#1. tell him how you feel and see what happens! maybe he'll realise this is worth a shot!
wernerherzogs · 2 years
hii, romantic anon here, take all the time you need to answer, I sent like a novel so I get that it requires a certain headspace to be in to respond hahaha
HELLO sorry for the delay!!! thank you for being understanding 💖 and of course i remember you!!!!!! still not sure you're not pulling my leg tbh BUT i am entertained and hooked on your story so i don't care
#BUT AD REM.#i'm stuck on a particular bit of what you said#when you said that 'it obviously can't happen' or sth did you just mean the scrutiny that comes with him being seen out and about with#Anyone or did you specifically mean you+him#because i'm gonna be blunt it sounds like you two have a Vibe going on and him having a girlfriend =/= being married or something#it's not ideal but sometimes you simply fall in love with people who are taken!!! and ik you're single atm but maybe he actually#reciprocates?#i'm not sure if i'd ever be that brave myself but you have like. two options here. or three#1. tell him how you feel and see what happens! maybe he'll realise this is worth a shot!#2. stay in this status quo of endless pining which eventually might become really unbearable and miserable#3. end this relationship to protect your feelings#do you think option 1. is something you'd be able to do?#because i don't know you nor him but i really think you should do it#sorry that me reply isn't that long but it really boils down to this: either you change this or you don't#asking him out/confessing is risky but like. if you DON'T do it at all comma won't that be worse???#unless being a pining friend is Enough for you and i think it's valid#i'm genuinely not judging. i've done this#sometimes you just can't bring yourself to taking that risk for some reason or other and that's life babey#cigarette emoji#take your time replying but tell me how you feel about option 1. anon#sending hugs ❤❤❤#anonymous#a response
0 notes
undercoverpena · 24 days
13. hello yellow
frankie morales x f!reader | chapter thirteen of do me yourself
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summary: a meet-cute in a hardware store? impossible, out of the question. except, that's exactly what happens. a need for screws leads you to a broad-shouldered, brown-eyed man who you're sure is about to change your day, never mind your life.
wordcount: 4.3k (she became a biggie) chapter warnings: reference to anxious!reader. frankie calls you 'rainy' (paint-related from chp.1) no other descriptions or name used. no use of y/n. an: this is the one you've been waiting for... .
prev chapter | series masterlist
key: frankie is in bold, you are in italics
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It grows on your tongue on a cooler morning—the birds having only just begun chirping, the sun really only just rising. But he's there, truck parked outside as he brings you coffee, for no other reason than just because.
It's almost hard not to say the three words.
They thicken in your throat when you surprise him at work, having already spoken to Harry, asking if you can steal him for an extra half an hour. His face brightens, practically illuminating when he sees you at the register. It continues to do so when you take him back to the place where the two of you had lunch, his face beaming.
You’re not sure how the words don’t escape there and then.
There are a bunch of moments saying them could have been right. It would be so easy to let them slip out, but then he'll say something that makes you laugh, or his phone will go off and the conversation shifts, and you wait a little longer.
But you don’t just want right, you want perfect.
Just like him.
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You know how we love Harold?
He might have recommended me to a friend of his for some paintwork.
This sounds like a good thing, yet it feels very bad for me.
The only date the man can do is the day I said we’d go to the beach.
If this isn’t you asking me to come and help you be your a-paint-tice I’m going to be really let down.
You want to come paint a man’s house with me?
I want to do anything with you, Butterscotch.
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It vibrates from two rooms away—buzzing, buzzing, buzzing.
Your feet rush for you, socks almost making you a health hazard as you round the corner from your bedroom to the hallway. A laugh trying to escape from giddiness as your palms press into your off-white walls, before using it for leverage to continue.
Moving, almost running, not looking where you’re going, only realising at the last second when your foot collides with it.
It pulses and makes tears spring to your eyes instantly. The hurt is more than radiating, it erodes, grows and pounds.
Fucking toolbox.
Hand grasping it as you half-hobble to the little side table where your phone almost topples off.
Butterscotch <3
A caller ID that usually brings an immediate smile to your face, and still, even as you clutch your foot in your hand and drag your finger across the screen, it somehow still does.
“Hey, I’m almost there—did you want lunch in or out?”
Stuffing a wince down your throat, you blink back fresh tears as your thumb presses down on a particular spot. “I need to show you something but maybe out?”
“You okay?” No, you want to hiss—wanting to add extra O’s and everything. “You sound off?”
Swallowing bitterness, you try to smile as you lower your foot—putting some weight on it as you suddenly become warm, and uncomfortable.
“Butterscotch, I bet you’re one street—you’re literally pulling up.”
You swear you hear him grin. Almost being able to tell even from the way he puts his vehicle in park that his smile is growing into his cheeks and cascading over his eyes. It makes your own appear, somehow rising to the surface and kicking its feet furiously to appear.
By the time you’d end the call, quickly check your foot inside your sock and put it back in place, your eyes catch his coming through your front door. Letting in amber streams of sunlight that paint across the hardwood in warm, honeyed hues. Bringing in warmth, a calmness, the pain suddenly non-existent when you see him slide out the key from the keyhole—the one you’d told him to keep, the one you’d give him, told him to use.
The sight pulls at something inside of you, making it easier to smile, to beam as he closes it behind him and walks himself up to you—mouth pressing to yours. The taste of coffee and mint flooding your mouth, your fingers full of his curls as his hand presses to your lower spine—bodies flush, his keys clanging in the air.
“You know I think you’re beautiful,” he whispers, teeth teasing your bottom lip before releasing it with a pop. “But, baby, what are you wearing?”
His hand slides down the plastic, water-proof full-body overalls you have on. It rustles, making your skin even warmer when he takes another long look at you, and laughs.
Not a giggle.
Not a quiet, hidden and disguised laugh. A full-on roar of laughter.
“I got it for next week,” you exclaim, heat rising up your neck. “You told me I’d need to wear something that would cover me—wanted to make sure it was okay.”
“Baby, I meant not your romper—'cause you’ll get paint on your legs. I didn't mean a… hazmat suit?”
Folding your arms, you take a step back, face scrunching in a wince you’re not sure he notices as you roll your eyes before turning on your heels to change. “I’m new to this.”
“I know, I know,” he says, trying to stifle his laugh, hand reaching out. “Baby, wait, I’m sorry. Okay? You just don’t need—fuck, Rainy. I can see your ass through this.”
“No, you cannot.”
“I fucking can.”
Letting him pull you into his arms, you shake your head, stupidly unable to stop yourself from grinning, before his lips brush over yours. Your nails digging into the t-shirt on his waist, mouth parting as he eases you back, a grimace hidden against his tongue as his knee nudges between your plastic-covered thighs.
“Frankie,” you whisper, it leaving your tongue like a whine.
He only hums in response, it vibrating against you, fingers tightening in his curls as his knee rises that bit more, friction so readily there, easily able to rock your hips if you so want to. Until it rustles, furrows, a noise so unsexy you feel him slowly grin against your mouth.
“Can’t believe you just wore underwear under this,” he teases, dropping his knee.
Your breath finds your lungs with more ease as you roll your lower lip between your teeth, admiring him, unable to stop ogling the man who is very much all yours after the position he just had you in.
“I should change before we go out for lunch,” you mumble. “Before I flash everyone.”
Moving away from him before he can stop you, you let out a groan as your bad foot flattens, unable to hide the misstep. Hearing him call your name, you're quick to wave him off. Digging your nails into your palm as you take (what feels like a thousand) steps until you’re unzipping the ridiculous plastic, all-in-one, and begin yanking drawers and doors open until you’re standing in something more appropriate for lunch.
Half-closing your bedroom door behind you, you don’t need to call for him, you know where he’ll be. Finding him exactly where you expected, tape measure in hand—right in front of one of the office windows.
“Thought you could do that in your head.”
Snorting, shooting you a look over his shoulder, he grins. “Wanna make sure I’m exact.”
“For me?”
“For you.”
Leaning against the frame, not obviously showing you’re taking the weight from your now pulsing foot, you try to smile. Listening as he begins telling you about getting something for your windows, instead of thinking how you should ice it, get him to wrap it, maybe ask him—politely—if he’d put his fucking toolbox away between visits before you actually break something.
Somehow, you hear enough to follow what he’s saying, about how blinds would help, that they’d give you more daylight while also shielding you if you wish to work in the dark—they’d be more flexible, modern. He could help you fit them.
And it dawns on you, that while you've had it in your head about curtains, this is a thing you should have thought of yourself.
A thing which feels so obvious now he’s said it that it irks you that you haven’t. Because blinds would be better. Digging a hole in you, making you feel silly, stupid, and foolish—
The realisation makes you pinch your forearm and take a deep breath. You re-centre yourself, thinking about the one image that inspired all of this, imagining it with blinds instead of what had remained fixed in your head, hung and stuck.
The problem with desiring something inspirational is that it isn’t always tailored to the person who desires it. To you, who will be using the room. Yet, Frankie has thought of you—like the considerate, beautiful man that he is.
“From your face, you don’t want blinds?” he asks.
Your mouth opens, before closing. Putting some weight down as your eye narrows in pain—it floods through you as you try not to frown. “It’s not that—I just thought curtains. Thought I preferred the way curtains look, is all.”
Frankie shrugs, staring out of the window, before glancing back. “Curtains it is then.”
“But, blinds do make sense.”
And you can see it, the way he chews his tongue—the way he swallows words he wishes to say. It flares something within. Rolling his head on his shoulders, and scratching the back of his head, he smiles.
“But you want curtains.”
“I did.”
“Then have curtains.”
He’s being nice—that’s what you remind yourself. He’s being kind and thoughtful. He’s taking what you’re saying and giving you exactly that.
Yet it feels… bad.
It makes you all of a sudden not want it—anger bubbling, trying to grow wider in your stomach. Instead, wanting him to tell you that you should have blinds, for all the reasons he’s listed, because it makes sense. They’re practical, and easy; it’ll block the sun out if it’s a bright day. They’ll even look modern; following the theme of the room.
And the fact he isn’t reminding you of that makes you mad. So much you feel it clawing up your throat, all ash and brimstone; flames and bonfire.
But you’re not mad at him. You’re mad at yourself for not looking. You’re not mad at him, just his toolbox. You’re not mad at him. You’re mad—
It repeating. Swirling. Shifting around the imaginary plug hole in your head as you wait for it to fall through and douse whatever it is that is brewing inside of you.
“I didn’t think of it like you did, so let’s have blinds.”
“It’s okay, it’s really—”
“But, they make sense, Frankie. You just said so.”
Jaw tightening, he hides his annoyance with a smile. “But, baby, you don’t want blinds, so let me just measure for—”
Standing straight, unable to hide the miniature sob from pain, you follow it with: “Stop being nice to me.”
He blinks. Both at your tone and the words that snap through the air as your palm pushes against your forehead, hoping to quiet it, the simmering anger that bubbles and thickens like soup.
“You don’t… I’m not broken, Frankie. Sometimes we can just… disagree. You can tell me I’m wrong.”
“I know that.”
He says it so quickly, all with a colder edge to his words. Ice threatening to wrap around them, freeze, as they go to land, pellet. Bruise against you.
Tilting your head, you stare at him—knowing you should stop. Remove your finger from the metaphorical scab. “Do you? Because ever since the other month you’ve been… extra nice.”
“And that’s a problem?”
“It is when I’m furious with you,” you snap, it’s out now, you think.
Chest tight, things unfurling and uncoiling, flames ripping through you as though all the emergency doors have flung open and allowed it to breathe through every part of you.
“When I’m mad that I tripped over your toolbox again because you didn’t put it away. Because you likely did something nice for me and forgot. But now I’ve really hurt my foot—”
“—Baby, why didn’t you—”
But you ignore him. Not even waving him off, just continuing, “—and that I can’t decide if I want curtains or blinds and yet you make a very good argument for blinds that I hadn’t considered and you always do that—have amazing ideas, great insight, plus, you seemingly know me better than I know me, which is so lovely, but I'm mad at myself for not thinking of it. But, you, you didn't do that, because you understand me.”
“Is this a bad thing?”
No, you think as your mouth jams shut. Staring. Blinking. Because of course, it isn’t. It’s just that it’s never been something you’ve had, never experienced, never thought could possibly be given to you.
A thing that you both love, so much, but also feel is going to be ripped from you at any moment. Better not to have it, than lose it. No skill to prepare for this level of care, so used to having to make decisions and choices and have no one offer to help.
But he’s not going.
He’s standing, hands at his sides, line between his brows. Confusion trying to crawl over him and lather his features, but he seems to be fighting it, stopping it. His eyes somehow remain soft even as your mouth hands open, more words set to spit and fire—
“I need. I need a moment.”
And you don’t wait for the okay or the sight of his face falling.
Just moving, hurrying. Feet trying to carry you through to the kitchen as your palms use the wall as a crutch to do so, finding a counter to rest on, to lean on, to breathe against as thick, uncontrollable tears begin to paint your cheeks. Whether from the pain or the fact you’d snapped. Unable to hold them back from rumbling out when your forehead presses against cool wood as you take breaths in and out, in and out.
Doing so until the pain dries on your cheeks and you’re merely resting, taking the moment you said you needed before you hear him clear his throat. Before he asks if he can come closer and if he can look at your foot, two things you quickly nod for—wanting to take it back, apologise, even explain. Instead, you let him aid you up onto the counter, slide the sock from your foot assess it and turn it, finger brushing over your skin as light as a feather as he asks does it hurt here, or what about here?
It makes your heart flutter.
Makes it even harder not to blurt three words at him, when really he deserves a chorus of them for what in the hell just happened. So, you lead with:
“I’ve decided that I don’t like fighting with you.”
Snorting, he picks up the sock from the floor, easing it slowly back over your toes. “It’s not my favourite thing we do together either.”
