aithorin · 6 months
oh, baby, I am a wreck when I'm without you - Lady Dimitrescu x Reader - Part 3 (18+)
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Synopsis: As Lady Dimitrescu’s loyal personal maid, you have watched for years as others have come and gone from your Mistress’ bed, desperately wishing you could take their place. Yet despite your deep love for Lady Dimitrescu, she has never once looked at you that way. Years of repressed pain reach their breaking point when you accidentally walk in on one of your mistress’ trysts, for it is then that you finally accept that she will never truly see you. You confront her in hopes of stepping down as her personal maid but soon discover that Lady Dimitrescu won’t so easily let you go.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49435549/chapters/124759192
A/N: Part 3 of 3. Part 1 and Part 2 are here.
The Next Day
You once used to cherish mornings, delighting in the fact that yours was the first face Lady Dimitrescu saw. It’d made you feel special .
Now, you’d never dreaded anything more. 
You wake with swollen eyes and a weary soul, wishing to avoid Lady Dimitrescu for the first time in your life. You don’t know how to face her. Nothing had truly changed, and yet, in the ways that mattered, everything had. 
However, excuses were unacceptable in House Dimitrescu. The lady would never permit your absence, no matter how desperately you longed for somebody, anybody, even Imogen god forbid, to take your place. And so, with a heavy heart, you somehow muster up the courage to make it to her chambers even though the mere thought of her makes your entire being ache. 
Your strength unravels the second you see her. Thankfully, she still lay sleeping, a small mercy, as silent grief for what could have been consumes you. Tears well, choking you, and despite your best efforts to hold them back, they fall, creating twin streams along your cheeks. 
You attempt to pull yourself together, releasing a deep, shaky breath, but the hole in your heart has become a gaping chasm too big to ignore without your naive hopes to shoddily fill it. And so, you allow yourself a precious few moments to mourn the future you’d always envisioned for yourself. 
Although your broken heart still bleeds uncontrollably, you can feel the streams slow as your emotions settle. The ache is ever-present but tolerable. It’s not much, but it’ll have to do. 
You dry your eyes, the rough material of your dress-sleeve harsh against your sensitive eyelids, and turn to open the curtains.
The morning is agonizing. Her proximity taunts you, forever reminding you of your own inadequacy. With hope no longer there twisting your interactions to suit your idle fantasies, you see them for what they are. You attend to Lady Dimitrescu, not as a lover but as a servant, for that’s all you’d ever be. You’d been a fool to pretend otherwise. 
For once, you make no attempt to interact with her as you prepare her for the day. Her presence is suffocating, dragging you further into the depths of your own heartbreak. You can scarcely even breathe, much less talk, while she’s next to you, too distracted by the crushing weight that is slowly caving your chest in. If Lady Dimitrescu notices a difference, she doesn’t comment, but then again, she’d never paid much attention to you in the first place.  
Even when Lady Dimitrescu finally exits the room, there is no relief, for you can see your entire life stretching before you, each day as bleak as the last as the lacerations on your heart continually rip open anew. 
By lunch, you make the decision to quit. 
It had never been done before as Lady Dimitrescu oversaw all the placements in the castle herself. To ask for a reassignment was to question the mistress’ word, and to question Lady Dimitrescu was to sentence yourself to certain death. 
But surely death had to be better than this, right?
You wait until the end of the night, savoring your last moments with her, no matter how painful they may be, for you’d never get the opportunity again. You take your time, more so than usual, as you commit every detail to memory. You never want to forget the way her eyes glow like molten gold in the firelight or how, at certain angles, her face looks as though she had been sculpted by Michaelangelo himself. 
It is only when the last pin is pulled free, when the last curl is brushed through, when you have no more excuse to linger, that you step back and begin your appeal.
“If there is nothing else, Mistress, then I’d like to request a moment of your time before I go. There’s a matter that I need to discuss with you as soon as possible.” You say.
Lady Dimitrescu gives a non-committal hum from where she’s seated at her vanity, not even bothering to turn around, but for once, you find you don’t mind. In fact, it only strengthens your resolve. Were she to look, you know you would waver as traitorous hope would fuel the temptation to believe she might actually care . Her indifference is good. It means nothing has changed. 
With a wave of her hand, Lady Dimitrescu acquiesces, “Alright, but make it quick.”
“Yes, of course, Mistress. Thank you.” You say, giving a quick bob of the head despite knowing she couldn’t see. 
Opening your mouth, the words you’ve been dying to say are on the tip of your tongue when, suddenly, they become stuck. Despite the shattered state of your heart, it stutters when confronted with the reality this request would bring, and for the first time since making the decision, you hesitate. Is this really the way to go? Would living without her truly be better than surviving off the small pieces of herself that she offered you? Could you even live without her? Without her smile? Without her laugh? Without her voice? The thought of life without her made the world seem dark and gray. 
Shaking your head, you force those thoughts away. None of that matters, because you certainly can’t keep living like this . Anything would be better than this. You’ve grown too attached to her, to a woman you can’t even have, and it’s eating away at your very soul. You’d become a shell of the woman you once were, all your energy thrown into futile efforts to capture the attention of someone who’d never looked twice at you and never would. 
The stark reminder that she can never be yours gives you all the strength you need, rendering you void of all feelings in the process. Features becoming impassive, you deadpan, “I’d like to step down from my position as your personal maid.”
Though she remains turned away, Lady Dimitrescu’s eyes snap to yours in the reflection of the mirror, widening ever so slightly as shock penetrates her features. “What did you just say?” She questions. 
“I’d like to step down from my position as your maid,” You repeat, tone flippant, “Tonight, preferably. Please feel free to reassign me wherever you see best. I’m not partial to any specific duties.”
Her shock quickly gives way righteous fury. Standing abruptly, Lady Dimitrescu slams her fists down on the vanity before whirling around to face you. Her eyes are burning. “I demand you tell me your reasoning for this foolish request at once!” 
You won’t as you know with certainty that nothing will change, not in a way that will sway your decision. It will only lead to the final nail in the coffin that contains your heart as you face her rejection once and for all. And so, to retain the last shred of dignity you have, you continue with your cold, detached facade. “My reasons are my own, and I would prefer to keep it that way, my lady.” You sniff, holding your head high in the face of her scrutiny. 
Your words only fuel Lady Dimitrescu’s infuriation. Her form stalks toward you, chest heaving with anger. She stops only when she’s directly in front of you, her eyes blazing with rage as she pierces your gaze.
“Such insolence ,” She snarls, “I don’t tolerate disobedience amongst my staff. If you continue to refuse, then perhaps I have no further use for you and a trip down to the cellars is in order.”
You don’t doubt the sincerity of her words. It had always been a possibility, and well, others had been sentenced for far less. However, you remain unchanged, for death is nothing compared to your current agony. “If that is what you wish, so be it.” You say, inclining your head in a show of acceptance. 
Lady Dimitrescu falters at your reply, stunned into silence for a few moments. Her anger dissipates. “What in the world has gotten into you?” She murmurs, bending down to search your eyes. You meet them readily, taking care to reveal nothing. However, she still seems to find whatever it is she’s looking for as her expression stutters for a single millisecond. If you didn’t know better, you’d almost say she looks sad , but it passes much too quickly to tell, morphing into the resilient, hardened exterior you know all too well. 
“Well, well,” She says, straightening once more, “You have played me for a fool. To think I believed you were different from all the other bumbling maidens in this castle, but this outburst has shown you are just like the rest. I guess some things are too much to hope for.”
Her words hit a nerve but probably not the one she is expecting. In a barren field dried of all emotion, seeds of bitter anger sprout to life. “Hope?” You say, giving a harsh, mocking laugh at the irony, “You wanna talk about hope? For three damn years , I’ve done nothing but hope, and look at where it’s gotten me. Absolutely nowhere. I guess it’s failed us both.”
Silence reigns, yet your anger holds steady. For a long while, Lady Dimitrescu just stares, looking at you as though she’s seeing you for the first time. Finally though, she relents, placing a hand on her hip as her eyes narrow. “Answer me this, truthfully, and I may consider your request: do you truly care so little for me that you’ve given into the fear and hatred that consumes the others?”
Your eyes widen at the accusation. Hate her? Is that even possible? You wanted to. God, you wanted to. It would make things so much easier. But you didn’t, and the thought of her thinking otherwise hurt . It hurt enough to soften the facade you’d been wearing all night, filling you with an urgent need to tell her the truth that overrode all the precautions you’d taken to protect the few pieces of your heart still intact. You could live without her love. What you couldn’t live with was her thinking you felt anything for her other than love. 
However, that realization does nothing to make the process of telling her any easier. Unable to meet her gaze, you look to the floor. “No Mistress,” You murmur, shoulders slumping as you prepare for her rejection. “If you truly must know, it’s because I care for you too much.”
You mean to leave it at that but find you can’t stop. “And I can bear it no longer.” The words continue to fall out, unbidden, in a broken whisper. “I need more from you, that which I am well aware you cannot give me. You have, and will always be, just out of arms reach, and I no longer have the strength to endure it. I cannot continue to pretend to be unaffected by your indifference towards me when it causes me no greater pain. Maybe one day I’ll be able to look upon you and remain unchanged, but today is not that day. If you have ever cared for me at all, then I ask you to grant me this. Allow me to be relieved of my duties. Please .”
Your plea hangs in the air, unanswered for several moments. But then—
One simple word, but it’s strong, unyielding. 
You stiffen as it hits you like a slap to the face. No? You hadn’t prepared for this possibility. In every scenario you’d imagined, the outcome of tonight either ended in success or death. What were you to do now?
Feeling truly hopeless, your eyes slide shut in utter defeat. So that was it then. You were to be doomed to this endless cycle of agony for the rest of your days. After baring your very soul to her, Lady Dimitrescu just spit it back in your face. You truly meant nothing to her. You’d always known it, but to hear it spoken aloud brought another, deeper type of pain entirely.
All you can offer in response is a pitiful “Oh.”
You keep your eyes to the ground, blinking rapidly as you attempt to swallow back your tears. Emotion swells, strangling your heart before clawing its way up your throat. You need to leave. Now, before it escapes. Before it overwhelms you. Before you make yourself a bigger fool than you already have. A tear falls, your bottom lip trembling as heartbreak engulfs you. Some pathetic excuse begins to tumble from your lips, desperate as you are to flee, when suddenly-
“How can I let you go, my dear, when I can’t bear the thought of life without you in it?”
Time stands still. Your eyes widen, breath hitching as your heart skips a beat. The amalgamation of emotion swirling inside you evaporates, leaving behind only the tiniest ray of hope. She-she couldn’t possibly-?
Your head jerks up, eyes snapping to hers, and your heart doesn’t just skip but stops entirely. Lady Dimitrescu is looking at you. Really looking at you. And suddenly, you realize why she had always been so reluctant to do so in the past.
Her love is written plain as day, marred only by an all too familiar sorrow. A perfect reflection of the anguished yearning staining your own gaze. 
All at once, three years worth of assumptions come crumbling down, undone by a single glance. You stumble back, staggered by the immensity of it. 
“Bu-but wha-the others-“ You stammer, scarcely able to believe what you are seeing. It just didn’t make sense. This had to be another one of your dreams. It was the only explanation.
“Mere substitutes, and poor ones at that.” Lady Dimitrescu says, waving off your concern. She looks down, giving you a wry, bemused smile. “Haven’t you ever noticed they always look like you?”
You stop short, mind combing through memories of her past lovers. A sharp gasp of surprise escapes you. They did all look like you. Every single one of them, from the very first right down to Imogen. Same hair, same eyes, same build, same everything . How had you never noticed? Had you truly been so blind? But more importantly—
Why hadn’t she ever said anything? 
“Then, why-“ You start before trailing off, struggling to find the words to ask.
“Then, why did I treat you so coldly? Why didn’t I ever pursue you?” Lady Dimitrescu supplies, one eyebrow raising in a knowing look. 
You nod mutely. Lady Dimitrescu sighs, her eyes sliding away from your face to stare somewhere just beyond your shoulder. “Despite it being my most fervent wish to do so,” She says, “I kept you at arms length out of necessity. It was the only way to keep you safe…from me.”
She says the last part with such finality, as though it explains everything. Yet you’ve never been more confused. Your face scrunches, trying to work out the hidden revelation buried within the words. As though she can sense your bewilderment, Lady Dimitrescu shifts her focus back to you. Her gaze softens, and she reaches one hand out, gently cradling your cheek. “Even now, you still don’t see it, do you?” She says in amazement. “That’s something I’ve always loved about you.” 
Your breath catches. Love? The word passes through her lips so easily. The sky is blue, and Lady Dimitrescu loves you. Like it truly was just as simple as that. And maybe it is, for Lady Dimitrescu takes no notice of your pause, continuing as though nothing has happened.
“The truth, my dear, is that I’m a monster.” She says, proceeding to wave off your protests before you can even open your mouth, “Now, now, don’t start that. Though you might not be able to see it, everyone else in this castle does. And it’s true. I destroy everything I touch, stealing the lives of others to sustain my own. Most of the time, it matters not. They mean nothing. But you …”
She trails off, unable to voice the depth of her emotion. Finally, she settles for, “You’re far too precious to me. I can’t, I won’t , risk any harm befalling you, even if that means denying my own deepest desires. That is why I cannot have you. I fear I would only ruin you.” 
Lady Dimitrescu finishes softly, giving you a sad smile before beginning to pull away. ‘No! Say something!’ Your mind screams. Horror rises as your dreams, which seemed seconds away from becoming real a moment ago, turn to dust in your palm and begin to slip between the cracks of your fingers like sand. 
It can’t end like this, not when it never even had the chance to begin. You won’t let it. Refusing to let go, you ball that hand into a fist, clutching your hopes tighter than you ever had before, and you jump.
“Then ruin me.”
Lady Dimitrescu stills, her fingertips a hairsbreadth from leaving your cheek. 
Emboldened, you reach up, gently guiding her hand back. “You must know by now that I am but a dying woman.” You say, leaning into her touch. “I have descended into madness without the warmth of your embrace. So, do with me what you will. I was only ever yours to ruin.”
Lady Dimitrescu stares uncertainly as her conviction wavers, teetering off the edge of the precipice yet refusing to fall. Your plea joins with the echoes of her heart, urging her to give in, but you can tell it’s not quite loud enough to silence the voices of her mind that warn her to do otherwise. 
You push a little harder. Turning your head, you press your lips against her wrist, murmuring a soft please . 
Her restraint crumbles. Lady Dimitrescu reaches out with her other hand, a tremble present yet tiny enough that it would go unnoticed by anyone other than you. Achingly slow, her fingers slide against your opposite cheek. She leans in, and the world shrinks, everything except the space between your lips ceasing to exist. 
Your first kiss is chaste, barely more than a mere press of the lips. There are no instantaneous explosions. Rather, a missing piece returns, and for the first time in three years, you feel complete. Her touch soothes the hole in your heart, rebuilding it piece by tender piece, as she fills it with her love. 
Whatever boldness had possessed you earlier quickly slips away as you collapse into her embrace. All this time, you’d thought you weren’t good enough. That you were unworthy, pathetic, useless . But, oh, how wrong you were. She’s here, and she’s yours. Silent tears pour down your cheeks as the depth of her emotion washes over you like a wave, welcomed yet overwhelming. 
You drink in her love like a starved woman, filling your heart so full that it hurts . It’s too much, too quickly, and yet you want more . You soon become greedy, hands threading through her hair as you pull her closer, desperate to drown in Lady Dimitrescu’s embrace. She responds in kind, one arm sliding down the length of your body to wrap around your waist. 
She tugs you close, catching you as you stumble into her. Your arms wrap around her neck while you stand on your tiptoes, head tilted completely back, refusing to break the kiss. Lady Dimitrescu straightens, and as you rise as one together, your legs instinctively wrap around her waist, closing the space between your bodies completely. 
Your hands eagerly explore, roaming aimlessly over every inch of her body before slowly drifting to the buttons on the back of her dress, when, suddenly, Lady Dimitrescu’s free hand stops you. 
“Wait.” She murmurs against your lips.
You instantly shrink away, retreating into yourself as insecurity rears its ugly head. You should have known better than to think any of this was real. Why would she ever want you ? How could you have been so stupid? You shouldn’t have reached for more. You should have been happy with what she was willing to give. Now, you’d never get the chance again. 
“Wait, darling, please. It’s not what you think.” Lady Dimitrescu assures, her free hand slipping underneath your chin to tilt your head upwards. Yet, you still refuse to look at her. You can’t. You won’t. You want your last memory of this night to be the feel of her lips against yours, not whatever pity awaits you in her gaze. 
“Look at me. Please .” She cajoles, and it’s the tiny note of desperation that hides behind her lilting tones that finally breaks you. Hesitantly, you raise your eyes to meet hers, jolting at the desire emanating from her gaze. 
“You tend to me so well.” Lady Dimitrescu hums, brushing a stray lock of hair away before pressing another gentle kiss against your lips. Then, she leans in close, the heat of her breath against the shell of your ear sending shivers down your spine. “Allow me the privilege of taking care of you this once.”
You wordlessly nod your assent, too enraptured by her to speak. 
The world shifts as Lady Dimitrescu lays you down on her bed where she proceeds to undress you with reverence, savoring the way your body slowly bares itself to her. 
Uncertainty briefly flickers through your mind as you lay naked before her for the first time. Were you pretty enough? Did she find you desirable? Though you’d dreamed of this moment for longer than you could remember, your heart ached at the thought of disappointing her. 
But then-
“Beautiful.” Lady Dimitrescu breathes, pupils blown wide with adoration. “Absolutely beautiful. How ever did I manage to resist the temptation for so long?”
She kisses you again, deeply this time, driven by a need to be one in both body and soul. Her taste surrounds you, filling your mouth with smoke, wine, and the faintest metallic hint of blood. And god, is it exquisite. You want to sear the flavor on your tongue. You never want to taste anything but her again.
Insecurity washes away, replaced by burgeoning want, as Lady Dimitrescu proceeds to stir every nerve-ending in your body to life. She nips and pecks at your exposed skin, peppering kisses wherever she can touch. Each press of her lips burns. Desire flows through your veins like warmed honey, trickling into your belly. Your hands twitch, begging to reciprocate, yet they’re held trapped by Lady Dimitrescu tight above your head. 
“Next time, darling.” She chuckles. “You shall have your fill of me then. Tonight though, you are mine.”
She trails kisses down your neck before descending upon your breast, her lips wrapping deliciously around the soft flesh while her teeth tug gently on your sensitive nipple. Pleasure buzzes through you, and your eyes flutter closed, giving into the sensation, as a quiet hum escapes your lips. 
There’s no rush to this. Lady Dimitrescu works you slowly, the hot length of her tongue nudging you toward the precipice as she worships your upper body. Arousal pools between your thighs while your cunt, weeping for attention, begins to dully throb. She ignores it for now, keen to savor every inch of your body before giving you release.
Yet somehow, it’s enough. Though her attention remains on your breasts, the sensations she’s wringing from you feel as though she’s pressed against your most intimate places. You rise higher and higher, and then suddenly, your release is washing over you, filling you with the pleasurable warmth of a perfect sunny day. 
Lady Dimitrescu notices the subtle way your body shudders and pauses. 
“Already?” She hums. “You’re so sensitive, darling. Let’s see how many more I can pull from you tonight, hm?”
She kisses her way down your belly, and your legs part instinctively for her as she approaches your center. 
Lady Dimitrescu lays her tongue flat against your mound, licking an experimental stripe up the length of it before pulling away and humming in approval. “Sweeter than my finest vintage.” She says, your arousal glistening on her lips.
She begins to eat you out languorously, once again taking her time to explore you thoroughly. Yet whereas before your body was content to go at her leisurely pace, now it found it agonizingly slow. You shift in an attempt to find some friction. But then, her lips wrap around your clit, and you jerk as a bolt of pleasure races through you.
Suddenly, she’s relentless in her attentions. It’s as though she’s forgotten herself, completely lost in you. You can hardly keep up, dizzy by the switch as you hurtle toward the edge. It’s simultaneously too much and yet not enough. Your legs tighten around her head, and your breath turns ragged as you ache for release.
“Mi-Mistress, please.” You whimper, chest heaving laboriously.
“Alcina.” She replies, sucking hard on your clit and causing you to cry out, “To you, I am Alcina.”
The coil pulls tighter and tighter, about to snap, when her lips disappear. And yet before you can even process what has happened, her lips have slammed against yours while her thumb reaches down to take the place of her mouth, rubbing rough, demanding circles around your clit. 
Your release tears through you, blinding in its intensity as you choke on her name. Pleasure cracks up your spine, and you grasp onto her cheeks, pulling her closer as you delve into her kiss. 
As you ride out the crest of your pleasure, exhaustion rises to take its place. Unbidden, your eyes begin to slip closed. Yet just before sleep takes you, you feel Lady Dimitrescu’s arm slide around your middle, bringing you close against her. You feel the brush of her lips against your cheek and gentle murmurings in your ear.
“Sleep well, darling. I’ll be here tomorrow and everyday henceforth. I love you.”
You fall asleep with a smile on your lips.
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aithorin · 6 months
oh, baby, I am a wreck when I'm without you - Lady Dimitrescu x Reader - Part 2 (Eventual 18+)
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Synopsis: As Lady Dimitrescu’s loyal personal maid, you have watched for years as others have come and gone from your Mistress’ bed, desperately wishing you could take their place. Yet despite your deep love for Lady Dimitrescu, she has never once looked at you that way. Years of repressed pain reach their breaking point when you accidentally walk in on one of your mistress’ trysts, for it is then that you finally accept that she will never truly see you. You confront her in hopes of stepping down as her personal maid but soon discover that Lady Dimitrescu won’t so easily let you go.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49435549/chapters/124759192
A/N: Part 2 of 3. Part 1 and Part 3 are here.
One week later
Darkness clings to the air, threatening to swallow the flickering candlelight that guides you through the silent halls of Castle Dimitrescu. The night is still. Nevertheless, you shield the flame as you turn a corner, only to find you no longer need it. Light spills through a cracked door, extending into the hall like an outstretched hand. It beckons you forth, and like a moth drawn to a flame, you drift closer to peer through the crack.
At first glance, the room appears to be empty. A fire roars away in the hearth, illuminating walls lined with books. Adjacent, twin settees decorate the inner part of the room, separated by a low tea table. Everything is in its proper place, untouched. And yet, something feels off. It’s almost as though it’s too quiet.
Your eyes roam the scene granted by your limited vision, keen to silence the nagging voice in the back of your mind, but nothing stands out. A sigh of defeat escapes you. You’re about to give up, certain that a servant had simply forgotten this room on their nightly rounds, when, suddenly, from the very corner of your eye, you catch something that appears to be a… shoe? 
Curiosity rouses to life, and before you can stop yourself, your hand is reaching out, gently easing the door open. It swings back, the aged wood groaning in protest, unveiling exactly what you’d thought: a shoe. Your brows furrow in confusion. What was a lone shoe doing in the middle of the room? 
You lean forward, trying to get a closer look, only to discover it isn’t alone. It is the first of many items. A few feet behind it, you catch sight of the shoe’s matching pair, haphazardly tossed to the side. A stray set of stockings follow it, succeeded by a maid’s uniform. And are those- are those your mistress’ gloves? 
You swallow thickly, suddenly wishing you’d never opened the door. It’s obvious where the clothes come from, where they lead to , yet you can’t look away. Pandora’s box has been opened, and there is no going back. 
A choked, pleasure filled moan breaks the silence of the room, a final warning, but by then it’s too late. Your eyes fall upon them, breath hitching as your heart shatters. The maid from last week, Imogen, lays pressed against a wall of books completely naked, head thrown back in ecstasy with Lady Dimitrescu buried between legs. Imogen shudders, finding her release, and Lady Dimitrescu diverts her attention to the thin rivulets of blood oozing from a wound in Imogen’s neck. She licks along the length of Imogen’s body, following the trail before latching on at the source and drinking hungrily. 
“Imogen, dear, you taste utterly divine .” Your mistress groans in satisfaction, pulling back to reveal a mouth painted in red.
You stumble back in utter shock, the wind completely knocked out of you. This couldn’t- couldn’t be real, right? This wasn’t how things were supposed to be. The mistress was supposed to be yours . And yet, she wasn’t. You knew that, but still, you’d always hoped. For years, you’d sustained yourself on deluded daydreams, yearning for the day that your mistress would look at you and finally see you. 
But looking at them now, you realize hope is nothing but a fool’s dream. 
Tears burn at your eyes as you sink to the floor in utter agony. Why was it always someone else? There must be something painfully deficient with you. It was the only explanation. Why else would your lady continue to overlook you for others who were so pitifully average? 
And yet, it’s not like they were any better. Tendrils of anger begin to creep in, momentarily souring your insecurity, for if anyone was deserving of her, it was you . Imogen’s face leaps to the forefront of your mind, causing your mouth to twist in a sneer. What did a simple kitchen maid have that you didn’t? You were the one who came to Lady Dimitrescu’s beck and call. You were the one who dutifully carried out her every need. You were the one who fulfilled her every wish. Why wasn’t it enough?
You pause as a tiny voice whispers that no one, including yourself, could ever hope to be worthy of her, and your anger shatters beneath the crushing weight of your revived despair. At the end of the day, it didn’t matter how much better you were than them. You’d never truly be deserving of your mistress, regardless of how desperately you wished for it, for your lady was a goddess amongst men while you were nothing but a lowly mortal. 
But still, couldn’t she see how hard you tried? Hot tears spring anew as your heart clenches painfully in your chest. You choke on a sob, suddenly finding it hard to breathe. God, if only you were given a chance. So many others had squandered the gift of her love, but, oh, how you’d treasure it, knowing she’d bestowed it on such an unworthy individual. 
That chance was never going to come though. It was a truth you’d spent three years running from, but not anymore. You’d given all you had. There was nothing left. And as you gather yourself to your feet, piercing heartbreak dulls to throbbing numbness. 
You continue on into the night, leaving the couple as well as the fractured, mangled pieces of your dreams behind.
