raw-like-honey · 3 years
*often i am upset*
(if you get the reference you're hot i don't make the rules)
do you ever look at the moon and feel so nostalgic, then you admire the dusk and suddedly there's a weight in your throat and tears hurt your eyes because you miss home even tho you're in your house and you miss your parents even tho they're in the other room then you look at the moon again crying because she can't take you home if you don't know where home is
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raw-like-honey · 3 years
but for a moment,
the world abruptly stops.
frozen on its tracks,
lacking reason.
like a broken dish,
it explodes into
an array of odd,
unearthly pieces.
what is to be made
of this chaotic mess,
you ask yourself?
no response.
for you know it's not a mess
but your subconcious solution
to life's darkest question
you know the one.
-by me ;)
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raw-like-honey · 3 years
i’m upset 3000
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raw-like-honey · 3 years
hannibal, critiquing other serial killers:
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raw-like-honey · 3 years
If you guys have ADD/ADHD, autism, OCD, or something else that affects your ability to concentrate, I highly recommend the chrome extension Mercury Reader. You just open whatever link you're using, then click on the MR icon (it should look like a rocket) and it'll simplify the page so that it's in a focus-friendly layout. Instead of having random pictures and word boxes all over the screen, it'll be in a vertical format with nothing to distract you so you can focus on what's important. You can also adjust the text size (small, medium, large), font (serif, sans), and theme (light, dark). And the best part is, it's completely free! It's honestly one of the best things I've ever downloaded.
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This is an article without the extension. See that messy format, and how the actual article content only takes up a fraction of the page? It's no wonder it took me 7 hours to write that paper.
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The same article, this time with Mercury. The user-friendly settings are at the top, and the rest of the article is formatted vertically down the middle with no free-roaming pictures or words. How nice.
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raw-like-honey · 3 years
Imagine writing “Remember what you are” on your arm as a reminder to be confident because you’re “a princess/queen” (whether actual royalty or not is up to you) in situations where you’re not sure what to do, and when Loki patronizingly calls you Princess, you threaten to use your (newly declared by him?) royal status to have him beheaded. He is both impressed and slightly frightened, having never seen you that intense before.
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raw-like-honey · 3 years
I see a girl
Turning around
To take a look at the mirror
To see her false beauty
Within her jumbled thoughts,
A single idea is made clear:
She's not worthy of love
Eyeing the cursed mirror
Her conciousness awakens
Her "imperfections" crystalize
Becoming of painful significance
She doesn't see
Her giving nature
How she always stretches out
A helping hand,
Her selflessness
When she comforts her brother
The invaluable moments
What she doesn't know
Is that true beauty lies outside
The view of a mirror
It means something else
Than what the world chooses to see
She cries in glee
As she eventually
Unclenches her aching fist
Letting go of the rope
Of worthless concoctions
Thrusted by the mirror
And embraces her true self
She is perfect
-"She is Perfect" by me
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raw-like-honey · 3 years
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tessa thompson.... plz
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raw-like-honey · 3 years
and I LOVE those vibessss
"Into The Unknown" from Frozen 2 and "The Other Side" from The Greatest Showman give off pretty the same vibes.
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raw-like-honey · 3 years
something i find ver interesting is the concept of personality types (based on myers briggs and on 16personalities). i think they're significantly more accurate, at least in my case, than horoscopes and signs. most of the time, the descriptions of my personality type or others with the same type fit me well, while my sign only fits me somewhat accurately. it's also a good way to get to know someone. for example, my friend told me her personality type a few months ago and that helped me base my perception of her. we're very different, but we found out we have one letter in common so that's cool. k bye 👋
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raw-like-honey · 3 years
“Do you miss it?”
“Miss what?”
“The first thing that came into your mind when I asked you that.”
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raw-like-honey · 3 years
these are some very wise, Shakespeare level words
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raw-like-honey · 3 years
I'm really looking for blogs to follow as my dashboard is getting more and more empty... So if you reblog at least about:
Tom Hiddleston
Loki Laufeyson
Sebastian Stan
The Witcher
Beauty and the Beast
Baby Yoda
Poetic stuff
Please reblog this and I will look your tumblr.
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raw-like-honey · 3 years
here is a carrd for BLM 
here is a carrd for the crisis happening right now in Yemen
here is a carrd for Hong Kong
here is a carrd for Palestine.
here is a carrd for trans rights 
here is a carrd for the terror bill in Philippines. 
here is a carrd with various donation links (for Syria, BLM etc)
here is a carrd for LGBT+ rights
this post is constantly being updated - please send an ask if you find more!
NOTE: There are many more Carrds under the cut. This post would become too long if I added more and for the sake of easier access, I put the rest under cut!!
Keep reading
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raw-like-honey · 3 years
“are you okay” no, next question
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raw-like-honey · 3 years
adam lambert is SO UNDERRATED WHATTTT i literally can't stop listening to his song marry the night (originally by lady gaga) from glee cause it's amazing and an absolute masterpiece. he was grabbing onto a chandelier and SPINNING WHILE STILL SINGING LIKE A GOD
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raw-like-honey · 4 years
finish this: i wasn't jelous before we met...now every man that i see is a _________ ______
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