mossywizard · 4 months
Sleepy- gone
Now enthralled with space
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incarnateirony · 2 years
prydain parallels aka cas forsakes his powers to marry dean??????? maybe a reach but 👀
Kinda, not quite. It's more that Cas already made that sacrifice (and ironically became Much More during it, but didn't know it at the time). If you check my Marriage of the Minds tag, or pretty much any of my art or garden tags, you'll see that the plot of season 15 was something called the alchemical wedding. There were two near instances (15.09, 15.13-- one cancelled, one proverbial proxy jack) and then the actual moment 15.18 for Cas, but Dean really never got his beyond Not Who I Am and I'll Try To Live For Him/Them. And at least telling his little brother he was proud of him and loved him, that kind of qualifies but was really just a plug for the plot checkbox, because that's not new, he's said it before, and that's not what Berens' plot was leading to (but I'm not about to get back into Singer's fuckery.)
You may want to also check my occultum tag, because of 15.13. You'll see in my Art tag that the occultum is actually pulled from that card, which represents that alchemical union.
The "loosely translated, in order to be in the occultum, the occultum must be in you" was quite cute, actually. They put it in Enochian so Cas had to read it, even if the original was in Latin, which is why Billie and Sam had that. THATS LATIN FOR HIDDEN RIGHT. where is it. I DONT KNOW. ITS HIDDEN.
It was in fact VERY LOOSELY TRANSLATED in the like "alchemy for dummies model" 
Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem
“Visit the interior of the earth, and by rectifying what you find there, you will discover the hidden stone (philosopher’s stone)”
So let me shorthand what that means again in a new post, then direct you to the aforementioned tags. (cut for length)
OK so in alchemy there's a whole spiritual quest of breaking down your bad stuff and becoming a good clean pure self, but purity isn't christian purity. It's the mastery of the self without fear of a christian god to condemn you or whatever. You Do You, Do What Thou Wilt (and harm none) Shall be The Whole Of The Law.
In alchemy think of Earth as Body. So Visit Inside the Body, and by Rectifying what you find there, you will find-- The Perfect Soul.
That's what that means. Or, in order to be in The Garden, The Garden must be in you. Which is why Cas' plot was all like, learning to speak his open truth and let the light in. The Moon lets the sun Shine On Her Face To Become Full.
Part of the process--again, deeper coverage in my tags per subject--involves the death of the Empress which--another tag to check--is where Cas landed in his path, with the Mary, Rowena, and Amara parallelism, right down to the blossoms and pink shit of death and the gift to be lost if not appreciated. (both Cas and Dean shared that, while Sam avoided that light, Jack only got hit by it before his rebirth in-episode and missed it after.)
That same episode also placed: Joseph-Dean, Mary-Cas, Christ-Jack where the two halves of Mind and Soul, (*mortal) Life (*actually mind/grace) and Being (*soul, still) marry, passing the Philosopher's Stone as a seed from Emperor (dean gets it first, via Bobo correction note from the script), then Empress (Cas) then the Aeon Child (Jack). It's a matrimony forecast.
Unfortunately, the Empress is considered to die in the process, whether in birth, after birth, or just the passing of the old generation before the new. The process talks about returning to The Black Womb By Which All Life Springs. Gonna let you rattle that around in your head a bit.
But Cas reached in. He let the light in. He let himself love outwardly, not fear judgment. From God or Dean or anyone. He let IN the light Dean showed him. He took in the shadows humanity cast too. The Shadow, the thing that rules the Empty. In that moment, Castiel integrated with The Infinite Vessel of Death (to not explode) while taking on both all the light in humanity (his unending love for Dean, and a reflection of Dean's own love for the world) and accepting its shadows and what it hides away, just like his own.
If you venture into my Heaven tag, and discussions, you'll find that like. Heaven, as we call it, is basically the World Soul. Human souls, the grigori said in Angel Heart, are slices of heaven and angels since the dawn of man have made them make mental heavens to distract them. To keep them in contentment, like Nihilism, even if that same void of repression was beyond it just like the Empty.
Because really, The Empty and Heaven are the same place. It's Not Being, Not Having Soul, Not Letting In The Light; vs Being, Just Saying, Just Being Yourself, And Accepting it.
The occultum is powerful--a key, they said. it's not a place or a thing. It's a key. It's a key to the Kingdom of Heaven, and the secret Chuck hid away all along is that it's always been the soul and humanity. That serpent that talked to his first gabriel-esque barbies, and taught them what Good is (the soul, as the Absence of it Isn't Evil in alchemy, just like Cas said, but the Absence of Good; the human soul is the one true thing, everything else is a matrix of commentary we're put through).
