#Even tho it also dosent make sense
skydreamplayzz · 7 months
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This is an excuse to draw blood.. Also to draw a Oc i never drew before. I just draw random same stuff but still no ideas.
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goldfishbrainz · 8 months
My HC on how funny and what kind of funny the Creepypasta characters are
(Post includes: jeff the killer, Ben drowned, EJ, LJ, slender man, masky, hoodie, and Toby but feel free to comment more and I’ll make a P2)
Jeff: he’s def got crude dark humor. He makes edgy jokes both unironically, and ironically. has a very loud kinda obnoxious laugh.
8/10 on the funny scale, pretty funny but jokes get old fast.
BEN: Ben is a gamer boy, his jokes reflect that. Definitely makes nerdy or twitch streamery jokes (yk?) he tells you memes he found on Reddit and will 100% take full credit.
9/10 on the funny scale. Little brother type humor.
EJ: he’s not that much of a jokester, he can be funny but it’s not really his thing. He make more quips or funny comebacks than actually doing it himself. He has very deadpan humor. He also doesn’t laugh much, but if he dose it’s kinda a lil chuckle.
3/10 on the funny scale
LJ: he’s *convinced* he’s hilarious. His jokes don’t make much sense or they are just plain weird. Most of the time he’s the only one laughing at his jokes. It’s in his name he laughs HARD. Like rolling on the floor crying scream laughing. He will laugh at basically anything remotely funny even if nobody else is.
4/10 on the funny scale. Below average bit makes up for it with his enthusiasm.
Slender man: I’m sorry but he isn’t funny. Like he’s old and inhuman, he dosent get anyone’s jokes and nobody gets his the rare times he tries. Some of the nicer creeps will give a sympathetic response but he can tell it’s fake.
0/10 on the funny scale :,(
Masky: is a lil below average in that department. He’s also hard to make laugh but when he dose he snorts. He tries to hide it but it comes out sometimes. He likes dad jokes but won’t admit to it.
2/10 on the funny scale.
Hoodie: he’s more of a laugher than a joker. He’s got an adorable laugh tho omg. He tells more funny stories than jokes. Very respectful and tries to avoid controversial jokes. He will laugh at the more mild ones.
6/10 on the funny scale
Toby: he tries his best and wants to be funny so bad. He’s kinda awkward with it tho. His tics make his jokes kinda flow weird and he’s insecure about it. :(
4/10 on the funny scale.
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yastormfly · 8 months
So this is really late but I genuinely think that Chuuya would’ve been able to trick Fyodor and Dazai with contacts and fake fangs. It took some time for my ideas to marinate but here they are, mostly cause it feels satisfying getting my thoughts down
Probably the most likely reason is Fyodor’s lack of trust in anyone, and because he knows that he and Dazai think the same, he believes that Dazai won’t trust anyone and that no one would trust Dazai. Obviously he’s wrong because skk have a strong ( but complicated) relationship and have an insane amount of trust in each other and apparently will literally go overseas and dress up as a monster, pretending to be in the enemies team all to save the other. (I do think that this is Mori’s idea still and that Dazai had no idea but still, the point still stands)
I haven’t read stormbringer ( I want to tho) but I do know that in the Flags, there’s an actor friend who probably would’ve given chuuya tips on acting either for missions, maybe trying to trick Dazai or even charades or something. But anyway he would’ve likely gotten tips from him and one of the main things people do when acting is getting into character where they imagine how their character feels with their memories and descriptions of their character. Chuuya was playing an infected vampire, which I saw someone else describe as a mindless monster, and who else would know how a mindless monster acts better than chuuya (that sounds really mean, I don’t mean it but you get what I mean) during corruption he gives control over to arahabaki and dosent seem to be conscious himself, but I imagine he would know how it feels to be a monster and how to act like a convincing one because he’s been one multiple times before. This also plays into how deep Dazai and Chuuyas bond is because we all know that they both struggle with their humanity for various reasons, so how much does Chuuya really trust and care for Dazai if he’s willing to play a character who is exactly who he wants to deny he is.
I also like to think that Dazai didn’t even know he wasn’t a vampire until he saved him in the elevator because he played this so convincingly, granted he might have been suspicious from the start, but I think it only would’ve been confirmed after the elevator and Dazai just acted like he knew from the start to save his image
Chuuyas also just a good liar in general. Lots of people forget that (myself included from time to time) because it looks like he wears his heart on his sleeve all the time. But he did hide the fact the he was arahabaki from Dazai for a few days despite Dazai specifically looking for arahabaki. People overlook the fact that he might be lying because he acts so open and expressive but that actually just adds another defence to his lies as people don’t normally suspect him. Fyodor would probably have overlooked that just like Dazai did when he was 15 but because of the 7 (complicated) years they’ve known each other it’s another reason why Dazai might have been suspicious from the start. I don’t think he actually knew tho because that drowning scene was way to emotional for it to have been fake.
I’ve also noticed that smart people tend to overlook the simplest things, it happened with me and my friends a lot. Sometimes when we’re doing a difficult topic in maths we overlook the right answer and overcomplicate things because we’re used to it being hard, or in DnD we sometimes forget to simply check if a door is unlocked before looking for other ways out the room. So it’s quite possible that because Dazai and Fyodor were playing at such a high level of IQ and stuff, they thought that there’s no way someone would do something so obvious as cosplay. They’d think they’d be able to spot that coming a mile away so they don’t bother checking because they think they already have if that makes sense. But cause if Chuuyas good quality stuff and good acting, they don’t realise that he was fine the entire time. Sometimes simple tactics are better (I say that as if the entire mersult arc was simple)
Anyway, woah you made it to the bottom, it’s midnight and I have tests tomorrow so…
Have some sad Dazai I drew cause I love drawing sad people
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poppet-seed · 2 years
Um, sooo normally I'm not one to send asks, as they make me real nervous. But um, I was wondering a couple of things about your pirate au because it has a choke hold on me.
