#Did you think Sam that the response department could Respond to you. Hm????
coconut530 · 3 months
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👁️Movie Night👁️
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beautifulbuckys · 5 years
Cleaning week
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: None
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Y/N
A/N: This is for the wonderful @stanclub‘s 3k celebration! Congrats to Amanda, she deserves it!
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With every movement of your arms, the sweater covering your torso grew itchier. The olive green dyed wool rubbed upon your arm, causing red patches to litter your arms. Despite the uncomfortable factors of your sweater, you loved it. The crisp fall air ventilated the heavy sweater. It was warm, yet cool simultaneously. The sweater's color was unique, and fun to wear. The best part about it, however, was that it was a Christmas gift from Bucky.
Your boyfriend was currently inside washing the dishes from your breakfast. You could still taste the lingering cinnamon on your tongue. From where you were standing, it wasn't hard to notice how rough Bucky was being while scrubbing off cooked on dough. The cinnamon rolls Bucky made were always your favorite. It was a morning surprise for you.
"Baby," Bucky whispered as he kissed your temples. "I need you to wake up before breakfast gets cold,"
"Okay," You mumbled, opening your eyes slowly. You saw his gorgeous face hovering over yours. Strands of brown hair fell from his face, framing it perfectly. His blue eyes shone in the morning light. You saw the strands of dark blue pop from the light blue. His eyes were an ocean, like ones you'd visit in the summer. The oceans on the beaches Tony would bring you to. They were the eyes that reminded you of team bonding at the poolside. Those eyes were the eyes you'd look into when you were scared. They were the eyes that loved you.
You eventually got up. It felt like forever to you, sluggishly arising from your soft bed. Your feet landed on the chilly wood floors. You didn't feel like getting dressed, walking into the kitchen as you were. As soon as you entered the room, delicious sents flooded your senses. The perfect balance of sweet and spicy was engulfing the room.
Over breakfast, the two of you discussed chores. You family was coming down for the weekend to visit. They were meeting Bucky for the first time, it was a big deal. They were a little weary when you told them you were moving in with Bucky, reasonably. They'd never met him, so they were scared for your safety. So ever since the week prior, Bucky has been in cleaning mode. He vacuumed once a day, which was typically a weekly chore. Bucky cleaned out the fridge, something you hadn't done in months. The countertops were clean after every meal. Every shelf was dusted and rearranged.
You tasked yourself to rake the leaves, desiring to be done before the weekend. Your Dad was a garden guy. He took good care of his lawn and garden. You figured you'd spare Bucky the stress, assigning yourself the chore. You understand gardening, for the most part.  It was a menial task, but not the worst. The bright orange and bold gold of the leaves surrounding you was calming. The small crunch they made when you stepped on them was entertaining. However, it was more alarming when you heard the 'entertaining' crunch approaching behind you.
"Surprise!" Bucky shouted, throwing leaves at you when you turned around. The leaves fluttered to the floor, a number of them sticking to your sweater.
"Bucky! I just raked this whole area," You scolded. You weren't genuinely upset. It was more of an 'I'm annoyed with you but you're too cute to be mad at' type of scold. It was a type of scold that Bucky earned a lot. You'd make sure he heard you playfully scoff when he brought Sam in the house after 10. Bucky felt the eye roll if he ever left his dirty clothes in the bathroom. He was used to it, but it was still effective in proving your annoyance.
Bucky wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed your nose. You could smell the spice in his breath, not that it's a bad thing.
"Sorry hon', didn't mean to. Need help?" Bucky asked with a grin on his face, placing another kiss on your forehead. He must've gotten a leaf in your hair, you felt his metal hand move from your waist and pluck something off your head.
You shook your head, denying Bucky's help. The bags under his eyes signified to you he was tired. He'd been tuckering himself out the past week. Bucky denied himself breaks while cleaning around the house. You couldn't remember a time he sat down for more than three minutes.
Bucky tilted his head at your denial. "Mmm, too bad," Bucky stated, departing you to find another rake in your shed. You giggled, getting back to work.
He soon returned with a taller rake than the one you had, a worn-down red handle to match some of the leaves. He whistled, raking leaves into one big pile. You two would talk every once in a while, making small talk. You guys didn't mind the silence, but small talk helped get the job done faster.
"If you could only have one color apple, which one would it be?" Bucky asked, raking around a small tree in your backyard.
"By color, do you mean like red, green and yellow?"  You shouted, being about fifty feet away from him, closer to the house.
"Yeah!" He replied, pushing a mixture of dead grass, twigs and orange leaves into his pile.
"Hm, probably yellow. They're sweet but not too sweet. They're not sour either, which is perfect!" You added, plucking a few leaves that found their way on your sweater, off. There were a few on your jeans too. You bent over, taking two off the knees of your distressed jeans.
Bucky made a disgusted face. His nose scrunched up, his eyebrows furrowing.  "Yellow? Seriously? Is it too late to move out?! Those are the grossest ones, Y/N! Green is the way to go, I'm a sour apple kind of guy,"
You chuckled, resuming raking the spacious yard.
This apple conversation later evolved. Who knew?
"Okay, Buck, if you like green apples so much, do you think green apple candy is good?" You ask, relatively closer to the brunette.
"Green apple candy is the worst, Y/N!" Bucky responded, with a playful mock of disgust. "It's too sweet. A green apple is sour, it should stay sour!"
"Bucky, it's sweet because it's candy!" You suggested. You knew that Bucky knew that's why it was sweet, but it's all for the sake of conversation.
Bucky shook his head, circling the tree to rid of the leaves at the base.
Other conversations arose, he questioned you about modern technology. You quizzed him about 40's music, a thing you loved to talk about. Bucky smiled every time you asked if he heard a specific song. He loved how infatuated you were with his time and pop culture. It was something admirable about you.
"Did you hear the song 'Rum and Coca-Cola', Buck?"
"Who was it by?" Bucky questioned. Maybe if he heard the artist name, it would ring a bell.
