#(maybe when I don't have other Real assignments to do lol)
tell me more about the development/ new clarity of lockwood’s character beyond the charisma & crushing!! like later in the series!! such an interesting train of thought you got there & i Need To Know More
Wait wait hold on let me grab my books because I could write an ESSAY on this!!
(this post turned out really long so i enabled keep reading lol. Tl;dr Lockwood and Lucy both grow a lot when Lucy is gone after THB and that absence fundamentally changes the way that the two interact for the rest of the series.)
kay, we have a distinct shifting in dynamic after the events of THB. Lucy leaving L&Co. and then returning fundamentally altered how they (Lockwood and Lucy) see each other and how they interact. We see Lockwood let Lucy in and be more obvious about his flirting, and we see Lucy start to actually allow herself to think romantic-adjacent thoughts towards Lockwood. Stroud (I think, someone check me on this) mentioned once how it took Lockwood to loose Lucy to really realize how much she meant; this is the moment where that happens. What really embodies this shift are the scene where Lucy leaves the company in THB compared to when Lockwood asks for her help in TCS.
In THB ch. 26 (pg. 372-374 in my version) we get Lucy leaving the team. Lockwood says two very important things here. "I'm surprised to hear that. I thought you and Holly -" is his classic deflection. Reading into it, one sees him knowing what's about to happen, and attempting to diffuse the situation by throwing Lucy's reasoning onto something he thinks he understands. She's leaving because of workplace spats; Holly's relationship with Lucy. Then we get "'Is that it?' Lockwood asked quietly. 'Is that really what this is all about?'" which is where we see him lashing out in a way. He's furious and doesn't know what to do with that emotion. He's been revealing more and more of himself to Lucy through this book, trusting her with his past, and now she's leaving? How dare she? Through this, Lucy doesn't describe what he looks like or what he's doing. She's avoiding him, ignoring him, ignoring any feelings she may have.
Then we get TCS and its only been four months but boy have things changed. Lucy describes his smile in ch. 5 (pg.51) as "warm but somehow hesitant, as if it hadn't been used recently. It was the smile I'd hazily imagined a hundred times; only now it was real, solid, meant just for me." And by god is that a LINE! And there's more quotes I'm not going to put here because this is already so long and then "Lockwood leaned forward, and I noticed a scar on the side of his neck - not large, but white and raised - one I'd never seen before" (pg. 59). And a bunch to read more into and then "I looked over at Lockwood as he sat shoulders-forward, head slightly bowed. He seemed more different than I'd ever seen him: not vulnerable, exactly, but certainly exposed." This whole scene is SO interesting in contrast to the last time we saw Lockwood! He's vulnerable, he clearly misses her, he (likely) is throwing himself Further into danger (see: scar) because she's gone! Its one of the times we see him fully stripped of his ego and charisma (there may be more in THB but I'm only starting my re-read of that now lol). He comes not as a boss, but as a friend, a fellow agent, an equal. Lockwood doesn't give her orders like he does in the earlier books. Things have Changed.
Then we get the first moment she meets the team as a whole again (around pg. 79) and she notices how Lockwood is "making more of an effort than usual" and she questions "For me? No. Penelope Fittes was far more likely." A moment where Lucy almost EXPLICITLY mentions wanting Lockwood to dress up for her? Unheard of before now! This is no longer an unconscious or avoided crush; she's got feelings and she's aware of them at this point.
And don't get me started on the scene with "'What the heck was that?' I said. 'The Shadow?' Lockwood glanced at me from under his bangs. 'Of course the Shadow ....' He shook his head" (pg. 326). I could say SO MUCH about those lines oh my god. The point here, though, is that it's a direct moment where Lockwood is CLEARLY being awkward because they just held hands, his feelings are obvious! He's not perfectly composed and charming! Lucy recognizes this enough to narrate it into the moment! They're awkward about it, and don't verbally communicate it, but they both recognize their own feelings in a way that isn't really seen before TCS!
TCS is also the point where Lockwood becomes Much more open about his past compared to TSS, TWS, and THB. Through Lucy's eyes, he becomes something more than just a charismatic boss who loves the spotlight. She sees his rough edges, his trauma, his flaws. She sees how broken he is, because he is offering the information willingly. We shift from blind admiration and oftentimes annoyance at his inability to open up to a knowing love that we readers love. Yes, Lockwood is still charismatic and Lucy is still crushing on him! But also! He's more human now! And Lucy is not just infatuated in a way she can easily ignore anymore.
Lockwood and Lucy both grow a lot when Lucy is gone after THB and that absence fundamentally changes the way that the two interact for the rest of the series. There's like, a bunch more I want to say and quote but like. This post is already super long so I think I'll leave it there.
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Can I ask for Akaza, Douma, Daki and Muzan with a human child that says when they grow up they are going to marry them and calls them Pretty? (Like, nothing creepy, just the child equivalent of playing house oWo)
I do this now with Douma and Muzan
Rest of characters you found here
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Okay, who gave the child to Douma to take care of?
Who would think that would be a good idea?
Someone needs to file a child protection report quickly XD
Well, at least you wouldn't complain.
You think Douma would be a really fun company
Because you really don't know his secret.
Douma would also often play with you and carry you everywhere.
You also get a lot of special treatment with him
Douma, on the other hand, likes how lively you are.
You were energetic and always inventing new things.
He would love to watch it.
Today you decided to play at home…
Or you insisted and Douma couldn't refuse because you're so cute.
Douma would probably just laugh at this.
You were so sweet and naive.
Especially when you show your displeasure when he starts laughing.
You are just so really cute
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Okay, how you end up with Muzan is a really long story.
So long that we won't begin to tell it here.
The author is writing this at 1:30 am and would like to go to sleep already lol XD
Maybe he was originally supposed to play your father or he is your real father.
Who knows…
However Muzan wouldn't usually play with you.
He would usually assign some upper moon to watch over you.
So these moments would be quite rare.
However, now Muzan decides to play with you.
At least for a moment.
Muzan would not really learn well playing with a child.
He wouldn't have much experience.
Maybe this would be a sneaky way to get you to do chores.
Muzan would stop for a moment when you said he's pretty…
gotta say he'd be a little hurt.
He should be impressive and scary…
Not pretty.
He would stare at you for a long time.
No more playtime for you XD
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merakiui · 7 months
I'M SO TEMPTED AAAAAAAAA,, orz but I can't write anything else until I finish tmdg (and the rest of the fics on my list). But just know that if I do write Floyd spy au, it would naturally have to include these very crucial details and scenes:
✧ hand-to-hand combat training with Floyd and you're one of the only other agents (aside from Jade) who can match Floyd's pace and sporadic fighting style. Exchanging blows is fun, even more so if you manage to give Floyd the ass-kicking of a lifetime. He's lying flat on his back and you're standing over him and he's never been more horny in his life before.
✧ reader finding out that Floyd's father is the head of the mafia they've been investigating on the sly. Perhaps it's one of those scenarios where the mafia has taken something from you or you're on the run from Mr. Leech's debt collectors, so there's lots of angst to be had when you find out Floyd is the son of your enemy. The betrayal is so yummy... orz Floyd being a wolf in sheep's clothing all along. Oh, you thought he was an agent allied under the same cause as you? As if. <3 (or the misunderstanding angst!!!! Floyd trying to tell you that he's different and not like his father, but you won't hear any of it.)