Say someone wanted to write something for said au, would that be ok? And if so, would..it would be ok if it was done with a twist? As I personally love to try my hand at writing something for it, but I've found..I do better writing like found family stuff. Soo I was wondering if you would be cool with a found family sort of version? I had an idea for one, with pirate boys coming across some siren children in need of help. But I wanted to make sure just writing for your au is something you're ok with in general.
And second, going off the note of the pirate boys, my curiosity needs me to ask. What would the three do if they came across lone Siren children in need of help? Would they even help them? Would they be morally conflicted? Or what have you?
Sorry this got so long, hopefully it makes sense. And you don't have to answer any of this if you don't want to!
Hope you have a wonderful day!!
You have no idea the brain rot you have unleashed on me.
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I'm sorry I took forever to get back to you on this ask. I just wanted to think in depth about it. Because GENUINELY IT GAVE ME SO MANY BRAIN WORMS!
So here's what I got~
- mother sirens aren't that maternal unlike mermaids
- pups can usually fend for themselves after a few months and go off to be independent
- a mother siren usually has a pup a year (there's only one mating season every year), but can have twins in rare situations. It dosent go beyond that.
- sirens are solitary unless mated for life
- the pup will live on its own and separate from any siblings (rare situations have been recorded of twins staying together)
- mum and dad will stay together but abandon the kids after a few months
- if a predator approaches and the male can't fight it off the female may get a boost of maternal instincts to defend her young (this only applies if the pups aren't big enough to fend for themselves
- in an unlikely situation both parents die before the pup/s are ready, the pup will usually seek out merfolk.
- merfolk have been known to help raise siren pups untill they can fend for themselves.
- Once again though, they won't stay with the mers as they are solitary and will want to be independent.
- pup hood lasts untill their first birthday.
- sirens grow much faster than mers.
- they are more feral than Mers
- a siren pup is more likely to die after it becomes independent but before it reaches its first birthday.
- it's is unlikely for a pup to surface before it's first birthday. It will typically stay in a coral reef and feed of small fish
- however if chased from its hunting grounds the pup will be forced into deeper water
- the only way I can see the boys helping out a siren pup is if the child is in clear distress. (Caught in a net, injured and circled by predators)
- it would have to be a life or death situation for morality to questioned.
- the boys are extremely passionate towards kids, but like all that sail the sea, not willing to get tangled up with sirens.
- moon is terrified of sirens 
- but in this case. They're likely to help.
- that question of "its just a kid and needs our help"
- it would mostly be sun arguing to help. Eclipse being the middle ground and moon against helping.
- Sun is very persuasive and would get eclipse to agree and basically outnumber moon
- the crew also love kids and would be a lot more willing to help the pup (probably one of them that pointed it out)
- probably put the pup in quarantine.
- Good thing about siren pups tho, is that they can be domesticated and loose their aggression if treated right. (Persistence is key)
The mental image of a tiny baby guppy lives in my head rent free.
Thankyou so much for blessing me with this idea.
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I've had a lot of fun with this idea.
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yoonyia · 4 months
okayyy… enough of the wiggin siblings… any bean headcanons? ^^
ok I do have a lot of bean head canons but I feel like they're very not canon
he's really emotional, like everything gives him a huge wave of emotion
he dosent show the emotion and he mostly ignores it when he makes a decision so people looking at him will think he's stoic or stiff but he's hyper emotional and it bothers him a lot
like bean to me feels like a unreliable narrator
he's very self unaware
he's aware of his surroundings and aware of how his surroundings change relative to himself but if you ask him what his favorite color was he would stare at you blankly like a deer in headlights for 4 hours then reply "I don't know"
like it sounds stupid when I say it outloud but his constant sense of "I didn't know I loved this person till they died" to me is very self unaware of him
he feels all the emotions in huge powerful waves but he dosent figure out what they mean until they turn into different tsunamis or the rainfall stops
bean has a habit of not sleeping
bean thinks he dosent need a lot of food cause he always survived off of so little and his whole life he tried being just a little hungry to keep his mind sharp but the quantity of food his body needs isn't translated to his intelligent mind fast enough so he passes out from exhaustion due to lack of nutrients and just food in general a lot
he cries himself to sleep most of the times and no one mentions it
he has stretch marks all over his body
horrible joint pain
he's rather clumsy, like he never trips on rocks or bumps into tables or anything just mostly his own feet and limbs
he's really scared when touching smaller things, he dosent even dare holding fragile ceramics anymore
he's really gentle with things but he still breaks them a lot
I dont think he really likes being big, he said he liked being tall in the books once and mentioned a few other times how he was starting to get a bit to big for things and it makes him uncomfortable
now that I think of it I think bean has body dysmorphia but in a subconscious way
it's not blatant but it kinda just seems like he wants to be as small as possible as long as it's healthy enough that he dosent die
he's horrible with tinkering things, crafts? origami? don't even try
he loves sitting in nature, this is confirmed but I think he didn't properly show how much he likes nature
if he had less on his mind he would garden till he dies (which from where I'm at is pretty soon so)
he's afraid of death, he rationalized it till a point he can't realistically admit that he is afraid of death but he still fears it
he loves petra a lot
he loves Peter too
he likes cherries but he's worried one day his skull will get so big that he'll chew the seeds whole and die of cyanide
he likes sudoku, he solves 50 everyday as a short break from life
he loves Anton too, I don't like the specific reason why he does love him but their relationship seems nice
he looks nice in red, but he never wears it because Achilles always wears red
his favorite color is green but he dosent know it (his version of green anyways)
he's also color blind but no one knows (blue yellow kind, think it's call tritatopia or something)
that last one was very weird but like you can't tell me this dude isn't color blind I'm sorry
his brother Nikolai isn't color blind it's just a thing that happens with the antons key
this is the hill I'm going to die on
he has several framed photos of Nikolai and his family and their time in Greece
he takes atleast one photo with him everywhere, the rest was in the hedgemon
he has photos of no one else
he also likes enders parents a lot
he suprisngly thinks of ender very little, whenever he does it's a suprise to himself but that's all he thinks about that day
he misses ender, even tho he claims he was the second best and that ender was his friend and cohort
they wherent really
uhhh this is way too long already but he likes physical affection
like he hates that he likes physical affection but he loves it when people hugs him
there more but I feel like the quantity for bean and Peter is way too apparent and I feel bad
I like Peter so much more it's just that because of that fact I just made up a lot more stuff for bean so his parts were actually enjoyable
like he's physically strong and fit and stuff but I think he has (ratio wise) very preteen proportions, like his arms and legs are really long of course but I think he has smaller shoulders and like a baby face
like I thought a lot about antons key and I think it also makes you look younger then you are
anyways im gonna shut up now
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thekaijudude · 1 year
What's your stance on the whole secret identity thing for all the previous series so far, especially in the context of the host/human form being in an official government military group ? How would you recommend it to be executed?
