#A type of tune that you are certain of being able to hear it. But you can't tell the source.
soapoet · 8 months
What makes you different...
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...from their previous partners?
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requested by anon.
like & rb if it resonates ♡
Your person has been through it, and you may have too, which for many of you forms a deep understanding regarding fears of repeating the type of betrayal you have both seen. In comparison to their past rendezvous, they find your relationship very secure. They feel free to voice their thoughts and feelings without guilt or shame, or outright fear of retaliation as they've grown to expect misunderstandings and gaslighting. For many, they have been cheated on, so your honesty, integrity, and loyalty sets you apart from their prior experiences.
I see them taken aback quite often. Their previous relations may have trained them to always anticipate the worst, so the clarity in your communication and how you handle conflict takes them by surprise. They're used to shouting matches and slamming doors. You express yourself when you are hurt in ways that does not tear them down. There's no eye for an eye with you because you're not as spiteful as their past lovers. Really, they simply put don't need to fear you.
They could have remnants of a jealous streak, though it transforms into a protective nature over time as they come to find that they truly can trust you. You play no games made for them to lose, and you do not go out of your way to cause them jealousy or fear the end of the relationship. You're understanding even when you air your grievances, and wish to solve problems rather than create new ones and make it worse and make them regretful they every said anything at all.
They feel safe to allow you much further into their internal world than others before you because you are respectful of what lies beyond the surface and beyond. You're neither judgemental or cruel, petty, and neither are you a bully. The way the two of you are able to relate to each other's history and defining moments inspires an unspoken promise to keep each other safe, and never trespass against boundaries or breaking any agreed upon rules.
Passion, they'll find, holds hands with love, not just with hate. They find your unquenchable thirst and will to engage with and pursue your desires intoxicating. You inspire them where others have knocked them down or ridiculed them. You encourage their passion and make them feel appreciated, even admired. Others have forced them to turn cold, but you reignite their emotional expression, awakening it from its hibernation so that it may come out to play in your spring weather.
Your person has often resorted to selective hearing just to keep themselves both calm and sane. Friends and family would tell them frequently how poorly they choose their partners. They are not quite certain how or why they wound up repeating patterns in the past. Acting on impatience infused impulse they would take prospective partners at face value and believe their facades, exaggerations, and lies. Then before they'd know it, they'd find themselves in commitment with someone falling short of their ideals and what they thought they were signing themselves up for based on promising beginnings which quickly turned sour.
I see them in the past dealing with people first seemingly so deserving of worshipping, only for the tune to change to simply entitled and bratty very quickly. You are clear in your expectations and standards, but you're not loud in your demands, and to them it is refreshing that you rarely make them. This causes them to really take the demands you do make to heart and try to give you what you want or need, or try in earnest to find compromise where needed. After so many partners chewing them out and complaining about this and that at a constant flow of negativity, you're a shocking change of pace.
You're not needlessly argumentative and choose your battles wisely. They're used to practically carrying their partners away from conflict and praying to higher beings they won't even start when they'd just like a peaceful outing or a nice afternoon. The only drama you bring to the table is gossip shared for the two of you to joke about together like best friends, not the kind where they are expected to end fights you started.
By comparison to past lovers, you are mature and ooze worthiness, the kind you don't need to be so loud about. What comes to mind is the demands of princess treatment vs. earning queen treatment. Their past is full of rather immature partners who rarely pursued their own goals, and your ambition, self awareness and sense of self worth rather than ego and chasing empty applause makes them view you as an equal who is truly worth their time, money, effort, and devotion. You're on the same wavelength and it makes the whole power couple thing come so much more naturally.
Not to mention you're much better received by their friends and family. They really have no concerns about bringing you home to meet their family because they know how you carry yourself with grace, and how your charm is genuine. You're very natural and likeable, and don't try too hard. Loved ones may very quickly tell them not to screw this up, and make sure you're always comfortable and feel welcome in their homes, and begin nudging your person very early on to put a ring on it.
Your person has very little experience before you, possibly none for some, at least nothing serious enough to write home about. You fit their idea of love very well, however, and they can feel surprised by how well things go with you. They've heard horror stories from friends and read the reddit posts about wildly tumultuous relationships, and be shocked by their first serious relationship with you.
It's just so easy. You compete only with their solitude, and always seem to win. They find themselves at peace with you more than they ever expected to when sharing so much time and space with another. Things weren't supposed to work out so well in this day and age, and the romcoms were exaggerations, right? Yet they find your relationship so sweet, and stable in its simplicity.
They have a past with some kind of toxicity aimed at them. For some this is family, for others it's a friend. Either way they've been used to making themselves small and to take on burdens of others by force. Emotional labour performed with a gun to their head. They have no qualms about caring for you, and are in fact more than happy to be at your beck and call because you're encouraging of them too. It's quite sad to say, but it seems that either in their family or amongst their peers they've often wound up with a target on their back solely for, well, being an easy target.
You help them stand up for themself, and help them overcome a lot of things which cause them anxiety. They're able to share their thoughts and feelings, express their excitement about their interests and feel heard when they're with you. You may very well share quite a few interests in common, which to them is an entirely new concept as they're used to others finding their interests dumb, childish, or useless. You seem to make equally amazing friends and lovers.
They're very clever and you're one of the first to give them credit for it. You're able to gently coax them out of their shell, and their otherwise cautious nature shifts to a more adventurous and daring one. And this all by no means require great efforts on your part, as by simply being your usual self makes them feel safe enough to be themselves too. You're quite similar in many ways, though you differ in how you come to the same conclusions on different topics, and these variables are small but delightful surprises for the two of you to rejoice over and discuss. You're a very healing and brightening connection in their life, and as thanks they'd fetch you the moon if they could.
There is a lot of chemistry between you and your person, much more than they have experienced in previous relationships. That's not to say they have necessarily all been bad, they just lacked this kind of easy yet electrifying, "meeting of the minds" -type of chemistry. Their past lovers have been drama-free and they've enjoyed very stable relationships, albeit very milquetoast in comparison to you and the relationship you provide. Don't take this the wrong way, but they dated "perfect" long enough to realise it is merely good enough, and you with your various hiccups are more interesting and much more worth their attention. Imperfections are needed and challenges are opportunities to strengthen bonds in ways "perfect" cannot.
Though many of their previous partners have, like they themself, been stable and secure, they have also felt taken for granted, and in some instances, taken advantage of. They're a very reliable and caring person, but have not always had the best luck in terms of finding reciprocal love. More often than not, affections quickly grew monotonous and became routine, leaving them under the impression that love is just that, routine. Gifts and attention easily grew to be something expected of them rather than something truly appreciated and met with gratituse and adoration.
They're dutiful in all areas of life, but find a new pep in their step regarding their romantic duties thanks to you. They find you delightful and full of surprises. The latter being something they perhaps thought was a bad thing for a long time. You keep them on their toes a little. Enough to excite them and keep the sparks flying, but not to the point of making them nauseous. You're different from them, and as they previously dated people much too similar to themself, you're a welcome breath of fresh air, like coming face to face with the sea and its breeze for the first time.
They feel a sense of freedom with you that they never found in their past relationships. Sometimes they may have walked on eggshells, but most of all I see them often turning into a shell of their true self. In their pursuit to stick to a comfortable routine and not upset their previous partners with anything too wild or crazy, they held back on things they wanted, and put running the day to day smoothly above their own interests and whims. Through you they reconnect with these things, and you inspire them to reach for new opportunities and tap into their slumbering zest for life.
The nostalgia you evoke by merely daring to stay true to yourself, speaking your mind and pursuing your own adventures makes their efforts of creating stability in your relationship actually feel worthwhile and welcome. You fascinate them, and every day they learn something new about or through you, which makes them feel more alive. They find themselves reminiscing about how they used to be before, until they slowly take their power back and align more with their true self. Their attraction to you never seems to dull down and they more readily show their appreciation and love for you. You inspire a greater sense of romance in them, and have them thinking very differently about love. Where they previously had their linear idea of how a relationship progresses, they suddenly take more risks and stop thinking about things so meticulously and leave some things up to chance. Where once they would've waited 5 years to propose, they no longer feel the need for these arbitrary and restrictive milestones and simply propose when it feels right.
Your person is quite the whirlwind. They've explored many options in love and life, or at the very least had plenty of offers. None of them ever fit quite right, though, and many may have accused them of being too picky or unreliable due to their flighty nature. You're more akin to them, and balanced in all the right places to match their energy. There is a healthy kind of push and pull between you which keeps things interesting in the long run. Many before you have been demanding in terms of commitment and how that commitment is supposed to look like, and how and when things are meant to unfold. Your love isn't like clockwork, and though you have your ideas and hopes for the future of the relationship, you don't make demands and nag them down to the bone when things don't happen on your schedule.
This actually leaves room for their spontaneity, and keeps their interest alive and well, inspiring them to take bigger leaps in love precisely because restraints don't weigh them down. Others before you have been a little too predictable for them. The scheduling types with their plethora of to-do lists and colour coded planners which only makes them anxious and has them running for the hills. You're willing to explore and experience life, and they appreciate your willingness to at least give things a try, even when you're scared or uncertain.
This isn't to say they would push you beyond your limits or cross boundaries. They've simply dealt with a lot of naysayers and those who are never up to the challenge and would rather not invest their time or energy into something unknown. Unlike those before you, you take a bite of that unfamiliar food, agree to watch the pilot of that show, or pack a weekend bag on short notice to get out of town for an impromptu getaway.
Best of all, when you don't wish to leave your comfort zone you allow them the freedom to venture out on their own, without guilt tripping them into staying or blowing up their phone when they're away, freaking out when they don't respond immediately, or otherwise make their free spirit out to be the worst thing in the world. They return the same energy to you and have no qualms about your individual pursuits and are very encouraging of your prospects, opportunities, and ideas.
I see them watching you sometimes as you engage excitedly with something new that's caught your interest, and they wonder why your kind is so rare. From their perspective, as an eternal seeker, they've met and mingled with so many people, and few have truly been so excitable, finding joy in small things and not being so afraid of the unknown and unexplored. Your aversion of uncertainty and change is healthy, not the kind that immediately loses its marbles and makes mere suggestions out to be a big and horrid deal that threatens to ruin the day. They really revel in the trust that you have in them, which in turn makes them choose to be deserving of that trust every day.
Soapy scribbles: If you're not in the right head space to hear mentions of abuse and trauma, I encourage you to leave this reading for another time. Take good care of yourself, ok? ♡
This one is heavy. Your person has a difficult history with abuse and addiction. Their previous lovers have been unstable and caused them a lot of grief. You're the polar opposite of their previous entanglements, and they are in awe of the fact something so gentle could touch their heart. For a long time they may have blamed themselves and thought they deserved these bad memories. They're hard on themselves and have a lot of guilt and shame for their past mistakes, and may have taken their past abuse as punishment they deserved. Of course they are wrong, and you help them see this.
You allow them room to grow. You're patient where others have given up on them or turned to verbal or even physical harm against them when they haven't performed quite to the standards set upon them. They may genuinely be shaken by your genuine kindness towards them and wonder what they did right to find an end to their darkness.
I must honestly say that I view their previous partners very poorly. You couldn't be more different than what they have seen before you came into their life. The difference is like night and day. You do not keep them walking on eggshells and do not shift from peace to war at the drop of a hat. You're generous with your time and you're understanding of their scars. They need not hide their pain from you lest you would use it against them.
Your presence in their life rewires so many things that were previously all tangled up by others before you. They're able to safely work out their difficulties and face their fears with you by their side. They take your advice and apply it knowing that they can trust you. You may fear dependency, but really I'm seeing them growing whole within themselves by your influence and becoming stronger and more independent as a result of your connection. It's much akin to a phoenix rising from the ashes. Like you found faintly glowing embers in the dark, stuck around quietly watching, and got a fiercly loyal and protective beast for seemingly just being a good person.
They're inspired by your own resilience and strength. Many of you may have been through very dark nights and dying embers too, and your survival story helps motivate them to pursue happiness as something they, too, deserve, and will do anything to return this favour to you for the stability you provided them when they needed it the most.
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sardonic-the-writer · 3 months
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𝐌𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐨𝐜 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐀𝐬𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐓𝐨 𝐄𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐎𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
↳ warnings: fighting, brief mentions of injuries & alcohol. murdoc is a warning in himself to be frank
↳ song: rock the house—gorillaz
↳ notes: headcanons about murdoc & you. made to be platonic/a self insert type fic, but could be romantic too. this overall just stemmed from my infatuation and hatred for his green ass
nasterlist | commissions | carrd
• Murdoc is so self-absorbed. It's honestly beyond you how he hasn't floated away into the sun with how inflated his ego's gotten
• It doesn't help that he's regarded as the sole reason for bringing together one of the best bands ever recorded—something that he holds over the entire bands head when he feels like being an asshole
• With that giant persona of his inevitably there comes jealousy. The musician gets unreasonably grumpy if someone, especially you, is ever more excited to see a collaborator over for a recording session instead of him of all people
• "You were just gawking at 'em the entire time like an idiot! Wha', never seen a bloody live recording before?" Murdocs accent clipped his words as his gravely voice spit fire at you one afternoon. You just laughed at his annoyance, not even bothered by his attitude after years of putting up with it
• "Murdoc, it's De La Soul. Of course I'm going to be excited. It's ten times better than waking up to you rummaging around in the fridge with nothing but a thong on."
• "Get fucked you little twat." He barked, stomping off and ending the little spat. You didn't see him the rest of the day, no doubt off brooding in his Winnebago. It didn't bother you. More quiet time to hang out with Noodle for you!
• More than often, the two of you have been recorded in separate interviews talking about the other. Mostly just talking shit
• "So, what's this we've all been hearing about a certain bassist getting in a car accident?" A random reporter asked you one day from over their horn rimmed glasses. 2D, who was currently the only other person besides you that had been able to make it to the questioning, scratched his head absent-mindedly as you cackled in glee
• "Yeah yeah. I ran over Muds with my car one day. Just knocked his sorry ass right over. Pow! He recovered fine, dont worry, but the moment he did, I had to run for my life." You managed to get out through laughter. "Still have no idea how those fucking tabloids got ahold of that story."
• "Wasn't it an accident f'ough? I remember you sayin that." 2D tilted his head with a slight lisp
• You just grinned toothily and said nothing
• "It. It was an accident. Right?" He asked again, this time with more nerves
• The interview was cut off shortly after that
• On the topic of cars, Murdoc's own set of wheels was probably his only pride an joy apart from his bass. And ironically, the van was the bane of the rest of the bands existence
• The amount of times you had to bang on the Winnebago's dented door to tell him to shut up— the smell of cigarettes, sex, and too many air fresheners leaking from the cracks —should be a crime
• And each time without fail, you were always met with a shirtless Murdoc; either inviting you in for his version of a night of fun or just plain flipping you off
• You always found the latter easier to deal with
• Russel has always been the medium for any serious fights you and Murdoc would have. You both fight a lot, sure, but normally over small things like who should run out to get more booze or tune up band equipment. It was only when things got really heated that the drummer would step in
• Nine times out of ten, that just meant he'd pick you up with one arm and place you in a separate room until the two of you could stand to be around each other. It was always you he did that to, too, since the one time he'd tried that on Murdoc, Russel narrowly avoided a black eye and a week's docked pay
• It really was easy to forget that technically Murdoc is your boss. With how much shit he gives out, and vise versa from all of you, it really just felt like he was an annoying roommate. An annoying, rich, and vibrant green roomate
• At the end of the day, though, none of you really hated him. Well, the jury was still out on 2D, but you had a feeling the past few years the singer had been trying to pick himself back up
• Murdoc, however much of a prick he is, is still a key part in the band. Without him, some of the best song you'd all produced would have never happened, and some of your best drinking memories would have never happened. Hell, he even did a pretty good job raising Noodle. With plenty of help from everyone else, of course
• So no matter how many inanimate objects you all chucked at each other's head, at the end of the day you'd never trade him for another bass player
• "You lot getting soft on me now?" He grinned sharply at you, licking the outside of his teeth as you pretended to vomit at the mere thought of being nice to him
• "I'd rather die and be reincarnated as a cockroach." You grimaced dramatically. But the both of you were smiling at each other, breaking up the conversation with playful punches
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psychelis-new · 8 months
pick a pile: "Your true colors - (6/7) Indigo"
take a breath and choose the photo or number that calls you the most to read a message for you from the color indigo, the sixth of the 7 rainbow's colors. in this serie of readings about the rainbow's colors, I will try to channel about your true colors, so to help you look inside and see your most beautiful self, appreciate yourself more and hopefully provide some type of guidance if necessary. as cindy lauper would say: "your true colors are beautiful like a rainbow", so let's look at them and hear what they have to say to you and how they (you) can help you look at things in a more positive way.
indigo is the color of wisdom, intuition, spirituality, inner awareness, planning, fairness, power, vision, insight, dreams, perception (third eye chakra)... in this reading, I'll try to analyze this side of your character.
you can find the other colors' readings in the pacs list in my pinned post
don’t take the reading too seriously. only take what resonates with you and leave the rest. if you're not called by any pile, let this reading slid as it may not hold messages for you. if you're called by more than one pile, there may be messages in each of those piles. remember that is a general reading and some things may not resonate with you. energies can change and readings are based on present ones (as you read); you're always in charge of your life.
