#*✶。 — you've touched my heart :: promo
thesunfyre4446 · 29 days
They’ve moved their hate onto Emma for simply saying that Rhaenyra lies and basically because Emma doesn’t hate Alicent/Olivia.
I don’t know who to blame? The school systems because comprehension skills and media literacy go hand and hand or the internet/technology because these people can’t seem to separate real life from fiction?
I hope one day this fandom (both sides green and black) can grab reality by the balls and take to heart that this is fiction because I don’t know how much more I can roll my eyes before they detach and roll away. How the cast has been treated from the beginning and especially these last several weeks is appalling and embarrassing.
And for the team black Stans who will undoubtedly read this, I just want to say
Baby, Alicent isn’t real. She can’t hurt you or fuck your geriatric Dads.
However the cast is real, show some fucking decorum and respect to these people entertaining you. This is some of these people’s big breaks and the dream job of others and you’re ruining this experience for them and shaping their future career paths and movements by not touching grass more often.
preach anon!!! (and if you've been in the fandom long enough, the hate emma got when it was announced that they'll be playing rhaenyra was appalling)
say what you want about the characters, but the way the fandom has been treating the cast ever since the promos dropped is disgusting. all of the cast is amazing and talented. all of them are doing a great job.
go touch some grass weirdos. you're ruining the fandom for everyone.
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daydreamgoddess14 · 9 months
Aspirations pt.1
Hopefully you can look past the rubbish title and summary enough to give this a go!
It started as me coming up with a 'one bed situation' but I've expanded it a little to probably 3-4 chapters in total.
I've only done a couple of very short pieces for this fandom so far so I'd love to know your thoughts! Be kind! 😘
Sydcarmy Masterlist
Full Masterlist
Sydney Adamu / Carmy Berzatto
Syd is 12 months deep in a crush, Carmy is 6 months into a relationship he doesn't want, The Bear is 4 months open and Nat is 2 months into motherhood....
Syd didn't know why she'd said yes. Nat had asked, and while her brain went to say 'no thanks', her heart saw the look of desperation on Natalie's face, and a 'yes, of course' popped out instead. Nat even had her minor guilt trip lined up. 
"... I mean, I haven't had any real adult company since the baby was born, and I just -"
"Nat, I said yes."
"For real?"
"Sure, why not. Wait - is Claire invited?"
"Oh god, no. Just us and Tiff."
"Richie's ex?" Nat nodded. 
"Yep. Just some drinks at home, so I'm around if I'm needed. Maybe a couple slices of Marcus's cake?"
"I'll bring you some food."
"You're an angel. Does Carm know you've been keeping my fridge stocked for the last 3 months?" Syd shrugged,
"If he does, he hasn't said anything." They sat in the closed restaurant, Nat feeding baby Mikey while Syd went through the books with her. Carmy was… late. "Where the fuck is he anyway?" Nat clipped her bra back into place and lifted the baby to her shoulder. Every Friday between lunch and dinner service, they did the books together.
"Good question." Syd murmured, eyes on her calculator. "We need to start putting some money aside for Thanksgiving and Christmas promos."
"On it. I need you guys to confirm the festive menu by the 15th, please. We go to print on the 19th, delivery by the end of the month ready to take bookings throughout October."
"Wow, you are still, like, smashing it." Syd says, impressed. 
"I gotta do something during those 3 am feeds other than shopping." She reasoned, heaving the baby over to her other shoulder. 
"Here," Syd stood and held out her hands so Nat could gratefully pass him over. She'd not been around too many babies and was terrified the first time she'd held him. Richie had ribbed her about it in the weeks prior - so much so that she hadn't actually held the baby in company other than Natalie. She rocked gently from side to side, hearing little Mikey's snores in her ear. Nat read through the books and the notes left by Syd and/or Carmy.
"Hey, did I tell you what Uncle Jimmy did?" Syd didn't stop her gentle movement but turned to face Natalie better,
"So we each own 33%, right, and Jimmy had the 1% leftover? Well he's gifted it to Mikey. The baby bear is already earning."
"That's dope, I'm still gonna make him do the dishes as soon as he's old enough though. He's gotta earn that paycheck." Syd smiled down as Mikey's eyes drifted shut. 
"Hey, fuck, sorry I'm late." He pushed through the swing doors, stopping at the sight of Syd swaying with the baby in her arms. 
"Too late, Carm, we're fucking done now." Nat teased, "good job someone is pulling their weight around here. And giving my arms a break." 
"He's asleep, where'd you want him?"
"You've got the magic touch." Nat took him carefully and transferred him to the car seat. Carmy squatted down for a closer look, 
"I missed out."
"Shoulda been here in time," Nat warned, "I've got a night shift going if you're -"
"No. No thanks sis, I don't get enough sleep as it is."
"Makes two of us."
"Makes three of us." Syd laughed. Carmy kissed Mikey's forehead and stood to pull his sister into a hug while Syd knelt down to tuck the blanket around Mikey and brush a finger over his milk drunk cheeks. 
"I'll let you know when's good?" Nat confirmed to Syd with a hug before letting Carmy lift the heavy car seat and take it out to her car. "Bye Uncle Bear, bye Auntie Syd!" She singsongs. By the time Carmy has returned, Syd is making sure the paperwork is filed correctly and clearing the table they've used. 
"Coffee? Probably too cold now."
"Unlikely, no such thing." He takes the mug and finishes most of it in one go making her grimace. 
"That's gross."
"You ate doughnut off the floor." He counters, she has no argument. "You and Nat planning something?" 
"Just Thanksgiving and Christmas."
"We need a menu."
"We do. I have some potential dishes down but I gotta link them with the theme or some shit." He raises an eyebrow, "Nat's idea. I'm not naming dishes after reindeer or any bullshit like that." 
"Got it. Wanna work on it Monday?"
"You got time?"
"Always." This time, Syd looked incredulous. "I mean it." She nodded slowly, 
"Heard, Chef."
"What'd you make for them this week?" He asked, holding out his hands for the paperwork folder. Syd froze, "C’mon Syd, you think I don't know you've been batch cooking for Nat and Pete for months?" She breaks into a smile, 
"Just easy stuff, chilli, casserole."
"Let me know when you're makin' more and I'll do some as well."
"Oh, I got it under control. You're busy with… like, Claire and this place. I only have this place so…" She trailed off with a limp shrug. 
"Well, you don't have to do it either -" He tried to interject. 
"Nat's been good to me. She's the only other voice of sanity around here." At that, Carmy feigned a look of hurt which made Syd snort with laughter. "Do not - do not - try and claim otherwise!"
"And here I thought we were partners."
"We are. Which is why I can't complain to you about you." She grinned and Carmy returned it with ease. Over a year of working together, 4 months since The Bear had opened, and she'd finally gotten to a point where she only felt awkward approximately 60% of the time, which was a solid win. With time, communication between them had significantly improved. The only downsides currently were his time management when it came to Claire and the raging crush Sydney had developed on Carmy over the course of the last year. The crush was the main/only reason her awkwardness level remained so high. 
"You can, y'know. I want to know if there's something I need to do better. I told you, you gotta let me know if I'm fucking up." She caught her lower lip in her teeth. He was doing that thing again, standing frustratingly close and looking at her with those ocean eyes. 
"You need to stop being late. That's the second time Nat and I have had to go through the books alone, and there's stuff in there that you're closer to than us. I'm the shit, Carm, but I can't read your mind. No matter how hard I try." She jokes. He nods sincerely. 
"Heard. I'll do better, I promise." He paused, "when'd you start holding the baby anyway?"
"Literally the first time I didn't have you and Richie watching me like a hawk." She laughed, "If you'd been around, you'd know that I am his number one Auntie."
"That so?"
"I get all the smiles, all the giggles. Me and baby Mikey are like that -" she holds up her crossed fingers, "you can't compete with a love like ours." She teases.
"Nat likes you better too, s'ok maybe the Fak's will take me in. Or T."
"Dude, T would mother the shit outta you!" She exclaimed.
"Already does. You two gonna be OK tomorrow?"
"So you and Richie can play fucking hooky? Yeah, yeah, I remembered. We all good."
"Yes, Chef."
"Carm, babe, Tina and I will be fine. We have everyone else here, I got Nat on front of house, we're gonna smash it." He was about to call her out on calling him babe, but they'd finished clearing up just as everyone else started arriving for dinner service and chaos soon descended. The rest of the day passed without incident. The following morning, Syd and Tina had the crew prepping for a busy lunch service while Richie and Carmy flitted in and out of the kitchen, filling up the car for their catering event. Syd took her break outside while they finished off, 
"I'm gonna get some smokes." Richie called out, already halfway down the alley. Carmy moved towards Syd,
"If you ask one more time if I'm sure, I'm gonna give you a black eye." She warned. He held his hands up, 
"Just checking in."
"You've already done that. We'll be fine."
"I'll keep my phone on. You need anything, you'll call?"
"What're you gonna do from across town?"
"Yo, cousin!" Richie shouted from the sidewalk, "bring the car down." 
"Call me."
"Just fucking go, we're good." She hopped down from the pallets with the intention of pushing him as he continued to hesitate. 
"Carmen!" Richie bellowed again, turning to talk to Natalie who'd just arrived out front. 
"Festive menus Monday?" He asked, 
"Yes, Chef. Go!" He nodded once, took half a step closer and kissed her gently on the lips before turning and running to the car. He was pulling out onto the street before she'd had time to register the kiss at all. 
Two miles down the road, Carmy stopped at a red light and his brain reactivated. 
"Holy fucking shit." He muttered, staring straight ahead. 
"What'dya forget?" Richie asked, looking up from his phone. Carmy thought fast,
"Uhh napkins." Richie tsked,
"I picked em up you fucking dipshit." He laughed, shoving Carmy's shoulder. "Good job one of us knows what the fuck is goin on cuz. You gotta stop thinkin bout Clairebear all the time, man." Carmy barked a short laugh,
"Yeah, Claire." He agreed, still thinking about Syd's easy smile and soft lips. 