Smirking, you stare down at him. Watching him. “I don’t want you to think I’m fragile. That’s all.
“That you can’t challenge me just because of what happened the other month. Because it’ll happen again. But I can still make choices, you can still tell me I’m wrong—sometimes, I need you to tell me I’m wrong, because if you agree with me all the time, you won’t push me to be better. I’ll just stay stagnant, and choose curtains when I really think I’ll regret it and want blinds.”
Standing, he places his hands on either side of your thighs on the counter, letting out a heavy exhale as he looks at you, as he stares from eye to eye, before whispering your name. The one which sounds so kind in his mouth, that sounds like it matters—that it holds importance and weight, even if you prefer Rainy.
“I don’t think you’re fragile,” he whispers as you slide your hand over his, watching his eyes soften, heal. “I’m sorry if I made you feel like I did.”
Half-smiling, you nod. Eyes searching his, waiting to see if the lie appears when he blinks, whether it spreads out like paint touching water and if it makes his truthful eyes murky. But it never comes. Instead, his hand cups your cheek, in a way that centres you and makes you only want to look at him.
Exhaling, he smiles. “I just don't want to make you choose something you don't want. That's all, baby.”
Eyeing him chewing words, weighing up whether it’s worth it to speak them or let them slide back into the crevice they slithered from. Because it’s painful, maybe far too much truth for him, can see it in the way it makes lines appear across his face, as though it’s fracturing him to remember.
“I wasn’t really mad at you.”
Slowly, a grin breaks out. “Yes, you was.”
“Okay, a little bit, but it wasn’t your fault. So, I’m sorry. But I am mad at your toolbox, it really hurt.”
“I’ll be sure to tell it.”
Narrowing your eyes, you slowly part your legs, tugging on him to move between them, wrapping them around his waist as he shyly smiles. “Been thinking.”
“About how you now want curtains again?”
Pinching him, hearing him hiss, you smirk. “Too soon, Morales. No. I’ve been thinking that the cupboard closest to the office door.” He hums in response, it vibrating against your collarbone as he kisses it. “Think that’s where your toolbox should live.”
You feel him grin against your skin, blow warm air in an exhale against it. “You making room for my tools now.”
Lifting his chin, nose bumping against the tip of his, you mirror his smile. “I want to make room for all of you, Frankie.”
Pressing a peck to his lips, you wipe your thumb over it. “Yeah.”
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Babe, what is the attire for a kid's soccer match?
Comfort. It’s a lot of standing at the sidelines and hopeful cheering.
So knee-high socks and tight shorts are a no?
Fuck. That’s a fucking image.
Help me, because what I’ve Googled isn’t helping me.
I have a spare shirt you can wear.
Does it have Morales on the back?
It actually does.
Frankie, did you make adult versions of your son’s soccer team kit?
Does it make me lame if I say yes?
No, it makes me want to ask you if you can grab me fifteen minutes earlier so my mouth can show you how not-lame that is.
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You'll be pleased to know I've sent the email and I am no longer working with 'prickly-puta', as you so lovingly called him.
I'm really proud of you. You okay?
I'd be better if I could celebrate with you, but I can wait.
How would you want to celebrate?
You sure you want to know?
Always, baby.
Well, I was thinking about showing you my power tools.
Maybe even using them? Letting you see what I do with them. It's very different from what you do with yours.
You there, I can see the typing bubble keep popping up.
Give me ten and I can video chat.
Oh no, you don't get an advanced preview. Might let you listen though.
Fuck me.
That's what I'd be saying if you were here right now.
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You don't mind that painting ruined the beach because the rain is unrelenting.
The grey of the day filters through the bare windows, spreading itself as far as it can as Frankie prepares the second room of the three the two of you were set to do.
You don’t mind the sound of rain; you never have. You find it peaceful how it cascades down from the drains and runs in marathons down the glass. Right now, the sound trickles in through the open window, while the room is suffused with the scent of fresh paint from the kitchen, mingling with the aroma of the third pot of coffee Frankie’s been brewing.
Even if he doesn't admit it, you swear he's only making as many so he can take a moment to kiss you. To run his hands over your waist and slide them over your romper-covered ass—
“Have I told you how good your ass looks in this?”
Sipping your coffee, tasting each note of it, you reply, “Twice, actually.”
“Not enough then.”
Between acting like teenagers in a stranger’s home (including him leaving a large handprint firmly on your denim-covered ass), the paint goes on in thick strokes. You cut in, trying to match the rhythm of the song playing out on the radio—a game only you are playing to distract yourself—because the sight of Frankie using the roller is ruining you.
Unable to stop staring at the way his arms flex with each motion; how his shirt stretches out across his back to the point you're not sure how the threads haven't ripped.
“Want to see the colour for this room?”
It’s a serene shade of yellow, reminiscent of a summer’s day. It'll brighten the room, glide nicely over the old, smothering secrets and old stories, offering something new. Fitting, you think from the drive over when Frankie told you the situation.
“It's perfect.”
“Isn't it?”
Arm around his waist, fingers stroking up and down his side. “Did you pick it, Morales?”
Shyness breaks out then, smile lopsided, eyes averting before whispering, “Maybe.”
You made a note to tell him later what an eye for colour he has.
Dipping the tip of the brush in the paint tray, you swipe it against the corner where two walls meet, finding his eyes on you again.
“Stop marvelling at my paintwork and focus on your own, Morales.”
“S’not your paint skills I’m staring at.”
Smirking, you look over your shoulder at him, nose scrunching. “Who knew watching me paint was your kink.”
You like the sound of his laugh mingling with the yellow on the walls. It makes you smile wider, a thing you find yourself doing each time you refill your paint tray as torture him with your terrible singing.
The only other noise is the rain, the clink of a paint can and the rustle of plastic drop cloths as the transformation happens before your very eyes. It’s not even dried, and it already looks far better than the cigarette-stained walls and palm-covered handprints you hadn’t wanted to guess why they were there, yet had done all the same.
“Maybe he’s measuring how tall he is with his hands.”
Frankie snorts. “What if he wipes his dirty hands on the wall? Finishes his food, wipes. Gets something on his finger, wipes. Has a sticky hand—well.”
You’re about to tell him not to finish that thought, when the radio plays the beginning notes of something that steals your attention.
It hooks in the corner of your lips and drags it up your cheeks as the familiar melody of an old favourite drifts from the speakers, wrapping the space in a cosy embrace—both taking you back and rooting you here in a new memory.
You try not to, but you can’t help the movement in your hips. The way you begin whispering—hushed voice mingling with the music, filling the room with a gentle, attempted harmony as your pitch gets higher, and higher.
Then, you're swaying to the rhythm, lost in it, catching a glimpse of Frankie out of the corner of your eye as he leans against the doorway, arms folded across his chest, a soft smile tugging at his lips.
There's something in his eyes, you can see it. A tender look, one that makes your heart skip a beat.
But you close your eyes, and let the music carry you away, your voice rising and falling with the lyrics as they spill from your lips effortlessly. Opening your eyes at the bridge, finding him still watching, in awe, gaze unwavering.
And there's a softness there in his expression that you've never seen before, a quiet intensity that takes your breath away. It's as if the world has faded into the background, leaving just the two of you in this sunshine-filled room, back-lit by a horrid stormy day.
Yet, it feels perfect.
More so as you begin to sing to him, unable to stop staring as he takes a step closer, eyes never leaving yours. His fingers slide under yours, taking the tray and brush from your hands, placing it aside as his smile widens, eyes crinkling at the corners, looking at you as if you're the most precious thing in the world.
He reaches out, gently brushing his knuckles on your cheek, his touch sending a shiver down your spine. “I love you,” he murmurs, his voice soft and steady.
For a moment, the room seems to stand still.
A flicker of something sparks inside you. Those same words have been so close to your tongue for days now that you almost need to pinch yourself to see if you've really heard them.
But, you know you heard it. The declaration hanging in the air, weighty and profound, making the actual music fade into the background, you swear time itself pauses, allowing the enormity of his words to sink in.
Frankie slides his arm around your waist, still smiling, tugging you closer—a thing your body gives with all but ease. And he repeats it. Those three words.
This time, your heart skips a beat. Emotions swirl within you like a tempestuous sea. One that calms under the stroke of his thumb as your fingers wrapping around his wrist, drawing a soft shape there.
“I love you too, Morales.”
Nodding, a grin breaking out like the sun on the walls. “I’ve been in love with you for a while.”
Then you hear it, the velvety, smooth sound of him saying good, as he kisses you to the last notes and chorus of an old, but new favourite song.
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izzyhandswhore · 8 months
hear me out : reader giving izzy a massage (non-sexual) because reader sees how tense he is :’)
((I know I said fluff.... But Season 2 has given me brainrot so here we go)) Giving Izzy a (non-sexual) massage
Season 1
Izzy spots the way you've been looking at him all day before the word 'massage' can even leave your mouth. You're looking at him like you're sizing him up and he's looking right back at you with suspicion and confusion until he finally breaks and confronts you with a gruff, "what??"
You point out that he looks tense and he just scoffs at you and shrugs and tells you he's fine, but he can't quite meet your eye and doesn't sound all that convincing. If you press him further he'll say something along the lines of "is it any fucking wonder with this lot? Fucks sake.."
He'll just shrug off your first few attempts to get to his shoulders, bat you away and tell you to fuck off. Even if you do get him to stay still long enough to hold him and massage his shoulders a little, he'll try to keep his grumpy face and just tell you it's pointless, he doesn't feel a difference.. But the way his muscles ease can't lie... Neither can that tiny, embarrassing groan that escapes him before he turns bright red, shrugs you off and stalks away to go bark orders at some poor soul.
For the rest of the day you see him rolling his shoulders and tilting his head like he's trying to crack his neck, all while giving you little sideways glances. Try not to look too smug, you've got him. When you two are back safe and alone in your cabin, he “casually” asks about that thing you did earlier and could you.. do it again maybe?
You’ve got your work cut out for you. The man is basically all knots and stiffness. You start with him perched on the edge of the bed while you kneel behind him and work at his neck and shoulders, all while he’s groaning with relief and leaning gently into your touch. It ends with him lying face down practically naked as you work his whole back.
He is not quiet. He’s constantly giving breathy instructions and moaning and praising you.. It’s no wonder you get funny looks and teasing whispers from the rest of the crew the next day. You don’t care, you’re just happy Izzy is happy and finally got a really good nights sleep. You make him feel so safe and relaxed he’s snoring before you can even finish the massage,.
Season Two
Blackbeard soon puts a stop to you and Izzy sleeping in the same cabin. He claims you’re “a distraction” to Izzy and reminds you constantly how lucky you are to be alive since you’re nothing but Izzy’s little pet. To keep you safe, Izzy starts distancing himself too. You’re forced to watch from the sidelines as Izzy’s health declines.
When Blackbeard cuts the second toe off, you no longer care what’ll happen to you. In the dead of night you creep into Izzy’s cabin. He near jumps out of his skin, scrambling back and drawing weapons from under his pillow as you approach. He doesn’t relax even after he realises it’s just you.
In hushed, desperate whispers he tries to get you to leave. He acts like he’s angry with you for invading his space, for disobeying orders, for assuming he even wants you here. Eventually, with tears in his eyes he hisses, “it’s not safe!”
Silence falls over the room. You know he’s just trying to protect you with the whole “evil first mate” act. He knows you see right through him. Just like before he sits on the edge of the bed, defeated. You quietly crawl behind him and press a kiss to his bare shoulder before starting on the knots there.
He doesn’t lean into your touch this time, he flinches. He doesn’t say a word or make any noise of pleasure. The only sounds in the room are muffled grunts as he presses his lips tight together or tiny gasps when you come across a particularly sore spot. Any other noises outside the cabin also snap him to attention and make him tense all over again.
It’s a long and difficult process but eventually you feel him start to relax and nod off a little. You carefully coax him into bed and hold his hand for a bit as he drifts off. When you think he’s asleep you get up to leave and he squeezes your hand tight and looks up at you with tired, teary eyes. There’s so much he wants to say but he doesn’t have the strength to say it so he settles for,
“Thank you, love.. I..”
You smile, shake your head, squeeze his hand and assure him,
“I know.”
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boytoyhalo · 6 months
so we know that qfits main reasonings for taking things at a snails pace with pac are 1. not being used to/comfortable with romance and affection and his own feelings and wanting time to figure that out (see: his conversation with ramon earlier this week, "who are you trying to fool" "myself", "im not good with these things") and 2. wanting to prioritize his mission and not wanting pac to get caught up in it (ramon convo again) but how much do you want to bet that some of it is secretly rooted in self esteem? Fit isn't stupid, he knows Pac likes him - how much of the denial and the slow burn is him consciously or subconsciously trying to give pac the space and time to back out? to realise that he actually doesn't want Fit or that he's not good for him?
the thing is, just as much as Fit is used to not being able to trust people he's used to not being trusted. He comes from a place where no one is good or safe, and yeah sure he's far from the worst motherfucker from the wastelands but he's not GOOD either. he knows he's dangerous, he knows he'll always have blood on his hands, and most importantly he knows that he's lying to everyone on quesadilla Island about why he's really there and that eventually the truth will have to come out - that pac, and everyone else, will find out that Fit has been betraying them the whole time. that he's been spying on them, essentially.
