#And hopefully I'll be able to work on an animation I've wanted to for quite a while
drawbudd · 21 days
two exams down!! Don't have the other sketches atm but for now have a doodle I did after i finished my first exam
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darqx · 6 months
Some BP/HH/General asks
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That mood when you want to share all the things but also want to keep it under wraps for the actual thing haha! Thanks very much anon!
As for your questions, I can't actually be specific cos there's no definitive number I have in mind for either. Basically there are a number of sectors (you can consider them their equivalent of countries - they have less than what we do though), and a number of species of demon of which I've designed about seven of. The ones I've shown before are these guys (and do you think I could find this pic again? No, I had to recreate it cos for the life of me I couldn't remember what ask I'd previously stuck it in lol):
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One day when i have enough species and stuff out there I want to make a proper field guide \o/
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Thank you very much for the interest! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ I would actually love to for BP, but before I jump the gun there I have to get the comic out first lol. That being said I have made mini-games before featuring the HH versions and some other characs alas they are all lost at the moment to the sands of Flash becoming obsolete 😩
Me and Gato do still collab sometimes (and send each other Xmas presents)! °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
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I have been working on one off and on for a while actually! Hopefully I'll have some pages to post next year or so*, I've been doing a bit of thumbnailing recently :D
*that is the plan but i also don't know where people find the time to do anything with a full time job lol.
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Hullo! Glad you are enjoying the snippets of BP I've got here and there :D Here is an older ref on Izm back when i first got the idea (at that time i didn't really plan to do anything with it, it was just an AU. Now it's my main project haha. Anyway the ref is a little bit out of date in that regard.)
I used to have a "field guide" which was also made quite a while ago, unfortunately the death of Flash kinda killed it. Here's a screenshot of some relevant info from it though.
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That's an interesting one as it's questionable how sentient souls are after removal 🤔 In my mind its only form is the smoke light, it can "see" to some degree and MIGHT be able to talk (but in a very no one can hear them sort of way, a la i have no mouth and i must scream. So i guess it can think "aloud"). The more time passes the less sentience it has.
It could try, though it wouldn't really get anywhere if it's in Rire's collection. He might just eat it lol.
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.D: Good with kids, will be fine in all aspects.
Izm: The fun dad however needs a partner that knows what they're doing to ensure the child safety during shenanigans.
Marcus and Zeke: Also would be good parents though might be more helicopter out of protectiveness/worry when first starting out.
Ren: Geek parent very good for homework help. Some Asian parent tendencies eg "ah see, i told you not to do that right? Now you see what happened."
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They are similar to our known society for this! So basically, there are some good families out there (eg Zeke - who is a demon - is from a pretty average loving family), and there are some bad families out there who only care about power or having an heir or whatever.
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HH Rire is a human. I differentiate between him and Demon Rire because they are two different characters...even though they are also technically the same character lol. You can consider them as alternate universe iterations of a base "Rire" concept.
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I actually half jested this in an old comic lol
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I am sorry to inform you that a HH webcomic doesn't actually exist 😅 I did a lot of art, animations and one shots (such as the HHJ comics) with them, but nothing actually planned or serialised or anything. Whatever's currently on my DA or here is basically what exists.
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Bringing this image back cos it's relevant lol.
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You spelled it correct there though! XD
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ell-arts · 4 months
Just some talking
Not quite a life update, but not quite an activity post either lol, just a plain post about some general things I guess?
I've slowed down quite a bit on content and activity on here. Ever since graduating and moving back in with my parents, I've been hit with art-lethargy and burnout fully settled in, and so I just kinda allowed myself to be stagnant for a while, recovering from the harrowing year that was 2023. It's been helpful. Of course, I couldn't rest for too long because I had to finalise my portfolio/CV and prepare for the working world. Good news is that starting today I'm working on a concept art/storyboard internship for an animation company for two weeks. I don't know if I'll stick with them after the internship ends, but I do have my eye on some other job offerings. We'll see.
I also just realised that 13 Jan was the 1-year anniversary of me returning to being active on Tumblr again. Since then, I believe I've made more content for PMATGA than ever before, and its all thanks to your support! Hoping for another year of PMATGA fanworks.
That being said, I want to get to the main point of this post. In the next few days (weeks?) I won't be talkative or very active for a bit.
If I may be honest, there's been a heck of a thing going on with my family and in my personal life right now. It's sucking at all of my energy and driving me to the point of having an anxious/depressive episode. Outside of work, I really don't have the motivation or will to work on any content at this point in time.
I've been trying to at least do small bits of writing, hoping to get a few fun drabbles out. But they're uninspired and being done haphazardly, because of emotional lethargy and feeling drained regarding irl drama. I am still barely recovering from last year's burnout from uni. So I'm not going to force it. My drive will come back in time, I just need time to readjust to a new work schedule and deal with personal issues first.
I know that Call Me Cyli is much anticipated. I know that The Veil has now gone precisely a full year without an update, equally as anticipated, if not more. I know how much you guys love these stories.
I am not giving up on them. I just need some time.
Hopefully, after I've landed a permanent job somewhere, I'll be able to have a bit more stability in my time and schedule.
Thank you all so much for being so kind and supportive during my first year back on Tumblr 💙 I'll see you when I see you :)
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amethystina · 1 month
I recommend holding back on Word of Honor if you're worried about having too much already, because that it a rabbit hole that you go down way too quickly and is too good to escape :)
P.s. I love all your works! Thanks so much for them and all you invest into them!
To be honest, that's no guarantee I will end up in that same rabbit hole x'D I mean, yes, I'm hesitant to watch it because there's a possibility I'd get really invested, but I'm also a fickle bitch who can react in the oddest of ways to certain media.
Like, The Untamed? LOVE that drama. Hands down one of my absolute favourites of all time. I love the world, the characters, the story, the relationships, the aesthetics, and pretty much everything about it.
And yet, despite all that, I have zero interest in writing or reading fanfics, reading the book, watching the animated version, or digging through lore/meta/theories. I am so perfectly satisfied with the story I got through that drama that I have nothing I want to add or expand on.
Despite loving the source material to absolute bits, I never really joined the fandom and probably never will.
Please don't think I'm saying this to be edgy or contrarian, though. It's just that if the drama is good and entertaining enough (which I've heard that Word of Honor is) I might just end up with no desire to explore it further. That's not to say that the dramas I'm writing for now are somehow faulty or incomplete, but rather that, in those, I felt I had something to add. I felt like I wanted to see how those stories would continue.
And maybe I will with Word of Honor, maybe I won't, but I've learned that I can't judge my reactions based on what everyone else finds interesting. I seem to have a completely different set of requirements before I find myself interested enough to engage with a piece of media.
I mean, the fact that I decided to write a fic that will probably end up being 100k for a fandom that has a total of 19 works at the moment (even fewer when I started writing) says a thing or two about how unpredictable and unusual my urges can be x'D
That said, thank you for the warning! If I end up not heeding it, I give you permission to tell me "I told you so" ;)
And thank you so much! I'm so glad you like my fics 💜 I admit I'm currently quite frustrated with them since I am, once again, stuck on editing. But, with some luck, I'll be able to post it tomorrow.
