#Beacon the kitsune
cosmicstarshineart · 1 year
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WIP: my fursonie!
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nightingale2004 · 2 months
Teen wolf next gen: Malira (Malia x kira) version
June Eliza Tate Yukimura
Faceclaim: Madison Hu
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Firstborn daughter Malia Tate and Kira Yukimura and cousin to the Stilinski Hale children
Like Kira, June is also a Kitsune, but she is an ocean kitsune
June takes after Kira, and she is a responsible older sister
Her family is part of the Hale pack
She and Talia are best friends and often bond over their responsibilities to their families
Kira helps June control her inner fox
Master of the sword along with Kira
June made a fencing club in Beacon Hills High (she's the captain.....obviously)
Kenneth "Ken/Kenny" Luca Tate Yukimura
Faceclaim: Ryan Potter
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Second child of Malia and Kira
A big ball of energy and sunshine
He is an werecoyote like Malia
Loves to go on runs in the woods
He has a bit of both of his moms personalities mixed in
He's on the lacrosse team along with Eli
He loves his family
He's a feminist
He tries to be an optimist
Evelyn "Eve" Kylie Tate Yukimura
Faceclaim: Anna Cathcart
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Eve is the youngest in her family
She's a pessimist and takes after Malia and even inherits Malia's brutal honesty bluntness, which gets her into trouble
She is an earth kitsune with her aura looking similar to a coyote fox mix
Is a mini version of Malia and a hint of Peter
Peter visits his grandchildren a lot, and even though everyone in the Hale pack is cautious of him to this day, they somewhat trust him
Fluent in sarcasm
One of the pups in the pack (she doesn't like it either)
More of a boxer than a swordsman
+ Cora Hale's daughter
Hadley Maeve Hale
Faceclaim: Ciara Bravo
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Hadley is the only daughter of Cora Hale
Father unknown
Cora came back to Beacon Hills when she was pregnant with Hadley
She is a part of the Hale pack but is also a pup
Maybe young, but she is intimidating and a force to be reckoned with
Loves her family with a passion
Likes sports (more specifically basketball and lacrosse)
She would not be caught dead in a cheerleading short skirt (or any short skirt)
Lives to embarrass her cousins
She's a bit of a young businesswoman
Speaks fluent sarcasm
Crazy stubborn and has a temper
Tomboy style
She's on the soccor team
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yourheartinyourmouth · 11 months
YOOO check out what @vulpesmajor drew me!!
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their art is 🔥🔥 you should commission them immediately
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ok yes killing derek was fucked up and the continued queerbaiting was fucked up and the plot made no sense but can we also talk about the fact that kira and isaac were not mentioned ONCE like jeff completely reused the entire plot of 3b (and fucked it up in the process) which kira was so integral to and NONE of the characters even MENTION her???????????? 
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mastercherry · 2 months
Yet another Sterek idea.
So in this one.... The Hale family left Beacon Hills after the fire. They were called to protect another territory and another Nemeton. It worked out because being in the area where they were almost killed off entirely wasn't going to be great.
So Beacon Hills is unprotected until a family of Kitsune take over its protection. It's peaceful until their daughter gets caught up with a rogue alpha werewolf who turns her previously human boyfriend.
And that's how Scott and Stiles are initiated into the world of the Supernatural. Through a series of crazier and crazier situations, Stiles becomes the alpha of Beacon Hills.
Even though he's a human.
The Beacon Hills pack is bizarre to say the least. A human, a bitten wolf, a kitsune, a hunter, a kanima, and a banshee. Not to mention the veterinarian witch doctor, the hellhound deputy, and who knows what else.
Derek, his sister Laura, and their Uncle Peter are the Hale pack representatives sent to the United Packs Alliance meeting in the middle of the country. It's a meeting held every 3 years. EVERYONE has heard about the human alpha. For the first time in UPA history, every pack in the continent has sent in at least one pack member to see this bizarre event.
Everyone is gathered in a magically enlarged meeting space in an average sized hotel conference space when the Beacon Hills pack arrives. Late.
Being late would be noticeable enough but the electricity in the air is something no one could ignore. There's something powerful here.
When the doors open they just reveal a very normal pair of guys. A human and a wolf. But when all eyes shift to them, the human's eyes flash a very bright and brilliant red.
All Derek can think is.... Oh no, he's hot.
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perseephoneee · 9 months
ask me to dance? [isaac lahey x f!reader]
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request: can you do some wholesome isaac content?
warnings: pure fluff. teenagers being awkward.
a/n: me? remembering to write? shocker. literally struggled with this lol but i'm here and i'm trying to write more in order to be a productive member of society. also i'm so in love with Isaac it's not funny *cries*
↳ masterlist ↳  want to be shipped with a fic character?
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It never really got cold in Beacon Hills, considering it was located in California. Still, when temperatures started to fall to a mild climate, it signaled to the teen population that winter was fast approaching. And with that came Winter Ball. Which is all you've been able to think about. 
To anyone who would ask, it wasn't that big of a deal– but you secretly thought about it. All the outfits, the decorations, the romanticism of it all. Maybe it was the hopeless romantic in you, especially as someone who has never had a date. It used to not bother you; you were happily involved in your studies or worrying about being murdered by a supernatural at any time. But then you started spending more time with a certain werewolf and thought it wouldn't be that bad to care about that stuff. 
"Do you think Scott is going to ask me?" Kira said, scaring you out of your thoughts as you closed your locker. You took in the dark-haired female beside you, her eyes questioning and fingers tapping her books. "Will I have to ask him?"
"He'll ask you," you sighed. "He trips over his shoelaces every time he walks down the hall."
"Maybe he didn't tie them well?" Kira looked down the hall as if the boy in question would show up. 
"He likes you," you sent a small smile. Kira relaxed slightly, loosening her shoulders before facing you with a questioning glance. 
"Do you have anyone to go to the dance with?" Kira inquired, plain curiosity in her eyes. You knew, though, that she wanted more info on if you liked anyone. Even with her as a good friend, you rarely discussed those feelings with anyone. Usually, you were the one everyone else confided in. 
"Might not even go," you averted your eyes as Kira slapped your arm lightly. 
"You have to go!" Kira begged. "I can't go alone if Scott asks me."
"Kira, you won't be alone if you go with Scott." She silenced you again with a sharp look. 
"You know what I mean," Kira sighed. "I just don't want you to shy away from something you might enjoy. Especially when I am certain some eligible young bachelor or bachelorette would be interested in going with you."
You pressed your back into your locker, looking down at your scuffed shoes rather than the girl beside you. You glanced up when you caught sight of Scott and Isaac in your peripheral vision. Kira grew still as she saw Scott shuffling closer to you to hide. You tried shoving her, but the kitsune was an immovable rock as Scott and Isaac got closer. You saw Scott's eyes light up as he caught sight of Kira, and you wanted to smile when Kira's cheeks deepened. You made it a point to not stare at Isaac next to him, even if you really liked the blue sweater he was wearing. It's purely observational, with no lurking feelings behind it. 
"Hey guys," Scott smiled, holding his backpack straps like a kindergartener on the first day of school. "Whatcha guys up to?"
"Talking about the dance," you answered right as Kira tried to pass your prior conversation off as nothing. She shot you an angry look, but you hid the smile on your face as Scott perked up. "Kira wants to go but worries about not having a date." The look Kira shot you could be akin to being burned in the seventh circle of Hell, but you knew that your fair-weathered friend would've spent the whole time pondering if Scott liked her rather than making a move. 
"I don't have a date either," Scott grimaced, trying to pass off as a smile. Kira visibly perked up, and you and Isaac barely hid smiles. "Maybe we can go together?" 
The glee that overtook Kira's eyes was radiant, and she nodded enthusiastically. "I would love that," Kira grinned. 
"Great," Scott beamed. "Can I walk you to class?"
Kira grabbed her books, sending you a look that said, "We'll talk later," while happily following the alpha wolf. You turned towards Isaac, feeling your heart start pitter-patter as he made eye contact with you. He gave you a shy smile, fidgeting with the books. 
"They seem happy," you sighed, trying to break whatever tension you imagined. 
"I'm glad it worked out," Isaac said, his steel blue eyes connecting to yours. "Scott was getting annoying."
"So was Kira," you slyly smiled. "What about you?" Isaac looked at you inquisitively. "Are you…going to the dance?"
"I don't think so," he mumbled, averting his eyes briefly. You felt your heart sink in disappointment. Luckily, you were spared a response with the bell ringing. 
"See you around, Lahey," you smiled jokingly, trying to brush off any lingering feelings you had. You turned on your heel and walked off towards the direction of US History. You barely paid attention in class, though, your thoughts consumed with the micro-interaction by your locker. You didn't like Isaac, right? You just were disappointed a good friend wouldn't be there at a dance you might not even be attending. Totally rational feelings. At least that was the mantra you kept repeating till the end of the school day. 
You managed to keep most Winter Ball-related thoughts at bay for the rest of the week while you helped the pack deal with whatever issue. Sometimes, it felt like you guys lived in a CW show with a villain of the week, but somehow, fighting and scheming became part of your routine. You would never admit it to anyone, but you did enjoy the research portion of your problems. Even if it was you and Stiles eating pizza in his room while staring at way too many red strings. It made you feel wanted in a way that you haven't before. By the end of the week, though, the only research you were doing was for a class project. You were already debating when you could (reasonably) quit for the night and curl up with some Netflix or Hulu. Your phone rang by the fifth academic journal, and you glanced to see Lydia's name lighting up the screen. 
"Hello," you said, setting your phone on speaker. 
"Dress shopping tomorrow. Are you in or out?" Lydia asked on the other line. 