88 notes · View notes
aithorin · 6 months
oh, baby, I am a wreck when I'm without you - Lady Dimitrescu x Reader - Part 1 (Eventual 18+)
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Synopsis: As Lady Dimitrescu’s loyal personal maid, you have watched for years as others have come and gone from your Mistress’ bed, desperately wishing you could take their place. Yet despite your deep love for Lady Dimitrescu, she has never once looked at you that way. Years of repressed pain reach their breaking point when you accidentally walk in on one of your mistress’ trysts, for it is then that you finally accept that she will never truly see you. You confront her in hopes of stepping down as her personal maid but soon discover that Lady Dimitrescu won’t so easily let you go.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49435549/chapters/124759192
A/N: Part 1 of 3. Part 2 and Part 3 are here.
She is always particularly stunning at times like these, in the moments before bed when it is just the two of you. Bathed in the dim light of a dying fire, the warm tones of the flames dance across her pale skin, rendering her with an ethereal delicacy akin to the airy paint strokes of Degas himself. Alone in her room and away from prying eyes, she lowers the walls she keeps built so high, softening her features in a way very few get to see. Here, she is simply Alcina, not Lady Dimitrescu, feared matriarch of House Dimitrescu, and you’ve never found her more beautiful.
Slipping out the final pin binding her meticulous updo together, the last of Lady Dimitrescu’s soft curls cascade down to join the other locks resting freely just below her shoulders. Though no longer forced into place, the wisps of hair still frame her face well, seeming to intuitively adhere to the inherent elegance that surrounds her. It’s a sight you’ll never tire of seeing. Hands reaching out, you fluff her hair, fingertips lingering in an attempt to prolong your time together. They ghost along the nape of her neck, pushing the bounds of propriety, and you savor every stolen touch, no matter how brief they may be. It is, after all, the closest you’ll ever be to her, and well, beggars can’t be choosers. 
Swallowing around the yearning that threatens to consume you, the thought that you’d give anything to remain frozen like this briefly crosses your mind. You don’t want the night to end. Here, in the safety of these walls, you’re able to pretend that she’s yours. You brush her hair, not as a servant carrying out the command of her master, but as a lover displaying her affection. You don’t want to let go, for when you do, the illusion will shatter and take any hope of true happiness with it. 
The rules of decorum call for otherwise, however. And so, with great effort, you pull your hands back to your side and step down from your place behind her, head bowing slightly as you await further orders. Seated at her vanity, Lady Dimitrescu barely spares you a second glance as her hands reach up to fill your place. “That will be all. You’re dismissed.” She says.
Straight to the point, just like always. You should have been used to it by now, the coldness with which she spoke to you. And maybe you would have been, if you didn’t know that she was capable of warmth. But you’d seen the way she doted on the maidens that caught her eye, how she spoiled them. Those lucky few were blessed with the privilege of bathing in the inferno of her passion while you barely managed to grasp onto the dying embers. And the scraps that you could get, well, they did little to fill the ever-growing hole in your heart that her indifference fostered. Despite the unceasing pain it brought though, you were certain you’d never stop chasing her affection. 
But you are a servant first and a pining fool second, so nodding stiffly, you turn and murmur, “Yes, Mistress.” 
With a quick curtsy that you’re sure she doesn’t even see, you spin on your heel and begin to make your way towards the door. The facade drops, having no reason left to hide. Unbidden tears spring in your eyes as the hurt that squeezes your fragile, battered heart begins to crawl up your throat, threatening to choke you with its immensity. The slow, steady pace of your steps gradually increase, becoming erratic as emotion threatens to overwhelm you. By the time you reach the doors, you’re all but running, desperate to escape the suffocating weight of the room. 
Your hands hurriedly reach out to grasp the handles, and you yank the doors open only to stop short as you come face to face with another servant. Her own hand hangs in the hair, poised to knock. Momentary surprise flashes across her face, her eyes widening as her lips round into a perfect little o, but she quickly regains her composure. She straightens, attempting to appear confident; however, her clasped, fidgeting hands betray her.
Hesitantly, she raises her eyes to meet yours. She says, “Lady Dimitrescu asked to see me.” 
It comes out like a question rather than a statement, but her words nevertheless hit you like a smack to the face. You thought you recognized her, and this is why. She’s the lady’s newest flavor of the month. Day in and day out, they waltz in, having a brief but passionate tryst with the lady. They never last long, barely half a month, and the maidens are often never seen again. Yet the disappearances do nothing to diminish your longing to be chosen. You never are though. In the three years you’ve been at the castle, Lady Dimitrescu has never once looked in your direction, and you doubt she ever will. 
As you stand there, staring at the girl who withers beneath your prolonged silence, jealousy rears its ugly head. It crackles down your spine, snarling like a caged beast and urges you to devour the girl before you. Yet it quickly vanishes as rational thought returns, leaving nothing but bleak melancholy in its place. It wasn’t her fault that you were so inadequate. It wasn’t her fault that she’d piqued the lady’s interest, and you hadn’t. She simply suited your mistress’ taste, and you…did not. It was time you accepted that, no matter how much it hurt. 
Deflated, you step aside while gesturing for her to come in, and she cautiously does so. She tiptoes past you, obviously still intimidated. You are soon forgotten though. Upon leaving your immediate vicinity, her nerves seem to melt away, for she practically skips over to Lady Dimitrescu. 
Remaining rooted to your spot, dread pools in your stomach. You should leave. You need to leave. After all, there is only so much you can take in a single evening. The thought of being forced to bear their affectionate interactions makes you sick. 
It takes you a second too long to muster up the courage. The maiden’s voice floats into the air, all lilting tones and cherubic innocence. “You called for me, my lady?”
The change in Lady Dimitrescu is instantaneous. Though you cannot see her, you can hear her: the way her clothes rustle as she stands, the scrape of the chair against the floor, the delight in her voice as she exclaims, “Imogen dear! You’re just in time.” You imagine that the dazzling smile you’d only ever seen directed towards others sits plastered on her face as she stretches out her arms and leans down to embrace her newest lover. The thought of it being true torments you. 
The drastic shift pierces you like a dagger to the heart. Stiffening, you keep yourself from turning around, unwilling to subject yourself to the misery of seeing your Mistress happy with someone who isn’t you, and quickly hurry out of the room. This time, the tears do fall as you all but sprint back to your chambers, where you remain for the rest of the night agonizing over why it was never you.
Unbeknownst to you though, Lady Dimitrescu’s eyes stray to your retreating form as she holds her visitor, intense longing all of her own lingering in their depths.
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aithorin · 8 months
disobedience, meet discipline - Arthur Morgan x Reader (18+)
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Synopsis: After sneaking off to rob a house Arthur explicitly told you not to, he proceeds to teach you a lesson you'll never forget.
NSFW Warning! (features spanking and breeding kink, you've been warned)
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49412707
“I said no.” 
Arthur barely spared you a glance as the words left his mouth, striding toward his horse with the confidence of a man who was certain there was nothing left to be said.  
Unfortunately for him, you were never one to give up that easily. 
Squaring your shoulders, you hurried after him, dirt crunching beneath your boots as your shorter legs worked double time to keep up with his longer ones. “But why?!” You huffed, brows furrowing in annoyance. He was being insufferably obstinate about this. “The house has been empty for days now. I’ve heard from folks in town that the people who own it have gone North to visit family and won’t be back for at least another week. It’ll be easy money!”
Arthur paused midstep. His rigid back betrayed his irritation before he’d even turned around, and as he slowly faced you, his tight jaw confirmed it. “How many times do I gotta tell ya? You ain’t robbin’ that goddamn house!” Arthur growled, eyes burning with anger, “Just drop it already.” 
Folding your arms across your chest, you fixed him with a glare of your own. “ Not until you tell me why.” You declared, scowling up at him.
“You know why.” Arthur snapped, pushing past you to close what was left of the short distance to his horse. 
“Like I've told you before, it’s too dangerous to go alone.” He continued harshly, “And I don’t have the time to go with you. There’s a train that’ll be coming through here in two days time that me ‘n some of the others are gonna rob.”
Swinging up onto his horse, Arthur fixed your stewing form with a hard stare. “So stay put and do as you’re goddamned told!” He barked. 
Then, he pivoted without another word, steering his horse towards the edge of camp with a click of the tongue. A few others had congregated to wait for him, and you watched as Arthur joined them, taking the lead. A chorus of horse whinnies echoed back to you as a few of them reared, and then they were off, riding into the wind, going who knows where. 
Your face twisted into a sneer as they disappeared from view. Anger ran thick and heavy through your veins, cloying your thoughts with furious vitriol. God, you could kill him! Who the hell did he think he was, ordering you around like that!? Letting out a huff, you rolled your eyes. It’s not like he’d even be here to make sure you followed—
Wait… Arthur wasn’t going to be here .
You stopped short at that realization, anger dissipating as excitement swelled. The cabin was less than a half day’s ride from camp, meaning if you left now you’d be back by tomorrow night, well before Arthur was due to return. You could even have one of the other girls fill in the ledger, just to be safe. Arthur would never know. And after all, what he didn’t know couldn’t hurt him, right?
With your mind made up, you mounted your horse and set out quickly. There was work to be done.
Try as you might, you couldn’t wipe the giddy grin off your face as you rode into camp late the next day. Everything had gone according to plan, just like you’d said it would...well, mostly . Sure, the job hadn’t been quite as easy as you’d expected (news traveled fast and you weren’t the only one who’d had the bright idea to rob the place), but you’d managed to take care of the competition and snag a hefty three hundred dollars, all without a single scratch. If that wasn’t something to be damned proud of, then you didn’t know what was. 
Yet as you approached your usual hitching post, your smile faltered before ultimately dying away. Whereas you’d struggled to contain your elation just moments ago, the sight of Arthur’s horse quickly smothered it. And with it, the bright excitement of a job well done blackened under clouds of dread and unease. 
Your heart began to beat loud and heavy, suddenly feeling too large for your chest. What was Arthur doing here? They weren’t supposed to be back for at least another day! Did he know? Was he waiting for you? Panic surged, threatening to consume you, yet you refused to let it. There was no reason to worry…yet. Realistically, there was no way Arthur could have been back for long, maybe an hour at most. And since it was already dark out, chances were he had gone straight to bed. As long as you could sneak back into camp unnoticed, everything would be fine.
Still, you couldn’t shake the feeling that you’d already been caught even as you slid off your horse. You approached the inner rim of camp cautiously, taking care to stick to the shadows when possible. Your steps were slow and calculated, each thought out to produce as little noise as possible. It was a painstaking process, made worse by your frayed nerves that were tensed to bolt at the first sign of danger. At every sound, you jumped, terrified that Arthur had somehow snuck up behind you only to turn and find nothing at all. 
Yet as you made it into the heart of camp, you relaxed, for it became clear that everyone was either asleep or too drunk to notice you at all. This made things easy, allowing you to scurry across camp unseen.
When you could see the familiar outline of your tent, you sighed in relief, tension melting away. With the threat of being discovered gone, all your earlier elation returned, heightened by the fact that you’d now outsmarted Arthur not once, but twice. You couldn’t believe your luck! You’d have laughed in delight if you weren’t sure that it’d wake up half the camp and ruin it all, for there was no way Arthur would find out now. It’d be easy to fool him into thinking you’d never left now that you’d snuck in undetected. You don’t even know what had you so worked up in the first place. There was absolutely nothing to worry—
You froze at the sight of Arthur sitting on your bed, anxiety surging back tenfold. He made no move to acknowledge your presence, and with his hat covering his eyes, it was impossible to tell what he was thinking. His silence unnerved you, making your instincts scream that he somehow knew what you had done. Your mouth grew dry at that prospect, dread swirling so violently that you felt nauseous. You fought to keep calm. Panicking now would only give you away. There was still a way out of this. You just had to act like everything was fine. 
“He-hey Arthur,” You greeted, hoping he didn’t notice the way your voice shook, “When did you get back? I thought you guys were supposed to be gone for another couple days.”
There was a beat of silence, causing the air to grow unbearably heavy. But then, he relented.
“A little while ago, just after sundown.” Arthur said in a gravelly voice, still refusing to look at you, “Train was runnin’ ahead of schedule, so we had a last minute change in plans and pushed everything forward.” 
Your heart soared at his answer. While it was undeniable now that he knew you’d been gone, his response confirmed that he still didn’t know for how long. You just had to play your cards right.
“What about you? I came back to camp, expecting to see your pretty little face waiting to welcome me, only to find you gone. Where’ve you been?” Arthur asked, raising his head to meet your gaze.
His eyes were dark and unreadable, yet they pierced you in such a way that made you wish he’d never lifted them from the ground at all. He was looking at you as though…as though he knew yet wanted to hear you admit it first before unleashing his anger. His gaze urged you to confess your sins, promising mercy if you did. You felt cornered, like a wounded animal who had stumbled upon a ravenous beast.
Clammy hands bunched around the material of your skirt as you swallowed thickly, unable to meet his eyes. You considered your options, unsure of what to do. Was it even possible to lie your way out of this? Well, you had to try. The alternative was unacceptable, for there was no way in hell that you’d willingly walk into Arthur’s trap. If he wanted the truth, he’d have to leave you with no other choice. 
“H-hunting.” You replied, answering his earlier question, “With you and Charles gone, the last of the meat was used in today’s stew, so I volunteered to hunt. The damn critters were fast though. It took me all day to catch two measly rabbits. I didn’t even realize how late it was until the sun was going down, and by then, I’d chased them halfway across the Heartlands.”
Arthur let out a noncommittal hum, and you waited with bated breath, hoping against hope that he had bought the lie. Yet as the seconds ticked by, the silence continued to drag. Confusion seeped in, lowering the defenses your anxiety had kept so tightly raised. Was-was that it then? Somewhere in the back of your mind, a voice screamed that it wasn’t, yet it was drowned out by the happiness that began to trickle in at the sight of seeing him alive. Despite your fight, you had missed him. You always did when he went away.
For the first time since entering the tent, you approached him, albeit a little hesitantly. You still weren’t entirely sure if he was mad or not. Yet he made no protest, so you pushed forward, spurred by a desire to put the whole matter behind you. You leaned down to embrace him when, suddenly, Arthur’s hand shot out like lightning, snatching the satchel that lay nestled to your side. Before you could even think to protest, he flipped it open to be greeted by the wad of bills from your robbery. 
You stiffened at the sight of the money. Shit! You could only watch in horror as Arthur stood to his feet, mouth growing dry as you realized you had been well and truly caught. 
“Well, well, well,” Arthur said, lips turning upward into a mocking sneer, “Seems you’re nothing but a goddamn liar!”
You shook your head frantically, desperate to save yourself, but it was too late. The room shrank in the face of his anger, his broad form taking up more space than what seemed physically possible as he loomed over you. His eyes blazed with fury as he stalked toward you. “Now, all I did was ask you to stay put and listen to me. How hard is it to follow a simple pair of instructions?” He snapped. 
“I-I’m sorry!” You stuttered, eyes wide as you backed away on unsteady feet. You’d never seen him like this before, at least not with you. 
“But more than that, you lied to me!” Arthur roared, continuing as though you hadn’t even spoken, “I even gave you the chance to fess up like a good girl, but you continued to act like a fool.”
Holding out a placating hand, you took another step back only to bump into something. You turned your head to see what you had hit, realizing your mistake a second too late. With the loss of eye contact, Arthur pounced. You barely had time to panic, for he was on you in seconds, trapping your body between his own. Chest to chest with you, he grabbed your chin, fingers digging so deeply into your flesh that his touch elicited a whimper from your lips. You tried to close your eyes, but he roughly jerked you, forcing you to look at him. His eyes burned with fury while his lips were curled back in a snarl. It should have scared you. You should have been begging for forgiveness. Instead, to your utter horror, you found that you liked it. Some twisted part of you found it exhilarating to be the object of his ire. You stared at him with wide eyes, full of anticipation.
Arthur delivered.
“I think you need to be taught a lesson in obedience, little girl.” He growled, his warm, heavy breath fanning across your face. 
With that, he released you, only to capture your lips in a bruising kiss. It was savage and punishing, so unlike the sweet, gentle ones you were used to, but the effect was the same. His roughness did nothing to smother the beginnings of arousal that stoked to life in your belly. Every brush of his skin against yours, every inhale of shared breath, and every touch of his lips set your nerve endings ablaze, pleasure coursing through your body so intensely it made you dizzy. Slick pooled between your legs, thighs clenching in want around nothing. Whatever fear remained quickly melted into heated desire as this new, rage-filled side of Arthur displayed a carnality that made you desperate to give yourself to him completely. You’d never wanted, no needed , him more. 
With little warning, his tongue pushed past your lips to dominate your mouth completely. Any attempt to meet him halfway was immediately denied. Arthur demanded your utter surrender, and realizing his game, you gave it to him freely, unable to resist him. You’d never been able to. He was like a drug you could never get enough of, one you’d do anything for. 
As your body relaxed and became pliant beneath him, Arthur smiled against your lips. “There, that’s more like it. See, it’s not so hard to listen to me, is it darlin’?” He murmured. 
Pulling away from you, he chuckled as you unconsciously leaned into him, eager to regain his touch. “Not so fast, darlin’.” Arthur admonished, letting out a quiet tsk. 
He took a moment to eye you up and down, briefly noting your lust-filled, heavy lidded eyes silently pleading with him to come close. His lips quirked upward in amusement at your thinly veiled desire before his gaze continued to roam your body, following the curvature of your neck before settling on the swell of your breasts. Your chest heaved, beckoning him to touch, as you fought to regain your breath from his earlier kisses, and even Arthur was no match for the temptation you presented before him, his own pupils beginning to darken in want. 
He reached out with one hand, a single finger tilting your chin up to meet his eyes. “Tell me what you want.” He commanded, the huskiness in his voice betraying his own desire.
“I-I want you to touch me, Arthur. Please touch me.” You replied, a hint of desperation seeping into your words despite your efforts to control yourself. You felt hot, too hot. 
“Oh, I will. Don’t you worry your pretty little head. But first, you’ve gotta earn it.” He said, his eyes never once straying from yours, “You see, you’ve been a very naughty girl, and I think you need to be punished for it. Now as long as you do everything I say, you’ll get what you want. And if you don’t...well, you won’t be getting anything from me tonight. Do you understand?”
Caught in a lustful haze, you struggled to understand what he was saying, and his vagueness did little to help matters. Silence filled the air for a moment too long as you tried to make sense of his words. Arthur grew impatient, growling, “I said , do you understand?”
You startled at his irritation. “Ye-yes, Arthur! I-I’ll do whatever you say. I promise!” You said, hurriedly bobbing your head up and down. You weren’t entirely sure what you had just agreed to, but it didn’t matter so long as your compliance kept Arthur’s anger at bay. 
At your submission, Arthur relaxed again, a slow smirk spreading across his face. “Good girl.” He crooned, revealing just a touch of gentleness as he pushed a stray hair behind your ear.
But then it was gone. His face became cold and impassive. The warmth of his touch disappeared as he released you.  “Now then, undress and get on the bed, ass up.” Arthur said. 
At his command, your entire being stuttered. What-what did he just say? You shifted nervously as tendrils of unease began to slither up your spine. What was he going to do? What had you gotten yourself into? You chanced a glance at him, hoping to gain some sort of clarity. Instead, you watched as his face began to darken once more at your hesitation, which was enough to jumpstart you into action. It didn’t matter what he had in mind. You said you’d do anything, and you would, so long as he didn’t deny you later. By now, desire was running thick and hot throughout your body, clogging your veins like viscous magma. The ache between your legs had grown into a full-on throb, and the mere thought of being denied your release was enough to wash away any apprehension you may have had. 
Hurriedly undressing, you did as instructed, climbing on top of the bed and arching your ass into the air. Laying your arms out in front of you, you nestled your head in between them. And then, you waited.
Arthur moved slowly behind you, the rhythmic clink of his spurs being the only sound to fill the air. He was getting closer. Suddenly, his footsteps stopped. Your breath hitched in anticipation, for although you couldn’t see him, you could feel him. 
“I’m only gonna say this once darlin’, so listen carefully.” Arthur warned, his deep baritone going straight to your cunt, “If you miss a number, then we’re gonna start all over.”
Your brows furrowed in confusion. You opened your mouth, intending to ask him what he meant, but the only word you got out was a choked “What-” before a harsh smack landed on your ass, causing you to yelp in a mixture of pain and surprise. 
“Quiet now girl!” Arthur growled, “You’re gonna wake up the whole damn camp!”
He leaned in close, lips ghosting against the shell of your ear. “Now do as you're told, and count !” He sneered, “I won’t tell you again.” One hand squeezed your hip in warning, a silent reminder of what would happen if you didn’t listen to him.
“O-One.” You said, voice shaking in a combination of confusion and fear.
No sooner were the words out of your mouth than he struck again, his hand cracking against your bottom with whip-like precision. Choking on your cry, a shaking hand came to rest against your mouth to keep it from escaping. Tears sprung in your eyes from the stinging pinpricks of pain resonating across your ass. Shame burned heavily in your chest. God, you’d never felt so exposed and degraded in all your life. Nevertheless, you croaked out, “Two.”
And so it continued, for how long you didn’t know. What you did know, though, is that at around the seven point mark, something began to change. Pain gave way to pleasure, fanning the flames of your desire back to life, as the force of Arthur’s spanks reverberated up your cunt, the tremoring vibrations ghosting against your needy clit. Stifled cries of distress transformed into suppressed moans, and it was all you could do not to rock your hips back in search of some friction. 
Once again, Arthur’s hand struck you, and this time, you finally broke. “Twenty.” You gasped, a lewd mewl escaping your lips as the reins wrapped tightly around your control snapped.  
Arthur immediately stilled at the noise, his hand resting lifelessly against your ass. “Are you enjoying this?” He asked in disbelief. 
Unwilling to wait for an answer, his palm snaked its way between your thighs, coming to rest flat against your mound. “God, you’re absolutely soaked, darlin’.” He said, letting out a groan. “Is this all for me?”
All you could manage was a needy whimper as his touch stole what was left of your sanity. At the sound of it, Arthur broke. The jangle of his belt buckle and a rustle of clothing was the only warning you got before you found yourself turned over in the blink of an eye. Spreading you apart, Arthur slammed his rock-hard cock inside you, burying himself in your cunt with a single thrust. You choked on your saliva at the sudden penetration, fingers grasping at Arthur’s back as he set a brutal pace. Your nails dug deeply into his skin, scratching long trails, as you threw your head back, gasping at the sensations Arthur was pulling from your body. You’d never felt anything like it. It hurt, and yet it felt good . But it wasn’t enough. You needed more. Hips bucking, you whined, “Ar-Arthur, please—”  
“Do you have any idea how worried I was?” He interrupted, his lips nipping and biting at your neck, “When I came back to camp and saw you were gone, I thought you were dead. I’d never been so angry in my entire life.”
As he re-lived those moments, his anger reignited. His thrusts reflected his agitated state, becoming stronger and faster, his hips snapping back and forth with piston-like force. It was exactly what you needed. God, you’d never felt so full. Wanton moans escaped you as euphoric pleasure raced through you. Your breathing quickened, muscles tightening as you rapidly approached the precipice of your release. Yet Arthur remained oblivious, lost in the sea of his anger.
“What’ll it take to get you to listen to me, huh?” He snarled, his thumb coming down to flick at your clit. His breath came in labored huffs that visibly swirled in the cool night air. “Maybe I oughta fuck a baby into you.” Arthur continued. “That’ll teach you not to leave. Can’t go nowhere if you can hardly walk, and my babe’ll make sure of that. You’ll be forced to stay at camp and sit there like a good girl, all swollen and fat with my kid, waiting to welcome me back with open arms like you should have been this time. You’d like that, wouldn’t ya?”
His words had your cunt pulsing around him, desperate to pull him in deeper and turn his words into a reality. You cried out, nodding fervently as tears spung in your eyes once more. The pleasure was overwhelming. You couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe. 
Eyes drifting over you in appraisal, Arthur hummed, “Yeah, I think that’s what I’ll do. I’m gonna turn you into my little breeding bitch.”
Arthur thrust into you again, and this time it was enough to send you over the edge. Your orgasm flooded over you, white hot pleasure cracking up your spine so intense you were certain you blacked out for a moment. Your walls clenched around Arthur’s cock, spurring his own release. Warmth flooded you as he painted your insides with the thick, hot ropes of his spend.
Arthur collapsed against you, resting his cheek against your stomach. Having worked through his anger, his heightened emotions dispersed, leaving the Arthur you knew and loved behind. “I-I’m sorry for being so rough with you.” He murmured, turning his head to leave a gentle kiss on your abdomen, “I was just so worried about you, and I guess it made me lose my mind a little.”
Hands coming down to rest on top of his head, you began to stroke his hair. “Don’t be.” You reassured him, “I shouldn’t have run off like that. You were right. It was dangerous. I won’t do it again.” 
“But did you really mean all those things you said? Do you want a family...with me, someday? I mean, it’s a very real possibility now, considering well, you know.” You said, hands gesturing between you two.
From his place against your stomach, you could see Arthur’s cheeks faintly flush with embarrassment. “That’s not exactly how I wanted to bring it up, but yeah, I do. One day, when we have enough money and can finally leave. If this doesn’t take, of course.” He said, resting a hand against your stomach. “And if it does, then I’ll be the happiest man alive, and we’ll make the best of it.”
His eyes met yours, displaying nothing but pure love and adoration.
“I-I think I’d like that.” You said, a soft smile emerging as you envisioned a lifetime together with Arthur.
Crawling up to you, Arthur leaned in to gently capture your lips, and wrapping you in his arms, you drifted to sleep together, dreams filled with hopes of the future.
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aithorin · 9 months
Dinner and Dessert - Lady Dimitrescu x Reader - Part 2 (18+)
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Synopsis: Hidden within the safety of the kitchens, you’ve been one of the lucky few to escape the notice of Lady Dimitrescu and her daughters while under their employ. Yet when a shortage of staff brings you out of the kitchens, you quickly yet unknowingly catch the attention of Lady Dimitrescu. Things come to a head when you are called to her chambers one night on the order of serving her a private dinner.
NSFW Warning!
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47663530/chapters/120139672
A/N: Part 2 of 2. Part 1 is here.