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 2 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
no worries at all, i've never been asked that actually! i really apologize for how long this took to answer because i was thinking so long and hard about characters in media that have touched my heart in different ways.
but in no particular order my top 10 favorite characters are
honda tohru
haruno sakura
narancia ghirga
rengoku kyojuro
bakugou katsuki
iwakura mitsumi
yamada asaemon tenza
nijimura okuyasu
+ 2 bonuses for fun
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the protagonist of fruits basket, my girl tohru. my fellow clumsy queen. if i were going to list down 4 characters i related to the most in animanga, tohru would be one of them. maybe it won't be too much of a surprise she's on this list because one of my highest ranking posts is literally a deep dive into tohru as a character. shameless self promo read here, but this would definitely explain all the reasons i love her so much. but the amount of love this character exudes despite all the painful things she's been through, how i relate to how she tries her hardest to present herself as bubbly to hide her loneliness from even herself, there's just so much i can't help but love about this character.
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sakura is one of my girls from now until forever. she's the reason i love cherry blossoms so much. if i had to pick only one character from naruto to call my favorite, it would go to sakura hands down, no questions asked. i'm a first generation sakura fan (lmao is that a thing?) where i liked her from her very introduction to naruto. i loved her pink hair, her green eyes, how she carried herself and you will always see me in the trenches defending sakura as a character and what she supplied to the naruto series. maybe it's because i also related so much to sakura growing up and growing up with the character as well, so there's a lot for me to love here.
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narancia is honestly one of the most beautiful characters in jojo for me and i'm not just talking about aesthetics. off rip he comes off as a dumb, violent gangster when in actuality, in spite of the more obvious aspects of his characters, there is a strange purity to narancia. in his loyalty, in his straightforwardness to even how his stand ability manifests as a toy army plane. the implications of the child soldier narancia very much became, his efficiency in being able to kill while very much so still being that kid whose biggest fear than anything was being alone. narancia truly believed he was going to die alone in that alley. his death in jojo is honestly still to this day, one of the hardest hitting. because it was so brutal and unexpected and in a lot of ways so unfair even if the rationality as to why he was targeted made sense (i've talked a number of times with my mom who has seen jojo about how all of the characters who die in pt 5 are core members of the 'heart' of the bucci gang, narancia ofc being one of them). in that moment, everyone cried for him whereas prior he was the one who cried on behalf of the party for the loss of abbacchio.
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rengoku lwk just might be everyone's fav in demon slayer but i don't care, same here. his owlish design, his vibrant energy, the conviction to stay behind his principles and even die by said principles? i can't not admire the guy and how despite his short appearance in the story, you still feel the ripple effect of it throughout the story. sasori, maybe deidara had a point when he said true beauty is fleeting and an explosion.
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katsuki honestly stole the whole show of bnha for me. hell i was out here enjoying him even when he was just an irredeemable bully because i could see early on the complexity of the character and was honestly curious to see where such a belligerent personality came from. how he's reflected on himself throughout the story, becomes better than the person he was the day before, all of that is really admirable to me. it's lwk honestly gets to a point where if katsuki isn't the focus of an arc or episode, i lose interest. show me the explosion boy please. i also feel like even with the great aspect of the character, there's a lot of disservice towards him regards to how the way his parents treat him is swept under the rug, the way they completely brush over the fact they muzzled and chained him on live television due to his refusal to accept an award and presented a strong student as mentally unstable to the masses (something that led to his very kidnapping, mind you). but my gripes with those things honestly make me love this guy even more than i already do.
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mitsumi from skip & loafer is another relatable character for me. from the older trans woman figure in her life (one of my moms) to the clumsiness. like mitsumi, i too am always falling over and because of that i've gotten good at picking myself up. characters like mitsumi, you can't help wanting to follow the model of. i love her straightforwardness, her open-mindedness and appreciate how she views life and those around her. i can only hope to be more like her, among some other characters i love, in my daily life. i love how it doesn't really matter who someone is in relation to her or someone else she knows, she makes her own fair assessments of that person and judges based off her experiences with that person.
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tenza is the best character in hell's paradise. argue with a wall i can't be argued against here. damn did we lose when his fine ass got axed early in the storyline. i deadass almost stopped reading hell's paradise after chapter 21 because i was that upset about his death. i'm a sucker for a character who dies saving the rest of the group, and the way he went out in a blaze of glory. already dying, already bleeding out but still deciding he'd spin his last few minutes of life buying time for his comrades. his final thoughts wondering what his life could have been like if he weren't dying in that moment. the students he could have had. the wife he could have had. the visceral reaction i had seeing his body get tossed over like he was nothing but garbage? still feel that. he's another example of a character who didn't have long to shine in the story in terms of number of appearances but the way you feel his presence in the story after his death? how it fuels shion and nurugai's quest for vengeance. how that vengeance almost very well destroyed one of them. how tenza in spirit gave nurugai the will to save shion's life. i really, really loved it. it was such a subversion of expectations seeing the pupil die rather than that master.
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okuyasu is definitely my favorite character in diamond is unbreakable. he comes off as just comic relief, which to be fair, okuyasu is very funny. however comma, there's so much to depth to the character that you really appreciate as the story goes on. he's a follower by nature, you can see that from the very first episode you meet him where he follows his brother's orders. that once keicho died, he immediately found someone new to follow in josuke, our jojo for the part. but you see him slowly starting to take those steps towards becoming someone who doesn't just follow, but leads. someone capable of deciding for himself what he wants to do. especially after his brother dies and he becomes a caretaker for himself and his father. how he wants to put large windfalls of money into his savings. how he is able to work around his intellectual shortcomings with his strengths. okuyasu is dumb but he isn't an idiot. he is actually quite astute in a lot of ways one doesn't expect and that he doesn't give himself credit for. so all of this made his grand decision not to follow his brother into the afterlife so satisfying.
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oh how i loved furina from day fucking 1. from the moment her design got leaked i knew where my primogems were going. when she entered the story officially? i was even more in love just due to how different she was as an archon. i could understand why she wasn't for everybody but she was everything for me and that's all that mattered. then we get the level 4 tragic backstory, her 500 year long opera where she alone is on the stage? it wasn't enough just to pull for furina, furina deserved everything my account had to offer. her story quest really made me want to shove paimon and the traveler into a blender but regardless, this character has my whole heart and i will eat up any content that pertains to her as i fucking should. she deserves my everything.
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sokka. absolutely sokka. seeing sokka finally get his fucking flowers during the atla revival during 2020 brought so much joy to my soul. i've loved sokka since back when atla was still airing on tv. he has been my favorite and honestly i think some of my humor and sarcasm of today relates all the way back to the guy with boomerang. i got both of my moms into atla and it really made me happy to see the guy they initially saw as the dumb funny one in the group when they just glanced at the tv when i was watching it, is actually arguably the smartest on the team and a literal genius who grew into the man he wanted to become since episode 1. that he was actually the most logical member of the team and the most practical when it came to their long term goals. he was humbled and realized his misogyny was an incorrect way of thinking, he learned from his mistakes an even with his insecurities about where he stood on the team, he never let that get him down for long.
+ 2
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ojamajo doremi is coming back, so i gotta mention my two of my fav girls from the series that i relate to the most. first up, harukaze doremi or i'm doing myself a disservice. doremi is a character that has a lot of shortcomings from her clumsiness to her . and i relate a lot to her because of that. whenever i learn something new, i'm never the best at it. especially handicrafts and seeing others around me being good at those things definitely sucked. so seeing a character like that was great for me at that age. but one thing that is just so great about this girl is, to quote caribou-kun on youtube (please watch his video essay on ojamajo doremi on youtube) "she is the greatest friend in the entire world". and i don't say that lightly, she's like the tohru honda of majou shoujo. she would literally take off her shirt and give it to someone to throw up in if they needed it. the way she can connect to people. how she supports them when they most need it even if she doesn't know what is the right thing to say or even if it is at the cost of her own feelings. when i say i want to be a good friend to someone, doremi is one of the faces i picture.
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and finally, senoo aiko. she was my favorite favorite of the ojamajos growing up. initially because, well, she was the blue one and blue has been my favorite color since before i can honestly remember. because damn did certain parts of her character also really relate to me. divorced parents (although in my case, they got divorced when i was very young and have been that way since my earliest memories) and doing your best to handle that situation even if you want your parents to get back together. my parents never got back together like aiko's but honestly, she i was happy to see that old dream of mine be realized through her. she has had to be the prince for herself and others in her life for most of her life, and when you finally get to see the moment she can just be the princess is wonderful.
there are other characters i haven't mentioned due to the limitations of just 10 characters but these are some characters that immediately come to mind for some major favs.
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isakvaltersnake · 10 months
first watch was for me, now second watch for THOUGHTS
Act 1:
obsessed with the way they turn into each other when the cake is coming down slash how Henry slips into Alex when getting up
zahra is so hot my goD I want her to top me
Henry showing off in his fuck boy raybans and fancy vintage car YOU WANT HIM TO WANT YOU SO BAD ITS EMBARRASSING
Henry’s soul leaving his body at “Vicky 👊”
Henry being turnt by the way alex smells
Henry’s “I need to get out of here” upon first meeting alex and deeply understanding that this beautiful boy could ruin the charred remains of his heart if he let him
straight up FUCK miguel
Henry using bitmojis is how you really textually understand he has like 1 friend
Henry is so bad at dancing oh baby you would’ve been laughed out of a middle school gym with those moves
why am I mad that everyone got low at the wrong part of the song
Act 2:
the fucking polo scene. Alex so horned up, Henry so sweaty. chefs kiss
henry infinitely smoother than alex wow
Henry playing with that fucking ring like it’s a noose around his neck
this sex scene actually just being a clean demonstration of two people who fill each other with so much comfort and peace engaging in a physical act of love wowwww they invented romance wtf
I do love this alex in texas side quest seeing as there wasn’t time for the book storyline
giggling during sex is peak romance these nerds are IN LOVE
“look at us now” and the way I yelled DIVORCED OSCAR?!
