#<- smartest girl alive
girlslashers · 1 year
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weaver-z · 1 year
One notable achievement I've unlocked in a ttrpg session is making my character make such a bad decision concerning drugs at the club that an AVATAR OF DIONYSUS had to step in and prevent my character from making said decision
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ofthecaravel · 3 months
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guess who finished all her midterms before the deadline
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saintchaser · 1 year
i think we're sleeping on the potential that marylene has tbh
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jils-things · 7 months
queueing up my memoryshipping gift art made me remember how much i love steven hehe
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senatortedcruz · 11 months
Just solved a thorny problem for my juniors at work they would have never figured out in their own I’m ready for my promotion now
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lexa-griffins · 1 year
Nerd Clarke is such a tiny baby in that gif 🥺🤏 it's like she's walking into the yard during recess looking for a place to sit and eat lunch and sees Lexa waving her over
Nerd Clarke is such a baby 🥺 she has the princess hair and the bright face of season one Clarke and she is so 🤲. But she also has a constant frown on her face and a "everyone is an idiot" expression so when Murphy and Raven don't have the same lunch period as her, she tends to hang out by herself.
Of course, now that she's dating Lexa, there is no way she'll let that happen. And it makes Clarke feel all warm hearing her named being yelled across the courtyard and turning to see Lexa smiling and waving her over despite the eye rolls of a few of her friends. Sitting next to Lexa and having her immediately kiss her cheek? 😳 our little nerd is only human, and she will blush like hell. Yeah Lexa's friends will laugh quietly at her blushing and will roll some eyes when Clarke goes on a tangent about something she's passioned but Clarke is focused on Lexa, who is eating her food and staring at Clarke all heart eyes ☺️💕
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kittycatcock · 1 year
just said "hey" out loud. fuck kitty youre really fucking hot
yeah fuckin tell me about it that's why ive been shweatin all day!!!!!!!!
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cosmiccgloom · 2 years
I <3 having a uni crush cause I wanted to skip class and sleep today so bad but I ended up going just to see him
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targaryenluvs · 5 months
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pairing: finnick odair x fem!reader, young!naive!tribute reader
summary: finnick found you to be as cute as ever. but you aren’t exactly the smartest in the room according to him. luckily, finnicks more than happy to help his sweet baby succeed, and he will not let you forget him.
warnings: AGE GAP (18 - 23) smut, FILTH THIS MAN IS DOWNBAD, possessive, corruption, pervy finnick, violent thoughts/intrusive, exhibitionist? degradation, oral (m & f), p in v, overstimulation, praise, mirror kink? spanking 👀 rough sex? tummy bulge, my first time writing smut be kind 😭
word count: 5k - this is literally the longest fic ive written.
a/n: this is what happens at 6am and i can’t sleep, thoughts are thunk - massive thank you to @motelofmermaids and @lust4lore for their help with reading and writing!!!
taglist: @coolchick333 @doublesideeye
“and the female tribute for district four, y/n l/n.” your eye involuntarily twitched at your name being called. the people around you, distanced themselves from you as a path was carved to your own hell.
as you walked to the platform you kept your head down. you were actually hopeful that you’d get through this reaping, your last and then never see the inside of the arena. but of course fate was against you. as you stood in front of the people you couldn’t help the silent tears that fled down your face.
your mothers face was tired and drained, she had a feeling you’d get picked. mothers intuition? your father was pissed, his little girl, his sweetheart, being thrown into an arena to die? and worst of all, there wasn’t anything he could do.
you felt alone, as if no one could help you. and as you said goodbye to the life you knew, you could only pray for safety, and a quick death.
as you were escorted to the train you fiddled with your sweater sleeves. pulling them down, rolling them up, just to focus your mind on something. it was chilly, most likely the air conditioning on the train and sometimes you had to hold down your skirt.
finnick couldn’t take his eyes of you once he saw you on the train. you looked so tiny in the chair and he couldn’t help but smile.
he practically had you all to himself.
“y/n?” your head shot up at your name being called and you were met with finnick odair in all his glory. “finnick? finnick odair?” even calling his name you sounded so unsure, so he smiled and nodded.
“i’m your mentor, and i promise to try my best to get you to win.” he sat down in front of you, spreading his legs and you felt your face warm up. he found you adorable, with a cute white sweater and a short black skirt. you had your hair down with the front parts tied up with a bow. his own personal present.
your shy demeanour reminded him of your young age, but he couldn’t find it in himself to care. you were looking everywhere but at him and he loved it.
“do… do you think i can win?” god no. the tributes would eat you up alive, but he’d try his best. “i do.” with just two words of encouragement, you smiled at him for the first time.
finnick wanted you to smile at him forever.
“are you hungry?” the rumbling of your stomach answered his question, as you ducked your head in your hands in embarrassment.
he moved your hands aside, tilting your chin up, "it's okay to be hungry sweetheart, come on." he held his hand out for you and he laughed at your hesitance. "i don't bite, not unless you want me to.” the last part of his sentence came out hushed and you averted your eyesight from him.
there were so many foods laid out before you, and it wasn’t as if you were poor, but god, it all looked nice. the eclairs took your attention away as you reached for one, your finger sweeping cream off the top before placing it in your mouth. it was sickeningly sugary but you had a sweet tooth, you retracted your finger with a pop! and you somehow didn’t hear finnicks groan.
how on earth were you not realising how dirty it seemed? and it was there finnick realised how pure you were, “its so good,” you flashed him a toothy grin, “you'll have some won't you finnick?" you offered it up to him with two hands and how could he resist? the two of you spent the rest of your time on the train eating and talking, finnick utilising his time to get to know you.
you’d spent a day getting settled and were now to get ready for your interview.
after being prepped and readied, you were shuffled into your dressing room where analise, damian and sarah awaited. a range of compliments were thrown your way.
“oh isn’t she adorable?”
“i could pinch her cheeks forever!”
“you are precious!”
they were so nice to you and you loved it, but you barely ever learned how to take compliments so you ended up just nodding your head. “she is gorgeous,” you snapped your head up to the doorway and there stood your mentor, in all his glory. his compliment felt heavier than the rest, like he truly meant it, and you looked down at your hands as you fought off the blush threatening to rise on your cheeks.
in an hour you’d been through a whirlwind of makeup, dresses and jewels. orange, blue, black and all, you loved each one but for some reason after the four of them discussed you’d always be taken out of it.
it wasn’t until you were placed in an off the shoulder, floor length, white dress that you remained in it. and as you looked in the mirror you couldn’t help but stare. your hair was pinned up again, and small flowers were placed throughout. you felt like a princess and finnick agreed. you hadn’t even noticed that your stylists were gone until you heard the door shut.
it was just you and finnick.
“you look incredible.” finnick whispered, he was behind you now. his hand had a mind of its own as it placed a stray hair behind your ear. you turned your head his way, “really?” your voice was so soft and doused in disbelief. if he wasn’t next to you he wouldn’t have heard you. his hand trailed along your neck as he placed your hair behind, he nodded. “i have something for you.”
he pulled out a small seashell, and your eyes lit up, “oh finnick.” you sighed as he placed it in your hands. “it reminded me of you, small, gorgeous.” you looked up at him with doe eyes and he felt like grabbing you and taking you away.
you were breathtaking and you looked at him as if he was god.
“thank you finn, do you mind maybe putting it in my hair?” he took the trinket and placed it above your ear, entangling in with your hair. your heels were on but untied so finnick got onto his knees before patting his knee. he grabbed the straps before tieing them. his fingertips worked quickly and his face was concentrated. he was done and he looked up at you before turning you to the mirror.
finnicks hands were on your shoulder as he leaned in to whisper, “all done, you look perfect sweetheart.” you turned before reaching up on your tiptoes, “thank you finnick!” you kissed him on his nose before turning back and finnick grinned, “aren’t you cute?” he stood behind you, attached like a shadow. your skin felt soft underneath his fingertips and he couldn’t help but wander. down your arms, to your waist, he could feel you tensing up underneath him and he could feel his face trying to fight off his smirk.
“finnick?” you breathed out, “what’re you doing?” your voice was small, and unsure. “tell me to stop.” you should. you should tell him to stop. but all you could think about was finnicks hands and how good they felt.
“it’s time!” damian shouted out as you peeled away from finnick to open the door. damian was all too happy to see you as he clapped his hands together. “ah, my special girl you are truly an angel.” finnick knew that. finnick has already said that. finnick had you in his arms and oh so close and this idiot took you away. his sweet girl.
finnick was wondering where his trident was so that he could impale him through the stomach.
“come on y/n.” he ushered you out the door but you managed to slip another look at finnick and all you saw was pure rage.
the interview went well, in your eyes at least.
caesar was as upbeat as usual and it did mostly centre around your dress and looks but you felt you could try your best to use it to your advantage.
the audience was enamoured and you felt you did your best. “and y/n, tell us, what’s your secret strategy for the games? any tricks up your sleeve?” you patted his knee before pointing at him jokingly, “well caesar, it wouldn’t be a secret if i divulged now would it?” everyone loved your answer and caesar doubled over, “aren’t you cheeky! isn’t our diamond here so playful? but a sweetheart nonetheless!” the crowd agreed loudly.
“now, since you came out i think we’ve all been wondering where that seashell came from. it doesn’t exactly match the theme of your outfit.” you could hear the murmurs from the crowd agreeing with his words.
