#💛thank you for the ask!
savoryangel · 9 months
What are red flags of cultural appropriation to look out for in the community? I don’t interact much with others and want to avoid people who engage in that behavior. I hope this doesn’t come across as rude.
nonono! youre fine anon! The biggest flag you need to look for is whenever they change their self inserts race while not being x race so it can match to their fos source or fo (which is a bs excuse). Skin tone isn’t the only thing you need to look out for, self shippers tend to give their self inserts cultural names or sometimes give them bipoc traits like black hair styles for example. I’ve seen some people go far as into learning a language just for the sole purpose into connecting with their fo which is eh….
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bakubunny · 5 months
Ngl what about it be like if alpha easermic x omega fem reader and what if the reader was in heat?
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tw: a/b/o, piss
still tryna process this one tbh. 😔
like. first of all how dare you mention alpha shota in general but alpha erasermic? the sound i made was unhinged. gimme 2 weeks and i might have a coherent thought again good grief. my stomach hurts.
shota is the possessive, jealous alpha. there’s always this unspoken argument of who’s going to get to you first, and more often than not it’s him. both of them have pissed on you and fucked you through your heats together and separately, but it’s almost an understanding that shota goes first if there’s to be little animosity. but sometimes hizashi is willing to push him on it.
hizashi is a doting alpha. he calls in on family leave when you’re about to go into heat and turns your shared bedroom into a nest where you can get bred until you’re limp be cared for. he makes sure you have anything you could need. very sweet but also possessive. just less than shota.
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i-still-mask-because · 22 hours
Hey, I currently go to school full time, the first week I wore a kn-95 mask the entire time, but I have sensitive skin by the end of the week the seams where the mask met skin had sores on it and I couldn't bare to continue wearing it. I don't know how to get around this, but I've been double masking with a medical mask and a cloth mask. Is there anything else I can do?
Hey there, thank you for asking, and thank you for your patience!
I've had experience with wearing certain KN95s irritating my skin to the point it's made me want to claw it off my face, so I understand the frustration. My personal recommendation would be the N95 3m Aura, because that's been the most consistently comfortable respirator for me.
Look to your local mask bloc and/or covid action group to see if you could request getting a variety of masks to try out for free to see what works for you. These are usually run by folks that have a lot of knowledge about quality masks, so definitely ask them what they would suggest!
I know elastomeric respirators tend to be a good option for sensitive skin too because they're typically hypoallergenic. They can be on the pricey side though, so definitely weigh your options!
I hope this was helpful!
As always, if someone else has any additional information or suggestions to give, please feel free to share!
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swiftmitsu · 5 months
Hey, in case you forgot, you're super nice and super cool and you should gimme ur undertale ocs refs for zero reason
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now your turn.
hand over all your undertale oc refs for absolutely no reason whatsoever 🔫🔫
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smimon · 6 months
Omg how will Bojan react to giant k 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀. The more k the better (worse, he’s so gone) for bojan. He will die, cause of death overload of vitamin k. I mean they went absolute nuts about each other. 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
And mikke!!!!!! With his giant lil brother. As someone who is the oldest but also shortest (my lil brother is close to two meters and still growing) I feel that. No matter how tall he’s gonna be, he’s always gonna be my lil brother. 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹.
(Sorry for the spam) 😅
(Ask date: 24.09.2023)
Vitamin K overdose is no threat to Bojan! If they could, they would spend all their free time together 🥹
And yes, can relate, my little brother is like one head taller than me - but otherwise we look identical, to the point that some people think we are twins 😆 we are just like Daltons 😎😎
Now bonus time 👀 Giant K series #13: hey Bojan, could you come here for a second?
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Annnd second bonus because Mikke deserves some appreciation too 😤
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Do a barrel roll!
And also this one little victory for Mikke because he's worth it 😌
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bigshotspambot · 7 months
can i give sneo a little kissi on the nose plz :>
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Just a little peck !
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da-proti-toku-grem · 17 days
Oh asking asks 👀👀👀👀👀. Tell us about your dog :3, show the lil fluff ball 🥰
Hiii omg I'm ALWAYS here to talk about my baby :33 This is probably going to turn way too long and I'm including pics because she's too cute, so be aware ahsjxjhjsd
So, her name is Aixa and she's a 4 ½ years old westie
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Her fur is so so soft and fluffy and she loves cuddles and scratches, especially belly scratches. Everyone in my family says I must give the best belly scratches because, even if she loves them and would take them from literally anyone who's willing to give her some, it's literally impossible for me to crouch near her without her running and laying down with her belly up for me to give her some scratches. But who would say no to this puppy eyes? 🥺
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She also really likes kisses, and every time I give her a kiss on the top of her head she always licks my cheek in return and I just think it's too cute 🥹🥹🥹🫶
She's so so good like, she's never broken anything or something like that like most dogs do (mostly when they're puppies) and she always behaves so well. She's usually very sleepy and spends most of the day sleeping around the house (and she snores sometimes too hshshsh). Oh, and she loves napping in the sun ☺️
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She also really likes the beach 🥰
Also her nose is very boopable :3
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Aaaaaaand I don't remember what else I was going to say, but here are a bunch of random pics I took that I adore with my whole heart: (+ these Christmas-themed pics that I can't add because of the tumblr limit)
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ALSO, last but not least, (tho she's still tiny) she was SO tiny when we brought her home like, LOOK AT HER!!!!!!