“it won’t even matter if anyone sees us” the way you could see henrys heart shatter in real time jesus
i felt myself getting too close and i didn't want to break his heart. henry, my love, baby girl, boo boo the fool.
Act 3:
BECAUSE IT COSTS YOU NOTHING. No Henry in fact this is costing me everything. Kwjakasnsnkanskamskkaksjmsbwkkss
I will not trade one prison for another SORRY THE ANGST GIRLIES ARE EATINGGGG
sorry but if the love of my life ever danced with me in a low lit museum and told me he would try to be brave for us I would simply cease to exist
low key lmao and well done @ Alex’s grip on Henry in bed cause the last time they slept together Henry snuck out in the middle of the night and ghosted him for a week straight
ngl I hate that they didn’t even get a phone call before the speech
ok so i didn't get america he is my choice but i did get i fell in love with a person who happens to be a man and that man happens to be a prince
baby he says like I haven’t been waiting like an hour and a half to hear it
Alex watching Henry play piano oh honey he is never beating the competency kink allegations
stephen fry Alex already admitted it what’s your endgame my dude
Henry leaning back to talk back to his gramps like he was going into sport mode was v sexy actually
straight up Rachel Maddow with more lines that pez, she should’ve had her own promo
Henry with the hand hold/hand in the crook of alex’s arm combo was so baby girl of him I couldn’t be prouder
they traded the key and the ring back cause it was only til they could have all of each other again and now they can pls kill me this is the end
do you think anyone noticed? I hate him so much omfg
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krsonmar · 9 months
Okay you know what I don't have Spotify and I haven't found a way to post fan playlists with annotations that I like yet so guess what here this is in a text post with links like how we used to roll on Ye Olde LiveJournal
This is my OFMD S1 playlist. Loosely follows the season plot. Here we go:
1.) Come Sail Away by Styx
Because duh like why have they not used this in official promos yet but also very call-to-adventure and with vibes of midlife angst
2.) Fraud by Jonathan Coulton
Every playlist needs some JoCo because there's JoCo for every occasion. Fans debate about what this song is about--I think it's very plainly about imposter syndrome as it relates to the creative process--but here I'm applying it more generally to the feeling that everyone can tell you're faking it. In other words, very early-season Stede.
3.) Royals by Lorde
(Also I did not know until looking this link up just now that Lorde is also a Kiwi! I am out of touch.) 4.) We're Going to Be Friends by The White Stripes
This song always breaks my heart (in a good way) with its sweet tale about childhood innocence and ease of making fast friends. When I was making this playlist, this track made me think of Ed and Stede's ease of "falling into friendship"...because making a new friend who gets you really can be another kind of falling, just like romantic love, can't it?
5.) My Favorite Things by Me First and the Gimme Gimmes
Pirates like nice things, and they don't ask for what they want...they TAKE IT!!! This is a cover of the Sound of Music song, but made appropriate for the anarchy of a raid by this aptly-named punk rock band.
6.) You're My Best Friend by Queen
I had to get some Queen in here, and this song has always hinted at a slightly-more-than-just-two-friends dynamic to me. The French talk about all kinds of relationships as involving some type of seduction, not just sexual or romantic ones, and for me this track evokes Ed and Stede falling deeper for each other.
7.) Heathens by Twenty-One Pilots OR the cover by Boston Manor
I realized when I was constructing this list to put on my MP3 player (yes, I still have one, can't you tell by now that I'm old-school) that I don't actually own a copy of Heathens by the original band (and yes, I still buy and…ahem…otherwise own copies of the music I like). I did have access to the metal cover off of Punk Goes Pop vol 7, and I think the rawness of that version fits Ed's moment to Stede of "You were always going to find out what I am" quite well. Whichever you, the listener, prefer, I think this is an appropriate spot in the playlist for Stede to be reminded that Ed does have a history, and they are all, after all, pirates.
8.) The Ship Song by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
I love how we all, as a fandom, seem to have discovered this song independently of each other but because of this fandom. And what a fantastic, devastating song it is! It's not just about a relationship that crashes and burns, it's about your own ideals, dearly-held illusions, and self-respect going right along with it. And how it grows to be predictable. I don't really understand the concept of "a good cry", but if I did, I think this song would do it for me.
9.) I Crush Everything by Jonathan Coulton
The second requisite JoCo song of the playlist. This one is literally about a giant squid that hates itself, but I defy you not to be smacked viciously about the head with the Kraken vibes of it.
10.) You've Got To Hide Your Love Away by The Beatles
We've all been there. The fake-it-til-you-make-it "I definitely am doing better now :'-)" phase of a heartbreak. This is Ed's floral nightgown being hidden away and replaced by black eyeliner and kohl; this is Stede's determination to grit his teeth and return to the life he hated and now no longer can even fake his way through. The Beatles always knew what they were doing. (That said, as a note, this is about to be four kinda downer songs in a row on this playlist, and the order does matter, so since the next and last heart-wringer is about to roll up, if the tear-jerkers are getting to be too much for you by this point of the playlist, I suggest omitting this one. The Fab Four will understand.)
11.) Samson by Matthew Luke Sandoval
This is a cover I found on YouTube of the Regina Spektor song, sung with such beauty, emotionality, and earnestness by a male vocalist with an angelic voice. The cover is over 10 years old at this point, and it looks like this guy suffered an apartment fire a little while after uploading this video and ended up not getting his singing career off the ground like he would have if this world knew any sense of justice. I tracked a copy of this song down to a mostly-defunct MySpace page and if my Google-fu is accurate, Mr. Sandoval still lives in NYC and is now an accountant or CPA of some type. I hope he hasn't truly given up on his singing dreams, but sometimes doing so makes life more liveable, so I get it if he has.
That said, this song about the bittersweet regret of knowing a relationship just wasn't going to work although it was magic while it lasted seemed appropriate, especially those famous, poetic lines about "the history books forgot about us". Apply that to a fictional reimagining of a man who history knows more as legend than as flesh-and-blood fact, and his protegee, a starry-eyed would-be adventurer, and how they both went down in flames along with a golden age of rebellion against a vicious status quo, and this tender dirge for a love that couldn't be, sung with a masculine vulnerability, gains a new layer.
Yes, I am very proud of this selection.
12.) Beyond The Sea by Bobby Darin
Okay, time to scrape you up off the floor and wipe your nose. Here's a blanket and a cup of something warm. This is, AFAIK, the original version in English of this song (although it was originally written in French), and it has the right musical and lyrical cautious optimism to not only ease you up out of that Pit Of Despair I just put you in, but also to suggest the wistful hopefulness of knowing you'll see your lover again soon, it's just a matter of waiting until the tides and currents and the sea winds align to bring you back to each other. I compiled this playlist earlier this year, and as of this writing we are 10 days away from season 2 premiering, so I am of course conjecturing and self-soothing somewhat here. That said, it's a romance, we know they'll get back together!!
13.) My Favorite Things by Sarah Vaughan
I call this The "Maybe The Nice Things We Wanted Were Actually Feelings and Relationships All Along" Reprise. Another gentle healing song, one that makes me think of cautious but eager reunions and teary-eyed reconciliations.
14.) Purple Haze by Jimi Hendrix
This show loves to use purple imagery to show when Ed is falling more in love with Stede, and while the show creators have said they're thinking more along the lines of Prince (and I declare, right now, before all maybe four of you reading this, that I want to bet actual real-world student-loan-paying money on Blackbonnet's canon reunion scene being set to Purple Rain, you saw it here, mark my words, etc.) if the very last scene of the show doesn't have our boys sailing off into the sunset set to the most famous misheard lyric in rock history, what are we all even doing here?
Would love your thoughts or reactions, I haven't shared a fan playlist before, so I'd love any and all thoughts including things like YOU HEARTLESS BITCH NOW I HAVE TO REAPPLY MY MASCARA or anything else you please! :-) ❤
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rcmvncv · 2 months
when did you join ? what made you join ? what do you remember from the plotlines that were current at the time ? where were you in life when you joined and where are you now ?
it was either a promo or an ad for ani's wc. either way the wc was a main reason ! i also wanted to use rosie so bad and she fit into the oranje-nassau look !!!! joce was so nice and after talking to her it was a no brainer kgjdbsgjkb
which characters have you written over the years ?
femke, inari, alexei, zahra/vita, marcello, henrique, asta (she lasted for a hot minute)
what is your favourite plotline that you've been part of ?
a plotline that kept me laughing was the last invasion and writing marcello's inner monologue. it was so much fun to write everything to have a double meaning depending on whether you knew the upcoming plot twist or not kgbsdjgb but i think annexei means the most to me, or at least the way it allowed me to shape alexei. alexei was the kind of character that surprised me every now and then. a special mention goes to the love triangle between samke and kris. i had never written and i have never written later, a cheating plot so i guess i'll drink to that akgbdsjg
what about other people's plotlines ?
i loved the lawn chair thing. it was so stupid and it inspired me a bit. i had struggled with muse and it sort of reminded me how fun rping was. but hmm... on a more serious note, it would have to be some event. possibly the monaco nye because the points game made it so wild and i loved every second of it. the threads were amazing and crazy ! one big plotline that i loved to read was the hungary-switzerland-italy thing. as a plot it wasn't the wildest, but i think we got some very interesting interactions out of it. i also love the milvente love child plotline. it became something HUGE. i gotta respect that. who is your favourite character from the ones you've played ? why ? what made you love them ? what made them so fun to write ?
if you could relive a plotline, which would it be ?
the middle of annexei maybe or the beginning of samke. during the middle of annexei, i think i learned to write a bit better and write about emotions. i realized how sad a man alexei was. it sorta broke my heart. samke for nostalgia. i can't believe how far they've come!
is there a plotline that you'd edit now if you could ?
hmmmmmm i think i'd try to write marcello more. i feel like the plot twist wasn't prepped properly. there was a lot of wasted potential.
what's a plotline you wish you would have been able to finish before closing or just write more of ?
i'm actually content. surprisingly. i think storywise i was ready for this. there wasn't much i could have given to femke or alexei. maybe i would have wanted one more thread with anya and alexei and have them either patch things up or at least reach some sort of a conclusion. aaaaand... one more huge group thread with the romanovs/russians, and one with oranje-nassaus. i really miss the olden days when we wrote the oranje-nassau siblings. they are my faves for their wholesomeness. the romanovs are precious for their complexity.
what is your favourite ooc memory ?
it honestly might be joining ? this sounds very cliche but the welcome i received was so warm. i've spent a lot of time chatting with joce, j, eve and julie. i have a hard time letting go of that part of hshq.
where can others find you if they want to get in touch ?
i think i'm retiring for good. i haven't logged on my other accounts in ages. this is it, i think :(
what else would you like to say ?
i hate goodbyes, i really do. like i said earlier, i have finished all of my stories so this feels like a good time to close the shutters. but it hurts. this really hurts because hshq and all of you are very dear to me and i wish i could continue laughing with you guys, get excited over threads, gasp at plot twists ! but you know what they say: it only hurts if it was good! and if there's something hshq was, it was GOOD!!!!! so insanely good!!!!!