"For what?"
"Winter Ball, obviously," Lydia scoffed, the sound of rustling clothes in the background telling you she was going through her closet. "The fact I've waited this long when it's two weeks out is actually ridiculous, but with our life, I guess it's not surprising."
"I might not even go, Lyds."
"Don't be like that," Lydia sighed on the other line. "What's holding you back?"
"Kind of lame to go to a dance without a date," you mumbled, shrinking back into your chair. Maybe if you curled up in a ball and became a turtle, no one would ever ask things of you again. 
"All of your friends will be there, and most girls will probably ditch their dates anyway," Lydia chimed. "And besides, who cares? I don't have a date either, and I'm still going."
"I thought you were going with Stiles."
"In a completely work-related situation," Lydia coughed, even as you rolled your eyes. "He knows that."
"I'm sure he'll figure it out by the tenth corsage he buys you," you snickered.
"Just come tomorrow; Kira is joining. We'll get dresses, lattes, and have a day where werewolves don't intrude." You bit the inside of your cheek, staring at your laptop screen as the words melted into mush in your brain. You could at least hang out, even if you didn't buy anything. 
"I will come," you amended, almost hearing Lydia's excitement from the phone. "I won't promise that I'll buy anything."
"Grab you at 11 a.m., be ready," Lydia chimed, hanging up the phone. You sighed and put your head in your arms, wondering what you got yourself into. 
It was a reminder that waking up by 10 a.m. was a struggle for you. You barely dragged yourself out the door as Lydia spammed your phone, pleading for your coffee as you slid into the car. Kira laughed at you as you curled up in a ball and muttered about sweet death taking you soon. Lydia drove up to the coffee place, an ivy-strewn brick building called Cafe Allegro, and you bolted out of the car and through the doors. The smell of roasting coffee beans and the whir of the espresso machines welcomed you like a blanket on a cold night, and you wondered if you could ask that when you die, it could be in a pile of coffee beans. You ordered your latte, not having to wait long to get your order as you stood off the side, inhaling the fresh scent. Having been absorbed in your calm, you didn't notice the boy standing next to you. 
"You are really into your coffee," Isaac remarked, scaring you out of your stupor. You made a pathetic yelp, grimacing as a chuckle escaped his lips. 
"It's too early."
"It's almost noon."
"Too early," you sighed, sipping the heavenly goodness in your hand. "Why are you here?" 
"Scott and Stiles dragged me to the suit rental place and told me they didn't want me left alone to wallow or something like that," Isaac laughed, shoving his hands in his pockets. He was wearing a heather gray henley today that you were enjoying and trying your hardest not to notice. "If it's so early, why are you here?"
"Similar reason. Lydia and Kira dragged me dress shopping," you glanced up at him before looking around the shop and realizing that your comrades were hiding on the opposite side. Annoyingly leaving you with the person who gives you immense jitters. 
"Do you think you'll get a dress?" Isaac inquired. 
"Not sure why, don't have a good reason to," you mumbled, staring at your cup. Gosh, your heart was beating fast, and your stomach hurt. Maybe you should've gotten something calming like herbal tea. 
"You should get one," Isaac coughed, looking visibly uncomfortable. For a second, you worried that you were annoying him. "You would look…pretty."
"Thanks," your cheeks burned. "Then, you should get a suit." You swallowed, feeling like your head was in a whirlpool. Isaac's eyes looked at you with something akin to interest, but you passed it off as your caffeine-filled hallucinations. 
"We should go to the dance together," Isaac said quickly, tensing slightly as he awaited your reaction. Your eyes widened, and you had to remember what solid ground felt like as his words sank in. 
"I would like that very much," you breathed. Isaac's demeanor softened, relief flooding his eyes. He bit his lip to stifle his grin, which was the worst mistake he could've made as now all you were focusing on was his lips. "Gotta go," you announced, bolting from him before he could say anything else or before you jumped him at a coffee shop. You made it to Lydia and Kira and dragged them out of the door, not bothering to look back for fear of embarrassment. Lydia had mild complaints, but mostly, Kira gave you a knowing look. 
"Is there a reason for this rush?" Kira asked, eyebrows lifted in question. 
"I need a dress," you said. Lydia and Kira shared a grin and you knew there was a specific reason they left you with Isaac in the cafe. You wanted to strangle them and kiss them for it. 
The ride to the dress shop was short, but the anxiety building like a knot in your stomach persisted long after. Isaac asked you to the dance. He asked you for some unknown reason. You guys were friends and occasionally worked together. Still, you struggled to have a conversation before that didn't end with you saying something weird and making it awkward. You used to chalk it up to just not having common interests. Still, if you admitted the truth to yourself, you would know it's because you had a giant raging crush on the werewolf. Words were not in your vocabulary around him. 
Entering the dress shop (a cute place called Laura Jane's Boutique), you were suddenly reminded why you didn't really want to go in the first place. You love pretty things, but the over-glitzy dresses and jumpsuits are not your style. At least Kira looked as out of place as you. Lydia led the charge, though, immediately saying "no" to many dresses on the rack and holding up some options for you and Kira. You did love it, though, Lydia caring enough to try and find the perfect dress for her friends. It made you feel wanted. 
You wandered into one of the back sections, skipping the colors you would never wear. What was Isaac's favorite color? Maybe that's the color of dress you should go with. Your inner voice told you it shouldn't matter what color you wear. Not just because you value your independence but because Isaac would love it either way. 
You pushed some dresses aside on one of the racks, stopping at a shorter-length dress. It had bell sleeves and a sweetheart neckline. It was simple but not understated, and you loved it. 
You went home that night feeling like you were on a cloud. Except, like all good things, your crippling insecurities had to rear its ugly head and make you start questioning everything. Laying in your bed, the dress still in its tissue-wrapped bag, you stared at the ceiling, debating what had happened. What if Isaac only asked you to the dance because it was convenient? Or worse, he was asked to by someone like Scott or Lydia? He probably didn't like you at all. Why would he? You were human. Unremarkable. 
Vibrations could be felt in your head as your phone rang, and you begrudgingly grabbed at it without checking the caller ID. "Hello?" you grumbled.
"Hey," the tenor voice said from over the phone. "Can I come over?" 
"Isaac?" you asked, sitting up in your bed. "Is everything okay?" Oh my gosh, was he hurt? Or rescinding his previous offer of the dance.
"I just want to see you," he breathed. "Is this a bad time?"
"Never," you answered quickly. "You can come over."
Ten minutes later, of anxious pacing in your room, you got a text from Isaac saying he had arrived. You ran downstairs to open the door, slightly winded from the rush. Isaac's face was illuminated by your porch lights, and all you could think about was how pretty he was. 
"Hi," you spoke, looking up at him.
"Hi," Isaac smiled, "can I come in?" Nodding, you opened the door further so the golden-haired werewolf could enter. You gestured for him to follow, leading him to your room for privacy. You started to regret that decision when you realized that you had invited someone you were interested in into your bedroom. This was the plot of a bad romance novel. 
"What brings you to my humble abode?" you inquire, twirling to face him.
"I came to check on you," Isaac glanced around your bedroom, smiling faintly at your posters on the wall. You watched his eyes catch on your corkboard, where a photo of the two of you at Derek's loft is in prime display. It was after saving the day, and Stiles had bought multiple tubs of ice cream to celebrate. Derek demanded why this "celebration" had to be at his place. However, Stiles had never once listened to Derek's complaints and hosted it anyway. You loved that picture and that memory. 
"Check on me? I'm not in danger again, am I?" you smile, sitting on your bed and subconsciously grabbing one of your stuffed animals. 
"Kira was over to see Scott and mentioned you might be 'spiraling into oblivion,'" Isaac turned to you, quoting Kira's words. Sometimes, you wondered if that girl was telepathic with how well she knew you. 
"Maybe a little," you mumbled, fidgeting with your fluffy friend. Isaac hesitantly sat next to you on the bed, his weight causing you to sink closer to him. 
"Can I ask why, or should I just infer?" he chimed, grabbing another stuffed friend you have and twirling it around. It was a blue chicken from a video game you play, with a cute pink gizzard and round body. "I like this one."
"Do tell," you chuckled, watching him squish the chicken plush. 
"It's squishy," he muttered, patting it on the head before setting it carefully beside him. Your heart wanted to burst at the small interaction. 
"I was worried about the dance," you responded, answering his previous question. He gave you a sidelong glance, asking you to elaborate. "I don't know why you asked me."
"I like you."
"Like me, or like me?" you whispered, barely able to get your voice heard. Unfortunately, Isaac is sitting next to you and has a werewolf hearing, so he didn't miss a thing. He hesitantly grabbed the stuffed animal from your fidgeting hands, putting it aside before carefully holding your hand in his own. 
"I think you're amazing," he smiled, looking at you with eyes the color of a lakeshore. "So yes, I like you."
"I like you too," you breathed, a smile gripping your lips. "When did you get good at socializing?"
Isaac laughed, still holding your hand as he absentmindedly traced shapes on your knuckles. "Had lots of time to practice conversations while trapped in a freezer."
"You need therapy."
"Probably," he laughed, grinning at you before tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. Your breath caught in your throat as he looked at you. "Can I kiss you?" 
You barely managed a nod, your heart thumping loudly in your chest as Isaac kissed your lips. It was soft and somewhat hesitant, like he didn't want you to run away afterward. You boldly deepened the kiss, as it felt like water filled your ears and a marching band played in your heart. The hand he wasn't holding you used to capture his face, his free hand lightly gripping the outside of your thigh. It wasn't fireworks but an ocean at high tide with waves crashing against the shore. And you didn't mind it one bit; you hated fireworks anyway. When Isaac did pull away, his breath was warm against your lips, and you had to remember to let out a shaky breath before you hyperventilate. Isaac kissed your cheek, pulling back to look at you with pure adoration on his face. 
