#whew this was pretty long to type haha!
neonscandal · 3 months
I know this been asked before, but can I ask again? So if you sort your top fav characters or fav ships from to Hogwarts houses, which houses will they be (in your opinion)? Why?
I'm excited to know your answer like for eruri, asheiji, matchablossom, destiel, horimiya, sasamiya, etc.....
Sorry if I ask too much, thx if you want to answer.....
I asked because just found your post about JJK & BNHA character if they were in Hogwarts houses.....(And I love it)
I'm gonna be honest, I love these - little character head canons, asks in general, all of it. So don't apologize for asking! I hope you always feel comfortable to do so. I also hope all my anons woke up today with clear skin and found money in an old jacket or something. ✨
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Same disclaimer applies as before. Without further ado, to the Sorting Hat!
Starting with the low hanging fruit 🥁
Kojiro "Joe" Nanjo (SK8 the Infinity) - All brawn, questionable brains but unquestionable talent that makes him a big name around "S". This himbo would of course plinko his way into Hufflepuff but, if we take starting S into consideration and how that translates into the wizarding world, I'd say Gryffindor with Hufflepuff underpinnings.
Kaoru "Cherry" Sakurayashiki (SK* the Infinity) - I am conflicted. Cherry, disciplined calligrapher, renowned skater and member of the S founding fathers is very obviously a Ravenclaw. I'm really just having trouble reconciling his superiority and condescension against what I imagine would be more in line with Slytherin. Also supports the notion of every Hufflepuff having a Slytherin bestie haha but, truly, that's adult Kaoru. Teenage Kaoru was rebellious and genuinely awe inspired by greatness (but still whip smart). Gryffindor with Ravenclaw underpinnings. Bonus: Ainosuke would round the trio out as the Slytherin primary, obviously. May have started out sweet like our dear Sirius but live long enough in a family like that and I suppose it'll get you twisted.
Levi Ackerman (Attack on Titan) - Levi Ackerman is no stranger to Knockturn Alley. He was raised from the darkness, plucked from its depths to attend school and seemed a bit bothered by the whole to do when he had a perfectly decent operation going, small time stuff of course. A loyalist to those he suffered with, Hogwarts gave him purpose beyond what he could imagine and the Sorting Hat was the first... thing(?) to see his potential. Legacy Slytherin, largely unbeknownst to him, but sorted into Gryffindor assured he'd do great things there.
Erwin Smith (Attack on Titan) - Whew. I know the deciding factor for Cherry was young Kaoru vs. adult Kaoru but Erwin Smith is a Ravenclaw. An idealist, but a bit too cavalier with lives of the canon fodder that made up his command. Incredibly intelligent and dedicated which would make you think Gryffindor but Erwin is an "any means necessary" type of leader. Come to think of it, Dumbledore was a Gryffindor so perhaps there's hope there but I defer to your opinion.
Ash Lynx (Banana Fish) - Self taught genius? Ravenclaw. He had Dino's tutor's for a time, sure but uh... I doubt they taught him how to hack computers. He's a self motivated intellectual frequenting the library for a sense of peace. May the halls of Hogwarts provide that to him in the way the city of New York could not. Does not negate how lethal of a threat he can be, if anything, now this kid is strapped all the time, wand at the ready. I can appreciate if someone thinks he should be in Slytherin but I'm sticking to my initial assumption.
Eiji Okumura (Banana Fish) - This 👏🏾 is 👏🏾 a 👏🏾 Hufflepuff 👏🏾. Brazenly lacks fear in the face of gangsters and recognizes, instead, their inherent humanity and that they can need nurturing and help, perhaps more so than others? Oblivious Hufflepuff energy.
Kyouko Hori (Horimiya) - I feel like Hori is a pretty textbook Ravenclaw but I'd consider Gryffindor with a Ravenclaw primary a la Hermione. Part of me is like... Hori would never be as deep in the shit as Hermione got but let's be for real. She'd follow Miyamura into hell if she wasn't already dragging him there.
Izumi Miyamura (Horimiya) - Considering Miyamura's backstory, I'd understand if you disagree but mans is a Hufflepuff. He had no community, nothing to take hold of. But as its' built around him, he appreciates how precarious it is and holds onto it so dearly, even threatened by Yanagi's immersion into the group. Also, he has so many Hufflepuff moments that are so dear to me. Like memorizing the boys' scents so he can recognize if they've been near Hori despite the fact that it is empirically evident that he's more likely to get stolen away from her by one of the guys. Well meaning simpleton, I love him.
Shuumei Sasaki (Sasaki to Miyano) - SHOUTING Hufflepuff. Don't get me wrong, he's no slouch. Sasaki is straight up fearsome when someone gets a little too close to Miyano but we also know his moral code isn't tied specifically to Miyano. Miyano might have been an indirect impetus to help Kuresawa, but I feel like Hirano validates that Sasaki finds himself in fights regardless of "not being good at them" 👀. Gentle giant and will use his size to the advantage of those in need. I saw a post earlier re: succumbing to Sasaki's rizz and how Miyano is like... god tier for not caving sooner. Imagine if this man had access to love potions 😂 kidding, he wouldn't be the type to use them, even the silly ones from the Weasley's but still. Sasaki + magic would simply be too powerful.
Yoshikazu Miyano (Sasaki to Miyano) - IMAGINE MIYANO PERUSING THE RESTRICTED AREA ON THE HUNT FOR BL. I just cackled aloud at the thought. Then you have hulking Sasaki looming over him drawing attention to the intrusion. Like, "sorry, I'm not seeking out unforgivable curses, just two fictional boys in love." Please. Moving along, Ravenclaw. Easy, and he'd be a Prefect. Sasaki would, of course, frequently be caught using Prefect facilities and trotting along behind Miyano relentlessly. Talk about scary dog privilege.
I had to break these two away to provide an additional disclaimer to the fact that... these legit stumped me. With 14 seasons of background and the radical character development for both of them, it's hard to pick one house and commit to it for either of them. Especially since they, at different points in their development, are interchangeably fitting into the same houses. I never thought about their development in that way before. Upon my deliberation, please see below. Just know, if you disagree, you're probably right and I probably considered your alternative as well.
Castiel (Supernatural) - Cas spends a great deal of his time locked in his Slytherin era, loyal to an antiquated moral system and acting with impunity which is very much giving Death Eater. But, losing his religion, his direction and beneath the weight of all that presumed obligation is a Hufflepuff. In the absence of a belief system, he begins to consider humanity with an unencumbered curiosity, seeks community with the Winchesters and to help those who are plagued by the Supernatural.
Dean Winchester (Supernatural) - Dean starts out as a Hufflepuff. He's all saving people, hunting things, family business. Intrinsically, does seeking out monsters not meet the immediate criteria of "Finder"? Dean protects family, friends and strangers and, at times, critically balances out Sam's Ravenclaw pragmatism that sends him down weird Slytherin shaped holes (hello, demon blood). This with nothing but an 8th grade education, Baby and a comforting slice of pie. But, as the story progresses, his desperation to protect and keep hold of the people he holds dear pushes him deeper and deeper into Slytherin territory where his individual loyalism can justify jeopardizing the natural order, the fate of the world, anything really as long as he and his brother are both still breathing. Subsequently, his previous impulse to always do the right thing becomes clouded with a bias of the right thing if it doesn't impede protecting Sammy. His willingness to leave Adam to ruin is yet another example of this.
Okay, so I'm noticing a trend here... Do I just like a dynamic of Idiot x Genius (or sometimes nefarious manipulator) or am I just sorting people all wrong? Either way, it feels like I'm revealing wayyyy too much about myself here. What do you think?
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kbthebearcat · 6 months
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Art from January! WALL OF TEXT INCOMING (I copied and pasted the desc I typed out on DA hgngh…) I looked up poses for some of the characters that inspire me when it comes to Troy’s character and his world.
The ones I picked here are Fred from Scooby Doo, Doyle from Galaxy High, and StarLord from Guardians of the Galaxy. 
All of these character I feel share similar traits and energy. All of them can be goofy and silly or like to crack jokes,  and even have similar physical characteristics. Fred is usually depicted as being a bit out of touch and does some pretty unexpected and funny things, also gives off “himbo” vibes. His actions or methods to catch the bad guy can seem unorthodox, but still work. Overall just quirky, but means well. I see Troy as that too. Unless it’s a very serious situation, Troy’s silliness and goofiness is going to come out while he’s on the job and in uniform, but that doesn’t mean you can’t count on him to get the job done.
In the more recent stuff they show Fred to have an obsession with nets and traps, and that reminds me of Troy and his love for tacos. He also just gets excited or really happy about certain things in general, which makes me think of Troy too, because he can get like that about things. I could have chosen a lot of poses and expressions with Fred tbh, but I saw him making that one in a clip I was looking at, and I just got an urge to draw it. 
I haven’t gotten to watch every episode of Galaxy High yet, (there aren’t that many as the show didn’t last too long) but from what I’ve seen, there’s a lot of elements in there that inspire me, not just the main character. The overall plot of him and another human girl from earth being chosen to attend a high school in space is already interesting to me. There’s aliens of all kinds co-mingling, futuristic tech, space-related hijinks, and just good-ole 80s vibes! Which of course, I always enjoy. 
Doyle himself is pretty much a jock. Not an extreme one, but I’d consider him being in the category. He’s sporty/athletic, plays football. That reminds me of Troy because he’s athletic and sporty too and plays basketball. That’s why I thought that pose there would be a good one to try.
They make Doyle out as meaning well too, but since he’s a teenager his choices aren’t always the best. There’s usually a lesson to learn at the end of an episode. Even though Troy isn’t a teenager, he’s still a young adult, and can honestly still act like a teen or big kid anyway.
ALSO Doyle works as waiter at a diner, and Troy works as a waiter at a restaurant when in hooman disguise! I didn’t even know about Galaxy High when I made that a thing for Troy, so I thought that was an interesting similarity as well. I’m tempted to draw Troy in the outfit Doyle wears just for the fun of it.
Annd then we have Starlord, who may be the least surprising choice here…. He’s a part of a group called “Guardians of the Galaxy”. They travel around space helping people, fight bad guys… and there’s some comedic flare thrown into the mix. I mean, that’s pretty much Troy’s concept in a nutshell. Starlord himself reminds me of Troy in a lot ways. I could see Troy listening to oldies music while in his ship, or exploring a planet, jamming out and all that. Cracking jokes while he’s fighting with something or someone. All that stuff. 
Whew boy, uh… sorry for this wall of text here. If you made it to the end of this then kudos to you haha. ;w; Just felt like giving a bit of explanation for each character here… there’s many more characters that have inspired me with Troy though. 
Also this was a experiment here, taking screenshots or looking up pics of characters that inspire me and trying to redraw their poses/expressions. I gotta do this more. I’ve never really gotten to before but it really helps with going out of my comfort zone and exploring a character more. 
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maddsmallow · 1 year
tagged by @thirium-800 !!! fuckin love doing these things lmao let’s goooo
Rules: Tag 10 (or less) people you want to get to know better
relationship status: married for 3 years! will be 4 in september, and we’ll have been friends for 11 years in october ❤️
favorite color: i’m honestly not sure i have a favorite color. it was indigo for a really long time, like during my entire teenage years, but when i moved to be with my husband, i went from trad-goth to more cottagecore?? really weird lmao, so these days i REALLY love, like, muted browns and greens. it’s pretty funny how much it contrasts with the music i listen to, i’ll be in a soft blue sundress with a petticoat and pastel moomin clips in my hair, and then have fuckin like, type 0 neg playing or some shit idk lmao. ANYWAYS to answer the damn question. maybe brown. maybe green. i like those. earthy tones. good stuff
song stuck in my head: ‘runaway’ by aurora. i knew it was popular on tiktok for a while (at least during the short time i used it) but i never heard anything past the little sound clip that was used over and over again, but literally last night i was like, i should hear the whole thing. and holy fuck, the chords n shit that start like halfway thru the song?? goosebumps, its SO GOOD
three favorite foods: [my type 1 diabetes screaming in the background] CHOCOLATE. and then i guess maybe cereal? real healthy stuff i know. and then i guess anything chicken-and-rice related. big slut for rice these days
last song I listened to: besides the one i just talked about above, i think it was ‘i love you’ by woodkid. i got over my stupid fuckin superiority complex about only listening to 60s/70s/80s that i had as a teen a few years ago and i’ve been trying to catch up with more 90s/00s and especially 10s and now 20s music since then, so i really dont know anything about that artist because im still really not like, “in the loop,” but i do really like that song. idek how i found it, probably randomly payed on spotify or something lmao
dream trip: no idea tbh. pretty much just anywhere with my husband [audience boos me off the stage for being sappy] no but real talk, maybe germany? i wanted to go there when i was in elementary school but i cant even remember why. i have a friend here who’s from germany and is moving back in a few months, which makes visiting a lil easier, so that’s cool. i guess japan and china and maybe thailand would be cool to experience. maybe this is really stupid but a video game i liked as a kid made me really interested in like, tibetan monasteries?? so i think it’s be dope to see something like that, assuming it’s, y’know, a respectful thing to visit. i’ve never actually looked into it cuz i just always assumed i’d never have the money to travel :P
last thing(s) i googled: a picture of a poster frame i wanted my husband to get for me haha
tagging: this is always the hardest part im such an open fuckin book when people ask me shit, but reaching out to other people?? im so shy uhHHHH just ignore this if you dont wanna do it, dont feel obligated!! @versailles-dove @the0ldmann @marieantonanton @walkingencyclopediaofweirdmayo @styx1an @felinaszsz @pure-plums @partyinthemysterymachine @starlitflowers-secretgarden @silverloreley TEN WHOLE PEOPLE WHEW
okay byeeee i love uuuuu
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ghostxraven · 1 year
hiii pi :) thoughts on starpony?
they’re canon for my verse so like YES i LOVE starpony but like WHEW. the most beautiful T4T couple you’ve ever seen in your life. you’ve got pony, who seems almost untouchable in like a sparkly floaty way, and you’ve got jet, who is just like pretty/handsome in a way where he looks at you and you FEEL it. like both of them are they type of person where most people in the zones have a crush on them at one point or another. and SUDDENLY ONE DAY they’re out on the town, SHOW PONY and JET STAR together, in the SAME PLACE, and they’re HOLDING HANDS. gossip mill practically explodes.
on the other hand! i think in their own ways, they’re sort of used to people knowing ABOUT them but not really GETTING them, so when they’re both interested in one another it takes them forever to get together because they’re both like “someone like THAT would never like ME” AND “what if they won’t like the Real Me” (even though OBVIOUSLY. they Know each other. they’ve been friends for a long time. no one here is Fooling anyone).
AUGH. they’re very cute. gay people flirting with each other where they’re like “haha i’m joking unless you’re not joking in which case i’m not either”. whenever they enter a room people are blasted back by their sheer Power Couple vibes.
spellingbee’s starpony fics are always cute as hell, and here’s one i wrote for good measure 🥰💖
send me a ship and i’ll give you my (brutally) honest opinion on it!!
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pesterloglog · 6 months
Aranea Serket, Terezi Pyrope
Act 6, page 4767-4778
arachnidsGrip [AG] began trolling gallowsCalibrator [GC]
AG: Hahahahahahahaha!
AG: Aaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaa........ man, fuck this.
AG: It's a real pain in the ass typing out long victorious laughs with only one hand, you know?
AG: Gonna have to patch this thing up somehow. May8e I'll pay a visit to my neigh8or a little l8er.
AG: Getting my arm fixed nearly ought to 8e worth enduring the stench. Aw yeah. Sick 8urn from outta nowhere. Take that, Zahhak.
AG: Haha! NEIGH8or. I can't 8elieve I only thought of that now! I 8et he'll get kick out of that.
AG: I 8et you even more he won't laugh though. What a 8oring piece of shit.
AG: I know YOU would think it's funny though. Right Terezi?
AG: Man, I sure am glad this little feud of ours is 8asically over. We're totally even!
AG: Now we can just go 8ack to 8eing friends, and things will 8e gr8.
AG: Hmmmmmmmm........
AG: Hahahaha! You won't 8elieve this, 8ut it only occurred to me now that you won't even 8e a8le to read this!
AG: Even if you do somehow manage to stum8le 8ack to your hive........ you're 8lind now! Whoooooooops.
AG: It would 8e a real shame if we couldn't 8ury the hatchet and 8e gr8 friends again 8ecause of a stupid 8ullshit reason like that.
AG: Oh, I know.
AG: May8e I'll mindjack some random chump and send him to your hive so he can read my messages to you out loud!
AG: What a perfect solution. He can 8e your assisted living slave.
AG: I would have had the perfect candid8 all lined up, 8ut he recently lost the use of his legs unfortun8ly. Oh well, I'll just roll with the punches like I always do and find someone else.
AG: Just say the word, and I'll make him do whatever you want! Read my awesome notes to you, hang some more plush dragons from your tree, pre-chew your food........
AG: Well, may8e not pre-chew it, since I didn't exactly knock your teeth out, did I?
AG: May8e more like pre-look-at your food, to make sure there are 8ugs in it.
AG: See, isn't it gr8 when we're helping each other out instead of maiming each other repeatedly?
AG: This is how it should 8e 8etween Scourge Sisters. All the maimings and 8acksta88ings should 8e saved for the friends and foes who get in our way, don't you think?
AG: Hey, what do you want to do for our next campaign, 8tw?
AG: We can take the next one easy. I'll try to think of something 8etter suited to your new disa8ility!
AG: I mean, I've ALREADY pretty much nixed anything involving stairs, 8ecause of Tavros. Lol.
AG: 8n't no one can say I'm not willing to meet people half way!!!!!!!!
AG: Whew........
AG: I'm losing a lot of 8lood here.
AG: Good thing I seem to have a ton of the stuff. We high8loods are made of some pretty tough shit.
AG: What a fucking mess, though. Not really looking forward to cleaning this up.
AG: I've got to say, your prank was pretty good. Still not sure how you pulled it off. Pretty inconvenient though!
AG: It's too 8ad you're not going to get to read this for a while, if ever. We could 8e 8onding over the gr8 pranks we just pulled on each other!
