#Also came up with a good scene for Confessing It but I haven't written it yet
tswwwit · 2 years
I've written about 5k of Bill in the Other Universe, about 3k of smut, a handful of Confessing it and that domestic one-shot - all for a total of about 9k words since I wrapped up Bill vs Bill. Which is pretty good!
What sucks is having several things half-complete, even though I've been productive! What the hell, me. Work faster.
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ddwcaph-game · 4 months
SUPERR invested in the story after i came after playing IAC (the change in POV is so cute and i cannot help but wonder how we're going to address the. redacted cliffhanger at the end of the game because i was full on YELLING??) but i just had to wonder - since we had the opportunity to have some of our characters be ~romantics~ and have crushes on a few characters (which i will be doing in a later playthrough with jm and lil and the rest wahooo - and that reminds me!! despite playing a completely platonic run the game is still. so enjoyable which is so great and really speaks to the world building),, do any of the characters have crushes on mc (even if not encouraged by the game)? I know some of the characters (spoilers ahead) like rosy canonically think others like brandon are handsome so.... i was wondering if that's the same for us :3 have a great day!
Hello there, I'm glad you liked reading DDWCaPH! after playing IAC! 😊 Which is a good thing, because the two stories won't converge until Volume 4, hehe.
But to answer your question: Currently, only Wayne and Roselyna can have a secret crush on MC (if you meet their chemistry requirements).
Your chemistry score with each character depends on a lot of factors, such as your appearance, traits, personality stats, and choices. (Send me another ask if you want specifics for each character!) If your confession results in a "Mutual Crush Established!", that means they were already having a crush on MC. But if not, you will still have several opportunities to win them over the course of the story.
The easiest way to know if Wayne or Roselyna has a crush on MC without confessing, is if they're waiting for you to wake up after the Chapter 5 incident (unless they're your bestfriend, since your BFF will always be there). You can also discover if Wayne/Roselyna has a crush on MC if you read the Valentine's entry in Roselyna's diary if you sneak inside her room (although I haven't written that entry yet).
But for JM, Lily, and B, they won't have a crush on MC until later, and they will never develop the crush even if you meet their chemistry requirements, unless MC shows interest first.
(And if anyone's curious, it's possible for Cordelia to have a secret crush on MC too if you meet her requirements, but Cham is the most oblivious, so there will be no progress with her until MC confesses first.)
That said, I want to make it clear that you won't be missing any scenes at all if you decide to just be friends with everyone. Thank you so much for the ask! 😄
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jiminsproof · 2 years
tag game ✨️
I was tagged by @wistfulocean to share top 10 of my blorbos. 💗 Thank you Heather. 🥰 I haven't really talked about my fictional faves on this blog, so here goes the first 10 characters that came to my mind with some RANTS:
Lan Xichen (The Untamed)
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HE WAS WRITTEN FOR ME. FOR ME. The eldest just a tad bit gay and traumatised sibling which copes by trying to be a good person and taking care of everyone and especially his little brother? 😭 And meanwhile the universe is testing how much betrayal, grief and heartbreak he can take before he yeets himself into seclusion and hopefully not off the rooftop??? I WOULD DIE FOR HIM. Also choosing between him and Wuxian was very UNFAIR!!! 😡
Yoon Se-ri (Crash Landing On You)
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MY ULTIMATE TRAUMA MADE ME COPE BY BEING A WORKAHOLIC CHARACTER. I love her to bits, and especially her big heart that just comes more and more to the surface as you continue to watch the series. 🥰 Also both her capability of judging people's character and her forgiveness!! The only straight person ever. And... possibly... the only straight person on this list....
Basil Hallward (The Picture of Dorian Gray)
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A whole lot gay and in love with a homicidal asshole? (I still love you Dorian though). A poor baby that has done nothing wrong ever but still blamed himself for everything? An artist? How can I not love him? His 'it was not intended as a compliment, it was a confession' echoes in my mind every now and then, CHILLS just thinking about that scene.
Pa (Bad Buddy/Magic of Zero)
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The only person to own a braincell in her family. 💗 (Sorry Pat I still love you though). Very relatable in refusing to deal with other's people bullshit but also somehow always finding herself in the middle of the same or slightly different bullshit?? Also I love another queer icon and Bad Buddy is exactly the subversion of all the BL toxic tropes WHICH I WILL NEVER SHUT UP ABOUT. NOT TO MENTION THE INKPA SPIN-OFF 🥲🥲🥲🥲
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Wen Kexing (Word of Honor)
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All the atrocities he committed are a part of him and I've decided they're funny 🥰 I love both of WoH soulmates equally tbh but his character development and how he went from seeking revenge to fighting for his man only AND ULTIMATELY ALMOST SACRIFICING HIS LIFE FOR HIM I- 🥲 IT'S ABOUT OVERCOMING YOUR TRAUMA IT'S ABOUT DECIDING TO TELL ANOTHER STORY WITH YOUR LIFE IT'S ABOUT FOCUSING ON LOVE NOT ON HATRED BITCH. One of the best written characters I've ever seen. Oh and very gay obviously?
Margot Verger (Hannibal)
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IT'S ABOUT KILLING YOUR ABUSER WITH THE POWER OF LESBIANISM. I really love her for how withstanding years of terrible treatment didn't make her incapable of telling right from wrong, her determination, and sense of humour. HILARIOUS. HER SENSE OF HUMOUR IS SO DRY. Not to mention her love story with Alana is possibly the most beautiful and aesthetically pleasing depiction of a wlw relationship in Western television!!!!! You can't prove me wrong bye
Pete (Kinnporsche)
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Pete is one of the most relatable characters I've EVER seen in television (possibly like THE character for me but I'll give it some time), and his meltdown in the latter part of the series was honestly... wow... I cried for hours after watching ep 13 but it was also weirdly healing. He has a Shakespeare tattoo. He masks his own internal turmoil by being a sunshine and taking care of others. He said fuck dichotomy of evil. I stan an icon. Oh of course he's very gay too
Eve Polastri (Killing Eve)
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IT'S ABOUT THE INVERSED HERO TROPE IT'S ABOUT DISCOVERING YOUR WORST INSTINCTS BY SEEING THEM MIRRORED IN SOMEONE ELSE AND FINALLY IT'S ABOUT ACCEPTING THEM AS A VALID AND VERY IMPORTANT PART OF YOU. I hated the ending of KE as any other folk (burying the gays.... showstopping....... spectacular......) but Eve's journey especially in the two first seasons was GREAT. Also, Phobe Waller-Bridge would never do this to me
and now onto some blasts from the past, my first two favourite characters ever were:
Anakin Skywalker & Padmé Amidala (Star Wars)
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I was 6 when I became a SW fan and those two have always had my heart! SURE LIKE I KNOW THE PREQUELS ARE NOT ✨️FLAWLESS✨️BUT TRY WATCHING ROTS WITHOUT CRYING. YOU CAN'T. I could probably write an essay on why I love those two but let's keep it at: I love characters that are doomed from the start <3
can you tell i write essays about analysing media and my major means i look for symbolism everywhere haha?
no pressure tagging some of my favourite people, i hope you're having a lovely day 🥰: @singingtillthemorn, @kimchokejin, @ki-limepie, @aprylynn, @seoksao, @joon-rkive, @rintual. 💗
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anonofseasons · 1 year
Just some thoughts/worries about Seasons.
