#He considers Crocodile very much male
panrao · 4 months
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Spoilers, it's dysphoria
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zombie-eats-world · 6 months
Crocodad Theory: The not-so-Crack-pot Theory.
Making this post in order to replace my old Crocodad thesis since I think I can do better now. Plus I was still using the old theory name then and I dislike seeing it pinned on my tumblr now. You can find that older post HERE if you desire to!
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Crocodad theory, chances are you have heard about this theory if you are even slightly invested in the One Piece fandom. But despite its infamy, and outside its stanch believers like myself, it's mostly considered a crack theory and used for a laugh.
Now let's be clear, Crocodad theory is not a crack theory. A crack or crack-pot theory is more of a headcanon built on vibes, it's a fun idea made up out of thin air and isn't really serious. If the Crocodad theory was a crack theory it would have evaporated into the nether by now. It's over a decade old, after all, and yet it persists to this day! That is because the Crocodad theory has real evidence from the canon, the One Piece offshoots, and maybe even Oda himself.
If you weren't aware of the Crocodad theory, sometimes lovingly called Dadodile, let me summarize it very succinctly. The theory is that Crocodile is a transgender man and gave birth to Luffy. Crocodile is Luffy's other father and his birthing parent. If you think that sounds ridiculous or even hilarious, let me walk you through it because I assure you- that is intentional.
Let us begin where the theory began... Impel Down.
The possibility for this theory was born in 2009 with these panels:
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The simple fact that Ivankov exists and that he knows Crocodile, from "when he was just starting out" mind you, makes this not only possible but probable.
What other "secret" could Ivakov be speaking of here? It's definitely not his weakness to water, that would just be bad storytelling. It could be that Crocodile is the child of Rocks which is possible considering we now know Ivankov was at the Gods Valley incident. But if I could speak as a writer for a moment, it would really be a waste for an author to introduce a character that can change genders and then bring back one of the first big villains like Crocodile, AND THEN connect the two with the mention of weakness but not make that secret that Crocodile had once been a woman. Or even at least a part of the reason.
But if that reasoning falls through for you, here is some in-canon evidence for the idea that Crocodile is transgender:
First of all, the agents' code names are so gendered: Every single digit agent is Mr with a Mrs, or Ms partner.
Crocodile’s name. His moniker is different from almost every other powerful pirate the story introduces to us. He isn’t just Desert King Crocodile, he is Desert King Sir Crocodile. Again it is oddly pronoun-centered. As if he is trying to remind people that he’s a guy.
The introduction of Bon Clay. Bon Clay is our first canon queer character in One Piece. He makes mention of being a girl many times and feels like a joke character when we first meet him. But as we know in One Piece, a pirate crew is a reflection of the Captain. Crocodile isn’t prejudiced to queer people like Bon Clay alludes to others being a few times. Crocodile even allowed Bon Clay to be both the male and female of his team!
Next up was the reveal of Baby Crocodile and how it’s deliberating ambiguous what gender Crocodile is. In every other Warlord's childhood look reveal, their gender is obvious, so why was Crocodile left out of that?
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Then of course we have Gold Roger's execution, and how almost everyone got a reaction panel. But not Crocodile. No, we only see the back of his head. Oda has shown that he loves to get every single character's reaction to major events, sometimes to a fault. So why is he trying so hard to hide Crocodile from us? It just isn’t Oda’s style to leave someone out unless there is some kind of secret he wants to build up too. Now be sure to keep this in mind for later.
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Last but certainly not least is just how much of an absolute troll Oda is. This will not be the last time I bring this up, Oda is a HUGE troll. He loves to play to his favorite fan theories and he decides most everything on how funny it is. And wouldn't it be funny if the first antagonist in the Grandline was secretly the birth parent of Luffy?
I mean just look at this! Oda, you absolute troll.
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Bottom line: Trans Crocodile is more likely than not.
But this is where a lot of people decide the rest of this theory is crack, they take Trans!Crocodile and leave Crocodad out for reasons I honestly can't understand. Despite that, Cracodad has just as much if not more evidence than the Transgender part of this theory.
Before I begin I would like everyone reading to keep a few things in mind. All throughout the Impel down arc and the journey to Marineford, and even the first few chapters into Marineford, Crocodile could not have given a shit about Luffy, Ace, or the war at all. He did not care who won the war or if everyone involved died. He came to the battlefield for the sole purpose of killing Whitebeard. PERIOD. He was never once shown reacting with any concern when Luffy began facing down anyone strong. Not even Magellan. Crocodile had been around Luffy, seeing him do inspiring things for a massive amount of chapters by the time we get to Marineford, and yet Crocodile literally didn't care if Luffy lived or died, he just wanted to fight Whitebeard.
With that clear let's move on to what happened after Luffy's father was revealed to the world in Marineford. This moment is where the most obvious evidence first came about:
When Sengoku announces Luffy's father to the world we get many reaction shots, but once again Crocodile is conveniently missing from the lineup. He even disappears for a whole chapter! The young man who took down his decade-long plan to take over Alabasta just got announced to be the most wanted man in the world son, and we get no reaction from Crocodile... its suspicious.
Crocodile stopped Ace’s execution: Now Crocodile explains this by saying he ‘didn’t want to let Sengoku have the pleasure of victory’ but seriously? What kind of petty ass BS reasoning is that?! Crocodile has dreams and ambitions, and yet he gives up trying to be the one to take down Whitebeard to randomly save someone he canonly mocks in Impel Down? Someone he doesn’t care about. Some people will tell you it’s because Luffy inspired him like Luffy does many others, but what exactly is Luffy doing in Marineford that he didn’t in Impel Down or even Alabasta? Nothing. That means Crocodile has an entire about-face for no believable reason while completely off-screen. Which we've already said isn't Oda's style.
Daz and Crocodile face Mihawk to help Luffy: When Daz blocks Mihawk’s strike, Luffy questions it. Daz answers: It’s an order from above! That means Crocodile ordered Daz to specifically protect Luffy. Again, why? What reason did he have to do that? If this was some latent Crocodile has been inspired™️ moment, why wouldn’t Oda show it? Oda loves to hype up those moments, and loves to detail it all to the smallest piece. But Crocodile just randomly decided to have his main man Daz look out for this person that he COULDN’T HAVE GIVEN A CRAP ABOUT JUST TEN EPISODES BEFORE does not fit within the story. Then, right after Daz blocks Mihawk, Crocodile appears out of the woodwork to block another attack.
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When Mihawk questions why he’d protect Luffy, Crocodile’s only response is “I’m not in the best mood now, Mihawk, you better watch yourself.” It’s interesting that he has no reason, none, he just comments that he’s in a shit mood. Maybe because he just found out he once stabbed his own child in the gut and left him to die?!
Crocodile vs Akainu: The brother killing Lava Man™️ is probably the most dangerous person in the war. He has no mercy, no morals, no restraint. So the fact that as Luffy is lying comatose and weak, with Jimbe slumped over him, Akainu about to deliver the final blow, Crocodile coming out of nowhere once again is so telling.
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The fact is: Crocodile went above and beyond to save Luffy. That final stand against Akainu is so powerful. Crocodile doesn’t just save Luffy, he rushes to Luffy's aid, slicing through Akainu and reassembles to stand protectively between them. He did not need to do this at all. Oda didn’t need to have him do this either!
There were plenty of other characters that could have essentially done the same exact thing, but Oda chose to have Crocodile, someone who shouldn’t have been on Luffy’s side at all, save his life in the final moment.
Lastly, without a word, Crocodile uses Sables to get Luffy to Law’s ship. He risked his life, faced down the one person who could kill him without a second thought, and sweeps Luffy away to safety without any stated reason at all. In fact, everything he says is deliberately vague. Crocodile doesn’t believe in loyalty, he dumps people if they are weak (see; Alabasta Crocodile vs Luffy desert fight) so his line of “you gotta protect the one you wanna protect! Don’t let them have their way!” Feels so out of character. Crocodile has to have a reason for this odd behavior. And no, it doesn’t end there! In the defense of Luffy, Crocodile has an awesome and powerful moment where he stands in unity with all the Whitebeard commanders. HIS ENEMIES. Crocodile stands in unity with the people, he himself stated he hated more than anything, for Luffy!
These are the moments that alerted people to what would soon be called the Crocomom theory, now called Crocodad. But just because it began there doesn't mean there wasn't foreshadowing from before Marineford.
Let's go over all of that now:
First to talk about is once again Crocodile's crew. Miss Father's Day debuted in episode 124 of the anime and chapter 205 of the manga. She has a green amphibian theme to her, which is interesting because she is a woman with the moniker Father's Day while also having a theme of an animal that is famous for being able to change its gender. Her debut episode even has her introduced along with the reveal that Luffy's using his blood to fight Crocodile.
The next point is something Oda has never explained. Crocodile has strange relationships with children. From hiring a sixteen-year-old Miss Goldenweek, leaving her out of the Mr. 3 assassination order, and her history of actually sinking Crocodile's ships before getting hired, all the way to how Crocodile lectured Luffy in their fight. It just had the cadence of a parent. Not even Luffy's parent, just a parent. He lectures like someone who has experience with children.
Next, Luffy does not look like Dragon. That is a direct quote from Luffy in the manga. But you know who he does look like?
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That's right! Luffy looks a lot like Crocodile. If you need more convincing on this, there is a great post by Dashevacotton that puts together many of the best canon pictures of Luffy dressed up like Crocodile. That post is here!
Crocodile and Luffy are incredibly similar. Not just in looks, but in personality, and in their general life.
These two have so much in common. From having a way with animals, to the amount of unadulterated loyalty they've inspired in their crews, all the way to the cadence of their speech.