"The Andrews Sisters," You replied, picking up a few larger sticks and adding them to a nearby pile. It was in your head that you could have a small fire when your parents arrive.
Bucky shook his head with a small smile. "No, I don't think so. I might need to hear it to see if I know it. You can't rely on my old brain to remember something like that,"
"Whatever old man," You laugh, throwing some leaves at Bucky. He rolled his eyes, sticking his tongue out at you. He threw leaves back, which was a bad idea. You two had ditched the rakes and were now chucking small piles of leaves at each other. The you in ten minutes will be so mad.
Raking took hours. It's closer to three o-clock when you step back to admire your work. The yard was essentially barren! Bucky was going around, picking up a few strays from the ground and placing them in a plastic bag. You guys made three big piles. One was near the shed, and it was slightly larger than the third step of your patio. Another was near the small tree in the back of your yard. The last pile was in the dead center of your yard. Bucky held the plastic bag in his hand, waving when he noticed you were watching him. You grinned, returning the wave and walking up the patio steps.
"Where 'ya going, dollface?" Bucky asked, sneaking up behind you and placing the bag on your grill.
You chuckled, wrapping your arms around his neck. "I was wishing to go inside for a minute. Why do you ask, my love?" He beamed at the pet name.
"You're missing out on the best part of leave raking, Y/N!" Bucky sighed, planting his hands on your hips. "The only thing more fun than raking leaves is jumping in them once you're finished ranking 'em!" He let go of you, finishing his sentence. He pulled himself away from your arms. Bucky stood still waiting for your response.
"James," You warned. This provoked Bucky to depart from the old, wooden patio. Watching Bucky sprint to one of the piles was entertaining. His hair was flying behind him, the brown locks blending in with the dying grass surrounding you. You observed him barreling towards the pile near the tree. He jumped in, making leaves float above the pile, and settle on the ground and back in the pile. Your jaw dropped, he had the nerve to do that. "Bucky, what the hell?!" You watched Bucky's face. He had the widest grin on his face, he looked happy.
You sauntered over to the pile. You weren't angry, more amused than anything else. "You've got some balls to do that. We've been out here since nine!" You laughed, with a bit of annoyance and a smidge of happiness.
"Dollface, I pinky promise on Steve's life that after we're done, we'll clean it up. Hell, I'll clean it up!" Bucky mused.
You had an idea. You're gonna scare the shit out of Bucky Barnes. You shook your head no, turning on your heel. You walked about 10 steps towards the house until you turned back around and booked it towards the pile. You leaped into the bundle of leaves, making a small flurry of leaves float around the two of you. Bucky smirked, realizing you hopped on top of his chest. You giggled, leaning down and placing a kiss on the lips.
"Wanna get off of me, babe? I wanna show you the coolest thing ever." Bucky said, looking at you with admiration. His smile was wide. His white teeth popped out from the warm colors surrounding his face. The ocean that was his eyes stuck out from the oranges and reds underneath him. Everything about this moment was perfect, but you had to get up.
You lifted yourself off of Bucky, laughing as you did so. You wiped a few golden leaves that stuck to your sweater. Bucky made a hand motion for you to get out of the way, so you took a few steps backward.
Right before your eyes, you saw Bucky Barnes, your boyfriend, no a backflip into the pile of leaves.
"Holy shit!" You shouted, immediately covering your mouth in case any neighbors heard. It was too late if they did hear, though. You felt your eyes widen at the sight of Bucky's trick. He got up from the leaves, chuckling. His hair was full of orange, yellow and red leaves, it was like a wig.
"You're going to be the death of me, babe," You deadpan, plucking the leaves out of Bucky's hair. He mumbles something about you loving it while you take the remaining leaves.
"You, mister," You point to Bucky, "Are going to rake this up. I, Y/N am going to go make us some glasses of tea so we can relax" You check your watch. "I'll probably get a start on dinner too,"
It was nearing five now, by the time he finishes and dinner was done it would probably be six. If you add a shower into the equation, you two would be dressed in PJs and watching a Halloween movie at eight-thirty. Better start now.
Bucky nods, understanding what you're saying. He made the mess, he's going to pick it up. "What's for dinner?"
You start walking away, pulling a leaf from underneath your belt. "You'll find out when you come inside, leaf boy,"
Bucky shook his head as you walk away, chuckling at himself. You're going to be a tough cookie after all he made you deal with today. For all he knows, you probably have leaves in your sweater. What he'd give to find out.
Bucky was almost done when you hung out of the kitchen window.
"Dinner time!" You cheer out from the warmth of your house.
Bucky came running in, stomping off his boots in case they got mud in them. You giggled at the simple act, he'd been doing that ever since you educated him on mud tracks. He untied them and arrived in the kitchen, sliding a bit on the floor due to his mix and matched socks. He reached over you to grab two paper plates from a shelf and placed them on the counter. Did he smell the lovely smell of tomato and cheese, plus an interesting vegetable smell? It was pizza night.
"Looks amazing, babe," Bucky says as he kisses a kiss to your shoulder. You mutter a thank you while cutting out pieces for the two of you. They weren't perfect slices, some of the triangles being smaller than others. Though, it was hard to deny that it looked terrible.
The pizza was a hit. Bucky had almost all of it. He would've eaten all of it if you'd let him. However, you needed food to eat. The night concluded in watching a movie on the couch. Tonight was your choice, and you wanted to watch something spooky. 25 minutes into 'Beetlejuice' and your pajama-clad boyfriend was passed out. You heard the wind blowing when realization hit you like a truck.
You never put the leaves in the bag.
It was windy.
You'd need to do this all over again tomorrow.
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imfrozentrash · 7 years
Frozen Two-Shot: “The Perfect Arendelle” Part One
Author’s Note: This has been a long time in the making. I think it’s about time to publish it.
