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unowakot · 2 years
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x x x x 💜 x x x x
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hortensius2337 · 1 year
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annpositivitylife · 2 years
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Tapeta która odzwierciedla moją osobowość xD
Moja robota, zdjęcia z tumblera
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lenapaskova · 1 year
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roseorchard · 8 months
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katepluwu · 1 year
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martasuwinskapove · 1 year
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Co to był za weekend 💜🔥 Zjazd instruktorów pove academy to dla mnie miesiące przygotowań, nieprzespanych nocy, stresu aby moc hucznie z całym teamem przywitać nowe instruktorki, świętować 2 urodziny pove oraz celebrować sukcesy instruktorów 💜🔥 Podsumowanie instruktorów roku 2022, to wyróżnienie za swoją ciężka pracę w ilość szkoleń w kategorii stylizacji brwi i rzęs. Grand Prix Instruktor roku to wiele składowych jak ilość kursantów, sprzedaż, edukacje w social media oraz wykonanie stylizacji na dany temat kilka miesięcy przed galą. Dziewczyny gratuluje, tak miło się patrzy na Wasze sukcesy w fioletowych barwach 💜 INSTRUKTOR ROKU 2022 Kat. Stylizacja brwi -> @igg_makeupbeauty TORUŃ Kat. Stylizacja rzęs -> @jbstudio_academy PŁOCK GRAND PRIX ROKU 2022 @aleksandrapanta.pove WROCŁAW/ OŁAWA A z nami na zdjęciu goście specjalni gali moja przyjaciółka makijażystka gwiazd, ekspert telewizji śniadaniowej ptś oraz współprowadząca program „piękno zgłoś się” . Cieszę się , ze na mojej drodze spotykam kobiety , które maja pasje, a taka jest właśnie @ignatowicz_kamila uczestniczka @voiceofpoland jej głos jest tak piękny i elegancki, kibicuje Ci i wiem, ze jeszcze świat o Tobie usłyszy 💜💜💜 —————————————— Każda z nich miała marzenia, cele i jest w miejscu z którego jest zapewne cholernie dumna, a Ty w kolejnym roku ? - zostanę instruktorem ? - wezmę udział w mistrzostwach ? - a moze wyjade w podróż marzen ? Pamiętaj nie czekaj i nie daj się nikomu zatrzymać 💜 —————————————— OBSERWUJ -> @martasuwinska.pove UCZ SIĘ -> @martasuwinska.pove POZNAJMY SIĘ -> @martasuwinska.pove —————————————— #instruktorroku #grandprix #sukces #rzesy #brwi #szkoleniarzesy #szkoleniabrwi #tytulroku #kobietasukcesu #fioletowy #fioletowasukienka #fioletowelove #pove #povelashes #povebrows #poverzesy #povebrwi #poveinstruktor #patrycjabroniek #kamilaignatowicz #martasuwinska #fioletowomi #branzabeauty #koszalin #warszawa #krakow #torun #plock #makijaz #povelove (w: Poland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmH4hTqrANk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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margaretiflorist · 2 years
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nightmoon07 · 2 years
Violetowe kwiaty dzwonki okrogłolisne
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fffiolettt · 2 years
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sigarets after sex
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kronika-ilustrowana · 2 years
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Поля, сады, обочины, пустыри. Люцерна посевная. Воловик лекарственный. Горошек мышиный. Паслен сладко-горький.
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unowakot · 1 year
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x x x x x x x x x
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byfika · 2 years
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Jeszcze jedno UFO wyladowalo na Helu💜 Pierścionek z ametystem i agatem smoczym 💜💚💜 Tymczasem ja już wylądowałam w Krakowie i niestety proces aklimatyzacji przebiega opornie 😐 . #agat #agatsmoczy #dlasiebie #dlaniej #fioletowy #zielony #niebieski #niebieskikamień #szmaragd #UFO #chwalipost #sprzedam #postsprzedażowy #biżuteriaartystyczna #biżuteria #pierscionek #pierścionek #pierscionki #chwalesię #bizuteriadlakobiet #mockamieni #magiakamieni #biżuteriaartystyczna #sprzedambiżuterię #srebrnabiżuteria #innabiżuteria #biżuteriaautorska #biżuterianazamówienie https://www.instagram.com/p/ChjneVnIEjG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sapphireginger · 7 months
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At Our Ex-Spence: Chapter #29
After a couple more minutes, Stuart asks another question. “So, when I found out you got married, there was a reason you didn’t tell me, wasn’t there?” Stiles nods and averts his gaze but says nothing.  “It has to do with this supernatural stuff, doesn’t it?” The older twin nods again, but still, he says nothing.