I write for myself, and I know I can't please everyone so the only person my writing needs to focus on pleasing is me. But that doesn't stop me from being a little bummed out that recent posted chapters have mostly only resulted in dropped subs and even bookmarks, and I'm rarely getting any comments. Which is feeding an internal worry that it's a mess? I know my writing is good, mind, but being decent and working hard at writing doesn't mean I'm perfect. What if there are inconsistencies I'm not seeing? (As for the quality, I damn well know it can fluctuate, no matter how hard I work at it. Some scenes come easier than others. I've had to accept that about my writing.) I also anticipated lost interest early on, which is why I have been posting like 20+ chapters behind what has already been written. I saw comments hoping for Vivian to die/Howie to never go back, others hoping the fathers would redeem themselves. I'm sort of ambling in the middle, because the fathers are trying, but not hard enough. Meanwhile, Howie is unhappy going back. Not to get too personal, but I've been promised a lot of "for the better" changes by family and partners, and they may want to change, but they're unwilling to ever put the work forward. (I'm actually about to be single again for this very reason.) As a kid, this meant I just kept suffering. It's unrealistic to me that anyone would reach betterment easily, especially Vivian. It's not impossible! This is fiction, after all, but... I'm out to write characters with depth, not rush a plot forward. That's how I opt to write, and that's not for everyone. (And that's okay. Again, it's for me.) I think my actual concern here is that I've been looking at how long these conversations between this family are, and how many chapters they take up, and it's fair to be bored of it. That's a part I agonized over before I shared, and I worry that doubt came through even after all the heavy editing I did to fix it. I love writing, but that doesn't make it less hard to do. There are always parts of stories that are trickier than others? I just hate that I'm letting my self-doubt creep up on me. I've been putting that further and further behind me as I've gotten older, but I've always tried to write what I want. I've had way too many people try to tell me what I should and shouldn't write. The only person anyone should ever write for is themselves. Who do you choose to please, if pleasing other people is the goal? That said, I think criticism has its place, and this is very much one of those situations where I worry I've fumbled on the delivery. Like maybe there's something I could have done better? I'm still having fun writing Seasons and everything else I work on, but I have one confession to make about all of this: it's so much easier to write than it is to share that writing. Haha. Seasons has 56 chapters and counting, and I expect fluctuating numbers and interest, as all stories tend to have. I know that experience as a reader! I'm just having one of those self-doubt moments, but it's more a worry of, "What could I be doing better?" It's that desire to always give my best, even if the story isn't monetized. (Fuck, honestly? Most of my work is collecting dust. I have tons of finished stories that I haven't posted or published at all. Those are between me, my hard drives, and the one friend I send my backups to in case of my death.) Sorry for whining a bit here. I'll be okay! Just have seen Seasons subs drop since mid-January and have wondered if there's an issue that needs fixed or just merely the nature of writing. It could easily be both. I have no idea. It's a strange state of mind. :')
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Part 1 - Basic Concepts of Miraculous Ladybug: Miraculous Jewels
Alright! I promised you meta and now I deliver!
I feel like people mostly watch Miraculous for the romance these days. Shipping is all everyone cares about. I wonder why? Probably because writers themselves don't take their worldbuilding very seriously and because they don't put much effort into making the audience care about something other than Love Square, like the mythology behind the Miraculous, or motivations of the main villain, or some pretty heavy topics for a kid's show that they bring up and then refuse to touch again. You know, all the good things. And this is coming from someone who is a passionate multishipper. I have lived through several shipping wars in different fandoms and came out victorious after all.
I am probably the only person out there who cares about the big picture, the overall storyline and the worldbuilding of Miraculous in addition to all details and implications that could develop into fascinating plotlines relevant to the main story. It is a rather lonely fandom experience, I must confess. But, hey? Who cares? I am here to have fun and bring to the table discussions no one wants to have.
So, let's talk about the basics.
If you, as the writing team, are capable of keeping only 1 thing consistent, then please, I beg you, let it be the basic concepts of your universe. Because in this case, one has to actively put effort into writing characters and conflict resolutions badly. And also because nothing can save bad worldbuilding.
I don't have high worldbuilding standards for Miraculous. They certainly aren't as high as the ones I had for Legend of Korra (which was a badly written trainwreck, that ATLA doesn't deserve as a sequel) or the ones I currently have for Dragon Prince. Therefore I won't be too harsh in my criticisms. Granted, I think that Miraculous has better worldbuilding and lore consistency than Winx Club for example (I haven't seen the reboot yet, so writers might have fixed their worldbuilding at least a little bit). Even though I enjoyed Winx when I was younger and some elements of this story still attract me.
Both serialised and episodic shows as well as movies to the lesser extent must have some flexibility in worldbuilding and plot because you can never be 100% sure where your story is going. Maybe, you'll get money for more seasons, maybe not. However, you must never lose sight of your basic concepts. They have to stay the same no matter what, because rewriting lore and retconning major developments every new season is not and never will be called good writing.
Forgive me for using architectural metaphors, but you need a solid foundation to build any kind of structure. Otherwise, everything falls apart.
I like to apply this logic to writing as well. When designing a world where your story takes place, you must lay a few ground rules. It's especially important if you have a magic system. What kind of ideas absolutely must exist? What kind of conclusion do you want your story to have? Does your magic system has limitations? Where is the grey area? Could you introduce new elements later on?
And I feel like the writing team of Miraculous Ladybug did not ask these questions. This may feel like I am nit-picking canon material and looking for problems that simply aren't there, but I promise that I am not. You see, things that I am about to point out only seem small at first glance. But these details are actually the source of the largest plotholes in the series. And their presence negatively affects character development, conflicts and resolutions of said conflicts.
That doesn't mean that I have nothing good to say about the magic system of the show and its elements. There are a lot of great ideas and concepts. And some of them have the potential to contribute to the delightful story.
Let's dive right into it, shall we?
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I have to give credit where it's due because the idea of camouflage and shapeshifting for Miraculouses is brilliant. It seems like Miraculous can't fundamentally change its type of jewellery or accessory. The ring will always be the ring but with a different ornament, colour or shape. This is true most of the time (Monkey Miraculous is an exception since it transformed into earplugs/headphones/headband/circlet) It makes sense and avoids plotholes. Grimoire doesn't have the pictures of each Miraculous in disguise for identity protection. That was very neat too. I have no comments. This concept was very good.
Also, since Marinette wore a nose ring of the Ox in "Kwamibuster" without any problem and Adrien wore Ladybug's earrings in "Reflekdoll", we can assume that you don't need to have piercings to wear a Miraculous. Miraculous just magically passes through your skin.
I'm interested to know the following. Can Kwamis recognise a camouflaged Miraculous on a person? Can the holder order them to confess the identity of this person? This shouldn't be possible for identity protection just like with Kwamis sensing each other. But more on that in later posts.
Power Levels
For a long time, we assume that there are only 7 Miraculouses. Turtle belongs to Master Fu, Gabriel has Butterfly and Peacock, Marinette and Adrien have Ladybug and Black Cat. Everything is pretty straightforward. Then it's revealed that there are more jewels and more boxes. It makes the worldbuilding interesting, but it also majorly complicates things, making them inconsistent.
Their position in the Miracle Box implies their power levels. Creation and destruction are the most powerful forces in existence, therefore they are at the top. Moreover, it makes this Box the most important, the most powerful out of all others. Su Han in "Furious Fu" calls it "Mother Miracle Box". Fox, Turtle, Bee, Butterfly and Peacock have less power than the main pair, but more than the Miraculous of the lower Zodiac tier (since they correspond with animals of the Chinese Zodiac).
