#(anyone can ask off anon if they want the link for that too btw!!)
shadybug · 1 year
Wait ur a system? I (may or may not be, no diagnosis) too! Idk I am one of your moots I’m just shy to talk about it when I’m not 100% certain of it. Without proof, I just call the other women in my head ghosts, they seem to prefer being called that??? I have no idea why I’m messaging if I’m not gonna come off anon tbh
yep!! i've got DID, more specifically ^^ i don't put it in my bio or anything bc i like keeping some plausible deniability (ableism's a bitch and this tumblr's not very hard to link to me irl), but i've been slowly being more open about it. it's awesome to see someone else with a similar situation, details/diagnosis aside!! if you ever want someone to chat about it with, you're always welcome to dm or come off anon ^^ but also i get that being vulnerable about these sorts of things is hard, so no pressure ofc
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monty-glasses-roxy · 7 months
ON THE DAY OF HALLOWEEN ask me or anyone else that's reblogged this, "trick or treat" and you shall recieve a random thing in your trick or treater bucket! What thing?
A little doodle of their blorbo? An incorrect quote? A drawing of a little cat? A fun fact about bees? A little drabble (100 words I mean but do as you will) for a random thing? A photo of their pet dog? A headcanon? A fic recommendation? A random meme? An OC? A link to their current favourite song? A nice, virtual slap in the face? A trick? A treat? WHO KNOWS!!! NOT YOU OR ME THAT'S FOR SURE!!! (Just no screamers or shit like that of course lets not forget that lmao)
Why am I saying this now instead of on the day of the game? So anyone else that wants to play has plenty of time to prepare a little handful of things for the trick or treaters!!
Remember, it doesn't have to be anything big!!! You can be the blog that's giving everyone images of rotisserrie chicken you found on google, or you can be the blog that's giving everyone pictures of your cat if you want!! This is a low spoons and low stress game so do whatever you want to do that's easy for you!! Be a mix of everything or just give a 'hi!' it doesn't matter, it's all in good fun!! And we can trick or treat each other too, of course. Not as fun if you can't get any tricks or treats too, right? Anyone can trick or treat and anyone can be trick or treated!
I recommend making/queueing a post on the day so everyone knows you're playing btw (anyone that reblogs this post will get one off me too if they don't say otherwise in tags and if I remember I said this)
All you gotta do is send an ask with 'trick or treat' in it on Halloween! Halloween day!! 31st of October!! Day of spooky!! That's it!! (And if you go on anon no one will know if you come back again but I didn't tell you that lmao) I'll be answering any I get when it's Halloween in my timezone and I'm sure I won't be the only one so if you ask earlier, hang tight! It's probably not Halloween yet or they don't have time just yet cause it's a Tuesday! I believe that's everything so...
Have fun guys!!
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mysticbewitched · 2 months
Hey mystic
I was gonna link an ask from earlier but i cant seem to put links in here for some reason and google is not helping. Its the one about the non-dualism community and how toxic it can be. I just wanted to say I am glad others agree. I wouldn't consider myself a beginner to loa manifesting or shifting. I just think its crazy how someone says things like "just be" and someone asks them to clarify it and they respond by saying something like "do you need help drinking water."
Trends come and go, I'm sure once ND is no longer new someone else will unearth some old spiritual practice and claim its above LOA as well. I just wish everyone would be accepting and encouraging instead of what seems to be condescending because they think they know something no one else does.
Lastly I heard you say on the podcast the person you were gonna do it with is no longer in your life, sorry to hear that. I only bring this up because I believe I saw a post saying you manifested this person into your life and then they changed (I could be wrong though). I also manifested someone back (an ex) but it was a 'manifestation' and all i ended up creating was misery.
You don't have to answer this if the last part is too personal, but if you want send me a message. Just wanted to say I think you have some great views that resonated.
Great podcast btw
I completely agree with you and I'm glad that others are able to see the madness that I'm seeing.
What they usually mean by telling you all, "just be" is they're telling you to realize your true self as awareness. They're telling you to just recognize your divine nature in the present moment and enjoy knowing yourself.
I don't see why they don't just tell you to turn within and recognize your true self as awareness in this present moment without all the riddles.
I agree that everyone here should turn within themselves and listen to their inner guidance instead of relying on the "others" for advice, because then the constant search and craving for more answers will never end. However, at the same time, it's the polite and helpful thing to do to let your readers know exactly what they're looking for while you advise for them to look within themselves for the truth: realizing divine the source of your true self.
If everyone knew what they were looking for, I think they would have an easier time turning within and trusting their inner voice to lead them to answers.
I feel as if the lack of clarification on exactly what to look for is unnecessary and it can come off as mind games instead of just being direct with the readers and telling them all, "you're turning within to realize your true nature. Hint: you are always *aware.*"
I happen to notice from time to time as well that some of these bloggers feel the need to use the whole "words are meaningless" nonsense as a moronic excuse to bully or put down other blogs amongst themselves or with their anons for simply viewing things in a different perspective and I don't think that's cool for anyone to do.
That behavior isn't right. It's just plain mean.
Everyone is entitled to their own perspective and share their own views, but to publicly put down specific blog names for everyone to hear and make fun of them together? Very condescending and cold.
Oh, believe me, I'm waiting for the next spiritual trend to come out of nowhere. I wonder what it's going to be next. Now my curiosity is in flames.
To end things here, I want to thank you so much for your kinds words and the lovely compliment.
Your feedback and appreciation for the podcast means so much to me. I'm so very glad to hear that my perspective of things resonated with you.
Thank you for enjoying my podcast.
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I am really needing Advice and I don't have many people in my life that can help.
Here in the fandom I am wanting to reach out and try and make friends with of the members but I ......just don't know how.
I don't want to freak anyone out I just want some friends from here people to chat with and get to know.
I really enjoy my interactions with some of the members I just very socially awkward.
Hey there, anon! First off, I want to assure you you’re definitely not alone in this fandom and thank you for judging me an appropriate person to help. I’m definitely very socially awkward as well (even if it doesn’t show much since I’ve gotten very comfortable around here), so I’ve been there. I’ll share what I’d do in your situation (basically, what I’ve been doing since the fandom began sgksbsjsbs), I hope some of it can be of help to you <3
How to make friends in the fandom:
1- Discord
I, personally, do not really use discord chats. But I did back at the beginning, and they’re an amazing way to find people in the fandom to chat with! Essentially the etiquete of discord (as far as I know) is that you’re welcome to join in on conversations that are already happening, so you don’t need to stress about intruding. I’m pretty sure the biggest Hilda discord is Hilda Guild-a, but the tumblr community also has the Hilda Fandom Network. I (and any other member) can send you a link to the latter if you’re interested and don’t mind shooting one of us a DM! There’s also a sketchbook discord (and I’m assuming you’d be interested in talking about sketchbook since you’re. You know. *gestures vaguely around my blog* here), but I’ve been trying to find the link for jetcat for weeks and still haven’t managed to 🫠 wish you a better luck than mine, anon
2- Tags!
If you’re a person who makes content for the fandom — and I don’t just mean fics or art; shitposts and meta count too — pay attention to the people who not only reblog your stuff, but leave tags adding their thoughts/agreeing with you/screaming as well. They will probably be more open for dialogue since they not only already know you, but also like what you do and how you think!
Likewise, interact with the people you want to get closer to! You have probably already gotten a feel of some bloggers in the fandom, so make sure to reblog the posts you like from the people who sound kind and interesting to you, and let them know what you think!! This way they, too, will know you’re open for dialogue
(Also in this fandom it’s very common that we check the tags on our posts and answer them if there’s anything to be answered; so it’s already an unobtrusive way to get a blogger’s attention!)
