#1x11 the eye
preacherboyd · 1 year
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House M.D. | 1x11 Detox
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bloodfreak-boyking · 5 months
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Sam being unbearably pretty in 1x11 Scarecrow
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locke-esque-monster · 13 days
What exactly were Meg's orders or her plan in Scarecrow?
Was she told to go to Indiana, knowing she'd meet Sam there or was it a chance meeting? Narratively, it makes more sense she was there on purpose. But she also didn't question the orders until the end of the episode after she met Sam, so either she was reiterating the argument, or this was her first shot to question orders.
Let's assume she's there on purpose. Did she get her full orders prior to meeting Sam and playing aloof at first was either her specific instructions or her personal choice on how to enact her orders? Was the aloof thing to hook Sam in or was she just supposed to get a glimpse of him and report back?
I ask report back because she described the van driver as a creep - did she kill him too to use his blood for follow up orders? Seems likely based on her being at the bus station - I can't imagine with Meg's personality she'd be eager to leave him alive.
But following that, was Meg supposed to convince Sam to come with her to CA? Because presumably old Yellow Eyes is also there with John tracking him. Was Meg supposed to plausibly break the brothers apart and get him to the YED, or just to test the waters to see how easy it would be?
I'm wondering if all this is because I'm curious if Meg was supposed to be a prototype for Ruby. With what we know about the other special kids getting seduced to the dark side, was Azazel trying to see how easy it would be to get Sam? And when that failed, Lilith was put in charge of that task and tried a different more subtle tactic? Aka by Lilith using a tactic that used Sam's love for Dean turned into revenge, versus his love of freedom from his family expectations (a little more of a classic Lucifer move - as presumed possible by Azazel when trying to recruit the Lucifer sword).
And is there an entire alternative plot line where Sam follows Meg and the pieces of the puzzle of the apocalypse fall into place differently? Dean still sells his soul (maybe for John instead) and Sam opens the door for Lucifer, maybe a little more willingly?
Structurally it's likely this all wasn't planned out yet, but the implications of the Sam-goes-off-Meg and that version of the apocalypse starts are fascinating.
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djkerr · 17 days
Wait for it... 😂
TGW 01x11 Infamy
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megaclaudiolis · 2 months
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Michinaga x bumping into Mahiro in his own house
→ 第十一回 「まどう心」 ​​​// 第十三回 「進むべき道」 ​​​
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lastoutpost · 2 years
the fact that dean has a little photo icon for Sam in his phone in 1.11 scarecrow. like a full on headshot. hey Sammy stand still I need your pic for uh. reasons. [resists the urge to set it as his background]
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All Eyes Lead to the Truth | Eve (1x11)
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It happened on the playground at recess. Not in the way she’d read about these kinds of things in storybooks: a flash of light, some ghostly vision, a possession of some kind. It just was. 
She wasn’t like the other fifth graders. She was smart, advanced. There had been no need for first or second grade. And it was while she sat reading her science textbook cover to cover for the third time, studying the chapter on ionic bonds, that she became aware of thousands of other things she’d never learned. It was as if she were suddenly leading another life, but not just one. Maybe three or four. Five, perhaps. 
It felt like there were… six.
Teena Simmons sat alone next to the water fountain except she wasn’t alone, not really. There was another presence with her now.
It was hard to explain, but somehow she knew. 
She just knew.
Read the rest on Ao3 | @admiralty-xfd
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hersweetrevenge · 11 months
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rohan campbell as dane (1x11), experiencing the five four stages of grief.
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😱pictures taken moments before disaster😱
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booasaur · 1 year
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Gotham Knights - 1x11
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angelsdean · 27 days
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*record scratch* freeze frame. Reality Check. "You're the one who came and got me at school. You're the one who dragged me back into this." let's re-evaluate that statement, Sam, because that is not, in fact, what happened.
The context in which Sam makes this statement is that he's arguing Dean used to care about the revenge quest and killing the demon because Dean is the one that came and got Sam and thus "dragged him back" into the quest to kill the demon. But, that is not why Dean went to get Sam at school, it was to find John, who was missing and possibly dead. Dean didn't even Know about the demon at this point (they don't find out that "the thing that killed mom" is a demon til 1x11) or that John was closing in on it. Dean goes to Stanford to ask Sam to help him look for John, that's it. Then, at the end of 1x01 Dean brings Sam back to school in time for his interview as promised, and drives away. He only turns around when, in the deleted scene, he notices his watch has stopped, cluing him in that something is wrong. And he gets there in time to save Sam from the burning building.
Sam then makes the choice to leave with Dean because now that he's lost someone, he is personally invested in finding John because John knows more about the thing that killed Mary (and now Jess) than anyone, and Sam is the one who is now consumed by the need for revenge and the first step in getting that revenge is finding John, something he had no vested interest in doing before, but is now heavily invested in, even more than Dean is, as we see throughout the first half of s1 where Sam is often the one calling around looking for John and is more interested in searching for John than taking on random cases.
Anyways, it's just so interesting to track this revisionism of events and how both Sam and Dean come to accept this as the truth when it's literally not what we saw happen throughout the season. And we see Dean start to absorb this belief after Meg plants the seed in their heads in 1x16, trying to drive a wedge between them, by falsely saying Dean "drags Sam around like luggage" when literally the whole reason Sam and Meg meet is because Sam wanted to part ways in 1x11 and Dean let him go. Sam then comes back and decides to stay all on his own, even after Dean offers to drop Sam off somewhere.
Dean expresses in 1x16, that yes, he wants Sam around, he wants his family together again, but at the end of that very episode Dean is also the one who says they need to split up from John, even though it's the last thing he wants. Dean consistently is willing to let people go, even if it's not what he personally wants. And especially Sam. Over and over throughout the season he expressed how he wants Sam to have a normal life, is willing to let Sam go, or stay in some random town and drop the search for John. So even IF Dean did secretly want Sam to stick around when he went to get Sam at Stanford, he never expected it. Never enforced it.
