#Alex Derr
preacherman316 · 2 years
Majestic Mountains
This week I identify with a comment by hiker and blogger Alex Derr who wrote, “I don’t know why mountains lift the spirit so. They just do.” We are enjoying the spectacular and breath-taking beauty of the fall foliage in the Smoky Mountains. Its enjoyment is amplified by sharing it with our grandchildren, Miles and Katherine, whose child-like wonder warms your heart and brings a smile to your…
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magicalyaku · 4 months
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Hello and welcome to my 2023 reading wrap up! A big Thank You to everyone who followed my ramblings throughout the year! <3 I will continue through 2024. Maybe I'll learn how to write proper reviews, at least I'll try to remember better what I actually want to say about the stories. In 2022, I read 93 books plus my own. Guess how many it were in 2023? 93 plus my own!! xD That was huge coincidence and I love it. Of these 94 books, 4 are rereads (which won't be included in the "Favourite" sections), 2 are non-fiction, 11 are non-queer. I only DNFed 1 book (which is not pictured) and other than that I only disliked 6 books! (And it's a pretty soft dislike in comparison. I don't hate them nearly enough to want to shit on them again. :'D).
So on the the awards!
Most Read Author: KJ Charles (8 books)
Least Favourite Book: Daresh (Katja Brandis) (the one I could not finish for dear life)
Favourite Character: Brand (The Tarot Sequence) and Will (The Will Darling Adventures) (yes, there's a trend)
Favourite Covers (of books I read, not releases):
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(There were too many. D:)
Highest Emotional Investment (aka The Agony, the suffering, the why you do this to me Award): Dark Heir - The Scottish Boy - In Memoriam
Wildest Story: The Adventures of Pinocchio
Favourite Books:
The Devil's Luck (L.S. Baird)
The Scottish Boy (Alex de Campi)
In Memoriam (Alice Winn)
Just Lizzie (Karen Wilfried)
Dark Heir (C.S. Pacat)
The Will Darling Adventures (KJ Charles)
Gwen & Art are not in Love (Lex Croucher)
The Buried and the Bound (Rochelle Hassan)
More Books I enjoyed greatly:
Oracle of Senders series (Mere Joyce)
Of Feathers and Thorns (Kit Vincent)
Wren Martin Ruins it all (Amanda deWitt)
Simon Snow series (Rainbow Rowell)
The Five Stages of Andrew Brawley (Shaun David Hutchinson)
The Tarot Sequence (K.D. Edwards)
The First and Last Adventure of Kit Sawyer (S.E. Harmon)
Sixteen Souls (Rosie Talbot)
By any Other Name (Erin Cotter)
The High King's Golden Tongue (Megan Derr) and more!!
Most Used Name: I counted names last year and didn't want to do it again this year because I read so much fantasy, so the names were all over. Still, there was one who stood out amongst them all with at least 4 instances, if not more. Probably more.
Congratulations. I have to admit, I've always liked that name. My favourite character of all times and part of my one and only OTP is named Will as well and I kinda hope the last book of their second trilogy never comes because it will probably make me scream and ... ...
Bonus! This year, I counted pages! Because I felt that most books were much shorter than what I read before. So I wanted to know. Turns out, my feeling was wrong. My 93 books had a whole of 33011 pages which results in approximately 350 pages per book. That's pretty normal I dare say.
That's it for 2023! I had a very good year in books. I wanted to read less actually, and failed spectacularly because I had too much fun. And if anyone's wondering how I read so much, I read fast and I just didn't do anything else in my free time. Escapism to the max. I hope, the new year treats you well! I hope, you have fun with the books you read! Let's meet again soon! <3
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homomenhommes · 1 month
Chez Alex et Johan soirée en boite
Nous passons la fin de la journée, Johan me montrant son domaine et ses activités pendant qu'Alex continu de discuter avec Marc.
Au diner, Alex nous informe que nous allons en boite ce soir. Boite homo avec back room un peu hard. J'interroge Marc du regard, il me fait signe que c'est OK. Nous mangeons normalement, nous aurons bien le temps de digérer et de nous préparer avant d'y aller. Pendant le repas, nous apprenons, Johan et moi, qu'Alex et Marc avaient profité de l'après midi pour sonder les disponibilités de " serviteurs " dans la région. Sur le même site de petites annonces où Marc avait trouvé Samir et Ammed, ils avaient déjà présélectionné 6 mecs sur leurs physiques bien sûr, puis leurs situations. 4 sont étudiants et recherchent un logement aussi.
Johan n'a de cesse qu'Alex nous les montre. Après diner nous nous entassons autour du bureau d'Alex pour mater les mecs. Trois blancs, deux beurs et un black. Physiquement, Alex et Marc avaient sélectionné sur un minimum de muscle et tous se disant faire de la muscu. Têtes allant de pure salope pour un des blancs à normales, mais dans l'ensemble correct +. Les tailles vont de 1,75m à 1,95 pour le black. Reste ce qu'ils ont dans le slip. Et là nous comprenons mieux certains choix, ils sont tous montés 20cm mini avec, pour respecter les clichés, un 25cm pour le black. Sur leurs présentation, ont peux les voir de face, de dos, au repos et bandants. Johan a une préférence pour le black (aller savoir pourquoi !) et un des beurs. Pour Alex aussi le noir lui plait beaucoup et son annonce assure d'un service complet (utilisation pour ménage, cuisine, jardinage, sexe actif et passif). Par contre pour le deuxième, un blanc blond le kiff plus par opposition au black et le mieux monté ferait bien son affaire (22cm). Johan se plie à la décision de son maître. Contrairement à nous (sauf exception), Alex désire les utiliser aussi en objets sexuels. Comme il souhaite aller vite et qu'il veut user de notre expérience en ce domaine, il nous dit les avoir convoqués pour le dimanche après midi. Marc et Lui se chargerons de les tester coté passif et Johan et moi nous nous chargerons de la partie muscle et de leur coté actif. Dans les annexes, le black se cherche un taf et le blond est étudiant.
Nous allons nous préparer pour la nuit. J'aide Johan à faire son lavement et il me rend la pareil. La pince à épiler ôte les quelques poils disgracieux et douchés, séchés, déodorisés et parfumés, nous nous présentons à nos mâles. Ils jouent le jeux et nous examinent l'un après l'autre sous toutes les coutures nous demandant même de nous plier en avant et d'écarter nos fesses pour vérifié l'état de nos rondelles. Ils ont été surpris et ravis de les trouver occupées chacune par un plug. Ce qui est bien avec Johan et moi c'est que tout ce qui va à l'un va à l'autre. Je pioche donc dans ses affaires pour m'équiper (mais le plug que j'ai dans le cul est à moi). Marc me donne un harnais complet, collier jusqu'au cockring intégré (j'aurais préféré garder le mien, plus lourd !), tenu en arrière façon jock en non string, par dessus je pique des jeans destroys déchirés aux fesses entre autre et déchiré haut coté poche avant (si je bande, mon gland sortira) à Johan. J'ai ma paire de cater aux pieds, un t-shirt blanc déchiré aussi découvrant mon téton droit, par dessus je passe mon blouson cuir. L'ensemble rend pas mal. Je regarde Johan qui, à quelques déchirures près, est équipé de la même façon. Nos deux mecs sont plus classiques, jeans et t-shirts noirs, blousons cuir noir.
Il est près de 1h quand nous débarquons à la boite. Alex et Johan y sont connu et nous entrons sans attendre. Les blousons sont laissés au vestiaire. Marc et moi suivons nos amis. Grande piste de dance avec tout autour des tables en recoins pour au besoin s'isoler de la masse. La musique est forte mais les morceaux sont bons. Passage au bar pour saluer ceux qui officient derrière. Des mecs de mon âge environ. Johan se soulève au dessus pour rouler une pelle à un beau brun. Alex nous explique que c'est son ex à Johan, mais qu'ils sont restés potes.
Un premier verre pour prendre le temps de s'acclimater. Je ne sais pas ce qu'Alex a commandé mais ça chauffe bien et le peu d'appréhension que j'avais disparaît bien vite. Avec Johan nous nous faisons une place sur la piste. Ça fait pas 2 mn que nous bougeons l'un en face de l'autre que nous nous faisons brancher. Malgré un comportement ne laissant aucun doute sur le fait que nous n'étions pas intéressés, des mains s'égarent sur nos fessiers. Nous laissons faire jusqu'à ce qu'une, plus audacieuse cherche à s'infiltrer sous ma ceinture. Nous rejoignons Alex et Marc au bar. Dans la lumière je remarque que certaines déchirures ont été agrandies.
Alex décide de nous emmener du coté obscur de la boite. Couloir très sombre, occupé par des mecs qui n'hésitent pas à tâter la marchandise. Le couloir s'élargit et nous arrivons à une zone où de chaque coté des portes ou rideau s'ouvrent sur des petites salles équipés différemment. Peu d'usagers ont fermé les portes. Nous avançons en matant les plans qui les occupent. Du simple couple à baiser en levrette au gang bang sur minet fixé sur sling, une bonne partie de ce que des mecs peuvent faire entre eux nous est mis sous les yeux. Nous serions seuls Johan et moi que nous serions déjà pris en charge par les mecs désoeuvrés qui déambulent. Tout au fond, une salle de projection diffuse un film de cul (évidemment), hard (c'est un plus), où des mecs en cuir larvent une série de petits minets pas farouches. Nos mâles bandent depuis un moment. Je prend l'initiative de me pencher pour emboucher Alex.
Johan m'imite de suite avec Marc. Nos culs se font palper et nos mecs sont questionnés sur notre habileté de façon direct. Plus " elle suce bien la salope ? " que " la fellation vous satisfait elle ? ". Faut dire que contrairement à quelques délicats, nous avalons les 22 et 23cm jusqu'à la garde et que nous y mettons du coeur. Alex avise la libération de la salle à deux slings, et nous y pousse avant que d'autre l'utilise. Johan et moi prenons place tout habillés nos culs vers la porte qu'Alex laisse grande ouverte. Poignets et chevilles attachés, nous sommes à la disposition de nos mâles. Marc et Alex ont décidé d'échanger leurs ptits mecs pour la soirée. Alex s'attaque donc à moi. Quelques agrandissements de déchirures plus tard, mes pecs étaient dégagés ainsi que l'accès à ma rondelle présentement occupé par le plug bien visible avec mes jambes écartées. Je jette un coup d'oeil à droite, Johan est dans le même état que moi.