AO3 Link
As Stiles’s words finish and silence claims them, Stuart feels a hurricane of emotions thrashing around inside him, each trying to be the overpowering one. He blinks and feels wetness on his cheeks, not realizing he had been crying. When more tears begin to fall, he doesn't fight them. It feels good to let it all out.
Stuart watches his brother’s hands shake until Stiles buries them in Lili’s fur. The older twin doesn’t say anything and the younger twin is grateful for that. He doesn't even know where to begin.
A full fifteen or twenty minutes—for the twins—later, Stuart finally voices his first question. “Why did Spencer and our Aunt keep this from me?”
Stiles looks up from his lap and tilts his head. “I’m not sure. I think they believed your spark wasn’t ignited. I knew it was but just as they said to keep this from you…” he trails off and shrugs one shoulder. “I kept that knowledge from them. I’m your brother. I’m your twin. I’m a spark. There is no one better to look after you than me.”
“Oh,” Stuart says softly and almost smiles. “Thank you.”
“No worries,” Stiles says just as softly.
After a couple more minutes, Stuart asks another question. “So, when I found out you got married, there was a reason you didn’t tell me, wasn’t there?”
Stiles nods and averts his gaze but says nothing. 
“It has to do with this supernatural stuff, doesn’t it?”
The older twin nods again, but still, he says nothing.
Stuart reaches for Stiles’s hand and laces their fingers together. He lets out a breath he doesn't know he was holding when Stiles gives his hand a squeeze in response. “Allison and Spencer were right.”
Stiles quirks a brow in question. “About what?” he whispers.
“That I reacted too harshly. If you didn’t tell me, I should have realized there was a reason for you to keep it from me. Something that maybe isn’t just on your side but instead of stopping, taking a moment to think it through, I reacted in anger and hurt. It wasn’t fair to you and I’m sorry Stiles. I am so fucking sorry.” 
“It’s okay, Stu. You were—”
“No. Don’t. Please. I was in the wrong. You would have told me eventually. I know you would’ve, but I should have listened. I shouldn’t have doubted you. You have never given me a reason not to trust you. Then look how I repay that trust at the first sign of it being tested.”
Stiles swallows thickly and squeezes Stuart’s hand. “I was so hurt. I was so upset. Just the thought of losing you–”
Stuart shakes his head and moves closer, careful not to jostle the kits. “You haven’t lost me, and you never will. Forever I so swear this,” he says, his amber eyes shifting to brightly glowing turquoise as the promise is imparted from pink lips. 
Identical amber eyes shift to brightly glowing amethyst and pink lips part as Stiles replies, “Unto you the same. Forever I so swear this.”
Their eyes flash even brighter before fading back to amber once more. Stuart shudders, Stiles’s body mirroring the action. “I thought I would have so many questions and I’m sure I will have time later to ask them. However, right now the only question and answer that matters to me is…Can you please forgive me?”
Stiles smiles and nods. “I already have.”
“Wait really?”
“Really,” Stiles says and tilts his head.
Stuart smiles at his brother and sighs a stray tear falling. “I miss her.”
“I know. It’s okay to miss her. It’s okay to hurt, Stu. It’s okay to cry but do not let the past keep you from living.”
“It’s so hard, Stiles. It still hurts so much. She should be here.”
Stiles uses his free hand to cup his twin’s cheek, turning his face to direct his gaze. “We cannot change the past. It will never fade from our lives completely and neither will the pain. It is something that irrevocably changed your life.” He quirks a brow. “In the clearing you remembered the truth of what happened that day. Did she say anything to you, at the end?”
Stuart nods, his eyes red rimmed as more tears fall. “She told me it wasn’t my fault. She told me she loved me.”
“In your darkest moment with her, as her light was dimming, she made sure you knew that you had no fault in what happened, and she made sure you knew she didn’t hate you. She knew it was an accident, but she knew you well enough to know you’d blame yourself. The guilt you’ve placed on yourself has caused you so much pain.”