That Sam comes to think Dean "dragged him back" into hunting is a purely revisionism and a bit of projection, I think, because Sam might not want to face the truth of the matter which is that he consistently chose to stick with hunting, and actually enjoys it more than he'd like to admit. And, as both he and John express, this quest to kill Yellow Eyes becomes "their" obsession. Not Dean's. Dean is the one who says he'd rather they never find the demon if it means losing his family. Dean is the one that says getting revenge isn't worth dying for. And then, Sam takes this to heart, when at the end of 1x22 he refuses to kill John Possessed by Azazel at Dean's pleading, AND when he tells John that killing this demon does not come "before everything" while eyeing Dean bleeding out in the backseat.
Dean was never the one invested in revenge. He did not come get Sam from Stanford to aid in the family revenge quest, he came for help in finding their missing father, something Dean cared abt simply because that's family, and Dean cares deeply, despite everything John put them through. Dean is the one that cares, the heart of the narrative, etc etc. He comes to Sam because he is alone in the world, because their only other blood relative is missing, because it's a very human thing, to reach out, to want family around. And still, he was always going to let Sam go after the 1x01. He didn't like it. It's not what Dean wanted. But he was going to let him go back to his life. Sam chose to follow Dean and continue searching for John.
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writerofsorts · 8 months
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(image creds: to the owner)
pairing: jason dilaurentis x female reader.
summary: 1x11 "moments later" episode imagine/rewrite.
warnings: hospital, accident and injury.
*read previous part here!
The heaviness of her head was the first thing [Y/N] felt the moment she gained consciousness. Her eyelids fluttered a few times before her eyes fully opened only to close them back the next moment as she found the bright light of the room rather uncomfortable. She slowly opened her eyes again and blinked a few times, adjusting to the light in the room and scanning her surrounding.
Soon, she realized that she was in a hospital room and it didn't take long before she noticed her left leg in a cast. All the memories from the previous night at Mona's birthday party flooded her mind, causing tears to pool in her eyes.
She couldn't believe that A had actually tried to kill her and she was, of course, utterly relieved that the faceless monster hadn't succeeded in their task.
She pressed her head against the pillow and closed her eyes, causing the tears to run down her cheeks.
"[Y/N/N]?" a voice called along with the sound of a door opening.
[Y/N] turned her head in the direction of the familiar voice and through her blurred vision, she recognized the form of her older brother. She blinked a few times to clear her eyes while her brother was already wiping the tears away from her cheeks before cupping them in his hands.
"You're okay, buddy, you're okay," he told her gently. The way he comforted her reminded her of the way he would do so whenever she injured herself when she was younger. His presence alone gave her strength and made her forget the fear that came along with the memory of the accident.
She sniffled before smiling at her brother, "Can you help me sit up, please?"
"Of course, hold on," [y/b/n] replied as he slid his hands underneath her back and gently lifted her into a seating position. Then, while holding her with one of his arm around her shoulders, he arranged the pillows behind her back so that she could sit comfortably. "This okay?"
"Yes, thank you," she sighed and her brother sat next to her, taking her hands in his. "Are Mom and Dad here too?"
"They're actually on their way here as we speak," he answered. "I sent them home last night because I figured they could use some rest."
"You should've gone home too," [Y/N] spoke, scanning the tired features of her brother's face. "Did you get any sleep last night?"
"Sleep was the last thing on any of our minds, buddy," [y/b/n] shook his head, closing his eyes for a brief moment. Thinking back to the previous night, where he had almost lost his baby sister, only brought him complete distress. "Though I sent Mom and Dad home to get some rest, they didn't. All they did was call and text me, asking if you had woken up or not. Besides, there was no way I was leaving you along here while the monster who did this to you is still out there."
"I'm so sorry for worrying all of you," [Y/N] whispered, tears gathering in her eyes again.
"It's not your fault, kiddo," her brother's reply was instant. "But, what happened last night, [y/n/n]? The police told us that it was a hit and run."
"I think that's what happened," [Y/N] answered slowly. Her brother knew her so well and it was very difficult for her to tell him only half of the truth while looking into his eyes. "Hanna and Mona had a small misunderstanding, I guess. Then, Mona disinvited Hanna from her birthday party and well, Hanna snuck in. Aria, Emily, Spencer and I went to meet her in the parking lot. I was crossing the parking lot first to catch up to Hanna when the car came out of nowhere."
"I swear when they catch that monster, I'm going to do everything I can to make sure they stay locked up for a very long time," [y/b/n] muttered, anger lacing his tone.
"[y/b/n]?" [Y/N] called and his eyes instantly softened, looking at her. "I'm okay. I mean, the broken leg sucks but I'm going to be alright."
Her brother smiled at her lovingly at her attempt to comfort him and pulled her into his arms, hugging her close. [Y/N] wrapped her arms around him, feeling safe and protected after the nightmare she just survived.
They were interrupted when there was a knock on the door. The sibling pair pulled away from each other and turned towards the doorway. The door was slowly pushed open and their parents entered the room, making [Y/N] smile instantly. Her parents visibly breathed out in relief at the sight of her before returning her smile.
It wasn’t long before they reached her and gathered in her in their warm embrace. Her brother, meanwhile, stepped back to let the parents have a moment with his little sister.
"You're okay," [y/m/n] whispered, cupping [Y/N]'s cheeks in her hands, her teary eyes scanning over her daughter.
"I’m okay," [Y/N] nodded, her own tears slipping out of her eyes. Her attention turned to her dad when he caressed her hair, his worried gaze set on the wound on her forehead.
"When they find the lowlife who did this to you, I'm gonna kill them," he said quietly.