Kissing him again was pure bliss, and you couldn't help but look at him with awe. You weren't sure how you were granted something this good when you've spent your whole life dreaming of something worth half of this. Still, you wouldn't exchange it for anything. It meant you got to spend Winter Ball with the most handsome boy on the dance floor. 
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myulalie · 3 months
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Derek returned to Beacon Hills to figure out what happened to his sister — not realizing that in doing so, he signed up for (a lot) more than he bargained for (read on AO3).
Words: 3 882
Warnings: Canon Typical Violence
Pairing: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Characters: Derek Hale, Peter Hale, Stiles Stilinski
Tags: Minor Character Death, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Kitsune Stiles Stilinski, Pack Alpha Peter Hale, Peter Hale's Alpha Shift Form, Full Shift Werewolves, Full Shift Werewolf Derek Hale, Full Shift Werewolf Peter Hale, Full Shift Werecreature Stiles Stilinski, Dark Peter Hale, Hurt/Comfort, Pre-Relationship
for: @lalelilolusworld, happy birthday again, I hope you have the best day ♥
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jpnriikicore · 8 months
── older
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paring theo raeken x fem!reader, word count 727, genre fluff and angst, music recommendation older isabel larosa authors note my favorite writing piece 🫶🏻🫶🏻 ( masterlist )
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you knew that scott mccall would never like the idea of his little sister hanging around with theo. so, you snuck around together pretending that you hated one another around the pack, but only you two know that was far from the truth. the pack would never speak to you again if they knew that you was with somebody like theo raeken. you find a thrill of sneaking around beacon hills tiptoeing around the pack.
he wasn’t so sure about your relationship in the beginning afraid you was too young, but you promised him with the classic saying "I’m mature for my age, age is just a number." which was true. you had to mature faster than most. always been told that you was an old soul. you had to take on more burdens and responsibilities. you started working at the ice rink at fourteen to help with the bills. he’s eighteen and your not even old enough to have a drivers license yet.
when theo first came back into beacon hills he didn’t actually believe you would be so dumb and naive enough to fall for his manipulation. his original plan was to make you fall for him to gain trust among the pack. if the youngest had full trust with theo then everybody would follow.
of course he didn’t plan on becoming so immersed with the youngest of the pack. he is so enamored with you. that he couldn’t follow his plan. he couldn’t risk hurting you. he would set fire to the world if you asked. kill anybody who threatened you.
he didn’t mind keeping your relationship under wraps. of course he got jealous of any guy who spoke to you. it was unusual that the poor guy would get threatened or maybe even killed. the murders count went up in beacon hills after he arrived back in town by just simply eliminating any guy who spoke to you. they just mysteriously disappeared the next day.
after all the supernatural shit happened in this town you needed a break. you and theo plan to get out of town for the summer. being with theo makes you forget about the massive weight on your shoulders. soon, scott will leave for college and you will have to step up and take responsibility for the supernatural of this town. soon, everybody will leave. you would never get a normal adolescent experience.
and with the your father being back into town didn’t help either. you were certain you heard your mom weep the other night because of it. you couldn’t stand listen to her be sad. the same old harsh feeling you had for him as a kid rosed to the surface once again.
theo parked his truck outside of where you work, the ice rink. all of his attention on you, as he wiped your tears that were falling from your beautiful eyes. the heavy raindrops hitting the outside of his truck matching how you feel. his thumb comfort rubbing your cheekbone.
"everything will be fine," he whispered, his hand finding it’s way to cup your bare thigh. his thumb rubbing smoothing circles on your warm skin. his cold hand and rings send a shiver down your spine.
to be honest he wasn’t convinced himself that everything was going to be fine. he knew that the supernatural in town was taking a toll on you especially after the nogitsune possessed you. after scott "killed" the dark kitsune spirit he possessed you for quite some time. sometimes you believe that the kitsune still lives inside of you. you enjoy the misery that you cause others now. thoughts that you didn’t have before now rise to the surface of your mind.
you should have stopped stiles and scott from going out late at night to find a stupid dead body, but instead you gladly agreed on going. where everything changed. where scott changed. where stiles changed. where you changed.
he kissed your lips tasting your salty tears that has slipped off your face onto your bare thighs that your sundress has failed to cover. "everything will be fine, i promise."
his forehead gently touched yours. you smile and flutter your eyes closed at his touch. your hand reached up to hold onto his bigger hand.
everything will be fine as long as you have, theo raeken by your side.
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samdeancass · 1 year
Love at First Sight
Pairing: Stiles x McCall!fem!reader
Genre: Fluff
Characters: Scott, Stiles, Y/N
Description: Y/N and Scott are cousins and haven't seen each other for 5 years when you left Beacon Hills. When she arrives back, Scott throws a party for her and introduces her to Stiles, who seems very happy to meet her.
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You smiled widely as you pulled up outside Scott's house, excitement building up inside. Scott is your favourite cousin and the one that you're most close to, so you couldn't wait to knock on his front door and surprise him. Being so close to Scott you knew all about the supernatural world and the fact that he was an alpha werewolf, so you knew that there would be no surprises coming your way, or so you thought.
You walked up the path to his house and knocked on the door, leaning on your heels as you waited. Your smile grew and grew as you heard Scott's voice and the jangle of the keys in the lock. He stood there in both shock and happiness when he swung the door open and seen you standing there.
"Y/N? What the hell are you doing here?" Scott opened his arms and engulfed you to his chest, nearly squeezing the life out of you. "Scott...can't...breathe." "Ooo sorry, I tend to forget my strength sometimes." You chuckled and took a look at Scott, closing the door behind you.
He really had changed since the last time you seen him. There was a lot more muscle on his body and he seemed to have grown quite a few inches. "I see the werewolf life is treating you well then." You gestured up and down whilst Scott chuckled, nervously rubbing the back of his neck.
"Yeah, I guess I've changed a lot since you last seen me. How long's it been?" "Five years." Scott's mouth hung open. "No, it can't have been that long. Seriously." You nodded your head and smiled. "Yep, seriously."
You both walked towards the sofa and sat down. "Anyway, you didn't answer my question. What are you doing here?" "Well, my dad has changed jobs again so we needed to move house. It turns out, he's going to be working just outside Beacon Hills! You'll be seeing a whole lot more of me because this time, we're staying!"
A beaming smile spread across Scott's features. "I've just had the perfect idea. Seems you're now back permanently, you're going to need some familiar faces so I'm going to throw you a party. A welcome back party."
You furrowed your eyebrows. "I'm not too sure, Scott. What if they don't like me?" He put his hand on your shoulder and gave you a comforting smile. "Trust me, they are going to love you."
Scott had given you the low down of all the people who are going to be at the party.
"So, Lydia is a banshee. What exactly is that again?" You smoothed down your dress and put on the finished touches to your make-up. "Lydia can sense when someone has died or is near death. Her scream is also very powerful and can throw people back a good few feet."
You nodded your head. "Derek, Liam and Malia are all werewolves?" He nodded. "Malia is a were-coyote. Her mom is a coyote, her dad is a werewolf. Liam is my beta, I turned him accidentally when I was trying to save him. Derek is a strong werewolf, one of the most powerful I've seen."
"Kira is a kitsune? A fire fox?" You put some hairspray in your hair and turned round to Scott. "And she is also my girlfriend." You widened your eyes and smacked him on the shoulder. "Scott McCall, why on earth did you not tell me you have a girlfriend?" His cheeks grew red with embarrassment. "I...I" You laughed and ruffled his hair. "I'm only kidding. But please tell me you know at least one human that isn't me?"
At that, Scott's smile grew wide and cunning. "My best friend, Stiles. He's the smartest person I know but he's also very sarcastic." "It sounds like I'm really going to like him." A soft smile grew on your face before you turned back towards the mirror for one last check.
"C'mon, Y/N. We can't have you being late to your own party." Scott grabbed your hand and led you out the door and down the stairs to meet everyone.
Everyone you had met were extremely nice to you and welcomed you into the pack. Lydia, Kira and Malia were all very happy that they were no longer outnumbered by the boys. Derek was very welcoming to you which Scott said was a complete surprise because he usually just growls at people and walks away.
"And this is Stiles. Stiles, meet Y/N. Y/N meet Stiles." Stiles turned around to greet you when your eyes met. You were completely mesmerised by his chocolate brown eyes and the cute little freckles scattered across his face. Stiles' mouth hang agape as his eyes gazed over your features. Seeing the reaction you both had to each other, Scott smiled to himself and slowly walked away to watch his plan hatch.
"H-hi, I-i'm Stiles." He kept his gaze on you which made you blush. "I'm Y/N, Scott's cousin." You both stood there for a while just staring at each other. "I'm sorry, I don't know how someone as beautiful as you can be related to Scott. I mean, he's a dog."
"Hey! Just because I'm not standing next to you doesn't mean I can't hear what you're saying!" You laughed at the joke, nervously tucking your hair behind your ears. "You are right, though. He is a dog." "Thanks a lot, Stilinski."
"Anytime, pal." He winked at Scott before turning his attention back to you. "So, Scott's told me a little about you and I have to say, I'm very intrigued." You both began to walk together towards the back yard to try and grab some privacy.
"You're intrigued by me? A human? You literally live in a town full of supernatural creatures and you're interested in my life?" You both sat down facing each other on a bench, your arms leaning on the table. "Well, I don't have a normal human life. I'm always dragged into Scott's werewolf drama. I wanna know how the other half live."