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koskela-knights · 4 months
Shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. Then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals. ♥
<33 Thank you for the ask!!
Surprise (not), the Koskela playlist from my Spotify 😏
TLDR, the 5 songs are:
Heroes and Villains by PoTF
The Enemy by Andrew Belle
Crosses by José González
Don't Let Me Go by RAIGN
Now for a more detailed explanation on why all these songs are in my Koskela (and Huotari) list and what prominent lyrics/vibes make me think of them.
1. Heroes and Villains by Poets of the Fall
"We're heroes and villains by chance Heroes and villains by choice"
I think that sums up their role as Cult leaders. Villains to some, heroes to others even if many may not know/understand it. They chose to villainize themselves to keep their home safe.
2. The Enemy by Andrew Belle
This song was recommended after I added 'Pieces' by the same artist in this list.
"Don't try to follow me I would Hold you down if I could Make you the enemy I would Let you down"
idk, this part gives me Jaako & Ilmo vibes. Their relationship to each other, how they can be each other's downfall if not balanced out. (I think echo! Ilmo is an interesting case as what could become of Ilmo if he lost Jaakko much earlier)
"I hold you down I hold you down I hold you"
Then there's this part in the song. And what's interesting to me here, is that I can hear 'I hold you' as different things too. Either 'I hurt you' or 'I haunt you'. Which sums up the last scene of the brothers together. Getting Jaakko involved, made him end up dead (I know this is a really short-sighted observation, but I bet Ilmo feels super guilty about the Cult thing.) And 'I haunt you' is Ilmo post-Jaakko's death being haunted by his shadow and memories.
"I want something I can touch Something I can feel I learnt that my pride is my Achilles heel And when my time is up You know my love was real"
This one's an Ilmo song to me now (used to only have it in my regular playlists lol) Again, set post-Jaakko's death where he's left with survivor's guilt and realizes that all his pride and prideful endeavors mean nothing when the most important person in his world is gone. Only after Jaakko's death, does he realize how much he loved him and how inseparable they were.
"Set me free angel from my nightmare I woke up in this hell too many times Maybe we were never meant to make it I take these words and set 'em on fire"
This line of "too many times" in particular also stood out to me becos it could imply the spiral and being aware of the spiral (self-promo right here: loop/spiral awareness is smth I've written some short drabbles/oneshots for in the past becos it's such intriguing concept)
4. Crosses by José González
"The streets outside your window over-flooded People staring. They know you've been broken Repeatedly reminded by the looks on their faces Ignore them tonight and you'll be alright We'll cast some light and you'll be alright"
Recommended to me by @zephyrone01 This is a Huotari brothers song. POV of Jaakoppi to Ilmari. This matches up with our "Ilmari was possessed by the DP and people in town got suspicious of him" idea.
5. Don't Let Me Go by RAIGN
"Carry me close like the tear drops in your eyes All I can give you is memories Carry them with you and I'll never leave
Don't let me go Hold me in your beating heart"
Another song recommended by Zephyrone01 hehe. It's a powerful song to me 👀 The Angst!!! This specific part would be a Jaakko POV "I won't let go Forever is not enough"
And this would be Ilmo's POV. Anyways, many songs in this playlist are about memories, echoes, darkness & light and moving on and not wanting to live without the other 💔
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gacmediadaily · 5 months
Hello Everyone!
Well, here we are 2 days into 2024! I hope you all had a very nice Christmas break.
As we welcome this new year, I'm acknowledging more and more, at a deeper level, what a blessing it is to have a full, clean slate ahead during this leap year - that we can fill up with all sorts of plans and dreams! I've been seeking The Lord and asking Him to guide all of my steps again this year. I'm excited to leap into 2024 and see what this year holds for me and my family! And for you, too!
Last night, as I'm sure many of you noticed, the Christmas movies stopped cold turkey on TV. It's always kind of sad to see them go. I watched "One Royal Holiday," starring Laura Osnes, until the Hallmark Channel left Christmas at 10pm EST. and went back to the 80's sitcom, "The Golden Girls." 
I turned it then to the last Christmas movie of the day and holiday season on Great American Family, "A Christmas Blessing," starring Lori Loughlin, James Tupper, and Jesse Hutch. Even though I've watched it numerous times since it premiered in mid-November, the inspiring message touched my heart anew. Otto, the Angel, played by Jesse Hutch, shares the well-known scripture from Ecclesiastes 3, which states, "To everything there is a season..." and the profound statement, "Time really has no meaning. Love. The Christmas spirit. That does." (see in the promo video above)
Those words stood out to me afresh as we are now embarking on a new season in life - after Christmas. We will cherish the holy Christmas season of 2023, remember it well, and hold onto the warm feeling, too, as we settle into the Winter season of January and all the newness each day has to offer us. Perhaps, we can still find ways to give to others, and that will be living out the true spirit of Christmas all year round.Holiday Road - Hallmark Channel
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And now... for a recap of the NEW movies coming in 2024...
The Hallmark Channel will be premiering new romantic comedies, and a new mystery is coming to Hallmark Movies & Mysteries. I've updated the January Movie post with new images and key art. *See here*
Plus, the Hallmark Channel is already promoting their Loveuary movies, too, and if you missed my previous post regarding them, then you missed my gushing over the fact that the theme for them is Jane Austen! What a marvelous idea, I must say! Indeed, it is! *See details here*
Hallmark Movies & Mysteries also has a new mystery movie coming in February. *See Here*
UPtv also released their schedule of movies they will be premiering in 2024 for both January and February. A few of them have been on my must-see list for a while, so I'm glad to see UPtv will be airing them. *See details here*
As for Great American Family, I noticed a woman asked the network on their Facebook page, "Will you be showing new movies throughout the year? Maybe some new series? I look forward to whatever you have for us."
And Great American Family responded with, "Stay tuned for exciting announcements for 2024 and beyond!"
So, I guess we will have to wait for movie news, but if you've been watching Great American Family these past few weeks, you may have noticed the mention (at the bottom of the screen) of a new series coming in February to Great American Family, titled "County Rescue."
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"County Rescue" stars Brett Varvel ("Mayberry Man," "Running the Bases"), Julia Reilly ("A Perfect Christmas Pairing"), Tanya Christiansen ("I Still Believe") and more, and includes an appearance from Christian singer, Colton Dixon, who portrays himself. The series is from the production company, Canyon Productions, whose mission statement is... "Canyon Productions creates movies and series that encourage and share the Good News. Our ambition is to create projects that are uplifting and point the audience to God’s love." Many (if not all) of the Canyon Productions' previous films and series can be seen on Great American Pure Flix. Synopsis for "County Rescue" via Canyon Productions: With one paramedic opening, Dani Miller must set aside her recent heartbreak and prove herself worthy of the job while competing against the mayor’s impulsive son and an over-qualified rookie. I'm sure Great American Family will be sharing even more details soon. Again, Happy 2024, Everyone! Let's leap into this New Year together and have a Happy One!!!
God's Blessings to You All!
Net ❄⛄
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luxvicta · 8 months
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Since that didn't kill you, I will.
hello and welcome to Luxvicta, an indie RP blog for Ashrah from Mortal Kombat. this blog is run by moi, aka Vikky. my google docs don't really have the space for rules and the like so I'm going to post them under the cut below. please read them and then give this post a heart to let me know you've read them!
since I prefer to write adult themes without censorship this blog will be 21+. any minors who follow me will be blocked swiftly. the same goes for personal blogs. I prefer to just not interact with any personals.
activity will vary. for now let's just call it low to mid activity lol.
no godmodding. it's like the golden rule of RP. just don't do it.
no violence without plotting unless it's meme specific. I prefer to plot how fights will go rather than do them spontaneously so please do not attack my muse at random.
my inbox is for memes and fun times not whatever hate is in the hearts of men. please just be nice, we're all here for good times.
don't touch my graphics please <3 hearts are fine but please don't reblog unless it's something made specifically for our muses. (this does not include promos lol please reblog those as many times as you wish)
this will be a multi ship blog. i do have established ships but I don't mind making AUs or good ol canon divergence.
starter calls are for mutuals only unless stated otherwise.
I will queue some replies rather than post them immediately after writing them. so if a reply is delayed that may be the reason.
While I am selective, I don't do mains or exclusives.
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fourseasonsfigs · 1 year
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The Flaming Heart - I'm Always There
You've seen a couple renditions so far of Gong Jun's firefighter character Huo Yan in The Flaming Heart, and you're going to see more! Another one is in production even as we speak.