Alex présente sa bite devant ma bouche et je m'empresse de l'avaler. Je suis récompensé par un travail de mes tétons. Par l'intermédiaire des glaces positionnées un peu partout sur les murs et le plafond, j'aperçois la porte d'entrée bouchée par des voyeurs. Je ne m'en préoccupe plus jusqu'à ce que je sente des mains faire tourner et coulisser mon plug. Celle d'Alex me tenant par les oreilles pour me balancer sur sa queue, Marc s'occupant de Johan, ce ne pouvait être qu'un inconnu. Je laissais les Hommes veiller de ce coté là.
Peu de temps après, Alex ôtait le " bouchon " de mon trou et le remplaçait par sa vigoureuse bite. En relevant la tête j'ai pu voir les alentours, Johan dans la même situation que moi avec Marc au cul, des mecs collés aux murs tout autour, se branlant et certains se faisant sucer. Johan et moi nous nous sommes fait tringler bien comme il faut mais sans aller jusqu'à la jouissance. Nos mecs avaient envie d'aller plus loin. Ils nous ont détachés puis Alex nous a conduit plus loin vers une autre salle. Dans la salle que nous n'avions encore pas vu, une succession de croix de saint André contre les murs. J'en compte huit avant qu'Alex me pousse vers une vide et je me retrouve voisin d'un blondinet dont ses 18 ans ont du être fêtés hier.
Bras et jambes écartés je me retrouve dans la même position que lui. A ma gauche Marc installe Johan. Une nouvelle fois nous sommes attachés. Alors qu'Alex va pour me sodomiser à nouveau, il se fait distraire par les pratiques infligées au blondinet voisin. Fessées à main nue ou à l'aide d'espèce de claquettes, pincements... ça lui donne des idées !
Mon T-shirt déjà bien malmené m'est complètement arraché et mes jeans encore plus lacérés afin de dégager la totalité de mon cul.
Bien que je m'y attende un peu, la première fessée me surprend. J'en subis quelques autres et sens mon postérieur chauffer. Mes fesses doivent être bien rouges ! Alex attrape mon collier et tire ma tête en arrière pour exiger de moi que je dise que c'est bon. C'est quand j'avoue enfin qu'il me pénètre. Trop bon ! Accroché à mes hanches, il me laboure grave. Le frottement de ses poils pubiens sur mes fesses sensibilisées participent à la montée de mon excitation. Ça plus le fait qu'il me tourne la tête pour me donner sa langue à téter, je suis complètement parti dans le trip.
Quand il sort de moi, il en profite pour entretenir la couleur de mes fesses par des tapes judicieusement réparties. J'entends de l'écho en stéréo. Marc est entré dans le jeu et Johan en profite aussi tout comme mon blondinet voisin. En tournant la tête je vois un peu plus loin un mec subir carrément de fouet. Ça me fout des frissons dans tout le corps, peur ? dégout ? envie ? je ne sais pas. Mais je sais que ça me fait de l'effet. Ma queue me fait mal coincée dans mon jeans, compressée contre le vinyle qui couvre la croix.
Alors que j'ai perdu la notion du temps, l'enculage d'Alex s'accélère et je sens encore gonfler plus sa queue. D'un coup il se fixe au fond de mon cul et quelques soubresaut m'indique qu'il se vide. A moitié étranglé par mon collier qu'il tire vers lui, j'explose et mon sperme coule contre ma peau et entre le boutonnage du jeans. Heureusement que je suis attaché sinon je serais tombé, les jambes sciées par le plaisir. Dès qu'Alex me détache, je glisse, assis sur le sol. Une bite pleine de sperme se présente devant ma bouche, je lève les yeux, c'est mon Marc. J'ouvre grand et nettoie son gland avec ma langue. enfin un repère solide ! Mon mec, sa bite et son sperme, mes ancres dans ce lieu de perdition ! Assis à mes cotés Johan effectue le même service à alex.
Un peu réajustés , nous retournons du coté civilisé de l'établissement. Au bar le skaï me fait froid aux fesses. L'ex de Johan nous félicite du spectacle que l'on a fourni à ses clients. Comme je ne comprend pas comment il a pu savoir, il fait un signe désignant le dessous du zinc. Je me penche et vois toute une série de petits écrans. Des caméras couvrent la totalité de la zone de rencontre. Du coup c'est sa tournée.
Retour chez Alex et Johan.
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strinak · 1 year
Author Statistics
For 10 authors, I read their works into the double digits: Alessandra Hazard (x11) Kiki Clark (x12) Kati Wilde (x13) Shelly Laurenston (x15) AJ Sherwood (x16) Onley James (x20) KL Noone (x24) Charity Parkerson (x31) Megan Derr (x40) Mary Calmes (x44)
For 24 authors, I read at least 3 and at most 9 works: Andrea K Host (x4), Anne Bishop (x4), Brigham Vaughn (x3), Bruce Sentar (x3), Deacon Frost (x3), Eric Ugland (x7), Gail Carriger (x1)/GL Carriger (x3), Ilona Andrews (x5), Jennifer Cody (x4), Jordan Castillo Price (x3), Louisa Masters (x6), Lucy Lennox (x5), Lyn Gala (x3), Mell Eight (x3), Michelle Diener (x4), Naomi Novik (x3), R Cooper (x5), RJ Moray (x2)/Robin Moray (x1), Sam Burns (x5), Shirtaloon (x7), Stella Starling (x4), TJ Land (x9), Vasily Mahanenko (x3), and Wen Spencer (x5).
For 25 authors, I read exactly 2 works: Alex Gilbert, Alice Winters, Amanda Meuwissen, Amy Crook, Andy Gallo, Bettie Sharpe, Claire Cullen, David North, Eli Easton, Eryn Ivers, Isabel Murray, Jessie Mihalik, KM Neuhold, LC Mawson, Luke Chmilenko, Macronomicon, Ofelia Grand, Robin Roseau, Ryan Rimmel ,Sam Burns & WM Fawkes (with Sam Burns), Shannon West, Skylar Jaye, Tara Lain, TS Snow, and Victoria Helen Stone.
For 87 authors, I read only a single work: A Catherine Noon & Rachel Wilder, AC Wiggen, Allie Brosh, Amanda Milo, Andrea Speed, Anyta Sunday (with Andy Gallo), April Jade, Arden Powell, August, Brea Alepou & Wren Snow, Brooke Matthews, Bryce O’Connor (with Luke Chmilenko), Cale Plamann, Casualfarmer, Catelyn Winona, Chace Verity, CJ Carella, CM Blackwood, Courtney Milan, Daniel Rose, Danny M Lavery, Darktechnomancer, Dassy Bernhard, Delaney Rain, Delmire Hart, Devon Vesper, DI Freed, DM Rhodes, Eden Finley & Saxon James, EJ Russell, Elliott Kay, EM Lindsey (with Kiki Clark), Hayden Hall, HJ Tolson, Jenny Lawson, Jesse Q Sutanto, JK Jeffrey, KA Merikan, Kaleb England, Kaydence Snow, Kou Delika, Lee Hadan, Liz Talley, May Archer (with Lucy Lennox), Macy Blake, Margaret Atwood, Marie Cardno & Kalikoi, Michele Notaro, Michelle Frost, Michelle Kathleen Hodgson, Natasha Hunter, Nazri Noor, Philip R Johnson & Justin C Louis, Raleigh Ruebins, Ravensdagger, Regine Abel, Riley Hart, RJ Scott, Robert Bevan, Ryn Bretcher, Sam Starbuck, Samantha Cayto, Sariah Wilson, Sasha L Miller, Scott Browder, SE Harmon, Sean Oswald, Sebastian Hansen, Seth Richter, Sienna Sway, Sierra Riley, SJ Himes, Stephanie Burgis, Stephen L Hadley, Stuart Grosse, Suki Fleet, Sunny Hart, SunriseCV, Tansy Rayner Roberts, Tanya Chris, Toby Wise, Tom Watts, Toni McGee Causey, Travis Baldtree, Xander Boyce, Yamila Abraham, and Zile Elliven.
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wpdariacutnes · 2 years
Me: okey im use dys a pallete a me redsinging me oc and not lot only 4 a bit supraze but enifing be from mowe or games spite
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Skott: yep and das * look dys* a dys not bet pallete a use finks self dar oc's and dys true a dys wirts days and supraze but make
A derry better corors palette because more tree a Rain days im fund and be apsoluty dys so red redsinging derry and be okey ( someone knows and polegaze oliwe supraze a dar say derry more be frends not lover dys icident gosh)
Me: and code cany the candycorn bear because so more pastely and classic corn a das same but rezan because rockstar a dys more dys but candystar so dys same because knows a better but sowing a bit clasic ploblem like 100 neo attack eyes im say be take 5 time dys and me face look lemon
Hmmm... im neber one ashly oc is telly the tea bear after fiks a macha because someone not forget macha a say mouche like sund more get ploblem her a be mett and harte a be so smuchi melon persen eke: nofing rong but play nice after a agien be ploblem her as mom and dys palette more be wonki like green and brown is okeys but eyes is dark wiolet code icident
Skott: telly the tea bear okey and old wery rezan say be okey but chraing a techelege a bambini staws im understand
Me: and one lets is wery kweshting me self a enifing work like someone get spader legs and normal legs and bruken rip skin but sirena or oki is very interesting because once it levitates, once it has a mermaid's tail and it knows the same drugs.