And Pac... Fit thinks SO highly of him, we know this very very well. In all the time they've known each other I don't think I've heard him say a single negative or critical thing about him. he always tells him how strong and tough and perfect (his words) he is. He trusts him enough to instantly be on board with any plan he comes up with before even knowing what it is. Whether Fit knows it or not (probably not because he's not really the type of guy to self-reflect on his view of himself) some part of him probably thinks that pac is too good for him. too good to be in a relationship not just with someone who's awkward and inexperienced and can't give him the outward displays of emotion and romance he deserves, but with someone who will inevitably have to end up hurting him. Maybe part of him is hoping that pac will get bored of him before that has to happen, or, maybe, he's trying to maintain that space so that it will hurt HIM less when it does. maybe it's the selfish part of him that still deep down believes he HAS to be alone because that's how it's always been, and that's how it will be again when the other shoe drops and he has to leave quesadilla Island. it's probably both.
well. either way he better get over it quick because there's no way pac (or richas or ramon or sunny or tubbo or phil or bbh or bagi or) is gonna let him keep him at arms-length forever
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inoreuct · 8 months
During a supply run with Zoro, a well-meaning lady tells Sanji he's pretty. Not handsome, no--PRETTY. "Your swordsman over there is handsome," she says, pointing at Zoro, who's examining liquor bottles over at another stall. "YOU are pretty." How does he react, & what happens next? 👀 (1/2)
he just laughs at first, if only to cover up how that one word from a stranger has hit him like a punch to the gut.
he looks like a man, and people don't call men pretty. rogueish, certainly. even charming; he's gotten that before at least, but pretty? he laughs some more, gives her a smile and a few words that he doesn't even register, and the merchant lady tilts her head. "you don't get that often, do you?"
"never gotten it at all, actually," he answers, bravado draining away to leave a mumble that he isn't even sure she can hear.
but she must have, because she slides his purchases to him and hums, "well, you're very beautiful. anyone'd have to be blind not to see it."
"maybe," he allows hesitantly, taking the bag with a nod of goodbye. he cannot help but feel as though he's realised something that he won't be able to ignore.
and sure enough, back on the ship, the words swim in his mind. they pop up in blinding white font against the dark of his eyelids as he tries and fails to get to sleep. you're very beautiful.
do i want to be beautiful? he asks himself, and halfway through he already knows, he knows the answer. feels it like an ache in his bones.
sanji's never let himself think about it, but once he starts he can't stop. he imagines himself in makeup, pots and pencils and brushes in front of a mirror, his hair fluffed to perfection, lips red as the dawn and a beauty mark beneath his eye. he thinks about what it would feel like to put on a dress, a proper one; cotton and linen traded for silk, starched dress shirts abandoned in favour of satin blouses and full skirts that nip in with ribbon at the waist. he thinks of the wicker wedge sandals that nami sometimes wears. he thinks about being a man, with a little something more.
he flips over and shoves his face into his pillow. he needs to stop thinking about things that he wants but can never have.
sanji's usually better at keeping his secrets, but eventually he slips. he should have known it was only a matter of time before the magnitude of it all became too much to bear and spilled out across the floor.
fortunately, his crew is there to catch him.
they take all of it in stride, even though sanji himself doesn't even know what all of it is yet; he figures things out as they go along. he finds clothes that aren't his in his closet, accessories appearing on his dresser. zoro keeps buying him silk blouses and it makes him want to laugh and cry in equal amounts. nami sees her chance to snag a makeup practice dummy and grabs it, which results in many a night in the girls' quarters, fooling around with makeup until they're either too tired or too giddy with laughter. the rest of the crew show their support in smaller ways, though no less significant—
and now, a year later and leaning against the bar counter of a vaguely familiar town, sanji suspects that he's somehow found himself. it hits him with all the grandeur of someone realising oh, it's stopped raining, or oh, tomorrow's tuesday— sinks into him honey-slow like the burn of the whiskey he sips, warm and comfortable, like a coat he hadn't realised he'd been wearing this whole time and had become his favourite without him even knowing. put like that, it sounds incredibly silly; sanji chuckles as he takes another drink, and a hand settles low on his back where the blue velvet of his dress dips down.
"hey, beautiful," zoro whispers by his ear, pressing a kiss to his cheekbone before leaning over his shoulder to order, and sanji smiles as he swirls his glass with a slow twirl of his wrist.
maybe he'll go look for that merchant lady again. he's fairly sure he owes her a thank you.
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criolla-star · 1 month
Overwhelmed (Vinny x Garmadon) part 38
(I suggest you check out parts 1-37 if you haven't already)
"There is nothing wrong with me at all! No one or thing is causing me to act like this!" Vinny responded as tears welled in his eyes. "Then what is?! You're the one that told me to open up about things, why don't you do it!?" The oni responded desperate for an answer.
"Not everyone opens up as easy as that not everyone really has a problem this is just how they are sometimes!" Vinny exclaimed, "Just because I don't tell you every single detail in my life doesn't mean anything has happened!" he added, Garmadon tensed up hearing that.
"I'm just worried about you, you were in the bathroom for a whole hour doing who knows what! Can you really blame me for worrying and thinking that you done this to yourself!" The oni yelled back. "I don't want hi-" Vinny was going to mention something Enji said but instantly stopped himself. "What are you so afraid of, why won't you tell me?!" Garmadon responded out.
"Stop with the questions...." Vinny said knowing very well if he said anything else he was gonna out himself about Enji. "Why should I?! I'm just worried for you and your health! Tell me, is this my fault!? Did I make you do this to yourself?!" The oni yelled out still presuming Vinny hurt himself.
"Maybe you did!" Vinny shouted out in reply, he had tears streaming down his face, the cameraman realised what he said and instantly covered his mouth with his hand. Garmadon tensed hearing that, "Oh great here I am back at square fucking one! So tell me how long have I made you feel so fucking miserable!?" The oni yelled out holding back tears at that point. "G-Garm that's n-not what I-"Vinny was cut off by Garmadon, "Well clearly I have some part to partake in your misery!" The oni replied.
"You're acting like I don't want to tell you! You're the first person I wanted to tell, but I can't because he'll hurt you!" Vinny angrily responded, he didn't think about what he said he just said it unaware he may have outed himself of a certain dickheads' existence aka Enji. "What do you mean? Who are you talking about?" Garmadon responded as his voice quieted down and became more worrying.
"No one, just drop it" Vinny instantly replied realising he may have outed himself. "Is someone hurting you?! Are they threatening you?!" The oni asked again, causing the cameraman to tense up, "That's not what I meant...." Vinny responded as he began thinking of a lie. "Yes it is! You clearly are hiding more than that from me because someone wants to hurt me!" Garmadon said.
"Maybe I am keeping secrets! But it has nothing to do with you other than you being threatened!" Vinny shouted angrily, he wasn't in a mood today running on 2 hours of sleep and having a dickhead torment him aka Enji was hell. "Who is even doing this to you!? You were perfectly fine before we came here!" The oni replied.
"I don't know! This guy comes ou-" Vinny was going to say something but he looked at Garmadon, Enji was standing behind him with a finger on his lips. The cameraman instantly shut up, "I...I just need some space..." Vinny said as he looked away, was Enji just everywhere was here there all the time and he didn't know. Garmadon looked like he was going to say something, but stopped himself and paused for a moment. "Fine....if you start getting any worse, don't expect me to ask...talk to me when you're ready....I'm sure my brother can get me another room if you wnat to be alone so badly...." Garmadon simply replied.
"W-Wait what? T-that's not w-what I-" Vinny looked back to where Garmadon was standing and didn't see him there he just left and closed the door. The cameraman tensed, "Way to fucking go! Here I am pushing away the only fucking sense of sanity!" Vinny exclaimed out before laughing out hysterically. "I'm so fucking dumb!" He added as he rested his head on the wall.
"Looking a little rough there buddy~!" Enji called out as he emerged from the dresser mirror.
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*clears throat and pulls up with a powerpoint* (/jk im making this uo as i go and spilling whatever comes to my brain)
Peter/Sirius *jazz hands*
1) Plant. Dads. There is no other way around this ok? They're plant dads. Peter got Siri into it and now they're both obsessed and are at the top of the class in Herbology along with Alice.
2) They would such a beautiful dynamic omg like Sirius "I say whatever that comes to my mind/ I blatantly flirt" Black and Peter "I have a hard time coming to terms with my feelings/ I can't flirt at all but if someone flirts to me I'm dying on the spot" Pettigrew mhmm mhmm
3) The heartbreakkkk Peter pining over Sirius. And Sirius "I'm in my denial phase I'm not gay" Black going around hooking up with every woman in sight
4) ooooh wait no let's switch things up. Peter is very upfront about his feelings. It takes him time but he gets there eventually. He'll go to Sirius straight up and say "I fancy you. Do with that what you will" and Sirius is just standing there dumbfounded.
5) Sirius would make the first move tho, he would kiss Peter and then he'll move away unsure and Peter will just be like JSKSKDLSMDKDNDKNF externally and internally
6) they'll have picnic dates after they raid the kitchen and its all cute and cottagecore and fluffy
7) the betrayal oooh just imagine how heartbreaking it'll be omg like watch as Sirius spends his time in Azkaban being in denial and then slowly becoming a being of pure rage
8) he leaves Azkaban half cause he wants to hunt down Peter and make him pay but also cause a part of still believes in Pete and wants to hear it from him that he was under a spell or that it a mistake. Something. Anything.
9) ok also thinking about this now I feel like if Startail had happened then the betrayal would have happened? Cause like Peter's flaw was that he kept feeling left alone even tho he actually wasn't as much as his brain led him to believe. He felt left alone with James being Sirius's other half and Remus being Sirius's love of his life right? So now it's like- I don't see a point in the betrayal
10) oooooh wait Dark Pete mhmm mhmm. He is jealous of James because as long as James was there Sirius could never be fully his so he does what he has to for love. In his eyes, he did the right thing.
11) But he miscalculated and ended up losing everything. (And that's why he helps Harry in TDH2)
12) soft top Peter and trying to be bratty but incredibly failing cause of all the softness and care bottom Sirius
I rest my case, your honor.
welcome back to my inbox. I'm glad to see your ideas are still incredible
1) YES!!!! they have so many plants. sirius doesn't get the hype at first (he thinks it's dumb that peter named all of his plants), but then one day the love for the plants hits him like a punch to the face. he hasn't been the same since
2) delicious. they're perfect, for eachother and in general
3) yeah, poor petey :( james tries to support him through it but he doesn't help all that much. marlene tells peter to get over it bc sirius isn't worth the heartbreak (she has one-sided beef with sirius bc of it) (Sirius doesn't know why she suddenly hates him)
4) hsisbidurbo you can combine those two. peter at first waits for sirius to realise that he's not entirely straight... but then he gets tired of it and just tells sirius. the flabbergasted look on sirius's face was an extra
5) bright red peter bc sirius just kissed him. finally. only took him seven thousand years or something
6) yesss. hc that peter is an honorary hufflepuff, and the house elves LOVE him (almost as much as sirius does)
7) the hurt he must be feeling :( he probably refused to believe that peter framed him. there was no way his peteyboo would do that to him, right?
8) yeah. he'd be sure that there must've been something. peter would never do that to him. not his peter
9) maybe sirius and peter go through a rough patch and voldemort or someone else (cough cough jealous ex-lovers rosekiller cough cough) is in peter's ear telling him that sirius is going to leave him if he doesn't do something about it
10) + 11) hdbdoebaobe9ebeos sod o eow e9rbekwze9eb9r dark!peter omg I love this sm. yes, that terrible terrible miscalculation. costing peter both his childhood friend and lover
12) personally I view peter more as a bottom... they're switches. that's how easy that is. but yes, soft dom peter is so real. my boy could never be mean (he murdered people) he's a total sweetheart (he was part of a murderous and pretty much racist cult)
this amazing. I'm excited for the next time you stumble into my asks
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encrucijada · 2 months
What’s the wildest scene you’ve ever written and what song is the soundtrack to that scene?
define "written"
fr i'm bad at this thing you call "writing", especially actually advancing any of my wips so most if not all of them are stuck in 1-3 chapters limbo. so let me tell you about the plot point entirely inspired by me listening to stay awake? by bastille
i have give me the future (album) to thank for much of the vibe of my book keep staring. first with distorted light beam and then with stay awake? which immediately formed the image in my head of a dream version of piedad appearing in adam's head.
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this is our thesis statement. later i would pair up stay awake? with drive by halsey to create one big moment between our two leads but i don't think the dubbed "car drive scene" is that wild. i actually don't know if the stay awake? scene is wild either but it's all i have that isn't the ending of any of my books, there's two i can think of that are especially wild (including this one). and they don't really have a soundtrack.
i listened to stay awake? but for a while it was simply a silly amv in my head... until i found this photo of piedad's fc lydia graham (that i used on that one netflix trend: keep staring edition). which i messaged by best friend with "this looks like piedad in one of adam's dreams"
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further context: up until this moment adam had been indulging on this dream as a bad coping mechanism. but even a dreamer's dreams have limits and for the dreamers in my world that is not being capable of bringing human beings into the waking world. adam's coping lasts only as long as he's asleep and soon that starts to feel to him like getting poked with red hot metal. so he snaps at dream!piedad, as we see above. a few other responses from them include: "don't i look real?" and "you're mad at me now for being what you wanted?" and "like you ever cared." because when you're a dreamer sometimes your dreams will call you out for manipulating the dreamspace to your liking.
i have plans to have dream!piedad kill adam at some point. and the phrasing of that hopefully tells you it does not affect him in the waking world, aside from a rude awakening and he'll probably be hurting for a few days. i don't know if i want it to happen here, because i don't even know when this scene is going to happen and how much i want to sour whatever thing adam and his bad coping mechanism have going on.