Chuck mentioned a beauty and glory in creation greater than his pride or ego waiting to be born, like he and amara just were. He knew she'd seen it, and felt it, and looked at Dean.
One day a sleeping Nothing went TheFuck (why) do I exist, chuckmara popped up, Chuck made a playbox with toys in it, some toys met a snake, got a soul--that snake is just. The Shadow in the world of Chuck's Mental Box Of Perception, Awake. It's the Let There Be Light before the sun, of the true creator, the living soul of man in its rawest form, and that's why Jack got his soul back THERE even when Chuck couldn't. Chuck just made the sandbox. We play in it.
So Cas thought he was giving up his everything, his very being, for his love of humanity but in doing that, basically unbirthed The World Soul the way Rowena did hell via Death. Cas became heaven, and that's where the Castiel's Uterus joke is from, and why the Akrida are a triple threat joke in three languages of locust, garden and a complicated birth that could cause death.
You know. I Cared About The Whole World. John and Mary's love saves The Whole World. Turning over all the cards at the end, and the final card: The World.
The Whole World waits for us, and what is Dean's Whole World. What is keeping him from reaching peace in the garden, what is he looking into his parents as he crosses past timespacesoulstuff, as the light tries to call him home. What regret--like the ones that haunt Rowena--is keeping him from being At Peace With Himself. What is he not Being yet. What does he have to Say, or Do, to be able to reach Heaven Proper, where all his family is, what does he have to do to stop disconnecting himself like the monsters in the Winchesters morals, to lift the fog on his path and find his garden, his roadhouse, his family.
Cas already made that sacrifice. And with it, Castiel is calling him home.
Come home, hometown hero.
the main thing is the Taran Wanderer parallels, not anything from The High King. eg the hero's journey is over so let me look into my parents and learn a few things about myself on the way.
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nalgenewhore · 4 years
A Promise Is A Promise ~ Chapter Three
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In a world in which Elide Lochan can only remember that she is someone’s prey and they will stop at nothing to find her, trusting Lorcan Salvaterre, a man whose past is as cloudy as hers is quite possibly the most sane thing she could do.
TW: Explicit death, past trauma, PTSD, traumatic amnesia, gore
previous chapter next chapter 
The white haired woman was sitting in a plush chair next to her bed when she woke up, the lamp next to her casting a shadow on her face that had her jumping slightly. The glimpse of her face that Elide had caught before the waves dragged her down again had shown high cheekbones and piercing eyes that seemed like they could draw blood with a single glare.
The woman blinked slowly, keeping her gaze on Elide. The colour was something she couldn’t remember if she had seen before, burnt gold that looked like it had been forged in the fires of the dark god’s realm. Something gleamed in them, an edge of iron to the flame as she surveyed her, her gaze scrutinizing. The woman frowned slightly at the dagger on Elide’s hip, an emotion close to fear flashing in her eyes before that cool, near boredom took over again. “Hello, Elide.” 
“Hi,” her throat felt like sandpaper and she swallowed past it. Her tongue was heavy and stuck to the roof of her mouth, rough and tacky. Elide tried to clear her throat and the woman stood smoothly, walking out of the room. She stared in bewilderment after her and furrowed her brow as her footsteps became lighter and lighter. With a sigh, she looked around the room, noticing that the light curtains were drawn back and the moon was high in the midnight sky, fat and full, looking like it would fall to the earth at any second. She felt a tug in her gut at the sight of it and that dreadful voice started again, slithering between her ears as it whispered to her the same words it had whispered in her dreams and brief waking moments. 
When she was a child, she had loved the moon, loved the way it hung way up high in the sky. She had sworn one day she would hold it in her hands and the Maiden would rejoice with her and claim her as one of her disciples, young girls who frolicked amongst the stars, danced along the constellations and feasted on the souls of the dead. 
She wanted to touch it. 
It was so close, close enough that Elide was sure she could reach it if she stretched her arms way up high. 
It was not entirely her choice as she swung her legs out of the bed and stood, walking slowly over to the window. She unlatched the glass pane and pushed it open wide, breathing in the sweet night air as it tickled her, lifting her hair up off her neck. The moon nearly blinded her as she stared up at it but she knew the Maiden would fix her ailments if she passed this test of loyalty and trust. 