1. Ladybug can create anything out of nothing (Lucky Charm, which gives what you need the most at the moment). This Miraculous can resurrect the dead, reverse the effects of the Cataclysm. The power of Miraculous Cure or Miraculous Ladybug can work in several ways:
it simply repairs the damage (puts stuff back together, heals injuries and so on)
it reverses time for the matter, restoring things back to the state they were before the destruction occurred (however, the Cure doesn't erase people's memories of everything that happened unless they were mind-controlled, frozen in place or transformed by Akuma into something else - this is an important point that I'll discuss some other time)
How does Miraculous Cure work when there are no supervillians? In NY Special Marinette just says this.
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Excuse me, what? What was that? You can't do anything when the villain is gone? What the hell?
*insert here every scene where Ladybug fixed Paris after destroying akumatized/amokized object (this action causes the Akuma victim to detransform/sentimonster to disappear - villain is gone) and purifying butterfly and feather*
It was such cheap angst. I couldn't even be upset when Adrien gave up his Miraculous, because that whole situation is just stupid. But, never mind. We aren't talking about that today.
Apparently, Lucky Charm and Miraculous Cure only work when summoned to battle a specific villain. What is the point then? Huh? You can't tell me that Ladybug has the power of unlimited creation and then say that she can't repair the damage without a special Lucky Charm that was magically synchronised with specific big bad of the week.
Ladybug also can purify Akumas. It makes sense for Ladybug to have the ability to reverse the magic of less powerful Miraculous. But this power can't be applied universally. How does this power of reversal apply to different situations where there is no evil Butterfly holder? Can Ladybug reverse the magic of any Miraculous?
The unlimited power of creation introduced in season 4 ("Mr. Pidgeon 72") is another fascinating thing. On one hand, it's logical and proves the status of this Miraculous as the most powerful. On the other hand, by introducing this power, you have created a plothole. Look, Marinette can create the charm which repels Akumas. If Ladybug can create anything then what stops her from creating a tool for finding Hawkmoth (like special glasses for discovering identities or a compass)? I mean, the show says that the power of creation is unlimited, it means that the creation of such tool is possible.
2. Black Cat can destroy anything with Cataclysm, even other Miraculous. He can kill living things and turn them into ash, but not himself. This Miraculous is supposed to have other special abilities that we don't see. And they should be equal to powers of Ladybug, both in number and in potency. Unfortunately, after 3 seasons writers didn't give us anything. It makes laughable the idea of balance between Ladybug and Black Cat.
Now, to the second tier. These Miraculouses have a singular ability, but they need a second one to keep the power balanced between Zodiac and the main pair.
3. Butterfly creates champions with different superpowers. But how does the time limit of children work for Butterfly? In theory, the countdown should start right after the creation of the Akuma since for Ladybug and Chat Noir countdown starts after activation of their powers even if they don't use them. However, if the countdown of the Butterfly begins after Akuma creation then there's no point because the holder has to stay transformed to guide their champion. The charged butterfly won't have time to even grant powers before the transformation of the child-holder drops. This issue is never explored because Gabriel doesn't have a time limit. However, I feel like it should be addressed in flashbacks of past Butterfly holders for example.
This Miraculous should be less powerful than Ladybug and Black Cat. It's often not. Some Akumas are too overpowered. Stormy Weather can move the Earth away from the Sun, Timetagger can send people through time and jump through time as well, Chat Blanc destroyed the world with a single energy blast, Miraculer could steal powers of those more powerful than her by default. These are the most notable examples. One could argue that Chat Blanc was a different case. Hawkmoth simply gave the most powerful Miraculous a boost. However, we know that even without a holder (the wildest and the most powerful form of uncontrolled Miraculous magic) Plagg's Cataclysm can't destroy the universe just like that (he presumably wiped out dinosaurs and sunk Atlantis on his own without a holder). I think that the less powerful Miraculous (Butterfly) shouldn't be able to increase the power of destruction to such a degree and give Black Cat the power to destroy celestial bodies and galaxies.
Writers want us to see Hawkmoth as the formidable villain. But it's not easy because he is less powerful than your main heroes by default of your worldbuilding. Sometimes writers make the Butterfly more powerful than creation and destruction to raise the stakes, breaking the laws of their magic system. So, how do you solve this? Let Ladybug and Black Cat keep their status as the most powerful and instead of giving Hawkmoth more magical power, make him smarter, more cunning, inventive. Gabriel is a fashion designer, whose creativity makes him a very good Butterfly holder. He has a life full of experience, he knows much more about things than the main teenage characters. Catalyst was very interesting for this very reason. Gabriel sort of discovered a cheat code to boost his powers. Show us how he experiments with his powers, how he analyses his past Akumas and tries to find the most effective ones. Maybe Gabriel tries to design Akumas that can specifically neutralise Ladybug and Chat Noir. This exploration could also give writers an opportunity to explain how the powers of Butterfly work. Can he control the type of powers he grants? Can he control the appearance of Akumas? There are many things to be explored.
4. Peacock creates sentimonsters. I remember that fans were very disappointed when the power of the Peacock was revealed at the end of season 2. I was one of them. The concept of Amoks is far too similar to akumatized butterflies. Other Miraculouses have unique abilities and keywords for their powers, while Peacock just looks like Butterfly 2.0. That glowing mask effect just adds insult to injury.
You have to start by figuring out the powers of the Peacock in a normal situation. If a holder is a good person, then how does their power work? For example, make them related to sight (because of the "eye" pattern on feathers). Maybe, Peacock grants the ability to see the several possibilities of the future, but only a few minutes ahead. Maybe, this Miraculous gives you the ability to see through someone's eyes for a few minutes (and the victim is completely unaware of the intrusion). Perhaps, Peacock allows the holder to use feathers (or tiny peacocks) as cameras one at a time and be all-seeing. These feather-spies can be destroyed by the holder or disappear on their own after some time. Such power could be devastating when used against heroes in canon.
5. Bee can paralyze. This power is pretty straightforward. Once I read a fanfiction focused on very vell done Chloe Redemption, where she fights alongside Ladybug and Chat Noir. Eventually, she grows and becomes a better person. This fic ends with an Akuma battle, where LB and CN are trapped and Akuma is ready to kill them. But Chloe uses a second power of the Bee on the villain - Miraculous Stinger. It's deadly both for the holder and for the victim (because bees die when they sting someone). Chloe kills the Akuma with a Stinger before it can get LB and CN, but she too dies making the ultimate irreversible sacrifice. I will add a link if I find it again.
6. Turtle can create a shield. I don't have much to say on this either. It feels underpowered compared to others in the second tier. Maybe Turtle can also slow down opponents (because turtles aren't the fasters animals out there).
7. Fox creates illusions and acts as their puppeteer. In order to create a balance between other powers, these illusions must hold for as long as the holder needs them to. I propose this mostly because we see that Venom of the Bee lasts very long, the shield of the Turtle lasts either until it's destroyed or the holder wants to remove it, same goes for Akumas and sentimonsters who disappear only when the holder wants them to or their affected object is destroyed.
Let's talk about Zodiac tier. Miraculous of the third tier shouldn't have the second ability like more powerful ones. These powers are the most inconsistent. Even if we haven't seen all of them yet.
8. Mouse can create many small clones of the holder. It is unclear how these clones communicate with each other and how many of them this Miraculous can create. The holder can control the number of clones. This power was very convenient in "Kwamibuster" and it makes sense symbolically for the mouse. What activates the time-limit for children? Marinette didn't have any problems with it when she became Multimouse.