(photos found on unsplash)
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pile 1
You have a target, or you are moving towards a specific point in your life. You're not someone who gives up easily and honestly I think you're totally climbing up towards a higher knowledge, or your dreams, or an higher/more stable connection with your spirituality/above. I think it has mostly to do with your intuition not always being on point (or you feel/fear so). You may feel this path you're going through is filled with ups and downs but it's all part of the process, so try to stay balanced and accept all this. Accept that it won't always be smooth and there can be times in which you'll feel like you made no progress ever, even if you did. And there may be times in which your intuition may not be 100% and that's okay too. Understand that our energy may fluctuate for the most various reasons, and that's fine. Take a break and get back at it once you feel in touch with yourself again. Honestly, you have all the power you need to make your reality, you can get where you want, you can have a better connection with above too (for some of you, you may struggle getting in touch directly with your Guides or you want to get in touch with someone now in the 5d: you can. You can also ask for suggestions to readers if you need). Take time to look inside of you first. I do feel you can do it, even if you may have some doubts here and there or insecurities about what you're doing and even more if you can make it or it's possible for real. Honestly yes, it is possible for real. Practice more and also try more ways to connect with your inner self, so to be able to have better and clearer downloads in your life. Find ways to connect with the 5d/your Guides by experimenting: tarot/oracle cards (you can make your own decks at home with paper+pen), pendants (you can use one you own as a pendulum), one word notes you can pick through intuition, ask for angel numbers or specific signs/comfirmations (just don't overdo: learn to trust yourself too even if you fear your intuition being wrong... if it comes from within and you have no control over it, it's for a reason; it may carry another type of message, maybe even a message about healing a certain side of you so to be able to be more in tune with yourself and your inner guidance, but also with the guidance from above). Let go of the control (it just biases/blocks your intuition) and don't be afraid. Maybe you're trying to move fast somewhere, to reach an "ending point" or a result, as said in the beginning, but right now it's time to stand still and get better at listening (your Guides may be talking with you a lot, try to listen to them; you may get messages through words or music too, not just hear words in your mind). When we learn something (whatever it is), when we realize we can do something "easily", we try to rush it all to the end to owning that something asap, but that's not always the way to do things properly, the way to learn well. We need to stop here and there on our path and get better at something specific, we need to go slower and to really take time to understand even a little insignificant topic (you never know what is its importance in the future). Not stopping when it's time, not taking time to learn something (even if it takes us longer cause it's a tougher topic or subject, or it takes patience cause we feel like we're losing time on something "useless" like testing your intuition daily or something) may mean our result won't be as perfect as we'd like to. While at times, if you stop and enjoy the present, if you stop and focus on that little thing, you can even get a greater result. Do not rush things, go at your pace, respect yourself. You'll get where you want. Your intuition is part of you and you can get in touch with it anytime, just give yourself time to make it. You're pretty gifted, but gifts/talents at times also need to get polished through a bit of effort and patience.
song: freeze tag | terrace martin, robert glasper, 9th wonder, kamasi washintong, dinner party, phoelix; moonchild | rm
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pile 2
Some of may be very aware of the spiritual world and all that's hidden, even of your spirituality in general. But I think there may be something you're not analysing (or learning) on purpose or you're getting away from it: not sure if it "scares" you (maybe also cause of some type of trauma) or you feel like you don't need that or just need a break. You're just putting a wall here anyway. Honestly for some, you may be even entirely blocking your spirituality: maybe you got told that you need to follow a certain dogma and you fear abandoning it or that you cannot leave it or mix it with other practices; or you fear certain subjects (e.g. "witchy" stuff -it's okay to fear what we don't know, but you can know more of it if you want... unless it triggers certain sides of you. If so, take care of you and heal those triggers if you can, even ask for help); or maybe you find it hard to believe, which is okay (it could be that you tried once but you felt like you got let down or something, and now trusting again has gotten tougher; it could be a religious trauma tbh). Still, you know you have a very good intuition, and it's like... it's telling you to move in a certain direction, to still live and move around spirituality (in fact you're also here reading, hi). Maybe you want to learn more, to trust, to dig more, but something is blocking you, like your mind, your past, your fears... Try healing this emotional wound you have. Try to talk about why you felt let down or why you feel like you cannot surpass this point you reached in your spirituality (I think whatever is your situation atm you can get further and you may feel it too). You can talk with others into spirituality or you can find online all the knowledge you need. Try to be more open about the chances, about different reasons of why something happened or not (it wasn't because of you), about what can go well despite all that has been. Spirituality is a very personal endeavour and ofc I cannot tell you exactly what to do. It needs to be natural, it needs to come from within you. But if you feel even a little push from inside that is willing to move you further into it, to discover something new, even just for pure knowledge/fun, listen to it. You never know what you can find. And it won't be something scary nor something you will regret. Time used for personal development (and learning about anything you want) is always time well used, even if you won't find an answer or what you're searching for. It may come to you another time anyway, when you're ready for it. For those who are already into spirituality but are needing to get away, get a pause: if you feel used and abused because of your abilities, learn to build boundaries. Sure, you are here to share your abilities but you need to take care of yourself too also in order to be able to give properly. You need to receive too, and give from the abundance you got. You're not needy for wanting to receive.
Close away from all the noise inside and outside. Find yourself again, focus on you. If someone is annoying you or draining you, tell them off: and if they get angry, it's their trauma speaking. It's not you. If it's a belief blocking you, try to understand why and maybe move away from it if you need or try to look at it in a different way. Find your peace, find your balance, find yourself again and listen to yourself and your intuition. You need to be more fair with yourself, regain and reassert your power. Find some peace of mind, stay in a silent/dark environment if you need and for as long as you need (I do feel you need as you may be stressed by too many words and emotions around, by what others expect you to do or you fear they want you to do -but your life is yours, and especially your inner world is only yours, you get to decide its rules), and focus on your breathing. It's okay. Sometimes we may get carried away, but it's important to be aware of that, take a break and regain control. You don't have to go (back) to spirituality/religion asap, it will always be there, no matter how many pauses you'll need to take. You get to decide everything here, you can, you have that power.
(if you are called also by pile 3, feel free to take a look)
song: go! | santigold ft. karen o; nights like this | kehlani ft. ty dolla $ign
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pile 3
Pile 3, I think you may be able to get (and be more or less aware of this) important downloads from the 5d through your dreams. I think you may see stuff, get guidance, occasionally even get prophetic dreams (that you may consciously forget but live anyway irl -similar sensation of deja vus). I think you may be pretty connected with the spiritual world anyway. You probably can use clairs and are very intuitive especially at your best. I keep hearing "grounded" and I am not sure if you are already or you need to ground more, especially when it comes to your intuitive side. Maybe you lack some trust? (Reminds me me the Blue color reading tbh). Or maybe you fear something. Do these downloads kinda make you uncomfortable cause you feel like you cannot control them or are losing control onto something? It's okay, when you go through some spiritual awakening and it's sudden, it does get uncomfortable and scary. Take your time to grow acquainted with all this, and ask for suggestions to those who you think have been there already and can guide you through. I do think you can envision a lot, especially during meditation. And ofc maybe not all of you can really meditate for long or at all, but it may be worth to try and slowly get to it. You don't have to meditate for 10-20 mins from the start, you can start for 3 minutes and try daily, and once it gets easier you can move onto 5 mins and so on. It can be a slow process, we don't have to always rush things as we're taught since when we're born (honestly it's so toxic). But I do believe it could help you a lot in envisioning and planning better also your life and manifestations. And it could help you ground too, if you need. If you feel overwhelmed by infos/downloads and need some time off. Or if some of them aren't so clear at first. At times you may forget about the light you carry within or you would want to dim it out of fear, but you have it and it's a gift. Ofc I'm not here to tell you what to do: it's your life and if you feel like it's not something you can afford now (or at all), take your time/get away from it (if you'll ever want to get back, it will be there still). But one thing I can surely tell you is: do not be scared of it. It won't hurt you ever. Meditating could also help you find your inner light anytime you lose contact with it, and learn to use it to deal better and more boldly with all the darkness inside and what you cannot see (which at times may kinda block you and your intuition/connection to the spiritual world too -for those who actually would want to get more in touch but may feel kinda lost. But if not, use it for yourself at least, to help yourself dealing with your problems and fears). Meditating, could also mean doing some yoga exercises for example. If it's hard for you to stand still and envision stuff for a while without having your mind wandering around, you can start by focusing on slow movements of your body: it may help you focus on you again and be more aware or your inner side (inner awareness), and it may help you calm down and reconnect with your intuition too. Bring more love to you, also for all you've endured so far. There are many meditations and yoga series online, you can search for some (just go slow and let yourself guide you through which movements can be good for you and which not).
If you feel stuck in a rut, despite your soul is calling for you to move somewhere else, again meditating or finding any other way to ground yourself could totally help you re-balance any excess of emotions that may cloud your visions and also your downloads (or your understanding of those downloads: at times we may not fully grab them cause of our fears not letting us get the real meaning of what we're hearing or seeing, or not listening to any message to start with). You're powerful and strong btw, never forget it. Not even when things seem to be too crazy.
(if you're called also by pile 2, feel free to take a look)
song: my body is a cage | peter gabriel; amygdala | agust d
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deathisararemercy · 1 year
Love Languages
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Death x Reader Headcanons
A/N: I’m so tired and I need comfort and I’m craving physical affection right now which is weird since it’s my least favorite form of affection. So here are some Muerte x Reader love language headcanons.
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1. Acts of Service
You don’t have to say anything. Death can smell fear, discomfort, and even illness. If something’s wrong, he’ll ask you what’s up and find a way to make you more comfortable.
Whenever he’s not away at work, he’ll help with chores, and keep your place tidy and clean.
Traveling around since the beginning of time means that Muerte has had many different meals. He’ll cook you food and leave some extra if he’s gone for a while. He’s also the type to bring home interesting foods he’s found from the different places he’s been to. You get to try a lot of new (and ancient) foods with him around.
Tired? Offers to carry you bridal style or on his back.
Cold? Need comfort? Literally anything at all? His poncho is on you immediately.
Also, he will murder a man for you. He is ridiculously protective of you and your life. He knows you can die and that he has the ability to protect you. If you are in harm’s way, then he will go to the ends of the world to save you.
2. Receiving Gifts
See above point about food.
Muerte is a bit like a crow. He brings you shiny things that he finds while he’s working
At some point, he gets you your own poncho. It has little skulls embroidered in it.
You really scratch your head trying to figure out what to give him. He’s been around for forever, what could Death possibly want?
You know that whistle of his? If you consider yourself a musical person, you compose a full version of it. If you don’t, you work alongside a friend to compose a full version of it.
Listen, I just think that Muerte would like to have the eerie little major key tune he whistles turned into a lovely song you two can dance to.
Muerte honestly really just appreciates any and all gifts you give him.
Yes, he’s been around for ages, but the gifts you give him are special because they were given to him by you.
That being said, flowers aren’t the best gift idea because they tend to die quickly around him.
It’s the thought that counts.
3. Quality Time
Unfortunately, Muerte is a very busy immortal. He’s got a very important job.
But that just means you two make the most of the time he has when he’s off.
Alternatively, you start traveling with him.
Either way, you two are big on storytelling. You tell him about your day, he tells you about his.
He has ranted about a certain gato on multiple occasions.
For your sake and for his piece of mind, he teaches you how to fight and defend yourself with a weapon of your choice. (If that weapon happens to be your fists, he won’t say no. But he does want you to at least have a dagger on you.)
This also makes sparring with you a lot of fun. (He can and will say things that he knows will make you flustered, giving him the ability to knock you to the ground, pin you down, and give you a little kiss).
4. Words of Affirmation
It’s been said before, but Muerte loves giving and receiving praise.
He pulls you close and whispers all the things he loves about you in your ear. You wriggle a bit and laugh.
He gives you pet names in different languages (he knows all of them), explaining what they mean to you before using them.
He will remind you constantly that you are a handsome and/or beautiful being whose existence makes his own existence brighter.
Muerte will joke that it’s impressive you were able to get him to fall for you considering that he’s Death straight up. But, you realize, it’s the other way around.
Being Death means that not a lot of people like him.
He’s learned to use his frightful reputation to his advantage, making his existence a little more entertaining when souls realize he’s not a bad guy.
But hearing you tell him all the things you love about him, whether it’s his laugh, his gentleness, and especially his eyes (which so many people are scared of), makes his tail wag.
(Listen, you can’t tell me that everyone being terrified and/or hating you doesn’t take a hit on your self-esteem).
5. Physical Touch
Nose boops, nose boops, nose boops-
You have booped the snoot many times. He wrinkles his nose a bit, but he loves it really. He also boops your nose.
Death is the king of surprise hugs and cuddles. Early in your relationship, you screamed a bit every time his cold arms wrapped around you. The cold embrace of Death is, in fact, really freaking cold. But your surprised yelps were hilarious to Muerte, so he kept doing it.
But this only started a war where you’d see who could scare the other the most.
This means surprise hugs from behind, finding tickle spots, and in Muerte’s case, lifting you up from your seat and planting a large kiss on your forehead.
Muerte loves scritches behind his ear, even though he’d never admit it.
He plops his head on top of yours or in your lap when he wants attention.
Going out and about, Muerte always has an arm wrapped around you or a hand in yours.
He can't sleep (immortal things), but he will lay in bed wrapped around you protectively. It's a comforting sort of cold pressure he puts on you.
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kaminocasey · 1 year
Dream A Little Dream of Me (Part 1)
Summary: Your reality is different than theirs. But hopefully, you can use that to your advantage and help put a stop to the Clone Wars. If catching the eye of a certain captain is also in the mix, then that's also a plus, right?
Pairing: Eventual Captain Rex x F!Reader
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI; Insomnia, Angst, alternate realty type of thing
WC: 2.1K
A/N: This is a bit different than what I normally write. But, hopefully in a good way! Also, it’s been a hot minute since I’ve written for Rex. Can you believe that????
Part Two
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You hear your cell phone ringing from the living room as you make pasta in the kitchen. It’d been snowing all day so you’d had the lights in the living room off so you’d be able to see the snow fall over New York City. It’s your favorite thing living in a highrise in the Upper East Side. You’ve also had The Clone Wars playing all day. Your favorite show. The show that brought you the most comfort.
You sit the spoon down in the dublé and go grab your phone, bringing it to your ear and answering as you return back to the stove, turning slightly toward the tv in time to see Captain Rex tell the men of the 501st and 212th that they need to take down Pong Krell.
“Hello, mom.” You sigh, just hoping she hasn’t called you to fight with you.
“What are you doing up so late?” She chides you. It’s more lighthearted than critical this time. 
Honestly, you’ve not looked at the clock all afternoon. But you glance at the time on the stove. Surely, it’s not that late- Oh. It’s 2:30 in the morning. 
“You’re the one calling me.” You roll your eyes. 
“Because I knew you were up.” Her voice sounds tired on the other end. 
“How would you possibly know that?” You stir the pasta one last time before tucking the phone between your ear and your shoulder, going to strain it. 
“Because I know you.” She chuckles. “What are you making?” 
You sigh again. “Pasta.”
“Finish making it. Put it in the fridge and go lay down, sweetie.” Her voice softens.
You don’t sleep much… and when you do, it’s not restful sleep. You’d been diagnosed with insomnia at an early age of ten. The doctors had said it stemmed from your anxiety and ADHD. Now, you take all sorts of medication, but you’d stopped when the last one knocked your ass out for over 24 hours, causing you to miss an entire day of work and they fired you the next. You’d rather not sleep and have a job than let that happen again.
“Fine.” You murmur, grabbing a box and putting a bit of olive oil in with it and shaking it up once you close the lid. 
“Do you want me to sing to you?” She asks as you click the tv off.
When you and your mom get along, which isn’t often, you really get along. She’s sweet, caring, kind… but if you’re fighting… well, let’s just say, you’d rather deal with Lucifer, himself. 
“That would be nice. Thank you.” You murmur, putting the phone on speaker before going back to your bedroom and plugging your phone in, crawling under your fluffy comforter. 
You try to get comfy, closing your eyes. “Alright. I’m in bed.”
“I remember when you were little and you would come crawling into-” She starts but you interrupt her.
“Mom. Sing.” You smile with closed eyes. 
“Right, right. Sorry.” She chuckles before starting the tune that she would sing to you as a child. 
Stars shining bright above you
Night breezes seem to whisper "I love you"
Birds singin' in the sycamore trees
Dream a little dream of me
You think of the warm glow of the moon. A comfortable bed of sheep carrying you away into dreamland, counting them as they pass by you in your mind. 
Say "Nighty night" and kiss me
Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me
While I'm alone and blue as can be
Dream a little dream of me
There’s no way this is going to help you go to sleep. You made peace with never being able to sleep peacefully again a long long time ago. 
Stars fading but I linger on, dear
Still craving your kiss
I'm longing to linger 'til dawn, dear
Just saying this
You yawn slightly, turning over to face your phone, getting comfier as you focus on the coolness of your pillow against your warm cheek. 
Sweet dreams 'til sunbeams find you
Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you
But in your dreams, whatever they be
Dream a little dream of me
“I’m sorry, mom. I don’t think it’s working this time.” You open your eyes to pull your phone back up so you can end the call but are met with the unfamiliarity of a different bed than yours. In fact, it can barely be considered a bed. You realize it’s a bunk and when you turn to see the rest of your surroundings you’re met with… clones?
You know these men… You’ve seen them before. 
“Morning, sleepy head.” The clone you know as Tup smirks. “You’ve been out forever.” 
What? This can’t be real. You know this is just a tv show. 
Oh. You’re dreaming.
Of course. Duh.
“Yeah, welcome back to the land of the living.” Hardcase chuckles. 
You’re still not able to form words. This is a little too freaky. Why are you so aware?
“Hello???” Jesse waves his hand in front of your face.
You blink twice, feeling your lips move to say something. 
Say something, dummy. 
“H-hello.” You murmur, sitting up to look at the near identical men around you. 
“Why are you being so weird?” Fives asks you, curiously.
“This can’t be real.” You stand up, suddenly feeling slightly panicked. 
“Are you alright?” Fives comes over, putting his hand on your shoulder.
You can actually feel it. You pull away, even more freaked out than before.
“Hey, let’s get Kix down here.” Fives turns toward Tup, who nods and takes off out of what you now recognize as barracks.
Fives turns back toward you and as you look around at all the men, they all seem really concerned for you. Which is somewhat sweet, when you think about it. 
“Hey, doll. Why don’t you sit back down?” Fives tries to guide you back down to the bunk and kneels in front of you, searching your eyes. 
Unable to help yourself, you reach out and poke him in the cheek and he gives you an amused smile that you know so well from all the times you’ve watched him. His skin is warm and soft and you let out a breath that you’ve been holding in since you “woke up”. 
“F-fives.” You look at him. 
He nods, grinning. “That’s right, mesh’la.” 
You look around. “Hardcase. Dogma. Jesse.” 
They all nod when you say their names, the sweet concern never leaving their handsome faces. 
And then you hear the doors open and all the breath feels like it’s left your lungs. The man you’ve loved since your first watch. 
Captain Rex. 
God, he’s even prettier in person… How is that even possible? 
He murmurs your name and your world stops spinning just for a moment, your heart pausing with it. He knows your name. 
Of course he knows your name. This is your dream.