It's a oneshot all you bloodthirsty Devil Judge fans will hopefully enjoy. If nothing else because it's Yo Han's POV and you all seem to love it when I write that xD
Take care, darling! 💜
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The Spider's Forest (1/3)
The forest was dangerous, they said. That's the spider’s place. 
Roman and Remus Taylor lived in the village of Dumhan-Collie, a sad, dingy little town along the edge of an equally sad, dingy forest. Most of the people who lived there were miserable, angry or both and the collective dream of the town was to leave it far, far behind. 
Most visitors didn’t stay long, and those who did tended to regret it quite quickly. 
The main reason for all this? The spiders. 
| Ao3 | Next Chapter -> | Clover's Wonderful Art |
Fic Warnings: Heavy amounts of spiders, a few mentions of animal torture courtesy of Remus.
Pairings: Platonic Prinxiety, and platonic roman + everyone else.
Heyyy! This is my fic for the @sandersidesbigbang !
I've been working on this for ages - currently, it still doesn't have an ending, which is why you only get two of the three chapters, hopefully, I'll be able to finish it soon enough that no one is bothered.
Thank you SO MUCH to Clover (@failingatfailing on Tumblr) for stepping in halfway through and doing such AMAZING art for this fic!! Please go show them some appreciation and have a look at the art!!!
The forest was dangerous, they said. That's the spider’s place. 
Roman and Remus Taylor lived in the village of Dumhan-Collie, a sad, dingy little town along the edge of an equally sad, dingy forest. Most of the people who lived there were miserable, angry or both and the collective dream of the town was to leave it far, far behind. 
Most visitors didn’t stay long, and those who did tended to regret it quite quickly. 
The main reason for all this? The spiders. 
They were everywhere, all over town, enough that you couldn’t go ten minutes without seeing one on a good day. Some were small, the smallest ones Roman had seen were barely the size of his pinkie nail, and some were big. The big ones were the ones that got everyone so on edge - they mostly came around at night, so they were easy to avoid, but the few Roman had seen… Roman thought they were about the size of a small pony, maybe an oversized dog. 
It sure was unnerving, to hear them scuttling around outside his bedroom window as he fell asleep. Sometimes you could even hear them hissing or fighting, once or twice you’d even find a couple dead in the streets when you went outside the next morning. 
The bigger ones took livestock, sometimes, he heard the farmers complaining about it some nights in the tavern. They took other things too, sometimes. More confusing things like barrels of sugar and flour or plates of bread from the bakery. A few times Roman had heard the hawker raving about how the spiders had stolen the papers he was supposed to be selling that morning. Now what a spider would want with the morning news Roman had no clue. 
The people of the town called it a curse, they regarded their spider neighbours with disdain and disgust. The nicer in the town would usher spiders found in their houses into cups and set them back outside, those who were not so nice would swat them with books or shoes or broomsticks. Every other day you’d have to clear new cobwebs from the corners of your rooms, your railings, your plants, and the insides of your cupboards. Roman washed their sheets and clothes and cushions twice a week, just to be safe. 
Roman himself preferred to simply let them be. Usually, he’d found they were harmless if he left them alone or gently coaxed them back outside of their house. Sometimes if he found one in their room whilst he was cleaning he’d leave it until he was done, chatting away as though it could hear him. 
Safe to say, Roman was… a little bit lonely. 
Sure, he had his brother, Remus, who lived with him in their little cottage. Remus was a little less friendly towards the spiders than Roman was, to say the least. He enjoyed tormenting them with traps and baits and little glass boxes. Somehow Roman thought they seemed to know, though maybe it was just his imagination, But he found far fewer spiders in their home than other people he spoke to claimed to find in theirs. 
He had friends too. The town baker, Patton, who was always upbeat no matter how often things went missing from his shop during the night; the librarian, Logan, who somehow remained as stonefaced as ever as he dusted the cobwebs off of the books Roman asked to borrow this time and Janus, the town cryptid who ran the apothecary. Roman… wasn’t entirely sure what his deal was, but he was fairly certain he was in his good books, even if they weren’t friends. 
Roman himself made and mended clothes, it was an enjoyable job, even if many of the people who came to him asked if he was just taking the money for his wife. A wife who doesn’t exist. Mending clothes was a woman’s job, they said, astounded when he told them that no, he did it all himself. But it never mattered either way in the end, Roman enjoyed the methodical process of sewing, and the beautiful results he could create with just a needle and thread when he could get hold of it. 
He made all of his own and Remus’ clothes himself, most people in the village wore at least one thing that Roman had worked on. 
The money from it paid, as well, to keep them fed and housed. To buy him new, more interesting fabric and thread. Of course, his brother’s own job helped towards everything as well. He worked down at the blacksmith, forging anything from weaponry to metal clips for horse tack. When he was off the clock he liked to make things that were much more interesting to him, many of which decorated their cottage alongside Roman’s creations, others he used as… torture devices for the poor spiders he found around their house. A hobby Roman had attempted to get him to quit more than once. 
All in all, life was… fine. 
“Hey! You!” Someone called, Roman looked up from where he sat on a bench in the small town square, passing the afternoon engrossed in some book of fantasy Logan had just gotten in earlier that week. He slipped an embroidered bookmark between the pages and set the book down next to him, before gesturing to himself and looking up at the near frantic older man, confused.
“Yes?” Roman answered, “Did you need something?”
“My basement’s been overrun by these blasted spiders again,” The guy huffed, waving an arm around, “You think a strong young lad like you can take care of it? I can pay-”
“It’s not my job, sir,” Roman said, raising an eyebrow, “Why not go to the guard?”
The man seemed to get even more frustrated by that answer, “They’ve already been around three times this month, they told me if I can’t take care of my own basement I should stuff it.”
Roman frowned, standing up, “How terribly rude, I’ll see what I can do.”
There was a reason Roman never joined the town guard. Despite how he’d always admired them, shining armour and sharpened swords, in this town they didn’t battle invaders or deal with dangerous monsters. They were barely more than armoured pest control. 
And whilst Roman was happy to deal with one or two spiders, more than okay dusting away the small webs he found in his cottage….
Where he stared down at the basement, seeing thick white strands of silk disappear into the darkness, dotted with hundreds of tiny spiders… spider nests creeped him out. Just a little bit. 
He took a deep breath, swallowing around the lump in his throat and raised his sword - that he’d run home to get - and his torch, and descended the steps.
It had taken him ages to clear out the spider web, especially as he tried not to harm too many of the spiders. He’d come out again covered in strands of silk and probably enough spiders to scare some poor traveller. He sighed as he took his book and a small pouch of coins back from the old man, told him to try not to let it get that bad again, and returned home to find Remus torturing another poor spider he’d found at their dinner table with some new device. 
The spiders kept coming, and negligent people kept letting them take over unused rooms or corners. After he had helped that old man Roman found himself helping others where the guard refused as well. He must have cleared hundreds of spider nests all over the village by now, and come summer he was tired of cleaning spider webs off of the clothes he had worked so hard on and the sword Remus had made especially for him. 
When yet another person showed up at his door with yet another infestation, Roman put his foot down, he was tired of this. 