Skott: dys introsting moki the oki bear is a marmeid one or flowing one a not grafiki here
Me: so pretty moch dys a 4 be redsinging and in game not lie
Me: so im plan redsinging a::
Moki the oki bear ( code a golden doing but woder tape and more woder expleing personality)
Telly the tea bear ( dys ego make dys green toy freddy but im look how charing waz and expleing in a not wirts rude coments das "ok")
Cany the candycorn bear ( das a facebook and dys canda be okey but too lite same neo sarkazm bed arts )
Derry the derr bunny ( dys oc a me oliwa code sessy frends be whit face one a heppynt me and say " Im difece you same someone be shut up because dont like a wery skrue me as dys radom owo cherater like is das radom cherater so be arguments you a das too much war not rezan as das one dys tabu oc" dys like better say now here and im bit soking a now saide me like never did like sarkazm but now slap taple and be total mett dys fact a me get shut head or sowing a chraing make me suesado dys rant like dys a now oliva doing and not only her)
Offical note: 21.06.2022.r
Dys introsting Day a me code frends a not mod sessy a now saide me a dys one tabu oc a be derry the derr bunny like someone be rant you now a oliwa copani because is wery mett a makes code suesado she say out moche so be diface me as you be so imechor persen a dys rezan im say a she das say and she do now a back home because say ticher boss sholle what you done me and plogaze me now or nafe but say "slrue" so now did a wahtever tasty me lemon
Dys only meshinch going on so war same you Alex she knows you a frends a class because too frowing her like basket so yeah jakess dude how did her a code now make kill you a fikshen a arguments same naders
redsinging here im finish art look better::
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xeyedmutt · 6 years
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Alex&derr – PORK SPECIAL
Fanart for @albinotopaz​ of her character Alexanderr.
This guy is one of my favorite characters as well as my favorite fursuit within the furry fandom. I drew art of him when he debuted back in 2015. I wanted to revisit him as my art skills have changed very much since then.
Speedpaint –> https://youtu.be/8czV4fCJ0gU
Alexander © @albinotopaz
Art © XEyedMutt (me)
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amnhnyc · 2 years
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It’s a “tuft” life for the Tufted Puffin (Fratercula cirrhata). This sea bird inhabits the North Pacific, where it lives in a large colony that nests on rocky cliffs. It uses its thick bill to dig burrows as deep as 5 feet (1.5 meters) into a cliff! Throughout much of the year, it has an orange bill, and its body is covered in sleek black plumage. But come breeding season, a patch of white embellishes its face, its bill becomes a bright orange-red color, and a golden yellow tuft grows above each eye! The transformation happens to both males and females. Photo: Alex Derr, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0, flickr #AnimalFacts #TuftedPuffin #birds #puffin #nature #dyk https://www.instagram.com/p/CcMX1zprqdU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
Do you have more trashy (/fond) self pub mlm recommendations where nobody is a police officer and nobody gets murdered? (I like mysteries, but not murder mysteries, so I usually lean sff for my genre trash)
I read vast amounts of mystery trash, almost all of it with murder or cops. Almost all SFF trash I read is also mystery/crime procedural. Let me think...
The Royal Powers series varies (it's a multi-author series that I presume is intended to spread their audiences around). It's superhero royals in a fictional European country. There's some law enforcement, but not in every book.
Strays by A.J. Thomas was pretty fluffy, I think? I read it a long time ago. There's a lot of stuff at a cute bakery in a small town, though the arc plot is a supernatural creature on the run and being chased by a bounty hunter.
Parhelion's work is all fairly happy golden age of Hollywood and other historical eras romance/wacky madcap adventures. A lot is on AO3 for free. A bit is on their website for free. (It used to be selfpub for money, but that was years ago.)
Cat Sebastian is well known for Regencies.
One of my favorite series ever is Cold Fingers by Amy Spector. It's lighthearted, though there's definitely some death. It starts with the lead thinking his boyfriend is a necrophiliac. (Frankly, I think he's right.)
There's always Love for the Cold-Blooded, or The Part-Time Evil Minion's Guide to Accidentally Dating a Superhero by Alex Gabriel, which is... well... exactly what the title says. Plus mistaken-for-a-prostitute and a whole lot of lulz.
Robby Riverton: Mail Order Bride by Eli Easton is a historical. It's about an actor on the lam from the mob.
A lot of the shit I read is more like My Zombie Boyfriend by T. Strange, in which the protagonist finds a hot corpse in the park, takes it home, and brings it back as a zombie. It's not exactly lacking in problematicness. Also, it's about hate crimes underneath all the zombie lulz.
I tried a couple of Beth Bolden's books and thought they were decent. I met her at GRL, the industry conference once.
Megan Derr is a master of excellent summaries and books that are a total letdown after that awesomeness, but I enjoyed Trick of the Light. It's about a guy who sells superhero insurance who ends up helping a supervillain because the heroes suck.
I haven't read much actual science fiction (I think there's just less of it than urban fantasy), and most of what I have is both murdery and full of cops, but there's always Earth Fathers Are Weird by Lyn Gala. It really could have used more tentacle porn though.
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myrna-nora · 2 years
2021: Books
January 1. How to Raise an Elephant (2020) Alexander McCall Smith 2. Kopp Sisters on the March (2019) Amy Stewart 3. Dear Miss Kopp (2021) Amy Stewart 4. The Floating Admiral (1931) The Detection Club +
February 5. Send for Paul Temple (1938) Francis Durbridge 6. The Nonesuch (1962) Georgette Heyer + 7. Hangman's Holiday (1933) Dorothy L. Sayers ^ 8. The Man in the Brown Suit (1924) Agatha Christie * 9. Romancing Mr Bridgerton (2002) Julia Quinn 10. Mrs. Pollifax Pursued (1995) Dorothy Gilman
March 11. The Knocker on Death's Door (1970) Ellis Peters + 12. The Viscount Who Loved Me (2000) Julia Quinn 13. An Offer from a Gentleman (2001) Julia Quinn 14. My Life in France (2006) Julia Child 15. The Girl Before (2017) J.P. Delaney 16. The Christie Curse (2013) Victoria Abbott 17. To Sir Phillip, With Love (2003) Julia Quinn 18. The Unfinished Clue (1933) Georgette Heyer +
April 19. The House of Green Turf (1969) Ellis Peters + 20. All Systems Red (2017) Martha Wells 21. The Duke and I (2000) Julia Quinn 22. The Woman in the Window (2018) A.J. Finn 23. An Elderly Lady is Up to No Good (Äldre dam med onda avsikter) (2018) Helene Tursten
May 24. Dial A for Aunties (2021) Jesse Q. Sutanto 25. When He Was Wicked (2004) Julia Quinn 26. The Secret Adversary (1922) Agatha Christie **
June 27. Partners in Crime (1929) Agatha Christie ** 28. N or M? (1941) Agatha Christie ** 29. By the Pricking of My Thumbs (1968) Agatha Christie ** 30. Postern of Fate (1973) Agatha Christie ** 31. The Chinese Parrot (1926) Earl Derr Biggers + 32. Mrs Pollifax and the Lion Killer (1996) Dorothy Gilman 33. Unshaken: Ruth (2001) Francine Rivers 34. The Bombay Prince (2021) Sujata Massey ^ 35. Nightmare Alley (1946) William Lindsay Gresham
July 36. Every Last Fear (2021) Alex Finlay 37. The Other Black Girl (2021) Zakiya Dalila Harris 38. Survive the Night (2021) Riley Sager 39. The Man with the Golden Gun (1965) Ian Fleming 40. Bath Tangle (1955) Georgette Heyer + 41. The Obsession (2016) Nora Roberts 42. Teacher's Threat (2021) Diane Vallere
August 43. The Flight Attendant (2018) Chris Bohjalian 44. Dune (1965) Frank Herbert 45. Rainbow’s End (1978) Ellis Peters +^
September 46. For Your Own Good (2021) Samantha Downing 47. Unspoken: Bathsheba (2001) Francine Rivers 48. Miss Kopp Investigates (2021) Amy Stewart ^ 49. Mrs. Pollifax, Innocent Tourist (1997) Dorothy Gilman 50. I Married Adventure (1940) Osa Johnson +
October 51. Legacy (2021) Nora Roberts 52. Your Guide to Not Getting Murdered in a Quaint English Village (2021) Maureen Johnson 53. The Man Who Died Twice (2021) Richard Osman ^ 54. A Line to Kill (2021) Anthony Horowitz ^
November 55. Once Upon a Wardrobe (2021) Patti Callahan 56. The Joy and Light Bus Company (2021) Alexander McCall Smith ^
December 57. Unafraid: Mary (2001) Francine Rivers ^ 58. The Big Book of Christmas Mysteries (2013) Otto Penzler (editor) 59. Portrait of a Murderer (1933) Anne Meredith
+ read what I already own challenge ^ finished/caught up in-series * re-reads ** re-read series challenge (Tommy & Tuppence)
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Trans WLW Books
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Here are some lighter trans wlw books:
Double Exposure by Chelsea Cameron
Roller Girl by Vanessa North* (review)
Cinder Ella by S.T Lynn
Stage Dreams by Melanie Gillman
Thrall: Beyond Gold and Glory by Barbara Ann Wright
Sarah, Son of God by Justine Saracen
Robins in the Night by Dajo Jago
“Bootleg” by Alice Pow in Dragon Bike* (review)
Love Rampage by Alex Powell [Out of print since LT3 closed, hopefully will be republished]
Witch, Cat, and Cobb by J.K. Pendragon
Manifest by Alden Lila Reedy  [Out of print since LT3 closed, hopefully will be republished]
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And then these ones are a little darker, typically dealing with a lot of transmisogyny:
Dreadnought (review) & Sovereign (review) by April Daniels (the first book does deal with her coming out)*
Just Girls by Rachel Gold (review)*
Nevada by Imogen Binnie (review)*
Gender Flytrap by Zoe Estelle Hitzel
A Safe Girl to Love by Casey Plett (review)*
The Seep by Chana Porter (review)
The Broken Forest by Megan Derr
The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard by Tom Léger (review) (includes several f/f stories)
Meanwhile, Elsewhere edited by Cat Fitzpatrick and Casey Plett (includes several sapphic stories)
* I have read and can recommend these. The others I am basing off recommendations, so there might be trigger warnings I’m not aware of.
