jajna · 8 months
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(Earth, Kingdom Hearts, Fantasia, Megamind City, Home) My girl got a small problem of a adrenaline junky. Making things explode with her mind dose not help. Lets hope that was not a important gift you momentarily forgotten you where given Alixon.... =w=;
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maegaasperion · 6 months
That is so problematic
Something that many people misunderstand is the value of problems with both the character and campaign. These problems will perform more than build out the character so that they have more abilities to work with. The most common thing that most people think of will be that the GM is able to use them to generate gaming points (better known as hooks) that involve the players directly. There are…
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redeyeflyguy · 7 months
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Wonderful Things That May or May Not Be Wonderful!!! You know with every conceivable harmful being, substance, and environment a stone's throw away on one's epic journey,  being a video game hero is extremely hazardous to one's health. Guess it's good that there are so many things to bring it back. Healing in the real world takes up a lot of time and sometimes requires undergoing strenuous and difficult rehabilitation processes. In the digital world, just nom on some delicious wall turkey and you're back to fighting strength. And so, on this day, we shall salute all the healing items, abilities and devices that have kept us from the dreaded "Game Over" screen just a bit longer. Everything from first aid kits to healing potions to healing spells to roast chickens to Maxim tomatoes to coins to butterflies, mediguns, green herbs, Estus Flasks, painkillers, hearts on the ground and everything in between. That's not even going into the stuff that brings you back from the dead. So yeah, being the hero of legend is painful but at least there are things to take it away...if only for a few seconds. After all, stuff that heals you in video games, it's all wonderful!
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teslacoils-and-hubris · 8 months
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We live such different lives... come with me I can show you the beautiful intimacy of literally holding someone's heart in your hands
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triona-tribblescore · 5 months
but my one question is: what exactly are each of the brothers? mikey is clearly some kind of wanderer and raph a stone giant, donnie some kind of scholar/inventor, but leo is the one im most confused about. is he a nymph? a witch?
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ty also @cococakeyum for the ask :D <3
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someiicecube · 7 months
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im normal about this IF game, i swear
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ineffectualdemon · 19 days
Husband: flirting is not a skill I ever possessed. My idea of flirting was to give a girl a note saying I wasn't an axe murderer
Me: it worked on me
Husband: that is not a ringing endorsement
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nerdy-girlramblings · 2 months
When I read kotlc for the first time, I remember being slightly upset that Sophie stopped Grady from killing Brant for murdering Jolie. Then when I was rereading this part, I noticed that the main reason Sophie stops Grady is because she's protecting him from himself. She doesn't want to lose him to guilt and have him potentially lose his sanity like Alden. She's already lost her human father, and doesn't want to lose her adopted one too.
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whyamihereat4am · 19 days
i think chuuya nakahara should have massive gigantic 8-inch high heels with really sharp stilettos hidden under flared pants because 1. it makes him look taller 2. he can float so he doesn't even need to learn how to walk in them 3. he'll stab people when he kicks them and 4. if dazai touched him he'd crumple like a jenga tower
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goofyjelly · 10 months
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Star Trek TOS : "The Empath"
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donnieluvsthings · 2 years
also okay i havent seen EVERY version of tmnt but theres usually a theme for the leo-raph arguments, so i think its safe to say that once again rise does a classic tmnt thing but completely in its own way. like ah yes leo and raph arguing while donnie and mikey eavesdrop! except donnie and mikey actually try to interfere when leo and raph start fighting.
and theyre not arguing over who would be the better leader, its not “angsty lone wolf nightwatcher” raph vs “overbearing and arrogant but with repressed insecurities” leo. its “older brother whos scared bc hes under lots of pressure to protect his family and takes it very seriously” raph vs “too-chill-too-cocky doesnt really listen to his team” leo. just. its the same thing TECHNICALLY but rise does it all so that its basically new and i love it so much
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robotsandramblings · 1 year
like most people, i enjoy Star Wars Visions because of the fact that it's self contained, non-canon stories and characters that don't need to be inserted into a timeline.
that being said, these stories and characters are so well done, that it makes me want some of them to be canonized and added to the main storyline! (or at the very least, to make fun little appearances.)
i'd love in-canon to run into Lop, or the jedi from "The Village Bride", or the ronin sith from "The Duel". i want to see Livy from "The Pit" and Rani from "The Bandits of Golak" during their trainings or as older Knights. i want other padawans and jedi to meet Aau from "Aau's Song" and learn about her unique force abilities through singing. i want to see Anni from "I Am Your Mother" amongst a shot of pilots. when padawans talk about their "badass elder jedi" i want Rugal mentioned, and when stories are told about the undercover spies whose intel kept the Rebellion alive, i want Loi'e and her troupe from "The Spy Dancer" included.
these stories and characters don't NEED to be canonized to enjoy them! but at the same time, i guess i just feel like.... some of these characters and ideas are so unique, so different, and so amazing, that they deserve to be part of the main picture, if that makes sense??
ultimately, canonized or not, i just want to see more of them :D
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maegaasperion · 1 year
The smarts of it all
In most games, characters will possess several attributes. There will be one that determines physical power (strength), mental power (willpower), awareness (perception), mental acumen (intelligence). There might be other attributes, or the game might have different ways of determining these essential attributes. While all of them have challenges in defining, the most difficult is…
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to understand why Cecil counts as a sexyman despite being only a voice, all you need to know is that having no canon appearance is precisely what gave the tumblr sexyman artists of the day free reign to repeatedly bestow upon Cecil the most Certified Tumblr Sexyman™️ designs they could muster
he’s like the Avatar of tumblr sexymen. Even more than non-human characters like Wheatly or Bill, whatever you imagine as the prototypical tumblr sexyman, someone, somewhere has drawn him like that
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queensqueercourt · 1 year
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wanted to doodle out all of aurora's powers as a warmup!
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man, drafting kotlc exile rewrite is making me realize how much potential there is to give Quinn (my oc) a villain arc.
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