Its been years since Queen Elsa’s coronation. Since that day, it has been Arendelle’s grandest celebrated holiday. All people far and wide gather together in a perfect community of great hospitality and kindness. A young prince from The Southern Isles is granted permission to court one of them by his father, The King. Upon his arrival, everyone’s happy and excited to be apart of it. Its home; their home is your home - The Perfect Arendelle.
I walk off the docks and look around the frenzied crowd of people. The village is decorated with the colors of Arendelle; royal purple, gold, and green. I grip onto my horse as I follow the flow of the crowd. The sun is shining brightly, too brightly, in fact, I'm blinded for a moment that I bump into someone.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Please excuse me," I shield the sun with my gloved hand to see I accidentally bumped into a distinguished dignitary.
"Nonsense my boy, please excuse me," the older gentleman smiles brightly. "Oh, I'm afraid I've never seen you before. Are you new to Arendelle?"
"Oh, yes. I just got off the docks," I explain as I stand closer to Sitron. The crowd of people's energy matches with the bright Summer sunlight.
"Please pardon everyone here in Arendelle," the dignitary laughs with jolly. "It is the annual celebration of our Queen's coronation," I smile nervously but continue to struggle with the dense population of people. "Please, my boy. Let us take a stroll down the docks,"
Before my protests, the gentleman leads the way. Looking around nervously and suddenly lost, I follow suit.
"So please, do tell. Where are you from?"
"Arendelle?" I compose myself from Father's sudden tone; the tone I know all too well. "Why? You have no business there,"
"Perhaps I could meet one of the princesses and court them?" I ask too bluntly.
“Court one of the princesses?” I look down at my feet from his disapproval tone and grit my teeth in embarrassment as I hear my older brothers laughing from outside the doorway.
“Darling please,” I slightly look up to see Mother in her usual behavior: kind, gentle, and understanding. “I think it sounds delightful that Hans wants to venture out by himself and attend Queen Elsa’s coronation holiday,”
“She’s already Queen?” He asks, leaning in closer to Mother. And just like that, he forgets that I’m in the room.
“Yes sweetheart,” she sighs in a tired tone. “For quite a while now. And I think it’s about time Hans represents The Southern Isles and greets them properly. It’s very overdue,” I smile timidly as Mother proudly has courage for me.
“Hm…” Father leans on his armrest and contemplates for a while. I nervously play with my gloves as I wait obediently for an answer. “Alright, bring him in,” I awkwardly look at Mother and see her roll her eyes, slapping her King across the arm. I hold back a laugh, knowing that I would be yelled at for it later.
“Oh right,” he clears his throat. “I warn you, boy. There’s been a reason why I’ve been avoiding Arendelle. Since the incident, things have… changed. But I could never understand or figure out what. Be on your toes and do not, I repeat - do NOT bring my kingdom a bad reputation because of your behavior,” and with that, he stands from his chair and stomps out of the room.
“So,” I timidly break the silence. “Does that mean I can go?”
Mother stands form her thrown and offers me a warm smile. “I’ll be sure to send you off in the morning,”
I stand on the dock with the last of my things as Mother says her goodbye. No one else bothered to show up, but I didn’t care. All I really cared about was her.
“Well, I’m off. I’ll be back soon,” I smile with excitement. My heart breaks a little when I see the strongest woman I know holds back her tears.
“You’re growing up. It’s just something I have to get used to,” she embraces me, and suddenly, I never want to let go. “For once, please consider what your Father said,”
“What do you mean?” I ask as I pull back.
“Since I was last at Arendelle, long before you were born, I remember it being a wonderful place with wonderful people. The King and Queen were so generous and kind to your Father and I. But its true, my son. Things are different,”
“I’ll be fine,” I reassure her, taking in her usual motherly behavior. But for some reason, I had an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach.
“Just please, promise me one thing,”
“Of course,”
“Come back home,” I stare at her confused and altogether frightened. I sigh a soft smile and hug Mother one last time, before boarding the ship with Sitron. I wave as I depart the bay and Mother waves back, crying.
Why wouldn’t I come back?
“We’ll be sure to make you right at home,” I continue to follow as I’m greeted by open gates and a line up of staff, welcoming guests inside the courtyard.
“Hello sir,” a lady servant greets me with a smile. “Welcome to Arednelle,”
“Oh, thank you,” I smile, a little taken back from her overly happy greeting.
“Arendelle is welcoming to everyone! Our home is your home. Please, join us inside,”
“Thank you, but may I settle down my horse first?”
“Of course!” She smiles. “Arendelle is welcoming to everyone, please follow me,” the servant turns and walks away, assuming for me to follow. I look back to the gentleman who greeted me earlier and smiles enthusiastically, encouraging me to follow. I quickly turn my heels and pull Sitron away from the crowd to the back of the castle.
I step into the entrance way with an overwhelming crowd. It wasn’t until now that I realized I have anxiety in tight spaces with little places to walk freely. This kingdom is rather small compared to home, yet all of these people are here. I never knew Arendelle as a place of tourism. I wonder what makes it so special.
“Ah, there you are, my boy!” I turn around and see the older gentleman from earlier with an entourage following his trail. Keep it together Hans. Remember what Father said… I swallow a lump in my throat and offer a charismatic smile.
“Hello again sir,” I slightly bow in respect.
“Oh please son, call me Joseph. I’m here with my nephews. They’re around your age. Boys, this is Hans of The Southern Isles,”
“Nice to meet you,” they greet in unison. It reminds me of the choir I watched perform in the Great Hall every weekend as a child - uniform and coherently like they spent months practicing for an upcoming performance.
“I’m Daniel and this is my younger brother Sam,”
“Well, it certainly is nice to-“
“Please, join us inside. We’d like to share a glass of champagne,” Sam encourages me abruptly. Taken back from the sudden interruption, they both lead to the ballroom where most of the gathering is taking place. I look back to their uncle and I see it again: Joseph smiles enthusiastically, encouraging me to follow. Without asking any questions, I trail right behind them.
What the hell was that?
Before I knew it, one of them handed me a glass.