✧ things get particularly perilous during a mission and maybe the enemy has you cornered. You think this is the end, but then Floyd's there, killing them in the most brutal, cold-blooded way. And you don't see his usual goofy, carefree grin or hear his nasally laughter. It's just this blank, dead-eyed stare and the ever-so-subtle curl of his lip as he sneers at the one who dared to threaten his Shrimpy's life. He shrugs off the bloodlust afterwards just to give you a silly smile and say, "Aww, did I scare ya, Shrimpy? My bad."
✧ missions with Floyd as your partner never go to plan, which means you're both often called into Azul's office so he can scold the two of you (although most of his ire is usually directed at Floyd) for "fucking up the mission." And Floyd has such a smart mouth on him, so it drives Azul insane (even though Azul knows what he's getting into when he assigns these missions to Floyd; it's mainly why he has a partner. You're there to keep him in check). T_T
"But we got the stuff you wanted, Azul."
"Yes, but I specifically said it was to be entirely covert."
"But we got the stuff."
"But you weren't covert."
"So what? We got the stuff. Who gives a damn about—" and you're already dragging Floyd out before he can continue bickering with Azul.
✧ Floyd who always gets you into the most dangerous situations during missions and he's always the one who saves you from said situations. Danger just follows him wherever he goes, but he also has a penchant for inciting it.
✧ his code name is "Bind the Heart," but Floyd thinks that's so lame and so he just uses his real name even though Azul's choked him out for it every time. So now he settles for BTH as a shortening and if anyone asks what it means he says, with full seriousness, "Bacon Tomato Hamburger." LOL
✧ Floyd who is so down bad for you that he's always flirting with you in his own weird, Floyd way, and each time you shut him down with a stern, "Never gonna happen," because you're dedicated to your job (and love is a distraction in this line of work). But Floyd's not one to give up and he keeps trying because according to him, "Never might be today and tomorrow, but Shrimpy doesn't know what'll happen in the future..." (He's right; the two of you end up fucking months later because Azul booked a hotel room for you to share on one of your missions and it did have more than one bed, but why sleep separately when you can sleep together?)
✧ despite how closely you and Floyd work together and how chatty he can be when he's in the mood, neither of you know much about the other's personal life. Cue Floyd wanting to know more about you and you getting suspicious each time. And he always answers your questions with, "Because. Can't I ask about Shrimpy's life if I'm plannin' on bein' in it long-term?" He will be the death of you........ orz
✧ Floyd gets himself badly injured on a mission, so he's stuck on bed rest until he heals up. Which means you're transferred to Agent Shock the Heart in the meantime, and Floyd does not like the idea of you and Jade cozying up during missions. >:( he's in Jade's ear the entire time the both of you are on the mission (he dragged himself out of bed and to HQ's tech room just to steal the microphone from the agent who was in communication with Jade) and he's saying stuff like, "Jade, you lay a finger on Shrimpy and I'll break all of yours..." and Jade just has to be annoying, so he's like, "We get married in June. I do hope you'll be my best man."
✧ a classic confession in the midst of an argument. Maybe the mission got too risky and you have to leave behind your team; you and Floyd get into an argument about it and essentially it ends with him yelling, "Cuz I ain't ready to lose ya!" And you look at him with so much confusion because what is he talking about? And Floyd's so angry he's even tearing up and from there it's a soft admission of feelings: "Cuz I like ya... A lot. A whole fuckin' lot. And I'd rather those other guys take the fall than let you get hurt for 'em." AAAAAAAAAAA OTL
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katiekatdragon27 · 7 months
Being an artist is fun cuz I can draw whatever whenever as long as I have a group of people peerpressuring me /j
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This all started as a joke talking about THANOS Muffin and sorta escalated/derailed into just sorta assigning OSC characters as a whole to the DSMP characters.
My gc and I had no real idea what we were doing, and this is honestly just for shits and giggles, lol. Everyone was assigned on dynamics and vibes instead of being logical. PLEASE DON'T BULLY ME FOR MY SPELLING, IT WAS SUPER LATE AT NIGHT WHEN I DID THIS.
The culprits: @always-just-down-the-street and @friiskuz (the main two), @mambari, and @glitchtypes
(Also keep in mind that I have never watched a full stream of the DSMP, I only watched certain content creators outside of the server. I barely had any say in this so don't blame me if you don't like iiiiitttt.)
Specifics under the cut:
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Firey from BFDI is Tommyinnit. This was decided because of his main characterness, him being one of the most important characters in OSC history, and his mildly chaotic nature.
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Leafy from BFDI is Tubbo. This was decided because of Firey being Tommy. Also, because I find the ship between Tubbo and Ranboo cute and this universe's equivalents really funny to pair up.
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Taco from II is Wilbur Soot. This was decided because of the betrayal stuff, the violence and manipulation, and because we thought it would be fun.
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Top Hat from TNM is Ranboo. This was decided because of vibes, trauma maybe(?), and some other stuff that my friend said. Also, something about hallucinating probably and just being in a general sense of not okayness.
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Muffin from THANOS is BadBoyHalo. This was decided because this is litterally BBH. He is literally based on BBH clips from his videos cropped together to make a character. He started this whole thing.
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"Blood" Diamond (although their built like Aquamarine) from BFDI (ABCDEFG) is Skeppy. This was decided because Skeppy's skin is literally a diamond. They're a "blood diamond" because of the egg arc, and they are probably a brother instead of sister since that short isn't really canon to anything. They're a blank slate, we can do what we want.
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Oodle from AIB is Slimecicle. This was decided because of his omnipotent god powers (immortality) and just being a silly goofy guy in general. We considered Goo for a bit, but Goo's a little too young to have been around since the dawn of the server. Maybe before becoming Oodle he was Goo? Idk.
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X from BFB is GerogeNotFound. This was decided because of who we made Dream XD. That's really it (they might have also had some weird romantic stuff happening in the stream before???).
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Four from BFB is Dream XD. This was decided because of the revival aspect of Four's power and also their scary and overall powerful nature. The rainbows are because of Infinity being a rainbow in canon.
Call me cringe all you want; I can take the heat. If you want to feed into this hellhole, be my guest. Have a great day bros >:)
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stuffedsand · 7 months
T3 cover thoughts,,, and psuedo guesses
Haruka : considering both of his songs were from the android girl album I feel like he's gonna get a third. Of which the only other song I know the lyrics to is relationship scramble.
I think it could work ("right now I want instant love", could be the whole any attention is good, negative inclusive, so long as it's attention) (bro idk)
Yuno : honestly not a clue haha, tho I think Rabbit Hole would work (+it's a popular prediction for her, I haven't listened to it but it could be a good choice?)