3- Asks :O
See, you’re off to a good start! xD
Probably the main reason why I refuse to move on from tumblr, tbh. Asks are just so useful when you’ve already had some interactions with a blogger via their posts and want to talk more. You can always ask about safe topics; if it’s an artist or fic writer, I assure you they’ll be delighted to talk about their work. Also sending jokes or thoughts about characters/ships the person likes, or just about the series, is also imo a very nice thing to do :)
4- DMs (*sinister music playing*)
Okay, this is the scary part that you probably want to be careful with (I know I always want to, at least)
Once you’ve been interacting with people for some time in the ways I already mentioned, you might try sending them direct messages (this is especially acceptable if you’re mutuals btw, though that’s just unspoken etiquete and not a Rule of any kind). Depending on how long you’ve been in each other’s orbit, you might send them a fandom thought (that could admittedly have been an ask, but sending it in a DM will make it even clearer you’re interested in chatting), a post that reminded you of them and you think they might like, or even something a little more personal. I truly think this step will rely a lot on you sensing what is the most appropriate course of action
From then on I’d say it’s relatively easy (even for socially awkward people such as you and I) to sense whether the person you’ve approached is also interested in having a back and forth or if they’re just being polite. But either way, if you ever want to ask them (or even begin the chat by asking) if it’s they’re okay with getting DMs and/or apologizing if you’re being in any way intrusive, I think that’s a pretty chill thing to do. I can’t really see anyone in this fandom telling you “no”, but it’s still polite and would put your heart at ease evekvdjdbsjdb
Honestly, this is a cookie cutter-ification of a process that is generally organic, but as a general rule it’s what works for me. You might want to keep in mind that up until last year I was only in DM terms with *counting on fingers* uh. One (1) (☝️) person in the fandom, so I might not be The best person for you to copy xD though that might also be just because I wasn’t necessarily looking to make friends over here. It sort of just happened haha
Honestly, the bottom line is just that this fandom is filled with lovely people and I think wanting to make friends is all but a guaranty that you will. Something that I’ve learned from experience that helped me a lot to keep in mind is that if you’re afraid of being intrusive or impolite, you most likely won’t be. Just from the way you worded the ask, you sound pretty sweet!
I do hope you find what you’re looking for, and that you have a lovely time at the Hilda tumblr! Have a lovely day, dear 💜
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harley-the-pancake · 1 year
This is just a post to try and keep things organized on my blog. If you want to know my pronouns, name I go by, age, etc, just look in my bio. I just reblog and post whatever I want.
I don’t have an official dni, I just don’t give a fuck half the time, as long as you aren’t a dick to others, you can stay
I also don’t mind people using ideas that I have, making things off of the ideas or fics I have, or tagging me in silly @ games.
I also have a second account I occasionally use as a studyblr, which is Pancake-tries-college.
My AO3 is Pancake_Overlord
My pfp is made by a picrew from @wervty
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Important sorting tags:
#vent chai latte - posts that are vents or emotional (I don’t always use it I am gonna be honest)
#diary posting - a new tag I’ll be using when I ramble about emotions, meds or just more personal things that are not about my school or friends (LATER HARLEY UPDATE: It is also becoming a bit of less fun school stuff tag, eg talking with professors, getting homework done, etc)
#Into the datemate pile - a tag that I use just to save & share things with my datemate, who does not have an active tumblr
#ph anon of the opera - my ask tag. It does not matter if you are anon or no, you are all ph anon in my eyes hearts (I also have a tendency of hoarding my asks but be free to still send me asks)
#ask game - just replies I’m saving from like descriptions of me or ask games
Tell me if I need to tag anything for you
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From @hee-blee-art
Posts that I feel like sharing:
A post I made about saving Rats SMP vods and led to some decent archives. I did nothing, but it has the link to the document that has a whole lot of links so!
A post I made with a document that I use to save a whole lot of MCC vods and a few VODs I have saved myself
Not an important post, however it’s a post I love and I want to keep on my pinned for when I want to see. It entails some games of One Night Ultimate Werewolf for my datemate’s birthday
This isn’t a post of mine, but I wanted to save Tumblr fairy tales
A ramble on the life series from my datemate. Read it. This is a threat /silly
A list of things to cheer anyone up ^-^
Candy for any trick or treaters who don’t want to send an ask
Best video ever
Datemate poll
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queerautism · 2 years
(warning: rambley and possibly nonsensical, sorry T.T)
hey, can you talk about how and why you ID as traumagenic but not disordered/a pwOSDDID? just curious (lol, autocorrect tried to change “curious” into “furious”, bro wtf??) because that sounds maybe like what I am discovering myself to be like???
because I am rather confident that I’m a system/multiple but also pretty sure that I don’t have OSDDID but that I am not endogenic either. essentially, my spiritual beliefs explain how it happened (in a way that is more intuitive/makes more sense to me than anything psychology-based), but I wouldn’t be multiple without the trauma. so, my multiplicity has been influenced/caused by both trauma history and spirituality, and so I don’t really know how to consider myself in terms of genesis/community terms (and I really don’t want to step on any toes)
additionally, I am rather new to online system spaces, so I apologize if anything I’ve said is just blatantly misinformed/misguided and for any incorrect use of terms. I have come to all of these conclusions/self-reflections on my own, and have been observing/learning about systemhood online through a more general lens for a few months now (though this will be my first interaction lol…. *extremely nervous smile/grimace*)
so, ultimately, I’m just looking for guidance/to compare experiences (as you are comfortable, of course) and you have been the first person in the system community that (I think) I relate to. super sorry if this is too much pressure, I tend to overshare when I’m anxious/uncertain
if you’ve addressed any part of this (long and moderately complicated) ask previous, please feel free to link to that instead of rehashing it. I tried searching this blog (and came up with nothing) but I have heard that that function is iffy/inconsistent/untrustworthy and I wasn’t sure what terms to search either
sorry for any and all incoherence, four different parts have had a hand in composing this ask and unfortunately, I don’t have time or brainpower at the moment to edit for clarity. additionally, do you have recurring anons with identifiers?? if so, can I be one please?? with 🗝/“key” as my identifier/name??? I’m unfortunately not comfortable coming off anon to publicly message a blog with 4k followers lol
and finally (at last!!!) would you be interested in/receptive to me sending an ask explaining/rambling about my spirituality and how it relates to multiplicity?? I’d love to get thoughts from you (and your followers) and/or see if there’s anyone else out there with similar beliefs/who can relate, but I also understand if that (either spirituality generally or spirituality in relation to systemhood) is a sensitive/uncomfy topic
thanks!!! (and sorry again)
I don't mind talking about it at all. We went through an extremely traumatic event in this past year and we survived it through becoming a system. It was an adaptive change, and a positive thing.
We do not fit the criteria for disorders like DID and OSDD because we do not experience clinically significant distress related to being a system. Trauma is not a requirement for dissociative disorders, endogenic DID and OSDD systems are absolutely a thing.
We also refuse to medicalise our plurality. We formed due to horrible medical trauma and really resent the way some people attent to force us to medicalise our systemhood and further traumatise ourselves.
You don't have to choose one specific origin label, btw. It's perfectly fine to say your system or plurality is based on your spirituality and leave it at that. No one is entitled to know this information about you, the current focus on origins is absurd.
Feel free to send asks about your spirituality yeah that's fine :) We do have some recurring anons so that's totally fine too
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…ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ ◅
(Updated Saturday, December 3rd, 2022, 8:33 AM) - LoM
[Disclaimer: There are a few emojis below, though I've tried to keep them as minimal as possible, as well as liberal use of bold text on important words, to help people with dyslexia and other reading troubles navigate. There is also some censorship to avoid this post popping up when certain terms are searched. I've tried to censor them in the most screen reader friendly way possible, and censored words should only register as being read with a slight pause in-between syllables. There is also some coloured text, though it is restricted to only the bullet points at the beginning of each line. I hope this doesn't cause too much trouble, and if you need me to change anything please let me know!]
Hi there, I'm LoM! I use singular they/them pronouns but may grant permission to use other pronouns to people I am extremely close to. I speak English (🇺🇲/🇬🇧) and conversational French (🇫🇷), and am learning Welsh (🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿), so feel free to talk to me in any of those languages! Taken by my lovely girlfriend, so I'd prefer for people to avoid coming onto me, but I am okay with joking flirting (like "kissing the homies goodnight" or "marriage for tax benefits") as long as it's just for laughs! On principle I won't turn off anon asks ever but if you're a jerk I'll steal all of your left shoes and right socks. My agere sideblog is @thesmallestofall, and I have a fandom sideblog @smallandterriblyafraid (so I don't bombard my followers with my dumb hyperfixations), so feel free to check those out too! That's all I can think of for now but I'll probably update some things later!
Also! Here's the specially coded comma that can go in the tags btw: ‚
(There's a link to the post that my old icon art (the bunny) was from and the post that my new icon art is from at the bottom is this post! Go check it out, the creators are both really talented!)