Somehow, Roman was going to stop the spiders at the source.
“What!” Patton yelped when Roman told them his plan, Logan simply sighed. The three of them sat at a table inside the bakery - closed for the evening. 
“I’m going to go into the forest, find where all these spiders are coming from, and… do something about it,” Roman repeated. To be honest, he wasn’t quite sure what exactly he was going to do about it, but he would do something.
“Roman! You can’t!” Patton said, flinching as a spider the size of Roman’s palm scuttled across the table. Most people in this town had shaken any fear of spiders by now, Patton happened to be the exception. Roman sighed and carefully picked up the thing and placed it down on the floor, smiling as Patton visibly relaxed. 
“I will have to say, I agree with Patton on this one, Roman.” Logan said with a sigh, “We simply don’t know enough about the forest for it to be safe.”
“Of course it won't be safe,” Roman rolled his eyes, “Spiders as big as ponies, remember?”
“Is- is that supposed to reassure us? Because it isn’t working!” Patton said, “If you go you’ll be eaten! Roman!”
“Do you even know how to fight?” Logan asked, raising an eyebrow. Roman scoffed.
“Yes, I know how to fight, Dad taught me and Remus when we were younger.”
“And what exactly will you do if you get trapped or captured?” Logan leant forward, Roman was starting to feel as though this was an interrogation.
Regardless, he rolled his eyes, “Fight my way out, of course, they’re only spiders.”
“Giant spiders,” Patton whispered, voice shaking at the thought.
“And what if they happen to be venomous, like the one who got Miss Burgandy?” Logan said, raising an eyebrow. 
“Burgandy didn’t die,” Roman huffed, “She got bitten, got sick and then moved away after she recovered.”
“How do you know?” Patton asked.
“Because I read about her store in the paper,” Roman said, waving a hand as though it was obvious, “She’s set up in some place called Reston now.”
“Even still, what will happen if you get bitten and cannot get back for help?” Logan asked.
“Guys come on,” Roman said, “Have a little faith? I can do this!”
“Does your brother even know you’re doing this?” Logan changed the topic, making it clear that no, he didn’t have faith in him. Roman took a deep breath and let it out in a slow sigh.
“No,” Roman said, “And he won't.”
“Whyever not?” Patton asked, eyes wide, “Surely he would be worried if he woke up and you were gone?”
“I know,” Roman said, “But… he hasn’t been kind to the spiders, I fear they would not be kind to him in return, I don’t want him to follow me.”
Patton sighed, “I… suppose that’s fair enough.”
Shaking his head, Logan put his hands on the table, “What makes you think the spiders will remember something like that? They’re just spiders.”
“Something just… it’s a gut feeling,” Roman said, “I know you won’t believe it.”
“You’re correct,” Logan said, “But if we can’t say anything to stop you, and you feel this strongly, then… I suppose we may as well help you, what exactly do you plan to say to your brother?”
Roman couldn’t help the sigh of relief that escaped him at that. 
“I was planning to leave in the morning,” Roman said, “I’ll tell him I’m traveling west in search of a new cloth, and I’ll start up the path before circling back into the forest once the village is out of sight.”
Roman couldn’t help but think that the forest looked so… regular. From here, similarly to the village, it looked like just a normal forest - if a little gloomy. The trees were tall, many of them thicker than Roman could wrap his arms around, the leaves were a lush green this time of year and colourful flowers blossomed on the plants that lay around the forest floor. 
It seemed so normal it was almost disconcerting. 
Don’t go into the forest, they said, that’s the spider’s place. 
From here Roman could only see one small web, maybe two, hanging between leaves or in a hollow on a tree. Similarly to the village, the forest looked deceptively normal. He believed them, though. The spiders at night always came from the forest, the ones he released always ran back towards it. 
Frankly, Roman was terrified of what he might find when he went in. Maybe that’s why he had been standing at the edge of the forest for far longer than he should have been. 
Taking a deep breath, Roman did a final check, he had his sword and a few unlit torches as well as a hunting knife strapped to his belt, along with his travel pack - rope, a matchbox, enough dried food to last him a few days at least, a canteen full of water, a blanket as well as a good number other things - everything he had packed was still here, surprisingly, after he’d checked four times. 
He was ready, he had everything. Now he just had to… start walking. 
The first part of his journey passed quietly. The forest was serene if the silence was a little unnerving. Occasionally he’d hear a bird chirping, though it didn’t happen nearly often enough for him to be comfortable. He thought he should’ve seen more animals than the occasional squirrel by now too. 
At least the reminders that the spiders ruled this forest were subtle at this point. 
He pressed onwards.
Roman stopped for the night when he started seeing more webs. 
Despite the sun still being in the sky, Roman backtracked a little, it wasn’t safe by any means, but he convinced himself he’d be safer the further away from the spiderwebs he slept. Just to make sure, Roman found himself a sturdy-looking tree and climbed it to perch on a branch. Part of him felt that he was just being paranoid, the spiders wouldn’t get him here, not if they were going after the village, but… just to be safe. 
He ate a little of his food, drank a little water and wrapped himself in the blanket and just for good measure used his rope to tie himself to the branch. Roman wasn’t a fitful sleeper, but he was certain Logan would praise him for taking precautions. 
Roman fell asleep just as the sun was starting to sink below the horizon.
General tags: @full-of-roman-angst-trash @reptilianrapscallion420 @your-local-random-dino @cutebisexualmess @glacierruler @roseianxiety @bella-bugatti-frogetti-baguetti (if anyone wants to be added, let me know!)
| Next Chapter -> |
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blackjackkent · 7 months
Aight, time for some Thanksgiving Baldur's Gate bc all I am doing is hanging about the house. :D
We left off having finally made it to relative safety in the Last Light Inn and there are a number of things we need to do here (particularly having a drink with Jaheira), but the first priority before everything else is:
I think we can finally get Karlach's quest moving. The tiefling refugees (what's left of them) are definitely here, so before we do anything else, I want to go find the mechanic and see if he can do something for her engine. Because Hector is, let's be honest, definitely kinda falling for her and we need to open her dialogue tree up. XD
And there he is!
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Hanging out in the stables with a forge and several oxen.
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This guy, Dammon, is such a good dude tbh - and apparently Karlach knows him!
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"The weaponsmith, right? Drafted into the Blood War when your city was swallowed by Avernus. Not too different from my own story. Well done making it out alive!"
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Dammon recognizes immediately that she had an infernal engine and that it's busted; he has a listen and already has some ideas. He mentions needing infernal iron, and Karlach gets all excited at once.
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"Hey, Soldier - we've got some infernal iron already! Let's give it to him, hey?"
Hector, of course, gives it to him eagerly - he's as invested in this as Karlach is, almost.
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A bit of a letdown on the animation here to be honest. Dammon hammered on the iron for a bit and then told her she'd have to install it, and there was a shot of Karlach, from behind, fiddling with something in her chest area, and then she was done. Feels a bit handwavy tbh.
On the bright side...she's thrilled with the progress and gets all smiley!
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"That feels...good! I'm still burning hot as Hell's hole, but I feel less...changeable. Cheers, mate!"