AG: Oh well.
AG: Guess I'll take off. 8efore I drop dead like some kind of loser and you never get to hear from me again.
AG: See you around, sis.
AG: Hey now!
AG: What kind of attitude is that to 8ring into this memory?
GC: Y34H
AG: Easy, there.
AG: No need to waste good remorse on such a trivial exchange.
AG: I am only reminding you,
AG: That if you 8ring too much 8aggage from the past into the memory, it is dou8tful your experience will 8e either therapeutic or cathartic.
AG: You were the one who invoked this memory after all.
AG: Isn't this why you are here? Is it not what you have 8een hoping for and fretting you may find since your journey 8egan?
AG: A chance to say you are sorry?
AG: Sorry for the ruse.
AG: Though it isn't as far from the truth as it possi8ly could 8e, I am not who you think I am.
GC: >:?
AG: I of course needed to visit you through a memory, and interestingly, this is the one you gave me.
AG: No ill will or upsetting hijinks were intended.
AG: Aranea.
GC: 4ND??
AG: And I am your friend's ancestor.
AG: In fact, I am yours too, in a way.
GC: R34LLY??
AG: Yes. Though not quite how you are picturing.
AG: She had an ancestor whom she was aware of, and technically that is who I am.
AG: That is to say, she is who I would have 8ecome on your world, had I arrived in her place. Alas, I did not.
AG: She was a figure in your history who preceded you 8y thousands of solar sweeps.
AG: Whereas I preceded your entire civilization 8y 8illions.
GC: >:o
AG: That's ok. There is plenty of time to sort it all out.
AG: I've 8een keeping an eye on you all for quite a while. Your whole planet, actually. It was very interesting this time around, to say the least.
AG: It even had a different name! "Alternia." Haha. How heavy handed can you get?
AG: The man responsi8le was a 8it of a wise guy. He rewrote everything. He had a knack for overzealous storytelling, which is a harmless enough ha8it usually. I'm guilty of it myself sometimes.
AG: 8ut it is not so harmless when the perpetrator is omniscient and omnipotent.
AG: That's right.
AG: 8ut he's dead now, and his story is over. The 8ook on our universe is closed, 8oth for my instance and yours.
AG: This 8eing the case, I thought it was the right time to introduce myself. The com8ined work of my group and yours is unfinished, and the outcome has not 8een assured.
AG: The true ultimate reward has yet to 8e achieved. No safe haven has 8een created that is free from the devastation caused 8y Mr. Milkshake's grand deception.
AG: Our race still teeters on extinction. The mem8ers of your party, and one noteworthy fugitive, are the sole survivors.
AG: We must work together to create that haven and restore our race, so that the sacrifices we all made will not 8e in vain.
AG: 8ut in order to repair the unthinka8le damage that has 8een done, we need to allow ourselves the chance to heal first.
AG: Old wounds, old regrets. They will serve no purpose on the rest of your journey.
AG: Sure. You have to start somewhere.
AG: Not at the moment.
AG: 8ut the more time you spend here, the more likely it is you will find whomever you are looking for.
AG: On the other hand, if it is the unknowa8le will of the gods, you may dance around each other indefinitely as you pass through this space. It is hard to say.
AG: Well, if she had 8een dwelling in this 8u88le like you thought, what would you want to say to her?
AG: Surely you would not have just argued a8out the past.
AG: Then what would you say to me?
AG: No. I can empathize.
AG: She was a serious trou8lemaker in your party. Many player groups have to deal with those.
AG: I feel as though we had one of the worst cases in our party. 8ut when all was said and done, she was still our friend.
AG: At that moment, perhaps.
AG: You know very well the channels of possi8ility at that exact juncture resulted from her decision paths as well as yours.
AG: 8ut even so, when it comes to your key decisions, the possi8ilities are pro8a8ly fewer and more discrete than you have presumed.
AG: Otherwise you would not see results consolidated into those vortices, would you? Possi8ility would resem8le an enormous hazy field of infinitely su8tle variations and micro-choices.
AG: Imagine if at that moment you truly were capa8le of anything, no matter how outlandish, a8surd, or patently fruitless. How would this vast amount of information present itself to you through your senses? What difference would it make in your final decision if all other tri8utaries of whim spilled into the same decaying future? And what would this make of your agency as a hero meant to learn and grow?
AG: Look at it this way. Imagine that over the course of someone's life, they are truly capa8le of every conceiva8le action at any moment, and did indeed take each of those actions in different 8ranching realities. Doesn't a scenario like that deaden a person's agency just as much as one where their fate is decidedly etched in stone as a single path of unavoida8le decisions? Who exactly is that person who can and does take all conceiva8le actions, other than someone perfectly generic, who only appears to have unique predilections and motives when you examine the ar8itrary path they happen to occupy?
AG: Pardon the esoteric tangent. These are my instincts as a Hero of Light kicking in. It's hard for us to resist prattling on a8out matters like this.
GC: NO OFF3NS3 >:]
AG: ::::)
AG: You may seek to understand your decisions and look for justice in their consequences. You may wonder why honora8le choices from the innocent are punished 8y 8anishment to a timeline in which everyone dies and all is gradually dissolved.
AG: It helps to understand your role, not just as a hero who must overcome, 8ut as a single capillary within a much larger 8ioexistential system.
AG: Think of it like circulatory system, where the veins and capillaries that do not help the overall flow of 8lood through the system are likely to wither and die. Those are doomed offshoots.
AG: Reality itself is using you and many others to propagate its own existence. Strictly speaking, there is only one path to its successful propagation. 8ut it still permits you to make choices. Not all that are conceiva8le, 8ut some nevertheless, as dictated 8y who you are and the challenges you face. And you are free to make key decisions however you like, as long as you understand that some of these paths unfairly or not will lead to o8livion. 8ecause those choices do not contri8ute constructively to the perpetuation of all existence, including your own.
AG: Such is the 8urden assumed 8y anyone who plays this game.
GC: Y34H
AG: Well, you aren't finished 8eing one, are you?
GC: TH3N 1T C4M3 T1M3 TO DO 1T, 4ND 1T W4S 4LL H4PP3N1NG SO F4ST...
AG: Which one would you tell it to?
AG: The one who fought with Noir, or the one who didn't?
GC: 1 M34N
GC: 1 GU3SS 31TH3R?
AG: Ah.
AG: Well, this could either 8e my experience as an ancient ghost talking, or the perspective I am naturally given to as a Light player,
AG: 8ut aren't you equally responsi8le for 8oth?
GC: >:\
AG: I can see why you would feel more responsi8ility for one than the other.
AG: My perspective is informed 8y my class and aspect. It was to my advantage as a healer to see things a little differently. To find equanimity across many different outcomes.
AG: There's more to the realization of our roles than gaining flashy powers.
AG: And there's more to healing than repairing 8attle damage.
AG: You killed a friend and you understanda8ly feel regret.
AG: 8ut it's done. She is gone and you are still here.
AG: Now what?
GC: ...
AG: You could look for a8solution through rationalization. Everyone would have died if you didn't take action, so why trou8le yourself with guilty emotion?
AG: 8ut there is no real healing power in 8elieving that. And I don't think it's what you wanted to tell yourself anyway, is it?
AG: Or what a8out through renunciation of responsi8ility? If you were just a tool used 8y reality to perpetuate itself, where is the 8lame?
AG: 8ut that would 8e another empty idea that has no power to heal.
GC: Y34H
AG: You've 8een lead to 8elieve such acts of violence are natural for your kind, and that if you're upset 8y the consequences then something is wrong with you.
AG: 8ut it isn't as natural as you might think. That conditioning was a part of Milkshake's long con.
AG: Violence was respected and cele8rated on your world, 8ut remorse was rarely felt and pain could never heal due to such empty justifications. We died out a wounded race, and you are all that's left.
AG: The process of healing first involves sifting through what it isn't, which happens to 8e almost everything your trou8led mind has to offer.
AG: There isn't one.
AG: It takes time, and is only accelerated 8y looking at things honestly.
AG: This is what I did as a Sylph of Light. Helped people see things.
AG: I could even perform the feat literally, if you wanted.
AG: It's up to you of course.
AG: Not at all. That's a very good reason.
AG: I thought the polite thing to do was at least offer.
AG: Yes. 8ut in a different universe instance, I often refer to as A1. The shorthand helps avoid confusion, trust me.
AG: My group of twelve played the game, 8ut failed. It overwhelmed us. A lot went wrong. The reckoning destroyed our 8attlefield well 8efore we had any hope of winning.
AG: I sought advice from Echidna, and she told me how to scratch the session to give us another chance.
AG: 8ut the choice to do so came with accepting the annihilation of our existing forms. In the new instance, we would lead completely different lives with no memory of what happened.
AG: So we did, and created A2. Your instance, your world, and your game in which we were all inexplica8ly created in the first place.
AG: As I said, this time around the world was........ interesting.
AG: Not all of you.
AG: Some had lessons from the old world to teach others. 8ut few ever heard them.
AG: Not exactly. 8ut life was pretty mild and uneventful.
AG: I'm not even sure if I was especially nice, 8y our standards.
AG: Mostly kind of 8oring.
AG: No8ody from my party liked me a whole lot.
AG: I think I talked too much, and had a ha8it of 8ringing conversations 8ack around to myself.
AG: Not that it matters anymore, 8ut it was not the 8est way to make friends.
GC: H3H3H3H3. YOU R34LLY 4R3 L1K3 4 N1C3 VR1SK4
AG: Thanks!
AG: It goes to show, just 8ecause your race is peaceful doesn't mean you don't have pro8lems.
AG: I used to fantasize a8out 8eing someone really outgoing and dramatic.
AG: Someone who had the confidence do whatever she wanted, like go on the most outrageous adventures without caring what anyone thought a8out her.
AG: Like someone from a 8ook, you know?
GC: Y3S!
AG: It turned out I actually got what I wanted after the reset. Unfortunately it came along with our people's enslavement and near extinction.
AG: Not that I really got to live as her, exactly. 8ut at least I got a chance to follow her life. And it was a very long life.
AG: 8eing here for ages has its 8enefits.
GC: OR 1 M34N...
AG: It has 8een a very long time.
AG: So long, time has 8een stripped of the meaning it never really had in the first place.
AG: It doesn't really pass in the same way it does when you're alive. Concepts like "now" and "how long" are figures of speech used to make communication simpler.
AG: I've quit trying to give expression to the elusive temporal properties of this place. It's easier staying conversational.
AG: 8ut I will say that 8eing here "for so long" lends itself to a certain detachment from what you see. Otherwise, monitoring the atrocities stemming from our failure wouldn't 8e much fun.
AG: Yes, sometimes.
AG: 8ut missing it usually invites memories of home to serve as the stage.
AG: Not that it's a su8stitute for the previous reality. 8ut the reminders of home are everywhere.
AG: Yes. I see them often enough.
AG: Except for one, whom I haven't seen at all since 8efore we all died.
AG: In fact, she's the only reason we are here in the first place, as opposed to merely ceasing to exist upon the scratch.
AG: In life, she was the only one I would have called a close friend, in a way.
AG: The thing is, no8ody liked her much either. We had that in common. ::::)
AG: Remem8er how I said the gods could keep you dancing around someone you're looking for indefinitely?
GC: Y34H BUT...
AG: Well, "8illions," yes. In a manner of speaking.
AG: That's right. In fact, we are on our way to visit her now.
AG: Notice the moon up there?
AG: And not the larger green interloper. That one never 8elonged to my world. It is your memory, not mine.
AG: It's the setting of the memory she entered.
AG: From her perspective, she has just arrived here.
AG: Your friends should 8e joining us too, 8efore your meteor clears the 8u88le.
AG: May8e together we can 8ring the Thief of Life up to speed.
0 notes
meitanteisachi · 4 years
Hi! If you don't mind my curiosity, please! Why do you love Kacchan and Aizawa? And why do you love Shinichi and Ran individually? Also! Who is your favourite female BNHA character? Top 5 BNHA characters? What do you think of Deku? Also, also! What was your reaction to Kacchan's "Dammit!" scene in ch 283 (before 284 came out)? What did you think of his face? Did you think he was jealous or something?(I certainly didn't.) Hope the Qs aren't too much? Thank you and have a lovely day! - artycreaty
Waaa, thank you for this loaded ask! I appreciate! Loaded questions deserve loaded answers so I’ll put them under the cut:
What I love about Kacchan? Boy, where do I even begin. Fun fact, I only started liking him, with zero percentage of hate, during the Kamino arc but prior to that I loathed him to the bones (as in, same loathe I felt for Shiga and Mineta). The suicide joke in Episode 1 turned me off. As the series progressed however, I got to the root of his deep-seated insecurity against Deku and Todo. He’s like a big fish in a small pond that is suddenly brought to a pond fitting for his size so is bitch slapped with the truth that he isn’t so ‘big’ after all. That in mind, I began to pay significant attention to his character. Setting aside his annoyingly aggressive/’violent’ nature (which forms a huge chunk of his character’s weakness), he’s already perfect. He’s smart and strong. He is a fighter. He knows what he wants and he’s going to get it no matter what. Zero distractions. I thought, if only he gets his emotions and internal turmoil in check, then I’ll be able to love him like a favorite character. And news flash: he DOES. The Deku v. Kacchan Part II episode sealed the deal for me. The Class A vs. Class B exercise. The Endeavor arc too. Finally, the recent Rising chapter solidified my love for him. I will protecc this boy ‘til my dying day. If it isn’t clear yet, I am a big Bakugou apologist. Yes.
We talking about my husband Aizawa now? OOF. Love at first sight. When he showed up with the sleeping bag, I knew right then this character’s gonna be a fave. He’s a mood. He has a very cool quirk and he’s freaking STRONG, and he compensates for his quirk’s weakness using SHEER PHYSICAL EFFORT AND TRAINING that truly makes him deserving of a pro-hero title. He’s stoic and aloof, calm and collected but can turn ballistic when triggered, but nonetheless remains rational and critical of his and his opponent’s attacks. He will offer his limbs, his body and soul to protect the children because he loves them so MUCH. He’s his FAMILY. Also, he loves cats. Makes me so SOFT.
Ahh. Shinichi my man. I mean Ran’s man. He possesses everything I want in a character, or in a man. He’s one big ball of sweet, cheeky, mischievous, dumb, annoying, respectable, romantic, soft, and feral. His life principle is a balance of idealistic and realistic. Bonus are his handsome smile and smirk; they are to die for. Not to mention how cute and hot he is. SERIOUSLY. How can someone be cute and hot at the same time. Anyone’s boyfriend can never!!
Ran! My angel! Ran is everything I wish to be. She’s tough as brick, soft as cotton. She’s empathetic and sympathetic, but won’t take anyone’s bull lightly. She can read your mind and say the right words at the right time. She’ll save your ass 24/7. She’s literally and in all sense of the word an angel. That’s why even the enemy loves her.
Momo is my favorite female character! Tbh it makes me sad that she’s treated like an underdog when she deserves more limelight, her quirk is so freakin strong! Imagine being able to create something whenever, wherever you want! She’s so sweet and smart and compassionate, too! Ochako comes a close second. She’s not just some ball of cute and sunshine! She’s! Daring! Capable! Wouldn’t back down from a rival/enemy! Can hurl your ass to space when required!
AAH! My top 5 characters are: Bakugou, Aizawa, Hawks, Mirio, Midoriya! (Ranking 6-10 are Twice, Todoroki, Kirishima, Shinsou, Nighteye)
Deku? Oh, Deku is either a cute cinnamon roll or a fucking feral cat there is no in between. I don’t understand why he gets so much hate but I beg to differ. I like him. I mean sure he gets REALLY overboard at times, but he’s principled like that. He does what he does without any insidious, ulterior motive. He saves because it’s in his blood. Saving is his second nature, even if it comes with putting himself in the sight of death. Regardless of what other ppl say, he’s a deserving OFA user.
My initial thoughts on Ch 283 Kacchan’s reaction? Dude that’s the face of constipated worry and horror. He sees his childhood frenemy going overdrive and his mind be running “shit shit shit fucking deku what the fuck are you doing shiT” as he freaks out himself.