“Tup said you might not be feeling well?” Rex asks and Fives moves so that Rex can kneel down in front of you.
The breath in your throat hitches and you get slightly dizzy. You notice that he smells like warm vanilla with a hint of the ocean, as he gives you the softest look any man or person has given you. It’s nearly intoxicating. He looks into your eyes and suddenly, you want to thank your insomnia for giving you this moment. 
“Are you alright?” He’s still searching your eyes and you realize you need to get it together and play along with this dream or these men are going to think you’re crazy.
You rub your eyes and stretch. “Yeah, sorry, Captain. Just woke up from a weird dream.”
He lets out a sigh of relief, looking up at Fives who also seems to be okay with that answer. 
“Good. Glad to hear that it’s nothing serious.” He pats your knee as he stands up and immediately you stand with him. 
He looks to Fives. “We’re shipping out to Umbara in the next hour. Meet Generals Skywalker and Kenobi down in the hangar in 30.”
Umbara…? Umbara… Oh no. 
“Um, Captain? Captain R-rex.” You stutter over your words, still not able to get over the fact that this man is standing in front of you.
You follow him out of the barracks. You feel like you need to say something. If you can warn them about Umbara… about General Pong Krell turning toward the dark side… maybe you can help them win this battle, right?
“What is it?” He smiles down at you.
Oh, wow. That smile really still has quite the effect on you, making your heart feel like it’s melting right through your body and you have to remind yourself to breathe. 
“I need to tell you something. About Pong Krell.” You fidget with your shirt, nervously.
“Alright. What about the general?” He stops walking to give you his undivided attention.
“Um… He’s… He’s not who he says he is.” You struggle to find the right words, knowing that if you just outright say the general is a Sith, you’re going to look crazy. 
You need proof. But you don’t exactly have any. 
“What do you mean?” Rex asks you, tilting his head in confusion.
“Rex! There you are.” A familiar voice is behind you and you spin around to find Anakin Skywalker walking toward you and the captain. 
“General.” Rex greets him.
“Are your men ready for the briefing?” Anakin asks.
“Yes, sir.” Rex nods. 
“Good. Walk with me.” Anakin smiles then looks at you and greets you by name. 
Does everyone here know you?
“H-hello… uh, general.” You give a weak smile.
Rex starts to say goodbye but you try to speak up again. “Dude.” 
Then, you remember that you’re speaking to a general and a captain and that’s probably super disrespectful. 
“Uh, apologies captain.” You try to keep up with them as Anakin’s commlink goes off and he steps away to answer it.
“We’ll talk about it when we get back.” Rex gives you a reassuring smile and you shake your head. “General Skywalker is the one on the mission with us. There’s nothing to worry about.”
“No. Krell is going to lie and send Anakin- the general away so that he can try to get the clones killed.” You tell him, firmly.
Rex looks over at Anakin and then back at you, clearly confused. “W-what… How do you know this?” 
How are you even supposed to explain your knowledge of these things? You can’t just be like “Oh yeah, I know this because none of this is real and you’re actually just a tv show.” right? 
“I’m someone you trust, right?” You murmur, looking up into the brown eyes that you’ve daydreamed about plenty of times. 
“Of course.” He nods.
“Then, Rex… I’m begging you to trust me on this… please.” You sigh. 
Even though you’ve technically just met this man, you feel like you’ve truly known him for so much longer. Does he feel that way about you? 
“Alright.” Rex murmurs, glancing toward Anakin again. “I trust you. But what can I do?”
“Leave it to me.” You nod, smiling up at him. “Good luck. Be safe.” 
“You’re not coming with us?” He asks, confusion painting his face again. 
“Oh… Am I?” You still don’t know what your role is here. 
“Kix is gonna need all the help he can get.” Rex winks, your stomach flipping at such a simple gesture as he joins Anakin once he gets off the call. 
You’re a medic? Oh no… You don’t know the first thing about being a medic… What if you can’t help and these men get killed because of you? You’ll just have to stick next to Kix for the time being… Hopefully you can sort of learn as you go? Maybe you’ll get lucky and they won’t actually need your help.
When you wake up, you’re still not exactly well rested. If anything, you feel even more tired. But man… What a dream. You got to see your favorite clone captain, got to meet the clones you spend countless hours a week watching. Hopefully, you’ll get lucky and dream of them again.
Then, you remember that you were going to try to help them… and you’ve been pulled from their reality a bit too soon, your chest tightening at the thought. 
Rubbing your eyes as you sit up, you pull your phone off the charger and shoot your mom a message: 
You: Thank you for singing to me. That actually helped a lot. Think you could do it again tonight? 
She answers almost right away.
Mom: Of course, sweetheart. Have a great day!
As you climb out of bed to get ready for work, you can’t help but think about what your next dream could possibly hold tonight.
TAGS: @twistedstitcher27 @rebel-finn @grievouus @madameminor @dumfanting @rain-on-kamino @corona-one @tecker @ladykatakuri @brynhildrmimi @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @zoeykallus @maulslittlemeowmeow @littlemousedroid @arctrooper69 @rexxdjarin @agenteliix @padawancat97 @hated-by-me @sleepingsun501 @quigonswife8 @idlenesses @redheadgirl @dnxgma @themcuwriter @ashotofspotchka @sunshinesdaydream @crosshairsimp73 @ariadnes-red-thread @rosmariner @heyitsaloy @starstofillmydream @high-ct5555 
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hexpea · 6 months
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Ch. 1 - A Mother's Only Choice March, 2003
It was another week, the same routine. You were content with your routine. Dare you say...happy? 
You went up and down each aisle, clutching the shopping basket against your side and humming a quiet tune to yourself as you picked up a few groceries to last the rest of the week. You had a family to get home to: a husband who worked hard enough that you could stay home despite how on again, off again things were in your relationship, and a sweet, baby daughter of only one years old. Technically she was nearly two, but you didn't want to rush things; she had already been reaching so many of her milestones. She was strapped to your back fast asleep as you finished your shopping. You could hear her tiny, snoozy breaths just behind your ear.
Despite how many hours your husband, Masaru, worked, money was always a little tight. He blamed it on the economy and you couldn't argue. He was right, the world was getting a bit rough. You offered to find work to help raise more money – not that you needed it, he made enough for the three of you to get by. But each time you brought up potentially finding a job, he quickly shot it down for various reasons. There was no arguing with him, he'd always find a way to combat your ideas, but it at least meant you could stay at home with Tsumiki. You took the perspective that he was trying to keep you safe, that he wanted Tsumiki to have consistent care. 
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Once you completed your shopping run, you began your trek back home. The three of you lived in a small, two bedroom apartment in a village just two hours outside of Tokyo.
You waltzed up the stairs to the second floor where home was and struggled to get your key in the lock as clumsy you always would. Tsumiki was beginning to stir while strapped to your back. Eventually, you shoved the door open and plopped the bags on the counter before loosening the straps of the back carrier.
As you carefully undid the carrier with Tsumiki now happily playing in her playpen, Masaru sleepily exited the master bedroom. His hair was a complete mess and he was just in a white undershirt and boxers.
"Hey, honey," you greeted happily as the back carrier fell to the sofa. Your greeting was sweet as always, but this time you had to do a double take.
"Y/N..." he seemed startled to find you home. Your shopping trip was shorter than usual, but you hadn't realized just how routine your routine had become.
"What are you doing home so soon?" You shook your head in confusion, now wondering what he was doing at home. His usual arrival was around ten in the evening on Wednesdays, but it was only half past four.
You began to analyze his look as he searched his brain for an answer. You wondered how he was able to fit an entire nap in the middle of the day, particularly after the train ride home. "I-I...was able to get off early today..." But you suddenly knew as your eyes traced the neckline of his stretched out t-shirt. A hint of pink lipstick could be found on the collar. "As a reward for all of the long hours I've put in!" Genius.
"Where is she?" Your heart sunk, your voice as quiet as it could be. This wasn't the first time you had been in this position thanks to him. "Is she in there?" Your hand shook as you lifted it to point toward your shared bedroom.
"Y/N, what are you talking about?" Masaru scoffed. "You're just being paranoid."
You were ignoring him, opting to walk straight toward the bedroom with wide eyes as your body fell into a panic. As he continued pleading with you to stop your search, you tore apart the bedroom. Clothing was strewn out of the closet, the bed skirt ripped apart...you left no stone unturned, but there was nothing, no one, to be found.
You turned back to look at your husband with a certain type of ferocity. He stood with a satisfied yet bored look on his face. You felt your eyes well up with tears which prompted him to soften and comfort you.
He gently held your head against his chest as you let tears fall down your cheek. But the knot in your throat evaporated the minute you smelled the perfume ingrained within the cheap fabric of his shirt.
You scoffed with a smile and ripped yourself away from him. "I'm going to look for a job," you declared suddenly.
He looked at you funny with the change in topic. "I've told you, Y/N, it's not necessary. You don't need a job."
"I'm getting a job," you pointed at him assertively. "If your work is able to give you time in the afternoons, you're able to look after Tsumiki. You're not stopping me, not this time." He was a bit speechless. Your usually soft demeanor had changed so quickly into someone he didn't know.
Suddenly, rage engulfed him. He became a man you didn't know. His hand pulled back with your sass as fire filled his eyes. Your mouth began to fall open, your own eyes filled with fear as the hand began to come down until your cheek was met with a certain sting. Your head sharply turned from the pressure of the slap. The force was enough to nearly knock you to the ground, but you were able to stay steady. Hot tears filled your eyes but so did your own rage. You weren't going to stand for that kind of behavior.
"Again, I'm finding a job," you declared. Masaru's face was one of shock, as if he were shocked that he had stooped to that level. He had left his own self speechless, and he couldn't argue back -- he knew that.
You had won this round, but only because you knew there was something coming. There was no way he wasn't cheating. You were going to get to the bottom of things and you were going to raise money to get you and Tsumiki out of there. Your eyes had been opened.
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Despite the tension from the afternoon disturbance, you still tucked your daughter into bed at night. This night, you had big dreams for a hopeful future – away from the man you had once thought loved you.  At the same time, you couldn't believe you were thinking of him this way. He was once someone you considered your soulmate, but the pain of betrayal that you felt quickly trumped anything else you felt. 
In bed that night, you laid awake in deep thought as your husband loudly snored next to you. Why you let him sleep next to you after what happened, you didn't know. You began to see all of the bad things after the last few years of marriage – each manipulation tactic, each potential moment he could have been cheating, each piece of abuse he hid under plastic affection. Despite the pain in your chest, it was driving you to do better. You had to...for her.
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The next morning, Masaru woke up for "work" and left you behind as he always did. You looked through different sites to try and find something for work that fit your personality and expertise. In the middle of your search, your mother called and opened a door into a world you'd long forgotten.
"I'm happy to hear Dad's doing better," you sighed as you sprawled out on the sofa. Tsumiki was fast asleep for an afternoon nap as you took her call. "I'm glad he also decided to finally retire, he's way beyond his years in that line of work." Your mother made a hum of agreement. "Speaking of work," you continued, "I'm looking for a job myself."
"Really, now?" She sounded surprised. "So you finally won the argument?"
"Not exactly, but if I don't stand up for myself now I never will. And right now, with Tsumiki, that's really crucial," you sighed, "but nothing's piquing my interest."
"Well, rumor has it, one of the primary clans has a job available. And considering you're a mother yourself, you might just fit the bill!" Your mother chuckled. She knew how you felt about your familial roots in the world of jujutsu, and just how toxic the environment could be.
"Mom..." you started with a wary tone.
"Supposedly one of the Zenin family members..." she paused, "excuse me, former Zenin family members," she corrected herself, "had a baby. Unfortunately, the baby's mother passed away and the father, well, he's the ex-Zenin, and is obviously out of the picture. They need a nanny, to put it short."
You thought in silence for a moment. You were about to correct her idea, not wanting to dive back into a world of violence, but considering the nature of the work...she was right. It was a great possibility considering how wealthy the primary clans were.
"Allegedly, the baby has inherited one of the Zenin techniques," she continued with your prolonged silence, "that, of course, makes it really important he be taken care of."
"Send me the information, I'll check it out," you finally answered. You weren't sure if this was the one or not, but at this point you couldn't afford to be picky.
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applesontheground · 1 year
I saw that your request are open and wanted to ask for some headcanons of slashers like Bubba sawyer, Thomas hewitt and Michael myers if their Lover or S/O was a Dancer (Ballerina,etc). It's ok if you don't wanna write about that!
hello, anon! i've actually wanted to write something with a ballerina/dancer s/o, so allow me to indulge ya! thank you for being so polite. although i don't write for michael myers, i'd love to include bubba and thomas along with a couple other slashers i think would adore a dancing s/o. i've even included my slasher OC if that's alright, because like i said, he'd love it! ☆
headcanons - Bubba Sawyer, Thomas Hewitt, Leslie Vernon, Norman Bates, & Tad Kennedy w/ a Dancer S/O
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Bubba Sawyer
Self expression is everything to him, so when he sees you expressing something deep inside through a fluid movement or bold spin on your toes...he's intrigued. He's making his brothers watch, too, if you're not shy to that. He's stopping everything to set the stage for you.
He wouldn't be able to stop watching you do your thing, and after learning you're a dancer, everything you do feels so much more elegant in his eyes.
With a little encouragement, he'd definitely learn to dance with you too. He's somewhat familiar with the standard line dancing, so the amalgamation of that and your own style would become a special bonding activity. Something so utterly him and utterly you.
Thomas Hewitt
In a "career" that's messy and a world that's often loud and hectic, seeing you take a second to do something so lighthearted would catch Tommy off guard. He'll merely watch, jaw half open and hands unable to keep steadfast to working as you show off that you are capable of such a delicate, almost joyful routine or movement.
Whether you're interested in the music, the dance, or the costume design of your favorite type of dance, he'd always be listening to you talk about it and bringing things to your attention that he thinks is relevant.
If passerbys who come through the Hewitts are also dancers, he'd find a way to get you to meet (at arm's distance, of course). If it means he can see you light up before the family does what they do to people who fall into an unfortunate strike of luck of crossing the farm, it's like a break in the clouds to see a brief moment of you being happy.
Leslie Vernon
You're in good company with a man of many talents himself! Even if it's just a hobby, he would be very curious to see how quick you can hop to the balls of your feet, or break out a dance move that's more than something you learn to idly do at a party.
A bit of a gymnast himself, Leslie would probably see it in other ways. If you have more toned leg muscles, a passing knowledge of certain ballets/stage performances, etc., he'd tune in and start figuring out why that's so.
You might find after a little while that his movements when doing his own work would start to become a little more fluid itself. The interest and excitement rubs off easily on him, and if you're a graceful swan in your craft...he can't help but to adopt a ghost of that, too.
Norman Bates
The most thoughtful observer. If you need someone to make sure your moves are clean, he'd gladly observe and give his best critique (which would be 95% fawning and compliments, but he's doing his best to be good audience).
He'll never interrupt, and be very defensive over others interrupting you when you're dancing or even mentioning it.
He'd also get very interested in the music that you like to dance to, often playing it if he hears it on the radio and asking for your opinions on which songs make you the most light on your feet.
Also: lots of finding that the two of you suddenly own that ballet/album on vinyl, but it's more of an open secret that doesn't get more than a pointed glance from you and a sheepish glance in return from him. "Mother's always had that record, I don't know why you're so suspect."
While not a dancer himself, he gains security from dancing with you. Take his hand, and he'll follow your lead albeit a bit shyly, but find a way to love it as he loves you.
Tad Kennedy ⚡
Oh, baby!
He loves to dance as is, and while it's more for his stage performances, when he feels the groove he's gonna be right there with you. Even if you're just idly swaying while cooking or doing something unrelated, he'd be behind you swaying in the same rhythm.
Nothing makes him happier than seeing you work on your craft, and the delicate nature of some ballet would make him soft for sure.
If you're interested in watching ballet/dancing as well, he'd be keeping an eye out for shows to take you to -- and you best believe he'd be mentioning to every small talker that you also dance.
he would learn how to dance with you the best to his ability. even though he's more of a groovy hip shaker than a ballerina himself, he loves to share the dancefloor with you and can adjust if it means getting to do that.
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cooki3face · 11 months
~ Energy check in w/ advice : July 2, 2023 ~
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pile one:
I see someone in this general state of relaxation or even this neutral and positive energy or state. There’s peace or some type or neutrality or harmony showing up here for someone. This is someone’s primary energy and at the moment this is how they’re feeling most of the time. I see someone growing here or undergoing a transformation as well. Someone is very visibly and energetically different from a version or themselves whom they used to be for a very long period of time. I hear, “there comes a time in one’s life..” there’s this clear and deep energetic shift here or even a balancing of one’s energy. Someone accepting themselves and their needs to further accept others and their needs. Someone seeing others clearly as they see themselves clearly. There’s also this very intense path of learning. Someone is learning something but I see this presenting itself in many ways as well. Consuming different forms of media, reading, taking courses or classes. There’s an expansion here of wisdom both spiritually and logically speaking.
I also see someone focusing on the material and physical aspects of their lives. There’s a balance here of one’s divine feminine and divine masculine energy. There’s a balance of the internal and external. I see someone in a really strong energy of self care as well someones self worth could be significant. Someone could be setting boundaries or have come into an energy of being able to prioritize themselves in a calm and collected and peaceful manner. There is no hostility in their actions towards self love and honoring themselves especially come before others. Someone has not lost their compassion or their love or their ability to empathize or understand and connect with others throughout this though. The words “I see you” are incredibly significant. As you are incredibly in tune and connected with yourself and with source. Someone is highly intuitive here.
Someone is walking away from something here. Possibly a relationship, a situation, or even a job but I’m getting that for a large amount of the collective it is a relationship, a connection, or a person. But there is no aggression or anxiety or negative emotion when it comes to stepping away from this. Someone is releasing their control or not allowing themselves to become weighed down by the fear of certain outcomes not coming into fruition for them regarding this relationship or connection. There is peace here and an energy here of surrendering to the divine and its timing.
your persons energy:
This person in connection with you here pile one, they believe that your love or your connection is divinely orchestrated or that they are connected to you on a deep and profound level and they are holding onto this truth, their holding this close to their hearts. They could be trying to mirror your energy or mimic you in your way of thinking or being. They see how balanced you’ve come to be and how trusting you are of divine timing or things coming into fruition or coming together when they’re ready when the time is right and they feel the opposite. This person can feel very anxious, very afraid of losing you or very upset with themselves for the fear that they hold that keeps distance between the two of you. Something within you has shifted the tables may have turned or you used to chase this person and now you no longer are and this is clearly evident here. You are forcing this person to fully embody the energy that they feel and take action or do what’s necessary to revive or strengthen the connection or mend this. I hear “the ball is in your court.” Or “I’m waiting for you to do what you must for your own sake and personal expansion” I’m also hearing things like “I’m giving you time and space to see where you went wrong” as well.