Oh this question is so nostalgic, I rmb people always asking me this during the early years of my blog (bruh it's been 7 years holy)
But I maintain my stance that its been a staple frustration every series because imo, it wouldve been far more logical if the hosts were to make their Ultra identity known within their organisation. Not counting those that are purposely undercover for various reasons, but especially those that were totally inexperienced in whatever they were doing.
Let's talk about more recent examples with Trigger and Decker. With Trigger being the worst case example ive ever seen. I believe I've ranted aplenty that it literally dosent make sense for Kengo to hide his Ultra alter-ego when literally the Chairman and scientist himself alr knew about his identity. So wouldn't it be beneficial for everyone else within GUTS-Select to know about it as well so they could better coordinate and support Kengo? And since this knowledge was also accessible to high ranking members, wouldnt Kengo also receive the proper security and guidance as well?
Decker would be the average example of this, with few to none knowing, thus having less of a reason to reveal his identity, but still the same reason why he should reveal, so that he can receive the proper security and guidance, as well as better coordination and support from GUTS-Select
But tbh, this obviously blatant aspect of most series is implemented on purpose. Because of the same reasons why they should've revealed their identity earlier.
Literally because it'll make things ALOT more easier. Think of the different times that a host's henshin item gets stolen, with the extra protection and enhanced security, literally most of these staple plotpoints wouldn't even be possible. And the lack of communication between the host/Ultra and defense team is basically a detriment to joint operations as it basically falls back to how the defense team can interpret what the Ultra is planning to do on the fly.
That's actually why you see that the reveals usually happen during the final arc, because the proper coordination and planning would literally make things far more easier.
But it'll also make episodes far shorter and more boring
And it's more suited to delve into ideas such as the mistrust of the Ultras from the humans/government, politics as well as intricate alien invasions that involve downplaying, misrepresenting or create discord between the Ultra and humans, which we do occasionally see with main series content like Mephilas etc
But since the main series' intended audiences are for children, such ideas are probably way too complex for them to appreciate, so this is literally just there to make things easier to understand for them
Tho, a good example would be what we literally saw with Shin Ultraman with Shin Zarab and Shin Mephilas
For Shin Zarab, he literally sowed discord between humanity and Lipia via Fake Ultraman of course. But also simultaneously, he demonstrated very clear understanding of politics and manipulation of Japan's position in the international stage and we saw the ramifications and political impact with the deal he made with the PM.
For Mephilas, it was a bigger scheme with a deal with the entire humanity itself, essentially intending to have the entirety of humanity as a potential army
And we see how Lipia manoeuvred around all this by selectively revealing his identity to small groups of people as they were necessary to get him out of a pinch. Now this is realistic cause unlike in the main series where defense teams are equipped with Specium ray guns, metallic dragons powered by Absolutian energy or literally kaiju bioweapons, it takes into account the technological level of the real world and on another hand, its Lipia's own decision to go undercover to learn what it means to be human, which is also what we see him trying to slowly figure out throughout the movie
Gosh it was such an AMAZING movie just because of how dense it was with international politics, psychology, Lipia learning how to be human, clash of ideologies between Zoffy and Lipia as well as humanity grasping their own fate and having both the confidence in themselves and Ultraman to overcome adversity
But it's also the same reason why people that didn't like ShinU or found it boring based on people that I talked to, cause they simply weren't used to just how sophisticated and thought-provoking the movie is, as well as Anno's characteristic cinematography skills as they were expecting more of the main content standard, which were literally targeted towards kids
Honestly, so long as the target audience of the main content series aren't targeted towards young adults or above, I literally don't see this changing at all. Which is why even tho it's a really frustrating aspect of the main content, I'm kinda used to it at this point
Thanks for the question!