You told Stiles all about your life and the different things you had accomplished. Throughout the conversation, Stiles didn't once take his eyes off you; always keeping his attention on you.
You both sat in a comfortable silence just staring at each other until you both slowly leaned over the table and kissed. It was new and exciting and sweet. Excitement and electricity run through your nerves as you kept the connection, Stiles' hand resting against your cheek.
Your hand rested on top of his as you leaned into his warmth, a warm blush spreading across your cheeks. Stiles smiled at you, completely content, until the moment was ruined by wolf whistles and squeals coming from the back door of the house, or more rightly Scott.
"My plan worked! I knew you two would hit it off." Scott smiled confidently at the both of you. You both shook your heads at him. "Can we not have, like, five minutes privacy please?" Lydia pulled Scott back into the house and closed the door but not before giving him a thump for good measure.
"So, where were we?" Stiles leaned over the table again and pressed his lips to yours, this time more passionately. "I think we were getting up to the part where we make out, a lot." Stiles wiggled his eyebrows and pulled you over the table and into his lap causing you to laugh and slap his chest.
From that moment, you guys were inseparable and it was all thanks to Scott who you both knew would never let you forget it.
Teen Wolf Tags:
@bxoken-heartss @hellomyweirdos @redcoatgirl
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Lydia: Hale-McCall pack, I've compiled a list of the most immediate Beacon Hills emergencies on the white board here. Derek: Thank you, Lydia. Everyone, what this city needs is a band of protectors. Werewolves and humans, kitsunes and banshees, honoring our pack's sacred and eternal commitment to this territory, willing to rise up and... [reading off the white board] "get all those potatoes out of the cemetery."
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sonic-oc-showdown · 1 year
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Here’s the brackets for the showdown! They will be broken up into BRACKET A and BRACKET B and the winners of each will face each other in the final showdown
Below you can find the full character names and their creators. Polls will start to be posted WEDNESDAY MAY 10TH
1. Petri the Hedgehog ( @starfall-isle​​ ) vs Sky the Otter ( @hornet-protector​​ )
2. Alloy ( @starboundsingularity​​ ) vs Ember the Dragon ( @pika-yolo​​ )
3. Matilda the Ant ( @halcyon-pandion​​  & @frostios​​ ) vs Quake the Elephant (@bunnymajo​​ )
4. Myo the Breeze ( @limon-florcempoalli​​ ) vs Bolt the Cyber Cheetah (@addysfandomdump​​)
5. Rose the Husky ( @sonicanon) vs Aria ( @ask-saffron-and-friends​​ )
6. Kaleival ( @zepandovski​​ ) vs Pierrot ( @maareyas​​ )
7. Wren the Cybernetic Wolf (@rojaceartandgaming​​ )
8. Ghost the Desert Hedgehog ( @retrochao) vs Shred the Possum (@snakolyte​​ )
9. Ganymede the Jack ( @theknifedance) vs Caramel the Hedgehog (@t4twerehog​​ )
10. Ruby Rosario ( @galaxy-pop​​ ) vs Ava the Wolf ( @firedemon72​​ )
11. Deirdre Whitetail ( @sublimenol​​) vs Bertie ( @bobvelsebishot​​ )
12. Mandy ( @green-kat331​​ ) vs Agent VX ( @riftclaw​​ )
13. Zori ( @nintendoni-art) vs Zara-Ra the Echidna ( @julie-su​​ )
14. Pink the Cat ( @prince-o-rot​​ ) vs Wick and Casquette ( @wispon​​ )
15. Ari the Jackalope ( @wannabezangoose​​ ) vs Rose the Fox ( @spiritgenie​​ )
16. Data “Byte” the Goat ( @bunniibones​​ ) vs Quetza ( @beacon-of-chaos​​ )
1. Carrion the Cat ( @sonic-adventure-3​​ ) vs Pip ( @squidthechaotickid​​ )
2. Toon the Lemur Pup ( @poorlydrawnwhispangle​​ ) vs Ignatius ( @pretzelpizzapuppy​​ )
3. Jolly Rancher ( @killer-wizard​​ ) vs Windchester the Falcon ( @scizzors-theawsome​​ )
4. Gyro ( @pigknightwarrior​​ ) vs Serera ( @your-obedient-servant-g-mart​​ )
5. Splash the Seagull ( @splatoonlink​​ ) vs Poppy the Dog ( @zippityzap​​ )
6. Jasper ( @mynders-universe) vs Aryl the Chameleon ( @scorpiolight-madd​​ )
7. Siren ( @the-sonadow-chronicle​​) vs Lavyn the Reindeer ( @spunxter​​ )
9. Storm the Hedgecat ( @sege-h​​ ) vs Reflex the Hedgehog (@therealsirsticker​)
9. Sakuranbo “Ran” the Kitsune ( @starlitskvader​​) vs Haunt ( @pactwraith​​ )
10. Rey the Otter ( @mega-gh0st​​) vs Umbra the Android ( @autismshadow​​ )
11. Whistle the Wolf ( @khalewren​​ ) vs Lily Gale ( @vagevurig​​ ) 
12. Midnight Moon ( @angelicdevil​​ ) vs Sik the Hedgehog ( @getallemeralds​​ )
13. Eli ( @sonics-ask-blog​​ ) vs Tara-Ka the Echidna ( @jimmychakraborty​​ )
14. Eris ( @greyjediluke​​ ) vs Lux ( @fourhedge​​ )
15. Echo the Cat ( @sonicnewschannel​​ ) vs Khalid the Snow Leopard ( @lexo-dog​​)
16. Shai ( @spooperdedooper​​ ) vs Flax ( @new-kelp-city​​ )
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 8 months
Hi! I was told to come here by another rec tumblr. I'm just gonna copy what I asked them...
I'm not sure if you can help with this, but I'm looking for triad fics with Derek/Stiles and a third. I don't have anyone specific in mind for the third person. I'm just craving a threesome pairing with Sterek. Maybe with the story revolving around Stiles? I'm not sure if this is too vague or if you even rec fics like this. Thanks!
Hopefully you have some recs?
I've heard that 3 is the magic number. That's right, right?
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Just one of the pack by pterawaters 
(1/1 I 5,370 I Explicit I Stiles/Derek/Scott)
Stiles is the new kid, well new kitsune in town. It doesn't take him long to catch the attention of Scott McCall and Derek Hale, the leaders of the Beacon Hills wolf pack. Stiles isn't sure he'll be a good addition to the pack, until Scott and Derek convince him otherwise.
How to Fill an Empty Loft by bloodwrites
(1/1 I 5,457 I Explicit I Stiles/Derek/Isaac)
Derek returns to Beacon Hills in search of a connection. He finds it in Stiles and Isaac.
Triad by Blue_Five
(16/16 I 37,414 I Mature I Stiles/Derek/Jackson)
Werewolf Alphas take two mates when they build a pack ... or at least that's supposed to be the way it works.
@lovesouthernsweettea suggested these!
Sweets by i_might_be_in_over_my_head (a whole series!)
Activity Ideas When Trapped in a Cave by Onlymystory
(1/1 I 2,684 I Explicit I Stiles/Derek/Isaac)
“I hate everyone here,” pouts Stiles. He doesn’t. But then again, he really does. There wouldn’t be a problem if he had gotten to go hunt down the damn goblin with Allison and Scott. But no, they had insisted on bringing Lydia along instead of him. He’s like 89% sure that Allison and Lydia finally got Scott on board with a threesome, hence the split. Which again, not the worst thing ever. But there are ways he’d like to be stuck with Isaac and Derek, both of whom he’s had a thing for pretty much since the day Derek pulled his “I’m the Alpha” routine at the police station and since the day Isaac got all up on Jackson at the rave. And since Stiles has had regular appointments with his dick since he discovered it had other uses, he’s thought about the two werewolves A LOT. Trying to hunt down a goblin who apparently thinks it’s fun to fuck with people on Halloween in the rain is not how Stiles wants to be stuck with the stars of his fantasies.
I Choose You by Inell
(1/1 I 4,397 I Explicit I Allison/Derek/Stiles)
After a pack disagreement, Stiles is joined by Derek and Allison to deal with a threat. This gives Derek and Stiles the opportunity to finally explore what's been developing between them, but they don't expect Allison's request to join them.
Even Better by Inell
(1/1 I 4,825 I Explicit I Allison/Derek/Stiles)
Allison joins Stiles and Derek for a night to fulfill one of Stiles' fantasies.
Together by BustersJezebel
(1/1 I 11,367 I Explicit I Stiles/Derek/Allison)
Closing his own eyes, Derek threw back his head as he let go of their hands and opened his mouth in an uncontrolled roar of ownership.
Triad by Blue_Five
(16/16 I 37,414 I Mature I Derek/Stiles/Jackson)
Werewolf Alphas take two mates when they build a pack ... or at least that's supposed to be the way it works.
Put your loving hand out, baby. by MBlack93
(10/10 I 98,725 I Explicit I Allison/Stiles/Derek)
"You trained me too well, and I listened, like you always said, 'Don't only trust your magic, always have a backup  plan."
He then gives a two-finger salute, the sign he has trained with his pack, and before she can react, two shots are heard in the clearing. Blue blood starts spilling out of her mouth before she coughs and falls to her knees. Her eyes are wide and focused on Stiles.
Stiles sits on his haunches in front of her, so he's on eye level with her. "It's pretty stupid that people keep underestimating me. You should've known better-" Lydia screams in the distance, and Stiles knows it's time.