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4dtk · 3 years
anon: “hewoo !! umm can you make nct ideal type like age , apperance , height , cute or sexy etc 🌬️” let’s fuckin GOOOO. i’ll be using gender neutral terms for this! please tell me if i used she/her for any part as i’m more used to writing for fem readers!
sorry this took like almost a week i’ve been really busy lately, i apologise! under a cut because its so long lol
disclaimer: tons of “i feel”s and “i think”s; plus, this is just my headcanons of the boys! remember that all of you are beautiful and lovely and special in ur own way!! <3
i feel like taeil would want someone closer to his age (+/-), unless,,, UNLESS he finds someone he really clicks with (like haechan for eg) if they’re at a younger age
if he really does then taeil will 100% make the effort
ngl taeil would love a person taller than him, would worship the shit outta them 
if he gets teased for being shorter he doesnt care LMAO this man will have his hand around your middle and eye the other person mockingly
would love when you own your appearance with confidence, he likes to be by your side to admire how comfortable you feel in your skin
see him being a more traditional man by dating a korean person, but if he’s attracted to someone not of his race, i can see him making the effort
appearance? maybe someone who cleans up well, in a sense who’s a bit proper in their hygiene and like hair or accessories ig. he doesn’t mind what you wear tho, personally leaning more towards the comfy styles of cardigans and baggy clothes.
either wants someone younger or older… i’m leaning more towards a younger s/o though bc he naturally has a “taking care” kinda vibe, and it’s sweet to see since he naturally takes care of the younger members like mark and haechan
wants to SMOTHER his s/o so i also think he’d want someone shorter than him. the man is a fucking skyscraper lawd
generally likes to give love A LOT since he’s an only child and wants to share that affection with someone who aren’t his parents or the members
but, but, like taeil, i see him really liking being held by his s/o, not just in a small spoon but laying on your chest, lying in between your legs with his head on ur tummy… so cute
i feel like johnny wouldn’t care much for appearance, nor your race since he kinda has the freedom to engage in english conversation. likes a cutesy positive vibe that can share the positivity and happiness he radiates normally!!
feel like he would go for someone a tad bit older than he is, bc he likes to be taken care of
looking over the members can become really tiring and he needs some sort of solace to relax in
honestly if you’re younger too, he wouldn’t mind, he just needs to be babied LOL
likes tall people… ngl…
would like someone more in tune with their emotion and just not afraid to speak their mind? he likes confidence tbh
can see him going for a foreign person if he’s really passionate about them, would learn english/your native language 
taeyong likes a person that likes their outfits and doesn’t care what you wear out as long as you feel comfortable in it
would prefer more of a calm s/o, but easy-going and fun when they want to be
doesnt really care for age tbh. if you’re able to bring him happiness and love him he doesn’t mind whether you’re older or younger
shorter 100%. wants to hold you very much, big spoon, the one holding you in the relationship
would go for a foreign person, but honestly, would want someone he can speak japanese with too. even he has shotaro now, he wants like just a closer person to confide in and also just share lil cute inside jokes with <3
yuta just wants his s/o to be themselves. just. yes. (i mean unless your personality is shit but he doesnt want someone to put on a front with him)
although he also likes cute people… he just wants to pamper u and make u feel like you’re the only one
goddamn, six kids plus three pets? this man is hanging on by a thread, but he would like a younger and shorter s/o
what’s one more right? 
also naturally has the taking care vibes like johnny, but there’s just something so… dom… about him AHASHFHEHR
would lean more toward a chinese- or korean-speaking s/o but
doesn’t mind a foreign s/o IF they make the effort. he would if he knows you would too. 
kun is lowkey energetic tbh and would want someone who can read the room of whether he’s comfy enough to let loose and remain the ‘parental’ figure
cute people i think will attract him, but oh my gosh when you’re self-assured? WHEW he really likes that, how you’re uncaring of people’s opinions regarding your appearance or personality
doesn’t mind older or younger or the same age, although i seem him gravitating toward an older s/o
this man is also 100% stressed. needs to be held, there’s a balance though in your relationship of who holds who though
would stay dating a korean/korean-speaking person i feel. not saying he wouldn’t make the effort but he takes his idol life very seriously and the outcomes if he were to get together with someone who doesnt speak his native tongue
he would want someone proper, like taeil, and would prefer his s/o to be cute and stuff
doyoung needs to know what you want though, so you’ll need to be sure of your choices basically
would like it more if his s/o was calm and just collected bc like taeyong, he needs a haven to relax in when he’s done for the day or when he needs to recharge
same age or older s/o !!! wants to be taken care of, this man also has a lot of love to give, altho they’re towards selective people like his members, pets, you
would gravitate towards tall people i feel
you need to love leon and louis. period. bella is a hot second.
ten would want an s/o who supports him wholeheartedly, seeing as he has so many talents that sometimes he gets caught up in showing talent for his idol life as opposed to creating things for himself. it’s easy to get lost in the pressure of the media to put out content that he feels is half- assed.
ten knows of his worth, but sometimes he just needs a bit of confirmation and support from the right people to truly create and post what he wants to
he would date a partner who doesn’t speak korean/chinese. he has english and thai and basic japanese baby!!! but yea, he def wouldn’t mind a foreign partner AND would go search up on resources to learn your native tongue!
another person who doesn���t care about how you dress. nor how you look as long as you’re being yourself!
oh, younger definitely and a shorter s/o
definitely doesn’t mind an english speaking s/o, although he would prefer someone who can speak korean as well. with s/o’s of other languages, he wouldn’t mind learning your language, although give him some time
the language barrier will be a bit awkward a first tho, but if you know minimal english, i think that’s more than enough for jaehyun to at least steer the convo!
jaehyun is the guy to always give me first love, love from high school vibes so he’s usually the one to embrace you, but LOVES it when you’re the one to initiate contact and affection
jaehyun knows he’s good looking, but he does want an s/o who loves him for who he is, who sees all his good traits as equal to his looks. he would also like an s/o who has a live in the moment mindset, bc he spends a lot of time in his idol life, that a carefree s/o to take him away from the stress of idol life would really help
a sucker for a cute style ngl, pastels and clips in your hair and stuff. 
wouldn’t mind someone a tad bit older, although i can see him with a younger person/same aged person too
shorter s/o!
sicheng wouldn’t care much for appearance, but he likes it when his s/o is confident, or in general confidence attracts him like the other guys in this post. that confidence would allow for him to be ‘guided’ in the relationship
would lean more towards a chinese/korean speaking person, but would try forming a r/s with someone of a different race to see how the language barrier would work
someone who is respectful of his space 100%. winwin wants someone who knows their boundaries in a context that there’s this sense of “i know when he’s feeling upset and wants to be left alone”, something like unspoken exchanges that the other just understands
sicheng also likes when his s/o is a little playful and cheeky, but not to the extent of the boys. just the right amount of outgoingness i guess haha. he would accommodate a bit of wildness, but sometimes it tires him out so you’ll need to know when to tone it down
feel like he would lean to an older s/o, but not necessarily needing to keep him in check because you’d be on the other side entertaining his antics lol
jungwoo uses up a lot of his energy tho, so sometimes he tends to go quiet and just likes to slump in your embrace
when he’s not quiet tho, he’s pretty cheeky in a sneaky kinda way and would want someone to reciprocate that.
jungwoo would also like an s/o who cheers him on a lot. he’s a bit insecure naturally, so he would want someone who doesn’t miss a beat to tell him that he’s doing good that day and would like a random compliment sometimes
would like to be held more than holding someone tbh
he wouldn’t care much for appearance, but does lean more towards cutesy appearances
younger and shorter s/o
would want an s/o to just calm down and rest with at times. sure he likes to have fun with his members and with his partner, but most dates with his partner has him in their arms and usually involves a calm activity
i mentioned this in chenle’s one as well, but the happiness he feels with his members is different from the one he feels with his partner, although lucas’ one is more of a blur where chenle’s a bit more distinct. does this make sense
wouldn’t ask much in an s/o, tbh. even if they’re just doing nothing, as long as lucas know he’s making you happy then he’s content with that. like when you’re smiling and loving him, then that’s all he really needs to be honest
lucas would not mind taking up an r/s with a foreign s/o, although he would have trouble with language barriers. would prefer a chinese/catonese speaking partner bc then he’s able to practise his dialect. he’d have a korean-speaking s/o too, although he sometimes stumbles over his korean a teeny bit
would love a cute style definitely!!!
same age, probably. he would feel more comfortable in terms of affection and conversation i feel!
equal amount of who holds who, but loves when his s/o initiates and cuddles him first 
likes baggy clothes on you tbh, likes to match appearances and styles with you
wouldn’t mind an s/o of any race. he’s dedicated to learning your language if anything, the man likes to learn about new things
mark just wants someone fun to be around who returns his laughter and jokes, kinda like how johnny does
he’s suffered enough from johnny though (“ah, mark! the smell!”) and would probably like it if you defend him instead LOL (sometimes you poke fun tho)
he would also want his s/o to just reciprocate him in terms of laughter and happiness level. mark is always so bubbly that he wants someone to smile at him and laugh with him
would like an older s/o ngl, i feel like he would want to be guided as well
doesn’t care if you’re tall or short tbh
but would like an s/o who brings him out of his shell like the members do.
he wants to be able to laugh without trouble around his s/o and let loose. xiaojun sometimes gets annoyed, mostly feigned annoyance, so it would be nice for an s/o to fit in like the members: making fun of his angry face and rolling eyes and then having some light banter
he’s also gonna need an s/o who’s not afraid to pull him back whenever he says out of pocket things. they’re not necessarily harmful just extremely blunt at times that makes you cringe and you have to pull him back to tell him of his comments LOL
xiaojun would... not go into an r/s with a foreign partner i feel, but he will TRY if the conversation is not too awkward, save for like activities and such. like others in this post, he’ll make an effort if he’s committed to you, and only if you’re sure of dating him as well
xiaojun loves a cute style lawd!
same age, younger, older, tbh i don’t think hendery cares that much
he would want a shorter s/o though, i feel
wants a fun and playful s/o, someone who’s just so enjoyable to be around that he sometimes forgets himself and gets lost in the happiness you two give out
he does also want an s/o who can make him shy and basically challenge his personality, but not in a headbutt way where it’s your same two personalities against each other. it’s rather two variations of the same feeling like your playful aura against hendery’s playful aura, which would be honestly quite fun to watch and experience bc you’re just trying to one-up each other
and idk, because he’s talkative quite often, he feels like it would be nice to be the flustered, eyes-wide one for once
hendery in a foreign partner relationship... he would try, but i think he’d be a little intimidated at the languages that he has to have some time to warm up. he would commit and make the effort if he was willing to, though
oversized fits are his shit!!!! he also doesn’t mind seeing you explore with your appearance and style, esp in the goth or rebel kinda style 
same age or younger, wouldn’t mind if you were taller since he knows his height is not THAT high
renjun loves for you to hold him though
the cheeky lad wants a laid back s/o, who doesn’t take life so seriously as well and like hendery, would like it if his s/o was a bit goofy and playful
would also want an s/o who’s deep about the universe and stuff, kinda intelligent to debate alien life and what not, he wants to be able to talk to you about anything and keep the conversation going even if you’re talking about something simple and dumb like snacks
i also can’t exactly see renjun go for a foreign s/o, mainly because of the language barrier, but i can see him trying if he’s able to get help from mark hyung and if the situation allows for you to meet frequently
renjun would definitely like a cute style on his s/o, but also would like more flashy or out-of-the-box outfits. as long as you’re comfy then he’s fine
same age. he likes to be taken care of though, would maybe be a 60/40 split of you taking care vs him taking care of you respectively
i feel like jeno would like a shorter s/o!
cute s/o, maybe matching up to the personality of jaemin since he was his longest friend from before. enthusiastic while he takes the back seat and admires you
while jaemin loses his social battery over time, jeno wouldn’t mind if you were a literal menace like haechan bc he feels that would make the r/s really fun
see him preferring a korean-speaking person. kinda like doyoung but not quite, he’s more careful than serious (?) about his idol life, and he wouldn’t want to take the risk
same age or older i feel. equal split of who’s the embracer in the relationship though 
wouldn’t mind a taller person, although he’d prefer if you were around the same height bc he doesn’t want to be teased by his members lol
i feel like haechan would rlly like y2k outfits on his s/o? a mix of baggy outfits as well as cute ones
his natural outgoing personality allows him to get together with a foreign person i feel, bc he’d suggest things that don’t need talking like bowling or an arcade y’know? he struggles a bit with native languages tho, bc he’s so used to speaking korean
btw please egg him on, he loves it when you do it and also do dumb things with him. he would want someone who doesn’t take life so seriously while also possessing the ability to think deeply i feel, but mostly someone who can keep smiling and strong even through hardships. kinda a happy-go-lucky personality
younger, i feel. like johnny he has a lot of affection to give like he usually does to jisung…. jisung is grown up alr tho so :”(
loves giving the cuddles, big spoon, etc. he just wants you to feel loved no matter what size you are
he also would love tall people ngl! although sometimes he can’t decide between short and tall people
jaemin would appreciate an affectionate s/o who’s committed to him and also a person who’s just naturally shy i feel
they don’t necessarily need to return the energetic bursts of aegyo or stuff (he’d love it though) and also someone who just enjoys life and the small little things in general
would not mind dating a foreigner, would love to learn about your native language actually!
he likes cutesy appearances i reckon, a bit of oversized styles but overall likes the pastels
same age or older, likes to be taken care of tbh
yang yang is also someone who doesn’t care if you’re short or tall, and likes you either way :)
does not mind a foreign person, plus he’s moved countries a little and could maybe find solace in the fact that his homes are sometimes not fixed, esp with how many languages he speaks as well
yang yang would want an s/o who lives up to his excitement in jokes and memes. he would feel a bit down if you happen to not understand a joke although he cant blame you, but he would want someone almost identical to him? 
create chaos together and then fall asleep together
can see him liking a cute style tbh, and also reaaaaally likes to match outfits with you in your own respective styles
same age, def.
i think being in nct has made him a little shy as compared to before when he was in a dance crew, so he’d need someone to encourage him while also taking care of him!!
talking to a non japanese- or korean- speaking person might scare him, so he would settle just for that. shotaro wouldn’t mind in a sense if he knows the other person is committed, but the language barrier for the first few dates would be awkward
ooohhh likes it when people are confident definitely, comfortable in their own skin. shotaro is another person i feel would really be attracted to y2k fits
like i said earlier, shotaro just needs a little push, which would help with an outgoing s/o and someone who’s not afraid to try new things. he feeds off your confidence and uses that to boost his!
doesn’t mind an s/o who is the same age or a tad bit older, i’m not sure if i see him with a younger s/o
doesn’t care if you’re tall or short as long as you give him his damn hugs!!!! 
outgoing personality? check. he would literally befriend anyone, and wouldn’t mind a foreign s/o who doesn’t speak korean or chinese. with his limited english, he could probably make an outing fun by doing activities together and will learn your language!!
an s/o who can calm him down. chenle uses up his energy a lot and can get worn out and just wants someone to embrace at the end of the day. i wouldn’t say its similar to taeyong who’s sometimes tired from taking care of the members, but rather in a way where it’s a little playful and bubbly in your own little circle.
it’s a different kind of happy that chenle feels with you as opposed to the joy that the members bring him.
chenle also would want someone who’s sure of themselves, more so in personality rather than apperance. he likes all sizes and colours and styles, altho leans more toward the oversized sector
sungchan is bit mischievous, so i feel like he naturally lean towards an s/o who can kinda be the “mother slash partner” of him: either the same age or younger, leaning more toward a same aged s/o
lawd this man is so tall. i think he’d want a shorter partner, sometimes a bit awkward with the affection but overall likes to give it. plus point: he likes to see you struggle wrap your body around his to get all of him in your cuddles
he wants to be able to relate to them and wouldn’t want awkwardness, so i don’t think he would go for a foreign person as of now
sungchan likes someone to have fun with him, ofc he’s aware that he can’t take away all their problems but he would want his s/o to feel relaxed and content around him with his goofy personality
sungchan likes a cutesy style, maybe, BUT i always see him being really drawn to y2k fits!!!
leaning more towards the same age (+/-1). i think a noona would make him shy and a younger s/o would just feel weird to him idk. 
this man is also very tall, so probs a shorter s/o,,,,, would not mind if you are tall though!! he just likes to have you in his arms instead of the other way round (so you can’t see his flushed face)
not sure if he’d commit to a r/s that is foreign, but he would try with the help of mark-hyung or something. the reason why he’d take it was because the members would help me, but if not, he wouldn’t take the risk with his idol life at stake.
jisung wants someone who’s self-assured as well, strong in mettle and who has a strong character that helps him build up his drive. seeing you in your element helps him achieve more and he appreciates that you are able to provide him with a source of motivation
jisung likes cute stuff, but he does like oversized fits!
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Warnings: noncon, fingering, oral, somniphilia, unprotected sex, pre-existing relationship
This is dark!Steve Rogers x reader (side of Sam Wilson x reader) in an established relationship and explicit. 18+ only.
Summary: The reader stops at a safe house but isn’t as safe as she thinks.
Note: Pretty much I wanted to make the trope “there was only one bed” dark, so I did. Reading the warnings. Last chance.
Also saw that @mcudarklibrary​ was having a somniphilia theme for August and September so thought this could be a contribution!
I hope y’all enjoy!
Let me know what you think! (Like, reblog, reply, leave some words, a gif, nonsensical emojis)
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The safe house was small but it would do. It was just you for the night until you headed to the rendezvous and found your way back to New York. A week of reconnaissance and several days of retreat and you could have slept in the grass. Well, it wasn’t much better.
A double mattress on the floor between the narrow counter and table that folded into the wall. The bathroom was barely more than a closet. A tight shower and a floating sink beside the small toilet. You weren’t entirely sure why this was on the list of assigned safe points but it had been the closest.
You set your bag on the counter and unzipped it as you flipped on the light in the bathroom. Your phone buzzed in your pocket and you answered as you pulled out the cotton tank and sweats you’d wear after a hot shower. The clothes you had on were better off burned than washed.
“Baby, I’ve been tryna call all day.” Sam didn’t even give you a chance to say hello.
“You know I’m on a mission, right?” You asked as you went into the bathroom and dropped your clothes on the closed toilet seat. “I can’t be on my phone all day.”
“Thought you were headed to the safe house?”
“I’m there now but it took a while,” You reached for the shower faucet but paused as you heard a rumble in the distance.
“I miss you, baby,” Sam purred. “Maybe we could have a little fun on the phone tonight… Facetime?”
“What the--” You went to the window as the roaring of the motor grew louder. You pulled back the thick curtain and peered out. You sighed. “Sam.”
“What?” He asked innocently.
“How much fun are we gonna have with my chaperone here?” You sneered.
“What do you--”
“Steve.” You said plainly as you watched Steve killed the engine and wheel his bike around the back of the house. “I can’t believe you.”
“I swear it wasn’t me, baby.”
“Mhmm, and you also didn’t tell him to tail me in Rome.” You huffed.
“That was different.” Sam argued. “I promise, it’s nothing to do with me.”
“You have fun alone.” You said. “Distance makes the heart grow… fonder, is it?”
“Love you.” You sang and hung up before he could respond.
You really did love Sam but he could be overbearing. At first, being fellow agents had been fun and dangerous. But as things grew more serious, he acted more and more like a babysitter. You both took the same risks, you didn’t understand why he was anymore worried about you than himself.
You placed your phone on your duffel as you carefully stepped around the mattress that took up much of the space. You opened the door a crack as footfalls crept around the side. You pushed it open entirely as Steve came into site.
“Steve,” You greeted as you crossed your arms.
“Oh,” He looked genuinely surprised. “I didn’t see your… car?”
“In the trees,” You nodded to the nearby forest. “Precautionary.”
“I… shit, I didn’t know you were here. I was just in the area on intelligence and needed somewhere to crash.”
“Mhmm,” You held open the door for him as he approached. “You sure someone didn’t tip you off?”
He blinked at you and turned back as he entered. You followed and locked the door.
“You mean Sam? Come on, after Rome, he can deal with his own paranoia.”