Crocodile and Luffy even have a similarly goofy reaction to seeing the underground passage to the Alabasta Poneglyph.
Episode 123, episode time 13:16 Crocodile spots the entrance and laughs, "Ha, now I see secret stairs." Also in episode 123, episode time 20:47 Luffy looks around and spots the secret stairs. "That hole... it looks gator-ish."
Even what we know of Crocodile's backstory is that he had a rapid rise to fame just like Luffy by being a rookie who came in and beat down non-canon characters like Douglas Bullet to the shock of the world.
Next, let's bring up an earlier point: Oda-sensei is a mega troll.
This isn't exactly new information, Oda once deflected to bringing up a dick fight instead of answering if Zoro or Sanji was stronger. He is a Troll. He loves wordplay, and he likes to hint hint nudge nudge us all day long. Just look at Oda having Sanji call himself a prince in Alabasta as a joke, only to realize years later that he actually was a prince.
It's because of Oda's tendency to play around and make knowing jokes we've gotten some pretty compelling evidence for the Crocodad theory.
First would be the wordplay!
-Crocodile is closely linked to a Bananawani-> Monkeys like Banana -> Monkey D. Dragon is a reptilian Monkey attracted to Banana reptile. Fight me - A 'crocodile smile' is a term most often used to mean a fake or ingenuine smile. Crocodile's scar has been liked to look like a 'crocodile smile', which would mean Crocodile is the only character that always has a smile on his face. What a fun bit of wordplay to foreshadow the birth parent of Joyboy!
Then there is this SBS alongside the One Piece School spin-off manga by Sohei Koj.
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What a great way to get out of revealing Luffy's parentage without actually revealing it!
And of course, we have the One Piece Mafia Theatre episode of the anime.
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Oda would certainly make this canon just because of his troll tendencies. This is a hilarious theory because the story supports it yet only a fringe group believes in it. It's hilarious and therefore it's probably true.
Lastly, the symbolism makes this theory truly great.
I've already mentioned how Crocodile's scar being a 'crocodile smile' and thus giving him a permanent smile on his face would make him the most meaningful candidate for Luffy's birth parent. Joyboy, our Sun God Nika, was born from a man with a permanent fake smile; who is also named after an animal with the world's biggest smile.
It's just such a perfect setup, it makes my writer's heart swell.
Since Oda has stated a mother in One Piece would stop the adventure, it would fit that the first major villain in the Grandline to try and stop Luffy's adventure ended up being the man who gave birth to Luffy.
If we are going to speak of symbolism, I'd be remiss not to mention what a crocodile spiritually symbolizes. I really don't think I need to explain why adaptability, creation, ambiguity, and duality mean so much to this theory.
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This theory could die or be confirmed any day now that we've entered a God's Valley flashback. I will love it either way but truly, honestly, I believe this. I hope I convinced a few of you to. If you are interested in the succinct list of Crocodad evidence that post is Here!
So in conclusion...
Crocodad is canon!
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mochinomnoms · 4 months
Ooo Mochi! I have a fun question. In terms of different TWST species, who do you think would be more or less likely to be polyamorous? Either in terms of sharing their partner, or wanting multiple partners.
Fun question! Okay, so very quickly, this is what I'd categorize them:
Strictly monogamous
Jack — wolves stick to one partner throughout their lives, and Jack is no exception. Once he has a partner, he's sticking with them for life.
Malleus — I imagine that dragons also mate for life, especially based on some JP spoilers. And while fae in general are not monogamous, draconic fae are. Besides, he'd only want a partner that sees beyond the image of the Briar Valley Heir, and there's only been one to do so, so far…
Prefers monogamy, open to polyamory
Sebek — I think this comes off as a surprise, but I think since Sebek was raised by regular fae, specifically ones akin to crocodiles, he'd be fine with polyamory under the right circumstances. He'd prefer to keep them to himself, though.
Ruggie — Similar to lions, hyenas are not typically monogamous. Ruggie is more inclined to stick with one partner though, as logically speaking having more than one mate tends to get expected. Unless you both get a rich partner that's willing to spend on you, then he's really listening~ *cough* Leona *cough*
Can do either or/no preference
Leona — Lions usually have multiple partners, usually one male with several female partners. The royal family tends to follow this rule, though Leona personally wouldn't want to bother with it himself, he's content with the one. If they'd wanted to try it, he's fine as long as he's always first, the others can come second for once. Unless it's with someone he knows he can depend on to view him as an equal, or is particularly motivated to pursue him and his partner. Then his interest is peaked.
Azul — He's going to be fairly attached to his partner, but a majority of merfolk under the sea are polyamorous, it's quite normal for him to consider having more than one mate. However, due to his insecurity, he would only share his mate with certain people under contract, which brings me to my next point:
Leech Twins — Like Azul, polyamory is normal where they're from. They've even made jokes about sharing Azul when they were older, mock fighting over who would marry their cute little Octy (Azul couldn't tell if they were genuinely joking or not, though). Once they get there's the introduction of a potential four partner (you), then they're starting to take their own jokes a bit more seriously.
Is polyamorous
Lilia — He's old. Like, nursing home old. He's lived his days and experiences most of life's enjoys and sadness. As such, he's found that he personally enjoys being poly. His family has been far from a traditional one, and he cared so much for his past lovers that he raised their son as his own. I mean, really speaking, Malleus is his son! I can see him, now that he's older, and his children are becoming more independent, wanting to focus on romance for himself again. He has much of himself to give, so he is content with making sure all and any partners of his get all that love and affection.
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goingmerryfics · 1 month
So since you’re on impel down you’ve surely seen my darling favorite villain Sir Crocodile so may i request just some soft x reader fluff or headcanons for him x a trans male reader i never see x masculine stuff for him but I love him very muchhhhhhh thank youuu 💚👉👈
Trans Male Reader w/ Crocodile
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Content: Trans Male reader, he/him pronouns, coming out. No emphasis on if they’re pre or post-op top or bottom so feel free to picture this as you will. No NSFW!
Notes* Thank you for the ask! When I tell you I fell in love with this man the moment he showed up in Alabasta-
You’re not the only one he’s interacted with that doesn’t fully align with the stereotypical gender norms See: Mr. 2
Anyway, as a trans man myself, I’m very happy that this just so happened to be my first official ask. It kind of turned into a bit of a comfort fic, hope that's ok! Please enjoy!
Crocodile knows you’re trans before you tell him
So while you were panicking about coming out to him in the midst of your blossoming relationship, (What if he loses trust in me? What if he reacts badly?) he was oblivious because in his eyes, there was nothing wrong. He was dating you, and you identifying as male or female or otherwise didn’t matter. You managed to worm your way into his heavily fortified heart somehow. Labels didn’t mean fuck all to him if he was already in love with you
Eventually when you do come out to him through ugly tears and hyperventilation, he just kind of blinks at you
“Huh? Why are you crying over that?”
It takes you by surprise
While you’re trying to calm yourself he opens his arms and offers you a hug, which you take happily
While he’s holding you to his chest, he pulls the cigar out of his mouth and sighs
“All that matters is that you’re mine.”
You felt your body begin to relax, surrounded by the warmth of the man holding you tight enough to crack your spine. You’d soaked the front of his shirt with tears and a bit of snot, and yet he didn’t seem to mind. Crocodile holds his cigar away from you so you won’t go into a coughing fit before you can catch your breath, while also being careful of the hook on his other hand- the last thing he needed right now was to snag you on it and hurt you while already in a vulnerable state.
His quiet comfort was enough to pull you out of the panicked state, but he didn’t let up until he felt you take a step back. There was a pause while you wiped up your face as best as you could with your sleeve, and Crocodile stayed patiently waiting until you were ready to look up at him again.
You nod, and apologize for the outburst, but he clicks his tongue and rolls his eyes.
“If I’d known you were so scared to tell me this, I would have let you know a long time ago that I already knew.. Now let's go clean you up.”
Now that the animosity is out of the way though, it feels like your relationship has changed for the better. You feel much more comfortable with him
More importantly, you feel more comfortable sharing certain things with him- and he feels much more comfortable asking questions, too!
One day he asks you what Dysphoria feels like, and man did that take you a few hours to put into words and even then your explanation didn’t feel exactly right
He lets you know very quickly that if there’s anything he can do (he means anything he can pay for, really) that all you need to do is ask and consider it done
He understands when there are days where you don’t want to be touched in certain spots
He makes sure to make it known to anyone else who may know you’re trans that you will not be disrespected whether in his presence or not. If anyone dared to misgender you, he would deal with them accordingly
He also does things that will help you feel ‘manly’, like asking you to open a jar for him even if he could very well open it himself
Long story short, he loves and respects you no matter what
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gremlins-hotel · 1 year
(sorry for being unhinged in your inbox)
Ok as someone who has put many things in my mouth that I should not have have, and if I scale it by say x 3 if we take Alfred strength (the average human bite force is 180 psi, so I'll make Alfred's 500 at the minimum) here is what he can most likely bite through
I've bitten through leather with some difficulty (dont ask) so I'll assume he can do that with like 2 good chomps.
I've also bitten clean through a plank of wood once, it took a while, but it is possible, so Alfred bites through it slightly faster than a beaver.
General cloth like linen or cotton isnt hard to break so with the right angle, and mind you this is with human shaped teeth so tearing isnt very good, he could probably bite it out in one go, or grind it and fray it very easily.
Hemp rope and burlap is significantly harder and much itchier, and considering how tightly everything is woven, it's kind of as hard to do as leather straight up, and the fibre makes it even slightly harder.
As for sheet metal Ive managed to dent it but never cut through it, I think because if how flat sheet metal is, hed be able to do this as we do with aluminium.