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kkazutorass · 1 year
stuff that happened with my tc during the past week?
btw a = me f = my classmate
okay so idk if i like him anymore but i still have feelings yk. this dosent make sense 🥲 like the crush is not as huge as before basically
like i was going to my other class ( not his ) but he has a class there with older years and he was holding the door and i was waiting there bc he told ppl in my other class to wait for the teacher and when my classmate came he said hi and then her name i’ll call her f he was like “hi f” then she said hi and when we were going in he said hi to me then he continued to talk to my classmate asking how her weekends were . honestly felt jealous tbh i realised he goes to her a lot like today he was at her desk for literally 10mins+ helping her even when she didn’t need help anymore . but he told me to do the work like copy this thing then i went to my desk and he called me after telling me to do this thing like it was weird bc my friend also didn’t do it but he didn’t call her once and i was copying something and i was next to his desk at that time bc we had to get up and he went so close to me to grab something then he said sorry a i said it’s okay then he came again later more closer and said “sorry a” again
y’all i tried to draw a image of how it looked like
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i know if i talk to him more like about the work and stuff in general there’s a better chance for me ( even tho ik things arnt gonna happen ) like it will get us closer yk but whenever he comes to my desk to help my friends i literally ignore him and look down on my work n do it myself yk
i wanna say more about stuff i’m planning to do in the future but then i have to actually go into detail n i’m scared someone irl will find this
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About your last post about “meine Liebe”. When it comes to the gendered terms of German dosent it not have anything to do with how you identify or the stereotypical gender items (outside of terms like die Mutter, der Vater, der Cousin, die Kusine, etc)? Cause I know that tie, a stereotypical male thing, has a feminine article (die) while skirt, a stereotypical female thing, is masculine (der). I could be totally wrong but I just thought it was interesting.
You are technically correct, but lemme see if I can get my point across with my lack of knowledge when it comes to grammatical terms. I wish I could think of an English example rn to explain the phenomenon.
The problem with "meine Liebe" specifically is that Liebe can have two meanings and you read whatever is more dominant in the context.
You would be correct if Liebe was actually read as love in this. Since in this case the grammatical gender of female describes the noun, not the person. But since it is not generally used as a term of endearment towards an individual in German, it is not read as such. (One of the only ways to describe a person as your love in German is to add very specific contexts like for ex. first or of my life to it, or make it a full sentence with you are in front of it. As an example, if you were to say: "Du bist meine erste Liebe." you are my first love the Gender of the person in question does not matter even tho grammatically the gender used is female.)
The second and more dominant meaning coming across in the way it is used in fics is the....
Nounification of the adjective "Lieb" kind.
And if you make a noun out of an adjective you usually have to add the gender of the person in question. Which in this case is "meine Liebe" for female and "mein Lieber" for male. (Fun fact: someone in the comments of my last post mentioned "Liebes" as a good alternative which is the neuter version of this, but still mostly used in a female context since women and especially girls are oftentimes colloquially referred to as it/its in German cause, well the noun "das Mädchen" the girl is neuter... god this sounds bad, its a bit of a regional thing afaik)
I hope this makes sense? As most native speakers of probably any language I never actually properly learned the systems of German which makes describing stuff like this difficult and a bit unreliable beyond YOO THIS SOUNDS WRONG, MY FRIEND.
It is certainly a quirk of the language I would expect newcomers to struggle with, however it is an incredibly common mistake made in this community (for good reason, I do not know how tf google translate could fix this problem) so I wanted to address it.
(also kudos to those where it is not a mistake and they just want König to talk down to the person in question, go off king)
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existingispetty · 2 years
Hi! Can i request a matchup with a Bsd and Assassination classroom male? Im a female , INTP, capricorn sun and aries moon, capricorn rising, Initially im very quite and serious but when we get to know each well enough i can be talkative playful and energetic. I get excited easily and ive been told that im very gullible and don't doubt anything im told (not street smart). Im very straight forward but when it comes to what im thinking and i get embarrassed easily and tsundere is something i get called a lot too .
I just have a hard time being vulnerable cuz i wanna come off as strong and reliable even tho I am prone to being careless and naive but i love being someone my friends and family can rely on and i try to be a good listener even if i suck at verbalizing things myself. I act tough but secretly want to be taken care of and be spoiled (not that ill ever admit it). Im passionate about my job and hobbies which include drawing or writing.
Likes - Food, music, walks, watching sports, people who are good listeners bc usually im the one who listens most of the time when my friends ralk so its nice be listened to as well.
Dislike- clingy people, indecisiveness, people who are moody or way too emotionally dependent , instability, gray relationships, tardiness.
Thank you 💕
Hello! Thank y oh for the ask! I apologize for the wait! I’ve been both very tired and busy lately. I hope you enjoy.
Your matchup is…
Doppo Kunikida 
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Kunikida can be a little naive when you’re a persuasive person.  Kunikida isn’t the most talkative he is much more of a listener that adds in his own comments every once and a while.  Kunikida isn’t exactly a  tsundere but he gets flustered very easily and he tries to hide it.
We’ve seen the entire agency put their trust in Kunikida because of how reliable he is.   Kunikida is very patient about not only his morals but his hobbies as well. As we all know Kunkida is a big writer. Kunikida is anything but clingy, he’s not cold he just would rather you be independent. Kunikida is only tardy when Dazai hold him back forcibly. 
Tadaomi Karasuma
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Karasuma appears intimidating and has a terrible sense of humor but he’s much softer once you get to know him. Karasuma is brutally honest… he also gets flustered way too easily but he’s decent at containing it. 
Karasuma has learned to hide his emotions for his occupation so you won’t see him emotional very often. Karasuma struggles to communicate his emotions a lot. Karasuma dosent have many hobbies but there hobbies he does have he does them very often.  