Suddenly, she was everywhere, and you didn’t know whether to be overjoyed or sick to your stomach. While the head maid found a replacement by the very next day, relieving you of your serving duties and allowing you to remain in the safety of the kitchens, it was as though everything had changed. And perhaps it had, for she had seen you now, and after your less than stellar first impression, you couldn’t help but feel that she wasn’t too keen to forget it. 
Though you didn’t venture far from the kitchens very often, everytime you did, without fail, Lady Dimitrescu just happened to be passing by. And despite your efforts to remain as invisible as possible, she always seemed to notice you, beckoning you to her side as she spoke in that absolutely enchanting voice, “Ah (y/n), darling, I almost didn’t see you. Walk with me.” 
And well, who were you to refuse? Each time, you’d slowly approach her, nerves forcing you to keep a polite distance as you walked beside her. Yet as she began to engage you in light conversation, you’d gradually drift closer, drawn to the sound of her voice and filled by an unconscious need to drown in it. You hardly even noticed what was happening until it was too late.  It was only when her hand would snake its way down the length of your spine, drawing soft and - dare you say it, teasing circles before finally settling on the small of your back that you’d stiffen in realization. As she continued to guide you down the hall, it would become a struggle to answer even her simplest questions, mind painfully aware of her touch. The heady scent of her perfume that would permeate the air did little to help matters. Your mind would become a cloud of confusion as your thoughts raced to discern her intentions, and just when you’d begin to rationalize everything, you’d feel her hand dip lower to brush against the curve of your ass before sliding back into its original position. The touch would be so quick and so light that sometimes you’d wonder if you’d just imagined it. But then, it would happen again, once, twice, maybe even three times throughout the short period of your walk together, and well, there was no way you’d allow yourself to daydream that much, especially in the presence of the one woman you wanted to make a good impression on. Surely one of them had to be real. And the way you’d stumble out of shock after each one, followed by a rush of heat to your cheeks (from the humiliation of embarrassing yourself in front of your mistress or the touches themselves you didn’t know), well those were certainly real. After each brief touch, your immediate instinct would be to question if Lady Dimitrescu herself was even aware of what she was doing. Yet as soon as the thought entered your mind, you’d harshly scold yourself, shocked at your own audacity to even think your Mistress could be making moves on you when you were no more than a lowly maid, nay glorified dishwasher. It simply couldn’t be possible. In all honesty, the thought that Lady Dimitrescu had any idea of what she was doing was laughable. Each touch was nothing more than a slip of the hand, which certainly wasn’t hard to believe considering her height. She likely couldn’t see the exact location of her hand, hence the fleeting yet frequent touches. It was an explanation that never failed to cement itself as truth in your mind by the time the walks were over. The fact that nothing ever came of the touches only solidified its certainty, for as soon as your paths diverged, her touch would disappear as quickly as it came. She’d leave you behind without a backward glance, offering you no more than a crooning “lovely as always, dear” with a wave of the hand as she left you to stare dumbly at her retreating back. As she turned the corner and disappeared completely, you’d at last be released from your trance of bewilderment and free to resume work. 
However, that by no means meant you were able to do a good job. In the hours that followed after these encounters, such as the one you’d experienced earlier that day, your mind wandered frequently. It’d turn the events of your stroll together over, trying to make sense of the complete oddity of them, for as much as you outwardly accepted your conjured explanations, your subconscious found they left much to be desired, often forcing you to return and comb through the memories. Your mind struggled in vain to attain clarity, yet frustration inevitably led you to give up in utter defeat. From there, you’d turn to thoughts that did make sense, almost all of which focused solely upon the mistress herself. The day, and subsequently your work, slipped away as you fantasized about her, languishing in the memory of the feel of her hand, the lilt of her voice, her golden eyes as they connected with yours. It was often enough to invoke a madness of a completely different sort. 
Coincidentally, it was also enough to make you really bad at your job, and the memories of today's encounter were no exception to this effect. For it was only when the harsh call of your name jolted you back into reality that the soapy plate you’d been washing for god knows how long slipped out of your hand, crashing (yet thankfully not shattering) to the floor with a resounding bang .  
As the plate spun round and round, refusing to settle down, you turned, expecting to be scolded (a common occurrence these days). Instead, you’re met with the sight of the head maid again, which causes a wave of dread and apprehension to cover you from head to toe. This couldn’t be good. You hadn’t talked to her, or for that matter even seen her, since that night. There were scant few reasons that could possibly drive her to voluntarily seek you out, and with it being so close to dinner, you felt confident (hatefully so) in which one it was. 
Before confirming your fears though, the head maid made sure to berate you, evidently nowhere near as rushed as she had been the night she’d first talked to you. Hands on her hips, her lips pursed in displeasure as she harked, “Goodness, child, I’ve been calling your name for five minutes now! Where in the world is your head?”
Embarrassment surged through your body at her words. You bowed your head in shame, limp hands clasped loosely at your stomach. When you could offer no more than murmured apologies, the head maid let out an exasperated sigh, deciding to let the subject as well as her arms drop. “Well, no matter. I’ve got your attention now.” She said.
Once those words left her lips, the air shifted, turning somber and serious. She leveled with you, making sure to hold your gaze. The action was enough to cause you to stiffen, eyes widening as a shiver of cold fear rattled down your back. You were certain of what was coming, certain of what she was going to ask you to do, and absolutely certain it was going to end in your doom. The head maid seemed to sense your apprehension, for she paused. Silence prevailed for a few moments as she granted you one last mercy, one last glimpse of freedom. But then, that mercy was shattered. 
“Judging by your expression,” She continued, talking slowly yet sympathetically, “I’m sure you’ve realized why I’ve come. If not, then then I’ll not take the time to spare your feelings, for there’s simply no easy way to put this: the Mistress has requested to dine privately in her chambers tonight, and I’ve been tasked with relaying that you’ll be the one to serve her.”
The Mistress? Dining privately ? That-that was simply unheard of, for it was well-known that the daughters insisted on eating with their mother and, perhaps even more so, that the Mistress’ boundless affection for them kept her obliged to their every wish, not least of which was that one. What reason could she have to forsake them now by dining in her chambers? 
The whole situation filled you with unease and left you eager to have no part of it. Yet you were barely even able to open your mouth to protest before the head maid held a hand up. You stopped short, mouth left gaping and silent, as the head maid admonished, “I’ll have none of that now. There is no way out of this. The Mistress has requested you personally, and I’ll not be the one to disobey a direct order.” 
You could do no more than nod mutely, too overcome with dread. The Mistress specifically asked for you? Whatever in the world could have possibly led her to request you, of all people, to serve her? Had you been naive to think you’d escaped her wrath that first night? Had she just been toying with you this whole time, using your walks as a way to lure you into a sense of false security? Was the Mistress at last going to punish you for your abhorrent behavior that night? You let out an audible gulp of fear at that thought. 
It won’t come to that, you thought. Shaking your head, you steered your mind away from the gruesome images of your maimed body it insisted on conjuring yet still found no reprieve. For even if the Mistress had no underlying motivations for requesting you, there was still the matter of being in her presence alone to deal with. It was hard enough to make it through your five-minute walks without transforming into an infatuated, love-drunk fool. How in the world were you supposed to keep your composure for an entire dinner!? The simple answer: you wouldn’t be able to. One look from her and you’d be reduced to a stuttering, blushing mess. 
However, the head maid was right. You couldn’t ignore a direct order from the Mistress. And so, it was with a heavy heart that you resigned yourself to your fate, knowing that either death or disgrace awaited you. 
The light touch of a hand pulled you from your thoughts, and you looked down to see the head maid guiding your arm onto the nearby serving cart that was stacked high with silver plated dishes. Patting your hand, she let go, offering no more than a simple “off you go.” A sad smile accompanied it, as though the head maid knew it was unlikely you’d live to see the next morning. The image imprinted itself on your mind, heightening your sense of impending doom as you began the trek to the Mistress’ chambers. 
The halls were empty as you traversed down them, nothing but the occasional squeak from the cart and the echo of your footsteps to break the endless void of silence. It was as though everyone had scattered, leaving the castle to hold its breath while it waited for your demise. 
Despite your trepidation, you trudged on and soon arrived at the ornate oak doors that marked the entrance to Lady Dimitrescu’s chambers. They loomed overhead, the intricate carvings taking on a monstrous face that multiplied your fear tenfold. Letting out a shaky breath, you knocked thrice in quick succession, calling out, “I’ve arrived with your meal, your Ladyship.”
A simple enter came floating through the door in Lady Dimitrescu’s soft lilting tones. At once, your fear seemed to dissipate, soothed by the sound of her voice as well as the fact that it was decidedly not angry. A sigh of relief escaped your lips, and with it, the bestial doors settled back into their dormant state. The click of the latch rose through the air followed by the low groan of the aged doors as you stepped across the threshold. 
Plates rattled on the serving cart as you fully entered into the room. Lady Dimitrescu sat at her desk, adorned in a pair of reading glasses. Guided by the warm light of a tabletop lamp, she poured over a set of documents, spread out neatly across the desk’s surface. For many moments, the scribble of her ballpoint pen was the sole sound to fill the air. Sometimes, it was accompanied by the shuffle of papers as she swiveled her head between documents. She didn’t acknowledge you, and with each moment that passed, your uncertainty grew. You shuffled to the side, hugging the wall opposite of her and standing awkwardly as you awaited her command. 
At last, her pen paused, and she looked up for the first time since you’d entered the room. Her burning golden eyes penetrated your gaze to make you feel as though mere inches separated you. You sharply inhaled. Tension snapped into place, drawn taut and thick. And for a singular moment, your deepest desires were laid bare, conveyed only through your eyes. But then, before you could tell if she had seen, it burst. A small, amused smile tugged at the corner of the Mistress’ mouth, causing confusion to bloom up. She peered knowingly over the rim of her glasses, smirk widening at the sight of the baffled furrow of your eyebrow. 
“I just need to finish up a few small details with the ledger.” She said, “You can begin setting up while I do so.”
She lifted one elegant, gloved finger to the left, and your eyes followed, landing on a rectangular table. It was modest in size, able to seat no more than two comfortably at opposite ends. A merlot red table cloth draped along the length of it, falling low enough to brush one’s lap while still leaving the intricate woodwork of the table legs visible. Somehow, in your utter incompetence as a servant, you had missed sight of it completely. 
Your cheeks burned in mortification. Jumping into action, you hurriedly began to set the table, working twice as fast to make up for lost time. Covered dishes flowed freely from the serving cart to the table as you danced around the perimeter of it. Plates and silverware followed quickly after, arranged in the meticulous pattern so-favored by nobles. After that, two candles were inserted into the centerpiece adorned in greenery and freshly picked roses. You struck a match pulled from your apron pocket, delicately shielding it as you went to light the wicks. 
Yet no sooner had you done so than a shadow appeared, engulfing the warm light given off by the fresh flames as it stretched across the length of the table. You craned your neck up to find Lady Dimitrescu looming over you, surveying your work. But then, her gaze snapped to you, burning with mysterious intensity. You stiffened, tension instantly crackling once more through the air. Only this time, it was you to break it. You stood with your eyes wide, unable to blink and unable to breathe as you drowned in the blazing depths of her gaze. Yet when your need for oxygen could no longer be denied, you released the breath you hadn’t known you’d been holding, eyes sliding away from hers as you gasped for air. 
The moment broke and brought with it a wave of unknown embarrassment. Feeling as though you could no longer face her, you scurried around the table, keeping your head bowed, to pull out a chair for Lady Dimitrescu. You could feel her gaze bearing into you, yet you refused to acknowledge it. Your head remained low with your hands clasped in your middle. The silence stretched, becoming long and unbearably heavy. 
Yet at last, the weight of her gaze lifted. The rhythmic clack of her heels followed soon after, shattering the silence completely as well as whatever had just transpired. Your embarrassment melted away and sank through the previous layers of tension, slicing through everything to leave nothing at all. It disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. The moment boiled down, erasing all evidence that anything had ever occurred at all and shifted the atmosphere into one of normalcy by the time the Mistress reached you. 
You curtsied as Lady Dimitrescu settled into her chair. Once seated, you stepped up to the table to begin serving the first course. “Thank you dear” Lady Dimitrescu said, reaching forward to grasp onto your hand that was now within arms reach, “Everything looks lovely.”
As she said this, her hand slid up the length of your arm before descending once more to briefly clasp your hand, giving it one gentle squeeze before dropping completely. Though her touch was fleeting, it seared itself upon your skin. Excitement rippled throughout your body as images of her hands elsewhere, on your hips, on your thighs, everywhere, flashed throughout your mind.  
Cheeks burning, you averted your gaze. “I-I’m glad it’s to your liking, Mistress.” You murmured, “If you require anything of me at all, please don’t hesitate to let me know.” 
“There is one more thing.” Lady Dimitrescu began. Her voice drew your attention, and you watched, transfixed, as one sleek, glove-covered hand passively gestured toward the plate of still steaming food. She continued, “Would you mind terribly, dear? These small utensils make it awfully tedious to eat my meals, and my hands are quite cramped from all the work I’ve had to take care of today. I think you’ll be much better suited to the task tonight.”
Eyes squinting in confusion, you remained silent as you struggled to sort through her words. Yet even after the implications of her request began to sink in, words continued to evade you as confusion gave way to shock, leaving you unable to do more than stare dumbly ahead. Was-was she asking you to feed her? A cursory glance in her direction confirmed that, yes, that was exactly what she wanted you to do. 
Panic settled in quick and heavy. There was no way you could do that. And yet, how could you refuse? The head maid would have your head if you did anything to invoke the Mistress’ ire. But still, the idea of feeding the Mistress was too familiar, too intimate . Merely imagining it had heat flushing throughout your cheeks. You feared your already fragile composure would completely shatter if you were to comply with her wishes, dragging your mind down with it. You’d be reduced to a blabbering, nervous fool, spouting absolute nonsense as you desperately tried to conceal the overwhelming feelings of attraction incited by her proximity. You had to find a way out of this. Now. Before you humiliated yourself beyond repair. 
As though she could sense your hesitation, Lady Dimitrescu interrupted the frenzied flow of your thoughts. “Well?” She prompted, arching a singular eyebrow as if daring you to protest, “You know I don’t like to be kept waiting.”
“Yes, of course Mistress, it’s just…” You stammered, trailing off in a desperate attempt to stall for time. Eyes flitting around the room, you frantically floundered for a way out. The seconds ticked by, and the air grew thick and heavy, urging you to concede defeat as your efforts continued to prove fruitless. But then, a realization hit, for there was a problem. A big problem to be precise: the Mistress currently occupied the only chair in the room. 
And in that problem lied your salvation, for you wouldn’t be able to feed her without a chair of some sort. She was simply too tall. Filled with renewed hope, you continued where you left off. “Chairs!” You blurted, calming marginally afterwards, “There aren’t any other chairs, my lady, so where am I supposed to sit?”
As though she had been waiting for those exact words to escape your lips, Lady Dimitrescu smirked triumphantly at your exclamation, causing your stomach to churn as nerves slithered up your spine. She looked you right in the eye, your confidence withering in the face of her own, before sealing your fate with a wave of her hand. 
“Right here, of course.” Lady Dimitrescu drawled, like it was the most obvious thing in the world, as she gestured at her lap.
You choked on her words, eyes bulging out of your head. Sit on the Mistress’ lap!? It was simultaneously your worst nightmare and wildest fantasy come to life. 
What in the world was the Mistress thinking? There was no denying she was playing some sort of game; you just didn’t know what it was. She was toying with you, much too easily. It was clear that you weren’t even a player in whatever this was. You were just a mere pawn for her to move about the board as she pleased, no more than a slave to her whims. Your unease grew with that realization. How were you supposed to get out of this when she was already two steps ahead of you? 
There was only one answer: defiance. If you couldn’t play the game, then you’d halt its progress altogether, and that meant keeping your distance. But how? What excuse could you possibly give for her to accept such direct insolence? Propriety! Though she’d already thrown most of it out the window, the basis of proprietary was the best option. You could only hope that what meager bits were left would be enough to assuage her. 
Taking a deep breath, your mouth parted to decline her request. Yet before your own voice could be heard, Lady Dimitrescu’s rang strong through the air. “I do hope you weren’t about to object dear, “ She interjected, a clear threat concealed behind her crooning dulcet tones, “I would hate to have to punish you.”
You deflated immediately, all thoughts of protest purged from your mind as you didn’t fancy dying tonight. Or any night really. You’d have to take your chances and play right into her hand. There was no other choice. 
Body slumping in defeat, you mumbled, “O-of course not, Mistress.” 
You shuffled towards her, nerves flaring. Anxiety settled thick and heavy in your stomach, clogging up your throat in the process. Yet as you began to climb into Lady Dimitrescu’s lap, fear quickly gave way to desire as your hand made contact with her dress. The thin material left little to the imagination as your fingers molded perfectly around the curvature of her thigh. Excitement sparked, and your breath hitched, heartbeat thundering in your chest. Images of your hands elsewhere flashed unbidden throughout your mind, fueled by a desperate longing to trace the entire length of her body and commit every valley and ridge to memory. 
Oh, this was going to be so much harder than you thought. 
Settling into her lap, you attempted to distract yourself by focusing on your breathing. Drawing a deep breath, it proved to have the complete opposite effect as the heady scent of Lady Dimitrescu’s perfume flooded your senses. It pulled you in closer, enveloping your mind in a haze that beckoned you to lose yourself in her. And you did. For a moment, she was all you were aware of as you were unable to think beyond how utterly divine she smelled. God, what I’d give to drown in that scent. 
Unconsciously, your body began to tilt forward, eager to fulfill that wish. At the same time, Lady Dimitrescu placed a steadying hand across your waist, jolting you back to reality and to the distressing situation at hand. Your back went ramrod straight at her touch, the soft flesh of your abdomen burning beneath her fingertips. The Mistress’ hot breath ghosted across the nape of your neck, causing your own to hitch in response, as her lips came to rest against the shell of your ear. ��After you, my dear.” She whispered sensuously, one black gloved hand coming into your peripheral to gesture at the food in front of you.
You fought back a full body shudder, desperate to conceal the effect she had on your body. You nodded, raising trembling hands to grab the fork and knife. You melted before her watchful eye, movements becoming sluggish as you began to slice the prepared steak into thin pieces painfully slow. Your mind drowned in the heat emanating between the press of your bodies, torn between instinct and logic. You couldn’t think. It was all too much. 
Swallowing around the lump in your throat, you stabbed a piece of meat before twisting your body to face Lady Dimitrescu. By this point the tremble in your hands had given way to a noticeable shake, and your breath stuttered as you began to lift the bite towards her mouth. You refused to look her in the eye, certain you would combust under the full intensity of her gaze, so you settled for her lips, coated in her signature red. You watched, pupils blown wide, as they descended toward your outstretched hand, thrown into fantasies of her lips on your skin. The heat of her tongue laving across the curve of your neck, her teeth lightly nipping at the tender flesh. The image had you clenching your legs as a wave of arousal coated your panties. Mortification rushed through you, desperately hoping that the Mistress didn’t feel it.
Your attention flicked back to her just in time to see her wrap her lips around the fork, tongue first. Tugging the bite off achingly slow, her eyes arrested yours, leaving you breathless as you watched utterly transfixed. She smiled around the fork, amused by something unknown to you, and your cunt throbbed in response as more slick gushed out of you. 
Yet you continued to watch, dumbfounded, as she pulled away. Straightening, she gave an appreciative hum that rattled through you before she swallowed, the movement drawing your eyes to her throat as you followed the bite downward to settle on the curvature of her breast. 
“Delicious.” She crooned.
You bit down hard on your lip in an effort to stifle the moan that threatened to escape, yet a choked warble still managed to break free.
Lady Dimitrescu’s eyes snapped to yours, a smirk spreading across her face that left no doubt that she had heard and causing your cheeks to flame. 
This was absolute torture.
Dinner proved to be a painstaking affair, conducted mostly in silence, which somehow made it worse. Without the distraction of conversation, it became impossible to focus on anything except your traitorous body. With every passing moment, it became increasingly difficult to ignore the pressing need growing between your thighs. Your body was hot, too hot, as desire coursed thick and heavy throughout your veins. By now, you’d soaked your undergarments, and you could only hope they were thick enough to prevent any evidence of your state from dripping onto Lady Dimitrescu’s dress.
The Mistress did little to help matters, being the most sensual eater you’d ever heard. She drew out every single bite, swirling her tongue around the fork before enveloping those perfect lips around the food. The movements were enough to have your thighs clenching in want as you imagined it was your cunt she was eating instead. Your fantasies were spurred further by the moans of delight she let out at the meal, each one resonating straight to your cunt. 
It was becoming harder to hide just how affected you were. Your breathing had turned ragged, masked only by the scraping of the cutlery against the plate, yet you didn’t even notice as the thundering beat of your heart pounded in your ears. Unconsciously, you’d taken to shifting your weight ever more frequently, a subconscious attempt to relieve the ache building between your legs. You weren’t sure how much of this you could take.
Turning back to the plate, you prepared for another excruciating bite only to find it empty, a sight you had never thought could inspire such happiness. You wanted to weep in relief. You were finally free. Filled with desperation, all thoughts of propriety were thrown out the window in your haste to leave. Your hands grasped the table as you scrambled to get down, catching on a few stray pieces of silverware that clashed against the plate. Yet you paid it no heed, hardly even registering it at all in your need to get away.
It was only when Lady Dimitrescu’s hand tightened around your waist that you stilled, just barely cognizant enough to recognize the warning in her grip. 
“Ah, ah, ah,” Lady Dimitrescu chided, “Not so fast, pet. We haven’t had dessert yet.”
Your mouth went dry, despair blooming in your stomach, as you realized you’d completely forgotten about dessert. Tears bloomed at the corner of your eyes, on the verge of spilling, out of sheer frustration. You couldn’t take it anymore. If you could just get away , even for a moment, you were sure you’d be able to pull yourself together. Yet that seemed like a fool’s dream with the hand wrapped around your waist. That is, until you spied the forgotten dining cart abandoned on the opposite side of the room, decidedly away from Lady Dimitrescu and her intoxicating scent. 
You cleared your throat. “Of course, my lady,” You said, “I’d never forget. In fact, that’s just what I was going to get. It’s a delicious little tart. I think you’ll love it.”
Beginning to slide out of her lap once more, you were stopped again as her grip became iron, refusing to let you move. “Hmm,” She intoned, “That sounds lovely dear, but I find that I’m not in the mood for a tart tonight. I’m craving something a bit sweeter.”
You shivered, mind running wild at the implications her words carried. She-she couldn’t possibly mean-? Could she? Your thoughts evaporated as you felt the gentle press of feather light kisses ghosting against your jaw. Reveling in the contact, your eyes fluttered closed, a series of sighs escaping you as you leaned into her touch. 
Resting her lips on the shell of your ear, her heated breath brushes your face as she whispers, “I’ve been able to smell your desire all night. Won’t you let Mommy take care of you?”
Nodding in assent, you turned your head, hoping to catch her lips only to find they weren’t there. Your eyes shot open just in time to see her pull away, and it was all you could do to stop yourself from reaching for her. A whine escaped your lips, having been reduced to a needy mess. Yet Lady Dimitrescu remained unswayed.
She looked down at you with devilish eyes. “I want to hear you say it first, pet.” Lady Dimitrescu smirked. “You’ll get nothing from me until you do.”
Deep down, a part of you recoiled in horror. She wanted you to beg ? The prospect was absolutely humiliating. Yet it wasn’t enough to deter you. By this point, you were too far gone, a slave to the flames of desire that had steadily built in you throughout the night. You’d do anything to please her.
“Please, I-,” you whimpered, wide eyes staring up at her in desperation, “I need you, Mommy.”
She grinned in satisfaction. “Good girl.” She crooned as she used one hand to tilt your chin up, her thumb coming to rest against your trembling bottom lip that parted willingly in anticipation. 
Then, without another word, she leaned down, lips slotting perfectly against yours. You melted instantly. After being deprived for so long, your body shuddered in pleasure at the brief contact. Twisting yourself around for better access, hungry hands trailed across Lady Dimitrescu’s curves, seeking to drown in the feel of her. Yet hers remained locked on your waist, maneuvering your body to face her fully. With ease, Lady Dimitrescu lifted you up onto the table, sending various pieces of dinnerware clattering to the floor, yet you hardly even noticed, never once breaking from her lips. 
A whine escaped you as Lady Dimitrescu pulled away, yet it quickly crescendoed into a moan as she moved to press hot, open-mouthed kisses along your neck, causing you to throw your head back in ecstasy. She paused at the crook of your neck, inhaling deeply as she reveled in your scent. “You smell absolutely divine , darling.” She said, sweeping the length of her tongue across your skin. “Let’s have a taste, shall we?”
Sinking her teeth into your neck, you let out a cry of pain as Lady Dimitrescu began to drink from you with vigor. It should have repulsed you. It should have sent you reeling in horror. Yet the pain only seemed to heighten your pleasure as each pull from her mouth beat perfectly in time with your fluttering pussy, drawing deep moans from you. You bucked your hips into her, desperate for any sort of friction to ease the throbbing in your cunt.  
And your lady was nothing if not generous. Her free hand trailed up the length of your skirt, rubbing your thighs in teasing circles before at last beginning to toy with your entrance…your absolutely soaked entrance. 
Pulling away from your neck, she smirked in satisfaction as she held her hand up to the light and saw your juices glisten. “All this for me?” She asked, eyes flitting to your breathless form that watched her in a lustful haze, “My, my, you are quite the needy pet.”
She leaned in, licking the trail of blood slowly seeping from your fresh wound all the way up to the shell of your ear. “You’ve been so good for me tonight, so I’ll excuse it.” She said, her hot breath fanning against the side of your face and sending another shiver through you. “I suppose it’s about time you received your reward anyway.”