9. Snake can create a 5-minute time loop and has the ability to come back in time. This Miraculous feels a bit overpowered for the Miraculous of the Zodiac Tier. The holder can reset the time as many times as he/she needs to. It's was a good source of drama and trauma in "Desperada". I was honestly surprised that Adrien was capable of fighting after spending months in a loop. But this doesn't change the fact that Snake is overpowered. You can give this Miraculous the power to hypnotise or keep the time ability but place a limit on the number of resets. How does the lyre work as a weapon? Who knows? No one!
10. Dragon can shapeshift into elements: water, wind and lightning. It has the coolest transformation words hands down (Bring the Storm and Open Sky). Apparently this Miraculous doesn't have the time limit.
11. Rabbit can time travel or jump through alternative realities, even writers aren't sure. Time-travel in this show is so badly written it gives me a headache. This Miraculous shouldn't exist just like its powers. Snake belongs to the same tier, but 5 minutes and whole centuries of time jumps aren't comparable in power levels. They are not and this is the hill I will die on. Give the Rabbit powers related to its symbolism in China like an ability to de-age people, heal them or give them a speed boost in contrast with Turtle who might have the ability to slow down.
This Miraculous is so special that its Kwami - Fluff can live separately from his Miraculous in a Miracle Box for millennia (Fluff lives in the Box in "Sandboy", but his Miraculous, pocket watch, was passed down for generations in Alix's family). This is a discussion for a separate post, however. There's a lot to unpack. We'll do that some other time. You will suffer with me but at a later date.
12. Horse can create portals. They could lead anywhere, which is pretty cool. On the other hand, this power is not very useful in direct combat, especially when it's used by a child since we can have only one portal per transformation.
13. Monkey can cause a malfunction in powers of other people. What is the point of this? This power was specifically created by writers to defeat Akuma in "Party Crasher". That's it. What if your target is not magical? How does this Miraculous work in different circumstances?
14. Pig shows people their greatest desire. Both the holder and the recipient of this power can see this desire. Chat Noir wasn't impressed in "Guiltrip" and neither was I. It's underpowered compared to other Miraculous in this tier. Also, why does the tambourine can shoot energy beams? Why?
That's all I have to say on the matter. I'll update the power analysis as needed.
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Last First Kiss
Summary - Jensen finally lets his feelings towards you known but it doesn't get the reaction he had anticipated.
Pairing - Jensen Ackles x Reader, Jensen x OFC!Jessica (brief)
Characters - Jared Padalecki, Gen Padalecki, OMC Mark, OMC Luke, OFC Jessica
Warnings - Fluff, Insecurities, Bad dates, Implied smut, Language, Angst-ish, happy ending
Square Filled - Valentines Day ( @anyfandomgoesbingo ) Jared Padalecki ( @spndeanbingo )
Word Count - 2262
A/N - Written for my 500 Followers challenge
Request by @akshi8278 - Hi, once again congratulations on your 500 followers. 🥳🎉 Could you write number 23 and 25 for Jensen. It could be fluff/ smut, whatever you want. Thank you 😊 (I added a little bit of angst for the course of the story. Hope you like it!)
This is also a submission to @negans-lucille-tblr' 6k Roll The Dice Challenge
Unbeta'd. All mistakes are mine. Prompts are in bold.
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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You trudged down the empty hallway, your body slumped with exhaustion and feet hurting from wearing the ridiculously high heels to impress a man who never showed up. The silence in the empty halls was deafening unlike the crowded diner which was buzzing with lovestruck couples on the fine evening of Valentine’s Day. When you reached his door, you were barely hanging in there. Hesitantly, you knocked twice, immediately cursing yourself for fucking up his Valentines Day as well.
“Y/N?” Jensen tilted his head in confusion at your dejected state. “What happened?”
“I am done with dating.” A stray tear rolled down your cheek as you replied. Jensen pursed his lips as he opened the door wider to let you in. He threw an arm over your shoulder, guiding you towards the couch.
“Mike was a douchebag.” He said, as you plopped down on the blue couch.
“His name is Mark.” You rolled your eyes at him, “I dressed up all for nothing. I am done trying to find the perfect man. I will get a cat and become a cat lady. At least it will show up when we have a cat date with cat food and pizza.”
“You can't just swore off dating because Macaroni didn't show up.” Jensen smirked. “You just haven't met the right person yet.”
“I got stood up thrice within a span of two months. I surely know how to pick them.”
“Sweetheart, I'm so sorry but I know you'll definitely meet the right person. It's just a matter of time.” He rubbed your arm as you snuggled closer to him. “Should we order takeout? I am starving.”
“Mhm. I wouldn't mind some chinese. I'm sorry that I fucked up your plans for the night.” You said.
“I didn't exactly have anything better to do. Spending time with you is much better than third wheeling Jared and Gen.” He chuckled.
“What am I doing wrong, Jay? Something is definitely wrong with me or the entire male population is a douchebag.” You sighed, as Jensen took out his phone to place an order in your favourite Chinese restaurant.
“Y/N/N, nothing's wrong with you and there are good men out there in the world.” He said.
“They are all taken.” You replied, nonchalantly.
“I'm not.” Jensen said and your heart skipped a beat at his words.
“Maybe I was too blind to notice it,” you wanted to say instead you blurted out, “You're my best friend, Jensen.”
His hands dropped to the side as he visibly tensed up. An unbearable silence followed the awkward conversation. You could barely look at the actor beside you who was staring off into the distance, his mouth opening and closing like a fish. Fortunately you were both saved from further conversation by the delivery guy.
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You bit down on your lip to stop the yawn that was threatening to leave as you pretended to listen to the man in front of you complain about his work life. You hummed along to the man’s words as your mind reeled back to that night at Jensen's house. You still didn't know why you didn't speak about your true feelings. Even though his little confession didn't break you two up, whenever you used to hang out, a discomfort lingered in the air and so you had ditched the weekly movie night the day before.
After another painfully long hour, your extremely bad date came to a very fortunate end. As a sign of politeness, you had agreed with Luke, your date, when he had offered to drop you at your doorstep. With no promises for a second date, you had left Luke’s car after successfully dodging his attempt at a kiss. You sprinted across the usually empty hallway and found yourself in front of Jensen's room. You knocked at his door.
“So I was on a date and oh god, time wasn't passing by at all! Luke was such a boring guy. I surely do know how to pick the guys- and I'm so sorry I didn't come yesterday for our weekly movie night-” You rambled on as soon as Jensen opened the door without giving him a chance to pitch in his two cents.
“It's okay.” He finally spoke but his words were soon forgotten when you saw the half-naked brunette standing behind him, glaring at you.
“I'm sorry,” You turned your attention to the man in front and noticed the swollen lips, tousled hair and his unbuttoned jeans, “I didn't know you had company.”
“Next time try to call before you barge in complaining about yet another bad date.” Jensen grumbled, rolling his eyes before he shut his door to your face. You stared at the closed door, crestfallen as tears started to pool in your eyes. You made your way back to your room which was on the next floor in the same apartment building all the while wondering if your insecurities had really messed up a good friendship.
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Jensen had neither heard nor seen you since he had closed the door on your face. He winced every time he remembered how rudely he had pushed you out of his apartment when Jessica was over. He was finally trying to move on since now he knew how you felt. Jensen was definitely hurt when you made it clear that you didn't reciprocate his feelings but he didn't hate you. You were still his best friend so it hurt when you had started to distance yourself from him, even ditching him on your weekly movie night. All that bottled up frustration had turned into anger when you had knocked on his door the next night to complain about your boring date but he still regretted the way he had told you off.
“Is Y/N going to come to Gen’s party?” Jared asked his tv brother during one of the takes.