Karasuma loves activity being active makes him feel productive. Karasuma isn’t the best at conversations so listening is preferred. Karasuma has never been the type to depend on others. He may seem grumpy 24/7 but he just isn’t very good at displaying how he feels. Tardiness isn’t a word is Karasumas mind. He is always on time. 
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rottingsparrow · 2 years
Part 5!! Re-reading Lore Olympus :) Ep. 41-50
I just finished reading the new episode too so I have things to say about but that can wait for like in two weeks when I get there lmao Last part:
Ep 41
Simple dialogue is nice once and a while
I know they are supposed to be love at first sight but its so awful to see how they act even if i was crushing hard on someone if they acted like that id be weirded out
“Lets go the scenic route” nah she almost died let her breathe
“Who is that woman” shes 19 you referred to her as a kid
Ah yes the barley mother part of the storyline
It so weird to me its like rachel wanted her to be rich bc she loves painting poor people in a poor(heh) light
Why is it raining atm
Ep 42
What a poor way of thinking hades yes you two shouldnt be together but your thought process is unhealthy talk to your therapist
You are so gross hades just dont look at her
Hades really says “sexualise her outfit”
I hate to be that bitch but apollo was right. Not about her needing to change but like in the presence of hades apparently anything is too hot for him
Why does his have a hair comb
“Youre a fertility goddess” ok so thats a whole thing bc later its seen as a myth within the community and everything so what
“This is out of the question” and it shouldve ended there
Ep 43
Also he has the right to turn it down lmao its his company
Hera wont think youre weak
Or maybe she will shes a lil fucked up
“Little goddess, I said no” wow what a normal and healthy power dynamic that isnt questionable at all
Rachel really went all out for unhealthy dynamics, boss and employee, king and citizen, 2000 smth y/o and a 19 y/o. Lets throw in teacher and student why not. Maybe even parent and adopted child
“Im king here” like i said, unhealthy.
“Oh shit i cant make her rich that would make no sense to her problems” dont worry, just make it to where she doesnt use her moms money
Also hades how stupid are you to not see shes hustling you i mean maybe at first but
I do like her wanting to be her own person even tho i think that gets muddled throughout the story
Why is it snowing now wtf
Also shes not gonna die from snow hades wtf
She can go outside on her own
Ep 44
What a weird thing to do introduce an intern
Like wtf let your employees go home
Minthe has a point
Its a very cute scene but then you like remember everything else and its like omg
Like him laughing and her being a lil embarrassed is so fun but tied with everything its a tad weird
Yeah you shouldnt persephone and yall should get boundaries
Persephone why didnt you tell on her genuinely
Dont be rude hades
Persephone has a point, no reason to be super mad
Oh btw heres apollo just incase you forgot he was bad. Did i mention hes bad?
Ep 45
I like this episode while hes contemplating his feelings and then he goes “her ass looks like an upside down heart” and i lose any happiness i had
Like youre 2000 control urself
And im not saying persephone isnt allowed to be sexual or sexualized but the age difference, hes her boss, and also at this point in time she doesnt like it so
Why did you bring the paper from work what
Ep 46
This is one of the prime episodes where minthe gets fleshed out but then rachel says sike later on
Please people can have a day of relaxation where nothing happens
“Neither of us are relationship material” yall definitely let those lines blur
Shes right to be worried
Also hera is so racist to nymphs
“I know im trash already” me in like middle school
No its good to expand on her character
“Thats what everyone expects” is it? I mean how long have you been acting this way yknow
Like i want more context for that line
Idk is hades monogamous
Also zeus does cheat on his wife a lot maybe hades would
He dosent but
“I thought we were supposed to be messed up together” and i think showing a two sided toxic relationship is a great idea but rachel forgets to show hades being bad too most of the time
Also please see a therapist
Ep 47
He has a typewriter old man
“Why do i pay that hack” good point i mean you dont seem to listen to them
I dont get why he gets back with minthe like fear of being alone or what
I like the letter episode though, its nice to hear all of the feelings
Why is she on the roof lol
Ep 48
I love the furies(?)
Hes supposed to be so spooky in this episode hes so lame
Like i agree with them hes a dork
Wow everyone either likes or despises hades/persephone they are such characters
Has anyone heard of a neutral opinion
Minus his employees i guess
Ope he has glasses
Ep 49
I love the random characters getting names its so silly yet fun to me
Hecate please unpop ur collar
Good talk hecate
Does he not care thats the king
In the “salutations” panel hecate loses all meat and becomes very long
Also if these are laws why does no one follow them
Or wait is weekly nark an olympus based newspaper
I always thought he asked “which eye did you take the picture with” but he doesnt so ig im thinking of something else
Also what the fuck just ban him or smth
Ep 50
Yeah artemis maybe it would be easier too if you paid better attention
Shut. the fuck up apollo
Also how is artemis getting taken advantage of here
Love hermes
Hc him as a gay man personally
“There are rules” that literally are never listened too
Also artemis sucks at listening wtf
Like wanting to talk and getting onto someone are two different things
Also like once again, artemis feels likes choosing to be unaware yknow
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aceys · 2 years
Glad your defending people writing and drawing porn of kids and defending/glorifying abuse, pedophilia, incest, rape, zoo/necrophilia and a bunch of other shit
Just cause the little 6 year old in an anime isnt real dosent mean that writing porn of her isnt harmful :) fiction dose infact reality as much as you fucking pro ship creeps try to say it dosent
Most antis dont send death threat to others and infact just dont want people making cp or writing possessive abuse as a good and healthy thing but glad to see you drank their koolaid. Have fun with the litteral pedophiles oh sorry, they perfer the terms pro-ship ficto-map😜😜😜
so the thing here is that you can make it sound as bad as you want. i understand why you find it gross, that’s not an unpopular opinion. i definitely also get weirded out by underage stuff and try to avoid it whenever i see it.
