#I JUST WANT MY LIL ACHIEVEMENT (actually i don't really know if there's an achievement BUT my completionist ass will do it either way)
qrevo · 4 months
oh my god i'm trying to do the stealth ending in amnesia the bunker before going to ng+ and WHY IT'S SO DIFFICULT
(spoilers on tags)
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loveanton · 15 days
off my face | lee anton
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⟶ 𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦: your best friend has been in love with you for years but you’ve been too blind to notice.
❥ 𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔: best friend!anton x f!reader
❥ 𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑟𝑒: angst, fluff, suggestive
❥ 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡: 4.5k
⟶ 𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠: underage drinking, partying, drunk kisses, makeouts, pls let me know if i missed anything
⏤ 𝑎/n: finally finished my finals so this is a lil self indulgent piece hehe
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“I’m officially done with my exams!”
Anton smiles at you through his phone as he watches you vigorously shake your device out of excitement. You’re practically glowing, a mixture of relief and joy lighting up your features. Anton’s heart swells with pride. He’s always known how dedicated and hardworking you are, but seeing you like this makes him realize just how far you’ve come. You’d conquered another milestone, and he can't help but feel immensely proud of you.
He remembers all the late-night study sessions, the moments of doubt you’d shared, and the unwavering determination in your eyes. You’re amazing. He admires your strength, your perseverance, and the way you made everything seem possible. Anton has always been your biggest cheerleader, silently supporting you from the sidelines, even though he wishes he could do more. But right now, he’s just happy to see you so happy.
"Congratulations," Anton finally says, his voice warm and full of genuine pride.
"Thank you!" you beam, your eyes sparkling with gratitude. “Not gonna lie, I wrote complete bs for half the exam, after answering what I knew and adding up the points I gave up when I realized I had enough to pass the class.”
Anton snorts at your confession, “let’s pray your math wasn’t off then.”
You hum, “lets pray I actually got those questions right otherwise I’m screwed.”
The two of you laugh at your words before a beat of silence falls over the two of you. Anton hesitates for a moment, then decides to go for it. "So, what would you like me to buy you as a gift for finishing off your junior year?" he asks, his tone playful but sincere. He wants to celebrate this achievement with you, to make this moment even more special.
Your eyes widen in surprise, a smile spreading across your face. "Really? You don't have to—"
"I want to," Anton interrupts, a mischievous grin forming. "Come on, name your reward."
You laugh, thinking for a moment before answering. "Well, if you're sure... How about that new book series I've been eyeing?"
"Consider it done," Anton says, already mentally noting to order it as soon as possible. He wants to see that smile on your face in person, wants to be the reason for your happiness, even if just a little bit.
Just then, the door to Anton’s room opens, and Eunseok pokes his head in. He notices Anton on the phone and grins, stepping fully into the room. "Hey, who's that?" he asks, leaning closer to the screen.
You giggle and wave. "Hi, Eunseok! Guess what? I’m officially done with my exams!"
"Hey! That’s awesome! Congrats!" Eunseok says, his enthusiasm infectious. "So, Anton’s getting you something nice, right?"
"Yeah, he’s getting me a book series I wanted," you say, your excitement evident.
Eunseok smiles, "Want me to buy you something too?"
Your eyes sparkle with mischief. "Wait, really?”
He nods his head once and hums, “Yeah. Anything else you have your heart set on?”
“Want to take me out for some kbbq?"
Eunseok laughs, nodding. "Sure, Korean BBQ it is. I’ll text you to pick a date."
Anton forces a smile, trying to hide his disappointment. "Great, that sounds like a lot of fun."
You beam, clearly thrilled. "Awesome! Thanks, Eunseok. And thanks again, Anton, for the book series."
"Of course," Anton says, his voice softer now. "I’m really proud of you."
After a few more exchanges, Eunseok and Anton say their goodbyes, and you hang up. The moment the call ends, Anton feels a heavy weight settle in his chest. He can't shake off the sadness that you so eagerly accepted Eunseok's offer and that you would be going out to eat with him. It felt a bit too intimate, and jealousy gnaws at him.
Anton sulks around the dorm, trying to distract himself but failing miserably. Later on, once everyone has eaten and gotten ready for bed, Anton sits in the common area still pouting and eating an apple after skipping out on dinner because Eunseok was in charge of cooking tonight. Wonbin notices his friend's gloomy demeanor and approaches him with concern.
"Hey, what's got you all pouty?" Wonbin asks, nudging Anton gently.
Anton sighs, running a hand through his hair. "It's nothing. Just... feeling a bit off, I guess."
Wonbin raises an eyebrow, clearly not buying it. "Come on, what is it? I know something's bothering you."
Anton hesitates, then finally gives in. "It's just... ____’s done with her exams and I offered to buy her a gift, she was really happy about it. But then Eunseok came in and offered to buy her something too and she accepted without a second thought. It just... I don’t know, it feels different."
Wonbin nods, understanding dawning on his face. "Ah, I see. You're feeling jealous."
"Yeah," Anton admits quietly. "I know it's stupid, but I can't help it. I’ve been in love with her for years, and she doesn’t even see me that way. And now she’s going out with Eunseok... it just hurts."