DNI list below! (In no particular order)
🚫 DNI if you: 🚫
- Are rac.ist, homo.phobic, trans.phobic, bi.phobic, pan.phobic, able.ist, aro/ace exclusionary, or any other form of xeno.phobic
- Think that poly.am people aren't part of the lgbtqia+ community (They are, die mad about it.)
- Are a N.S.F.T blog (Jokes and writing are okay, irl l.ewds are not. I have no problem with you I just don't want p.orn or your nu.des my dash or in my inbox, sorry fam) (art or artistic photography are okay too though.)
- Are a t.erf/rad.fem/etc (Tradwife stuff is fine so long as you aren't pushing it on anyone else. Everyone has a different vision for what they want their personal future to look like and yours is valid too, so long as you're not on "a woman's place" and all that bullshit.)
- Are a practicing M.AP (People with intrusive thoughts can stay, though. It's not your fault that your brain is giving you icky thoughts when all you want is for it to shut up; my only qualm is with people who either see no wrong in the action, or do and go through with it any way.)
- Support J.K. Row.ling and or her works
- Are anti-endo (Specifically believing endogenic systems aren't valid. If you have some trauma or whatnot I'll respect that but I won't tolerate invalidating other's identities and lived experience.)
- Are anti age.re/pet.re, etc
- Vilify mental illness
- Don't support neopronouns (Including emoji pronouns.)
- Are anti it/it's pronouns
- Are a T.rump supporter, anti.masker, c.ovid denier, etc. Your conspiracy theories are not welcome here
- Are an Oni.sion stan (Kind of pedantic I know but the dude sucks to the nth degree, so-)
- Crosstag posts with both strictly N.S.F.T and sfw tags (Mistakes are fine as long as it's just a genuine slip up and you do your best to correct it. We're all human and sometimes accidents happen, but doing it on purpose or leaving it up after being told the issues is a no go.)
- Are anti.-choice/pro.-life
- Are anti free healthcare, food, water, etc
- Think autism and related quirks need a "cure" (I'm all for personal choice if the "cure" was a pill or shot but currently the "cure" is eug.enics which I am not about)
- Think DNI lists are bad or a waste of time
That's all I can think of for now. However, with that said...
✅ Do interact if you: ✅
- Are a roleplay/gimmick/character blog! I love talking to you guys! You're cool!
- Have OCs. Tell me about them! I love hearing about people's characters!
- Post oddcore, liminalcore, weirdcore, dreamcore, nostalgiacore, traumacore, etc. It may be triggering for some but I love to see it so long as it's properly tagged!
- Post kidcore, clowncore, rainbowcore, babycore, toddlercore, toycore, dollcore, cleancore, poolcore, webcore, internetcore, etc. These are a few more of my favourite -cores! If you post them or find some for me I'd love to see it!
- Like geology, paleontology, or history! These are some of my special interests and I could talk about them for hours!
That's all for now! See you later! <3
~ As promised, here's where I got my old icon art from! It was made by Rosu (I believe), a really great artist! Their bunny art is adorable!
~ Here's where I got my new icon art from! My girlfriend is using the other icon!
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peppertaemint · 1 year
I don't know if you've seen the new pic Kibum posted, but if you're online I'm sure you've seen the drama about it now...
I don't get it though, usually Key will say himself when he posts something if it shouldn't be shared, so I wonder if even he didn't see a problem with it at first? Why is one picture such a problem? Is Taemin not allowed to exist in public while enlisted?
This isn't a dig at Baekhyun cause I'm glad he was able to do these things, but didn't he have youtube videos coming out while enlisted? And I know he was all over his verified twitter all the time? How is just one picture different than that? Is it cause of the platform? Even though its not Taemin's bubble and he makes no money from it? Would their be so much drama if it had been posted to instastories?
I saw people saying there were articles, but there were articles written when Taemin went to Keys show?
I dunno where I'm getting with this, other than enlistment is confusing, I hope Key and Taemin in particular are okay, and I can't wait for this overlong awful enlistment to be over...
Hi Anon.
I have Bubble so I received the scolding directly via text! That was a shocker, lol. I'll give you my unvarnished opinion on this but as a warning, I'm going to be brutally honest about all of it. You're asking completely legit questions here.
The situation is nuanced, and I think for a lot of fans just the idea that they did something Kibum didn't like and felt the need to tell everyone off about was enough to either upset them or make them scared and 'fall in line." I deleted the posts I made and then I reflected because I never share Bubble content. But this time I made an exception — why did I do that? Because EVERYONE did.
So this is my opinion (don't take it as gospel because I have no access to anyone's thoughts). I think Key misjudged the reaction to that photo and how berserk everyone would go. He sees Taemin all the time; we haven't seen his entire face since his birthday in 2022 (lol). And, we've had virtually no communication from him in almost two years. "We" went nuts. Can anyone blame us? No. But Bubble is a paid service, and Kibum always reminds us not to share his shit. I never share anyone's shit publicly anyhow, but again it was ubiquitous, so I joined in. See the problem?
He had every right to get mad and remind of his boundaries and Bubble policy (there are financial penalties you can face for sharing stuff too btw). I also think he probably felt remorse over sending it in the first place since he likely misjudged what would happen. Is it all about breaking Bubble policy? No. And I don't think it's all about him being annoyed at fans breaking his trust either.
Baekhyun did have a personal YouTube account that he setup himself to use to communicate with fans during enlistment. It's my understanding he did this as a way to keep in touch without it having any links to promo/work. But, do you remember how he had to delete it all, and then he came online to tell us it's okay etc? I think that SM caught wind of extra scrutiny on people doing civil service enlistment, and it was a precaution. I also think this is why they've cooled it on Taemari, and it could be one of many reasons why Taemin stopped doing any posts at all. I'm not saying it's THE reason, but I think it's likely a factor.
There is a lot of criticism of celebrities who do civil service enlistment, and that criticism was present before the investigation involving Ravi and others came to light. People have been criticizing the option for years, saying it's how celebrities get out of doing "actual" service (let's put aside arguments about why that's wrong/insane, etc). Instead, put yourself in Taemin's shoes. He started service one way and is finishing it another. Wouldn't you want to avoid public ire and scrutiny over how you're spending your time in enlistment, ie. "living it up" etc. In my opinion, that's the worry over the photo being everywhere and now in news articles.
Why is the concert different? He went with Lee Soo-Man on the non-Beyond Live day as a private citizen, he kept his face covered the entire time—he even dressed low key. I have the same shirt that he wore (lol, imagine my surprise) except it's the branded version. He wore the non-branded version. Though he did have a Prada bag so maybe my argument falls apart but it wasn't like, in your face, was it? Anyhow, I hope you'll see my point. When he went to that soccer game, Jimin and Sungwoon were also there but they were in a fancy box. He did not sit in the box - he was just with the regulars in the stands. It wouldn't look so good to be in a fancy private box when you're supposed to be serving in the military, would it?
When Minho served, whenever he called Taemin he said he could never show his face. He was allowed to call him on VLives (or comment, lol) but he said specifically he can't show his face. They even argued about it. To bring this full circle, Bubble is a paid promotional, parasocial service. Even though for Kibum, sharing the photo is "private," it's still part of his work as an idol. So technically Taemin was in paid content. Is it a big deal? I really don't think it is (also is he definitely not discharged already?! o.O) so no one should feel sad or bad or whatever. Next time anyone shares anything on Bubble, I know it won't get shared. That's just how the fans roll. There's a level of respect here that is a breath of fresh air tbh.
Why is Baekhyun on Twitter whenever he wants but we don't hear from Taemin often? Personal choice. And that's a choice to be respected. It's not our business unless he chooses to share. Existential perspectives aside, we're part of "work" and the man is not in work nor getting paid for it right now, so he doesn't need to do shit. lol.
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st0rmyskies · 2 years
Stormy! Hi 👋. I hope it's okay if I ask for some advice? The other anons said you were busy so its completely understood if you're too tired to answer. Or straight up, if you haven't dealt with this before and don't have the response, its understood! (English is not my first language so there may be some incorect wording btw)
a long time ago I got kicked out of the general LU fandom because a mutual found out about me shipping the Links. In short, that information resulted in me receiving many hateful comments and being cut off by much of my online friends. I want to try and make amends with these people but I know I wouldn't be forgiven or welcomed back :( . Realistically I know I should just move on with my life and none of this is worth the fixation, but it still keeps me awake at night sometimes and I think maybe it was probably a little traumatic??? I still care for LU dearly and love yours and many authors fics... Either way Im finding now that I can't enjoy the fandom as i used to, or even trust myself to talk to anyone in fear of something bad happening again. What would you suggest I do?
