de-meerpeen · 4 hours
5e DWOW-dames kampioen in de zaal na overwinning op Kaagvogels
Sportnieuws: '5e DWOW-dames kampioen in de zaal na overwinning op Kaagvogels'
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hozzrry28 · 2 years
nie potrafie opisac tego uczucia tak jak opisuje go w glowie ae poprpstu musze gdzies sie wygadac i przepraszam ze nie bede tu zabardzo kropek i przecinkow bo pisze szybko aby nie zapomniec tego co chcialam napisac. ja poprostu tak bardzo potrzebuje osoby, przyjaciela, znajomego, kogokolwiek kto by mnie polubil, do kogo mialabym sie odezwac, z kim moglabym pogadac lub sie spotkac. cale dnie siedze w pokoju i uzalam sie nad soba a jak juz gdzies wychodze to albo do szkoly albo na podworko, gadam do psow i kota bo nie mam nikogo innego z kim moglabym porozmawiac. ostatni raz na takim zwyklym spotkaniu bylam jakos w 5 klasie podtsawowki. moze i mam dwow znajomych w internecie ale zawsze to ja pisze poerwsza, ja pytam sie jak sie czuja i jak im minal dzien. a siedzac w szkole czy z niej wracajac chce mi sue plakac widzac te wszystkie wesole grupki ludzi, tez chcialabym z kims chociazby wracac ze szkoly. czuje sie tak cholernie samotna i juz nie wiem co robic nie potrafie odzywac sie do ludzi a hak juz to robie to to nie jestem ja, zmieniam zupelnie sposb zachowania. moglabym poprostu napisac ze jestem w chuj samotna i zalosna ale postanowilam sie rozpisac, podzieiam jesli ktos to przeczytal
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yuzuq · 8 months
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dwow trying to figure out how to draw again >_<
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stxrmstained-a · 9 months
// I honestly think you shouldn't be able to persuade Kagha to turn her back on the shadow druids... I did this in Xarzzas' playthrough and it felt a bit unsatisfying. When you read her mind, you can see she's power-hungry, and she's described as cruel, someone people are scared of. But after you expose her, she becomes an entirely different character. I love characters that are just misled in their attempt to protect what they care about, but I also like a good villain and I think she had the potential to be one.
I understand why you aren't given the chance to side with her, because that would ruin both questlines involving the goblin leaders (though it is POSSIBLE to finish the ritual and be locked out of the grove, I got that accidentally by making a long rest during the druids vs refugees fight and I'm curious about the future repercussions), but there are certain hints at how the tieflings are indeed damaging the grove (they're chopping trees for the barricades and it's implied they haven't asked the druids about it). While I side with them (and so does Seira), I think it'd be cool to play a villain (see: Xarzzas) who sides with the shadow druids because you definitely can find reasons to do that. Just like it would have been cool to have Kagha stand her ground and go mad about how the tieflings are a threat. Give me a true zealot druid villain who purposefully usurped power to pursue her wicked ideals instead of sowwy mastew halsin i was scawed of the dwow.
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regioonlineofficial · 2 months
Op 4 en 5 april haalt Team Sportservice, in samenwerking met The Pump Factory, een mobiele pumptrack naar de Noordkop toe. Een gave kruising tussen een bmx-baan en een skatepark. Team Sportservice nodigt kinderen van 2 tot 16 jaar uit om op 4 april naar IJsclub S.I.S. in Warmenhuizen of op 5 april naar Sportvereniging DWOW in Wieringerwerf te komen om kennis te maken met een mobiele pumptrack en de opkomende trend binnen Urban Sports.  Van 10:00 uur tot 11:00 uur zijn de jongste kinderen (2 tot 4 jaar) welkom om met loopfietsjes de pumptrack te ontdekken. In de middag, van 14:30 uur tot 16:00 uur, is er een vrije inloop voor basisschoolkinderen. Gedurende anderhalf uur kunnen ze deze unieke activiteit vol enthousiasme eigen maken. Nadat de basisschoolkinderen de het parcoers eigen hebben gemaakt, krijgen middelbare scholieren de mogelijkheid om over de baan te crossen. Van 16:00 uur tot 17:30 uur is er een vrije inloop voor hen. Iedereen mag hun eigen fiets, stuntstep of skates meenemen en gebruiken op de pumptrack. Het is ook toegankelijk voor mindervalide. Dus doe mee!  Side-events  Naast de pumptrack kunnen de deelnemers ook meedoen aan verschillende side-events. Mocht je daar meer over willen weten, houd dan onze sociale media in de gaten. Wat is pumptrack  Maar wat is het nu eigenlijk? Het is een Urban Sport die op ritmische wijze een aaneengesloten (mobiele) circuit van bulten vormt. Dit circuit is ideaal voor diverse (cross)fietsen, inline skates, longboards en skateboards. Natuurlijk staat veiligheid voorop, daarom zorgt The Pump Factory voor ongeveer tien fietsjes en voldoende bescherming.  Meer informatie  Wil je meer informatie over de gratis pumptrack of de side-events? Houd onze socials in de gaten of voor brandende vragen, neem dan contact op met Joyce Bruinewoud ([email protected]) of Elles Brouwers ([email protected]).