"[y/b/n] said he's gonna make sure they stay locked up for a long time," [Y/N] said with a chuckle, hoping to lessen her parents' worry over her.
"I guess that's an option too," her dad replied with a shrug, causing [Y/N] to laugh.
Seeing her smile was more than enough for her family and they took her in their loving embrace again, thanking the stars that, despite her injuries, she was alright.
It was a little later in the morning and [Y/N]'s mother kept her company. Her dad was out in the hallway on a call while her brother had gone home to freshen up.
Even before the knock came, [Y/N] and her mom both heard familiar voices and the sound of rushed footsteps.
"I wonder who that could be," [y/m/n] said with a teasing smile before moving to open the door. "Hi, girls."
"Hi, Mrs. [y/l/n]," [Y/N] heard her friends greet before she saw them.
"Is [y/n/n] awake? Can we see her?" Hanna asked.
"She is and of course," [y/m/n] replied, opening the door further for her daughter's friends.
[Y/N] smiled when she saw Hanna first and the latter didn't waste a second before moving towards the bed to hug her injured friend carefully.
"You scared me, [y/n/n]," Hanna whispered with a relieved sigh, leaning her head against [Y/N]'s.
"I'm alright, Hanna banana," she replied, rubbing Hanna's back to comfort her.
"I'll give you girls some time," [y/m/n] said, moving to exit the room. "Call me if you need anything, okay? I'll be right out here."
"Of course," Spencer replied. "Thank you, Mrs. [y/l/n]."
[Y/M/N] smiled at them before stepping out of the room and closing the door. Over Hanna's shoulder, [Y/N] passed a smile to her other friends, who returned the gesture and waited patiently. They knew that [Y/N] and Hanna were the closest. The two were friends even before they met Alison and their bond only grew stronger after Ali's disappearance while the rest of them drifted apart.
[Y/N] frowned when she heard Hanna sniffle and pulled back from the hug. Hanna wiped away her tears before looking at [Y/N]. 
"Han," the injured girl whispered, taking in the blonde's red-rimmed eyes.
"I'm sorry. It's just that you really scared me," replied Hanna.
"No, don't apologize," [Y/N] said back, shaking her head. "I'll be okay, trust me."
Hanna nodded with a small smile and moved aside to let the other girls hug [Y/N]. Once Aria, Emily, and Spencer finished checking up on [Y/N], Hanna was quick to resume her seat next to her best friend.
"Does it hurt?" Emily asked, sitting at the foot of the bed near [Y/N]'s injured leg.
"Yeah, kind of," [Y/N] shrugged and smiled a little as if accepting that the road to recovery was going to be quite long. "So, who is it? Who's A?"
[Y/N] looked at her friends expectantly and frowned when the three girls looked at Hanna in turn.
"Uh, we didn't talk about it last night," Hanna said when [Y/N] looked at her. "I mean, I know who A is but we couldn't focus on it last night without you."
"You guys didn't have to," [Y/N] said softly, feeling touched by her friends' consideration.
"We're in this together, remember?" Aria asked from where she was sitting on [Y/N]'s unoccupied side of the bed.
"Thanks guys," [Y/N] said, squeezing Aria's hand in hers while her other hand was held by Hanna.
"Noel Kahn is A," Hanna blurted, unable to keep it to herself anymore, and her friends gaped at her.
"What?" Emily questioned just as [Y/N] asked, "Are you sure?"
"Yeah," Hanna nodded in confirmation. "I saw him in the woods and he left an A message."
"You actually saw him leave a message?" Spencer repeated, her posture still laced with shock at the revelation of their tormentor.
"He wrote something on the back of a car window," Hanna spoke slowly, a little hesitant this time.
"Do you know what he wrote?" Emily asked.
Hanna remained silent. [Y/N] didn't know if Emily or Spencer noticed it, but she definitely saw Hanna glance at Aria once before looking away.
"I see you," Aria spoke, gaining her friends' attention from Hanna. Her gaze was on the floor as she fiddled with her fingers nervously and the rest of the girls understood that was the message written on the car.
[Y/N] looked at Hanna first and the latter gave an uncomfortable smile. Hanna didn't want to be the one to reveal the second secret she had discovered last night -- it was totally up to Aria as it involved her. [Y/N], then, looked at Spencer and Emily, who looked as equally confused as her.
"How do you know?" Spencer was the first to question Aria.
"I was in the car," Aria replied quietly.
"Whose car was it?" Emily asked next and Aria sucked in a deep breath.
"Ezra Fitz," the petite girl's answer left her friends baffled except for Hanna.
"Wait, Mr. Fitz?" Spencer asked, her voice a little louder in shock. The judgement in her voice was extremely obvious as well. "Our English teacher?"
Aria gave a short nod and the other three girls looked at Hanna, who nodded in confirmation.
"Aria, you and Mr. Fitz?" [Y/N] asked gently, though she was still in disbelief at the idea that one of her best friends was in a relationship with their English teacher.
Aria simply nodded again in response.
"The call you got at the party?" Emily said, her eyes lighting up at the memory from Mona's birthday party. "That was him, wasn't it?"
"Yeah," Aria said with a heavy sigh and finally looked up at her friends. "Guys, I couldn't tell anyone. I promised Ezra."
"Ezra?" Spencer scoffed. "Wait, this is something that's been going on? You and a teacher?"
"I didn't just get into his car last night, Spence," Aria answered, offended. "Who do you think I am?"
"How long have you been seeing him?" Emily asked, sounding calmer and less judgmental compared to Spencer.
"Since before school started," Aria said.
"Since Labor Day?" [Y/N] asked. "That's when you got back from Iceland, right?"
"Yep," Aria confirmed.
"So, you didn't have a boyfriend in Iceland, then?" Hanna asked, her brows furrowed in confusion.