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"Pleasure. As for the heat, I haven't got any solutions now, but I"m not giving up. Could be if the combustion chamber had its own insulation, or if we had some kind of enchanted coolant... Let me sleep on it. I just might be able to work something out. Hopefully the next time I see you, I'll have something promising to report. I'll need more infernal iron either way, though, so keep your eyes open."
Perfect. We'll do the other stuff in Last Light and then take a long rest and come back and talk to him again and decide where to go from there. (I might cheat and find out where more infernal iron is because I am a weak woman ultimately. :P )
Obviously we talk to Karlach again after...
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"Dammon's upgrade didn't cool me down, but it did juice me up! I don't think I've ever felt more powerful."
It's obvious, just from looking at her, how much better she feels. He can see the energy coursing through her, a brighter light in her eyes. She's ready to fight, ready to move, ready to do anything.
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He is happy for her. Of course he is. This is safety; she's no longer in danger of the thing spiraling out of control.
And yet...without realizing it, he had built this moment up in his mind; they would find the infernal mechanic, and then Karlach would be healed. The heat would fade, and perhaps he could...put a hand on hers in a difficult moment, touch her shoulder for encouragement...hold her...be held by her...
The thoughts have been percolating for some time, unacknowledged, and suddenly are surging to the forefront, unable to be ignored any longer. She has been his comfort in these awful frontiers. For a man who has spent his life in secluded study, these are feelings he does not quite know yet how to process...but they are inescapable.
And the words slip from him, longing, bewildered, before he knows he is going to say them.
"I still can't touch you, though..."
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Her head draws back, surprised - and then a slight smile tugs the corners of her mouth. "Do you want to?" she asks.
He feels his own all-too-human heart start to thump with a power to rival the engine's. His throat suddenly feels slightly too tight. "Of course I do..." he says softly.
He wishes he wasn't so acutely aware of Gale and Shadowheart standing nearby. Gale has turned and begun studying the wall of the stable with academic interest, but Shadowheart is watching this play out with an unreadable expression.
He isn't sure what he expects. Some dramatic declaration of feelings he doesn't have words for, perhaps. But Karlach's smile just deepens, and she tips her head to one side. "I'd like that," she says. Her eyes flick across him from feet to head, then lock back on his gaze, burning like infernal embers. "Now...let's find that infernal iron, before I overheat."
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asimmingpunsquared · 2 days
life udpate
hello everybody! i am still around and i am still playing the sims, i just don't have any edited pictures to post. i am still deep in the trenches of organizing my cc, which is a lifelong battle, i guess.
i go by any pronouns now. accepting my autism has also led me to accepting that i'm pretty much agender. i'm still a huge feminist, but i don't care about how the world perceives me/i don't put a lot of effort into perceiving myself. "any pronouns, agender" is the best way i've come up with to express this.
my med change process ended up being completely moot, i'm just back on the original medication. however, there is an update regarding the fatigue that set it all off. i'm pretty sure i have lupus. i have family members that have it and two weeks ago i got a bunch of autoimmune symptoms at once (that i'm still experiencing). i also have the classic butterfly rash that i've had for years. i have a doctor's appointment on wednesday to address this. they say lupus starts appearing around age 30 and i'm 27, so the timeline is right.
what does this mean? honestly, not a lot. i already work from home as an independent contractor, so my lifestyle isn't going to be that affected. if anything, getting treatment will only improve my life. my major symptoms are general fatigue, migraine headaches, and bipolar-like psychiatric symptoms, so hopefully i'll be able to address these. i also get low-grade fevers (especially when exhausted), i'm prone to rashes and hives, and this flare-up has caused joint swelling on both my wrists which is pretty miserable.
the wrist thing is the biggest issue, since all my hobbies and work involve typing or holding a pen. luckily, if it is lupus, lupus joint pain doesn't really cause any lasting damage, unlike other forms of arthritis. i've tried a bunch of stuff and nothing has taken the swelling down, so i'm hoping to get a brace from the rheumatologist on wednesday. my ankles also bother me sometimes, but that's more manageable.
my partner is amazing throughout all this and very accepting, of course. it helps that he's a veterinarian which means he has enough medical knowledge (animals also get lupus, apparently!) to help me with my symptoms.
i used to want biological children, quite badly, but then i got with my partner, and we don't have the matching biology to make a baby naturally. we started talking about adoption (in the future, like when we're near 40) and i'm fully on board with adopting, especially in brazil where we live, as the system is much better for the children. now that i'm aware of the autoimmune disease that runs in my family, i definitely don't want to have biological children. i've considered (if we can afford it) implanting my partner's eggs into my womb to carry, but i think pregnancy would be much too rough on me, much less the baby. our ideal situation would be being financially stable, established, and adopting an older sibling pair or trio. we'll see how it goes with my autoimmune disease.
anyway, back to the sims. i'm in year 4 week 5 of stilla and everything is still hanging on. i fully plan on playing it through to the end and updating all my challenges. it gives me joy. and now that i've accepted my life might be a little more slow-paced, that's okay.
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cheetahing · 20 days
on fandom and writing.
so that meme about showing how many fandoms you've written for is going around bsky and i assume twitter and here's mine:
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the way i put it on bsky is that my purview is narrow and my start up cost is high. two of those (yowapeda and all out) are only in there as part of multi-fandom drabble dumps from the bygone saso days; chyf and oofuri i did at least write short (<1K) pieces for chocolate box. the last three are the main fandoms i've produced for in the last decade or so. daiya for about three years 2014-2018, bad buddy from late 2022-mid 2023 or so, and now mlc from april 2024 on.
i hope i'll be able to hold on to mlc for longer than i was bad buddy but i think i will -- i've been able to find enough community that i think it will stick for a while. part of that is the leap of faith that is the dihua discord server, but finding any cdrama friends at all has been a journey since my old circles are all dwrp and sports anime.
fandom for me is inherently a social activity or i would just stay in my corner and enjoy by myself like i do for most things; the main thing that motivates me to become active in a fandom is the desire to talk to someone about it. the desire to write may or may not be there without having someone to talk to, but even a little bit of encouragement goes a long way, so just someone saying "yeah i'd read that" was enough to get me to commit to my usual fic meme bullshit and that, i think, also helped find some more people to talk to, or at least interact with on some level.
i'm actually a very introverted person but i've been spending a lot of energy trying to foster a friendly environment on the server and hopefully in this space, though i can't see how well that's working as clearly. i gather the energy to throw myself at new people approximately once a decade lol so it's a little surprising that i'm managing so quickly after flaming out in my last fandom but mlc and dihuas in particular have been really welcoming.
anyway, this was supposed to be a post about writing. writing is pretty difficult for me in many ways, but it's also just. sort of what i do. so if i love something enough to want to talk to another human about it, it's not a stretch that i'll eventually want to create for it too. granted, for me, this is often expedited if i get bitten by the ship bug. i did actually watch mlc when it aired last year, but didn't really look into fandom or fic for it until earlier this year and sort of got delayed-reaction thunderstruck by dihua, which has so many elements that i love in a ship. the tension! the fondness! the trust and knowing! i should have known i was a goner but i didn't until i was falling headlong.