“am i right in suspecting a certain blonde mentor of yours?” you pursed your lips and a giggle began to form as caesar pumped his fist in the air, “i think we got it! can we expect the two of you together once you win?” you’d never even had a boyfriend and here you were being put together with the finnick odair, you were sure everyone could tell how giddy you were.
you felt as if you had a million eyes on you, your whole body was heating up as you buried your head in your hands. “ah we caught her out! someone’s got a crush! but then again it’s finnick odair so don’t we all?” a bunch of cheers erupted as you beamed.
“well it was a wonderful to meet you, truly! our diamond here, y/n l/n!” screams and shouts directed your way came in full force as you waved at caesar and blew kisses to all. as you walked back you bumped into someone.
“y/n right?” the boy from three, theo.
you nodded and stuck your hand out, “nice to meet you!” he looked down at your hand and back up at you before laughing, “very formal, i like it. i’m theo, your dress is nice but i think the girl wearing it is breathtaking.” you giggled before tucking your hair behind your ear.
finnick stood with the other mentors and held himself back from shoving haymitch out the way to get him to stop rambling on. his grip on his glass was solid, so it wasn’t a surprise when it shattered. “oh my!” effie yelled out as finnick apologised before someone came to clean it up. he stepped around the person before excusing himself to get to you.
you were laughing, hard. what in panem was so funny?
you were wiping tears away from your eyes as finnick joined the two of you, his hand on your back as theo nodded at him, “finnick.” he hated him. why the hell did theo speak as if he knew him personally? his smug face was unbelievably irritating. “finnick! how’d i do?” and the second you spoke he felt the anger dissipate, he adored the way you waited for his response as if it held all the answers.
“you did well.” finnicks answer felt snippy and made you feel as if you’d done something wrong. “we should get going.” he directed you away from the boy as you shouted out, “i’ll see you around!”
the entire elevator ride was, to put it lightly, awkward. it left you feeling confined in what little space you and finnick had. “finn? are you okay?” you placed your hand on his arm and stood in-front of him. you were hoping he’d explain what was wrong but what you didn’t expect was to be pushed against the side of the elevator and finnick kissing you. his hand was on your waist again and he shuffled your dress up, slithering underneath.
you moaned in his mouth, his hands playing and gripping at your ass. in reaction, your fingers thread through his hair and your grip tightened, “finn- not here.” the elevator was glass and you were scared of people seeing. finnick found it hard to care, drunk off your perfume. in a panic, you pulled away from him, your hands cradling his face to make him listen. “i’ve… never,” the whisper hung over the both of you, the tension in the air thick and hot.
instead of being met with judgment, he murmured, “i’ll make it good for you, i promise.” finnick had finally gotten a taste, and he could only crave more. his lips met your neck, his warm tongue painting wet desire into your skin. it was almost too much for little old you, letting out quiet whimpers as he explored you. his sleeves were rolled and you needed to ground yourself, your nails dug into his veiny arms. “finn-” you protested but he could tell you didn’t want to. just a little longer and he could get you to give in. “just let me feel you.”
the elevator stopping brought the two of you back as you fixed your dress and finnick fixed his own hair, running his hands through it. he directed you out of the elevator and nodded in acknowledgment to the people entering. as you walked onto your floor you were met with servants, stylists and others. it seems damian and analise had taken it upon themselves to invite some friends and you were eager to meet them.
whereas finnick wanted to rip your dress off and take you till the morning.
the same dainty hands which were running all over him were shaking others and waving as you all sat down to eat. as everyone feasted away you couldn’t help but play with your own meal. you were flushed and all you wanted was to kiss finnick again. he was sitting next to you and wasn’t hungry for food, he wanted to eat something else.
your dress didn’t hide much of your chest and when you reclined in your seat, crossing your arms and pushing up your breasts?
finnick needed to see more.
the clattering of his fork on the floor drew the attention of some, but they went back to their conversations and bets. “i’ll get it for you.” you pushed back your seat and got down to your knees, flicking up the tables sheet and searched around for it before hitting cold metal. you reached your hand out with the fork to finnick. his cock was throbbing at the image of you on the floor, chest on display and a sweet smile on your face. he bent down and grinned, “you look good on your knees sweetheart.”
his words went straight down between your legs and your mouth fell open at his words.
such vulgar words from such a beautiful man.
his hand came down to close your jaw. you felt, weird. as you sat back on your chair you felt warm? but a good warm? it was tantalising. you wondered if it was normal.
finnick would tell you right?
“finnick.” his head turned your way, “what is it y/n?” you leaned closer and so did he, your hands cupped around his ear, “i feel weird.” his eyebrows shot up as a sign of interest, “oh? what’s wrong honey? where do you feel weird?” you gulped, your throat felt dry and for some reason it felt dirty to talk about.
your eyes drifted downwards and as you looked up finnicks eyes seemed darker. “here?” his touch was soft on your thigh underneath the table as you gasped.
“everything all right dear?” sarah questioned as you nodded. it felt so good, his touch. but it wasn’t exactly where needed, his hand trailed closer and higher, until it was gone. your head snapped up at him as he smirked at you, mocking you.
for the rest of the night he didn’t even pay attention to you. and you had no clue why.
you couldn’t sleep after the day you had and all your mind was thinking of was finnick. finnicks hands, his arms, his mouth, his words.
“i don’t bite, unless you want me to.”
“yes, here.”
“i’ll make it so good for you.”
“just let me feel you.”
“you look good on your knees sweetheart.”
your room was too quiet, making it unchallenging for your thoughts to run wild at the anticipation of finnick odair. you couldn’t bear it, so you left to the busiest room you could think of.
your leg was shaking up and down and your mind was pacing whilst your body couldn’t. the butterflies were practically knocking around in your stomach and you hoped perhaps finnick could help. he’d help you right? but he didn’t before. maybe he was just tired? you were so desperate for help and answers that you’d forgone knocking and walked right in.
only to be met with an extremely wet finnick odair.
by your luck your eyes were probably poking out of your head at the sight of him, you couldn’t help but stare. it was your first time being in the same room as a man so, naked? for the lack of a better word, he still had a very short towel wrapped around his bottom half. was it small? or did he make it look small?
“see something you like sweetie?” god his voice was so saccharine, how the hell did his voice work you up? “i- i wanted to t-talk.” and you were stuttering, great! he walked closer to you and you stepped back, all the way into his wall. “yeah? does my pretty girl wanna talk?” you nodded along dumbly as your breath quickened. “words sweetie, use your words.” you swallowed, “yes.”
his thumb caressed your cheek before brushing along your lips, “you sure you just want to talk?” and there they were, the butterflies. you shook your head, “no? what do you want?” you played with your night dress, “you?” it was a soft murmur and finnick wanted you to beg. he’d been pining after you since the second he saw you, it’s only fair right?
“where do you want me?” his words were hot in your ear, his body was wet and your white night dress was suddenly see through. his hand rested on your ass, “here?” you shook your head, “no?” his thumb brushed over your nipple as your nails pressed into his neck, pulling him into yours. your breath was heavy and he was unrelenting.
his hand moved from your ass to cup your front as you gasped, “here?” you nodding along dumbly, “please finnick, i’ve been wanting you for the whole day, i’ll be good for you i promise.” your words were music to his ears, “yeah? you’re gonna be good f’me?”
“yes, yes, yes.” you whined as you wrapped your arms around his neck. standing on your tiptoes as you bit your lip. “you gonna let me use you yeah? do whatever i want?” you were practically jumping up and down at this point, your tits with you. your straps were pushed down as your dress fell down to the floor. his cock was throbbing at the sight of you, he’d been waiting for this.
“then on your knees honey.” you were quick to obey as he pushed you down to the cold floor, his towel quickly ripped off, courtesy of you.
it was your first time doing anything sexual so any cock was bound to be big in your eyes. finnick loved the sight of you on your knees, innocent as ever. fully nude, hands slotted nicely between your thighs. he wanted to ruin you. he ran his hand along his dick, pumping it before resting the tip on your lips.
as if you were on auto-control, your lips parted to let him through. a salty taste flooded through your mouth as he cooed down at you.
“you’re doing so well for me.”
“pretty baby on her knees, who knew you’d be such a slut?”
your eyes flickered up at him as you moved your head forwards on your own accord. “fuck.” he groaned as you replaced his hands with yours.
he wanted to go easy on you.
but kitten licks at the tip and soft kisses weren’t doing it for him. you opened your mouth again, gaining confidence and feeding off of finnicks praises. his large hand placed on the back of your head, fingers spread out as he thrusted down your throat.
the sounds that filled his room were lewd. squelches and groans as you tried your best to keep going. your cheeks hollowed out as finnick guided you, “relax your throat, try breathe through your nose. if it’s too much just tap my thigh sweetie.”
you retracted, catching your breath as you gazed up at him whilst simultaneously blinking away the tears in your eyes but a few fell free. he couldn’t help but moan. your messy mouth mixed with your saliva and his pre-cum. “you think theo’s this big? you think he could make you choke on his dick?” you shook your head immediately.
his member felt cold without the warmth of your mouth, but he was feeling nice so he let you take a break. “too big for you sweetie?” you shook your head furiously, “naw is my baby tough?” you giggled as you wrapped your lips around him again, your tongue flat against the underside of his dick as he eased himself in. “ah- fuck.”
but he can only hold out for so long as he began to fasten his pace, chasing his high. your fingers dug into his thighs right under his ass, for some reason you seemed to have something to prove as you took him all the way. your moans egged him on as his hips thrust forwards, “so good f’me, my s-sweet girl.” his praises fueled you on as your nose met his naval. salty tears fell down your cheeks and finnick was in his right mind to lick them all up.
god you were better than he’d imagined. and trust him, he’d imagined a lot.