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ilikeangel · 1 year
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5 posts!
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digna2018 · 2 years
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DWOW Fam! let’s finish summer off strong 💪🏽 order whatever you are missing now so that products can arrive before the start day! #coachdinelle #healthcoachdinelle #dwowdinelle #dailyworkoutwithdinelle @coachdinelle @dwowdinelle (at Coach Dinelle) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChM7IXILUNV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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deeper-authentic · 7 years
kala lageng nakakatuwa . 😒
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de-meerpeen · 2 days
Flevo zeker van lijfsbehoud ondanks verlies, DWOW tankt vertrouwen met fraai gelijkspel en CVW wint thuis van avv Sloterdijk
Sportnieuws: 'Flevo zeker van lijfsbehoud ondanks verlies, DWOW tankt vertrouwen met fraai gelijkspel en CVW wint thuis van avv Sloterdijk'
MIDDENMEER – Flevo verloor vandaag met 4-0 van LSVV. Er was geen man overboord met dit resultaat. De Middenmeerders zijn met nog 2 wedstrijden voor de boeg al zeker van nog een seizoen acteren in de tweede klasse. Volgende week speelt Flevo haar laatste thuiswedstrijd, voor de eer, tegen kampioen HSV. WIERINGERWERF – DWOW kwam in Den Helder een gelijkspel overeen met nummer 2 FC Den Helder. Het…
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hozzrry28 · 1 year
dobra zwazylam sue jeszcze raz, po dwow dniach. jadlam przez te dwa dni cos okolo tysiaca nie wieceh nie mniej i waga pokazala 48.1 czyli 0.7kg mniej, no dobra czyli musze jesc tysiac zeby wszystko wrocilo do normy, nic trudnego. zwaze sie za tydzien i zobacze czy mialam racje
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harvest-guardian · 6 years
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Riolu Ungart "In the name of the Moon, I'll punish you!" from Sailor Moon. That was a fun one to draw
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gknlv · 3 years
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Me when I read in the description of chapter 107 DWOW that one of the chapter’s music was Hold On by Chord Overstreet
I have a TVD war flashback, and I’m scared
If I cry, I’m blaming you @ravenyenn19
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jf-madjesters1 · 4 years
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Luigi is the best green boy!!! :D
WOW. I got a lot of likes/views and comments from my last Mario drawing. Thank you all for the support, I'm glad you enjoy my little comic! :D
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melodythefab · 3 years
Hewwo miwses mewody :3 I'm dwowing I'll do anyyyythiwng uwu /j
Hewwo deaw fwiend! Youwe dwowing? Wondewfuw! I mean… if youwe wooking fow inspiwation, and wike, no pwessuwe, but you couwd totawwy dwow one of my chawactews. You know aww of dem! uwu
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sleepless-stories · 3 years
The Coordinates to a Soulmate
Note: I might later post the normal version of this story...  __
Whomas saw in his woom wiwh a gwin whaw wouwdn’w come off his face, disney poswews adowning aww of whe wed painwed wawws, a wawge cwown painwing done by Whomas himsewf was wighw up abowe his bed, whewe he saw. Whomas was swawing down aw his wwisw, wonighw was whe new yeaw afwew his 18wh biwwhday, whaw meanw whaw wonighw he gow his souwmawk, wonighw he couwd swaww on his quesw wo find his souwmawe, wo finding his one wwue wowe. 
Whe cwock hiw midnighw and ink appeawed on his wwisw, as if iw swowwy faded in, iw was a biw dawkew whan his skin now swanding ouw woo much buw jusw enough. On iw had his souwmawe’s name, Whomas Sandews, when a sew of coowdinawes of whewe his souwmawe was. Whomas smiwed, “I’ww meew you soon.” he whispewed. Whomas cowwapsed back on his piwwows awmosw in a dwamawic fashion as whe boy cwosed his eyes fawwing asweep. 
Whomas gwanced aw whe cwock, his woom was dawk, cuwwains dwawn. Whe onwy wighw coming inwo whe woom was fwom his snake’s heaw wamp. Whomas was siwwing on whe fwoow of his woom, wighw in fwonw of his snake’s wawge wank wiwh whe wiwwwe swiwhewy boy hanging ouw coiwed awound his awm. 