according to ao3 i've produced about 16K of mlc fic since april of this year. now, i know that's not a not for some, but to contrast my highest production year was 24K in 2015, so, for me: quite a lot! especially within that time period. i'm slowing down now/it's getting harder again but i don't plan on stopping so we'll see what my count is by the end of the year.
like many writers, i battle with self-confidence and mlc fic in particular has been a weird struggle for me. my writing hallmarks from previous fandoms have been atmosphere and poetics, succinct characterization, and imagery. for mlc fic i feel like i'm at 1 out of 3. i think (hope!) my character work is still good, but i feel like my writing for this fandom has been so plain. i want to write pretty things for this ship! i will keep trying. i may just need to eat more poetry and spend more time violently throwing myself around when trying to write, but hopefully i will manage at some point.
this post actually started with me thinking about why i choose to make my fic meme/drabble dumps chaptered rather than posting them individually when visibility/feedback/attention are unfortunately so important to me. every kudos, comment, tag comment, reblog, rec, etc really means a ton. writing is something that takes up a ton of energy and sometimes it can feel like you're pouring a whole lot of it out and not getting any in return and, for me at least, that's what burn out feels like. at the same time, like. in the end you're always writing for yourself so you sort of have balance that with how feedback or lack thereof makes you feel.
fic meme does get posted separately here on tumblr so maybe with that i get a little best of both worlds? i don't do it on ao3 because it would just straight up make me feel crazy to have literally 100+ 300-700ish word long ficlets scattered across my account over the decade, all needing titles, so my need to have things organized and in their place wins out over the need for validation there.
i don't know where i was going with this anymore tbh, but thanks if you read it! also thank you thank you thank you so much to those of you who take the time to read and respond to fic in some way, whether it's reblogging with tags, leaving comments, or just hitting the kudos button. i really can overemphasize how important these thing are as a fic writer.
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lucalicatteart · 1 year
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Poll adventure (paventure? lol) Day 6: read the small story tidbit below the poll for more details, OR just vote based on initial impression
(✦ see past poll results + further information HERE (link) ✦)
The winning option of yesterday's poll was that the adventurer should ask the Innkeeper about the suspicious egg he got from the Well Creature….
After finishing his food scraps, he awkwardly creeps back over to the main counter, pulling up a stool and just hoping the Innkeeper will eventually make eye contact with him... She finally looks to the side whilst cleaning a glass, his chance to blurt out whatever he can.
"SO!- uh,, I um... I found something weird, or uh.. I didn't find it actually, I guess, I..... s-someone, or something.. gave it to me, as maybe..? a reward, or.. oh, well i-it doesn't matter why.. but UH, but so, I was just wondering, d-do you think you might know anything about it? about like, uh... stuff? Objects.. perhaps.....?"
She stares with equal parts amusement and concern, crossing her arms and letting out a soft chuckle, "Well, I've seen quite a variety of things while working here, so - Yeah, I could try to help you identify an item, if that's what you're asking."
"G-good. Okay. Well.. It's, uh..... this." He's barely even placed the little wooden egg box up on the counter before she's already slamming the lid shut and reaching over to force it back into his bag. Suddenly serious, her eyes dart around the room, scanning to ensure no-one else happened to notice.
"Don't EVER let anyone see you with that, okay??". Abrupt tone shift making him even more nervous, he just stares blankly, muttering a few gibberish noises whilst nodding at her in confirmation.
"I mean, I'm not absolutely certain," her voice lowers as she speaks, "but to me it looks exactly like a Caiploras egg. Those animals have been nearly extinct for at least a hundred years. Only tiny groups of them still exist here and there, and even those eventually get wiped out as soon as they're discovered. Kings and nobles used to hunt them, especially for the eggs, 'cause of all the theories - unique magical properties, uses in enchanting, shit like that.. I don't really know, I'm not that experienced with magic.... But.."
She pauses for a few seconds to stare him down (this does not soothe his anxiety at all), examining intently, as if to determine whether he's actually trustworthy before continuing..
"...My brother is. He's a mage, and a scholar, and he specializes in stuff like this, all these rare animals and whatnot. He'll hate me just sending a complete stranger over there, but.. I think you should go see him. He'd definitely be able to identify it- hell, he'd probably even pay you for it, if it really is what I think it is. And, he'd know how to take care of it properly, raise it well, not just cut it up for fucking potions or whatever...", she scoffs bitterly.
Grasping at a nearby napkin to fan himself with, he shifts sweatily in his seat, "W-wh... but,.. How would I do that?"
"What do you mean? Do what?"
"F-find, him.. IHhh... I just.. I don't, know the area well.. is all, I uh...."
"I'll give you directions, obviously.. Are you okay? Do you like... need some water? You look-"
"NHnnnou, I'M FINE! I just, haha.. uh... Maybe, am.. not very good at....uh.. this.." He gestures around himself nonspecifically.
With a brief confused glance, she pours a cup of water anyway, then casually plucks a small notebook from her pocket to begin scribbling messily. "Well, look, I'll give you the information, and if you feel up to it, you can go. I really think you should, but, eh... your choice, y'know."
As he fights his shaky hands to maintain control of the water glass, she lays out the paper on the table, pointing at parts of her sketch. "He's over in Fargahel, which should be a few days travel from here. See? The roads kind of go like this, but it's mostly a straight path. Look for the ruins of an abandoned castle. He's holed himself up in there, the underground part, repurposed into some sort of 'sanctuary' for rehabilitating injured birds or whatever the hell he's up to now. He probably won't attack you or anything, but I signed a little note on the back of this so he knows I sent you.. just in case."
Neatly folding up the map, she slides it towards him as she leans closer to intensely meet his eyes. "Just remember, no matter what you do, do NOT let anyone know you have that egg. There are plenty of folks out here still hunting for them. You don't want someone recognizing it and coming after you. Especially with how, uh...", it feels like she might mention he doesn't seem he'd be very good at combat, but she simply lets the sentence trail off, shrugging with a smile and politely patting his hand as he takes the paper.
"Just get some sleep, yeah? Think about it. And talk to me in the morning if you have any more questions."
He slumps over to lean on the counter, resting for a moment after she walks back to the other end of the room, just trying to wrap his head around all the new information.. He only took the egg because it looked pretty! He just wanted it to hatch into a cool chicken or something! Why does it have to actually be some big stinky scary secret rare item?... With a heavy sigh, he resolves to never again trust mysterious creatures that pop out of abandoned wells....
Eventually trudging up to his room for the night, he flops onto the lumpy mattress that seems to just be hay stuffed into dusty old potato sacks. As he rustles around waiting to fall asleep, he considers all of his options... What should he do with the egg?