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retquits · 1 year
Are any of your idols tsunderes? 👀 I feel like both Junho or Kwangmin could be tsunderes, but I'm not quite sure... Could you share some more things about them? 😳
i don't think any of them are true tsunderes, but of the two, junho definitely comes closer!! he cares, he just has a strong resting face
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uh, kwangmin on the other hand,
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lifemod17 · 21 days
Hello Tonee, I'm just quickly fluttering by to let you, Miss ii Girlie (Girliie? Giirlie? Hm) know, that in that new couple's portrait of ii and ivy, ii looks grumpy and scawie and Vessel-coded because of his mask.
Because really, if he had the old one on, THIS is how he'd be looking with ivy resting on his shoulder:
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Soft eepie king with his cuddly fuckboy bf 🥹 I hope this causes you pain! Because I sure am!! Okay bye!!!!!
DARYA PLEASE IT IS 7:20AM (you are so right though) BUT OH THE PAINNNN
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the mask does nothing to me anymore, I AM IMMUNE to the scary Rottweiler facade, because I know inside, this mf has got THE SOFTEST, MOST LOVING EYES YOU EVER DID SEE (literally a Rott)
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savoryangel · 10 months
ALSO lou jitsu endured MORE than orientalism??? what else went on with him???? how old is he btw?
Anyways… Yoshi has generational trauma ever since his mom left him to fight a spiritual being known as the shredder. Throughout his childhood he was raised and trained by his grandfather to follow his mothers footsteps. However, Yoshi resented because he has another passion which was acting !! So he just fled off Japan to America to work on his dream and a way to escape from his trauma.
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As I mention before, he did have several exes but big mama is very a notable ex that changed his life around (either a good or bad way). They’ve been together for a good 10 years until he proposed to her which lead her reveal herself as a spider yokai and kidnap him to use him as her battle nexus champion for the next several years. Tho it still shows they were still happy together after his abduction and happy to be in the hidden city since he was famous down there !! Tho I hc/believe he develop trust issues bc big mama hidding her secret for 10 years being together.
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Things were swell until a unknown incident that made him a pacifist which locked him up in a jail cell. … and then he got kidnapped again.. but one of the main antags baron draxum to use his genetics for his creations which are the turtles. He soon then escapes and saves the turtles but got turned into a rat in return. Which leads to what we have to today which was splinter!!
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Throughout all of this, I believe he has depression because he lost almost everything and dwells on his past. For his age, there isn’t a confirmation but using context clues of his flashbacks, he was a late teen in 70s and grew to fame at the late 70s-early 80s!! Rise takes all place in 2018, so he would be around his late 40s or close to 50 🫶🏽
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jujutsustraycats · 6 days
I'm not as nice as Nami is. I'm not, so don't expect anything too flowery or sweet or diabetes inducing. But I am here for you if you ever need it. And you will undoubtedly need someone in the next two years, and beyond that.
I know you said you're not going on the usual charade of... Competitive exams, that most of the country likes. And that's already a good sign for you. But science is hard. It will be. Your grades might plummet into the fucking ground, or they might slightly waver. And that's OK. It's not the end of the world.
I don't really want to get too personal, but I was a pretty.. good student lmao. Until grade 11 I had a rep for being that student who got a 95+ on every single test without studying. I'd open my books the day before the exam, and pass with a 99 with no effort whatsoever. Yeah, I was that asshole.
You won't be able to do that in 11th and 12th. Or ever again, really. Prepare yourself for that. If you are like me, and don't study until the final day and expected to get a 99, change that right now. It won't happen.
Now, it's going to be about consistency. Smaller efforts, but good ones, spread across every day. Your routine matters. The amount of sleep you get, the stuff you eat, the way you work through your day, everything will matter now. And not just for now, for ahead, too. So make sure you take care of your body, and your mind.
Work, but don't overwork. Have fun, but don't ignore your responsibilities for it. Nami's message mentions chaotic fun— I wasn't that type of person, not really. My fun was cool writing or drawing. Chatting with the people I love. Video gaming. And it's lovely! I'm not going to tell you how to have fun. But you should, because those moments of laughter will carry you through these years.