“I don't know. Why don't you ask her yourself?” Jensen snapped as he went back to reading his script.
“What happened?” The hazel eyed actor frowned at his friend's behaviour.
“I haven't talked to her in weeks nor have I seen her.” Jensen grumbled.
“You two are like the Siamese twins and now you are saying you haven't even talked to her? Dude, what happened?” Jared asked. “Maybe you should talk to her.” He said after Jensen opened up about what happened.
“I have called her. Dozens of times. She is not picking up.” He scoffed.
“Gen is going to invite her I suppose. Maybe you can talk to her then.” Jared shrugged as they were called back on to set.
Jared was right about everything. You were invited to Gen’s backyard birthday party and so was Jensen. You had hesitated before you finally made up your mind to go to the Padaleckis' because you knew someday you had to face Jensen. When you had returned home that night, you had realised why no one was ever good enough for you since the perfect person for you was right in front of you but your insecurities had made you blind. You knew you had missed your chance when you had caught him with the brunette but what hurt more was when he shoved you out of his apartment.
Jensen had called you a dozen times but you hadn't picked up. You didn't know what to say and the longer you stayed away from him, your feelings for him grew stronger so instead you started to avoid him like plague, trying your best to move on.
The clinking sound of bottles behind you pulled you out from your deep thought.
“Hey.” Jensen awkwardly said.
“Hi.” You returned the same awkwardness.
“You weren't picking up my calls. I'm sorry for the other night.” He said, his gaze quickly dropping to the floor.
“It's all right.”
“No it's not. Then you wouldn't have avoided me.” He said. “I know things have been awkward since that night but no hard feelings. It's perfectly okay if you don't feel the same. I just want my best friend back.”
“I do feel the same.” You muttered quietly which made him look up to you. Jensen stared at you dumbfounded.
“Then why didn't you tell me?” He finally said.
“I panicked. I got scared because you know me, I don't do well with men and I thought if we didn't work out, I would lose you.” Your lips trembled ever so lightly as you stared into his green eyes.
“You won't ever lose me.” Jensen walked up to you, “Even if things don't work out relationship-wise. I will always be your best friend.”
“I don't wanna lose you. You're my person, Jay. So I lied not realising that I had pushed you away myself.” You said.
“I will always be your person just like you're mine but I can't fight this feeling anymore. I think I'm in love with you and I don't know what to do.” He said while walking up to you.
“Maybe you do know now.” He leaned down, cupping your face, his lips hovering over yours. You closed your eyes, feeling his hot breath fan against your skin but then you felt him pull back. You opened your eyes as you saw him stare at you with a look of regret in his eyes.
“I can't.” Jensen sighed.
“I have a girlfriend.” You gaped at him, heart broken into millions of pieces. Before Jensen could get another word out, you fled the scene.
“Hey Y/N.” Gen beamed. “Are you going home already?”
“Yeah I think I'm coming down with something. Sorry Gen. Happy birthday, again.” You said and wasted no time to get into your car and quickly drove back to your home.
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Jensen had repeatedly called you since you had fled the Padaleckis’ house but you hadn't picked up. The first two days you had hardly left your house. You had been sobbing uncontrollably. You had bared your heart and soul to the man you had fallen head over heels only to get your heart broken.
You were lying on your couch, watching a sappy romantic movie when you heard a knock on your door. Pausing the movie midway you got up to open the door.
“Hi.” The green eyed man spoke quiet as when you opened the door. The sight of him brought tears to your eyes again. He was carrying a box of chocolate and a bottle of wine. “I would have brought flowers but I know how sad you get when they start to wilt.”
“What're you doing here?”
“I heard a guy hurt my best friend so I'm here with chocolates and wine.” He smirked. You snatched the box of chocolates from his hands as you held the door wide open.
“Sappy romantic comedy? Oh sweetheart, want me to kick the guy's ass? He deserves it. No one hurts my best friend.” He said as he pulled you into a tight hug. The intoxicating smell of his cologne finally breaking you. “I'm so sorry.”
“I'm so sorry too.” You sniffled as you looked up at him. “Our timings sucked.”
“It did. Can we start afresh?” Jensen smiled.
“What about your girlfriend? I don't wanna be your ‘slutty mistress’.” You said, quoting Grey’s Anatomy which made him chuckle.
“I broke up with her. I tried to date other girls to keep you off my mind but there wasn't a single damn second when you didn't cross my mind because I am totally, completely, hopelessly in love with you.” He grinned as he leaned down to kiss your cheek.
“I am in love with you too, Jay.” You said, “Kiss me.” Jensen dropped his head as he leaned into you, capturing your lips with his. His hands travelled all the way down your body before stopping at your waist. He gripped you tightly and pulled you closer, your hands landed on his biceps as you tried to steady yourself. His teeth grazed your lips lightly, making you moan into his mouth. Your hands left his biceps, hooking themselves at the nape of his neck, your fingers tugging at his hair, eliciting a groan out of him.
“Are you trying to turn me on or are you just that oblivious?” He growled into your ear.
“Is it working?” You smirked. Jensen growled once more into your ear before pulling away from you. He effortlessly picked you up, your legs hooking behind him as he went towards the bedroom.
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Panting hard you tried to come down from your high as you felt him go soft before he pulled out. He placed a chaste kiss on your lips and rolled off to the side. His chest heaved as he tried to control his breathing, a soft smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
Lost in an euphoric state, you didn't notice when Jensen had left the bed to get a cloth to clean you up. After a few minutes, he returned back to bed. You laid there in his arms, naked, basking in the afterglow of what was actually the best sex of your life. Jensen was tracing tiny, imperfect circles on your arm as a sigh of contentment left his lips. Your back flushed against his chest, smiling, you spoke.
“We might be each other’s last first kiss.” You turned towards, kissing the corner of his mouth.
“No more bad dates. No more bad first kisses. You're mine.” Jensen whispered.
“You're it. You're my person. My world is a better place with you in it.” You said, snuggling against his warm chest. “I love you.”
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Feedback is highly appreciated!
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honeynutouran · 3 years
Close your eyes (Kaminari x reader)
Summary: You had a bad day and your best friend Denki Kaminari wanted to cheer you up.
Word count: 1.5k
Girl reader x Kaminari
Y/N = your name
A/N Hell, so I haven't written in a bit and I had this idea so here it is. not sure if it is any good but I hope you enjoy it.
Warnings: you feel a little bad about yourself and Fluff
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You sighed as you walked back to your dorm from training. It was a long day and training is getting harder because everyone in your class keeps improving and you feel like you have hit a wall and that you are not going anywhere with your quirk. You rounded the corner to head down the hall to which your dorm room belonged to be greeted by the goofy smile of your best friend Denki Kaminari.
“What do you want Kami?” you ask the boy as you walk past him and to your door, he follows behind.
“Thought we could play Mario Kart or something, you seemed down at training today.” He explained as you both walk into your dorm.
“I suppose so, but I need to shower first so just get it fired up and chill here as I do that.” You say grabbing a towel and some clothes to change into after your shower.
“Alright that works for me, just don’t take so long, last time I got so bored I started to look through your books.” He complained as you rolled your eyes at him and went to the bathroom.
After your shower you started to put your clothes on then came to the realization that you forgot to grab your bra. Normally at this time, you would not need one because you would just chill out in your dorm for the rest of the night. But since Kaminari was over you would need a bra.
“Hey uh, Kami.” You start already regretting saying anything and realizing you could have just grabbed a sweater or something once you left your bathroom.
“Yeah, what’s up?” He asked almost instantly. You felt a blush creep up to your cheeks, what was that about.