After the warehouse disaster, Stiles finds himself surrounded by a couple of people he hadn't expected. Like at all. See how Stiles becomes more badass, starts his own pack, and finds love in unexpected places.
Badass Supernatural Immortals by Inell
(10/10 I 111,074 I Teen I Poly)
When Stiles and his team of badass supernatural immortals receive a vision involving a werewolf pack being burned alive, they take a trip to Beacon Hills, California to stop it from happening. He certainly doesn’t expect two major complications to his life in the forms of Peter Hale and his nephew, Derek.
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kseniaallis · 1 year
I just watched tw movie trailer, and it says a lot about my “excitement” that I just watched it. And of course I knew what’s happening because… fandom. But looking at it with my own eyes, book writing experience and participation in teen wolf fandom since I was 14, it just doesn’t make any sense.
I understand why they use Nogitsune as a main villain for the movie - it’s the most popular, loved, if you can say that, plot line of the entire show. Because if you ask fandom “what is your favourite season?” most of them will answer 3b.
What I don’t understand is how they’ll use this storyline without two major characters - Stiles and Kira. The whole reason why Nogitsune appeared in the Beacon Hills was Kira’s family history. And the reason why Nogitsune is so popular - DOB acting. Because I swear to God, if it wasn’t for him, it wouldn’t be just as enjoyable.
I won’t start on Derek’s son that suddenly appeared out of nowhere, that Derek purposefully raised in the town that gave him, his family, friends so many traumas? Make it make sense.
I won’t judge Hikari because I don’t know her plot line, but what I hate and what is heavily implied is that the part of her story is being the love interest. Why won’t you let female character just be in the story, without making them important just because they are someone’s love interest. It's 2023, not 2014 (but we stayed there, ig, and made it worse). And I still don’t like how her being kitsune sounds a lot like Kira’s replacement.
And I hope, hope that even if they pursue Liam and Hikari, please, please don’t let it happen with such a big age difference.
I also have no idea how having a romance with a character that appears just in the movie is a good idea. In all honesty, I don’t give a f about this character because I don’t know her and having this character have a romance with a beloved fandom character just for one movie is ridiculous. Especially, after setting up the whole Thiam heavily implied story line. Because, you see, the only reason why anyone even talk about the movie is fandom. And fandom loves when things they love at least appear, give them breadcrumbs and they’ll be happy. We are not picky.
Mason being a deputy? Okay, perfect. The boy was smart as hell and could go miles away from Beacon Hills to learn science, but no-no. He could have been emissary to the pack and it would work perfectly, but still it’s a no for them.
Malia and Parish's situation is so confusing, like even Lydia and Parish made more sense (age difference is still bad here). And they just decided recycling her relationship with Scott for the sake of Allison's return?
And why does she? Her arc was complete in such a perfect way. It was sad, but it was perfect. It brought reason for the pack to keep fighting, taught them lesson that they weren’t invincible. Bringing her back makes it all go in flames. She died young, saving her friends and it was beautiful in the way, because it brought the whole new meaning to her arc. But no, let’s bring her back and make Argent’s life even more tragic and painful. Let the poor man rest.
And I hope they didn’t kill Theo’s character off screen. But maybe him not being in the movie is a good thing. They can’t fuck up his character after completing his arc perfectly in the tv-show (still surprising, tbh, but I LOVE how they made it).
I remember founding out about the movie. How exciting it felt because I just returned to the fandom, reading all these thiam fics (because fandom recommendations on Tumblr made me, and I was never more grateful to learn about Theo character from the perceptive I have now as an adult. I hated him when I was young and now he is one of my favourites). It felt exciting because it had meaning. And we had hope for it to be at least a decent thing. A continuation of the story that made sense. But now they ruined almost half of the characters and removed the other half for the sake of two hours (how long is it exactly?) movie we won’t even watch.
At this point, I just wait for fix-it fics on ao3 that’ll make more sense than the plot jd came up with his writers.
Thanks for listening to my TED Talk.
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fatuifucker · 1 year
scaramouche x kitsune! reader lore and background
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background for the lore in scaramouche's kitsune familiar! reader au
sorry if the wording is all over the place, this is just meant to be a summary so try not to mind it too much
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Before Yae Miko, there was another who had caught the eye of Raiden Ei. Tamamo-no-mae. Using her charms and seduction, she slid her way into the archon's heart and became the kagemusha's lover. However, it was all a farce, for her true goal was to claim Inazuma for herself and set it into ruin. The archon twins eventually saw through her deceptions, and Raiden Ei was forced to slay her lover for the sake of her nation. Before she departed, Tamamo-no-mae left a 'gift' in the form of a child she conceived with another. Despite the atrocities it could bring, when Ei saw the crying kit in the middle of the battlefield, she couldn't bear to point her blade towards it.
Raiden Ei brought the kit to the Narukami Shrine, where it was raised under the care of the diligent shrine maidens. While Ei had reservations of the potential chaos it could bring to Inazuma, Makoto saw it as a beacon of wisdom and truth. She intended to take the kit under her wing and make it her familiar; to have it capture the beauty of what it means to be the Inazuma archon and witness the beauty of transience to share its wisdom with the world. But alas, the Narukami Gongen perished before the kit could become an adult.
In preparation for her eternal meditation, Ei created a puppet shogun to take her place. One of which was a prototype that shed tears in his sleep. In him, she saw something: a remnant, a reminder of her deceased sister. Recalling her sister's wish, Ei left the puppet in a mansion with the kit, in hopes that they could witness transience in the way she as an archon can't, so Makoto's wish could come true.
Of course, it didn't go all according to plan.
The kit happily lived with the doll along with a group of bladesmiths, its bond with the puppet becoming stronger and stronger with each passing day. However, the kit was haunted with nightmares of their former master, lamenting their failure at fulfilling their duty in protecting the Inazuma archon. A scientist by the name of Escher noticed the kit's troubles and gave it a specially procured medicine meant to keep the nightmares away. Not wanting to turn down the scientist's act of kindness, it took the medicine everyday as instructed, not knowing that it was a poison meant to impair and permanently damage one's cognitive abilities with hallucinations and clog it from thinking critically.
After the incident in Tatarasuna and the apparent betrayal of Niwa and Yae Miko, the puppet and fox found a lonely, nameless child. Together, the pair cared for the child, and they became a family. Until one day, while the puppet was out getting food, the fox walked into the sight of the child's lifeless body on the ground. Devastated, the fox collapsed on the ground, crying, wishing that they could just forget their useless existence and life.
Today, an elusive kitsune trails behind the shadow of the balladeer. It doesn't know anything from their past. Who was their kin? What was their childhood like? The only memories they have are of their time as a servant of some lowlife shogunate members who only used the kitsune as a tool for power.
On days where they weren't needed, they were stuffed away in their empty mirror prison; a hellscape where the only thing they could do is hum lullabies they forgot the origins of while contemplating their blank existence. The one who slaughtered those men and saved them was someone known as Kunikuzushi, who held out his hand towards them with a promise:
"Lend me your strength, and I'll keep you safe. I'll eradicate this cruel and unjust world, and bring forth a new era where you'll never have to suffer again."
Today, this kitsune familiar stands beside their master– no, their lover, as he holds their hand, preaching for a world where he would be its god.
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nerdy-stilinski · 1 year
A Comprehensive Bitch-Fest of the Teen Wolf Movie
Alright guys, as promised, here is the comprehensive text post of the Teen Wolf Movie. 
Under this cut will contain a pretty extensive plot (for those of us who don’t want to watch the movie). I’m gonna do another post under this one with my personal thoughts, and some fun little bones to pick with Mr. Davis surrounding canon (or lack thereof, as it were) and uh. Plot decisions all around. 
Most importantly, though, THERE WILL BE SPOILERS! If you haven’t seen the movie, and you don’t want spoilers, PLEASE DO NOT LOOK UNDER THE CUT! 
I’m sure there won’t be much anyone hasn’t seen, yet, but I digress. 
We open with Liam and Hikari (the new kitsune) at some sort of restaurant in what appears to be rural Japan.
Somebody, who we later learn is Harris (and tbh, you would pick up on it if you paid any attention at ALL in seasons 1-3. I literally wrote IS THAT HARRIS????? WHAT THE FUCK the moment i saw him.), comes in looking for the triskelion container that the nogitsune is trapped in. He puts an Argent round on the counter, which I still cannot fathom why, because it’s never addressed. 
Naturally, a scuffle occurs, Harris shoots Liam and Hikari, and he says something about how he wants revenge on Beacon Hills before he opens the box. A firefly flies out, you get the gist. 
The movie cuts to LA, and shows a building in the process of collapsing. Deaton is out front, talking to a firefighter about how he’s called someone they call “the Alpha” to rescue a girl and her dog from the building. 
Yep, you guessed it, folks. Scott McCall runs an animal shelter in LA next to Deaton’s new veterinary practice. 
Scott obviously goes in the building, which partially collapses on him, but flashes his eyes at the dog, and saves the girl and the dog when the building collapses around them. 
The main credits roll, opening the movie. It is evident upon opening credits that Scott, Allison, Lydia, and Malia are going to be the main characters. Kudos, though. The credits were cool. 
We cut to Scott’s animal shelter (or Deaton’s vet hospital? unclear). Scott and Deaton have a discussion where Deaton has to explain the word “wistful” to a 30-year-old Scott and Scott repeats it like he’s studying for the SATs. I’m all for nostalgia but uh. That one icked me out. Anyways, Scott goes to lock up, and then sees a vision of Allison, reenacting the first night he met her when she hit the dog and took it to the vet. He shakes it off, but hears the dogs barking in the back , and he goes to investigate. 
