erica sounded unamused. "what?? but i haven’t even spoken to her in the past 3 days! theres nothing i could've possibly done to..." lucas' trailed off, his eyes widening as he felt his mouth go dry. "oh god, no no no." he immediately left the family phone hanging to his mothers distaste and ran to the house calender.
and there in all its big, bold, glory with a big fat heart circled around it was 'me & y/n's 1 year anniversary! lucas bit his lip. "oh shit. oh shit fuck!” "fuck. i am such a bad boyfriend." erica sighed from behind him, reading the calender alongside. "you need to stop with the obscenities..but yeah, you are." "no.. no, no! i've still got time to make this right. i'm going to y/n's house! tell mom for me!" lucas shouted before running outside and getting onto his bike eventually following the path of your house.
"i'm not gonna tell mom that!" erica stuck her tounge out as she walked back to her ice-cream.
you rolled your eyes as you flipped to the 'celebrity it couples' page from a random teen magazine you had laying around your room. there were a huge pile of books on your bed - all that you had attempted to read earlier - making it hard to move around. you figured that filling your mind with literature and celebrity drama while madonna played in the background would lift your mood and somehow distract you. spoiler alert, it didn’t.
you sighed as you realised the last time the phone rang was about 10 minutes ago.. did this mean lucas didn't care about you any more? did he forget about you just like how he forgot your anniversary? surely he knew it was your anniversary... but then why didn't he say anything about it yesterday? hell you guys didn't even see eachother yesterd-
the overthinking that clouded your brain suddenly evaporated as you heard the doorbell ring. you remained still for a second.. this was your way of checking to see who it is. then suddenly you heard more faster & obnoxious door knocks. you groaned, yep it's lucas. and you know what... this time, i am not going to ignore it!
as you left your room, you felt anew. you slammed your door like you just-had-a-fight-with-your-parents-in-a-dramatic-teen-show and you stomped into your foyer. you swung open the fromt door, prepared to give lucas a verbal ass-whooping.
"sinclair, you—!" but before you could get an insult in you were interrupted, by a pair of all too familiar lips coming contact with your own. you gasped in surprise and lucas used this as a way to deepen the kiss he started; reaching up to hold your face gently with his palm.
you felt blood rush up your neck and onto your face as you realised what was happening. you kissed back, finally relaxing. your lips moved together sweetly before lucas finally pulled away, leaving your lips & cheeks a red hue, his hand still resting on your face.
there was about a 5 second silence before lucas sheepishly smiled. "that was to shut you up." you felt your past anger surge back as you smacked lucas' hands away causing him to giggle. “y’know you’ve got a lot of nerve-“ you started,“wait – wait! let me speak first.” lucas pleaded. you gave him an unimpressed look, yet you said nothing and lucas took this as his green light to go.
“okay first of all, i know. and second of all, i am so so sorry. it was our 1 year anniversary yesterday and i completely forgot - like a total jack-ass! and you don’t need to forgive me, but just know that i promise – no - i swear that i will make it up to you. starting... right now!" and after that he immediately lunged forward and pulled you in his arms. he attacked your face with little fairy kisses ranging from your forehead to your nose to your neck.
you giggled, bathing in the kisses. "yeah, alright sinclair, but it’s gonna take a lot more than a few kisses!” “okay, deal.” he’d smile, relieved.
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cokowiii · 11 months
Do you have a song that, no matter how bad you're feeling, just gives you an absolute serotonin kick?
For example, everytime I'm listening to Superstar from Toybox, but the nighcore version, I just feel my mood lifting like a freaking rocket
As of right now....God this is horrible...
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fictionalsimpybish · 2 years
Loki x GN!Reader
Warings: none! Just fluff!
Hope you all enjoy! Really like how this turned out💚
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"Loki, no, we're not gonna dance" you said while crossing your arms over your chest, looking away from Loki
Loki rolled his eyes with a small huff "but darling, it will be fun!, We used to do a lot of ball dancing in Asgard, you'll love it I promise" Loki said hopeful, he really wanted you to dance with him, but you seem to always not want to be always wondered why
"I said no and that's my final answer" you kept your face straight as best you can, though you where extremely nervous, you couldn't dance, you've never danced before, Loki's a God he's lived so long and dance a million times, you were embarrassed
Loki grunted and looked at you with sad eyes, he sat next to you on the couch, hands folded on his lap
"Do you not wish to dance with me?, I assure you, I won't let you fall if that is what you are worried about..?" Loki looked at you with a questioning gaze
You looked at him and frown, looking down at your hands playing with the hem of your shirt "no Loki.. it's not you I'm worried about.. it's.. it's me.. I.. I can't dance.." you shut your eyes face burning with embarrassment GODS you felt so stupid..
Loki blinked, once, twice, then three times."that's it?" He questioned with a small snort, he stopped when he saw your embarrassed state, "oh little dove.. i assure you there is no shame in not knowing how to dance, not everyone has had a chance to dance with a prince" he winked at you trying to lighten the mood it seemed to work, because he saw a small smile form at your pretty lips
Loki got up and offered you his hand with a soft smile "come on my love, let us have our first dance shall we?"
You stared at his hand for a little, thinking If you really should take it, then you thought of all the possibilitys that could go wrong, the thought of getting embarrassed in front of Loki did not set right for you
Before you could decline Loki grabbed your hand and pulled you up, setting your hands in the spots they should be in, flicking his wrist soft music starting playing, gently puting both hands on your waist "now, do not worry your pretty little head, if you worry, you will indeed make an mistake, if you do make a small mistake pay no mind, I will let you know if you are doing anything wrong, I will point you in the right direction, yes?" Loki questioned lifting your chin up with his fingers "are we clear love?" He asked again
You nodded, to say you were scared was an understatement- yeah you might be overreacting, but you were overwhelmed of the thought of failing in front of Loki, you took a deep breath and followed Loki's steps, watching his movements carefully, he was going in a not so slow but not so fast pace, it was perfect
After a few small mistakes and a bunch of curse words from yourself, you finally got the hang of it, soon you were smiling, and being more confident in your movement
This was more fun then you thought it would be
Loki smiled big, your so beautiful in his eyes, the way your smile lit up the room, your eyes would spark everytime you'd get the steps right, he loved the way your cheeks where blushing every time he'd kiss at the bottom of your ear and down your neck to your shoulders
God's he loves you so much
No one can tell him otherwise
After a few quick step dances another slow song came up and you both started to sway to the soothing music your head on his chest, you could hear his slow heart beats, so soothing, his head was on yours, he could smell you perfect scent
"Your so romantic." You spoke after a long silence
Loki scoffed but smiled "me?, A god is romantic?" He spoke playfully and kissed the top of your head
You chuckled and blushed a little, "yeah" you look up at him with a small smile "your my romantic God partner, forever and always" you kissed his lips and pulled away slowly
"Forever and always" Loki repeated he lived the way you said it, it felt like a dream to be here, with you, in his arms
"gods marry me" Loki blurted out without even thinking, his eyes widened when he registered what he just said, he was about to flee when you opened your mouth
"Really?" You asked hope in your eyes, you really wanted to make sure this wasn't a dream, you would really hate that-
"Yes" Loki answered quickly, he shifted nervously waiting, he didn't want to get rejected and lose the live of his life, he would hate himself forever for speaking
You smiled big and brightly "yes Loki, of course I'll marry you" you laughed and blushed, your eyes watering you peck his lips for several times, but that wasn't enough for Loki
Loki cupped both your cheeks him his palms and kissed you passionately, not sure how long you both been like that, but once you parted you where both panting and out of breath, but that didn't stop you both from continuing the kiss, you didn't care if you couldnt breath, as long as your in Loki's arms, and he's in yours you'll both be safe
You both love each other forever and always
You and Loki will definitely continue dancing after this, it'll become one of your favorite things to do.
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Manifesting Methods I like
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I want to preface this off by saying that methods are unnecessary to manifest your desire, and there is no right way to manifest. However, these are just some of the things I like doing to manifest.
Ahhh scripting my beloved. If you haven’t heard of it, scripting is basically where you write down all of your desires and then manifest them into reality. I personally like this one the most since I've always been a huge fan of planning out all of my ideas and writing everything down before manifesting it into reality. Definitely recommend this to all my writers or anyone who likes thinking about the details. If anyone would be interested, I can share more about my script in another post.