#paventure posting#polls#choose your own adventure#SORRY I KNOW THE TEXT OF THIS ONE IS LONG I just could not make it short#There's too much information to convey and I feel like it seems unnatural if it's too matter of fact#like if she was just like 'yeah its this. go here. do this. okay thanks'#it would feel too robotic#there has to be SOME meandering and pointless sentences that just lead into other sentences and etc. lol#BUT most of them will not be this long. I'm still majorly trying to keep a 2-3 paragraph limit#the only exceptions will probably be occasions where he actually has convesartions with people because it'd#just sound really rushed and weird to try to fit a whole full detailed conversation into like 2 paragraphs worth of text#unless they're barley saying anything to each other. but etc. etc. you know what I mean#A majority of it will be short interactions in the woods a little choices and etc. Just sometimes when there's like#some explaining a full quest or whatever obviously that needs more context#Also this one is really late because I wanted to give myself a break and not draw every single day#so I already did the writing part so I'd have it ready today but then waited to do the sketch until this mosrning#I still have that chest injury thing that flares up if I use my shoulders and arms too much. which for some reason even if#I'm only doing a quick 30 minute sketch and like an hour or less of typing - it still starts to be achey#I have to have days where I just take a break from the computer lol#ANYWAY... day 6! What to do with the mysterious egg? :0#sorry to the one person who sent an anon ask talking about how they hope he gets to talk to the musician lol#That option did not win. But - depending on how voting of things goes - we could still come across some of#the people who were in the Inn during later parts of the journey. I had kind of a vague idea of like who the hooded#figure is. the musician. the person that would have been in a stables if you tried to steal a horse. etc.#Might still never come across them though but- they do exist in the world so. always a possiblility#wowe so many typos in these tags whoops.. im not going back and retyping them either
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mauhandraws · 6 months
cons, merch restocks, + some end of the year thoughts
hi guys! i feel like i'm saying this a lot recently but sorry for the lack of art posts... i have been busy with merch prepping for anime los angeles at the start of january plus another project i've been working on!
i have a good handful of new merch that will be debuting at ALA, including TWST, kuroshitsuji, and a little bit of P4 and DDR related stuff, so if you're not attending ALA i will be updating my shop with everything new probably by mid-january!
i also will be restocking the general lilia standees earlier than i expected! i thought i wouldn't be able to restock him for a while due to some manufacturing logistics but that's not the case anymore ^^ i had some people ask me about him because he sold out quicker than i anticipated so hopefully this is good news for someone!
i'm also looking toward the new year and trying to plan out conventions and events i'd like to vend at. i primarily do cons based in socal, but i would love to do more out of state cons in 2024 - if there are any cons that any of you would like to see me at, feel free to let me know by replying to this or sending me an ask and i'll look into it! i already have a few that i am planning on applying to so we'll see what happens.
finally, i wanted to thank everyone for all the support you've shown me this year. i know it's not quite over yet but we're winding down into the last weeks so i wanted to take this chance to express my gratitude. 2023 was the first year that i tried to do art full-time, and i have had a wonderful first year trying this out thanks to the kindness and support that so many people have shown me on here, instagram, twitter, and at conventions and events. i don't necessarily consider myself to be a "big" artist and there are times that i struggle with self-doubt, but when i receive the sort of nice comments, messages, tags etc that you guys have sent my way i feel like i can keep going. i know it might sound cheesy but it's the truth!! i'm always saying that i probably sound like a broken record when i'm expressing my thanks but i truly get overwhelmed with gratitude especially after i do conventions and whatnot and i can't just Not say anything about it. when i say that every kind message/comment/etc means the world to me i sincerely do mean it, and i hope that comes across.
thank you for such a wonderful year! here's to more art and experiences in 2024!
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mamamittens · 5 months
WELP, Christmas was nice! Great to see my brother again and I collected all the animal crossing museum shit except the art pieces but that's not something I can force without an excessive amount of effort so like, I'm good lol
Ah, hopefully I can gather the energy to do an event piece tomorrow. Orders slowed down and we get out at our normal time so I guess we'll have to see. There's hope yet I'll finish them all before 2024 lol
Ramble time, you know the drill lmao
So, there's a fun thing I used to experience often when I actually left my house where I was typically mistaken for a guy. A younger, possibly cute guy if that hilarious encounter in highschool is any indication (I'm a bit blind to my own level of attractiveness, not going to lie, which is a pretty big step up from hating it.... Anyway!)
Something about my relaxed posture, baggy hoodie, and short hair. Not entirely sure, but it is impressive given the fact that I've had a considerable bust size since early high school. I assume they never looked closely at my side profile lol
Anyway! It would be fun to adapt that a tad for Nikia, but more cause with that devil fruit able to adjust her size. I imagine she'd have an easier time taking a leadership role while presenting more masculine, even if it's incidental. Especially since she's not typically confrontational.
The change isn't something she needs to hold onto, thankfully, but it is more relaxing to settle into her natural form. So there's no danger of her forgetting what she actually looks like. Usually reserved for when she's locked into her cabin for snowstorms alone. Curling up in her freshly preened wings.
Her usual 'work mode' appearance is smaller bust (less weight jostling about during motion, did you know that you can break your collar bone with sufficiently sized tits when running? Horrifying), taller, and snapping open her natural wingspan when she wants to cut an argument short. It tends to scare the shit out of people when paired with an RBF and her wings going from little cherub size to dwarfing her frame in a fraction of a second (steam slipping from her teeth from the sudden change).
Hella whiplash when she uses her customer service voice. Really freaks people out more and she abuses this to throw people off when they're being difficult.
Unfortunately, with her own cabin and few reasons to socialize with people, her social skills get pretty rusty. Including the habit she usually has of exaggerating her expressions to clarify her intent or communicate. She still does it, but not as often as she should, so she's left faltering a little when people act negatively to her when she's trying to lighten the mood. She means well though, she's just not big on strangers being around her a lot.
This difficulty expressing and communicating emotions also unfortunately means that she has a hard time controlling her temper when it finally runs loose. Often getting overwhelmed and crying before shutting down. Obviously, she prefers to avoid this when possible, so tries to maintain a chill attitude that skews towards permissive. Mostly by accident.
This attentiveness towards her temper is also why she doesn't typically participate in competitive incidents as she's aware that her attitude is less than favorable during these events. Her difficulty with a social filter can often lead to her saying very harsh things without thinking.
All this leads to quite the unexpected series of events leading up to Marineford, as she doesn't fully trust herself to go rouge, doesn't believe she was the right to handle Teach, and struggles to cope with the (perceived) loss.
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kabillieu · 1 year
Pumping stuff under the break
I have not pumped enough this week to keep up with the bottles Baby R eats at daycare. I've been able to use my frozen stash to supplement, but obviously at this rate I will deplete that stash soon. I'm pumping enough for roughly 3/4ths of his bottles, maybe a little less. I read a little about it on a breastfeeding website, and it seems like I'm actually probably pumping enough but that he's being slightly overfed at daycare. I tried to send bottles with a little less milk a couple days ago, but the daycare workers reported back that he seemed still hungry afterward. Sometimes babies eat bottles quickly and don't register that they're already full, so maybe that's what's happening. Regardless, he's always been very low percentile with regards to weight and length (his doc has continually insisted that he's fine, just small), so it won't hurt to overfeed him if that's what's happening. So that leaves me back at the problem of not pumping enough. I was worried that maybe my supply had been impacted--I very much want to be able to keep breastfeeding him mornings, evenings, nights, and weekends, but this website has made me think my supply is probably fine and will probably stay fine. It seems like I'm already doing everything I possible can to pump the amount of milk I'm pumping. The only last thing is I need to start using new replacement parts for my pump. I ordered off-brand parts (because they were cheap) and haven't noticed a difference, so I ordered brand parts, and they'll arrive next week. If that doesn't make a difference, I'll just be stuck here in the inevitability that I will need to start sending an extra bottle or bottle and a half of formula every day, and that will be fine. It won't affect my supply. He'll still be able to nurse normally at home when he's with me.