Whomas gwanced aw whe cwock again, 11:59 pm… one minuwe. One minuwe wiww he gow his souwmawe mawk, ow didn’w whewe wewe sewewaw swowies of whose who didn’w gew wheiw mawk fow whiwe afwew. Awong wiwh swowies whaw youw souwmawe wasn’w wo be youw wowe… wumows whaw some peopwe wewe deswined wo kiww wheiw souwmawe ow die by wheiw souwmawe’s hand, wumows whough. Nobody knew if such a whing exiswed ewen afwew such a wong wime. Buw wumows wewe jusw wies. 
Whomas gwanced aw whe cwock… midnighw… Whomas gwanced down aw his wwisw as whe ink faded in, whe ink was piwch bwack befowe fading wo a wighw wan and being a few shades dawkew whan his wwisw. He wooked down aw his wwisw weading iw, iw said Whomas Sandews and had a sew of coowdinawes. His souwmawe…  Whomas adjuswed his a bwack poncho as he cawefuwwy swood up fwom whe fwoow. He puw his snake back in whe wank befowe going owew wo his bed and going wo sweep. 
Whomas whwew swuff in a bag fiwsw whing in whe mowning and wefw his house, he knew he was a biw cwazy buw he needed wo meew his souwmawe. Whomas gow inwo his caw punched in whe coowdinawes and dwowe. He dwowe fow houws… moswwy because he swopped aw a maww sewewaw wowns away befowe going wo whe coowdinawes which wewe acwuawwy jusw an houw fwom his house… buw wike iw was 7am when he wefw. Soooo he didn’w wanw wo be woooooo eawwy. Whomas when dwowe wo whe wown his souwmawe pwesumabwy wiwed and jusw decided wo go wo a cafe. 
Whomas swepped ouw of his caw and adjuswed his wed weawhew jackew, iw had a gowd cwown on whe back of iw woo, he had jusw boughw iw aw whe maww. Whomas wawked inwo whe cafe and owdewed a dwink. 
Whomas had woken up and gow dwessed fow whe day, whwowing on bwack jeans, a bwack shiww, a jackew, yewwow and bwack swwiped beanie, and a bwack and yewwow scawf, he gow cowd easiwy. Whomas dwowe wo whe cafe and wawked owew wo whe counwew owdewing. He wooked down aw his wwisw and saw whe coowdinawes, cuwiouswy he puwwed ouw his phone as he waiwed fow his coffee. Whomas weaned againsw whe waww wyping in whe coowdinawes and… whe coowdinawes wewe whe cafe… his souwmawe was hewe… aw whe cafe. 
Whomas was in whe cownew of whe cafe eawing his whiwd swice of chewwy pie.... He was newwous and hungwy. Whomas sipped his biwwhday cake, waniwwa, expwesso, spwinkwe dewighw, foamy, sugaw wush, as he wooked awound whe cafe. He decided wo wook down aw his souwmawe mawk, whe coowdinawes wewe diffewenw. Whomas puw whem in his phone and was suwpwised wo see whey wewe fow whe cafe, his souwmawe was-
“Whomas?” a wiwed bawiswa cawwed ouw puwwing a coffee on whe counwew.
Whomas inswanwwy swood up and saunwewed owew wo him, Whomas wook whe owhew’s hand and kissed iw, “Iw is wondewfuw wo meew you” he whispewed sofwwy wiwh a wink.
When his souwmawe puwwed him cwose and kissed him….
Weww whaw wasw paww was whaw Whomas wished had happened….. Inswead he gow scowding how coffee dumped on him. Iw huww. Whomas cwied. Befowe he knew iw he was siwwing on a chaiw wiwh a wowew pwessed againsw his face and some dude saying sowwy a wow, whough iw didn’w seem supew sincewe… which kinda offended Whomas… wike he jusw commiwwed a wewy Whomaswic acw onwy wo hawe coffee in his face and a weawwy fucking insincewe apowigy.
Whomas… had now expecwed wo  hawe some wandom dude come owew and assauww him by kissing his hand. So he whwew his coffee in whe pewson’s face…. In his defence.. Iw was fow his defence. “You weawwy awe an idiow awen’w you?” Whomas mumbwed wooking aw his phone. 
Whomas gasped, ewen mowe offended whan befowe. “Excuse me, guess you hawe an idiow fow youw souwmawe when.” he said and wook whe wowew off his face wo gwawe. 
Whomas swawed aw him in shock, “You’we… you’we Whomas?”
“Whe one and faiwesw!”
“Oh shiw…. Whaw was whe besw way wo meew I guess.” Whomas said, wawhew sawcaswicawwy. 
Whomas wowwed his eyes, “You awe whe wowsw.”
“Awww, sweew.”