Fuuta : .....he got Salamander this trial I don't know what they're gonna give him anymore....I don't even know what the deal is with mosaik role,,,,,
Maybe Chimera? I've only listened to it once but it has the Vibes tm. I think it fits? I'm not very good at lyrical analysis but it'd be fun idk
(or volt tackle haha)
Muu : Theory of Negativity because idk it vibes. Similar to otome dissection kinda idk
Alternatively, Cinderella just cuz it....vibes like her I don't have a better explanation sorry
Shidou : I reeeally want to say cosmic rendezvous,,,, but it doesnt fit with his other covers. I hope dearly for cosmic rendezvous but let be realistic haha
My prediction. Ghost Rule or 118. Ghost Rule would be fun !!!! 118 would be, to me, if someone died in t3, cuz the lyrics can be twisted abit. It'd be so fun. Also "no law to pardon my crime" and "ethics are a delusion, but I'm still guilty when the morning comes" vibe the same. Also his va can do it I believe in him
The cover would also SLAP cuz from what I can tell shidous covers have a more...frantic? Energy to them and that works for a lot of the GHOST album songs. Anyways Ghost Rule milgram cover?? Please??
Mahiru : I had more but I forgot so here's the ones I remembered
U (unlikely, it's a English song... But hey it'd be fun) / Poison Apple (I'd say poison apple works for kazui but... There are funnier picks for him so)
I think her voice fits for these songs idk they just...vibe. really well. I believe in her va
Most fitting from what Ive seen is Zombies or Psuedo-Hope Syndrome which would work vocally and thematically I think! Idk tho haha mahirus is really vibe based
Kazui : ok wishful thinking : Ghost Rule. Fits with the liar theme. But I already gave it to shidou and it doesn't fit his other two covers (sad melancholy) so he gets the song I initially chose for shidou! Cosmic Rendezvous. A win for old man yaoi truthers (JOKE)
No seriously. The lyrics could be read as non romantic, and it continues his cover theme of Regret. It'd be fun, thematically relevant, fir the other covers, AND it'd hurt me. Perfect. If he does get cosmic rendezvous I will cry
Alternatively; we the hostages (?) Idk this pick was also solely vibes. I really want cosmic rendezvous though but that's cuz I want someone to say fuck
Amane : Angel Hair. I don't have a particular reason? Also this would be more in line with Positive Parade which was the trial one song.... And she got animal which I never would've expected so? Who knows. This is a fun list for vibes. Oh I think then all her songs would be Mannequin songs too
Mikoto : uhhhh (Not) a Devil. Cuz I'm not creative and it'd be funny. Uhh otherwise I'm not too sure.
Honourable mention that I think both Mikoto and Kotoko could get Addiction? By vibes alone lol cuz I can't read the captions...
Kotoko : imma be real I forgot. To kin assign her a song. But after having a short look at Anti - Beat I think she could get Dilemma? I think it works for kotoko. Idk
Tell me what songs you guys predict for any given character next trial I like seeing people's readings on what fits the character or the covers!!! Particularly kotoko, yuno and mikoto as much as I like their characters I don't have much of a read on them...
Also tell me what your favourite covers are!!!! I personally like both of shidous, kazui's, mahirus and fuuta's, and I really liked the monopoisoner one! (Haven't listened to reversible campaign enough to form opinion), as well as Harukas two breaths walking cover (haven't listened enough to the android girl one whoops)
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cosmowes · 2 months
the motivator
if you're having trouble getting motivated these r all tricks i swap between to get to work. no big intro. fatigue has been fatiguing lately, so sorry about the sporadic post schedule- it's hard to keep up with this and school lol, especially seeing as there's only a few weeks to exams
reminder, by the way; there's a difference between "unmotivated" and "tired"!! if your body is telling you "hey lets not" then maybe listen to that <3 i keep learning that the hard way, haha
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the action
set a timer for 10-15 minutes; enough time to get started, and tell yourself you'll only work that long. usually by the time the timer goes off i'm already in a flow.
similarly; do the same thing but with a tangible amount of work (eg "5 math problems" "1 paragraph of my essay" "one chapter of my book")
set out a treat for yourself (like a candy you like or something you'd like to do) for after you're done
this is more preemptive but set screentime limits! my password is one i use on literally nothing else and i always forget it, it's a hassle to look for it in my notes so i use my phone less and it makes me do other stuff
or, hide distractors from yourself. you fidget too much? remove that. on your phone? put it in a drawer. out of sight, out of mind
pomodoro timers never worked for me, but i get why they might :)
the words
remember the last time you put off this kind of work and how you felt afterwards. stressed, nervous, unpreprepared...
or, remember how you felt last time you finished a hard assignment. relieved, proud...
even if you mess up now, it's a failsafe. this is practice for the real deal. and if you don't practice now, then you can't get to the actual part.
practice how you play! if you treat school like this, then other things will be harder. self motivation is such a crucial skill.
if you're stressing over it now, why not just get it done with? that way you can stop being so worried about it
whatever you want right now (tiktok, video games, tv shows) will be there in the exact same quantity and value when you're done. but, if you put off work for long enough, the value diminishes- late penalties if it's accepted at all! always pick the urgent.
plus, imagine how nice school will be when you can relax with nothing extra to work on... (honestly? it's kind of boring, i do it)
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platonic wammy boy headcanons
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amazing art by @valfeathers ! go check out his account cuz he only posts death note ( loser lol imagine ) ( i got permission from him to use this piece ) i decided to post some of my own headcanons cuz my ego is large and i like seeing myself on the wammy's house/boys tags warning: i don't have a specific problem with any of the characters/ships on the wammy boys tag and i completely understand comfort ships. i am in no way trying to force my headcanons onto you and i respect your opinion! i swear i'm just trying to write some platonic stuff cuz i don't see it on the tags a lot. i don't want to get into any fights and disagreements over these and i understand that this might be out of character but i still find it fun to imagine a situation where these three can be brothers in peace cuz they're my comfort characters <3 however, i appreciate mentions of any critiques or plotholes in my headcanons as long as it's civil and respectful in addition if you want to add onto these headcanons or tell me your headcanons my messages are open and i'd appreciate it a lot! i love these guys and i really wanna read more of them :) 1- probably the most common headcanon but i think that whilst successors have their own rooms matt normally sneaks out and has sleepovers/study sessions in mello's dorm cuz he's an extroverted weirdo and gets lonely in his room sometimes likewise, mello and matt sneak out of wammy's house to go to concerts and festivals nearby, the longest they've probably escaped for is a week, maybe a week and a half and they wake up on their assigned street bench with roger towering over them 2- i see a lot of tropes in media where if someone doesn't like the food they just feed it to their dog when the parents/cooks aren't looking. (idk if this happens in real life BUT) i think mello and matt would find random food in the wammy canteen like plain crisps or desserts or cereals or bread, stuff that's not too overwhelming for near. cuz mello is afraid of being nice or something he would always be so dramatic about it he'd be like "someone stepped on my foot while i was getting your coco pops, you owe me your life now". 2.5- near would get those small pieces of side bread and a jacket potato for lunch & which was probably his autism-safe-food for 99% of the time in wammy's house, but sometimes he'd get something extremely cursed like plain pasta and cheese. and that's how he cheated the wammy's house nutritional system. 3- punishments in wammy's house would vary from detention to cleaning dishes or scraping litter. they would also have to do room service, for example near probably corrected a teacher's method and had to clean out mello's room. matt and mello would take advantage of lunch helper duties to sneak out chocolate, chips and other stuff. if they felt like it they'd pick up some stuff for near as well. those are the only ones i can remember off the top of my head, but i will make a part two eventually about the successor program and how each wammy boy got into it, the benefits and how long it lasts, thank you so much for reading this much if you got here!