I'm sure all of us have had moments where we fantasized about something we desired. Well, what if you could use that to manifest? With visualizing, you can! Just think of what you'd see in real life if your desire took place. 1. Who'd be there? 2. What would you be saying if anything? 3. What do your surroundings look like?
Now just keep looping that scenario in your head! I find myself often in the shower or before bed just randomly thinking scenarios, and not even a week later, the same scenario takes place in the 3d.
Vision Board
This method is pretty talked about, both in and out of the community, but it's still the same regardless! I made a pinterest board with sections for each part of my dream life, and I just look at it whenever I feel like it, to really immerse myself in the end. You can also affirm that you have everything on the list.
Arguably the easiest method out of everything listed here, all you have to do is to think the thoughts you want to think, and then you'll get everything you desire lol. It's definitely the most convenient, and I catch myself doing it everytime my brain is idle(doing chores etc). Also a great way to live in the end with minimal effort.
Listening to Music
A crowd favorite when in the feels, listening to badass music has never failed to lift my spirits. This isn't manifesting persay, but it definitely helps me get back from a spiral when I need it. My current playlist has over 150 songs in it lol.
And as for subliminals, I don't listen to them too regularly, but only when I'm in the mood for it. There are so many talented submakers out there, and I often find myself getting new affirmation ideas from their subliminals lol. I definitely recommend looking at some channels if you're looking to manifest something new.
I don't really have a routine for doing any of these, and it's important to keep in mind that these methods are only done because I personally enjoy them. If you ever feel like you're forcing yourself to complete a method, just don't. Manifesting should be fun and easy for you guys, not a chore. This was a really brief overview into different methods I tried, so let me know if you'd like me to elaborate on anything!
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Free falling
Word count: 2883
Gabriel had been poking his head in and out of every room in the bunker, on a quest for the Winchesters, when he found you in the media room.
Human eyes would have only seen a vague shape made of blankets, but he could sense your soul, that brilliant light that only grew more beautiful the more he got to know you.
But something was off today.
It wasn't like you to avoid everybody all day to huddle in the dark, changing channels too fast to be properly seeing what was being played. He wanted to know what was wrong, but being too forward would have just made you close up and pretend you were fine, and he didn't want to make you put up an act with him.
He was, admittedly, not the best in trying to talk about those pesky little feelings, but he wanted to try for you.
So he smoothed his frown into an easy smile and walked in.
He jumped over the back of the couch to bounce by your side. He wasn't sure what type of reaction was he was hoping to get - maybe a yelp and you throwing something at him like you did everytime he startled you - but he knew that the lack of any reaction whatsoever was not a good sign.
"Here you are, cupcake. What are you doing?"
"Hi Gabe." click "I'm trying to find something to watch." click
Your eyes, that along with the hand holding the remote were the only parts of you visible under the the mountain of blankets you had cocooned yourself in, stared blankly at the TV screen, and your finger kept mechanically pushing the button to change the channel.
He looked at you, your hand, the tv.
"Having much luck yet?"
"Not really." you said - click - and left it at that.
Ok, so you were not in a chatty mood. Luckily, he was both chatty and stubborn enough to keep any conversation going when he wanted to, and lifting your mood was of the most importance.
"Is there anything you want to watch? A genre, a plot, a vibe?" he asked.
"Nothing specific, really." click
"... Ok. What about doing something else if you're not sure what to watch?"
"I've already tried going for a walk," click "Exercising," click "Reading, " click "Taking a nap," click. "Nothing is quite what I want." clickclickclick
"Okay," he said, drawing out the 'o', "What about you give me the remote before you click it to pieces?"
You didn't put up resistance when he took it , just sighed and tipped to the side until you were leaning against him. He changed the channel once, making one that would play all your favorite songs in the background, before giving you his full attention.
"Sorry," you said before he could start anything.
"What for?"
"I know I'm insufferable when I'm like this. I just can't settle on anything."
"You're apologizing to me for not being able to settle? Like, you know me, you know how I am."
You hummed. "You're not that bad."
Maybe, but it was mostly because you calmed that part of him that was always seeking movement to avoid thinking about his past.
"Were you looking for me for something?"
To be honest, he was. Sam and Dean had sent him looking for you to help them look through the library, but looking at you, he made a quick decision.
"Not really. Can't I just want to see my favorite person?" he said, making it so they would find the needed information in the next book they picked.
He stood up and turned towards you, extending a hand. "I have an idea. Come with me."
You blinked up at him from where you had tilted sideways on the couch. "What?"
"For your unsettlingness. It's something that always works for me if I can't seem to find something to do to scratch that itch."
You took a minute to untangle yourself from all the blankets, then stood up and took his hand.
He pulled you closer with a hand at the small of your back and took mild pride in seeing you getting flustered for so little.
"Where are we going?" you asked.
"It's a surprise. Now close your eyes."
You looked at him with maybe a hint of suspicion, like anyone should when he announced a surprise, but complied without saying anything.
He took a moment to savor the moment, holding you close, before he snapped.
" You can open your eyes now. "
Before complying you took a second to feel your surroundings. You could feel warmth, both from Gabriel's body, pressed close to yours - you really hoped you weren't blushing - but also from all around you. You could hear your breathing, and a soft, regular whooshing sound.
Deciding you had took as much information as you could with your eyes closed, you opened them , blinking several times to adjust to the very bright light. The first thing you saw was Gabriel's blinding - even if seemingly a little unsure - smile, and quickly looked away before you got too distracted. You were surrounded on all sides by a deep, vibrant blue. The whooshing sounds turned out to be - and this time you did stare - the massive wings sprouting from his back, beating rhythmically and glinting gold in the sunlight.
Putting aside the fact that he was showing you his wings, which was overwhelming enough, a thought came to your mind. Beating wings usually meant flying. And if you were flying...
You looked down.
And promptly screeched and shut your eyes tightly shut again, your stupor a distant memory as you wrapped arms and legs around Gabriel like a very clingy octopus. You didn't care. You were high. Very, very high, and everything below you looked very, very small.
You could hear him laughing, but you didn't dare open your eyes to glare at him.
"Gabriel," you said, voice surprisingly level, "What, and I mean ot in the sincerest of ways, the fuck."
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but you should have seen your face. And what was that sound you made?" he didn't seem to be stopping laughing anytime soon.
"That was a perfectly appropriate reaction to find out you're up in the stratosphere!"
"You know, technically, it's the -
"I really don't want to know."
He laughed some more, and you focused in the sound of it to get your heart back under control. You had always found his voice to be beautiful, and that was true even when he was being an ass.
"Look at me," he said when he calmed down.
Careful not to look down you did, and your breath caught. With the sun forming a halo behind him, you could see the heavenly beauty so many painters had tried in vain to capture.
"Like what you see?" he asked, and the smugness of his voice brought you right back down to earth. Or, you know, as close to earth as you could be when you were suspended so high.
"Shut up," you said. "Your ego is bad enough without adding my opinion," your very biased opinion, "to the mix."
He chuckled and looked around.
"You know, ever since Dad created the Earth, I've always loved just flying around with my siblings. They lost the interest in it, chose to focus on more 'important things that mindless and useless' flying, but it never stopped calling to me. I often sneaked out my younger siblings, wanting to expose them young to the beauty and freedom this world could offer. You should have seen Cas and Balthazar the first times... "
And on and on he went, talking about his past as an Archangel in Heaven. You listened to him without making a sound, afraid to shatter the moment and make him retreat those secrets into his mind, unwilling to share even the slightest informations that would let people see beyond the Trickster persona he had built.
You were so absorbed in the images he was able to craft with the simple sound of his voice that it took you a moment to notice he had stopped talking.
While he spoke you had gotten calm enough to relax your death grip on him, and while you were still keenly aware of where you were, you were starting to understand why he liked being here so much, and you told him as much.
"I'm glad," he said, "because it means we can move to phase two."
"What's phase two?" you asked, immediately wary again.
He ignored you. "But first, a very important question. Do you trust me?" he asked, with the most innocent looking - and thus most suspicious - smile you had ever seen.
You narrowed your eyes at him. "Normally, yes, but right now this feels like a trick question. And it's not like I can say no, with you being the only thing keeping me from falling and all."
"Yeah, about that..." and before you could say anything else, he vanished.
You stayed suspended for a moment, blinking dumbly at the place he had just been like a cartoon character.
And you started falling.