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the no death option looks a little like this: adam has an argument with dream!piedad, a full-on fight that has the dreamspace practically bursting at the seams, all the while dream!piedad sways between being that fantasy adam concocted (partly by accident tbf but hey he let it continue) and becoming angrier and angrier with him. but because ✨toxic relationship (yes even in his dreams he has so many issues)✨ it kinda goes nowhere, kiss it better. adam still feels like he's being prodded and prodded. the dreamspace can feel as real as the waking world to a dreamer, to the point most have a hard time discerning whether they've woken up or not sometimes, but there's always that knowledge... that it's fake. adam can dream himself fifteen different realities where he and piedad leave the city and forget everything.
but that doesn't change the real world. the city in keep staring is the result of me listening to dead club city by nothing but thieves so it tilts towards slightly dystopic and maybe a bit sentient. you can't just leave the city, or these characters can't, they're woven into its fabric. the story won't be letting them go that easily. if adam and piedad could just leave and forget, this wouldn't be a tragedy.
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which brings us straight into the next chapter. the "car drive scene" chapter. i literally just talked about this on another post's tags but the drive by halsey chapter is from piedad's pov. adam's chapter ends (how? unsure, but we get no hints of what's about to happen) and we open with piedad doing their own thing... only to realise after his outburst in the dream adam drove to piedad's current place and asks if they want to go on a drive.
then the chapter happens and the experience of listening to stay awake? immediately followed by drive is surreal to me specifically because it really does feel like getting the two povs of my characters one after the other
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erikiara80 · 2 years
How do you think Mike is gonna take the news of Will's coma? What do you think it'll be his reaction when it happens, during those two years and when Will wakes up?
Ciao, anon. I'm working on my theory on S5, and Mike's arc and reaction to Will's coma is a big part of it. First of all, I think they'll resolve the whole triangle thing pretty soon. Mike and El will probably break up, and stay friends, in ep 1 or 2. Or maybe I'm wrong and it happens during the time skip (would be easier if it happens before, but we'll see!) Anyway, with the chaos in Hawkins, I doubt there'll be time for Mike and Will to really talk. Or for Mike to fully realise what he feels. Maybe he'll try, but they'll get interrupted by the most shocking event. The coma.
If Will really falls into a coma after closing the gates, Mike's first reaction will be total shock. He'll be so scared for Will, and feel lost. Even if El can see Will in the void and realises that he's reliving his memories like she did in Nevada, and tells Mike that he is strong and will wake up. It's just hard for Mike not being able to help him.
And since they couldn't film S4 and S5 back to back, they need a long time skip, so yes, the coma will probably last years. And that will deeply affect everybody. So, a solution could be a bridge episode to actually show those years. I'd say Will collapsing as a cliffhanger at the end of ep 2, and ep 3 as a bridge episode. I really hope they do that! If I'm right, we may see scenes of Mike visiting Will, talking to him, and asking him to wake up because they all miss him so much. HE misses him so much, and life is not the same without him. And maybe... he will read him a letter. Or letterS. Maybe he writes them while Will is in his coma, or they are the letters he wrote between S3 and S4 but was too insecure to send, because he didn't even know if Will cared about him anymore. Doing that, will help Mike to finally admit what he feels for his best friend.
In those years, I think we'll also see him and El becoming good friends, Byler and Lumax parallels, and Mike and Lucas supporting each other. And we'll see Mike grow, and realise that he is indeed a smart leader. The heart of the party. They're really gonna need a good leader, because closing the gates is just a way to buy time. Vecna is still alive. Spores are gonna be everywhere, possibly infecting people. Plus, Colonel Sullivan still wants El dead, and a lot of people think that Eddie and his friends are evil. With journalists talking about curses, plus the satanic panic, I think we could even see the rise of a cult in S5, that sees our heroes as the villains (this is so Stephen King). So, while Will sleeps and relives the scariest days of his life in UD Hawkins, Mike and the others will have to deal with just as a scary Hawkins in our world.
This is one more reason the van scene is so important for Mike's development . Imo, they made Will say those things also because he won't be around for a long time, and without him, Mike will think about his words, and realise that he can be what Will told him he is.
There's a little problem tho. Vecna. I 100% believe that Mike gets vecna'd in S5. Vecna knows all too well he is important to Will (and El and Nancy, too). And that he ruined his plans too many times. Killing Mike would break Will and make it easier to reclaim him. I even read a theory that Vecna waited until Mike left Hawkins in S4 to start killing the kids, but I'm not sure about that. The explanation could be that he needed to plan every move, and how to use El's power to make it impossible for her to close the gates again (he doesn't think Will can help, since his powers are blocked). And that takes time.
But I don't know when he's going to target Mike. Maybe at the beginning of the season? So that's how they realise Will is Vecna's target, that he has powers etc? Or Vecna is still too weak, so he doesn't attack Mike, or Will in his coma, and he targets them when Will wakes up, so that's when Mike realises what he feels for him? Hm. I don't know. But one thing I'm sure of is that S5 will be Mike's best season. I can't wait!
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thezolblade · 1 year
So, for the Heart of the Disaster series, I was wondering how far the following fics will delve into nonconsensual territory. Will things stay mostly in the realm of dubious consent or no? Also, if you don't mind, could you list what kind of kinks/squicks might feature? Really excited to see where this goes
Cool, it varies by route, so I'll put this behind a read more for mature content / plot spoilers / length:
The dubcon gets lighter, as Jon accidentally compels Martin into talking about how scary and offputting he's found the night so far (and how his fantasies were of the sort where they kill the monster and then kiss and live happily ever after). Jon reacts badly, and Martin realises he's scared of losing him and manages to negotiate the bare minimum boundaries of 'no violence; stop touching me if I tell you to stop; you don't fire me and I won't leave'.
There's still verbal abuse, destruction of property, and the coercion of what would happen if they had a messy breakup, but Martin basically feels he has enough solid ground to deal with that, and insists on only doing things he can enjoy or tolerate in the bedroom. The kinks lean more towards manhandling and light slapping, insults, maybe nice outfits, travel and semi-public sex, photography, etc. Martin also enjoys music, bad dancing, and comfort food.
Anchors: they work towards a healthier relationship that Martin wants to commit to long-term.
Domestic purgatory: they slip into a domain about constant repressed fear, guilt and yearning, unable to tell whether it even makes sense to feel uneasy all the time when they're trying to do things that they're telling themselves they enjoy. (Canon-typically for season 1 - 4 statements, there's some unreality and temporary/recurring death, and the implication that they might stay trapped forever, but if they ever managed to anchor their emotions then it's still technically possible that they could slip back into the real world.)
Jon stays about as abusive as in the first fic, for a while, with better days and worse days. Martin tries to believe that once he knows what Jon wants from a relationship, he can steel himself for any of it without being caught off guard again, and he enjoys some activities, but gets pushed into agreeing to things that upset him too.
Martin manages to get some help from Tim and Sasha, and eventually goes to live with Tim and tries to break up with Jon.
Content warnings that may be squicks: Martin's neck is visibly bruised after the choking. The whole Archives team argues over the obvious abuse, while Martin tries to claim it's a consensual relationship, because he's worried that if Jon gets fired, the next head archivist might not shelter him from Prentiss. Tim casually touches Martin's arm while asking to talk to them separately, and Jon reacts by punching Tim and getting possessive of Martin. Sasha and Tim go to Elias. There's an intervention where Jon's warned that he'll be suspended for any further violence at work (an empty threat), and he and Martin are asked to attend couple's counseling. Everyone's unhappy with this outcome.
Re-orbit: after Martin leaves, Jon dwells on the things he said, and eventually apologises. They missed each other despite their awful issues, and they're stressed out by the escalating spookiness, so they get back together and promise to do better this time.
Everyone out: Major character death for Jon, and the others escape the Institute. Stalking and escalating violence along the way.
Reckoning: After Martin goes to stay with Tim, Jon stalks them, and the violence escalates. They realise they can't stay away from the Institute for long without getting sick. Jon gets hold of a gun and threatens them when they return. Tim fights back, and Jon ends up in hospital. While the others are panicking about what to do, Jon heals inhumanly fast. The next time Jon corners them, he compels Tim into giving a statement about Danny, breaks his leg while he's talking, threatens to kill him if he interferes again, and orders Martin to come back home. By that point, Martin's terrified, and he goes with Jon, desperately trying to figure out how to keep anyone from getting killed now that it's all-out war.
The overall Escape route doesn't include any Tim/Martin, and Martin would be too worried about Jon finding out to agree to anything. But if anyone wants Tim/Martin I might write that as a separate 'what if'. Also maybe an extra version where Jon noncons Tim once things have broken down to the point of death threats.
Jon stays about as abusive as in the first fic, and Martin doesn't accept any help from anyone else.
Jon sometimes pushes for kinks involving painplay, even when he knows that Martin isn't enjoying himself, and sometimes has fun with gentler stuff, partly using it to 'make it up to' Martin and make the relationship feel more legitimate.
The more violent kinks take it to the heavier side of dubcon sometimes. Martin resolves to cooperate and not get himself into trouble in the heat of the moment. But if Jon wants to try something that he thinks might make Martin feel physically overwhelmed, he'll get him to agree to being tied up and gagged first, so that he can't flail around or say 'no' partway through. There are times when Martin would ask Jon to indulge him with a break if he weren't gagged, but he can't, so he ends up breaking down again, then pretending he's okay.
Sometimes Martin will say no, and Jon will keep him talking until he has something he can see as a flimsy excuse to carry on anyway, even if Martin didn't actually explicitly change his mind. Martin will think of that as 'I didn't say yes' and 'I'm still not stopping him', and agree aloud with however Jon frames it afterwards. So, the overlap of noncon and dubcon.
Spring thaw: Jon gradually mellows, in a partial parallel of his canon character arc. He realises that Martin's been getting depressed, and he misses the way he used to speak his mind and act more present. Once he can admit to himself that it's his own fault, he tries to treat Martin better, but it doesn't help, because Martin's used to being pampered sometimes without it solving anything. Eventually, Jon books Martin in for a spa trip on his own, and tells him that some breathing space might help him clear his head, and he'd like to talk about how he can do better afterwards. While he's at the spa, Martin starts to recover, thinks about how much Jon has changed over time, and decides he wants to be hopeful and stay together.
Forsaken moors: Martin gets depressed, slips into a Lonely domain, and decides he belongs there. Eventually, Jon finds a way to follow him there, and complains that everything's been going wrong; their friends are dead, and he's being hunted. He asks Martin to come back to reality, even though he wouldn't like it, because he was his only relief. Martin refuses to leave. Jon wanders the domain indefinitely, still insisting that he's not leaving on his own.
Pretty much any of these routes could get additional 'what if' continuations or alternate endings if inspiration hits. (I've got ideas for a couple of routes following Reckoning, though they're not as fully formed, and they're plot twists leading towards relatively good ends, so I might need to come up with more bad ends to keep the darkfic sandbox aspect of the series... Well, there are options.)
If there are kinks that might make a fun smutfic, but don't end up fitting into the plotfic, then I might add them as standalone work 'missing scenes' from various points in the timelines.
Topics that may show up in multiple routes:
Other kinks that might be included: tattooing, collaring, recreational drugs.
Jon has a pregnancy kink here, but it won't come up in every route, as I don't want to retread the same ground too much.
In a relatively good path, he'll acknowledge that it'd be ridiculous to risk pregnancy in a rocky new relationship while they're in extreme danger.
In a bad path, he'll impulsively decide that if it happens, they can make it work, he's got savings and they can find stability with a few months' warning, so he tells Martin that if it takes, they're keeping it. If Martin's in a position to ask for help from Sasha he'll try to get on contraceptives, but that might not work forever. If there's any actual pregnancy, it'll be in a 'things get worse then better' route, as I wouldn't want to write a kid being brought into the worst bad end scenarios.
On the topic of Martin being trans: he got on testosterone at puberty and is flat chested, doesn't want any surgical options, has no remaining physical dysphoria, and won't be misgendered. (That's what I think I can write comfortably about a gender I don't share, though I've no objection to other people writing other things for catharsis etc.)
Jon's demi, and it will probably come up that Martin's the second person he's ever been sexually attracted to, and he never got together with his first crush. He's had casual sex with people he wasn't attracted to, and felt neutral about it in an 'eh' way. (Georgie was his first crush, and in this AU, he wasn't stable enough for her standards. Their friendship ended badly.)
If the not!them comes up, I'll probably go with not!Rosie and Sasha lives.
Might bring in Sasha/Melanie as a side ship in routes that bring the team into the plot, so that Melanie can still show up. (After they got talking about haunted pubs, they went out for drinks, and started venting about their career trouble, etc.)
For paths where they get away from the Institute, I'll probably kill Jonah offscreen.The apocalypse is a big squick, so I won’t be writing a successful ritual.
More warnings may come up, I'll tag each work as I go along, and you can ask if there's anything else you're wondering about.
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purrhwa · 3 years
WARMTH — choi jongho
genre — fluff
you and jongho have been dating for your sister's request, but never really grew close even after months. you're unsure if he actually likes you back or is just dating you because your little sister told him to do so.
a/n: i wrote this at 1 AM pls don't come for my ass </3 im on my jongho soft hours so why not write fluff for my baby :D
— the song is lowkey short so i recommend playing it on repeat or listen to the other songs that spotify will play automatically if ever you're gonna listen to it while reading <333
time check: six pm, the sky already has the orange hues that are more beautiful than ever and the colder breeze that makes your skin shiver. jongho was beside you, walking as he protectively shields you from any possible dangers.
but not from the cold, however.
you wrap your hands around his waist and you feel him stiffen from your touch - you giggle lightly, he's still a bit awkward to you. you guys have only been dating for 3 months either way, jongho isn't really the type who's used of receiving physical affection.
you were about to let go as you didn't want to make him uncomfortable - you were just gonna share with his body heat anyways, it shouldn't take that long for your body to get warmer from him.
he wraps his arm around your shoulder, knowing damn too well of what you're thinking. not your intention, though.