Hey Anon, I'm not having the best weekend so my answer may be a little spicier than usual, but I'm happy to throw out my two cents on this one. My official opinion on this matter is:
Fuck those guys.
I'm sure this was traumatic for you on some level; you were "outed" by someone you may have trusted and ostracized from a community that you enjoyed being a part of because of that. Your trust was broken, and your faith in your friends was tarnished. But any friend who would cut you off for a matter as innocuous as something you enjoy or characters you ship is not your friend. It's no better than someone who would stop associating with you for who you love.
As hard as it is to see it this way, perhaps what ended up happening was a good thing for you in the end. You shouldn't have to hide a part of yourself away just to please others, and friendship shouldn't be conditional upon you meeting a certain set of "criteria." Just as much as you worry your former friends wouldn't forgive you or welcome you back, if I were you, I would have no forgiveness to spare for them, myself. Honestly, they don't deserve your friendship if they would treat you that way.
If you can, and I know this is hard at first, I would try to look at this as an opportunity. Rather than exhausting yourself maintaining those relationships, now you can spend your energy on building new friendships with open-minded, accepting people. Maybe they'll even have the same interests as you! You deserve friends who love you and support you and inspire you, and you should surround yourself with those people who will celebrate you and support your interests, even if they don't share them.
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wooahaes · 2 years
Hi Daisy! (I'm so sorry, I don't know if it's weird for me to call you that, I can stop!) How are you? I'm new to Tumblr, so I don't actually know if I've done this right. Sorry if I haven't! In your questionnaire, I said that I was too scared to message you, but I've finally done it! I wanted to say I love your work, it's so comforting and I find it immersive. Sorry if this is a stupid question, should I be reblogging fics that I like? I feel bad for not doing it, but I don't know what it is.
omg its 100% fine to call me daisy?? its not my real name but i think a lot of ppl would guess that skdfhsdf pls know that if u see this (literally anyone who follows me) its 100% ok to call me daisy!! i wouldnt have it on my blog if it wasn't <3
i'm good! tummy hurtin a lil and im feeling the lack of sleep (rewatching shinee world iv was worth it tho), but it's all good <3 welcome to tumblr u will never leave /j
also omg hi!! ur message was super sweet and im proud of u for stepping out of ur comfort zone!! pls know i don't bite (unless ppl bite first) and i'm always happy to talk to anons <3 also i'm glad i can provide comfort to you!! ur super sweet aw
absolutely not a stupid question at all tho!! a lot of writers and other cc's will say a resounding "yes" and while i do think that people should reblog fics they like, if its initially like... super daunting to do so, i think its okay to like? getting used to tumblr can be kinda hard in the beginning, but i do highly recommend reblogging fics--even if you don't have any followers btw, the engagement still means a lot to ppl!! even if ppl don't put tags or anything, it says "i like this and i want other people to see it" since likes aren't public the way they are on other websites (or at all, if you turn them off)
please don't feel bad for not doing it since you're new!! literally i think most people don't understand how tumblr functions but that's pretty normal for joining a website haha
i'll explain things under the readmore and you can let me know in another ask if you have any questions!!
so full disclosure: i'm working on desktop and things are usually pretty similar on mobile, but there's a few differences that i can try to explain if you're on mobile!! but for reblogging:
at the bottom of a post, you'll see a couple things. they're in the same place pretty much for both desktop and mobile. if a post has been interacted with (through a reply (the little bubble icon), a reblog (the arrows), or liked (heart)), it'll have notes! you can nowadays see what other people write in their replies/reblogs by clicking on the notes key and looking through the different tabs there, but some people limit their replies (the bubble will be grayed out as a result) or turn off reblogs (reblog arrows will be grayed out).
excuse the extra buttons on mine: im on desktop and i have an extension called xkit active <3 (it allows me to block posts + do quick tags when i post fics)
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as you can see: this post i made (which is dk uts skdfhds its the first thing i have thats not my pinned post) 48 notes, followed by a series of buttons. ignore the first two (they're from xkit), the rest are what you'll typically see on a post.
in order:
the single arrow can be used to share the post. either you an send it to other tumblrs (not all people have DMs open, and i'd honestly say ask before you DM someone if you don't know them well), or you can copy the link, share it on twitter/facebook, or do other things w the "more" button like send stuff via text n whatnot. its very possible to send things from a sideblog, if you ever have one and want to do it that way
on mobile your main blog will be at the top of the page with a little down arrow next to it: all you gotta do is click it and decide what blog you wanna send it from. on desktop:
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you can see the bubble next to "your message here" isn't my icon since the message would be coming from my main. all you gotta do is click that little bubble (of your own icon) and you can send things from different blogs <3
the little speech bubble is the button for replies. tapping/clicking it will just open up the replies tab.
reblog on both desktop and mobile will open up the tab to reblog something. if you're on mobile, though, and wanna reblog something quickly, you can press and hold. i have sideblogs so i can't confirm if only having one blog will just auto-reblog it, but with sideblogs it'll pop up 2-3 of your recently used blogs (if you have more than 3).
on desktop:
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this is what reblogs will look like! it's similar to posts, but the difference is just the blue "reblog" button compared to a blue "post" button. important distinction: the #tags is for tagging stuff (or, yknow, posting thoughts if you want lmao the tagging system on tumblr is kinda broken). if a post asks for something "in the tags" then you type in the tags as opposed to the main body <3
anyway, that lil heart outline is the like button <3 it just says that you like a post :) they don't get broadcast onto other people's feeds the way they do on other websites, but you can have them public or private through messing w settings
i hope this was helpful!! pls feel free to let me know if you have any questions <3
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trkstrnd · 1 year
Hello, cow loving nerd here- prefacing this with just. I'm not trying to be rude, in case I come off that way. Cause I'm very overenthusiastic and sometimes that comes off wrong! I just love cattle and talking about cattle and cattle welfare, and I get way too excited whenever cattle are mentioned, even passingly. So. Just wanted to share a bit of info about cattle welfare!
Even tho the treatment of cattle is often viewed as the worst thing ever, the cattle industry is actually one of the best (if not the best- I'm not sure if any niche industry is regulated better) regulated livestock industry! I highly recommend looking up Temple Grandin- she's an autistic woman, and she has done a ton to improve welfare for cattle! It's really cool- she even developed humane methods of slaughtering cattle! She also viewed cattle as living individuals, rather than simply property! I'm always quite sad when people assume that the cattle industry is bad for the animals, cause it also means that not enough people have heard about her and her accomplishments- which isnt anyone's fault ofc, she's just really cool and I wish more people knew about her!
(Again, I hope this doesnt sound condescending or anything- I just always like chattering when people mention the cattle industry, cause it's so interesting that it's gotten such a bad reputation to the non-cow obsessed public, when in reality chicken and pig industries are far more unethical- unfortunately, no one has quite stood up for them in the same way that Temple Grandin stood up for cattle.)
(Also, every industry does need pressure to do better, so pressure should keep being put on them! But I know that worrying about things can be mentally draining, so I always find it nice to know when animals arent being treated horribly.) (Btw, note, I'm not a professional or associated with the industry by any means, I just love cows a lot vhdjcjdncjf)
Anyways, infodumping ramble over! Btw, may I ask why the lettuce industry is bad? I'm not as good at keeping up with plant agriculture (or, well, any non bovine agriculture) as I am with cattle, but I do like to know about the ethics of food, if you wouldnt mind dropping a link?
