#(especially sokka’s)
comradekatara · 4 months
wake up sheeple !! the notion that katara is the overbearing, responsible member of the group was a lie peddled by Big Toph to distract from the fact that the actual overbearing, responsible member of the group (sokka) also happens to be her favorite.
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swoonzee · 1 month
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“Hope this doesn’t awaken anything in me.”
(Spoiler alert: it does)
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muffinlance · 2 months
Read "Suki, Alone". Liked it in general. But can they please, please hire someone who knows both the show's actual events and how to follow through on a character arc? Because guys. Guys. That comic is not implying about Suki what they meant it to be implying, and all because of literally one line.
So like. From a writer's standpoint:
What they meant to do: show Suki as a community-oriented person who cares for her people, and believes in everyone succeeding together.
As opposed to (spoilers): the thief girl they set her up in contrast with, who's pretty upfront and consistent on primarily looking out for herself. She betrays Suki for one (1) corn chip to improve her own life at the prison, no surprise.
But the problem is: they give Suki an inspirational line to the effect of "we're all working together and we'll all break out together"
You know
The thing she does not do in the show
So if both the show and this comic are canon, then instead of setting up a compare/contrast with the thief girl, they've just set up a comparison. One were Suki is arguably worse, because she's been leading a significant number of prisoners on with her "we'll all fight and win our freedom together!" business, only to straight up cut them out of the escape loop and abandon them, whereas the thief is only leading Suki on in the sense that Suki keeps telling her what it's morally correct to think and confuses snide replies with agreement
My dudes. My fellow writers. You people actually being paid for this. There were so many ways to fix those awful implications against our girl's character, the simplest of which would be to not include that line. Or they could have, you know, made it canon compliant with what actually happens in the show, so that this comic doesn't set Suki up as a betrayer instead of a community builder. Like... just send all her good prison buddies off to other prisons in the wake of the warden finding out they're colluding. Have it timed to be right before the next new prisoners arrive, thus setting it immediately before the Boiling Rock episodes, so Suki didn't have anyone left in the prison she'd want to take with her on a breakout. For bonus points, include a page or two of her and her Kyoshi warriors opening up the cell of one of her prison friends post-war, thus implying she's tracking down and actually fulfilling her promises. Maybe even show her doing the same with thief girl, who was established as being imprisoned on false charges anyway, and also showing that Suki is A) the bigger person, and B) willing to acknowledge her own role in mistakes (because I cannot emphasize enough how much thief girl was not hiding her own priorities, and it was Suki who approached HER with all this, not the girl ever doing anything special to weasel her way in) (this would also open up an opportunity for paralleling Suki's earlier in-comic mistake of not listening to one of her friend's very valid thoughts and feeling, which lead to the girl leaving their island alone pre-canon; a "seeing people as they are, not what you want them to be" moment)
Anyway yeah enjoyable enough for a quick read but another one for the "this can't be canon or the characters are So Much Worse than they were in the actual show" pile
At least Aang didn't promise to murder anyone in this one
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ash-and-starlight · 1 year
Do you have any really specific and/or personal Zukka headcanons that you’d be okay with sharing? I eat up every hc you put into your drawings like they’re candy, I was wondering if you had any others :D :D
OH boii i sure have,,, nothing coherent is coming to mind atm so ill just expose my Extensive backstories of zukka bethrotal armbands that idk if i will find a way to sneak into art.
sokka’s armband for zuko is forged back at Piandao’s mansion, and it's one of the most fine stunning pieces of jewelry ever crafted. it’s not the usual southern ivory but metal, more similar to the armbands worn as an accessory in the fire nation. it’s made of intertwining bands of gold and black meteor metal, with patterns of waves and dragon scales that seem to ripple and move when the light catches on them just right. and the pendant is a traditional blue stone from the swt.
There are no particular engagement gifts traditions in the fn, so zuko goes on a deep dive into southern water tribe ones, asking sokka’s family and friends about jewelry making and learning to engrave over the course of several trips to the swt. He makes sokka’s armband with ivory from his own first (successful) solo hunt. i’m not sure abt the material of the pendant lmao maybe gold? but amber would also be cool methinks
as for the pendant engraving they display a unique single braincell moment (untrue i just want them to match). love the fact that both of them are sea savvy navigators, love to think that in their pining era they spent a lot of time watching the stars and showing each other the different constellations and navigation pointers of their nations, so in both of their armbands’ stones are depicted the constellation used to guide sailors back home, sokka engraving the swt’s one on zuko’s armband and vice versa.
if they were sun’s out guns out kinda guys before this only gets worse during the first weeks of their engagement. shirts are banned. everyone look at the bethrotal armbands NOW.
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theweeklydiscourse · 3 months
It’s just interesting to observe the differences in how people treat Zukka vs how they treat Zutara. Because I searched Zutara on TikTok to look for some edits and the comments were filled to the brim with people saying “But Katara belonged with Aang 🥺” or “How can you ship Zuko with her after Mai said such a romantic line?” Or perhaps the most insufferable of all “Maturing is realizing that Zuko would’ve thrown himself in from of lightning for ANYONE” as if that’s some revolutionary reading of the text. It’s so irritating how this kind of behaviour is…accepted by the fandom.