"don't let go."
he pulls you closer to him and held his head high, the blush was so visible. he wanted to seem cool for you so he didn't show you, but he can't really hide it - you smile as you remove your second hand from him for you two to be able to walk properly.
you couldn't stop yourself from smiling, really. your face immediately heated up as it turns slightly red, just like him. maybe you two are moving really slow like your friends are saying, but you couldn't care less - you love jongho for whoever he is and you knew he wants to take things slow, even if it means that you two haven't had your first kiss yet even after dating for 3 months, you would wait for him to come out of his little shell.
jongho rubs your shoulder but he nearly jumps for knowing how cold your skin is. really? have you been shivering from the cold all this time? was he that ignorant to not notice? he quickly looks down at you, eyebrows creased as a pout forms on his lips.
you look up to him in curiosity. "yes jong?"
"why didn't you tell me you're cold?" he asks as he purses his lips, trying his best to keep you warm.
"what would you do if i told you, then?"
oh, he didn't have a jacket himself. he was wearing a sweater alone, no undershirt or anything while you wore a black t-shirt.
embarrassed, he looks away. "i-i-i can hug y-you tighter." the poor boy stutters as his 'cool-boyfriend' aura was completely thrown down the drain.
"dumbass." you say, causing him to look at you. when he sees that you have a playful frown on your lips, he sighs in relief that you're not actually mad. you let out a laugh as you lay your head on his shoulder, gazing at the sunset in front of you.
he looks at it too while holding you close to him, he could feel his heart beat faster than normal. the two of you stopped and were about to sit on a bench, until he stops you, telling that you don't have to since you feel cold anyways, you two can just walk to his condo unit within no time.
"i love you."
the words came out of your mouth mindlessly. when your realise, you widen your eyes, releasing yourself from his grasp. "i mean-"
"i love you too."
you froze. not from the cold, but from his words.
honestly speaking, this was the first time you two exchanged i love yous. you've always told him you loved him in a lighthearted manner, and he'll smile - but he never answered back. so how did you two even started dating if everything is happening as if its your first day as a couple?
it was your little sister's wish to see her sibling and their crush, her favourite uncle to date - they would look so good together! they were friends anyway, why shouldn't they date?
you know that a simple request from a kid shouldn't exactly be the reason why you should date someone, but your sister is sick. very sick, it almost seemed like her death wish to see you and jongho together.
well, it gladly wasn't. your sister is getting better, and she loves to say that it's because you two granted her wish, which never fails to put smiles on everyone's face.
you two could've easily just pretend to date in front of your sister's eyes, but jongho isn't that kind of asshole to fake date someone who he knew has a crush on him. he knows you aren't hard to love, and he knew he would fall for you sooner or later anyways.
it's just that it's his first time to date someone who's incredibly patient with him. from all the people he's dated over the years, you were the only one who had no problem in taking things slow, appriciate every small gestures he makes and not make him feel like it's a task to always take you out on a date, scared that you might hate him for it - no.
he falls in and out of love quickly, his longest relationship was 5 months. it's not that he's a playboy - it's that his significant other barely feels his love for them. they always complain about him not being affectionate, almost as if they were a stranger to his eyes - but jongho is just really shy, he's too shy to make moves, afraid that he might startle them.
you look at him in the eyes, checking if you heard him right. "i'm serious! what do you take me for?" he had an offended look on his face mixed with silliness, you chuckle.
"it's just that- i didn't expect i would actually hear that from you."
his gaze softens, a pang of guilt hits his heart. so you felt unloved too, huh? was he that distant? maybe he should've tried harder, you're amazing to him after all.
collecting all the courage he has stored in his body, he leans towards your face. you stop in your tracks. is he gonna kiss you? you could feel your heart race against your cheast, it's finally happening!!
he doesn't.
he almost falls backwards as he steps back, gulping. "ah, that's embarrassing." he scratches his nape. he decides that he didn't wanna leave you hanging, so he pulls your arm with him as he starts running towards the building where he lives.
you didn't question his actions and let yourself be taken to wherever (well, you didn't know.) he's going, having no idea of what he wants to do.
not gonna lie, you were quite disappointed that he didn't kiss you earlier.
he swiftly opens the door through his unit after typing out the password and ushers you in, following you closely behind. he turns on a few lights, enough to lit the dim place.
he goes straight to his bedroom. "you can sit on the couch!" he tells you, then coming back with a blanket on his hands. he tosses it to you and it lands on your face, he quickly apologises. "o-oh no i'm sorry!"
"it's okay, don't worry!"
he didn't argue and merely ran towards the kitchen. you smile, well at least he thought of keeping you warm first. you wrap the blanket around your body, the sweet smell of jongho fills your nose.
the blanket was a little cold, but that's even better. the second best thing to a cold pillow is a cold blanket, even if you were freezing already. you accompany yourself with your phone, skimming through apps, trying to find something interesting. when you didn't, you huff and looked over his form, who's busy doing whatever.
you shamelessly turn his tv on and chose a random movie for you two to watch.
jongho comes back after a few minutes with two mugs in his hands. he places them on the mini table in front of you and plops beside you, arm wrapping to your shoulder.
you quickly shared the blanket with him, in which he gratefully accepts - he hugs you under. you didn't question it although you could feel your heart explode and just snuggled closer to him, he rests his head on top of yours.
he starts playing with your hair softly as his eyes glances at the tv. he's unfamiliar with the movie, but is willing to watch it if you picked it, of course.
an hour had passed while the movie played, both of you were cuddling in the couch. may i say for the first time as well. jongho's body was really warm, you can almost fall asleep if it wasn't to the interesting movie the two of you has grown attentive to.
until a hot kissing scene came, both of you looked away.
jongho awkwardly takes a sip of the drink from his mug as he avoid both the tv and your eyes - you following too, doing the same thing.
"uh um do you want chocolates?"
he takes it as the que to sprint away.
he almost trips on his own foot near the counter, barely reaching the fridge on a solid form. he swiftly takes three bars of snickers and comes back beside you, hesitantly sitting back.
"here." he hands you one after he unwraps it.
so... where is this going? you don't know how to break the awkwardness, and the kissing scene is getting pretty long. if only you warent ignorant to the fact that the movie has rated scenes, maybe you wouldn't have put jongho and of course, yourself in an awkward position.
you take it from his hand, take a bite, then awkwardly smile. "i-i'll go home now, it's getting pretty late."
7 pm, really? you mentally curse yourself, you're about to waste an opportunity to get closer with YOUR boyfriend.
he bites his bottom lip, thinking if he should let you go or not. "i'll take you home." he decides, already standing up but you were quicker to do so. you pushed him to sit back down and run towards the door. "see you tomorrow!" you yell before closing the door behind you.
no, you didn't wanna go home.
jongho was left confused, only to grow flustered again when his eyes catched the scene playing on the screen. he turns it off with shaky eyes before burying his face into the blanket you were in seconds ago.
he stands back up, yes he's not about to let you go home by yourself. at least he'll follow you, just in case. but when he opens the door, your face greeted his, causing him to jump a little.
you two stood there, staring at each other.
jongho trails off, standing at the door way. you take a deep breath, look around, then push him back again. this time, more gently as you followed along. you hold on his shoulders and go on your tippy toes to peck his lips, the snicker bar still in your right hand.
you go back to your heels on the ground. you were expecting jongho to be left wide eyed so you were planning to run away again, but to your surprise, he wasn't.
instead, he pulls you for another kiss, a longer one. well, YOU were the one who wides their eyes. however you didn't waste any time to kiss back and close your eyes, your arms found their way to his neck, he cups your face gently.
before you knew it, you were in his arms, legs wrapped around his waist as his hands holds your body. he puts you down on the counter, not breaking the kiss. the soft light coming from above your heads made things cozier along with the quietness of the place.
he puts his hands beside you to support himself while yours were still hanging around his neck as you continue to kiss him, your lips moved in sync. the fact that he could definitely taste the chocolate in your lips was worrying you, but jongho showed no reaction to it.
your body heats up as the wave of happiness to finally be able to kiss him shoots through your body, you couldn't belive it. if you were dreaming, you're hoping that no one would wake you up any time soon.
you were just freezing an hour ago, but when you got close to jongho? suddenly everything is warm. from your body temperature, to your face, to your heart.
he breaks the kiss, looking at you with sincerity in his eyes. there was nothing but love, and you're happy he feels the same way as you. he rests his forehead against yours, breathing a bit heavily, catching his breath along with you.
it didn't take long for him to lean for another kiss, though. you immediately kiss him back as you run your fingers through his soft, silky, black hair. he eventually holds your back, rubbing circles with his palm to keep you calm.
you moved to leave kisses all over his face and he bops your nose, showing you a cute smile.
you're so in love with him, it's scary.
"expect this more often." he says before kissing you again. the kiss he's giving you is deep and passionate, something you never really thought of receiving, but you're more than euphoric to experience it with him.
and for that night, you didn't end up going home untill the next day.
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tenthgrove · 3 years
Sooo... what happens the first time you try and escape the yandere boys? (LS, All, Separate)
Trying to Run
La Squadra (All) x Reader, Yandere, SFW
(Part 1 of 2)
How they Find Out
Formaggio might seem like he's got you firmly in his hold, but once you work up the courage to test your restraints you'll realise they're flimsy at best. The rope ties are poorly done and if you can't just slip out of them, you'll probably be able to reach across to your other limbs and undo them just like that. Formaggio never got around to setting alarms on any of the doors. When he comes home at the end of the day and finds the bed empty he is... disappointed. He really wanted to tell you about that story Illuso told him today! Ultimately however- he kind of expected this. Formaggio loves his thrills, and if you're going to be his, it wouldn't be right to deny you a few of your own! He sits down on the bed and plays with his phone for a few minutes. You might still be nearby, and he at least wants you to have a little time for your adventure.
How they Get you Back
Once he's packed some snacks for himself and has had a chance to stretch his legs, Formaggio heads out to hunt you down the good old fashioned way. He'll try checking all the obvious places first but once he's feeling stumped, he'll call up Melone to check on the DNA sample he gave him, just for some pointers in the right dimension. As soon as Formaggio spots you, he sneaks up on you from behind and shrinks down, climbing onto your shoulder. Then, he shrinks you as well, pulling you into the nearest crevice for a wet kiss. He asks if you had fun. He'll be reverting back to full size for the walk home, but you'll be staying the size you are for the time being.
What Happens After
Theoretically speaking, this could go down with no fallout whatsoever. As already stated, Formaggio wasn't at all bothered by your escape and is by no means an anxious yandere. He's not mad at all. However, it's fairly likely you'll be distraught enough from your failed attempt that he has to address it somehow. He'll spend the next day devoted to you, proving through some fun, easy time together that he really isn't angry. If you're truly distraught at the idea of being back here, he'll be willing to consider some changes. Maybe the ties can go, since as you just proved, they weren't doing any good anyway.
How they Find Out
In the early period of your relationship there is only one way you can escape- and that's if you trick him into letting you out of the mirror world or he simply forgets to put you back. Confidant in his security it would never occur to Illuso he might have done this, and when he looks through the mirror and sees only himself he's going to completely panic. The first thing he'll do is run around the house calling for you- maybe you're just trying to prove a point, not really running! A minute later he's sat on the floor, head in his hands and breathing heavily. He looks up. This helplessness is doing him no good. He needs to find you.
How they Get you Back
Fortunately, Illuso did take the fail-safe measure of installing a doorbell camera onto his front door. He checks through the recorded exits and notes the time you left- if he only missed you by an hour or less he's going after you alone, but any longer and he'll bite his pride and call in help. Formaggio is the first one he'll bring in as despite their rivalry they are good friends and they make shit up about each other all the time, so nobody's going to believe him if they tell him Illuso lost you. Between them, they check every logical place for you to be hiding and pounce on you, restraining you through shear force alone until you either give up fighting or stumble into the vicinity of something reflective. Formaggio is promptly banished after this. Illuso needs to handle this alone.
What Happens After
First and foremost, you are back, and Illuso needs to remind himself of that. In a fashion almost ritualistic, you are cleaned and massaged (that scuffle probably left you with a few pains to complain of) and dressed in something pretty. Illuso does not let himself frighten you with external anger, but he does see it necessary to inflict some mild punishment to prevent future escape attempts. What he eventually settles on, your physical health permitting, is tying you up on your knees in fine silk ribbons, left to sit in that uncomfortable position for a few hours or until you can give a sorry enough apology. He'll check in on you frequently for what sounds like gloating, but is actually just way of trying to convey your important to him- that's why he went all that way to find you after all. Once you're let free, there are no more consequences as far as you're to be concerned. However, Illuso does find himself a lot more... compulsive in checking your whereabouts.
How they Find Out
You'd be surprised to learn that Prosciutto's security is actually pretty weak, at least in terms of your own prospects of escape. This is, as everything Prosciutto does, by design. He appreciates that for you to trust him he has to give some trust back, and if that trust is too-early placed, then... well, so be it. With your pacing footsteps on the upper floor no cause for investigation, you'll have no trouble in flitting from room to room to gather whatever may be useful for your escape. Sure, anything immediately beneficial was moved to the lower floor, where you'll need more excuse to be found in, but a little creativity will help you immensely. A nagging feeling catches Prosciutto off-guard as your footsteps go quiet for a while, compelling him to check on you. Looking at the open window, the roped bedsheets still hanging freely, he takes a deep breath and lights a cigarette. Well, at least you chose to do this while he isn't busy.
How they Get you Back
For someone specialised in mass-elimination strategies Prosciutto is awfully good on the hunt, and he needs no stand or help to do it. There's no need to wait for his moment once he spots you; you'd be amazed how many bystanders would ignore a person's screaming if the cause of their distress is wearing a fine, clean suit. Prosciutto leads you somewhere private, hopefully a restaurant or cafe where the staff know to give him a private booth without question but if there aren't any nearby then anywhere will do. He lets you calm yourself first, staring quietly with his fingers steepled as you try and push yourself out of the corner he's backed you into. Once you're calm enough to listen, he calmly presses you to really think about the pros and cons of leaving like this, trying to make the choice to come back your own but ultimately making clear you can't stop him from forcing you. Either way, you'll eventually find yourself led back in the direction towards his home.