You're going to make friends, lose friends, make enemies and forget enemies. It'll happen. But the connections you make now will impact the course of your life for the next two years. When you enter conversations, do so with conviction. Know what you think and feel, and don't sway. Listen to opinions but don't let them take over your brain without cross checking it with your own thoughts first.
I hope you have people you can depend on. If nobody else, you have me and Nami. We're here for you.
Adults will tell you a lot, over the course of these two years. Listen to everything, but listen to it with a critical ear. You're capable of knowing what is and isn't important to you, personally. Stick to your guns, but be open to new suggestions. People will make personal quips at you, and they will hurt. Let them. But don't let them stick onto your being and pollute your awareness of yourself.
Mmm.. I don't really have anything else to say, not in particular. I know South India is a lot different to where I'm at rn, so my experiences will not be the same as yours. But I get it. I do, and so you can shoot me an ask or a DM anytime. I will be more than happy to help. Whether it's homework or just a vent, go for it, okay?
And above all, don't look back at what used to be, and what might have been.
When you take decisions, take them with consideration of all the information you have on hand right now. And once you've taken it, don't look back. Maybe later, with extra information, you will regret what you chose. It can happen. But you should be able to look back, and tell yourself, "No. I made that decision after considering everything I knew then. And so I do not regret the choice I made then."
You'll hear this a lot, but a set routine really really helps. I disagree with Nami, I don't think you will need late nights or overworking if you set yourself a routine. My routine changed depending on my schedule for the next day, but always make sure you get a minimum of 6 hours of sleep and some exercise, okay? It'll take you a long way.
And above all.
Anything, really.
Nothing else matters.
But be kind to yourself.
I'm smiling so much with tears in my eyes. Again.
Thank you so much, Lune. Really. I appreciate this so much.
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i-still-mask-because · 9 months
i still mask because i am a biologist and a socialist and i can’t overlook the scientific and social reality of covid. i have to mask as a biologist because i know a failure to address a pandemic only leads to the proliferation of increasingly dangerous variants. i have to mask as a socialist because refusing to mask out of inconvenience is an act of individualism in its most malicious form. i mask because the lives of the disabled, elderly, and otherwise immunocompromised matter, and their lives are not expendable.
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pirateprincessjess · 1 month
Miss Jessica. You are very cool, and I like your obscure knowledge of kaiju and pinball. I hope your weekend is very pleasant. Also, you and your girlfriend seem very happy together, and I mean that as the highest of compliments. Maintaining a relationship is no easy skill. Goodbye.
Aww thank you so much! We have a busy weekend planned! (We’re gonna play Twilight Imperium!) and I’m really looking forward to it!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend too!!
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drugsforaddicts · 6 months
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🌽 + 🍕 = ????
oh my goodness, we are twinning!!!
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telltalecoyote · 3 months
Cassius! We would like to know how you consider each of the four elements, the way you use them, the way they feel!
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"Earth makes me feel strong, unstoppable! I love it, it helps keep me in the fight even as my body screams at me."
"Fire is MY element! Blade or not; I can burn through EVERYTHING as if it was nothing. Most folk fear this magic, and if I'm the example, I can see why. It... made my time in the fahrar a nightmare."
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"I've seen other Elementalists use Air to be more agile, graceful... but I prefer tapping into it's destructive side, controlling the fight with lightning! Despite my praise, my control over it is lacking... Maybe I need to take it easier, I get too aggressive."
"I... I can't attune to Water yet, not competently, at least. Uh, um-- but Aereth is mentoring me for it, though! Says, I'm 'too unfocused and scattered'... Tch, whatever that means!"
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aaronstveit · 6 months
You briefly mentioned Gale in your post about Lucy Gray being everywhere (🫶🏻) in District 12 and I wanted to ask what do you think of him as a character. It’s been 10 years since I’ve read the books so I don’t remember exactly how things happened in Mockingjay, but I think it’s unfair how people make everything about the love triangle and in order to praise Peeta for everything he does right, they tend to be really nasty about Gale when imo what happened ~ because ~ of him is really heartbreaking and just shows how war destroys people and who they love. Idk if I’m expressing myself well but I think people do miss the point sometimes. Peeta is a sweetheart but there’s no satisfaction to me in simplifying everything that happen by calling Gale a villain or a toxic guy. This sounds so boring sorry, I just loved your post about Lucy okay? Please yes talk more about books here next year! 💌
hi anon!! thank you for your kind words <3 and thank you for your question! i have THOUGHTS about gale so i am soooooo ready to talk about him <3
first and foremost i am & always have been a peeta girlie, he is truly one of the greatest fictional characters of all time and i'll die on that hill. but i actually do like gale, and i think he gets a very bad rap in fandom!