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willowser · 1 year
pls more touya soulmate au!! your tags have me dying, it’s just all so tragic 🥹🥹
isn't it !!!
and what if — it's not you that's hesitant. it's him.
(tw: domestic abuse—not from touya—and suicidal ideation ?? idk how this happened, i'm sorry LOL)
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i picture you as — the child of some socialite. your mother's family has always been wealthy, been involved in — let's say — designing hero costumes. haute hero fashion, or something. your mother hosts a lot of events and parties you're expected to attend and your family is well known. elites.
you're engaged to a man everyone thinks is your soulmate — but you know he's not. not because he's only with you for your money or because he hits you, but you feel nothing for him. not even a smidgen. pity, maybe, if you had to assign a label to it. there are no sparks or butterflies in your stomach, not like there used to be; now the only drop of your gut is from his fist.
it's only because of such violence that dabi even approaches you. initially because he plans to smite your little fiancé to nothing, but the strike across your cheek is over and done with before he's able to get out of the shadows, cast with a quickness that only shows your fiancé's knack for being discrete. you're left shivering and bruised on the balcony of some fancy hotel, looking out over the skyline as the party continues without a hitch behind the french doors.
"should ice that." he rasps, still hidden, though it doesn't seem to matter; you don't even spare him a glance. "will bring down the swelling."
you hum, leaning far over the edge as your hair blows in the wind. "they won't notice," he's heard your voice, sure, but it's never been spoken to him and he hates the grip it gains on his chest. "and if they do, then they won't care."
"sounds pretty fucked to me."
at that, you laugh, slipping out of your designer heels and bunching up your designer dress so that you can climb up onto the ledge, wavering as you hold your arms out. the sight makes him sick, draws him out of the shadows with his hands into fists, sweat beginning on the back of his neck.
dabi comes to stand right behind you and — you look like some kind of angel, wrapped in the golden city lights from far below. saliva pools in his mouth because he could gag; at himself, at the worry pooling in his stomach. even a dark thought crosses his mind, one that confirms everything he's been trying to deny: would be my soulmate that killed themselves right in front of me.
"get the fuck down."
you shrug, which is awful, and you still haven't looked at him so he doesn't even know if this shit is real. maybe he's having some kind of allergic reaction or his heart is giving out finally or something. no way to tell for sure until he sees your face, until he sees whatever crosses it.
whatever you murmur gets lost in the whipping wind — but he thinks it sounds like nobody would even notice.
he grabs you so fast, arms fitting around the curve of your waist like they were made to. you're spun around to face him and he nearly loses it, wide-eyed as he watches you watch him. sure, he's seen you a dozen and a half times by now, but not this close, never this close.
the grip you have on his shoulder tightens, but he doesn't think you realize it, and the way you're cataloging him, learning him; how bad are his burns today? some days they're more swollen than others. some days they are still too fresh and his skin is peeling a little bit. some days he hasn't fully burned through and he's left with these ugly fucking scabs and—
"hello," you say quietly, smile growing, eyes soft. "there you are."
and he lets go at once, because now that this is in front of him, he realizes how much he doesn't want it. can't have it anyway, not in this life.
todoroki touya would've been your soulmate, sure. you, with your money and your social status and prominent family name. universe got that part right when you were made, when your future was being planned.
you seem unbothered by him, though, steadying yourself as your breath hitches. "didn't think you existed out there."
"i don't," he grunts, stretching out his hands to feel the pull of his skin. it hurts and it grounds him, keeps him from stopping his retreat.
too bad touya died a long time ago.
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chiscribbs · 8 months
I found your Cloning Donnie idea and I was on my way to the bus. So~, out of both boredom and the thought not leaving my brain for- like- 2 hours, I started to draw out some part of the angst part.
Buuuuut, I don't know what they would talk about and I would like your help(if I am able to continue this) for what they should discuss...
Sooo~ would you be willing to help, or would you like it to be a surprise???? 👁👄👁
Asdfghjkl I'm flattered, thank you :'0
Also, I'm very sorry if I'm responding to this super late - I'm not in the habit of checking my inbox every day anymore and tumblr doesn't tell me when messages were sent asdfg.
Of course, I'd really love to see your personal interpretation of the scene! I realize that, without context, it could easily go a multitude of different ways and it's fun for me to see how other people's minds fill in the gaps. But if you want to know where my mind was at while drawing it, I'd be happy to talk a little bit about that, too. [Fair warning, tho: I'm not great at putting my thoughts into words? Which is generally why I opt to sketch them out instead. But I'll do my best and hopefully it'll make some sense lol.]
So - it's subject-to-change, depending on how the rest of the plot continues to work itself out in my brain, but for me - "Bad Feelings" Donnie opens up an opportunity to address some of Real Donnie's hidden fears/insecurities, the ones he doesn't like to acknowledge (hence the way the other Donnies react to this Donnie's presence, in particular.) Namely his struggles with relating his self-worth to usefulness and maybe how all the recent changes have likely been effecting him. Things that make him feel weak or less capable.
For instance: maybe he's having a hard time finding some stability now that all the constants in his life (save the big one, that being his family) have been challenged or taken away? Donnie's always been shown to have the hardest time adjusting to major changes, and they've been through a LOT of those lately (considering it's meant to take place after the movie). He doesn't often reach out or seek help in dealing with things, so I think it would be interesting to put him in a situation where that's really the only option. Leo has had similar struggles with self-worth and identity, as well as having to deal with the massive change of being assigned a leadership role, so these are things he can definitely relate to.
That's all I've really got at the moment. I'll leave it up to you to work out how they would go about discussing that and what the exact wording would be, if you decide to go this route at all. Regardless - I can't wait to see your version of the scene if/when you finish it! :>
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Wow, I did not expect for you to finish chapter one so soon!
Oh damn, that's a lot. Also, Tomura choosing to make a deal with him right as Dabi dies is mean. Expected in a fic like this, but mean. I don't think Dabi would have ended up as a demon otherwise? At least not from what is said in the beginning.
I guess his rage about Enji's accusations and the fact that he was being executed caught Tomura's interest? Or maybe Tomura was already watching the Todoroki's, hmmm.
Thank you Spinner, that is very comforting. I too would like to hear that I owe you my life in order to trust you. For real though, I always love it when you write Spinner as a healer/doctor in your fics.
Okay, so colours are assigned to the sins, yes? I'm assuming red for wrath, because that's always Tomura's colour. Purple for pride, since it's at the center of the door. Light blue for sloth, since you mentioned that that's Spinner's sin and he has a blue pattern in his clothes.
Spinner leaving as soon as the job is done. He did explain a little more than he needed to though, so it's not like he was entirely unhelpful. Lol.