What Happens After
There'll need to be at least one more discussion about the incident later on once you're both calmer, but as long as you didn't do anything too reckless on the loose (break something important, endanger yourself or get into too much detail with any strangers about your predicament) there won't be any actual punishment. Well, beyond the necessary inconveniences of the new security measures, like the locked windows and removal of more things you could use to escape. At some point, Prosciutto does tell you he understands why you tried to flee. Of course you did, it's only natural. But someday, you'll also understand why he took you back.
How they Find Out
How tight is Pesci's security? Depends on how he's feeling. Some days he's happy to let you roam the house as you please and he'll only check on you every hour or so, and others he can't relax unless you're shut away in the closet with a string around your wrist to sound the alarm if you've given him the slip. The good news is that this largely depends on your own behaviour as well, so as long as you're willing to bite your tongue and pretend to tolerate him you can expect a fairly long leash. And god forbid you ever look at him fearfully and say you're scared of being locked away alone, you can rest assured he'll never do that again. This is all the more reason why, when you run away after begging him for a few hours in an unlocked room alone, he's absolutely distraught. He can't even think straight until Prosciutto (who he immediately calls) has to shout at him to get it together. After that there's no time in his mind to form a plan- he's going after you right away.
How they Get you Back
Prosciutto agrees to tag along, purely because he knows it will be better for both of them to get you back in Pesci's shaking arms as soon as possible. They also call in Melone to track your DNA since it's the only way to convince Pesci something terrible hasn't happened. Once you're found, Pesci takes no chances and catches you with his stand, though only snags your clothes and not your skin since even now he would never hurt you. To save you from total pandemonium, Prosciutto brings some chloroform to knock you out with. He'll be gone when you wake up though- ultimately the boy needs to learn to handle you alone.
What Happens After
Any observer might think Pesci was the one who ran away from you. He's absolutely hysterical, crying and begging you to forgive him for whatever he did to make you leave. The fact that you, who was always so open and honest before he started forcing you to stay with him, so for you to not only lie to get away but struggle as fearfully as you did when he came to get you back has him absolutely broken. He doesn't want you to think you're punished, but he cannot risk this happening again. You're locked in the bedroom except for direct supervision from now on, shackled to the bed with a chain long enough for you to shift around and take a couple paces but otherwise firmly chained in place. At least it will be more comfortable then before. Anything you ask for will be brought to you, as long as it isn't freedom.
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shizekarnstein · 2 years
🔪For episode 3 we have🔪:
- Obi Wan trying to come to terms with the heart-wrenching realisation of what happened with anakin, the thrilling sequel.
- The repeated callings for Qui Gon's guidance and presence and yknow SOMETHING to not feel so utterly alone anymore.
- Vader's castle of Angst and Hatred on Mustafar it's always a good way to stab into my heart.
- Watching as Obi Wan airs all his grievances and suffering to Leia like THIS PLACE (actually means galaxy) WAS SO DIFERENT AND ALIVE AND FULL WITH HAPPY PEOPLE (he means his jedi family) BUT NOW IT'S NOTHING BUT A STALE LAND!!!
- Leia not all ppl are good you know?? 🤧 that reminded me SO MUCH of episode 1 Anakin nobody touch me.
- Leia picking up on Obi Wan knowing her mother ahshsjdkdkd help. Other 10 knives.
- Just seeing all over again how depressed this man is. How utterly baffled he is trying to understand how there are ppl who actually do something about the opression they all live under?? And not getting how on earth they are able to do that?? Are you telling obi wan that not all ppl retreat into a cave and pass all their time having ptsd and nightmares about how they failed everyone they loved? Sounds fake to him.
- Leia being so kind to the supply droid and interacting with it as a person and the droid responding to that??
- Those two still get each other so well like Vader trying to lure him out by killing innocent civilians? The key to hunting jedi is to prey into their compassion indeed.
- ALL THAT CHASE AND CONFRONTATION HAS ACTUALLY KILL ME. I AM NO LONGER ALIVE. "you should have killed me when you had the chance"/" you have grown weak"/ how obi wan is hell bent on running away not only to buy Leia time and bc he KNOWS he's out of practice but also... bc he's in no way in hell READY TO CROSS SWORDS AND STAND IN VADERKIN'S PRESENCE AND FACING THE REALITY OF WHAT HE PERCIEVES AS HIS GREATEST FAILURE AND HIS GREATEST LOVE AAAH 40 KNIVES.
- I am having all kinds of emotions over Vaderkin's cruelty and how much he just wants Obi Wan to HURT. He'll never settle for just cutting him down quickly at this time oh no. He has to torment him, harrass him, SLOWLY BURN HIM ALIVE AS HE DID TO HIM. VADER YO A USTED LO AMO. 40 KNIVES.
In short, this week I've recieved a total of 159 🔪. The pain just keeps increasing episode after episode we prequels fans just keep winning. I love this show.
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foodieforthoughts · 3 years
Journey through time - Part 3
Summary: Your relationship with Syverson over the years.
Warning: a little bit of angst and a lot of fluff. If you blink you might also see some smut.
A/N: Continuation to Part 2 of the photo series. Here's a link to Part 1 too. Thank you all for reading. I love you guys 😘♥️
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Staying alone in Sy's house gave you an opportunity to find out more about your man. You were cleaning his study when you found a box shoved at the very back of a drawer with pictures inside. The first picture was a black and white photo of young Sy, probably in his early twenties. It looked like a candid picture, clicked by someone who must have attentively watched him while he read through some papers. As you rummaged through the box, you found a couple more candid pictures and a hand written letter addressed to Sy.
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The box also contained polaroid pictures of a much older Sy. You picked up the one which looked fairly recent, maybe from only a couple of years ago. He had his signature beard, dressed in his suit with his smoldering eyes staring back at you. Behind were the words, "I count myself as extremely fortunate to have accompanied you on your big night, my love." Signed only as "M". You got the sinking gut feeling that it was from an ex-girlfriend, but what affected you more was that Sy had kept her things still.
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Opening the letter and finding another picture inside, you took a moment to look at your man. You had no clue who were those people with him in the picture which only made you realise how little you knew about Sy. The letter mentioned how the person felt like they weren't a part of Sy's life anymore. "I invested too many years to be with you and yet I am here, all alone. I can't take it anymore." It read, continuing to jot down ways in which the person felt lonely while Sy was away and that is why she was deciding to break off their relationship. Your hear sank as you read it over and over again, noting how the edges of the paper was crumbled from being opened too many times. Keeping the box back in its place, you couldn't help but think back on everything that was mentioned as the silence in the big house seemed to envelope you.
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You stared at your computer screen showing that you were online, waiting for the green dot to appear on Sy's image signifying that he was online on Skype too. It was your birthday tonight and before leaving, Sy had promised he would have long distance birthday dinner with you over video call. You had cooked his favorite recipe of Sloppy Joe's and got his favorite beer brand, even if you hated the taste of it. Your wait for a few minutes turned to hours with your food gone cold and beer turned warm. You looked at the screen, noting that it was past midnight now and your birthday was over. You couldn't help but cry when you shut down your computer, leaving your food on the table untouched and crawling into bed while thinking back on the letter and imagining if this is exactly how the other girl might have felt.
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You sucked in a deep breath before receiving the video call from Sy. It was unexpected and unplanned, but it made your heart swell when his face appeared on the screen. Sy did not smile, he looked lost and deep in thought. Even with the awful quality of the call, you noticed the new scars on his face and how he looked like he had aged over a decade. Your talks were formal, mostly asking about how the other had been, general talk about health and wellbeing. But then you couldn't help but blurt out, "You missed my birthday." Sy sighed, rubbing his hands over his face, "I'm sorry but I had a rough week." You wanted to be understanding but the letter kept repeating its words in your mind and when you looked around, you only saw the emptiness. "But you had promised about dinner on my birthday." In an instant, Sy's voice came out like rumbling thunder. "If you want someone to be at your beck and call, maybe you should think what the hell are you doing with me. I can't be there all the time, I have a job to do here." His roaring voice came out loud from your speakers, bringing tears in your eyes. Anger and sadness mixed together and with a trembling voice, you said, "Maybe I really should think what I'm doing with you. Goodbye, Sy." You disconnected the call with painful heaviness in your heart.
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Over the next weeks, you got several calls from Sy but you only spoke to him asking him about his health. The moment he would try to talk about what happened over the video call, you would change the subject. Then one day you got a video message sent to you by Sy. It was being filmed by someone else while Sy stood with a spray painted green German Shepherd. You watched as Sy instructed the dog called "Aika" to fetch a writing pad with papers stuck to it from the steps of the building and turn it around to face the camera. Sy crouched down next to Aika and the first paper read, "I'm very sorry about missing your birthday." He turned the sheet of paper over and the next one had "I'm sorry about acting like a dick the other night." When he turned the paper again, it read in bold letters, "I love you and I don't want to lose you." You felt the stinging feel of tears in your eyes as Sy came forward and spoke directly into the camera, "Dinner with me tonight? I'll make up for everything, I promise." Before the video cut, you heard men laughing in the background with someone shouting, "Captain's so whipped!" and imitating the sound of a whip slashing through the air.
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That night, dinner was less about eating and more about sharing your feelings. Sy listened to how you felt about him missing your birthday, apologising profusely about it and telling you he'll make up for it when he gets back. But you felt like a bitch when he told you about his week and how he had lost two of his men during an attack on them. It was now your turn to apologize with tears in your eyes as you imagined losing Sy. You didn't want to ruin the mood but you had to ask about the box. "Who's M, Sy?" You watched as his expression had turned solemn and he had sighed heavily. "I take that you found the box? She was my girlfriend before you. We had been together since college and I won't lie, I really wanted to marry her. But, I couldn't give her the kind of life she wanted." You could hear the sadness in his voice while he spoke. "Do you still love her?" he answered in an instant, "Of course not! I love you, babe. I want no one but you. You can even throw away the box if you want, I just never got back to it and throw it away myself." He then proceeded to tell you he wanted to make you feel his love and explained what he had planned, which made you blush but reluctantly you obliged. Even with the distance of many, many miles between the two of you, you pleasured one another over the call while repeatedly professing how much you loved each other.
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You had bounced on your feet nervously while watching the arriving flights displayed on the screen. Sy was coming home and your excitement knew no bounds. His tour had been extended by four more weeks which meant you hadn't seen him in person for almost half a year. But family came first so when he had asked if he could go directly to Austin to meet his folks, you hadn't objected. "What's one more week until I meet you?" You had joked although deep down you craved to be in his arms again. When newly arrived passengers started filing out through the doors, your heart drummed in your chest with anticipation. You nearly skipped a beat when Sy walked out the door with his bags, thinking about the time when many months ago you had bumped into him at this very airport, searching through the crowd for you. His bearded face broke out into a huge smile when he spotted you and you almost made a run for him, launching yourself into his arms while planting kisses all over his face. "God, I missed you so much." He said, hugging you tightly to his chest and not letting go of you for a long time.
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The very next day, Sy had taken you out for dinner at the most fancy restaurant in town. You noticed how he was fidgety and nervous, looking at his watch several times. It worried you even more when for the third time that night, he excused himself and left the table. You wondered if he was sick but then were left confused when all of a sudden the speakers started playing the familiar tune of your favorite romantic song. You looked around puzzled but was taken by surprise when Sy walked to you and dropped down on one knee. With a tender smile on his lips he said, "I never knew what I really wanted from my life until I met you. Countless times I have prayed to the heavens for making you bump into me on that day. I was at the right place at the right time, for I met the most amazing and beautiful woman on this planet." You felt you heart pick up a pace knowing exactly what Sy was going to do. Fishing out a blue velvet box from his pocket and opening it to reveal a magnificent diamond ring, Sy continued, "Darlin' will you marry me and make me the luckiest man alive?" There was no hesitation in your voice when you nodded fervently and repeated "yes" several times, hugging and kissing Sy before he placed the ring on your finger while everyone around clapped for the two of you.
Continued to Part 4
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pedrosbrat · 3 years
Sorrow You Are My Light {Pero Tovar x Max Phillips x F!Reader}
CHAPTER I : Insomnia
AU - Vampire Hunters
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 4.9k
Warnings: Angst, Nightmares, Language, alcohol, yearning, violence (fight) , mention of murder, sword, blood …
Summary: You and Pero were united by fate in your youth due to a tragic event. You will seek revenge from the creature that caused your common suffering all your life without success... Until you cross paths with Max Philips, forcing you to form an alliance with an enemy to destroy a common foe...
Little Comment : Hi everyone, it’s my first series, I hope you will like it (if you see any mistakes let me know and I will correct it) - 1 chapter will be published every week, every Saturday⚔️ Enjoy!
Series Masterlist
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1440- Transylvania
You have been travelling on horseback for a little more than two days now, with a weather changing from very hot to very rainy, and usually it doesn't bother you, at least not really, because Pero has the decency to take breaks, it has always been like that. But for the first time in decades of travelling together, he has refused to take any breaks, because he says you are close to the goal.
You can understand it, and you feel it too, but you would still like to be able to rest, not feeling your legs or even feeling your buttocks... You don't even know if you don't feel them anymore because of the total absence of sensation from sitting on your horse for this long, or if the pain you felt yesterday has taken over and has become a friend, and the only company you feel at this moment.
Because despite his presence, Pero is far too absorbed in the mission. This is nothing new, in fact, he has always been like this, only usually he has the good sense to admit that sleep is important for a good fight, as well as a somewhat adequate physical form...