The drop was too abrupt to let you scream, but you tried anyway, the wind stealing your voice.
"Open your eyes," you heard, somehow, since your ears were filled with the roar of the wind and the rushing of your blood. And when you had closed your eyes?
You thought a few chosen exploitatives at Gabriel, but decided you might as well do as he said.
Above you was the deepest black, filled with so many stars that put the most shiny diamond to shame. The air was so clear it looked like you could just reach out a hand and grab them.
"I could bring them to you, if you'd like," you thought you heard the wind whisper, but you couldn't be sure.
Then you felt wings brushing your side, and you turned with them, facing downwards and being met with yet another amazing sight. You didn't feel the biting of the air, but you figured if Gabriel was just going to drop you, the least he could do was shield you for the worst of it to let you enjoy the view.
And what a view it was. Lands and water as far as the eyes could see, and no borders in sight but what nature had saw fit to form. You passed through a cloud and laughed as the mist got caught in your hair.
But your mirth suddenly changed when you saw a dark form under you, small at first but growing bigger at an alarming rate.
Your eyes widen when you realized it was a plane. The excitement was drown in fear as you fully realized you were free falling with no way to stop it.
You tried to maneuver yourself out of the trajectory of the plane, but you were getting too close too quickly.
If this was how you were going to die, you would haunt that bloody archangel 'till the end of times.
As the plane got too close you turned your back to it to avoid seeing it coming and curled in yourself as much as you could, your arms around your head as an instinctive protection.
But instead of the bone-crashing pain there was just a slight disorientation due to the sudden chance in speed.
And what you hit was way softer that a plane.
An arm under your knees and one behind your back, Gabriel rewarded you with a shit-eating grin when you unwrapped your arms from around your head.
So you promptly smacked him in the chest.
"Oh, you wound me!", he said, the drama queen, when you both knew there was no way you could possibly hurt him. "Is is how you reward your savior from certain death?"
"Says the one that dropped me!"
"A little adrenaline is good for the heart. "
"If you wanna die young, maybe." you muttered.
"And may I add, your face? Priceless. You for sure can be counted on to make me laugh, " he said, and you glared at him.
"You try falling with no wings and then tell me how you like it, " you said, and a strange looked crossed his face, but it disappeared too quickly for you to fully catch.
"And you knew you weren't really in danger." he said, and there was a weird tone in his voice, like he needed you to tell him you knew he would keep you safe.
You huffed but relented. "Yes, I knew. It was kinda difficult to remember it while going down, but I knew you would be there. But," you said, "I won't be so easily scared again."
"Really?" he said, tone was dripping with sarcasm.
Gabriel merely raised an eyebrow and folded his wings around you, enveloping you in a world of gold.
You dropped like a stone.
He laughed when you threw your arms around his neck, then he used the momentum to spin and twirl, relishing the wind on his wings and the weight in his arms.
Soon you joined in his joy, free laughter that went lost in the wind.
You asked him to keep flying, legs tangling in the air and eyes alight with child-like joy, and he couldn't deny you.
So he carried you around the globe, brushed the seas and the top of the mountains, and then reaching further up into the sky.
You rose high, the black filled with oh so many stars, more and brighter that you had ever seen even when the night was dark and the sky clear.
He let you command his movements, shared with you his most treasured way of blocking out everything and just bask in the freedom he craved so much.
Yet when you asked him to free fall again he hesitated.
"Weren't you afraid of the void?"
You shrugged, a little sheepish. "Yes, but it's quite funny and now I've got a little something to keep me safe."
"I could drop you again," he said with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"And I will tell Dean that you actually like him," you said back with the sweetest voice.
"You would never," he dramatically gasped, then let out a full laugh and folded his wings, enjoying the fall with you.
There was something about it that called to your wildest side, the one you had to keep hidden from society because you had been taught it wasn't proper. Being able to freely felling it again was reinvigorating.
You spread your arms and felt the air pass through your fingers, keeping your eyes wide open as the world spun around you, the colors mixing in a dizzily kaleidoscope.
They kept going for hours, with occasionals calmer flies to avoid you being sick, which Gabriel never fail to tease you for.
It was during one of these times-up that your eyelids started to feel heavy.
All the adrenaline from the day had taken its toll, and you were seriously considering asking him to bring you back. But it was so nice out there, the silence broken only by the soft sounds of his wings.
Without noticing you leaned more into his side and rested your head on his chest.
When Gabriel looked at you, surprised by the sudden abandon of your weigh in his arms, you were already lost to dreams.
Soft and ritmic breaths and hands resting open on your lap, you looked peaceful even with the mess your hair had become.
The sight struck him like lightning and he thanked his father for the strength that kept his wings beating.
It had been eons since someone trusted him so blindly.
To trust him with their deepest secret, with their very life, certain without a doubt that he would keep them safe. And being able to trust them with his in return.
He hadn't dared hoping to find that bond again, not since God left them and his brothers started fighting, and yet you seemed to give it unquestionably, unknowingly even.
He knew he should bring you back, not to mention the two brothers would have probably noticed their absence by now. But this kind of peace was so rare that he wanted to stretch it as much as possible.
He had always been more selfish that most of his brothers.
So he kept his wings beating and enjoyed the flight, so different from the previous one but just as precious.
A pained sound interrupted once the otherwise silent night when your nightmares came to torment you again.
Gabriel was conflicted. He didn't want to wake you up, but couldn't just let your nightmares be. His first reaction was to soothe you with his grace, but he stopped himself. That felt like an invasion of privacy.
But there was something else he could try.
He gave himself an heartbeat, something he usually only did when dealing with strangers, and was immediately rewarded when you nestled even more against his side. After a couple of moments of the gentlest flight he could manage you finally seemed to calm down.
With a relieved sigh he kept flying, making sure to follow the Earth to always stay in the shadows, and didn't stop until you started to stir.
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noellfettuccine · 1 year
Love this song so much. It lifts my mood everytime I hear it, I just adore how it sounds <3
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comfortbucky · 3 years
bestie !!!!!!! roomate bucky hcs pls???? like just silly ideas ab being buck’s roomate
BESTIE !!! u are fueling my roommate!bucky obsession and i am 1000000% okay with it
𝗹𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗿𝗼𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗲!𝗯𝘂𝗰𝗸𝘆 ⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。
pairing: bucky x gender neutral! reader
my masterlist!
completed requests!
we’re starting off with grumpy!bucky because ,,,,, ofc
at first he’s annoyed with ur bubbly personality
he literally can’t imagine how someone could be so bright and positive all the time
u recently moved to the city, so u don’t know a single soul
which is why ur constantly trying to become friends with bucky
“hey, bucky! do u wanna watch tv?”
“i found this really cool coffee shop, do u wanna go check it out?”
“i’m headed to the grocery store, do u need anything?”
bucky never takes u up on any of ur offers and just politely declines
but he fucked up when he was having a terrible day, everything going completely wrong, putting him in a sour mood
“hey, bucky! i’m gonna go check out the museum if u wanted to tag along?”
“don’t u have someone else to bother?”
and ur feelings are hurt
and bucky immediately regrets what he said when he sees u go teary-eyed
u leave the apartment before he can apologize
the next morning, u finally drag urself out of bed, not wanting to run into bucky on ur way out of the apartment
u enter the kitchen and see bucky, standing there with 2 coffees in his hand from the coffee shop u had mentioned to him a while ago
he’s so nervous!!!! (BABY BOYYYY)
“ i‘m sorry ‘bout what i said yesterday, didn’t mean it. was havin’ a bad day.”
he looks down at the ground after he speaks, nervous that ur still upset
ur speechless bc this is probably the most u’ve ever heard bucky talk
“it’s okay, thank u, bucky.”
he moves his head up to look at u and is greeted with the warmest smile he’s ever seen
from then on, u guys become much closer !!!
bucky will go grocery shopping and pick up things ur running low on without u having to say a thing!!
he’s always fixing things in the apartment, refusing to call for professional help
“bucky, the kitchen sink is leaking, let me call—“
“don’t, i got this.”
bucky’s love language is acts of service u can’t tell me i’m wrong
u guys run ur laundry together to try and cut down on costs and will sit on the couch, folding ur clothes together🥺🥺🥺
u take turns picking what music to play in the background
bucky always picks 40s music, ofc
but u try and show him some newer sounds
and although he acts like he doesn’t like pop music, he secretly loves to watch u sing along
especially when u sing right to him, both of u getting lost in each other’s eyes
both quickly averting ur gazes when the song ends
if either one of u notice that the other is having a particularly long day, u’ll cook for each other!!!! making it seem like u made too much food as to not give ur true intentions away
movie nights regularly !!!
u realize he’s got an old soul and are determined to introduce him to the essentials
“why does that rat know how to cook?”