"I- I did," Aria answered, "But, it's not like that."
"And, why did you get into his car last night?" Spencer questioned Aria and the latter looked uncomfortable with all of the questions being thrown at her.
"Spence, look," [Y/N] interrupted with a sigh, rubbing her forehead. Along with her leg, her head was starting to hurt as well with the tension in the room. "Aria's relationship with Mr. Fitz is the least of our concerns right now. We just found out who A is. What are we gonna do?"
"Okay," Spencer breathed out, nodding, and turned to Hanna. "Han, what exactly did you see again?"
"Well, I saw Aria go into the parked car," Hanna said, her gaze falling on [Y/N]'s injured leg subconsciously. "Then, I saw someone in a black hoodie write something on the back of the car window. When the person turned around, it was Noel."
"So, was he the one who ran me over?" [Y/N] asked. "I couldn't really see the driver."
The girls looked at each other, wondering the same.
"I'm not sure," Hanna answered first.
"It was too dark to see the driver," Emily added.
“Guys, it couldn’t have been Noel,” Aria said suddenly. 
“Why do you sound so sure about it?” Spencer asked. 
“Because, I saw him too. Well, I didn’t see him write on the back of Ezra’s car,” Aria replied. “But, after [y/n/n] was taken to the hospital, I saw him with the rest of the crowd. I don’t think he could’ve hit her, park the car, and then come back to the site of the accident all within a short amount of time.”
“So, are there two A’s?” [Y/N] asked nervously.
“Like, one is Noel who wrote the message on Mr. Fitz’s car and the other that drove me over?” 
“I do not like the sound of that,” Hanna said, leaning her head on [Y/N]’s shoulder. 
“None of us do, Han,” Spencer sighed. 
Later that afternoon, [Y/N] was re-reading Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets for the nth time when there was a knock on the door of her hospital room.
"Come in," she called and marked the page she was on with her bookmark, leaving the book in her lap for the time being.
Her eyes watched in curiosity as the door slowly opened and she was taken aback when Jason slowly entered the room. He smiled at her and she noticed that he had a small lavender-colored gift bag in his hand.
"Jason?" she asked with a stunned smile.
"Hello, [Y/N]," he greeted, his smile faltering once he took in her bruised form.
"Hi! Come on in," she said and he moved further into the room, moving his eyes away from her leg that rested in a cast.
"Hey," he said in a whisper, standing next to the bed. "How- how are you?"
"I'm doing okay," she answered and he nodded. However, she could see the concern in his green eyes as they scanned over the bandage on her forehead, faint scratches on her arm, and on her injured leg again.
"My god, [Y/N], are you sure you're okay?" he asked, meeting her eyes again.
"I mean, it's not rainbows and unicorns at the moment," she chuckled. "But, I'll be alright."
He breathed out a laugh, shaking his head.
"What is it?" she asked curiously.
"Your positivity," he replied, smiling at her in rather awe. "It's amazing, really. I remember Ali used to go on and on about how you were the most positive out of the powerpuff girls."
"Ali called us powerpuff girls?" [Y/N] asked teasingly.
"Okay, that was me," he said sheepishly. "Sorry."
"Don't be, it's funny," she said, still chuckling before looking down at her lap for a moment. Noticing the book there, she moved it to the table beside her and faced Jason again. "Would you like to have a seat? There's the chair."
"Oh, sure," he replied before picking up the chair that was at the foot of the bed and moving it closer to her. "I met your parents and brother outside, by the way. They seemed busy on the phone."
"Don't remind me," [Y/N] shook her head tiredly. "Somehow the accident ended up on the news and everyone we know have been calling continuously. Mom, Dad, and [y/b/n] were ignoring them, but I asked them to answer the calls and just get it over with, you know?
"Besides, every time they look at me, they get this sad look in their eyes and I feel bad that I gave them this scare."
"Hey, no, it's not your fault that you got hurt," he said gently.
"I just wish I moved out of the car's way when I saw it come at me," [Y/N] said in a small voice. "Instead, I froze on the spot; it was like my brain stopped functioning."
"Do you think that it was an accident?" he asked.
"What?" [Y/N] asked, her heartbeat rising at his intent gaze on her. "I think so. I- I don't see why anyone would want to hit me on purpose."
"I have a feeling that something's going on," he spoke, continuing to look at her. "First, Ali went missing and they found her body literally after a year. Then, we did a memorial for her only for someone to destroy it so- so brutally. Then, when I saw you at the school the other day during the storm, you seemed pretty terrified after getting a text and literally flew out of the room. Now, someone ran you over with their car, [Y/N]. All of these can't be a coincidence, can they?"
"I- I don't know what to tell you, Jason," she replied with a soft sigh. She truly didn't and this topic made her feel uneasy. She had a feeling A was behind all of these incidents, but she couldn't tell Jason about them. She couldn't possibly put Jason in A's radar.
"[Y/N], please," he pleaded in a low voice. "Is there something going on? Is someone bothering you and your friends? Was someone trying to hurt Ali?"
"I really don't know," she answered helplessly and he let out a defeated sigh, dropping his gaze from hers. "If something was going on, especially if it was related to Ali, I would let you know. I promise."
He looked at her again in silence as if analyzing whether she was telling the truth or not. [Y/N] wasn't sure what he saw, but eventually, he looked convinced by her words.
"Thank you. Oh, and here," he said, handing her the small gift bag he had brought. "This is for you. It's a little get well soon present."
"Thank you," she replied, keeping the bag in her lap. "You know, you didn't have to."
"I wanted to," he shrugged, smiling.
"Well, thanks again," she replied, feeling her heart warm at his sweet gesture. She looked at the bag, but she couldn't see the contents in it due to the tissue papers he had placed in it. "What's in here?"