"If we are attacked by a vampire now Pero I won't be able to fight". You say as you catch up to him slightly at a gallop. "Stop complaining," he says, slightly grumpier than his natural temperament, which is bound to be an effect of lack of sleep. "I'm not complaining, I'm just right! You know very well that the lack of rest will eventually kill us, if it is not the horses that die long before us! You say, slightly annoyed by his behaviour.
He stopped short, and turned to face you, grimacing, probably aching and exhausted, unconsciously proving your point: "If he runs away, he'll kill more people! You seem to forget what this thing is capable of!" "Forget?!" you say, widening your eyes, increasingly annoyed.
Vampires: demonic beings that have occupied the lands of your country since your childhood. At first, in your youth, their presence was only a myth, which some people described as mad swore they had seen, but as time went on, the world realised that it was all real. These decaying beings, who have no chance of finding the light again, their gaze completely absorbed in the darkness, surrounded by veins resembling the shade of smoke enveloping the sky and covering all traces of the sun. They are the shadows that will hide the light of all normal life since your youth... Since that night sixteen years ago...
You know that Pero can be stubborn, but he is not so deeply stubborn that he tries to pretend to anyone who doesn't know him, although he hides it quite well, he is a gentle man and a good man... Except when he really decides otherwise, as he has done for the last forty-eight hours. So you don't try to argue or have a simple debate with him on the subject, because you know very well what he's talking about and you don't want to talk about it... You've already had enough nightmares since you were a child, so you don't need that.
You gallop alone towards the big city, from where you are not so far now, determined to make a big turn, to let your horse rest, and to rest at the same time in a real bed, and not stones under a sheet for a pillow or an old tavern of the village where you were hunting.
It doesn't matter if he follows you or not, you're far too tired and suffering to care at the moment, and being a very good tracker, you know you'll be able to find him if only a few hours separate you from each other, and at least you'll be able to fight effectively if something happens.
⊱•~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ •⊰
The city is not as jovial as it usually is. You don't know why, of course, but there's a sort of silent restlessness that mingles with an almost empty square, leaving a black shadow over all those little houses, like a feeling deep inside you that you can see floating over the city.
"Anything interesting in the sky Paloma?"
You turn, coming out of the thoughts that had completely absorbed you, to find that Pero is at your side, handing you a piece of cheese, which he must have bought at the entrance of the city, and that you grab without hesitation the rumbling belly for any substitute of food... His way of apologizing and telling you that you are right, even if he will never admit it out loud...
Pero will never admit it, but he doesn't like to see you turning your back on him. He likes your presence, even if he doesn't express it, he likes to see you smiling, annoying him, lecturing him. He likes the way you've been waddling around on your horse for the last few days, and he knows it's only because of the pain he's putting you through, and that he shouldn't like to see that, he feels a little bad about it at times.... But you are so beautiful... And that ass, God only knows how many times he's dreamed of it bouncing off him...
"Nothing special, just a bad feeling" you say, taking a bite of the end of your feeble dish, "...I don't really believe in feelings you know, but for once I have to give it to you..." he says, kicking the sides of his horse to start galloping "No we should let the king know we're back, maybe he'll explain what's going on.
You nod and follow him, speeding up in your turn, not missing the crosses on the front of each house, as well as some silver objects in front of the windows, which normally would have been looted by the small thieves of the city, but even they don't seem to want to touch them... You start to understand what is going on but don't go forward, hoping that the bad luck hasn't come to your place of living once again, where you and Tovar have decided to stay for more than two years now.
⊱•~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ •⊰
The throne room which is usually decorated with berries on every table, and bright silk draperies falling from the chandeliers to the ceiling, adorning the sides of the windows are not present, leaving the room in a dullness and sadness that the king and queen usually do not like. But they don't seem to mind, in fact in this room where all the lords are gorging themselves and filling up, they think it is much more agitated than the atmosphere outside. An almost incomprehensible hubbub envelops the room, leaving the king before you, not uttering a word, eyes fixed on you, nodding towards a guard at the back of the room, leading to the inner corridors of the castle, a neutral look on his face, leaving his wife and lords to shout complaints and fears into every ear.
He stands up curtly as the others in the room don't take the decency to stop talking as they usually would, leaving the king to walk out the back door, with you on his heels.
"Where were you?!" He says before you can even close the door to the large hallway, "On the trail of one of them my king" Pero says, bowing his head slightly. "And?" Said the king as he placed his index finger and thumb on his nose, as if trying to relieve a headache. "We had a trail... But we got away from it because of me" you say as you look the king in the eye, not flinching, assuming that a disaster may be looming over the city because of you.
The king doesn't answer and starts pacing in front of you before continuing silently, in a calm and gentle manner that must have always been endowed with "It's nothing... I think you might have guessed it when you returned to the city, but one of them is attacking an area near here..." "And no one was AVAILABLE to stop it?... Dios mío..." says pero a little annoyed that everyone is waiting on you two. "Oh, there were many volunteers... But none came back."
You turn your gaze to Tovar understanding without him actually saying it, what the king is asking you. He nods and you do the same before turning to the king, "Where? Where did you send them?" you say, already beginning to think you're going to regret it, "The Singing Mountain... There was... If you had seen what happened there...".
He couldn't finish his sentence and squinted hard, as if to chase away painful memories buried behind his eyelids. "We've seen it all our lives," Pero said before bowing and walking out to cross the throne room. You do the same, "It will be dark soon, we can't leave now, it would be too dangerous. But at dawn we'll get started. You don't share any contact with him, out of royal respect, and simply turn on your heels to join Pero, already far away, probably thinking of a plan for tomorrow.
⊱•~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ •⊰
Your little house is on the outskirts of the village, a little out of the way, not that you don't like the presence of other people, but you are simply used to living like this: just the two of you.
You had already tried to live in separate houses in the village when you arrived two years ago, but every night was cut short by panicked screams and the search for comforting warmth next to you, visions and nightmares that you hadn't had in years, memories that were buried in the depths of your mind, every moment and every night that you spent in Pero's arms.
And you know that it was the same for him, even if he never mentioned it. He didn't have to. The simple fact that he would leave his house at one end of town in the middle of the night to join you under the sheets without saying anything and just let you snuggle up to him as you have done since you were children. So, you drifted away from the villagers, refusing to attach yourself to anyone else, only needing each other, sleeping together to hunt and seek comfort from the demons that plague you both when night falls. And sometimes even sharing each other's presence you feel that you are missing something... It's weird, and you don't know what it is. You don't talk about it... But you both feel it as well...
After setting up silver dust, under foliage all around your home and bringing back some stew that an old lady gave you in the village, thanking you for protecting them, and drinking a large pint of beer that Pero had left out in the house, you both finish your well-deserved meal in silence, savouring every mouthful of stew with a deliciousness like you've never tasted before... Or maybe you're just so hungry that everything would seem like a delicacy right now.
The same goes for the bed, having obviously finished before Pero who always takes a second bite and calls you "paloma", which according to what he told you simply means that you don't eat much for someone who is always crying out for food, like a little bird. You quickly head for your room so that you can have a nice bath without being disturbed by his lack of patience who you know would be there asking you every thirty seconds if you were almost finished, wanting to take a bath as well. So you were able to enjoy it fully until the water cooled, letting your muscles relax from the tumultuous journey and the stress dissolve for a short moment you cherished.
"I heard people talking about this mountain when we first arrived..." says Pero from the bathroom, waking you from your near sleep, now lying on the bed "Mmmh..." you reply far too tired to utter a word. Eyes still closed, you sit up slightly, knowing that he won't stop there. "The villagers always said that the devil lived in his heart... I didn't really pay attention to it, since there was never a murder... At least until now.”
You open your eyes hearing his voice much closer than it was a few seconds ago, and the reason being that he is standing by the bed, with only a sheet around his hips, placing his weapons beside him as he always does before going to bed. And for your part you try to look away as you always do before going to bed. At least when you sleep in a bed with him. At first it was quite simple and automatic not to look at him when you were younger and when he is only "dressed" like that... But lately it has become quite difficult... It has become quite difficult to avoid the vision of his broad shoulders and that torso getting thinner and thinner towards his waist, that aqualine nose that you imagine between your legs, before placing kisses on it as on his perfect lips and this goddamn perfect little line on it... And that scar on his beautiful obsidian black puppy-dog eyes, even if you're almost sure he doesn't like it, that scar on his face...That scar gives him a crazy charm... And everytime it become impossible to avoid to look at the droplets falling from his deep chocolate curls, sliding down that nape of his neck that you wish you could mark with your lips, to end up around his pure silver cross, shining on his golden and bronze skin...
It's become so hard to ignore this man who's practically become a god under your hungry eyes, as hard as it is to ignore the coming arousal that you feel between your legs as you watch him walk around in his armor or the mere sight of the veins and muscles in his neck give you unholy thoughts...
You turn around and help yourself to your sheets, crossing your legs to try and forget what you'd like him to do to you in that room and bed right now, thinking about how you probably wouldn't have the energy for it, and you fall asleep quicker than you thought you would, already with your mind bent on what you might find on that mountain tomorrow...
Pero watches your body rise and fall slightly with every breath you take and exhale, as he has been doing every night for the past few years... Since he was old enough to understand that you were no longer just a friend to him, that he was no longer indifferent to your curves, that he would watch you come out of the bathroom out of the corner of his eye and bend over the bed to admire your buttocks that he always imagined grabbing tightly in his hands... But he never did and was content to watch you fall asleep with your back to him, now that he can no longer see you come out with a simple sheet around you, your hair wet and your skin steaming from the good bath he would have liked to share with you... He is only content to fall asleep following your breaths, wanting deep down, much more of his Paloma...
⊱•~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ •⊰
You have galloped and walked all day to get to this cursed place, making you arrive around mid-day, when the sun begins its descent towards the west.
The forest is not dancing as usual, and the birds, being the reason why this mountain is called the singing mountain by their chirping, have seemingly disappeared singing no more from this cursed place under a river now red with blood. A putrid, foul smell that you can't miss is present on the scene. No bodies. Lots of blood.
"I've never seen this..."
You don't respond to his remark, but you know exactly what he is talking about. A river turned red with blood, accompanied by the smell of death, yet showing no sign of a body near the water or even in the forest you've just passed through.
Vampires kill, and abandon the corpse, having no interest in keeping the body, or if they really want a use for it, they transform the person, but in this case if, the smell of decomposing corpse and the river of blood should not be present at the scene.
"I don't like this Pero...".
He doesn't answer and just grunts before pulling out his sword and pushing you back slightly. You do the same and pull out your sword, never having doubted his ability to sense the presence of another being, other than the two of you. "It's not dark enough for it to be one," you say, watching carefully around you. "The king would never send his men out in the middle of the night," he says, passing you some silver powder. "How..."
You don't finish your sentence and freeze. Your hands tighten on the hilt of your sword, and you look into the shadows of the forest at the glowing yellow eye sockets. A man you can't make out is watching you without moving. Pero notices this too and pushes you behind him, instinctively as he does every time, even though he knows you can defend yourself, he never misses an opportunity to throw himself between you and the danger... And you will do the same for him when the opportunity arises.
"Come here!" he shouted with a smile, taunting this bloodsucking bastard, who for his part did not move a muscle. He's watching both you, and you're getting more and more worried, not understanding why he's not attacking you, as they all do. This is not a usual behaviour from them... What is going on here...
Your question evaporates as he evaporates, not approaching you, or attacking you. You tug lightly on Pero's arm, asking him to return to the horse. He didn't insist and followed you, sword in hand, running and climbing on the horses as fast as he could.
"What was that?!" you shouted at him at a gallop not far from him, who stopped dead in his tracks a few paces away from you "Pero what..." "I don't know!" he says, a growing frustration in his eyes that you know only too well, a look he gets when he is about to do something impulsive. "Pero you're not going back!" "He didn't attack us..." "That doesn't mean he won't next time! What's wrong with you?!" You say completely dumbfounded by your best friend, willing to risk his life to prove a point.
You follow him in spite of yourself, knowing that you couldn't forgive yourself for leaving him to die alone in those woods, whether it was his choice or not.
A million thoughts go through your head as Pero is hit by something. You jump off your horse and swing your sword at a man in your path, a man who did not flinch at the shock of a galloping horse. You throw a sword at him which he quickly avoids and disappears again, but you know this kind of technique well, you have fought them all your life. You grab a dagger in your other hand and stand back-to-back with pero who has just straightened up.
"I told you we should have left," you say, more than a little frustrated by events that could have been avoided. "This is not the time." He says as he begins to fight the creature in front of you, moving far too quickly for you to anticipate any movement.
He's faster. Smarter than anything you've encountered before, and despite Pero's ability to inflict some cuts with his pure silver sword, the vampire doesn't give in. But it doesn't kill us for all that... A sentence that goes through your head thinking that it could kill you both in a few seconds if it really wanted to... No, this thing is looking for something...
You don't take any more chances and grab your powder and throw it at the thing, which is screaming in pain, looking at you with reddened eyes, sharp fangs and black veins around its eyes like you've never seen before... "PERO THE HORSES!". He thinks for half a second about killing this thing here and now, but sees the powder starting to dissipate and prefers not to risk both of you getting killed here and now... Not to risk YOUR death here and now which would ultimately be his fault...
You gallop off without looking back, not understanding what you just saw.
⊱•~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ •⊰
"PERO WHAT DID YOU DO THERE?!" you say as you slam the door of the house and drop your weapons on the floor "You could have gotten us both killed! You saw what that thing did!" "It didn't kill us... Why?" he says as he sits down on one of the chairs calmly, too calm for what just happened "Is that really the only thing that bothers you about what just happened Pero?!" you say as you bang on the table.