“just enjoy the movie, buck. don’t think too hard about it!”
oh the nicknames
he fucking loves it when u call him buck
bucky has a crush
it’s so simple but so endearing to him
and u love his nickname for u, melting everytime he uses it
at first he said it in a more joking manner
“ur gonna hurt urself, sweetheart.”
and ur face turned RED
u have a crush
and bucky makes a mental note to call u that more often
especially when u bring guys home
u just assumed there was no way ur, very attractive, roommate would ever be into u, so u throw urself into the dating world
but bucky fucking hates it
there was this one guy u brought that u had really hit it off with
u brought him back to urs and there’s bucky, sitting at the kitchen table with a beer in one hand, a book in the other
“oh hey, sweetheart! didn’t know company was coming”
u quickly reassure ur date that the man sitting over there is just ur roommate, even though u are definitely lying to him and urself when u say that
u and ur date have a rather awkward night in, bucky refusing to take a hint to leave the common area
when ur date leaves, u confront bucky
“u wanna explain what the hell that was?”
“what, him? i’d give him a 5/10, way too much cologne”
he sighs and runs a hand through his hair, silently debating on revealing his feelings for u
“just tired of seeing u waste ur time with these guys who don’t treat u right,” he mumbles, shifting his gaze to the ground
he takes a step towards u, standing so close that u can feel his body heat radiating onto u
“because u deserve to be with someone who really cares for u, sweetheart”
bucky slowly lifts his hand to, very cautiously, cup ur cheek, looking into to ur eyes for any sign to stop
u don’t give one
“like who, buck?”
ur question slips out of ur mouth in a whisper, ur faces moving closer together, resting ur foreheads against each other
“like me.”
he immediately crashes his lips onto urs and u gladly welcome it, grabbing his hair in ur hands to try and pull him closer to u
safe to say, u don’t bring anymore dates home; u don’t need to
bucky is ur home🥺💗
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sea-moon-star · 2 years
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Pairing: Min Yoongi x reader
Genre: Fluff
WC: 1k
Summary: Inspired by the MBTI lab episode of BTS where Yoongi claims that someone who doesn't know how to eat shrimp/perilla leaves shouldn't get to eat it but we all know he'd actually melt and help himself if someone he liked was struggling and needed his help. ( A soft kitten, indeed). 🌊🌙⭐️
Having finished a busy day as a professor or History, full of lectures and grading test papers. I knew I should take a break and energize myself. My recent fainting spell was still fresh in my mind and as adorable my students and the nurse at university were while taking care of me, I'd rather not have a repeat of that. I hadn't eaten since morning and should head out for a hearty meal. I decided to treat myself by going to my favorite Korean restaurant- it had become my frequent joint ever since I'd been there with a friend. They'd be playing my most liked k-pop songs and some japchae always lifted up my mood and spirits.
It was such a popular joint that they made guests share tables on busy days. I often had to share seeing as I was went alone, this time was no different. I sat down next to a guy, whose face I couldn't see quite clearly, he had a cap on. He was having gimbap and tteokbokki. Usually, kimchi and salad were a staple at the restaurant, it came with every dish. I guess the ahjumma had a soft corner seeing as I was a regular here, so she added an extra side dish to the table- perilla leaves.
I enjoyed eating it but my one problem with it was picking up the leaves that often stuck to one another. I remember getting so frustrated with it last time that I never bothered to finish it. I tried my luck again but in vain, my chopsticks just came up empty everytime I tried to have a bite. I sighed in annoyance and even banged my chopsticks a bit too angrily at the table without meaning to. I just pushed the side dish onto the other side, atleast someone else should get to eat what I couldn't. It's a shame to let food go to waste, I thought to myself.
Yoongi's POV
I usually prefered to have my peace and quiet above all else. The only reason I forgoed it in this case, was because I loved the food here far too much to let it keep me away. I knew that I'd likely have to share a table and make unnecessary small talk with a stranger but it was a small price to pay for ahjumma's cooking. She had a local business and refused to deliver things home or use those "apps". I'd had my fair share of terrible dinner mates- the last one not only chewed with their mouth open but also proceeded to drop soju all over my shirt.
I was halfway through my meal and there was still no one in the other end, I was hoping it stayed that way but just as I thought that in my head- a petite girl with wavy hair, twirly earrings and a radiant face sat down in front of me. At first glance she reminded me of my friend- Hobi's sister. And this in itself made me soften to her appearance. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad, I wondered to myself.
It turns out I was right- she didn't even engage in conversation or disturb me in any way. She ate quietly and in an orderly manner, without taking her phone out for photos or needlessly ordering more food only to waste it. I saw her enjoying the music playing around us, her face lit up when this bubblegum pop song by a group named Astro came up. As a producer, it made me smile seeing that kind of a reaction to music. For most people, it's just background in a setting like this one- the ambiance, people watching and the food would take precedence. But for her, she was focused on the music and mindful about the food- enjoying the experience as a whole.
I found myself poking idly at my empty plate just in a bid to sit here for longer. I ended up finishing the kimchi even after finishing my main and as I worried about her not getting to eat a side because I completed it, the ahjumma came and gave us some perilla leaves as a bonus. As much as I loved them, I thought she ought to take some first, since I had shamelessly eaten the kimchi. That's when I saw her struggle with picking them. Under usual circumstances, this would've annoyed me to no extend. Firstly, she was keeping me from eating the dish and secondly, I was of the opinion that if you don't know how to eat something then you don't deserve having it at all!
But still, watching her brows furrow in concentration as she tried to pick up the perilla leaves and the way she bit her lower lip in effort made her look even more endearing than before. She banged her chopsticks onto the table and her anger made her appear cuter than ever. I felt my heart go out to her and if that wasn't enough, she pushed the dish to me as if gesturing at me to have it. And so, I picked up the perilla leaves in my chopsticks and kept it neatly into her plate. Her mouth turned into a little o at this development and this continued until the dish was all but empty.
I decided that watching her eat was far more satisfying than my need to eat the perilla leaves myself. And just like that, I realized that I enjoyed her company more than anything else. More than the ambiance, the food, everything else that once drew me to this place. I enjoyed her presence more than the annoying things around me- like the crowd of others around me and the noise of traffic from outside or the stifling heat in this room. The good, the bad, it all tilted in favour of her. I knew she was the one for me, right then and there. And come hell or high water, I'd make her mine.
THE END. 🌊🌙⭐️
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blxnkflying · 3 years
bucky barnes - dancing in the living room
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Notes: First time writing after a really long time; English is not my first language; Let me know if you like my writing - by that requests are open. Don’t copy, translate or repost my work.
Warning:  smut; mentions of drinking; pet names (doll/baby); bucky's first time with the reader; oral sex (male receving); unprotected sex. 
I recommend listening to “Summer Walker - Girls Need Love (Girl's Edition)” to get in the mood. :)
I’m taking the last sip of wine while putting the plates in the sink when I feel his presence behind me. A kiss on the neck, left metal hand on my hip and his whiskey breath saying “May I have a dance?”. He grabs my hand smirking while taking me to the living room and I can hear the song going as he hugs me by the waist and I put my hands over his shoulders. 
We’re slow dancing in my dark living room with just the lights from the street shining on us. All I can feel right now is eyes looking at me and going down in my body every time he spins around my tiptoes. Bucky spins me one more time as the song is ending and our movements become slower. He holds my face gently and with his thumb slowly outlining my lips. “You look really good in this red dress, Doll.” I give him a shy smile and I’m pretty sure he enjoys that everytime he compliments me, I don’t know how to react. His lips taste like the whiskey from before and his hands are grabbing my waist putting us closer and closer. I break the kiss for air and he still has the same smirk from before. I can feel in my skin those blue eyes are hungry for something else. I push him to the sofa behind us and he sits spreading those thick thighs of his, not breaking eye contact not even once. I sit on his lap biting my lips imagining the pleasure and his right hand goes to the cleavage of my dress pushing it down just a little, just to tease me.