“Uh, never mind its nothi-“you got cut off
“What is it Y/N?” he said in a tone that he only used with you.
“I forgot to grab my bra.” You were thankful there was a door between you two as you felt a heat spread across your face.
“Need me to give it to you, I mean you don’t need to wear one, I have seen you wear a shirt without one before. It is not that big of a deal.” He replied and you could practically hear his smirk.
“I care Kami, so just close your eyes or something as I come in to grab one then go back into the bathroom.” You begged.
“Fine, but I could have just hand-“
“NO!” you cut him off that time.
“Fine, my eyes are closed come get your stupid bra.” Soon after he finished talking you slowly open the door and peek your head out to see if Kaminari had actually closed his eyes. When you see the coast is clear you open the door the rest of the way and head over to your dresser you grab the correct bra and start to head back to the bathroom. But on your way over you glance over at the boy sitting on your bed, his eyes still closed as he sits with his legs crossed holding them together. You think about how cute he is and how sweet it was of him to give you your respect and to comply with keeping his eyes closed. “are you in the bathroom yet, this is taking forever?” he asks, and you realized you had spent more time fonding over him then you did grabbing your bra. You head back to the bathroom and give him the okay to open his eyes.
After you got out of the bathroom, for real this time he smiled at you and handed you your controller.
“Ready to get your ass handed to you?” you asked and he laughed in reply knowing you weren’t bluffing as you won most of the time.
After about 2 hours of playing different games, you felt yourself start to get tired. But every time you would sneak a glance at Kaminari he had the cutest looks on his face and you couldn’t dare to tell him to go back to his dorm, so instead you decided to put on a movie instead because that was easier than playing video games. Kaminari agreed but only if he could pick out the movie so now you were both sitting on your bed watching the cinematic masterpiece, Shrek 2.
“Excellent choice sparky.” You said as he was quoting the ‘are we there yet’ scene.
“Thank you, only the best for you.” He smirked back, turning to face you. “I see I did my job.”
“What job?” you asked him, slightly confused.
“My job to cheer you up, I know training has not been going so well since you felt like you weren’t going anywhere. But I think you are doing great, you are just too hard on yourself.” You felt your heart swell up at his words and a blush spread across your cheeks.
“Thanks, Denki, but I don’t really think I am I mean everyone is doing so well and I am just doing the same as before.” You replied to scared to meet his eyes, playing with your hands. Suddenly he reaches for your hand to make you stop. You look up at him and he gives you a soft smile.
“Y/N, you are doing fantastic and I don’t want to hear anything else okay.”
“But I-“
“Okay?” he cut you off again.
“Okay, fine but just so you stop.” You said giving in. He let go of your hand and your heart sank a bit, wishing he didn’t let go.
“That works for now, I guess.” He gives you a look anyways and you know this conversation will come up again later. You try to enjoy the rest of the movie but the longing for his touch and the tiredness start to take over. You start to fall asleep. Once asleep your head falls to Kaminari’s shoulder, he blushes at the contact but stays as still as possible not to wake you. Soon he also falls asleep.
You wake up the next morning freaking out that you overslept to be reminded that it is the weekend and you don’t have any class. Then you realize that there is someone next to you and an arm around your waist. You turn around and come face to face with your best friend. Panic starts up again, how did this happen you two were sitting in your bed watching Shrek now you have somehow both laid down and were spooning.
“Kami.” You say quietly and shake his shoulder a bit. But all he does is pull you close and mumble. “Kami you fell asleep in my bed.”
“S-okay, five more minutes.” He mumbled, nuzzling his head into your neck. You tried not to get pulled into the moment as you once again realized what was happening. Snapping back into reality you tried once again to wake him up.
“Denki, seriously we could get caught.” He opened his eyes slowly this time he looked at your face and smiled then once he realized what was going on his eyes widened and he fell off the bed taking you with him. You fell on top of the boy. “good job sparky.” You deadpanned.
“I am so sorry, I didn’t think I was gonna fall asleep too. How did you fall with me?” he apologized and clearly didn’t realize the position you were in a couple seconds ago.
“Uh, yeah you were kinda spooning me.” You blushed back as he looked at you, still on top of him. He started blushing as he finally realized everything going on. Once you did too you quickly tried to get off of him but he grabbed your wrist to stop you from going too far. He sat up and pulled you into him.
“Are you okay?” he asked looking at your face.
“Yeah, you broke my fall, are you okay?” you asked him this time.
“Yeah, just a little embarrassed I guess, I’m sorry I did that.” He said scratching the back of his neck and looking away.
“No, it’s okay, I didn’t mind. I um, I kinda liked it.” You blushed at your own words, WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?
“What did you just say?” Kaminari asked unknowingly mimicking your own thoughts.
“I think I said I liked it. Which makes sense because I like you.” You were shocked at your words once again, WHO POSSESSED YOU?
“You like me?” he asked, and you just nodded, too shocked from your own confession to speak. “Well, now I am less embarrassed because I like you too. So great everything worked out.” He said reaching out for you once again and pulling you into a hug. You were still too shocked to hug him back.
“You, you like me back?” you finally asked, Denki still hugging you. He pulled back and looked at you with a confused look on his face and you started to explain your confusion. “You always would grab my hand but then you would let go.”
“Yeah, because I didn’t think you wanted me to hold it.” He blushed, he looked so cute and now that you knew the feelings were mutual you slammed your lips to his. Once he realized what you did, he began to kiss you back, it was a kiss full of longing and yet it was very sweet. You pulled back and for once smirked at him.
“I want you to hold my hand.”
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orionsangel86 · 5 years
I was the one with the ask. I want to apologize. I didn't wanna come across as rude. I love your blog. It was an honest question, since I haven't seen any spoilers which indicate that Cas and Dean are gonna make up. Also I have only seen spoilers where they said that the conflicts goes on after ep 9. Last thing was that Jensen didn't mention Cas as a reason for Dean being sad. But I saw ppl saying that Dean is gonna be shedding tears over Cas. I'd like to know if there's any reference material.
Okay so the first thing I need to stress here as in all cases is this: PR is not showrunning. I know I know, we say it all the time. You can’t really rely on small soundbites from the actors taken from interviews and put into clickbait articles usually to satisfy a specific writers agenda depending on the article they are writing. 
The second thing to remember: People are going to hype up and sensationalise things on social media to gain attention, likes, notes, etc. You cannot rely on this information either.
What we actually know:
Misha said this: “Cas will return to the bunker and the boys. He’ll be sort of driven back into collaborating with them because we’re still confronting the big bad, which is God. But that tension between Cas and Dean will play out for some time, and we won’t really have a resolution to that. I think the audience, and frankly Cas, will finally understand what it is that’s upsetting Dean so much in episode 9. So we’re a ways off from that arc feeling like it’s resolved.”
This quote is from this article.
Then at DCCon the other weekend, the last question asked by Mel aka @/mishasdiary on Twitter, was basically to know if Dean and Cas patch things up and Jensen answered this:
“I will say this, there is an answer to your question in the show. It will be in episode 9 which we just finished. Let’s just say that Dean has a moment by himself, where he prays to Cas. That is a bit of a confession on why he feels the way he feels and why he treated Cas the way he treated him.”
You can see the answer here at about 58 minutes in (last question).
In your ask you sent me yesterday, you also referred to another article (link here) written with soundbites from Jensen. I believe you were referring to this:
"I think the state of his brother always worries Dean. That's who he fights for," Jensen Ackles told TV Guide. "When that support, that base strength in his life starts to waver and [he] starts to second guess himself, that will certainly affect Dean in a way of, 'I can't let him go down this road' or 'I need to figure out a way to help him out.' So it'll be a struggle, not against each other, but for each other. Sam is struggling to find a purpose and Dean is struggling to help Sam find purpose."