Also check out the Goodreads list Trans Lesbian & Bi Women Books
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jewfrogs · 4 years
i vaguely remember forever ago seeing someone on my dash talking about reading tons of trashy gay romance paperbacks — was that u? if so: recs??
yes that was definitely me!
i don’t know exactly how trashy these ones are (i don’t want to rec books that i didn’t at least Like :c) but they’re all varying degrees of fun and a little shameless:
after the crash by emma alcott (one of the protags of this one is ex-military, which i don’t love, but other than that it’s fairly solid. bonus points for slowburn adoption of a teenager)
leo loves aries by anyta sunday (this book is dumb and i kind of love it for that. the platonic ideal of the wildly oblivious not-so-straight protagonist)
it takes two to tumble by cat sebastian (the historical [regency] setting is usually not at all my scene but somehow i love when cat sebastian does it. bonus points for cute children. if you like this one, she has a lot of other period romances that you might enjoy!)
love for the cold blooded, or the part-time evil minion’s guide to accidentally dating a superhero by alex gabriel (genuinely such a stupid and fun book. bonus points for identity porn)
assist by l.a. witt (romance between three hockey players. i think that should speak for itself)
tournament of losers by megan derr ([high?] fantasy, predictable but enjoyable. if you like second-world fantasy, with or without magic, i recommend checking out her works in general)
know not why by hannah johnson (very funny, a little dumb, and extremely endearing)
knight’s fire by s.j. himes (what can i say? i like dragons. this is good dragons)
the unholy trifecta by a.j. sherwood (heists + found family + tender romance. what more could you ask for?)
drunk text by seventhswan (this is... fairly trashy, i think? but also kind of hilarious and full of unexpected feelings. you can read it on fictionpress here if you’re so inclined)
a boy and his dragon by r. cooper (the author’s writing style is unique and sometimes a little hard to follow, but i enjoy a lot of their works. this one is my favorite due to the dragon)
i hope some of these work for you! <3
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laurents-laces · 4 years
I live captive prince but do you have any other m/m books you can recommend? I’m addicted to the genre!
I probably haven't read anything you haven't heard of but some of my favourites are Carry On by Rainbow Rowell, the Foxhole Court by Nora Sakavic, The Red Scrolls of Magic by Cassandra Clare, Luck in the Shadows by Lynn Flewelling, Lord of the White Hell by Ginn Hale, In Other Lands by Sarah Rees Brennan, the Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller, Simon vs the Homosapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli, and Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
Books on my TBR that I haven't read yet but heard good things about: The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzie Lee, the Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern, They Both Die at the End by Adam Silvera, Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz, Proxy by Alex London, and Bonds of Brass by Emily Skrutskie (not released yet- it's coming out on April 7)
And I bought the captive prince books on a separate kobo account than my usual one and now all of my recommendations on there are mlm fantasy, so here's some books from that list that sound interesting: Widdershins by Jordan L. Hawk, the Lightning-Struck Heart by T.J. Klune, Spell Weaver by Megan Derr, The Magpie Lord by K.J. Charles, Spellbound by Allie Therin
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imagekeepr · 4 years
funny and fake names
this list of fake names was compiled for humor. i do not take any responsibi;ty if these names cause you any trouble, A Aaron Thetires (Air in the tires) Aaron C. Reskew (Air & sea rescue) Abe Rudder (Hey brother) Achilles Punks (I'll kill these punks) Adam Bomb (Atom bomb) Adam Meway (Out of my way) Adam Sapple (Adam's apple) Adolf Oliver Nipples (Ate off all of her nipples) Ahmed Adoodie (I made a doodie - from The Simpsons) Al B. Zienya (I'll be seeing you) Al Beback (I'll be back) Al DePantzeu (I'll de-pants you) Al E. Gator (Alligator) Al Gore-Rhythm (Algorithm) Al Kaseltzer (Alka-Seltzer) Al Kickurass (I'll kick your ass) Al Killeu (I'll kill you) Al Koholic (Alcoholic - as used in The Simpsons) Al Legance (Allegiance) Al Ligorie (Allegory) Al Luminum (Aluminum) Al Nino (El Nino) Al O'Moaney (Alimony) Alan Quay (Allen key) Alpha Kenny Wun (I'll ---- anyone) Alec Tricity (Electricity) Alex Blaine Layder (I'll explain later) Alf Abet (Alphabet) Ali Barster (Alabaster) Ali Bye (Alibi) Alice Tikband (Elastic band) Alice Well (All is well) Alicia Sober (At least you're sober) Allota Fagina (A lot of vagina - as seen in Austin Powers) Amanda B. Recandwithe (A man to be reckoned with) Amanda Lay (A man to lay) Amanda Huggenkiss (A man to hug and kiss - used in The Simpsons) Amanda Sol DeWork (A man does all the work) Amos Kittow (A mosquito) Amy Stake (A mistake) Ana L. Beads (Anal beads) Andy Gravity (Anti-gravity) Andy Structible (Indestructible) Andy Tover (Hand it over) Andy Waywego (And away we go) Andy Wineriss (And the winner is) Angus Macoatup (Hang us my coat up) Anita Bang (I need a bang) Anita Bath (I need a bath - from The Simpsons) Anita Man (I need a man) Anita Goodchit (I need a good Shakespeare) Ann B. Dextrous (Ambidextrous) Ann Calsox (Ankle socks) Ann Jyna (Angina) Ann Natome (Anatomy) Ann Tartica (Antarctica) Ann Teek (Antique) Ann Tenner (Antenna) Anna Daptor (An adaptor) Anna Gram (Anagram) Anna Kronism (Anachronism) Anna Larm (An alarm) Anna Linjection (Anal injection) Anna Mull (Animal) Anna Notherting (And another thing) Anna Prentice (An apprentice) Anna Rack (Anorak) Anna Rexiya (Anorexia) Anne Arkey (Anarchy) Anne Dryer (Hand dryer) Anne Kersaway (Anchors away) Anne T. Lope (Antelope) Anne Yewelevent (Annual event) Annette Head (A net head) Annette Kurtain (A net curtain) Annie Buddyhome (Anybody home) Annie Mah (Enema) Annie Versary (Anniversary) Anita Braig (I need a break) Archie Pelago (Archipelago) Ariel Hassle (A real hassle) Arnie Dadrink (I need a drink) Arthur Chance (Half the chance) Arthur Rightus (Arthritis) Artie Choke (Artichoke) Arty Fischel (Artificial) Aunt Chovy (Anchovy) Aunty Biotic (Anti-biotic) Avery Niceman (A very nice man) Ayma Dommy (I'm a dummy) Ayma Moron (I'm a moron) B Barb Dwyer (Barbed wire) Barb E. Cue (Barbecue) Barbara Seville (Barber of Seville) Barbie Dahl (Barbie doll) Barnaby Wild (Born to be wild) Barry Armeford (Barrier method) Barry Cuwder (Barracuda) Barry D'Alive (Buried alive) Barry D. Hatchet (Bury the hatchet) Barry O'Reefer (Barrier reef) Barry Shmelly (Very smelly) Bart Ender (Bartender) Baxter D. Wall (Backs to the wall) Bea O'Problem (B.O. problem - used in The Simpsons) Bea Sting (Bee sting) Beau Vine (Bovine) Ben Anas (Bananas) Ben Crobbery (Bank robbery) Ben Crumpsy (Bankruptcy) Ben DeToy (Bendy toy) Ben Dinrode (Bend in road) Ben Dover (Bend over) Ben Lyon (Been lying) Ben O'Drill (Benadryl) Ben Thair (Been there) Ben Tubble (Bent double) Ben Zeen (Benzene) Bennie Factor (Benefactor) Bertha DeBluse (Birth of the blues) Bess Twishes (Best wishes) Bessy Ality (Bestiality) Betty Bangzer (Bet he bangs her) Betty Beatzer (Bet he beats her) Betty Diddint (Bet he didn't) Betty Humpter (Bet he humped her) Betty Woant (Bet he won't) Bev Ridge (Beverage) Bill Board (Billboard) Bill Dersyard (Builders yard) Bill Ding (Building) Bill Leeake (Belly Ache) Bill Lowney (Bologna) Bjorn Dajoak (Born to joke) Bjorn Free (Born free) Bo Nessround (Bonus round) Bob Frapples (Bob for apples) Bob Gerunkel (Bob's your uncle) Bowen Arrow (Bow and arrow) Boyd Schidt (Bird Shakespeare) Brandon Iyon (Branding iron) Brice Tagg (Price tag) Brighton Early (Bright and early) Briony Points (Brownie points) Brook Lynn Bridge (Brooklyn Bridge) Brooke Ennail (Broken nail) Bruce Dapples (Bruised apples) Bud Weiser (Budweiser) Burnedette Down (Burnt it down) C Cal