izzys-thoughts · 8 years
“Yvette”, Guy de Maupassant
Citation: “— Tu es amoureux. — Non. Elle me trouble, me séduit et m’inquiète, m’attire et m’effraye. Je me méfie d’elle comme d’un piège, et j’ai envie d’elle comme on a envie d’un sorbet quand on a soif. Je subis son charme et je ne l’approche qu’avec l’appréhension qu’on aurait d’un homme soupçonné d’être un adroit voleur. Près d’elle j’éprouve un entraînement irraisonné vers sa candeur possible et une méfiance très raisonnable contre sa rouerie non moins probable. Je me sens en contact avec un être anormal, en dehors des règles naturelles, exquis ou détestable. Je ne sais pas. — Je te dis que tu es amoureux. Tu parles d’elle avec une emphase de poète et un lyrisme de troubadour. Allons, descends en toi, tâte ton cœur et avoue. — C’est possible, après tout. Dans tous les cas, elle me préoccupe beaucoup. Oui, je suis peut-être amoureux. J’y songe trop. Je pense à elle en m’endormant et aussi en me réveillant… c’est assez grave. Son image me suit, me poursuit, m’accompagne sans cesse, toujours devant.”
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izzys-thoughts · 8 years
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Tu n'as pas besoin d'être ce que les autres veulent que tu sois. Tu n'es pas obligé d'être spontané ou sociable. Tu n'es pas obligé d'être mince ou magnifique ou la définition de quelqu'un d'autre d'attrayante. Tu n'es pas obligé d'être quelqu'un d'autre que la personne que tu es authentiquement, et tu n'es certainement pas obligé de passer ton temps et ton énergie à convaincre les autres que tu vaux la peine d'être accepté. Les bonnes personnes reconnaîtront ta valeur. Ils te respecteront, t'apprécieront et t'accepteront, sans te forcer de changer qui tu es. La vie est courte et ton bonheur est bien trop important pour prendre compte des gens qui ne te traitent pas correctement.
— Daniell Koe
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izzys-thoughts · 9 years
Everything but a quitter
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Honestly? I would rather have my heart broken 1,000 times than give up on the idea of love; of having someone out there with whom you make a great team; someone who makes you laugh, loves you for who you are and with whom you would be happy for years. I don’t really believe in love at first sight, or in “the perfect guy” myth. I am more of a “love at second sight” kind of person. By that I mean that the deepest love I ever felt took time to develop. It didn’t come straight away, and it wasn’t from the most attractive guy. Actually, when it happened I wasn’t even attracted to him in the first place... hence “second” sight. It’s better that way though, I suppose. It definitely helps you learn the difference between attraction and a real connection. 
In the past I met people who were really bitter after heartache crossed their path. I would hate to become like that, let the pain numb my happy nature and become immune to feelings - even if it's possible I get hurt in the process. Trying to avoid getting hurt at all costs gets you nowhere nearer being happy AND it’s cowardly. But who am I to judge? Heartache sucks. But then you can choose how you act on it: you can either ruminate or move on and learn from it. 
Life gave me a hard time very early on but never once did I lose my love for it and for people. No matter what happens to me, it always comes back eventually... once I’ve healed. I’ve learnt you have to keep hoping, otherwise you just give up. Cause your heart will get broken a few times along the way anyway so you might as well just take it all: the good and the bad. Now...I don’t know about you , but I’m everything but a quitter. 
-Izzy, xx
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izzys-thoughts · 9 years
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izzys-thoughts · 9 years
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Every single time!
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izzys-thoughts · 9 years
The problem with unsaid things
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izzys-thoughts · 9 years
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This is rather true (works both ways too).
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izzys-thoughts · 9 years
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This really needs to sink in...
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izzys-thoughts · 9 years
“The more powerful and original a mind, the more it will incline towards the religion of solitude.”— Aldous Huxley
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izzys-thoughts · 9 years
“We don’t have to agree on anything to be kind to one another.”
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Do we?
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izzys-thoughts · 9 years
So true !
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izzys-thoughts · 9 years
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izzys-thoughts · 9 years
When paths cross
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-Izzy, xx
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izzys-thoughts · 9 years
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izzys-thoughts · 9 years
To Be Or Not To Be A Wallflower
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- Izzy, xx
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izzys-thoughts · 9 years
One of my favourite HP moments :)
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izzys-thoughts · 9 years
Loneliness is your best bet sometimes
Feeling lonely when surrounded by people is a strange thing. Sometimes it feels like being alone is better than be with them. Feeling uncared for and overlooked. Not really clicking with anyone. Caught in a dilemma. Time alone is your best bet in this case. It’s what you need : “let the quiet put things where they are supposed to be” (’The perks of being a wallflower’, by Stephen Chbosky).
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