Most plastics are easy for people so hed have no trouble
I've managed to bite through a feldspar and flourite, but nothing harder, so I'll bet he could probably bite through quartz and maybe topaz if we're pushing it.
I may return with further findings.
Once again apologies
okay first off i'm glad i'm not the only one who's put weird shit in my mouth
second this gave me many thoughts. asdkjfh
tl;dr this man needs to be studied and also to never be let outside without a leash. don't let him bite things.
the human mouth is so lamely shaped for biting inopportune things because we have cheeks. big cheeks for holding food. biting stuff like rocks would be so much simpler if we could reach our flat, grinding molars with more ease. and while incisors are meant for tearing, you're right that human incisors are not meant for wood or metal, but rather for vegetal material (frugivory, folivory).
but also consider that human teeth can still very much break skin. the most dangerous part of a human bite, though, is the bacteria in our mouths rather than the puncture wound itself per se,,,
also was it you that put in the tags "mohs hardness scale but it's if alfred can bite through them"? because i loved this tag so much sldkfjhgsads i stan this new mohs hardness scale. also i am SO sorry to tag you again but @if-you-like-pina-colada-s made a very very wonderful addition to my ramblings regarding bite force. you postulate 500 psi at least (fun fact - that's 100 more psi than the grip strength of an average adult bald eagle, bc i'm silly and think about grip strength, too). piña got a number for the stronger nations at ~3,000 psi, which approaches a crocodile's bite force, and if you've seen what a croc can do with their sheer amount of closing power,,,, ough. i find this to be a wide range full of fun to play with.
also i think i went insane one night when i had to remember that in canon we see a probably 3-year-old alfred lift and swing a bison. if we assume your average three-year-old male weighs about 31.8 lbs (CDC) while a male american bison (Bison bison) can weigh up to 2,200 lbs. if we are to believe these shenanigans, that's 69.18x alfred's body weight if the bison is at its heaviest. even a female, which tops at 1200 lbs, is still 37.74x. he's the real ant-man fr!! because i'm telling you someone reminded me of that bit and i was sitting like bro what the hell,,,
this whole conversation is just making me want to compare alfred's skull and jaw to a robust australopithecine. like okay paranthropus robustus boy. gonna start calling him a gorilla fr. 1300 psi? 1500 like a jaguar? fuck this dude do NOT put your mouth anywhere near me. please fuck off immediately.
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mrultra100 · 8 months
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I know it’s been a very long while since our last episode, but after dealing with other projects, along with real life getting in the way from time to time, we’re finally continuing our next part of the second road trip across the Maasrichtian. While it only has 5 segments like the last episode, and does borrow some of last season’s “Freshwater” thunder quite a bit, I still had a good time with Swamps. And the segments presented here do bring a few things to the table for PHP in general. You’ll see what I mean when we get into them.
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Snacks on the wing
The episode starts with the wetlands of Asia, where baby azhdarchid pterosaurs are attempting to fly for the first time. Keeping up with this show’s record of baby animals meeting their end, the pterosaurs have to deal with the threat of getting eaten by a horde of Shamosuchus. Unlike the Simosuchus from earlier in the season, these relatives to today’s crocodiles and alligators comfort more to the shape that we’re used to seeing these reptiles in. While I don’t have much to say about this segment, I find it cool how it draws comparisons with how Freshwater crocodiles hunt flying foxes in Australia. Even when millions of years apart, some hunting strategies are just that good.
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Gone fishin’
The episode then cuts to the forests of South America, where the focus is on a truly unique animal; Austroraptor. For those not aware, this was a species of raptor dinosaur that was not only huge for its family (Think 20 feet long), it also lived a life of hunting fish. These of these guys like what would happen if a grizzly bear and a heron had a baby together. The plot of this segment shows a young male trying to score some lunch of his own. Many of the larger adults can only only catch garfish like it’s not their problem (which is something that our male is new to), but they can be aggressive, often attacking each other if one of them disrupts the other’s hunt. Until he learns how to catch prey successfully, the best option that the main male has to take is to snatch someone else’s prey, and try not to lose at least a few feathers in the process.
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“Hippity hoppity, get off my property”
We then cut back to Madagascar to see the return of another Season 1 veteran. Y’all must’ve loved Beelzebufo so much, you all wanted to see more of the bay dinosaur-eating frog (And I really wouldn’t blame any of y’all). And fortunately, Apple heard everyone’s pleas for the devil toad to return, so here we are! The segment has a male Beelzebufo trying to find a good place to attract a mate. Unfortunately for the frog, a herd of Rapetosaurus just happened to come back and waddle in the mud, making things even harder for the Beelzebufo. That must be frustrating.
The Beelzebufo then has to find a new place to set up his courtship display, away from the titanosaurs. After a bit of hopping around, and even doing this…
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Keep on rollin’
Our champ eventually finds a good enough spot to try again, with the Rapetosaurus herd moving on. They even leave footprints in the mud that get filled with water. The only complaint that I have for this scene is the lack of the Beelzebufo raising his eventual tadpoles. The concept art for the devil toad that was made by Gaëlle Seguillon refers to it as “Beelzebufo adult”, so it could be possible that devil tadpoles were considered to be in the show. Either that, or we could see another Beelzebufo-themed segment in a possible Season 3, taking alot of inspiration from how African bullfrog males raise their young. I may or may not be planning to add that to my hypothetical Season 3 idea, so keep your eyes peeled.
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Head Games
Despite the episode literally being called “Swamps”, we cut to a dusty plain in North America, where the area in question used to be a swamp that eventually dried up. It’s here where we see the second pachycephalosaur of the series in the form of Pachycephalosaurus itself. It’s no secret that the domed heads of these creatures were used for some sort of territorial display, so we see an older male fighting a younger and rowdy male, who has been causing trouble for the herd. After a long and hard duel, the old male is knocked down, and his younger rival bellows out in victory. This turns out to be a bad idea, as it gives the old male time to get back up and strike down his rival. With the battle lost, the young male is then exiled from the herd, where he has to fend for himself. I’m not gonna lie, he’s gonna need everything in his kit to survive. Y’know why?
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In the night, no one can hear you roar
The last segment of the episode shows us how basically terrifying T. Rex can be when hunting. After the last season shows how these giant predators can be doting parents or a loving couple, this segment serves as a reminder that this is still Tyrannosaurus Rex that we’re talking about. When night falls on the floodplains of Hell Creek, a couple of T. Rex brothers stalk around the forest, spying on a group of Edmontosaurus. The two split up, with one of them stepping on a fallen branch, intentionally causing the herd to get nervous. Thanks to their padded feet muffling any heavy footsteps that could be heard, along with their extremely good night vision, the predators spring into action. While one of them lunges for an Edmontosaurus, the latter is sent towards the other T. Rex. With both of them clamping their bone-crushing jaws into their hapless prey, the hunt is soon over, and the two get to enjoy their hard-earned meal. A funny thing to mention is how neither of the T. Rex crashed into the opening, roaring as they charged towards their prey. Large predators cannot afford to waste precious energy by running out and screaming like a mad man, so they need to be careful, often turning to ambush tactics to catch prey. If anything, this instance of averting usual pop-culture depictions of dinosaurs serves to make these beasts scarier than they already were. Unlike the mindless, perpetually roaring and shrinking movie monster that shakes the ground itself with every step, you’d never see or hear the real thing coming, until it’s too late…
This takes the phrase “Bonehead” to a new level
The Uncovered segment of the episode takes a closer look at how pachycephalosaurs like Pachycephalosaurus used their domed heads in fighting. I don’t have alot to say about this part, but I can say that headaches must be a major pain when it comes to these guys.
And with that, we only have 2 episodes left. I apologize for pumping this review out late into the month. Being busy with other projects, along with dealing with real life stuff and being a lazy ass from time to time can do that to you. Nonetheless, the next review on our list covers one of my favorite episodes in the entire series so far, so that’ll be fun when we get to it. Get ready to “dive” in again next time, because we’re gonna be soaking up the thirst of the land.
…I hope you laughed at that joke.
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dominantslasherking · 2 years
Arthur Harrow with dominant Male S/o
My Stories are meant for the much more mature audience, 18+. YANDERE Arthur
Backstory: He thought Ammit was the one he needed, but he was so very wrong. Arthur found a new god, he was going to worship, whatever it takes.
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You weren't a god that was typically worshipped, it was because most of the gods despised you, because their avatars and worshippers would always seem to be drawn towards you, their power on earth was rather feeble when you were in the picture.
Ammit's judgment soon tried to reach you, She sat by Ma'at scales to figure out what you truly were, but the scales broke, Ammit took it into her own hands to judge you, but she couldn't, it nearly drove her insane, were evil, were you good?
The destruction and chaos you brought down were like hell itself, but at the same time, the peace, and forgiveness, you gave were revolutionary, it was also heaven itself. The gods didn't know what to do so they locked you away, and imprisoned you, much to multiple gods that favored you dismay.
Set tried to forcefully get you out of this prison, with the help of other gods such as Khonsu, Anubis, and Hathor. unfortunately, they were unsuccessful and mourned their fellow god for not being able to see or be around them, the other gods put this betrayal on Kohnsu considering he was already despicable in their eyes, even though the other gods and goddesses tried to defend him it ended in vain.
"[Name]," Ammit whispered right before her own capture, if one person would be able to free her, it would be him, or his Avatar which he hasn't taken one in...yet.
"Well, Well...Look who is here." You purred out in the bleak and plain area of nothingness. Ammit seethed out looking around in the prison.
The other gods and goddesses were quite lazy with their prison making...they would send all the same gods and goddesses to the same place of nothingness.
Ammit, stood up in all her glory looking at you before she let out a sigh. "Must, I really be trapped in here with YOU?" Ammit shook with annoyance as she bobbed her crocodile head.