“swallow for me yeah? be a good girl and open wide.” thick cum coated your tongue as you gladly accepted. finnick proudly gazed upon your painted face. watery eyes, sticky face. all for him. you gulped it down before wiping off the remaining waste on your face, eyeing finnick up before licking it off your fingers.
“what happened to the diamond? only a whore for me right?” your fingers were wet as you pulled them out. “uh-huh.” your agreed as he pulled you up. “do you even know what that means?” he teased as you puckered your lips before shaking your head. “thought so, you wanna be good for me?” you nodded, “on the bed baby.”
you sat down on the bed as you waited for finnick to join you. he situated himself between your legs, running his hands along them. “lean back for me. you took me so well, you want me to make you feel good too?” your eyes widened at the idea, “yes please finn.” his hands reached up and rested under your breasts, “i don’t know if you’ve earned it honey.” your lips twisted into a slight frown, your waterline glazing over.
“i was! i did what you asked finn, please.”
he palmed your breast, massaging it softly as you threw your head back, “please. please keep going.” your begging was more than enough for him, his baby asked so nicely no?
“yeah? you like me playing with you?” incoherent babbles fell from your lips as finnicks mouth kissed your breast. his hand trailed down to feel you, and he was met with warm wetness. the moan you let out was ungodly, “finnick please! oh god it feels so- so good.” he couldn’t help admire you, eyes screwed shut, hands clutching the pristine white sheets.
“oh baby, can you be quiet for me? quiet for finn?” a string of ‘uh-huhs’ came from your mouth as finnick slid a finger into you, a tight fit. “oh my god!” you yelped before slamming your hand over your mouth. he was knuckle deep as he worked his finger in before curling it, then another, then another. his free hand was pushing your hips down into the mattress as your hips lifted upwards with every move he made.
“finnick, finnick. you feel so good.” you cried out as he retracted his fingers before curling them upwards. he knew exactly what to do, where to be, what to say. his name fell from your lips like a prayer and your nails raked down his back as he grunted.
now, finnicks fingers were one thing, but his mouth?
his tongue pressed against your clit and you swear you saw god, finnick was probably the god. his tongue flicked over your clit as his fingers entered your cunt again, the pressure in your stomach was building so high you were afraid of the fall.
a wave of pleasure fell over you as finnick talked you through it, “that’s it baby, let go.” he hovered over you as his fingers worked your cunt. your nails had bloodied his back, scratched raw. as you moved your fingers finnick hissed into your ear. “m’ sorry, m’ so so sorry.” your head was spinning and you wanted to rest, but apparently finnick had other ideas as he lowered himself to your core. your mind was hazy as your hand clutched the pillow your head laid on, the other twisted in his hair.
“what’re you doing?” finnicks green eyes pierced through you as he raised his head from in between your thighs. featherlight kisses trailed upwards to your pussy as your thighs twitched and closed around his head, still sensitive as ever. “just want a taste, clean you up.” he mumbled as he tongue breached your entrance and you were back where you were before.
this man was driven youd give him that.
“finn s’ too much, please.” your words were slurred as he delved inside. he couldn’t find it in himself to let up, you were so sweet, he just wanted a taste. so he kept going, his tongue, his hands, his words. if there was one thing you knew about finnick it was that he could talk anyone into anything. so you found yourself squirming underneath his strong arms, forearm pinning you down to the bed as he made your back arch and your toes curl.
“sweet baby, so sweet.” all attempts of getting away, only caused him to get annoyed with you, can’t you just lay down and let him ruin you? at this point it was for his pleasure rather than yours. your thighs were practically squeezing his head and neck but he kept going. you didn’t know where to put your hands, pulling his hair was no good. your hand somehow ended up on your clit, moving in a circular motion as the other palmed your breast.
each time he made you come you rested your head, energy depleted. but again he ended up between your legs and pathetic pleas from you did nothing to make him stop.
“wanna make you feel good.”
“just one more, you can take it sweetheart.”
when your fourth rolled around you were so far gone. “pretty baby, not a single thought up there huh?” you couldn’t even bring yourself to respond, and he didn’t expect you to. he brushed away the stray hairs from your face and kissed you passionately. “you did so well f’me honey. made me proud, you got one more in you for me?” it wasn’t a question, his dick was painfully hard and he only knew of one solution.
you tiredly shook your head, “no more finny.” he grinned, “no? you don’t want my cock?” your breath hitched at his words and you knew you were fucked. “mhm. want it.” you were reduced to one to two words in a sentence.
“yeah you do. on your knees baby.” you tiredly rolled over, situating yourself on your knees and the palms of your hands as finnick kneaded your ass. his hands grazed over the skin before-
“think you should be able to see yourself baby.” his hand yanked at your hair as you found your reflection glaring back at you. “so pretty, aren’t you?” finnick knew you were horrible at accepting compliments and he was more than happy to use it against you.
you’d taken too long to answer, but based on finnicks smug expression you could tell he was hoping for it. “you have to answer baby.” finnicks arm came across your waist, pulling you up, flush with his chest as his hands pawed at your chest.
“you wanna be my baby yeah?” you could only manage moans and finnick was not happy. he threw you forwards as you caught yourself with your hands infront of you.
“fucked you so good you can’t even talk.” he taunted you as he dragged his cock in between your drenched folds. finnicks groans were deep, and so hot. “you know how long i wanted to fuck you baby? in that short skirt on the train? when you licked up that cream? my girls dirty huh?” you didn’t respond and it only fuelled his fire, he’d wanted you for so long and now you had the audacity to ignore him?
he thrusted into you without warning and you screamed out. “want to act like a slut? i’ll treat you like one. fuck!” your walls were squeezing down on him, sucking him in and he was more than happy to oblige. his hips snapped against your ass as you gripped onto the sheets for dear life. his grip on your hips bruised, leaving a fiery impression in their wake. finnick had stamina for days, he was strong and built. you were small and fragile, finnick was glad to be the one to break you in.
he pulled you up to him again as he kissed you frantically, capturing your bottom lip in between his teeth. he was relentless in his pursuit for his high, he marked up any place he could as he continued to drive into you with determination.
“bet you dreamed of this, of me.” his hand gripped your throat, his eyes bore into your own, finnick was inescapable. every touch, every thrust, all him. you were enveloped in his being and he worshipped yours. finnick continued to pound into you harshly, cock gliding easily against your inner walls. he was deep inside but he wanted to be deeper. “yes! yes! harder!” you cried out.
his hand pressed down onto your stomach, “feel that?” his breath was prominent by your ear, “oh god!” you exclaimed, it felt as if you were filled to the brim as he bottomed out in you. thick, hot cum released into you as his and your moans were raising in pitch and his hips began to stutter.
the room was filled with the sound of slapping skin, the promise of silence forgotten. “let go baby, you’re close. let go.” the two of you had eachother and it was more than enough. his groans were deep and animalistic as he spilled himself inside you. your hand reached behind you to caress his neck. thank yous spilled out from you, your whole being was ignited, you never knew you could feel so good.
the two of you lied together, entangled in sheets and a mess of limbs. you couldn’t tell where finnick odair began and y/n l/n started. all you knew was that he was yours, and you were his.
you’d fallen asleep a bit ago, your chest rising and falling steadily. finnicks arm curled around you as you rested on his chest. from the moonlight spilling into his room he could view the bruises tattering your smooth skin. as he traced over them he couldn’t help but grin, he could imagine you limping in the arena.
you sure as hell weren’t forgetting him anytime soon.
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mari-the-bimbo · 6 months
Academic rivals: Gojo Satoru
A/N: I just brain vomited this out lol. Also hello! I’m alive 🤍
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Could there be anything more annoying than a cocky guy who knows he’s handsome, rich, a smooth talker and popular? Yes there is. That same guy also being smart, one of the smartest in the class to be precise. Gojo Satoru.
He’s not as smart as you of course, that’s what you tell yourself at least. You and your academic rival Gojo constantly butt heads and find yourself in competition during seminars.
This whole ordeal would’ve been easier if he kept his distance from you, but despite the tension between you and all his friends suggesting he keeps distance, he decides to pour all his energy into flirting with you.
Cocky smiles thrown your way when he answers a question before you, or an air kiss blown at you when he corrects your answers, receiving praise from professor Yaga.
This inevitably leads to you two bickering, usually you hissing snarky remarks in frustration and him entertaining it, a grin breaking out onto his handsome face when he leans closer and starts twirling your hair around his long finger “you still talkin?”
One time, you received your results for essay back, “98” you boasted as your friends gasped and praised you, you beam with joy, feeling your chest inflate in pride. What you didn’t notice was a certain white haired pretty boy watching your reaction with a wide smile on his face, “cute” he mutters.
“Well done y/n! I got 99, are you proud of me baby?” He asks with a smirk, he bites his lips to prevent himself from laughing when you frown, your classmates laugh at his flirty antics, wondering why you two don’t just fuck already.