"Go ahead and look," he chuckled, causing her to grin sheepishly. However, she did as he said and moved the tissue papers to the side of the bag and gasped, her eyes widening.
"Oh my goodness!" she exclaimed in a whisper, taking the small otter plush toy out of the bag. She held it in both of her hands, gazing at it with heart eyes.
"Jason," she called, turning to him, and he was already looking at her with an affectionate smile. He found her reaction to the simple gift so cute and pure. "This is adorable! Thank you so much! How'd you know I like otters?"
"Guess," he said with a teasing glint in his eyes.
"Ali?" she asked and he confirmed with a nod. She was almost in disbelief at that idea that Ali had talked about them so much.
"You girls are all that she talked about most of the time," he shared with a sad but fond smile on his lips and she returned it.
"Thank you again," she said softly while hugging the otter close to her heart. "I love this little guy so much already."
"You're very welcome," he couldn't help but laugh at her words. The way she found happiness in the smallest of things made him adore her further. He didn't think the gift was a big deal. However, seeing the way she was holding the plush toy as if it was a prized possession warmed his heart and he was glad that at times he had paid attention to Ali's tales about her friends.
"So, I should get going now," he said in a low voice, regretting the words that left his lips.
"Oh, okay," she replied in an equally low voice that made him wonder if she was going to miss him as much as he would miss her the moment they would be away from each other. "Are you going to stick around here for a while?"
Was that hope he heard in her voice?
He shook away his mind voice and looked at her with guilt.
"I'm actually leaving town," he said, making her heart drop.
"Oh," a barely audible whisper was all she could manager. She cleared her throat before speaking again. "When do you leave?"
"Later today," he answered. "I'll be back, though. Soon, hopefully. Sorry, I don't mean to drop all this on you."
"No, don't be," she shook her head, a small smile stretching her lips in order to reassure him. "Are you driving?"
"Yes," he nodded.
"Drive safe, okay?" she said.
"Of course," he smiled at her. "And, you take care of yourself, alright?"
"I will," she nodded.
"And, please let me know if…" he trailed off and she understood perfectly.
"I will, Jason," there was something in her voice that made him trust her words and he nodded at her gratefully.
With one last smile, he got up and moved the chair he was sitting on to its previous position by the foot of the bed. He once again moved closer to [Y/N] to say his goodbyes. For now.
"I guess this is goodbye," he said.
"I believe in see you laters," she chuckled, making him do the same. "Thank you for visiting me and for the gifts. I appreciate it."
"Anytime, [Y/N]," he replied before his gaze dropped from her for few moments before returning back to hers. "Is it okay if I give you a hug?"
"Yes," she whispered after a few moments, subconsciously opening her arms for him. Jason leaned down and he was as gentle as possible as he held her in his arms. One of his hands cradled the back of her head against his shoulder and the other wrapped around her shoulders. [Y/N] slowly brought her arms around him and rested them on his shoulder blades.
Jason was the first to pull back from the hug, not wanting to overstep any boundaries. [Y/N] moved her hands back in her lap and smiled up at him as he looked at her.
"I'm so glad you're okay," he told her quietly, his hand holding the side of her head for a few more seconds before he stepped back, creating a little distance between them. "Please stay safe."
"I will," she replied in an equally quiet voice. "You too."
He nodded at her and slowly walked backwards before stopping at the door.
"See you later, [Y/N]," he said with a smile, which she returned instantly.
"See you later, Jason," she said and watched as he stepped out of the room, closing the door behind him.
[Y/N] let out a small sigh and looked down at the otter plush, smiling fondly at it. Her heart felt a little heavy at the thought that Jason would be miles away from Rosewood, from her, soon. At the same time, his word of coming back soon made her feel relieved.
*read next part here!
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whumplists · 3 months
Lucifer Whump List
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1x1- emotional whump, shot multiple times (not hurt) 1x4- scar reveal, emotional whump, shot by Chloe, bleeding, in pain, needs help walking 1x6- emotional whump from stolen wings, angry outburst 1x7- punched in the face multiple times by Amenadiel, bloody face, black eye, worried Chloe 1x9- lots of emotional whump 1x10- arm burned in fire while rescuing Chloe, arm bandaged 1x11- shot but unharmed, cut hand 1x12- fight with Amenadiel, bleeding nose/bruised face, worried Chloe 1x13- shot in the stomach, collapses, bleeding out, dies, brought back to life 2x1- hit in the head with a fire poker, bleeding, choking 2x5- fight with Uriel, hit multiple times, bleeding, emotional whump, crying 2x6- acting out/grieving 2x8- slashed in the torso by Dan 2x12- cuts himself, bleeding 2x13- kills himself via defibrillator, failed attempts to resuscitate him, stuck in hell, emotional whump, brought back to life, worried friends 2x15- punched, thrown into car 2x16- committed, drugged, tied down to gurney 2x17- fight with Maze, bloody face 2x18- thrown into piano, knocked out, wakes up in desert badly sunburned 3x1- sunburned in desert cont, pain from slap on back/wings 3x9- trapped in building (not injured though) 3x11- cage fight with Amenadiel, hit multiple times, bloody face, cuts still on face later, wings cut off 3x17- stabbed in the shoulder saving Chloe, worried Chloe, bleeding, arm in sling, emotional whump 3x20- sleep deprived, betrayed 3x24- shot many times in the wings, screaming in pain, bloody/damaged wings (photo at top of post) 4x1- shot through the hand, bleeding, bandaged, in pain 4x2- inside exploding building, worried Chloe, cuts hand on glass, jumps in front of axe for Chloe, cut in the chest by Chloe 4x4- emotional whump, impaled by pool cue 4x5- shot in the stomach, collapses, held hostage while injured, worried friends, coughing, bleeding out, passes out, in ambulance gurney 4x7- targeted for a hit, shot (not hurt), emotional whump 4x8- lots of emotional whump 5x3- fight with Maze, fight with Michael, roughed up/bloody 5x7- paralyzed by dart, dragged, held captive by serial killer, found by Chloe, shot in the chest by Dan (cliffhanger) 5x8- continued from being shot last episode, worried Chloe (no injury though), emotional angst/guilt, hit in the head by Chloe (but not injured), thrown through glass wall, fight with Maze 5x15- kicked, thrown into table, emotional whump/grief 5x16- fight with Michael, lots of emotional whump, crashes into heaven, dying, falls to his knees, sacrifices himself, dies
Not including season 6 b/c it's traumatizing :D
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romancemedia · 3 months
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Rishe realizes Arnold's eyes are beautiful (1x08 vs 1x11)
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queseraone · 5 months
Leading up to Season 6, your top 5 Chenford episodes so far—
(Yes they need to be in order. Honorable mentions are also acceptable 😉)
Wow, you really chose violence with this one...