Surprise, it’s Argent pointing a gun at Scott. It freaks Scott out, but they bro hug it out, like men. He’s come back to see Scott because he’s been seeing Allison too, in these weird dreams and visions. 
Argent has the katana the oni used to kill Allison, and is convinced they need to take it to Beacon Hills to put her to rest or something? 
Scott, obviously not noticing that the vibes are Rancid, agrees, and they decide to head back to BH, which they both haven’t been back to in a while, it seems like. 
Cut scene to Lydia, giving some sort of presentation and walking around a very high-end company of some sort. We find out that Lydia, instead of actually putting information in the booklets she handed out to the tour, has written Allison over and over again. (it’s also implied that the person they use as a plot device to introduce this was or is, in some way, romantically involved with Lydia).
Lydia runs to her office, where she has one of her banshee visions, and writes a ton of stuff on various pieces of paper in a pattern we can’t yet discern. She’s getting flashbacks of Allison the entire time. 
Cut scene. Eli Hale (i squealed. im not above that. that’s derek’s boy, guys) is breaking into what appears to be some kind of impound lot. He hotwires what is apparent to us is Stiles’s Jeep. 
Eli busts out of the chain link fencing, and is hauling ass and driving down a very recognizable Beacon Hills road. He flies by a parked Sheriff’s Department patrol vehicle, and we see it’s driven by Parrish. 
Cut to what appears to be the Preserve. Mason, a deputy (more on that later. i hate it) walks over to the Sheriff, and asks if Parrish should deal with their consultant’s issue. It is clear they are talking about Eli, and the Sheriff says he’ll handle it. 
Derek walks out of the forest (notes: DERKE. COMING OUT OF THE WOODS. SDJHFKDHSGKJHDSGH. DEREK. DEREK.) which has clearly been burned, and informs the Sheriff that the arsonist used chemical accelerant. He then tells the Sheriff that “we should be calling your son” to which the Sheriff replies “he has his own fires to put out.” This is one of MAYBE 5 Stiles mentions in the movie. 
The Sheriff asks Derek why he keeps stealing the Jeep, to which Derek replies, “because he knows I hate it.” (your honor. that’s gay.) 
Cut to Eli still driving, and the Jeep’s tires go flat. He’s ambushed by the Sheriff, Parrish, and his father. Derek tells him they’ll talk about it later. 
Cut to the cemetery Allison was buried at. Scott’s there, and he goes to her grave. The cemetery is overgrown, uncared for. Lydia pulls up, and Scott thanks her for getting there so fast, but she just gives him a big hug. 
They decide that they need to do something about this Allison thing, too. Scott repeatedly punches Allison’s marker, until it cracks. 
Cut to the McCall’s. Scott, Lydia, and Argent are around the island, where the katana in its’ case is sitting. Argent asks Lydia what her drawings mean, and she says she has no idea. She hasn’t used her banshee powers in a while and is out of practice. When someone asks why, and she’s silent, Jackson walks in, saying “Stiles. It obviously has something to do with Stiles” 
Lydia called Jackson in from London to help, and Jackson states that Ethan doesn’t know he’s there, because he doesn’t want anything to do with BH. 
Jackson promptly starts putting Lydia’s papers together like a puzzle, which, surprise surprise, is in the shape of the nemeton, with the word “BARDO” written boldly in the middle (a refresher: bardo is the space between death and rebirth, as believed by Tibetan Buddhism) 
Cut to Derek’s house, where he’s pulling up to (in the ugliest tan vehicle, a Nissan Xterra if my eyes don’t deceive me. bring back the FJ. this is cursed). He and Eli go into the house, and when Derek goes to hang up the keys, he promptly rips the hook off the wall. 
He scolds Eli for breaking the law, yet again, to which Eli responds, “oh, because you never broke the law?” (good comeback, kiddo.) Derek then asks Eli if this is about “the other thing” and we learn that Eli still can’t shift, despite being 15. Derek insists that he can teach Eli, and Eli asks, “what if I’m the first hale to not turn into a werewolf?” 
Derek tells Eli that it might make life easier, and when Eli asks “my life, or yours?”, Derek doesn’t respond. Eli runs to his room, and Derek mutters, in the way a tired parent would, “definitely mine.” 
We cut to where Parrish is driving the Jeep back to the lot, and he drives by the building where the lot is housed, emblazoned, “Hale Auto.” (notes: ITS HALE AUTO. DEREK RUNS AN AUTO SHOP. SCREAMING CRYING THROWING UP ETC. OHHHHH MY GOD) 
Parrish walks into the shop, into the office, and Malia enters, butt-ass naked, and ambushes Parrish with a kiss. (again. more on this later. because absolutely not). they have sex (off screen obvi this is still teen wolf) and they have a conversation that makes it evident that Malia wants them to remain friends with benefits, and Parrish wants a relationship. 
Cut back to Derek’s house. He knocks on Eli’s door, and asks him if he wants to practice lacrosse before his game (it was established earlier that Eli is pretty bad at lacrosse. it’s giving Stiles but more on that later) 
Eli doesn’t answer, so Derek opens the door, and it cuts to the open window, obvious Eli has run away. (why didn’t he hear that? not sure. whatever.) 
Cut back to the Preserve. Scott and Lydia pull up in Scott’s red truck to one of the gates, Malia standing there waiting for them. It’s obvious Scott hasn’t seen Malia since they broke up off-screen, because he’s weird about it. Lydia tells Malia she missed her while hugging her, and Malia says the same thing. Lydia replies “no you didnt” and Malia says “I wanted to.” that one kinda. it kinda got me idk. 
Scott and Lydia have asked Malia to help them find the nemeton. They have the katana with them. 
Cut back to... somewhere? An enclosed space, of some kind. Might be the weird Argent batcave. Anyways. Deaton and Argent are there, and Deaton is grilling Argent with riddles, which Argent answers easily, but with increasing agitation. Eventually, Argent snaps, and snarls at Deaton, face mutating to look similar to the oni. Deaton sends mountain ash into Argent’s throat, and a firelfy is forced out. It becomes evident to everyone at this point that the nogitsune is back, at least to everyone but Scott, Malia, and Lydia. ffs. 
Cut back to Scott, Malia, and Lydia. Malia is sending them in circles looking for the nemeton, and it’s obvious she has no idea where it is. Scott yanks Eli Hale from behind a tree (very reminiscent of Scott in s1e1), and Eli’s been following them. He divests that sometimes he sleepwalks to the nemeton. Super normal. normal kid stuff. 
Eli leads them to the nemeton, and they immediately try to get rid of him. Eli tells them they’ll tell his dad they’re here, to which they IMMEDIATELY (ie Scott) say “it’s kind of personal” which, from Derek Hale, is really fucking rich. but again. later. it’s pretty clear they’re excluding him because he might actually have, i dunno, an objective opinion. god. sorry. fuck this. 
Lydia gets the sword in the nemeton and the nemeton absorbs it. not to be that guy but this is obviously a bad idea and we all knew it. (note: i wanna know why we didn’t instantly think that this is a bad idea this is so obviously a bad idea) 
They all turn to leave, and at their backs, the nemeton begins to emit a light blue glow. they turn, and find Allison naked on the stump. Scott stares, and they’re all like “how is she alive??” like god guys 
They drive Allison to the hospital, where Melissa is the first person to go “why are you holding a girl that looks exactly like Allison” like a normal person. Melissa gets her set up in a bed, yknow the drill. 
Cut back to the nemeton, which is glowing and spewing fireflies like it’s going out of style. The nogitsune appears on top of it, manifesting out of smoke, and says “chaos! pain! strife” in his campy little way. 
Cut to Beacon Hills High, where the lacrosse team is filing in and coach is giving one of his goofy ass speeches. he was probably the only genuine nostalgia in this movie that I enjoyed. 
Eli drops his crosse as he walks in and runs smack into the Sheriff, who’s standing right in front of the stairwell. Derek is actually in the stairwell, lurking in what I would describe as classic Derek fashion. Derek tells him he’s there to watch him play, and when Eli tells him he’ll probably sit on the bench, Derek tells him he’s gonna talk to coach about that. Eli protests, but Derek calls out to coach, and the Sheriff blocks Eli from running after him. 
Sheriff tells Eli that he’s not really here to watch him play -- he’s here to provide support for Derek and his delinquent son. He then threatens to arrest Eli, have him tried as an adult, and put him in a state penitentiary for 90 days if he steals the Jeep again. Eli, looking nervous, asks if his dad put him up to this. The Sheriff says maybe, but asserts that he’d do it. 
Cut to Derek in Coach’s office, and asking for more playing time for Eli. Coach negotiates four minutes, and only if they’re winning. Which is very Coach of him. 
Cut back to the hospital, where Melissa, Scott, Malia, and Lydia are contemplating if Allison is going to wake up, or if she’s “normal.” Melissa is the one who asserts that we don’t know if this is the real Allison. 
When they look back, Allison is gone from her bed. She’s obviously going through it when we see her -- getting flashbacks from when she was actively trying to kill the werewolves, hearing Kate, Victoria, etc in her ears, and this is obviously the nogitsune. 
Allison, once they find her, is immediately combative, and trying to escape. She kicks everyone’s ass, including Scott’s, who she cuts across the cheek, and he heals, exposing himself as a werewolf. She only remembers Derek as the alpha, though, and wants to kill him -- she’s after the alpha. So she bolts, leaving them all behind. She runs into Deaton and Argent, who enter the hospital, and she runs from him, which is devastating for me even as somebody who is not an Argent girlie. 