Also, happy new year! - cowlos-reyes
(Quick little fun fact: feed for dairy cows is sometimes supplemented with bakery waste! So sometimes they get chocolate, caramel, breads, cookies, etc! It's not stuff that would be fed to humans- just stuff that would be tossed!)
oh! my! goodness! anon, your ask is not condescending or rude at all, it’s actually brought me so much joy!! i love hearing about people’s niche interests, and i love opening up nuanced conversation! i will absolutely look up temple grandin!! thank you for letting me know about her!!
as for my cattle industry take being bad, i truly do not think that the industry is as inherently bad for the cattle as it is for the environment, but even then, the cattle industry only makes up four percent of the greenhouse gases polluting the atmosphere. most of it comes from architecture and industrialization, but that’s a whole other can of worms!
i just figured since you mentioned that the cattle industry gets a bad wrap, i would like to deflect some of that negative energy (towards the cattle industry) to my arch nemesis: lettuce:
lettuce is 99% water. i feel like we know this, but the rest of lettuce basically has no nutritional value, and it’s truly a waste of fresh water to produce. in fact, according to water calculator.org, a single salad has a water footprint of about twenty-one gallons of fresh water! that is twenty one gallons of fresh water going into something that will not fill you or give you energy!
don’t get me wrong! i love healthy foods, but lettuce being 98% water means at minimum that water has to go into it just for it to exist, plus extra water for it to grow! for literally nothing!! even if people struggle to comprehend the ethics of the cattle industry (at least from an environmentalist standpoint), the nutritional value speaks for itself!
an average cow will drink 10-15 gallons of water a day. the lifetime of that cow will result in them drinking somewhere in the ballpark of 75,000 gallons of water in their lifetime.
now, according to the university of arizona, it generally takes about 40-50 inches of water per acre to grow a good, desirable head of lettuce, or, to generate a good harvest of lettuce crop.
one inch of water over one acre equals about 27,000 gallons of water. AN INCH. OVER AN ACRE. THIS MEANS AT 40 INCHES OF WATER (the low end of water recommended for lettuce growth) THAT IS 1.08 MILLION FUCKING GALLONS
there are still people in the US and all around the world that can’t get access to clean, fresh water. it’s a resource that is running out and quite literally is THE resource that fosters life, and we are letting people go thirsty, and letting the planet heat up and dry out, so we can eat CRUNCHY WATER??????
about 15-20 cows can be kept alive for THEIR ENTIRE LIFESPAN with enough water it takes to grow A SINGLE ACRE OF LETTUCE.
not to mention beef is high in iron and protein and vitamins and tastes a hell of a lot better than crunchy plant water.
anyway, tldr: fuck the lettuce industry, don’t get mad at cattle farmers for trying to make a living. the climate is changing due to corporations cutting corners and polluting the environment just so they can use cheaper materials. the cattle industry is not bad, and i very very much loved this anon ask.
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bourbon-ontherocks · 2 years
thank you for the giffing pointers! (and I may take you up on the offer re: technicals) specifically, I’m asking bc I’ve always been interested in the v-word (trying not to curse myself here) &am unsure 720p clips lifted off youtube would cut it quality-wise 😥 ‘fraid the pirate life isn’t for me tho (I’m not v tech-savvy& thus scared of many things), so maybe I’ll wait for the DVDs 😂😂 BTW!!! if you’ve never watched it live, does it mean you’ve never seen the ad break goofy mini-scenes????
(Julia's adventures with the HPI anon)
Are you trying to tell me you'd like to become a vidder anon??? 👀👀👀 Because if so GO AHEAD, I desperately need you!!! I'm absolutely down to help you re Photoshop technicals even though I'm still a freshman with it myself, but also re piracy lol! I can definitely link you with safe and easy options to download the episodes if you'd like, do not hesitate to DM me anytime 😘
Hahaha, I actually (re)watched the show live once, so yeah, I screamed when I saw the goofy ad-breaks 😱😱 It was a total surprise for me lol! Do you know if they can be found somwhere? Has anyone uploaded them on youtube?
This reminds me, we absolutely need TF1 to release HPI bloopers!!! Some scenes in this show are too insane, there’s no way they got it all right in one go, and I WANT to see those hysterical laughters and acting mishaps!!! 😂😂😂
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kanmom51 · 3 years
JM 20 April 2020 Vlive
Anon ask:
Wait was this JK in Jimin and RM's vlive? At 3:27 youtu. be/MWTKy6R7y0g?t=207 the way RM side eyes whoever starts humming and tries to start whistling over whoever it is. Sounds like JK. Its definitely not JM. Its someone in the room. You can tell by the way RM cut his eyes quick. BTW, if that is JK, why hide it? He not allowed to be in a live with RM & JM for some reason or was he waiting on JM and they didn't want anyone to know? BTW watch that entire video, its a good reminder of sus Jikook.
Jimin's Vlive 14 April 2020. Special guest - RM.
Your link.
Ok, let's talk about this Vlive anon.
This is JM's Vlive, that he 'invited' RM to join.
JM starts the Vlive by saying he invited RM to join him, but RM is already 13 minutes late, so he decided to start without him and is waiting for RM to arrive.
JM isn't alone in the room even prior to RM arriving. He keeps looking sideways, behind the camera.
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He is kind of singing the "come in, please"... Is he meaning the viewers or the person that was there with him?
JM does this several times, the looking at someone else there.
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He keeps looking sideways, smiles, giggles, being interested in something that is going on there off camera.
JM has the camera situated far away from him, to allow the bigger angle (to fit him and his late guest in). I mention this, because at some point, before RM arrives JM wants to read the comments but can't, as the camera is too far away from him, so he has to get up and close to the camera to read them saying how hard it is, again, looking sideways and giggling. Then he has a phone handed to him to be able to read the comments, by whom you may ask? Well, me too.
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All of this prior to RM arriving.
If JK was there, why not show him? This question keeps coming up time and time again. There can be several reasons for that, one of them, this being a JM & RM scheduled Vlive, and JK being there, perhaps waiting for JM or just lounging there is not a piece of information they want to share with the viewers.
RM arrives 5 minutes into the live. This is just as JM gets up to get a device to read the comments. JM got up to get a device, but sits back down without one.
In the meantime, RM arrived and is getting ready to join, and you can hear what seems to be whispering in the background.
JM gets back up again, gets close up to the camera to read the comments while waiting for RM to get ready.
Then JM is handed a phone to read the comments on, saying "thank you" to whomever it was that handed him that device.
At around 7:30-7:33 min. you hear a sound, kind of a "ah" and JM looks back behind the camera and continues to talk. To me it sounded like JK, call me crazy.
At this point RM comes in apologising he's late, and they get into their pre-planned Vlive.
Jimin says to RM he wants to make a slogan for their Vlive, telling him that fans have a nickname for them: Mini and Moni. Once again, showing just how much they are aware of what's going on in social media.
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RM is so funny. At some point he asks JM if this is streaming live, like what? He then says he thought JM was recording it, and turns to the camera to say hello, lol. Didn't he know they were going live? Obviously he knew the content was pre-planned, but maybe thought JM was recording and the was going to upload, idk.
Then at 11:53-11:56 min. RM is holding the whisk and asking what it's called. Someone says something in the background, not translated, sounding, again, like JK. Perhaps answering RM's question inadvertently or maybe not inadvertently because JM looks in his direction a second before he talks. And RM looks at whoever said it and kind of lingers there. This is clearly neither RM or JM saying the word.
Both keep looking at the other person there once in a while.
At 13:31-13:35 JM goes off camera to bring hot water. At some point he isn't talking and RM looks again in the direction of whoever was there and is acting kind of strange, uneasy, nervous. Then JM starts talking again and comes back. Did he stop to 'interact' with whoever was there? RM's reaction/behaviour was kind of sus at this point.
15:25 min. again, whoever is there must do something and they both look up at him, again, lingering.
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They both keep looking in that direction randomly. But it's clear there is someone there. This keeps going on all the way through the live.
19:37 min. approx. again, sounds like someone says something and they both look up at him.
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20:40 min. RM asks JM where he found the music he put on in the background from, and JM says he listens to it while doing the dishes, only to, once again, look in the direction of whoever it was that was there. Later on the dishwashing subject comes up again, JM insisting he is really good at washing the dishes, again, his gaze seems to find it's way in the direction that is not RM or the camera, lol.
At some point they are both struggling to read the comments, getting up closer, and I wonder what happened to that device JM had to read the comments on? Did it go back to it's rightful owner (cough, JK, cough)?
27:50 min. here comes in the humming.
Now let's get the context here. JM had kind of Jazzy music going on. He stops the music they talk about it and RM starts whistling it.
This could be JM humming, although it doesn't quite seem like it's him, doesn't really sound like his voice, and also the source of the humming seems to be from behind the camera.