“Oh, thank you,” I watch in amazement on how fast they breathed in the drink, almost like it was nothing. Now standing with empty glasses, they smile and wait for me. I chuckle awkwardly and take a small sip. I move away and quickly swallow, surprised from the strong and unusual taste. Granted, I don’t drink heavily unlike my siblings.
“Whoa,” I cough slightly, covering my mouth. “That’s um… really strong,” I laugh slightly. “You guys are able to down it that fast?”
“Of course!” Sam exasperates. “Here at Arendelle, you’ll find nothing but the best wine,”
“Yes!” His brother chips in. “Best food, best service, best hospitality…”
Well, that explains a lot…
“Arendelle is home. Our home is your home,”
As I feel little - no, really creeped out, I hold my composure.
“So,” I say, breaking the silence. “Where are you guys from?”
“Arendelle,” they say in unison.
“Oh, you didn’t travel from a neighboring kingdom?”
“We did,” Daniel nods.
“Yeah, our uncle, my brother, and I came for Queen Elsa’s coronation day. Ever since, we’ve been welcomed with nothing but kindness and hospitality,”
“And when did the three of you first come here?” I ask, with a raised eyebrow.
“Three years ago,” the brothers smile in unison.
I’m taken back so unexpectedly that I almost forgot to respond. My god… “Three years ago?”
“We just couldn’t find it in ourselves to leave,” Sam shrugs.
“Arendelle is home. Our home is-“
“That doesn’t make any sense…”
“Nonsense,” Daniel reassures softly. “Arendelle is-“
“Aren’t your parents waiting for you? Any other family? Friends? You’ve been here for three years and you’ve only meant to stay one day. Don’t you think they would be worried sick about you? Wondering where you are?”
For the first time that evening, the brothers had nothing to say. I watched intently, waiting for a response. But they stood there, almost frozen as if a switch has been flipped to the “off” position. But one thing didn’t change, their smiles. Still on their flawless faces, bright and blinding smiles. Yet, I was feeling anything but a warm welcome. As I looked closer, something changed. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but the way they looked at me, stared at me, was not matching their happy expression.
“Um,” I cleared my throat. “Are you guys-“
Interrupted, the sound of trumpets and horns alike filled the room. I was startled by the sudden and abrupt enthusiasm the gentleman expressed as they turned towards the front of the room. Almost spilling my glass of champagne, the sudden roar of people’s excitement flooded in. Some came running in from the halls as the ballroom got more crowded and humid.
Isn’t this supposed to be a formal event? Looking around, everyone displayed anything but polite and composed enjoyment. Instead, I could feel the tile floor vibrate beneath my boots.
“She’s coming! She’s coming!” Daniel cheers, causing the room to get louder.
“What?! Who?! Who’s coming?!” I ask, over the noise.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” I look to the front of the ballroom and see a royal servant somehow overpowering over the roar of the crowd. “The lady of the hour, Queen Elsa of Arendelle!” If it couldn’t get any louder, I swear my glass would have shattered. Just then, I could see my breath visible in front of me. I grip onto my sleeves, not understanding the sudden drop in temperature. Not sure if I was crazy, but everyone is unphased or isn’t aware of how cold it is now. I have to get out of here. I place my glass on a nearby table and try to make past the heavy crowd of people.
Then, she appeared.
I stop in my tracks and suddenly, everything went numb. I couldn’t hear or feel anything; all of my senses canceled out on me except for one. All I could do was look, admire, stare.
“Queen Elsa?” I asked under my breath like she took it away from me with ease. A little confused, she looked my way - as if she heard me perfectly clear. I was taken back from her smile, one that I’ve never seen before. It was welcoming but not like any others I’ve been given since I’ve got here. It was… different.
Before I could blink, Queen Elsa gracefully moved to the music - almost seductively. All eyes were on her as the crowd got crazier. She danced to the middle of the room as the people of Arendelle made space for their Queen. I turned around, wondering what made Queen Elsa look my way. But all there was was a sea of people. I turned back, confused. Did she just wink at me?
“My people of Arendelle,” Almost like a switch, everything turned silent - no music, no roar of excitement, nothing. I looked around, not knowing what was going on.
“What the-?” I asked under my breath. But it was so silent, it was the only sound in the room. Elsa blinked her gaze at me and I froze, not knowing what to do. All she did was give a deep chuckle.
“Welcome home,” If it weren’t for the crowd of people blocking the exit, I would have swum back to The Southern Isles. Nothing but white - white noise, blankets of white, and the Queen’s gaze; cold.
I couldn’t move or turn away, I didn’t dare. It was so beautiful. She was beautiful. She… She was…
Come back home.
Then, I started to run.
Thank you so much for reading! Part Two will be coming out shortly. I’m really proud of this one so I hope you enjoyed it. Wrote this entire thing while I should be studying for Midterms... Oh well!
I also have an archive of Frozen Fanfiction. If you want to check it out, here it is! imfrozentrash’s fanfiction archive ♡
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reneeacaseyfl · 5 years
Iran fires ballistic missile 1,000km in provocative test amid tanker row with US and UK – The Sun
IRAN has reportedly test fired a ballistic missile amid escalating tensions with the US and UK in the Gulf.
The Shahab-3 missile travelled 1,000km, but did not pose a threat to shipping or US bases, according to a Pentagon official.
Iran Revolutionary Guards fire a Shahab-3 long-range ballistic missile in 2006 (file)Credit: AFP
Iran is believed to have tested the medium-range missile on Wednesday in a bid to improve the “range and accuracy” of its weapons.
News of the provocation emerged after Boris Johnson ordered the Royal Navy to accompany all British-flagged ships through the Strait of Hormuz.
This ramping up of the navy’s protection mission by the new PM comes in the wake of Iran seizing Brit tanker the Stena Impero.
It marks a dramatic escalation of the crisis with Iran following weeks of heightened tensions in the region.