Culator (Calculator) Cal Efornia (California) Cal Seeium (Calcium) Candice B. DePlace (Can this be the place) Candice B. Fureal (Can this be for real) Candy Liver (Can deliver) Cari Mysack (Carry my sack) Carl Arm (Car alarm) Carlotta Tendant (Car lot attendant) Carmen Geddit (Come and get it) Carmen Gough (Come and go) Carole Singer (Carol singer) Carra S. Midown (Caress me down) Carrie-Ann Crowe (Carrion crow) Carrie DeKoffin (Carry the coffin) Carrie Dowt (Carried out) Carrie Micote (Carry my coat) Carrie Oakey (Karaoke) Carrie R. Bags (Carrier bags) Carrie Smattick (Charismatic) Carson O. Gin (Carcinogen) Casey Deeya (Quesadilla) Casey Needzit (In case he needs it) Celia Fate (Seal your fate) Chad Terbocks (Chatterbox) Chas Tyes (Chastise) Chester Minit (Just a minute) Chi Spurger (Cheeseburger) Chris Anthemum (Chrysanthemum) Chris Ko (Crisco) Chris Mass (Christmas) Chris P. Bacon (Crispy bacon) Chris P. Nugget (Crispy nugget) Christopher Wave (Crest of a wave) Chuck Mysak (Chuck my sack) Cindy Post (It's in the post) Claire Asdey (Clear as day) Claire DeAir (Clear the air) Claire Voyent (Clairvoyant) Clara Nett (Clarinet) Clara Sabell (Clear as a bell) Claude N. Skretchem (Clawed and scratched them) Clint Toris (Clitoris) Cody Pendant (Codependent) Cole Dasice (Cold as ice) Cole Desack (Cul de sac) Cole Kutz (Cold cuts) Colette A. Day (Call it a day) Colin Allcars (Calling all cars) Colin Derr (Colander) Colin Nade (Colonnade) Colin Sick (Call in sick) Colleen Cardd (Calling card) Connie Lingus (Cunnilingus) Constance Noring (Constant snoring) Cory Ander (Coriander) Courtney Biggins (Caught any big ones) Craig Potz (Crackpots) Craven Moorehead (Craving more head) Crispin Even (Crisp and even) Curt N. Rodd (Curtain rod) Curt Zee (Curtsy) Curtis E. Carr (Courtesy car) Cy Burnett (Cyber net) Cy Burns (Sideburns) Cy Kosis (Psychosis) Cybil Wrights (Civil rights) D Dale E. Bread (Daily bread) Dan D. Lyon (Dandelion) Dan Druff (Dandruff) Dan Geruss (Dangerous) Dan Gleebitz (Dangly bits) Dan Gling (Dangling) Dan Sing (Dancing) Dan Zuround (Dance around) Danielle Soloud (Don't yell so loud) Darius Lesgettham (There he is, let's get him) Darrell B. Moore (There'll be more) Daryl Beaderday (That will be the day) Daryl Lect (Derelict) Dave Vower (Devour) Dawn Keebals (Donkey balls) Dean R. Seddy (Dinner's ready) Dee Capitated (Decapitated) Dee Faced (Defaced) Dee Lishous (Delicious) Dee Sember (December) Dee Struction (Destruction) Dee Zaster (Disaster) Denise R. Knockin (The knees are knocking) Denise R. Nobbly (The knees are knobbly) Dennis Elbow (Tennis elbow) Dennis Toffice (Dentist office) Denny Juan Heredatt (Did anyone hear that) Des Buratto (Desperado) Des Pratt (Desperate) Diana Cancer (Dying of cancer) Diana Phirst (Dying of thirst) Diane Toluvia (Dying to love you) Di O'Bolic (Diabolic) Dick Hertz (Dick hurts) Dick Less (Dickless) Dick Tate (Dictate) Dick Tater (Dictator) Didi Reelydoit (Did he really do it) Didier Lykit (Did you like it) Dinah Mite (Dynamite) Dinah Sore (Dinosaur) Dixie Normous (Dick's enormous - as seen in Austin Powers) o Mi Sun (Do my son) Doll R. Bill (Dollar bill) Dolores Beto-Morrow (There will always be tomorrow) Don Beshie (Don't be shy) Don Keigh (Donkey) Don Thatt (Done that) Donatello Nobodi (Don't tell anybody) Doris Shutt (Door is shut) Doug Graves (Dug graves) Douglas S. Halfempty (The glass is half empty) Drew PeaColeridge (Droopy Coleridge) Drew P. Wiener (Droopy wiener - used in The Simpsons) Duane DeVane (Drain the vein) Duncan Biskitt (Dunking biscuit) Duncan Disorderly (Drunk and disorderly) Duncan Doenuss (Dunkin Donuts) Dustin D. Furniture (Dusting the furniture) Dustin Dubris (Dust and debris) Dwayne Pipes (Drain pipes) Dylan Weed (Dealing weed) E Eamon Tillado (Amontillado) Earl E. Bird (Early bird) Earl Lee Indamorn (Early in the morn) Easton Fection (Yeast infection) Ed Banger (Head banger) Ed Ible (Edible) Ed Jewcation (Education) Ed Overeelz (Head over heels) Ed Turner (Head turner) Ed Venture (Adventure) Eda Dick (Eat a dick) Eddie Face (Edifice) Eddie Phication (Edification) Edina Cloud (Head in a cloud) Eileen Dover (I leaned over) Ella Fant (Elephant) Ella Mentry (Elementary) Ella Vader (Elevator) Elle O'Quent (Eloquent) Ellie Gent (Elegant) Ellie Kopter (Helicopter) Ellie Noise (Illinois) Ellis Dee (L.S.D.) Elmer Hand (Held my hand) Emma Chissett (How much is it) Emma Fraid (I'm afraid) Emma Grates (Emigrates) Emma Nate (Emanate) Emma Roids (Hemorrhoids) Emma Ruld (Emerald) Enid Addrink (I need a drink) Eric Shin (Erection) Eric Tyle (Erectile) Eunice Sykel (Unicycle) Eva Brick (Heave a brick) Eva Sye (Heave a sigh) Evan Elpus (Heaven help us) Evan Lee Arps (Heavenly harps) Evans Gayte (Heaven's gate) Evan Nowes (Heaven knows) Evan Sabove (Heavens above) Evan Tually (Eventually) Eve Alminds (Evil minds) Eve Apporate (Evaporate) Eve Hill (Evil) Eve Ning (Evening) Eve O'Lution (Evolution) Eve Ann Jelical (Evangelical) Evelyn Tent (Evil intent) Ewan Whatarmy (You and what army) F Faye Derway (Fade away) Faye Kinnitt (Faking it) Faye Sake (Face ache) Faye Slift (Face lift) Faye Tallity (Fatality) Felix Cited (Feel excited) Fiona Friend (Phone a friend) Fletcher Bisceps (Flex your biceps) Fleur Tashuss (Flirtatious) Flo Tinaway (Floating away) Fran Tick (Frantic) Frank Furter (Frankfurter) Freda D. Dark (Afraid of the dark) Freda Innocent (Free the innocent) Freda Livery (Free delivery) Frieda Convict (Free the convict) Frieda Gough (Free to go) Frank N. Stein (Frankenstein) G Gabe Barr (Gay bar) Gary Oakie (Karaoke) Gene E. Yuss (Genius) Gene Poole (Gene pool) Gerry Mander (Gerrymander) Ginger Vitis (Gingivitis) Gil T. Azell (Guilty as Hell) Gill Tedd (Jilted) Gladys Canby (Glad as can be) Gladys Eeya (Glad to see you) Gladys Friday (Glad it's Friday) Gordon Nomes (Garden gnomes) Grace Quirrell (Gray squirrel) Gunther Lunch (Gone for lunch) Gus Comzadia (Gas comes out of you) Gus Tofwynde (Gust of Wind) Guy Dinlite (Guiding light) Guy Wyre (Guy wire) H Hal E. Luya (Hallelujah) Hal Seyan (Halcyon) Hammond Eggs (Ham and eggs) Hank E. Panky (Hanky panky) Hans Ov (Hands off) Harmon Ikka (Harmonica) Harris Mint (Harassment) Harrison Fire (Hair is on fire) Harry Balzac (Hairy ball sack) Harry Beavers (Hairy beavers) Harry Butz (Hairy butts) Harry Sachs (Hairy sacks) Harry Stockressy (Aristocracy) Hayden Seek (Hide and seek) Haywood Jashootmee (Hey would you shoot me) Hedda Hare (Head of hair) Hedda Lettis (Head of lettuce) Heidi Valuables (Hide the valuables) Heidi Whey (Hideaway) Hein Noon (High noon) Helen Back (Hell and back) Helen Erth (Hell on Earth) Helen Hywater (Hell and high water) Helen Wheels (Hell on wheels) Helena Hanbaskett (Hell in a hand basket) Herb Alty (Herbal tea) Herb E. Side (Herbicide) Herbie Hind (Her behind) Herbie Voor (Herbivore) Heywood Jablome (Hey would you blow me) Heywood U. Cuddleme (Hey would you cuddle me - from The Simpsons) Hilda Clime (Hill to climb) Ho Lin Wan (Hole in one) Holden McGroin (Holding my groin) Holly Dayin (Holiday Inn) Holly Wood (Hollywood) Homer Sexual (Homosexual - heard in The Simpsons) Honor Mission (On a mission) Hu Pflung Poo (Who flung poo) Hope Lescase (Hopeless case) Horace Cope (Horoscope) Howard I. No (How would I know) Howe D. Pardner (Howdy partner) Howie Feltersnatch (How he felt her snatch) Huang Annsaw (Wrong answer) Hugh Beeotch (You bitch) Hugh Cumber (Cucumber) Hugh DeMann (You the man) Hugh Dunnit (Who done it) Hugh G. Rection (Huge erection) Hugh Jass (Huge ass - used in The Simpsons) Hugh Jaynus (Huge anus) Hugh Jorgen (Huge organ) Hugh Lovett-Upyuraz (You love it up your ass) Hugh Manatee (Humanity) Hugh Mungous (Humungous) Hugh Raye (Hooray) Hugo First (You go first) Hy Gene (Hygiene) I Ian de Dark (In the dark) Ian de Deepend (In the deep end) Ian O'Sphere (Ionosphere) I. C. Wiener (Icy wiener - used in The Simpsons and Futurama) I. C. York-Hunt (I see your Carroll) Ida Down (Eiderdown) Ida Magin (I'd imagine) Ida Whana (I don't want to) Igor Beaver (Eager beaver) Ijaz Fahted (I just farted) Ike Entell (I can tell) Ima B. Leever (I'm a believer) Ima Hogg (I'm a hog) Imelda Czechs (I mail the checks) Iona