You squinted at him and sighed.
“Well, if you can’t tell, there isn’t much room.” You waved to the small space. “More a shed than a house.”
“Geez, yeah,” He looked around. “Well, I can--”
“It’s fine. These things happen. I’m sure you’ve slept on worse.” You shrugged. “Almost thought I’d be in my car for the night.”
“As long as it’s not too much of a bother.” He rubbed his neck. “I didn’t mean to barge in.”
“It’s one night. Won’t hurt anyone.” You said. “I’m just gonna get cleaned up and lay down. I’ll try to stay out of your way as much as I can.”
“Alright,” He put his bag down next to yours. “I’ll try to do the same.” He unzipped his bag. “Save some hot water for me.”
You gave a thin laugh and went back into the bathroom. You closed the door but it didn’t click. You tried several times and found the latch broken. You huffed and cranked the faucet. The shower whined and the water pattered down against the old porcelain.
You undressed, careful to keep an eye on the small space between the door and the frame as you did. You stepped behind the curtain and the rings rang against the rod as you pulled it into place. 
You sighed as you melted beneath the hot water. You let the steam swallow you up and scrubbed your skin clean. You stepped out and took one of the half-dozen towels hidden away in the cupboard.
You let out a ‘whew’ as you dried off and dressed quickly. You walked out with the towel and draped it from a knob on the counter. 
Steve turned away from the window. It was dark outside already. He smiled awkwardly. 
“You done in there?” He asked.
“Mhmm,” You nodded and grabbed your phone as you let him past. The place was even smaller with him there.
You dropped down onto the bed and your screen it up with a notification. It was Sam. ‘Babe? Hello?’ You unlocked the phone and found several other messages.
‘Was in the shower. Looks like a long night with the old captain.’ You replied.
‘Hey, nothing to do with me. Promise. I’d check in myself ;)’
‘Sure, sure.’
‘Come on, baby, don’t be like that.’
‘Even if it wasn’t, night’s kinda ruined.’
‘Just don’t let him see ;P’
You shook your head and lowered the phone. The shower groaned in the next room and your stomach fluttered. It would be difficult but you did miss Sam terribly; in many ways.
‘I can’t.’ You typed as you listened to the stream of water. The door hadn’t caught for Steve either and upon a glance you saw his blurry silhouette behind the curtain. Sam was quick to respond.
‘You’ve done worse, baby. You remember Rio ;P’
‘I regret Rio’. You giggled under your breath, the memory of the humid hideaway and your little escape with Sam as Bucky kept watch. You were still certain he’d spotted you on his surveillance.
‘He’s an old man. He’ll probably sleep early.’ 
‘You realise this house is tiny. I’m surprised he fit through the door.’
‘But I miss you :)’
‘Don’t do that.’
‘I know you miss me more. Can’t wait for this sugar.’
You barely stifled your laughter as the shower stopped and you texted Sam a heart eye emoji before flipping to another app. You knew Sam wasn’t going to let up but it would be awkward enough spending the night here in such close confines with Steve. You and him were rarely alone; you usually had the buffer of Bucky or Sam. You’d always found the First Avenger a little stringent; tight-lipped and a bit of a hard ass.
Your eyes flicked up as the door opened all the way and Steve stepped through. You cleared your throat and glanced back at your phone. He only had the towel around his waist. You crossed your legs and scrolled through your timeline.
“Forgot my clothes out here,” He said. “It’s been such a long day, it’s all slipping my mind.”
“No worries,” You kept your eyes on your phone as he gathered up a bundle from his bag and fled back to the bathroom. 
You blinked and finally lifted your head. Your phone buzzed and you looked down. ‘You got me all worked up.’ Sam included an eggplant at the end and you quickly swept away the bubble. Steve emerged in a pair of track pants and an A shirt that did little to conceal his muscular torso as the fabric was stretched taut.
He shoved his dirty gear in his bag and fished around for his own phone. He neared the other side of the mattress and gave a doubtful look at the space beside you.
“Um, sorry if it’s a bit cramped.” He lowered himself carefully. “You know, about seventy-odd years ago, you wouldn’t even have noticed me.”
You chuckled and shimmied over to give him more space as he leaned against the wall next to you.
“It’s fine. Sam’s a bed hog. I’m used to it.” You assured him.
“Oh, yeah, I learned that once.” Steve scoffed. “This place in Germany. A lot like this one. He’s not very accommodating.”
“No, not when it comes to sleep,” You muttered.
“Chatterbox,” Steve remarked as he unlocked his phone. “As is Bucky today… uncharacteristically.”
Your own phone buzzed as Steve opened up his messages. You lifted your own screen and cautiously swiped up. ‘How long til he’s asleep? I’m so hard it hurts.’ Sam’s message had you framing the phone with your hand in shame.
‘Don’t get me worked up,’ You warned as you shifted beside Steve.
‘I was just looking at those photos you sent on Valentines. I can’t help myself.’
‘Stop :/’
‘You know I can’t. That little outfit was too much. Tell me you still have it.’
‘He’s going to see. Stop.’
You coughed and flipped your phone as you sensed movement along your peripheral. You peeked over at Steve but he just stared at his phone as he typed with his thumbs slowly. Maybe you were overly paranoid. You looked at your screen again.
‘You look just as good without it.’ Sam’s text made your stomach knot.
‘You never seemed too picky :P’
‘I bet you look just as good now. What are you wearing, baby?’ 
You wanted to laugh at him. You weren’t exactly dressed to the nines. ‘Sweats and a tank. Very sexy.’
‘Oo u know I love ur ass in sweats’.
‘Haha, sure’.
You heard a growl from beside you and quickly lowered your phone. You looked at Steve as he shook his head at his own cell.
“Sorry, Bucky’s just… being Bucky.” He blackened his phone and sat up. He tucked it under his pillow and yawned. “I think I’m just going to sleep. I’ve been on the road all day.”
“Sure,” You said. “I’ll get the light.”
“You don’t have to sleep yet.” He slid down onto his back. “I don’t mind.”
“Nah, I’m pretty tired myself.” You said.
You left your phone on the mattress as you stood and pulled the string of the hanging bulb. The space went black and you carefully toed your way back to the bed. As you got onto the mattress you nearly landed on Steve and apologized as you righted yourself. You fished out your phone as you laid atop the covers.
“Night,” You said as you held your phone to your stomach.
“Night,” He echoed.
You rolled onto your side, your back to him, and dimmed your screen. You unlocked your phone again. ‘When you get home, I’m taking you to dinner and you’re not wearing panties.’
‘Ur so bad.’
‘Not as bad as you, baby’.
'You really gotta stop. I need sleep.'
'I'll leave you alone if you send me something to tide me over ;)'
'Steve is right here'.
'When he's asleep. Trust me, he's out like a light after dark.'
'I'll try… no promises.'
You hid your phone and listened. Steve barely moved and you could only hear his breath as it slowed to a steady lull. 
You rolled onto your back an glanced over at him. His eyes were closed and no tension marred his face. You bit the tip of your tongue and sat up. 
You kept watch over him as you opened your camera. You turned on your flash and flipped it around. You had one shot in the dark. You pulled down your tank top, goosebumps as the fear of getting caught tickled your skin. You lined up your finger and clicked as you gave as coy a look as you could manage.
Flash, snap, you quickly laid back down and pulled up your shirt. You were on your side as you checked the pic. Not bad… you sent it and held in a giggle. Your phone buzzed not long after.
'Oh baby that will def get me thru the nite'. You sent a heart and a kissy emoji in reply and told him you had to go to sleep. 
He returned the sentiment and you set your phone on the floor, content to wait until your homecoming for a release of the heat pooling in your core.
You closed your eyes and yawned. You really were tired.
Steve sighed. She was asleep. He could tell as her heart slowed and her breaths evened out. He had fought to keep still until she did; as she had continued her texting, and even as she had chanced to take that naughty photo. And right beside him!
It was hard to keep his cool as he laid next to her. As she got out of the shower, he’d chanced to look up and see her through the crack of the door before she wrapped herself in a towel. And then he had barely been able to keep his eyes on her face as her nipples stuck out beneath the cotton of her tank. 
And next to her. Her warmth seeping into him. He could sense her nerves as Sam goaded her through her phone. As she did a poor job at hiding her screen and he pretended to be distracted by her own. She had completely missed that he’d open the tracking app with the little dot that blipped right over them. The very one that told her where she was at all times.
It’s how he found her all alone in the safe house. Convenient that it was so small but he had a plan either way. He’d been fantasizing about this very moment for months. Close to a year. Every time he saw her it got harder to act normal. Often he just shut down and went quiet. And seeing her with Sam…
His hand was on the waist of his track pants, fingertips picking at the elastic. He’d been hard all night, at this point, throbbing. He flinched as his hand brushed his erection through his pants. He let out a strained breath through his teeth and shivered.
He peeked over at her. In her sleep, she’d turned on her side to face him. She looked peaceful and yet a shadow of that naughty grin she’d given to her phone remained. Steve began to rub himself through the thin crotch of his track pants. He groaned. Looking at her, it felt even better. Her airy snores, just a hiss between her pouted lips, kept time as he stoked himself.
His other hand grasped hers. What was he doing? He dragged her hand from where it laid bent before her chest and he pushed it down until it was next to his. He slid it beneath and held it to his hard dick as it twitched. He swallowed a grunt as he used her palm to pleasure himself.
She murmured and he let go of her. Her hand fell between them but she didn’t wake. She fell onto her back and brought her arm up over her head, her elbow barely missing his temple. She grumbled and her breaths petered out once more. He watched her for a moment and admired the way her tank top had been pulled askew and her sweats had rolled lower on her hips.
He couldn’t help but trace the elastic with his fingers, grazing the skin bared just above. She didn’t react, didn’t move, didn’t make a noise. He pushed beneath her pants, just a little. He felt the smooth skin of her pelvis as he watched her face. Her eyes didn’t flutter open and she didn’t stir to stop him. He tickled the trimmed hair further down and he let out a long shaky breath.
He traced the line of her cunt and carefully dipped his finger between her folds. She was wet despite her unconsciousness. His fingertip slid over her clit and she let out a moan that ended in a nasally snore. He watched her cheek twitch but she still didn’t wake. He pressed another finger down and flicked down and back up. He dragged his fingers along until she began to slicken.
He withdrew his hand and kept his eyes on her. She pushed her arm down over her face and arched her back as she stretched, a sleep grumble as she wiggled beside him. He brushed his fingers along his lips and tasted her. He looked her over and felt the deep pain of his arousal. It was more than that, it was an insatiable and overwhelming need.
He sat up, careful no to jostle her. His hand crawled down her thigh and he sidled over as he inched her legs apart. He lifted himself onto his knees and turned to climb between hers. He stopped as he knelt above her and she still was completely unaware. 
He waited a moment before he grasped the waist of her sweats. His hands slipped around and he eased them past her ass as he lifted her. She was putty in his hands. Dead weight as her chest rose and fell without disturbance.
He rolled her pants down a little more. And more. And more. He stared at the soft outlines of her nudity as he bared her and drew her pants down her legs. He backed off the mattress and untangled her feet. He got back between her knees and ran his palms along her naked legs. Goosebumps rose at his touch and she moaned but her arm remained over her eyes and she only muttered between snores.
He paused and leaned over his side of the mattress. He grabbed his phone from under his pillow and quickly swiped it open. He clicked on the camera and turned the flash on. He grasped the top of the tank top and pulled until the straps slid down her arms and her chest came free. He snapped a picture, then another with his hand on her tit. Then he bent to take her nipple in his mouth and suckled until his cock was sore.
He pulled back and looked over her as he set his phone aside. His little doll. 
Steve slid his hands down onto the mattress and bent over her. His nose grazed her tuft of hair and he inhaled her scent. He hummed in delight. He nuzzled her closer and poked his tongue out along her folds. He delved deeper and teased her clit and a sharp breath had him frozen. He glanced up but she was still asleep. 
He flicked his tongue and she squeaked again. He loved that sound. He remembered that sound, dreamt of it since he’d first heard. Her and Sam never seemed to have much shame or perhaps it was a lack of awareness. That day in the training room when they thought they were alone; when they didn’t know he was just outside the door, kept from his own workout as they wrestled on the mats.
He brought his hand up to feel along her entrance. He poked a finger inside her and felt how tight she was. He added another finger and imagined her around his cock as he had a hundred times before. He lapped at her hungrily and curled his fingers inside her. Her walls constricted as her orgasm built and he guided her through it. He felt it and heard the stifled pattern of her breath as she crested the peak.
He slowed and peeked up at her. He withdrew his hand and reluctantly parted as he sat up. Her arm had slipped from her face and bent around her pillow. He could hear her heartbeat as it raced and yet she was asleep still. How could she not have woken?
Steve gripped the top of his pants. He looked down at his hands as if they weren't his own. He rose and stepped out of his track pants and swiped his shirt over his head. His hands glossed over his hot torso and his chest threatened to burst as every sense was magnified. He needed her. He could have her. Like this.
He bent and took his phone again. He switched to record and the flash bloomed to life. He angled the lens over every inch of her as he watched the screen. He backed up and went to the counter. He propped his phone up against the side of the bag, adjusting it until it focused on the mattress. He wanted to remember it even if she didn’t.
His fingers wrapped around his cock and he stroked himself and neared the bed. He groaned and lowered himself before her. He bent her legs around him as he bent over her. He slid his arm beneath her head and it lolled into the crook of his elbow. He pressed his tip to her folds and slickened himself with her arousal.
He prodded at her entrance and held his breath. He watched her face in the dark as he pushed into her. She stretched around his tip and her breath rushed along his thick bicep. He went deeper, unable to stop as her warmth beckoned to him. He was halfway in and felt as if he couldn’t go any further. She was so tight and yet he had too. He wanted all of her.
He held his breath and thrust to his limit. She gasped and her head turned suddenly as her eyes snapped open. The shock in her face was startling and somehow intoxicating. She blinked as she mumbled in confusion and she brought her hands up against his chest as she tried to shove him off. He jerked his hips and she cried out.
“S-Steve…” She gulped as she felt his thick muscles helplessly. “What are you--”
He pulled back and thrust into her again. Her legs tensed against him and her body arched beneath him. He hushed her and smothered her lips with his. She tried to pull away but she was trapped under his weight; in his strength. He liked the way she writhed, the way her tongue tried to force his out, the way her nails dug into the skin of his chest, the frantic noises that he swallowed up.
You were so full it hurt. Your heart beat faster than ever as your eyes searched the dark. All you could see was the shadow of the man atop you, feel his sheer strength as he cradled your head with his thick arm and moved his body atop yours. You clawed at his chest as you squeezed him with your thighs, trying to get him off of you but only seeming to draw him deeper.
You pushed your head to the side as you finally tore your lips from his and gulped at the air. His motion built steadily as his groans seeped into you and made your stomach turn. 
At first, you hadn’t known where you were. It took a moment to recall the safe house and the mission that had led you there. Another to remember Steve’s unexpected arrival and your hasty texts before you resigned to sleep. And another to realise what he was doing to you. To realise that while you were terrified, it felt good. To battle with yourself and your weak body.
“Steve…” You rasped as his wet lips crushed against your cheek and his hips moved steadily against you. “Stop. What are you-- Sam…” You could barely form a thought, let alone speak. “Please--”
“I couldn’t wait any longer.” He growled as he sped up. “You’re so good. So tight.”
“Mmm, say it again.” His other hand gripped your hip as he tilted into you. “I love my name in your mouth.”
“No, no, no,” You murmured. “Why--”
He impaled you sharply and your voice fizzled in your throat. He rested his weight on you as he sank into you completely and held himself there. Carefully he rolled onto his side and took you with him. He hooked your leg around his side as your other was trapped under him. His arms wrapped around you as he rocked into you.
He grabbed your leg and bent it even higher, straining your muscles as he crashed into you harder and deeper. You beat on his shoulder and threw your head back as you tried to resist the swelling in your core.
“It’s okay,” He purred. “You can cum for me.”
“St-e-ve,” You stuttered and grasped his shoulder. “Why--”
“Can I cum in you?” He asked as he grabbed your head and made you look at him. A light shone from behind him. You hadn’t noticed that before. “I gotta-- I’m gonna fill you up.”
“No, no…” You pushed helplessly. He wasn’t wearing a condom, you could tell. The thought made you sick. “You can’t--”
“I can’t--” He rolled you onto your back once more. 
He pinned your hips down with his large hands as he raised himself on his needs and rutted into you without restraint. You felt as if your pelvis would snap as his grunts filled the small house. You clung to the pillows around your head and your body constricted in an unexpected and unwanted climax.
“That-- It--” He snarled as his motion turned relentless. “I’m-- gonna-- ugh…”
His voice trailed off and his hips snapped harshly against you as he came. You felt his heat as it coated your walls and he eased himself still as he lowered his body back down to yours. He pecked your lips and you turned your head away.
“Why…” Your voice crackled. 
He hummed and nuzzled your cheek. “That was good, wasn’t it?”
“Get off of me,” You sneered. “Steve,” You slapped him and he recoiled. “Off!”
He grunted and pulled out of you as he pushed himself onto his knees. His cum leaked from your cunt as you sat up and he got to his feet. Your entire body tingled and you were shaking. You stood, your legs wobbly, and Steve’s shadow blotted out the bright light the beamed across the space.
“What is that?” You asked as you reached between your legs to wipe the cum smeared on your thighs.
“A keepsake.” The flash on his phone suddenly went out as he tapped the screen. “To look back on.”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” You stomped towards him and reached for his phone. “How could you--”
“Don’t worry,” He held the phone above him. “Sam will never know… unless I want him too.”
“No…” You stared up at his face shrouded in darkness. “How…” 
You blinked as tears rose and a hollow chill swept through you. You spun away from him and stumbled to the bathroom. You slammed the door as a sob caught in your throat. The damn thing would stay shut. You punched it as you swallowed back your tears.
You flipped on the light and pushed yourself away from the door and it creaked. You turned the sink on, the cold water numbing as you tried to wash away his cum from your cunt. When you finished, you let the tap run and looked into the mirror. You didn’t look like yourself. You didn’t feel like yourself.