She curiously looked at you to see you seated at a table with a game of---what is that? Ammit curiously looked at the cards.
"It's called Uno, Apophis brought it to me, he pops in on occasions..." You shrugged, "Apophis..." Ammit slowly spoke out, hatred in her eyes and voice as Apophis was a deity who embodied chaos.
Ammit slowly made her way over to you, taking a seat. "Very well.."
Ammit flipped the table over with intense rage, "I HATE UNO, AND I HATE YOU-" Ammit stalked off into the nothingness and grumpily stomped around.
It has been over two thousand years, since playing Uno none stop with you, but for you, it has been longer, Ammit, didn't know how you did it, being able to play the same game over and over and over and OVER- And the fact that you could leave whenever you wanted even boggled her godly mind more...so she stayed with you hoping you would break out, obviously you were content on stay where you were.
She suddenly froze in her spot, slowly turning around to face you. "My power is being used..." Ammit purred out with delight, Her eyes frantically looking around as if seeing something that isn't there.
Smirking, "Luckily I won't be here for long." Ammit sat down, you knew what she was going to do, I mean, when playing Uno you both did talk a lot...she told you her plans about making the earth a peaceful place, devouring all the evil souls.
It sounded boring, I mean, there were heroes for a reason...but killing children before they could do evil that they would do in the future, sounds harsh, but who were you judging.
You looked how happy Ammit seemed to be-- A large sinister smile placed itself on your face. I mean she was one of the goddesses that placed you in this prison...
"So your...Avatar--is your way out....Well, he isn't your avatar yet huh..?" You lulled out, her nodding as she daydreamed.
"HAHAHAAHAH-" You began to laugh and hold your stomach while looking at her. "Well, it looks like I have a worshiper to woo~" You smiled got off your seat, and looked at the bleak floor below you.
"What?" Ammit was confused, you would escape this awful prison just to get back at her would yo----A portal...no a way out formed below your feet, as Ammit screeched and quickly tried to rush over to pry herself out of this prison.
But it was too late, you were gone, along with the way out!! Screaming and raging Ammit, threw out all her anger.
Arthur looked at Mark, before calmly speaking, "Kohnsu, told you yet another lie, [Name] the god of, destruction, hatred, and yet also held the title of god of peace, and forgiveness...He is not real, there has been no record of this god." Arthur slowly spoke not knowing that it was the complete opposite.
'That makes utterly no sense, if he wasn't real why would Kohnsu constantly speak about him, I mean it's not like there is a purpose of him telling us about [Name], it's not like he's trying to use the god's name for anything...' Steven blabbered to Mark, meanwhile, Mark was closely watching Arthur.
Arthur was obviously trying to bring Mark, and Steven's trust in Kohnsu down some of it working but they still persist in stopping Arthur.
Mark suddenly jumped forward getting ready to attack, but before he could even lay a hand on him, he was thrown back by a rough force of magic power coming from Arthurs's staff.
The man let out a sigh, as he slammed his cain down, and quickly summoned Jackals, "I'm afraid this will once again be our parting." Arthur spoke, letting the Jackals deal with the avatar(s).
Arthur and the other cult members of Ammit made their way from the scene.
"Who is [Name]?" One of the female cult members asked gently, Arthur suddenly froze once she asked this question before slowly picking up his pace, after a while of walking he decided to speak.
"A made-up god, that I wanted to dedicate my life to after Kohnsu promised to let me go...He made up this god to string me along into his path of hatred and death." He slowly declaimed, letting out a sigh before giving a smile, "But it is all right, We, have Ammit now." The cult members slowly nodded.
Arthur gently leaned back observing the view from his balcony of Siwa located in Egypt. "Paradise..." He slowly whispered closing his eyes, imagining the life of happiness that Ammit would bring.
Slowly opening his eyes, he heard someone yawn from behind him, slowly turning around he was met with a figure on his bed, relaxing while looking at him.
"It's quite rude to enter unannounced..." Arthur spoke, watching as you stretch your arms and sit up instead of laying, giving him a better view of your handsome features, your hair slightly a mess
Carefully observing your movements, his eyes trail to your outfit, before quickly stopping himself from having unpure thoughts.
"So, you want to release Ammit?" You asked standing up, and slowly making your way over to him, your body wasn't a large size like the gods loved to portray themselves to their avatars or any mortal, it was simply a normal size.
Arthur simply nodded his head, "I hope you were not sent here to stop me, the world can become a paradise, Ammit will stop any crime before it has happened, and she will devour the souls of the people who already have done bad...-" Arthur tried to sway you as he would do with anyone, he didn't want people to die really, however it was for the greater good.
His breath slightly halted as he got a better look at you, you looked exactly like how the god [Name] was described by Kohnsu.
"You use to be an avatar of Kohnsu...yes? It does really make me angry how the other gods belittle him..." Letting out a gentle hum, you slightly towered over Arthur who looked at you in awe, you should see him ever so slightly shaking.
Placing your hand on his forehead, you suddenly whispered, "Are you alright? I know how you humans are prone to sickness..." You slowly felt on his forehead, it was a normal temperature for a mortal.
"[Name]?" Arthur pronounces, his voice becoming slightly breathy. His eyes became slightly hazed with admiration and worship.
"Yes..." You asked out, watching as Arthur fell to his knees, the sounds of glass could be heard in his shoes from falling down as it made a slightly scratchy noise.
Arthur needlessly drops his cane throwing it aside slightly. His head leaning down on your legs, taking in all in, that you were real, and in front of him.
"I'm sorry, I doubted your existence- I'm sorry for my unforgivable past--" He stumbled on his words, gulping down the saliva stuck in his throat. "I'm...sorry for worshipping another- --" Arthur stopped speaking as you sightly gripped his hair, forcing him to look up at you.
Gently caressing Arthur's face with your other hand and gave him a smile watching the tears fall from his face. "It's alright, you were mine from the very beginning, hm?" You gently state as Arthur leaned into your touch.
"Good, thing you were trying to free Ammit, I mean it did give me a reason to leave the place...I was also getting tired of being imprisoned..." You muttered to him, before asking the soon-to-be ex-cult member of Ammit.
"Would you like to be my avatar?" Arthur looked at you in astonishment before eagerly nodding before using his words, "I am--Unworthy to be your avatar I--" Arthur was cut off by you helping him stand up.
"Shush, say yes, I know you want to." You smirked as he nodded his head, "Very, well.I am very---" A sudden wave of power entered Arthurs's body as he couldn't even finish speaking feeling your power glaze over his entire body.
"Most, gods use, these weird oath things on their avatars.....but I just prefer the shock on their face once they feel power entering their bodies." You explain as Arthur slowly regained his composure.
"The glass in your shoes..take them out, it makes an irritating noise when you walk." You disclose with a look of disgust.
Arthur stared at you, with a small smile on his face.
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picapicamagpie · 1 year
Question for the resident inter-species dating expert: do they have to be the exact same species in order for them to have children together? Or could two different felines (like a lion and tigress) have babies, kind of like how we have ligers here? Or two different species of birds? What is your headcannon?
Interesting question! Despite Sing being fictional, I’m a stickler for biology. So I don’t believe unrelated species can produce hybrid babies (Sorry Johnny fans, I don’t believe in bio babies between him and Ash or Nooshy). It’s the reason I will never give Cadence and Klaus some kind of winged monkey monstrosity baby 😂 Sorry for the very amateur biology lesson below but it’s a topic I find very interesting!
Very closely related species can produce hybrid offspring like lions and tigers (ligers), horses and donkeys (mules), or horses and zebras (zorse). However the key word is closely! Many related species still can’t interbreed, for example monkeys! New World monkeys are too genetically distinct from Old World monkeys to produce any babies at all, just like how humans can’t reproduce with either group despite also being a primate. A magpie is a bird like a macaw, but they’re two totally different groups, so they can’t successfully breed.
Being within the same Class (mammal, bird etc) or Order (feline, primate) doesn’t mean two animals can reproduce. They have to be similar genus: a lion and a tiger are both Panthera. Horses, donkeys, and zebras are all in the genus Equus so they can breed. Cadence’s genus is Pica (fun fact: my username Pica Pica is the Latin name for her species), while Klaus’ is Nasalis, so 100% no natural babies for them 😂
Another fact is that hybrid offspring have a high rate of infertility, to the point that 100% of male Ligers are sterile and only a small percentage of females can have babies. Hybrids are sometimes called “genetic dead ends” for this reason.
ANYWAY RANT OVER my headcanon is that I just stick with biology on this one. Even in fiction I just cannot believe a bird and a monkey could have a biological child. And rather than make up arbitrary rules, I just draw the line where nature has: stick within your Genus and you’re ok to have them babies, mostly, but not outside it.
HOWEVER I also have many headcanons on interspecies dating in Sing, which I will proceed to dump all over the place!
✨ Interspecies relationships are uncommon, and there used to be social stigma attached. I kind of compare it to the stigma there used to be around interracial couples and that is sadly still currently around LGBT couples. In the old days, there was a lot of pressure on animals to marry within their exact species. Different-but-similar species like a lion and tiger were frowned upon but more accepted. Something wildly different like a lion and a crocodile were considered offensive and “wrong against nature”.
✨ In the modern day that Sing is set in, it’s much more accepted and animals don’t care so much (see my old post on interspecies couples I spotted while watching Sing). Judgement is still strong among the upper class, and that’s why Cadence had a lot of struggles with accepting her relationship at the cost of her career and social position. Klaus is a lot less bothered about what other people think of him and just does what he wants, so it doesn’t worry him. He’s less directly involved in the high society.