With wide eyes and bated breath, you watched as one of her nails elongated into a sharp claw that tore your dress and undergarments in one fell swoop, baring your body to her completely. There was but one moment, as you sat completely naked, that her eyes raked over your form, appreciating it in its entirety, before she was on you, hands slowly sliding up the length of your legs, parting them before disappearing in between them. The next thing you knew, the hot length of her tongue was pressed flat against your center as she experimentally dragged it along the length of your entrance. Rendered so sensitive from her earlier ministrations, the small touch had you bucking into her, desperate for more. Smirking against you, Lady Dimitrescu pushed her tongue into you in a quick thrust, eliciting a moan from you, before moving upwards to take your clit into her mouth, sucking hard against the small bundle of nerves. From there she quickly built a rhythm, going back and forth, expertly manipulating your body beneath her tongue. You could hardly keep up, breath turning ragged as she propelled you toward your orgasm. Your pulsing cunt clenched around nothing, every muscle in your body tightening in anticipation. You were close. You could feel it. 
“I-I’m going to-to-.” You stammered, gasping for breath. 
“That’s it,” Lady Dimitrescu crooned, looking as composed as ever as her eyes peered up over your stomach to lock with your own, “Go on, I want to see you come undone.”
It was all you needed to send you over the edge. White hot pleasure cracked up your spine, and for a moment, you were sure you were going to black out from the sheer force of it. You lost yourself to the rush of endorphins sent careening throughout your body, hardly even noticing the way your legs convulsed uncontrollably against the table as you fought to recover. 
When you finally did, you were met with the sight of Lady Dimitrescu collecting your juices with one long finger, and you watched, transfixed, as she brought it to her mouth, wrapping her lips around the entire length of the digit. Closing her eyes, she let out a hum of contentment as she appreciated the taste. “Absolutely exquisite.” She said, “I send my compliments to the chef.”
At that, she paused momentarily to wink mischievously at you, causing you to avert your gaze as a deep flush spread across your face. She grabbed her handkerchief, dabbing your juices off the corner of her mouth, before turning to settle the full weight of her gaze upon you. “Now then, it’s time for you to run along, darling.” She commanded, “The hour grows late, and we wouldn’t want you missing work in the morning.”
Her words poured over you like a bucket of cold water, rendering you absolutely speechless. She talked as though everything that had just transpired hadn’t happened at all. Your eyes furrowed in confusion until all at once realization hit.
But of course. How could you have been so stupid ? This changed nothing. It was silly to think that this could have meant something to her. Still, it didn’t change the fact that it meant something to you . Her clear dismissal hit you like a punch to the gut, and you desperately fought against the tears threatening to make an appearance. Despite the pain blooming in your chest, you refused to cry. She was your mistress, and you would show her the respect that she deserved.
“O-of course Mistress,” You murmured, sliding to the floor as humiliation and heartache overwhelmed you. Fixing your torn dress as much as you could, you stood and began to brush invisible specks of dirt off your skirt. Unable to bring yourself to meet her eyes, you still upheld formalities, “Is there anything else you require of me before I take my leave?”
“No, that will be all.” She said. Nodding, you turned and began to gather the miscellaneous dishes strewn about the room, piling them high onto the serving cart, before beginning to make your way out of the door. You only stopped when her voice suddenly called out your name. Spinning back around, you met her gaze in the mirror where she had moved to sit at her vanity. “In the morning, be a dear and inform the head maid that I’ll be dining privately much more frequently for the foreseeable future. I find that work will keep me much more busy than usual.”
Her meaning was clear, and if her smirk was anything to go by, she knew you understood. Words stolen from your throat, you could do no more than dumbly nod before spinning around and hightailing it out of there as heat threatened to consume your entire face. Still, as you left her presence, you couldn’t stop the wide smile that emerged and remained for the rest of the night as you lost yourself to the fantasies of future meals with your mistress. 
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aithorin · 9 months
Dinner and Dessert - Lady Dimitrescu x Reader - Part 1 (Eventual 18+)
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Synopsis: Hidden within the safety of the kitchens, you’ve been one of the lucky few to escape the notice of Lady Dimitrescu and her daughters while under their employ. Yet when a shortage of staff brings you out of the kitchens, you quickly yet unknowingly catch the attention of Lady Dimitrescu. Things come to a head when you are called to her chambers one night on the order of serving her a private dinner.
Warnings: Suggestive content
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47663530/chapters/120139672
A/N: Part 1 of 2. Part 2 is here.
All around you, the kitchen was in chaos. Staff crowded throughout the small space, weaving through the tight walkways and just barely managing to avoid bumping into one another as they scrambled to carry out their duties. A clanging cacophony of pots and pans rose above the hiss of sizzling food, wisps of steam curling into the air to turn the cramped area unbearably hot. The discomfort of such conditions seemed to further agitate the head chef, her barked orders becoming more frequent as she lost her patience, which only fanned the flames of disorder as servants picked up the pace, unwilling to become the object of her ire. 
Yet you barely even noticed, off in a world of your own. It was one of the few perks that came with working at the castle for so many years. Being fully accustomed to the hustle and bustle of the kitchens meant you could effortlessly tune all the commotion out, and it was only made easier by the fact that you had no role in the preparation of tonight’s dinner. Instead, you sat tucked away in a hidden corner and up to your elbows in soap and water, fully engrossed in your rather mundane task of washing the dishes. Despite the simplicity of the work, it was proving to be quite the challenge as you found yourself at odds with a particularly tough stain left behind in a large soup pot, a deep scowl spread across your face as you furiously scrubbed at it. 
It was for this reason that you completely missed the entrance of the head maid, uncommon considering it was so close to dinner. Frazzled, her head swiveled around the room, wild eyes frantically flitting to and fro as she searched for anyone who could be spared from their duties before finally landing on you. Shoulders slumping in relief, the older woman hurried over to you surprisingly fast for her age. 
“Come with me, girl.” She ordered, leaving no room for protest as she grabbed onto your arm and began to forcibly tug you away. 
A surprised yelp escaped you at her sudden intrusion, causing you to drop the pot in your hands altogether. It toppled down into the sink, sending a slew of soapy water sloshing over the rim and straight onto your dress, soaking it through entirely. Water seeped through the thin material, the wet cloth sticking to your skin like glue and leaving you cold and uncomfortable. A string of curses left your lips, but the head maid paid your outburst no heed, singularly focused on her task to pull you away from your work. 
Distracted by the soggy state of your dress, it barely registered that you were even moving for the first few moments, and you were little more than a pliant doll beneath the woman’s fingers as she dragged you to god knows where. Your stupor was only broken by a particularly loud clang from a nearby pot, jolting you back into reality with the stark realization that this woman was tearing you away from your work—work that would leave you in a heap of trouble if left unfinished. The mere thought of your superior’s wrath was enough to spur you into action, wet dress and everything else be damned. 
Staunchly digging your heels into the ground, you began to furiously yank on your trapped arm. When that yielded nothing, you added in your free arm, pushing against her fingers wrapped around your wrist. A small grunt of frustration escaped your lips when it didn’t budge in the slightest. As you became increasingly frustrated, by your lack of success or her continued silence you didn’t know, your efforts were soon joined by choruses of “Hey! Let me go!”
Despite your protests, the head maid continued to ignore you, dragging you along with ease as her grip never let up. Hard stone soon gave way to plush carpet and — wait, was that-was that the entrance to the dining room up ahead? What the hell was going on? Whatever it was, your gut was telling you that you weren’t going to like it, which only increased your desire to return to the craziness of the kitchens. It was too quiet here. Much too quiet. As though at any moment something was going to jump out and tear you to shreds. Encouraged by your unease, your escape attempts became near hysterical as your body screamed for you to get away. 
Face scrunching up with effort, you pushed fruitlessly against the arm holding you captive — God, was it made of steel? — crying out, “Hey! Would you stop and listen to me!? I can’t just leave! I need to have those dishes done before dinner is over, or the cook will have my head!”
Coming to a stop in front of the looming double doors that led into the dining room, the head maid finally released your arm, which you quickly snatched back, beginning to rub soothing circles around the angry red marks caused by your protests. 
Letting out a sigh, she turned to face you, at last giving you the courtesy of answering your questions. “You are needed elsewhere, so leave them be. I have just been informed that one of our usual serving girls has been sent to the cellar, rendering us short of a hand. As such, you’ll be serving the Lady and her daughters in her stead tonight.” 
At her words, you stumbled in shock. The Lady and her daughters? Your mouth went dry as you began to process what that would entail before coming to the conclusion that there was simply no way you could do that, not if the Mistress was going to be there. Though in your defense, your aversion to the Mistress stemmed from a place much different than the others. Whereas your fellow servants were ruled by fear, cowering at the mere mention of the Lady’s name, you’d always leaned toward the opposite end of the spectrum, holding a deep lo- admiration for her, which was just as fatally distracting.  
You’d only seen her once, when you first arrived. As you’d entered the castle, sandwiched in between a gaggle of other girls as one of many new recruits, she’d been there to greet you all, looking absolutely breathtaking as she towered above you all at the top of the stairs. Her eyes had passed over you merely once - looking without seeing before she’d turned to gracefully walk away, introductions completed. Soon after, you’d been whisked away to the kitchens where she hardly ever visited, meaning your meetings with her consisted of no more than a fleeting glance at her retreating back on the rare occasions your duties took you outside the kitchen walls. 
Perhaps that was why you found yourself so enamored by her. Sheltered by the kitchens, your job was one of the few that practically guaranteed your safety. You didn’t have to live in fear, simply because she didn’t know you existed (though you’d spent many a night uncertain as to whether you were disappointed or grateful for that fact). With your vision unclouded by fear for your survival, you were able to see her for what she was: a strong and beautiful woman who could hold her own. What wasn’t there to admire about that?
Ever since your first meeting, there was no denying you’d longed for the chance to see her again, but to bask in her presence for an entire evening? There was no way you’d be able to get through the dinner without making a complete fool out of yourself and earning the Mistress’ ire. You’d be lucky if you’d be able to sleep in your own bed tonight and not the hard stone of the cellar floor. You needed to get out of this and quick. 
“I’ve never served a dinner before, only helped cook it! There’s no way I could possibly do this!” You exclaimed, panicked eyes flitting this way and that as you halfway contemplated making a run for it back to the kitchens.
Giving you a stern look, the head maid replied, “You can, and you will.” Turning, she grabbed a nearby wine flask seated on top of a serving cart and thrust it into your arms. “Your job will be simple. Your only task is to make sure the Lady and her daughters never see the bottom of their wine glasses. The others will take care of the rest.”
When that did nothing to ease your panic, her eyes softened ever so slightly. “Just follow the lead of the other girls, and you’ll be fine.”
Gulping, you tugged the flask close to your chest, hugging it close in a vague attempt to find some sort of comfort. With one final nervous nod, you slowly began to shuffle your way toward the dining room when her hand suddenly shot out to grab onto your arm. Head whipping around to look at her, you met her serious eyes as she gave you one last piece of advice. “Whatever you do, don’t draw attention to yourself.” 
Then she was off, disappearing down the hall from which you came. 
Turning back to face the doors that loomed ominously, nerves threatened to consume you. What would await you behind these doors? Had the meal already started? Were the Lady and her daughters already there? At that thought, you stiffened, unable to move another step as your mind began to run wild. You imagined that they’d turn to look at you, four sets of eyes staring at you unblinkingly, before the infamous maniacal laughter of the daughters would break out as they delighted in your presence, at the arrival of a new plaything. And then...they’d descend upon you, tearing you to bits for daring to interrupt their family dinner. 
Staring at the doors, you remained rooted to the spot. You didn’t want to go. Stepping across the threshold would end in your doom, you were sure of it. And yet, you had no choice in the matter. The head maid had made sure of that. Taking a stuttering breath, a shaky hand reached out to grasp the handle and began to slowly push it open, the lengthy creaks emitted from the old wood causing you to wince, half convinced that they’d pounce on you before you even really had a chance to step into the room. When the door finished swinging open though, you found yourself face to face with...nothing, only a couple of other servants setting up the table. 
At the sight of the empty table, a sigh of relief escaped your lips, shoulders slumping as the tension slithered away. You could do this. You were sure of it. Hesitantly approaching the table, you began to make your initial rounds, mechanically filling the glasses as a mantra took root in your head. Just pour the wine and don’t draw attention to yourself. Just pour the wine and don’t draw attention to yourself. Over and over you repeated it, saying it so much that the words lost meaning completely. As your task came to an end though, so too did the chant. No sooner had it ended than you made your way over to a hidden corner, out of sight, near the other maids where you would stand until needed. With the preparation for dinner complete, silence fell over the dining room, and in its place anticipation began to snake its way up your body as you waited for them to arrive. 
You heard them before you saw them. The first sound to break the silence was the heavy groan released by the doors opening, the ones opposite to the end you came from, though it was soon drowned out by the buzzing of swarms of flies. Snapping your gaze to the doorway, you’re met with the sight of three identical swaths of pure black, which you soon realize are actually clusters of flies. As they race into the room, laughs emitting from the swirls as they swarm around the maids who have stepped forward to pull their chairs out, you’re met with a new sound, that of heels clicking across the stone floor. Immediately, the flies cease their fun, gathering together to form the bodies of the three daughters who promptly take their seats at the table. Though you barely notice, too transfixed by the sight of the Lady of the house bending down to enter into the room. With bated breath you wait to gaze upon her face, currently blocked by the hat she wears, hoping to see if your memory holds up well. 
Upon entering the room, Lady Dimitrescu stands upright, towering over the room and its inhabitants. Though instead of fear, you are instantly struck by awe, eyes widening to fully take in the vision that stands before you. Memory did not serve you well at all. Or maybe it was that you’d just grown even more infatuated with her since you last saw her. After all, what was that saying? Time makes the heart grow fonder? You’d forgotten just how brilliantly the gold of her eyes shined. Her lips, well the blood red shade had been scorched upon your mind, but you’d forgotten just how full they were, how utterly alluring they were. A true goddess amongst mere mortals and you’d been given the privilege to be graced with her presence. Worries be damned! Who cared if you made a complete fool of yourself tonight and ended up in the cellar? You could die happy now that you’d seen her. 
The clinking of cutlery drew you from your thoughts and you looked up to find that while you’d been lost in your daydreams, the Lady had already taken her seat and the first course had been served. You had to pay more attention! This was your one chance to make yourself useful to the Lady directly, and you could not disappoint her. As such, you resolved to watch their wine glasses like a hawk, which soon proved to be a mistake. 
Eyes glued to Lady Dimitrescu’s elegantly gloved hand, you followed her fingers as they slowly wrapped around the curvature of her glass before bringing it to her lips. Her full, delicious, utterly kissable lips. God you could drown in them. Wrapping her lips around the rim of the glass, you closed your eyes and took a moment to sear the sight on your memory, imagining it was your lips that she was meeting and drinking in. 
In your mind’s eye, her hands encased your own body similar to the way that they held the glass, elegant yet firm. They traced up the curve of your hips before ghosting over the tops of your breasts, the pressure just enough to awaken every nerve ending in your body and leave you yearning for more. Heat bloomed in your belly, desire pooling between your legs, as you became pliant to her whims, eagerly ready to accept whatever she was willing to give. When her hands arrived at your face, her index finger slipped under your chin to tilt your face up where you at last met her burning golden eyes. She thumbed your bottom lip, smiling slyly at how easily you had become a muddled mess beneath her. She regarded you for but a moment, raking her eyes over your body appreciatively, as she basked in your needy state. At last though, she leaned down, breath fanning hot against your face before her lips enclosed your own. She tasted of lipstick, wine, and the faintest hint of blood, and you loved it. You dove into her, and she chuckled at your eagerness against your lips, yet readily acquiesced. The kiss deepened, her tongue breeching past your lips to entangle with your own while her fingers danced lower and lower until finally they — 
A loud laugh from one of the girls startled you from your fantasy. Opening your eyes again, you dragged them once more to settle over your lady’s gorgeous face only to stiffen in shock when her golden gaze met your own. It was like a bucket of cold water had been drenched over you, dowsing the lust filled haze you had seen no way out of mere moments ago. You had been caught! And caught looking right at her face too! How could you have allowed yourself to get so carried away and be so insubordinate? She was more than just a pretty face for you to drool over. She was your mistress and deserved such respect. Face burning in humiliation, you quickly cast your eyes downward and stepped back further into the shadows, vowing to never be so disrespectful again. 
Lowering her wine glass, Lady Dimitrescu opened her eyes only to be met with the awe-filled look of one the servants standing in the corner of the room. Upon catching her eye, the maiden immediately stiffened, face flushing in mortification as she quickly averted her gaze before retreating into the shadows. How strange. Lady Dimitrescu had never seen anyone react like that to her presence before. The maiden wasn’t one she recognized, so perhaps she was new? Not quite accustomed to the castle. Either way, it was certainly a peculiar reaction.
As much as the staff would like to believe her blind, Lady Dimitrescu was no fool. She knew they perceived her to be a monster for snuffing out the lives of so many in order to maintain her own. Lingering behind the tight lipped smiles and polite nods of her staff, Lady Dimitrescu had learned to spot many emotions. Fear, hatred, disgust...those were the feelings she was used to seeing but adoration ? Now that was certainly new. 
Subtly glancing over in the direction of the girl, Lady Dimitrescu noted she still remained in the darkness and couldn’t help smirking over the rim of her wine glass. She could run, but she couldn’t hide. Though she couldn’t see her, the rapid hammering of the girl’s heart betrayed her flustered state as clear as day. Her increased blood flow only strengthened her sweet, heady scent that Lady Dimitrescu now briefly noted was tinged with the tang of arousal, proof of the maiden’s feelings toward her. 
The question now was what to do? A discovery such as this couldn’t be left alone. Not when it had the potential to be such fun. Mulling over her options, Lady Dimitrescu wrapped her hand around her wine glass and slowly lifted it up before inclining it in the direction of the maiden, an unspoken cue for a refill. For many moments, she remained hidden in the shadows, causing Lady Dimitrescu’s irritation to spark, before the maiden was unceremoniously shoved out by a fellow maid, her cheeks still flushed as the flask trembled slightly within her hands. Ah so that’s what it was. She’d forgive her this time. After all, her newest pet must be very flustered. As the maiden began to inch toward her, unwilling to lift her head to even look in her direction, Lady Dimitrescu let out another smirk. Oh yes, this would prove to be very entertaining indeed. 
Hidden in the shadows, you were sure your face would remain forever twisted in its current position. She had seen you! The mistress of the castle had caught you red-handed openly staring at her like some besotted idiot. Not to mention it was the first real interaction you’d ever had with her and you just went and blew it. What an absolute great first impression you thought bitterly. How would you ever recover from this? Could you ever recover from this? Well, you at least had to try.
Nervously lifting your head, you breathed out a sigh of relief at the fact that she was no longer looking directly at you, just in your general direction. And she didn’t seem mad, yet another relief, just thoughtful. A look of contemplative reflection shone on her face as she gently tilted her glass in your direction. At the movement, you zeroed in on the glass, scrambling for why it tickled your brain. That gesture was supposed to mean something, wasn’t it? What was it again? 
A harsh shove from a nearby maid abruptly pulled you from your thoughts, causing the flask in your hand to jostle precariously. Sparking in indignation, you whirled around, prepared to give the girl a piece of your mind when you stopped short at the look on her face. Gesturing wildly at the flask, you followed her hand to look at the general direction of the table, zeroing in once again on the glass. The glass tilted ever so slightly to inform you that your mistress was in need of a refill. Oh so that’s what it was. Mouth growing dry, you could do no more than stare dumbly at it, at the glass that would surely spell your doom, for a few moments. While the look could be passed off as a mistake, there was no denying that this was a tangible one. To keep the Lady waiting, well you were certain that others had died for far less. And now you were keeping her waiting even longer, too caught up in your numb shock to even move.
As though the maid could sense your frozen state, she gave you another light push, causing you to stumble, which jumpstarted you into action. Tentatively shuffling forward, you found that each step was like trying to walk through quickly drying concrete. It became harder and harder to move. Harder and harder to breathe. How would she do it? Quietly order you to the cellars to ensure the peace of the meal remained intact? Or would she unleash the mighty claws that you’d only heard rumors about and slay you right where you stood, letting her daughters feast upon your flesh while it was still fresh and warm?
Arriving at her side, you audibly gulped as you lifted the flask toward her glass, your saliva sliding around the lump in your throat in an absolutely nauseating way. However, you were not met with harsh orders or claws. Your mistress merely sat there, allowing you to do your job and ignoring your presence entirely. If she saw the tremble in your arms, she didn’t say anything. 
Stepping away, you turned to make your way back toward the shadows, when your eyes met once more causing you to stiffen as your fears came rushing back. Though much to your relief, she said no more than “Thank you darling.” before turning back to continue the conversation with her daughters.
In your haste back to the safety of the shadows, you missed the hint of a smirk that remained spread across her face. 
It was only later that night, when you were safe in bed and alive that your fears melted away, leaving you to marvel at the memories of her visage once more.
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aithorin · 3 years
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478 notes · View notes
aithorin · 3 years
'An Exception To The Rule' was wonderful! Keep up the great work.
I REALLY enjoy your writing style!
Omg thank you! It makes me so happy to hear that you enjoyed it!!
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aithorin · 3 years
Cassandra Dimitrescu
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aithorin · 3 years
That’s all for now
Alright, with my last couple of posts, I have officially transferred all of my AO3 stuff over here (with the exception of one Lin Beifong x Reader that I don’t plan to post here since it was a gift for someone and I don’t normally write for her). But anyways, this means I’ll be posting a lot less since I’ve posted everything that’s completed. As for future works, I have quite a few JJBA x Readers in progress as well as some RE8 x Readers (for Heisenberg and Lady Dimitrescu). Those are my focus for right now though I do have some more All Might stuff as well as a larger Thorin Oakenshield x Reader project on the back burner for when I need a break from those. Since it’s summer break right now, I hope to get lots of work done and post a lot more often than I normally would. I hope to see you guys soon!
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aithorin · 3 years
Come Back to Me - All Might x Reader - Part 2 (18+)
Summary: A year after All Might tears your heart to pieces, the meager progress you've made toward moving on threatens to come crumbling down when your boss puts you in charge of covering the UA Sports Festival. While it's an event you'd normally be thrilled, even honored, to attend, there's no denying your sense of unease at the fact that the one man you've spent a year trying to avoid will be right there smack dab in the center of it all. To ensure the safety of your still fragile heart, you make a simple plan with only one objective: avoid All Might at all costs. Absolutely nothing can go wrong, right?
Warnings: Angst, Insecurities (mostly All Might’s), Hurt/comfort, Heartache, Breakups, Reunions, Anxiety, Panic attacks, Forgiveness, Happy Ending
Archive Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30893261/chapters/76282961
A/N - Part 2 of 2. Part 1 here.
NSFW Warning!
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As you followed the crowd out of the stadium, you couldn’t help but let your shoulders sag in relief. You’d made it through the first half of the day. And if you were being honest, the day had actually been sort of fun so far. Excluding the very beginning of it, of course. Walking into the stadium that morning saw you more high-strung than you’d ever been in your entire life. Heart pounding, your eyes had manically flitted every which way, expecting him to jump out at any second. Breath coming in short bursts you’d drawn the attention of more than a few strangers, worsening your already shot nerves. Suffice to say, you missed the entire opening ceremony, too wrapped up in trying to get ahold of yourself.
But as the first event started, you couldn’t help but become enraptured by the skill displayed by the students. Their raw power combined with their ability to quickly adapt to any obstacle made for an incredible show. Without even noticing, your breath had evened out and your shoulders had relaxed as with every minute that passed your anxiety faded away, consumed by an invested eagerness to see who would place first. You still couldn’t believe the stunt that the winner (Midoriya? Was that his name?) had pulled at the end! Using the mines to his advantage! You could tell he was going to become a great hero one day.
Stepping out of the shadowed tunnel, the sun greeted you enthusiastically, shining so brilliantly your vision was momentarily lost in a sea of white light. Eyes burning, you quickly threw a hand up to shield your face, blinking rapidly to adjust to the new brightness. As color slowly seeped back into your line of sight, the veil of white light was lifted to reveal a bustling spring day.
Thousands of people crowded the streets, pouring out from the entrances leading to each grade’s stadium, and they were eager for lunch. An array of multicolored stalls waited for them, each fighting to stand out the most. Excited vendors advertised their wares, urging the hungry guests towards them. And despite the forte of white noise coming from the crowd of thousands, their shouts still managed to ring clear as day. That, mixed with the sounds of sizzling food and the clanging of cookware, all managed to cultivate an atmosphere of festivity. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d felt so lighthearted! Could the day get any better?
Taking a deep breath, a mouthwatering mixture of aromas flooded your nose, causing your stomach to growl. You didn’t know what to try first! Everything smelled so delicious it was overwhelming. But as you took another whiff, you realized there was one scent that stood out above the rest. It smelled so heavenly your stomach immediately let out another grumble, an unspoken command to find whatever it was immediately. And well, who were you to disobey?
Feet beginning to move of their own accord, you soon got swept up in the wave of people, and despite your determination to find the dish belonging to the mysterious scent, you let the wave carry you wherever it pleased. Bouncing from stall to stall, you made many detours, indulging in little mini-appetizers on the way to your mystery meal. It was just too hard to resist when they were sitting at the edge of the stall, the wisps of steam rising from the food seeming to beckon towards you.
But you could tell you were getting closer as the puzzling scent was growing stronger with every step. Licking the excess food from your latest snack off your fingers, you tossed the trash into a nearby bin. Pausing briefly, you closed your eyes to take another whiff, reorienting yourself. ‘There, slightly to the left.’ You thought, zeroing in on your mystery dish. Eyes opening, you began to scan the stalls to your left, trying to decide which vendor to approach first, when you caught a flash of blonde hair towering over the crowd.
At once, all thoughts of food came to a screeching halt. Eyes now glued to the back of the stranger’s head, you realized with sickening dread that you recognized that mop of blonde hair. After all, it’d been on your mind for an entire year. Please no. Not here. Not now. This can’t be happening. Mouth going dry, the sights of the festival, so welcoming mere moments ago, transformed into a sinister beast as anxiety began to overtake you. The smells wafting through the air, once so delectable, had turned rancid, stinging your nostrils. Every inhale sent waves of nausea rolling through your stomach. Coupled with your panic, the knots only twisted tighter, painfully so. And god, the people. So many people, you felt like you couldn’t breathe. They were closing in on you, trying to trap you so you couldn’t escape. So you’d have to face him.  