I very much didn't just spend half of my work day spiraling and struggling to answer this. Ahhhhhh!!!! To a certain extent, it's easy. My top two? No problem. BUT THE REST???? WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO MEEEEEEEEEE?!?!?!!?
Okay, here I go. Wait I lied, first I'm going to explain my ranking a bit. One of the big distinguishing factors for me between the top 5 and the honorable mentions is scenes vs. overall episode. Some of the mentions include one AMAZING scene, but that alone doesn't merit a top spot for me.
I don't know, this was insanely hard. Ask me again tomorrow and some of these will probably change, but as of this moment, I'm going with—
Top Five Episodes:
Day of Death (2x11) - Do I really need to explain this one? This episode was everything. Perfect. Fantastic. Emotional. Intense. Beautifully acted and shot and scored. Truly one of my favourite episodes of TV ever. HE PULLED HER OUT OF THE FUCKING GROUND PEOPLE.
Double Down (5x01) - I am obsessed with this episode. OBSESSED. Lucy dreamed about their kiss! The conversations with Angela and Tamara (and the teasing)! How damn easy it is for them to touch and flirt and ahhhhh! Tim grabbing Lucy's hand when they find out Rosalind escaped! I REPEAT: TIM GRABBING LUCY'S HAND WHEN THEY FIND OUT ROSALIND ESCAPED!!!!! THE AIRPLANE BATHROOM!!!!!!!! *screams like a banshee* So hot, so unnecessary, so amazing. Battle couple! "Do you want to come in?" DO YOU TIMOTHY????? "I shouldn't." THAT IS NOT A NO MY FRIEND. SHE OPENED THE DOOR FOR HIM AND HE FOLLOWED HER IN UJAELGFJMAWELGHEAILKFGELAWGHEWAILGEWALR
Life and Death (4x01) - That damn hug at his place, ugh. SHE IS WEARING HIS CLOTHES! SHE WAS GOING TO HIS ROOM! The total married vibes when he's in Guatemala. It's delightful (bonus honorable mention for Tim's Guatemala Look, mmhmmm).
Now and Then (2x12) - The scene at the end, of course, but also for their individual stories (seeing Lucy grappling with the aftermath of it all, Tim's concern, the way he sets his ego aside and concedes to let Harper train Lucy) and the way they come together in some interactions with Abigail, "you got a time machine?" "I wish I did."
Going Under (5x21) - I loved the UC aspect, the phone calls that, let's be real, are straight out of a romantic comedy, the laundry room, seeing their concern for each other, Lucy being a badass, Tim's vulnerability, "I can't lose you the way I lost her" — all of it.
Please note that I honestly swapped a few of these in and out of the top five approximately 2194725 times before hitting post. (I still can't believe you did this to me.)
Honorable Mentions (in chronological order):
Season 1:
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1x03) - I feel like this episode maybe isn't a popular choice for "favourite Chenford episodes," but I've always included it on my list. The scene(s) outside Isabel's apartment are so powerful. The way Lucy stands up to Tim, doesn't back down, goes into the apartment, and then the conversation they have in the shop after. The vulnerability of Tim opening up about Isabel, the way he blames himself for letting it get so far - and more importantly, the way Lucy senses what he needs and throws him a bone ("her apartment is pretty decent"). I just love the support shown in this episode.
The Hawke (1x06) - I love the way we're actually seeing Tim teaching Lucy things (D.E.A.R. Method, etc.), and the way he smacks Eye Patch upside the head for staring at Lucy's ass? And of course the money clip thing at the end. The way Tim tries so damn hard to be annoyed with her, but he can't hide the amusement on his face.
Standoff (1x09) - I love this episode so much. The teamwork they display in that apartment?? Obsessed with this battle couple.
Redwood (1x11) - "Thanks." "For what, doing my job?"
Plain Clothes Day (1x14) - Mostly for the sheer hotness of Tim Bradford in plain clothes (rolling up his sleeves? HELP), but I absolutely love how he refuses to let her wash out over her actions with that murderous asshole.
Free Fall (1x20) - Separated by a wall??? AHHHHHH
Season 2:
The Night General (2x02) - AUDIOBOOK, enough said.
The Bet (2x03) - They did not need to stand so close together, but I thank them for it. Seriously they were so damn flirty.
Control (2x17) - Their conversation during the stakeout is easily one of my favourite scenes ever. The way she reassures him and herself that it wasn't either of their fault? MY HEART. And then the delightful bits of humour that throw in some much-needed levity. I can honestly see his face and hear his voice saying "Hello." when he's calling her out over the fake call with Rachel. It's just a wonderful showcase of their dynamic.
Season 3:
Revelations (3x06) - Love seeing the starting point of Lucy be a total badass UC officer. And equally love seeing Tim's reaction to it. He acts the same way he did when Isabel was going in as a CI. Let me just repeat that - he acts the same about his rookie going undercover as he did about his wife being an informant. HELLO?