I look down to his hand almost on my breasts and go to his neck. Kissing, licking, sucking and thinking “We’re definitely having sex tonight.” I go again for his lips and I can feel the arousal building up my legs. He grabs my hair a little too hard to kiss my neck to my breasts, making me close my eyes and bite my lips again. When I return to his lips, I can see his shy hands on my thighs, wishing they were on my ass. So this is what I do. 
I take his hands out of my thighs and put them in my ass. While I’m kissing him, I can feel his fingers tracing the lace of my underwear and to my surprise he grabs my ass firmly and brings me even close. I break the kiss letting a moan out, he laughs at me, proud of himself for making moan first. 
We are back kissing and his hands are still on my ass making me grind on his jeans and all I can perceive is his length in my cunt.
“Bucky…” I said breathing heavily.
“Yeah, baby.” He doesn't bother and is still kissing my neck with his right hand on my hair and the metal one holding my waist firmily.
“Are you sure of it?” Even though I was having the moment, I was a little worried about how much intimacy he was comfortable with. 
“I’m definitely sure.” He kisses me again with instinct, almost aggressively, just to show me how much he wanted that.
“What baby?” He says holding my neck with his right hand paying attention to my interruption after he just told me he was more fine doing it.
“Then I wanna fuck you”. I said looking into his eyes waiting for his reaction.
He is quickly holding me by the waist and lifting me. My legs are around his hips while he is taking me to my room. I’m surprised that even after a long time, his body is reacting like he never took a break. His hands on my body, his lips on my neck and his tongue on mine. 
He presses me to the wall, letting me stand on my feet while my hands are up in his shirt, scratching his abdomen. He puts me closer, letting me feel his hard cock again, pressed against my dress. I can tell he likes the teasing while I take his blue navy shirt.
“Can I give you a little present?” I have a smirk on my lips this time with hungry eyes for the man standing shirtless right in front of me. Knowing I’m going to fuck him like no else did before because I know the ladies in the 40’s were a little basic.
He follows my hands going to take off his beat and unbutton his jeans. “Of course, baby.” I get on my knees taking off his pants, leaving him on black boxers. I give a gentle kiss on his volume with his boxers on and I feel him becoming anxious for me to put all his length in my mouth.
I take off his boxers while leaving kisses on the end of his abdomen and his cock is just so wet from all the pre-cum that I had to lick it. I hear him moaning while I’m sucking his dick. It’s music for my ears.  He puts his hand through my hair to help me with my movements.  I take his dick of my mouth and hold it with my hand doing some circular movements on his swollen tip. His leg starts to fail because of the sensitivity of his dick and he tries to hold my hand to make me stop. I laughed it off and put his member in my mouth again for the last time. I get on my feet going for a kiss, making him taste himself in my mouth.
He takes off my dress and stares at me. His hands are on my breasts, feeling the lace of my lingerie and squeezing them. He gets on his knees looking up to me while grabbing my waist with his hand while spreading kisses in my belly, going down to my cunt over the lace underwear. He gets up and throws me to the bed on my stomach. I feel his hard cock pressing on my ass and he kisses my back until he is in my ear whispering “Tell me what you want, Doll.” 
“I wanna ride you, Bucky.” My words made him squeeze my ass and breathe heavily. Of course I realized he was talking about what he could do to please me but tonight was about him. I wanted to give him the pleasure he was waiting for. I hold his face to kiss again while he is taking care of taking my bra and my underwear off. His hand are touching my pussy without any sign to go to my clit or my entrance. I break the kiss to look what the fuck he is not doing and for my surprise, he puts two fingers inside me. He really waited for me to look at him to do this. The moan I let out, the way I rolled my eyes back to the pleasure of it, he wanted to see my face, my reaction to his movements. 
“Lay down for me, baby.” I whisper in his ear as he is squeezing my breasts.
As he lays down on the bed, I get on top of him putting his member in my hand going up and down while kissing his stomach. I give him one more kiss on the lips before aligning his dick to my entrance. His hands are on my hips helping me go up and down on his member, my breasts are freely bouncing to his view and our noises are filling up the room. Our bodies are hot and sweating from the movements and all we can do is touch each other desperately from the desire.
While I’m riding Bucky, I put his hand under mine in my belly so he can feel his member deep inside me. His response is to arch his hips up under me making me cry out of pleasure. “You like that?” He is holding my chin with his metal hand when I barely can hold myself up on his dick. I guess that serum really works in a lot of ways. “I really don’t believe you are already tired, babygirl… Let me handle that.”
Now he is on top of me, I can easily outline the muscles of his shoulders with my fingers while scratching his back. The moaning in my ear is driving me crazy, making me squeeze his member inside of me even more. Bucky is going slowly and deep just to see me twitch beside him and it’s working. My thighs are already shivering and I can feel my orgasm building. As it arrives I bite his right shoulder because of the pleasure and my nails are deep on his skin. His movements became faster as my bite got stronger and he cums on my leg while I’m trying to get my breath after this amazing orgasm I just had. 
Our bodies are still spasming after the sex as we cuddle. “Wow, Doll.” Bucky is looking to the roof, trying to put his thoughts and words together.
“I didn't know you were so…” I’m also trying to find words after having my thoughts rearranged by his dick. He laughed it off  “Yeah, baby. I can last longer than normal.”
I laugh too as he finishes the sentence making eye contact. “What?” “I guess that means we have more time to have fun.” I said while holding his chin. “For a girl that doesn’t know how to take compliments, you’re such a freak in the sheets, Doll.”
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peakgenko · 3 years
Songs the Haikyuu boys would slow dance with you to...
CW; suggestive sexual themes
N/A, my heart nutted while writing this tbh
not proofread!!
© All content belongs to damnihateithere.
Kei Tsukishima
Dream A Little Dream of Me- The Mamas & The Papas
I don’t even know how i made this connection but i feel like tsukishima hums a lot of old songs and so this would be one of them
Or slow dancing in the dark by joji. it’s his favourite song. because of you.
Yuu Nishinoya
So Good At Being in Trouble- Unknown Mortal Orchestra
You’d rock back and fourth with him slowly while his lips press against the back of your hand— his eyes staring intently while he hums the lyrics
Shoyo Hinata
I’m Yours- Jason Mraz
So it’s not really something you can slow dance to but this is definitely his song for you. He sings this to you in the showers, during pillow talk, or drum the rhythm with his fingers against a Tupperware when he’s cooking something for you.
He’ll pull you in by the waist and nuzzle his head up against your back with a grin.
At this point it’s his favourite song because it always gets him in the mood. But that’s only because he thinks of you when he hums it.
Rintarō Suna
Versace On The Floor- Bruno Mars
okay so I imagine the two of you on some dance floor. Like at a club. I head canon that he’s good at dancing. Effortlessly too.
The music stops and and they choose a slow song to end the evening
You’re wearing a dress that cuts off mid thigh. And he’s in a little suit. His blazers loose and his collared shirt is buttoned down since it got a little heated in the midst of sweaty bodies practically grinding up against eachother
Underneath the red and purple spotlights, specks of iridescent lights from the disco ball hanging from the ceiling arrange themselves on your faces.
He’s singing the lyrics wholeheartedly with a fox like grin while his hands roam down to your ass. Although it’s intent was far from sexual.
Atsumu Miya
Corduroy Dreams- Rex Orange County
Definitely does kiss you in the shower for a couple hours.
He’s fresh out of the shower and he’s wearing nothing but a pair of sweatpants. Drops of water race down to his feet as they roll down his bare chest. You have your towel wrapped around your chest
One hand laced with his, he leads you in a slowing pace around the room with a chirpy smile.
Osamu Miya
Blessed- Daniel Caeser
i’m not sure how i made this conclusion but i’m gonna go with it
He has the prettiest voice when he sings along.
It’s not really dancing though. He has your back facing his chest while his arms enveloped on top of your collar bones and shoulders. He’s pecking gentle kisses against your cheek while rocking back and fourth to the song while you two prepare breakfast.
Keishin Ukai
Fly Love- Jamie Foxx
I imagine you two on some sort of resort of beach. You two are soaked of water but this song just happens to pop up so you stand there in his arms while he teasingly blows a cloud of smoke into your face.