Dabi's clothes do have red detailing. I wonder if it's because he went to hell because of wrath, or because he belongs to Tomura. Probably the second, since Tomura complains about how weak his wrath is.
Well, that sure is one way to test the limits of the bond. I wonder if Tomura is made aware of all the times Dabi tries to break the deal?
Tomura feeding Dabi fruit while he is studying to see how long it takes him to notice is so funny to me. He really has been fairly lenient. For a demon prince, that is. I wonder how much someone's aspect influences their personality? Does Shigaraki feel a need for violence and rage at all times? It would explain some of his behaviour.
Oop, there comes the envy. We know it's not going to be Dabi's aspect, but yeah. I can see what you mean when you said it would have been in other circumstances.
Dabi tries to indulge. He tries so hard to get stronger so that he can have a chance of maybe someday getting away from Shigaraki. Not that that will ever happen.
What a note to end on! Shigaraki is right about Dabi needing to let go of the teachings of the church, but it's very little time to relearn everything that used to define you.
Lol mean, but Dabi didn't offer himself up for a deal until that moment so it's really on him, isn't it? And yes, in theory, not offering that deal should have meant Everlasting for him, but he'll just never know, now will he?
He definitely caught Tomura's interest for a few reasons, but I guess we'll have to wait and see what those were 😏
It's gotta be someone, and while I like Twice and Toga going into medicine if they're going to recover and be rehabilitated from villainy, I don't think it would fit them as villains, since her quirk is so good for espionage and his is so good in a fight, therefore they would always be stuck doing that for the greater good of their friends. Meanwhile, in recovery, I don't think Spinner would want anything to do with the medical field, but he would do it as a villain if it meant that he could make himself more useful to his friends since his quirk is so weak.
Colors are assigned to the sins! Like according to Google they have canonical colors which I looked up to use for this! Envy is green, dark blue is Lust, light blue is Sloth, red is Wrath, purple is Pride, orange is Gluttony, and yellow is Greed! I was originally going to make up my own colors, but I decided to go with these ones to keep any confusion at bay for people who were already familiar with the canon ones!
Spinner is a sleepy little guy! Let him rest!! He's also wearing a ruby because it shows which prince owns their soul, hence also why someone unclaimed by an aspect yet, is also wearing red!
Tomura absolutely knows.
Dabi is an adorable little garbage disposal while he's distracted, or you could just try handing him/balancing things on him and wait to see how long it takes for him to notice. Tomura has definitely been lenient, but his patience has its limits! There will be more details about how aspects effect one as the story progresses, but it's pretty safe to say that it impacts all aspects of their daily lives!
Envy and Wrath are both great aspects for Dabi in canon but in this story? After being able to have a good relationship with the rest of his family for eleven years? Nah, he's too sad about losing them to be as angry about it as he should be.
Dabi is trying! But yeah, the church has a stranglehold on him. But maybe Shigaraki's leading by example and taking a more... 'hands-on' approach to Dabi's indulgences will help with that 😏😏😏
Thank you so much for commenting!
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vividachromatic · 1 year
hi! could i request a x reader where komaeda kind of confidently confesses to reader and they start dating
(maybe reserve course reader too)?
Note: Soooo, you mean 'confidently', because they are a reserve course student, right? Because otherwise I could never imagine him confessing confident lol
But I actually think his attitude towards reserve course students is really fun to write lol. So I hope this turned out okay!!
Nagito Komaeda x !ReserveCourse Reader
You kinda felt out of place between all those ultimates... but you knew you shouldn't feel like this.
You were invited to a small pool party, hosted by Mahiru Koizumi. She's a really good friend of you. She invited almost her whole class and... they were all really kind!
You were glad, because you hated the stigma regarding the reserve course. All the ultimates you've met until now, have been nice and didn't care about you not having a talent.
Well, almost all of them at least.
You decided not to participate in the weird bet the pink haired guy and the big guy had... something about 'who can drink the most cola and still walk a straight line'
They probably weren't aware that there weren't any drugs in cola... not anymore.
You grimaced. You wanted to sit somewhere calmer.
Thank god, there was someone at the very back, who looked out of place as well. You haven't met him yet, but he looked decent. He had wavy, white hair, and looked really thin. He was the only one with no one sitting near him.
So you easily decided to sit next to that guy. He looked surprised when you sat next to him. "I'm sorry... I can move seats, if you want to..?"
What? "Uhm... no. Why? Do I smell or something?"
"Ah, no no! Of course not! I just didn't expect someone to want to sit next to me by choice."
Did that guy just really hate human contact or did he just have a really shit self-esteem?
"Don't sweat it! That guy's always like that. A real weirdo." The pink haired guy - Kazuichi - said.
"Haha..." that guy chuckled. "Yes, that's true. I'm neither talented or well liked. You'll probably save yourself some time, if you don't start talking to someone like me..."
He smiled bitterly. What did he mean, he wasn’t talented? If that's the case-
"Hey, don't worry! I don't have a talent either. I'm from the reserve course."
You didn't remember seeing him in the reserve course, but if Mahiru invited him, he must be nice.
But it seems like that may have been the wrong thing to say. Because his smile quickly faded. "The Reserve Course, huh?"
"Uh... yeah." you answered hesitantly now. Why did he seem so weird about it?
"You should have said so from the beginning." He sighed.
Hm? What did he mean? But before you could ask, a little guy came strolling to us, with a pot in his hand. "Here comes the Ultimate Chef's famous stew! Ordered by Miss Mahiru Koizumi herself!" He winked at her. She smiled akwardly back.
When he gave everyone a bowl, you quickly forgot about your conversation with that other guy.
He was actually pretty nice. You probably were just sensitive about that topic and wrongly judged his attitude.
He always talked last and immediately stopped talking, when someone else said something.
He also went on a weird ramble about hope and how he doesn't even deserve to be in the presence of everyone.
Hiyoko rolled her eyes and told him to shut up. He did.
And he only started talking again, when someone asked for his opinion.
You felt bad about his self-esteem. He seemed to take this 'not having talent' thing way more serious than you.
At one point, they decided to play a game - some kind of scavenger hunt, that tested their abilities - and needed to split the teams, they were in.
"I think we should just randomly assign the teams... that way there will be no bias!" The white haired guy - Nagito - said.
"Hmmm... I think it'd be better to split the teams equally, based on our strengths" you said. Most people seemed to agree and nodded to you. Nagito slowly turned his head to you.
"...I'm sorry. Did you say something?" He asked coldly. But from his look it was obvious, that he wasn't asking, because he didn't understand you. He was asking to taunt you. His eyes changed, they didn't look like the same eyes, that looked at the ultimates just a second before.
But everyone seemed to ignore him and get along with your idea.
"Whooo, you're so smart Y/N!!!" Ibuki cheered.
The teams eventually split so you were in a team with Sonia, Fuyuhiko and Nagito.
Fortunately, all of them seemed to be pretty capable. You and Nagito did most of the mental work and Fuyuhiko and Sonia the physical.
At one point you and Nagito had different opinions on a riddle. And Nagito's ended up being right.
...of course he would be cocky about it again.