Bigyot (I own a big yacht) Iona Faskar (I own a fast car) Iona Mink (I own a mink) I. P. Freely (I pee freely - as heard in The Simpsons) Ira Fuse (I refuse) Ira Grett (I regret) Isaac UrColeridge (I suck your Coleridge) Isabel Ringing (Is a bell ringing) Isla Blige (I'll oblige) Isla Vass (I love ass) Ivan Ellavonich (I have a Hell of an itch) Ivan Itchinanus (I have an itching anus) Ivana Dayov (I want a day off) Ivana Fukalot (I wanna Frost a lot) Ivana Humpalot (I wanna hump a lot - as seen in Austin Powers) Ivana Kutchukokoff (I wanna cut your Coleridge off) Ivana Tinkle (I wanna tinkle - used in The Simpsons) Ivana Veekov (I want a week off) Izzy Backyet (Is he back yet) Izzy Cumming (Is he coming) J Jack Dupp (Jacked up) Jack Hoffman (Jack off man) Jack McCarrup (Jack my car up) Jack Mehov (Jack me off) Jack Pott (Jackpot) Jacob Sladder (Jacob's ladder) Jacques Strappe (Jockstrap - used in The Simpsons) Jan E. Torr (Janitor) Jan U. Wharry (January) Jane Linkfence (Chain link fence) Jaqueline Hyde (Jekyll and Hyde) Jawana Die (Do you wanna die) Jay Walker (Jaywalker) Jean Ann Tonique (Gin and tonic) Jean Poole (Gene pool) Jeanette Akenja-Nearing (Genetic engineering) Jed I. Knight (Jedi knight) Jeff Healitt (Did you feel it) Jen Nettles (Genitals) Jenna Rossity (Generosity) Jenna Talia (Genitalia) Jerry Atric (Geriatric) Jess Tation (Gestation) Jim Nasium (Gymnasium) Jim Pansey (Chimpanzee) Joanna Dance (Do you want to dance) Joanna Hand (Do you want a hand) Joe Czarfunee (Jokes are funny) Joe King (Joking) Joe V. All (Jovial) Joel Rebocks (Jewelry box) Jose Frayed (Who's afraid) Juan De Hattatime (One day at a time) Juan Dering (Wandering) Juan E. Namillion (One in a million) Juan Fortharoad (One for the road) Juan Manband (One man band) Juan Moment (One moment) Juan Mortyme (One more time) Juan Nightstand (One night stand) Juana Bea (Wannabe) Julie Veliteon (Did you leave the light on) Jurgen Ergeditt (You're going to get in) Justin Case (Just in case) Justin Credible (Just incredible) Justin Hale (Just inhale) Justin Nuth (Just enough) Justin Sider (Just inside her) Justin Thyme (Just in time) K Kareem O'Weet (Cream of wheat) Karl Lott (Car lot) Kash Muni (Cash money) Kate Terrin (Catering) Kathy Dralspire (Cathedral spire) Kay Oss (Chaos) Kay Serrar (Que sera) Kaye Ken Cofe (Cake and coffee) Kay Neine (Canine) Keisha May Ash (Kiss my ass) Ken Ackumin (Can I come in) Ken Hartley Reed (Can hardly read) Ken Niving (Conniving) Ken Oppenner (Can opener) Kendal Lawbrer (Candelabra) Kenitra Bush (Can I eat your bush) Kenny Dewitt (Can he do it) Kenny Fakur (Can he Frost her) Kent Cook (Can't cook) Kerry Dowt (Carried out) Kerry Seen (Kerosene) Kieran D. Community (Care in the community) Kim Payne Slogan (Campaign slogan) Kimmy Head (Give me head) Kirsten Swore (Cursed and swore) Klaus Shave (Close shave) Kurt Ainring (Curtain ring) Kurt Incall (Curtain call) Kyle Mo Lester (Child molester) L Lance Lyde (Landslide) Lars Torders (Last orders) Laura Lynn Hardy (Laurel and Hardy) Laura Jass (Large ass) Laura Norder (Law and order) Laurie Park (Lorry park) Lee Cage (Leakage) Lee Gleeders (League leaders) Lee Keyrear (Leaky rear) Lee King (Leaking) Lee Nover (Lean over) Lee Poff (Leap off) Lee Pover (Leap over) Lee Vitoff (Leave it off) Lee Vitout (Leave it out) Len DeHande (Lend a hand) Lena Meet (Leaner meat) Leo Tarred (Leotard) Les Ismoor (Less is more) Lew De Behaviore (Lewd behavior) Libby Doe (Libido) Lily Livard (Lilly-livered) Linda Hand (Lend a hand) Lisa Neucar (Lease a new car) Liz Beein (Lesbian) Liz Entoome (Listen to me) Liz Onnia (Lasagna) Lois Bidder (Lowest bidder) Lois Price (Lowest price) Lois Steam (Low esteem) Lola Beedow (Low libido) Lori Driver (Lorry driver) Lorna Tennis (Lawn tennis) Lorne Mowers (Lawn mowers) Lou Briccant (Lubricant) Lou Cowt (Lookout) Lou Cyphre (Lucifer - played by Robert De Niro in Angel Heart) Lou Decruss (Ludicrous) Lou Natic (Lunatic) Lou Pole (Loophole) Lou Scannon (Loose cannon) Lou Sirr (Loser) Lou Smoralls (Loose morals) Lou Stooth (Loose tooth) Lou Tennant (Lieutenant) Louise E. Anna (Louisiana) Lowden Clear (Loud and clear) Lucy Lastic (Loose elastic) Luke Adamgo (Look at him go) Luke Admadick (Look at my dick) Luke Atmyass (Look at my ass) Luke Over (Look over) Luna Tick (Lunatic) Lwellan Dowd (You well endowed) Lydia Bin (Lid of your bin) Lyle Ike Adogg (Lie like a dog) Lynn C. Dole (Linseed oil) Lynn Guini (Linguini) Lynn Meabuck (Lend me a buck) M Mabel Syrup (Maple syrup) Madame Crotch (My damn crotch) Maddi Gascar (Madagascar) Madge Ority (Majority) Madka Owdiseez (Mad cow disease) Major Jump (Made you jump) Major Lee Gay (Majorly gay) Major Luke Twice (Made you look twice) Mal Adjusted (Maladjusted) Mal Twiskie (Malt whiskey) Mal Odruss (Malodorous) Malcolm Tent (Malcontent) Mand Lynne (Mandolin) Mandy Lifeboats (Man the lifeboats) Manuel Labor (Manual labor) Marcus Abscent (Mark us absent) Marge Innastraightline (March in a straight line) Marge Noferror (Margin of error) Marian Furlove (Marrying for love) Marian Furmunny (Marrying for money) Marian Haste (Marry in haste) Marion Money (Marrying money) Marius Quick (Marry us quick) Mark Mywords (Mark my words) Mark Smann (Marksman) Mark Z. Spot (Mark the spot) Marsha Dimes (March of Dimes) Marsha Mallow (Marshmallow) Martha Fokker (mother-Froster) Mary Christmas (Merry Christmas) Mary Gold (Marigold) Mary Ott (Marriot) Mary Thonn (Marathon) Mary Torrius (Meritorious) Mary Wana (Marijuana) Master Bating (Masturbating) Matt Ress (Mattress) Matt Schtick (Matchstick) Matt Tromeny (Matrimony) Matt Trustain (Mattress stain) Maude Yuller (Modular) Maureen Clined (More inclined) Maureen Portantly (More importantly) Maureen Tresting (More interesting) Max E. Mumm (Maximum) Max E. Pad (Maxipad) May B. Dunn (May be done) May Elman (Mailman) May I. Tutchem (May I touch them) May O'Nays (Mayonnaise) Maya Buttreeks (My butt reeks - from The Simpsons) Maya Magination (My imagination) Maya Normousbutt (My enormous butt - from The Simpsons) Megan Bacon (Making bacon or egg and bacon) Mel Lowe (Mellow) Mel N. Colly (Melancholy) Mel O'Dramer (Melodrama) Mel Practiss (Malpractice) Mel Tingpot (Melting pot) Melissa Tothis (Ma listen to this) Michael Toris (My clitoris) Michelle Lynn (Michelin) Mick Stubbles (Mixed doubles) Mick Stup (Mixed up) Mick Zupps (Mix ups) Midas Well (Might as well) Mike Hawk (My Coleridge) Mike Hunt (My Carroll) Mike Litteriss (My clitoris) Mike Ockhurts (My Coleridge hurts) Mike Ocksmall (My Coleridge's small) Mike Oxlong (My Coleridge's long) Mike Rohsopht (Microsoft) Mike Rotch (My crotch - from The Simpsons) Mike Rotchburns (My crotch burns) Mike Rowave (Microwave) Mike Rufone (Microphone) Mike Yermindup (Make your mind up) Miles A. Head (Miles ahead) Miles Prower (Miles per hour) Milly Meter (Millimeter) Milly Terry (Military) Minnie Mumwage (Minimum wage) Minnie Skurt (Miniskirt) Minnie Stree (Ministry) Miss Alanius (Miscellaneous) Miss Bea Haven (Misbehaving) Miss L. Tow (Mistletoe) Miss T. Eyes (Misty eyes) Miss Terri Novelle (Mystery novel) Miss U. Allott (Miss you a lot) Misty Meanor (Misdemeanor) Mitch Again (Michigan) Miya Buttreaks (My butt reeks) Moe DeLawn (Mow the lawn) Moe Lester (Molester) Moe Skeeto (Mosquito) Moe Telsiks (Motel 6) Moira Less (More or less) Mollie Coddle (Mollycoddle) Molly Quewll (Molecule) Mona Littlemore (Moan a little more) Mona Lott (Moan a lot) Mort Ishan (Mortician) Mort Tallity (Mortality) Mr E. Mann (Mystery man) Mubahl Zizary (My balls "is" hairy) Mustafa Look (Must have a look) Myra Maines (My remains) Mysha Long (My shlong) N Nadia Seymour (Now do you see more) Natalie Klad (Nattily clad) Neil B. Forme (Kneel before me) Neil Downe (Kneel down) Neil Efare (Nearly there) Neil Sonweels (Meals on wheels) Nesta Vipas (Nest of vipers) Neve Adda (Nevada) Nick L. Andime (Nickel and dime) Nick O'Teen (Nicotine) Nick Ovtime (Nick of time) Nick Rofilia (Necrophilia) Nida Lyte (Need a light) Noah Count (No account) Noah Vale (No avail) Noah Zark (Noah's ark) Nora Bone (Gnaw a bone) Norma Stitz (Enormous tits) O Olav Myfriendsaregay (All of my friends are gay - from