And Steve, he couldn’t have been himself.
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savagetrickster · 4 years
Crushing on You (HCs) | BNHA
Request: First of All, i love your navigation its really unique :) Then mhhh what i wanted to request are just some headcanons about shoto (and other characters u like) in which they get really soft zu their crush or s/o, just some fluffy things that come to your mind when u think about it uwu !and dont stress yourself with anseering this request, take ur time! 
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anime  |  character(s):   bnha |  todoroki shouto, bakugou katsuki
word count: 1.9k+
a/n: thank you anon, it took me a really long time to make my current navigation; glad you liked it! sorry for the delay, i’ve been trying to squeeze in writing time between my work schedules and finally managed to complete this as well. Whew! i expanded a little more on your requests while trying not to go off-track hahah! also, i really want to add more characters but time could allow me to write for these two. hope you like my take on how they would behave regarding their crushes! i kinda rushed through this piece so the sentences may not string well together hahah and there may be some errors; it’s not beta-ed.
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How did he find out about his crush on you?
Shouto is as smart as a pile of bricks when it comes to anything that isn’t…well, hero stuff? So when he harbored special feelings for you at the start, he wasn’t aware of that. Completely oblivious and hilariously dense about it.
The first few times his heart raced and his cheeks grew warm in your presence, he didn’t make the connection between these and you. He went to see the doctor thinking there was something wrong with his heart and was the reason why his face would feel warm. Nights before his appointment at the hospital, he couldn’t sleep.
It turned out that everything was fine; his heart is perfectly healthy. So the next thing he thought, making a connection to you - is he allergic to you? Or did you have some sort of secondary quirk you kept secret?
Often, he found his eyes gravitating to you, like you were some kind of magnet. You were the first thought he wakes up to and the last before he went to sleep. There were times he felt oddly possessive of you when you talked with the guys.
Despite all these, none of these made him realize his feelings for you. He passed them off as curiosity since you were the only one who made him feel strange.
He only found out why when he shared his suspicion about you  - is he allergic to you? Or did you have some sort of secondary quirk you kept secret? - with Midoriya, particularly the latter. 
How does Shouto behave around you after his realization? All the years growing up the way he did, having a crush on someone was foreign and bizarre to him. Knowing only quirk-related and hero whatnots with limited social interactions in his maturation years, he was…afraid. Afraid of his own feelings for you. He has no idea what to do and couldn’t face you without accidentally coming off as ‘curt and cold’ to you. He avoided you like you were the plague; he couldn’t help it - he felt like he could combust into flames (lol) from how much you made him blush.
You had always enjoyed Shouto’s company and admired his talents as a hero, sharing an amicable connection with him despite not being in his circle with Midoriya and the rest. You liked him. Liked him too much. 
So when he was suddenly blunt and cold to you + very obviously avoiding you, your heart broke. 
The day you confronted him out of frustration and with a broken heart, he realized how wrong he was to act like this.
>> a short fic based on the paragraphs above is coming soon!
He didn’t want to hurt you because of his own fears. He apologized to you but decided to keep his feelings for you a secret from you - the last thing you two needed a distraction like this when you should be focusing on forging your paths as heroes.
As he promised, he suppressed his feelings and maintained (struggled to) the way he was with you; simply friends.
But he definitely has a soft spot for you. 
He has developed an overprotective streak for you; his eyes were always on you. 
   he’s always the first to react if you were in danger. And if there were any stimulation exercises with the class, he would be adamant about staying near you, asking whoever who is on your team to switch with him (of course, without you knowing)
He is very attentive about what you liked or disliked. Taking notes in his head like it was his duty. 
   there was a time when he overheard a discussion between the girls and you, gushing about the types of clothes you girls like to see on a guy. Taking interest in what you like, he eavesdropped and heard you like pullovers on guys. And on the very next day, he bought himself a few, of course using his Endeavor’s credit card, and wore them as soon as they were ready to worn.
He takes very good care of you and is always concern. Too concerned for a mere friend. He is always there to catch you in case you fall.
menstrual cramps?    one day, he walked into the lounge of Class 1-A dormitory and found you clutching onto your stomach, obviously in discomfort and pain despite already taken a pain killer for your cramps. You desperately needed a heat pad to help ease the shit your uterus had to put you through every month.
at first he had thought about using his fire quirk to help you but quickly scratch that idea because he knew he didn’t have that kind of control to not hurt you by accident. The only solution is to get you a water bottle of warm water which loses its temperature pretty quickly. from then, he made it his goal to obtain superb control over his fire quirk, even to the extent of asking Endeavor for help in refining his control just for you. So that the next month when you had to go through the same pain, he was ready to use his fire quirk to relieve your discomfort.
fever?    shouto caught onto news that you caught a bad cold and were down with a high fever. You laid in the darkness of your room, feeling feverish and your body was burning up. that day, he spent the whole night in your room, tending to you the best he could. Pressed his hand to your burning forehead, ice quirk activated; cool enough to make you sigh but not too cold to freeze you by accident - having only used his ice side growing up, his control is excellent. somehow he ended up holding you, cuddling your feverish head to his body on your bed, regularly activating his ice side to keep his body cool. 
When he thinks about his future after graduation, he always include you. In fact, you are part of a much, much bigger picture in the future he envisioned.
it is in his plan to confess to you after graduation. he already knew enough about you, having paid attention and staying near you throughout after he found out that you were special to him. over time, his crush on you wasn’t as simple anymore. Something stronger and more permanent was beginning to bloom in his heart as he continued to safeguard you and watch over you like a silent guardian.
Get ready to adopt he name ‘Todoroki’ in the future ‘cause he’s pretty determined to take things further with you. First, his girlfriend and of course his wife and the mother of his children. 
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How did he find out about his crush on you?
I would like start Bakugou’s part right off the bat by saying that the expression you see in the heading^ made for him is exactly how he would react once he realized he has a crush on you. 
Bakugou here looks like he is in disbelief (as if having such feelings was absurd), bewildered and irked.  Yes, damn right he will be irked. He finds harboring such feelings for you or in fact, anyone unnecessary, ridiculous and stupid. He didn’t have time for such a thing.
Bakugou isn’t as dense as Shouto about this sort of things; if he did find his heart pounding around you, he’s sharp enough to know that you had an effect on him and suspect that he has feelings for you, but this doesn’t mean he is going to acknowledge it. He would dismiss it quickly and move on to more important stuff like his goals.  One day, he grew really jealous and extremely irritated when he saw two seniors hitting on you while he was on his way to class after lunch with Kirishima and Denki. Surprisingly, he handled the situation pretty calmly despite how irritated he is. He walked forward, speeding up ahead of Kirishima and Denki and smoothly tugged you away from the persistent upperclassmen with a firm but gentle grip around your bicep. 
From that incident,  Kirishima and (sorry Kirishima is probably pretty dense about this sort of things but of course no one could beat Shouto in this area lol)  Denki being a rather perceptive guy when it came to matters of the heart, was quick to pick up on Bakugou’s crush on you. Bakugou kind of grudgingly acknowledge his feelings for you that day. Was it because his friends being pushy, constantly teasing him about it? Or was it witnessing that upsetting scene you were in? 
Maybe both? But that did not mean he was going to act on it. He is still pretty stubborn about remaining unbothered about this “useless, pointless sentiment”, quoted Bakugou pretty often to his friends. How does Bakugou behave around you? Bakugou Katsuki is a freaking kuudere - i.e.  a character who is often cold, blunt, and cynical. They may seem very emotionless on the outside, but on the inside they’re very caring — at least when it comes to the ones they love.  Though he deems his feelings for you a “useless, pointless sentiment”, it has become a second nature to him to worry about you regardless of how adamant he is about “not giving a fuck about you” as he had gruffly said to shut his friends up. 
He becomes subtlysoft!Bakugou around you. 
  he is rather toned-down and mature when it comes to you. his explosive (haha) temperament is milder and he exhibits bits of gentlemen traits around you.
  his brash, rough voice softens when he talks to you without him realizing. He is more patient and calmer around you than the rest of his classmates or even his closest friends like Kirishima. he rarely yells at you and addresses you by your name, and not insults he typically used on others e.g. extras, nerd, idiot. 
He is protective.
  he is always quick on his feet in getting you out of sticky situations most of the time. tied to being subtlysoft!Bakugou in my previous point (duh), he demonstrated his ability to be cool-headed and efficient when he got you out of the situation with the two upperclassmen. 
  sometimes if he could in stimulation exercises, he would be try to get you to come along whenever he went on his own way with Kirishima and Denki.
“stay close.” he would mutter in a grudging gruff tone as he bashfully tug you along, away from the rest of the class as we all know he always do in the canon.
He is rather thoughtful and considerate when it’s you.
  once you didn’t turn up for school and he kept glancing over at your empty desk, concerned. he found out that you were down with a bad cold and was being taken care of by Recovery Girl in the infantry. Exams were just two weeks away so he secretly took down notes for you.
When you recovered, he made fun of Kirishima’s “shitty grades” and somehow managed to get Kirishima to start a study session with you included; his main motive was so he could help you catch up without you learning about his true intentions. (kuudere much, Bakugou  -__-)
you are a priority, and eventually a goal as well.
  as bakugou matures alongside you and Class 1A through the years, he will gradually accept that life isn’t only about hero stuff, being number one or putting that stupid nerd Izuku in his fucking place.  (i love midoriya okay, this is just bakugou being bakugou hahah) Or at least he didn’t want his life to be merely about all that. You were also his goal, in fact, one of his biggest goals. He isn’t exactly a big fan of screeching little spawns of the devils but he could live with it if they were part of a future with you.
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ak8shi · 4 years
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Astrology Analysis: Akaashi Keiji
☼ sagittarius ☽ taurus ☿ sagittarius ♀︎ capricorn ♂︎ capricorn
Akaashi takes a lot of pride in his intellect, as he should! even though he comes off extremely logical when he’s playing volleyball, he can also think abstractly and creatively. he is someone who wants to explore and travel in his lifetime. i mean, he’s great at strategizing and dealing with Bokuto at the same time, so he can juggle these different problem-solving skills. 
i think we can all agree Akaashi has a calming presence in general, and he notices very subtle things happening around him that others may not pick up on, such as him being the only one to notice kageyama choking and handing him water LMAOO. the combination of his sagittarius sun and taurus moon gives him an underlying warmness, even though he may come off as aloof or stoic to others.
Akaashi is often someone who battles with whether he should be listening to his heart or to logic; he is very introspective when it comes to life and why things happen...and that’s on no matter what others may say, we are the protagonists of the world 🤪!
when I saw that his lilith sign was cancer, I had to laugh because it's SO like him💀. he hates asking others for help or leaning on others, and he probably won’t immediately tell you if something is wrong. you need to let him know that it is okay to ask for help sometimes (please someone hug him)!!!
his cap aspects also give him outstanding leadership skills, I mean he’s truly captain material! he is highly analytical and understands where his teammates are at, and he can assess tough situations aka him trying to help Bokuto lmfao.
maybe this was only surprising to me, but he’s a smooth talker okayyy, like that sag mercury? He just knows what to say except when it comes to expressing his feelings HAHA
━In a relationship:
like Kuroo, he has a taurus moon and definitely would have to know you for a long period of time before anything else; additionally, he’s not here for games with his capricorn aspects, and he simply isn’t going to waste his time...but if you’re special to him, he’ll protect you with his life honestly. 
Square between Mercury and Saturn: Akaashi may not be the best at expressing himself through words at first, but when he says something, he really means it and thinks things through before speaking. i think we see this a lot with the way he talks to Bokuto, he doesn’t tease him or really make fun of him like everyone else on Fukurodani, he thinks about what is going to make the situation better to lead Bokuto into a better mood rather than saying whatever comes to mind! with a s/o I think he definitely would take into account your love language (if its words of affirmation, he would work on it), but I think his main love language would be doing acts of service for his s/o to show he cares.
Venus in Capricorn: I’m a little biased because I also have a cap venus, but I love this about him! he would woo his s/o by showing them that he has his life together basically lol, he’s the type to bring you to a coffee shop near his office to be like “oh what a coincidence..lemme tell you about my job...” Akaashi is someone who triple checks that you are the one, and then once he knows, he commits to you 1000%, ride or die type beat. 
also with a cap venus, he likes to daydream about domesticity! he loves the idea of a family and settling down with his soulmate!
he is willing to work so hard for you, especially with those capricorn placements, he’s not half-assing your relationship and expects the same effort from you. 
he would love a dressy night out to a high-end restaurant, and suit and tie events! don’t get me wrong, he would love spending time with you doing anything, but he just loves getting dressed up!!
when I saw that he had a capricorn venus and mars,,, I shivered, it makes SO SO much sense to me!! He takes it slow and steady, and he likes to draw out sex. no quickies, unless you’re both extremely desperate. the most important thing for him is being in control!
I think a lot of people think he’s a soft dom… but girl that is NOT what his chart is saying… his true self falls somewhere close to hard dom sorry!
Akaashi has a conjunction between venus and mars, so he’s extremely passionate and for him, the energy formed within your relationship transfers directly to the sexual relationship, let me explain: if the relationship is more friends with benefits, he will not see it as more than that most likely. if you form a strong relationship based on strong and compassionate love, that will transfer to how he acts in the bedroom. 
WHEW, okay so Akaashi gets off on seeing you unravel basically. he wants you to come as many times as possible before he’s even taken a piece of clothing off; he indulges in the feeling of being responsible for your pleasure and being the only one to control you.
however, even though he feel love towards you, he doesn’t really like lovey-dovey sex; he enjoys more dettached, rough sex, he isn’t going to go easy on you!! 
he might be into pet names, even going as far as being degrading towards you(with your permission of course) and he’s definitely into things like bondage and blindfolding🥵
Akaashi is really into biting, marking, and long makeout sessions as well; he wants to see you with hickies all over.
MULTIPLE ROUNDS, period. he has great endurance and he can hold himself back from finishing for SO long, truly a man.
however, once he sees that you’ve had enough, the iciness in his eyes disappears and he turns into the king of aftercare, that taurus moon JUMPS out. 
━Favorite aspects:
Trine between Moon and Neptune: I LOVE this about him he has such as affinity towards music and the arts in general. Akaashi lives with music around him as inspiration, and he’s definitely the type that listens to music pertaining to his mood! 
Sextile between Moon and Saturn: Akaashi comes off very reserved not because he’s unemotional, but because he’s actually very mature. even in a crisis, he rarely loses his cool and is able to work through the situation calmly and responsibly, which is shown every time he has to deal with one of Bokuto’s mood swings on the court. he is definitely the type of person who has his shit together due to his ability to set realistic goals, prioritize, stay organized, and work diligently🤓. (Individuals with this aspect are often known to appear elegant and attractive, which is so fitting for our pretty setter!)
━Negative aspects:
Square between Sun and Saturn: as someone who doesn’t experience failure often, I can definitely see how this aspect could cause akaashi to struggle mentally. in the face of failure or someone failing to acknowledge his efforts towards something, he gets in his head immediately, he has very high standards for himself. mental blocks are common with him when he can’t seem to figure out something that is nagging him. in other words, he is very much a perfectionist and stalls when things go wrong sometimes.
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bunny-xoxo · 3 years
Pretty People Supremacy Playlist 🖤
for my angel @1010andneji , I hope you love it 🖤
disclaimers: fem!reader, because this a request for someone with she/her pronouns, I believe the reader is referred to as she/her a few times, Kenma is aged up and this is based in him attending University just to be clear‼️
warning: it gets a little saucy in the make out department ?
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gif not mine, credit to owner
a/n: ahhhhh!!! I’m sorry this took so long and I really hope you like it and you felt like it was worth the wait! Please let me know if you need me to change anything ‼️ i luv you bae 😔✊🏼 also thank you to my wife @ikigaitooru for helping me choose your matchup here! I was stuck between one other person but we ultimately decided on Kenma, we both believe he exhibits prime quiet himbo energy :) also I kind of went off and wrote a lot on this one 😶 sorry I think? Regardless, I hope you enjoy!!!
Relationship Headcannons
Ok so ultimately, I paired you together NOT just cause you thinks he’s pretty but I think you guys would be so good together!! Like you would be so good for him
You guys would balance each other out socially and just be the best pair to hang out with pleaseee
He knows he can be stupid and chaotic with you and you know you can let yourself wind down with him!!
Kenma CAN be blunt sometimes so I’m sure he’d have to catch onto your sensitivity at first, but he’d be so sincere if he ever accidentally said or did anything that made you feel some type of way
And once he is aware of your sensitivity he’s constantly reassuring you in little ways, not only that he understands and is trying to comfort you but just to reassure you he loves you, for example :
I know some people have mentioned that he wouldn’t be into PDA but I disagree! It’s just not in the conventional let me be all over you types of PDA
I feel like it’s just not a big deal to him cause he’s like 🤨 what do I have to be embarrassed for?? This my mf baby and I’m gonna hold her hand if I want to ??
Like, I see him as a big hand holder frfr
He would just see it as such an easy way to be physically close to you and even if that’s just holding pinky’s he’s down!
It would also help him if he’s feeling anxious!
Like he’d fiddle with your hands and fingers if he’s feeling particularly antsy or nervous
You guys are out and he wants to go in a different direction? He’s definitely bringing your hand to his lips to give a quick peck and pull you along
“C’mon, let’s look over here”
AND HES SO NONCHALANT ABOUT IT TOO LIKE HE JUST DOESNT QUITE REALIZE THE EFFECT HE HAS ON YOU WHEN HE DOES THAT (he totally does but he likes to be slick and act like he doesn’t 🙄)
He would also DEFINITELY let you play with his hands if you’re nervous or bored or whatever reason honestly, he’d find it soothing and knows it occupies you or fills a need (and you get to look at pretty Kenma hands c’mon now)
ANYWAYS there are other little ways he’d reassure you too besides hand squeezes and holding
Definitely the type to leave you little notes in places for you to find them and they’d always say such simple things like “hi- kenma <3” LMAOOOO PLS HES TRYING HIS BEST
I think the final biggest way he’d love to reassure you would be words of affirmation (this is definitely a private thing)
I think he’d still deliver them in a blunt manner but that’s how you know he’s sincere!