Touch it. Don’t you want to feel the moon between your fingers? Don’t you want to taste that sweet milk and honey on your tongue? She’s waiting for you. 
Do you trust me?
Elide nodded and reached out, stumbling slightly and her heart raced when nothing caught her. Her arms windmilled and she rocked backwards, breathing hard as she gaped up at the sky. 
The voice hissed at her, Stupid girl. Foolish girl. She was waiting for you. 
She shook her head and panted, gulping down air as the waves rose again. 
She whirled at the voice, her eyes falling on the woman who stood in the doorway, a glass of water in her hand. Elide noticed the iron nails and her eyes widened, “The window w-,” she coughed, her throat sore and the woman crossed the room, clicking her tongue as she put the glass in Elide’s hand and guided her back to the bed. 
Elide sipped, the cool liquid an elixir as it washed down her throat. The woman closed and re-latched the window, looking up at the moon before saying a prayer under her breath. She walked back over to the seat, her feet silent on the thick carpet. “How are you feeling?” 
“Can you tell me where I am? And how did I get here?” 
The woman nodded, looking pointedly at the half full glass in Elide’s hand and she got the message, raising it to her lips and drinking until it was empty. The woman, she still didn’t know her name or remember her but the eyes, she had seen that colour before, somewhere. 
Elide pushed through the shrouds of darkness in her mind, searching and searching until the voice roared, Enough. Stop it.
She tried to brush it off but a pain like no other pierced behind her eyes and she reeled back, gasping. Her hands shook and the woman stood, gently taking the glass from her. There was something stiff about her movements, like she had never been soft before. “My name is Manon Blackbeak. I’m a very distant relative of your mother’s. You are in the Witch City, Elide.” 
Blackbeak, the name, she remembered it. 
She remembered the tales her mother would regale her with, grand stories of witches and brooms and wyverns and terrible beasts. Blue blood and wicked sharp iron teeth, a crown worn by the most deserving witch, the one who had brought their people home. A crown that held all the galaxies in the night sky within its confines. 
Manon continued, “We found you three months ago. At your parents estate, unconscious and covered in so much blood with couldn’t tell if it was yours or someone else's. You woke up long enough to speak in a language so old, we couldn’t find any recordings of it, no one knew what you said. You had a black knife of onyx in your hand, like the one on your hip.” A look of caution entered her bright eyes before it was swept away. “That was the last time you woke up until yesterday and the last time you spoke.” 
Elide stayed silent, trying to wrap her head around what Manon had told her. 
The voice stopped hissing at her and grew louder and louder, in its dreadful tone, Run. Get out. He is coming for you. He is coming for you. He is coming for you.
Foolish girl, thinking you can outrun him. 
Not forever. 
Not forever. 
She blinked hard, digging her nails into her palms as she fought to stay above the darkness that loomed below. “H-how long since they died?” Manon did not answer her and Elide looked up, staring deep into her eyes, “Tell me.” 
“It’s been ten years.” 
It was like someone had punched her in the chest, all her air knocked out of her lungs as her words struck her. 
She realized dully that she was nineteen or close to it, she didn’t know what month it was. Her entire life had been stolen from her, she had been robbed of everything that mattered. Her own body, it wasn’t hers because she should have been able to tell the stories behind every mark, every scrape and bruise and scar. She should have been able to tell what she had been doing three months ago before Manon had found her in her childhood home but she couldn’t and the fact that she didn’t know who she was, that she was living in a stranger’s body threatened to take her down. 
The last thing before that cold and dark room, the last memory of her mother. That man who had stood behind her as she bled out, his face was burned into her mind and it was familiar enough that she knew that the killing had not been an act of bloodlust but one of vengeance and near insanity. 
The voice cackled and drew her back in, holding her captive as she was helpless re-living the memory.
An arc of dark red blood sprayed as he dragged the blade across her pale throat, the red splashing onto her little shoes, sparkly and purple. A cruel laugh left his lips as she ran to her mother, the floor slippery and slick. 
Someone shook her and she startled, eyes wide as they settled on Manon. “The blade, the one he used to kill my mother, it was black. Black stone, like the one on my hip, it looked exactly like it,” she was rambling and the words poured out. “Please,” Elide cried, “Please believe me.” She couldn’t read the light of Manon’s eyes as she gently laid her back down and she lashed out, digging her nails into Manon’s arm. “I know what I saw. I’m not crazy.” 
She stayed silent, her face like a stone. 