i’ve written some fics before with abusive and dub-con elements in it. i personally don’t find an issue with that. i see it more as a plot element. it’s not glorified and it’s easy to see in the story that it’s presented as like— hey, this is fucked up that the character is doing this. but it’s also a way to expand on characterization. not all characters are morally correct, just like real life people aren’t. not all relationships are healthy, and as a writer, it’s interesting to explore those elements while having the full understanding that it’s wrong in real life. the thing is that it’s a story, and— man, i don’t even know how to phrase this, really. idk. i am trying so hard to be respectful but if you’re expecting all fictional relationships to be 100% healthy i don’t know what to say. fiction exists for a reason.
as for like, zoo/necrophilia, trust me, i think that’s weird too lol. people are into some fucked up stuff! as long as they can contain their interests to fiction that i am 100% free to scroll past and ignore, okay. i mean, whatever. weird, but you do you. through fiction, lol.
i think part of the issue here is assuming that all media with harmful elements immediately glorifies said elements, which i don’t think is really the case (other than incest, which i will admit tends to be in a lot of media like porn, which i personally never watch bc it grosses me out lol). but a lot of the stuff i come across clearly presents it as like, hey, this is fucked up, but it’s being written into the story to show how fucked up these characters are, or the author is working through personal trauma and that’s a way for them to vent. i will admit tho! there is definitely stuff out there that glorifies it. i don’t agree with that, but i also hope that people have the sense to understand that fictional glorification doesn’t translate to real life… unfortunately i understand that not everyone does. i wish they would tho 😅
i will admit i am mostly focusing on written fiction when i say all this, mainly bc i don’t tend to look at a lot of art (probably my own weird hangups around sexual stuff, idk, i don’t wanna see it but i can read abt it). but from what i know, most of that art is very stylized, to the point that like… i mean, real people don’t look like anime characters, yknow? i know for a fact that drawing porn of real life kids is illegal, and on that i 100% agree that it’s fucked up, but anime style art doesn’t have that same basis in reality, if that makes sense. altho take this paragraph with a grain of salt, i fully admit i don’t have a solid opinion on “”problematic”” art.
anyway, i know this was a long response, i just wanted to sort out my thoughts and address all the points you brought up. let me know if you’re interested in having a genuine conversation about this! as long as it’s respectful, i would love to hear your insights. (i hope that doesn’t come off as sarcastic, bc i really am being honest.)
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lavandar-castle · 1 year
I’m supposed to be asleep but I saw your post and couldn’t sleep and yeah adhd or smth
anyways mine
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And jins
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Was going to do the doctor from tougen anki but couldn’t remember his name neither his age so
…which one 😭😭 bc there’s two the hot one or the one that’ll give u a diy abortion- and Jin being a Virgo and having a little brother Virgo-
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We’ll focus on the big 6 since there isn’t much info excluding ur rising
- well state the obvious: fire and earth u will be his wildfire: what goes well is bc u practically bring him out of his earth feeling. Fire beinf spontaneous and passionate will bring out earth feeling. Even though they may not express is as strong as u their feelings are strong. Your the one who drags him to a extreme roller coaster and lowkey lowkey he had fun even tho he roll his eyes at u 🙄 you are his gremlin but also ur level of confidence may humor him or make him eye roll a bit
- oh ur an Aquarius moon too- oh he’s a Pisces moon. This is an interesting combo: it goes smoothly as unexpected: Virgo sun will make emotions to logic and u basically do that for ur entire life. The thing is HE may dismiss his feelinf in like a “oh that dosent make sense 🙄” he feels a lot but he tries his hardest to make it logical
- but the thing is Pisces moon may strongly feel things and ppl will say “it will stray their paths” yk his backstory?? Yeah the moment he walk and by the end of that chapter that’s what ppl mean- he may close himself off bc Virgo but that’s not rlly healthy as he may hold a sense of bitterness and resentment bc he holds that feeling so strongly
- with both of ur moons signs. This is what I consider a mid combo: earth and air tend be the eh combo bc u get along but at the same time u don’t it’s eh. He may understand what ur feeling emotionally bc his moon lets him feel ppl aorunf him. But he may just 🙄 bc ur sun sign may make it come off a bit too strong- like a wildfire. You may actually understand him through his sun sign. Most earth placements I find look for comfort through logics and solutions. To them that is comfort bc earth signs rlly good at basically being structural or grounded
- u libra Mercury: flirty/j ur just good at being social but ur not a big pushover: I said beifre libra a pretty quiet about their opinions but with ur leo: ur pretty fucking loud abojt it online or in person sometimes. Jin Mercury or communication he may be someone who rlly focuses on the details and speak in grounded format like a professional email. Earth signs speak in business emails- he’s also rlly rlly clever and quick witted remember the mountain training with him and ikari?? That’s his Virgo Mercury speaking.
- I wanna say ur a bit of a romantic with ur libra rising: it just may come off as rough- it’s like when ppl say “my love language is biting” romantic but rough and hot due to ur leo. Jin Scorpio Venus- ohh he’s quite passionate but it’s more quiet about it lol. But he’s not mysterious about it 💀💀
- you may provide fun love. You give him love where it’s a bit romantic but it’s not meant to be like very very serious. Serious relationship don’t have to be very serious if thag make sense. You willing to make things work as ur love is light and not heavy if that makes sense. Jin though is definitely heavy. His Scorpio Venus may make his protectiveness come off as possessive if not giving better context. He more weary and more careful of things as he has his guard up. I like to think it’s a tsundere bf thing going on. He does thing out of love but he turn away of u point it out.