But this is standard talk from Jensen and it is also correct so I don’t see why anyone would read this and feel threatened about Dean’s relationship with Cas? Come on now, we aren’t like Bronly’s threatened by Cas’s mere presence. This is very true what Jensen is saying because the brothers are toxically codependent. But there is a true bond between them which has been poisoned over time. Yes Dean will be worried about Sam because Dean is always worried about Sam, but Sam is not part of the Dean and Cas break up narrative.
Jensen also had this to say which I thought was interesting:
[about Sam hypothetically dying] "That would have to be a bridge crossed when he came to it," Ackles said. "Right now, and for a long time, Sam's been the reason that Dean keeps fighting. If you take that away from him, then what does he have? Is there a will to keep going? I don't know how that would shape up from Dean's perspective. Maybe he finds something to fight for or maybe he finds somebody to fight with. Maybe he calls it quits."
So this is Jensen contemplating what life would be like for Dean without Sam, and he’s hardly saying “well if Sam died Dean would also want to die” because Jensen most likely knows that isn’t the case anymore. Bobo has been picking apart that particular arc ever since he wrote Red Meat. 
So anyway, brushing off Jensen’s interview aside as nothing even remotely alarming or concerning for DeanCas fans (because we do NOT see Sam as a threat to our ship), lets talk about the prayer. We got Jensen’s spoiler first, and given this was fresh in Jensen’s mind, only shortly after he filmed it, I reckon we can safely assume that what he has told us is at least somewhat accurate (though we cannot of course account for how this may be cut in the editing room).
Episode 9 is Bobo’s episode. Bobo is basically holding the mantle for the DeanCas emotional arc this season (and last season) so I fully expect this to be the next big turning point in Dean and Cas’s relationship. Jensen has confirmed that when Dean is alone, he prays to Cas.
This is already setting a super intimate scene. Dean rarely prays as it is. We haven’t seen him pray to Cas since season 9. The fact that he is alone and not with Sam also confirms the level of intimacy. We can assume that Dean sought privacy for this prayer.
Now, Jensen goes on to say that Dean will explain how he feels and why he treated Cas how he did. This is already sounding like a proper explanation and potentially an apology. We will learn the mystery of why Dean (in Misha’s words) has been acting like such a prick. I never had any doubt that they would eventually explain it. I trust Bobo has planned this all out and knows what he is doing. He likes exploring Dean’s emotional responses - anger comes from fear and worry. Dean is terrified. That is usually why he acts out. Bobo has previously confirmed this and it was even stated in the show itself in Bobo’s episode 14x09 via Kaia. I think that Dean’s treatment of Cas is based on fear. This is why we are so excited (when I say “we” here, I mean me and the general group of wonderful people I scream with daily about this dumb show aka a bunch of meta writers or at least meta literate people). So Jensen has confirmed that we will get a proper explanation of WHY he treated Cas and also HIS FEELINGS on the matter. 
The MOST interesting part of Jensen’s spoiler, is that he called the whole thing a CONFESSION. Dude. The last time Dean confessed to anything was in a church and it almost gave me a heart attack. Since that scene was the closest this show has ever come so far to Dean actually coming out of the fucking closet.
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So not only is this an intimate prayer to Cas, an explanation of his bad treatment of Cas and an admittance of his feelings over the whole thing, its also a confession. 
Interesting choice of words Jensen. Confession to what exactly? Because this is starting to feel suspiciously like a very profound moment between our two boys. It’s clearly an important scene. 
Then Misha on top of this, has confirmed that Cas hears the prayer. Which yay for starters, and also think about how he explained the situation:
“But that tension between Cas and Dean will play out for some time, and we won’t really have a resolution to that. I think the audience, and frankly Cas, will finally understand what it is that’s upsetting Dean so much in episode 9. So we’re a ways off from that arc feeling like it’s resolved.”
You have to read this entire paragraph as one: 
The tension will play out for sometime but Cas and the audience will understand what the deal is in episode 9. So we are a way off from that arcs resolution.
When Misha was talking about the resolution being way off, he was talking about the time between now and episode 9. He confirms that it is at least somewhat resolved in episode 9. That’s what I interpret as being implied here anyway. 
This plus Jensen’s entire answer was to the question “when will Dean and Cas patch things up?” Jensen answered “episode 9″.
Like??? How are people misunderstanding this and blowing it so far out of proportion? Bitter people are so desperate to cling to their negativity that they are totally misinterpreting the information they are being given. It’s extremely frustrating.
Anyway, the one other gripe you had was about Dean’s prayer being about Sam or because he is worried about Sam. Okay except that has come out of absolutely nowhere other than bitters who are actually threatened by Sam which I find utterly ridiculous. So what if the prayer is triggered by Sam? Maybe Sam is in a perilous situation and Dean doesn’t know what to do so he prays. I mean, is that really so bad? Dean usually IS motivated by Sam, so it’s not exactly a huge deal. The main thing to focus on here is that the prayer will be about Dean and Cas and THEIR issues. It will resolve THAT ARC. The arc that doesn’t involve Sam. 
Honestly, I don’t think that Dean’s prayer will be triggered by Sam though. Because Sam has never been part of this particular arc that Bobo has been writing. I mean maybe its possible that the whole thing could be triggered by Sam yelling at Dean to sort out his shit with Cas because they are stronger together and Sam is fed up of being stuck in the middle in which case GREAT because I would LOVE to see more exasperated Sam telling his brother to talk to his estranged husband. 12x10 is one of my all time favourite episodes BECAUSE OF SAM.
But again, I don’t think that an intimate private prayer confession from Dean to Cas will have anything to do with Sam because quite frankly, I can’t see how to fit him in a way that makes sense outside of my own 12x10 repeat above. 
So please, stop panicking over things we don’t know. Stop making negative assumptions. Focus on the good stuff and enjoy what the show is giving us right now. I’m still riding the DeanCas break up scene high because that shit was romantic AF and no one can tell me otherwise. I’m still amazed that in this shows final season Dean and Cas’s emotional arc is getting pushed into the A plot. In all the years of watching this show this has only ever been the case once before and that was in 13x01-13x06. This is a huge deal. Enjoy it and stop letting negative Nancy’s drag you down.
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another-sonic-blog · 5 years
The Dark Prince: Epilogue: Not The Dark Prince
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"Today is the first Independence anniversary for the Acorn Kingdom! Not too long ago, the Acorn Kingdom was under the commands of their tyrant King. Everyone expected the Rebellion leader Princess Sally Acorn to take over the throne. However, informants declare that a secret member of the Rebellion, whose face had not been revealed yet, has been picked by the people of the Acorn Kingdom to take over the throne. He goes by the name of-"
"Cream, stop watching that!", Amy turned off the TV of her leaving room.
"But they were going to reveal the name of the new King!" Cream said winning.
"You have been too obsessed with this new King, you don't even know his name nor his face...what's with this guy anyway?" Amy said as she looked at herself in the mirror, making sure that her hair looks decent for work.
"He is just so mysterious! The news is always talking about him and about the things he has done or the Acorn Kingdom...Weirdly enough, the Acorn Kingdom never let a single picture of him infiltrate...I wonder why?" Cream said thoughtfully.
"He is a secret Rebellion member, if his identity was revealed, then the Kingdom would probably go after his loved ones."
Amy and Cream turned around to find Rouge drinking a cup of coffee. "What?"