Amber (3x09) - The whole "I have feelings for you" scene? I would have lost it if I watched live back then, but I absolutely die laughing at it. Eric killed it with his reaction, pure gold. And just the general dynamic of their last shift, particularly Lucy with her checklist and knowing Tim will throw it out. THEY KNOW EACH OTHER SO WELL (too well).
Threshold (3x14) - Tim in a tux! The green dress! THE ELEVATOR EYES!! "Save me a dance." HELPPPPPPPPP
Season 4:
Breakdown (4x09) - Eric acted the hell out of this episode, and it was wonderful (in a super depressing way) to peek into Tim's background a bit more. The way he trusts her with this case, and more importantly, the way he feels safe enough with Lucy to be vulnerable with her! "You're nothing like him." *sobs forever*
Backstabbers (4x18) - DANCE DANCE DANCE
Day in the Hole (4x22) - This episode is absolutely absurd. Doppelgängers? REALLY? But it got these fools to kiss so victory to 4x22! The scene in Lucy's apartment is pure gold, from Tim's broken brain to them kissing (obviously), to the awkwardness when Tamara catches them, to the look on Tim's face in the hallway.
Season 5:
The List (5x10) - The cold open of them getting ready for their date was a perfect showcase of their dynamic and their relationship. Trying on everything in their closets? The best friend energy of calling each other? Tim's face when she mentions the green dress?!?!?! It's absolute perfection. And then their first real date was so perfectly them!
Death Notice (5x12) - "This is the most amazing relationship I've been in since... ever" !!!!!!!!!!!! The hands outside the precinct. THE HANDSSSS!!! Their last shift riding together. Battle couple! LUCY LESSONS. "It's you." And, duh, THEY BANG!
Under Siege (5x22) - BATTLE COUPLE!!!!! And that hug/forehead kiss. The fact that we see over and over how these two strong people let themselves be vulnerable around each other, how they are each other's safe place. I am forever not okay.
What are YOUR top episodes?? I love talking about this stuff, and to be honest, I actually surprised myself with some of my choices!
Okay, hitting post before I change my mind again...
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1x02 Tempered Steele // Casablanca (1942) // 1x18 Steele in the News // 2x03 Red Holt Steele // Reborn, Susan Sontag // “Divers,” Divers, Joanna Newsom // 1x17 Steele Among the Living // “Kingfisher,” Have One on Me, Joanna Newsom // 1x11 Steeling the Show // 1x10 Steele Trap // 1x07 Etched in Steele // combined translations of Ovid's Pygmalion // 3x05 Blue Blooded Steele // 1x12 Steele Flying High // 3x01 Steele at It // Pygmalion and Galatea, W.S. Gilbert, Act I, pp15 // “The Creation to the Creator,” Mildred Pluma Foulke // 2x04 Altared Steele // 2x19 Dreams of Steele // Genesis 1:27 // 3x06 Steele Your Heart Away // Genesis 2:23 // 3x21 Steele Trying // Wuthering Heights, Emily Brontë, pp179 // “To Helen,” Frank Marshall Davis // Herman Melville letter to Nathaniel Hawthorne, Nov. [17?] 1851 // 2x01 Steele Away With Me // “Act,” León Salvatierra, trans. Javier O. Huerta // 4x01 Steele Searching // “Corpse Song,” Margaret Atwood // Job 10:8-9 // The Eye, Vladimir Nabokov, pp?? I only have an ebook // Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare, 2.2.46-55 // 4x02 Steele Searching // 4x07 Premium Steele // Dark Passage (1947) // “Song of Myself,” Walt Whitman // “Now I Become Myself,” May Sarton // “Sacred Emily,” Gertrude Stein // “Recreation,” Audre Lorde // s1 intro voiceover
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whumpystuffy · 1 year
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Whump list -Burn Notice (2007-2013)
Main character Michael Weston portrayed by Jeffrey Donovan.
Trailer for the series.
Some of the whump are inflicted on purpose, meaning he could’ve prevented it with his skills but is often undercover so has to withstand the pain. I’ve chosen to include it with cursive writing since you sometimes can see him “faking it” and that kinda ruins the whump for me.
Season 1
1x01 Gunpoint, manhandled. Kicked multiple times, grunting in pain, bloody bruised face, fight, limping, passes out. Aftermath, bruised body/ribs, grunting by movement. Pain inflicted on bruised ribs.
1x02 Inside burning house, coughing.
1x03 Chased, jumps off building, twists ankle, limping, ice on ankle. Outnumbered, fight.
1x04 Attacked, struggle, slammed against wall. Gunfire, hit with ricochet bullet in shoulder, bleeding. Field medicine, bullet removed, grunts in pain, needs help getting dressed.
1x05 Gun to chest, manhandled, pushed to the ground, fear. Blindfolded.
1x06 Fight, outnumbered, threatened. Under gunpoint, under gunfire. Slammed against car twice.
1x07 Under gunpoint, punched multiple times, bloody mouth, manhandled, grunts in pain. Punched, kicked, arm twisted in pain, strangled.
1x08 Fight, hand grabbed, twisted in pain, punched, strangled, heavy breathing.
1x09 Punched, under gunpoint. Strangled by wire, coughing, gasping for air, wound on neck.
1x11 Crying, emotional. Under gunpoint, punched.
1x12 Wanted, gunpoint. Fight, multiple punches, slammed against wall, beaten up, grunts in pain, strangled, bruised face. (Plus major Sam’s whumps)
Season 2
2x04 Beaten up for cover, punched multiple times in face, bloody cut on face, bloody mouth & nose. Handcuffed. Fight, punched, slammed into wall.
2x06 Under gunpoint. Attacked, punched multiple times.