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HMS Montrose is patrolling in the Gulf and is to step up protection of UK shippingCredit: Reuters
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A woman and boy walk past Shahab-2 (L) and Shahab-3 missiles on display in Tehran in 2008 (file)Credit: AFP – Getty
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Tensions soared following Donald Trump’s decision last year to withdraw from the nuclear deal and impose maximal sanctions on Iran.
In the past few weeks, Iran has shot down a US spy drone and six oil tankers have been sabotaged near the strait.
The US has downed at least one Iranian drone after the USS Boxer took “defensive action” last Thursday – and a second Iranian drone may have been destroyed.
Iran possesses the largest and most diverse missile arsenal in the Middle East, according to the CSIS missile defence project.
While Iran has not yet tested or deployed a missile capable of striking the US, it continues to hone longer-range missile technologies.
The country has short and medium-range ballistic and cruise missiles capable of striking as far as Israel and southeast Europe.
Iran has also become a centre for missile proliferation, supplying proxies such as Hezbollah and Syria’s al-Assad regime with a steady supply of missiles and rockets.
According to the Military Balance, Iran has 32 batteries of Russian-made S-300 ground-to-air missiles that have been delivered by Moscow since 2016.
They are seen as posing a serious threat.
The Islamic Republic has also developed Iranian versions of these missile systems, including the Bavar 373, SAM Tabas and SAM Raad which are regularly displayed at military parades.
The Revolutionary Guards claim that they shot down the US drone with a Khordad 3 missile, a version of the SAM Raad.
READY TO BLOW Iran’s nuke program
IRAN’S nuclear capabilities have been the subject of concern and debate for more than two decades.
Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei has repeatedly denied Iran is building a bomb and says weapons of mass destruction are forbidden under Islam.
But its enrichment of uranium and history of deception created deep mistrust.
After more than two years of negotiations and threats to bomb the country’s facilities, Iran and world powers agreed in 2015 to settle the dispute.
The deal set limits on the Islamic Republic’s nuclear work in exchange for relief from economic sanctions that had crimped oil exports and hobbled its economy.
Then in May 2018, Donald Trump announced the US was abandoning the pact negotiated under his predecessor and would reinstate sanctions.
Little more than a year later, Iran responded by violating its limits on uranium enrichment.
A think tank believes Tehran’s nuke scientists are ready to massively step up uranium enrichment at the heavily-fortified Fordow Plant.
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Iran’s nuclear enrichment site at Fordow has two rings of steel around it, and is buried deep within a rural mountain for protection
The navy currently has HMS Montrose deployed in the Strait of Hormuz and it has reportedly already carried out the first escort under the new protection plan.
Another surface ship, HMS Duncan, a nuclear powered submarine and Royal Marine Commandos could also be sent to bolster the UK presence.
“The Royal Navy has been tasked to accompany British-flagged ships through the Strait of Hormuz, either individually or in groups, should sufficient notice be given of their passage,” said a government spokesman.
“Freedom of navigation is crucial for the global trading system and world economy, and we will do all we can to defend it.”
The move came just hours after new Prime Minister Boris Johnson took office.
Mr Johnson is close to Donald Trump, who has deployed a large military presence in the Gulf in response to what the US said were Iranian threats.
The current tension between Iran and the UK began when Royal Marines seized an Iranian tanker at the request of the US.
The Grace 1 is currently detained in Gibraltar amid suspicion it was taking oil to Syria in violation of EU sanctions.
Under the new Royal Navy escort mission, UK-flagged ships have been told to give the Department of Transport sufficient notice of their travel plans in the area, Sky News reports.
Ships might be grouped together in convoys or accompanied individually depending upon how many are travelling on a given day, according to sources.
Britain has been seeking to put together a European-led maritime protection mission to ensure safe shipping through the Strait of Hormuz.
On Friday, the Revolutionary Guard launched a gunboat and helicopter raid on Stena Impero, which is registered in the UK, claiming it had turned off its tracker and ignored warnings.
Iran’s seizure of the tanker was described as an “state piracy” by the government.
Another vessel, the Mesdar, was also intercepted and forced towards Iranian territory in what appeared to be a co-ordinated strike.
State TV footage shows Iranian armed forces on board the Stena Impero after it was seized in the Strait of Hormuz.
The clip is thought to have been filmed in the southern port of Bandar Abbas, where jet boats have been sailing around the British ship.
Iranian special forces stormed the ship by abseiling down from a helicopter.
Startling images have emerged of the ship being circled by a military speedboat.
Britain has demanded Iran release the tanker and in response the Islamic Republic has offered to swap the vessel for the Grace 1.
Iran had warned the UK that the seizure would not go “unanswered” and has also issued a chilling warning that it was using drones to track every ship in the Gulf.
In a thinly veiled threat the Revolutionary Guard said there “world leading drones” were following “all enemy ships” and taking pictures “point-by-point from their origin until the moment they enter the region”.
It has also emerged Tehran wants to impose a “toll” on all ships passing through the Strait of Hormuz, saying it would be used to “protect” the safety of the vessels.
Mohammad Javad Zarif, the Iranian foreign minister, has insisted his country doesn’t want confrontation.
‘Bullied’ autistic boy, 17, ‘killed himself after filming goodbye video’
Fears seagull that snatched chihuahua Gizmo may have swallowed dog WHOLE
England football legend’s dad sentenced to 20 years for raping children
Brit workers would be sent home if temps hit 30C under new Labour proposals
UK’s hottest July day ever at 38C! How we kept cool from serious to silly
Woman spotted walking naked through East London during summer heatwave
“It is very important for Boris Johnson as he enters 10 Downing Street to understand that Iran does not seek confrontation, that Iran wants normal relations based on mutual respect,” he said.
Fears have recently been raised that the Royal Navy lacks the strength to conduct missions to protect UK shipping.
Since the Falklands War, the navy has dropped from 80 vessels to 50 but with ten of those currently out of action for maintenance.