You needed to move. Now, before he turned around. But you found that you couldn’t. Your legs were rooted to the spot, leaving you helpless to do anything but watch as his body slowly began to shift in your direction, sealing your fate. In no time at all, you got your first glimpse of Toshinori in a year, and it hit you like a punch to the gut. Breath catching in your throat, tears sprung to your eyes as you caught sight of those burning blue eyes. They hadn’t seen you yet, but they would. Any second now. At a standstill in a moving crowd, you had no doubt you stuck out like a sore thumb. Your assumptions were proven correct as he began to lazily scan across the crowd, gaze almost immediately landing on you.
Eyes locking with his, you had just enough time to catch his own widening in shock before your vision blurred over completely from tears. In that moment, you realized with striking clarity that a year wasn’t enough. Not nearly enough. You weren’t ready to face him, and you honestly didn’t think you’d ever be.
Despite everything though, all you could think about was how much you missed him. You didn’t even know how deeply until now. You needed him like you needed air. You just hadn’t known until today. Until that life line was dangling in front of you once more, so close yet somehow always just out of your reach, cruelly reminding you you’d been deprived of it for an entire year.
You couldn’t do this. Not here. You needed to get away. Now.
Eyes frantically flitting around the crowd, you searched for an escape, but swarms of people surrounded you on all sides. Had there always been so many? There was no way out. No matter where you turned, all you could see was an endless sea of bodies working to make sure you drowned in their depths.  
Chancing a glance back toward Toshinori, your eyes widened in horror. Oh god, had he moved closer? It was too much. Your chest felt tight. Too tight. Something was missing but you didn’t know what. Air. That’s what it was. You needed to breathe, but you’d forgotten how.
Watching as Toshinori pushed his way through the crowd sent your panic skyrocketing, jumpstarting you into action. Losing all sense of propriety, you began to shove your way through the mass of people, ignoring the angry trail of protests that erupted behind you. Yet you barely heard them. It didn’t matter. None of it mattered so long as you got away.
Bursting out of the suffocating throng, the streets were revealed to be relatively clear as no more than a few stragglers making their way to the bulk of the crowd behind you lined the road. Taking advantage of it, your sluggish steps morphed into a full on sprint, feet pounding into the concrete. The world melted into a blur as tears flowed freely from your eyes, the wind greedily snatching them from your face. Fisting a hand over your mouth, you stifled a sob, a stray hiccup escaping as you gasped for air. Everything hurt. Your legs and chest burned, begging for a reprieve, but it was nothing compared to the pain in your heart. Your physical burdens faded away, crushed under the memory of him. With each step, you could feel yourself spiraling further into the recesses of your mind, his words from your last encounter rushing through your head to pierce your broken heart once more.
‘I think we should stop seeing each other’
‘You’ll be better off without me’
‘I’m sorry’
Thoughts swirling around Toshinori, your emotions bubbled up inside, becoming too much to bear. The sob you had been trying so hard to hold in finally broke free, bringing the last of your walls down. You had no concept of time, where you were, of anything. All you could think about was him.
You ran well past your limits, pushing through your body’s pleas to stop, but eventually, it became too much to ignore. Legs turning shaky, you stumbled over your feet, just barely managing to catch yourself. The extent of your exhaustion finally caught up with you, your body becoming so weak and head spinning so fast you had to lean against the nearby wall for support. You grasped your abdomen, trying to calm the stitch gnawing at your side. But just as it abated, your stomach lurched, the food you’d so carelessly stuffed down threatening to come back up. Bending over, you violently heaved, drops of saliva dripping into the dirt beneath your feet. Tears of a completely different kind stung your eyes as you fought to get it under control. Heaves turned into vicious coughs before finally diminishing into breathless pants.
Somewhat recovered, you began to pull yourself upright, palms digging into the rough concrete of the wall behind you for leverage. When your feet were finally stable once more, you leaned back against the wall, letting it take the brunt of your weight. With the world in focus again, you finally took a moment to survey your surroundings.
You were alone. Completely alone. In fact, you were so far removed from the festival now that you couldn’t hear any of the chaos. But you could tell that you were still on the school grounds. If you had to guess, you figured that you’d moved into an inner part of the grounds. However, you found that you didn’t really care where you were as it seemed that you’d achieved your goal. With no one else in sight, it was clear you’d lost Toshinori in the crowd.
Letting out a sigh, you tilted your head up and closed your eyes. Five minutes. You just needed five minutes to compose yourself. Even though your sobs had quieted, the steady stream of tears pouring down your cheeks showed no signs of letting up. If the world could just give you five minutes, then maybe by then you’d gain the strength to at least pretend you were okay.
God, how had such a nice day gone to complete and utter shit so quickly? All because he showed up. Well at least that’s what you’d like to say. Deep down, you knew it wasn’t completely true. After all, you were the one who let him get to you. If the past thirty minutes were anything to go off of, it was obvious Toshinori still held a lot of power over you, and a small part of yourself hated you for giving it to him so freely.
Growling in frustration, you dug your palms into your eyes in an attempt to forcibly stop the tears streaming from them. It was stupid. So fucking stupid. You’d think that after a year, your heart would get the message. But no, it just had to keep pining for that goddamn bastard.  
Grinding your teeth together, your tears finally began to abate. ‘Fucking finally.’ You thought. Now you could go back to the festival. You were sure that the lunch break was over by now. And the best part? You wouldn’t even have to pretend. Your sorrow had boiled into a slow simmering anger which was much more manageable. Give it another hour and you were sure you’d be back to normal, provided no more mishaps occurred.
Taking one last deep breath, you opened your eyes as you let it out, only to jump back in fright. Where a large open field had once lined your vision, all that greeted you now were swaths of shadows. And you knew of only one person tall enough to so wholly block the light. You didn’t even have to look. You could feel that it was him. Taking but a moment to gather yourself, you closed your eyes again, exhaling harshly through your nose.
After steeling yourself, you opened your eyes once more, dragging them up the length of his body to lock with his bright blue ones. For the first time in a year, you found yourself face to face with Toshinori. Surprisingly though, your heart didn’t lurch the way you thought it would have, begging you to embrace him. Perhaps you’d cried all you could for the day because your anger held steady. You didn’t question it too much. Whatever the reason, you were grateful for it because it gave you the strength to face him. You just hoped it would last until the end of whatever was to come.
Staring at each other, you waited for Toshinori to say something, but the look in his eyes hinted that he was somewhere very far away. Fine, you’d be the one to bite the bullet. The faster this started, the sooner you’d be able to leave. “Hello Toshinori.” You greeted dryly.
The sound of your voice seemed to drag him from his thoughts, the fog behind his gaze clearing as he shook his head to push away the remnants of his daze. “Hello (Y/N).” He said, bowing his head down to look at you better.
Taking a moment to gather himself, he gulped, causing his Adam's apple to bob up and down slightly. Bringing his hands in front of him, he clasped them together as his eyes slid slightly to the left of you to focus on the wall. “How have you been?” He asked.
At his casual question, your anger sparked. After everything you’d been through, he seriously opened with that? Talking to you as though nothing had happened? As though you were no more than old friends greeting each other?
“How have I been? ” You repeated, fists clenching at your sides as you shook in anger, “How do you think I’ve been Toshinori?”
Realizing how inconsiderate his words were, Toshinori’s eyes widened as he quickly backtracked. “Wait! That came out wrong. I didn’t mean it like that!  I jus-I just wanted to talk to you!”
“You wanted to talk to me?” You said, mockingly raising your eyebrows, “You wanted to talk to me?”  
Face hardening, you scoffed, “Well guess what Toshinori, you don’t get to talk to me. You lost that privilege when you left me a year ago, breaking my heart into so many pieces I’m still trying to pick up all goddamn the parts today.”
Gritting your teeth, you rolled your eyes through half lidded eyes and let out an annoyed huff. “But you’re already here and we both know you’re not gonna leave until you say whatever it is you’ve come to say. So go on then. Say it. Tell me what it is that’s so goddamn important you needed to chase me all the way out here.” You said.
At your verbal assault, Toshinori seemed to shrink in on himself, eyes unsure. At his hesitation, you grew impatient, snarling, “Well c’mon then. I don’t have all day!”
Toshinori tried. He really tried. Opening his mouth, Toshinori attempted to speak but nothing came, causing him to wordlessly shut it. Sensing how hard it was for him, your anger marginally dissipated. Now much more subdued, you let out a sigh. “If you’re not gonna say anything, then just leave. We can both pretend this never happened.” You said.
You watched him carefully, but silence continued to fill the space between you. Despite that, Toshinori made no move to leave, causing your anger to flare once more. God, he followed you all this way, but wouldn’t even do anything? What a fucking waste of time and energy.
“Fine then. I’ll leave. Have a nice day Toshinori.” You said bitterly, beginning to maneuver around him.
“394.” Toshinori hoarsely said, his voice stopping you in your tracks. Eyes squinting in confusion, your torso leaned back around to resume your position against the wall, peering up at him. “What?” You asked.
Eyes lifting, Toshinori stared deep into your soul. “It’s been 394 days since we last met and not a single one has gone by where I don’t think of you.” He said, the earnest look in his eyes making it clear he meant every word.
Breath catching, your heart stuttered in your chest, his words dousing the flames of your anger with ice cold water. The sparks sputtered before ultimately sizzling out, leaving you raw and vulnerable once more. Tears sprung in your eyes, and you desperately tried to call the remnants of irritation back to hold it together. Your fists clenched, the wobble in them betraying your weakness as you choked out, “Don’t you dare do this to me Toshinori. You walked out on me. Not the other way around. You have no right, NO right, to stand there, claiming to still care about me. Not anymore.”
“I-I know.” Toshinori said, “But when I saw you, I wanted-no, needed -to tell you that leaving you was the biggest mistake of my life. There isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t regret the decisions I made that night. Where I don’t regret hurting you. I-I thought I was doing what was best for you, that I was protecting you, but I only ended up causing the very pain I was trying to save you from. And I’m so sorry for it.” Taking a deep breath, a shudder ran through Toshinori’s body as he choked on a sob. Reaching a hand out, he made to clasp your cheek when he jolted, seeming to remember that things were different now, and let it fall lifelessly back to his side.
Straightening, Toshinori cleared his throat as he reined his emotions in, becoming composed again. Turning to look away, he continued quietly, “But you’re right. I made my choice, and now I have to live with it. I’m sorry for bothering you. Goodbye (Y/N).”
As he began to walk away, you could feel yourself becoming hollow once more. Because despite all the hurt and sadness that accompanied it, being in Toshinori’s presence had made you feel whole, something you hadn’t experienced in a year. The forgotten sensation was so foreign that you didn’t even recognize it until it was slipping from your grasp again, replaced by the aching familiarity of all encompassing loneliness. And in that moment, you craved nothing more than to regain that sense of completion. With it came the realization that you didn’t want Toshinori to go. It was the one clear truth that shined through the darkness. All you knew was that it couldn’t end like this. You refused to let it end like this. Not again.
Your hand reached out of its own accord to lightly grasp his own, fingertips just barely brushing against together, but it was enough to bring Toshinori to an abrupt halt. Eyes widening, he briefly glanced down to look at your entwined hands before turning back around to face you. Faced with his presence once more, the clarity you found mere moments ago disappeared, leaving only your doubts and insecurities. Head held to the ground, you whispered, “Why now?”
Clenching your jaw to stop the wobble in your lips, you looked up to meet his eyes. “Why now Toshinori? You know where I live,” You began. Face falling, your voice cracked. “If that’s how you really feel then why didn’t you ever come back?”
Tears pooled in your eyes that you stubbornly swiped away as you let out a sniffle. “Don’t you know I waited for you? So many nights spent dreaming you’d walk through my door to tell me what you just said. But you never did. So why now?”
Seeing your tears, Toshinori’s heart clenched painfully in his chest. “I-I couldn’t. You’ve always deserved someone better than me. I couldn’t be that selfish. I had no right to ask you to take me back.” He paused to give you a small, sad smile. “And despite what everyone thinks, I’m just a scared coward deep down. I couldn’t bear the thought of coming back only to lose you once more. But when I saw you in the crowd, something in me refused to idly stand by and let you slip away, at least not until you knew the truth. You deserved that much from me at least.”
When he finished, all you could do was stare in shock. Was this really happening? What were you supposed to do? Were you truly ready to bare your heart to him? Looking up at his pained face, the overwhelming urge to see him smile again gave you the strength you needed. Despite the internal war that swirled throughout your head, you knew that you at least needed to try.
Stepping forward, you stopped in front of him, hesitantly leaning your forehead against his chest. The only sounds to fill the air were your deep, shuddering breaths. “When are you gonna realize that all I’ve ever wanted is you Toshinori?” You whispered.
Toshinori’s breath caught in his throat. With your bodies so close together, you could hear his once steady heartbeat begin to race in his chest, the thumping staccato a harmony to the melody of your own pounding heart. Nothing was said for many moments. As Toshinori waited to see what you would do next, your mind was frantically trying to figure out what to do. It all came down to this. Did you part here to go your separate ways, or were you going to fight for the future you’d dreamt about a year ago?
Hands clenching around his shirt, your tears spilled over your cheeks to stain the thin material. Not having the courage to face him, you kept your head bowed, burrowing into his chest. “You hurt me. You really hurt me Toshinori. How do I know that I can trust you? How do I know you won’t just leave like before. I-I can’t go through this again. I need to know that you’ll stay this time.” You said softly.
Hesitantly, Toshinori began to reach his arms up to settle comfortingly on your back, going so slow it was as though he thought the slightest movement would cause you to disappear. But you didn’t. And as his palms laid flat, your body relaxed and let out a shudder at the contact. Drawing you close, he embraced you, leaning his head down to rest upon your hair.
“Right now, I know you don’t have any reason to trust what I’m about to say. I completely shattered your faith in me a year ago, and there’s nothing I can say that would truly encompass how sorry I am.” He murmured, so softly that if anyone else had been around you were sure you’d still be the only one to hear, “I won’t try to make excuses, but I can promise you this. If you just give me a chance (Y/N), I will spend the rest of my life trying to prove myself worthy of you. Because I love you, and I don’t ever want to lose you again.”
Breath hitching, you broke apart just enough to look up at him with wide eyes. “You-You love me?” You breathed out.
Giving you a bright smile, he leaned down to press his forehead against yours. “I never stopped.” He whispered.
All you could do was stare at him in amazement. He really still loved you? Even after all this time? His words were like a salve to your aching heart, smearing away the pain and suffering of the past year to reveal the own love you held for him. While it wasn’t enough to completely undo the past, it was enough to grant you clarity. You loved him. Plain and simple. And you’d be damned if you let the past get in the way of the future.
“I-I..” You stuttered, feeling like a thousand cotton balls were stuffed in your mouth. But where words failed you, actions did not.
Face softening, your hands bunched tighter around the fabric of Toshinori’s shirt as you slightly tugged him down into a kiss. It started chaste, lips just barely pressing together, before suddenly morphing into a frenzy of need as a year of pent-up emotion demanded to be released. Your hands moved up from Toshinori’s shirt to tangle in his hair as you arched into him, rising up on your tiptoes, for a better angle. Desperate to deepen the kiss, you swiped your tongue along his bottom lip, begging for entrance. Toshinori willfully granted it, just as eager for your touch as you were for his. Tongues dancing together, Toshinori’s arms slid from where they were resting at the small of your back up to the base of your neck, his fingers curling into the roots of your hair. The only sounds to fill the air were the harsh sounds of your heaving breaths, yet you barely even heard as Toshinori’s touch overwhelmed your senses, making it impossible to register anything but him.
The touch, taste, and god even the smell of him, it was enough to make you dizzy. Yet you embraced it, gladly diving into the cesspool, your body craving more of him with every passing second. The embers of your love roared with renewed life, lighting you on fire. Every brush of fingertips across your skin sent jolts of heat racing to your core. The fabric of your panties grew damp with need, the scent of your arousal floating through the air to sting your nose. It was too much yet simultaneously not nearly enough. The feel of his lips was no longer enough to satiate you as your body yearned to feel him ever closer. You needed more.
Lungs burning for air, you pulled away for only the briefest of moments. Staying so close that the small string of saliva connecting your lips didn’t even break, the heat of each other’s exhales fanned over your faces as you both fought to catch your breath. Physically unable to stand being parted from him though, you quickly brought his lips to yours once more, just barely managing to breathily gasp out “I need you.” before they touched.
As you kissed him with renewed vigor, your body began to move of its own accord, desire taking control. Reaching down, your hands blindly fumbled with his pants, desperately trying to get them off. Without ever breaking, Toshinori slid his hands from where they were tangled in your hair to move gently down the length of your body where they came to rest around your hips. Hoisting you up, he stepped impossibly closer, sandwiching you against the wall in order to support you, forcing you to tilt your head down ever so slightly in order to keep your lips locked. The uneven concrete dug uncomfortably into your back, but you couldn’t find it within yourself to notice, drowning in the feel of Toshinori’s embrace.
Toshinori’s free hand traced a path up your thigh, snagging the hem of your dress along the way. Bared to him, he hooked his thumb around your panties, dragging them along the curve of your ass before releasing them and allowing gravity to take care of the rest. A finger trailed down to tease at your soaked entrance before easily slipping in to work you open.
Throwing your head back, you gasped at the sensation before it was cut off by a deep moan as he added another digit. Breathing heavily, you could begin to feel the coil build within you, winding tighter and tighter as he expertly turned your body into putty. It was clear he still remembered all of your weak spots.
All of a sudden though, his touch disappeared, causing you to whine loudly in protest, but it quickly died off as his fingers were replaced by the tip of his dick beginning to prod at your entrance. Before going further, he stopped for but a moment to peer into your eyes, looking for confirmation.
“Please Toshi. Don’t make me wait any longer.” You whimpered.
It was all he needed. Thrusting his hips forward, he buried himself in you, driven by a primal instinct after being starved of your touch for so long. Gasping at the sudden fullness, your legs tightened around him as you tugged on his hair for support, trying desperately to adjust to his girth. With Toshinori’s face buried in your neck, you could feel his hot, labored breaths fan against your skin as trembles wracked his body from the strain of holding back to give you the time you needed.
For a few moments, the world lay completely still, nothing but the sound of your mingled pants to fill the air. But as you slowly began to adjust to him, the slight sting from his sheer size fading away into the much more pleasurable sensation of feeling deliciously full, it soon became apparent that it wasn’t enough. A restless urge to bring Toshi closer, harder, deeper, began to consume you, and with a small lift of your hips, you signaled for him to move.
Body shuddering in relief, Toshinori pulled out slowly only to slam back into you, his movements drawing twin moans of pleasure from you both. While his strokes were languid at first, it didn’t last for long as his restraint slowly dissolved, a frenzy taking over his mind. Driven by a need to claim you, body, mind, and soul, he began to buck into you with wild abandon, the pace borderline brutal.
Yet you had no objections, as your own mind made similar demands of you. Meeting him thrust for thrust, you could feel sparks of pleasure dance through you with every movement, the coil inside you beginning to pull tight once more.
“So good. You feel so good. I’ve missed this. Missed you. Never letting you go again.” Toshinori groaned, leaning down to pepper your neck in hot open-mouthed kisses.
Lost in the haze of pleasure, you could do no more than let out an appreciative moan at his words. Leaning down to kiss him, it was clear that you were both on the edge of release as he started to jerk even faster into you, desperate to fall off the precipice. With one last thrust, Toshinori sank himself deep into you, shudders wracking your body as the coil inside you burst free and pleasure exploded behind your eyes, causing you to cry out. As your pussy clenched around him, Toshinori also came, sending thick, hot ropes of cum to coat the inside of you. Yet you barely even noticed, lost in the sea of white hot pleasure dancing along your spine. Hands blindly fumbling to grasp onto Toshinori’s shoulders, your body gave out, no longer able to support you as you rode out the last waves of your orgasm.
Slumping against the wall, Toshinori instantly brought his hands up to catch you, despite being in a similar state. As you slowly recovered, it became apparent that Toshinori was relying on you as much as you were him in order to remain upright. As he fought to regain control, his trembling limbs shook against your back, ragged pants echoing through the air.
When Toshinori finally reclaimed his strength, he slowly pulled out of you and began to carefully lower you to the ground, gravity causing your dress to fall back into place. Feet touching solid ground for the first time in several minutes, you stumbled at the familiar yet foreign feeling, struggling to find your balance. Yet Toshi immediately tightened the loose grip he had on you, snaking his arms around your belly to stop you from falling before gently guiding you back up. Only when it was clear that you could stand on your own did his grasp finally fall.
As Toshinori moved to stand a few feet away, you found that you could no longer look at him, the once intimate atmosphere quickly souring as uncertainty turned the air noticeably awkward. Eyes dragging down to stare at the ground, you contemplated what to do. No longer filled with the lust that had fueled your courage, the situation had once again become clouded as insecurities forced their way to the forefront of your mind. Where did you go from here? What did you really want? What did he really want? Had he really meant everything he said?
As the silence dragged on, it slowly turned suffocating, yet neither of you knew how to break it. Eventually though, it became too uncomfortable to ignore, and unable to stand it any longer, Toshinori cleared his throat. While quite a soft sound, it nevertheless drew your eyes back up to him. Somehow, you dimly noted, he’d been able to redress during those moments spent in silence.
Faced with your stare, Toshinori jolted slightly, hand reaching up to nervously rub at the back of his neck before he ultimately cast his eyes down at the ground, unable to hold your gaze. “I-I didn’t hurt you, did I?” He murmured.
At his words, a wave of heat rushed into your face, cheeks burning. God, why in the world was this so embarrassing? Choosing your words carefully, you replied, “No, more of the opposite actually. It was quite ah... enjoyable.”
“That’s-That’s good.” He said, face turning ever so slightly red though he turned away to hide it. With that, Toshinori faded back into silence, clearly done with the conversation.
Another long period of stillness followed, until, finally, it was your turn to fill the emptiness. Your worries had been stewing ever since Toshinori had set you down on the ground, and now, they were bubbling over. You couldn’t hold it in anymore. “Did you really mean all those things you said?” You blurted out.
Startling, Toshinori turned back around to face you, wide eyes staring straight into yours. “Of course! I’d never lie to you about something like that.”
Shoulders slumping in relief, a heavy weight lifted off your chest. Deep down, you’d known he would never deceive you like that, but still, a part of you needed to hear him say it. It reassured you in a way your own mind never could. Now, there was truly nothing holding you back.
Taking a few steps towards him, you reached down to grasp his hand before bringing it to your lips, laying a gentle kiss on his knuckles. Tilting your head back, you peered up at him and gave him a small smile. “I-I think I’d like to give this- us another shot, if you’re willing Toshi. I don’t want to let you go, ever...because I love you too.”
Blue eyes wide in shock, Toshinori reached down to push a lock of hair behind your ear, letting his hand rest against your cheek in the spot it once covered. Tears welling in his eyes, he choked, “I’d like nothing more.”
And then, he leaned down to capture your lips in one more kiss. Only this time, there was no hunger to it. No carnal desire propelling him forward. It was gentle, sweet, and above all pure. A true expression of the love and adoration he felt for you.
When the need for air finally forced you to break apart, there was a slowness to it, both of you determined to savor every last moment of the kiss. When your lips separated, you remained close, foreheads pressed together with matching grins adorning both your faces.
The sweet silence spent basking in each other’s presence was only disturbed by an uproar of cheers from the distance, a gentle reminder that there was, in fact, a purpose for both of you being at the festival. Letting out a sigh, Toshinori murmured, “The closing ceremony will be starting soon. We should probably head back.”
Despite his words though, neither of you made any motion to leave. In fact, you ignored the sounds of the festival altogether, not even sparing a glance in its direction as you were both unwilling to part from one another.
“You know, the only reason I’m here is because I’m supposed to be covering the festival.” You said, releasing a tiny laugh at the irony.
Bringing a hand up to gently rest against his cheek, you let your eyes flutter close before continuing, “But right now, I want nothing more than to stay right here. I wish I could stay here with you forever.”
Reciprocating your gesture, Toshinori let his hands come up to cup your face, saying “I know. I feel the exact same.”
Allowing himself just a few moments more, Toshinori released a deep breath before pulling away from you with great effort, if only to ensure he didn’t give in to the urge to lose himself in you once more. Giving you a wistful glance, he said, “As much as it pains me to say, there’s no way I’ll be able to escape my duties for the closing ceremony. Everyone’s expecting me.”
As much as you knew it shouldn’t have, you couldn’t help the wave of disappointment that crashed over you at his words. Everything was still so new, so fresh, so fragile. There was so much to talk about, and though both of you had responsibilities to fill, the thought of being away from him brought that familiar sense of loneliness flooding over you. Who knew when you’d both be free next?
“However,” Toshinori continued, turning slightly bashful which caused your head to perk up, “My schedule is free once the festival is over. That is to say, would you want to...go to dinner? Together? Of course, you don’t have to! Don’t feel obligated-”
Face softening at his flustered state, you grasped his hand causing him to stop short before he could become even more distracted. Giving him a small smile, you reassured him saying, “I’d love to go to dinner with you.”
Brightening considerably, Toshinori flashed a grin that beamed brighter than the sun, enthusiastically stating, “Great! I’ll come find you once the festival is over, so don’t worry about trying to navigate through the crowds.”
As you stared up at him, happiness radiating from you, Toshinori couldn’t resist leaning down to give you one last gentle kiss. Pulling away, he inclined his head in the general direction of the arena and tugged on your hand saying, “Come on, I’ll walk you back.”  
With that, the two of you began to head back to the stadium with your hands entwined, walking not only back toward the festival but also into a better and brighter future, together.
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aithorin · 3 years
Come Back to Me - All Might x Reader - Part 1 (18+)
Summary: A year after All Might tears your heart to pieces, the meager progress you've made toward moving on threatens to come crumbling down when your boss puts you in charge of covering the UA Sports Festival. While it's an event you'd normally be thrilled, even honored, to attend, there's no denying your sense of unease at the fact that the one man you've spent a year trying to avoid will be right there smack dab in the center of it all. To ensure the safety of your still fragile heart, you make a simple plan with only one objective: avoid All Might at all costs. Absolutely nothing can go wrong, right?