This person is afraid. They have a lot of self limiting beliefs here, a lot of deep rooted fears and insecurities that have kept them from being in the relationship that they’ve desired with you all this time. If you spoke to this person lately they may have come forward to say something or even apologize by they’ve been even still very careful about what they say to you. They’re afraid of you pitying them or seeing how weak their energy is or how much they don’t feel secure in themselves. I see this person feeling as if this relationship is over or ending. They’re in a lot of pain and feel as though you’re slipping through their fingers here. This person could feel as though they have a level of inner work here to do though while your connection is at this state in its existence. You’re turning a mirror on this person you’re forcing this person to self reflect or to see themselves and their limitations and blockages very clearly.
Get the rest that you need and keep yourself grounded. You could be feeling this person tug on your energy or sort of sending you their emotions and thoughts telepathically as well. You could be connected to this person on a soul level this could be a soul mate or a twin flame. It’s important that you fully remain in the energy that you are in right now. You are committed to yourself, that self love and that self respect and care is what’s pushing this person towards a much needed change or awakening. This person sees you, they understand and love and admire you and they are determined to follow you wherever you go, they are determined to be with you in harmony one day. You are their wish fulfillment.
You’re in control and success is coming for you here. The chariot upright really does embody your energy at this times. Control. Willpower. Success. determination. Action.
Stay right where you are continue doing what you’re doing allow this energy or this person to sit with themselves don’t let them back in and don’t give them access to your energy in a way where it makes them feel is so they can sit and be in the energy that they’ve been in for the past couple weeks months or years. The energy that you are in right now is working miracles not only for this connection behind the scenes, but for you, and for this person as well. I’m just seeing this energy is a masculine energy. This person needs you to do well for yourself in order for them to do well for them. I see you feeling and understanding that this person is going through a lot of heartbreak and may feel a lot of loss. But, don’t neglect your boundaries, shift out of your current energy or run to this persons aid so you can coddle them and hold them. They need to grow and they cannot with you holding their head to your heart and coddling them.
pile two:
You could feel like you’re stressed or carrying a heavy burden or weight on your shoulders at this time pile two. There could be a lot you feel you need to do or a lot of things or responsibilities that have been newly laid upon you. You could’ve had an awakening and realized you have a lot that you need to work on mentally, spiritually, emotionally or even physically. Someone is not where they wish that they were jn their life or even maybe potentially their love lives as well. You could feel as though you’ve lost a lot of opportunities or missed out on something incredibly important to you because you feel as if you carry a dysfunctional and unstable energy within yourself and your life entirely.
You can be experiencing a heart chakra opening or be very emotional at this point in time. There’s a lot of inner feelings here as well as an energy of codependency or something here about self love and self care is really significant in your life right now. You could be codependent on someone in your life or in one of your close personal relationships and have karmic lessons to learn regarding self love and self worth and care. There’s a lot of inner conflict here and even potential inner turmoil and there’s a level of avoidance and fear about confronting these issues within yourself or within your day to day life.
your persons energy:
Your person is so incredibly focused on their own personal alignment, their values and their own self worth and self care. This person still feels for you and at times feels overwhelmed and doesn’t know whether or not to shift out of their own personal energy of self prioritization and come back to you so that you can feel safe and feel loved or comfortable even. I don’t foresee them doing this just because they know and understand that if they did that it would severely contradict everything they stand for and everything they want for you.
Your person is very content and satisfied with the energy of their lives right now or where they are in life. This person even wants more for themselves moving forward. I feel that this person loves you and wants the best for you moving forward even if they have to accept that giving themselves to you isn’t the best decision for you at the moment. They love you so much that they’d set aside their desire for you, their desire to come and hold you so that you have space to expand and grow pile two.
They feel as though things have shifted drastically in their lives as well that their lives are changing, that they are changing and at the moment there is even an essence of instability or uncertainty in the events that are taking places but they understand that all change is a must, and all things will work out in due time.
It’s time for you to really believe that you deserve the things that you want for yourself and it’s possible to have those things so you can be open to receiving them and improving. You’re suffering from a fat case of imposter syndrome and that’s not fair to yourself nor the people who love you who want to offer you good things and give you good things. You’re suffering right now from a lot of personal setbacks and that’s creating many delays for yourself. You need to practice self forgiveness, practice forgiving yourself for your mistakes and your wrongdoing just as someone who loves you would, practice showing yourself compassion and understanding just as someone who loves you would. Love yourself the way you want others to love you, love yourself so that you may be loved, love yourself so you are able to show up for the people you love. Release all of the negativity and the resentment you hold in your heart for being a product of your environment or having problems as normal people do. Move on.
pile three:
You could be revisiting the past, stuck in the past or reliving the past. There’s something here about your childhood memories or for some of you teenage memories there’s a lack of desire to let go of memories or a specific version of something that was a large part of your past. There’s a lack of acceptance here I see you being in denial or having a hard time processing a large shift or change within your life. You may feel as though something is out of your control or something you wanted is slipping out of your grip or your grasps. It doesn’t feel fair to you or doesn’t make much sense.
You could be doubting your intuition on something and may get the intuition download that something is ending or isn’t going to continue to work out for you moving forward and you’re not ready to accept or release something here there’s a level of emotional immaturity and uncertainty. You may not know that you want, where you stand or may not be in a place where you can see past your own desires despite other people and their own feelings and desires, this could be about a relationship or a connection some of you are losing a friend and some of you are losing a romantic partner or relationship.
your persons energy:
Your person could feel as though the dynamic of your relationship or the way things are at the moment are just the direct result of the history of the relationship and what’s going on around the relationship as well. This isn’t particularly negative but they just feel that things are as they should be or as they’re meant to be within the two of you. This person would like for you to release the past versions of this connection and shift with them or release them so they may be free. They feel as though there is change and transformation underway and they’ve accepted this and are ready for whatever comes of this connection or transformative process.
Allow friendship to take this connection away, allow things to fall away as they must because you cannot hold things together when they aren’t meant to be that way or need to fall apart. Let the connection take its own form or decide what it needs to be. So many new opportunities for growth here potential. Release your control and allow things to be as they need to be. Be patient and focus on balance and this connection taking on its own profound purpose.
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timetogosteddie · 1 year
Can't stop thinking about your lips
They’ve just finished telling Eddie about a certain too enthusiastic and not fully aware they were in a public space -couple at the movies last night when it happens. One moment, all three of them were chuckling, Eddie saying something about an image he couldn’t scrub from his mind, when Robin turns to him and asks him the one question he’s not ready to answer right now.
At least, not answer honestly. Because he knows he’s bothered her with stories of his failed dates and sad monologues about wanting to find someone for months, before…well, just before. He’d rather not think of everything that had happened, of everything that could have happened, of everyone they could have lost.
That was then and this is now. The after, so to speak. And in the ‘after’, he hasn’t thought about asking random girls on dates. Not once.
Realizing he hasn’t answered her question yet, he simply shakes his head, before giving her a shrug. “I’m taking a break from all that, you know that. Look, if it’s meant to happen, it’ll happen. If not? Well, then I guess our marriage pact should be discussed some more, huh?”, he ends jokily, booping her on the nose.
She makes a face instantly, dramatically pushing his hand away. It only makes him laugh louder. “Hey, I’m a catch, Buckley!”, he states, though his voice is still shaking from laughter, making the comment less than convincing. 
Robin just throws him a look, making some comment about his hair and how high maintenance his beauty routine is compared to hers. He doesn’t even have to pay too much attention to her. This is familiar. This is a joking discussion they’ve had many times before, meaning he knows exactly what type of in-no-way-mean insults she’s going to throw his way. Just like he’s sure she’s prepared for him to repeat earlier jokes about her. It’s just how they are.
Eddie though? Eddie usually joins in, which usually turns into him teaming up with either of them, or them turning on him as a united front. “The twins”, Eddie would always call them in moments like these. Steve’s so used to hearing the words, that it feels weird when they don’t come. Eddie is quiet, gaze averted and judging from the poor, bitten bottom lip trapped between his teeth, deep in thought. Hmm…
“Maybe I should trade you in for Eddie. He looks like the kind of guy who would be able to get ready in fifteen minutes with time left to make me some coffee.”, Robin says suddenly and he’s not sure why that’s the comment that brings his full focus back on her. Maybe it was the mention of Eddie, a soft voice in the back of his head helpfully supplied.
It’s a voice that’s been there for a while now, though he tried ignoring it at first. Sure, he paid a lot of attention to Eddie when he was around. Who wouldn’t? It’s Eddie, who knows what that guy’s going to do or say next? Being around Eddie was fun and he hated missing out on even a moment of that fun by being distracted by less important things. Though over time, those less important things had gone from the movie they were watching or a joke Mike was telling the group to Steve sometimes completely tuning out everyone but Eddie.
After the third time it had happened, which had earned him an annoyed look from Dustin and a slightly amused one from Robin, he’d sat down at his kitchen table, nodded to himself and concluded that yes, he fully understood what was happening. It wasn’t a new feeling per se, just a little different. He was having a crush. A crush on one Eddie Munson. 
Looking back at Robin now, he lets his mouth fall open dramatically, before waving his hand in a bored “psssh” kinda way. He nods at Eddie, trying to get a reaction from his still seemingly distracted looking friend. “What do you say, Munson? You in?” He has to stop himself, biting the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling, as Eddie’s eyes shoot up towards him, blinking as if woken from a deep sleep.
“Shit, sorry. I was a mile away, guys. Had to think some happy thoughts after that too vivid image of those two people inspecting each other’s dental hygiene last night.”, Eddie says with a smirk that only grows when Robin lets out a loud groan. “Exactly, Robs! That’s exactly how I felt. But after thinking about things like my sweetheart, a nice cold beer and our Stevie here in those little gym shorts he used to wear, I’m back.”
He feels his chest contract, pushing all air from his lungs at the mention of himself in…gym shorts? He’s used to Eddie flirting, though used might be a big word. He’s aware of it, would be more accurate. Being used to something implies being able to deal with it. And though he really wants to, he hasn’t been able to successfully throw a joking flirt back.
He's also not sure Eddie’s fully joking anymore. Sure, he liked to make Steve flush but mentioning high school Steve? That was new. Normally, Eddie pretended he didn’t pay attention to Steve during that time, just like Steve hadn’t really noticed Eddie. It was a big enough school that their specific circles didn’t really mix. So yeah, the mention of his shorts definitely throws him for a bigger loop than usual. 
He’s not sure Eddie’s just joking. 
He hopes he’s not.
At some point in life, he had been good at this. He might not have the best memories of those months, but his flirting game? It had been tight, okay? He knows this, might even be a little proud of it. But as soon as Eddie started flirting with him, and especially when he started realizing just why he liked it so much when Eddie teased him, all those moves seemed to have simply fallen out of his brain. No muscle memory, no successful moments from his past to steal lines from, nothing.
His first thought had been that it was because Eddie was a guy. Some sort of self-protection kicking in inside his brain or something. Maybe he really was more homophobic than he’d thought? But, after a few suggestive dreams and some more time spent staring at Eddie whenever they were together, he’d come to the conclusion that that hadn’t been it.
Okay, so maybe he had been more into those girls than he was into Eddie right now? Yeah, no, definitely not. 
Was it the fact that Eddie had more game? The fact that he was flirting with him, hard, where most girls had just let themselves be wooed by Steve’s words? Because even if Eddie was just joking, his flirting game was strong. It was a thought that had made bile rise up in his throat, just thinking about the possibility that Eddie was joking and at some point, would stop flirting with him and would start using those words on someone he was actually serious about.
After crossing these and some other possibilities off the list, he’s still not sure what the real reason for his fumbling could be. 
He secretly suspects that the nervous feeling and light fluttering in his stomach whenever Eddie is around might be all the answer he needs.
His brain is tripping again, falling over the words he thinks he wants to say, making nothing come out. Just as he goes to give it another shot, Robin pipes up next to him. “I’m trading Steve in for you, Eddie, keep up.” She says it easily, as if that’s a normal thing to say. Which he guesses it is, as they’re all just joking around, right?
It’s clear just how much she’s joking when she leans in to Steve’s side, says “You’ll always be my dirty little secret though”, and boops his nose in return. 
Just like that, all three of them are laughing again. 
Just like that, Steve’s little crisis at being unable to successfully flirt with Eddie is once again forgotten.
Until about an hour later, when Robin announces she has to leave just as Steve and Eddie get ready to order some pizza. 
“I told you about my aunt’s birthday, remember?”, she says once Steve throws her a look of betrayal and…yep, he does.
“Veronica! Aunt Ronnie, of course. Sorry about that.”, he replies, suddenly feeling guilty. She literally mentioned it again yesterday. Like, 24 hours ago. How did he forget?
Luckily for him, she quickly waves his comment off. “Dude, relax. I’m just sad I’ll have to miss out on the big pizza debate and exchange it for an evening of distant relatives being a little too interested in my love life.”
“Just tell them about our upcoming marriage, that’ll shut them up.”, Eddie says casually, falling backwards onto the couch. “I bet I could come up with some possible baby names before you have to leave. Just say the word, babe. ”, he adds, grinning widely. 
Hearing his crush say these types of things to his best friend should definitely not be attractive. It really shouldn’t be, no matter how wide that perfect grin is.
Robin just makes another face, before throwing Steve a helpless look. “I think I made a mistake. You’re back in, Steve.”
He hears a “Hey!” coming from Eddie as she says the last bit, making them both smile. He blows her an imaginary kiss, which she pretends to catch and stuff into the pocket of her blouse. “Okay, my darlings. It’s been another treat, but this is where I leave you. See you guys later!”
Neither bothers getting up to walk her to the door, not that Robin would have expected them to anyway. She has a key to the house, for heaven’s sake. If anything, she should be the one walking the guests out whenever they’re together. He does wave at her though, noticing Eddie doing the same from where he’s still lying on the couch.
The door opens and closes again. 
For a moment, it’s quiet. 
For a moment, it’s just them. 
For a moment, Steve lets himself imagine that this, him and Eddie living in this big house, is real. And then his stomach makes a slight rumbling noise.
“Message received, geez.”, Eddie laughs, before getting off the couch. Though, why do the normal thing and just put your feet on the ground when you can also crawl over the backrest, right? Steve watches Eddie go with a shocked look that slowly morphs into amusement. “Mario’s, right?”, Eddie calls out a moment later.
“Yep!”, Steve says, pushing himself up and out of his chair to follow Eddie into the kitchen. Now came arguably the best part, though he’s not sure they’ve ever been “alone” for this. Their pizza debates were endless and usually, the third person or group present would finally stop their bickering and make the decision. He wonders who’ll come out on top, now that it’s just them.
Fuck, maybe thinking about someone coming out on top isn’t the smartest thing to do right now. Especially when he enters the kitchen to find Eddie smiling at him like that from where he’s leaning against the counter, re-reading a take-out menu he no doubt knows by heart by now.
“Ooh, thinking of mixing it up, huh?”, Steve asks, in what he hopes is a calm and innocent tone, as he points towards the menu. He’d been pretty sure it was a safe thing to throw out there, but judging from the twinkle in Eddie’s eyes, maybe it…wasn’t.
“Been thinking about a lot of things, Steve.”, he says, giving Steve’s body the slowest onceover known to man, eyes moving down Steve’s chest, down his legs, before stopping at his feet and then slowly making their way back up again. He actually lingers on his lips for a moment longer on the way up, before his eyes finally meet Steve’s again.
Steve knows he’s blushing right now. How could he not be, after that.
Eddie just makes an appreciative noise, as if Steve is a beautiful sunset or expensive painting. “Sorry, I got a little distracted there for a second. How about you, ready to mix it up?” His voice takes on a tone Steve’s not familiar with yet, almost like he’s asking something else right now. 
His blush grows darker, he knows, as he can feel it in the heat creeping up his body. His ears are fucking burning! Quick, think of something, anything. This is your chance, Harrington.
Shrugging as casually as he can, he leans back against the fridge. He knows what he looks like right now and judging from the way Eddie’s eyes widen just a fraction, Eddie appreciates that view as much as all those high school girls at his parties used to. “You know me, Eds, I’m never afraid to try new things. Had something specific in mind?”
Eddie seems to choke on air for a second and Steve wants to punch the fucking air like he’s won a championship game. Finally, he thinks. The fact that Eddie actually starts blushing is just the fucking cherry on top here. 
He has to stop himself from making a joke about a specific pizza topping. He might have done some research these past few weeks, but making a comment like that right now? That would definitely be taking it too far. He’s still new at this, after all.
Eddie’s still looking at him in slight surprise when Steve walks over, grabbing the menu and pretending to look it over as well. As if he doesn’t know exactly what options they have too. As if he doesn’t know they’re both going to order the same shit they always do. “Hmm, so many good options. But I’m afraid I only have eyes for my favorite.” He makes sure to look up at Eddie as he says that last bit. “I’m going to put on some sweatpants, you okay to order?”
He feels another wave of victory as Eddie just nods, before looking away.
Eddie had regained his endless charm soon after the pizza arrived and by the time the last slice made its way to his mouth, Steve was back to being a blushing mess. Something Eddie had said about the pizza being “the second best thing Eddie could think of to bite right now” had definitely made an appearance in Steve’s dreams that night. And the night after. And maybe in the shower this morning. He was only human, okay?
The phone rings. “Hey Steve, you busy? More importantly, have you eaten yet?”
Oddly enough, not the weirdest way Eddie’s ever started a phone call. It’s weirder that Eddie sounds this awake on a Monday morning, if he’s being honest.
Confused at the specific question, Steve stares at his long empty plate for a moment. “Do you mean breakfast? Also no, not busy, so come on, what’s your offer?”
“Oh Stevie, you’re not ready for my offer yet. But I do have a proposition for you, as I woke up with a craving. And I’m hoping you did too.”, he practically purrs into the phone.