i think the first mistake people make is assuming that katniss/peeta/gale is a love triangle. it isn't. the struggle of katniss choosing between peeta & gale isn't actually about "omg who will she end up with" but about the life she will choose for herself. katniss herself explains it in mockingjay: it's about choosing the dandelion in the spring, or the fire. she chooses the dandelion in the spring because she needs hope to sustain her. she has enough of her own fire; adding someone else's to it will only hurt her in the end. that doesn't mean she doesn't love gale in one way or another. that doesn't even mean that she condemns the fire. she is the fire! it only means that ending up with gale would hurt the both of them.
gale is not a bad character, and he is not a bad person. it's insane to me that people think he's a bad person, actually! he's a traumatized child whose father was killed in the mines and who has spent the formative years of his life risking his life to break the law so he can provide for his family. exactly like katniss. and he's angry about it. but not angry in an abstract way — he's angry in a directed way, in a way that makes him want to change the world they live in. and he should! that's the whole point of the series!
gale spends most of the first games with katniss's family, because he loves her and he loves them and he doesn't want them to be alone. he promises he won't let katniss's family go hungry if she dies. he takes extra tesserae so his younger siblings won't have to, even though they could use the extra food and fuel, even though it puts him at additional risk. he leads 800 scared, hungry, injured people out of district 12 when they're firebombed. when the bombs are coming for district 13, he goes upstairs to check katniss's family's compartment to make sure they're all safe and to grab the things most precious to katniss and her family, risking his own life in the process. he throws himself over katniss when the bombs drop in district 8 and follows her up to the warehouse roof without pause. he lies for her, a thousand times. he follows her across the capitol on the pipe dream of killing president snow. he doesn't hate katniss for her relationship with peeta — he even says that he knows he can't hate her, that it wasn't fair to her. he isn't even angry. he's heartbroken. he's an 18 year old boy in love with his best friend and the world keeps on ending and she was sent to die and the only way she could survive was by pretending to love another boy sent to die — and she might not be pretending, and she doesn't know, and gale is caught in all the middle of it. he's allowed to be upset! everything is so messed up!
katniss doesn't agree with everything gale does. neither do i! i don't think killing the people in the nut in district 2 was the right choice, and i'm glad katniss interrupted. but it's very easy to see where gale is coming from. one of the core themes of the series can be summed up with haymitch's repeated question: "who is the enemy?" over the course of the trilogy, we see katniss begin to comprehend the true answer. she starts off challenging the idea that the richer people in her district are the enemy, even though they don't have to take the tesserae. then she thinks it's the kids from the richer districts who are her enemy, but when she kills marvel from district 1, it feels wrong to her because he's also just a child being manipulated and used as a pawn by a violent government. like her. like rue. the enemy is not any of the people dying in the capitol's mines and orchards and factories and arenas. and in mockingjay, katniss realizes that the normal civilians in the capitol aren't even her enemy. the enemy is the ring of people at the very, very top.
where gale goes wrong is he doesn't reach the end conclusion of that. gale hasn't gone into the arena, he hasn't had to face down other scared children to atone for the "sins" of people they never met. he doesn't get it. he never will, not in the way katniss does. so he doesn't find the same answer as her.
and as for the bombs that kill prim. you see. i really, truly do not believe that they are thirteen's bombs. snow's points in his discussion with katniss don't hold up enough for me personally, and knowing as much as we do about snow, i truly do think he was trying to mess with her one more time. but within the confines of the story, it doesn't matter who dropped those bombs. in real life, yes, it would absolutely matter. but within the books, it doesn't. what matters is that it could have been either of them. capitol or thirteen. snow or coin. the point was they were trading one evil for another, and katniss couldn't be made in a pawn in that, too.
but it doesn't matter, because she will always associate that with gale. it isn't fair, because even if it was thirteen's bomb, there was no way he would agree to that, no way he would help to kill children to prove a point. but she cannot help but associate that with gale. and gale, oh gale. he will always think it, too. he will always wonder if he was the man that killed prim. the little girl he helped to take care of for years, almost another sibling to him. the little girl he helped katniss bring lady the goat home to. the little girl he would not have let starve if katniss died. the little girl he led to safety when the firebombs dropped on district twelve. he will live the rest of his life having to think he is responsible for her death.
i find gale to be one of the most tragic characters in the series. he tries so hard, to take care of the people he loves, to help others, to build something worth having. and he loses very nearly everything for it. and then the fandom vilifies him and treats him like he's worse than president snow. when really, gale was just another exploited, traumatized child whose life was warped and twisted and burned by the capitol.
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