I'm writing this down because while I rationally know supplementing is okay, it's difficult for the animal part of me to accept that I can't 100% cover him with pumped breastmilk. The desire to feed my baby with my body is rooted deeply, probably an evolutionary desire. And add to that how much I struggled to breastfeed him initially, and add to that the fact that I only have one working breast. It's miraculous that I have been able to nurse him at all, much less nurse him exclusively up until this point.
It has been so difficult to say goodbye to him in the mornings. We co-sleep from about 3am to 7am, and it is my absolute favorite. I love snuggling with him and feeding him at 7 before he has to leave with my husband, who drops him off at daycare on his way to work. I'm sad that I can't seem to pump quite enough for him to eat while he's away from me, but I'm happy that it seems like my supply should be (should be) fine, and that I should be able to exclusively nurse him while he's home with me, hopefully for as long as I want to.
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pumpkin-spike18 · 1 year
✨Weekly Progress 2022 #54✨+Demo 2.0 coming 1/28/23!
Colored 3 BGs
Colored 2 BGs
Made first pass of comments from proofreading
New list of remaining work for Jan.
Updated the BG +affected code in Demo 1.0 (basic changes)
This is it, new year starting soon. Will it somehow have 54 weeks again 🤔
I actually normally write my weekly progresses on Sunday, then schedule them for Wednesday so it looks like I have a post for every indie dev hour haha~ But since the last day of the year lands on a Sunday, I figure I can publish now.
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And as alluded in the title, the release date for Demo 2.0 is set for 1/28/2023! More info on what the update entails can be found here!
I have all the art assets done, but as I made a list of all the things I have left to do, it was half a page. =v=; There's a few changes that I intend for the script since I finished writing it. Ideally, these changes shouldn't take long at all! But I wanted to be sure so I ended up extending the release date a bit.
2022 & 2023 ✨
While I'm at it, I want to talk about the past year and the next one too.
The past year really has been a whirlwind of fun 😁 I never expected SYVNH to be as popular as it has been and I'm really grateful for everyone's support so far! It has been my main focus for most of the year, but I spent some time participating in other jam projects as well! I took on a variety of roles for:
We Were Forever
Lachesis V Atropos
Mythic Meetup
Nature's Lament
All of which can be found on my itch.io page!
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I was hoping to do a little more for the full year, project-wise, but the scope for SYVNH blew up pretty fast on me. But I still did find time to write for a couple unannounced projects (that hopefully I'll be able to work more on 2023)!
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Upcoming for 2023, of course, my number one goal is finishing SYVNH!
Other smaller art goals include:
Illustration sets
More fanart!
Make a short animated MV
Learn to use blender and live2D
General art improvement
I both love and miss drawing fanart for all my favorite series. I hope I'll be able to get back into it in 2023. Additionally, I want to spend some time making tutorials to teach others to do some of the things I do! Lastly, I want to improve my art skill. I've spent so much time on digital art that I've been lacking in things like painting and 3D craft making. So it's time to spend more time on that.
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I haven't quite figured out how to split my time to complete all of that yet, but hey! That's what the new year's for, right? 😄
Happy New Year, everyone! Thanks for this year and I look forward to the next one!
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demon-that-slayed · 2 years
alright hello I'm already gonna warn you, this'll be long. btw, thank you sm for doing it, I'm really hyped! you're gonna do amazing, I know that, so do ti as you wish, full creative freedom. (btw, I'm gonna copypaste this because I've already written it once, hopefully that's alright with you)
okay! so. starting with me ig. i dont even know how to begin.
im listening to music atm. i always do - people that dont always listen to some music are kinda psychopaths if you ask me. like, if im not listening to music, i'll be listening to an audiobook or a podcast or be watching some video or netflix. i cant not do anything. i say i love reading, but the last time i read a book has been weeks ago. i just have reading slumps sometimes. not saying that i dont read regularly - god, no. i'll find enough fanfics and oneshots and shit to count for a book. but most of the time i can spare, i try to write. and at the moment, im really doing good! i write drabbles almost daily, and i try to finish a chapter for my actual wip bi-weekly. which... i gotta admit doesnt work all the time but im trying! im just a shit ton of a procrastinator. like, sometimes it physically hurts telling myself i need to do something but not being able to get up and actually do it. i kinda zone out a lot too when im forced to sit through something boring or just when i cant listen to music/watch something at the same time. i fidget a lot, too. so basically as you can see im always doing something, always have something going on inside my head, am quite loud. like, literally, im the loudest person i know, except for maybe my dad, and im really expressive. could be italian with how much i gesture.
for my hobbies, well, ive told you about some of them so far. im not really... sporty. in the slightest. and i dont like sports either. but the one thing i do indeed like is badminton, which i do somewhat regularly. i think i'd suck at quidditch, but, unlike football, i do believe i'd be interested in watching. also i just really want to fly a broom - like, if i could pick any animal to be, i'd be a bird. always would have said so in the past too. maybe a cat, just because i really love them, and am planning to get one as soon as i get my own apartment. i'll take one from the shelter, i think, and if i could pick it'd be a black one so i can call it toothless. i do have a dog right now tho, or rather my family does. i love her, but she's not as cuddly as i'd like her to be, which, i mean, is fine im trying my best not to step over her boundaries, but then again my love language most certainly is physical touch, so my favourite moments with her are when she just allows me to cuddle her in front of the fireplace. its kind of a tradition at this point when theres fire in there. what else is there to say?
ive said quite much already but i feel like im still missing some.
i guess im really insecure of some things. dont get me wrong, i know my strengths, and i fucking love correcting people, my ego is over the moon sometimes. im stubborn and i hate being wrong and i know that im obnoxious when i discuss, just because i cannot stop discussing if theres still something to discuss. but im trying to better, really. some of it at least. still, i am in fact really insecure it seems. i worry so much what people might think of me - i cant present anything to anyone other than my closest family or friends because my voice will start to shake and i will start to sound like im gonna cry. on the topic of that, i cry so so easily. its horrible, really. plus, i have huge anxiety and i get panic attacks regularly, which kinda fucks with my sleeping schedule because they always happen when i go to bed.
okay, but enough with the depressive shit, im not done talking about myself yet. if you let me talk about myself i can and i will write paragraphs. really, dont worry putting all of this into your response. just think of it as me being super happy youre doing this because, honestly, genuinely, i am.
but getting on with it. when im excited, im kinda... like a child, in a way. like i let out unnecessarily high pitched screams and i cant stop laughing when ive started, and i clap my hand in front of my mouth or shake my arms out. im just really, really emotional tbh.
my favourite feeling is melancholy though. its... beautiful, in a very terrifying way. its the kind of feeling you get when you think about your childhood, or old friends, or family members you dont see anymore. its a feeling but its so much more and - i dont know. i dont know how it couldnt be my favourite.