Cut to the Sheriff’s Department, where Mason tells the Sheriff that they have another problem. They’ve caught pictures of the guy in a dark, heavy coat with a hood (it’s Harris. We know it’s Harris) and he’s the one who’s been lighting the forest on fire. The Sheriff orders Mason with Parrish, and a new deputy with him, to the forest to investigate. This leaves one deputy alone in the department. I’m sure we see where this is going. 
The deputy hears a noise in the cells, grabs his gun, and moves that way. The nogitsune is in the cell, and he tells the deputy he’s a kitsune who never knew he was a kitsune. He steals the deputy’s tails “to summon other bodies” which is about as frightening as it sounds. 
Cut to the Argent’s batcave, where Allison is currently arming herself with a crossbow, arrows, daggers, and a longbow. The nogitsune is whispering her name, and she goes, armed, into one of the weird side pipes, where the nogitsune is standing. The nogitsune tells Allison it’s her friend, she doesn’t believe him right away, so it starts impersonating Victoria. The nogitsune is convincing her to get revenge on the people that stopped it, and its plan is to have the betas killed before the alpha. Allison just doesn’t know who the alpha is, obviously. There’s mention of the divine move, again, yknow. 
Back to the BHHS locker rooms, where Derek is carrying Eli into the locker room because he twisted his ankle. Eli isn’t healing because he can’t shift, or whatever. Derek tries to encourage him to shift, and this is when Allison sneaks into the locker room, crossbow and all, and immediately starts trying to kill Derek. 
Derek reacts on autopilot, and starts fighting Allison, telling Eli to run. He slams Alison against the lockers, wolfed out, and Allison notices that his eyes are blue. Derek obviously recognizes Allison and falters, but manages to run out of the locker room door. While he runs out, he gets shot in the neck, and he is immediately gushing blood, lying on the ground and crawling away from Allison, who moves towards him purposefully. 
Liam shows up right on time to try and save Derek, along with Hikari, Scott, and Malia. Allison has left BHHS. The whole time Derek is bleeding he’s begging them to find Eli, make sure he’s safe, he’s gone to the shop. Scott tells Derek to hang in there, but Derek passes out. We’re unsure if he’s alive or dead (read: i thought he was dead. i was sobbing) 
Cut to the scene of the arson with the Sheriff, Parrish, and Mason. The Sheriff recognizes the noise that precedes the oni, and immediately draws his gun. The oni appear, and immediately start fighting the Sheriff and deputies. 
Cut to Scott’s truck -- Derek is still very much alive. But they can’t find Eli, and they’re afraid because he can’t run. 
Back to the Preserve with the deputies. Mason is immediately cut down by an oni, vanishing into smoke. It looks like the Sheriff is going to get cut, but Parrish catches his blade with a flaming hand. 
They’re carrying Derek into Melissa’s; he’s still bleeding from his neck, but keeps repeating “you have to find Eli.” At this point, Peter appears from god knows where holding a blowtorch? Because they mentioned they needed to cauterize Derek’s wound and people just. Have those. love you pete. Derek cries out “no!” repeatedly as Peter blowtorches his wound (spoiler alert: i cried like a little bitch again.) 
Scott goes looking for Lydia to fix this little clusterfuck we have ourselves in, and before he leaves, Melissa asks Scott if there’s any chance that this is really Allison (essentially encouraging him to give her a chance) 
Cut back to Eli at Hale auto. He’s driving Derek’s horrible car to fill it up, and the gas isn’t pumping well. It’s pouring rain, he’s nervous, and naturally Allison comes in hauling ass. She hits his car with hers, sending it into the pump, gasoline still pumping onto the ground. Eli manages to get into Hale Auto with his key. 
Cut to the Sheriff’s Department, where Lydia, Jackson, Hikari, and Liam are in the Sheriff’s office. They’re all looking for clues. like. scooby doo. 
And we’re back to Melissa’s! Where everyone (Melissa, Argent, Deaton, and Peter) has agreed that Allison is a replica meant to trick everyone. 
And back to Hale’s Auto! So much happening sorry guys. Eli is limping through the shop and the cars in repair, eventually sliding down against one. Allison is also lurking through the shop, weapons at the ready. Eli slips around, and grabs a wrench. (note: okay eli be smart about this you dumbass 15 year old) And instead of being smart, he lunges at her with a wrench and promptly gets his ass beat. 
Fortunately enough for everyone, because Derek Hale is down like Jeff Davis is so fond of, Scott shows up to save the day. They run out of the shop, and back by the impounded cars. Scott gives Eli the werewolf pep talk, naturally, because Eli doesn’t have a father already (sorry guys im so bitter), and he roars at Eli. Eli’s eyes flash gold, and he heals. Now they can run. They run through the forest, like they do in teen wolf, and Scott stops and tells Eli he’s gonna have to run. His hand is all gross where Allison cut him because wolfsbane, and he thinks he’s gonna try and talk Allison down. 
Eli says “my dad told me he almost had to have his arm cut off once because of wolfsbane.” Scott replies with, “Eli, go find your dad. I think I might need his help.” (note: oh NOW you need his help scott) Eli runs off, Scott’s facing off Allison. 
Back at the Sheriff’s board, and they’ve figured out that the arsonist is the same guy who was at Hikari and Liam’s place. Cool. 
Okay we’re back to Eli, who is running in the road and almost gets hit by somebody. That somebody is the Sheriff. Nice, Noah. 
Melissa, Argent, and Peter are at the crime scene (ie Hale Auto). Peter and Argent are going through the crime scene, deducing what’s going on. Peter states that Allison is basically in homicidal rage, which Argent states proves that’s not his daughter. Peter says they went into the woods, so they all go looking for Allison and Scott. 
We’re at Derek’s house now -- Derek and Eli get a reunion hug, the Sheriff comes in, and Liam and Hikari are there, too. The oni are now also in the hall of Derek’s house. Great. Hikari fights them first, doing a great job - and she’s been run through and has evaporated. The same thing happens to Liam, leaving Deaton, the Sheriff, Eli, and Derek fighting the Oni. The Sheriff goes first, followed by Deaton. Eli watches Derek get run through, and right before he evaporates, Derek says “remember who you are” (it’s giving mufasa but tell that to my tears). 
Cut back to the Preserve, where Scott is arguing with Allison to not try to kill everyone? I’m not gonna lie this was a broken record. 
And we’re back to the Hale’s, where Malia and Eli are running. Malia tells Eli to run, but Eli decides that now is a good time to growl and attack the Oni. He gets evaporated into smoke the same way as the others, and Malia manages to get rid of the oni by pulling tarp off the window and bathing them in sunlight. 
Scott tells Allison that she can get him if that’s what they need to talk, and STABS HIMSELF BY GRABBING ALLISON’S ARM AND SENDING WOLFSBANE RIGHT INTO HIS GUT. 
Jackson and Lydia have decided to go to the site of the arson, where they’re trying to figure out what the purpose was, etc. (notes i made: jackson and lydia cannot make up for stiles stilinski) 
Peter, Melissa, and Argent have made it to where Allison stabbed Scott (that overlook over BH), and Peter sniffs the ground, declaring it’s a ton of blood there, and that they need to find Scott within 6-8 hours so he doesn’t die. 
Alright, Malia and Parrish are looking for silver weapons to defeat the oni and decidedly not talking about the fact that they’re friends with benefits. this was unnecessary. 
Jackson and Lydia are back at the arson site, and they’ve figured out that the arsonist (harris) is trying to create mountain ash. the trees he’s burning are rowan, which turn into mountain ash when burnt. 
Meanwhile, Scott is trying to convince Allison that she wants him alive. He reminds Allison that her family’s motto was changed by her -- we protect those who cannot protect themselves, instead of “we hunt those who hunt us.” She promptly like, kicks Scott over. Scott, cmon, man. 
The nogitsune comes back, to try and convince Allison to kill Scott. 
We flash to some sort of shadow dimension illusion, where everyone who was “killed” by the oni is all tied up and decidedly not dead, fortunately. However, the Oni are back and they’re getting all menacingly close. This, however, does not stop Derek from being so excited to hear Eli changed. I may have cried about it. Again.
Flash to Peter, Argent, and Melissa, who are standing in the woods over the college lacrosse field, where a tournament is being played. We learn this is a trap from the nogitsune, and spoilers, this is where Allison has Scott. In like a storage room or something. This is, also, where we officially learn that the hooded man is Harris. Not that all of us called it or anything. But he’s the one who came up with the accelerant (like the hale fire. cmon guys. can we stop with the metaphorical dead horse.) 
The nogitsune is threateningly moving towards Eli and sinking his claws into him. I’m sorry I don’t remember what he said I was too busy thinking about the parallels between Eli and Stiles and how I was already too hurt to be considering that. 
Alright, back to Allison and Scott. Allison decides to save Scott by... burning the wolfsbane out with a flare? Despite having no wolfsbane? love the new canon, Jeff. Fuck you. 
Scott has flashbacks to Motel California when she approaches him with the flare, but she does actually save him, Scott’s better, and Allison is remembering. hooray for love. 
The nogitsune has spat Eli right out on the lacrosse field from the shadow dimension, and Scott and Allison come out from underneath it. Scott tells Allison to be safe, because she wants to find her dad, who doesn’t know it’s actually her and not some evil doppelganger. She asks him why he would be so kind after she tried to kill him, and then Scott says “because I’m still in love with you” (notes from the time of watching: you are not still in love with allison im fucking OVER IT) 
Lydia and Jackson are under the stadium with Harris, who calls Jackson “you fucking imbecile!” nice use of the fuck word, Jeff. Die. He also keeps shooting Jackson which is less than cash money of him. 