Warnings: Angst, Insecurities (mostly All Might’s), Hurt/comfort, Heartache, Breakups, Reunions, Forgiveness, Happy Ending
Archive Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30893261/chapters/76282961
A/N - This is part 1 of 2 for this fic. Part 2 should be up here sometime tomorrow, but it’s already completed on AO3. So, if you really like this, you can check out what happens next over there! Also, this part is SFW but the next will be very much NSFW, which is why I’ve marked this as 18+.  EDIT: Part 2 is up!
Part 2
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1 year ago
“You could’ve been seriously injured.” Toshinori said, a pained, solemn look in his eyes.
“Yes, but that doesn’t matter,” You said, leaning up to lay a hand on his shoulder. Giving him a small smile, you continued, “What matters is that you were there to save me.”
“But it does matter.” He protested, “What if I hadn’t been able to transform? What if I had already used up my time today? You could have died!” He threw his hands up in a combination of worry and frustration.
“You can’t live life dwelling on what ifs, Toshi.” you said, trying to get him to understand, “And anyways, I have you, so there’s no need to worry. You’ll always save me. I know you will.”
“But that’s the problem. I won’t always be here.” He said, a shot of bitterness lacing his tone.
“Everyday, my time limit grows shorter and shorter. Soon there won’t be an All Might. And once he’s gone, I won’t be able to protect you anymore. What if I’m not able to save you next time?” He said, eyes growing glassy and full of sorrow at just the thought.
At his words, your mouth grew dry as you realized you could offer nothing but silence. For his words were true. How were you supposed to comfort him, knowing that his concerns were a very real possibility?  
“Being around me puts you in danger.” He continued, “I-I think we should stop seeing each other.”
The words were out of his mouth before he even had a chance to realize what he was really saying. A brief moment of regret passed over his face as he processed them, but it was quickly replaced by a grim determination. Yes, this was for the best. You deserved someone better than him anyways. You were always too good for him. By letting you go, you’d finally have the chance to be with a real hero. Someone who could always protect you.
Meanwhile, your breath had caught in your throat at his words. “What?” You whispered around the quickly growing lump lodged in your windpipe.  
Watching as his Adam's apple bobbed, he swallowed, seeming to take a moment to gather himself. For the courage to face you or the courage to face himself, you didn’t know. Eyes downcast to the floor, he repeated, “I think we should stop seeing each other.”
At his words, you felt your heart shatter in two. And yet, part of you still held out hope. That it was all just a joke. It had to be some kind of joke, right? He wouldn’t leave you. Not over this.  
“You-You’re not serious.” You said, “You can’t be serious.”
At your words, he said nothing, eyes still glued to the floor, refusing to look at you. And with each passing second, that disbelieving hope withered away into cruel reality, leaving you with nothing but pain. Tears springing into your eyes, you let out a choked sob that you quickly stifled. You wouldn’t cry in front of him. You refused to cry in front of him.
“Why?” You whispered.  
Still, he wouldn’t look at you or respond, causing a flash of anger to flare.
“Look at me and tell me why goddamnit!” You yelled.
That finally got his attention. Bright blue eyes shot up to meet your own, and he felt his own heart break as he took you in. Cheeks flushed and tears shining in your eyes, your bottom lip wobbled slightly as you tried to keep yourself together. Arms trembling, your nails visibly dug into your palms in an effort to stop shaking. Anything to distract yourself from the pain radiating in your chest.
Throat tight, Toshinori struggled to remember why in the first place. Whatever it was, it surely wasn’t worth your tears. But then, an image flashed in his mind. Your body, lifeless, on the ground oozing blood, while he stood over you, eyes empty as he realized he failed you. And it’s all he needs to steel himself. He’d rather live knowing he broke your heart than live knowing your death was on his hands.  
“I’m doing this to protect you.” He said, “You’ll be better off without me anyways.”
Beginning to walk toward the door, your voice stopped him in his tracks. “You don’t get to decide what’s best for me Toshinori. You don’t have a say in how I live my life.”
“No,” He said, still facing the door, “But I do get to decide how to live mine.”
“If you walk out that door, don’t even think about coming back.” You said, trying and failing to infuse venom into your voice. It was a false ultimatum, one you hoped would make him change his mind. But nothing would.
Hand on the doorknob, he began to open it, when your voice called out one last desperate plea. “Please don’t go.” You whispered, voice cracking.  
Pausing by the door, his head turned ever so slightly. “I’m sorry.” He said softly, voice thick with emotion, before stepping through the door and shutting it with a faint click.  
In an instant, you were left in a deafening, mind numbing silence. He was gone. Well and truly gone. With it the last embers of hope were doused as your heart shattered a thousand times over. Unable to stand, you sunk to the floor, lifting a hand to your mouth. It started small, tiny tremors wracking your body as you tried to hold it in, but soon it became overwhelming. A cry escaped your lips, followed by another, slowly rising in volume until becoming a full on wail. The dam had broken and you could do nothing to stop it. Tears cascaded down your cheeks blurring your vision until you saw nothing but indistinct blobs. Hunching over yourself, you grabbed onto your shoulders with opposite arms, hugging yourself, as you struggled to breathe through the sobs. Breath coming in gasps, you slowly rolled over, the all encompassing pain becoming too much. He was gone. Gone. Gone. Gone.
You cried yourself to sleep that night.  
As he closed the door behind him, Toshinori could hear you break into sobs, the walls of your apartment doing nothing to muffle the gut wrenching sound of your heartbreak. With each step, he found it harder and harder to move, harder and harder to breathe. Every fiber of his being was screaming at him to turn around. To burst through your apartment door and sweep you into his arms, pleading for your forgiveness. But he couldn’t - he wouldn’t allow himself to. Vision growing blurry, he felt something wet land on his cheek. He reached up only to realize that it was a tear. He was crying.
“It’s for the best. I’m protecting her.” He told himself. Maybe if he said it enough, it’d finally be true.
And yet, as tears steadily poured down his face, he couldn’t help but feel that he had just made the biggest mistake of his life.  
Present Day
“I want you to cover the U.A. Sports Festival this year,” Your boss said, barely looking up from his desk as he began to light a cigarette.
At his words, your heart skipped a beat, breath catching in your throat. Any other year and you would have been jumping for joy. After all, the Sports Festival was one of the biggest events of the year. To be entrusted with the coverage for it was nothing short of an honor. But this year was different. This year he would be there. Everyone knew he’d recently taken a teaching position at the famed school.
It’d been a year since All Might had walked out on you, taking your heart with him and leaving nothing but unfathomable sorrow to fill the gaping, hollow void. Time had done little to diminish the pain. He was, after all, the only man you had ever truly loved. But he had left, just like everybody else. And nothing was going to bring him back. You needed to accept that, but damn was it hard. How were you supposed to let him go when every fiber of your being still fiercely burned for him, forever yearnful for his embrace?
The weeks that followed that day were the most difficult of your life. Fueled by false hope, countless nights were spent waiting into the ungodly hours of the morning hoping - praying that he’d come back. But he never did. And every night, as the hour grew late, that blind faith would begin to slip away despite your attempts to desperately cling to it. But it was always in vain, for reality would inevitably rip it from your grasp and force you to accept that he wouldn't be walking through your door that night. That he wouldn’t be walking through your door ever again. And when you were left without nothing but the cold, dark despair of the truth, the dam would break once more, fat teardrops rolling off your eyelids to splash onto your cheeks before slowly morphing into two steady rivulets as your heart fractured all over again. The pain would start slow, like a wave far out a sea, gradually gaining speed and strength before crashing over you like a tsunami. You’d cry until you had no tears left, great big heaving sobs that had you gasping for breath. Somehow, you were never able to remember, you’d find the strength to crawl off of the couch and into bed, curling up around the pillow that used to be his, and cry yourself to sleep, his scent taunting your nose.
Morning, however, brought you no reprieve. For one brief, shining moment, as you drifted between the grey area of sleep and awake, you’d forget about everything that had happened and roll over, expecting to embrace Toshi’s slim, warm body. When your arm met nothing but cold air, the illusion would shatter, bringing reality crashing over you once more. And as you sat up, hugging your knees to your chest with tears watering in your eyes and your bottom lip trembling, you’d think about how you had never felt so alone. You had no one to turn to. Your friends were out of the question (your relationship had been a secret after all). And the person who was supposed to comfort you, whose presence you craved the most, was the very person who had caused your pain.
There was no escape. The world outside your apartment only exacerbated your heartache. He was everywhere. No matter where you turned, his smiling face would be plastered all over the news, taunting you with a constant reminder that you weren’t good enough. If, by some miracle, you managed to make it to work without hearing his name, the office made sure it didn’t last. The second you stepped through company doors your colleagues never failed to rope you into discussions about his latest heroic feat. Whenever he made an appearance, it was all anyone would buzz about for days. So you’d be forced to sit there, offering tight-lipped empty praises to appease your colleagues, all the while trying desperately to keep the tears at bay. And when the group would finally disperse to begin the workday, you’d make a beeline for the bathroom as the urge to cry finally overwhelmed you.
It all just felt like one cruel, sick joke. How could he continue living his life so easily when, by comparison, his absence had left you crippled? Had you truly meant so little to him? It wasn’t fair. You had no doubt that he’d been quick to forget all about you. His obvious indifference in the media made that clear. Thoughts of you and the memories you shared together had probably long been reduced to a thing of the past. But his popularity had rendered it quite impossible for you to do the same. Even when he wasn’t there, his presence permeated every aspect of your life, choking you with its magnitude.
Somehow though, you’d managed to slowly put your heart back together, but just barely. The pieces were intact but fragile, not quite bound together. All it needed was the slightest nudge to send it toppling over again, and attending the Sports Festival threatened to do just that. If something were to happen there, you weren’t so sure you’d be able to pick up the pieces of your heart this time. For the sake of your sanity, you needed to stay far far away from the festival this year.
“Th-The Sports Festival?” You sputtered, choking on the words.
“Yes, is there a problem?” Your boss said, glancing up at you with an eyebrow raised. The look in his eye said it all. You were attending the Sports Festival, whether you wanted to or not.
Gathering yourself, you tried not to make your defeat too evident. “N-No sir. Thank you for this opportunity,” You said, giving him a quick bow.
Turning, you began to walk away, feeling panic begin to rise in your throat. You tried to swallow it, but it seemed to have the opposite effect, only escalating your worry. God, what were you going to do? What if you saw him? What if he saw you? Would he try to talk to you? You didn’t think you’d be able to keep yourself together if he did. God, was all your hard work about to be completely undone from this assignment?
Shaking your head, you forced yourself to calm down. It wasn’t going to come to that. You were overthinking things. The Sports Festival was the biggest event of the year, meaning there were going to be thousands upon thousands of people there. The possibility of running into him was miniscule. And if, by some god awful twist of fate, you do happen to run into him, then you’d surely be able to lose him in the crowd. You’d already conceded the fact that you were going to have to see him. No doubt he’ll have some role in the ceremony. But as long as you can escape talking to him, then, maybe, just maybe, you’ll be able to make it through the event unscathed.
Nodding to yourself, a small smile of determination came over your face. Everything would be fine. There was no need to get so worked up. You’d go to the festival, enjoy the good food and entertainment, and then come back and write a damn good article. Without seeing All Might. You’d make sure of it.
Though as you approached your desk, try as you might to ignore it, you couldn’t shake the nagging feeling your simple plan was somehow going to fail miserably.
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aithorin · 3 years
A Lesson in Possession - All Smite x Reader (18+)
Summary: When you make the mistake of revealing that you find one of the top ten heroes attractive, Smite wastes no time in reminding you that you belong to him.
Warnings: Villain AU, Villain!All Might, Possessive behavior, Dominance, Vaginal fingering, Possessive sex, Unhealthy relationships, Degradation
Archive Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30772664
Very much NSFW!
All Might was ignoring you. Intentionally ignoring you. And you didn’t like it. Not one bit. For the last 20 minutes, you’d tried in vain to get him to finally sit down on the couch with you yet to no avail. He just continued to rustle around in the kitchen, seeming to clang together every goddamn pan in existence while looking for who knows what. At any rate, it was clear your attempts weren’t working at all.
Letting out a huff, you turned away from the kitchen to face the television. Raising the volume to drown out all the fucking noise he was making, the newsreporter babbled on about a battle that had happened earlier in the day. The fight in question was between none other than All Might and a horde of the top heroes. But what else was new?
‘Boooooorrrrring’ You droned out in your head. Picking up the remote, you flicked to the next channel only to be met with the same regurgitated garbage from the last. Sitting up straight, a spark of irritation fired through you as you began cycling through all the channels, going through them faster with each disappointment.
“All Might-” Next
“Earlier today, Symbol of Discord, All Might-” Next
“Top hero Endeavor and All Might faced off-” Next
God, was there nothing else to fucking watch? Huffing in frustration, you hit mute before tossing the remote onto the cushion beside you. Crossing your arms, you settled further into the sofa as a small pout crept onto your face. Glaring at the TV, you gave it a scowl that rivaled All Might’s. However, as you kept your eyes trained on the now silent news report, your glower slowly faded into a wicked grin as an inkling of an idea began to take form. You knew exactly what to do. All Might wouldn’t be ignoring you for much longer.
Sitting up, you swung your legs up onto the couch and schooled your features into the epitome of relaxed and unbothered. Slinging one arm over the back, you kept your gaze glued to the TV and called out, “Your fight from today is all over the news.”
A particularly loud clang was all you got in response. That was okay. It was to be expected. On to phase two.
“They’re saying you destroyed half of Kamino Ward. And with five of the top heroes there too! That’s pretty impressive you managed to make it here without a scratch. I guess even the best have nothing on you.”
This time you got a clang followed by a grunt. Okay, so flattery was a no go. Time to change tactics. But no matter, you had saved the best for last.
“Although…” you began, dragging the word out, “While they may not be a match for you when it comes to power, I do have to say that some of them rival you quite well in the looks department. Personally, I think Hawks comes pretty damn close.”
Bringing a finger up, you tapped it against your lips. Amending your previous statement, you said, “Hmmm, wait. On second thought, I think he might actually be hotter than you. He is pretty attractive, you know.”
At your words, all clanging came to an abrupt halt. This time all that greeted you was deathly silence. Reveling in it, your smirk grew tenfold. Checkmate.  
Slow footsteps rumbled across the ground, sending tremors through the floors of your apartment. But you wouldn’t let yourself be intimidated. Keeping your eyes trailed on the screen, you refused to look at him, knowing it would anger him more. With the sole intention of pretending not to notice you had just pissed off the number one villain, you nonchalantly picked at invisible dirt in your nails.
Standing in the doorway that separated the living room from the kitchen, you could feel his glare burning holes into the back of your head, but you held steady to the charade.
“What,” All Might growled, “Did you just say?”
Giving a noncommittal hum and schooling your features, you threw a cursory glance at him over your shoulder before turning back to the TV, feigning disinterest. Once you were out of his line of sight though, you couldn’t help letting the devilish grin return. It was all going according to plan. He was absolutely pissed. You didn’t think you’d ever seen him so angry before. Just a couple of words and his aura had darkened so much it cast a shadow over the whole room. With his eyes blazing and his lips curled back in a snarl, his fists were clenched at his sides, trembling ever so slightly in an attempt to keep his anger in check. At any rate, it was clear your comment had gotten his blood boiling.
“Hmmm, what was that?” you finally replied. Looking at the TV, you continued, “Oh, I was just saying that I think Hawks is way hotter than you. No offense.”
Letting out a snarl, he began to stalk towards you. “You’re playing a dangerous game doll. Are you trying to make me mad?”
“No,” you said, giving a small pout, “I’m trying to get your attention. You’ve been ignoring me the whole time you’ve been here!”
“Insolent girl!” All Might growled, “And you thought insulting me was the way to do it?”
“Well nothing else was working!” you said haughtily, crossing your arms, “Besides, from my view, it worked perfectly. You’re certainly not ignoring me now, which is all I wanted in the first place.” Letting the irritation slide off your back, you gave him a cheeky grin and waggled your eyebrows.
Yet your words seemed to have the opposite effect on All Might as his expression grew impossibly darker. Giving you a derisive smile, he sneered. “Fine,” He said, voice sinister yet full of promise, “Have it your way then.”
The change in the air was palpable. Grin fading from your face, you realized that with nothing more than a few words from him, you’d lost all control over the situation. The knowledge sent a wave of nervousness down your spine. There was no denying it. The tables had turned, and while you may have won the battle, you were most certainly about to lose the war. God, you should have just kept your mouth shut. Why did your impatience always land you in such deep shit? Would it really have been so bad to wait another 15 minutes?
You’d played with fire and now you were about to be burned. From the look of All Might’s heated gaze, it seemed you were in for a world of painful pleasure. He’d give you what you want alright, but the bastard would be sure to reduce you to a writhing, sobbing mess beforehand. Yet despite the fact that your head was screaming at you to get away, your body seemed to have other thoughts. To your horror, you realized that the idea of being so completely at his mercy was actually turning you on. Just thinking about it had you shifting uncomfortably in your seat as a dull throb of need began to build in your abdomen.
In a flash, his looming form hovered over you, encasing you with his shadow, and the glow of his blazing blue eyes burned with a smug self-satisfaction at the sound of your breath hitching. Somehow, he’d gotten ahold of your arms, and they lay trapped in one of his hands held high above your head. His actions had caused your shirt to ride up ever so slightly, a fact which had not escaped All Might’s attention. Taking a moment to rake his eyes over your form, you could feel your body heat under his appreciative gaze, tendrils of want slithering through you.
Leaning over you, All Might trapped you with his body, your chests touching. His nearness created a warmth, and with it your heart began to beat ever so slightly faster. Tongue darting out to nervously lick your lips, you waited to see what he would do. With his free hand, All Might came up to swipe his thumb across your bottom lip, getting rid of the moisture you’d just laid there, before tilting your chin up and somehow getting impossibly closer. It was more than enough to unnerve you, and it was obvious he was doing it on purpose. The damn bastard knew you were helpless to resist when he was that close.
Bending down, he pressed his face toward your ear. “You want attention?” He snarled, his hot breath fanning the shell of your ear and sending a shiver of anticipation down your spine, “I’ll give you attention.”
Pulling back, he made sure his eyes met yours. “I’m gonna fuck you so hard that you forget that bird brained freak even exists. But first, I’m gonna teach you a lesson, doll. Mark my words, you’re gonna regret opening that pretty little mouth of yours.”
And that was all the warning you got. Leaning down, he captured your lips in a bruising kiss, demanding entrance. But the brat in you couldn’t help resisting. You met him full force, refusing to give him what he wanted, goading him. In response, he growled against your lips before biting down on your bottom one, not hard enough to break the skin but hard enough to surprise you. Releasing a tiny yelp at the shock, he seized the moment to push his way through. In an instant, he had his tongue tangled around yours. And there was nothing loving about the embrace. Rough and bruising, it was pure punishment and you were helpless to do anything about it.
As your need for air began to become overwhelming, All Might started to pull away, leaving a trail of saliva connected to your lips, thinning ever so slowly before finally splitting in half to land against your chin. Chest heaving and yearning to feel his lips against yours again, you sought his touch the only way you knew how.
By baiting him.
Sitting up ever so slightly by wiggling one arm out of his embrace, you propped yourself up on it and gave him a roguish grin. “Is that all you got, big guy?” You asked.
At the jab, he let out a growl. “I’m not anywhere close to done with you, girl.”
Leaning down, he grabbed hold of your T-shirt and tore it straight in half in one fell swoop before doing the exact same with your bra. Letting out a gasp, your exposed nipples began to harden in wake of the cold air, and All Might smirked as you rushed to cover yourself.
“Uh Uh Uh” He tutted, waggling his finger at you, “You know better than that.”
Slowly you began to lower your hand, and All Might let out an appreciative hum. “Good girl.” He purred.
Leaning down, he latched onto one of your nipples, swirling his tongue around the tip before taking it between his teeth and giving it an experimental tug. Your body, desperate for the slightest touch now, responded immediately. Letting out a breathy moan, you arched into his touch, silently begging for more as the sensation sent jolts of pleasure dancing across your chest that headed straight to your core. Smirking in satisfaction, All Might chose to ignore your plea. Grabbing onto your hips, he began trailing his lips down to the waistline of your pants, leaving warm wet kisses with his tongue across your belly while his thumbs stroked the sides of your waist. Arriving at the top of your pants, he reached one hand over to flick them open before sliding them over the curve of your ass, taking your panties with them and leaving your glistening pussy fully exposed.
“Look at you. You’re positively drenched, and I’ve barely even touched you. What an eager little slut you are.” He said, dragging one long finger along your slit.
Gasping at his touch, you watched, entranced, as he pulled his finger away, your juices dripping off of it. Bending down, he held it up to your mouth.
“Suck.” He commanded. Looking down at it, you hesitated just a moment too long, and his face twisted into a snarl.
“I’m not gonna ask you twice, girl. When I tell you to suck, you suck. ” He growled, squeezing your jaw open with one large hand wrapped around your cheeks and pushing his index finger into your mouth.
Tentatively you took the length of his finger into your mouth, wrapping your lips around the base of it. As the back of your tongue touched the pad of his fingertip, the warm, slightly salty taste of yourself met it. Swirling your tongue around the digit, you slowly began to bob up and down on it, thoroughly lubricating it with your saliva.
Letting out a satisfied smirk, All Might purred, “Good girl.” Shoving his finger back in as far back into your throat as he could, you gagged trying to catch your breath as he finally removed the digit, bringing your bottom lip down with it.
“That was for earlier.” He sneered, “Don’t disobey me again.”
And then, beginning from your mouth, he traced a path down your chin with his wet finger, going between the valley of your breasts and the soft curve of your belly. As the wet trail he made quickly dried, you shivered as the dampness met the cold air. Arriving at your pussy, he began to prod at your entrance, easily slipping the digit in.
You couldn’t stop from letting out an immediate moan at the stretch. From one finger, he had already managed to make you feel deliciously full. The mind numbing emptiness your body had been begging for him to satiate was finally being remedied.
Beginning to pump, All Might turned his attention toward your clit. As his fingers thrust inside you, his thumb began to rub slow circles over your clit, pulling all sorts of gasps out of you. Working you open, his pace began to quicken and before you knew it he was slipping a second finger in.
Dissolving into putty at his hands, you could feel your climax fast approaching.
Yes!” you moaned, “Just like that.” You were so close. With one more thrust, you’d be gone. You could feel his fingers pulling out, preparing to send you over the edge, when suddenly they were completely gone, leaving you painfully empty.
Choking from the force of being denied so suddenly, your eyes flashed open just in time to see him climbing off of you. Face sweaty and cheeks flushed, you were an absolute mess. Lost in a haze of need, you could barely even comprehend what was happening. All you could see was that damn smirk on his face.
Unbuckling his pants painfully slow, he seemed to revel in your agony. As he hooked his fingers into the waistband of his pants, a distinct clink floated through the air as his loose belt buckle hit the metal of his pant button. And then in one swift motion, he took his pants off, his cock springing free. Painfully hard and red, it seemed to almost pulsate. Following the line of one thick vein, you saw that the tip was already oozing pre-cum.
Licking your lips in anticipation, you waited for All Might to approach you once more, but he remained standing. In fact, he moved farther away from you, making you want to cry.
Stroking himself, he seemed to completely ignore you as he lifted his other hand to rest on his chin, a thoughtful expression came over his face. “You know, I’ve already been quite lenient with you. Maybe it’d be better to just take care of myself.”
At that you wanted to sob. Nothing in the world mattered more to you than having his cock balls deep inside you at the moment. “Please please don’t do that!” you said, wanting nothing more than to pull him close, but he was just out of reach, and by then, you were too out of it to do anything else but stretch a weak hand toward him.
“Ple-please touch me.” You whined, legs rubbing together, desperately trying to regain even the slightest amount of friction.
Letting out a snort, he taunted, “And give me one good reason why I should. You haven’t exactly been on your best behavior today. Need I remind you that this is supposed to be your punishment?”
“I-I know you want to though.” You said, breathless. Raising your head to look at him through hooded eyes, you purred, “It-It’ll be so good.”
Taking a few steps toward you, he looked down into your eyes. Face becoming almost pleasant, he questioned, “You want this? You want my cock?” As you watched him stroke himself, you eagerly nodded. You wanted nothing more.
In an instant, his face turned dark once more as he growled, “Then beg for it.”
At that, a look of confusion spread over your face. “Wh-What?” You questioned.
“You heard me. If you want my cock beg. for. it.” He said.
Under normal circumstances, you would’ve laughed in his face, but, well, being incredibly horny does make a difference. Swallowing your pride, you whispered, “Please. I want your cock. I want you to fuck me.”
And yet, true to the utter asshole that he was, All Might pretended not to hear you. “Hmmm. What was that?” He said, lifting a hand up to cup his ear, “I didn’t hear you.”
“I want your cock!” You shouted, looking up to glare at him, “I want you to fuck me.”
“No need to be so mean kitten,” He said, a mock pout coming over his face, “That’s all I wanted to hear.”
Before you could even register that he’d moved, All Might was back over you again, one last self-satisfied smirk being the only warning you got before he buried his cock in you. Moaning from the sensation, tears sprung at your eyes from how far he was stretching you. God, he was so big, yet you couldn’t even find it in yourself to care because it felt so good.
Fully inside, he gave you the small mercy of allowing but a single moment for you to adjust. Before you knew it, he was pulling out only to thrust back into you again, setting an absolutely brutal pace. Eyes rolling into the back of your head from the force, you briefly registered him attaching onto your neck, sucking hard enough to leave teeth indentations.
Grabbing hold of his neck, you wrapped your legs around his waist to give him better access as breathy groans escaped your lips. Already you could feel the coil inside beginning to wind again.
“You filthy slut. You like this, don’t you? Me using you for the whore you are.” He said, wrapping a hand around your throat and grunting as he bucked into you.
“I’m the only one who’s ever gonna be able to fuck you this good. I’m the only one who can make you feel like this. You got that. You’re mine.” He growled, reaching hand down to flick at your clit, never once slowing down.
Lost in pleasure, you barely even processed his words. That is until he leaned down to snarl in your ear, “Say it.”
“I-I’m yours, All Might. You’re the only one who can fuck me this good.” you groaned.