He loves riling you up, it’s too easy. He’ll always sit in your spot at the library, smiling widely, putting his hands behind his head when he spots you making your way over to him. “That’s my spot Satoru”
“Whoops too late. Early bird catches the worm” he retorts quickly. You mimick in annoyance, causing him to laugh at your immature response.
“Sit on my lap if it bothers you so much”
You can’t say you hate him though, not when he shares his flash cards or practices exam questions with you when he knows you’re stressed out about the exams.
“Thank you Satoru” “You know I gotchu pretty girl” he says as he pushes your reading glasses up, with a handsome smile on his face but this one feels genuine.
Now if only you knew Gojo Satoru doesn’t care about education, why would he? He’s heir to all the Gojo family businesses, university is more like a side quest to this guy. Gojo only chooses to excel in his studies to get attention from you.
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exhaslo · 7 months
Sorry I took so long! I was in New Orleans for the weekend! I'm all fueled up for writing now! Haha!
Summary: Your casual study group turns into something a little out of hand~
Warning: Minors DNI, fluff, smut, dry humping, p in v, unprotected sex (wrap it up ya'll), aftercare, squirting
You were the life of the party. Everyone loved you and everyone wanted you to come to their party, gathering, anything. As long as you were there, there was life. You were practically the Queen Bee of the campus. Your beauty and personality shined bright. Everyone wanted to be you and everyone wanted to be with you.
Including Miguel.
Miguel was not shy himself from being popular. He was a hunk at the college and the smartest person there. Everyone wanted a chance with him. Everyone wanted him to help with their homework. The sexiest nerd whom everyone wanted a taste of.
Including you.
So, when word got out that a neutral friend had the two of you coming to their study group, everyone wanted in. This was no longer a study group, this had turned into a full fledge party. You could feel the sweat roll down your neck as you smiled towards your friends and strangers alike. Everyone trying to talk to you. Everyone trying to get your attention.
"Oh! Of course, um...Would you excuse me?" You laughed softly before escaping through the back door, "Jeez,"
"Escaped?" Miguel said with a soft chuckle. You jumped slightly,
"Y-Yes. I got cornered the moment I blinked."
"Awe, poor baby," Miguel teased as he drew closer to you, "Don't like being hovered over?"
You felt your cheeks burn as Miguel stood beside you. He was a freaking giant. You tried to say something, but only a stutter came out. Miguel smelled so good. Whatever cologne he was wearing was making you get closer to him. You squeaked lowly as Miguel fixed your hair, his fingers grazing your cheek,
"Hm? What's this? The most popular girl on campus is shy around men?" Miguel said almost cruelly.
"S-So...So what if I am?"
"Well, can't have that. Those vultures will eat you alive,"
"T-Then...Then help me practice," You muttered ever so lowly, believing that he could not hear you. Miguel's ears perked up as a casual smirk formed against his lips,
"How bold."
You gasped lowly as Miguel pulled your by the wrist. He looked around and took you inside the shed that was in the backyard. You could only feel your heart race as he cleared a space and sat down, patting his lap so casually. You were nervous, but excited. Miguel was the man of your dreams and he here was hiding with you.
"C'mon, can't be shy now." He hummed. You followed his order, sitting on his lap, "Good girl."
A shiver ran down your spine as he complemented you. You weren't sure if it was the liquor in your hand, but you drew closer to him. Miguel took notice and placed his finger against your lip,
"If my baby girl wants a kiss, you gotta earn it."
"E-Earn it?" You stuttered. Miguel played with the rim of your skirt,
"It's okay, baby. We're finally alone." Miguel stroked your cheek, watching you tremble from his touch, "I've been wanting this as much as you have. Who would have thought that you would be this shy?"
"I-It's not a...problem, right?" You asked.
"Course not, baby."
You couldn't help but smile. You wanted to kiss him, but he repeated once more about earning that kiss. You gave a small pout, wondering what he wanted. You bit your lower lip as Miguel started to rub circles around your waist. Subconsciously, you started to grind your hips against his thigh. Miguel's smirk only grew as you started to get into it,
"That's my baby girl," He cooed softly, "Keep going."
You whimpered low moans as the fabric of your panties and his jeans kept rubbing against your clit. Miguel hummed lowly as he finally kissed you, his fingers aiding your efforts. You gasped into the kiss, moaning lowly as he laid you down. You skirt was lifted upwards as his fingers rubbed circles around your clit.
"M-Mig-Miguel~!" You cried out.
Miguel licked his lips as you squirted against his hand and your panties. His eyes sparkled as you kept apologizing. You tried to cover your face from embarrassment, but Miguel moved your hands. He captured your lips again as he undid his pants,
"How cute. Don't be sorry, baby," He groaned as he removed your panties, "This just means that your body wants me."
"Shhh, it's going to be okay, bunny. You just lemme know when to stop and I'll stop. Can't have my sweet girl cry on me,"
You felt your hear flutter towards his words. Agreeing, you spread your legs for him, awaiting for him to sweep you away. Miguel kissed your neck as he pressed his tip against your entrance. He whispered sweet nothingness in your ear,
"I'll take good care of you, baby."
"How does my dick feel inside your tight hole? Does my little shy girl like being fucked like a bunny in heat?"
Miguel had you on your knees, face pressed against the floorboards of the shed as he pounded your pussy roughly. He had been ravishing your throbbing hole for only five minutes and you were on the verge of losing your mind. You were a moaning mess as Miguel slapped your ass while his thick cock bruised your cervix with each thrust.
"What happened to my shy little bunny? You're being so loud now, everyone is going to hear you. Want them to know that this pussy belongs to me, baby? Huh? Is that what you want?" Miguel asked.
"Mhm~ Y-Yes!" You cried out, gasping as he slapped himself inside you rougher, "M-Miguel!"
"That's right, cum for me, baby."
Miguel groaned lowly as your pussy sucked him in more as you squirted around his cock. That beautiful white ring that formed around his dick was a sight to see. Not giving you a chance to rest, Miguel went to chase his own high. With a low, rumbling grunt, Miguel shoved himself deep, filling your womb.
You whimpered, shaking from the feeling. Miguel took a moment to catch his breathe before pulling out and fixing his clothes. He grabbed your panties, stuffing them in his pocket before fixing your skirt and picking you up. He checked outside the side, sighing in relief since everyone was still inside.
"Let me take you home. Can't leave my girl like this, can I?" He hummed.
You nuzzled your head against his chest, quietly agreeing with him. Once Miguel arrived at his apartment, he took you into the shower with him. He made sure to carefully wash each part of your body, enjoying your reaction and expressions. You were putty in the palm of his hands.
"Miguel?" You hummed lowly as he dried you.
"I think we should have more...private lessons together...Y-You know...T-To help me..." You stuttered, ignoring his smirk. Miguel pecked your lips, moving your hands away,
"You didn't have to ask."
Waaaaaaaa, I hope you liked it! Sorry I was so late with this response again!!!
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weepingchoir · 7 months
Sure Portal 1 had the girl-on-girl overtones you get from any story about confining women to enclosed spaces, but Portal 2 is literally about breaking up with your abusive girlfriend who's also a virology PhD and probably the smartest person alive, so you rebound to this podcast boy to show her up because he gives the vibe of being smart on sight even though he's a desperately sad idiot who flies into jealous rage when a situation isn't about him, which this isn't, and it's a shame you'd just begun to forgive because the best course of action now is for all of you to never speak again.
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woso-dreamzzz · 6 months
Holiday Spirit
Barcelona Femení x Teen!Reader
Summary: You don't have travel plans for the holidays
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Running away to play football in a foreign country wasn't one of your smartest moves but it was certainly one of your best.
You just wished that it didn't mean fielding questions of what you were doing for Christmas.
"When do you need to get back?" Lucy asked you one morning as you changed. She was leaning against your locker, typing away at her phone.
"Where? Home? I've got homework to do later. I think Mapi told Alexia that she would come over to supervise me. I can't go out with you."
"No, I mean for Christmas. When do you need to be back in England? Me and Keira are looking at flights. We're happy to take you back with us. Give you over to your parents when we land."
You laughed awkwardly. "Thanks but I don't need to fly back with you guys."
Lucy gave you a weird look before she nodding. "Your parents are flying out to spend Christmas here. That's nice."
You didn't have the heart to tell her that you hadn't spoken to your parents since they gave you permission to go to Barcelona and then promptly kicked you out. So, you just didn't answer her.
You were sure that it had been swept under the rug after that but Lucy must have brought it up in conversation because, as you pushed your lunch around your plate, Paredes slumped into the seat next to you.
You gave her an odd look. Irene didn't tend to sit on this side of the room. She usually kept to the older girls while you usually ended up squished between Ona and Salma - though both of them had been kept behind for media.
She narrowed her eyes at you, like she was trying to work something out.
"Hello? If this is a test to get me to work on my Spanish, it's not going to work. I can sit in complete silence."
"When are your parents flying out?" She asked.
Your stomach plummeted and you placed down your fork. "Who told you my parents were flying out?"
"Lucy said that you didn't need to fly out with her and Keira."
"I didn't tell her that my parents were flying out," You insisted," Just that I didn't need to fly with her and Keira."
Technically, you weren't lying. That was what you told Lucy. You were already at rock bottom. You just had to get the pickaxe out and keep digging.
"Hmm," Paredes said, staring at you for a long while," You're an unaccompanied minor. Someone would have to drop you off at the airport. If you want one of us to take you there that's fine but Lucy and Keira would be the safer bet."