i love sunrises and sunsets and i love the sun in general. im a summer person, partly because im always really cold (my circulation in my hands and my feet is fucked lmao, plus my blood ran low on iron for a while) but like, its summer, i dont get how it cant be people's favourite. plus, my birthday is in june, and my birthday is my favourite holiday. with christmas following.
okay i match you with…
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okay so be warned this is a very bad description but i think you guys would be great with eachother like these are very random things sos I’ll make a list :
(these are like headcanons if that’s fine)
okay so at night when you can’t sleep, he’ll just like cuddle you and make sure you’re fine, and you would make him happy just being there I guess, yk
anyways you two would like bond on liking music and what books you like and you always would have like mini arguments which end in him sarcastically admitting youre right which makes you feel good even if it’s not bc atleast you are right about this song being better or this character being more beil. than the other.
in summer and winter you always dragged him out for the sunrise/sunset and like he would jokingly complain sometimes because he would melt in the heat because it was always cold in the dorms and he had his sweater on
in the winter though you would steal lots of his sweaters and wear them piled on top of eachother because you froze in the cold
also when the full moon was near you’d always like be there and make sure he’s okay and you’d be like there for eachother all the time and like
he would sarcastically/jokingly be annoyed at you but actually really enjoy being around you, especially before you guys date.
oh yeah and you have picture albums filled with pictures that you, remus, or someone else takes that fill the albums
anyways, i hope this was good, ive never done this before lmao
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solarsavoy · 2 years
WIP Wednesday, Life in Retail
Even though it's already being posted, it isn't complete and is technically still a WIP. I've got a lot of plans for this series and have even made a bit of a timeline for it.
I plan on adding three surprise guests that start work at Convenience, one from the Assassination Classroom fandom! I also plan on drawing Nagisa in a costume for each week of October and am open to thoughts or suggestions for the first three weeks. It'll also interact with Kristmas Karma II in December when that starts up. For the most part, they don't cross with each other, but Life in Retail ch40 and Kristmas Karma II ch 24 will be very closely interconnected to the point of needing to be read together.
Which reminds me, I've added "Timeline Links" to anything in the AC universe that I've written that is canon compliant with the main anime and then continues on afterwards. I post these on the day they're supposed to happen, so you can pretend it's happening now while you read it. The Timeline Links are listed at the bottom of the end notes and will help guide anyone willing and wanting to follow the timeline through all the fics. Life in Retail will be sort of special as it is a long term fic and thus interacts with all of them. So keep an eye out for Timeline Links listed in the end notes if you aren't reading live. And if you've been keeping up with Life in Retail up to now, I'm sure you noticed the note in the beginning notes saying a Timeline Link was added to previous items, which will be unique to Life in Retail, so hopefully that helps. Of course, Life in Retail will be fine to read on its own for the karen stories. 😏 Which I'll try to add at least one karen story or retail specific irritations to each chapter. I hope I don't run out of ideas... 😅
Life in Retail will be a total of 52 chapters since there are 52 weeks in a year and if all goes well and I'm able to keep up with it, I'll start a Life in Retail II for a second year. So, lot's of plans.
The next story Life in Retail will directly interact with will be an ASD story (Any Ship Dates) for Karma and Gakushuu, which I'm sure some of you will really appreciate. (You know who you are.) I'm also considering doing an ASD fic for Sugino and Kanzaki at some point, but I haven't quite worked them into my version of the AC universe yet. This may be my muse telling me to wait, or my brain saying I need to slow down because it's already so complicated as it is. Even so, I really wanted to work them in somehow after my fic "For Your Amusement" that I did for Karmagisa week. (I know, inspired to write about a different ship than Karmagisa during Karmagisa week. -_-)
I think that's about all I've got planned that isn't a major spoiler. There will be a secret event in November, a fic that interacts and affects Life in Retail, and it's sad. 😟 Just know it's coming.
As for the coworkers, here are your hints if you'd like to try and guess who they are.
Employee 1 is 18, a couple years older than he is in the anime. I'm bringing him into this world from another place so I'm changing stuff up a bit so things in this world line up with his roles and interests in his original anime and he's going to be an archaeology student working on trying to find an internship, so his work at Convenience is temporary. He'll stick around until after Christmas though. All of them will, actually.
Employee 2 is from the Assassination Classroom fandom. If I give any other hints, it makes it obvious who it is, so that's it for hints on this one. 😅
Employee 3 is a young man looking to try and get into college to become a doctor. He works hard and this is his third job and he studies all the time to try and prepare for his entrance exams into college. So, his work is also temporary. Should line up with canon in his original anime though, so I'm pretty excited about this one. 😊
And finally, someone will be replacing those that leave when Life in Retail starts up for a second round in March of 2023. This one, however, I plan on making permanent. No hints available on this one as just about anything I say could give it away to those who know me. 😏
And that's it for WIP Wednesday! Let me know your thoughts and guesses for those first 3 employees. I will refrain from verifying anything on the fourth one that starts in part II though, because like I said, it'll be an easy guess for those who know me if I say anything.
See you tomorrow for the next cover of Life in Retail! (Edit: Which is surprisingly done already! Look at me go. ^^)
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mi5018tomberry · 2 months
Modelling and Rigging
This is the tutorial series I am following for the rigging process. I've never been taught how to rig before so I wanted to start simple so that I'm not wasting all my time for a compositing module on character modelling, texturing and rigging.
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Here's the first draft run of the model, it felt a bit too plain and the arms were too skinny in proportion with the rest of the model so I knew I needed to revisit things later.
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Here's the finished model, considering how fast I've made it I'm happy with the results. It's simple enough with a little bit of character to it which will hopefully come out more when it comes to texturing and animating.
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Here's the initial colour test, its a bit bland but I wanted to lay out a foundation for the possible colours,
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The concept of the robot is an AI assistant in the near future one which is faulty and inefficient and juxtaposes the idea that AI will be flawless in all iterations. I wanted to explore one which, like in the past, started as a good idea to solve problems like Clippy however, just like Clippy it too had its flaws and was simply too much for users. I had to decide between the sanitised futuristic look or one which looks a little more run of the mill but it has more character to it and I decided to go ahead with the orange and blue model it felt more complete than the other.
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Here's the robot after most of the rigging is complete, Gary helped me figure things out and built the skeleton which I then did the weight painting for which didn't take long to understand but getting the weight painting to work as intended took some time. Building the skeleton was quite a simple process and works similarly to the rigging I did last semester in After Effects so I think I'll be able to repeat the steps smoothly in future projects.
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This is some of the important UI when working on a rig, each joint is bound to the vertexes of the mesh and by painting different tones of the spectrum above, you assign the level of influence each joint has over each part of the mesh with black being no influence and white being total influence (only one joint will have control of vertexes painted white). You change the value bar in the brush settings to assign the value and make sure to check Colour Ramp in Geometry Colour to get a better idea of the weights visually. You have to select each individual mesh one by one and paint it based on the joints nearest to it, to save time select the value and then press flood to fill the mesh with one colour and for more precision use the 3rd profile icon of the brush which is at 100% hardness so other vertexes aren't mistakenly painted.
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Here's the finished rig, everything seems to work well so far so I can get on with animating the character.
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