“You don’t believe me.” 
Manon shrugged, shaking her head softly. “No, I think I might believe you but…” 
“But what?” 
“I misspoke. I believe you. Thank you for telling me, Elide. I suggest you sleep now.” Without another word, Manon left, closing the door behind her gently. 
Elide knew there was more she wasn’t being told and her thoughts spiraled as she slipped from bed and paced in front of the window, a lilting tone murmuring to her every time she glanced at the moon so she moved to pull the curtains shut. 
Just as she dragged them across the window, she felt a push at her shoulder and looked down, her eyes falling on a hulking man who moved like a soldier down the sidewalk, the shadows bending to his looming figure as he stopped at the building across the street. He glanced over his shoulder and for the first time, something clicked in her mind. 
A/N: if y’all wanna be tagged, lemme know and if you think of any other TW i could put, please please tell me
apiap masterlist ~ masterlist
@myfeyrelady @kandasboi @the-regal-warrior @highqueenofelfhame @rhysands-highlady​ @westofmoon​ @empire-of-wildfire @shyvioletcat @alifletcher2012 @tangledraysofsunshine @ttakeitbacknoww @tswaney17 @dayanna-hatter @lovemollywho @pilesoffriles @thephilosophyofblank @faellyrian-warriors @bat-wing-rhys @velarian-trash @chemicha @th-th-th-thats-all-folks @elorcanforever @littlehoneyybee @rowaelin-cressworth @mis-lil-red @lord-douglas-the-third @acourtofbookworms @ladydippinstone @flowerspringsea @sezkins79 @court-of-fuck-me-daddy @blogdaydreamerblr @over300books​
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spideys-pack · 7 years
My Infinity War Theories?!!?!
Alright! Let’s get started! 
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Okay, so I think we can all agree that the trailer for Infinity War scared the shit out of all of us and also got the wheels going turning us all into little Sherlocks.. I’m just going to get right into it because I’m not witty enough to have a witty introduction... 
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Alright so, Thor is with the Guardians. That was apparent from him landing on their windshield, that’s cool with me. I actually like the idea of Thor meeting them first. This leads me to think something bad is going to happen to Thor at the end of Ragnarok by the way.. Why else would he be floating around in space? 
Anyways (Drinking game, every time I say anyways take a shot, you’ll be right messed up by the time I’m done haha kms), Having Thor with the Guardians might be a could way to get the Guardians to go to Earth. Either They heard about Thanos’ in coming attack or Thor did and they tell each other. Either way, Thor would want to help and I’m pretty sure there’s a few Guardians who would like the chance to punch Thanos in the throat(heart?). So, the Guardians could be Thor’s ride back to Earth to warn the Avengers and probably explain why exactly he’s been MIA. It’s probably going to be hilarious once he gets back to Earth and realizes the petty and tiny humans have been fighting each other. 
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The next part I want to talk about in the trailer is everyone’s favourite villain Loki’s appearance where apparently he’s ping ponged back to the dark side after seemingly being chill with Thor in the Ragnarok trailer. Seriously.. He’s like a bungee jumper when it comes to hero and villain. (Still love you tho, boo. And my pet cat is still named after you lol). Loki appears to be handing the Tesseract over to who is most likely Thanos since later on we see him open up a portal and walk through it and the portal looked almost identical to the one Loki opened for the Chituari in the first Avengers movie. I’m hoping Loki will realize he’s dun goofed again and bounce on back to the good side with his bro Thor. 
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Next, we go to my bby in New York getting goosebumps on the school bus, which I got way too excited about because one of my favourite powers Spider-Man has is his “Spidey Sense”. I love seeing it in the films, especially Andrew Garfield’s in The Amazing Spider-Man 2. But it appears that they’ve gone with a more realistic/accurate version of the Spidey Senses in Infinity War. Peter’s hair standing on end on his arm, as he gets the itch that something is coming makes me think about how he gets involved. Would Tony actually ask Peter to join this fight after trying to keep him away from danger for basically the whole Homecoming plot or would Peter convince him into letting him try? Maybe thats how he finally gets that sick Iron Spider suit from the end of Homecoming.
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We then go to Tony talking about how “He’s coming to us. So that’s what we use”. Perhaps he means where they bring the fight. Maybe they’ll try to keep it out of the major cities, considering the Sokovia Accords are still in play some how. Maybe that’s why it looks like they’re in a wasteland, perhaps they chose a deserted place to bring Thanos to fight. 