You just laughed awkwardly, not entirely sure how to bring up that you definitely weren't going home and your parents definitely weren't coming to you either.
"Ha, I guess so."
Paredes looked at you for a moment longer. "I want your travel plans by the end of the week. If you don't want to travel with Lucy and Keira, that's fine, but we need to know who's getting you to the airport."
Safe to say, you never did get back to Paredes about your non-existent travel plans. You hunkered down in the little apartment the club paid for and wrapped a blanket tightly around your shoulders.
Usually, the building was full of your international teammates but with Christmas in a week, everyone had already gone home - except for you.
You were content though, with all your lights off, dressed in fuzzy pyjamas as you cradled a cup of hot chocolate. A movie had been put on for background noise but you were busy skimming through tiktok on your phone so you weren't really watching it.
A knock sounded at you door.
You ignored it. You never opened the door when someone randomly knocked. Everybody knew to text you first.
Case and point: The banging got louder and louder and, honestly, you just hoped that the drunkard outside your door would realise they had the wrong apartment soon.
Your phone screen lit up with an incoming call.
You frowned.
A sharp suck of breath came from Patri. "You're alive." She raised her voice. "She's alive! Where are you?"
"At home? Why?"
"Which home?" She asked urgently.
"What do you mean which home? To my knowledge, I only have one."
"Spain or England?"
"Spain. Patri, seriously, you're freaking me out here."
"Open your door."
"Open your door right now!"
You didn't really want to, not with the drunk guy outside of it but something in Patri's voice made you obey her.
You swung open the door.
A body slammed into you, an arm around your shoulders and a hand cradling the back of your head.
"You're okay," Alexia said, sounding slightly choked up," You're okay."
You peered over her shoulder, seeing a group of your teammates behind her.
You could just about see Aitana and Marta making their way down the corridor too.
"Why...wouldn't I be okay?" You asked.
Alexia didn't release you, holding you close so it was Paredes that answered.
"Because we asked Keira if you had gotten back to your parents safely but she said that you never flew with her. So, we asked Mapi and Ingrid if they dropped you off but they said you hadn't even mentioned needing to go to the airport."
She crossed her arms over her chest and glared, peering into your dark apartment.
"And I don't see your parents anywhere."
You glared back at her. "I never said anything about meeting my parents."
Patri and Pina winced and you knew that it was the wrong thing to say when you felt Alexia tense. She pulled back and looked at you.
"What do you mean you never talked about meeting your parents?" She asked sharply.
"Why would I meet with my parents?"
"It's Christmas!"
"Technically, it's a week before Christmas."
"Don't sass me!"
You shrunk a little under the weight of Alexia's glare and you wondered briefly if you could shove everyone out of your apartment and swing the door shut in your face.
But, given the way that Alexia was holding you, and the way that Marta and Paredes were guarding your door, you gathered that that wasn't a good idea.
Aitana, Patri and Pina (the little rats) had all made themselves comfortable in your house, flicking on the lights and helping themselves to your slightly lukewarm mug of hot chocolate - leaving you completely at the mercy of the older players.
The combined weight of Marta, Paredes and Alexia's stares had you awkwardly chuckling.
"Sooo...It's kind of late. I should probably head to bed, huh? We should talk tomorrow. Good? Good."
"And let you sneak out of that conversation too?" Paredes said," Not a chance. Where are your parents?"
"England, I assume. Unless they've fallen off the face of the earth which, admittedly, would be pretty cool."
"And why are you here and they aren't?"
You shrugged. "Because?"
"That's not an excuse," Marta said warningly when it look like steam was about to come out of Paredes and Alexia's ears," The truth, now."
"Why I'm here and my parents aren't? I don't know if you've noticed but that's always the case."
Patri, Pina and Aitana snickered on the sofa, flicking through your Netflix account for something to watch.
"No more sass," Alexia said firmly," I mean it or you're going to be in some serious trouble." She sounded pretty serious too so you just sighed.
"I...I'm not going back to England for Christmas."
"Obviously," You heard Patri mutter but you ignored her.
"And your parents?" Alexia probed.
"They're staying in England for Christmas."
Silence reigned through your little apartment although you knew that everyone had already suspected what you had said. It was just different when it was finally said out loud.
"Why isn't your Mama coming to see you?" Paredes asked, a mother herself so you gathered something like this hit close to home.
You shrugged. "We don't talk. I don't talk to either of my parents. It's not a big deal."
"Not a big deal? Not a big deal!"
Alexia looked like she was about to burst into tears on your behalf which was something that you didn't quite understand but just kind of rolled with.
Aitana gently guided you over to the sofa like she thought you were about to break at a moment's notice, squishing you between her and Pina while Alexia, Paredes and Marta took refuge a bit further away on your armchairs.
"Why didn't you tell anyone?" Marta asked when it looked like Alexia had finally gotten a hold of herself.
"What's there to tell?" You said dismissively, swatting at Pina until she surrendered your hot chocolate back to you. It was practically cold now but you had made it using milk instead of water and you would be damned if you let it go to waste.
"Maybe about why you're avoiding seeing your parents?"
To your credit, your voice was more steady than you felt. "We don't talk anymore. They said it was either football or them." You gestured to your apartment, to the teammates scattered around your living room. "I chose football."
"And your parents were okay with that?" Marta asked.
"Well, clearly not, seeing as we're all sitting here, having this conversation." You scoffed in amusement. "In fact, I think my dad even said that if I ever showed my face again while playing football that he would swing at me."
It sounded harsh in the ears of your teammates but to you it wasn't. Your father always threatened bodily harm even against the most mundane of things like a driver cutting him off in traffic.
Alexia, in particular, looked stricken at your confession. You kind of understood. You knew that her father had been her biggest supporter and that each and every time she stepped on the pitch she wanted to do well in his memory.
You...not so much.
Anytime you stepped onto the pitch, it was a like a big middle finger to your parents (although you knew that they wouldn't even be bothered to watch any of your matches).
"That's not funny," Paredes said firmly," You father shouldn't have said that to you."
You just shrugged again, rolling your eyes. "Is this meeting of the Spanish Inquisition over? I've got a show to watch."
There was silence for a moment before Aitana spoke, sounding completely heartbroken.
"You're spending Christmas alone?"
"Yeah? Sorry, did I not make that clear?"
"Don't be silly," Alexia said though, talking over you completely as she typed on her phone," Of course she's not spending Christmas alone."
You glanced over at Patri and Pina, just in case they were privy to something that you weren't but they both just look as confused as you.
"Er...No, I am. I just said that."
"And I just said that you're not."
You cocked your head to the side. "I-I don't think that's how it works. You can't just speak stuff in existence."
"I'm not. You're spending Christmas with me."
"I don't remember agreeing to that."
"You didn't need to." She held up her phone. "Mami already agreed. She's asking if you're allergic to anything?"
"Um, no...Wait, hey! You can't just kidnap me! I'm fine being on my own."
"You're sixteen," Marta said," Go back with Alexia. You can have a proper Spanish Christmas. Her mum makes good food."
"I don't need a proper Spanish Christmas and I don't need good food. Everything I need, is right here."
"Oh, yeah?" Patri teased," Powder hot chocolate and microwaveable meals. You're eating like a queen, really taking care of yourself."
You stuck your tongue out at her before looking back at Alexia. "Honestly, I'm fine here. Your mum doesn't need to make me food or anything."
"Funny," Alexia said though her tone made it seem anything but," I don't remember this being a discussion. Besides, I already told Mami. She'll be very upset with me if I don't bring you along."
You huffed, knowing that there was no way you were getting out of this now. "You didn't have to do that. I was perfectly fine by myself."
"You're sixteen," Alexia replied," You shouldn't have be 'perfectly fine' by yourself. Aitana, help her pack her bags. Patri, Pina...I know you were planning to do it anyway but raid the fridge. Make sure nothing will go off while she's away."
"Wait, we're going now?!"
"Si, now. You said it earlier. It is late. You should go to bed. The sooner you're packed, the sooner we can go."
"Can't you just get me tomorrow?"
"No." She waved a dismissive hand as Aitana dragged you away. "Off you go. And remember to pack a scarf!"
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scribblesofagoonerr · 4 months
Cos' sometimes sleep isn't enough anymore | Inner Demons
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⟫ Alphabet Challenge, C - Cos' sometimes sleep isn't enough anymore
Pairings: leah williamson x teen reader, arsenal wfc x teen reader
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I guess I'm on a roll tonight? 3 parts posted so far, I'm not even sure how many parts this will end up with but, um, yeah, i hope you like this one and it's not to heavy to read.
Absolutely none of it's proof-read so yet again it could seem jumbled up or not even make sense but umm I can't sleep and my brain is overthinking at 4 am so this is the result of it :)
Thanks for all the continuous love and support on this so far!
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Waking up in hospital, you think over your thoughts about what happened and wonder if you really did mean to do it?
tw: heavy angst, talks of SH, MH, suicide and death.
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Bright lights and slow repetive beeps followed by the sterile smell of a hospital enrivoment.
That's how you knew it was bad when you woke up.
You really hadn't mean for it to get to that point though, you made the mistake of cutting deeper than you should have and now you have landed yourself in the hospital.
This was definitely not your smartest move you had pulled.