You two would just be chilling at his place and you’d do something simple like, ask how much water he’s drank today or play with his hair and tell him he shouldn’t overwork himself and he’d just look at you so seriously and be like, “I really appreciate you, you know that?”
And it’d be sort of deadpan but like !!!
And he’d just kiss your hand after - always the palm - and then he’d just press his cheek into your hand before kissing it one more time and moving on like that literally just didn’t happen KENMA KING OF HAND KISSES
Okok moving on before I get stuck on his hands again anskdkdksiaj
So we don’t talk about himbo Kenma enough!!!! Like ok
He’s NOT big and ripped like ya know Bokuto and he seems super smart but I’m telling you this man is a quiet clueless himbo ‼️
You can’t tell me you’d be talking on and on about biology or something and he’d just have this little lost look in his eye while he’s nodding along and smiling softly listening to you talk and you’re like ,,??
“Wait, do you even understand what I’m saying?”
And he’d really just be like no :)
“but your eyes are really pretty and I like watching your lips move while you talk :) (this man is also a king of innocent flirting and you can’t tell me otherwise!!!)
OMG and if you’re even the slightest bit flustered by his comment he WILL notice and he’ll do his best to hide his sly little smile and just grab one of your hands and squeeze it and be like, “keep going, I’m listening”
Ok ALSO you two would literally just be such a pretty couple? Just like so pleasing to look at????? Like you’re both so pretty it’s unfair! And your style OMG
Like you’re just so soft like the epitome of 🦋✨👼☁️☺️ girl and 🎮🎱🖤👾🌙 boy ykwim???
and his long hair PLS Kenma man bun supremacy 🙌🏼
I can’t stress enough how pretty you two would be it would just make sense seeing you two together ugh
UGH you dying Kenmas hair for him?? And he’d just sit cross legged in a chair while you do it and he keeps leaning and moving to wherever you are around him cause your hands are in his hair and it’s so soothing!! What’s he supposed to do??
“Kenma, stay still you’re gonna bet bleach on my shirt!”
“But didn’t you wear that in case bleach did get on it?”
“I’m just saying if that’s the case then I don’t understand why I can’t hug you while you bleach my hair? 🤨”
“Ok so-“
Yeah queue pouty Kenma acting indifferent 🙄✋🏼
Just give him a kiss on his nose and he’ll get over it even though he’ll feign his grumpiness to get treated like a baby a little bit longer
Bottom line, Kenma’s your quiet little himbo and you’re his loud soft girlfriend, and it’s one of the most adorable things ever
Ok, so we’re finally to what you came for LMAO, your playlist!
OKOK so similar to the first one I made, there’s no theme besides music taste so I tried to make this like a soundtrack of your guys relationship if that makes sense?
I really hope you enjoy and please let me know if you need any changes or would like to be paired up with someone else 🖤‼️ Without further ado, your songs and explanations!
1. Siren - Kailee Morgue: ok I think this one still kind of fits the vibe you’re looking for but you can’t tell me Kenma didn’t see you as some bewitching vixen who’s caught his attention LMAO like he’s just like 👁👄👁 she’s so pretty and entrancing help me! and he’d try to be like haha I’m cool I’m cool I’m fine 😎🥴😎 but it’s so obvious he likes you too (you’d kind of be able to tell with the way he looks at you and how it took so long for the blush to leave his neck and ears whenever he’d talk to you) but he just really decides he has no choice in the matter, he wants you so bad LMAO
2. Juice - iyla: more off the first one, the way you just appeared into Kenmas life LMAO like he saw you and just 😳🥴😍‼️ and once he started to feel real feelings he’d be so 🏃‍♂️💨 WHERE THE FUCK DID SHE COME FROM??? But he wants you so BAD he can’t do anything about it, and now not only does he just want you 😳 but he wants you and he wants to be yours , pls he has it hard
3. See You Again (feat. Kali Uchis) - Tyler, The Creator: ok this is like THE song to your guys relationship just UGH I know you two would have such pining. Kenma would DEFINITELY be nervous to even talk to you at first cause he’s definitely like 🥴 she’s prettt hhng and he’s so shy and you just have such HEART EYES over him and you don’t even hide it that well LMAO (“it’s them rose colored cheeks yeah it’s them dirt colored eyes 😔😩”- u @ him) and it just makes him so NERVOUS!! But you two would definitely dance around it for a bit like you’d just be so 😍‼️ He’s pretty and shy hehe I like him gimme gimme 😍 and he’d be so flustered by it at first until you guys FINALLY get over yourselves (when kenma stops being a baby LMAO) like you guys jus wanna kiss so bad and literally everyone’s like JUST FUCKING DO IT, SHIT it’s adorable really
4. Doves In The Wind (feat. Kendrick Lamar) - SZA: ok I know this song is kinda saucy an idk if it’s overplayed but listen YOU CANT TELL ME THIS ISNT KENMAS FUCKING ANTHEM!! like he jus absolutely jams to this song definitely a sza stan and loves playing vibey music like hers during his gaming sessions but like the way he would worship the ground you walk on and be like mf im HERS do not get it twisted, in no way does she belong to me buT THE WAY I BELONG TO HER WHEW ‼️
5. Moment - Victoria Monét: ok why do I feel like most of the songs I added on here are vaguely steamy LMAO but ok this song? Yeah whew 💨 this is definitely one of those songs that play while you two would be lazily making out with those little led lights on (you just know kenma has those) and you two would just be laying there and know this is one of those moments you guys are never gonna forget. Your hands are just roaming and caressing each other while your lips are locked and you guys are so breathless and it’s just wow, you guys must have manifested each other cause this moment is so perfect between you two. And even though it’s a little sloppy it’s so intimate and you both feel like you’re living in a dream. messy hair flushed Kenma whos breathing heavy? Yeah I think so
6. Deep Cuts - Healy: Kenma is always trying his hardest to be the best he can when he loves something. We know this we’ve all seen him and Tora when it comes to volleyball and the way he gets with Hinata. And this wouldn’t change when it comes to your guys relationship, he is constantly going to be putting in his best effort to get to know you better, be the best boyfriend he can be to you and make you feel as loved as he can. He’s memorized everything there is to know about you and sometimes he gets lost in that and it makes him insecure about himself from his overthinking (you can’t tell me he’s not a chronic overthinker) and he’d forget to just enjoy himself sometimes. Like Kenma stop stressing, you can relax when you hold her hand. But he’d reach this point with you when he’d probably be being a bit difficult and you’d just make him feel so loved. He had been overworking himself again, which you HATED. You could tell from the bags under his eyes and the way his hair was messily pulled back into a low bun and the way the neckline of his hoodie showed he wasn’t even wearing a shirt underneath. But it was date night!! So what if he was tired and overworked quality time is important to you!!! I mean, that’s what he’s thinking. But you would just pull him into a hug and kiss his forehead and start to undress into comfy clothes and he’d be so confused like ?? Uhm, date night?? And you’d just pull him to your shared bed by his sleeve and under the covers and into your arms while you just kissed the top of his head. You’d take his hair out of his bun and run your fingers through it getting rid of some of the tangles and just be so CARING to him. “Let’s just stay in, you’re tired and I’d rather lay with you while you get some sleep, we can always go out another time.” Yeah he’s in love that’s it ‼️ you make him feel like he’s exactly enough for you as he is and that’s all he wants pls tbis is so long and for what??? Like this could be a Drabble in itself??? Anyways
7. Easy - DaniLeigh: you guys are definitely an exclusive couple but you really show Kenma what it means to just take it slow and relax! After the date night (deep cuts) he knows it’s ok to just relax into your guys love and he doesn’t have to force or rush anything cause it all comes naturally. Secondly , the WAY THIS BOY MAKES YOU FEEL - he just always looks at you with these deep eyes that hold so much love and it makes you feel so exposed every time cause he just loves you so much and it’s so intense l. It makes your face heat up cause he so clearly thinks your perfect. Also, this just gives total late night ride vibes. Kenma would definitely be driving on the freeway and this song comes on and he just places his hand on your thigh while he’s driving and he’s humming along to this song and he can feel you staring at him so he just casts you a quick side glance and goes “hmmm?” And you’re like 👁👄👁 nothing (Kenma is the king of late night car ride music fr)
8. CPR - Summer Walker: ok I don’t even need to explain myself with this one, the song is so self explanatory! You just make each other feel so at home. Point blank ‼️ like Kenma will just think back like 😇 where would I be without this bitch the thought makes him truly sad and he likes to avoid it at all costs
9. Rain - Lucy Park: pls this song is so soft (I hope it fits the vibe ahhh!!) but this is just more of kenma being an absolute softy for you LMAO. He’s not very good at taking care of himself sometimes and you’re always there to be like 😡‼️ NO‼️ and it makes him so soft he can’t help it, it’s not that he does it on purpose cause that’s insane but the fact you know his limits when even he doesn’t sometimes blows his mind and he’s never felt more loved than in those moments (let’s bring up Deep Cuts again 🙄✋🏼 pls this boy just needs someone soft to put him in his place LOL)
10. moonlight - dhruv: ok but when Kenma knows he’s in love with you, he has to tell you. And what better way to tell you than, well, tell you. He’d definitely try to plan it in his head to be perfect like ok what’s her favorite place? Where’d we first meet? Should I tell her there? Should our song be playing in the background? Kenma, your himbo and over thinker tendencies are showing, just tell her already! It’d be early in the morning, and you two are making breakfast together while he’s listening to you ramble on about the recent events of your favorite show and he’s just smiling and nodding, doing his best to recall the other plot points that have happened. And you, distracted with your ranting, go to take a bite of your freshly made breakfast- which is still scalding hot. You IMMEDIATELY start panting and drop your fork, running over to the faucet and shoving your head under it doing your best to soothe your mouth with the cold water. And Kenma feels awful, but this is fucking hilarious. So sure he’s holding your hair back so you can really get that water but he’s dying in the process. Almost keeled over and gripping at his stomach type laughter and you’re swatting at him to no avail and he just can’t help himself, “oh, fuck I love you.” He said it between his gasps of air from laughing and didn’t even realize it. Not until you stood up fully with water still dripping off your chin just looking at him. This idiot immediately started apologizing like omg this isn’t how I wanted to say it ahhhh but you assure him this was perfect, and that you love him too (pls love this man he can’t help but love you too)
11. Easily - Bruno Major: does this count as angst? ok call back to Kenma being an overthinker who overworks himself and probably overlooks his own needs at times, there’s bound to be some tension between you two at times. You’re concerned about his health and he insists he’s fine but you know he’s not, and while I don’t ever see him blowing up on you I could see little arguments about his self-care habits. Sometimes he stays up too late, or he’s stressing himself over something that doesn’t need that much thought! Regardless, he knows you just love him and he does the same thing for you and he just needs to get better at not being so stubborn when it comes to taking care of himself. And he just hopes that you know he loves you and appreciates what you do for him even though it doesn’t seem like it all the time, and that hopefully you won’t give up on him.
12. Streets - Doja Cat: ok I added this one mainly for the vibes but like you can’t tell me Kenma isn’t pined over in university LMAO. Like he’s pretty and polite but also indifferent, mentally ill bitches eat that shit UP; and there’s PLENTY of those in university LMAO. And like you aren’t a toxic possessive person don’t worry but MAN he’s fighting these girls off with a stick at this point LMAO and he just doesn’t get it pls, like he’d definitely be the partner in an assignment who just comes prepared and is kind of quiet to a fault but is so nice and just gets his shit done. Would also offer a pencil if you forgot one and maybe I’m just a whore but that gets me everytime 😌
13. Kiss U Right Now - Duckwrth: ok mainly for the vibes but !!! You and Kenma in the kitchen cooking and this song comes on and he comes up behind you and turns you around and your faces are all close and he keeps singing “I think I wanna kiss u” and smirking but he’s just ghosting his lips over yours instead and moving his head back every time you try to kiss him and giggling before doing it all over again! giggly Kenma supremacy
14. Butterfly - UMI: ok we been talking about how much Kenma would be devoted to you, but like you wouldn’t be the same!!!! Kenma means so much to you and you do your best to show your care and all you wanna do is see him happy as much as he wants the same for you, omg you guys are so in love it’s gross 🤢
15. Pick Up Your Phone - Hojean: what more can I say!!! You guys just love each other and love spending as much time together as you can!! (I like ending these playlists with a really happy mood :) )
Here it is! Thank you for being so patient and I really hope you like this! I always get nervous posting for my baby’s 🖤 love you cutie!
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ready-to-obeyme · 4 years
[OM!] (American) College!AU Demon Brothers
Scenario: Headcanons on the demon brothers as college students (specifically in the US because I don’t know how college works elsewhere), their possible majors, career goals, extracurriculars, ~GPA~ and whatever else I could think of + how meet you in college
Note: I’m hoping to do a Part 2 with the Undateables but honestly… we’ll see lol. This is based off something ~A~ and I thought of for our specific university but we’ve made it broad enough to share HAHA this turned out VERY long
Majoring in Political Sciences with a minor in Psychology
Pre-Law-- most likely immigration law or child custody (there’s definitely a backstory here)
Initially went to community college for the first two years to save up money to take care of his younger siblings
Rejected an offer to go to an Ivy League because it was too expensive; if his siblings ever found out they’d be furious that he’d give up on that chance, but he knows he can succeed wherever he goes (and besides, family is first) 
Transferred into a 4-year university his junior year 
Very high GPA-- VERY
In a professional fraternity with Diavolo and Barbatos 
He didn’t think he’d join one either but Diavolo was the vice chair when he transferred in and the president the year after so… ~nepotism?~ and also Lucifer is charming as heck so no surprise he’d get in
Also rooms with Diavolo and Barbatos
Goes to the gym regularly just to keep fit; gets goaded by Diavolo and Satan into joining an IM team with his frat brothers and actual brothers-- probably basketball or flag football
Probably meets you at a interclub council meeting and mutters under his breath how useless the board members are and you overhear 
“Never have I met more incompetent people.”
“Lmao mood”
Keeps sitting next to you at every interclub meeting then after because at least there’s someone that can keep his mind stimulated (thinks you’re hot if you’re competent btw)
If you somehow meet him on campus, he’s the type of guy to put his hand up and pretend he didn’t see you (just kidding, he always ends up saying hi anyways) 
Will Absolutely Lecture You if you are procrastinating on studying especially if your midterm is, like, TOMORROW
Always ends up studying with him because he’s actually focused on studying and glares at you if you get distracted (but hey you get good scores in the end)
Majoring in Business Econ/Economics, Minoring in Statistics
(always ends up in the middle of the “is econ a humanities or a STEM major” debate that leaves him left for dead) 
Planning to work in Business as Finance -- probably has been treasurer or finance director for a club; can even see him being a banker if it suits his plans better
Goes to a four-year university
Decent GPA (or Lucifer would absolutely destroy him), and does REALLY well in mathematics classes
Would room with Lucifer and his posse if they all go to the same school 
Probably in a Business Frat as well because he’s pretty charismatic when it comes down to it but  was an RA for some of his years for the free rooming and dining hall privileges 
Is a very chill and understanding RA (as in he smokes weed with you when he’s off-duty) but is surprisingly well-versed in dealing with roommate issues
Works part-time (gasp) to buy stuff off of Amazon and go out to places 
Spends a lot of time exploring places with his friends, going hiking, rock-climbing, clubbing-- which is expensive, as it turns out, so he needed to be able to afford it somehow
Meets you when you’re eating your lunch outside somewhere and he asks you if you have a dollar he could borrow for a vending machine snack
You exchange numbers with him so he can pay it back (even though you honestly don’t really need it, but why not) and turns out he’s in your GE class
“Heyyy wassup! So glad I have a friend in this class” 
“Oh by the way, did you finish the homework? Haha, I forgot it.” 
Mammon always repays you for your help in food though so you aren’t complaining
Majoring in Computer Sciences
And honestly that’s too much for me already-- the man is doing computer programming, coding-- WHEW-- and they do NOT rest
Goes to a community college but honestly has no problems cinching internships. The computer is his domain-- online applications are EASY, doing projects NOT as easy, interviews? HARD-- REALLY HARD (someone help him)
Probably intends to work with a big company like Google if only to help supply his income so he can live his life going to AX and buying merch 
Most likely moved out of his house mid-college with his online friends (who are luckily compatible with him living-space wise) and visits home once a week 
There’s two potential sides you can meet first: 
Either you meet him at a convention and you both gush about the same character and anime and somehow find each other online (not college related) 
Or his favorite Ruri-chan keychain gets broken off in the computer lab, and you’re the one running after him to give it him
He may or may not owe you his life after that (and if you enjoy anime, well that’s a bonus)
Both of these meetings can happen if he doesn’t recognize you in class because you were in cosplay-- imagine the surprise
The two of you as friends are MASTER PROCRASTINATORS at every assignment the two of you have-- so low-key not a great influence-- but you have fun together watching animes, playing games, talking about life-- anything but actual work 
Always ends up scrambling to finish things-- but he keeps doing it because it’s been working for him so far
You help him prepare for interviews because he’s always nervous before each one regardless of how well his application looks
Majoring in Comparative Literature AND Anthropology (ya boy is doing the whole nine yards)
Planning to get his Master’s and then a PhD in one of his majors (whichever proves to be more engaging for him)-- visibly excited to become a Professor
College was meant for Satan-- like REALLY; the man is in LOVE with learning; most likely to go and be accepted to an Ivy-League after Lucifer but... truly believes you can get a good education anywhere so it depends on his financial standing (and how much scholarship he gets)
Does get a little disgruntled when his classes aren’t available but doesn’t mind learning something new-- if the professor bores him to death, he’ll read the book
Really good at tutoring people; someone suggests that he works as a peer-learning facilitator/writing tutor and he does-- might as well make bank doing something you always do anyways   
Joins a writing/journal club as an extracurricular and a club that provides tutoring services to the underserved community-- surprisingly good with kids!