✨ It’s only natural that interspecies will happen, though. Take us humans: one glance over Tumblr or anywhere else will show you humans who are attracted to all manner of humanoids, animals, furries, even objects. If a human can fall in love with a non-human then of course the Sing animals can and will fall in love with different animals. They all have the same level of sapience, the only difference between them is how they look.
✨ There are programs in place that offer surrogacy services to interspecies couples, LGBT couples, and other couples were they can’t naturally reproduce. I based this off the fact that surrogacy is legal in the USA, where the Sing films are set. So a couple can be species-matched to a surrogate and they can have a kid via IVF. Klaus and Cadence are quite well off so this is the route I plan to have them go down - they will have a pair of twin proboscis monkey sons that are biologically Klaus’ and Cadence will be their adoptive mama 💖 I may or may not give Cadence a bio kid but honestly she’d be perfectly happy with that family 💖
✨ Random bonus brain fart: this would make Johnny x Ryan both interspecies and LGBT. I could but probably won’t but SHOULD do a fluffy one shot on all the prejudice they’d have to fight to stay together and how it’s worth it in the end because they love each other!!
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sakuramidnight15 · 2 years
-DAC Staff OC Information-
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[Gacha Club Mod Ver. Below]
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Character Bio
Name: Hotaru Junya
(Japanese: ほたる純也)
Romaji: Hotaru Jun'ya
Quote: "Better not slack of in my class, keep up."
V/A: Hikaru Midorikawa (Japanese)
Gender: Male
Age: 33
Birthday: June 23
Star Sign: Cancer
Eye Color: Neon Blue (Left-Normal Eye), Light Purple (Right-Beast Eye)
Hair Color: Golden Ash
Height: 197 cm
Race: Inner Beast
Species: Flesh-ravor Goat
Homeland: Revoltion City (4th Level District)
Family: Unnamed Family Members
Unnamed Relatives
Unnamed In-Laws
Lucas Junya (Husband)
Emmie Junya (First Wife)
Liza Junya (Second Wife)
OC Status
Occupation: Magical Combat Teacher (@deaths-academy-of-combat)
Dorm Adviser of Ketsuekitöten
Pro Assassin/Hitman
Pharmaceutical Assistance (Only for Missions)
Fun Facts
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous (Mostly his left hand)
Favorite Color: Grey, Blue and Violet
Favorite Food: Fried/Grilled Meat (Various), Vegetable Milk Soup (Mostly), Black Tea (Bitter), Tropical Juice, Sweet Tomatoes,
Least Favorite Food: Too Much Sweetness, Walnuts, Crocodile Meat, Stale Food, and Lime cake,
Likes: Reading, His Husband and two Wives (Mostly), Collecting new black boots, Fashion Trend, Slight bit of Gossiping (More fully delivered from his first wife), Himari's hidden skills (In secret), Poisonous/Venomous Chemical Creating,
Dislikes: Being called as 'Professor Ass' from Clementine and Akira (Mostly), Unwanted Attention, Interruptions, Enemies, Anyone Harming his Husband and Wives, The Weather Temperature Increasing, Getting Provoke,
Hobbies: Meditation, Studying unknown races, Making Venomous Chemicals, Cooking, Hearing anything new, Smacking Clementine's Face with a newspaper fan (Mostly), Collecting new boots and weapons (injection knives mostly),
Talents: Inner Beast Sight, Beast-mind Takeover, Assassin/Hitman Skills, High-skilled Gun/Sniper Abilities, Knife/Dagger Skills, Stealth Master, Third-Eye, Lust Enchant,
Nicknames: Hou or Taru (From Others)
Junya-sensei (From the Students)
Professor Ass (From Clementine and Akira, he got pissed off)
Honey Boo (From Emmie, his first wife)
Hou-kun (From Liza, his second wife)
Junno (From Lucas, his husband)
Other Nicknames:
Appearance and Personality
Appearance: Hotaru is a very tall yet muscular man but is a bit slender from a distance in a different POV. He has long golden ash hair which he ties it into a low and ponytail. Like some of the people in the inner beast race, he too has heterochromia eyes as well, neon blue colored on his left eye while light purple colored on his right eye considered to be his beast eye. Hotaru is rather a stiff and stern person which he seems to get annoyed easily.
Personality: Born either as the middle or youngest child in his family bloodline could either be a part of Clementine's family cooperation for any missions, he never seemed to like his days as a teenager and only focused his occupations as an assassin, that is till he reached age 20 which his parents that decided to choose a partner or two for him, much to dismay.
At first he was only one of the options and was hoping not to get picked, until he met his husband and his two wives during that event. It didn't take long for him to get a click from all three of them... He had one trouble in mind that the three would fight over... But instead of what he thought he had in mind, all three of them had decided to married him all together, Hotaru didn't expect this was coming as well but he was glad that all three of the were getting along after the wedding.
The current Hotaru we're now seeing after getting married has a very stiff personality and took equally took his jobs one at time to not bring up the stress in him, cause it will definitely worry his second wife if she knew about it. Despite the fact that he's serious but he knows how to take care of the students, needless to say he has a bit of a gentle side that no one can see, which only his husband and wives can see it whenever he's with them.
But he does have quite an interesting charisma, especially towards sense of fashion on magazines that catches his eye. Needless to say as an assassin he knows how to blend in with a lot of style, some of them can agree with him.
Try not to get into his bad side if you annoy him for too long. Hotaru has a bit of patience but it goes go off whenever he's in a mad mood. He'll might give you a very clear warning about making him pissed, be prepared if you can. He's also easy to get annoyed though, especially since Clementine and Akira knew how to do it.
This man has a weird life after getting married, but hey at least he's going to be fine.
-The name 'Hotaru' is primarily a male name of Japanese origin that means Firefly. While his surname 'Junya' is a name for boys, combines the kanji for “purity” with ya, a character often used for phonetic purposes in given names.
-He's based on Irina Jevalic from the series.
-He's mostly annoyed for being called 'Professor Ass' from Clementine and Akira sometimes, would give either of them a heck of schoolwork thanks to that.
-He treats his two wives and husband respect after the marriage. Apparently after that, they give a lot of attention whenever he comes home for holidays or taking a break.
-Loves leather boots.
-Seems to know about Himari's 'personality' but kept it a secret but isn't the only one who knows about it.
-His voice sounds pretty low but the tone changes whenever he's in a foul mood. Which is why I chose Hikaru Midorikawa Tobe his voice actor.
-His family clan is working for Clementine's family clan cooperation. But he tends to be annoyed with Clementine soemtimes despite that issue.
-Sometimes a male-wife in the house, according to his first wife and husband.
-Knows how to speak foreign languages during his missions.
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lopezjensby58 · 2 years
Hermès Belt
Many women are generally produced by sure types of stars... A little details about this language, Franz Sisch Ease He noticed many unique design of the nail mattress expertise, although the Finnish Zehenn sought Gel as one of the privileged. In case you occur not usually put lots of dog house owners, you must never pin down, particularly people which are in France normally. First, create projectile has been in existence for a very long time. An authentic Hermès field should be slightly textured with a refined eggshell sheen, and will have even black trim lining the field top’s edge. Today Hermès is constantly promoting their iconic baggage such as the timeless Hermès Birkin, The Kelly, The Constance, The Evelyne, and lots of more. Nearly equivalent to Saint Laurent Paris, the model new Celine includes the same kind of waifishly thin tailoring and glam-rock impressed outerwear that outlined Slimane-era Saint Laurent Paris. Yet, as of late, there has been a tilt in direction of undeniably French, virtually ’80s-inspired clothes closer to what you would find at classic markets in Paris than Los Angeles thrift outlets. The Kara Belt has a 13mm leather strap with a chain link buckle. It is on the market in Porosus Crocodile, Swift, Epsom and Evercolor. Hermès H buckles also come in different sizes, starting from 13mm to 42mm. Many pretend buckles will be oversized and flashy, so make certain your buckle is considered one of Hermès’ respectable sizes. 32mm — the H featured here — is the usual size, whereas the Constance is 24mm. Obviously a really personal selection, and you’d know greatest from what different belts she wears. Send me exclusive presents, unique present ideas, and personalised ideas for buying and promoting on Etsy. Sellers looking to develop their business and attain extra involved consumers can use Etsy’s advertising platform to advertise their items. You’ll see ad outcomes based mostly on components like relevance, and the quantity sellers pay per click. Most Hermes gadgets retain their value nicely within the used designer accent market. Premium quality leather-based is used along with valuable metals and meticulous styling. Some Hermes belts are customizable and offer the shopper the power to choose on between a broad range of color and end options. This makes shopping at the Hermes Paris official website much more thrilling. skel.io fake hermes belt If you’re a fan of the brand, or simply interested in figuring out more, here are the 5 most expensive Hermes belts that cash can buy. The outcomes will also come with a report on why we believe your Herme H logo belt is fake or authentic. Looking back at the authentic Hermes H logo belt, you presumably can discover in the real vs pretend Hermes belt image above how the legitimate piece has its “HERMES” text trying too skinny. Moving on to the second step of the guide on how to spot fake Hermes H emblem belts, we're going to have a look on the faux vs actual Hermes H belts for the stitching on the belts. Since that is the most dependable sign of authenticity for the Hermes belt, for this reason we're starting the actual vs pretend Hermes belt legit verify information with the inside textual content. Here are three of their extra "commonplace" belts which might suit lots of guys. Hermes provides a wide selection of belts for males of each style. They have some that look like a very "commonplace" belt from any model . wikipedia belt There are so many kinds, from conservative to fashionable, that you're sure to find a style that suits him. One scarf features a zipped pocket for you to slot your essentials into, whilst you wear it elegantly draped around your neck. Another one, crafted from wool and cashmere, comes ingeniously fitted with its personal hood, which can be adjusted by drawstrings and makes winter dressing that much less complicated. For Fall 2021, Hermes has reinterpreted its iconic accent into loads of irresistible types, together with woolly scarves, cashmere shawls and silk carrés for each women and men. What you’ll notice first is the exuberant use of colour, ranging from rainbow stripes to that signature Hermes orange, made well-known by its boxes.