Something tells you it wouldn't be so easy to hide your pain behind a fake smile now.
You felt the wet tears covering your own hand along with the heavy weight of another body practically leaning on you.
"Geez, did somebody die in here or something?" Was the first words you spoke since you had fallen unconcious and of course, it was with your usual cocky teenage atttiude.
Dark humour has always been your go to, you hate to show any type of vulnerability.
"Y/N/N" Leah voice croaks in surprise as she sits bolt up right to look straight at you. "You're awake, finally!" she immediately breaks down into sobs again as she reaches towards you and wraps her arms around you.
"Yeah, I'm awake but there's no need to cry about it" You struck back with the same cocky atittude, that drove your team mates crazy but loved you never the less. "Seriously though, did someone die? Cos' you're crying that much right now that I'm begining to think so" you note, hiding your own pain behind the smile.
Just keep smiling, nobody will ask questions.
Everyone will think you're fine.
"Seriously, Y/N?" Leah is quick to smack you around the back of the head as she's now giving you one of her famous glares, one that you knew all too well. "You scared me to death, you little shit!" she admits, showing her vunerability.
"Ow. Ow-- Hey, you can't hit me, I'm fragile right now" You can't help but pout and hope for sympathy from the older blonde girl.
"Fragile, huh? You seem fine enough to be making jokes" Leah remarks as she continues to glare at you.
"Come on, you know that dark humour is the way to go sometimes Le" You grin at the blonde, who doesn't seem to have the same idea.
See? Totally easy to hide your pain.
Leah just stares at you in disbelief you're really cracking jokes right now, "You're unbelieve sometimes, Y/F/N" she mutters aloud.
"Uh oh, your using my full name, am I in trouble now?" You can't help to continue with your cocky, I don't give a shit attitude never the less you had worried all of your team mates like you did.
"Right now I'm just glad that you're alive," Leah admits as she rewraps her arms around you and squeezes you gently. "But if you ever scare me like that again then we'll be having a very different conversation!" she tells you, sternly.
"Okay" You wince slightly as the tightness of the hug that the blonde was very reluctant to let go off you. "Seriously, Le. I'm fine now, why are you still crying so much?" You ask, confused.
"I'm crying because I... I thought I had really lost you this time" Leah speaks her thoughts aloud as she still holds onto you like you would disappear all over again. "When I found you, like the... like the way I did, I thought you was going to die" she adds in, quietly.
Your own amused smile starts to falter as you glance down at the bandages wrapped around your arm. "I'm sorry... I am really sorry for scaring you like that" You apologise quietly, starting to realise the seriousness of it all.
You must've had all of your team mates so worried and right now you were only acting like a total jackass about it.
"I was so scared" Leah replies as she pulls away from hugging you before she readjusts to move onto the bed beside you. "There was so much blood, Y/N/N. I... I thought when we arrived at the hospital, it would be too late and I'd be saying goodbye to you instead" she explains, swallowing the lump that formed in her throat.
Shit, why did I go and do that? I've made Leah almost have a nervous break down.
How could you be so selfish? You didn't deserve the love you recieved from your team mate.
"I bet the bathrooms' a right bloody mess now then" You can't help the comment that slips out of your mouth.
Once again, dark humour is a key to hiding the reality of pain.
Leah clicks her tongue at your comment, although she can tell exactly what you're doing now.
You had been doing it all this long so easily, it was just that nobody realised it.
"Why didn't you tell me that it was getting bad again?" The blondes' question is something that catches you off guard.
Guilt-striken to hear her words, you found sudden interest with the crisp white sheets currently covering you.
There was a lot of things that you could have said, but would she want to hear any of it?
Nobody can help me with the way I feel,
I'm so tired,
I wanted to relieve the pain, I wanted a way out.
All of the questions racing through your mind, you actually began to wonder if you had cut yourself that deep on purpose? Did your own selfishness overshadow any other feelings inside of you.
The battle with your inner demons was just too much sometimes, you was just so exhausted now.
So, why couldn't you have just been left to die instead?
"What's going on inside your head, Y/N/N?" Leah's next question brought you out of your dark thoughts. "Talk to me, you know that I'm here to listen" she states with a gentle tone of voice.
Although the next words that you speak are nothing that she can be prepared to hear.
"I think... I think I wanted to die, I wanted an out on life" Your voice quivers as you admit the truth to the blonde, finally.
"W... What?" Leah looks at you with a mixture of shock and hurt.
"I'm so tired, Le-- I'm just so fuckin' tired. I... I can't do this anymore" You express your feelings as you feel yourself tearing up.
It was as if Leah hadn't quite regestered the words you had said, or she had but she refused to believe that you actually did want to try and kill yourself.
"The girls all went to get coffee, um I think that all of the girls will be back soon though" The blonde tells you quietly as she wraps her free arm around you and gives you a small smile.
Denial, it was so easy to pretend there wasn't anything to read into with your most recent confession.
"I bet they'll be happy to know that you're awake now" Leah cut you off as she continues to give you that weary smile, you weren't sure if she was now clutching onto you a bit tighter in fear of you pulling another stunt like you did.
"Leah, didn't you hear me? I said I wanted to die!" You shout loud enough for her to suck in a sharp breath.
"I heard you, Y/N/N-- I heard you, I saw you, I... I was there for it all. I was the one who found you in the bathroom; You was lay in a pool of your own blood while you were slipping in and out of unconciousness" Leah broke her game of where she didn't pretend you as she turned to face you, you had her whole attention now. "I sat there, pressing a god-damn towel against your cuts, praying that you would make it and you... you tell me that you want to die? You don't get to die. You can't, we need you-- Damn it Y/N, I need you! Y... You're my family! So you don't get to tell me you want to die!" she tells you, the shake in her voice so evident that she's close to tears again.
"What? You... You want to die?" Beth broke the tense silence as she has a distraught look on her face.
"Do you really mean that?" Lia questions as her eyes widen in shock.
Neither you or Leah realise that some of the older girls had made their way back to your room, when they arrived they were delighted with the realisation that you were now finally awake after the long 24 hours but that quickly turned into shock and hurt when they heard Leah's words so boldly, that even the patients down the hall probably would've heard.
"I do, I did... I don't know. I'm tired, I can't... I can't keep doing this anymore" You admit out loud for every single one of them to hear.
You hear the blonde beside you suck in another sharp breath as she keeps her arm firmly attached round your shoulder.
The confession is left hanging in the air, leaving a tense feeling and it was suddenly so quiet that in the room that you were certain that you would even be able to hear a pin drop.
Nobody utters a word, a state of shock written across each one of their faces.
"Sometimes sleep isn't enough when it's my soul that's tired" You tell them, leaving them all stood there grief-stricken with the realisation that you really had been struggling for longer than you wanted to admit.
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velvetmud · 1 year
i wanna see what happens when the reader is tempting joel, all innocent smiles whilst she drives him over the edge with her subtle teasing
I got pretty colorful and into it w this one the possibilities were just endless 🤩 set pretty early 2000s, joel is late thirties and kind of a huge lovesick creep in this and sarah’s (alive) and a teen
warning(s): explicit 18+, dirty talk, age difference, phone sex, cum play stuff
Joel wouldn’t call it being a peeping tom, okay? He wouldn’t.
But if he wanted to occasionally check up on his shirtless neighborhood crush while she’s waltzing around in her panties through that perfect, square little bedroom window next door, who the fuck is he to look away when he knows he’s struck gold?
It’d be foolish, downright idiotic not to admire her while she’s taking care of that soft skin after a hot shower, steam smelling like fresh body wash whenever she cracks the window open to air it out. Joel always ducks his head just in time, sometimes nearly falling as he shamefully rights himself and attempts to act busy with the old paperwork still sitting on his desk.
Tonight’s been pretty ordinary. No sign of her buying curtains for her room anytime soon.
She stuck to her daily routine and he’s watched on from a swivel chair in his home office space. It’s gotten to a point where he thinks he almost knows her inside out, knows little things no one else might ever get to see - like how adamant she is about skin care whether she’s waking up or going to bed, knows the movie posters she hung up on her wall, knows what she looks like getting ready in the morning, how she’ll button her pants while a toothbrush hangs out of her mouth.
How some days she’ll stare in the mirror and pick apart her reflection with a noticeable frown, and others she lightheartedly tries out some funky different hairstyles he admittedly has had a good chuckle at.
Joel took note of plenty other things too. Like the color of her panties. How much the style of clothes she wore changed throughout the week. One day she might wear boxers and a wife beater. Another night she’ll be in offensively tight fitting cami tops with panties in the prettiest sets of colors he’s ever fucking seen.
In all honesty, he understood his amusement in her and every little thing about her wasn’t the smartest, nor healthiest. He tries to shove those thoughts away, ignore everything wrong with what he’s done. With how much he likes to watch those intimate, personal moments when she’s in the comfort and privacy of her own room.
She wasn’t much older than his own daughter Sarah, and Sarah barely just started actually talking to him about boys in her class. As much as it kills him.
By the looks of how often his inappropriate neighborhood crush goes to bed alone, and how rarely she’s spent the night elsewhere, she must’ve been shy enough to keep to herself, unlike Sarah. Never took any boys home from her community college she went to down the road. Never got home late and snuck in through the same window he watches her through. Just a kind, innocent girl who doesn’t know how much she was admired from afar. Or not so far, he remembers, adjusting himself in his sweatpants as she reentered her bedroom only two walls and a few feet in between.