He straightens up curtly and approaches you with a dark look in his eyes, "Aren't you even asking yourself that question? Don't you want to know why he left us alive? Why didn't he kill us or just jump down our throats and kill us like they all do? ¡Miénteme! LIE TO ME?! TRY LYING TO ME!" He says, banging on the table in turn.
You don't respond, knowing he's right, but you can't help it, impulsive behaviour like that could have killed you both. "I shouldn't have gone back there I know that Paloma... But I don't understand..." he says more calmly trying to apologize in his own way. You take him in your arms, understanding that he acted in incomprehension and panic "I also wonder Pero but don't ever do that again... He was smarter... Faster... And seems to control himself in front of living people... We never had to deal with that" you say holding him tighter, also needing a little comfort, adrenaline gradually coming down.
"She's right!"
You flinch and Pero pulls his sword straight out pushing you behind him, hearing a voice coming from your kitchen. Your eyes widen as you realise that the vampire you fought a few hours ago is the man in the room...
"Your powder has no effect on me, cuties... Should you have tried the wooden stakes?" he says, leaning slowly against one of the walls in front of you. "The wooden stakes are too big, a risk. You have to get too close and we're not stupid enough for that," Pero says dryly.
Those features... A protruding jaw, puppy dog eyes that dominate a fierce rage and that aquiline nose... You turn to Pero and move from him to this man, noticing that your friend, has similar features with this creature in front of you even if his hair is longer than pero, but he doesn't seem to really care or even notice it, it's actually the least of his concerns "Why are we still alive? "He says, putting his weapon on the table behind him, understanding that this creature does not intend to kill you, that if it really wanted to, it would not have bothered to let you go and then follow you and interrupt you... Or would have simply killed you in this forest.
He took a step closer but changed his mind when he saw that Pero was keeping a hand on one of his weapons. "Because I'm not the one you're looking for" says the vampire. Pero looked at you wide-eyed and started to laugh, a dark laugh, far from being amused by the situation. "Do you hear that? Now they're coming to our house to haggle," he said, jostling you slightly, still not making you smile.
You know that side of Pero. That unstable side that loses control of itself and doesn't know how to deal with the information and emotions it receives, which are far too numerous to process quickly enough for events that are far too unfamiliar to its eyes. And you don't blame him because you yourself don't know how to deal with it all. "I'm not happy about talking to you..." you say, trying not to play on each other's nerves. "...But you haven't killed us yet, so I'll give you a minute to explain what you want from us."
He stares at you for a few seconds, examining you from head to toe, not missing the look of disgust and hatred on your face. "You're looking for my creator... And I need you to kill him" he said, staring into your eyes, a teasing smile on his face, very sure of himself, yet very serious about the words he just said "Vampires are normally very attached to their creator, I think you're setting us up" you said, crossing your arms "She can't understand that if I wanted you dead you'd have been dead long ago!
He disappeared for a few seconds and found himself next to you, making you jump up and grab tovar's sword behind you to point it at him. He stared at the blade and ran his finger over it, causing smoke to billow from his skin, like at the end of a fire. "I'm not one of the little vampires you usually fight, which makes me... superior to what you're used to..." Tovar rolled his eyes and stepped in front of you, again, instinctively offering his body as a barrier to protect you, letting the man finish, always having a thought of skewering him at any moment "... I'm not dependent on him... At least not completely. But I don't serve him like all those vermin you hunt every day, who don't know how to control themselves or even think for themselves."
He loosens his last words with a more than visible disgust, arranging his clothes and slowly walking around the table without taking his eyes off you. "I don't depend on him. I'm not attached to him in any way... At least not emotionally... Physically it's something else: I can't kill him, not with my own hands." he says, staring deeply into the wood of the table, as if he could see his own reflection there.
"And you need us for that?!" Pero laughed a dark laugh like you've never heard, now less and less amused by the situation, knowing that he could launch himself at the thing in front of you at any moment. You grab him by the arm before he does something stupid and pull him away from the vampire "We should do it Pero." He widened his eyes and reached up to your face, grabbing your cheeks, as if to check that you hadn't been bewitched. You clapped his hands and told him you were fine before continuing, "If he leads us to his master..." "HE'S NOT MY MASTER!" he shouts from across the room letting you know that he can hear anything you say.
You look at Pero and let him know you'll explain the rest later by miming dust between your fingers, as you've done since you were little, before continuing "When he leads us to his MASTER, we can at least find out where he is and kill him! That's what we've wanted for weeks, Pero."
He's not thrilled. He realizes the danger you're going to face and knows that you've already faced a lot of such danger in your life... But he's not excited. He doesn't know if he can trust the information this thing has just given him, and if he should trust it at all. He doesn't want to have to trust it, and he can see in your eyes that you don't want to either... But he also understands that you have no choice after the king's request. So he lets his gaze shift from yours to the vampire's. "Okay. We leave tomorrow morning," he says, stepping around you and approaching the vampire, a more stern look on his face than he usually wears "... But if you were foolish enough to betray us, know this..." "... That you'll kill me?" he cuts Tovar off with a laugh and moves closer to him "And I'll let you do beautiful."
You chuckle and cross your arms and squint your eyes, amused "We already don't trust you..." "I know that sweetheart" "...BUT that's no reason to lie to us" you say, raising your voice, slightly annoyed by his condescending air.
He tries to get around Tovar, who won't let him pass, and shakes his head to let him know he's definitely not going to approach you. "Believe me..." he said as he put his gaze into yours, a serious, not amused gaze "... If I tell you I'd let you do it it's simply that I'd rather it be you than him."
He nodded to you, then to Tovar, and walked towards the front door.
"Oh, and I'd rather be Max Phillips than 'that thing'," he said as he closed the door behind him, leaving you and Tovar in a state of anxiety and nervousness the likes of which you hadn't had in a long time, leaving you both that night alive to the slightest background noise, the slightest shadow passing through the thin draperies of your windows...
Chapter 2
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juyeonjin · 3 years
My Older Brothers
(Part 1)
Summary: Jeongin entered Chan's room but he might have wished of not making this choice, or does he?
Member - Chan, Minho, Jeongin
Genre - slight smut
Warnings - mention of porn, masturbation (male)
Word count - 1.7k
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Jeongin was putting back his last stuffs in his bag to leave the building and head back to the dorms. Before zipping up his bag, he rummaged inside and realised his phone charger was missing. "It should be in chan's studio, I was there to listen to some samples", he thought to himself. Leaving his bag on the counter he went to chan's room. Chan would be there for a while before joining the boys later since he enjoys the atmosphere in the night a lot as well.
Arriving near the door, Jeongin was a bit hesitant since he didn't want to bother or worry his hyung but without his charger his phone wouldn't even make it before the drive to the dorm ends. He knocked on the door three times but there were no response which lead him to think that Chan might have fallen asleep. He didn't try to knock again and instead opted to take the key to chan's room in case he has to enter and he is not there. However he only used it once and always tried to never make it an option to resort to it, since he believed he shouldn't be using the key on trivial reasons.
Still in front of the door, Jeongin was debating whether his charger was a valid reason enough to use the key and after a minute of reflection he just absentmindedly used it and unlocked the door with a thought of, "He'll be very quick, it's like he never entered." In front of his eyes which got twice as big, was not only Chan fully awake but also Minho and that wasn't all. .. ... they were both completely naked and busy. Both of the elders turned their head towards Jeongin when he opened the door but instead of maybe feeling interrupted like Jeongin would have thought, they both had a smirk plastered on their face.
"So finally you used the key that I gave you. I really thought it would forever be buried in the depths of your bag", Chan said sarcastically. By now Jeongin cheeks were fully red and suddenly the thought of his phone discharging wouldn't sound as terrible.
Jeongin: "I, I... I'm sorry, I was just going to take my charger, I'll just take it and leave" he stuttered.
Chan: "Oh yeah your charger, I was waiting for you to come get it."
Jeongin: "He was waiting for me? So he knew that I was going to come at anytime?" he thought to himself feeling confused.
Chan: "Look Jeongin, you know I trust you right?" Jeongin nodded as he got attentive to whatever Chan had to say with his ears still a very bright red. "Haha do not be worried Jeongin-ah, it's true that I gave you my key for you to be able to come into my room whenever I'm not there and maybe I wasn't clear on it but whenever means whenever, everytime, this room is also yours and all the members' and I should also precise when I'm here too as well haha"
Jeongin didn't seem to understand where he was going with this. Was that an indirect 'it's just one of those times where he shouldn't have come in' 'Did he mess up' 'Was he going to dissapoint Chan'
And before he could go on with his mental rambling Chan continued, "Do not be worried, you did nothing wrong" ,as if he read his younger brother's face, "Actually it might be the contrary"
Contrary? What was that even supposed to mean? Jeongin questioned himself.
Chan: "Haha, stop feeling intimidated", again he read Jeongin's expression accurately, "Before you begin to question yourself even more, just close the door and sit down next to Minho"
Minho gave him a smile while tapping the seat next to him and then he said jokingly, "Aha Jeongin-ah we are your brothers you shouldn't feel embarrassed by such things"
Chan who was on his chair then proceeded, "Well Jeongin, I was always going to try and talk to you but I just never knew how to so I thought maybe one day if you walk in on me, or us in this situation, I would just have to go on with it and talk to you." Minho nodded in agreement with his playful smile as he enjoyed this exchange that he had no intention of interfering. .. ... for now at least.
Chan: "Of course, it is without saying that I would give you my key nonetheless but hey, it's not like you ever used it that much too right!?" he finished off with a fake angry tone. After a look at Jeongin's face he realised that his attention was being partially drifted away to what was behind him and that was just the right occasion for him to get into what he wanted to say.
Chan: "Enjoy what you see...?" he said teasingly and which made Jeongin move his eyes quickly to him Chan, to the screen and onto the floor. His ears who were just fading into pink burned like hot flame all over again and Minho had to comment on that of course, "Haha, look what you did to him Hyung, his ears are going to melt at this point."
Chan: "Jeongin-ah it's alright" he said while slightly moving away from the screen to show it more. "From what I'm noticing you love big asses too" he said ending with a laugh which Minho joined too as well. Minho was right if his ears were going to melt before now they were on the verge of evaporating all the way. Chan then urged Minho to switch places with him so he could be closer to Jeongin.
Chan: "Hey, it's alright, me and Minho do it all the time", he then asked, "Do you know what we were doing maybe", Jeongin looked him in the eyes nervosity invading his lips as he was pushing himself to finally talk after all this time being silent. "You were both masturbating?" he said with his heart nearly leaving his chest.
Chan: "Oh so I see you didn't need me or Minho then haha", a comment that made Jeongin turn to the opposite side, clearly not knowing how to respond to that. "Hey, I'm just playing with you, now let's just forget about all this awkard moments that just happened when you entered okay?"
Jeongin briefly thought of it and realised that the peak of his embarassment was over and that he shouldn't be shy with his hyungs who clearly are not. Jeongin, "Ok so should I take a charger and go, I won't tell anyone, I promise."
Chan: "Ah.. I know you won't tell anyone but yeah you can leave if you want but we both wouldn't mind you stayin."
Jeongin felt a different kind of heat rising in him, not that of embarassment but something else. He felt his pants becoming a bit too tight and the urge to say yes was not that bad anymore.
Minho: "Looks like he wants to stay then," he joked.
Chan: "So you will stay with us?"
Jeongin shyly nodded which earned him the biggest smirk from his hyungs.
Minho: "Ha! I told you he would be tempted with some hot ass", he directed to Chan as if winning a bet and Jeongin chuckled to that, his first not-so-shy act of the night.
Chan: "So let's do it then!"
Minho left the chair and went to sit on the right corner of the couch, while Chan got up to put the porn back on. He then slightly turned to Jeongin and laughed, "Yes you can take your clothes off now, put them over this table where Minho's clothes are as well."
They were now all three sitting on the couch with Chan on the left side, Minho on the right side and Jeongin in the middle. The two members were beginning to stroke their cocks while the porn was blasting in the soudproof studio and Jeongin was only savouring the video letting each erotic pulsation flow throughout his body. His cock was twitching and his pre-cum was dripping onto his stomach. He felt a pleasing sensation building up in his dick but thought that would be the end of it.
Chan: "You haven't jerked off yet right?"
Jeongin nodded.
Minho also turned to look at them and Chan handed Jeongin his bottle of lube which he grabbed and poured on his hand.
Suddenly the pornographic sounds were just background music as they both anticpated for Jeongin to begin his sexual discovery. As if a parent to their child winning a trophy, they were both proud to see Jeongin start his adulthood and see him mature and also join them into theid adultventures *cough*.
He began to stroke and it felt like the entry to a new world, the secret to an old mystery, the answer to a longing question or how the members would say, the key to chan's room.
Chan: "Feels good right!?"
Jeongin: "Yeah..." he said in a low breath as he was in complete awe of how wonderful this felt and this new sensation to him had his blood rushing at an immense speed.
Minho: "Hey why don't we cum at the same?" he said jokingly.
Chan: "Sounds good, what do you think Jeongin-ah?"
Jeongin nodded in agreement and all three of them jerked off to the scene in front of them, holding back when the urge to cum got close by going at a lower speed or briefly stopping their movement.
Minho: "I'm ready to cum!" he alerted.
They both turned to Jeongin who knew what they were going to ask and nodded signalling that he was too and just after a few seconds of quick pumping all three of them ejaculated at the same time earning deep grunts from the oldest while Jeongin was just moaning soundlessly. Thick ropes of cum felt onto their stomachs and on the couch leaving all three to take deep breaths to calm down from this intense session.
Minho: "Wow that was great! Right Jeongin-ah" he said tapping his arm with his elbows.
The embarrassment that would be taking over Jeongin was now more a lighthearted one and he responded quietly, "yeah, yeah it was really great, I agree"
He then continued with what left his two brothers in a state of delightful surprise, "Can we do another one."
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