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stoutihlbrantley · 2 years
Gradelynovel fiction - Chapter 783 - Do I Look That Desperate to You? spotless choke recommend-p2
novel Imperial Commander: His Pretty Wife Is Spoiled Rotten read - Chapter 783 - Do I Look That Desperate to You? acidic short share-p2
Novel-Imperial Commander: His Pretty Wife Is Spoiled Rotten-Imperial Commander: His Pretty Wife Is Spoiled Rotten
Chapter 783 - Do I Look That Desperate to You? lamp bleach
She tilted her top of your head slightly and chuckled as she inquired, “Instructor Zilan continues to be with you for the greatest time, why didn’t you take an interest in her? The age distinction between both of you isn’t that huge, and Instructor Zilan is quite stunning when she requires off her cosmetics. She’s fully capable to become the perfect spouse.”
“Who is aware of!” Perhaps it was because what he said pleased his or her domineering att.i.tude inexplicably tugged at her heartstrings, but, basically, she is at an effective feeling. “Don’t ignore snipers. Do you think that most a sniper does is photograph with the objective originating from a yardage? How you taken Crocodile was far much worse compared to also a newbie!”
A short while ago, Mu Feichi were a fresh male in the earlier 20s, but he was already in the role of an teacher. He was a real blessed and requiring teacher that they been found quite a few highly equipped university students. Yun Xi couldn’t even just imagine Mu Feichi’s real power. “You really take too lightly me!” Yun Xi presented him a sullen look. To assume that they got offered that he or she wouldn’t go quick on her or be too shielding. “Of course, most of the mercenaries are retired unique factors members. They are really reluctant to become standard inhabitants, so a lot of them will choose to be mercenaries and continue to wipe out and combat.” “There remains a bit of time before education sets out, so seize the opportunity give your very best.”
Mu Feichi found that some thing was incorrect from her skin expression, and he frowned, asking, “What’s wrong? What makes you instantly asking concerning this? Have not you fought against mercenaries? You need to know how qualified they can be.”
No wonder he got never let her battle side by side with him. Another person like her who couldn’t even be termed as a newbie really wasn’t qualified to beat side-by-side with him.
Yun Xi checked baffled, as she claimed, “Aren’t I on your side as well?” No surprise he experienced never allow her to beat alongside with him. Someone like her who couldn’t even be termed as a newbie really wasn’t capable to fight next to each other with him. “So what? I such as you. I don’t care and attention if you’re by my section. I won’t release somebody I have my scenery fixed on. Li Zilan has been in existence for some time. I only take care of her as a younger sibling and of course I can’t lay mitts on her. Furthermore, do you appear that anxious for you personally?” Not surprising he got never let her battle side-by-side with him. Someone like her who couldn’t be referred to as newbie really wasn’t allowed to combat alongside with him. “From now on, it is great that you understand it.” “Don’t undervalue snipers. Do you consider that all a sniper does is snap in the goal with a yardage? The way you taken Crocodile was far worse yet compared to even a newbie!” “You really underestimate me!” Yun Xi brought him a sullen seem. To consider he obtained assured which he wouldn’t go straightforward on the or perhaps be too shielding. Chapter 783: Can I Appear That Desperate to You?
Now, at this point, she has been humbled by him once again.
Chapter 783: Can I Appearance That Needy to You?
Along with his eyeballs downcast, he increased his hands and squeezed her rosy cheek. His dimly lit eyes were packed with mystical mirth while he addressed her, “Babe, I don’t particular date individuals who are dealing with by my area.”
“Of course, many of the mercenaries are retired particular forces individuals. They can be reluctant to get common people, so most will choose to be mercenaries and continue to kill and fight.” In reference to his eyes downcast, he heightened his hand and squeezed her rosy cheek. His darkish sight were full of mysterious mirth because he clarified her, “Babe, I don’t date people who find themselves fighting by my facet.” Mu Feichi spotted that something was wrong from her facial expression, and this man frowned, wondering, “What’s completely wrong? Precisely why are you abruptly wanting to know in regards to this? Have not you fought against mercenaries? You must know how capable they are.” With his sight downcast, he brought up his fretting hand and squeezed her rosy cheek. His dark sight have been loaded with strange mirth as he responded to her, “Babe, I don’t date individuals who are battling by my facet.” Mu Feichi saw that something was improper from her facial concept, and this man frowned, wondering, “What’s improper? Exactly why are you instantly asking about this? Have not you fought against mercenaries? You have to know how capable they may be.” “You really undervalue me!” Yun Xi gifted him a sullen seem. To consider that he experienced assured which he wouldn’t go uncomplicated on her or even be too shielding. What she said made Mu Feichi laugh. How could he not know her ulterior objectives for indicating this? Mu Feichi started to reveal the wood made shelving around her, row by row. “Get acquainted with most of these now. The items that Li Zilan trained you simply scraped the outer lining. This is actually the genuine article.”
Hunting over an aura parachute knife, Yun Xi leaned on the hardwood body and contemplated the guy when in front of her, fascinated.
“There continues to be a bit of time before college starts out, so grab a chance to work tirelessly.” Yun Xi nodded, and, abruptly contemplating some thing, she heightened her travel, announcing, “By the way in which, have those mercenaries discovered this?” Yun Xi nodded, then glanced on the bookshelves a part of the nearby surfaces. “Have you finished reading a great number of armed forces books?” With his eyeballs downcast, he heightened his hand and compressed her rosy cheek. His dimly lit eyes were full of unfamiliar mirth because he solved her, “Babe, I don’t date folks who are struggling by my section.” “Who is aware!” Perhaps it was because what he stated pleased his or her domineering att.i.tude inexplicably tugged at her heartstrings, but, basically, she is at a very good state of mind. Now, at this point, she were humbled by him once more. “Don’t undervalue snipers. Do you think that every a sniper does is snap at the target coming from a long distance? How you picture Crocodile was far much worse compared to just a newbie!” Yun Xi nodded, then glanced in the bookshelves embedded in the surrounding surfaces. “Have you finished reading a lot of military guides?” Now, at this point, she had been humbled by him yet again. No surprise he had never allow her to combat side by side with him. Someone like her who couldn’t even be known as a newbie really wasn’t qualified to overcome side by side with him.
“Who knows!” Perhaps it was because what he was quoted saying delighted his or her domineering att.i.tude inexplicably tugged at her heartstrings, but, simply speaking, she was in an effective disposition.
Right after he explained all of this, Yun Xi started to be really serious. The path ahead would be prolonged. She was still an ignorant little girl, and she really acquired a great deal to find out.
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brennan42connor · 2 years
ostrich birkin 17
Hermes Birkin 35 Blue Roi Ostrich Gold Hardware His love for expertise, gadgets and coding pushed him to pursue a profession on this area. Seeing his friends working for thirsty inspired him to write down stuff. Being disenchanted with Barcelona's performance in Europe is the one fixed in his life. Ye sat courtside subsequent to Chaney at the FTX Arena and watched the Timberwolves win with the ultimate rating ending at 113 – 104. Each of our Hermés Birkin baggage include an Hermés Birkin Raincoat, the original Hermés boutique packaging, the unique Hermés dust bag, the original Hermés Lock, the unique Hermés Keys, Clochette and Sleeper. Vintage pieces in Excellent condition might present very gentle put on that's according to their age, but that is not bothersome to the general situation of the piece. Every bag on Re-SEE is carefully reviewed and Authenticated by our Luxury Bag Expert. All Hermès and Chanel Leather luggage embody a Re-SEE Authentication Certificate. Kindly rigorously view the photographs and skim the outline of the piece. The diploma of expertise required to craft considered one of these masterpieces is the reason behind the bags’ excessive price. wikipedia hermes ostrich Hermès Birkin luggage are often bought and then sold again to the new patrons eager to get them. Sometimes, the resale costs are much larger than the unique price tag, too. It goes to point out how much persons are keen to pay to personal considered one of these Hermès Birkin baggage. Ostrich leather is considered exotic leather and could be placed in the same category as snakeskin, alligator, etc. Some, however not all, white-glove products are eligible for entryway supply. "Drake has an enormous assortment of Birkin luggage he needs to give to his future wife' ". "Jane Birkin asks Hermes to take name off crocodile handbag", Agence-France Presse. The two males have been seen cheering for his or her team as they celebrated the night time's huge win. The bed and bed base, which weigh roughly one ton and value more than many people’s whole properties, is from Rafauli’s new line for Hästens, called Grand Vividus. The headboard, accented with antique mirror and channel-tufted leather-based, encompasses a whiskey-and-­champagne bar on the reverse aspect. The nightstands function mother-of-pearl inlays, and the bedding incorporates an Alexander McQueen hummingbird tapestry from The Rug Company. A suspended cantilevered block marble stair is adorned with chandeliers by Rafauli. Offer incentives to clients to affix and build your mailing record. Browse via our store and choose your first purchase. The Togo Birkin was the only piece that didn’t enhance in price for 2020. The Birkin 25 saw an increase of 3%, while the Birkin 30 saw an increase of 2.65%. The worth enhance for 2022 is anticipated to be within that range, too. skel.io hermes ostrich birkin JaneFindsis the world's leading Hermes and luxurious bag curator, collector and luxury market pioneer. Specializing in unique, inconceivable to get and vintage genuine Hermes luggage and accessories. With access to the world's finest and rarest Hermes baggage and a worldwide cult following, JaneFinds is your solely Investment Bag associate. Indisputable authentication and commitment to excellence. The term "hardware" refers to the metallic parts of the bag, such as the buckle hardware, base studs, lock and keys and/or strap, which are plated with a colored finish (e.g. gold, silver, palladium). The phrases refer to the tone or shade of the hardware and not the precise material used. Hermes Cognac Ostrich 32cm HAC Birkin - GHW Circa 2002 This purse is in pristine situation. That said, not everything in a pawnshop comes at a discount. For those who aren’t fazed about worth, these institutions can also be hidden troves of limited edition or discontinued items. Like pawned jewellery, pawned luggage will be saved away. But after the due date and beauty period have handed, unredeemed gadgets will be processed and refurbished if needed before they are released to the shops on the market, explained Ng Kean Seen, deputy CEO of Maxi-Cash Group. Diamond panther bracelet is the costliest bracelet in the world. Sadly i only have two ostrich luggage as a outcome of my pending O. Orders have been cancelled since i had ordered 35cm. Now im very pleased because of my SA who situated a tabac camel 30cm so that i might get it in to my head that 30cm works perfectly in ostrich so..... I have and that i adore it now im waiting on a 25cm and 30cm. In addition to the potential counterfeits that every one well-known manufacturers are subject to, fake Hermès bags—including the Birkin bag—are alleged to have been made by a gaggle including seven former Hermès employees. As the name suggests this piano is handcrafted completely of crystal. It is certainly one of the costliest musical instruments in the world. Rhein II is the costliest photograph in the world. This was made by German visual artist Andreas Gursky within the 12 months 1999. Yet, there weren't many convenient and trusted choices providing such solutions. Essentially, these prospects wish to maximise the resale value of their luxury gadgets,” Lau added. The centerpiece of the master bathtub is a four,000-pound tub of faceted black marble carved from a single block. Equally dramatic is Drake’s two-story closet, adorned with amethyst hardware, rock crystal, and seating upholstered in diamond-tufted shearling with polished nickel studs.
