#And also sorry
hg-aneh · 7 months
Hi! I absolutely love all of your art and I’ve been fallowing you for awhile! There’s been some rumors that you ship Muriel x crowley?? Which I guess is an odd paring but nothing terrible wrong with, I was just curious if you do ship them.
Thank you for all your wonderful art <3
okay, i want to preface this by saying that I've already been harassed over this to the point of being called a lowkey pedophile and having every little move of mine scrutinized and misconstrued to sickening extents (this harassment spilled over to my partner too, and it was horrible)
so all anyone would do by doing this again would be repeating history, among other things that have to do with fucking up my already frail mental state
onto the meat
yes, I ship it
no, I do not see Muriel as a child, kid, teenager, or anything of the sort and I find it personally distasteful to think of doing so because infantilizing autistic traits rubs me the wrong way (p e r s o n a l l y)
you can do it if you want to, I have worse things to worry about than a random person on the internet thinking something of a fictional character, just don't try to push your headcanon onto me just because you perceive it that way or because it's a popular dynamic that you find fun
adding onto this, i want to add that i will never and i mean fucking NEVER post anything related to that ship outside of the very specific private Xitter account i created for it
(and my personal facebook, on a friends only setting)
any Muriel & Crowley content outside of that account is all platonic and bla bla you get the gist. I can separate things, what a talent.
Now, I'm being overly paranoid and explaining myself to exhaustion over this for a very good reason and it's because last time someone found out about it ((yes we're going full circle to the beginning of this little bible)) they treated it as some sort of GOTCHA moment about me being a pedo ((and if you didn't know this already: I fucking despise children with my whole being, I'd rather be forcefed alligator shit for my whole life than be with one of those creatures for a single day))
It got to the point of that person making extremely hurtful videos about me and their little friend group comprised of goober eating toddlers joining in on the "Hater" train or whatever the hell that new cultural trend is called, as well
It was hell, that whole experience fucked me up BAD and i feel silly for saying this but it was genuinely traumatic! So- I apologize if I'm sounding confrontational here, anon, but like, this is the type of thing you have to do to keep yourself safe now, it's gone to that point and I'm in hysterics now because what the fuck
Lastly, I'd like to say this one other thing
Muriel is played by an adult actress, they are canonically the same age as Aziraphale and Crowley and are also an eldritch creature just like them
The fact that they're nice and bubbly and happen to have autistic traits doesn't suddenly make them a fetus. I have friends with the same personality type as them and I feel like it'd be dumb to treat them like zygotes knowing they're adults with body hair and debt
Again, if you see them as one, I'm literally no one to judge, I'm 1.49, you're better off taking judgement from a stupid lone penguin in the saharan desert.
But don't fuck with others for thinking otherwise, it's not a moral issue to disagree with a headcanon, please. 🥲
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lalunanne · 7 days
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carpsoup · 1 year
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triple affirm this
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mishaesque · 6 days
I bought tickets for the Scotland comic con in October cause I’m like damn I’m 27 and back in the spn swamp after 10 years and I’ve had a really really shitty year so you know what?? If I can’t be happy at least 15 year old me can. I remember looking at tickets for jus in bello FOUR with my friend like wth!!!!! If you’re a teenager or like early 20s I just want to let you know that time is gonna start moving by real fast real soon so take literally every opportunity for an experience or you will regret it!!!!! Unfortunately you probably won’t understand what I mean until you’re my age lol. Sorry for the rant/ existential crisis but Anyways my question is whether I should get a photo with Jensen or Jensen and Misha????? I kind of want both lmao but that’s really really expensive 🥹
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Finally went and made a thread about this, to make things easier!
Looking for a breeding partner for a G2 of my own progens :)
Things of note:
Progen G2. Not a G2 from any random G1s. Not a G2 from one progen and another non-progen dragon. Specifically the child of two progens.
Male. No getting around this, sorry
At least partially, ideally fully gened (I'm broke and I don't wanna spend heaps of money gening a dragon from the ground up if I don't have to)
Gene rarity doesn't matter, Pirkad's gene plans are not set in stone yet exactly because of this
Colours don't matter. At this point I'm willing to look at anything and we'll just see. No close ranges though
I don't do lore connections. If you'd like to incorporate Pirkad into your lore/would like me to do the same for your clan, the answer is no, sorry. If the dragon you're offering comes with lore, it will be deleted. Sorry if this sounds harsh, but I'd rather be upfront about it
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hirokiyuu · 2 years
good mornign stella
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captainjonnitkessler · 5 months
Sometimes I wish we would start calling out the performative radicalism on this site for the poser bullshit it is. "Remember, it's always morally correct to kill a cop!" "Don't forget to firebomb your local government office!" "Wow, it sure would be a shame if these instructions on how to make a molotov cocktail got spread around!"
Okay. But you're not killing cops or firebombing government offices. You are posting on a dying microblogging website to a carefully-curated echo chamber that has radicalized itself into thinking that taking the absolute most extreme position on any subject is praxis but that anyone discussing the most practical way to effect actual change is your sworn enemy. You do not have the street cred OR the activist cred to be talking about killing cops, babe.
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amygdalae · 1 month
kind of hate my stupid caustic pussy for dissolving my underwear over time but it's kind of cool, like, scientifically
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atissi · 3 months
i don't really like when people say dungeon meshi is accidentally good autistic representation, because while i understand not wanting to make conclusions without explicit confirmation from the author, there's always the weird assumption that non-western authors somehow don't know about things like neurodivergency/queerness/etc. (on top of the assumptions that east asian authors are somehow more naive or oblivious to "western" social issues).
given that dungeon meshi started being published in 2014, it's not really a "work belonging to its times"—it's as contemporary as any other media we discuss on this site, which means it should be fair to assume it engages with contemporary topics (and at the very least, you shouldn't say that the representation is accidental with so much confidence)
but anyways, the chapter "perfect communication" in ryoko kui's "terrarium in a drawer" is some of the most straightforward autistic representation I've seen, and from now on I'm going to assume that laios's character writing is absolutely intentional in that regard:
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luminixx · 3 months
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“Your mom” gone wrong. Not the right person.
this is lowkey so unserious don't kill me. it's a reference to all that stuff about his mother that I am seeing.
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funkbun · 9 months
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go play bugsnax
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pbnmj · 11 months
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daftmooncretin · 4 months
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spock’s room decor is actually fucking bonkers. The weapons??? the big red velvet curtain??? like ok phantom of the opera go crazy.
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for reference jim’s room has some photos and a plant so we can surmise this is uniquely a spock being a dramatic weirdo thing
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wishing-well-art · 11 months
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Wake up it's time to get blocked and reported
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shayneysides · 11 months
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hobie: kill yourself
original format from @ha-youwish in this post!
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