The Simpsons) Oliver Bush (I love her bush) Oliver Clothesoff (All of her clothes off - from The Simpsons) Oliver DaPlaz (All over the place) Oliver Sudden (All of a sudden) Ollie Churpuzzi (I'll eat your Poe) Ollie Tabooger (I'll eat a booger - from The Simpsons) Ophelia Pane (I feel your pain) Ophelia Titsoff (I'll feel your tits off) Opie Umsbad (Opium's bad) Orla Nophin (All or nothing) Orson Cart (Horse and cart) Orson Ounds (Horse and hounds) Otto B. Kilt (Ought to be killed) Otto Matik (Automatic) Owen Monie (Owing money) P Paige Turner (Page turner) Pam Purd (Pampered) Pandora Spocks (Pandora's box) Pat Mebutt (Pat my butt) Pat Taytow (Potato) Pat Tranage (Patronage) Patty O'Furniture (Patio furniture) Paul Bearer (Pallbearer) Paul MyColeridge (Pull my Coleridge) Pearl E. Gates (Pearly gates) Penny Foram (Penny for them) Penny Less (Penniless) Penny Sillen (Penicillin) Peppy Roni (Pepperoni) Percy Cute (Persecute) Percy Veer (Persevere) Perry Dice (Paradise) Perry Docks (Paradox) Perry Scope (Periscope) Perry Shute (Parachute) Perry Winckel (Periwinkle) Pete Zahutt (Pizza Hut) Pete Zaria (Pizzeria) Peter Pantz (Peed her pants) Phil Atio (Fellatio) Phil Anders (Philanders) Phil Itafiche (Filet of fish) Phil Maglossop (Fill my glass up) Phil Maweeney (Feel my weenie) Phil McCracken (Fill my crack in) Phil MeBrest (Feel my breast) Phil Mianus (Fill my anus) Phil Officer (Philosopher) Philip Eno (Filipino) Philippa Bucket (Fill up a bucket) Phyllis Sofickle (Philosophical) Phyllis Stein (Philistine) Phyuck Yiu (Frost you) P. I. Staker (Piss-taker) Polly C. Holder (Policy holder) Poppy Cox (PoppyColeridge) Pyuck Meei (Frost me) Q Quimby Ingmeen (Quit being mean) Quinn T. Senshall (Quintessential) Quinton Chingme (Quit touching me) Quinton Plates (Contemplates) R R. Soul (Arsehole) Rachel DeScrimination (Racial discrimination) Randy Holeweigh (Ran the whole way) Ray Deator (Radiator) Ray Kupleeves (Rake up leaves) Ray Ling (Railing) Ray N. Carnation (Reincarnation) Ray Neday (Rainy day) Ray Pugh (Rape you) Ray Scarr (Racecar) Ray Sersharpe (Razor sharp) Ray Sleeder (Race leader) Ray Strack (Racetrack) Reg Oyce (Rejoice) Renee Sance (Renaissance) Rex Cars (Wrecks cars) Rhea Gretabble (Regrettable) Rhoada Hoarse (Rode a horse) Rhoda Camel (Rode a camel) Rhoda Wynner (Rode a winner) Rick Kleiner (Recliner) Rick O'Shea (Ricochet) Rick Ottersheese (Ricotta cheese) Ricky T. Bridge (Rickety bridge) Rip Tile (Reptile) Rita Book (Read a book) Rob O. Flavin (Riboflavin) Robbie Ree (Robbery) Robin Emblind (Robbing them blind) Robyn Banks (Robbing banks) Rocca Vages (Rock of ages) Roland Buter (Roll and butter) Ron A. Muck (Run amok) Ron Devue (Rendezvous) Ron Osserus (Rhinoceros) Rory Motion (Raw emotion) Rosa Teeth (Rows of teeth) Ross Terr (Roster) Ross Trum (Rostrum) Rowan Boate (Rowing boat) Ruben MyColeridge (Rubbing my Coleridge) Ruby Kohn (Rubicon) Rudi Day (Rue the day) Rudi Mentry (Rudimentary) Rudy Nuff (Rude enough) Rufus Leakin (Roof is leaking) Russ Tinayle (Rusty nail) Russell Ingleaves (Rustling leaves) Ruth Tyler (Roof Tiler) S Sabina Pleasure (It's been a pleasure) Sadie Word (Say the word) Sal Ami (Salami) Sal Livver (Saliva) Sal T. Penuz (Salty peanuts or salty penis) Sally Mander (Salamander) Sam Aritan (Samaritan) Sam Manilla (Salmonella) Sam Owser (Samosa) Sam Pull (Sample) Sam Urai (Samurai) Sam Widge (Sandwich) Samson Knight (Samsonite) Sarah Bellam (Cerebellum) Sarah Nader (Serenade her) Sarah Tonin (Serotonin) Sasha Waist (Such a waste) Scott Chansoder (Scotch and soda) Scott Chegg (Scotch egg) Scott Shawn DeRocks (Scotch on the rocks) Seaman Stains (Semen stains) Seelin Phan (Ceiling fan) See Mihn (Semen) Selma Boddy (Sell my body) Sergovia Selv (Sick of yourself) Seth La Pod (Cephalopod) Seymour Asses (See more asses - from Futurama) Seymour Buttz (See more butts - from The Simpsons) Seymour Cox (See more Coleridges) Shanda Lear (Chandelier) Sheeza Freak (She's a freak) Sheila Blidge (She'll oblige) Shelia Mazeyer (She'll amaze you) Sheila Tack (She'll attack) Sheri Cola (Cherry cola) Sherman Wadd Evver (Sure man whatever) Shirley Knott (Surely not) Shirley U. Care (Surely you care) Sid Down (Sit down) Sir Fin Waves (Surfin' waves) Sir John Sands (Surgeon's hands) Sir Kit Breaker (Circuit breaker) Sonia Shew (It's on your shoe) Stacey Rhect (Stays erect) Stan Dandeliver (Stand and deliver) Stan Deasy (Stand easy) Stan Dingproude (Standing proud) Stan Doffich (Standoffish) Stan Dupp (Stand up) Steve Adore (Stevedore) Stu Padasso (Stupid Emerson) Stu Pid (Stupid) Sue Case (Suitcase) Sue Denley (Suddenly) Sue Donim (Pseudonym) Sue E. Side (Suicide) Sue Flay (Souffle) Sue Perrman (Superman) Sue Render (Surrender) Sue Ridge (Sewage) Sum Ting Wong (Something wrong) Sum Yung Gai (Some young guy) Susan Orty-Boyden (Who's a naughty boy then) T Tamara Nethercombs (Tomorrow never comes) Tanya Hide (Tan your hide) Tara Newhall (Tear a new hole) Tate Urchips (Tater chips) Teresa Crowd (Three's a crowd) Teresa Green (Trees are green) Terry Bulsmel (Terrible smell) Terry Cotter (Terracotta) Terry Fie (Terrify) Terry Ryst (Terrorist) Terry Torrie (Territory) Tess Tickle (Testicle) Tia Dropps (Teardrops) Tim Burr (Timber) Tim Lee Intervention (Timely intervention) Tim Panny (Timpani) Tina Beense (Tin of beans) Tina See (Tennessee) Titus Addrum (Tight as a drum) Titus Balzac (Tightest ball sack) Titus Canby (Tight as can be) Titus Zell (Tight as Hell) Toby Hynde (Tow behind) Toby Paidfer (To be paid for) Tom Bowler (Tombola) Tom Martow (Tomato) Torah Hyman (Tore a hymen) Travis Tay (Travesty) Tristan Shout (Twist and shout) Trudy Lite (True delight) Tudick Synsider (Two dicks inside her) Ty Dallwave (Tidal wave) Ty Imup (Tie him up) Ty Priter (Typewriter) Ty Tannick (Titanic) Ty Tass (Tightass) Tyrone Shoes (Tie your own shoes) U Uliqa M'Diq (You lick my dick) Ullee Daway (You lead the way) Ulrika Garlick (You'll reek of garlic) Una Brau (Unibrow - from Austin Powers) Upton O'goode (Up to no good) Ura Snotball (You are a snotball - from The Simpsons) Ustrokeet Islewatch (You stroke it I'll watch) V Val Crow (Velcro) Val Haller (Valhalla) Val Lay (Valet) Vasilly Sonovabich (That silly son of a bitch) Vera Cross (Veer across) Vic Tree (Victory) Vinny Gerr (Vinegar) Viv Atious (Vivacious) Vlad Tire (Flat tire) W Walt Sing (Waltzing) Walter Mellon (Watermelon) Walter Wallcarpet (Wall to wall carpet) Wanda Dorff (Wandered off) Wanda Lottie Wray (Won the lottery) Wanda Phul (Wonderful) Wanda Rinhands (Wandering hands) Warren Peace (War and peace) Warren Tease (Warranties) Wat Apistle (Water pistol) Wayne Dear (Reindeer) Wayne Dwops (Raindrops) Wayne Kerr (Wanker) Wayne Ningmoon (Waning moon) Wendy Windblows (Where the wind blows) Wi Phukem Yung (We Frost them young) Will D. Beest (Wildebeest) Will O'Patten (Willow pattern) Will Ting (Wilting) Will U. Jackmeov (Will you jack me off) Wille Belong (Will he be long) Willie Byter (Willy biter or will he bite her) Willie Gofar (Will he go far) Willie Makeit (Will he make it) Willy O'Wowntey (Will he or won't he) Willy Tert (Will it hurt) Wilma Fingerdoo (Will my finger do) Wilma Leggrowbach (Will my leg grow back) Winnie Bago (Winnebago) Winnie DiPoo (Winnie the Pooh) Woody U. No (What do you know) X Xavier Breff (Save your breath) Xavier Money (Save your money) Xavier Onassis (Save your own asses) Xavier Zelf (Save yourself) Y Yerma Wildo (Your ma will do) Yul B. Allwright (You'll be alright) Yule B. Sorry (You'll be sorry) Z Zeke N. Yeshallfind (Seek and you shall find) Zelda Kowz (Sell the cows) Zoltan Pepper (Salt and pepper)
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thisiswhymomworries · 5 years
Transgender / Non-Binary Book Reccs
Tumblr media Tumblr media
links to Asexual / Aromantic, Bisexual / Pansexual, Gay (mlm), and Lesbian sheets
TCCL stands for Tulsa City-County Library, in Oklahoma. These reference sheets list the books physically available (not including ebooks only) at the 24 library locations in Tulsa, Oklahoma. For folks outside of this range, I suggest double-checking your local libraries, as well as the apps OverDrive, Hoopla, and YourCloudLibrary!