Keiji Akaashi
okay for those of you who don’t know that song i know by the title of the song it looks sus and trust me he was definitely skeptic of it as well but give it a listen because now you’re all he ever thinks about when he hears this song.
he swears he’ll dance to this with you in his arms on your wedding day.
if you’re feeling angsty, he’d definitely hold you close and dance with you to the swan by camille saint-saëns
Wakatoshi Ushijima
I Hear A Symphony- Cody Fry
He loves how classy it sounds and it perfectly describes how he feels about you. hell it may even be his favourite song.
He felt like volleyball was his only purpose and for a while he was more than okay with that. until he met you and now he strives for more in life. Hence the whole “I used to hear a simple song” verse. loves putting emphasis in his tone when singing “perfection is so quick to bore...you are my beautiful by far” (only to himself of course) homeboy gets a little embarrassed when it comes to singing.
Daichi Sawamura
Nothing’s Gonna Hurt You Baby- Cigarettes After Sex
I don’t even need to have a scenario for this like he just radiates this energy:((
Like imagine his cheek pressed against yours while his hand weaves through your hair
Tadashi Yamaguchi
You say I’m in love- Banes World!!!!!!!!
Head empty just you and yams dancing to this song underneath LEDs and a ceiling projector
you’re all he thinks about when he sings this song
and bubblegum by clairo- he’d tell you not to focus on the lyrics but instead the instrumental portion. he says the comforting mellow beat reminds him of you.
Kenma Kozume
Nothing- Bruno Major.
Sings the lyrics to you
You’d think he’d be too shy and youre right but it’s because he does it subconsciously.
Aran Ojiro
Ugotme- Omar Apollo
Such a good singer as well
When the two of you dance, you two dance.
His ability to dance is almost mesmerizing along with his singing.
Sings while covering your neck and collarbones with kisses
Satori Tendou
How Deep Is Your Love- Bee Gees
Also dramatically lip syncs the lyrics to you
Lifts you up into the air and into his arm almost five times mid dance.
He’ll shake his head with his lips pressed up against your neck while his hands trail upwards and toy with the hem of your shirt, his hands hungry with anticipation to just rip it off.
and you scold him when you feel his lips contort into a devilish grin.
Kotaro Bokuto
Hopelessly Devoted To You- Olivia Newton John
hear me out. He only knows this song because akaashi made him watch grease bc he says bokuto should be exposed to the “classics” and since watching it at age 12 with akaashi and bo’s two sisters, he’s prayed that one day he’d meet someone that’d make him feel the way that song did.
He does now and everytime that songs on he’s practically carrying you in his arms.
Tobio Kageyama
Love Me Please- OCTAVIO
this is the only song he knows with the exception of old kanye west because he considers his music grind music but you definitely put him on this song.
He’s literally a psychopath who doesn’t listen to anything EXCEPT like popular rap songs from 2017-2018. And even then he’ll only tolerate it when he needs to work out.
And then he meets you. Now he listens to music in a different aspect.
He knows he’s not the most romantic guy out there but he’s trying his best and you tell him that’s more than enough. He loves you so much.
Koushi Sugawara
This Side of Paradise- Coyote Theory
he’s dragging you out of the house to dance with you to this song. bonus points if it’s raining
he’s also the type to scream-sing to love songs.
There aren’t any cars in the vicinity due to the pouring rain so the two of you make your way to the road.
Your hand in his, he twirls you underneath the storm and into his arms.
Toru Oikawa
Pretty Boy- The Neighborhood
He’ll put so much emphasis in his tone on the “Even if the earth starts shaking, you’re the only thing worth taking- with me. Even if the sky’s on fire, got you here it’s alright.” verse
You’re literally everything to him
he won’t let you go even for a second until this song is finished even then he’ll have trouble parting.
Hajime Iwaizumi
Baby I’m Yours- Arctic Monkeys cover
It’s not even dancing at this point, it’s just you two cuddling and him pretending like he hates it even though he’s the one who refuses to let go of you.
Ryonusuke Tanaka
Knockin’ Da Boots- H-town
if he’s not dancing to this with you in his arms he’s definitely ironically grinding on the floor to this with a fuck boy face.
Hitoka Yachi
two queens in a king sized bed- girl in red
I just imagine the most “call me by your name” scenery type shit.
Or maybe like a field of flowers? You just have her in your arms on some sort of picnic date she planned for the two of you
Semi Eita-
I Wanna Be Yours- Arctic Monkeys
your arms wrap around his neck and his lips press onto yours while the two of you sway back and fourth underneath red led lights.
don’t be surprised if things get sexual.
Tetsuro Kuroo
Careless Whisper- George Michael
okay first he played this song when you were over once and he had it on so that he could initiate a little make out sess with you but when you could tell how nervous he was on making a move on you you told him that there was no pressure on anything and he sort of just danced with you instead. he ended up unironically really liking this song because of that.
(bonus: if it’s fanon kuroo he likes to dance to sway by Michael Bublé with you and the whole time he’s just eyeing you down with a sly grin)
Kiyoomi Sakusa
Beach Baby- Bon Iver
Space Song- Beach House
I imagine it’s raining horribly outside to the point where the thunder outside is retro boomin
but the windows are open because both you and Sakusa love the sound of rain pouring
he has this song playing from his record player while he hums against your neck.
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kanene-yaaay · 3 years
Talks, Teases and Tea
Warnings: I can’t think of any. They’re just talking about boundaries and lightly teasing and tickling ech other. Brief Ler!Aizawa and Lee!Hizashi with implied Lee!Toshinori. About 2500 words.
Kanene’s notes: Heya! I’ve been wanting to finish this fic for a while! I wanted to write a bit more about it because it is an interesting scenario but dfghjdfghjr I was already losing the tracks with this quite long fic, so, yay! I am glad I am finally sharing this w u all <3. I hope u like this ^v^
Toshinori winced at his own smile, staring at the cup of tea in front of him with an intensity that wasn't really needed. His gaze flicked quickly across the two guests in the room, analysing the situation. Aizawa drank his tea slowly, partly oblivious to Hizashi, who kept drumming his finger on the tabletop in a rhythm he was sure he heard somewhere, humming a song. Their gazes locked together and Toshinori couldn't help the slight blush which traveled to his cheeks. They quickly averted their eyes.
Aizawa's loud, exasperated sigh flew across the room. "You two are ridiculous."
Hizashi and Toshinori broke down in giggles, not really denying the black haired teacher words, the acknowledgement of how they, professional heroes trained to act through the nervousness and pressure, just spent minutes deviating glares and blushing like teenagers in love making them only laugh harder.
"It's kind of silly, isn't it?" Yagi was the first to get himself together, softly smiling under Shouta's intense eyes.
"Yes." The aforementioned retorted. "But it's necessary."
"We can't say it isn't even a bit awkward, though." Hizashi contemplated, stirring a spoon on his untouched drink. His smile became wicked as he wiggled his fingers in front of Aizawa's face. "Aren't you nervous about sharing your deepest desires with us, Shou?"
He yelped as the other batted his hand away, scoffing, not unkindly. "Stop, you're scaring Toshinori."
The attention switched to the taller one. Showing vulnerability was difficult to all of them, but to the former number one hero it sometimes felt as if he would never be able to fully do it.
He was working on that.
"Oh, shit, sorry,  I didn't mean to."
"It's okay, Hizashi-san." Yagi scratched at his neck, wondering if the hot feeling painting his cheeks would ever disappear. "I wouldn't be here if I didn't trust you with it." His grin was small, but honest.
Aizawa did his best to not get up from his chair and hide Toshinori on his capture weapon before he killed him with cuteness, just as he did with his cats. At his side, Hizashi made a show of placing his hands on his chest and crying "My heart!" dramatically as if he just got shot. All Might's face got even redder.
"Right." The erasure hero started before his urge became stronger. "Let's start with a safeword."
"Right." Yagi beamed, getting a small notepad in hands and hurrying to find a blank space on it. 
He looked up when no more suggestions filled the air, only to find a very amused green gaze staring right at him as the other grumbled something about not being awake enough for that and stole Hizashi's tea. "Toshi, dear, what are you doing?"
"I'm, uh, actually I…" He cleaned his throat. "My memory is kind of bad so I was wondering that I could, maybe, take notes?”
"Will they be coded?"
“Then I don’t care. Do what works for you.”
"Oooh," Yamada popped in, hands resting on the tabletop as his body inclined forward. "Clever! Such a clever idea! Can you teach it to me later? And let me take pictures?"