This sooty little man is a natural pairing for Zhang Zhehan's firefighter character Zheng Zhi in The Bravest, so there is a matching one to this one. They were sold separately, so I'm going to do two different posts, today and tomorrow, but in the post tomorrow I'll include both so you can see them together.
This a fig I missed the first time around as well, because it was released prior to me knowing about him. I was lucky enough to pick him up when the seller posted the remainders left over after all the original sales had been processed.
Before we get started, just a quick recap on the costume inspiration for this fig:
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We've seen Gong Jun in this this firefighter uniform before in this post here, but in that post he was looking clean and rather fashionable, if I do say so myself. I won't recap all those pics, just my favorite:
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And this one so you can see the back of his jacket.
The official pic I posted first is a good one since he's battle-worn, as they say, so it matches this fig's in-action aesthetic.
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Well, by in-action I mean sitting down on the job, but resting! Resting and getting ready to head back into the fray.
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Huo Yan's face has a very faint but distinct greenish tint in real life - I'm not sure why. It's not very noticeable here, he just looks very pale, but you'll see when we compare him to Zheng Zhi.
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He's a bit sooty on purpose! He is very much meant to be an on-the-job hero.
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I really love his little fingerless gloves. They're absurdly cute on Gong Jun (see his Go Fighting Season 8 for all reasons why!) and they're just as cute on a fig.
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His relaxed pose is great! Surprisingly, it's not as stable as it looks - he will sit like this, but also has the distinct habit of falling backwards. The weight of his head is a litttttle bit to far distributed backwards for this fig.
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I have him propped up against the back of my fig shelf now, so he's not going anywhere that way, but he'll definitely be going on a fig stand.
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I just noticed he has a darned patch on his sleeve! Cute! Let's see if we can get a better angle on it.
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Yep, we sure can. What a nice little touch - I'm 100% positive this is in the show. I haven't seen The Flaming Heart yet, so I'll have to watch it to see if I can catch this.
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And we're back around! I love his 1640 Squadron tag he has on his uniform shirt.
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Speaking of lettering, the back of his shirt says Junzhe Firefighting.
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Here the bottom of the fig from this angle...
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...and from this angle! Hehe, he looks like he's doing a flip here!
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The front and back of the box card. The front matches the promo poster letter, and the back quote says, "I'm always there".
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The fig also came with a bonus - a lenticular card that changes into two different images depending on the angle. This was almost impossible to photograph by yours truly - I did my best!
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Yes, that's the Huozhi CP, with Zheng Zhi eating his chicken, and Huo Yan stealing a taste.
Speaking of Huozhi, come back tomorrow for Zheng Zhi and both of them together!
Material: PVC
Fig Count: 273
Scene Count: 20
Rating: Singed but smiling!
[link back to Master Fig Index for more posts]
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oathcrafted-a · 5 years
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                                          — HERO | PRINCESS —                                                   template credit
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spidxysense · 3 years
Back to You | 14
Summary: He broke your heart, but you’d always love him. Two souls that not even the universe could tear apart, even if you wanted it to at times.
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader x Timothee Chalamet
A/N: Yay I updated! I hope you guys like this one, I was stuck for a bit there but once I sat down and got to typing, I really finished it in one sitting. I was just planning on updating it bit by bit lol. Let me know what you guys think, Love you!!!!!!
Word count: 2,591
Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14
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In a few short months of your movie premier with Timothee, you were finally able to release your double-release album, and the response was massive, to say the least. You'd been getting calls from different show hosts' upcoming awarding ceremonies. Still, you couldn't for life in you accept, all except for the Oscars, which your manager told you was a must since you'd be attending in the first place anyway and that performing at the Oscars was a big deal given that you also starred in films and shows.
You turned in bed, facing Timothee's sleeping face. He had been in town for a week now, back on a break from filming in Hungary. Then he'd be back to film in England in a couple of weeks. After your talk on your premiere night, it was to an agreement that whatever you had going on was just two people exploring and experiencing things with someone they had strong feelings for. There wasn't a need for a media circus to cover anything about you two except your movie.
You move his arm, placed it over your waist, and sit up slowly in bed, making sure not to stir Timothee. The jetlag must be shit. You stretched your arms in front of you, glancing at the clock that read 2:07 AM. You get up, grabbing Timothee's white shirt from the floor, and, putting it on, walking over to the bathroom. You looked at yourself in the mirror, touching some of the reddening parts of your neck courtesy of Timothee, and then you notice the toothbrushes… there were two. From this single thing alone, it had you catching everything about the bathroom, how there were two towels, one black, and one violet, which just so happened to be your favorite color.
You walked over to the nightstand beside the bed, putting on your skinny jeans, turning on the lamp, and noticing his wallet. Inside was a picture of you. Opening the closet doors, the ones hung up were various suits, jackets, and even dresses you've worn to events. Why didn't he just send these back? Why would he let you keep your stuff in his house?
You drag your feet downstairs, noticing small details you'd been blind to before, like the large dog bed positioned by the door despite Timothee telling you he could only ever get himself to take care of a tiny dog. You noticed the colored mugs and bowls, a deep dull navy blue color, the same as the ones in your house. Suddenly, everything feels as if it's moving too fast. You both agreed there was no relationship, and there was attraction, but why does his home feel like it's become yours as well?
You sit down, taking a few deep breaths before deciding to stand up and grab your cardigan from the coathanger, opening the front door and closing it behind you as you waited for a taxi to bring you to the more active part of the city at night.
You just couldn't deal with a relationship right now. You couldn't let your heart get broken again, so you have to find ways to distract yourself.
The car stops in front of you, driving off into the night and dropping you off by a club that Troye agreed to meet you at.
You and Timothee had an attraction, but you both agreed there was no label; ergo, there was no intimate relationship even though you both have done everything together. No boyfriend means you were free to do whatever you wanted without worrying about him. But if you were honest with yourself, this was more of you suggesting something you already knew Timothee wasn't too keen on agreeing with but would just because he thought that having something with you was better than absolutely nothing. You saw Troye waiting out by the back entrance for you when he spotted you and called you over. Almost like clockwork, every time you snuck out away from Timothee, everything in you screamed to turn back, to clear your head, and for the first time, you listened.
You motioned for Troye to go ahead and sent him a text that you'd probably just head home because you weren't feeling well. He gave you a knowing look before looking like he finally approved of your actions and sent you a quick and short 'Good." text, and headed inside.
You walked around for a while after that. Soon it was already just about 5 in the morning, and even though you wouldn't let yourself come to any conclusion as to what you even wanted out of this almost relationship with Timothee, you still found yourself back at his front door.
You took out the keys in your pocket, slowly opening the door only to find Timothee sat on the couch, his knees up to his chest as he stared off into space, either deep in thought or trying to keep himself awake… maybe even both.
When he saw you enter, a soft smile formed on his face, and for some reason, that made you smile too.
"Hey, you." He spoke softly.
You sat down quietly next to him, instantly he set his feet on the ground and reached over to embrace you in a hug, the familiar scent of Timothee that never left you that evening even more evident… It felt and smelled familiar, and right now, while your mind was a mess, familiarity was what you needed.
Timothee lifted his head, worried, "Hey, are you alright?"
You sighed, "I don't want to hurt you."
He murmured quietly into your neck as he peppered kisses, "You could never."
You pulled away, feeling guilt in your bones, "Aren't you even a little bit frustrated that we've been like this for months? That even in private, we can't even say that we're in a relationship?"
You gave you a reassuring look, "We both wanted this Y/N."
You sat up, "Except we didn't… You didn't." You corrected yourself, "You're bringing your mother to the fucking Oscars next month because I told you we couldn't be seen together at carpets for Pete's sake."
You stood up, starting to pace back and forth, "We have to coordinate outfits for the sake of not matching, and we never go out because I can't be seen with you in fear that we're going to get found out. I'm a terrible fucking person, and I don't understand how you're so okay with this."
Timothee was grinning, sleep still in his eyes, "I'm okay with it because I love you, Y/N."
You froze in your spot, "You what?"
He nodded and got up, walking over to you. The blue light of the early morning peaking through the curtain made this moment feel and look ethereal, "I said I love you, Y/N. I've known that I loved you from the moment I met you." He kissed the top of your head as he embraced you.
You shook your head, "No, no, no, you don't. I'll even list more shit I've done to you just so you understand how and why you don't love me."
Timothee chuckled, "And yet despite all this... all that's registering in my head is the fact that you've been thinking of me and only me this whole time. You've been worried about how you're hurting me because you don't want to."
And that's when you realized that Timothee was right. This whole time you've been thinking of Timothee and how much you wanted to protect him from you, but he never wanted to be protected from you because he knew that you could never hurt him. You rested your forehead against his.
"I-I need to go. I need to think."
He smiled sadly, "I'll be here when you're ready. I'll always be here Y/N until you don't want me to be here anymore."
You sat in your house, since leaving Timothee's earlier, you had been sat there lost in thought as you argued with yourself. It was true, the last thing you wanted was to hurt Timothee, but you were confused because it's like you couldn't understand your feelings. After all, a particular person still held a large part of it in his hands.
Timothee was there for you. Late night at the recording studio, whether through being there physically or even calling you or skyping you, he was always there. He was there with you when you bought all your albums from Target, and he was also the one who insisted you find another target that hasn't sold out your CDs so he could buy all of them too. Timothee was there with you when you had interviews that you almost felt like you could puke from nervousness backstage as he watched you talk about another celebrity you were getting linked to, and he was there with you to giggle about how stupid talk shows were. Timothee was always there. Whether it was dancing, kissing, or even fighting in the rain, he was always with you. He always wanted you around. Even when you rode the subway to get to a press conference of his or a promo for his upcoming movie, he always wanted you with him. He'd run with you in the rain, and he'd kiss away the sadness when you didn't want to speak with him. He was there with you when you get the sudden urge to buy all the popsicles from the nearest whole foods, and he was there with you when you got sick with the flu, which he also got from you. You'd spend afternoons walking around a far-off hill as you two put flowers in your hair despite knowing that you two probably had your busy schedules. Nothing mattered when you were with Timothee. Nothing mattered except each other. A part of you felt hurt that these memories you had kept of you and Tom were slowly being replaced by everything Timothee, but a large part of you also knew that the person you have now had no doubt that you couldn't ignore your feelings. You couldn't have to take Timothee out of your life.
