#About art
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Riza-yi 'Abbasi, The Lovers (Isfahan, 1630 CE). The artist Riza‑yi 'Abbasi revolutionized Persian painting and drawing with his inventive use of calligraphic line and unusual palette. He painted The Lovers toward the end of a long, successful career at the Safavid court. The subject of a couple entwined reflects a newly relaxed attitude to sensuality introduced in the reign of Shah Safi (r. 1629–42). Here the figures are inextricably bound together, merged volumes confined within one outline. [Robert Scott Horton]
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“For she had eyes and chose me.” ― William Shakespeare, Othello
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fairlycaught · 9 months
The reason that focus groups and capitalist feedback systems fail, even when they generate commodities that are immensely popular, is that people do not know what they want. This is not only because people’s desire is already present but concealed from them (although this is often the case). Rather, the most powerful forms of desire are precisely cravings for the strange, the unexpected, the weird. These can only be supplied by artists and media professionals who are prepared to give people something different from that which already satisfies them; by those, that is to say, prepared to take a certain kind of risk.
Mark Fisher, Capitalist Realism
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huckleberrycomics · 4 months
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No perfection. No pandering. No standard for what is “good”.
Fuck “polish”. Fuck “marketing”. Fuck it.
It doesn’t have to be pretty. It doesn’t have to be deep. It doesn’t have to be revolutionary.
You don’t have to be a master of The Craft. You just have to be the master of YOUR craft— and it’s up to you to decide what that is!
It has to be yours. It has to serve you first. If creation is a part of your being, if you need it to survive and thrive, you are an artist!
When and if you release your art into the world, may it help you connect to the universe.
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wily-art · 8 months
Oh my god your animation is fenomenal?!!! It really incredible!!!
Would it be possible to post a bit of your process? I always wanted to try animating but I don't know how lol
Thank you! And yeah I was planning on uploading some speed animates on ye olde youtube channel. They're recorded I just need to edit.
That said I need to warn everyone that I don't actually know what I'm doing and this is all fueled by a dream and ambition.
There's a lot of don't do as I do but learn from my mistakes x'D
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lhoandbehold · 9 months
The deficit of finished stories is so profound.
Streaming services cancelling everything after s2 and leaving the stories unfinished.
Franchise stories that need to be part of a connected universe, so every film or series fizzles out into open endings, in order to leave space for spinoffs.
Not to mention whenever a complete, finished story turned out so popular that the producers decide to order more of it, smashing a perfectly finished thing back into pieces just to reassemble it again but never quite as fully as it was before.
But in extension of this, I have been listening to a lot of weird audiobooks lately. They're books I choose without doing much thinking or research - a cool title, check of the genre and a glance at reviews to see how it's generally received. I'm being exposed to a lot of stories I wouldn't necessarily choose if you put them in front of me and asked me to choose. A lot of them I didn't love or even really like, but at least they are finished stories. They started and they ended. They said something, or tried, and then they were over.
And it makes me feel curious and excited to have things come to an end. It makes me wonder what other stories could be put into the world, how I would do it.
it makes me want to go see more weird indie films in the cinema, chase down fresh short films and find new authors I never heard of.
Instead of sitting in the quiet after watching a brilliant but cancelled tv-show, trying to figure out what the meaning of it all was.
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inbarfink · 1 month
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julianplum · 7 days
My partner just bought a print of your starlings and plums - I’m really impressed by how vibrant the colors are - how do you make your prints?
All of my prints are giclee prints on archival matte paper! Printing nerd stuff below but that's the short answer 😊
Giclee is a very hi-res ink-based printing process using a special printer, giving you a really incredible depth of color and a ton of accuracy. They're really expensive to have, and I'm a very small business (i.e. it's just me over here) so I get my prints made by Giclee Today, who are based in Pennsylvania and are wonderful to work with.
To get the colors as accurate to the original painting as possible, I scan my work, often in pieces, and then piece them together in photoshop and color-correct to account for any scanning weirdness. When I do this, I've got the painting next to me and I'm constantly comparing between the two to keep my colors crisp and clear and accurate.
that's probably more info than you wanted but I love this stuff and I work really, really hard to make sure my prints are high-quality, so it's fun to talk about it!! I'm glad y'all like the print ✨
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jawlipops · 9 months
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halfelven · 1 year
my favourite art teacher always said to look at your art in the mirror to see what was wrong with proportion and perspective and one day i flipped the birth of venus and realised i would have been deeply unsatisfied with it if i had painted it and then i tried to view my art as something that didn’t have to be perfect because i would always find something wrong with it simply because i am the artist and hey it sometimes works
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in an alleyway in Naples
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“Awake. Love. Think. Speak. Be walking trees. Be talking beasts. Be divine waters.” — C.S. Lewis, The Magician’s Nephew (Chronicles of Narnia)
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from-books-with-love · 8 months
I talk about the gods; I am an atheist. But I am an artist too, and therefore a liar. Distrust everything I say. I am telling the truth.
Ursula K. Le Guin, The Left Hand of Darkness.
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wormsoft98 · 6 months
When talking about ai, yall need to be careful to not romanticize struggle. Your art does not contain value because you spent 7 hours agonizing through it, it contains value because you created something. You can be proud of your hard work, but activities are not inherently more worthy if you suffer more to do them
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wolfsnape · 2 months
When everyone is like "you should sell your art, you should make money off your drawings" I think about that birthday cake I drew for my mother when I was seven and how it was so bumpy and ugly but I loved it and I loved making it and it's been twenty years now and it's still on her bedroom wall and maybe art isn't about money maybe art is about love
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camprell-art · 21 days
I have thought of so many Boomentio scenarios that if my drawings keep escalating like that I'll have to make a n/s/f/w blog/twitter/whatever kasgdkafkg
But I can assure you all that I'll probably never draw their intimate parts because I physically can't do it, it's impossible
Although I probably will do some kind of borderline n/s/f/w art, so please, if you have triggers, are a minor or it just isn't your cup of tea, do block the tag *tw suggestive*, I will add more tags if needed! So don't worry about telling me to do so! It's important for me to not disturb any of you! :)
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leafie-draws · 1 year
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idk if this is helpful but I made a thing✨
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inbarfink · 2 months
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