Coming in close, he caught your lips in a bruising kiss, before thrusting in once more, going so deep you were sent flying off the edge. Gasping, you saw stars in your eyes as white hot pleasure wracked its way down your spine sending tremors throughout your body. As you came, your pussy clenched around him, causing All Might to climax as well. Hot seed coated the insides of your walls as you both fought to recover. As your heavy pants gradually became more controlled, he slowly slid out of you.
With sweat coating his brow and his breathing ragged, All Might looked down at you, blue eyes blazing,  “Nobody makes you feel the way that I do. Nobody. And you’d do well to remember that, doll.”
Climbing off of you, he began to make his way down the hall, throwing your pitiful form still sprawled out on the couch one last glance.  “The next time you want to try something like what you just pulled, I’d suggest you remember our little lesson today.”
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aithorin · 3 years
Only You - All Might x Reader (18+)
Summary: Having your stolen purse returned to you by none other than All Might definitely has its perks. Though you never would've imagined that one of them involved being asked out by the Symbol of Peace himself. There's just one tiny problem: you're already head over heels in love with your best friend, Toshinori Yagi.
Archive Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27971081
NSFW Warning!
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Standing at the counter, you nervously bounced your leg in time to the impatient drumming of your fingertips going across the countertop. God, you were going to be so late. Exactly ten minutes earlier, your sleep addled brain had said screw it and decided to stop for coffee on the way to work, even though you had already been running behind. Now that you had woken up a little, you silently cursed your impulsive habit to make regrettable decisions when you were tired. By doing so, you had gone from being a few unnoticeable minutes late to a definite super late. You should have turned around the minute you saw the line winding all throughout the little shop, but of course your brain had decided that coffee was a bigger priority than being on time to your job. And now it was too late to turn around and leave. You had already ordered and paid, so no way in hell were you leaving the shop without a drink in your hand.
Letting out a small sigh, you leaned against the counter even more, acting like your want for the coffee would somehow make it appear quicker. After a few excruciatingly long minutes, you finally heard your number called and scrambled to pick up your drink before the barista even had a chance to properly set it down. Heaving a sigh of relief, you turned to high tail it out of there. As you walked (more like ran) back through the coffee shop, your brain tried to calculate exactly how late you were going to be to get a feel for the corresponding anger your boss was sure to have.
So lost in your thoughts, you failed to notice the person standing in your path and proceeded to smack right into them. The sudden change in balance caused your coffee to tip, sending scalding drops onto your fingers causing you to hiss. Looking up for a moment, you stared in horror while the rest splattered across the person’s stark white shirt. Frozen in shock and desperately wishing you could somehow turn back time, you stood paralyzed as you watched the splotches grow, seeping through his shirt and across his skin.
A yelp pierced the air as the hot liquid came into contact with the man’s body thus spurring you into action. Job forgotten, you tossed the now empty coffee cup onto a nearby table, frantically pulling napkins by the handful from a plastic dispenser.
“Oh my god! I’m so sorry! Are you ok?!? God, I’m such a klutz.” You apologized while desperately wiping the napkins across his shirt. Fucking hell, it wasn’t coming out! First, you woke up late, and now you’ve (probably) injured a man and ruined his shirt. God this day sucked and it wasn’t even nine in the morning yet.
“It’s ok, really. It just surprised me is all. I’m partly to blame as well. I should have been more aware of my surroundings.” A voice from above you responded, but you didn’t bother to look up, too caught in your determination to get rid of the coffee and subsequent stain.
“No it’s not ok! It’s entirely my fault. I slammed into you. On top of that, the coffee was boiling hot! Did it burn you?” The words spilled out of you in a rush as you still scrubbed relentlessly at his shirt.
Large hands reached down to wrap around you own causing your frantic scrubbing to slow to a complete stop. Finally aware of how ridiculous you were being, you slowly raised your head bashfully to gaze at the stranger.
He was impossibly tall, and as you met his blue eyes you realized that they were twinkling with amusement causing a blush to fill your cheeks.
“Really, it’s ok! I’m fine. Trust me, I’ve dealt with MUCH worse.” He reassured you once again, flashing a bright smile that literally caused your breath to catch in your throat. Though not conventionally handsome (he was quite skinny and gaunt to be honest), his smile lit up the room and somehow made his brilliant blue eyes shine even brighter. You honestly didn’t think you had ever seen anything quite so beautiful.
Scrambling to stand up straight, a sudden nervousness overcame you once you noticed how attractive he was. Gesturing toward his newly decorated shirt, you stammered,”Um, bu-but your shirt is ruined now. Please let me make it up to you somehow.”
Hearing your words, the man seemed to shrink into himself. He tried to sway you saying, “Oh no. I promise it’s alright. You really don’t have to.”
“No please, I insist!”
Somehow, the man managed to hunch his shoulders even more than they already were as he let out a small sigh of defeat. “Alright, if it’ll make you feel better.”
Hearing his acceptance, the guilt weighing on your conscience eased by the slightest bit. “Great! Let me buy your coffee for-” Your words cut short as your mind decided to remind you of your job and the fact that you were incredibly late at that exact moment. A panicked gasp escaped through your lips.
“Oh my god, I’m so flippin 'late! I’m so sorry to just leave you here like this, but I have to go. I’d still like to make it up to you somehow, if you’d be willing. Are you free tomorrow? Wait, nevermind, I’ll just give you my number.”  You hastily scribbled your number down on a napkin, shoving it at him as you rushed toward the door.
Before leaving, you turned toward him one last time. “Feel free to text me! My name is (l/n) by the way!” Then without another glance, you sprinted down the street leaving him to stare after you.
As expected, when you finally showed up to work, your boss was not happy and proceeded to chew you out for another 30 minutes before you actually started work that day. You couldn’t be bothered to care though as you spent the entire time replaying your interaction with the stranger in your head, humiliation coursing through your body. God, you had practically mauled a total stranger trying to clean up your mess and then proceeded to demand that he let you buy him a coffee. And THEN, once he accepted, you completely bailed on him!
‘How rude can I possibly be? Do ALL of my manners and basic knowledge on how to treat other people fly out the window when I’m flustered. I must have made him so uncomfortable.’ You thought as a wince crossed your face. Burying your hands in your face, you slumped down in your desk chair, trying to disappear completely.
‘God and he was so nice about it too. In some ways that makes it even worse.’ Drowning in a self-pity party, you almost failed to notice the ping coming from your phone. Seeing that it was from an unknown number, a wave of curiosity overcame you. Grateful for the distraction from the morning’s disastrous events, you swiped to open the message and choked in surprise. It was from him, the stranger in the coffee shop. Seeing who it was, you blanched, almost scared to see what he would have to say after your less than optimal first meeting.
“Hello, this is Toshinori Yagi, the man you bumped into at the coffee shop this morning. I don’t think I had the chance to give you my name before you ran off. Anyways, if you would still be willing, I’m free tomorrow morning if you wanted to grab that coffee. Just let me know! Have a nice day!”
God, even when he texted he was still so goddamn polite. You couldn’t believe that after the morning’s fiasco he actually wanted to see you again. While extremely embarrassed by the thought of actually facing him again, a bigger part of you knew that you needed to make it up to him. Quite frankly, you wanted to see him again. He intrigued you, and a small voice whispered that you would be making one of the biggest mistakes of your life if you were to turn him down.
“Tomorrow is great! I’ll see you at ten at the same cafe?”
Seconds after hitting send, you watched as the three bubbles popped up, and held your breath waiting to see what he would say.
“Sounds good! See you then!”
A sigh escaped your lips as you released the breath you had been holding.
As soon as she had shoved the napkin into his hands and rushed off, Toshinori knew that he was going to struggle with what to do. On one hand, the woman, (y/n), had seemed quite eager, insisting that she do something to make it up to him. But on the other, she had also seemed quite frazzled by the experience and frayed nerves frequently make people do things they wouldn’t normally do. He doubted that the woman often handed her number out to strangers she had just met 5 minutes ago, but if she had handed her number to him of all people, she must have felt at least a little sincere about her sentiments. After all, most people took one look at him in this form and turned to walk the other way.
For hours, he batted back and forth trying to decide what to do. The napkin had been crumpled and uncrumpled so many times that the ink had smudged leaving the numbers a bit of a mess.
Finally, he decided to just leave it up to (y/n). By now, the panic should have disappeared from her mind, and she could decide whether she wanted to meet him again or not. If he were to be honest with himself, a part of him wanted to see her again. As soon as she had turned to look at him that morning, the first thought that crossed his mind was how utterly beautiful she was. Of course, he didn’t allow himself to acknowledge these thoughts as there was no way that she could ever be attracted to him.
'I’m pathetic in this form,' He thought angrily.
Be that as it may, that thought didn’t stop him from picking up his phone to text her, squinting to try and read the numbers smudged across the napkin.
Stepping into the cafe, you immediately noticed Yagi in a small corner of the shop wearing a garish yellow suit that was 3 sizes too big for him. Sliding into the chair across from him, he gave you a small smile when he noticed your presence.
“Hi again,” You said sheepishly. “First and foremost, I wanted to apologize for my behavior yesterday. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable with my forwardness. But, I’m really glad you contacted me! To be honest, I really wanted to see you again.”
You reached down to grab the bag that you brought with you. “I also wanted to give you this as well! I kind of just made a guess to your size, but if it doesn’t fit the receipt’s in there so you can always take it back. Hopefully, this makes up for my clumsiness yesterday.”
You handed the bag to Yagi, and he reached inside to pull out a pristine white t-shirt, identical to the one he wore yesterday.  A small blush appeared on his cheeks as he examined the gift. Sure he’d received lots of gifts before, but always as All Might, never as Toshinori Yagi. Your thoughtfulness touched him.
“Thank you very much.” He bowed his head slightly to you. “And don’t worry about yesterday anymore. There’s nothing to forgive.”
At his words, your face brightened considerably. “Now, I do believe I owe you a coffee, right?”
Your coffee cups had long been emptied, lying off to the side completely forgotten. For hours, you two talked about everything under the sun, finding that you had much more in common than you could have ever imagined.
“I, myself, am particular to old American westerns. I once studied abroad in America, so they’re a fond way of remembering my time over there.” Yagi mused.
“No way! That’s so cool! I’ve always wanted to go to America. I find the culture over there to be fascinating. That’s why old Westerns are some of my favorites too!” You beamed back at him.
“You know,” Yagi began before ducking his head down to stare at his hands interlaced on the table, “I heard that they’re going to have a showing of Red River at the theatre down the street from here next week. If you’re interested, maybe we could go?”
Hearing his invitation, your breath caught. He wanted to see you again? After spending hours with him, you knew that your fascination with him had definitely evolved into a want for his friendship. You had so much in common, and he truly was the nicest and most thoughtful person you had ever met. Who wouldn’t want to be his friend? To know that he must have similar feelings for you stirred a feeling of excitement within you.
As the silence dragged on, nerves began to overtake Yagi, and he was quick to retract the offer.
“Of course, you-you don’t have to.” He stammered.
Small hands reached across the table to envelop his considerably larger ones. “No, I’d love to go! I’m sorry, I was just excited over the fact that you’d want to be my friend, especially after my less than ideal first impression. Thank you for the offer Yagi.”
'Right, a friend' A small voice chimed in his head. He shook it off and raised his head, giving a dazzling smile to match yours. “Please… call me Toshinori.”
From then on, the two of you spent every free moment you had together. Countless nights were shared together doing everything ranging from simple dinners to going to extravagant festivals to having quiet movie nights on the couch. Toshinori, or Toshi as you had nicknamed him, became your closest friend. He was a confidant, a shoulder to cry on, and whatever you possibly needed. Likewise, you became the same to him.
It happened so gradually that you didn’t even realize what was happening until it was too late. The night you finally realized was such an astonishingly ordinary one that it puzzled you for weeks afterwards as to why you hadn’t realized it sooner.
Seated next to each other on the couch, your eyes slowly slid their focus from the TV towards Toshi. You took a moment to study him, eyes raking over his unruly blonde hair to settle on his face. He looked so peaceful. In the months that you had known him, he had slowly shed the walls that he had seemed to hide behind to reveal a person that had been through so much yet still managed to stand strong. It was moments like this that were your favorite. He hadn’t exactly told you everything that he had been through but somehow you knew that he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders. To see him so relaxed just filled you with inexplicable bliss.
As you kept your eyes trained on his face, you recalled the way he had passionately talked about the movie you were now watching beforehand, giving you a brief overview and random facts about it. Thinking about it, you realized that you would gladly listen to him talk all day.
Slight movement in the corner of your eye drew you back to reality just in time to see Toshi turn to meet your gaze. All he did was give a small smile in acknowledgement before shifting his attention back to the movie, but somehow that was all your brain needed to finally make the connection. Your breath caught, and you quickly twisted away from him to look at the TV so he wouldn’t see the blush rapidly forming on your cheeks.
You were in love with him. Plain, simple, and now undeniably true.
For the rest of the movie, you warred with yourself over what to do with this newfound information. Did you tell him? No, you couldn’t. You refused to let your feelings get in the way of what was definitely the best friendship you had ever had in your entire life. When the credits finally rolled, you decided to settle for keeping your newly realized feelings to yourself.
Unbeknownst to you though, Toshinori had struggled with similar feelings for quite some time now, but had come to a similar conclusion, already surrendering to the assumption that you could never return his love.
Glancing down nervously at your watch, the clicking of your heels against the pavement became more frequent as you hurriedly increased your pace. You were running late. Again. For the second time in two weeks. Raising your eyes to the sky, a curse escaped your lips. You were nowhere near close, but you could hear your boss’s complaints now. God, you really needed to start waking up earlier.
Weaving quickly throughout the crowds of people that lined the streets, you ran as fast as your heels allowed. Attention solely focused on your mission of getting to work, you failed to notice the hooded figure headed straight for you until it was too late. Slamming right into you, the breath was stolen from your lungs as you felt something tug at your shoulder. Turning, your eyes locked with a pair of brown ones as the hooded stranger gave you a malicious smirk before he pulled the bag resting on your shoulder into his arms with one big yank. And then, before you could even really process what was happening, he was gone.
Standing in shock, your brain frantically tried to catch up on the events that had just taken place. Mere nanoseconds later, it finally hit you causing waves of panic to crash over you. He stole my bag!
Swiveling back around, you caught sight of the stranger sprinting away in the distance prompting you to hopelessly chase after him. Each passing moment caused the distance between you two to grow larger as your less than optimal shoe choice prevented you from running at your fullest speed. Stumbling over your heels, you pointed a finger in the assailant's direction, hoping to god that someone would jump in as you cried out, “Somebody help! He just stole my bag! Stop him!”
Unfortunately, your exclamation did more harm than good as everyone turned to look at the source of the screams rather than the man who was quickly escaping with your belongings. For some reason, the crowd seemed to actually part, giving the stranger a clear route instead of forcing him to navigate through the sea of people lining the streets. As the seconds ticked by, your hope began to flicker out as it became clearer and clearer that you weren’t going to get it back. Angry tears sprung to your eyes as a growl of frustration escaped your lips. God, you had everything in that bag: your keys, phone, wallet, laptop, and who knew what else. What an absolutely awful day it was shaping up to be.
Resigning yourself to your loss, the staccato of your heels hitting against the pavement became slower and slower until coming to a complete stop. Bracing yourself against your knees, you bent over, panting as you tried to catch your breath. Balling your hands into your legs, a torrent of bitter, furious thoughts began to wash over you. How utterly stupid. If I hadn’t stood there like an idiot maybe I could have grabbed him before he took off. Who the hell doesn’t even notice that they’re getting robbed anyway? If I hadn’t worn these damn heels, maybe I could have caught the son of a bitch. God knows he shouldn’t have gotten as far as he did with those chicken legs of his. If I had been just a little bit faster, then maybe-
“Never fear, dear citizen! For I am here!” A voice thundered, jolting you out of your thoughts.
Swerving back around, your jaw dropped in awe as you caught sight of a pair of tell-tale blonde bunny ears matched with a red, white, and blue suit and realized that none other than All Might himself was barreling down the street, gaining quickly on the thief.
Right on his heels, All Might reached out with one hand, grabbing onto the assailant’s shoulder. Spinning him around and looming over him, All Might boomed, “You fiend! Trying to steal a woman’s bag in broad daylight? It’s rude to take others belongings without asking. Didn’t your mother ever teach you manners?”
Enshrouded by All Might’s shadow, the thief couldn’t see a thing. Craning his neck up, his eyes widened as he met All Might’s blazing blue ones. The bag held tightly in his arms started to shake as nerves began to wrack his body. Taking a big, audible gulp, he waited to see what All Might would do next.
Standing up straight, All Might continued, “Now then, why don’t you hand me the bag, and we’ll all just call this a big misunderstanding? Do we have a deal?”
Nodding his head fervently in agreement, the thief thrust the bag out towards All Might without another word before taking off down the street and disappearing into the crowd.
Smiling to himself at another success (it was already his 5th one today), All Might grabbed onto the handle of the bag and let it lay against his forearm while making his way back to you. As you watched his approach, a small part of your mind noted how comically small the bag looked against his arm, which under normal circumstances would probably have made you laugh, but, as it was, your brain had short circuited long ago from the fact that All Might had come to your rescue. Coming to a stop, All Might’s body loomed over you, his shadow engulfing everything in the nearby vicinity, and he carefully slid the bag off his arm, holding it out to you with his hand.
“Here you are, citizen!” He said, the grin on his face almost blinding you.
Shaking your head to clear your shock (from the fact that you had your bag back or that all Might himself was within touching distance you didn’t know), you gingerly reached out to take the offering.
Clutching the bag tightly to your chest, a sudden bout of nerves seemed to overtake you, forcing you to look at the ground while you mumbled your thanks. “Th-Thank you, All Might.” You stuttered.
Letting out a laugh, All Might placed his hands on his hips exclaiming, “Fear not citizen! No thanks is needed, I was just doing my job!”
“Re-Really though, I can’t thank you enough. Isn’t there something-anything I can do to thank you?” You said, finally gathering the courage to look your hero in the eyes.
(E/c) eyes met bright, vivid blue ones, and suddenly, it was All Might who stiffened in shock, though he took care not to show it. It was you! His best friend and the girl he had been secretly in love with for god knows how long. He had never met you in his hero form though. With that thought, All Might slowly realized that an opportunity had been presented before him, one that he intended to take full advantage of. As Toshinori, he could never hope to win your affection. Toshinori was weak, a pathetic coward who would only ruin the one good thing he had in his life if he confessed. In this form though, as All Might aka The Symbol of Peace, then maybe, just maybe, he could be a worthy contestant for your love.
“Well... there may be one thing. Putting my hero persona aside and asking this of you as any other citizen of course,” All Might began as a blush took over his face. Taking a moment to compose himself, he leaned down, speaking in a low voice, “I hope you won’t find this too forward of me, but I would be honored if you would accompany me for a cup of coffee.”
Standing up straight again, All Might turned his head away in embarrassment, “Of course, don’t feel obliged. I apologize if the request made you uncomfortable.”
You barely even heard him though. By then, you were worlds away, desperately trying to process everything that had occurred in the last few moments. Had-had you heard him right? Had the number one hero, the most famous man in all of Japan-maybe even the world, just asked you of all people out on a date? How do you even respond to a question like that? It was obviously a once in a lifetime opportunity, but for some reason, the mere thought of accepting his invitation sent waves of guilt rippling down your spine. Each wave brought the image of Toshi’s face along with your feelings for him crashing into the forefront of your mind. Though wholly irrational, considering you’ve never once hinted at deeper feelings, the thought of going out with a man who wasn’t Toshi made you so sick with betrayal that you knew, right then and there, you would never be able to accept All Might’s generous invitation. Toshi had ruined you forever. The last few moments had proved, once and for all, that you’d never be able to love anyone but him.
Taking a moment to steel yourself (you were about to reject the number one hero after all), you closed your eyes and inhaled deeply before slowly opening them once again. This was it. You were going to do it. Quick and easy, like ripping off a bandaid. Tilting your head up, you looked right him in the eyes saying, “I’m sorry, All Might. I’m very flattered by your offer, but I’m afraid I can’t accept."
Turning your head away bashfully, a rose colored hue spread across your cheeks. “You see...I’m in love with someone else. It wouldn’t be fair, to me or you, if I were to accept. You deserve someone who can give their all to you, and I can’t. Thank you though, for everything.”
Your words stabbed right through All Might, like a dagger to the chest, causing his breath to catch. His chest swelled painfully, seizing with each throb of his heart, as a lump formed in his throat. It seemed even All Might wasn’t good enough for you, and if All Might wasn’t enough, then there was truly no hope for Toshinori. Yet he refused to acknowledge his heartbreak. Now wasn’t the time for wallowing. He had a duty, both as your friend and a hero, to encourage you.
Giving you a tight smile, All Might swallowed the lump in his throat as best he could. “I...see. Well, whoever they are, they are lucky to have someone like you. I’m sure you’re very happy together.”
At his assumption, your cheeks burned even hotter. “Well to tell you the truth, we’re not even together. He’s one of my closest friends, and I’ve always been too scared of ruining what we have to confess.”
It was a situation Toshinori was all too familiar with. After all, it was exactly how he felt about you. But while he may no longer have a chance with you, he would do everything in his power to encourage you to pursue your mysterious love.
“Ah, well, if you would allow me to give you one piece of advice, let me just say if I’ve learned anything in my time as a hero, it’s that life is short. Seize the opportunity while you still have it because one day you may wake to find that it’s gone.” All Might said, thinking of what could have been with you.
Coming from anyone else, you would have scoffed and turned away at the cliche, but coming from All Might, the words instilled a sense of encouragement, lighting an urgent need to confess right away. You would do it. Tonight, when Toshi came over to watch movies. You loved him, god damnit, and he deserved to know.
“You know what,” You said, beaming, “You’re right! Thank you All Might. You’ve given me the push I need. I’m going to do it tonight. Consequences be damned!”
Chancing a glance down at your watch, you cursed realizing just how late you were. “I’m sorry,” you said, already beginning to hurry away, “but I’ve really gotta go. I’m super late for work. Thank you so much for your help All Might. It was lovely to meet you!”
Watching you wave goodbye and disappear into the crowd, All Might’s shoulders slumped,  and a sad smile took over his face. His own chances with you were now well and truly gone, and he took a moment to mourn for what could have been. Yet part of him still couldn’t help but be happy for you. For if what you said was true, you’d be in the arms of your mysterious love tonight. He already half expected to get a call from you later today canceling your plans. At any rate though, by tonight, you’d be happy, and that’s all he ever wanted for you. To be happy, even if it wasn’t with him.
Letting out a sigh, All Might straightened, putting his facade on once again, and leaped into the air.
Seated on the sofa, your leg nervously bounced up and down as you counted down the minutes until Toshi’s arrival. Quickly looking down at your watch, you noted that he would be here any second which quickly caused your nerves to jump as your heart skipped a beat in anticipation. With your heart pounding in your ears, you almost missed the knock at the door, yet it somehow still managed to scare you. Scrambling to get up, your legs felt like jello, threatening to give out on you as you made your way to the door. Straightening out nonexistent wrinkles in your shirt, your hand reached out to grab the knob but it remained still against it as you hesitated.
This was it. The point of no return. After tonight, your friendship with Toshi would either be destroyed forever or it would blossom into love. There was no going back. Nodding to yourself in determination, you swung the door open, plastering a smile upon your face.
“Hey Toshi!” you said, stepping aside to let him through. Opening your mouth, you intended to ask him about his day, but instead what came out was, “I’ll go grab the popcorn if you set up the movie! Deal?”
Momentarily taken aback by your abruptness, Toshinori squinted his eyes in confusion but quickly shook it off. “Of course,” he responded, making his way toward the living room without another word.
Staying by the door, you watched him round the corner of the hallway before disappearing into the safety of the kitchen. Letting out a breath you didn’t even realize you were holding, you wasted no time in berating yourself. Stupid. Stupid! He’s barely even been here two seconds and you’re already avoiding him. Quit deflecting and just do it already!  
Angrily, you threw the bag of popcorn in the microwave followed by a series of beeps as you started the timer. The thrum of a wave of air sounded throughout the kitchen as you leaned back against the counter, standing guard over your prize. Slowly, the consistent sound of popping overlapped the warm air, creating a therapeutic harmony that served to calm your nerves. Letting out a sigh, a fresh wave of determination washed over you, and you swore to yourself that you’d talk to him before the movie started. As the sounds of popping pittered away, you took the bag out and emptied it into a bowl before making your way to the living room.
Toshi sat with his hands folded on his lap on the couch, the movie already displaying the menu screen. Settling into your place beside him, you handed him the bowl before turning to face him.
Deciding to ease into the conversation, you started with something basic. “How was your day?”
“It was good, but long. I’m glad that I’m here with you now.” He stated, giving you a smile. “How about you?”
Looking into his eyes, your brain short circuited. There was no way you could confess with him looking directly at you. “Boring!” you squeaked, “Nothing happened really. Just the usual. I went to work. Then I came home! Nothing to talk about….Let’s start the movie!”
Lunging for the remote, you quickly mashed the buttons to click play. If Toshi noticed your strange behavior, he didn’t have the chance to comment for the sounds of the opening title blared throughout the small apartment, demanding his attention.
Yet, your mind was much too frazzled to focus on the screen. I just lied! Why did I do that? This was the most exciting day I’ve had in months! I met All Might for crying out loud! That was the perfect chance to tell him, and I just blew it! After the movie...After the movie, I’ll tell him for sure.  
And so, for the next two and a half hours, you made an absolutely pathetic attempt to watch the movie. You couldn’t concentrate because your mind inevitably drifted as you ran through different scenarios trying to figure out the right words to say. By the time the end credits rolled, you found that trying to split your attention between the two tasks had only proved to be counterproductive for you were no closer to figuring out how to confess and you had no earthly idea what you had just watched for the past two hours.
Letting out a yawn, Toshi lifted his arms into a stretch. Looking down at you, he noticed your blank look, causing concern to wash over him. Laying a hand on your shoulder, you shook your head out of your thoughts and turned to glance at him. “Are you alright?” he asked, “You’ve been distracted all night.”