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The Iranian flag was hoisted over seized British tanker Stena ImperoCredit: PressTV
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An Iranian Revolutionary Guard jet boat sails around the seized British-flagged tanker Stena Impero in Bandar AbbasCredit: EPA
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Hatching plan . . at 4pm, IRG special forces on board a chopper inspect the Stena Impero, en route to Saudia Arabia with its 23 crew
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The armed troops prime their weapons and make final checks as they prepare to storm the British oil tanker below
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Soldiers abseil from a hovering helicopter while gunboats surrounding the Impero force it north towards Bandar AbbasCredit: AFP or licensors
Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei vows Tehran will respond to UK ‘piracy’ over tanker seizure
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We pay for your stories! Do you have a story for The Sun Online news team? Email us at [email protected] or call 0207 782 4368 . You can WhatsApp us on 07810 791 502. We pay for videos too. Click here to upload yours.
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The post Iran fires ballistic missile 1,000km in provocative test amid tanker row with US and UK – The Sun appeared first on WeeklyReviewer.
from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.com/iran-fires-ballistic-missile-1000km-in-provocative-test-amid-tanker-row-with-us-and-uk-the-sun/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=iran-fires-ballistic-missile-1000km-in-provocative-test-amid-tanker-row-with-us-and-uk-the-sun from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.tumblr.com/post/186550305247
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velmaemyers88 · 5 years
Iran fires ballistic missile 1,000km in provocative test amid tanker row with US and UK – The Sun
IRAN has reportedly test fired a ballistic missile amid escalating tensions with the US and UK in the Gulf.
The Shahab-3 missile travelled 1,000km, but did not pose a threat to shipping or US bases, according to a Pentagon official.
Iran Revolutionary Guards fire a Shahab-3 long-range ballistic missile in 2006 (file)Credit: AFP
Iran is believed to have tested the medium-range missile on Wednesday in a bid to improve the “range and accuracy” of its weapons.
News of the provocation emerged after Boris Johnson ordered the Royal Navy to accompany all British-flagged ships through the Strait of Hormuz.
This ramping up of the navy’s protection mission by the new PM comes in the wake of Iran seizing Brit tanker the Stena Impero.
It marks a dramatic escalation of the crisis with Iran following weeks of heightened tensions in the region.
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HMS Montrose is patrolling in the Gulf and is to step up protection of UK shippingCredit: Reuters
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A woman and boy walk past Shahab-2 (L) and Shahab-3 missiles on display in Tehran in 2008 (file)Credit: AFP – Getty
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Tensions soared following Donald Trump’s decision last year to withdraw from the nuclear deal and impose maximal sanctions on Iran.
In the past few weeks, Iran has shot down a US spy drone and six oil tankers have been sabotaged near the strait.
The US has downed at least one Iranian drone after the USS Boxer took “defensive action” last Thursday – and a second Iranian drone may have been destroyed.
Iran possesses the largest and most diverse missile arsenal in the Middle East, according to the CSIS missile defence project.
While Iran has not yet tested or deployed a missile capable of striking the US, it continues to hone longer-range missile technologies.
The country has short and medium-range ballistic and cruise missiles capable of striking as far as Israel and southeast Europe.
Iran has also become a centre for missile proliferation, supplying proxies such as Hezbollah and Syria’s al-Assad regime with a steady supply of missiles and rockets.
According to the Military Balance, Iran has 32 batteries of Russian-made S-300 ground-to-air missiles that have been delivered by Moscow since 2016.
They are seen as posing a serious threat.
The Islamic Republic has also developed Iranian versions of these missile systems, including the Bavar 373, SAM Tabas and SAM Raad which are regularly displayed at military parades.
The Revolutionary Guards claim that they shot down the US drone with a Khordad 3 missile, a version of the SAM Raad.
READY TO BLOW Iran’s nuke program
IRAN’S nuclear capabilities have been the subject of concern and debate for more than two decades.
Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei has repeatedly denied Iran is building a bomb and says weapons of mass destruction are forbidden under Islam.
But its enrichment of uranium and history of deception created deep mistrust.
After more than two years of negotiations and threats to bomb the country’s facilities, Iran and world powers agreed in 2015 to settle the dispute.
The deal set limits on the Islamic Republic’s nuclear work in exchange for relief from economic sanctions that had crimped oil exports and hobbled its economy.
Then in May 2018, Donald Trump announced the US was abandoning the pact negotiated under his predecessor and would reinstate sanctions.
Little more than a year later, Iran responded by violating its limits on uranium enrichment.
A think tank believes Tehran’s nuke scientists are ready to massively step up uranium enrichment at the heavily-fortified Fordow Plant.
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Iran’s nuclear enrichment site at Fordow has two rings of steel around it, and is buried deep within a rural mountain for protection
The navy currently has HMS Montrose deployed in the Strait of Hormuz and it has reportedly already carried out the first escort under the new protection plan.
Another surface ship, HMS Duncan, a nuclear powered submarine and Royal Marine Commandos could also be sent to bolster the UK presence.
“The Royal Navy has been tasked to accompany British-flagged ships through the Strait of Hormuz, either individually or in groups, should sufficient notice be given of their passage,” said a government spokesman.
“Freedom of navigation is crucial for the global trading system and world economy, and we will do all we can to defend it.”
The move came just hours after new Prime Minister Boris Johnson took office.
Mr Johnson is close to Donald Trump, who has deployed a large military presence in the Gulf in response to what the US said were Iranian threats.
The current tension between Iran and the UK began when Royal Marines seized an Iranian tanker at the request of the US.
The Grace 1 is currently detained in Gibraltar amid suspicion it was taking oil to Syria in violation of EU sanctions.
Under the new Royal Navy escort mission, UK-flagged ships have been told to give the Department of Transport sufficient notice of their travel plans in the area, Sky News reports.
Ships might be grouped together in convoys or accompanied individually depending upon how many are travelling on a given day, according to sources.
Britain has been seeking to put together a European-led maritime protection mission to ensure safe shipping through the Strait of Hormuz.