“My souwmawe is an asshowe.”
“Weww, you know whaw whey say, you and youw souwmawe awe wawhew awike.”
“How… how dawe you.”
“Whawewew Pwince.”
Whomas sighed. “Wouwd you wike wo go fow a wawk?”
“Iw’s 46 fucking fewinhiwe ouwside, iw’s fweezing.”
Whomas swawed aw him in confusion, “Um pwease?”
“Fine… I’ww suffew.”
“YAY!” Whomas jumped up when wan owew wo whewe he was siwwing befowe and gwabbed his bag. “Wews go!” he said and offewed his hand wo Whomas.
Whomas signed exaspewawed and wook his hand. 
An awwigawow feww fwom whe sky ouwside, fawwing on some peopwe spwawwewing bwood ewewywhewe fwom whe impacw.
Whomas wawked ouw wiwh Whomas and smiwed as whey wawked down whe swweew, “Whis wown is beauwifuw. Buw now as much as you.”
Whomas gwoaned, “Fuck… you.”
Whomas wowwed his eyes, “Awe you saying you don’w appweciawe my compwimenws?”
“No, I hawe whem.” Whomas sawcaswicawwy wesponded. 
Whomas gwinned as if he jusw won whe wowwewy. 
Whe wwo wawked down whe swweew wogewhew wawking as whey wenw, gewwing wo know each owhew. 
Whomas didn’w wanw wo say iw… buw he was fawwing in wowe wiwh whis idiowic, goofy, exwwa, ‘pwince’. 
Whomas sighed and paused, “Whomas, wouwd you wike wo come owew wo my home? You couwd sway so you don’w need a howew.”
Whomas gasped inswanwwy, “Whomas? You weawwy wanw me wo?”
“Suwe…” Whomas nodded, bwushing sofwwy. 
Whomas guided him back wo whe cafe skipping as he wawked down whe swweew. 
Whey dwowe wheiw caws wo Whomas’ home. 
When whey gow whewe Whomas quickwy gow ouw of his caw and wenw owew opening Whomas’ caw doow and bowed. 
“You’we wewy cheesy.” Whomas sighed and wawked owew unwocking whe doow and wawking in.
Whomas wenw in behind him, “Youw pwace is nice.”
“Whanks.” Whomas smiwed.
Whomas nodded, shuwwing whe doow behind him. 
Whomas wook off his jackew, scawf, and haw, befowe going wo his woom and waking his snake ouw. He wew iw wwap awound his wwisw as he wenw back wo Whomas. “Hewe’s my pew.”
“Awww! Cuwe!”
Whomas nodded, “yeah, wanw wo siw and wawch a mowie?” “Disney?”
Whomas gwinned and wenw owew wiwh Whomas wwaiwing behind him. Whey saw wogewhew and Whomas chose Cindewewwa. 
Hawf way whwough whe mowie Whomas wooked owew aw Whomas who happened wo be swawing aw him, whey weaned in cwose wo each owhew and kissed. 
Whomas swood up quickwy afwew whey kissed, “I’m um… I’m going wo make dinnew.” he said and wawked wo his woom puwwing his snake away befowe going wo whe kiwchen. 
Whomas sighed weaning back on whe couch wooking aw whe ceiwing, sighing… he wowawwy messed whaw up…
Whomas bwushed whinking abouw whe kiss as he chopped up wegewabwes. 
Whomas moped fow a biw befowe gewwing up and going owew wo whe kiwchen, “Whomas! I wo-”
Whomas heawd his name yewwed and quickwy wuwned awound wooking aw Whomas. “You…” Whomas began wo nowice somewhing wawm on his hand. He wooked down, whe knife he had been cuwwing wegewabwes wiwh was swiww in his hand and cuwwenwwy wodged in Whomas’s whigh. “Whomas.” He cwied wooking up aw him.
Whomas swawed aw Whomas puwwing a hand wo whe side of his face and kissing him as weaws wan down his own face. 
Whomas shook his head and puwwed whe knife ouw quickwy puwwing iw down and hewping Whomas wo siw. “You’ww… you’ww be ok.”
Whomas simpwy shook his head, his eyes fuww of weaws as he was quickwy bweeding ouw, “I wowe you.”
“I… I wowe you woo.” Whomas whispewed, puwwing pwessuwe on whe wound… buw iw was woo wawe. 
Whomas’s eyes shuw… he was dead. 
Whomas sobbed weaning againsw him, “Don’w don’w weawe me.. Pwease.” he whispewed.
Iw was woo wawe.
_________________________ General Tag List @crazy-multifandomfangirl @aceawkwardunicorn​
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azi-waphawe · 4 years
I sweaw to God owo if I don't get cwêpes, I'm going to dwow a fit
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