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zombie-eats-world · 1 month
So I’ve been thinking about the widespread belief that Luffy wouldn’t give a single fuck about a reveal of his mother. (And I’m a crocodad fanatic so I’ll be treating that like it’s canon but this all should apply to any reveal, Crocodile or not)
This isn’t me trying to hard argue against Luffy not caring about his mother, it’s a huge possibility but I just feel like people say it with a lot of unearned confidence. The belief seems to come from how Luffy reacted to the reveal of Dragon being his dad. And Luffy not caring about a father makes a lot of sense when you consider his experiences. I mean just look at the male role models in his life!
Garp comes and goes as he pleases, just showing up to knock him in the head, share a meal, and then disappears. Shanks was much the same until he left for literally the last time Luffy would ever see him to date. His male figures leave him to follow their own passions, even Ace did the second he came of age. And Luffy isn’t upset by this, he accepts this as a normal part of life. Men go off and find their adventure, that’s just what men do.
(Btw Im not trying to make this a claim that Luffy doesn’t think girls shouldn’t go off on their adventures, just that this is Luffy’s experience with his male role models and how he’d justify it)
So this is why I think it makes sense that Luffy was so uncaring about his father being revealed to him. Dragon did what Luffy would expect a father figure to do, he showed up for a minute to help, and then left unceremoniously. Luffy doesn’t need to give anymore thought to it or to Dragon.
But, this is where I begin to question the assumptions that Luffy also wouldn’t care about his mother.
Luffy has a very different relationship with the female role models in his life.
Makino was a constant in his young life, providing a safe space for him to hang around. Makino from the little we see of her was incredibly caring and maternal to a young Luffy. Even after Luffy got moved to the mountains, she’d make the effort to visit and bring him new clothes. Her kindness and motherly care extended to Luffy’s new brothers too!
Then there is Dadan who, while not proactively or overtly caring, shows how much she cares for her boys by actively protecting them when a real threat appears and always making sure to check in on them. Her contribution to raising Luffy can’t be understated.
And probably the biggest influence on Luffy, Ace himself. The man who loves and deified his mother. I have zero doubts that Ace talked about his mother to Luffy at least once. I don’t think I’m crazy for believing this could have had an influence on Luffy.
This has been my long winded way of saying I think Luffy might care about a reveal of his mother. I think he’d be curious about why his mother didn’t stick around, where they’d been, and what adventure had kept them away.
Anyway, I’d love to hear any thoughts anyone else has on this subject.
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cyborg-franky · 3 years
Hi! From the romantic/flirty dialogue list can I please ask sir crocodile and number 6 ‘I can almost hear your heart racing’ with an introvert gn crush? thank you ♡ (btw I’m really enjoying your blog, it’s not easy to find male and gender neutral reader insert in this fandom)
Thank you! Yeah as a he/him I have often struggled to find things that aren't very female pronoun centric which is why I try and provide as much GN stuff as possible!
Crocdile x GN Reader SFW Word Count: 421
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Sir Crocodile watched as you rushed around the room, working on paperwork, getting things filed, answering calls, the best assistant he could wish for, really. The best part was you kept yourself to yourself, head down and fully into every task you had.
No useless chit chat, unnecessary pleasantries. Everything you said was short, polite and with a healthy dose of fear to fuel the upmost respect you showed him. It was no wounder he felt a fondness towards your presence.
It wasn’t often the powerful warlord could say he enjoyed the company of another human. You ticked all the boxes, each attempt to make eye contact with him which eventually led to you casting your eyes downwards.
He felt like God in your presence, the feeling set him on fire, the desire to be your entire purpose for living was enticing. You walked across the room, even your steps were light and airy, nothing about you caused a disturbance.
You’d finally sat down at your desk, like a hummingbird flittering around from flower to flower your heart was always beating fast. You didn’t notice when your boss walked over, didn’t hear his expensive shoes making clicks against the polished marble.
Nothing distracted you from the papers on your desk, you almost jumped out of your seat when two large, strong hands, gripped your shoulders. You tensed up, glancing up and over your shoulder, the smirk that greeted you, wide and sinister. You bit your lip when Crocodile leaned down.
“You’ve been working very hard” His voice was deep; you could feel it’s heavy timber in your bones at the close proximity. “I try sir” you tried to talk evenly; you didn’t need your voice to betray the panic you felt within you.
“I’d like you to accompany to dinner tonight, go home, wash up and be ready by nine” The invite definitely didn’t sound like it was optional. Your pulse sped up, a warmth heating your face, the tips of your ears burned as he squeezed your shoulders.
“I can almost hear your heart racing” The deep chuckle in your ear was enough to make you gasp, so softly he’d almost missed it. The smirk on his face grew, he considered for a moment what other sounds he could wring out of you.
“I..” You gripped the desk, palms sweaty “I’ll see you at n-nine sir” You nodded your head, you felt your knees turn to jelly before he let go of you, walking back to his own desk “Excellent”
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bas-writes · 3 years
Hi I have one for pride request
Zoro, Mihawk, or crocodile having there crush open up to them as she/he when they try to have sex. The crush feels a bit uncomfortable wanting the body of male and female not liking having be born a female and Zoro, Mihawk or crocodile tries to make them feel comfortable during sex? Maybe having the reader wear a strapon or something of the sort.
I go by she/he and I do wish I could have a sex change to have both male and female body a lot.
Again please and thank you!!!!❤️❤️💜💜
First of all - thank you for trusting me with such a delicate topic. From my own experience I know how minority fics are important, especially in reader inserts. I hope it helps you feel more included and that you will enjoy!
Big thanks to @sir-crocodile-smile for sensitivity beta reading and all valuable suggestions! 💖
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Their Crush Coming Out As She/He During The First Intimate Moment
Characters: Crocodile, Mihawk, Zoro Reader: afab bigender CW: n.sfw content, body/gender dysphoria, A/N: headcanons were written for this very specific request, including requester's ideas and relationship with body; obviously, it won't be suitable for every bigender/non-binary reader
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At first, Crocodile assumes you’re just shy or inexperienced—and it quite turns him on. He has a bit of a corruption kink, he simply loves sleeping with reserved partners: to convince them to lower their guard, to introduce them to the more dirty side of life. Sensing your tension, Crocodile assures you he’s going to be gentle with you and there’s nothing to be afraid of. It’s just a physical activity after all.
When you open up to him about your gender identity and relationship with your body, Crocodile is visibly taken aback. Not because of your gender or your pronouns—but because he didn’t suspect anything! He takes a lot of pride in his observation skills, and yet, he didn’t see it coming. The idea of you hiding something from him immediately sets his danger alerts on; he needs a good moment to calm down and collect thoughts.
On the other hand, he already met people like you before and knows the case better than he would ever admit to anyone. His possessive, yet curious, side peaks over his natural distrust: you revealed such a sensitive secret to him. You trust him. As much as Crocodile himself never trusts anyone, he treats someone’s trust as the biggest value one could offer him.
In his typical harsh manner, he tries to comfort you. “I want to have sex with you because I find you attractive, not for your pronouns or genitals. You’re both? Fine by me.” He also asks, if there’s anything he can do to make you feel more comfortable. He’s not a magician, but he has money and influence. Some things definitely can be solved thanks to them.
He also asks which parts of your body are okay to be touched and how he should refer to them to minimize your discomfort, as well how should he refer to you in general (are you okay with gendered dirty talk and if so, to which extent, and such). He doesn’t own many toys, but he might try to somehow tie a dildo to you, at least as a quick fix for this night, to sort of give an impression of having a penis. Crocodile would also make sure, if you prefer anal penetration over vaginal, for this night or in general. If you’re not okay with penetration at all, he’s fine with going down on you, even if personally he’s not a big fan of giving oral sex.