Steve’s pretty sure he hears Wayne coughing in the background and can’t help but wonder if it’s because of Eddie’s unfairly attractive voice at this time of day. It’s not even 11 yet, for Christ sake! A proposition? An offer? He’s going to have to take a shower again, isn’t he?
“What kind of proposition are you thinking about?”, he throws back, trying to make his voice sound as breathy as possible. Two can play this game, Munson.
“Waffles! Or, you know, pancakes, Mr. Chocolate Chip.”, Eddie says happily, though he says Steve’s unofficial title with a bit of teasing.
“Don’t you remember, Munson? I’m open to trying new things.” He’s not even sure where that confidence came from, but when he hears Eddie actually splutter, he decides to show mercy. “I’m in. What time?”
It takes a moment for Eddie to actually respond. “I’ll come pick you up! I’m already driving over there anyway, seeing as the best diner is on your side of town. Does 12 work?”
“12 is perfect, see you then, Eds.”, he says softly, hanging up just in time. Because as soon as he does, the nerves hit him. Was this…was this a date? No...Right?
No, of course not. It’s not the first time you guys are grabbing food together, Steve. Not even the first time you’re eating lunch together. Calm down. Just because he’s picking you up and dropping you off after, doesn’t mean it’s a date. Then again, it also doesn’t mean it’s not a date.
Groaning loudly at the way his own brain is driving him mad right now, he runs back up the stairs. No need for that shower anymore, he thinks, as he goes to try on a million different shirts before landing on one that he deems okay enough, for now. He doesn’t want to look too casual, but he also doesn’t want to put on his usual first date clothes. Which means he’s in some kind of clothing limbo, a place he’s not used to being. A baby blue button up is casual, right? Right. Now stop worrying, he tells himself, dramatically sniffing his armpits to make sure he’s not already sweating through the fabric.
He's just on his way down when the doorbell rings. Eddie! Eddie is here, on his doorstep. Eddie, actually ringing the doorbell instead of just waiting in his van. Eddie, who’s apparently wearing the tightest black jeans known to man and a plain black shirt? He’d never thought he’d see the day.
“Hey.”, he finally breathes out, closing the door behind him.
“Hey yourself.” Eddie smiles. “That’s a good color on you.” With that, he turns around and starts walking towards the van. As if he didn’t just shatter Steve’s whole “you can do this” with that one sentence. Fuck, Eddie was going to be the death of him. Either in a good way, or in a bad way. But Steve was going to end up dead, that much was a given.
The drive to the diner doesn’t give Steve any clues as to whether this is a date or not. It’s just, the same always? At least, those few times he’d been picked up by Eddie to go somewhere. Though usually, it wasn’t just him. Still, it’s…nice? Really nice. The music is softer than usual, so they can actually talk, though they don’t really talk about anything important. Just the normal stuff, like the kids and music. It’s not a long drive anyway.
As it’s a Monday afternoon, the diner isn’t that crowded and Steve’s happy to see that there are no familiar faces there. It’s not that he doesn’t want to be seen with Eddie, it’s just that he wants to be with Eddie right now. Just Eddie. Without random “acquaintances” coming over for small talk or, you know, people giving Eddie a death glare. 
Eddie seems to be thinking the same thing, as he looks around with a relieved looking smile, before basically dashing over to the most hidden booth, around the corner in the back. Secluded, Steve thinks. The perfect date booth? But then again, also the perfect booth for someone who doesn’t want to be bothered. No conclusive answers yet.
“What’re you having, Stevie?”, Eddie asks, holding the slightly too large menu up like he’s reading a newspaper, his eyes barely peeking over the top to look at Steve.
“Hmm. How about we share? If you’re up for it, of course.”, he says easily, a challenge to his voice. “You order your favorite, I order mine and we’ll just share both?”
“Another proposition on this fine Monday. Touché!”, he smirks, already putting the menu down, before holding a hand out towards Steve. “Okay, deal.”
With a fond smile, Steve takes Eddie’s hand and shakes it. He doesn’t miss the way Eddie holds on for just a moment longer, eyes firmly locked onto Steve’s. He swears his heart stops beating for a second or two.
Just then, the waitress comes over with a sugary sweet smile, clearly in no way bothered by Eddie’s presence. If anything, she seems more enamored by him than by Steve. Which Steve can’t be mad about. He’s pretty enamored by Eddie himself.
“So,” Eddie says after a moment of silence, rubbing his hands together. “What are your plans for the rest of the day?”
Steve’s not sure if this means that Eddie truly only wanted to go have waffles with him, or if this is Eddie’s way of not so sneakily inviting himself over to Steve’s. As if he would ever need an invitation anyway. “No plans, really. If it wasn’t for you and your cravings , I wouldn’t have gotten out of the house today.”
He sees Eddie’s grin widen as he says the word cravings, just like he’d hoped, but though the spark is there, he keeps his mouth closed. Just nods, as if Steve said something wildly profound.
“How ‘bout you?”, Steve asks in return, when Eddie stays quiet. It earns him a shrug.
“Not sure yet.”
Silence returns to the table. It’s not uncomfortable, per se, but there is something loaded there. Like both of them aren’t really saying what they want to say.
And then Sharon, the waitress, is back again. She hands Steve his pancake tower with a smile, before setting down Eddie’s plate of waffles. “Enjoy, boys!”, she says cheerfully, patting Eddie’s arm for a moment, before she’s off again.
They both watch her leave with a small grin.
“I like her.”, Eddie says, before turning and looking down at his plate. “But I like the food she brought even more.”
Steve just laughs, pushing his plate to the middle of the table with raised eyebrows. “You still up for it, Munson?”
“As if I’d ever say no to you, Stevie.”, he counters, pushing his own plate until it’s next to Steve’s. With a grin, he stabs his fork into the pancake tower. Steve has to keep himself from gasping out. Sure, he was prepared to share but Eddie? Eddie was an animal. That is not how you eat pancakes.
He says as much, earning himself another wide grin from Eddie, who’s now holding a pretty full fork in front of his mouth. “Maybe you should show me then?”
“Maybe I should just feed you.”, Steve mutters, before catching himself and looking up at Eddie with what are no doubt deer-in-headlights eyes. Eddie’s are matching his perfectly.
Out of the two of them, Eddie’s the first to recover. “Maybe you should. Next time!” With that, he manages to close his mouth around the huge pile of pancake on his fork.
Steve looks away and tries to ignore Eddie’s unnecessary moaning at the “so good, Stevie!” pancakes as he stabs his own fork into the waffles. They’re good. Not as good as pancakes, but he gets why Eddie likes them. And if he’s honest, he could get used to this. Sharing these two dishes. It’s nice, as long as he keeps his fat mouth shut.
They chat and laugh some more until the last crumbs are gone from both plates, courtesy of Eddie and his fucking sinful fingers. Steve swears there weren’t any crumbs left minutes ago, yet Eddie just kept tapping his fingers over the plate and sucking them, making eye contact with Steve throughout.
“My treat!”, Eddie tells him, as Sharon comes over again to ask if she can get them anything else and Eddie simply asks for the bill.
Three minutes and another arm pat from Sharon later, Steve’s back in the passenger seat. The drive to his house feels even shorter than before.
“Your castle awaits!”, Eddie says dramatically, as he parks and waves a hand in the direction of Steve’s house.
“You wanna watch a movie or something?”, Steve asks, his heart beating in his throat.
The relief is instant when Eddie simply takes his keys out of the ignition. “Never can say no to you, right?”, is all he says as he follows Steve inside.
Two cokes, a closed bag of chips and ten minutes of going over Steve’s limited VHS collection later, they’re sitting on the couch watching ‘Clue’. It’s a movie they’ve both seen before, multiple times. A bit of a guilty pleasure for all of them, Robin included. Which is why Steve feels less inclined to pay attention.
He takes a sip of his coke, setting the glass back on the table and making sure he scoots a little closer to Eddie as he leans back. He’d hoped to make the move seem a little smoother, but judging from Eddie’s sparkling eyes locking onto his, he’s been caught. 
Laughing softly, Eddie quickly moves forwards, sips at his own glass, and practically lands on top of Steve as he scoots back.
It’s so easy for Steve to just wrap an arm around Eddie right now. So, he does.
It’s so easy for Steve to simply lean in a little bit right now. So, he does.
It’s so easy when Eddie meets him halfway.
It’s so easy, and so fucking perfect. Steve’s soft lips fit perfectly against Eddie’s slightly rougher ones. It’s just a soft kiss at first, a perfectly pure first kiss. 
They pull back, grinning at each other and a moment later, both are leaning back in.
It’s so easy, after a few kisses and a few breaks to catch their breaths or to laugh at a particularly brilliant part of the movie, to deepen the kiss. To use his arm around Eddie to pull him back just enough, head almost leaning against the backrest of the couch now, mouth falling open in a sigh. Steve tries to taste the sound as he carefully licks into Eddie’s mouth, until the other reacts in kind.
They miss who the killer is, miss the end credits, miss the screen going to black. It’s just them, kissing and giggling, catching their breaths before one or both dives back in.
When the make out has gone from lazy to sleepy, Eddie rubs a hand over Steve’s jaw. “I should be getting home.”
Steve simply nods, sitting up again. “Yeah, that…I bet Wayne’s wondering why the waffles took that long, huh?”
Eddie lets out a chuckle. “Well….when it comes to waffles, it would be highly believable for me to stay at that diner until closing and not be full.” He looks around the room again, as if thinking of what to do next, before quickly pecking Steve’s lips. He seems oddly nervous now, a look Steve’s not familiar with. At least, not on Eddie Munson.
Eddie gets up, actually looking surprised when Steve gets up too to follow him to the door. They stand in the dark hallway for a moment. Silent, just staring, Eddie shuffling his feet a bit. Neither seems sure of what to say right now.
Steve slowly moves his hand up to Eddie’s neck, pulling slightly until their lips touch again. “I’ll see you Wednesday, right?”
“Arcade, how could I forget?” Eddie says with a grin. “See you then, Stevie.”
One last peck, one last smile and he’s out the door. Steve watches the van drive off, already missing the feel of Eddie’s warm lips on his. 
Read the other chapters of this Steddie "firsts" fic on AO3 ❤
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astrxlfinale · 2 months
While the big sister of the family might be strict when it comes to keeping her phone by the dinner table, Guinaifen took the opportunity of a hectic dinner accident to pull it out to send a few pictures of the feast on the table. A wide array of various dishes could be seen, arms and hands stretched over the entire table as each sibling would fend for themselves. Her own? Striking a small peace pose in front of some of the buns she was about to devour (some she'd have to fight over brother over).
[i made the ugly one to the left ... i can't roll them properly (*/ω\*) would you eat my ugly bugs? ? (●'◡'●) *buns , omgg dont quote me on that]
What's not seen on the other side of the text messages is how one hand occupies itself on the screen soon to be chased, the other smacking the hand of an older brother who is attempting to steal the buns she helped making. It wasn't that she was completely useless in the kitchen, she just didn't... have it in her to take her time with things like that, rolling and kneading. It was too slow ! She liked to sear and spice things ! Make spicy sauces and watch her brothers cry ! ... Though, the latter part might not be related to food, merely revenge and payback.
Quick on her hand, she'd hook onto one of the strangely shaped buns, switching the camera over to the front. Biting into it, she'd snap a quick picture of herself, sending it to Caelus just as quickly.
Displayed would be her, eagerly biting into the bun, eyes joyous from the concept of finally being able to dig in ( ... thankfully Caelus couldn't hear the scolding from across the table, her sister ordering her to put the darn phone away ).
[they don't taste bat at all !! they just look a little weird !! BAD, i meant BAD!! i can't type lololol blame my evil sisterrrrrr (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ i want to show you a new dance routine after dinner !! i'm sending you vids !!! the dragon is cominggg !!!]
A final pic is sent, a more surprised Guinaifen as she turns to take a picture of the table at the table, once more striking a pose (bun still in mouth, she has no manners at home). Pictured are the siblings mid-conversation as well as a sister looking very miffed...
Light years away, across beautiful celestial sightings woven with vast and proud planets, that very signal about a universe holding this wholesome meal would be received within the crux of a moment filled with excitable strife. As the scenery sweeps from the clouded atmosphere down to the ground below, once more did the Pathstriders find themselves in a natural showdown with an encroaching essence of the Fragmentum. A focused gaze, one filled with bubbly mirth, and an all too sharp but prepared stance unveiled the golden three of the Astral Express in action.
May the Remembrance carve this moment with frosty vigilance, just as the Hunt decisively punctures with it's fang made spear, and for the ever turbulent Destruction thriving in the loss of life to fuel his very own. Explosions ripped across the surrounding area sectioned off by realms of Fragmented statis, giving them full clearance to go as wild as they please.
"HELLLL YEAHHHHHHH!!" Caelus's voice would ignite with an infectious vigor, that untamed Fighting Spirit flourishing a lethal aura as he charged up the arm of an icy behemoth, vaulting forth to deliver a lethal, neck snapping kick in tune with a back flip, the focused force made it a live boulder launching into the air. A content smile situated on his face, only for his attention to get immediately caught as a looming, threatening shadow began to rise, covering the skyline with its magnanimity.
Except, that's not what he paid attention to at all. For upon these grounds did a certain ringtone was plucked at that time, catching Dan Heng's and March's immediate attention. A tug of amused disbelief rising from the latter, as one quick glare towards her immediately compelled her to be responsible.
"Caelus! I SWEAR you better--"
"Sorry, hold on! Once in a lifetime call here!" Was his immediately call out upon landing.
That phone found itself open, seamlessly set off the lock screen as the familiar view of (*/ω\*) (God she picked the cutest emojis.) reflected upon the screen. The tremor crafting roar of the distorted Void Trampler going entirely ignored as those excitable golden eyes focused on the screen.
As a quick sprint meshed with sharp instincts made him jolt past a volley of fireballs, miraculously holding his balance while working on a return text at the same time, the view on screen only charged the energy within his heart. The sight of those buns and Guinaifen's star igniting smile made him nearly want to curl up on the ground in a fit of pure emotion. Seeing his lady make the most of this peaceful day while those curious questions drew forth made it impossible not to responsd.
Caelus wasn't sure why she'd compare her culinary effort to bugs (the correction text edged in late), but who was he to say anything?
With the momentary pause, a call for action proudly taken as swift thinking allowed him to duck to dodge a steel melting fireball. Immediately jolting off the ground like a spring unleashed, within his opposing hand would his sacred lance of Belobog come forth, skewering a total of three foes in one as dark, data like viscera spilled from those foes. As a wolfish grin dawned upon those lips, that vibrant power of the path only glimmering with his potential, his sights were immediately poised upon the Void beast as a volley of airs sniped those pesky airborne elements.
Just as he prepared to launch, frothing flame lapping hungrily from the exhaust ends of the lance, once again did that familiar text jingle go and snipe his attention. With an ungodly measure of tonal whiplash does he focus on the phone again, that touch screen note from Guinaifen immediately being pressed as it pops back up. This time, more pictures of that lively family unveiled as she makes out like a victorious pirate.
Heavens above, help his heart because it was going to melt. This is the sun, an adventurous heart like his eagerly awaits each new day.
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Once again he's irresponsibly texting while calamity itself began draw antimatter and infuse it within those hooves, wholly prepared to atomize him on the spot. Dan Heng in an abrupt change of character, internally curses before yelling out towards him.
"AT YOUR SIX CAELUS! You'll..!" When it looks like it's too late-
The game changer arrives. For within that moment, once more, a pristine picture of that shimmering Firekiss fleeing from the table had charged the emotional values into overdrive. Not to mention.. The idea of wanting to let her graceful frame bless him by breathing her ideas to life? A dance no less?
Qlipoth's divine realm of Imaginary would be instinctively grasped and harnessed, swaths of miraculous, foundational might roaring with the surrounding flames as an Amber blessed forced field surrounded his body, allowing for a single hand to draw upward, causing March's and Dan Heng's mouths to drop as incoming attack was caught by the hand once wielding the lance. Irregardless if the ground split akin to an earthquake's rage, or if the volley of pure destructive might sung to the heavens in a vicious beam. Any risk of damage found itself unable to breach this height of resolve.
Caleus was going to make sure she got those replies at the utmost haste. Within this moment of astute and empowered clarity, typing up the following messages somehow felt slow
Text: If they got your golden ideas of spice. BELIEVEEEEE ME when I say you should whip me up some sometime!
Text: Also I see you're doing a big showdown yourself. Show the fam what my lady can do!
Text: And me too! I'm lookin' forward to what you're cooking up as the big routine!
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Whoops. That picture was not meant to be sent. In the midst of that explosion, he looks as if sun in this distant world just left him looking like a shadow!
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bndair · 1 month
musical and/or existential!
nine types of intelligence meme. // accepting
musical   ⸺   the capacity to discern pitch, rhythm, timbre, and tone. recognizing, creating, reproducing, and reflecting on music, hearing sounds others may miss.
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honestly , the boy probably sits at about 40-50% on a sliding scale of innate musical intelligence. he has some , but he has to work at it. he loves music and is a good dancer ( when he wants to be ) , but the instruments he can play are exclusively of air nomad origin. understandably many air nomad instruments are woodwinds and most have been lost to time. he's only been able to find two air nomad instruments : an airbender's flute ( aka pan flute. found by air acolytes ) and a dungchen ( found in a fire nation trap laid to catch/kill air nomads ). luckily , the flute was always his best instrument and the dungchen is primarily a ceremonial instrument rather than something you'd pick up for an entertaining tune.
the only songs he knows are things he was taught. he has a pretty good memory so he can recall other tunes , but it takes a lot of trial and error for aang to figure out how to play them on the flute. he's practically the opposite of those people who can play a song after hearing it once or make one up on the spot. he knows the mechanics of playing certain instruments , but music theory generally escapes him. the monks tried to teach him , but ... well , aang was never a very studious pupil and it just never clicked for him. to be fair , gyatso always spiriting him away for fun and games didn't help either.
he has good hearing and he has rhythm but those come from being an airbender and the years of training he's had more than any true musical intelligence. he can hear the intricacies of a song and appreciate the complexity. he can bob his head along or dance to the beat well enough to help others keep tempo. he couldn't go much deeper then that on the technical / music theory side of it though. anything he plays that hasn't been formally taught is something that just come from his soul , ya know ? there's no planning , no composing , just feelings turned to sound. sometimes it's good. sometimes it's not.
aang is also not a singer. he can chant like no ones business , but true singing ? it's not a particularly pleasant experience for the listeners. he's not the worst , but his singing is usually best described as enthusiastic , loud , and pitchy. ( does he get better with time ? i don't know. we'll have to see. could go either way )
his own perceived lack of innate musical intelligence leads to a very deep appreciation and admiration for those that do possess such skills. it doesn't take much to impress him tbh. can you play the simplest of tunes ? he's all ears. singing too ? enamored. he knows how difficult music can be and anyone who makes it ( and makes it look easy ? ) has him with hearts in his eyes. he's a sucker for a musical performance of any kind and will make time to attend those events if at all possible. he'll often say that these appearances are due to his obligations as the avatar , but that's only about 30% of the reason.
music is something that reminds him of the past , of traveling to the different nations for festivals , of parties with friends , of air nomad celebrations and ceremonies. he has so many memories tied to music that certain songs have evoked very emotional reactions for aang. it's bittersweet , but he wouldn't trade it for the world. he sees these songs ( and music as a whole ) as a bridge through time , something that can and will live on to connect generations of people. and that's beautiful.
p.s. i'm gonna do the existential one too. i have another ask in my inbox for that one so it's coming. soon.