"We wouldn’t have wasted so much of the ultimate's precious time, if you would have just listend to me from the begining Y/N..."
You didn't want to fight and he did have a point, so you simply answered "Yeah, I'm sorry."
"It's alright, I forgive you. It just seems like you temporarily forgot your place. Below me."
You tried to take a deep breath.
'Don't hit him, don't hit him...'
"It is not Y/N's fault! They gave a valuable input to this riddle, that I could not!" Sonia declared, softly.
"Yeah, you're acting different, Nagito. Can't you just go back, to being a different kind of weirdo again?" Fuyuhiko spoke sharply.
So it looks like he didn't normally behave like that... why did he towards you then? Did he hate you? Did you do something?
It wasn't because you're from the reserve course, right? He said he didn't have a talent either...
"Haha, I know what you're thinking right now." He let out a carefree chuckle, as he looked at you.
"I think you misunderstood something... See, even trash like me has an Ultimate talent." He smiled sadly.
What? Then why did he-? What was wrong with that guy?
"I just don't get your attitude. Why do you even dislike me so much? Because I don't have an ultimate talent?" You asked him with an irritated expression.
"Hm? Dislike? I don't dislike you. I actually think, I quite like you." Nagito answered with a shrug.
... What the hell was he saying now? Was he trying to taunt you again?
"But it's only because you at least don't seem to be dumb, so don't get your hopes up too much, alright?" He gave you a closed-eyed smile.
After that evening you wished to never hear from that guy again.
But sadly, you weren't so lucky.
When you visited the classroom to see Mahiru, he always stared at you from the back of the room.
"What's up with him? Is he thinking about how to murder me?" You asked Mahiru. You were seriously weirded out by his dislike towards you.
You knew, you didn't need his approval, but it hurt...
He was not only smart, you also really liked him in some way. If it weren't for his attitude... why can't he just treat you like the others?
"Awww... don't be so harsh. He just has a crush on you."
You deadpanned her. But she laughed. "Really! You know, all he talks about is Y/N this and Y/N that... and it's kinda weird, because nobody else is starting those conversations. He just randomly starts to talk about you."
...what? "Are you sure he doesn’t just talk about how much he hates me?" You asked her kinda annoyed.
"Mhm. He's always talking about the pictures you're drawing. He says, they are way too beautiful to not be given an Ultimate title. He also randomly talks about how he likes your voice, or how situations would resolve much quicker, if you were there."
Now you were more than just a little speechless. She was just pranking you, right? There is no way... he was so rude to you!
You decided to not think too much about someone like him anymore and decided to head home.
But someone stopped you.
Your favorite person!
It was Nagito Komaeda.
You quickly looked around, if there were enough witnesseses. He surely wouldn't kill you in a public place, right?
"Y/N. I... wanted to ask you something."
He looked unsure, so you decided not to push it. "What is it?"
"I want you to go out with me... please."
What? You didn't respond to him and just stared at him for another couple of minutes.
He sighed and looked on the ground.
"See... I don't know why either. I know you don't matter at all. But somehow... I can't stop thinking about you."
The 'I know you don't matter' part didn't really help, but you were still confused. Why the sudden change? If he thinks you're below him?
"I also know, that I can be difficult. I've been told by several people. So, I hope you can see past that, because... I think I really like you."
"Nagito..." you softly shook your head. You didn't want to reject him. And in all honesty, you liked him as well, but...
"Okay. I'll date you." You decided.
You supposed you could work things out with him. He seemed to suffer because of his world view himself... So maybe you could help him through that.
You still sincerely believed, that he was a good person.
Hopefully this will end well...
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aerodaltonimperial · 10 months
Bestie Prompt
You have to tell me why we are committing a felony before we do it
No it’s not going to stop us but at least I’ll have all the facts
(canon divergent, since i've altered the course of the FTW belt lol)
In the end, it's a surprise. It wasn't Lee Moriarty, or Swerve Strickland, or even one of the former holders, like Brian Cage. No, in the end, it was a surprise when the person to finally peel the FTW belt off Hook is Wheeler Yuta. Maybe it shouldn't have been. After all, the BCC has declared themselves the top of the roster, the best of the best. They're the ones out there attacking whoever they see as a potential shadow over their reign. And that meant that Hook, with his undefeated record and his steady rise, ended up flying too close to the sun.
Yuta is a real bastard about it, too; grabs Hook by the hair after the bell has rung, after Hook has already lost, after he's spitting out blood that's run down his nose and between his lips. He pulls Hook's head up and sneers in his face. It's an awful shot, right in front of the cameras: all it does is plaster Hook's loss, the belt, all over every single television tuned in.
"You thought you were untouchable," Yuta hisses in Hook's ear. "But we were forged in combat."
Mox and Claudio and Danielson, they're all ringside. They move in a pack, because the numbers game plays into their favor. Jack watches them from the opposite side, not because he's scared, but because starting anything now will only make things worse for Hook.
Yuta drops Hook's head back to the ring, and his forehead bounces on the mat, leaving a smear of red behind. Shit.
The others come out, as they always do, just to get their hits in. They kick his ribs, scream at his face. Jack launches himself through the ropes, and it's 1 versus 4. Mox ends up shoving him against the post and laughing about it. Jack never believe he'd scare them off, just that he'd take the heat. With his head ringing, he slides down onto all fours.
The belt is gone. Hook's legacy—stolen. As the BCC makes their way up the ramp to the thunderous boo of the crowd, and thank goodness for small favors, really, Jack touches Hook's shoulder. The muscles beneath his fingertips shudder.
"You gotta get up," Jack whispers, hair obscuring the shot of his face. "Get up and walk out, Hook. Don't let them take this, too."
Hook's hand shoots out, grappling, finally finding Jack's wrist and curling tight. He's hurting. Every inch he pushes himself up must be agonizing, but he fucking does it, and Jack helps him with a fierce rush of pride. He remembers this sensation: peeling himself up off the mats and knowing it's his own blood that's covering the square. He remembers feeling like the smallest piece of shit ever, snubbed beneath the heel of his opponent's boot.
They make their way backstage, one step at a time.
People are nice about it. Of course they are; Hook is beloved. He gets a few pats, and Chuck Taylor brings a wet towel to help him wash up, and Jack sits with him as Hook runs the terrycloth over his face. The fabric comes away pink.
"Can we go?" Hook asks, low. There's a tremor in his tone.
"Already got the keys," Jack replies.
When they get in the car, parked in the garage at the back of the arena, Jack pauses. From the passenger seat, Hook gives him a questioning look. Jack points up at the corners. "These cameras down here? They aren't actually turned on."
Jack shrugs. "I passed by the security office a few times. Wondered if they were. Turns out, they aren't even connected. Just for show."
"O-kay," Hook says, slowly.
"And this side of the garage, this east side, see, it comes around the back of the assigned locker rooms."
Hook's forehead furrows. His tongue slips out, running across the lip that will be swollen for days. "The walls aren't brick."
"Naw," Jack says. "Just drywall and plywood. A few load bearing columns. This whole side was a later addition, and it was done kinda fast. Cut a few corners."
Hook scans the interior of the car. "You requested the Suburban?"