2x07 Chased, outnumbered, thrown into wall, manhandled, gun to chest. Punched, head slammed into table, all an act though. Hit with bat, pain, strangled, interrogated, punched.
2x08 Bruised back shown from previous episode, worried mom. Car crash, pain, limping.
2x09 Pushed against fence, gun point, pinned against wall, pistol wippped, fear. Field medicine, head wound, stitched up.
2x10 Hit by explosion, unconscious, needs help walking, pain, injured arm. Tied to chair, hooded, interrogated. Homemade arm sling. Pain/grunts caused by movement of shoulder. Fight, punched, bruised face.
2x11 Under gunfire. Emotional, manhandled, angry, held back.
2x13 Hostage in bank robbery, gunpoint, threatened, punched, bloody face cut, field medicine.
2x14 Attacked, knife cut on arm, bleeding.
2x15 Fight, punched multiple times, slammed against wall.
2x16 Fight. Wanted by agency, on the run.
Season 3
3x01 On the run, surrenders, handcuffed, arrested, in jail. Painfully gets arm twisted, interrogated, shoulder dislocated, grunts in pain, begging, painfully set back, ice pack on shoulder. Shoulder twisted again, shot at, fear. Tied up, punched, cuts wrist by freeing himself, fight.
3x02 Tied up, interrogated, multiple punches, knife play in face, cut, fear, bloody mouth.
3x03 Cuts himself on glass. Brother shot in front of him.
3x04 Hit’s himself, bloody cut, bruised eye.
3x06 Attacked, outnumbered, fight, tasered, unconscious, manhandled, captive, tied up. Fight, escapes. Rough fight, grabbed by throat.
3x09 Shot with rubber bullet, coughing, pistol whipped.
3x15 Threatened, inside burning warehouse, coughing.
3x16 On the run, wanted. Hit by explosion, bloody head wound, kicked, foot on neck, pinned down, suffocating, jumps off building. Car crash, dizzy, fight, slammed against car multiple times, bruised face, hooded, handcuffed.
Season 4
4x01 Bruises from previous episode. Rough fight, under gunfire. Crying, emotional whump.
4x02 (Plus Jesse’s whumps)
4x03 Slammed into table twice, gunpoint. Punched, interrogated, manhandled, grabbed by throat.
4x05 Fight, knife cut, bleeding.
4x09 Walks into trap, gunpoint, hostage, tied up, punched, threatened. Attacked, fight.
4x10 Attacked, thrown through window, pinned down, cut, bleeding chest wound. Field medicine, stitched up. Handcuffed, prison undercover, threatened, power play. Multiple small fights.
4x12 Walks into trap, outnumbered, gunpoint, pistol whipped, bleeding head wound. Manhandled, shot in shoulder, bleeding out, interrogated, in pain, car crash, unconscious.
4x13 Coma, life support, head wound. Discharges himself, arm in a cast, refuses painkillers. Lots of pain throughout the episode by moving injured shoulder.
4x14 Still pain from bullet wound in previous episodes.
4x18 Car crash, on the run, rough fight, emotional, crying. (Plus Jessie’s whump)
Season 5
5x03 Paranoid, night terrors, punched.
5x04 Drugged, unconscious, tied up, interrogated, plastic bag over head, choking, gun point. Hostage, tied up, explosion blast.
5x08 Pistol whipped, bleeding head wound, threatened, gunpoint, tied up, kneeling, interrogated.
5x10 Inside burning building, burns arm, field medicine. Cuts himself, bloody head wound, manhandled, gun point, punched, pinned down, grunts.
5x11 Rough fight, gunpoint, tied up.
5x12 Hostage, forced to do job, punched, threatened, head slammed into disk, pinned down, bloody head wound, threatened, kicked.
5x16 Mind games, emotional, talks about dark past.
Season 6
6x01 Crying. Fight, hit with metal bar. (Plus Jessie whump)
6x04 Emotional, hit by explosion blast. (Plus Sam’s whump)
6x06 Major emotional whump episode, crying, brother dies in front of him..
6x07 Shot in vest, grunts in pain.
6x10 Attacked, punched, bruised ribs, pain when moving throughout episode. Jumps through window, bleeding face wound.
6x11 Bruises from previous episode. Fight, captured, gunpoint, handcuffed, interrogated, kicked multiple times, electrocuted, in pain, bloody mouth.
6x12 Emotional, wanted, on the run. (Plus Jessie’s whump)
6x14 Hit by flash grenade, ringing ears, dizzy, gunpoint. Tied to chair, burned with curling iron, hooded, manhandled.
6x17 Attacked, gunpoint. (Plus major Sam and Jessie whump)
6x18 Emotional, blood donated by syringe. (Plus major Sam whump)
Season 7
7x01 Bloody knuckles, rough fight, punched multiple times, bloody face, strangled, lip cut.
7x04 Cut on arm, bleeding, bandage, manhandled, punched. Waterboarding, handcuffed, interrogated, coughing.
7x06 Breaks down crying.
7x07 Tasered, unconscious, blinded, manhandled, interrogated, sleep deprived, worn out. Dragged, weak, drugged, hallucinating, breaking down, crying. Needs help walking, limping.
7x08 Hit by explosion blast, limping, field medicine, bandages. (Plus Jessie’s whump)
7x10 Tied up, gagged, punched, kneeling.
7x11 Attacked, rough fight, knife cut on arm, bleeding, field medicine. Cover blown, slapped, punched, bleeding face wound, interrogated, gunpoint, pain inflicted in arm wound, begging.
7x12 Bruises from previous episode. Fight with best friend, not himself.
7x13 Shot in the shoulder. And lowkey suicidal.
Phew! What a show I must say. Enjoyed every minute of it. There’s a lot of good whump here and I think this list speaks for itself! It’s lowkey reminding me of MacGyver but with a twist of The Mentalist?
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