Making up your mind, you got up, got dressed, and left for where you were sure you would find Tom.
He was in the middle of filming a new movie, but the second he saw you, he immediately asked to stop filming, a familiar, loving face plastered on as he walked over to you before being stopped by the director. They looked to be having a bit of a disagreement before he pointed you out, and the director looked at you in realization, patting him on the back and allowing him to jog over to you.
"Hey." You paused, your hand grasping your arm, and Tom took notice right away.
His eyebrows furrowed, "Hey, what's wrong?" He pulls you to sit by the curb as you two sat side by side, "You only do that when you're having a hard time saying something."
You gave him a look, "Well… I came here to ask you if it was alright if I try things out with Timothee."
He looked taken aback, "Oh, well, honestly, I thought you came by to sort things out between us…." He took notice of the way you looked down in guilt, "I don't think you could do anything with another guy that wouldn't upset me… but I don't really get that prerogative anymore, Y/N." He sighed, wrapping an arm around you to comfort you, "The fact is, you're trying to grow into who you've always wanted to be, and I'm trying to do that too for the sake of us and what we could be. If that means that you need or want to date someone again, I'll fully support you, but the most important thing is, does he make you happy?"
You sighed, looking out onto the filming lot, and nodded slowly, not noticing the slight upset look on Tom's face, "I catch myself sometimes smiling to myself when I think of him… But it's like I can't do anything because I don't want to let go of what we had."
Tom took a gulp, deciding that what was important right now was you, more than what he wanted, "What we had and what we were isn't important anymore Y/N. I'm working towards what we could become. What we had was co-dependency and a constant need to be in each other's presence to prove that what we had was perfect. I want us to find each other again in the future and know that no matter how far apart we are, if hopefully, we get together again, there is nobody in this world we'll love more… and that's what I'm encouraging you to do. I want to grow with you and grow for each other, and if that means you dating other people to understand yourself more, then I support you."
You looked at Tom for a second before hugging him and pecking him on the cheek, "I really needed that, Tom. Thank you."
He hugged you tighter, "Anytime. I'll always be here for you, Y/N."
You gripped your seat in the car in pure nerves. You were on your way to the Oscars with your assistant constantly telling you about your performance and what not to mess up and things to remember, especially about reporters who wanted an interview with you. To say you were all nerves today was an understatement. You hadn't spoken to Timothee ever since you told him you needed time to think, so today would be the first time you would ever come face to face with him. You thought long and hard about everything between the two of you. Still, you think you're finally ready to actually put some time and effort into this… and if that meant doing things that would significantly make Timothee happy, then you'd do it.
Your assistant watched a live feed from the Oscars as she gave you updates on how Armie was on the carpet. Saoirse was on the carpet, talking about how she hoped to make a movie with you and various other stars. You were a few minutes away from the carpet when she spoke up again.
"Timothee has just arrived." then she looked at her phone and back at you, doing a double-take as you gave her a sheepish smile, all she could do was smile approvingly at you before going back to giving you live updates.
A few minutes later, and your heart didn't feel like it was going to slow down anytime soon as your assistant gave you a pep talk, "Y/N. You are gonna rock that carpet, you'll turn heads, and most importantly, you're gonna be the talk of the night. There is nothing that could go wrong tonight. Just take deep breaths and don't trip."
Luckily you were still coherent enough to understand what she said as you took deep breaths to calm your nerves.
"Alright, three… two… one." The door flew open as one of the large men in suits grabbed your hand and helped you out. Your dress was not providing you much flexibility to move, and for almost 15 seconds, it felt like everything was moving in slow motion as everyone was quiet. You found Timothee busy with an interview as the crowd looked from you to him, the topic on everyone's minds for the past few months. As if this were the only proof they needed, they held their cameras in their hands as they snapped pictures of you and a commotion started as they started asking for Timothee.
You think you gave them a quick, charming grin as you told them he was in an interview before walking towards the interviewer and Timothee. She was the first to notice while Timothee talked about how his mom stood him up as his Oscars date, something you arranged a week earlier and something Timothee's mom was more than happy to comply to.
The interviewer looks ecstatic as the only one and the first one on this carpet to get whatever the scoop was here, as she wasted no time when you slowly approached them, "Timothee! You said you were stood up, but you never told us that your backup would be late!"
Timothee shot her a confused look before he felt your arm slowly snake around his arm, "Sorry I'm late." You quickly whispered to him.
His face looked shocked. Almost as if a reflex, he almost pulled away from you before getting a good look at what you were wearing. His jaw looked like it would drop to the floor as he looked utterly awestruck.
The interviewer giggled nervously, already knowing her interview time was slowly coming to an end without any payoff to the two of you, "Timothee, you look to be speechless at Y/N's dress tonight." She looked at you hopefully, "Could everyone here assume this is date night?"
You smiled shyly at the lady before giving her a tiny curt nod, "I know it's a bit cliche to match outfits, but when I saw that Timothee was going to wear a harness, I just couldn't let him take all the attention for tonight, so I apologize, but I've kept this secret from him too just to make sure he doesn't do anything to take the spotlight, that's why he looks like he's just had a heart attack." you giggled.
He gave a quick, playful tilted look to you before blinking multiple times, "In my defense, I didn't even know that this was a harness... They told me this was a bib."
"Bib or not, you two look like the sexiest couple on the carpet, and I just so happen to be the luckiest interviewer tonight." The interviewer looked ecstatic as can be as she jumps up, more energetic to interview the two of you, "And well, Y/N, one look at you, and it's hard to believe anyone would still have the ability to speak. You look gorgeous." She winked at the camera, "But I can't help but notice you just confirmed this is date night… Is it safe to assume what everyone has been wondering for the past few months? That you two are dating?"
Somehow, Timothee finally snaps out of it and looks at you, a questioning look before you leaned over and spoke into the mic, "Yeah. We're together. We have been for a while now." You smiled sheepishly as you saw Timothee's face glow as he wrapped his arm around your waist, "I apologize for keeping quiet for so long, but we think it's the right time to go public now that we've decided to take things to a more serious level."
The interviewer waves a hand in the air, "As long as you two let us in on the secret, there's no problem there." She faced the camera, "You heard it here first, folks. Hollywood's newest and hottest up and coming power couple. From both Y/N and Timothee themselves, now going public with their relationship."
As you two walked away from the interviewer for more pictures, Timothee embraced you, uncaring of the cameras flashing in your faces, "Are you serious?"
You nodded slowly, "I'm ready to be with you completely, Timothee. I'm sorry I took so long."
He shook his head like a puppy, "As long as you're here with me now, Y/N, I don't care."
He pulled away at the sound of your name and his in the same sentence as the photographers asked for your attention. He quickly kisses you on the cheek as you shut your eyes and grinned, cameras going off and commotion started up at you two, the young hot couple everyone had wanted more details on.
Timothee clutched your waist tightly, almost like he was afraid that if he let go, this would all go back to how everything was before.
Before entering the venue, he pulled you to the side, "Are you sure about this? I don't want you to force yourself."
You shook your head, guiding his head to yours, "I think I'm in love with you too, Timothee. I'm all in with you." And then you kissed him.
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sheerbeautyreigns · 3 years
Part 69
"You've got no fucking self respect if you go back to him."
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The rest of the week was pretty uneventful for Joe. He did a couple of interviews and caught up with a couple for friends. Drew hadn’t attempted to get in touch which Joe thought was a bit uncharacteristic of him. He needed to get over it. He was working things out with Paul now and had been thinking about him a lot since Tuesday.
It was Friday night and he’d just finished cutting a promo about his Survivor Series win. Vince and Paul were in deep conversation when Joe arrived back in Gorilla. Paul gave him a knowing look and a small smile before he went back to his locker room. There was a message from him when he opened his bag.
“I’ll have a car waiting for you at 9pm to take you to the Ritz Carlton. There’s a key for you in my name at the front desk. Make yourself at home.”
He had to sort himself quickly. As he was getting changed, Drew walked in. Joe slowed down momentarily, passing him a glance. Even though he was looking forward to seeing Paul, he was still annoyed about what happened in the hotel last week. He stayed silent, lacing his Jordans and slipping into a hoodie. “So, is this it? We’re not talking?” Drew finally said. “There’s nothing to say. You wanted to end things-"
“Joe don’t be like that.” Drew cut in, moving towards him. “You have to see where I’m coming from. I can’t risk losing my job.” At that moment, Joe’s phone rang. Drew saw Paul’s face flash up on the screen. Joe scowled at him and answered the phone. “Hey…yeah fine. OK, I won’t be long. OK, see you soon.”
“You’re kidding me right? You’re back with him!?” Joe shoved his phone into his pocket and hastily threw the rest of his belongings into his bag. “You’ve got no fucking self respect if you go back to him-"
“Shut up Drew. I’m warning you.” Joe got in his face. “This is bloody pathetic. I’m glad I ended things with you. Go back to Pau-" Joe grabbed him by the throat and slammed him against the wall “I swear to God, one more word-" At that very moment, Kevin walked in. “Guys! Joe, stop! What the hell are you doing!?” He panicked, pacing towards them as quick as possible. Joe let go of Drew and grabbed his nearby bags. “I was just leaving.” Joe scowled at both men before leaving. “What the hell was that all about?” Kevin asked Drew. “Don’t ask.”