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miraculouswolf99 · 2 years
True-ly Miraculous Fashion
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I have read many fanfics where it is Marinette that has a bunch of celebrity connections. But, no one ever acknowledges that Adrien would have some connections as well since he is both a famous model on top of how he also has acting experience since it is canon that he voiced Cat Noir for that Ladybug & Cat Noir movie that was done on the show and scene a little bit in the Animaestro episode.
So, I am giving Adrien a friend that I think would be really great with him. The one and only teenage fashion designer and Vice President, True Jackson. And True is going to be delivering some hard truths once she hears about the lies that a certain liar has been saying about her.
(Gabriel Salt, Lila Salt, Alya Salt, Class Salt.)
Paris was known as the fashion capital of the world. There was not a single high-class designer that has not had their designs shown in Paris. Probably some of the most well-known designers were Chanel and Dior. But, there was also Gabriel Fashion which was primarily a Parisian fashion company. Of course, Gabriel mainly was known in Europe and some parts of Asia as well. It was not as popular in North America, but they had their own fashion companies to have as their favorite.
Probably one of the biggest fashion companies in the world was Mad Style. It was a North American-born company that was known for having some of the best clothes ever as well as extremely fashionable accessories as well. Mad Style had always been a company that is known for being unique while staying fashionable at the same time.
But, probably the main thing that was actually a worldwide shock, even for Mad Style, was when the CEO had hired a literal teenager to be his VP of Youth Apparel. No one ever could ever accuse Max Madigan of being a sane person, but no one would have ever thought that even he would hire a teenager as a vice president. But, as the world became to know True Jackson and see her talent, they actually all understood why the fashion idol had hired her.
True was, for lack of a better word, a true talent. Not only was she excellent at designing and making her own clothes, but she was a real sweetheart as well. Even the most stuck-up and bratty models and celebrities have changed their tune after meeting her. It is like True has a way to make everyone around her be the best version of themselves that they can be. And it is not even just the Youth Apparel clothes that she does. Her skills have been shown in winter jackets, business suits, formal dresses, and many other types of clothing. Her skills do not seem to have any limit.
True was a big inspiration to many people, both boys and girls. Being able to have as much success as her at such a young age was amazing. Plus, there is also the fact that even when she got lucky with her actually getting the job in the first place, she did not just keep rolling with that. She worked hard and did everything that she could to prove that luck was not the only reason why she was given the job.
No one actually knew about True's influence on the fashion world more than Paris's own Adrien Agreste. As not only Gabriel Fashion's main model but also Gabriel's son, Adrien had been with his father when he had tried to have a collab with Mad Style. While Gabriel had been meeting with Max, Adrien was welcomed into her office by True since they were the closest in age. He got to know her as well as her friends, Lulu and Ryan. Adrien had a blast with them, especially since he generally loved how Lulu just let all the crazy come out no matter what others thought of her. Plus, he laughed every time he heard True's catchphrase, "You say what now?" The way that she said it was just really funny to him.
Adrien was really lucky that he spoke English so that he had someone to talk to. As much as his father made him the main model for the company and probably also planned for him to take over the company one day, Adrien could admit to himself that he knew nothing about fashion. If it was not for the fact that he had to wear his father's outfit designs every day, he would probably end up in outfit combinations that most would call "fashion disasters."
Adrien traded numbers with the trio before he had to leave when his father failed to convince Max to collab with him. And while his father had been furious, Adrien was just glad that he was able to have made more friends. He just did not tell his father since there was no way he would allow him to be friends with someone that worked for a rival company.
It did not stop him from talking to True, Lulu, and Ryan whenever he was able to get away with it.
Such as when he was on his way to school one day. Since The Gorilla cared a lot more about Adrien than he ever could care for Gabriel, even when he was his boss, he pretended to not hear anything when Adrien's phone rang. And while normally just Adrien's phone ringing would not be an issue, the ringtone playing was the one Adrien had for when True would call. It was a surprise for Adrien since the time difference made it hard for them to call a lot, so he happily picked up.
"Hey, True," Adrien greeted her.
"What's up, Sunshine," True greeted him back in her usual bright and bubbly tone.
"Just on my way to school," he tells her. "Which makes me question even more how you are able to call me. You are six hours behind me, so isn't it like two in the morning where you are?"
"Normally, it would be," True was obviously excited about something. "But we are much closer in time when I am sitting on Mr.Mannequin's private jet and flying toward the city of love."
Adrien instantly perked up at that.
"You're on your way to Paris," he was almost jumping for joy, but then he remembered that he was sitting in a car.
"I have a few more hours until we land, but I will probably be there by the time you get out of school," True says.
"Why are you coming," Adrien asked her. "Not that I am not excited to see you, but I am still curious."
True giggled. "I know you mean no offense, so your question doesn't bother me. I am coming to Paris because Mad Style is opening up another branch there. We have a few locations in France in general, but this is the first big store to open directly in Paris."
"We are known as the fashion capital of the world," Adrien says.
"Says the kid with no fashion sense," True joked.
"It's not like I'm embarrassed about that," Adrien blushed slightly as he was teased by his friend. "It is simply a fact that I know nothing about fashion."
"The irony is so real right now," True giggled. "Son of a fashion designer that lives in the fashion capital of the world does not know anything about fashion."
"Well, not all of us can be born with a needle and thread in their hands like you, True," Adrien replied.
True just laughed in response.
"Anyway," True got back on topic. "Mad Style finally opening a bug shop in Paris is a big deal. And after I helped open up the store at a big mall back home, Mr.Madigan thought that I would be a good person to send to Paris to help with the opening. Especially since the store will have a bunch of my designs in it."
"And let me guess, Lulu and Ryan are also with you," Adrien knew that True would always take her friends everywhere with her.
"You know it," True said. "Say 'hi' guys."
She must have held her phone out to the others because Adrien then heard the voices of Lulu, Ryan, and also True's boyfriend Jimmy.
"Hey, Adrien," Lulu said.
"S'up, Model Boy," Ryan called out.
"Rock and roll, Adrien," Jimmy shouted out.
"Remind me to introduce Jimmy to Jagged Stone while you guys are here," Adrien chuckled. "They would probably get along other than Jimmy's love of mail."
"If you introduce them, I doubt we will be able to get Jimmy to come back home with us," True commented, laughing.
"Maybe this is my way to try and get you to stay in Paris for longer," Adrien also laughed at his own joke.
"I know that you are still mostly new to going to school, but you have to have friends other than me, Jimmy, Lulu, and Ryan," True says.
"Trust me when I say that you guys are much better company than my class," Adrien tells her.
"There is more to the story than you are telling me, isn't there," True was probably raising her eyebrow.
Adrien sighed. "You have no idea, True. I just want you to get here so that I can get away from the drama."
"If I could make the jet go any faster, I would," True giggled. "I do expect the full story once I do land, though."
"I promise to tell you," Adrien said.
"Good," True replied. "I will see you then."
"See you then," Adrien says back. "Oh, but when you do hear it, at least try and stay calm. The last thing I want is for Hawkmoth to take advantage of that and turn you into a supervillain."
"You say what now," True gasped in her signature catchphrase.
"Crud," Adrien knew there was something that he had forgotten to tell her.
Adrien got out of the car after he finished talking with True. He had arrived early, so he did not need to end their conversation that quickly. Plus, there is no way that True was going to let him hang up until she learned everything about what had been happening with Hawkmoth. And once he told her everything, he was sure that he could feel her anger from where he was. The only thing worse than True when she is having designer block, a fashion designer's version of writer's block, was True when she was angry.
He just knew that he would have to calm her down once she actually does land and they get to meet up. At least, unless Lulu was the one that calmed her down first. Adrien actually thought that if there is one person that is more of a ball of sunshine than him, it would be Lulu. There is no one that he knows that is more perky, happy, and optimistic than Lulu. And that says something considering the times he's met Tikki, the literal representation of good luck.
Normally, he would say that those like Rose and Marinette were close to being like Lulu. But currently, neither of them was very "sunshine and rainbow." And for very different reasons.
For Rose, it was because Lila had definitely twisted the once sweet and caring girl into something the complete opposite of her original self. Not only did Rose break up with Juleka, but she and Ivan also left Kitty Section because Juleka and Luka refused to let Lila join. Since Luka and Juleka were not under Lila's spell, neither of them believed it when Lila would brag about being trained in music by Jagged Stone and Clara Nightingale. Rose and Ivan wanted Lila to join the band while Juleka and Luka did not. And since Luka and Juleka were the ones with all of the band equipment other than Ivan's drums, they were the ones that were basically in charge of the band. But even then, since they refused to let Lila join, Rose and Ivan left. It was not that bad because Kim, who could also play drums, and Lyon, who could sing very well, were more than happy to join the Pirate Twins. They even changed their name to Wild Heart instead of Kitty Section. Plus, Juleka was still heartbroken since Rose broke up with her because Juleka refused to believe any of Lila's lies.
And with Marinette, because of Lila turning many of her friends against her, she was not as happy-go-lucky as she used to be. Marinette might still have him, Juleka, Nathaniel, Kim, and their friends outside of their class, but it was still upsetting to her that so many of their friends and classmates would willingly drop her so easily just for someone that tells pretty stories and claims horrible things about her with no proof. Even when Marinette would actually ask for proof for any of Lila's claims about Marinette bullying her, Lila would turn on the waterworks and they would never once ask for any proof. Which definitely made the class hypocrites since they would always ask for proof whenever they said that Lila was lying and yet never asked Lila for any proof at all.
The only ones that were still in both her and Adrien's good books were the only ones that actually seemed to have brain cells. And that would be their friends Nathaniel, Juleka, and Kim. Of course, they also had Lyon and Vallia, but as if either of those two would ever believe anything that comes out of Lila's mouth. 
They also had friends outside of their class, such as Luka, Kagami, Marc, Aurore, and Mirelle. Their class was really the only one that actually believed Lila. All others knew that she was nothing but a razor-tongued liar that cared for no one but herself. Not that the Akuma Class, as their class had been nicknamed, ever believed anyone when they would call out Lila's tall tales. It really did get to the point where everyone was questioning how they even got to high school when they fell for every single stupid tale that Lila told. Especially when they only got dumber and dumber as time went on. Claiming to be a direct descendant of Albert Einstein? Hardly anyone could believe that the Akuma Class actually believed that. Especially since Lila was almost constantly making others do her homework for her.
Adrien, Lyon, Vallia, Marinette, Juleka, Nathaniel, and Kim were all in agreement that their class really could not get any dumber. They did not want to be mean, but they could not deny how stupid their classmates really were. Markov, Max's own creation, had even taken to going over to Kim when nothing he tried could get Max to realize that Lila was lying. Something that was very upsetting to the little robot since Max literally made him and he still would not listen to him. Since Kim was the one that used to be Max's human best friend, that was why Markov chose to stay with him when Max stopped listening to him.
As Adrien walked into his class, he was thankful that Lila was not there yet. He really did not want to deal with her trying to latch onto his arm as she usually does. He saw Lyon and Vallia sitting in the back as they usually do, along with Marinette and Kim currently talking to them, so he went over to them.
"Morning, guys," he greeted them.
"Hey, Adrien," Kim greeted him.
"Morning, Adrien," Marinette smiled at him.
"Geia, Adrien," Lyon said 'hi' to him in his native tongue.
"Hey, Sunshine," Vallia greeted him.
"No liar, yet," Adrien asked them.
"Considering none of us have gotten yelled at by the class sheep, she is probably running a little late or is once again on one of her fake trips," Marinette said.
"With how often she gets out of school, it's anyone's guess how she is even able to pass her classes," Vallia says.
"Probably because she 'asks' others to 'help' her with her homework," Lyon rolled his eyes. "Though, given that they are dumb enough to believe even her most ridiculous tales, it's a shock that they have been passing their classes as well. Especially given how often they drop everything to rush to her side at her beck and call."
"This is probably the one time that I am grateful that Sabrina is Chloe's minion," Adrien said. "Chloe doesn't care about Lila in any way, so Sabrina is following her lead even if she still believes everything Lila says. If Sabrina ever left Chloe for Lila, I can only imagine how stressed and run-down that Sabrina would get from how much stuff that Lila would probably have her do for her."
The others definitely all agreed with Adrien on that. As much as they disliked Sabrina not seeing that she was basically Chloe's minion instead of her friend, that did not change how Lila would probably make her a slave if Sabrina ever fully joined her side. They wished that Sabrina would get more confident in herself. If she did, then maybe she would learn that friendship did not mean that she had to do everything that her supposed friend wanted.
"Let's not talk about that headache anymore," Marinette changed the subject. "There are a lot of things more important than her."
"Such as literally anything else in the entire world," Kim commented.
"Well, there is some news that I know that is good for both Marinette and Juleka," Adrien says. "At least, when Juleka actually gets here and she can be told as well."
"What," the friends all asked him.
"Well, I got a call from a friend that lives in the United States and she told me that Mad Style is finally opening up a large branch of their company in Paris," Adrien left out that his friend was also a VP of Mad Style. 
Marinette nearly shrieked in excitement, something Adrien expected since she is the fashion fangirl of their group.
"Mad Style," she nearly exploded with happiness. "I love their clothes! They are always so unique and fashionable and colorful. And they only got better when they hired True Jackson!"
"I remember one of their first businesswear lines after they hired her," Vallia said. "A base of  classic black suits and dresses, but with additional colorful patterns and fabrics to make them more interesting."
"I didn't know that you were into fashion, Vallia," Marinette looked at the dubbed 'Flower Princess' in shock.
"I am not really into fashion in a general sense, but I appreciate it," Vallia shrugged. "I like looking at fashion magazines and my grandmother in the states likes sending us American fashion magazines to show us the differences in style to that in Greece."
"There have been times where Vallia really questions why some fashion items exist," Lyon said. "Such as when she saw an article about some weird thing called 'clear-knee mom jeans.' Probably one of the weirdest things I have ever seen in terms of fashion."
"Like... as in..." Marinette was speechless.
"Yes, as in there is literally clear plastic over the knees of a pair of mom jeans," Vallia answered. "You can see the bare knees of the person that is wearing them."
"That is so bad that it sounds like something Hawkmoth would have one of his akumas wear," Adrien commented.
That got them all to laugh. They have all been victims of Marinette's rants about how horrible the fashion of the akumas is. Though, Lyon will always laugh whenever he is around Juleka whenever she is ranting about how she looked as an akuma. She is always saying that she looks like a giant thing of gum that was possessed by a clown.
"I am suddenly really glad that my akuma was probably one of the better-looking ones," Kim said.
"I certainly do not mind how you looked," Vallia giggled. "The only thing I take offense to is that you were called Dark Cupid and I am from Greece. Cupid is Roman and Eros is Greek."
"You guys really don't like Romans, do you," Adrien raised an eyebrow.
"It's not that we do not like them nor that we dislike Italy," Lyon explained. "Some of the older Greek families, such as ours, just dislike how it is basically ignored that the Romans just copied our beliefs and tried to make them their own just by changing their names. At least the ancient Egyptians had their own unique deities, unlike ancient Rome."
"You guys would not have happened to read the Percy Jackson series, have you," Adrien asked them.
"We have," Vallia giggled. "And we definitely approve of the way the rivalry was shown in the books."
"Anyway, tell me more about Mad Style coming to Paris," Marinette was practically vibrating with excitement.
Adrien chuckled at her excitement. "My friend said that the company sent over one of their vice presidents in order to make everything run smoothly."
"I hope it's True Jackson," Marinette nearly squealed. "She is such an inspiration. And her clothes are some of the best that I have ever seen Mad Style produce."
"Much better than that women's wear woman from Mad Style," Vallia remembered seeing and reading about the woman in her grandmother's magazines. "Wasn't she turned into a child when she fell into the Fountain of Youth in Peru?"
"That was just a ridiculous rumor," Adrien shook his head. "While it may be easy to believe in magic because of all the magical superheroes and villains running around Paris, I highly doubt that the Fountain of Youth is actually real."
"Maybe someone should ask one of the heroes if it's real," Kim suggested.
"And even if the heroes do not know, maybe they could ask their kwami," Lyon said.
Marinette then made herself a mental note to remind herself to ask Tikki about that later. After all, who else would know about the Fountain of Youth other than the kwami of creation? It might have even been something that Tikki had created a long time ago.
After Chloe had revealed the bee miraculous in front of the camera as well as using the miraculous to change into Queen Bee on live tv, there were a lot of people that now were aware of the kwami. But, it was lucky that it was only for those that were actually at the fashion show. And that was because kwami do not show up on camera, so no one watching tv at the time had seen Pollen. At least a little bit of luck was working that way.
But, because of that, it eas now easily explained for those like Adrien, Marinette, Lyon, and Vallia to know what a kwami was without revealing their identities as Cat Noir, Ladybug, White Wolf, and Beautifly. Sometimes, they got really lucky when it came to things happening that helped them keep their secret identities.
Unfortunately, their peace and pleasant time were soon ruined as the rest of the class came into the classroom. Which also, sadly, included the liar. Chloe and Sabrina took their regular seats at the front on the right side of the classroom. Nathaniel and Juleka joined the five friends as they all also sat on the right of the classroom. 