He knows friends in high places, so if he wanted to, could get into any party without batting an eye and his favorite professors love him
Spends a lot of his time going out to the city and exploring places, similarly to Mammon, rock-climbing, hiking, paragliding-- anything
He is VERY well-rounded as you can see; competes with Lucifer to see whose GPA is better though
You probably meet him during office hours, and you can only stare in awe as he asks questions that you had in mind, but better; if you’re visibly confused about something, he’ll take his time to help you too (it’s habit at this point)
Ask him for his contact info and you’ll get it, and maybe repay him in coffee? (You always see him at the cafe on campus.) 
Most likely to have a specific spot in a cafe that he is always at that the workers actually save a spot for him or give him his usual order before he even arrives-- may or may not have helped them edit their essays or with their homework as a thank-you so you KNOW they’ll love him forever
The type of person to help you make flashcards and cram if you need it
Majoring in Dance and Fine Arts (I HC going to NYU specifically)
Considering going for an Master of Fine Arts degree but he might just move to New York and go for being a Broadway Star
College is mainly just training for him and hoping to land gigs in local theater-- and the university theater if there is one-- and building his resume for his big break 
Has SO many extracurriculars, all pertaining to his career choice, but also because he enjoys what he does: drama, competitive dance team, acapella, fashion design
Makes an unbelievable amount of friends, incredibly good at networking
The first time you saw him was when he was performing for a local theater and you were in love with his performance, and the next time you saw him in the hallway of a classroom building, you told him how much you enjoyed it
Always accepts compliments about his looks with grace, but there’s something about truly being admired for his acting and singing that has him preening
Invites you to come out to his next performance, and if not his, then to another play-- and it can be a date, but up to you ;) 
The man is the KING of Multiple Talents and has big dreams to match 
Always finds a way to hang out with you and drag you to every club that he can use his fake-id for (and when he’s actually 21 and above, gets a little offended that he doesn’t get ID’d) 
A night in the town with you is always a good night! 
Sometimes when he has practical exams coming up, he asks you to watch him perform-- and he likes your compliments but actually takes getting all the moves seriously so you better pay attention!
Most likely to move far away to reach his dreams, but he would take you with him if he could-- his little star
Majoring in Physiological Sciences
Pre-Nursing or Pre-Sports Medicine 
He’s a little undecided, but he’s definitely going to go into the health field because he likes the idea of being able to use his strength to help others
Gets a scholarship from the university because he’s part of the football team, which is actually pretty hard on him because Fall Semester/Quarter he has to keep skipping classes for games  
Always brings a snack to eat with him during lecture-- and is not afraid to bring his entire lunch and make it right in the front row, though he tends to stick to the back because they tend to have electrical plugs 
You most likely meet him during lecture: he offers you an entire sandwich (not a chip bag, not fruit snacks, an entire LUNCH) because he heard your stomach growl during class 
From then on, you collect notes for him when he’s gone from games and even go to games if you aren’t usually the type to just to see how he’s doing; it’s hard trying to find you among the huge bleachers, but he always asks you where you’re sitting anyways 
Really appreciate it if you help him study into late at night because it IS hard balancing sports and academics 
He most likely doesn’t really have any time for anything else so he usually makes up for it during the rest of the year when training is less to volunteer in the hospital or at the gym as a personal trainer 
If you ask him to teach you how to properly lift weights, he’ll definitely help out and the both of you can work out together-- though you feel bad when he has to add four extra weights to each side after you finish your reps
Majoring in Computer Graphics/Animation
Intending to go into making animation or game design-- is one of the brothers who doesn’t really know exactly what he wants to do yet because he’s afraid that doing what he loves as a job will ruin it for him
His family reassures him that they’ll support him whether or not he continues with his path in life, but he’s considering art school and then taking internships in places so he has a better idea on what he wants
Most likely to sell his own original work and become a full-time artist regardless
I think you already know how you meet him-- he’s sleeping in a lecture hall-- either against the wall or on the small piece of wood they call a desk when class ends and he’s still sleeping; and you wake him up 
Sleepily thanks you and continues to sleep through every class that you wake him up to; when you ask him why he doesn’t just go home and sleep, he tells you he’s too lazy to walk back and forth from his dorm/apartment to campus (mood) 
When you add each other on Snapchat or something, he sends you pics of ‘places to nap’ on campus
You always end up studying together because he’s actually pretty good at understanding lecture stuff despite not being awake for most of it-- apparently he’s used to teaching himself 
Will make you art for your birthday and will vehemently refuse payment so he just tells you to take him out for dinner instead 
If you talk about how you’re not sure on what you want to do in life too, he’ll probably say ‘mood’ but is most likely to encourage you to do whatever you want to do in life too 
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getofy · 3 years
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matchup: #1 - hq boy w/ an extroverted fem reader!
—a/n: wow im genuinely so sorry for taking so long. literally school is ruining my life and i also um,, haven’t been doing the best this past month. i really hope this makes up for it !! it’s kinda long so my bad...also this is NOT proofread lol i apologize if it sucks aaaa.
DISCLAIMER: while this is a personalized matchup, they’re still headcanons, so basically anyone can enjoy them! :]
hello @/meremoomoo ! you are so cute and tysm for being patient about ur request. i debated who you would go well with for a while, but in the end i came up with...
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suga has a personality type of INFJ, which compliments your ENFP personality type well.
“...you may benefit from perseverance in this relationship. your sensitive, sympathetic nature may at times overtake you, leading you to make decisions that feel right but are not really the wisest option. this person, whose approach seems so cold at times, can help you to tune into your powers of objective reasoning and ensure that you are not letting emotions rule your life.” —some website i found
while INFJs are not the most compatible with ESFPs, your other personality type, wonderful things can still come out of INFJ/ESFP dynamics! 
“your differences mean that you actually have a lot to offer one another. your counterpart may inspire you to slow down and think more deeply about the meaning of things, rather than just doing what feels right in the moment. in turn, you can help them to get out of their heads and enjoy life for what it is.” —some website i found
sugawara and you did not start off on the right foot at first...
the two of you were in the same class and sat very close to each other so he decided that he really wanted to get to know you.
he also just really likes becoming friends w/ people lol
since you were always laughing loudly with your friends during break time, he deduced that you had a good sense of humor.
he decided that jokes seemed like the right way to get to your heart win you over!
easy enough, right?
apparently, he had caught you on a bad day because his attempts to be friendly were not received well. at all.
poor suga.
he does his best to be kind to everybody, but at the same time, he does love to poke fun at others. he probably took one of his jokes too far or something?
or maybe you really were just having a bad day?
who knows.
anyways, after that awkward encounter, he did his best to avoid you.
it’s not that he hated you, it’s just that he thought you hated him. it sort of bummed him out because you seemed cool, but he wanted to be respectful of your feelings!
*sorry it’s not enemies to lovers, but it’s close enough i hope ?
the class had finished testing early, so the teacher decided to put on a movie.
(basically it’s just an incredibly depressing dog movie. like, if you’ve never seen it then just imagine the saddest movie you’ve ever seen 10x)
anyways, you ended up crying. very loudly.
sugawara was incredibly concerned for you, since you seemed to be genuinely distraught, but he didn’t say anything
eventually, the teacher caught on to your disarray and excused you from the room so you could go calm yourself down.
after some time, the teacher tells suga to go check up on you to make sure ur not dead or whatever lol (you were taking a while).
he was hesitant to do this since he knew you weren’t too fond of him, but suga decides to do it anyways since he didn’t want to be a disobedient student.
he finds you sitting on a bench with tears streaming down your face
and MAN!!
all at once, suga gets this overwhelming urge to make you feel better. but like, as in, he-never-wants-to-see-you-in-this-kind-of-state again-otherwise-he-might-breakdown kind of urse.
despite not being super close to you, he had gotten so used to your large smiles and extroverted demeanor, that watching you cry felt foreign to him.
he missed your smile.
he soon realizes that seeing you upset hurts him because he genuinely cares about your well-being.
so he decides to make it his personal mission to make you smile again.
suga takes the spot next to you voicelesslyand tries his best to talk you through your dismay.
you don’t seem to mind the company, and to his delight you don’t seem to hate him as much as he thought you did!!
suga is very grateful for this
anyways, he manages to cheer you up, and the tips of your lips turn up into a small grin—just like he wanted them to.
whew this man’s heart skips a BEAT baby and he is lowkey spiraling lol he’s so confused like why is this girl’s smile making me feel some type of way
he had been so focused on what you thought about him, but he had never once stopped to consider what he thought about you (until this very moment, of course).
turns out suga was incredibly fond of you
yeah, that’s how he knew.
suga brain go brr 4 pretti girl
you two had been hanging out more frequently as of late
and getting to know you was only making suga‘s crush grow EXPONENTIALLY
after many nights spent in long contemplation, he came to the conclusion that it was time to ‘man-up’ and just rip off the band-aid that was being honest about his feelings.
he buys a single flower (tanaka’s advice) and waits by your locker
very very simple and sweet confession typa beat :(
literally SO nervous pls help . he’s scratching the back of his neck and holding the flower out to you with a slight twinge in his cheeks.
“y/n...i know you weren’t too fond of me at first, but i...i don’t know i think we’re great together! and now that we hang out and stuff i was thinking that maybe we could-“
yeah you cut the poor boy off and said yes to put him out of his misery.
literally verbally celebrates when you accept his flower. does a lil victory dance and everything.
ugh yall r so cute.
somehow the most wholesome and chaotic couple to ever exist???
you guys spend like every waking moment together it’s adorable
noya and tanaka would jokingly hit on you and suga would pretend to be actually jealous.
i hc him as being a somewhat possessive-y boyfriend so do w that what you will
total best friend kind of lover but he’s also a sweetheart and rlly romantic + respectful abt ur needs:(
y’all r super comfy w each other !!
sugawara is usually the kind of person that’s always there for other people so he appreciates the fact that you’re the same way! you guys bond over your shared therapist/mom-friend tendencies, and quickly become the support systems you so desperately needed prior to getting together.
he’s there to listen to you about your problems and vice versa.
he adores how you can meet and sometimes even exceed his energy. it’s a nice change of pace since he usually gets scolded by daichi. </3
thinks it’s cute how much you care for animals! you’ll often find him staring at you in wonder as you pet a random dog on the street lol.
will spend hours on end watching you play video games on FaceTime. after a while, he ended up buying his own console and now you guys play together!
he’s fairly competitive, and will whine whenever you destroy beat him in a game!
he’s so cute pls
one of his favorite things to do after a long day is sit and play slower paced games such as minecraft and animal crossing with you.
whether it’s about your fav historical monument or about a new show you saw, suga will listen to you talk for hours and never get bored. usually he’s always got something to add to the convo though. sometimes you guys get overly excited together and end up speaking over each other in the same way.!
is INCREDIBLE at getting you to calm down?? like, if you ever need to be put in your place, suga knows exactly what to say to do it. does this make sense? lol. you guys have big ying and yang energy sometimes i feel.
you’re his BIGGEST supporter. whenever he’s put into games, you’re always the LOUDEST one cheering him one.
it really touches him to know that you’ll always be there to root for him!! even mr.refreshing gets down sometimes, so it’s incredible to have someone as positive as you by his side constantly reassuring him.
he’s a big animal person as well so you guys like going to volunteer at shelters together!
this was actually your second date HAHA.
if a dog is within a 40 ft radius from y’all, it is almost guaranteed that you guys will sprint to go pet them.
since you’re both athletic, you guys help each other practice sports together! suga’ll throw u soft toss and help you run drills and hype u up before games. & you’ll help him work on his technique and such <33.
y’all totally gossip together wow. you said you were a bit on the meaner side of the spectrum and lowkey he doesn’t mind AT ALL. he lives for it HAHAHAHA.
he literally thinks you’re stunning so it upsets him whenever you get insecure, but he’s always got the right thing to say to cheer you up! genuinely just,,,, so good with his words. if you’re having a bad night, he’s ready to come to your rescue with a gentle smile and funny one-liner and maybe a documentary if you’re lucky enough.
in his eyes, everything about you is beautiful. your hair. your freckles. your body. your laugh. your smile. everything!! he’s going to do whatever it takes for you to love yourself in the same way he loves you.
this man so whipped smh 🙄🙄
tl;dr: suga thinks you hate him. you don’t. you start hanging out. he confesses to you by the lockers. you start dating. you are infinitely better at gaming than he is and will never let him forget it.
YOUR ANTHEMS (in no particular order):
darling by christian leave
pleasantries (with your lover) by mustard service
upside down by jack johnson
sunflower, vol.6 by harry styles
what do you like in me? by nasty cherry
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*do not repost my work without proper credit and my explicit premission
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just-anka · 3 years
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I realised I haven’t really regularly posted here since like... I don’t even know, September? It’s been a while, anyway. A lot happened, and I now feel like actually writing a post for the first time in a while, so here goes haha. The first bullet point is entirely work waffle so feel free to skip. Apologies in advance for the fact that this post will probably reach novel length by the time I’m done. 
• I took a week off in late September before Ben started his new job so we could go to the mountains for a bit, and it was a much-needed little break from work. And pretty much right after I got back, work got completely mental - nothing bad as such, just one thing after the other, loads of deadlines, so many important things. First I was finishing up data for a paper (first authorship was being debated which is partially why I threw myself into the job so much, but it looks like it’ll be the PhD student before me’s now, which is how it should be tbh, it’s much more hers than it is mine), then the date for my first committee meeting was set and I suddenly had only two weeks to prepare (did not think it was going to be that short notice, whoops, had a very stressful two weeks but all went well - for us, this meeting means presenting our research plan and preliminary data to a committee of four professors so they can give you input, it’s not suuuper formal but still pretty stressful), then I had to write the report for that (I love writing so that one was okay), then there was suddenly a lot to do for a really important cooperation with a company (big money responsibility which stressed me the fuck out), and then, just as I thought I was pretty much done for the year, I realised I needed my lab book up to date for my end of year meeting with my PI (which wouldn’t be such a big deal, except I didn’t have a lab book at the time. Never got around to starting one. So nine months of lab book were written within another very stressful week). Whew. Even writing this out makes me feel like that was a lot haha. 
• After the end of year discussion, I really was done for the year - I officially worked until the 23rd but there was not that much actual work happening, and with the pressure off after months, I properly crashed for a few days. Ben left for England on the weekend after to see his family for christmas etc, and I spent most of that weekend sleeping and doing very little. It was needed. Then my mum came to visit me for the holidays and we had four really lovely days together, also involving a lot of chilling (the only actual thing we did was that magical winter hike that I posted some pictures of the other day). 
• And now I’m skiing! I was planning to go to England as well for NYE to see Ben’s family, but with the corona situation escalating again lately I decided it was too risky for just a few days. So I made a last-minute plan to go skiing by myself instead, because all that involves is a 2 hour train journey. I’m actually staying in a hotel too, which I’ve never done by myself before, I’m usually a dorm in a hostel type of person, but well. Covid has changed a lot of things :D trying to stay safe and away from people, which is of course not entirely possible in a ski resort, but it’s going okay. The skiing itself is great, it’s really nice having some time to go at my own pace and a few days in a row. Today was day 4 and I’ve really found my groove again (more on that later). There’s not much snow though so not many off-pisteing opportunities :/ I’m staying until Monday and then it’s back to work on Wednesday. 
• Speaking of skiing, we’ve got season passes this year, my first season and Ben’s second. We’ve just been doing on the weekends so far - since the 21st of November I just realised while looking back in my calendar! That’s one hell of an early season start haha. We did just one day three weekends and then one full weekend right before Ben left. The first few days were bloody hard. For context, I learned to ski before I learned to walk and loved it as a child, then stopped for a few years because I felt like I wasn’t progressing anymore and was getting bored with it, basically. Then last January I went to France with Ben and his skiing friends and got introduced to freeriding and the idea of ski touring, and now I’m back to loving it haha. I’d ideally like to not have to resort ski anymore at one point (meaning touring) because I know it’s terrible from an environmental standpoint but... idk. It’s currently my only option, and I love it a lot, so I guess it feels okay? Anyway, since I learned to ski so early, it’s the one sport that I’ve always been pretty good at and like, never get scared, at least not on piste. Until this year. The first three individual days were just all kind of horrible, the conditions weren’t ideal with very hard surface and tons of ice and pretty busy slopes, and only steep terrain open as well (Engelberg, our “home” resort - we have a season pass that encompasses a bunch of resorts so we’re not limited to one - is literally dead flat beginner’s slopes, which weren’t open in the beginning, or red runs that should be black and black lol). Pairing loads of ice with my old skis which barely have an edge anymore was... not ideal. I was so scared constantly and it made me like I lost all my ability etc etc. But yeah, turns out I just needed a few days and some easier conditions to get back into it, and now ice and steep stuff and everything is fine again. Who would’ve thought. (a sensible person, probably). 
• But then, the full weekend we skied in December was awesome! Saturday already felt much better and then it snowed a bunch over night and Sunday we spent all day powder skiing, basically. I learned SO much and just had an absolute ball! Definitely one of the best days skiing I’ve had, and one of the best days recently in general. 
• Plus that whole weekend was just lovely, car camping in a campsite full of huge campervans was pretty fun :D I love the looks we get when people see the car and clearly wonder where we sleep. And we’ve got our setup perfected for winter now so both the nights were toasty. Friday night we had dinner in “bed” watching a movie, and Saturday night we sat in the little kitchen (the campsite has it open for everyone, but everyone else there has a camper, so it doesn’t seem to be used much) drinking tea and playing cards and ahh. Camping in the mountains. My ideal life eh? (though the weekend before this wonderful one, we got snowed in because it dumped over a metre over night completely unexpectedly and that was stressful as hell, but I think that’s a story for another day, if ever, I’m kind of trying to forget that day :’D) 
• Yesterday I also finally took the plunge and ordered new skis. Been debating for ages which ones to get but I’ve finally decided and I’m now very excited! 
• Ok this post so far reads as “work and skiing” which is pretty much what November and December were and probably what January is going to be too haha. Ben and I want to ski another week together end of January as well, and there’s some big exciting work things coming up as well. 