Joe could still feel his heart racing while he was being driven to the hotel. He was officially done with Drew. He couldn’t stand to have him talk to him like that. He hated that Kevin had seen him in that fit of rage and hoped that he wouldn’t say anything. Impulsively, he called him. “Hey man,”
“Hey you OK? You looked pretty pissed…” Kevin pointed out. “I know, I know. It was just a disagreement. It’ll be fine. You won’t say anything to anyone?” Joe checked. “Of course not. It’s between you and Drew.”
“How was he?” Joe asked “Man, I’ve never seen him so pissed. He said something about Paul-" Joe sat forward, paying attention. “What'd he say?”
“I couldn’t make it out but he seemed pretty pissed.” Poor Kevin didn’t have a clue which made Joe glad. He hoped Drew wouldn’t do anything stupid. He ended the call as he pulled up at the hotel.
Paul had told him on the phone that he made it to the hotel a bit earlier and to come straight up to his room. He tried to compose himself before he knocked on the door of Paul’s suite. This whole situation with Drew had clearly ruined any good thoughts he had about seeing Paul tonight, especially Drew’s comments about not having any self respect if he goes back to Paul.
The warm smile on Paul’s face erased those thoughts. He was still wearing his grey suit and black shirt. When the door was closed, Paul took his bags and set them aside. “I’ve been waiting for this all day.”
“Me too.” Joe responded as Paul pulled him against his body and kissed him softly. The young man smiled as he pulled away. “Why don’t you get out of those clothes. I took the liberty in running you a nice lavender bath, just the way you like it.”
“Why are you so good to me?” Joe asked with a small smile as Paul led him across the room. He discarded his clothes just outside the bathroom and set them on a nearby chair neatly. Paul trailed his hand along Joe’s shoulder and down his back, guiding him towards the bath tub. “Take as long as you want. Relax.” Joe lowered into the warm water, resting his head back against the rim. “How’s that?” Paul checked. “Perfect.” Joe smiled lazily up at him. He was left alone to soak in the tub while Paul caught up on some admin. Granted, it wasn’t the Friday night he’d anticipated but a welcome one all the same.
Almost thirty minutes later, Joe emerged from the bathroom wearing a fluffy white robe. “That was so relaxing, I had to get out before I fell asleep.” Joe wrapped his arms around Paul, who was sat at the computer desk in the corner of the living area. “That’s OK. I wanted you to just take it easy tonight.” Paul rose up to meet him, slipping his hand under the robe, caressing Joe’s left butt cheek, forcing his body against his. “…unless you’re ready for some fun now?”
Joe nodded slightly and kissed Paul, quickly becoming heated. The older man removed his robe, dropping it to the floor and ushering him into the bedroom. Joe lay on his back while Paul stood at the edge of the bed and squeezed some lube onto his hand. He slid his fingers between Joe’s ass cheeks, preparing his entrance.
Paul took hold of his right leg and rested it against the left side of his abdomen, forcing his body a little closer to the edge of the bed. He positioned his cock and entered him. Joe groaned loudly, looking up at him with those big brown eyes. He quickly closed them, his head falling back as Paul got into the rhythm of fucking him. He loved to see the expressions on his face change, the more intense it got. “You like that?” Paul asked gruffly, continuing to hold him steady. “Yes, fuck…” Joe’s eyes rolled back in this head before he climaxed. This caused Paul to smile darkly as he slammed into him a couple more times before cumming himself.
He let go of Joe’s leg and hovered over him, caressing his cheek. “I love you.” This led Joe to nod his head and return the sentiment to him. “I love you too.” His words were shaky and Paul noticed this. He furrowed his brows in concern, watching as Joe attempted to sit up against the pillows behind him, all while rubbing his eyes. “Baby you OK?” Paul sat near him, legs crossed over in front of him.
“Yeah I’m fine, sorry.” He tried to brush it off. “No you’re not. Did I do something wrong?” Paul was concerned. “I just…I’m just glad things are better between us.”
“Me too.” Paul was relieved it wasn’t anything bad. “I knew it wouldn’t be easy for you to trust that things would be better but things are different now. I only wanna make you happy. Wait here.” Joe watched as Paul got off the bed and opened his bag. He came back with a small dark red box.
“You left your other ring at my place after we broke up so I wanted to get you something new for this new chapter. We’re moving on.” He opened the box to reveal a simple white gold band, a little thicker than the first one. “Give me your hand.” Paul took Joe’s hand in his and slid the ring on “This is my commitment to you that I will be a better man and will do right by you this time. I promise.” Joe nodded his head, tears coming to his eyes again.
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tsrookie · 4 years
Alright, so today’s the three-year anniversary of Reputation a.k.a the greatest album of all time, my baby, the light of my life, the album that deserved a Grammy (trying desperately not to think about the scene from Miss Americana😭), the album that introduced us to the most beautiful couple ever, the album that shut Kimye up, and I better stop now, or else I’m not gonna shut up.
So in honour of this momentous occasion (and the fact that I reached 200+ followers! Thank you so much you guys!🥺 Love you all 3000💙), here’s a loooooong post on why Reputation is the Ethan and MC album.
1. ...Ready For It?
No one has to know
Throwback to MC saying the exact same words back in Miami.
In the middle of the night, in my dreams
You should see the things we do, baby, mmm
In the middle of the night, in my dreams
I know I'm gonna be with you
So I take my time
Remember back when MC asked for Ethan to get into bed right away during their first time? Ethan told them that he had dreamt about the moment for months, so he wasn’t going to rush it.
2. End Game
Big reputation, big reputation
Ooh you and me would be a big conversation
These two dating would be the talk of the hospital, and they know it.
Even when we'd argue, we don't do it for long
And you understand the good and bad, end up in the song
For all your beautiful traits, and the way you do it with ease
For all my flaws, paranoia, and insecurities
Think these lines are pretty self-explanatory😌
I hit you like bang
We tried to forget it, but we just couldn't
*gets war flashbacks of the ‘reset’ phase*😭 They tried to make it work, but we all know how Ch 8 of book 2 went😌
I swear I don't love the drama, it loves me
Perfect for our chaotic MC😌
3. Don’t Blame Me
Do I... really have to explain this one?
For you, I would cross the line
I would waste my time
I would lose my mind
They say she's gone too far this time
Do we need a recap of our rule-breaking MC?
And baby, for you, I would fall from grace
Just to touch your face
If you walk away
I'd beg you on my knees to stay
He was willing to risk his (mostly) rule-abiding reputation for being with MC. And there’s no way he wouldn’t beg for MC not to leave him if he ever screwed up🤷‍♀️
4. Delicate
This ain't for the best
My reputation's never been worse, so
You must like me for me
Ethan stood by MC’s side throughout the Ethics hearing, when her reputation was completely smeared, and people only saw her as a patient murderer. He didn’t know about the sabotages, but he would’ve definitely supported her if he had known.
We can't make
Any promises now, can we, babe?
Sometimes I wonder when you sleep
Are you ever dreaming of me?
Sometimes when I look into your eyes
I pretend you're mine, all the damn time
They spent so much of time apart, not able to be with each other, so the least they could do was dream of being with each other all the time.
5. So It Goes (an underrated af bop)
What can I say... it’s a sex song, okay? Don’t make me go into the details😂 Just listen to the lyrics, and all will be clear.
6. Gorgeous (Tumblr won’t let me put any more links)
MC’s eternal anthem to Ethan.
Whisky on ice, Sunset and Vine
You've ruined my life, by not being mine
We all know Ethan loves Whiskey, and the second line? C’mon!
You're so gorgeous
I can't say anything to your face
'Cause look at your face
And I'm so furious
At you for making me feel this way
But, what can I say?
You're gorgeous
Ethan Ramsey is famous for two reasons. One: his smart brain, I guess😒 Two: HIS LOOKS!!! HE’S GORGEOUS, AND DON’T DENY IT.
And you should think about the consequence
Of you touching my hand in the darkened room (dark room, dark room)
Ah, the olden days of hand holding in the diagnostics office🥺
Ocean blue eyes looking in mine
I feel like I might sink and drown and die
No explanation required.
You make me so happy, it turns back to sad, yeah
There's nothing I hate more than what I can't have
You are so gorgeous it makes me so mad
The wonderful will-they-won’t-they saga. The frustrating hot-and-cold behaviour. The ‘We can’t’, ‘It’s unethical’ and ‘It’s complicated’. MC deserves an award for her patience😓
7. King Of My Heart
I'm perfectly fine, I live on my own
I made up on my mind, I'm better off bein' alone
Ethan ‘I don’t believe in soulmates and nobody’s waiting at home’ Ramsey.
And all at once, you are the one I have been waiting for
King of my heart, body and soul, ooh whoa
And all at once, you are all I want, I'll never let you go
King of my heart, body and soul, ooh whoa
This could be from both Ethan and MC’s perspectives. The love they share isn’t something that you get easily. It’s something that MC has waited for her whole life, and something Ethan never knew he needed, but now can’t live without🥺
Late in the night, the city's asleep
Your love is a secret I'm hoping, dreaming, dying to keep
Change my priorities
The taste of your lips is my idea of luxury
This was definitely Ethan throughout book 2, after he finally gave in. He let go of his previous rules and regulations, especially during the time of the attack. He was clearly affected, and once MC was alright, his main priority was her, and her alone.
Is the end of all the endings?
My broken bones are mending
With all these nights we're spending
Ethan’s been burnt a lot in the past. But all those wounds are now healing thanks to MC.
Up on the roof with a school girl crush
Drinking beer out of plastic cups
They act like lovesick teenagers around each other, like, that’s literally their description if you choose to kiss Ethan for the first time in Chapter 14 of book 2!😅
Say you fancy me, not fancy stuff
Baby, all at once, this is enough
We all know about his initial fear of his mother reaching out to him for the sake of his money. To him, MC not talking advantage of him is a pretty big deal, even though it’s never mentioned. You just know, you know?🥺
8. Dancing With Our Hands Tied
My, my love had been frozen
Deep blue, but you painted me golden
Again, Ethan doesn’t have the best experience with love. But MC changed that.