On Friday, the Revolutionary Guard launched a gunboat and helicopter raid on Stena Impero, which is registered in the UK, claiming it had turned off its tracker and ignored warnings.
Iran’s seizure of the tanker was described as an “state piracy” by the government.
Another vessel, the Mesdar, was also intercepted and forced towards Iranian territory in what appeared to be a co-ordinated strike.
State TV footage shows Iranian armed forces on board the Stena Impero after it was seized in the Strait of Hormuz.
The clip is thought to have been filmed in the southern port of Bandar Abbas, where jet boats have been sailing around the British ship.
Iranian special forces stormed the ship by abseiling down from a helicopter.
Startling images have emerged of the ship being circled by a military speedboat.
Britain has demanded Iran release the tanker and in response the Islamic Republic has offered to swap the vessel for the Grace 1.
Iran had warned the UK that the seizure would not go “unanswered” and has also issued a chilling warning that it was using drones to track every ship in the Gulf.
In a thinly veiled threat the Revolutionary Guard said there “world leading drones” were following “all enemy ships” and taking pictures “point-by-point from their origin until the moment they enter the region”.
It has also emerged Tehran wants to impose a “toll” on all ships passing through the Strait of Hormuz, saying it would be used to “protect” the safety of the vessels.
Mohammad Javad Zarif, the Iranian foreign minister, has insisted his country doesn’t want confrontation.
‘Bullied’ autistic boy, 17, ‘killed himself after filming goodbye video’
Fears seagull that snatched chihuahua Gizmo may have swallowed dog WHOLE
England football legend’s dad sentenced to 20 years for raping children
Brit workers would be sent home if temps hit 30C under new Labour proposals
UK’s hottest July day ever at 38C! How we kept cool from serious to silly
Woman spotted walking naked through East London during summer heatwave
“It is very important for Boris Johnson as he enters 10 Downing Street to understand that Iran does not seek confrontation, that Iran wants normal relations based on mutual respect,” he said.
Fears have recently been raised that the Royal Navy lacks the strength to conduct missions to protect UK shipping.
Since the Falklands War, the navy has dropped from 80 vessels to 50 but with ten of those currently out of action for maintenance.
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The Iranian flag was hoisted over seized British tanker Stena ImperoCredit: PressTV
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An Iranian Revolutionary Guard jet boat sails around the seized British-flagged tanker Stena Impero in Bandar AbbasCredit: EPA
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Hatching plan . . at 4pm, IRG special forces on board a chopper inspect the Stena Impero, en route to Saudia Arabia with its 23 crew
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The armed troops prime their weapons and make final checks as they prepare to storm the British oil tanker below
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Soldiers abseil from a hovering helicopter while gunboats surrounding the Impero force it north towards Bandar AbbasCredit: AFP or licensors
Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei vows Tehran will respond to UK ‘piracy’ over tanker seizure
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We pay for your stories! Do you have a story for The Sun Online news team? Email us at [email protected] or call 0207 782 4368 . You can WhatsApp us on 07810 791 502. We pay for videos too. Click here to upload yours.
!function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s){if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function(){n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments)};if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n; n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0';n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}(window, document,'script','https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); fbq('init', '752905198150451'); fbq('track', "PageView"); Credit: Source link
The post Iran fires ballistic missile 1,000km in provocative test amid tanker row with US and UK – The Sun appeared first on WeeklyReviewer.
from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.com/iran-fires-ballistic-missile-1000km-in-provocative-test-amid-tanker-row-with-us-and-uk-the-sun/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=iran-fires-ballistic-missile-1000km-in-provocative-test-amid-tanker-row-with-us-and-uk-the-sun from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.tumblr.com/post/186550305247
0 notes
weeklyreviewer · 5 years
Iran fires ballistic missile 1,000km in provocative test amid tanker row with US and UK – The Sun
IRAN has reportedly test fired a ballistic missile amid escalating tensions with the US and UK in the Gulf.
The Shahab-3 missile travelled 1,000km, but did not pose a threat to shipping or US bases, according to a Pentagon official.
Iran Revolutionary Guards fire a Shahab-3 long-range ballistic missile in 2006 (file)Credit: AFP
Iran is believed to have tested the medium-range missile on Wednesday in a bid to improve the “range and accuracy” of its weapons.
News of the provocation emerged after Boris Johnson ordered the Royal Navy to accompany all British-flagged ships through the Strait of Hormuz.
This ramping up of the navy’s protection mission by the new PM comes in the wake of Iran seizing Brit tanker the Stena Impero.
It marks a dramatic escalation of the crisis with Iran following weeks of heightened tensions in the region.
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HMS Montrose is patrolling in the Gulf and is to step up protection of UK shippingCredit: Reuters
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A woman and boy walk past Shahab-2 (L) and Shahab-3 missiles on display in Tehran in 2008 (file)Credit: AFP – Getty
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Tensions soared following Donald Trump’s decision last year to withdraw from the nuclear deal and impose maximal sanctions on Iran.
In the past few weeks, Iran has shot down a US spy drone and six oil tankers have been sabotaged near the strait.
The US has downed at least one Iranian drone after the USS Boxer took “defensive action” last Thursday – and a second Iranian drone may have been destroyed.
Iran possesses the largest and most diverse missile arsenal in the Middle East, according to the CSIS missile defence project.
While Iran has not yet tested or deployed a missile capable of striking the US, it continues to hone longer-range missile technologies.
The country has short and medium-range ballistic and cruise missiles capable of striking as far as Israel and southeast Europe.
Iran has also become a centre for missile proliferation, supplying proxies such as Hezbollah and Syria’s al-Assad regime with a steady supply of missiles and rockets.
According to the Military Balance, Iran has 32 batteries of Russian-made S-300 ground-to-air missiles that have been delivered by Moscow since 2016.
They are seen as posing a serious threat.
The Islamic Republic has also developed Iranian versions of these missile systems, including the Bavar 373, SAM Tabas and SAM Raad which are regularly displayed at military parades.