"O-of course, Hizashi-san."
Shouts huffed, amused. "You know he will use all that information against you, right?"
"Shhh! Shou, don’t expose my evil plan!"
"Maybe we could use the Spotlight system?" Yagi cut their bickering, knowing the lengths they could take their playfulness and he really doubted he would have the courage to finish this conversation another day.
"Bo-o-ring! We should choose something more unique and new! Something more like..." The blonde's eyes suddenly gathered a dangerous glint. "I am here."
"Absolutely not."
"No, no, no, Toshinori-san, hear me out, hear me out!" His words almost couldn't be understood across his crackles, the voice hero trying to make the Number One hero to stop hiding his face, knowing that any attempt of reasoning about this with Aizawa would be quickly ignored. "Think about it! Think carefully about it!"
The called one peaked between the fingers of the hand, opening his mouth to vehemently protest against the use of his hero persona’s trademark phrase, but then, in that exact moment Yamada pointed to Shouta.
Suddenly, a very clear image of his gloomy, reserved coworker, with a gigantic smile plastered on his face shouting "I am here!" between his frantic, low laughter filled his mind.
He took a steady breath.
"I am tempted," was his final verdict.
"I refuse."
"Democracy is really a bitch isn't it?" Hizashi pouted in fake empathy. "I promise I won't tease you... too much."
"I can and will kill you both before that. I am an underground hero, I have my ways."
Yagi chuckled. "I still believe we could use the spotlight system, too. It's faster."
"Noo, Toshinori-san! We were almost winning!"
Aizawa flicked him on the forehead, lips quirking upwards before he sobered. "We also need a word to signal a need for a break and a non verbal one. That is not negotiable."
Hizashi blinked, red dusking his initially confident expression. "Oh, yeah, this is actually a very good idea."
"For the non verbal we could tap out?"
"Nope. I trash around too much, probably would do this without even realizing it…" How could Yamada talk so freely about this, Yagi would never truly understand. "Ah, I know! We could just snap our fingers!” He was fast to demonstrate his words. “Quick and easy!"
"And we could use Break as the other one, everyone agrees?" Aizawa nodded at the affirmative sounds said by the others. "Good. Bondage?"
"I am… not very comfortable with it as the ler, but…" Hizashi drummed his fingers harder on the tabletop, stopping only when Aizawa gave his mug back, happy in occupying his antsy hands with it. "Sometime... When I am in a strong Lee mood, I like the light ones?"
"Always ask before, then." Yagi smiled kindly at him before scribbling that down. "Shouta-san?"
"Yes. Just not my arms."
"And you Toshinori-san?"
The pencil stopped for a second. Yagi chuckled nervously. 
"...I don't really know."
He couldn't describe it. That not quite quite, but definitely there, feeling that accommodated on his chest everytime he thought about it.
"It's okay." Yamada reassured. "It's never too late to discover and try it! When you feel comfortable enough to do that, of course. Also, don’t forget: just one word and we will stop."
"This talk is important exactly because of that."
Warmth filled Yagi’s chest at care and the safety that flowed from each act, each word from the other two.
"Of course." His tune then became serious. When did he get so soft in the first place? "And, if any of your preferences change, warn me. This needs to be comfortable for all of us, right?"
"Will do."
Shouta hummed in agreement.
"Okay. Aaand what about petnames?"
Suddenly, Yagi was very, very happy for having that conversation in person and not through shy, quick messages in their shared group - how he first intended for it to be,- because otherwise he wouldn't have had the gold opportunity to watch how fast Aizawa’s face was able to blush entirely with a single sentence.
The Erasure Hero lifted his gaze, gave a quick glance between Hizashi’s smug expression and Toshinori’s truly awed one and immediately shrunk on his chair, arms crossed and grumpy grubbles being chewed under his breath, the red on his features still shining brightly. 
“Fuck.” Both of the other two integrants in the room snickered at the curse.
“Shut up. I hate you.”
“My deeear, my adorably, adorable blushy toyy.~”
Shouta twitched in his place, an uncontrollable wobbly smile opening its way to his lips, butterflies jumping and dancing non stop on his stomach. He shrunk even further on the chair, refusing to hide his face only because he knew how much of a fuel that would be for both blondes.
(And, maybe because deep down, he liked the attention he was receiving.) 
“I am going to leave.”
“Aww, why? The serious, grumpy Shouta can’t stand letting his bestest friends knowing that he is actually a soft, adorable, flustered-” at each adjective Hizashi ignored the other’s - admitelly fake - sharp gaze in order to poke his stomach with every word. “-little wiggle lee?”
It took just a blink of an eye. In a second Yamada was tormenting him, having an absolute blast with the way Shouta’s blush was travelling all the way to his neck, chest shaking with his attempts to trap the bubbling giggles inside, and, on the other, the underground hero used their proximity to grab the Voice Hero’s hand and twist him so the blond would be trapped on his arms, a surprised high pitched sound flying the air.
“I would be very careful with my next words, if I were you.” The black haired hero adjusted them so his low tune would hit directly Hiazhi’s unprotected, and also very sensitive, ears, that act alone being able to fish more whining noises from the blond.
“And you.” Toshinori couldn’t help the way his soft smile turned into a nervous one when those black, deep eyes stared directly on the bottom of his soul, the redness of his face taking some of the sharpness of his words, however. “Don’t think you’re out of danger just because there is a table between us. We know I’m faster.”
“I wouldn’t dream about it, Shouta-san.” Yagi replied with an amused placating gesture, his entire face filled with softness. “I was just appreciating how considerate and attentive it was from Hizashi-san’s part to bring up such an important topic and also how great it was for you to let him have some fun before your immediate reaction.”
He watched with a sweet interest and a polite faked confusion, as if he couldn’t understand the impact his words and the implications they held, as their faces were set on flames again with his blunt honesty. 
“You’re on thin fucking ice.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Shouta-san!” The former number one hero chipped before innocently writing down a few more lines on his notes.
“Yagi-san!” Yamada whined. “I thought we were a team! Partners in crime! Two forces that gathered together to bring Shouta down. How could you betray me like that?!”
Toshinori just grinned free of any guilt, not taking long before he sobered again. “Is there, however, any nickname you’re not comfortable with, Shouta-san, Hizashi-san?”
The one with vivid green eyes seemed lost in thought for a moment, so the underground hero’s grumbles were easily noticed in the sudden silence.
“Just don’t call me any variation of ‘pet’ and you’ll be fine.”
“Thank you.” Toshinori replied, writing that information down as well.
“Oh, yeah, I just remembered something. It’s not really a nickname and more of a situation? I think it can be called that?” Hizashi cocked his head to the side, fingers tapping on the temple of his glasses. “I mean, it’s not the topic here and I can wait for when talk about it, of course! I just literally remembered it-”
“Hizashi. Spill it.”
“Right. Okay. Hm, don’t call for help while we’re at it?”
Shouta furrowed his eyebrows, not really getting the reason for the wish. His gaze found Yagi’s one and found confusion there as well, however both were quick to let it be buried  away by understanding.
If Hizashi wanted to share his reasoning in the future, he would. It was not in their place to question his boundaries.
“Of course, dear.”
Hizashi could barely describe the warm, nice feeling filling his chest when he heard Toshinori calling him that, immediately melting when Aizawa gave his back a few light scratches, not enough to tickle, but just the nice tad of a good, comforting gesture.
“Softies, softies. All of you.” He sing sang cheerfully at them.
A squeeze on his tummy made a loud squeal cut any other teasing he might come up with. “I can show Yagi how soft you can be.” Aizawa purred, his hands slowly crawling to strategic, ticklish spots on his belly and thighs. 
“Shouta. Shouta, wait! Y-you know I was only kidding, my dear, my sunshine, my old pal, my very kind, very, very forgiving friend!” Yamada’s wiggles become stronger, titters spilling from his lips in between his pleas, body squirming and trying to escape from the other’s still strong hold.
“Don’t think you will able to escape so easily, not after the whole ‘petnames’ topic you decided to bring up.” His titters evolved to fast giggles when Aizawa decided it would be a good idea to place surprising pokes and prodding on his skin. “Also, a serious, sad face doesn’t fit you.”
“We stihihill have to finish the conversation!” Aizawa hummed, not convinced. “Yagi, my hero, tell him!”