- both are Taurus mars. Protective, possesive, and you both always have the need for stability. Ur both steady ur both not gonna start smt well it may start off as 🙄😒 then quickly escalate to smt much worse.
- I wanna say ur Similar to Shiki as leo are sister signs to Aquarius but it more fire feeling. U burn things and come off much meaner then u intende to.
Challenge wise both ur charts will have a lot of challenges but overall it’s still similar in an odd way.
- sun sign wise. He may be annoyed a but you tend to be YOLO with thing and go “FUCK THE COPS” and u may be annoyed bc “he’s no fun” u thrive off high energy and he thrives off steady energy
- moon signs wise even though u may respond to his emotions rationally though he may not express it he may take it personal at times and you may respond like “🤨🤨🤨” and smts he express his frustration and u feel it may bs restraining.
- he can be expressive but you may feel that it’s always meat with an eye roll 🙄 making u feel annoyed bc his mood is off in a way
- Mercury wise u may smt be very free with it and social and floaty which may annoy his Virgo Mercury as it’s more towards grounded communication and details but bc both placements value practically it may not be a big issue from time to time.
- Venus wise. Smt his protectiveness comes off as possesive or restraining to u bc he’s always weary of ppl and may tell u not to trust ppl too much and ur Venus is very social. He may feel your too social or smt ur too free with yourself. One person tends to be more light and hehe and the other is very dead serious and heavy.
- mars sign wise: ur both the same placement literally the same sign so when it comes to ur impulse ur both are connected I will say tho. U with ur tarus mars + libra Venus: even though u are free with ur love u may be a bit not possessive but think of guard dog. U find or try to find balance in being very light with ur love but also not trying to be too air like with it
- Jin mars Taurus and Scorpio Venus. Both sister signs. He may value stability through his protective nature he’s already a garge dog too.
You know that panel where Shiki looks for Jin and he bothers jin a bit until Jin almost slice his head- like that bwgeen u two but u may annoy him a bit more bc u think it’s lowkey funny bc u want a reaction plus u thrive off being in a group more.
Jin: your fuxking annoying
You: I know that just means u want a big fat kiss-
Jin: **virgo screech*
Jin: WTF-
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vampvom1t · 3 years
everyone talks about buffynatural but charmednatural is so underrated
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bots-and-cons · 3 years
Could you please do a hc or scenario of a reader who is kinda clumsy and bumps into things a lot and apologizes to them even tho she knows they aren’t alive. And Bee, Optimus, and Smokescreen (separate) see this and try to explain to her that the objects don’t have feelings and she explains to them that she knows but it just makes her feel better to apologize to them. Could you also make the relationships platonic, like the reader is their charge and friend. Sorry if it dosent make sense. I love your writing btw thank you
It makes sense, don't worry, and thank you very much 💜
•He doesn’t really pay attention to the apologizing part at first to be honest
•Like he does notice that you do it, but he just kinda doesn’t pay attention to it
•The clumsy part is what he worries about, because he has saved you multiple times from falling down the stairs
•But when you’ve been at the base for a while he does kinda find it odd that you apologize to the the couch and things you bump into
•He asks you about it, saying that it’s not really necessary to apologize to non-living things
•Of course if you want to, you go for it since it’s not bothering anyone and if it makes you feel better, he doesn’t mind
•Your habit kinda played into how you met Bee in the first place, because you bumped into his front and almost fell down, and when you apologized, he just without thinking buzzed back at you
•You were like “okay?” in your head, thinking it was just some fluke with the theft alarm
•When you’ve come to the base for a few weeks and he notices you apologize really often to inanimate things
•Bee doesn’t really mention it, but your habit kinda sticks to him too, because he starts doing it too
~Optimus Prime~
•He asks you about it pretty quickly, but doesn’t explain to you that they’re not alive, because he knows you know already
•It’s just something you do and he has no problem with that
•He is just a little worried about the fact that you’re a bit clumsy, because he would rather not have you fall down the stairs and get hurt
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fanficmemes · 3 years
Okay, I read this fics some time ago and I can't find it again so we have to go by what I remeber and what I remeber is a very specific scene in the first chapter.
TW: rape, like a lot of it, and bad, you have been advised.
In this one Loki is a slave (what a surprise) to Thor (again, originality really flow in the fandom hu?) and have been for some years now. The chapter made it very clear that Loki is thought as nothing more than an object, definitly not a human able to decide for himself, and show a pretty heavy pattern of abuse and neglect from Thor. Also, slavery is legal for criminal because criminals aren't considered human because humans have morals and would never commit a crime, this line of thought also mean that the children of criminal must not be human too, after all how could a non-human birth a human? In Loki case he is the son of a murdered and as such he is a slave because he isn't human and cannot be trusted to be a functional member of society, but need someone to look over him, a owner, that should tecnically take care of him. Spoiler: Thor dosent take care of him, such a plot twist, who would have guessed?
But enough prologue, let's come to the cursed part! Thor's friend come to visit him one night and that spell only one thing in Loki's book: bad, because if when they are alone Thor is neglectful and only sometimes physically abusive, when his friends join him he becomes extremely physical. There is then a little flashback about that time that one of Thor's friend was bored so decided to stuck a bottle of beer (full, uncapped and with the opening inside Loki) up Loki's ass and then tie him up and shove him in a closet; Thor then forgot of him and left him there for like an entire day? Maybe more? I don't remember. But that is the past! In the present Loki decide that if he is good enough Thor and his friends would forget he even exist and he will pass the night alright, that doesn't happen. Somehow Loki fuck up and so they decide to have some fun with him. Thor order him in the bedroom on the bed and they decide that they wil fuck him all togheter because nobody wants to wait, but how? Well, they are 5 (Thor, 3 other men + 1 woman) and Loki only have a single ass. At this point the female friends (that turns out is also a sadistic dom that find pleasures in others pain) have an idea so they do it.