Judging by that red little bra sitting snug around the swell of her breasts and the matching skimpy panties, she was gonna be home alone tonight. Free to do whatever she pleases without the eyes and ears of her parents. Shit, he’s gonna be glued in this twirling desk chair for the rest of the night if he has to. Sarah got ready and washed up for bed half an hour ago, leaving nothing left for him to do except lock the door and get his cream and tissue ready.
Guilt tries to gnaw his subconscious, but the opposing argument wasn’t nearly compelling enough to possess him to stop. Not when she struts in and parts her hair to the side, inspecting herself in the mirror. He could tell she felt a little sexier tonight.
It wasn’t going to be one of those other nights, ones that make him want to crawl up to her bedroom window and grab a hold of her. Let her weep and rant in his chest until she’s all done and he can console her. Go on about how sweet, how gorgeous he knows she is, how ridiculous it ever was that she could see herself any other way.
No, no no. Tonight he already teetered on the edge of crawling up to that open window, peel those panties down her legs, all the way to her calves with his teeth instead. Make her hold on to that headboard of hers for dear life while he gave her what she deserved. He could picture it now, all the squirming she’d do while he made a mess in her sheets, or the pretty colored pieces of lingerie.
Stuff that slutty little bra in her mouth to muffle those cries, snatch those used up panties and inconspicuously shove them down deep in one of his back pockets. Keep it to wrap around his dick later, or maybe drape across his face. Cover it in cum with a low growl of her name.
By the looks of it, sometimes he wonders if she was a vixen that could read minds. Like now, with the way she started rubbing a dainty fingertip down her front through the lace, lying on her back in bed. Teasing herself, softly and gently, like how he dreams of doing to her.
“Damn. Already got started without me,” he mumbles aloud to nobody except himself, licking his lips in anticipation. Pulls his boxers to the side, mirroring her actions when she pulled her devilish colored panties to the side and expose that pretty pussy out in the air. The view is perfect when she readjusts in the bed so her back is to the window, flaunting that nearly naked ass right towards him. An ass that Joel only ever daydreams of getting to run his tongue along. Spank.
“That’s it. Make yourself feel good, baby. Know you need it. Know you’re getting there.”
Joel can’t help his commentary, like he’s making a director’s cut while he watches her bend over and fill herself up with a finger. Her face says that that one finger just isn’t going to cut it, isn’t nearly big enough to fill, to satisfy. He wished he could remedy that for her, shove and pistol even just one of his fingers inside. Thick enough to equal to two of hers, and longer too. Could reach deeper places. He’d do it for hours just to feel the squelch, feel her warmth.
A hum leaves his closed lips while he runs a hand up his stiff length, taking a long deep breath. He tries not to even blink unless he has to, unwilling to miss a second while she still has her lights on and those panties pulled to the side for him.
He’s tempted to really go there and grab the one and only pair of binoculars he’s ever owned, from what used to seem like a stupid last minute holiday gift from Tommy now seemed like it might come in handy. One of these nights.
“Goddamn, look at you,” he starts to pant, sweat built up on his temple as he finally rid himself of his boxers, tucking the waistband beneath his balls. His dick stands full and tall against his belly, veins bulging while his fingers squeeze and tease the tip.
Impatiently goes and begins stroking the base, slow and steady, not intending to get too ahead of himself. Ahead of her. He always aims to match her speed. Pretend he’s doing this with her, next to her. No walls separating them. He’d finally get a view up close, get to taste and kiss and feel and smell—
In the blink of an eye, she surprises him after keeping one of those fingers in as she turns and does something new. Out of the ordinary. She seems to wrestle her thoughts only for a short moment before picking up what looks to be her house phone from the night stand.
Just when she’s done dialing and holds it up to her ear, his own office phone nearly gives him a stroke from its boisterous ringing. He flinched and cursed as he attempts to ready himself, flipping his waistband halfway back up, only part of his cock poking out. Even if it nearly kills him to refrain from relieving himself.
Some unknown number glows on the screen, and though Joel knows it could’ve been anybody, he has a suspicious hunch that this call was something different. Clearing his throat, he answers as the Miller Residence.
“Mister Miller?” a small, breathy, feminine, and most of all familiar voice asks. He turns back around to his neighborhood crush through the window, seeing those deadly legs now sprawled out while she stares up at the ceiling, home phone tucked by her ear. She called him. In bed. Wearing those panties. Holy fuck.
“Hey, sweetheart. Joel is fine. You uh, you live right next door don’t you?” he gulps, a rush of guilt and shame filling his brain and his gut when he looks over and watches her spread them further apart, feet going briefly up in the air.
Closing his eyes, he pinches his temples as he tries composing himself, tries acting natural.
Like he wasn’t just watching her before and right when she fucking calls.
“Yeah, ‘m sorry if it’s too late. Fuck. You probably have work in the morning, don’t you? And Sarah….”
He doesn’t contain his laughter at her unwavering usage of the word fuck. His mind wants to flutter to thoughts of her saying that word in a whole other context.
“No need for any sorrys, sweet thing. Sarah’s too smart for her own good these days, little girl barely needs me around anymore. And I work from home now actually. Makes things easier.” God help him, it does. “Uh, but point is is I’m always open to…. talk. Or anything else you need.” he blurts, stumbling his way through what was supposed to be an innocent, neighborly sentiment. Come knock if you need sugar type of thing.
It’s creepy, and it’s cowardly, but he just couldn’t bear the thought of scaring her off from him permanently. She can talk to him about her life, her thoughts, her struggles — and shit, there really isn’t much left of her life he hasn’t already seen. Just not quite as up close.
He ducks his head to peek a wide eye through the window again, petrified of being caught. How humiliating it would be for her just to turn around, see the same middle aged dad next door that she’s on the phone with, then look down at his pervy stubborn dick just hanging out of his sweatpants for her to see.
Joel’s heartbeat races.
He can hear her smile in her voice while she responds, “Sarah’s a lucky girl, I mean, this goes without saying but…. she has thee coolest dad ever.”
He can’t do anything except bite his lip and stare down at his dick, pathetically holding his breath from the praise. On second thought it’s good she doesn’t see him up close, see how red his neck and ears get. Or the tent in his pants that he gets to hide under his work desk while she unknowingly strips in front of him almost daily.
“But thank you for saying that. Seriously, it means the world to me. I don’t really have many people to talk to most days. Sarah, she um, she actually gave me your guys’ number—“
Fuck. Who does Joel think he is?
“You meant to ring Sarah?”
He’s spiralling into hating himself again while he moves his head to stare through his window and catch a better look at her, a habit which felt about as dangerous as picking up a cigarette.
She’s stood up from her bed now, biting her thumb nail and then running her fingers through her hair. Still killing him with her bare legs, her bare back….
“No! No, Joel I meant to call you. I’m glad it was you who answered, cause I’ve been meaning to ask for your help with something.”
His eyes could’ve bulged out of their sockets and his blood pressure had to have been at a pretty questionable level by now. Turning around in his swivel chair, he itched the back of his neck and pulls his sweatpants the rest of the way back up.
“My help? ‘Course sweetheart. What’d you need my help with so late?”
There’s a subtle shift in tone to a more sultry, vicious one coming from her that he’s never heard before and almost couldn’t pick up on.
“I want you to turn back around and give me your opinion on this.”
Joel swears his heart floated up to his mouth right when he heard it. Turn back around. Since when did she know which way he was facing?
His mouth gapes open like a fish, and he raises his head in high alert but still has yet to turn around.
“What’d you mean—“
“By turn around I meant turn around. C’mon, don’t turn shy now. Might like what you see.”
He slowly turns that hundred and eighty degrees, unsure of what he’s in for when he risks another peek in her window.
She’s on her knees on the bed, facing his house. One bra strap had fallen down her shoulder, and it’s ethereal. Still clutching the home phone to her ear, he can see the giant grin filling her expression as she raises her brows up and down at him through the glass.
“How do these look on me? They’re both new,” she gave him a quick and playful little twirl, swiftly pulling all of her hair to one side.
Joel is blissfully at a loss, wondering if Sarah snuck him a stronger melatonin to put him to sleep and he’s dreaming. He’ll wake up any second like usual, drooling on his pillow with a full hard on he cannot escape.
Tempted to pinch himself, he blinks a few times with a barely there blank expression before clearing his throat to muster up the courage to form an answer. An honest to God answer.
“Looks perfect on you. You’re… you’re beautiful, baby. S’not fair to me.”
“It’s not fair to me that you pulled your pants back up,” she remarks.
Joel licks his lips, watching her nod her head down a little. Signaling that she can see what affect this has on him, how she didn’t have to bat an eye to already have him reeled in.
“What do you want me to do?” he asks, voice hoarse.
She repeats all the gestures she’d been doing right before she called, running one of her finger tips in circles through the skimpy lace.
“I wanna see it again,” she whispers, like she’s just shared one of her darkest secrets. And maybe she has. “Pull it out for me.”
Her wish was his command, and up came his ass off the swivel chair to yank both layers back down again. His cock stood up, filled proud and tall as it could ever be. “Anything for you, baby.”
He hears her faint gasp of surprise when his pants are bunched up at his knees, showing off his full length and his thighs.