Toshinori wouldn’t point himself as a coward, really. He had faced and battled against all kinds of villains with a reassuring smile and a booming laughter on the tip of his tongue, he had survived a meeting with Nedzu and Gran Tourino’s training.
However, as Aizawa’s smirk was thrown in his direction in sync with a sharp, playful gaze, he couldn’t stop the excited squeak that escaped from his mouth.
Also, at the scene of a previously smug Yamada giggling himself silly and staring at him with a fake pout, maybe he couldn’t help but feel a little playful, as well. Besides, even though he would deny it until his end days, Yagi knew how much soft Aizawa truly was when it came to the people he cared about, therefore the underground hero would be careful to not cross any of the blond’s boundaries. 
“Oh, my, it seems like the tea is cold.” He got up, gathering the cups on his arms. “Maybe we could take a deserved break before discussing the rest of the topics, right? I will make more tea.” And he grinned, light and innocently, at Hizashi’s energetic protests, which grew more less like words and more like a mess of laughter, snorts and giggles as the tallest friend directed himself to the kitchen.
After a few more minutes of tickles, Aizawa stared at the smiley mess on his hold with a dangerous shine on his eyes.
“You’re really a tickle monster, aren’t you?” Hizashi chuckled.
“It’s not my fault that he really believes he can escape from the same fate of yours.”
Yamada huffed a laugh, lightly smacking his arms. “Go. But soon enough I will catch my breath, so don’t forget to watch your back. ~”
Aizawa gave his hips a warning pinch before snorting as he got up, looking at the kitchen’s direction with a smirk on his face. “Good luck with that.”
Needless to say, they had a very giggly break.
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luvsyoungho · 3 years
𝙉𝘾𝙏127 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙮 𝙬𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙩𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙞𝙧 𝙨/𝙤 𝙩𝙤
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I feel like Taeil would take his s/o to a picnic type date, like a ice cream date. Like we would take you to like a nice park or even like a really pretty landmark, maybe even like going around the city going to landmarks and would end the date by like getting snacks and cuddling while watching yours guys favourite movie. 
I think we all know jhonny would take his s/o on a coffee date. Like yall would get coffee and walk around the park and taking pictures. And like i think we would see beforehand if like any festivals are happening  and u guys would go there and just have a chill date.
Bubu i think u guys would have a studio date. Just like in his studio cuddling, while listening to songs. And like he would show you the songs he has been working on, goofing around being the cutie he is would constantly try his best to make his s/o laugh and smile. And yall even might end up watching spongebob and falling asleep while doing so.
I dont know why but i think Yuta would take his s/o to like couples yoga. And would just have so much fun with it, messing around and whenever like a harderpose would come it was just him and his s/o laughing at eachother cause of being in such a position. And like after wards go the favourite smoothie shop and get those and go home and fall asleep in eachothers arms.
I think Doyoung would take his s/o on like a library date or cooking date. Yall would either go to the library and read books togeathers and getting coffee on the way and taking pictures and finding books for eachother or, i think his s/o and him would stay home and mess in the kitchen. Like baking or cooking or even having a small cooking or baking battle while listening to his angelic voice. 
WORKING OUT. Again i dont know why but i just feel he would be the type of person to take him s/o or a work out date. Like he would help his s/o with lifting some harder weights and stuff AND like just imagine doing squats and he slaps his s/os butt. if u know then u know ;) and then later on flex his abs and mucles.
I think jungwoo would either have like a movie date or like he would take his s/o to the amusement park. Like if he takes you to the movies, its him holding you hand throughout and getting u so many snacks like slushies and popcorn and nachos and just overall a cute and loving movie date. And if amusement park he would just go on almost every ride with you until like you get tired. Definetly get cotton candy and play lots of mini games and win u stufies.
I think Mark taking his s/o on a date would be the most random. Like it depends on his mood, like yall would be going arcade dates, dinners, late night 7/11 dates! but the most common would be arcade and those late night 7/11 runs. And just overall goofing around making eachother laugh and just have so much fun. 
Gaming dates, like yall would be at home playing pubg, nintendo or playstation. Alot of bets like the loser has to eat this or loser has to grant winners 3 wishes. But ofc alot of love, pecks everytime u kill someone and hugs you when you guys win the match. Alot of snacks and giggles, and ofc haechan constatly being clingy to make u loose so he can win and his s/o looses the bet.
Hey guys this was my first official post so if its not good please forgive me, and sorry for any grammer or spelling mistakes. Follow and like and give feedback, it will be greatly appreciated! :) btw! i didnt include winwin in here but he will be included in wayv!
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himitsu-luna · 3 years
*゚☆ Painting your nails with boyfriend!Taeyong
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You're used to doing your own nails at home, and it's actually kinda like a therapy for you
Taeyong is bored on the couch, but his eyes sparkle when he sees you arranging dozens of multicoloured nail polish bottles on the table in front of you.
He promptly gets up and runs to you, asking you with a hopeful cute voice: "Babbyyyy!! Can I help you paint your nails?? Just tell me what you want, I'll do it for you!"
You're fully aware of how artistic and talented your boyfriend is, so when you say he can do whetever he wants, he gets very excited.
He scans all the color options he has, lifting every bottle to the level of his eyes, like a scientist analyzing his experiments.
He is amazed by how many different types of nail polishes you have. Vinil shiny effect, matte, glitter, holographic, translucent, scintillant, lots of top coats he doesn't even know the purpose of.
And then he sees you also have cute nail stickers. And sparkling diamonds. Taeyong's jaw drops. The world is incredible, he thinks.
He has so many ideas running through his mind. He wants your nails to match your clothes, your style, your mood, your personality.
"Hmmmmm... Red? Red is the color of love, so maybeee.... No, wait, Black? Black goes well with everything, I guess... Oh oh, this purple is beautiful! Y/N likes purple! Maybe a soft color? Hmmmmmm......"
He takes his time on choosing what to do, and when he is ready, he asks you your opinion on his ideas.
He even gets some of his own painting brushes, some really fine and thin ones, so he can draw tiny details.
It's adorable how concentrated he gets when he carefully starts to apply the first layer of color on your nails.
When he eventually messes up one nail, he lowkey gets desperate, and says, while flapping his hands cutely "ah ahhhhhh!! No no!! Y/N, this one is not good, what do I do??"
You laugh and hand him the nail polish remover. He calms down and continue his meticulous work.
You notice he has some cute quirks while painting your nails: he reacts to the smell of nail polish by briefly scrunching his nose everytime he opens a new bottle; he lightly blows your nails when he finishes painting them; he holds your hands as they were the most delicate things in the world; he caresses your fingers without realizing it, out of habit.
Taeyong also is thinking of lots of things. He already knew that, but he is rediscovering in another way how soft your skin is; he is engraving on his brain ever detail, scar,mole and mark your hands have; he chuckles at how your fingers sometimes twitch instintively following the songs you're playing; he thinks dearly of how much he loves the hands he is holding, the hands that caress him, that help him, that guide him, that comfort him, that gives him everything, that are always there for him.
He draws hearts on your nails. Lots of them. He apologizes for his lack of creativity: "Sorry, Y/N, but, looking at you, I could only think of hearts. It's too much love, you know? But don't worry, next time I'll do something different!"
He finishes his masterpiece with a "Voila!". He looks proud, but also anxious while asking you "What do you think? Do you like it??"
When you say you do, he releases the cutest little "heheheheh" ever
He takes some pictures of your nails. He is pretty serious trying to get the best angle, the best framework.
"Thank you, baby!", you say, starting to clean the table, but stopping midway after meeting his confused eyes. "Wait, are you not doing my nails now?" , he asks, already positioning his hands in front of him.
Yes, he now wants you to paint his nails too, ofc!! "Yes, please, give me the most fabulous nails! Oh wait, I want matching nails, yes, yes!"
And that's how you spend a whole day painting each other's nails, feeling your bond getting even more strong with such a simple activity. You two agree on doing this whenever you can from now on.
He can't get away from your hands for the next few days. He is proud of his work, of course, but what he loves the most is having an extra reason to hold your hands whenever he wants, using the excuse he wants to take a look at your nails.
So all day long you have him massaging your hands, playing with them distractedly, pressing them against his warm cheeks, giving some quick pecks on them, intertwining his fingers with yours.
And you couldn't feel happier and more blessed with the adorable boyfriend you have <3
•° Anon, thanks for the request!! I hope you like it!! <3
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