But RM's reaction, that's what really makes me believe this isn't JM. The second the humming starts RM looks in that direction, the same direction where that certain other person seems to be throughout the live and starts to whistle quite loud immediately and looking into the camera, to perhaps cover over the humming?
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RM does whistle once in a while, but this specific instance was super suspicious.
You already know what I think about the identity of the person there. It's JK. Yes, it's JK. And yes, he is the one humming in the background.
29:35 min. RM looking, yet again, in the direction of that person (I think that by now we have established there is a person there and that I believe that person is JK), only to be followed by a sound off camera. Could have been the sound of a door closing. Perhaps the person that was in the room had to go, left the room and the door clicked close behind them.
30:52 min. RM says JM's arm is trembling. JM says how he is getting weaker, and then, comes the JK mentioning, because, how can we get through a JM Vlive without mentioning JK? Really quite impossible. JM says: "I've never stood against Jungkookie recently". RM answers "that's the same for all of us", lol.
End of the Vlive they have to get up to turn off the camera. That would answer the question if there was a staff member in the room, perhaps handling the camera, and that is the person they were looking to or at. The answer to that would be no. JM was the one handling the camera.
Just one more to add to the suspicious Vlives list.
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this might be a weird thought but the way jensen performs masculinity (and i KNOW it’s a performance cause like, have you SEEN the mockumentary?) is just.... so inherently queer to me lmao
ok. okokokokokok. you asked for this. i have a LOT of thoughts on this. it’s gonna be under a cut because i’m gonna be annoying and psychoanalyse a celebrity i’ve never met(and hope i never do) but trust and believe when i tell you i know what i’m talking about so
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you want my opinion? here goes. there is absolutely no way jensen ackles is straight. i hear you, ‘how do you know that he’s bi? that’s invasive and creepy’ but may i counter that point by saying how do you know he’s straight???? why is the default for everyone heterosexual? that’s a toxic mentality to have; ‘oh you don’t know for sure so just treat him like he’s 100% straight just in case’ like....what? heteronormativity drives me wild i’m sorry
and also, um, just to, um, prove my point that this man is decidedly not straight™(i really don’t want to do this but like it has to be said) we KNOW he’s not straight because his d*ck has spoken for itself around misha, like, four times. I HATE SAYING IT!!!!!!! but, um, straight men don’t get aroused by men. ...do i really need to explain myself further???? that’s what i thought(and don’t give me the ‘it could have been for unrelated reasons’ or ‘that wasn’t a boner!’ crap because um good lord yes it was and misha caused every single one so no it wasn’t a coincidence i’m gonna move on before i collapse into myself like a dying star)
anyway, on to the topic at hand which is jensen and his performative masculinity. and it’s a juicy one.
after the unconscious amount of hours i’ve put into watching and subconsciously judging jackles, i have come to the conclusion that like, 90% of how he presents himself and talks and even moves is an act. it’s a facade. it’s a shield. he is not that person. it actually seems exhausting, because he tries to compose himself in this macho, manly, confident and effortlessly cool way, but he’s not that person he desperately wishes he was and wants to be perceived as. he’s on guard every second, even the slightest tilt of his head is like, pre-meditated in some way? if i’m going FULL body language analyst mode, i’ve noticed he has a certain posture he always shifts himself into, and it’s very ‘pursed lips, stoic faced, gruff voiced, square-shoulder, broad and manly’ but, not to be rude jensen, it kind of reads as a little kid imitating the adults he thinks are cool? oof i am going IN huh(it’s out of love though i promise)
he is trying to be this person at every second:
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because that’s who he wishes he was, because that’s how he gets validation from the people around him that he looks up to; straight white guys. but to me, who he presents himself to be at conventions is just as much of a performance as this whole eye of the tiger bit is.
oh i should mention i know his body language isn’t naturally like that because how he naturally carries himself is actually pretty flamboyant? like he seriously must be toning himself down HARD
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there’s no tension in his body here as opposed to the eye of the tiger gif. i’d describe it as...generally loose and free? he’s at ease when he moves like that and you can see it.
oh and dude!!! DUDE!!!! how could i not mention the fucking SPECTACLE that is his voice??? jensen. i watched season one. i know where your voice naturally sits. THAT IS NOT WHAT YOU SOUND LIKE. and there have been so many accounts of fans visiting jensen in his trailer and being surprised that his real voice is two octaves higher. again, his performance of masculinity is all encompassing. he can’t even talk normally because, in his mind, that’s a chink in his armour.
and, like you said, anon, this whole smokes-and-mirrors gong show of ‘i am the cool texan man’ is inherently queer. who are you trying to impress??? guys??? that’s pretty gay dude.(btw: gay[honorary])
i feel like i’ve already read this man for filth but i have to keep going bc i have so much to say
ok next thing i’m gonna talk about is how jensen says one thing but everything else about him tells us the exact opposite. another HUGE element of performative masculinity, ONE THAT DEAN WINCHESTER IS A MASTER OF. have i mentioned how dean and jensen are like mirrors of each other when it comes to their sexuality and queer identity??? because it is fascinating how everything i say about jensen also directly applies to dean.
allow me to introduce the grumpy face™. as in, the face he glues on when he’s enjoying doing something but doesn’t want to let anyone know it. and it’s ALWAYS when he’s doing something that could be seen as unmanly in any way. (and when i say manly i mean the ‘ideal’ version of manhood that doesn’t really exist but that jensen seems to be striving for[and dean too])
prime example is this video he did with daneel. the grumpy face™ doesn’t budge the whole time as he’s like,,,,playing an instrument and acting like he doesn’t want to bc i guess that’s too girly??? but i also find this video fascinating because the joke IN it is kind of that they’re both poking fun at him for being so insecure about playing a freaking flute. because, i mean, he gets into it, but he wants you to think he is not.
also this picture.
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what is this. i hate them. jensen is smushing himself into misha’s forehead but noooo his face is telling us ‘i hate this’ because CLEARLY he does. also misha’s so happy ew gross
he does that face in photo ops with misha ALL THE TIME but how many times has he also literally asked the con goers if he can also have those photos on his phone too? because of course he actually loves touching misha and is actually a sentimental fool but he tries so hard to hide it and fails so spectacularly.
oh and this. and of COURSE this. actually let’s talk about the hitch kiss for a hot minute because it’s a perfect example of exactly what i’m talking about
(he is so transparent guys. he tries so hard but he’s so obvious.)
1. misha was never supposed to be onstage with him. so it’s a boldface LIE and OBVIOUS PLOY TO GET MISHA TO KISS HIM when he says ‘they’d like us to make out now’. but of course the way he says it is ‘oh my god can you believe what these crazy panel people are making us do haha but i mean what they say goes amirite’. same energy as ‘oh my god did you just dare us to kiss rn???’ ‘....no i didn’t’ ‘oh my god i can’t believe you’d ask that haha but i can’t say no to a dare lol’ it’s the SAME THING
2. the fact that he was in the worst mood before misha came onstage and FAKE KISSING HIM made him feel...SO?? much better? like not just a little better a lot better like, again, that says a lot, because if they weren’t dating he would not be in a better mood if misha kissed his cheek unprompted. bc that cheek kiss wasn’t a joke it was a genuine sign of affection and AHHHH
3. after the kiss happens. you know, the one that jensen actively leans into and is smiling like an idiot the whole time through and is quite clearly having the time of his life during....he says ‘well, that was uncomfortable’. .......my guy. um. i don’t know how to tell you that i do in fact have eyes and you are NOT pulling the fast one you think you are
like i’m so sorry jensen but i have you pegged. it’s literally no use.
god there’s so many instances of him doing this with misha specifically. the whole ‘ew gross lol’ but then everything about him tells us the exact opposite. like this(i hate this. how dare he say ‘he has though, hasn’t he?’ LIKE THAT?????)