Stuart nods in agreement. “Yeah. She did. I miss her so much. She was so selfless I—” He clears his throat, trying to swallow around the lump of emotion lodged in the pale column. “I never thought about it that way. I knew she was in pain, but she didn’t care. I could tell by the look in her eyes that she needed me to understand her words and the weight they held. How could I forget that?” he asks, rubbing at his chest as he meets his twin’s gaze. “How?”
Stiles swallows around his own lump of emotion. “When we lose someone that we love or face the darkness head on, it is almost impossible to parse out every single moment in the midst of it. I think that your spark ignited, and she died and nothing else mattered. By the time you could let something else matter to you, the traumatic experience was buried in your mind. You believed yourself at fault and accepted it as the truth. There was no need to look back at it. But your spark—”
“My spark knew,” Stuart says. “So, I faced her shadow and then…” he trails off and touches his forehead gently. “Was it really her?”
Stiles nods. “Her light and warmth caressed you. Her love and pride touched you. You did it, Stu.”
Stuart lets his eyes close, feeling exhausted. “I wish I hadn’t had to live through all of that. It’s like it’ll never stop hurting. Time doesn’t fucking help heal the wounds.”
Stiles sighs and nods. “Well, it has been said, 'time heals all wounds.' I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens, but it is never gone. "
The younger twin tears up a bit. “Who said that, or did you come up with it?” he whispers. 
“It’s a quote by Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy. She was President Kennedy’s mother.”
Stuart clears his throat and scrubs at his face with a heavy weighted sigh. “Well, she’s right. I mean since the clearing, I feel like the pain has dimmed and dulled, but it’s definitely not gone. 
Stiles smiles slightly. “Gone but not forgotten. It’s a journey and you’ve already traveled so far, Stu.”
“I’m glad because I met Ally. I met you. I got to talk to dad. As hard as it’s been, I’m still standing.”
“Hale yeah you are!” Stiles exclaims. “That’s a good song too. Especially when Taron Egerton sings it.”
Their smiles soften as their laughter settles once more. “It’s okay to hurt," Stiles say softly. "Hurt and pain are a part of life. Life wouldn’t truly be living if we didn't experience pain to balance the pleasure.”
Stuart huffs out a laugh and snorts. “This is true and then again, both at once is pretty fucking fantastic.”
Stiles blushes and mock glares at his twin. “You’re so weird.” He may or may not be thinking about how the pain of Peter’s claws digging into his hips when the wolf fucks him, heightens his pleasure to impossible heights. It’s like he transcends, and he bites his lip at the warmth now pooling in his gut. 
Stuart quirks a brow and runs his fingers through Fio’s fur. “So…” he trails off. “In summation, the past sucks and hurts like a bitch.”
A warm and pleasant shock snakes from Stiles’s hand to Stuart’s hand as the older twin grabs it. 
Stuart snaps his eyes open. 
Stiles is giving him a mischievous and affectionate smile. “Yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it.” His voice is soft, his words sagely said, and a soft quirking of his lips become a fond, teasing smile. 
Stuart grins and chuckles softly. “First you want to be Regina and now you’re Rafiki.”
“I am a badass bitch and a monkey’s uncle. Deal with it, dude. You can’t handle this wisdom and slaying I have going on.”
The twins barely manage to keep a straight face before bursting into laughter. With every laugh, the sky clears, and the stars shine brighter. They laugh so hard, they cry and with every tear they shed, the weight of the world slips from their shoulders. 
✶ 🔎 ❤︎ 🔍 ✶
By the time they settle once more it’s late in the evening. They should probably head back but since they’re not quite yet ready to leave, they spend time talking more about their magic. 
Stuart has an affinity for Telekinesis, Weather Manipulation, and Chlorokinesis, while Stiles has an affinity for Omnilingualism, Telepathy and  Zoolingualism. They can both do all of those things, but each can do certain ones better than the other.
Both of them sport four black tendrils, four kitsune shadow tails, as an ode to their foxes. Outside of their homes and in places like the cabin, their fox familiars will slip into their skin and settle as tattoos. They both experience traits of empaths and realize it’s why they have been so in tune with their SOs and each other. 
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ayanos-pl · 6 months
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tuna, onion, eggplant & purple sweet potato spaghetti
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