"How long have you been there?"
"Half an hour", She said as she took a sip. "I used to be spy honey...I remember some old tricks."
"I forgot that just two years ago you used to work for G.U.N hehe... well at least you are doing good as a self-defense trainer." Cream said as she made room for her bat friend to sit with her on the sofa.
"And you are doing good as a Pre-K teacher yourself Cream.", Rouge took a seat next to her rabbit friend.
"I am really happy you are here Rouge but I am just leaving to work," Amy said as she opened the door, ready to leave.
"But we even haven't talked about the wedding yet!" Rouge said almost screaming as she saw Amy leave.
"We will talk about it as soon as I get back home!
And with that Amy left.
Rouge and Cream looked at each other, already knowing what they were going to do next.
They turned the TV and watched the breaking news.
The news reporter was shown quickly on the TV, still announcing the breaking news. "Who would have thought that the new King of the Acorn Kingdom will be no other than the re-owned worldwide superhero-"
Then, both Rouge and Cream yelled in unison...
It has been another busy day at Momo's Cafe, AKA Amy's cafe. Although she was thankful that her cafe had become more popular these days, she was still thankful that everything was working well.
She looked up at her phone, looking at it proudly, she was able to buy herself a smartphone. She received a text message from Sonic clearly saying: "Can't wait to see you!"
Amy smiled with the text, it has been two weeks since she last Sonic and she was super excited to him. She texted back: "I am cleaning up at the cafe, you can come if you want."
"Alright :)" He texted back.
She put her phone away and put on some music to start cleaning up. Her last employee left and since Amy was the owner, she made a thing that it must be her the first one to arrive and the last one to leave.
To leave
It has already been two years and still no signs of him. She really wonders if she is worth waiting for him this long. She wanted him to be there for the wedding, but it seems like she wasn't going to see him anytime soon.
Amy used a towel to clean the underpart of the cashier's table. As if she was under it, she heard the cafe's door open. Steps getting closer to her as they finally made a stop in front of the cashier, waiting to get service. Amy was having a bit of difficulty getting herself up from the underpart of the table, as she hit her head.
"Can I have a cup of black coffee?"
Amy heard a someone from the other side of the cashier say, as she stopped from touching her head, she quickly stood up to face her client.
"Sorry sir, we are closed-"
This must be a dream.
Amy must have hit her head too hard because the one standing right in front of her, asking her for a cup of black coffee was no other than Shadow the Hedgehog.
This wasn't like in the books, where both protagonists end up kissing each other after a long time of not meeting.
Their feelings were never like that, and Shadow was aware of that. Before, Shadow would be worried about that fact. Now, it didn't matter, it was unique. It wasn't fictional....
their feelings were real.
And now they were here, alone, drinking coffee on the place where everything began. Quietly, their eyes crossed each other, not knowing where to star.
"So...how you have been?" Amy asked trying not to make eye contact. Shadow took a sip of his coffee before answering, keeping his cool.
"I've been alright"
That was it. Shadow couldn't get words out of his mouth. He really was trying to make any motion possible to show that he was happy to be here.
"What-um..what you?"
"What about you?" Shadow finally was able to pronounce his words properly. He didn't know why he was getting so nervous for. It was just Amy, the girl who he had a crush on since forever, nothing to be worried about right?
"I've well since you left two years, I kept working on my cafe and now it's gotten more popular. Also that I've been busy planning a wedding." Amy said simply, still trying to fully realize that the Dark Prince was in front of her.
"Oh...A wedding?...things between you and Sonic must be pretty good then." Shadow sighed, what was he expecting? He clearly told Sonic to go after Amy, and for him to make her happy. It had been two years, so of course their relationship had developed. Of course Sonic would want to marry her, who wouldn't? At least Shadow would do it in a heartbeat.
So if he knew...why was there still a pain in his heart?
Oh, yes...because he had hoped that Amy would have waited for him. But he knew that it would be selfish of him to ask her to do so.
"Ummm, yes we are good but I am planning Rouge and Knuckles' wedding. They asked me to do it, so of course, I said yes. Don't get me wrong, I love planning but it can be stressing at times."
"Wait, so Sonic and you?"
"What about us?" Amy said a bit weird out by Shadow's question.
"You know..you both are...a thing?"
"No, we never dated. I couldn't bring myself to think about anyone else after what Sonic told me." Amy took a sip once again from her cup, already knowing where this was going.
"What did Sonic told you?"
Shadow was panicking. Sonic couldn't have told Amy about the letter...right?
"Mmm...where should I start?... I am not perfect, and I may have hurt you-"
Shadow could feel his cheeks getting hotter by the second. He had never felt this flustered before. He hated himself as he realized that he had lost his cool.
"I am sorry...I won't talk about it again." Amy said smiling a bit, proud that she made Shadow get pink like that.
A few minutes passed again in silence as Shadow had gotten his composure back. "So...you waited for me? Although I told Sonic to be with you?"
"Sonic always put others before himself. He knew that you loved me so he stepped aside. He asked me if I was ok with it...you know...If I was ok with waiting..."
Amy sighed as she remembers the scene clearly from two years ago. Sonic showing her the letter Shadow had left. Reading Shadow's true feelings was what made Amy come up with an answer.
"And I said yes."
For a moment, Shadow couldn't' hear anything but his heartbeat. For a small fraction of a second, Shadow couldn't see anything but Amy. That 'Yes' stumble his ears again and again, almost like a melody.
It may be a simple word, but for him...it meant everything.
All of this time, he was scared that all previous feelings Amy had for him were gone. But now, seeing her eyes glow like that as if she was about to cry. Her lips trembling, and her body ready to jump into his arms.
"Are you still looking for an extra worker?" Shadow smiled, hoping that his words will resonate with her.
"Yes..." Amy took one second to stop her voice from cracking. " I can't promise you a good paycheck but...I promise you that I'll never fire you... Will the Dark Prince comply to these terms?"
Shadow couldn't wait to get Amy into his arms. After two long years of being part of the Rebellion and learning more about himself, he was ready to start living. Although he still had questions about love and how it should be treated, he knew that the only way to learn was to experience it.
And he wanted to experience everything with Amy. Their time was ending, the two lovers had no one to stop them from loving each other. It was the beginning of the end, but what a beautiful ending it was.
Sonic had finally arrived at Amy's Cafe but he couldn't bring himself to interrupt the beautiful moment the two were having. At last, his promise to Shadow had been fulfilled and there was nothing else to do but watch. He smiled out of happiness as he watched the two share a small kiss. He learned to watch from afar and appreciate the little things life brings him. He was truly happy for them both.
Shadow smiled and held hands with Amy. He closed his eyes and opened them slowly as to savor the moment, not wanting to let go, he sighed and answered her question...
"I am not the Dark Prince anymore...but if you want, call me the Dark King."
The Dark Prince Epilogue: END
Previous Chapter: https://another-sonic-blog.tumblr.com/post/185970145230/its-been-a-while-since-sonic-had-seen-shadow-he
The Dark Prince: Chapter Nine: A Confession
A/N: This story came out from a small idea, now it has become a complete story.
Personally, I think this is the best ShadAmy fan-fiction I've written. I want to thank everyone who has followed this story to the very end. Especially those who comment and inspired me to keep writing.
There's really not much to say, I will probably take a break from writing stories with multiple chapters. I'll like to get my ideas going by writing one-shot stories, so of course, if anyone has prompt ideas feel free to message me.
Thank you once again to everyone who read "The Dark Prince" I have loved writing this story and its sad to let it go.
But all things that start well, end well.
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