It costs him a lot and he definitely wouldn’t bring it up very soon, but once he hears of your problem, this thought doesn’t leave him alone. Eventually, if he considers your relationship a serious one, he might talk with you about Ivankov. After all, among all people, he is capable of making your dream about your body come true, if you wish to undergo an operation.
He suspected something long before he took you to bed. Mihawk is not very knowledgeable when it comes to gender, but he saw enough in his life to connect some dots. He doesn’t trust people easily, you were under strict observation, and the more “unusual” demeanor you were showing, the more profound his “research” was. He never pressured you, though, knowing well you’d sooner or later be ready to tell him, if it was something important for you.
Mihawk is an intense and passionate lover, but once you show any sign of tension, he slows down and eventually stops at all, piercing you with gaze, and waiting for your next move. His self-control alone beams with such a sense of safety that it itself helps you feel much more comfortable. As you explain the reason behind your uncertainty, he gently grabs your hand and rubs calming circles on its back.
“Thank you for trusting me, Y/N. Don’t worry, my feelings for you would never change because of your gender.” Even if Mihawk is rather a man of action than of words, he takes his time to assure you about the extent of his love and attraction towards you, how he respects and desires you for who you are. That he finds you beautiful and attractive, regardless of your difficult relationship with your body. But also that your comfort means more to him than just a pleasure of sex. If you wish him to stop and never touch this topic anymore, he’s going to respect it.
If you wish to continue though, Mihawk is as patient and gentle as he only can, trying to avoid potentially triggering places with his caress. Since he likes endearing pet names, it's going to be his first concern. Would you like to be called a good girl, a good boy, both, neither? He's going to use only what you propose. Like Crocodile, he asks, if you by chance prefer to avoid vaginal penetration (for the sake of anal or oral sex—or just limit everything to petting). Unlike Crocodile, he’s ready to offer you a dominant/topping role, if it would help you compensate for what your body lacks. If you want to wear a strap-on, but still take the submissive/bottom role, he’s also fine with it. And he’s going to treat it as if it was a flesh part of your body.
For the future reference, if you gave him your consent, Mihawk will try and do some research, if it would be possible to help change your body into the shape you wish it would take. He never put too much attention before to what the Government does, but he’s aware of scientific possibilities. And he has some influence here and there, enough to make an inquiry at least. If you don’t mind, he would also ask Perona—who is definitely more genned up in queer matters—are there any less-invasive ways (such as packers or binders) which could help in your case.
Zoro is… a complicated case. He’s a simple man, he lives to become the best swordsman in the world, so his range of interests and knowledge is closely related to it. Such things as sexuality, gender were never important to him and if asked, he would just shrug or glare the curious intruder away. Gender? Not a cool sword? Then get it away from him and let him nap in peace. He’s not interested in this bullshit.
No wonder he kind of… Freaks out once you open up to him. Let’s be honest, it’s his first sexual experience, so he’s stressed in general. He doesn’t want to fuck this up, he doesn’t want to hurt you or offend you or worse. When he sees you tensing and asking him for a break, he immediately thinks he indeed did something very wrong—and only his pride stops him from immediately apologizing. The pride can’t stop the inner panic, so even if his face is as serious and frowning as ever, inside he’s an anxious and lost mess.
Unfortunately, it takes him a horrible long time to grasp what you mean. Not because of some mean intentions—this is really a concept as abstract for him as astrophysics. Zoro though knows that he loves you and that he finds you attractive, and nothing about your view on your body or your gender (“... whatever it is”) or your pronouns can change it.
“Oi, Y/N, it’s alright. I’m with you. Do you trust me?” There are going to be some questions regarding what he should do, and what he shouldn’t. Lowkey embarrassed, but determined to make you feel comfortable, Zoro tries to copy what he learnt from Luffy: a hug always makes things better. So he opens his arms and tries to comfort you in his embrace, as you two discuss your boundaries… Or rather should be said: as he listens with attention to what you have to say about your body and your limits.
Zoro’s first idea to make you feel comfortable—besides offering a hug—definitely is trying to make you feel more masculine, for a balance. He doesn’t know if it helps in any way, but he’s a man of action and following his instincts never proved him wrong, so he would at least attempt to convince you to give it a try. Maybe it’s better to not know where he suddenly gets a strap-on from—but he’s going to propose you topping him. If you’re not into that, then he would give you a head, in whatever form it’s most comfortable for you (yeah, he wouldn’t see anything weird in performing oral sex on strapped dildo).
He doesn’t really know how to help you feel better with your body except offering substitutes, but once he meets Law and learns about his powers, he immediately thinks about you. Zoro has no shame and once having your consent, he definitely is going to pester him until he agrees to perform a surgery on you—and thus, make your dream come true.
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catelyngrant · 2 years
it’s been *checks calendar* five weeks since my last damages crossover breakdown but I am back/still on my bullshit, same song, same verse, different fandom but a whole lot worse, etc!!! (absolutely no idea how I made it a month in the succession rabbit hole before this occurred to me honestly)
ANYWAY, Succession/Damages crossover, Patty Hewes vs. Waystar.
Post s2, Patty tracks down a handful of victims from the cruises and convinces them to file a civil suit against Waystar. She ropes Kendall into it. He is terrified but also in awe of her, she loathes him with every fiber of her being but plays him like a fiddle.
Let’s say this is set during s2-ish of Damages? Ellen still works with Patty but it’s post assassination attempt, so basically it’s them at their messiest. Anyway, Ellen is trying to play both Patty and Kendall and is trying to bring down both Patty and Waystar and it’s all very sexy.
So Logan despises Patty with the misogyny of a thousand white male billionaires and Brian Cox and Glenn Close get imaginary Emmys delivered to their doorsteps just from me imagining them in a scene together where Logan is basically foaming at the mouth but at least starts off pretending to be cooperative until Patty makes some charmingly condescending comment and then he storms out/breaks things/loses his goddamn mind at her while she just gives him a crocodile smile.
Gerri and Patty know each other - the club of super high powered female attorneys based in NYC is not a very large one - and don’t particularly like each other. Patty’s probably been sniffing around Waystar for years, and when Gerri finds out about the civil suit she goes home and drinks like five martinis in 30 minutes and considers moving to Bermuda.
Seriously though, Gerri “I don’t like mess” Kellman who at least pretends to play by the rules vs. Patty “I tried to kill my protégé to cover up my mess that involved at least one dead person and a dead dog but she survived and now she’s working for me again even though she knows I tried to have her murdered” Hewes??? In a situation where Patty is determined to not just win but to personally destroy Logan Roy, his empire, his legacy, and wipe him and his entire family clean of their fortune? Yeah, Gerri’s gonna have to get dirty or get out, and honestly I could see it going either way bc I think she values saving her own skin > winning, unlike Patty, but if Patty could take her down too, she might not have a choice but to get on her level.
Shiv is a disaster. She’s loyal to her dad but she also has always admired Patty, and they actually have a lot in common in that they sort of pretend to care about other people and in Shiv’s case she actually does think she has the moral high ground most of the time, I think? But they’re also self-serving and desperate to win. So Patty would be working the hell out of Shiv, and would probably enlist Ellen in that, too. Shiv would try to play both Logan and Patty and it would end very, very badly.
Patty would consider trying to turn Tom, but would decide against it because she wants to humiliate him and take him down, too. She does sic Ellen on Greg, who doesn’t exactly mean to end up on Team Patty but by the time he realizes how thoroughly he’s been played and how much essential info he’s given her he doesn’t really have a choice but to stick with her bc the Roys would kill him.
Kendall, of course, would start out all self-righteous and Patty would let him think that he’s the crusader here, etc., but that would only play out for so long. At some point he’d probably turn to Gerri or Frank (not Logan) when she casts him aside and he realizes how contemptible she really finds him and give them insight into how underhanded her methods are.
Roman - idk man, he’d be loyal to Logan and Gerri but he’d also probably have to excuse himself from a deposition or three to jerk off after watching Patty and Gerri in action against each other.
Ellen and Willa went to school together, bc why not? So Connor tries to make nice by inviting Ellen over for dinner and they have a very fucking awkward evening together in which it becomes clear to Connor that a) his family’s fucked, and b) Willa might be rooting for Ellen.
At some point Waystar tries to settle (Gerri, Frank, Karl, and pretty much everyone threatens to quit if Logan doesn’t make the offer) but a la Frobisher in season one, Patty is like LOL NO, so idk how it plays out past that...I kind of feel like Ellen and Shiv definitely will sleep together at one point only for Shiv to try - and fail - to stab Ellen in the back; Patty gets blackmail material of some sort over Roman and Gerri’s dynamic (she bugs their phones or sets people on their apartments or something) and that’s, uh, Not Good, and she probably also digs up the details on the waiter in England; in response, Gerri starts poking around Ray Fisk’s death and also begins trying to work Ellen, because she can tell that Ellen has an agenda of her own and might not be entirely opposed to bringing Patty down herself (reader’s choice if that works); Logan probably has a heart attack or another stroke at some point and Patty sends him a giant bouquet of flowers and he might actually die at that point; in the end it probably comes down to Gerri and Roman as the functional defense against Patty, with Ellen as a wild card (she’s telling Patty that she’s playing Team Waystar and Patty doesn’t believe it but thinks she can manipulate Ellen to her advantage anyway; Gerri and Roman don’t totally believe that Ellen only cares about bringing Patty down, not Waystar, but they also think they can use her against Patty; basically no one trusts anyone); Logan, Kendall, and Shiv are all furious but are making everything worse; Tom kidnaps Greg and they flee to Thailand and tbh they’re probably the only ones who get a happy ending.
Did I develop this entire concept because I actually short-circuited at the idea of Patty vs. Gerri? YOU BET I DID, honestly that’s the only part of this entire thing that matters the rest is just lagniappe!!!
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