so yeah my point with that is he really wants us to think he is one thing when he is the antithesis of what he’s trying to be. he really likes those things that he talks down about, and everything he’s loudly projecting is all to hide how he really feels. he went to a gay bar with daneel, for crying out loud. he wants to play a role in drag. he’s queer and he likes it. pov: you’re jensen ackles train of thought: ‘ok so i really like this thing that people might make fun of me for or call me gay for liking so if i just say ‘lol as if’ and make a grossed-out face they will be FOOLED. i am a genius. hey misha wanna blow on my ear lol i meAN GROSS EW’
i have two more things i want to talk about when it comes to this topic so PLEASE bear with me anon this is why you took so long to answer clearly lmao
ok so we’re now going to go over my favorite hot take of all time. which is ‘how do we know dean’s performing masculinity? because sam isn’t.’ only replace dean with jensen and sam with jared and oh my god do we ever have a case
jared is as STRAIGHT as they come. he is secure in that knowledge. and that’s why he is perfectly comfortable treating misha like this:
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and not try to scream ‘i am not enjoying doing this!!!!!!’ at us. because he doesn’t care what we think of his sexuality like jensen does(because he has nothing to hide whereas jensen DOES)
something i found the other day that no one has brought up but i SCREAMED upon finding it is this one clip THAT I CAN’T FIND OH GOD but i promise i’m not making it up. i can’t believe i can’t find it guys it is gold. i need need NEED to talk about it. and if anyone knows what i’m referencing and can apply links in any way i will love you forever but here’s what happens off the top of my head:
ok so i’m a bit too braindead to explain it perfectly but um basically it’s a j2 panel and someone brings up magic mike and i think jared says ‘yeah i didn’t watch it’ and then jensen says ‘all the way through’. stupid joke. whatever. the joke is that jared is gay for watching magic mike.
and then i literally kid you not. jared gets this like ‘jesus christ ok dude? lol’ look on his face and then goes ‘projecting much, mr. ackles?’ and jensen gets a guilty look on his face and walks away. and jared did not say it as a joke. he was being dead pan and earnest. and jensen knew it too, he knew he was projecting. i wish i could show you guys the clip i promise if i ever find it i’ll link it but IS THAT NOT SO DAMNING FOR JENSEN????? like come ON. also proves my point that when you compare how they feel about watching magic mike. jared doesn’t care bc watching it just doesn’t interest him, but he also thinks that just watching it in itself doesn’t make you gay. jensen however.......has a different mindset, clearly.
‘projecting much, mr. ackles?’ is actually a great title for my next and FINAL section(we’re almost there folks) which is how jensen projects his insecurites about his own sexuality and relationship with misha onto misha.
i hope by now we’ve all seen this video of jensen impersonating cas. it is a blatant microaggression on his part. and like obviously homophobic. it’s like in his mind if he makes fun of them for being gay it makes them both less gay somehow??? it’s self-deprecation in a way??? let’s just tell it like it is: that impression was just jensen’s overt internalized homophobia rearing it’s ugly head. he does it a LOT too when it comes to misha.
i mean:
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and that whole mess where he’s making fun of misha for being a bottom in their panel in 2016? ‘so you’re saying, like with football terms, there’s a handler and there’s a receiver heheheehe’ jensen you’re not exempt from being gay just because you know football terms lmao
oh and his OTHER impression of misha where he mocks him for...bicycling...because it’s not a manly enough sport??? jensen NO ONE else has ever thought this hard in their lives about what constitutes as masculine enough to be a sport before. that’s all you bud. we don’t find those jokes nearly as funny as you do. you are reaching, sir
the good news is that misha thinks it’s hilarious and knows it’s projecting on jensen’s part and will tease him endlessly for it. many stories come to mind, like that one photo op story where they’re literally dressed in rainbow banners and pride stickers but when misha goes to hold his hand jensen said something like ‘no way’ and then misha stepped back, put his hands on his hips and went ‘that’s the part that’s too gay for you???’ and jensen LOST it
or when that whole underwear thing happened(messy messY MESSY BTW) and then a fan asked a question about what dean and cas would do in rome and misha just said ‘when in rome’ and jensen makes a face like ‘are you serious’ and then misha says ‘you can’t look at me like that anymore, because of what you did!!!!!!’
OH and that whole story about when misha suggested they put jensen in the closet for that cat video....yeah um
and then when jensen was asked to do bisexual finger guns for a photo op and the con goer said ‘he looks bisexual here’ and misha literally said ‘oh he definitely looks bisexual here. i would say he’s actually closer to the gay side of the spectrum’ so..um...make with that as you will
OH MY GOD i’m finally done. wow. WOW. that was a lot. i hope i’ve blown your minds. ty anon i really wanted to talk about this and i hope you’re happy with the outcome!!!!!!
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makeste · 3 years
i saw a post that explained well why i hate this: deku's outlook is now like kacchan's at the beginning. whereas before he saw people like kacchan, aizawa & shoto as heroes, strong & admirable, now he looks down on them (regardless of intent), invalidates their decision to participate and only sees them as useless and bloody. now kacchan's the kid throwing a notebook at a villain and deku's the one dismissing him (see: kacchan's sacrifice). i guess the speech from post-ground beta 2 is forgotten
also like seriously fuck the narrative, fuck all might and tbh fuck deku too lol kacchan kept their stupid fucking useless secret, helped deku train for months on end while knowing deku getting stronger and dominating 7 entire effing quirks inevitably meant kacchan never would even have the slightest chance to accomplish any of his dreams, worried his mind off about deku (all might knows, not like he gives a fuck), mounted strategies to prevent deku from battling alone, sacrificed himself (cont)
(contd) got out of his literal coma bed marching to see deku while still bleeding from the mouth, was dismissed by everyone, and still nothing at all. his hero name reveal was treated like a fucking joke, his sacrifice amounted to nothing by the stellar narrative, he was off paneled for literally anything that wasn't a stupid gag, and now he's thrown aside like garbage. hero name after all might: all might doesn't care. all might in the room hearing the ruckus: doesn't care, but ida & co (cont)
(contd) can see him. spent months helping deku & all might figure out the ofa stuff, with the most productive contributions: no one cares. so to have not only deku dismiss him like this (he's now a useless victim, not a hero who decides to collaborate, help, and save), but also all might, who kacchan also did all of this for, and who told them THEY, TOGETHER, would be the best winning to save and whatever, so sucks. all might no longer has any use for bakugo, so he's ignored and thrown aside.
(last ask abt this i swear) & ALL OF THIS comes after kacchan's plot has been reduced to absolutetely nothing but deku to the point he has spent literal years of this manga without even interacting with kiri or kami. at least have kiri in his room when he woke up but nope, not even that, kiri's with shoto for some reason bc we have to make a gag out of kacchan's worry and he can't have meaningful interactions. no battles, no wins, no friends. just a side char in the ofa plot, now not even that
anon, no offense (because you seem polite enough in spite of this ask getting rather heated), but I disagree with literally every single point in this ask. literally every last one. this is basically all of my least favorite discourse bundled into a single post. I don't particularly enjoy reading "fuck All Might and Deku" in my inbox first thing in the morning, and I don't like reading paragraphs of hyperbolic negativity about Kacchan being shortchanged because the story doesn't revolve around him every single moment, and we haven't yet -- yet, because the story is still very much ongoing -- gotten to the narrative payoff for things like his hero name and his reunion with Deku. these are opinions you're more than welcome to post about on your own blog, anon. but to be frank, I'm not keen on spending a ton of mental energy trying to change your mind on my own blog when I'd much rather be discussing other things about the chapter and about the series. so yeah, my apologies, but I'm just going to leave it at that.
ETA: as promised anon, here are links to my other posts about the various topics you brought up:
re: Deku’s current mindset (tl;dr he’s traumatized by what happened at Jakku and him pushing everyone else away because he’s afraid of them getting hurt is totally expected)
more on said mindset and what drives it, and the parallels between him and Kacchan (and why Kacchan is inevitably going to be the one to knock some sense back into him)
meta on Deku’s role as a MC and how that affects his characterization (by design, for better or for worse)
and a couple of add-ons to that meta
meta re: All Might keeping OFA a secret
and another post about that
and another!! this is why I don’t want to talk about it any more lol
meta re: the meaning of Kacchan’s new hero name (which btw All Might hasn’t even heard yet, and which I suspect has more to do with Deku anyway)
and lastly, re: fandom needing to chill and be patient when it comes to Kacchan and Deku’s storyline
a big part of my reluctance to wade into these discourse waters again is because I would probably just be reiterating stuff I’ve already said in previous posts. but anyway so here you go if you or anyone else is interested.
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aboveallarescuer · 3 years
Btw, I wonder if you ever thought about the Jaime/Cersei and Dany/Daario relationships paralleling eachother? I never see people talking about it but some of their quotes and scenes seem intentionally similar to me. + For example, how Daario and Jaime's (yes, Jaime Lannister is a toxic romantic partner, the fandom can stay mad) reaction to their respective marriage proposals are heavily linked with posession (more so than love).