Side Note: That shot of Tony, Peter (Parker), Peter(Quill), Drax and Mantis standing there was probably one of my favourites from the trailer... 
Hearing Thanos narrate the rest of the trailer is where I got most of my chills, you realize that he’s not afraid of this huge alliance ready to take him on. He finds it fun and amusing. “This really puts a smile on my face...”. He’s ready, prepared and totally confident he can take them on and win. That’s when we see Star Lord looking scared and going “Oh man.” As that portal I mentioned earlier opens. This makes me think that maybe despite their preparation, Thanos still comes at an inconvenient time. Seeing Thanos without his helmet on makes me uncomfortable.. Like he looks weak. And like a grape flavoured laffy taffy candy... 
Anyways, the next thing we see is the amazing Doctor Strange casting platforms for Star Lord to jump on. This is another one of my all time favourite scenes from the trailer. I love team-up movies simply to see the dynamic they have while fighting and I love to think that Star Lord already has enough faith in Strange to provide him footing while he goes into the fight. It warms my heart. lol. I would just like to take this time to thank Doctor Strange for taking care of my second by during the fight ;P
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Next we see a few shots of action including Star Lord going into fight mode and the friendly neighbourhood mouth watering Spider-Man doing a little flip in that AWESOME new suit. 
The next shot shows my dad Bucky Barnes cocking a rifle which I might add made me squeal. We see everyone’s favourite King, T’Challa standing in front of an army which more than likely is his Wakandan forces. Which I’m hella psyched for, would be sick for Bucky to be one of his soldiers or to be one of his Sergeants like he was in WW2 with the 107th. That would probably be good for him... And the feels! Ugh. 
Anyway, the nest thing we see is Wanda and Vision sharing a sad look and this fuels my suspicions that one of the things the Avengers/Guardians are going to be trying to do is protect Vision or more likely the Mind Stone that sits in his forehead... Either way, I don't want Vision or Wanda getting hurt they’re both too precious and cute. 
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The next thing we see is Cap. Wait, sorry... BEARDED CAP. He comes out of the shadows and his suit is all darkened, the star has been gouged out. I assume he shows up to help Wanda protect Vision because it looks like they’re in the same place. That’s also where I predict Bucky and Peter (Parker) will end up. 
We see a lot of quick shots next, including a blonde (WHY?) Black Widow, a fighting T’Challa and Falcon and Thanos choke slamming someone, which as much as I hope not, it looks like Tony’s smol son Peter. We go to the next shot which in fact shows Peter apologizing to Tony, laying on the ground. It looks like he’s injured. 
My suspicions are that there was a group acting as first line of defence against Thanos and a second group making sure Vision was kept away from him. My theory was Tony, wanting to keep Peter off the front lines sent him there and the only reason he’s apologizing to Tony is that he failed to protect Vision and got hurt in the process of doing so. (Hopefully its not serious. I would literally die if Spidey got hurt badly tbh). 
Next we see Thanos man handling Thor’s head like a fucking stress ball. Seeing Thor scream in agony seriously hurts my heart. This further promotes my suspicions about his fate which I’ll probably talk about in another post I’ll do about who I think won't make it. 
We see Nebula, looking badass as always, not entirely sure who she’s directing that battle hiss at... Hope she’s on our side... 
Next, we see Drax, Strange, Bruce and what I think is Clint standing in a line, they don't look like they’re in battle mode but the whole looking into the distance theme of this trailer doesn't necessarily mean good things. 
I think we see Cap fighting with Bucky and the Wakandan army in the next shot which is obvious.. I mean if Bucky is awake, Steve wouldn't want to fight anywhere else but next to him. 
We see Star Lord falling to the ground which I am not happy about ONE BIT, and Tony in his suit looking up at the sky, I suspect it’s with a scared expression I can't tell with his Iron Man scowl mask... I presume he’s afraid. We see Thanos throw a haymaker at someone, The video isn't the best quality but it looks like the lights from Tony’s Iron Man suit. 
We see Thanos walking off flexing his fist in the infinity gauntlet. I’m comforted by the fact that the Mind Stone and Time Stone are not in their spots so that probably means Strange and Vision are okay for that time. 
The trailer ends with Thanos literally pulling down pieces of the moon. 
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Now, I do have some theories on who might not make it to the end of the movie but those are for another time I think... I’ve taken up enough of your time blabbing ;p. 
Anyways, thanks for reading, hope my theories make sense to others!! Let’s hope they all make it! 
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