“Yeah, Yeah, I’m fine.” you said, laying a hand nervously behind your neck, “Just thinking about work, I’ve got a big deadline coming up.” Internally though, you let out a scream of frustration as you just fucked up yet another chance to confess.
Toshi didn’t look like he believed you, but chose to let it go anyway. “Well, if you’re sure. You know I’m always here to talk if you need me, right?”
Nodding, you said “I know.”
Standing, Toshinori began to say his goodbyes. “I’m sorry to cut the evening short, but it’s getting late and I need to be getting home. I had a lovely time with you, as always.”
Now or never (Y/N). As he turned to make his way toward the door, a sudden burst of courage came over you, causing your hand to shoot out, quick as lightning, to wrap around his own. “Wait!”
Immediately stopping in his tracks, bright blue eyes turned to meet yours, causing that courage to wither away but this time you refused to back down. “I-I lied earlier.” you began, “My day wasn’t boring. In fact, it was quite the opposite. This morning, I met All Might.”
‘Here it comes,’ Toshinori thought. He had been waiting for it all night. It’s why he hadn’t pushed you even though you had been acting strange the whole time. You were going to tell him that you had confessed to your love, and it would be the final nail in the coffin that contained his heart.
Knowing what was about to happen, he reminded himself that he had to act as though still in the dark. Letting out a frown, Toshinori asked, “Are you alright? You weren’t hurt were you?”
Waving away his concern, you answered, “Yes, yes, I'm fine. That’s not important. The important thing is that I met All Might. And... well he asked me on a date, but I had to say no because... well... I’m in love with someone else.”
At your pause, Toshinori’s resignation began to turn into confusion. Why were you acting so nervous? Were you scared to tell him who you were in love with? It shouldn’t have been that big of a deal right? You were best friends, after all, and you’ve never held anything back from him before, so what was causing you so much anxiety? Was it someone he knew? Were you afraid he wouldn’t approve? Had they rejected you?
Heartbreak momentarily forgotten, genuine curiosity as well as concern began to overtake Toshinori. It couldn’t be helped. The hero in him urged him to forget his own troubles, so that he may help you with your own. “You’re in love with someone else? Who?” Toshi asked, attention now thoroughly focused on you.
Blushing beet red from the intensity of his gaze, you turned your eyes to the ground. “Erhm, I’ll get to that in a second. But anyways, All Might told me to confess and I promised him I’d do it tonight.”
Looking up at him, you tried to convey your feelings with your gaze, but Toshinori completely lost, only continued to blink owlishly at you. God, please don’t make me say it out loud. Isn’t it obvious, Toshi?  
Yet, Toshi had always been quite oblivious when it came to matters of the heart. Letting out a sigh, you realized that you were going to have to spell it out for him. “I guess...what I’m trying to say is,” Taking a deep breath, you forced down all of your anxiety and looked up to stare deep into his bright blue eyes, “I love you Toshinori.”
There. It was finally out. You had laid all your cards on the table. Letting out an internal sigh of relief, you felt a weight lift off of your chest as the words exited your mouth. Keeping your eyes trained on Toshi, you waited for his reaction. But as the seconds dragged on with no response, the momentary relief you felt from finally confessing withered away as your heart began to break, anticipating what was obviously going to be a rejection.
God, what had you just done! Stupid, Stupid, Stupid! What in the world had ever convinced you that confessing was a good idea? Of course he didn’t feel the same way. Toshi was kind and respectful. He had a heart of gold. To find someone like him was rare, meaning that it'd be close to impossible for the stars to align so well and have him like you back. So why, oh why, had you taken that 0.001% chance and confessed? By doing so, you may have just very well lost him forever. If you had kept your mouth shut, you could have at least fooled yourself into believing he loved you back. But now, your hopes were about to be broken beyond repair. Why else would he be taking so long to say anything? With the sweet man that he was, Toshinori was no doubt trying to find the easiest way to let you down gently.
But it would be naive to think that this whole ordeal wouldn’t put a strain on your relationship. After tonight, the easy smiles and laughs that once flowed between you would soon be replaced by stifled, awkward conversation. If you were lucky, in time, you may be able to regain some semblance of the relationship you once had, but more likely than not, the discomfort between the two of you would eventually drive an irreparable wedge. Weekly meetings would become bi-weekly ones before turning into a once a month occasion. One day, the close bond you shared would dwindle into nothing more than that of a passing acquaintance as you continued to grow apart.
The thought of Toshi permanently leaving your life caused tears to spring to your eyes as a lump formed in your throat. Your surroundings blurred as the tears overflowed spilling on to your cheeks. Toshi’s piercing blue eyes dissolved into nothing more than two inconspicuous dots in your line of vision as his features melted away behind a waterfall of tears. With a vice like grip, tendrils of pains slithered around your heart, firmly imprisoning it in a tiny cage of sorrow. Every beat of your heart seemed to make the prison grow smaller and smaller, causing the organ to bulge painfully against the confines of the cell with every attempted pulse. Yet, it didn’t stop there. As the pain emanating from your chest increased, the vines seemed to creep up into your lungs, suffocating you with every breath. In turn, your heart began to pound against your chest, desperately trying to break free. Yet it only caused the pain to tighten its grip, sinking its thorns into the delicate organ and finally starting to tear it in two. Your calm, even breaths soon transformed into an unsteady hyperventilation as you gasped for air from trying to prevent yourself from breaking down completely. Barely able to stand, you let yourself collapse back down onto the couch and buried your face in your hands. Unable to bear it any longer, you let the sobs that had been begging to be released spring free as the pain slowly but surely ravaged your heart.
“I love you Toshinori.”
As soon as the words were out of your mouth, Toshinori’s entire being came to a complete standstill. You loved him? You loved Toshinori? No that couldn’t be right. Toshinori was weak. He was nothing more than a pathetic, emaciated walking corpse. Not to mention he was so much older than you. He had absolutely nothing to offer you. He could already hear the whispers now. Look at them. What’s a pretty girl like her doing with someone like him. God, he looks so sickly that he’s practically got one foot in the grave. She could do so much better than him. And as much as it pained him to admit it, those whispers would be right. You could do so much better than him. You were so young. Kind and loving barely even scratched the surface of who you were. At the heart of it all though, Toshinori knew that you were a light on this world. A beautiful, vibrant shining light. A light that he would undoubtedly diminish. You had so much ahead of you, and deep down, he knew that he would only hold you back. He didn’t deserve you-
Yet his train of thought came to a screeching halt as the sound of soft sobs began to echo throughout the room. Confused, he looked around, trying to find the source, before his eyes finally settled on your hunched over figure on the couch, bawling your eyes out. Seeing how distressed you were, waves of panic poured over him as he quickly knelt down in front of you, determined to find out what was wrong.
Reaching a hand out to lay comfortingly on your shoulder, Toshinori urgently asked, “(Y/n)...(Y/n)! Are you hurt? What happened?”
At the sound of his voice, you only wanted to cry harder, but you tamped down the urge and fought hard to get your sobs under control. By the time they were finally reduced to sniffles, you turned your tear-stained face up to meet Toshinori’s concerned gaze.
“Nothing happened really. I guess...in a sense, I’ve been hurt. But it was all my own doing.”
At your explanation, Toshinori’s brow only furrowed further in confusion. Not knowing what to say, he waited silently for you to continue. Knowing this next bit would be difficult, your shoulders dropped as your head fell back down to look at your feet, fresh tears stinging your eyes from seeing how concerned Toshinori was.
Letting a resigned sigh escape your lips, you began, “Look, I know you’re trying to be nice about it, but you don’t have to be, really. I decided to take a chance, but it’s obvious you don’t feel the same way. No one can really fault you for it really. And I mean, why would you feel the same way? You’re the most wonderful person I’ve ever met. You’re so sweet and thoughtful. You’re always willing to go the extra mile for everyone, even random strangers that we pass by on the street. And the way you’re so passionate about the things you love,”
Letting out a watery laugh, you looked up toward the ceiling lights in an attempt to stop your tears from spilling over before continuing, “God, your very presence just lights up the room. And I’m just...me. So when you think about it, it’s really not all that surprising you don’t feel the same way. You don’t even have to say anything. I’d just really appreciate it if you gave me some time to process everything.”
Reaching out to grasp his hand, you raised your head to look at him once again and with tears shining in your eyes, you pleaded, “Please just be patient with me Toshi. I’ll get over it in time. I just don’t want to lose you. I can’t lose you. You mean the world to me.”
At your words, Toshinori’s breath caught in his throat, tears of his own beginning to sting his eyes. No one had ever said anything like that about him before. About Toshinori. Sure, he’d heard all sorts of praises and platitudes before. But only as All Might, never as Toshinori. Nobody knew Toshinori, and so nobody cared about him. Nobody except you. To feel wanted as himself, the self that he had to live with for most of the day, the self that nobody looked twice at on the street (it was more just prolonged judgemental stares), the self that only you had ever shown any interest in knowing, was a wholly new feeling. One that he both simultaneously craved yet never allowed himself to even dare to hope for before. Because honestly, who could ever love him. The real Toshinori, who was so weak it was disgusting.
Yet looking down at your pleading eyes, he knew that your feelings were genuine. Not that you would ever be so cruel as to toy with his feelings. It was just that the thought of someone loving him was so unthinkable that he had trouble believing it. But that was just like you, wasn’t it? Always managing to astound him.
Giving you a small smile, Toshinori simply stated, “Who says I don’t feel the same way?”
At that, your breath hitched, and the tendrils of pain surrounding your heart withered away as hope began to put it back together again.
“If my silence gave you the impression that your feelings are unreciprocated, then I apologize. Contrary to what you may think, those moments spent in silence were not filled with figuring out how to gently turn you down, but rather, they were spent trying to convince myself that this isn’t all a dream,”
Pausing, he reached out to brush your hair out of your face before cupping your cheek in his hand, “For how could someone as amazing as you ever want someone like me? Despite what you may think, you are not just anything. I’m the one who is unworthy of your love, not the other way around.”
Leaning forward, he placed his forehead against yours before whispering, “Don’t you know that you could do so much better than me?”
With your foreheads pressed together, you took the opportunity to wrap your arms around his neck, and threading your fingers through his messy blonde hair, you brought him as close as physically possible. Locking eyes, you refused to let him go as you said, “I don’t want anyone else. I love you Toshinori. No one else.”
In the seconds that followed, complete silence engulfed the room. Nothing was heard except for the quiet exhales of breath that flowed between the two of you, the heat of each other’s breaths blowing softly over your faces. Toshinori knew that he needed to return your words, yet he just couldn’t bring himself to do it. To do so would mean accepting that he was worthy of your love which was something he still struggled to comprehend. It was something he knew he would likely battle with for a long time. At the same time though, he refused to let his only chance at true happiness slip away from his grasp so easily. Taking a deep breath, Toshinori vowed that he wouldn’t let his insecurities control him, in true hero fashion. And so, with his forehead still pressed up against yours, he closed his eyes and breathed out, “I love you too.”
It was all the encouragement you needed. Leaning forward, you finally closed the distance between you two, connecting your lips with his. Though his lips were slightly chapped, they were still the softest thing you’d ever had the pleasure of touching.
Deciding to test the waters a little bit, you swiped your tongue along his bottom lip, asking for entrance. Under your gentle coaxing, Toshi hesitantly began to respond, his stiff body relaxing as he opened up to you. Slipping your tongue into his mouth, you started to lightly move it against the tip of his own. As things progressed, Toshi’s insecurities melted away as adoration took over. He responded to your ministrations, deepening the kiss with harder strokes of his own.
Subconsciously, your bodies gravitated toward a more comfortable position. With your hands wrapped around his cheeks, you pulled his face down with you as slowly laid down on the couch. Toshi followed in turn, crawling up from his crouched position on the floor up onto the sofa hovering over you. Your legs tangled together, and quite frankly the couch was too small for the both of you, but neither of you noticed, too captivated by one another. Eventually, the both of you had to stop for air, and when you did, you sent Toshi a small smile filled with nothing but love. He had never felt so safe before. In this haven that the two of you had created, nothing existed but you, him, and the mutual love you held for one another.
Reaching up, you pulled Toshinori’s white shirt off, intent on continuing, but gave pause as you saw the raging scar that plagued his left side. At your halt, Toshi looked down to see what had caused it, and following your eye line, he began to shrink in on himself. For a brief moment, he had been able to forget that it existed, but all of his insecurities came crashing back down now that you had seen it. Trying to cover it with his arms, he began to pull away (no doubt whatever had been happening was not going to progress any further) when a small hand reached out to stop him. Looking down at you, he saw nothing but understanding in your eyes.
Watching to see what you would do, Toshinori let you move his hand away with no resistance, allowing you to take in the whole injury. Rather than shuddering away in disgust as he predicted though, you simply reached up to lay a tender kiss upon it. Pulling away, you moved to grab hold of his hollow cheeks again. Meeting those bright blue eyes, you whispered, “We don’t have to talk about it, but I want you to know this changes nothing, Toshi. I love you, no matter what.”
At your display of unconditional understanding and love, Toshinori couldn’t help the tears that sprung in his eyes. He kissed you hard and deeply, somehow hoping to communicate how much you meant to him through his actions. You were a willing participant, eagerly reciprocating his passion and paid no heed to the salty tang that hit your mouth as his tears mixed with your saliva. In no time at all, things started to heat up again, the little hiccup long forgotten as you took the time to explore each other’s bodies.
When you next broke apart for air, it was your turn to take off your shirt, and you shivered as the cool air met your bare skin, causing gooseflesh to appear. Rather than roam your body with his hands, Toshinori chose to pepper your skin in featherlight kisses. Beginning at the nape of your neck, he began to kiss his way down your body. Over the swell of your clothed breasts to the valley in between them, he took his time worshipping your body. His devoted attention was awarded with harsh inhales and gasps of pleasure on your part. As he made his way down to your abdomen, your back arched into his touch as you threaded your fingers in his hair to pull him closer. Before long, your hands migrated to the strong muscles of his back as you marveled at the strength his lithe form possessed.
Your attention was pulled from admiring Toshi’s body as he arrived at the waistline of your pants. Raising hooded eyes to meet yours, he silently asked for permission and after an almost imperceptible nod from you, his fingers began to undo the top button. Achingly slow, he pulled the zipper of your pants down. With your pants undone, he hooked his fingers over both your pants and underwear and then in one fluid motion, he tugged both of them off of you at once. With your body laid bare to him, Toshinori let his gaze wander over it appreciatively, in awe at the fact that you gave him the privilege of bestowing the gift of your body upon him. With a pleased rumble from his chest, he leaned up to kiss you again mumbling praises of your beauty against your lips.
As your lips locked once again and your tongues began to dance together, you took some time of your own to appreciate Toshi’s body, running your hands over the hard muscles of his chest. You took a moment gently rub loving circles over his scar, an unspoken reminder that it in no way diminished his beauty, before moving down to undo the belt buckle keeping his pants on. With the same tenderness that he showed you, you worked to take off his pants as well. In no time at all, his body was as equally bare as yours.
Breaking the kiss, Toshi pulled away just enough so that he could meet your eyes. “Are you sure?” He asked once again. Nodding, you breathed out, “Yes.”
Bending down, he captured your lips as he slowly started to sheath himself in you. When he was fully inside, he patiently waited for you to adjust. With your mouth otherwise preoccupied, you encouraged him to move by raising your hips up to his. Understanding your message, he began to pull out before thrusting into you once more. His strokes started out slow before gradually gaining in speed and force as the pressure within both of you began to build. It became a dance of bodies as waves of pleasure washed over you both.
Pulling Toshi close, you let out a gasp as you were finally sent over the edge, white hot pleasure sending shivers down your spine. The force of it all was akin to that of a supernova, nearly blinding you with its explosive power. Toshi followed soon after, yet you barely noticed the warmth coating your core, too distracted by the stars flickering behind your eyes as you fought to recover. Trembles wracked your body, but Toshi’s strong arms wrapped around your body, holding you close as you rode out the waves of your release.
You stayed like that for a long time, arms wrapped around each other, simply enjoying the feel of your bodies pressed together. Eventually though, as the hour grew late and your eyes started to droop, you reluctantly moved into a seated position.
Standing up, you began to gather up the clothes strewn about the room. As you both dressed in silence, Toshinori couldn’t help the wave of sadness that washed over him. He didn’t want this night to end.
Yet, like always, you seemed to come to his rescue. Turning back around to face him, you extended a hand with a bashful smile on your face as you murmured, “Come to bed with me?”
Looking at the offered hand, Toshinori didn’t think twice before slipping his hand into your own. As you gently pulled him up and began to lead him towards your bedroom, Toshinori couldn’t help but think that he would gladly follow you anywhere.
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aithorin · 3 years
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You feel mortified, but at least you made Lady Dimitrescu chuckle 😳 She escorts you back to your room, and she holds your hand too since you want it THAT bad 
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aithorin · 3 years
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aithorin · 3 years
An Exception to the Rule - All Smite x Reader (18+)
Summary: Now All Smite was by no means a hero. In fact, he was quite literally the opposite, but for you he might be willing to make an exception. 
Warnings: Mentions/threats of rape (nothing actually happens), Villain Au, Villain!All Might, Blood and violence, Threats of violence, Slight gore, hostage, Protective!All Might (i.e. he basically goes on a rampage cause someone tries to hurt you), Soft ending with hurt/comfort
Rated M for violence
Flying through the city, a smirk made its way onto All Might’s face as he heard a scream echo throughout the night. God, he reveled in the chaos. The chaos that he created. His very presence had allowed the chaos in Japan to fester and grow throughout, and thus every time he heard crimes being committed, his chest swelled with pride. It made his ego surge to watch the fruit of his efforts be harvested and taken advantage of. There was just something so immensely satisfying about it, knowing that every villain in Japan owed the success of their crimes to him. It provided a rush of gratifying adrenaline like no other.
Deciding he had a few minutes to spare, All Might quickly set course towards the sound of the disruption. At the very least, it would provide some entertainment. But, depending on what they were doing to the unfortunate soul, he might even decide to join in. It would be a nice way to unwind before going home to you. God knows how much fun he had seeing the way people cowered at the very sight of him.
Landing silently behind the group, he quietly observed the scene unfold, trying to decide if he wanted to step in.
“Eh this one’s a looker, isn’t she boys? Before the night’s over, I think I’ll use her for the whore that she is.” The one All Might assumed to be the leader taunted, stepping forward to tower over their victim.
Manic laughter floated throughout the air as the two lackeys accompanying him moved in to completely surround their target. “That sounds like a great idea boss! You always have the best ideas. Can we get a turn too? Please. Please. Please!” The one on the right begged.
“Maybe once she’s unconscious. You know it’s only fun for me when they’re awake so I can see the look of fear in their eyes. God, just the thought of it is giving me a hard on already.” The leader chuckled out.
”Pl-please,” A woman’s shaky, frightened voice whimpered out, “let me go. I-I have money. Just tell me what you want!”
At the sound of the woman’s voice, the blood in All Might’s veins turned ice cold. That-that was your voice. And just like that, the overwhelming pride he had been feeling moments ago withered away, consumed by something much more deadly-a feral rage. How dare they talk to you like that? How dare they even try to lay their hands on you? Fists clenched and shaking in anger, All Might stalked towards them, blue eyes blazing and filled with an unquenchable, seething bloodlust.
Unaware of their impending doom, a harsh slap echoed through the night as the leader thug slammed your head into the dumpster you were backed against. He looked down at you, sneering, “Shut up, bitch! You’ll be lucky if you make it out of here alive tonight. You should be grateful that I’m even considering it.”
“I’d leave the girl alone if you know what’s good for you.” A gravelly voice spoke from behind.
Turning around halfway, the leader scoffed, not even bothering to see who the person was. “Oh yeah? And what are you gonna do about it? This one’s ours, so why don’t you scram before I decide to kill you t-”
He was cut off as a hand shot out, quick as lightning, to wrap around his throat. Before he could even register what was happening, the thug’s eyes bulged as the hand began choking him. He felt himself being lifted 3 feet into the air, and soon came face to face with a set of flaming blue eyes. At the sight of them, his body went stiff in fear. The rest of the newcomer’s face was hidden by the shadows of the night, but just the sight of his eyes were enough to make the thug cower.
“Who….the….hell….are….you?” The leader gasped out, vision going spotty from his quickly draining air supply.
Letting out a sinister chuckle, the newcomer stepped into the light emitting from a nearby streetlamp. Seeing who it was, the leader’s mouth went dry as a sweat broke out on his forehead. His already tight throat closed up even more causing his breath to come out in wheezes as a chill of fear worked its way down his spine, causing his body to tremble in mid-air.
“Al-All...Might” He rasped out, hands pointlessly tugging on the one large hand curled around his throat.
A wicked smile crept onto All Might’s face. “Good,” He purred out, “You know who I am, so there’s no need for introductions. Maybe you aren’t a complete imbecile.”
Tilting his head to study his prey, All Might reconsidered, “Although it is hard to believe you actually possess a brain, considering you tried to steal something of mine.”
Nodding his head toward your shaking, huddled form a few feet away, All Might’s face hardened. “That girl over there belongs to me, and you just tried to touch her. Now if you remember anything about me, you should know that I don’t share. Do you want to know what happens to people who try to take things that belong to me?”
Eyes darting back and forth, the thug frantically shook his head as much as he could while being held in All Might’s grip. “Pl-please… I-I… didn’t know!”
Ignoring the man’s pleas completely, all the previous traces of being dangerously coy with the thug were wiped away as All Might murderously intoned, “They die.”
With that, All Might began to squeeze the hand wrapped around the man’s throat even tighter. Garbled chokes escaped the man’s lips as with each passing second All Might added more and more force. Reveling in the sound, a sadistic, twisted grin made its way onto All Might’s face. If he was feeling generous, he could have just snapped the man’s neck and been done with it, but that would have been too easy. The bastard had to pay for what he did, and so All Might made sure to drag it, delighting in the way the man’s neck slowly began to crack in his grasp as the life drained from his eyes. Sickening sounds floated into the air, mixtures of bone breaking and strangled gasps as the man gagged on his own saliva. His hands flailed, desperately clawing at the limb wrapped around his neck in a futile attempt to break free. Much too soon for All Might’s liking though, the thug’s efforts slowed before stopping altogether, his hands falling lifelessly back down to his side.
Letting out a sneer, All Might finally released him from his grasp letting his body carelessly crumple to the ground with a revolting thud. “How pathetic, he didn’t even last 2 minutes.”
Taking one last glance at the body, he kicked it to the side before turning his attention toward the two lackeys trembling in the corner. Blinded by bloodlust, he stalked toward them, licking his lips in anticipation and clenching his hands together, imagining their necks were in between them.
All Might was almost upon them when a flash of movement captured the corner of his eye. Momentarily ignoring his prey,  he shifted his body slightly and caught sight of you, shivering in a seated position with your arms wrapped tightly around your legs while slowly rocking back and forth. Gooseflesh had broken out along your skin from the chilly night air, only agitated by the cold sweat that had broken out upon your brow from the night’s events. Stray hairs stuck to your skin as wide, fearful (e/c) eyes looked up to lock with his own, and instantly All Might felt his bloodlust melt away, replaced by an overwhelming need to go to you.
Spinning back around, he addressed the two lackeys quivering in the corner. He pointed a disgusted, raging scowl at the thugs before thundering his ultimatum. “You have exactly 5 seconds to get out of my sight. Otherwise, you’re gonna end up like your boss over there.” He stated, throwing a finger back over his shoulder in the direction of the corpse.
Leaning down, he pulled both of them up by the collar of their necks. “And if I ever catch you even looking at this girl, trust me when I say you won’t live to tell anyone about it. But, feel free to tell your buddies about what happened here tonight. It’ll be a good reminder to everyone out there about what happens when you try to take something that belongs to me. Remember boys, I. Don’t. Share. So spread the word that this girl’s mine.”
Then, without another word, All Might threw them towards the opening of the alley. Not needing to be told twice, they scrambled back, hightailing it out of there. Watching them go, a small smirk passed over his face at their show of naivety. He’d let them go, for now. He had more important matters to take care of. But come tomorrow, they’d be dead. All Might was nothing if not a man of his word, and so they, too, would have to pay with their lives for trying to steal from him. He could see it now. The look of shock their faces would portray at his appearance tomorrow. The way it would morph into a look of fear as he approached them. And finally, the acceptance that would fill their eyes as he squeezed the life out of them, realizing, at last, that he had never intended to let them truly escape. Yes, tomorrow would be a very good day indeed.
Turning around, he started to approach you, making slow, small steps when your face darted up in fear, like a deer caught in headlights. Seeing that it was just him, All Might watched your tense body start to relax as you buried your head back into your legs. Reaching you, he squatted down to be eye level with you, hesitantly reaching an arm out to place it on your shoulder. Now that you were no longer in danger, All Might felt unsure of what to do. He didn’t know how to comfort someone in distress as he was much more used to being the one causing the distress. Finally, he decided to settle for asking basic yet somewhat obvious questions.
“Are you alright?” He gruffed out.
Hearing no reply, a worry that he tried to push away started to creep into his mind the longer you stayed silent. Were you hurt? Had he gotten there too late? Had they touched you? He started to become lost in thoughts until a sudden force jolted him out of it. Looking down, he saw that you had attached yourself to his body, clutching at him like your life depended on it. He debated with himself for a few moments before choosing to reciprocate the gesture, wrapping his large arms around you and encasing you within his body heat. At his touch, your body started to shake with silent sobs, tears from your eyes beginning to wet his shirt. You stayed that way for a long time, bodies holding onto each other as you tried to process the events from the night. All Might didn’t say anything, choosing to offer you support quietly for as long as you needed it. Eventually though, your cries subsided and your frame slumped against him, exhausted from everything that had happened.
Eyes heavy, you were vaguely aware of your body shifting as All Might stood up. Lifting you with ease, he placed you into both of his arms, saying “Come on. Let’s go home.”
Slowly being lulled to sleep by the rhythm of his footsteps, a feeling of warmth and safeness washed over you. Right before you drifted to sleep, an inkling of a smile crossed over your face as you thought of the irony that you felt completely protected in the arms of the number one villain. With him, you knew that he would always be there to keep you safe. Although he was a villain, if tonight had proven anything, it seemed that you were an exception to the rule.
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