But you don’t get that with Zukka, instead you see people gushing over how sweet they are together, hailing it as a wholesome and unproblematic ship, praising artworks of it with positivity and appreciation. It’s difficult to find much negativity under Zukka posts, you won’t see people saying “But Sokka belongs with Suki 🥺” or boldly going on a tangent about how another ship is SO much better. I saw one person praise Zukka as the most unproblematic ATLA ship because of how little conflict there was about it, that you wouldn’t see the same hostility among that fandom as you might with Zutara.
But there’s a reason for that which has less to do with Zutara shippers themselves, and more to do with the harassment and hostility they face on all sides of the fandom. Fans will go out of their way to antagonize Zutara shippers, they’ll feel brazen enough to leave backhanded or outright hostile comments under Zutara posts and art, they’ll interject their shipping opinions in spaces where nobody asked and condescend Zutara shippers by framing them as shallow or delusional for shipping it.
I think Zukka is admittedly cute, and they definitely have their haters, but the difference between it and Zutara is astounding. It’s incredibly frustrating to watch this phenomenon play out, especially when these shippers carry themselves with a kind of false moral superiority that can only be found in shipping discourse.
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only-lonely-www · 3 months
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So basically ATLA brain rot has hit me like a truck
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seasideoranges · 4 months
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some concept stuff and rough sketches i forgot to post yesterday..
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isnt it sadly ironic that Jet spent most of his life hating the fire nation and feeling threatened by them but then died to a random brainwashing earthbender inside the supposedly 'safest city in the world'?
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comradekatara · 3 months
my thing with katang is that i simply cannot understand or accept the logic of patriarchal marriage rituals and so the monogamous nuclear family structure that they present us with as their supposed ideal within the text is just not for me. but i understand the logic of weird lesbians very well, so ideally i conceive of their relationship in those terms, within that framework, and then it makes perfect sense to me. like the gaang will be hanging out and katara leans over to give aang a kiss and sokka is just like “um. didn’t you guys break up” and katara’s like “what why would you think that” and sokka’s like “bc a couple weeks ago u came up to me and said ‘we broke up :|” and katara’s like “oh so just because we broke up means that i can’t give my best friend in the whole world a little kissy what are you the kissing police” and sokka’s like “FINE. WHATEVER. I DON’T CARE AS LONG AS AANG IS SATISFIED WITH THIS ARRANGEMENT” (he is). but also sokka loves taking advantage of their technical status as “exes” to refer to aang as “my sister’s ex bf” as often as he possibly can. so it actually works out for everyone
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sapphic-agent · 4 months
The ATLA Renaissance was actually so unhinged.
What do you mean Zutara's a colonizer ship and Zukka somehow isn't? What do you mean Katara's the worst member of the Gaang? What do you mean Aang was right in TSR? What do you mean Sokka's the most developed character??
I, for one, do not miss this era of the fandom
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joodeegemstone · 5 months
zuko acts like he hates affection around most people, but the literal second sokka touches him, he just fucking melts. like, practically burrowing into his arms like a badger mole and purring like a cat.
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ragzonacamrencruise · 18 days
sooooo . . . i got reallllyyyy into it and disappeared for like 24 hours to do this:
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writingtot · 2 months
tales of ba sing se is one of my favorite episodes (of television in general tbh), and it’s just proof that sometimes filler episodes are 100% necessary.
let’s stop with these 8 episode shows. they’re too rushed and the pacing is awful 80% of the time anyway. why are we so afraid of filler?? it’s so important for delving into the actual personalities of the characters instead of just seeing how they act when completing some harrowing quest.
i want to see how they react to a girls day or to an awkward first date. give me all the fun superfluous details that we would never see otherwise. i love filler episodes so much!!!
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tragedykery · 1 year
I think sokka. would love conlangs
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icegoddessrukia · 3 months
You know, so much of the fandom bashes Katara harshly for one harsh comment she made in The Southern Raiders to Sokka, when she was highly upset about her mother's death and she felt Sokka was dismissive of her feelings (which he kind of was, to be honest) and they go on about how unfair it is that Sokka didn't get an apology. Meanwhile, I've never seen any fans complain about how Zuko literally says the most disrespectful thing about Aang's culture (the "this isn't air temple preschool" comment) when he's literally the prince of the imperial nation that wiped out Aang's entire culture in the first place. Aang is just supposed to let that slide and no one in the Gaang defends him either. He never gets an apology for his culture and religion being mocked by an imperialist. Zuko is two years older than Katara here and this is after he went through the Day of Black Sun development when he realized that the Fire Nation were horrible to the other nations. There's no excuse for Zuko being such an asshole to Aang but I guess because he's Zuko, he gets a free pass while Katara has to be bashed forever for saying something unfair when she was traumatized and no one was really listening to her.
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