Ever since Lila and her lies started dividing the class, it showed what had happened as they all chose to sit differently in the classroom. On the right side of the classroom was Adrien, Marinette, Lyon, Vallia, Kim, Nathaniel, Juleka, Chloe, and Sabrina. On the left side was Lila, Alya, Nino, Rose, Alix, Ivan, Max, and Mylene. It was a pretty even split on who was on Lila's side and who was not. At least, that was how it was in the classroom, but the rest of the school was not as gullible as Lila's sheep. No one believed her and the only thing that was keeping Lila from knowing was her own delusions about how smart and popular she was.
Marinette and Adrien stayed in the very back of the class, as far away from Lila as they could get. Of course, Lila tried to make up some lie that would force Adrien into staying next to her, but Adrien held his ground and refused to be anywhere near her. Of course, Lila again made her sheep turn even more against the ones that did not believe her by making up a lie about the "bullies" that had "brainwashed Adrien against her." Once again, it made them question how any of the sheep were able to actually make it to high school when they so easily believed something as stupid as that.
Bustier had tried to force Adrien to move, but Lyon and Vallia helped put a stop to it. While their parents were not powerful outside of Greece, they did have pull because of how they were currently under the protection of the Greek government while in Paris. After all, their parents were known as the most charitable and wealthy people in their home country, so it was only natural for them to be given protection when they were going to a city that was basically being held hostage by an emotional terrorist.
That was a part of the story that Lyon and Vallia told to help explain why White Wolf and Beautifly were suddenly in Paris rather than Greece. The two Greek heroes had been asked to help keep the twins safe, which was pretty easy given that the heroes and the twins were the same people. But, it was still an excellent explanation on top of also helping the twins keep their hero identities safe.
And since the twins were under the protection of their home government, they did have some influence because no one wanted to cause an international incident if the twins ever said anything damaging about Paris or France in general to their parents. And that included if they were treated badly at school. So, they used that influence to stop Bustier from moving Adrien back next to the harpy by saying how they hoped that their parents did not hear about how a teacher was upsetting them by ignoring the wishes of their friend when he wanted to stay where he was rather than moving to where he did not want to go.
And just like with Chloe and Lila, Bustier bent to the wills of those with high-power parents. Adrien was eternally grateful to the twins for saving him from the harpy's claws.
The group of non-sheep students all hoped for some form of peace throughout the day. They were really tired of having to deal with all the false accusations thrown at them just because they did not bow down to Liar Rossi.
That hope was quickly bashed in by the first half of class.
Bustier had previously started a unit on the Italian Renaissance, so the group had known right away that they were in for a lot of lies because how could Lila not lie when they were doing lessons about her own home country? And, of course, she did lie. 
The moment that Busiter brought up famous painters from the Renaissance, Lila instantly opened her mouth. She started bragging about how she was a direct descendant of Leonardo da Vinci, the famous painter of both the Mona Lisa as well as The Last Supper.  Of course, that could have also been as easily proven false just like all her other lies. After all, Leonardo da Vinci never married nor did he have any children. It is even one of history's biggest rumors that he had been gay. There are even historical records of how he and a few of his friends were put to trial over a case of the men being accused of being involved with a male prostitute. The case was dismissed due to lack of evidence, but it was still known to a lot of historians that the painter was rumored to have been gay.
But, the main part of that was how obvious it was for it to be known that Lila was lying. It also made the non-sheep students question how much their own teacher knew about the subject that she teaches given that she did not even try to correct Lila at all. Those like Lyon and Vallia rolled their eyes as another obvious lie was ignored. Kim also rolled his eyes once Vallia whispered to him how they knew it was a lie.
But Alya noticed them rolling their eyes and that resulted in another set of arguing in the classroom. Once again it was the sheep against the students with brain cells. Lila once again turned on the waterworks about "how mean they were being to her" by rolling their eyes at what she was saying.
They practically ran out of the classroom once the bell rang. They were not in the mood to continue to be annoyed by the sheep and the class liar. Especially since Adrien really wanted the day to be over in order to meet up with True.
As the group sat down for lunch, they talked about other things to distract themselves from the annoyances. They were joined at the table by Marc, Kagami, Aurore, and Mirelle.
"Did you guys hear the news about Mad Style," was the first thing that came out of Aurore's mouth.
"I guess word spread faster than I thought that it would," Adrien chuckled.
"It doesn't surprise me," Marinette says. "After all, a fashion company as big as Mad Style coming to open up a big store in the fashion capital of the world is pretty big news."
"Well, not that it is good news," Lyon said. "At least, not for everyone."
"What do you mean, Lyon," Marc asked the dubbed Ice Prince. "I may not be that much of a fashion fanatic like Marinette and Aurore, but even I know how big of a company that Mad Style is."
"How about the fact that with a company that big and popular, that might hurt Adrien's family company," Lyon stated. "I am far from Gabriel's biggest fan, I actually have a big desire to shoot him with one of my arrows, but this could bring down the sales of Gabriel Fashion."
That did actually make the group all think about it. Lyon was right. Adrien might not actually want to have a career in fashion, as he did make his boredom and hatred of modeling very well known, but it was still his own family's company. Mad Style coming to Paris really could mean something bad for the company. 
"Can't they both do well," Kagami asked the two fashion fans of the group.
"Being honest, fashion companies have gotten along with each other really well, even if there were two big companies in a single city," Marinette says. "But, and I hate to say this in front of Adrien, Gabriel Fashion is not as good as Mad Style."
She nervously looked at Adrien. She was about to apologize to him, but he held his hand up to stop there.
"I take no offense to it, Marinette," he tells her. "I know that father expects me to take over the company one day. Or, to at least still be the face of the company along with whoever he chooses to be his company heir. But, I have no interest in doing either of those things. While I hope that nothing actually happens to father's company, I honestly don't care for it myself."
"You clearly hate being a model, so that we understand," Kim patted Adrien on his back.
"What exactly does make Mad Style and Gabriel Fashion so different," Nathaniel asked the two fashion-loving girls in their group. "I may have to get fashion right when I draw characters for mine and Marc's comic, but I know nothing about actual fashion."
"It's mainly because Mad Style does more than just plain fashion," Aurore explains. "They have a perfume line, a great number of accessory lines, unique clothing, not to mention that even when they advertise full outfits, they are very amazing outfits. Unlike how other companies usually leave it up to the stores to put outfits together."
"Gabriel Fashion, on the other hand, is known more for just plain outfits with added accessories," Marinette took over the explanation. "Take the hat that I designed that won that hat competition not too long ago. When Adrien modeled it, it was just my hat along with a plain black suit. And while it did look good, it was still very plain. Gabriel Fashion really is mostly just plain outfits that they make look better with their expensive accessories. Without the accessories, their outfits are kind of boring."
Again, she tried to apologize to Adrien. But, he stopped her. Even he could admit that he felt that the clothes were nothing special. The only reason he even worse Gabriel Fashion every day was because it was the only type of clothes in his closet other than the scarf that Marinette had previously made him for his birthday.
"Something tells me that things are not going to be ending well for you, Adrien," Lyon said.
That was when Adrien also caught onto what Lyon really meant. He basically slammed his head onto their lunch table.
"Father is going to make me do even more photoshoots in order to make up for the lost business that Mad Style will cause," he groaned in annoyance.
Kim patted him on his back again to comfort him.
"There, there," he showed that he was not very good when it came to comforting words.
"And he's probably going to make me to those shoots with Lila as well," Adrien groaned even more. "I'm going to be driven mad."
"I think the fact that you guys share a class with the liar and have not gone mad already pretty much proves how that will probably never happen," Aurore stated.
"Wait," Juleka suddenly said, bringing attention to herself. "I just thought of something."
"Well, you might want to tell us," Kim said. "We're not mind-readers, after all."
"Not unless one of us secretly has a miraculous that gives us that power," Nathaniel chuckled. "Oh! That's a great idea, actually. Write that down for the comic, Marc."
"Already on it," Marc had his journal out where he wrote down all the ideas he and Nathaniel would have for the comic.
Juleka then spoke up from where she left off.
"Well, if the news is already spreading about Mad Style coming to Paris," she said. "Then I have a feeling that we're about to hear even more lies."
All the friends looked at each other.
"Oh crap," they all swore.
And as if on cue, they soon heard the voice that gave them all headaches every single day. And it was of the very topic that Adrien and Aurore had brought up.
"True is not as nice as everyone thinks that she is," they heard Lila saying.
"What did she just say," Adrien almost growled.
"If Sunshine is the one that is this upset, then you know that the liar has really crossed a line," Vallia said.
Adrien looked ready to strangle the liar with his bare hands with what he heard her saying.
"Girl, you know True Jackson," Alya was eating it up as usual.
"Unfortunately," Lila once again was bringing up fake tears to make her story look tragic. "I thought that she had been a friend when I used to live in New York when my mom was stationed there for a little bit of time. But Max Madigan is like an uncle to me, so I recommended her for the vice president job when True showed talent in design. But, when it came out about her, she took all the credit. She lied and said that Uncle Max personally chose her off the street and saw her talent on his own. She completely abandoned me."
"How dare she do that to you," Alya was furious. "You did not deserve that treatment at all. I am SO posting about this on the Ladyblog."
"Just don't get Uncle Max in trouble," Lila tells her. "He only keeps her around because her father is a lawyer and threatened to drain the company dry for 'wrongful termination."
"Wrongful termination my foot," Alya growled, already starting to type her "article."
Adrien was practically glaring holes through Alya and Lila's heads. If the phrase "if looks could kill" was actually real, then both of the bullying girls would have been dead from the blond's glare.
"Uh... Adrien," Marinette waved her hand in front of his face. "You okay?"
"I'm fine," Adrien said but did not stop glaring at the two girls. "Why did you ask?"
"Because you have that look on your face that Kagami usually gets when she tries to stab someone with her saber," Marc said.
"I would argue, but I have threatened to do that to many people in my life," Kagami looked a little too pleased with herself when she said that.
"There is a reason why I am scared of you," Nathaniel tells the swordswoman.
"Let's just say that I am currently considering stealing Cat Noir's ring in order to get rid of that liar," Adrien basically growled.
Of course, he already was Cat Noir, so he already had the needed ring. But, the others did not know that. But, that did not make his threat any less real since he really hated how Lila was talking about his friend. True did not deserve to be lied about like that.
"I guess you would hate Liar Rossi talking about True Jackson like that," Lyon said. "You are a lot more honorable than your father, so you would hate anyone talking bad about anyone else in the fashion community."
"I want her to shut up so badly," Adrien says.
"We all do," the rest of the friends agreed with Adrien.
Adrien had never been more thankful for the day to come to an end. If he had to listen to Lila trash-talking his friend any longer, he would have literally needed every single one of his friends to hold him back to keep him from killing her. It sicked him that so many of their class ate up her lies about such a sweet and incredible person just because one person said those horrible things were the truth.
He was sure that Lila lied so often that she would not know the truth if it slapped her in the face. Though, that was also something he really wanted to do as well. He was going to have to remember to talk to Plagg to see if one of the side effects of using the black cat miraculous was that he got more violent in his everyday life.
As soon as the bell rang for school to end, Adrien almost flew out of the classroom. He wanted to get away as quickly as he could. Especially since True had told him that she would have landed by the time he finished school. His friends were all having a hard time keeping up with him.
"Adrien, will you stop running," Marinette called out to him.
"Did anyone else know that Sunshine could be this fast," even Kim was having a hard time keeping up with him.
"He did seem pretty excited about something today," Kagami said.
"I bet that we are about to find out what made him so excited," Lyon guessed.
They did soon find out what had made him so excited. Almost as soon as they got out of the school, Adrien's eyes lit up at who he saw waiting for him. 
True was just getting out of the car that Jimmy had been driving. Lulu and Ryan also got out of the car as well. Adrien suspected that everyone's favorite receptionist, Oscar, probably made arrangements for them to have a rental car ready for them they would get to Paris. The man really was the best when it came to planning. He was basically the glue that held Mad Style together.
True gave her signature bright smile as she saw Adrien coming their way.
"Sunshine," she cheered.
Marinette and Aurore both looked like they were about to burst from excitement and shock. Probably their biggest idol in the fashion world was standing right in front of them. Marinette had even full-on froze right where she was standing. Which caused Kim to crash into her, Nathaniel to crash into him, and then Juleka to have to come to a quick stop that caused her to fall on her butt to keep herself from crashing into Nathaniel.
Adrien was quick to run up to his friend and then give True a big hug. It had been a long time since he saw her in person rather than over the phone or using video chat on his computer.
"Well, you can not say that Adrien is not full of surprises," Lyon chuckled.
The group made their way down the front steps of the school, making their way toward Adrien and his now-revealed friend.
"I knew you said that your flight was landing close to when I would get out of school, but I didn't expect you to show up at my school," Adrien said.
"Well, a girl has to surprise her friend, sometimes," True giggled.
"It's great seeing you again, Adrien," Lulu smiled brightly at him. "And this time it is all of you rather than a mini version of you on a computer screen."
"Yeah! Now I can watch Ryan spill a bottle of soda on himself in person," Adrien smirked as he teased the goofball of the American group.
"That was ONE time," Ryan protested, making them all laugh at him.
"I think you mean one time with GRAPE soda," Jimmy said. "You've also done it plenty of times with other sodas as well."
Adrien then also hugged Lulu, Ryan, and Jimmy as well. While he knew that his father would not want him to hang out with them given their involvement with a rival company, he did not care. This was probably the biggest form of rebellion that Adrien ever had done against his father.
"Let me introduce you guys to my friends," Adrien tells them.
"Sounds awesome," Jimmy grinned at the excited teenager.
While all of them were only a couple of years older than Adrien, they all treated him like a little brother. He was certainly adorable enough to be anyone's little brother. True was the one that had especially embraced the idea of having Adrien as a little brother. She and Lulu were the ones that had the biggest hearts out of their friend group.
"True, Luly, Jimmy, and Ryan, these are my friends," Adrien introduced them. "Lyon, Vallia, Marinette, Kagami, Kim, Juleka, Nathaniel, Marc, Aurore, and Mirelle. Guys, this is Lulu, Ryan, Jimmy, and..."
He was cut off by Marinette and Aurore both practically shrieking with excitement. The group all had to hand it to the three that they did have good timing when it came to when they finally let out their shrieks. Both of the girls looked about ready to pounce on True in all of their excitement. True giggled as she knew that there would be fans of her whom she was likely to meet while she was in Paris. Plus, Adrien told her about Marinette wanting to be a designer.
"True Jackson," Marinette was the first to actually speak real words. "There are no words to describe how much I love you and your work."
"Is it true that you once designed a suit made entirely out of feathers," Aurore was in reporter mode as he talked to True. "Or is that just a rumor?"
True looked a little embarrassed by the question, but she took it in strides. Especially as Jimmy did take her hand and smiled at her. He was the one that wore that suit, after all.
"I did actually design a suit made out of feathers," True tells the weather girl/reporter hopeful. "And I will be honest that I did develop a little ego because Mr.Madigan did not like hurting people's feelings. So, he would always tell a lot of us that our designs were perfect even if he hated them. But then I found a bunch of my designs in the company Reject Room. And while it was hurtful to be lied to, I did also need the ego check. I needed to learn that not every design that I do is perfect."
"Except when it came to your swirly dress," Ryan chuckled. "That thing still makes me dizzy."
"Hey, I find it beautiful no matter what," True said.
"That was still a very fun day," Lulu giggled. "Ryan accidentally put on a suit that blew up like a balloon, I put on a dress that shocked me, Oscar kept putting people to sleep with his sleep-aid voice, Amanda caused her ex-boyfriend to ruin one of his own paintings, and Mr.Madigan mastered a really hard bird call."
"Is stuff like that normal for you guys," Marc asked them.
"We've had weirder things happen to us in a single day," True shrugged. "I'm also related to weirder people. My Uncle Troy holds the world record for being struck by lightning, falling down elevator shafts, and being hit by cars."
"And he's still alive," Nathaniel was shocked.
"We had a funeral for him once, but he luckily woke up and got out of the coffin before any of the dirt could be poured onto it," True says.
"Is that any weirder than Lulu attacking that photographer that had come to take pictures of Amanda just for mentioning Connie Cat-Head," Jimmy chuckled.
"Please don't mention her," Lulu instantly said.
"She really hates her," True giggled.
"You guys are going to fit in perfectly around here," Juleka smirked. "If there is one thing about Paris that has happened recently, it is that it has gotten very weird around here."
"Weird how," Jimmy raised an eyebrow.
"I was once abducted by a giant purple gorilla," Adrien said.
"Say what now," True once again said her catchphrase.
"Is this about that Mothhawk guys," Ryan asked them.
"It's Hawkmoth, but yeah," Marinette said. "Adrien's bodyguard, the Gorilla, had gotten akumatized, which was why he had been after Adrien. He was frustrated with Adrien running off, so he was given the desire to never let Adrien go. Ever."
"That is messed up," Lulu said.
"You have no idea," Vallia says. "And that was not even the most dangerous akuma that has happened in the city. Do we need to bring up that Syren nearly caused most of Paris to drown?"
"Please, do not remind me of that," Kim held his face in his hands. "I was so oblivious to Ondine and her feelings because of how I felt about you, Vallia, that I never realized what she had been trying to tell me."
"It's not your fault, Kim," Nathaniel patted him on the back. "Everyone is oblivious sometimes. Do I need to bring up how long it took Marc and me to get together?"
"You were the one that was most obvious in that case, Nath," Marc tells his boyfriend.
Unfortunately, they were interrupted by the yelling of one of their least favorite people in the school. And once again, the yelling was caused by lies being told to that person.
"How dare you show your face here," Alya was basically charging at them like a wild bull.
Having known about the lies that Lila has said about True, they expected this to happen once they saw that Adrien's visiting friend was the famous designer. Kim and Lyon both instantly were standing in Alya's way, preventing her from getting close to True.
"I'm sorry about this, True," Adrien tells her. "We didn't get the chance to tell you about a girl in our class that was lying about you."
"Who was lying about True," Jimmy looked completely in 'protective boyfriend mode.'
"They are no lies," Alya was yelling as she tried to get past Lyon and Kim, who both looked annoyed by having to deal with her like this. "You should be ashamed of what you did to Lila!"