"Weirdly enough, nobody else had it reserved."
Hook looks at Jack, a cut over one eye and his hair plastered to his forehead. He looks like he went through hell, but you know what? He came out the other side still in one piece. And Jack is ready to burn the entire fucking arena down in vengeance for what Yuta and the BCC clawed into his skin.
"Thanks for telling me we're committing a felony before we do it," Hook says. "Won't stop us, but I appreciate the heads up."
"Yeah?" Jack asks.
"Yeah." Hook's expression goes a little watery. "Hey. Thanks."
"You don't have to thank me," Jack tells him. "I'd murder those assholes for you."
"This SUV is pretty big," Hook says, but he's smiling, and that's really all that matters, "so, you really might."
Jack throws the Suburban in reverse and steps on the gas. And boy does he hope the entire BCC is in that locker room celebrating when they fly through the wall in an explosion of debris and insulation.
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gallawitchxx · 1 year
heeeheeehooohoooo, i was tagged to do this AU GAME by @creepkinginc @metalheadmickey & @energievie -- who all had brilliant ideas for stories! HOW FUN!
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rules (more or less):
use this au generator to assign you an au, this fan fiction trope generator to give you a trope/situation/sometimes another au, feel free to keep clicking until you get something that inspires you. then try to come up with the title, plot, vibe, and details of a fic including whatever the generators gave you. you don’t actually have to write it, just put the concept into the world! this is basically just a thought experiment.
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au generator gave me: 2000s AU
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fic trope generator gave me: have one of your characters get home way too late and the other character has been pacing and worrying all night.
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title: Y2K Mayday
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let's plot:
[[ as much as i would like for this to be a multi-chap, this is a one-shot, let's be real. i also basically wrote it lol so i'm throwing it under a cut! ]] the year is 1999. mickey & ian are roommates.
they both moved out of their family homes for same, same, but different reasons. mickey just finished a prison stint & wanted to stay as far the fuck away from terry as humanly possible. ian's getting back on his feet after his latest episode & is ready to try his hand at recovery when there aren't a million gallaghers checking in every couple of minutes. ian picked a two-bedroom apartment in a neighborhood that's still technically the southside, but it inching towards something nicer. he thinks that mandy's going to move in with him, but then she gets some job opportunity/sugar daddy a few states over, so at the last minute, she sends mickey to move into the room she was supposed to take. they keep their distance at first. just two guys, going about their days, figuring their shit out, sharing a roof. they don't need to be friends, they just need to not kill each other when one of them forgets to swap out the toilet paper roll. but then, little things start happening. an impromptu movie night over a shared batch of mickey's precious pizza rolls... ian picks up mickey's favorite beer on his grocery run, putting it front & center in the fridge so he won't miss it... they both start picking up around the place, trying to get the other one to notice how many unprompted chores they both have done... ian starts to wonder... he obviously thinks mickey's hot. he has eyes & a dick that takes an interest whenever mickey's bending over to snag something out of the oven. & yeah, he's heard things from mandy that would lead him to believe he's not barking up the wrong tree. but mickey's not out out & ian's not going to just bring it up in casual conversation unless he's also prepared to get his face bashed in. cut to: New Year's Eve. ian's at the gallagher house for a party. he doesn't know what mickey's plans are. he tried to ask him about it, but mickey kept dodging the question. maybe he's working? surely the club that he's a bouncer at is having some big event. but why wouldn't he just say that? ...maybe he had a date that he didn't want to tell ian about? fuck, that boils his blood. it makes his skin crawl, thinking about mickey kissing someone else on new year's eve. starting a new fucking millennium doing anything other than bouncing on ian's cock... it's almost 2am, a fine time to still be out on new year's, but suddenly ian can't imagine being anywhere else but with mickey. he's gotta get home! NOW! his legs shake the whole L ride. what if he gets home & mickey has someone over? what if he's not even there & ian just has to nurse his broken heart alone in an empty apartment? what if mickey is there. but he laughs in ian's face at the very mention of them being together as more than roommates & occasional movie buds? somehow, he manages to get to their apartment. he opens the door to find mickey biting his thumb nail & pacing around the living room. "mick?" "what the fuck, gallagher?! do you have any idea what time it is? where've you been?" "fiona threw a party. what's going on?" "shit..." he swipes a nervous hand down his face. chuckles a litte. "i'm a fucking idiot. you didn't come home. thought something happened to you..." "it's new year's eve." "yeah man, i know. guys at the club were talking about fucking Y2K... i dunno, got all in my head." "aw mickey, you were worried about me!" "was not." "you just admitted it! plus, you're burning a hole in the carpet." "whatever." as ian approaches, he notices the blush on mickey's cheeks. he wants to see that flush cover a whole lot more than just his pretty face. & something tells him that he might just get his wish... "sorry i missed midnight." THEY SMOOOOOCH! THE END!
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thedawningofthehour · 6 months
I meant to send this yesterday, but did you ever mention what exactly Josh is? I honestly don’t remember there ever being clarification (and if there was it totally went over my head) and while i was rereading for the umpteenth time Josh was referred to by splinter as “the copper one” and my mind kinda went “Excuse me, Copper???” I figured he was a Yokai of some kind but then we know that Rose is a witch/from witch town (right?) so whenever I vision Josh is just a very wobbly image of some nerdy buff guy idk and he’s always wearing a blue shirt for some reason :P
Lol well you're pretty close! Josh and his brother and sister are all witches from Witch Town and look vaguely humanish, as Yokai witches are shown to be.
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Like yes, these people are undoubtedly Not Human, but unlike many other Yokai they don't seem to be anything else in particular. (in general-I see Lion Dude up there, but he's an outlier) (I've actually thought a lot about the lore of Witch Town and I have no idea if I'm going to end up using any of it so I might do a write-up one of these days)
Josh and his family (his twin sister, their little brother, and the little brother's husband, and maybe his niece I haven't decided if she exists here) all live in Witch Town and run an apothecary. They actually met Bella because the little brother Reed (who I apparently haven't even referenced by name yet, sorry Reed) was her bodyguard while she competed in the Nexus. He got into some debt and the debt was then purchased by Big Mama, and he refused to fight for her. Big Mama basically rigged his contract so he could never pay her back, effectively enslaving him, and had his tongue cut out for talking back to her too many times. He got assigned to Bella because she already knew how to sign, they became friends, and when she left she bought out his contract. Turns out his sister was hot and his brother was her platonic soulmate, so happily ever after. (Bella and Reed are still really good friends, they're just less reasons to mention him because his skills aren't really plot-relevant)
Josh is definitely a nerd, he's pretty tall and broad-shouldered but skinny. He's kind of pink, not intensely so but definitely a few shades into 'not a human skin color'. His hair is either blond or he's a very light redhead, depending on how I feel that day. He has an extremely prominent nose, which...I just realized that doesn't sound good, considering he's Jewish. Okay, to be fair, when I designed him he was not Jewish. He's a Dishonored OC, the Dishonored world does not have any real-world religions, they have one twink who is also a whale as their god and their religion is centered around hating on him. I made Josh Jewish because Bella was Jewish and I kind of liked the idea of her bonding with him and his family over that. (I don't know why Bella is Jewish, she just Was) (also Bella and Josh aren't religiously Jewish-they're atheists)
Rose looks pretty similar, except she's much shorter (which vexes her greatly, as she's the oldest) and her hair is more of a ginger color. Reed however is massive, taller than his brother and super buff, like 'body of a Greek god' but unironically. His coloring is more pinkish-purple and darker because he has a different father. Everyone thirsts over him and he is entirely oblivious. His husband got a lot of high-fives when he put a ring on it. (and a lot of jealous glowers, especially when the story of how he proposed with a BBQ sandwich came out)
Splinter calls him 'the copper one' because their last name is Copperspoon but he couldn't remember. (he's old) And they have that name because their mother is this bitch:
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Delilah Copperspoon, bisexual poly witch and bastard daughter of an emperor. She's such a wonderfully evil character.