“Knew you were big, but Joel that is a monster. None of my toys could even compare.” she laughs, shaking her head in utter disbelief. Joel almost clams up not knowing what to say, nonetheless still gushing at her bluntness. In the back of his mind, he wondered what kinds of toys she likely has lying around her room right now.
Shrugging, he fists himself then grabs the tip with his pointer finger and thumb, aching for some semblance of relief from the fucking brick between his legs. When he’s rewarded with some precum building up on the tip, he makes the intentional move to moan low and gruff into the phone like how he would in her ear. “Not just about how big. S’about how you move, how much you pay attention to how she’s feeling. Foreplay too.”
“Sound like such a gentleman,” she teased, almost taking his breath away when she sticks her legs up, placing them on either side of the window, spreading herself out just for his viewing pleasure.
No one on else on his side or her side of their respective homes had their same view, granting them a decent amount of freedom to go wild. Joel scoots his swivel chair even closer to his window, prying his eyes to those now wide open legs that drove him to such foul temptation.
“Not that much a gentleman. Fuck, my god you’re perfect—”
Her hands travel up and down her thighs, and just looking at her from afar he still knows she smells good. She’s still teasing him, but fuck if Joel wasn’t enjoying every minute of it.
“Foreplay too, huh? What do you like about it? Little bit of giving, little bit of taking—“
“Giving. I like giving,” he interjects in a hurry, giving the thick base of his cock a couple satisfying, rigorous strokes. “No such thing as gettin’ too wet.”
His mouth starts to salivate as she nods her head through the window and drags those panties down a leg so they dangle at the heel of her foot. Spreads her lips apart with two of her fingers, wiggling back and forth to fuck him up even harder.
“There might be.”
It could be angelic or downright demonic the way she’s hypnotizing him, the way nothing and no one could pull him out of his daze as he stays on the edge of his chair, pulling on his cock like a prick.
“Think about eating that pussy all day, then fucking you all night. Hard as you want, fast as you want. Fuck, I could break that headboard of yours if you want. Would worship you any way you fuckin’ need me to, baby.”
His voice almost cracks towards the end, brown eyes drinking up her sprawled out form, her breasts busting out of that bra while she slips two of those dainty fingers back inside. Where his mouth ought to be.
“Yeah, I see you looking and jerking off while you watch me undress at night, Joel. What, can’t you handle seeing any girl walk around her room in some panties?”
She could easily just be teasing him, just shit talking to get him going, but he shits down that idea immediately. Any girl he could handle. He’s a grown man, capable of storing away his desires if the situation called for it. This wasn’t that kind of situation.
“Not just any girl,” Joel pants, forcing his wrist to slow down no matter how painful it might’ve been, locking eyes with her through the glass. “It’s you. Always driving me fucking crazy.” he grunts, almost sounding like it was some kind of complaint or deterrence.
“Never got used to watching you make yourself cum. Every night felt like the first time. Love seeing those legs shake,” he goes on, speeding up and tightening the ruthless grip he had on his dick. “Couldn’t help myself, baby. I’m sorry.”
She yanks a cup of her bra down to free her chest, feeding Joel another bucket of eye candy as he slides his wet palm down his length. He worries his bottom lip with his teeth as he admires her clenching desperately around her little fingers.
“Wanna hear if this is too wet?”
“Yes baby girl, wanna hear it.” he bobs his head up and down with a rapid display of enthusiasm, waning his orgasm off with a brutal level of self control. Not yet, Joel. Not yet.
He sees her take the house phone and lower it to where her fingers had been playing. She scoops her juices around and spreads it to her clit with her middle finger and he can hear it all.
“You sound soaked for me, honey,” he mutters, feeling like he’s lost and put in another realm that was so pleasurable he almost feels like he doesn’t belong. “Must be makin’ yourself feel real good, all spread out and filled up like that.”
“My fingers aren’t big enough.” she says, mirroring a whine while she brings the phone back up to her ear.
“You need mine in there too, don’t you? Fuck, I can’t wait to see what you look like all covered in cum. My cum.”
She’s all gasps and squirms and he gets to witness it all, any previous shame and worry shucked away by those heavenly whimpers of his name. “J-Joel, please—“
All the sudden it seems she wasn’t the one steering this ship anymore, now asking him for permission and instruction. Smitten as he is when she took charge, he knows he can deliver on his part too. Anything under the sun she wants, he will give.
“Add another finger, baby. You can do it, come on, you’re almost there. We’re doing this together now.”
His eyes stay glued between her thighs, speeding up the pace of his own while she does as she’s told and adds in another digit. Judging by her dropping posture and the steady growing speed with a good enough amount of relief that wouldn’t hold a chance compared to Joel’s fingers.
“That feel better, baby? Ready to cum with me?”
She doesn’t verbally answer with anything but a long gasp followed by a cry, and he can’t take his eyes off the slight shake in her legs and hips. He’s seen this enough from her especially to know these tell tale signs, know that she’s going insane from riding her fingers all the way down to each knuckle. Joel is captivated by the sight as he always is, wide eyed as he began nearing his finish right along with her.
And just like that, his neighborhood crush is cumming on her fingers thinking about him, moaning curses slurred with his name.
Joel fell behind her by only a second when his wrist and hips both start to stutter, and only at the last second he realized he’d forgotten to get himself a tissue. Thick spurts of his spend land all over the glass of the window, smearing together and undoubtedly leaving a splotchy mess behind. Something he’ll be cleaning at least before tomorrow morning to dispose of the evidence.
He whispers her name and tucks the phone further into the side of his jaw, feeling her stare piercing right through the glass. It brought tingles up to his spine remembering that this wasn’t a one way street anymore. That she likes this too, that she wants him too.
“You cum a lot.” she observes, zoning in on how it drips down the glass he’s always watched her through. “Fuck, you made me cum a lot. My sheets are fucked over here.”
Joel gives her a chuckle, wiping his shiny forehead off with his upper arm. He watches her, just like he always has, except this time with explicit permission. She takes some sips of water, ties on a silk, pretty robe, puts her hair back. Gives herself the aftercare he wished he could give her. Once he stretched and sighed in his chair, he feels this rather unfamiliar sense of warmth in his chest lingering. Tucking himself back in his sweatpants for the night, he wants to scoff down at the leftover mess of his window.
“Next time you’re free, come over and sit in my lap instead of that goddamn bed in front of that goddamn open window.” he playfully scolds, still considerably dazed while the stars he saw swimming in his eyes slowly start to fade out.
“I’m always free. I don’t do anything except get coffee, go to class and come back home.” she admits. “And also I like to watch my peeping tom neighbor jack off and cum all over his window,” she laughs. It’s so infectious he can’t help but join in, even if his cheeks turn pink and he briefly looks back down at his lap. “But for real. You’re the first one I’ve talked to in kind of a little while. It felt… nice.”
Joel sheds the last thread left of withering self control, couldn’t help himself any longer, and springs up from his office chair like he’s on a mission, looking around for a nearby pair of slippers.
“Where you going? Gonna up and ditch me?” she asks, disguising her sinking feeling of potential rejection with sarcasm. Joel picks up on it and stops it right in its tracks.
“I’m not ditching you. Not gonna hang up the phone either. Come down just a sec, will you baby?”
She gives him a slight nod through her window, appearing more balled up and shy now that she wasn’t sprawled out touching herself for him. Giving him a memory to think about when he was in bed, if he was bored at work, or even waiting in line at a fucking grocery store. He still debates whether or not he should pinch himself just in case he’ll wake up and feel a wet spot in his boxers like some rabid, hormonal teenager.
It took no more than a dozen eager steps to reach her front door, and even if his nerves were trying to get in the way, it’s when she swung opens the door and falls right in his embrace that he knows this isn’t a joke, this isn’t a dream. This robe was just as soft as it looked from far away, her hair smelling even sweeter than he’d been picturing. Her pink cheeks and red lips entice him for more.
She invites him inside her vacant living room after both of them briefly scope out the neighborhood for wandering eyes. He does what he’s been meaning to do since he started watching her undress through his window and smacks his lips together with hers, tasting her chapstick and her minty mouthwash. It’s everything he thought and somehow more, getting to trail his hands down to cup all the places on her he liked. She eggs him on with the throaty little noises that she shyly let out into his mouth.
He moves onto her neck when she pulls away to breathe first. “You’re too sweet and pretty to be lonely, you know that?”
“And you’re too hot to be sitting at home staring out your window at me.” she retorts back.
“Checking in on you,” he corrected.
“Whatever. Oh, can’t forget your souvenir,” she reached into one of the pockets of her robe to fish out those used lace panties she’d been playing with herself in.
“Thought… thought those were new,” he whispers as if someone might hear or see him accepting a pair of panties from his twenty year old neighbor.
If this were happening to any other man he knew, they’d brag about it to anyone with ears. Joel wasn’t interested in boasting. To simply put it, he wanted this all to himself. Keep her all to himself.
She offers him a shrug. “Keep them. Plenty more where that came from, but I got a hunch you already knew that,” she wiggles her eyebrows, snorting out a laugh.
Joel snatched them up without another word, doing what he’d always imagined to get to do, shoving them in the pocket of his pants to revel in later. He tosses his head back and just groans, knowing now that she possesses plenty of ammo to tease him for as long as he’s alive.
“Well, I’d keep that pretty mouth shut until you buy some goddamn curtains.”
thank you for support + love these past few weeks especially but also in general!!!! it makes me cry but in the happy way:)
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