I'm a mess, but I'm the mess that you wanted
This could go both ways, cause they’re both piping hot messes😬 (but love each other anyway🥺)
The rest of this song could have made so much more sense for them if we had gotten some sort of a secret relationship storyline. But oh well, I’m definitely not complaining about the gala😌 (and definitely not believing any of the supposed cancelled storylines)
9. Dress
Our secret moments
In a crowded room
They got no idea
About me and you
I mean... pretty obvious😌
Even in my worst times, you could see the best of me
And I woke up just in time
Now I wake up by your side
My one and only, my lifeline
This is practically Ethan’s train of thought, and you can’t convince me otherwise.
As for the rest of the steamier lyrics... I’ll um... let you guys listen to it yourselves😁
10. Call It What You Want
I wrote an entire fic inspired by this song, so excuse me for the shameless self-promo, but go give it a read?🥺👉👈(totally fine if you don’t! I’ve probably made so many posts about this song that y’all know the meaning anyway😅)
11. New Years Day
Don't read the last page
But I stay when you're lost and I'm scared and you're turning away
I want your midnights
But I'll be cleaning up bottles with you on New Year's Day
MC has always stayed by Ethan’s side, even when he’s pushed her away. These lines perfectly explain how she wants his worst times, and his best, the midnights they spend staying up together, and the moments where it’s just the two of them, when everyone else has left, like the aftermath of a New Years party (still mad at the fact that we didn’t get to see the gang celebrate New Year together😭)
I'll be there if you're the toast of the town babe
Or if you strike out and you're crawling home
The above explanation for these lines as well.
Please don't ever become a stranger whose laugh I could recognize anywhere
Becoming strangers to each other would be their worst nightmares. Knowing that the other was out there in the world somewhere, but not being in their lives would kill them.
You and me forevermore
These two are each other’s soulmate, they know it, even if they haven’t said it yet. Forever wouldn’t be enough for them to shower each other with they love they hold for each other. But it’s a good start.
If you guys made it this far, then I honestly love you more than words can ever express🥺💙 Thanks for putting up with my Swiftie-Directioner-Ethan stan ass, cause I dunno if I’d ever be able to handle someone like myself. And if you read all the above stuff, then I hope you wanna know why this album means so much to me.
Reputation is perceived as a dark album, when in reality it’s truly about finding love amongst all the noise. This album, and Taylor and Joe’s story, taught me what true love actually is, and Ethan and MC cemented that. This album and these two couples (quite literally) saved my life.
The most beautiful part about both these relationships is that even though they never showed it openly, for the sake of their relationships, both Ethan(in the story) and Joe stood by the side of the one’s they loved, despite half of the people who they knew hating on them, or betraying them. And I think that’s what’s truly important. Forming a true relationship like that, be it platonic or romantic, is long lasting, and I hope everyone finds those kind of people to fill their hearts with. Sending much love, and sorry for being a huge sap😅💙
Tagging a couple of my Swiftie homies: @swiftlydarcy @nikki-2406 @dxnicaramsey @kaavyaethanramsey @caseyvalentineramsey @drariellevalentine @justanotherrookie
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berlinini · 3 years
surprise! you've just been accepted for a new job: louis' social media intern! your first task is to rewrite his twitter bio. you have 160 characters maximum. what do you put?
** brb calling my boss to announce i'm forfeiting my career to move to London for an unpaid internship working for Louis ** (hum, I'd totally do it, just for the opportunity of having access to those footballers DMs 😏)
OK so!!! If I was a shy, inexperienced intern I would probably look at his IG bio for inspiration and copy it keep something similar in the likes of:
Debut album WALLS is out! World Tour 2022 on sale now. @/lthqofficial
If I was a 1D fan I would look at his ex-bandmate's Twitter bios and realize I could go straight to the point and simply link this:
Simple, but effective!
If I was trying to make Louis look ~ relatable/cool/quirky ~ I would write someone with a personal touch + promo, for example:
Apparently I'm 10% too British/The lad from Doncaster/The one who writes bangers/Bit of a softie at heart/.... Listen to Walls now! See you all on tour in 2022!
If I was looking to unleash CHAOS and didn't care about keeping the job (I know my current job will take me back!) I would write:
The guy with the penguin ass tattoo.
If I was looking to tell the TRUTH even if it cost me the job I would write:
I, Louis Tomlinson, am the literal sunshine.
OBVIOUSLY there are so many options, I could go on...
So Anon, should I quit my stable job and pursue this dream? 🤔
Louis, gimme a call and we can discuss this Twitter bio update 👋
(also anyone who wants to pitch their bio ideas, join the fun!)
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castielearmy · 5 years
🌸White Love🌸
Pairing: Chae Hyungwon (Monsta X) x Reader
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
Word count: 1073
A/N ~ Hello tumblr people who read my mediocre imagines! 🤗 I has comes back (yes, I know that sentence isn't grammatically correct). Anyways, I haven't written anything since spring I think, which is acceptable since drawing is more for me (if you wanna follow my art ig it's castiele_rose, lol shameless promo, which nobody will probably see or care about lol) and writing is just so I can share my thoughts and fantasies with y'all, I ain't gonna be greedy and keep 'em all to myself. Okay so this imagine was inspired with Hyungwon's line "I love you" in the White Love/Girl MV by Monsta X. If you haven't listened to it yet, what are you waiting for????? 😐 Okay enough talking, wnjoy the imagine, hope y'all like it 😊
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( gif made by @mingied )
Homework. Ugh. Who invented that? You wished you could just get your education without all the homework and stress.
You were hanging out with Hyungwon at the practise room after your classes. Well more like doing your homework and studying while he was practising a new song they had to record tomorrow.
You always liked listening to him practising for a song. His voice helped you relax and concetrate and you liked to say that your work was done quicker and had better results. And of course you didn't feel tired afterwards, unlike the times you had to do it alone. After those times you would just collapse on your bed and fall alseep in matter of seconds.
"White girl you can fill up my everyting", you listened how he treid to repeat some words to adjust his voice to the note he had to sing. He made a small pause to write something down on his paper.
"I love you", he said with more softness and emotion than you've ever heard come out of his mouth.
"I love you too", you responded almost immediately and then you realised.
You two are just friends. Yes, you fell in love with him over the years, because he never once abandoned you or said bad things about you, but you never told him. Well, now you did. Oops.
Your eyes went wide and you covered your mouth with both of your hands after you dropped the pen on top of your book. You were scared but you still turned around towards him.
His eyes were big dark circles shining and starring at you and his mouth were slightly open. His singing and your sighs in the big room were now replaced with the echo from the pen that slipped out of his hand and fell onto the hard wood floor.
"What?", he asked, still shocked, not moving from his spot on the chair.
"What what?", you tired to play dumb like it wasn't obvious that you just said those 4 words to him.
He blinked a few times before standing up and saying, "Can you repeat that?".
He started walking towards you slowly. Your heart skipped a beat and you started to panic slightly.
"Repeat what? What did I say?", you started ranting because you didn't know what else to do while he was getting closer by second, "I can't quite remember because I've been studying all evening and y'know my brain's fried so I don't even know what I'm saying anymore I'm probably just tired and stressed so I don't really know what I'm...", he kneeled down and was now very close to you, "... saying".
You were looking into his eyes with yours wide open because of fear. He was looking at you but when you noticed him looking down at your lips for 3 seconds you almost fainted.
He started leaning in slowly, touched your chin with his index finger and lifted your head slightly.
"Repeat that, love", when you heard that nickname come out of his mouth with a low voice, you felt your stomach drop.
You couldn't say anything. You were in complete shock. Was he going to make you say it again, which wasn't supposed to happen in the first place, and then laugh at your face and walk away? No, he would never walk away from you. Was he going to laugh at you and say he said it for the purpose of the practise and not to you? Was he gonna laugh it off thinking it was a joke?
"Do I have to force it out of you?", he asked quietly, moved away from your face slightly and looked you in the eyes, "I love you", he said it again, with a slight smirk, to what you exhaled sharply.
Sudden rush of confidence hit you with those words being pointed at you this time, or so you thought, so you, without hesitation, said, "I love you too", to what he smiled and then chuckled.
"She loves me too", he said cheerfully, more to himself, as he sat down across from you. You were confused. 5 seconds ago he was making you dizzy by being incredibly close to your face and almost kissing you and now he's being all cute and soft.
"I'm confused", you furrowed your eyebrows and blinked a few times quickly.
"You're so cute", he laughed a little and put his hand on his stomach.
"Wait, was this a joke?", you said feeling embarrassment filling up your body.
You wanted to dig a hole for yourself and crawl into it and never look him in the eyes again. Why were you so careless and let that slip out just like that? It's because of school and stress, you convinced yourself.
"Do you want it to be a joke?", he asked calmly.
"No, wait no, I don't know what to think", you looked everywhere but towards him, which is why you didn't notice him crawling towards you.
With quick movements he got closer, took your face with both of his hands and kissed you softly but deeply.
Unconsciously, you pulled him closer by his arms which caused both of you to fall on the floor, breaking the kiss.
He moved some strands of hair from your face while you just watched his beautiful face above yours.
"So what are we?", you asked while looking at him.
"I don't know. What do you want us to be?", he asked looking back at you.
"A joke", you said, making fun of the previous conversation, to which you both laughed.
After you both stopped laughing he started leaning in again.
You two almost kissed again, but then you heard the door of the practise room open and someone walk in saying, "Are you two done being cute?"
You recognized the voice as Changkyun's.
"How much did you see?", Hyungwon asked looking up at him.
"Nothing", Changkyun said. You couldn't look at him from embarrassment so you were just looking at the ceiling.
"How much did you hear?", you asked him, fearing the answer he was about to give you.
"Everything", he said through laughter to which Hyungwon barried his head into your neck to hide from the maknae.
You bet your love for Hyungwon that Changkyun is gonna tell the whole story to his hyungs with the biggest smirk on his face.
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