First of all, Anon, I'm assuming you're the same person who sent me two asks, this one and another about Tyrion. Re: the latter ask, I basically agree with your comments and have nothing substantial to add, so I'm going to focus on answering this one.
So, yes, I had thought about similarities between Dany/Daario and Cersei/Jaime before, but I'm glad you sent me this ask because you made me think of more parallels and antiparallels. They are certainly worth discussing because they highlight different aspects of Dany's and Cersei's characters and make it clear, once again, that they are meant to be foils.
(I'm not going to add book quotes here because I'm tired, sorry... But you can ask for evidence in another ask if you find anything I say questionable)
Daario and Jaime are both hot-headed, arrogant warriors presented as alternatives to the husbands of the two queens (Hizdahr, Robert).
Both Dany and Cersei love these men instead of their husbands.
Both Daario and Jaime react angrily when they find out that Dany and Cersei are going to marry.
Both Daario and Jaime ask the queens to leave their husbands and to be with them instead, but they both deny their requests.
Both Daario and Jaime offer to kill their queens' husbands for them. Both Dany and Cersei imagine the two men following through with their threats at some point.
Dany ends her affair with Daario after she takes Hizdahr as her consort. Cersei doesn't end her affair with Jaime after marrying Robert (and she did nothing wrong in this particular situation).
Neither Dany nor Cersei hides their affairs well (though it's worth noting that Cersei is being more reckless in doing so because she was queen consort and her power derived from Robert, while Dany was queen regnant and, therefore, had power in her own right. Indeed, Dany taking Daario as her lover is compared to Lewyn Martell, a man, taking a paramour in Dorne. That certainly isn't how the Faith views Cersei's affair with Jaime. Also, as I said above, Dany's affair lasted while she was unmarried, while Cersei's happened while she was married).
Dany thinks she'll never have a child with Hizdahr because she believes she's infertile. Cersei thought she'd never have a child with Robert back when he was alive because she always took measures to prevent that from ever happening (and she definitely did nothing wrong here).
Dany idealizes her relationship with Daario way more than Cersei idealizes hers with Jaime. For instance, Dany says to herself that she would give up her crown for Daario if he ever asked her to do so, but she doubts he ever would because she assumes he loves her solely because of her power. Cersei never considers giving up her crown for Jaime (to be fair, I don't think Dany would've done that for Daario either). In this particular case, I actually think that Rhaegar is Cersei's Daario, because it's with Rhaegar that Cersei dreamed and still dreams of marrying and having his children and living a blissful life together (though, even in that fantasy, Cersei would still want to be queen, while Dany thinks she'd be content living a normal life alongside the man she loves without any power or luxury in the house with the red door). Daario and Rhaegar (rather than Jaime) are the men who bring out Dany's and Cersei's romantic sides (which makes sense because Cersei idealized Rhaegar back when she was a young girl like Dany). Rhaegar is the one that got away for Cersei, and I imagine Dany will have similar feelings about Daario in the future.
At some point during their reigns, both Dany and Cersei send Daario and Jaime away, but for opposite reasons: Dany does so because Daario advised her to kill her subjects and she's appaled by the suggestion; Cersei does so because Jaime advised her to cooperate with her subjects and she assumes that that means he is disrespecting her authority (which he does sometimes, but not always).
It's harder for Dany to be apart from Daario than it is for Cersei to be apart from Jaime. Dany immediately regrets her decision to send him away and even goes as far as to think that, because she had an indirect role in Hazzea's death for allowing Drogon to roam freely, she is a monster just like Daario (seriously, how can anyone think that book!Dany is arrogant???). Meanwhile, Cersei only comes to regret her decision to send Jaime away after she needs his help, specifically after the Faith arrests her and she has no reliable option to choose to fight for her life in a trial by combat.
Both Dany and Cersei spend most of their storylines away from these men. (I could be wrong, but I don't think GRRM had Daario out of the picture because he was supposedly bored with him like I've seen some BNFs or 'neutrals' argue... I do think that was a choice specifically made to strengthen the parallels between Dany and Cersei).
Both Daario and Jaime feel jealous of Dany's and Cersei's relationships with other men throughout AFFC/ADWD.
Daario returns with the Stormcrows when Dany recalls him even though it would have been beneficial to betray her and turn to Yunkai's side, especially since he already knew that the Second Sons had done that. Jaime doesn't return when Cersei asks him to go back... You could even say that he switches sides, in a way, by deciding to prioritize Brienne's request instead. This is part of a larger pattern: while most of Dany's people (including Daario) remain loyal to her by the end, almost all of Cersei's allies abandon her. While it's said that Dany managed to keep everyone (former slaves and former masters) together, Cersei destroyed the Lannister-Tyrell alliance due to her poor decisions.
ADWD Daenerys X ends with Dany thinking about how Daario wouldn't mind seeing her in such a messy state like how she is by the end of the chapter. AFFC Cersei X ends with Cersei hoping against hope that Jaime will return and win her trial by combat. Both expect to be reunited with and to be saved by their lovers at the end of these chapters.
Dany doesn't trust Daario, but she doesn't close herself off from him either, which is why she has the support of the Stormcrows. Cersei says she lost her trust in Jaime, but then, by the end, she is in such a dire situation that she desperately decides to put all her hope in him and trust him way too much (to a degree that even Qyburn finds concerning since he lost his hand). This is part of a larger pattern: while Dany is wary of some people, she knows that she should still take risks and make alliances. This attitude doesn't make her omniscient and she is not immune to making mistakes or to people (like Brown Ben) betraying her, sure. That being said, Dany still remains open-minded, cooperates with influential allies and makes a peace agreement that could have worked if the deal wasn't inherently false for prioritizing the privileges of the masters over the lives of the slaves and if her primary goal wasn't to protect the disenfranchised first and foremost. Meanwhile, Cersei thinks she should distrust everyone, which leads her to alienate potential allies that could have been useful and to be surrounded by people who claim to agree with her on everything, but who are neither experienced nor reliable. Then she creates plans that rely way too much on these very untrustworthy people, which is why they backfire: from the construction of the dromonds (which she relied on Aurane Waters, who turned his back on her) to the attempt on Bronn's life (which she relied on Balman Byrch, who turned his back on her) to the scheme to have Margaery and her cousins arrested (which she relied on Osney Kettleblack, who turned his back on her) to the decision to rearm the Faith Militant (which she relied on the High Sparrow, who turned his back on her) to her decision to trust that Jaime (who also turned his back on her) will return to fight for her life ... I'm sure there are more examples, but that's enough to illustrate my point. Cersei's thinking is too extreme, while Dany has a healthy distrust of others. As a result, Cersei makes hasty decisions and burns bridges unnecessarily, while Dany is able to make more carefully weighed decisions, as well as to create and maintain important alliances.
Finally, I think Dany and Daario's relationship is more positive than Cersei and Jaime's. Not only there's no verbal abuse or disrespect of sexual consent like how it happens with Cersei/Jaime, but Daario didn't switch sides to Yunkai, gave her good counsel (such as when he tells her to hold court and reminds her that her children need her) and genuinely cares about Dany, which we see from when he tells her not to get married time and again to when we contrast him with Osney. He is possessive and brags about sleeping with her on some occasions, yes, but I think it was @evilwomen who pointed out in one of our conversations that Dany doesn't feel bothered by any of that, which goes to show how much she loves him, since she's willing to forgive actions that would be considered insults for his sake.
So, once again, thanks for this ask, Anon, it encouraged me to think about connections that I hadn't considered before.
And you know, I said this before and will say it again... This is why I think Dany is the YMBQ... Not just because she clearly fits all the requirements, but because she and Cersei were way too carefully written to parallel and contrast each other (so much so that the author mentioned that in multiple interviews). You said you "never see people talking about" the parallels between Cersei/Jaime and Dany/Daario, but look at how much I managed to find off the top of my head (and I'm not even sure this is comprehensive, tbqh)??? Now imagine that happening to all of their casts of supporting characters and to all the political events and to pretty much every single aspect of their characterizations and storylines. Their parallels and antiparallels are really overwhelming, and it's why I decided to make gifs showing why they're foils.
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