An online version of this list can be found at https://bit.ly/2lujZLR. This goodreads shelf includes ebooks, new releases, and books not available at the library! It also features a notes section that specifies which character is trans / non-binary / genderfluid / intersex / etc, their exact identity if stated in the text, and whether they are a main or side character.
In the shelf list along the left side of the page, you can also find shelves for other LGBT+ identities, as well as books featuring characters that are disabled, fat, mentally ill, neurodivergent, and people of color. All the books are cross-tagged, so a book featuring a black disabled trans woman would appear in the shelves named disabled, POC, and transgender.
transcription below the cut!
Books with Transgender, Non-Binary Characters Available at TCCL
(format: Title Author Genre)
The Black Tides of Heaven Yang, J. Y. Fantasy
The Red Threads of Fortune Yang, J. Y. Fantasy
The Descent of Monsters Yang, J. Y. Fantasy
Gender Failure Coyote, Ivan E. Autobiography
River of Teeth Gailey, Sarah Fantasy / Historical Fiction
Mask of Shadows Miller, Linsey YA Fantasy
Ruin of Stars Miller, Linsey YA Fantasy
A Darker Shade of Magic Schwab, V. E. YA Fantasy
A Gathering of Shadows Schwab, V. E. YA Fantasy
A Conjuring of Light Schwab, V. E. YA Fantasy
Gender Queer: A Memoir Kobabe, Maia Autobiography
The Lost Coast Capetta, Amy Rose YA Fantasy
I Wish You All the Best Deaver, Mason YA Romance
The High King’s Golden Tongue Derr, Megan Science Fiction
A Quick & Easy Guide to They/Them Pronouns Bongiovanni, Archie Graphic Novel
What We Left Behind Talley, Robin YA Romance
The Lamb Will Slaughter the Lion Killjoy, Margaret Fantasy / Horror
A Memory Called Empire Martine, Arkady Science Fiction
Wake of Vultures Bowen, Lila Western / Fantasy
Conspiracy of Ravens Bowen, Lila Western / Fantasy
Malice of Crows Bowen, Lila Western / Fantasy
Treason of Hawks Bowen, Lila Western / Fantasy
Man Alive: A True Story of Violence, Forgiveness, and Becoming a Man McBee, Thomas Page Autobiography Hungry Hearts Chapman, Elsie YA Fiction
Something Like Gravity Smith, Amber YA Romance
The Affair of the Mysterious Letter Hall, Alexis Fantasy
Birthday Russo, Meredith YA Romance
These Witches Don’t Burn Sterling, Isabel YA Fantasy
Not Your Villain Lee, C. B. Teen Fantasy
On the Edge of Gone Duyvis, Corinne YA Science Fiction
Chameleon Moon Sylver, RoAnna Fantasy
Two Boys Kissing Levithan, David YA Romance
Full Fathom Five Gladstone, Max Fantasy
Stranger Than Fanfiction Colfer, Chris YA Fiction
Beast Spangler, Brie YA Romance
Lumberjanes, Vol 1 Stevenson, Noelle Graphic Novel
The Art of Being Normal Williamson, Laura YA Fiction
Finding Your Feet Lennox, Cass Romance
The Pants Project Clarke, Cat Middle Grade Fiction
I Am J Beam, Cris YA Fiction
Amateur: A True Story about What Makes a Man McBee, Thomas Page Autobiography
The Wise and the Wicked Podos, Rebecca YA Fantasy
Beautiful Music for Ugly Children Cronn-Mills, Kirstin YA Fiction
Every Heart a Doorway McGuire, Seanan YA Fantasy
Dreadnought Daniels, April YA Fantasy
Trans Mission: My Quest to a Beard Bertie, Alex Autobiography
Escapology Warom, Ren Science Fiction
Blood Binds the Pack Wells, Alex Science Fiction
If I Was Your Girl Russo, Meredith YA Romance
Alex As Well Brugman, Alyssa YA Fiction
Middlesex Eugenides, Jeffrey Historical Fiction
Annabel Winter, Kathleen Fiction
Golden Boy Tarttelin, Abigail YA Fiction
None of the Above Gregorio, I. W. YA Fiction
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anti-yandere-dev · 5 years
I can't remember where Alex said this (I wanna say it was in one of his videos awhile back, but can't remember for certain since it's been awhile), but he claims he can't pronounce "yandere" correctly because of how fast he's gotta talk in his videos. Is it so hard to slow down on words you have issues with just to ensure you say them correctly? Even then, the guy speaks slower than molasses from what I recall so this doesn't seem like a valid reason and he just doesn't care.
-Extremely Annoyed Mod Lee
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batboyblog · 5 years
What’s on my iPod March 4 2019
So I love me some audio books so here’s a run down of what’s on my iPod right now
The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America by Richard Rothstein
Embers of War: The Fall of an Empire and the Making of America's Vietnam by Fredrik Logevall
Gotham: A History of New York City to 1898 by Edwin G. Burrows and Mike Wallace
The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America's Great Migration by Isabel Wilkerson
1948: Harry Truman’s Improbable Victory and the Year That Transformed America by David Pietrusza
Believer: My Forty Years in Politics by David Axelrod
Black and British: A Forgotten History by David Olusoga
Celtic Mythology: Tales of Gods, Goddesses, and Heroes by Philip Freeman
A Covert Action: Reagan, the CIA, and the Cold War by Seth Jones
A History of British India by Hayden J. Bellenoit
President Carter: The White House Years by Stuart E. Eizenstat
A Queer History of the United States by Michael Bronski
Stranger Things: Worlds Turned Upside Down by Gina McIntyre
Kens by Raziel Reid
Stranger in the Wizard's Tower by Deric McNish
Timekeeper, Chainbreaker, and Firestarter by Tara Sim
The Whispers by Greg Howard
27 Hours by Tristina Wright
All Out: The No-Longer-Secret Stories of Queer Teens Throughout the Ages edited by Saundra Mitchell
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay by Michael Chabon
The Ashes of London by Andrew Taylor
Beasts Made of Night by Tochi Onyebuchi
Blood Moon by MJ O’Shea
Bones Beneath My Skin by TJ Klune
Challenger Deep by Neal Shusterman
Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things by Martina McAtee
Tracker Hacker by Jeff Adams
Contagion by Erin Bowman
Cowboys Can Fly by Ken Smith 
Crossing Borders by Z. A. Maxfield
Differently Morphous by Yahtzee Croshaw
Echo by Pam Munoz Ryan
Ethan of Athos by Lois McMaster Bujold
Ever After: A Gay Fairy Tale by Christina Lee and Riley Hart
Ex-Heroes by Peter Clines
Faerie Wars by Herbie Brennan
Flaunt by E. Davies
Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock by Matthew Quick
The Ghost Slept Over by Marshall Thornton
God of War: The Official Novelization by J. M. Barlog
Goodbye Days by Jeff Zentner
The High King's Golden Tongue by Megan Derr
Hold Me Closer, Necromancer by Lish McBride
How Long 'til Black Future Month? by N. K. Jemisin
How to Survive a Summer by Nick White
I'll Get There. It Better Be Worth the Trip by John Donovan
Jefferson Blythe, Esquire by Josh Lanyon
The Language of Thorns: Midnight Tales and Dangerous Magic by Leigh Bardugo
The Last Sun by K. D. Edwards
A List of Cages by Robin Roe
The Long Way Down by Craig Schaefer 
Marco Impossible by Hannah Moskwitz 
Maurice by EM Forster
Mythos by Stephen Fry
Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman
Night Shift by Stephen King
Nightbooks by JA White
The Persian Boy by Mary Renault
Poet Anderson ...of Nightmares by Tom DeLonge
Powerless by Matthew Cody
Brandon Mills versus the V-Card by Lisa Henry and J.A. Rock
Pretty Monsters by Kelly Link
The Raging Ones by Becca Ritchie and Krista Ritchie
The Solstice Prince by S.J. Himes
Rotherweird by Andrew Caldecott
Schizo by Nic Sheff
See You in the Cosmos by Jack Cheng
The Serpent King by Jeff Zentner
Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo
Sidekicked by John David Anderson
Skeleton Crew by Stephen King
Black Wings Beating by Alex London
Slide by Garrett Leigh
Pray the Gay Away by Sara York
Spooning Leads to Forking by BA Smith
Squint by Chad Morris
Still Life Las Vegas by James Sie 
The Stone House by AK Benedict 
Stranger by Rachel Manija Brown
Summerland by Hannu Rajanemi 
Super Human by J.A. Cipriano
Power Powereds by Drew Hayes
This is Where it Ends by Marieke Nijkamp 
This is Where the World Ends buy Amy Zhang
The Unintentional Time Traveler by Everett Maroon
Vicious by VE Schwab 
What You Own by AM Arthur 
When the Moon Was Ours by Anna-Marie McLemore
Wolfsong by TJ Klune
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