• Even though I have to admit, now that I’m on a break, I’ve spent a lot of time dreading work and questioning my career choices and all of that lark... sigh. I love my job most of the time, but I kind of hate having a job? If that makes sense? Sometimes (okay a lot of the time) I just wish I had more time for other things that I care about. But I also now I’m lucky to have that job, especially this year, and lucky to have a job I don’t hate, and get to do a lot of fun stuff on the side, even if it often means little sleep and downtime. 
• Speaking of things I care about, I was on a proper roll with writing for a few days before and after Christmas. It’s ebbed off again a bit, but it was still pretty cool, and my totally-useless-all-cheese-project is now 33,000+ words long and like, half-way there story wise. Had a lot of fun with that. 
• Lastly, Ben is still in England, and he’s coming back next Sunday, and I can’t wait! I miss him so much when we’re not together it’s actually silly. Although it’s less stressful this time than the last few times because... we live together, his work just offered him an unlimited contract from January, and I’m stuck here for another 2-3 years, so it looks like we’ll actually get to be in the same place for now. Which is all I wished for last year, and I’m so damn grateful - that stability really is the best thing 2020 has brought for me. And, as he said, even though we were apart for the start of the new year, it will hopefully bring more time together than any previous year ♡
• Okay I think this is long enough now, if you actually made it until here you’re a hero and I will try and post a bit more regularly again now to avoid this size of mind dump :’D I hope you all got into the new year alright, it feels very strange to me that it’s 2021 because I actually slept through midnight on new year’s for the first time since I was tiny haha but I’m sure a lot of people feel the same way! 
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divine-mistake · 3 years
hi lovie, congratulations on your milestone!! you deserve all the beautiful things life has to offer 💗✨💗
i thought i would ask you a coupl’a questions ✨ bc i love listening to other writers talk about their love for the art 🥺
how did you find your passion for writing? was it something you’ve always enjoyed, or is it something that’s become more personal to you, as time passes?
& how do you find inspiration for your stories? what motivates you to begin, and continue writing?
lastly, bc i can’t help but ask, most (if not all) your stories feel very vulnerable to me, do you write based off of real life experiences? or is it purely fantasy? maybe a healthy mix of the two?
also, i’m sure i’ll be back bc i can’t help myself, and the idea of being shipped w a beautiful mcu character seems v fun to me lol
anyways ily!! and i hope you’re doing well 💗✨💗
hi honey lovey!!! thank you for participating!! 💖 these are great questions!
how did you find your passion for writing?
i have most definitely always loved written word. i think i was about 9 when i first discovered Edgar Allan Poe’s work, and i loved his poetry so much that i started to write my own, and that’s really where all this began! but i mean, i’ve loved literature since longer than that. as soon as i could read i was reading and it just progressed from there y’know, especially being into the poetic stuff. i went from Poe to Emily Dickenson, Plath, Shakespeare, and on and on and on, and that was just early inspiration for me. but it’s definitely become more personal, for sure, as writing evolved into a form of expression for me rather than just me mimicking something for creativity. i largely write about emotions i think most of you guys know, and that becomes personal so quick. so when i started discovering short stories and books and memoirs and then fanfiction, idk, it just really got out of hand in the best of ways! so the answer is kind of both. it’s inherent, but it’s also very learned. i know that’s kind of a complex answer but it’s the truth haha. and my relationship with writing has been hot and cold because of those evolutions in the past. i have loved writing and i have hated it and it’s been a one night stand and a booty call and we’ve been married and divorced just as well. i’m just happy that right now, it’s pretty steady, and it’s what i truly love to do.
how do you find inspiration for your stories?
the easy answer is i find inspiration in books, in art, and in music. the much more complex and difficult answer is everywhere. there is inspiration in everything that i do. i think that’s easily the most wonderful and frustrating part of being a writer. i can’t look at someone drinking a coke out of a can and not think about what their story is. i can find meaning in a beat up old pick up truck and abandoned tires, and i can find meaning in how the surface of water ripples even when nothing has touched it. it’s beautiful, but it’s tiring i think. i write every thing down (omg the notes section on my iphone... y’all should ask me to show you screenshots sometime) and i constantly think about philosophy, how humans exist and how characters can come to be. that’s the hard answer.
what motivates you to begin, and continue writing?
i kind of had this conversation with someone earlier and i’m going to do a condensed version (hopefully) but i do not rely on motivation to write. if i relied on motivation to write i would simply never write. writing is hard. it’s a really tiring, difficult, and time consuming hobby and a lot of people don’t recognize that. but it’s also the thing i love to do most. so it’s like, i could watch netflix or hang out with friends or play video games or i could write. i’m never going to choose to write. so instead of focusing on finding motivation, i have really taken a turn to practicing discipline when it comes to writing and YES i know, i know that sounds like shit and that’s an awful answer and not the answer anyone wants to hear bc the first time i heard it i was pissed that someone would tell me that. but it’s so true. you cannot rely on motivation if you want to write a lot, and if you want to write for a living, and that’s my dream. so in the last year, i have taken writing a lot more seriously. i can’t write every day - i’m way too busy and too tired to do that - but i do think about writing every day. and i do TRY to write every day if i can, even if it’s just a little bit. sometimes it’s not on any project, and instead it’s just me typing out my feelings from that day. sometimes i do exercises, like i write about an emotion i’m feeling in detail or a character monologue or even a scene’s setting and description, just to stretch my writing muscles. and honestly, sometimes you just have to sit down and do the thing. and that’s really hard, because writing is really hard, but sometimes you just have to do it. otherwise, you’re not going to get anywhere.
so i guess the short answer to this is i am motivated by my dream of being a full time author some day. i’m motivated by my love of writing. i’m motivated enough to learn the discipline that writing for a living will require of me some day. and really, i’m motivated a lot these days by my readers. i know that people want to read my work and that makes me insanely happy. confused? yes. but insanely happy. and that really keeps me going when i’m feeling insecure or down about my writing abilities. (whew sorry that was so long eeep)
do you write based off of real life experiences?
yes! everything i write, no matter how fantastical or mythical or magic it ends up somehow comes from a part of me. everything is very very very personal. my main characters are extensions of myself, some facet of myself that i want to explore. the themes in my work largely deal with things i care about - like politics, racism, not belonging, not feeling loved. take bloom for instance! bloom, my sam wilson fic, is a metaphor for disordered eating, something that i have struggled with almost my entire life. my mom put me on diets when i was 8 years old lol. you don’t ever fully recover from something like that. and TCOR, my loki series, is deeply personal. in fact, it’s probably the most personal story that i have, which is why it’s the hardest to write. so yes. writing, to me, has to be personal. i don’t think i could write something that didn’t have a part of me in it, because isn’t that what writing is? a very long time ago when i first started writing, someone told me that writing is lying. you're telling the truth, but you're writing it as a lie. and i’m not sure why, but i've held onto it forever. what i write is my own truth spun into a fictional world - a lie. so yeah, everything i write is an extension of me in the most sacred of forms.
thanks for these questions!!! i’m so sorry i never know when to shut up haha but i love questions like these and i hope that maybe someone reads them and finds merit in them! come back for a ship soon lovely, i’ll be waiting!!
thank you for 1k! join my sleepover and ask me anything!
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tomorrowsdrama · 4 years
Hyena Ep. 16
I’m baaack!  Kind of.  I think I hit that point in my quarantine life where I kind of lost my mind so I went on an unexpected hiatus that lasted longer than intended.  I know it’s been over a month after the finale of Hyena but here are my ramblings.  This post is super long so I’ll save my thoughts on the series as a whole for another post.
Objectively, it was a pretty good finale that was entertaining and wrapped up the important plot lines.  We even got some sweet otp moments (more on that later) and satisfying smackdown of the bad guy.  But subjectively?  Personally?  Purely based on my selfish expectations?  I wanted more romance!  More sexiness!  I wasn’t expecting a wedding or anything like that but, not even one kiss?  Or a long embrace?  Why????
I mean, how can you give me all this sexy chemistry in the promos:
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And then not make use of it in the finale?  That’s just not fair I say!  I feel bamboozled!
Ep. 16
Anyway, let’s talk about the parts I enjoyed of the finale.  This is mainly (99%) going to be about the moments between Geum Ja and Hee Jae.  So on the morning of episode 16, way back when, I woke up so excited for the finale.  Since this was the last episode, surely there will be a kiss!  And surely it would be epic given the chemistry between JJH and KHS.  I mean did you see that kiss in episode 8?  So when we started off the episode with the scene of Hee Jae telling Geum Ja he didn’t want to see her hurt anymore, I was amped.  Yes, we’re starting off strong with the romantic scenes I thought.
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How can you not fall for him?
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Geum Ja, you are not a gangster, you do not need to show your story through the scars on your body.  Joking aside, it’s sad that she’s been through so much in life that she has the scars to prove it. 
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I love that Hee Jae says this half-sarcastically but you can tell that he truly does not want Geum Ja to go through any more pain/suffering.  And it’s his sincerity that makes Geum Ja smile so softly.  And this is where they kiss right?
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Nope, he gets a hearty bro punch in the shoulder.
Cut for lots of caps and ramblings.  It’s a bit of a mini novel, you’ve been warned!
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Mmm I loved how many scenes of concerned Hee Jae we got in this episode.  
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Geum Ja screams from a nightmare and Hee Jae immediately runs into the office to check on her.  The only way he could have reacted so quickly is if he was sitting outside the office guarding Geum Ja which...AHHH I think I’ve just died and gone to hurt/comfort heaven.  Just look at JJH’s face.
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EEE!  I audibly squealed when Geum Ja said this.  Ok, now I’ve truly died.  Geum Ja?  Asking to be comforted?  By Hee Jae?  What?  This is major.  She’s finally letting down her walls a little bit around Hee Jae and allowing herself to be vulnerable.  Keep on leaning I say!  Lean all the way into bed.
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Omg and then she showed concern over Hee Jae’s own emotional state despite her own trauma.  His dad totally betrayed him just a few hours ago so Hee Jae’s having a pretty shitty day too.  But of course, Hee Jae is only concerned about Geum Ja.  Ahh, how many times is he going to make me swoon in this episode?  
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Feet piled on top of each other?!  Are they finally in bed together?
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Of course not.  Unfortunately, this isn’t that type of drama.  SIGH.  But this is still very sweet and squeal-inducing.
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Have I talked about how much I love JJH’s little sly smirks?
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I love that these two fools can’t stop worrying about the other.  Geum Ja knows better than anyone how deep emotional scars caused by a parent can be.  On top of that, Hee Jae’s father was someone he respected and loved, so the blow is even bigger.  I just really like it when my otp show how much they care about each other, ok?
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Look at that smile on Hee Jae’s face.  It’s like there’s no other place he would rather be than next to Geum Ja. 
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No, please don’t.  Y’all are not 12.  Please get at least a queen size bed with plenty of room for two adults to move around in and do...adult things lol.
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And then.  AND THEN!  Geum Ja takes the initiative and turns over towards Hee Jae.  She’s finally the one taking the first step towards him without any prodding.  And Hee Jae smiles to himself and follows her lead to turn over also.  And then the two fools smile lovingly at each other as they fall asleep.  Omg, excuse me, I need a moment.  I’ve temporarily passed on to the other side from sheer otp happiness.
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This moment was just too good.  I literally raised both my arms up into the air and cheered when I first watched this episode.  I thought, wow the writers are feeding us so well.  They’re showering us with so many romantic scenes.  The otp caring for each other?  Being tender with each other?  Sharing a “bed?”  I don’t want to ever get off this love train, keep it coming!  This is only the first third of the episode so surely it can only go up from here.
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And then it ended on a comedic note.  I guess I should have seen that coming.  This is SBS, not TVN (or JTBC from the looks of The World of the Married).  Hah, well I suppose they both had a pretty tiring day so it’s understandable that they would not have much energy to do anything else.
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It’s the little everyday things like asking if she’s ok that get me.
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(JJH I thirst for you.)
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Suuuuure you are.
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Lol, he wouldn’t be Hee Jae if he didn’t pull something childish/petty.  At least Geum Ja is amused by it and finds it cute now.  Get you a man who can be both your emotional support and amusing bratty boyfriend.
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Geum Ja does end up meeting Hee Jae for dinner and he can’t help but smile a little.  Gosh, it takes so little from Geum Ja to make him happy.
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(damn, look at that profile!)
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So some time during this episode, Geum Ja’s adoptive father died off-screen from the stab wound he sustained while stopping her assailant.  At first, I went “Huh, that’s it?”  But then the more I thought about it, the more I liked how matter-of-factly it was treated.  It’s certainly consistent with how Geum Ja deals with things.  Also, she faced her demons/him in a previous episode so you could say that she already resolved that chapter of her life.  
Still, you could tell that she’s not completely unaffected by it.  KHS’s acting in this scene is so good. You can tell there’s more to it than what she’s saying just by the little subtle changes in her expression.  I can only imagine the many complicated feelings she must be experiencing.  
On the one hand, he’s the worst part of her past life and surely deserved to die.  But on the other hand, unintentional or not, he died saving her.  Geum Ja does not state this with any affection or sentimentality in her voice.  It is merely something that happened.  Thank goodness the writers did not try to redeem him in the last minute.  One good deed does not make up for all the violence and abuse inflicted on her and her mother.  
Anyway, all that muddled history and emotions would make anybody conflicted.  They really handled it the best way they could - simply state what happened and move on.  No hate, no praise, no sadness.  He was a terrible man who paid the ultimate price and died.  I like that Hee Jae understands not to push the matter any further and changes the subject.
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Bro, you’re delusional if you think you still have a chance with her.  
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And then we get to the ubiquitous Big Shareholder Meeting that we see so often in dramas.  I love how Geum Ja is so ballsy in everything she does and she does it all in her comfy tracksuits. Of course the Big Shareholder Meeting does not go as planned and Song Pil Jung gets arrested.
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God I love the look on Geum Ja’s face.  It screams “is this guy still talking to me?”
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Can I just say, I love how utterly brutal Geum Ja is in her rejection of Kevin Jung.  Woof, ouch.  If I ever heard that from someone I liked, I would be so devastated and embarrassed, I’d find a dark hole to bury myself in and lick my wounds.  But of course, Kevin, like all the other men who fall for Geum Ja, seems to be into it.  It takes a certain type of man to go for Geum Ja and apparently that type is a total masochist who likes getting rejected and their heart ripped out.  I mean, to each their own.
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I like whenever they do their power couple strut.
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A bro fist bump?  Really?  Hm, I never really fist bumped the guys I dated but that’s cool I guess.  They’re going in to destroy Song Pil Jung so I guess a fist bump is appropriate.
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Hm, I don’t know.  It seems like you’re the one who got arrested.
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Bro.  Mister.  Are you for real?  Did you forget all the shitty things you did to her?
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Yeah, that’s kind of a big deal I think.
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SO. SATISFYING.  Whew honey, this exchange gave me life.  My skin has cleared, my bank account is full, and I’ve lost 5 pounds.
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Yessss I am all for this nerdy JJH in glasses and turtleneck sipping on expensive instant coffee aesthetic. 
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The couple that taunts together, stays together?
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Hahahahaha, Hee Jae talking about being professional at work? Hahahahha.
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I live for jealous Hee Jae because he’s extra ridiculous whenever he’s jealous.  In this scene he’s getting jealous over Ju-Ho calling Geuma Ja “noona” and it’s like come on, they’re foster siblings.  Let him call her noona.  Side note, Netflix translates “noona” into Eun-Young, Geum Ja’s real name, and it irks me.  Couldn’t they have just translated it into “sis” instead?
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Now we’re around the 55 minute mark and I’m thinking, okay this is probably where it’s going to end.  This is when it’s going to happen.  They don’t have that much time left in the episode.  All right, give me us all that we’ve been waiting for.
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(Good looking main stays looking good.)
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You can’t ever accuse Hee Jae of not being committed to Geum Ja.
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We finally get an explanation for why Geum Ja always stared at that huge building
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Haha, can you expect anything less from her character?  At this point, I’m looking at the remaining time and thinking, ok then, when’s that kiss gonna happen?
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SHRIEKS WHAT ARE THOSE HIDEOUS THINGS ON HIS FEET?!  On another note, I’m sure Kim Hye Soo must be so glad she doesn’t have to wear those gigantic heels anymore.
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Omg, ok, this is it.  We’re getting shots of beautiful sexy people strutting and being playful with each other.  They’re setting up for a romantic ending kiss.  Ok, time to prepare myself.
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Yes, put your arms around each other.  We’re getting closer now.
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Oh, ok.  I guess this will be a far away in the distance kind of kiss.  That’s ok, too I guess.
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Oh, wait.  Never mind.  Looks like we’re going to get a frontal view of the ending kiss after all.  Even better!
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What?  That’s it?  What?  Did I miss something?  This can’t be.
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Oh whew.  An epilogue.  Ok, this is when it’s going to happen.
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Hahaha, they’re totally using the vloggers to advertise for their law firm.  I love how Hee Jae has loosened up on what he thinks a proper lawyer should act like and it’s reflected in his more flamboyant wardrobe choices.
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These damn fist bumps again.  All the time spent fist bumping could have been spent hugging and kissing.  Priorities, people!
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Hah, like hell Hee Jae would ever leave Geum Ja.
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Haha knew it.  Boy is more whipped than whipped cream.
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This pretty much sums up their dynamic.  SIGH I’m not going to get my kiss am I.
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Oh no.  That caption can only mean one thing.
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Yeeep.  That’s it.  This is the end.  Finito.  
Well.  All right then.  You know, the first time I watched this episode, I felt very disappointed that there was no final kiss.  I mean the last time we saw them kissing was in episode 8 at the midpoint of the drama.  This drama was clearly a rom com/screwball comedy so it only seemed fitting that there would be one last kiss scene.  That’s how you end a romantic drama!  But alas.
Actually, upon re-watching and re-capping this episode, I realized that even though we did not get any kiss scene, the writers still gave us plenty of sweet moments between Hee Jae and Geum Ja.  We got to see their lovely progression into becoming partners who supported and trusted each other so that was nice.  Even though they’re clearly together now, it’s nice to see that they still have their playful bickering dynamic.  So objectively, it was a nice ending.  I just personally wanted more smooches.
If you made it through this entire post, thank you for expending so much time reading my ramblings and congratultaions on having so much patience!
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