The Revolutionary Guards claim that they shot down the US drone with a Khordad 3 missile, a version of the SAM Raad.
READY TO BLOW Iran’s nuke program
IRAN’S nuclear capabilities have been the subject of concern and debate for more than two decades.
Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei has repeatedly denied Iran is building a bomb and says weapons of mass destruction are forbidden under Islam.
But its enrichment of uranium and history of deception created deep mistrust.
After more than two years of negotiations and threats to bomb the country’s facilities, Iran and world powers agreed in 2015 to settle the dispute.
The deal set limits on the Islamic Republic’s nuclear work in exchange for relief from economic sanctions that had crimped oil exports and hobbled its economy.
Then in May 2018, Donald Trump announced the US was abandoning the pact negotiated under his predecessor and would reinstate sanctions.
Little more than a year later, Iran responded by violating its limits on uranium enrichment.
A think tank believes Tehran’s nuke scientists are ready to massively step up uranium enrichment at the heavily-fortified Fordow Plant.
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Iran’s nuclear enrichment site at Fordow has two rings of steel around it, and is buried deep within a rural mountain for protection
The navy currently has HMS Montrose deployed in the Strait of Hormuz and it has reportedly already carried out the first escort under the new protection plan.
Another surface ship, HMS Duncan, a nuclear powered submarine and Royal Marine Commandos could also be sent to bolster the UK presence.
“The Royal Navy has been tasked to accompany British-flagged ships through the Strait of Hormuz, either individually or in groups, should sufficient notice be given of their passage,” said a government spokesman.
“Freedom of navigation is crucial for the global trading system and world economy, and we will do all we can to defend it.”
The move came just hours after new Prime Minister Boris Johnson took office.
Mr Johnson is close to Donald Trump, who has deployed a large military presence in the Gulf in response to what the US said were Iranian threats.
The current tension between Iran and the UK began when Royal Marines seized an Iranian tanker at the request of the US.
The Grace 1 is currently detained in Gibraltar amid suspicion it was taking oil to Syria in violation of EU sanctions.
Under the new Royal Navy escort mission, UK-flagged ships have been told to give the Department of Transport sufficient notice of their travel plans in the area, Sky News reports.
Ships might be grouped together in convoys or accompanied individually depending upon how many are travelling on a given day, according to sources.
Britain has been seeking to put together a European-led maritime protection mission to ensure safe shipping through the Strait of Hormuz.
On Friday, the Revolutionary Guard launched a gunboat and helicopter raid on Stena Impero, which is registered in the UK, claiming it had turned off its tracker and ignored warnings.
Iran’s seizure of the tanker was described as an “state piracy” by the government.
Another vessel, the Mesdar, was also intercepted and forced towards Iranian territory in what appeared to be a co-ordinated strike.
State TV footage shows Iranian armed forces on board the Stena Impero after it was seized in the Strait of Hormuz.
The clip is thought to have been filmed in the southern port of Bandar Abbas, where jet boats have been sailing around the British ship.
Iranian special forces stormed the ship by abseiling down from a helicopter.
Startling images have emerged of the ship being circled by a military speedboat.
Britain has demanded Iran release the tanker and in response the Islamic Republic has offered to swap the vessel for the Grace 1.
Iran had warned the UK that the seizure would not go “unanswered” and has also issued a chilling warning that it was using drones to track every ship in the Gulf.
In a thinly veiled threat the Revolutionary Guard said there “world leading drones” were following “all enemy ships” and taking pictures “point-by-point from their origin until the moment they enter the region”.
It has also emerged Tehran wants to impose a “toll” on all ships passing through the Strait of Hormuz, saying it would be used to “protect” the safety of the vessels.
Mohammad Javad Zarif, the Iranian foreign minister, has insisted his country doesn’t want confrontation.
‘Bullied’ autistic boy, 17, ‘killed himself after filming goodbye video’
Fears seagull that snatched chihuahua Gizmo may have swallowed dog WHOLE
England football legend’s dad sentenced to 20 years for raping children
Brit workers would be sent home if temps hit 30C under new Labour proposals
UK’s hottest July day ever at 38C! How we kept cool from serious to silly
Woman spotted walking naked through East London during summer heatwave
“It is very important for Boris Johnson as he enters 10 Downing Street to understand that Iran does not seek confrontation, that Iran wants normal relations based on mutual respect,” he said.
Fears have recently been raised that the Royal Navy lacks the strength to conduct missions to protect UK shipping.
Since the Falklands War, the navy has dropped from 80 vessels to 50 but with ten of those currently out of action for maintenance.
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The Iranian flag was hoisted over seized British tanker Stena ImperoCredit: PressTV
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An Iranian Revolutionary Guard jet boat sails around the seized British-flagged tanker Stena Impero in Bandar AbbasCredit: EPA
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Hatching plan . . at 4pm, IRG special forces on board a chopper inspect the Stena Impero, en route to Saudia Arabia with its 23 crew
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The armed troops prime their weapons and make final checks as they prepare to storm the British oil tanker below
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Soldiers abseil from a hovering helicopter while gunboats surrounding the Impero force it north towards Bandar AbbasCredit: AFP or licensors
Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei vows Tehran will respond to UK ‘piracy’ over tanker seizure
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We pay for your stories! Do you have a story for The Sun Online news team? Email us at [email protected] or call 0207 782 4368 . You can WhatsApp us on 07810 791 502. We pay for videos too. Click here to upload yours.
  !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s){if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function(){n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments)};if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n; n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0';n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}(window, document,'script','https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); fbq('init', '752905198150451'); fbq('track', "PageView"); Credit: Source link
The post Iran fires ballistic missile 1,000km in provocative test amid tanker row with US and UK – The Sun appeared first on WeeklyReviewer.
from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.com/iran-fires-ballistic-missile-1000km-in-provocative-test-amid-tanker-row-with-us-and-uk-the-sun/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=iran-fires-ballistic-missile-1000km-in-provocative-test-amid-tanker-row-with-us-and-uk-the-sun
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