"Who," True raised an eyebrow. "I know that I have met a lot of people since I became Vice President, but I never met anyone named Lila."
"You've also changed a lot of people's lives for the better as well, True," Lulu reminds her best friend. "Like how you taught Dakota North how to have fun instead of letting her career as a supermodel rule her life. And how you helped Callie with her confidence by making her the manager of the Mad Style store at the mall."
"Thanks, Lulu," True gave her best friend a hug.
The two of them have always been like sisters. Adrien always loved how adorable they were together. If anyone can match Lulu's brand of crazy, it would be True.
"How can you pretend to not know Lila after everything she did for you," Alya was still yelling. "She was the one that got you your job in the first place! And you had the gall to lie about how you got it all on your own!" 
"Because I did get it on my own," True crossed her arms. "I got a summer job selling sandwiches in the fashion district. Mr.Madigan happened to buy one of my sandwiches and he noticed that I was wearing some of his designs. But, he also noticed that I had changed some of them as well. I shortened the pants, changed the buttons of my jacket, and added some of my own stitchwork as well. He ended up giving me the job right then and there."
"That is all a lie and you know it," Alya then pointed right at Lila. "Lila got you the job because of how she and Max Madigan are really close. She is basically his niece!"
Unknown to Alya, this was the last thing Lila wanted. She never expected True Jackson to actually show up at their school. She had been growling to herself when she saw that Adrien obviously knew the American designer. She had been coming up with a way to "punish" Adrien for bringing True around to ruin one of her lies when Alya confronted the designer. And because of her confronting True, that could cause her lies to fall apart.
"Uncle Max does not know that girl," Jimmy spoke up.
"As if he someone that is close to the girl that mistreated his honorable niece would be close enough to him to call him his uncle," Alya glared at Jimmy.
"I call him my uncle because he IS my uncle," Jimmy tells Alya. "My name is Jimmy Madigan and I am Max Madigan's actual nephew. So, I can tell you right here and now that Uncle Max has no idea who that girl is."
"You're the liar here, not Lila," Alya was being stubborn as usual. "Where's your proof that anything you say is true?"
"Where's yours," Adrien was the one that asked Alya that.
"Lila doesn't..." Alya tried saying.
"No," Adrien interrupted her. "I am sick and tired of you taking anything and everything that Lila says as the law. You have never once asked her for proof despite the outrageous things that she claims. I can one hundred percent guarantee that if you asked her for ANY proof, she won't be able to get it because it doesn't exist. And I am not going to let you stand there and slander my friend just because Lila claims things about her."
Everyone was shocked because this was the first time that any of them have seen Adrien act like this. It was proving that he was definitely protective of his friends.
"Lila doesn't lie," Alya was screaming. "I don't need to ask her for proof!"
"Adrien," True got her young friend's attention.
"Yes, True," Adrien was still glaring at Alya as he listened to what True had to say.
"You once said that you used to have a friend that blogged a lot," True says. "Is this that former friend that you were talking about?"
"Yeah," Adrien answered her, wondering where she was going with this.
"Well, then," True got out her phone. "I will give Mr.Madigan a call. He will get in contact with the lawyers and if there is anything about him for me online that she has written, then there will be lawsuits coming for slander."
"WHAT," Alya screamed.
"Look, girl, I am normally a nice person," True tells the tabloid reporter. "I take a lot of junk from others and I learn to deal with it when I am treated badly by anyone. You can't work with Amanda if you can't learn to deal with mean people. But the one thing that I will never take is someone slandering myself, Mad Style, or Mr.Madigan. Hope you will learn to actually fact check after this."
True actually did end up calling the owner of Mad Style about what she had learned about Alya and Lila. After seeing the so-called article that Alya posted on her blog based on Lila's lies, Max was ready to throw down with them for writing such slander about one of his favorite employees, who he also counted as a friend.
It took only two days before both Alya and Lila were hit with not only lawsuits for slander, but also with cease and desist orders, a large fine, restraining orders to keep them both away from True and Mad Style in general, as well as Alya being forced to shut down her blog. She remained stubborn about Lila and her lies, but now she was believing the lies that Lila was saying about True "turning her Uncle Max against her." It was seriously pathetic how much Alya was willing to believe to keep herself from admitting that she was wrong.
Lila did try and get revenge on Adrien for causing her downfall since everyone else broke away from her other than Alya. So, she called his father since she was still a Gabriel model. Gabriel tried to not only ground Adrien, but also force him to never be around True on top of trying to force him to "date" Lila. But this time, Adrien was not going to take the treatment lying down.
He secretly had his phone with him and he recorded everything that his father had said to him. Including every single threat that Gabriel said. He sent the recording to True since she was the one with the best lawyers. Within the hour, Adrien was taken from Gabriel's custody. 
Currently, Adrien was living his best life. Which was eating as many pastries that were given to him by Marinette's parents since they were the ones that took him in. 
"If death by pastries can be a thing, I can die happy," Adrien said.
His new family and all his friends laughed at him, glad that things had finally started looking up.  
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randomvarious · 2 months
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Today's compilation:
Mikrofoncheck 2 2000 Hip Hop
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No, Phife, you got it exactly right! This is Mikrofoncheck 2, a turn-of-the-millennium double-disc that highlights a bunch of good German rap tunes that were pretty clearly inspired by the US' own underground rap landscape at the time. And maybe I'm not the most equipped person to post about German rap, because I barely know any German words myself, but hear me out: the great thing about listening to rap in any language that you personally don't understand is that you don't have to involuntarily use any brainpower in order to interpret lyrics; and when you're not busying yourself with that aspect, you can then dedicate your focus to other parts of an MC's craft, like timing, flow, delivery, mic presence, etc. I feel like when dope US acts get little to no love in their home city, but then go on tour overseas and sell out venues in places where the people know barely any English at all, it means that there's a certain universality to rap skills. Like, you don't have to get what's being said in order for it to resonate. You dig?
So, speaking of underappreciated US acts, New York's Arsonists are on this release's very first track, with a remix of German rap pioneer Torch's "Die Welt brennt" that features a verse from one of The Arsonists' own members, Freestyle. If you know your 90s-2000s New York underground rap stuff, then you know that The Arsonists make S-tier music. They never broke big, of course, but they were one of the top groups to be featured on the Stretch & Bobbito Show, a legendary program that aired during the ungodly hours of 1-5 a.m. on Thursday nights/Friday mornings on Columbia University's radio station, 89.9 FM WKCR. But despite that absurd time slot, Stretch & Bob were still able to bring in a long, long who's who of unsigned and underground talent into the studio that would later go on to smash on a commercial level, including Nas, Jay-Z, Notorious B.I.G., Big L, DMX, Busta Rhymes, and a whole lot of others. I actually caught the premiere of a Stretch & Bob documentary back in the mid-2010s in Central Park, and right before that showing was a concert that featured a bunch of the acts who ended up making that whole show what it was. And you already know that The Arsonists were on that stage, man!
Here's a little introduction to Stretch & Bob if you're not familiar:
Anyway, while that Arsonists remix is great, and is probably the tune that would get most people to cop this release in the first place, I don't think that it's this album's best song, overall; because that honor goes to Nico Suave's "Barkeeper." Nico has a super lame stage name, *BUT,* when you're talking about a full package of beats and rhymes, nothing else on this album tops that one. Astonishingly, the full-length, nearly five-minute version of this tune only has 344 views on YouTube, but this really feels like one of those bits of early 2000s gold that you'd randomly stumble across on Limewire back in the day. And I'm probably only saying that because the beat is on some smooth and soul-piercingly jazzy Nujabes type of tip. And if you knew Nujabes before YouTube, Samurai Champloo, and 'Chill lo-fi beats to study to,' it was probably because either you or one of your friends discovered him via file sharing.
And I know what some of you may be inevitably thinking: 'German rap? That actually sounds corny as hell.' But you're wrong. The German language may be sharp and clunky and it really may not seem all that compatible with rap on its face, but the beauty of it is that there's a deep uniqueness to the German language that has people rapping in ways that non-German speakers are fully incapable of doing themselves. Within every language are vast amounts of intricacies, with each one possessing its own capabilities and possibilities; and German rap really seems to unlock something that no other type of rap can, because there's no other language in this world that's really quite like German.
And on top of all that, a bunch of these beats simply slap too 😋.
Torch feat. Freestyle - "Die Welt brennt (Arsonists remix)" Chosen Few - "Raw Beauty" Tim X-Treme - "Weird Shit" Lyn - "Blenda" Plattenpapzt feat. Tefla & Jaleel - "Wenn Zonis reisen" ABS - "Mathematik" Deichkind - "Was der Anlass" Nico Suave - "Barkeeper" Marburg Asozial - "Rap-Attack-Uppa-Cut"
CD2 (DJ mix by DJ Swift, which mostly consists of the same tracks from CD1):
Square One feat. Johnny Dolo - "Until Then..." Torch feat. Freestyle - "Die Welt brennt (Arsonists remix)" Deichkind - Was Der Anlass" Lyn - "Blenda" Nico Suave - "Barkeeper" Marburg Asozial - "Rap-Attack-Uppa-Cut" ABS - "Mathematik" Plattenpapzt feat. Tefla & Jaleel - "Wenn Zonis Reisen" Stieber Twins - "Malaria"
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bandomgay · 1 year
hi, can you tell us a bit about the superhero au you mentioned in the tags? is miles in it? (you don't have to, no pressure! just curious :)
YIPPIE I'm gonna explode thank u for asking ERMMMM well
Okay so it's a milex fic
Miles is a hero/vigilante he's known pretty much everywhere but like when kinda ass at it not in bad guy type of way he's just genuinely always getting hurt but he's always sacrificing himself to save others and his power is pretty much if you know black bolt from marvel it's that his scream/voice is deadly and his can manipulate sound waves as well which includes his own voice cool things like making his voice only show up in certain frequencies so certain people or radio stations can only hear it on tune into it also debating letting him be able to do things like banshee from the x men , using to be able to fly even and he looks like jumpsuit coup de grace era and his suit looks like the jumpsuit but of course more superhero practical it keeps that dark blue with the white/pink lines with the makeup to! Like a mask! those hand wraps he had in that fitness video
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, miles also has a team which is the mk band as you know Victoria (speedster) , Dom(mind reader, telepath) and Nathan (super strength)
(they r so cute....)
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And Alex now I'm still very conflicted on making Alex humbug era because I don't know how I feel about that age difference even though their both adults I know? But however in my Alex does look exactly like humbug Alex maybe a more grown up version idk use ur imagination here
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HFHGHGHF but he doesn't just look like humbug Alex cause he's a pretty princess it's actually because of humbug eras themes of being psychedelic,angsty and shrouded in mystery which is very much this Alex so now to the part u probably wanna hear about his power Alex is basically on his jean grey shit rn...like give that boy an Aspirin PLEASE lmao he's telepathic and telekinetic/psychokinetic and it's made him reclusive but when he begins to hear miles voice for months on end he kinda gets a little obsessed with him he's linked to him and he knows fuck all of how to deal with his powers so he's just always spying on him he feels bad about it but he can't really stop it, miles is unaware of this though he is in pursuit of other powered beings to help out with what his team mate Dom says might be an enemy looming over the earth he finds Alex out , there's a difference between Dom and Alex powers though where Dom is purely mind linking and mind reading can hyperfocus into feelings and such Alex' is much more abstract, psychedelic and possibly dangerous like he can't tell whether his dreams are dreams or these things are really happening to people ,questioning wether he's ever hurt someone and why does miles want or even need him and this looming pressure increases Alex' abilities for the worst making him unstable but it seems miles is the only one that can quell him...it does it crazier but like I won't spill it I ever like decide to post it...
I'm still developing the rest of the monkeys but a certain post may have just helped alleviate that block of what I want the rest of the monkeys powers to be because I've brainstormed some Matt scenes but the rest are yet to come also I'm thinking pyro powers Matt , earth/nature oriented powers Nick and water powers jamie , though I had something accuracy focused (like bullseye from marvel or Diego from the umbrella academy) still in mind for either Matt or Jamie idk...yet (Jamie throwing knives...sorry I didn't mean to MOAN like that...)
ERM here's a little drabble/scene as a bonus
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rosehearrt · 1 year
"How old is he?" He in question being the sightful steed Riddle was tending to. Altho animals weren't of any concern to Vil in terms of phobias or allergies of any sort, he much preferred to keep his distance from the horse to remain free of any hair that might be shed during his time around the stable. Besides, he didn't know the horse well enough to even consider coming anywhere too near. He doesn't know much about horses, at all, for that matter much less being able to read their body language that well other than to watch an animal's ears.
"I sometimes forget the fact that you're quite the equestrian." he muses, arms folding over his chest. Suppose one might mistake Vil for the type, too, with how animals would try to interact with him despite doing his best to avoid them - suppose it's true when they say animals have quite the judge of character but even that's no reason for Vil to want to interact with them. "Is this where I should search first from now on when I hear you're not occupied with Queenly duties? Heh." / hi i know we mentioned on discord w pony and im not trying to jump ahead but... we love riddle thanks.
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“Five. But I began riding him when he was four. Most horses shouldn’t necessarily be ridden until they get older than five years, according to many experts, but Vorpal achieved his strength young, just as I did. I suppose we were drawn together through that.”
With a smile on his face, Riddle reached a hand upwards to stroke tenderly over his steed’s muzzle. Although he wasn’t certain his upperclassman wanted to be given a riding demonstration, he’d suited up just in case, as proper attire was as essential to getting both himself and his horse into the proper headspace as it was for movement and capability. He’d decided fort today on breeches with thigh-high half-chaps over his slick black riding boots, and a fleece-lined, chin-high, half-zip shape wear jacket over his usual polo for an added layer to prevent wind-chill. Lastly, of course, never one to go without, he’d decided on a pair of black wrist-length riding gloves he could snap into place. He looked every bit the part of a seasoned equestrian…and he supposed with the amount of time and effort he and Vorpal put into their regimen, at this point he somewhat was.
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“The school had acquired him amongst a batch of other foals gifted by a donor, but from what I gathered, they were considering giving him away. He achieved a reputation of volatility and aggressiveness - he refused anyone who attempted to come near him, let alone ride him. Sometimes it feels like it might be nice to think that he was doing it for a reason…like he was waiting for me.”
It was quite the feat to pull Riddle’s attention away from Vorpal, whenever he was in front of the sleek brunette animal, but Vil-senpai’s presence did it well enough. It had practically made his heart skip a beat in excitement, when he’d been asked to introduce one of his favorite people to the very first friend he’d made here at Night Raven Academy. He wasn’t used to others taking an interest in what he did outside of academics…he figured he was usually a bit too much to take in large doses. It was understandable.
But riding his horse was so much more than a club activity for him. Even without Silver, Sebek, and the others, he spent much of the gaps in his schedule here, working with Vorpal. After all, Riddle Rosehearts wouldn’t accept anything less than complete and total perfection when it came to his marks in competitions. Neither would his horse, if you asked him, the animal could make quite the displeased expression when criticized, much like his owner. But aside from that, Riddle also genuinely loved spending time with him. Sometimes, he even did his studying out here, or read a novel laying with his back against Vorpal. The horse never seemed to mind. They were in-tune, that way.
Anyhow. He was touched, was the crux of the matter, that Vil-senpai wanted to come here. His admiration and affection for the other only grew, the simple request to see his steed was all the catalyst he needed.
“There’s nothing quite like riding. It feels freeing in the way nothing else does. I do spend much of my time here…so I suppose that would be a yes. Vorpal? Say hello.”
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His smile grew, and then, as his horse blinked slowly, and examined the blonde in front of him cautiously for a moment before conceding with a bow of his head further forward, offering it for a pet, a laugh like chimes left Riddle’s lips. His heart felt light, his being utterly delighted by the sight of the two. Clueless to any aversions Vil-senpai might have had to the animal fur, or at the very least not considering the possibility right now, he gestured towards Vorpal.
“It seems he’s given you his approval! He’s quite fickle with it when it comes to most. Vorpal, that’s wonderful!”
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symptoms-syndrome · 2 years
4. How do you experience communication from parts?
A lot of different ways, actually, ranging from "takes practice to notice" to "oh my god shut the fuck up."
Sometimes it's just the classic. Voice in my head type deal. That's the way most of the like. IDK Main Crew communicates. Volume doesn't work exactly the same way, but if I were to compare it, it's like. Regular speaking volume. A lot of the time I can tune it out if I want to, but I don't like it when they do that to me so I try not to do it to them. I'm not usually one to have whole conversations in my brain though it feels weird and kinda? IDK embarrassing? So it's usually a one way sort of thing with occasional answers but not really. Conversation.
The worse version of that is when it kind of just feels like someone left a door open and I just hear shit that I don't think is being directed towards me (or whoever else is in the driver's seat.) Runaway does this a lot. I just hear shit but they can't hear me. It's really annoying TBH, and distressing because that usually happens when it's yelling or crying or something like that.
Sometimes it's more? IDK vague? Like I can tell smth like "Mimi rly likes that shirt and wants to buy it" but the actual sentence wasn't said in my head or out loud.
Journal entries are less, I think, an active communication and moreso a way of "listening in" on other parts. Like I don't think we always write journal entries with the intention of others reading them, but if things are especially chaotic and/or confusing reading our journal entries can be a good way of piecing things together, especially for some parts that have more distinct handwriting or writing styles.
Sometimes body language is the only way some of our more vulnerable parts can make themselves known or heard. That's kinda sad though. It's usually accompanied by body memories. Generally unpleasant.
Certain parts are able to like. Sort of visualize. Aslan in particular likes to sort of. Manifest in a weird way? IDK I can tell what his body is doing more easily despite him not actually being in control of *my* body. It's not like a hallucination though, I would compare it to like. How you can hold a hand in front of one eye, and because your other eye can see right past it it looks sort of invisible but you can tell it's there.
Hess, similarly, can sort of manifest bodily sensations like being held or a hand on my shoulder or something. She's the only one who does that tho.
In therapy we're trying to work on an "inner world" type deal. It doesn't come naturally to me. I think it was working kind of, before we had to move on to more immediate and pressing things. It def helped to visualize I think. The main issue was no one showing up. or very few showing up. Or not the parts I need/want to show up showing up. I wish I could just beep them or smth LMAO. I would say I'd like to drag them there but I think my therapist would say that doesn't make a safe environment for communication or whatever.
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