One of the men lay down on the bed and Loki is forced to impale himself on his cock in reverse cowgirl position, then he is pushed down on his back until he is laying on the man at which point another one penetrate him (double penetration yay!) and the whole process is explain in gratuitous details paired with a very long internal monologue from Loki about how much it hurts and he can't take it but he also can't stop it or refuse because then the punishment will be worst (I don't remeber what the punishment was tho). Once phase 1 is done and the two men are inside, the woman sit herself on Loki's face facing the two men, after that Thor and the remaining friend position themself on their keens on the bed at Loki's sides because Loki is suppose to masturbate them (let's not forget that he have two hands after all!).
At this point there is a long scene, like very long, extremely long and also very detailed about how Loki is fucked by two men in his ass while the woman keep tugging at his hair while he eat her out and simultaneously he must masturbate Thor and the other friend. Is... someting, definitly a read for sure. Loki obviusly often elapse because is just too much to do at the same time while he is in excruciating pain and so the other beat him to bring him back and continue making it impossible for him to even disassociate or pass out, he is forced to stay coherent and present for the whole ordeal. There are also nipples clamp involved. At some point the woman start sucking Loki of while he's still eating her, but his cock is closed in a cock cage so it obviusly hurt a lot and is also explain how much it hurts for several lines, also she start plaing with a sound, the fic say that she was "fucking him in the most intimate and literal sense a woman could while his ass was still full" or something like that. Is obvious Loki doesn't enjoy a single bit of it.
Anyway, in the end they all come (expect Loki of course) and they trow him at the foot of the bed. I don't remeber what happen after. The fic was quite long and a lot more cursed stuff happens after, maybe if I find it again I will share, but yeah, that's it for now.
Hope you didn't enjoyed it CB, just as much as me!
-Loki Anon
Wow!!! You keep on finding worse shit!!! 7.5/10
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thekaijudude · 1 year
After the blazar trademarks dropped I've been thinking a lot about blazar lol and wanted to know your thoughts:
1) with the henshin item supposedly being the blazar stone and brace, what do you think it'll be like? It's quite impossible to guess at this stage, but how do you think they should do it to be different than Taiga?
2) is the huge number of new kaiju indicative of anything? Also on that note, do any of the names of the new kaiju hint at new versions of notable new gen kaiju? (Kinda like golba?)
3) was the new gen agul ever officially trademarked at any point? I'm starting to think it may have been false
4) it seems like while blazar might be a celebration of new gen, it doesn't stick too closely to it? I guess this is more of a hope more than anything
1) I honestly have no idea because to be frank, that's what I was originally expecting before the teaser came out and since its meant to commemorate the New Gen's 10th Anniversary. And aside from being outright fusion, the easiest way to commemorate it is with something like Taiga's gimmick. Cause at the end of the day, they still have to be able to produce merch to sell.
But since we've seen the teaser, we now know that this series would seem to be taking on a darker and mature tone, so to be frank, I don't even know if there'll be such gimmicks at all since the tone and the direction was totally out of left field ever since Nexus.
They even touched on some mature topics like ShinU, like the distrust of Ultraman amongst the humans, which I hope would be a running theme cause it'll make the storyline far more interesting, especially since that it was also established in that same teaser that Blazar was already very active as an individual for decades prior to the series. I can just see the interesting implications and the very exciting number of ways they could go with just these 2 plot settings alone.
But if I were to still assume that there'll be (albeit most likely anyways) the top of my head, the stones gimmick could perhaps be like the infinity stones and gauntlet since he also has the Blazar Brace, and each stone sort of contains the power of each New Gen Ultra. But in order to make it "somewhat" unique from Taiga's gimmick, I guess Blazar can launch a specific attack or gain specific abilities once a specific combination of New Gen stones are used in conjunction with each other, equipped on the Brace? Similar to the Z Riser in that sense tho.
Tho in general, the gimmicks probably won't be ridiculous, such that it'll ruin the immersion of the mature tone of the series
2) It does seem that TsuPro intends to go in a "new direction" based on the drastic shift in tone. Especially since Decker was the 10th New Gen series, so it's rather understandable and appropriate that they'll choose to do so with Blazar as the 11th New Gen Series. Perhaps they might even stick with it until the proposed end of the New Gen Era which is slated to be in 2028 iirc.
Tho one thing to point out that i forgot to mention when i posted the trademark list is that some leakers specifically pointed out that Reinas and Levira are either Ultras or the main Villains, no clarity on that but the fact that these 2 were singled out is very curious.
3) Ye it's fake at this point, tho no news of a secondary Ultra either as of now. But I won't be surprised if there'll be either showing up mid way through the series or in his movie since Agul and Victory is a thing.
4) Ye essentially as what I discussed in 1), it seems to largely be a standalone series and having too many "forced" references or following the tone of the prior New Gen would definitely ruin the dark immersion experience.
But then again, this is Taguchi we're talking about here, and he's been improving by leaps and bounds ever since X, Orb and Z. So while I won't be surprised that there'll definitely at least be some New Gen reference (or as said, New Gen stones), but as long as the writing and plot settings for these aspects dosent ruin the immersion, I don't think anyone would really complain either
Thanks for the question!
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