Eli and Scott learn that they’re stuck in the college stadium, because it’s a giant illusion. Scott tries to convince coach to get the people out of the stadium safely and calmly, and Coach informs him the only way to do that is to finish the game. So naturally, Eli has Scott’s old number (literally fucking kill me) and Scott is dressed? To score? and have BHHS win the tournament? whatever Jeff’s losing all of us at this point. 
Back in the shadow illusion, Derek explains that Eli hasn’t seen his transformation since he was like, 3, because coyotes got into the house, and he transformed and got them out by roaring, and Eli was so terrified he was shaking (notes: that’s so fucked I hate it here) 
And the lacrosse field again. Scott misses a goal so bad it hits the scoreboard and breaks it. Naturally. We learn, in a cut to Lydia and Jackson and Harris, that he’s been “pulling the strings and giving the nogitsune his pain” which he has in abundance or whatever. Lydia tells us that she had a recurring dream where she and Stiles get in a wreck, and he gets thrown from the car and dies. so she breaks up with him for that. i. okay. 
Peter gets the quick on Allison, bashes her head into fencing, and she knocks out. Meanwhile, Scott tells Eli it’s his goal, and he scores the game winning goal. 
We’re back to Argent, Melissa, and Peter. And a semi-conscious Allison. Argent decides that really is his kid, and he throws a wolfsbane knife at Peter. Which might be a bit dramatic but Peter would do the same so. whatever I guess. 
Black smoke begins to roll, and everyone has been swallowed by the illusion. 
We’ve now got Allison killing the Oni, which is feeling very reminiscent of s3. Meanwhile, Lydia and Jackson are back with Harris watching this happen, and Jackson is telling her that as a banshee, she can cut through the illusion with her scream. When Lydia yells Allison’s name, she knocks back the Oni, and apparently the sense into Allison, because we have an incredibly long flashback sequence that is Allison regaining her memories. Nostalgic, sure, but entirely too long because we all watched the show asshole. 
Scott cuts a deal with the nogitsune that if he dies in Allison’s arms, the nogitsune will let the others go. Derek yells at him to not, and Scott manages to convince Allison to kill him. She shoots him with arrows 3? times? I think? Anyways, he’s in her arms and it looks really glum. 
But then! The arrows are burning out of him, because Hikari is burning them? Don’t know the logistics but it happened. Scott’s wreathed in foxfire, nobody knows what’s going on, and Allison shoots the nogitsune in the forehead with a silver arrow. Sorry, this is where it gets very chaotic and i got very emotional so it’s jumbled as hell. 
The nogitsune asks “what is that?” and Argent says “Silver, you motherfucker.” 
Back with Harris, Jackson stabs him with a knife in his boot, and Lydia got his gun. 
The nogitsune has evaporated, I wrote down that Derek said fuck at some point. Everything is looking good right now. Eli and Derek are going to shift together. There was a lot. 
But now! The nogitsune is back. Saying that when Scott bit him, it changed him -- made him something more. His wrappings fall off, his eyes are glowing green, he looks vaguely werewolfish. (what happened to not being a wolf and a fox you fucking coward jeff. give me your address) 
The nogitsune sends everyone into their own room of illusion, which all the werewolves (ie: derek, scott, and eli) break by roaring. Now, they’re all on the nematon with the nogitsune, holding him back. I can’t remember how Eli gets from the nemeton to the ground, but he does, so it’s just Derek and Scott holding him back. 
Parrish comes up like, glowing pre-flame and is intending to burn him, and Scott tells Parrish to burn the nogitsune. Parrish refuses because Scott and Derek are holding onto him, and will die if he does so. Derek looks at Eli and rest assured you know exactly what’s gonna happen. It’s Derek.
He says something to Eli along the lines of like “remember who you are” and then tells Scott “you’re the alpha, Scott. It’s always been you” or something like that, then physically throws Scott off the nogitsune and the nemeton. Derek wraps onto the nogitsune while Parrish is holding on (why the nogitsune didn’t break free while Derek was throwing Scott off is beyond me it defeats the whole purpose of having Derek die) and tells Parrish, verbatim, “Light this fucker up.” 
Parrish lights him on fire and it spreads to Derek (this is when I stopped being able to see very well because Derek burned in fire just like his family oh god sorry I’m really unwell about it) 
right before Derek is engulfed in flames, he’s wolfed out, he’s looking at Eli, and his eyes turn from blue to red (true alpha. Right before he dies. I’m going to burn Jeff at the stake) And he goes up in flames, all of them do, including Parrish. When the flames clear, Parrish is laying on the nemeton, curled up, and it’s obvious that Derek died. The nemeton/illusion fades back to the lacrosse stadium where Eli is kneeling alone and Scott immediately gives him a hug obviously becoming Eli’s interim father and. I hate it. 
We flash to Derek’s memorial. I can’t see the tv through the tears, but that’s okay. Scott tries to make it about himself by saying “he saved my life. then he said we were brothers.” and says something about how family isn’t the one you’re born with but the one you find, which is easy for the guy who still has a fucking father to say, huh? 
Noah gives Eli the Jeep, explaining Derek hated that Jeep, but when it came to him in total disrepair, he fixed it right up. Even when it shouldn’t have kept going, it did. Then he says “your dad was a lot like that. we never understood why he wouldn’t break down and stay down. I’ve never seen anyone take the kind of punishment Derek Hale took and kept taking in order to protect the people he loved.” 
We get Derek flashbacks. I still can’t breathe. Sorry guys, I’m crying again. Apologies. 
“He kept going. He kept standing up, until the day he couldn’t. He had complicated feelings about that Jeep, but you don’t need to. All you need to do is keep it running. That’s all you need to do.” 
We get a bit about Harris being put in a worse place than Eichen but I truly don’t give a fuck. I’m actively crying again as I type this. 
The movie ends with “remember who you are” in Derek’s voice with Eli standing over Beacon Hills in the Preserve. 
Fuck. Jeff. Davis 
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thebisexualdogdad · 11 months
Kira Yukimura x Scott McCall x Allison Argent x Isaac Lahey poly headcanons
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Tagging @inhumanshadows who I came up with this idea with
● so basically Scott and Allison were dating
● and then they met Isaac and were like wait we both have a crush on him??
● so Isaac joined the relationship
● then Kira came to Beacon Hills and they were like wait we have a crush on her too??
● so Kira also joined the relationship
● telling all the parents was a trip
● Melissa didn't care she was more concerned about where to put Isaac since he was living with them and obviously couldn't sleep in Scott's bedroom anymore
● Chris was like "really?? You couldn't just date one werewolf but two?? And a kitsune??"
● Ken pretended to understand but then Noshiko had to explain to him what polyamory was, "so all four of them are in a relationship?? Like together?? How did Kira go from being single to having three partners??"
● Allison being the supportive girlfriend cheering in the stands while all three of her partners are on the field during lacrosse games
● every game she rotates wearing a different one of their jerseys
● when all of them go out to dinner it's a whole ordeal
● Allison thought Scott and Isaac ate more food than any one person should be able to but then Kira came along and she can out eat both of them
● they went to an all you can eat buffet once and by the time Allison finished her first plate Scott and Isaac were each on plate three and Kira was on plate five
● and when they order in pizza they have to order at least 6 pizzas and every box is empty by the end
● Chris "really guys? You use my credit card and you couldn't at least save me a slice?"
● they go on runs together through the woods
● Scott and Isaac love scaring Allison and Kira by disappearing then sneaking up and picking them up from behind
● as much as the four of them love spending time together they also make sure to have plenty of one on one time with each other too
● Kira has a master schedule that keeps track of when who is going to have solo dates with who
● Scott and Isaac staying up all night playing video games
● "you both look exhausted what were you doing last night?"
● Scott and Isaac looking at each other like they totally didn't just complete a game in 18 hours that is supposed to take people days "...nothing"
● Allison teaching Kira how to use a crossbow and Kira teaching Allison how to use her katana
● Scott and Isaac are both the "well mark me down as scared and horny" meme the first time they see their girlfriends using each other's weapons in a fight
● Allison and Isaac have a lot of study dates because Isaac doesn't do any of his homework otherwise
● Scott and Kira spend a lot of time lacrosse training
● the look on Coach's face when he found out their relationship situation was priceless
● "huh, so that's what polyamory is? I think I did that once in the 90's"
● Scott and Allison have more of the adventurous dates going to new places and trying new foods
● while Isaac and Kira have more casual dates like bowling or going for ice cream
● movie nights with them all cuddled up together on the couch
● Melissa comes home from her night shift at the hospital to find all of them fast asleep and the movie credits rolling
● unless they put on a horror movie because once again Scott and Isaac think it's hilarious to scare Allison and Kira who then don't sleep at all that night
● Scott, Allison and Kira all stealing Isaac's sweaters which are way too big for them
● one day he shows up to school and sees Scott, "Hey is that my sweater?" Looks at Allison, "that's mine too," looks at Kira, "and that one! No wonder I couldn't find anything to wear this morning."
● Allison being fascinated by both her and Kira's family histories
● they do so much research together
● if any of them ever get hurt the other three completely dote on them until they get better
● Scott "you guys I'm okay, super healing remember?"
● Isaac "just relax here I made soup"
● Scott "you have never cooked in your life"
● Isaac "fine Kira made soup"
● Allison "now that's more beliveable"
● they are the talk of the school when they first get together
● but after the shock factor wears off no one even gives them a second look when they are all walking to their respective classes hand in hand
● or when they are huddled close together on a bench during lunch break being all cute and coupley
● even if someone does say something they don't care
● they are happy in and in love and that's all that matters
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