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yeehanfrf · 1 year
Week 7 Recs: Fever Dreams
Week 7's theme was "Fever Dreams," all about the crackfics and other wild and wacky rides. Some of these are sheer goofy fun, and others take a chance with some crack treated seriously. This includes not one but FOUR different animal transformation fics, by the way. Here are the recs gathered from the Yeehan community, organized by rating then alphabetically by title!
General Audiences
A Better Fate Than Roadkill by robocryptid [10,982 words] Reccer comment: "the summary says it all LOL"
When shelter worker Hanzo takes in a rescued armadillo, he doesn't expect it to be quite so much trouble. Or for it to take such a shine to him. Or for it to maybe, possibly, be more than an ordinary armadillo.
Teen and Up
See Through The Dragon's Eyes by thecatsred [20,131 words] Reccer comment: "i’m always a sucker for Hanzo getting turned into different creatures - though this one of him being turned into a noodle dragon is actually kinda cute"
There is little to be done once Hanzo's dragons have their minds set on solving his problems (with some nudging from certain interested parties).
Pink by mataglap [3,998 words] Reccer comment: "Because who can resist Cole in a fluffy pink tiara and Hanzo with a pretty pink hair bow 😂"
The fact that they are on the same side, on the same team and fighting for more or less the same cause doesn't change the fact that Hanzo Shimada and Cole Cassidy compete about everything.
Put It In (A Hallmark Card) by robocryptid [WIP; 4,412 words] Reccer comment: "Cupid has a personal issue with Hanzo and deals with it the way trickster deities usually do."
After pissing off Cupid, Hanzo is cursed to do the god's bidding by playing matchmaker. His latest assignment is the most challenging yet: finding the perfect match for one Cole Cassidy.
Trust and Love in a Broken Heart by Author_of_Kheios [22,191 words] Reccer comment: "not exactly a crack fic, but I'd like to recommend "Trust and Love in a Broken Heart" by my buddy Author_of_Kheios. Hanzo accidentally gets possessed by the god of Love, but this Cupid is far kinder, more thoughtful, and more profound, than he is usually given credit for, and Hanzo and the Cowboy both get swept along for an adventure. The ending is perfectly self-contained, but also leaves the door open for further adventures"
Hanzo didn't mean to become a vessel for a god of love, but it might just be the best thing that's ever happened to him.
Anatomically Correct by Sougishiki [245 words] Reccer comment: "speaking of fever dreams, I thought I’d only imagined this fic, but no. it’s real & it’s delightfully cursed."
First of all, I am so sorry. Second of all, that thing dogs do when they tie where they go butt to butt to keep watch.
Don't think about it by urgaylol [129,830 words] Reccer comment: "Anything urgaylol has ever written, honestly. But the one in which Hanzo becomes a hardcore utilitarian dictator takes the cake."
Hanzo asks McCree for casual sex and misadventures ensue.
Pastel Darklord by Dracoduceus [60,085 words] Reccer comment: "let’s include a trifecta of YeeHan animal transformation fics with “Pastel Darklord” by dracoduceus"
Hanzo has been turned into a swan and he is not thrilled at all.
On the plus side, his handler is a very attractive man.
Jesse is not thrilled to be taking care of a swan, much less one as aggressive as the one he was sent to rescue from a local park for attacking someone, but he doesn't have it in him to turn down an animal in need.
He's also been dreaming a lot lately. Dreaming of a very attractive man that always seemed to be waiting for him at the shores of the lake...
The Rest is Gravy by robocryptid [1,430 words] Reccer comment: "I have to request this one bc I still laugh at how ridiculous it is-- Cass is way too horny for his own good--"
As an international organization, the new Overwatch tries to celebrate the holidays of every one of its members' cultures. This time, it's American Thanksgiving. Cole Cassidy cannot handle it.
Rooster in the House of the Rising Sun by coinin [18,300 words] Reccer 1 comment: "I mean, I'm never not gonna rec this absolute masterpiece of crack treated seriously"
Reccer 2 comment: "This is unironically one of my favorite fics 😭"
Reccer 3 comment: "Absolutely the best Yeehan crackfic of all time, hands down, no question."
Reccer 4 comment: "Still among my favorite Hanzo or Yeehan fics ever."
Hanzo makes a deal for his life, and spends some time as a rooster. It's better than dying, right?
That's all the Week 7 recs! Thank you so much to everyone who submitted a fic rec. Stay tuned for the Week 8 theme: "Middle of the Road," i.e. those fics that are long but not too long (10k to 25k words).
In the meantime, you can also check out the Week 6 recs here or check the list of past and future themes here!
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gaygayaurel · 9 months
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(Edit of Mega Man 3 Stage Select Screen. Inspiration also taken from PS1 Jojo fighting game and other Mega Man games).
When everyone in La Squadra Escuzioni get overtaken by hypnosis stand, it is up to the unexpected help from different part of Passione to help them. Can he rise to the fact, considering his non-offensive stand? (Wow I sure hope he can!) notes under the keep reading
This was pre state exam project - one of them and I wanted to finish them now. I am disapointed by how this turned out in the end. That is because I am a big idiot and do NOT KNOW THE TECH DETAILS. As far as I understand it sprites can only have 3 colours plus transparent and each sprite is assigned one of four palettes. Mega Man used special technique to make sort of a hybrid sprite that could have more. The way it looks is nicely laid out on https://www.spriters-resource.com/nes/mm3/sheet/40171/ (thank god for this site lol). I managed to get into 6 colours with everypony but man was it a squeeze. But then I actually ACTUALLY learned about NES limit of 4 palettes for sprites and four palettes for bg and man I was crushed. It is. understandable I missed it the first time but :( I don't have time to work on this anymore and it was not real game anyway so? If I make it in NES dev kit or something I will think about how to do it but this is just stupid edit. I still wanted it to be vaguely technologically possible so it makes me sad.
Also my redesign for frames reads way worse than the elegant original one but I did not know what to do? And to be fair I am bad with lighting still so I couldnt not stimulate cool 3d effects. Overall I am really sad this did not work out and pretty mad that I missed the big red flag of same palette for sprite!!! same palette for sprite (which explains why half of the robot mastets are fucking BLUE). But it was fun and I hope it looks fine. Maybe I will animate it as a proper selection screen.
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