Wonbin claps a reassuring hand on Anton's shoulder. "Hey, it’s not stupid. Feelings are complicated. But maybe it's time to tell her how you really feel. Who knows, she might feel the same way."
Anton looks at Wonbin, a mixture of hope and fear in his eyes. "Maybe. I just don’t want to ruin what we have."
"Sometimes you have to take a risk to get what you really want," Wonbin says softly. "And you deserve to be happy too, Anton."
Anton nods, taking a deep breath. "Thanks, Wonbin. I’ll think about it."
As he walks back to his shared room, Anton's mind races with thoughts of you, the possibilities, and the courage he would need to finally confess his feelings. But for now, he just hopes you’re happy, even if it isn’t with him.
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The next day, you head over to Anton’s dorm, excited to pick up the gift and hang out with your best friend. The sun is shining brightly, and there’s a lightness in your step as you approach the familiar building. When you knock on his door, it opens almost immediately, and Anton greets you with a warm smile.
"Hey! Come in," he says, stepping aside to let you enter.
"Thanks," you reply, stepping into the cozy space. The dorm has always felt like a second home to you, a place filled with fond memories and shared moments.
Anton walks the two of you to his room before going over to his desk and picks up a carefully wrapped package. "Here it is," he says, handing it to you with a shy grin.
You take the package, your eyes widening in surprise. "Wow, you wrapped it and everything! How did you get it so fast?"
Anton chuckles. "The perks of Amazon Prime," he replies, looking pleased with your reaction.
You laugh and start to unwrap the gift, revealing the book series you’ve been wanting. Your heart swells with gratitude, and you look up at Anton with a beaming smile. "Thank you so much, Anton! This is perfect."
"I’m glad you like it," he says softly, watching as you flip through the pages of the first book.
Just then, your phone buzzes with a text from your roommate. You glance at the screen and read the message. “Ouu, Mina just texted me about a party."
You look up at Anton, excitement and a hint of mischief in your eyes. "Do you wanna come with me? It’ll be a great way to celebrate."
Anton hesitates, his brow furrowing slightly. "A party? I don’t know... that’s not really my scene."
"Please, Anton," you say, giving him your best puppy-dog eyes. "It would mean a lot to me if you came. We can have fun together, and it’s a good chance to let loose before I leave for the summer."
He sighs, but the look in your eyes makes it impossible for him to say no. "Alright, I’ll go," he agrees, a small smile tugging at his lips.
"Yay! Thank you!" you exclaim, wrapping your arms around him in a tight hug. "You’re the best, Anton."
He hugs you back, savoring the moment before you pull away. "I’ll see you later then. I need to get ready," you say, heading for the door.
"See you later," Anton replies, watching you leave with a fond look in his eyes.
After you’ve gone, Anton turns to find his roommates. He finds all six of them in the common area, discussing their plans for the evening. "Hey, guys. We’re going to a party tonight," Anton announces.
"A party? Are you sure you want to go?" Sungchan asks.
Soohee nods, “yeah, I never pegged you as the party going type.
Anton sends a sharp glare their way. “____ invited me, I’m sure it’ll be fun.”
"I’m sure it will," Wonbin adds, glancing at Anton. He remembers the conversation they had last night and grins. "So, is this the night you finally tell her how you feel?"
Anton’s cheeks flush slightly. "Ahhh, hyung!"
Eunseok raises an eyebrow. "Wait, tell who what?"
Wonbin nudges the younger male. "Anton’s in love with ____. Has been for years."
All the boy's eyes widen in surprise, as they stare at their youngest in shock. Shotaro is the first to react, he breaks into a wide grin. "Really? That’s awesome! We need to make sure you confess tonight."
Anton groans. "No. Guys, please. I don’t want to make it a big deal."
His words go right over everyone's heads as they start coming up with a masterplan to help out their brother.
"Don’t worry, Anton," Wonbin says with a mischievous glint in his eye. "We’ve got your back. Tonight’s the night."
Anton sighs, knowing there’s no stopping them. As the evening approaches, the dorm buzzes with excitement. The guys are all determined to help Anton confess his feelings to you by the end of the party, and Anton can only hope that everything goes well.
Back in your dorm, you and Mina are getting ready for the party. The room is filled with the upbeat music Mina insists on playing whenever you two are preparing for a night out. You’re both rifling through your closets, trying on different outfits, and swapping opinions on what looks best.
“This party is going to be amazing,” Mina says, holding up a sparkly top against herself and checking the mirror. “Are you sure Anton’s coming?”
“Of course,” you reply, slipping into the black dress you finally settled on. “I convinced him. He’s not really into parties, but he agreed to come.”
Mina grins and raises an eyebrow. “You know, that’s probably because he has a thing for you. So, when are you going to confess your feelings?”
You roll your eyes, waving off her comment. “We’re just friends, Mina. He doesn’t see me like that.”
Mina gives you a skeptical look. “Are you sure about that? You two are pretty close, and I’ve seen the way he looks at you.”
“Seriously, it’s not like that,” you insist, feeling a twinge of discomfort. You don’t want to get your hopes up or think about the possibility of Anton seeing you as more than a friend. “Let’s drop it, okay?”
Mina shrugs, sensing the finality in your tone. “Alright, alright. But if you change your mind, tonight could be the perfect time.”
You finish getting ready in silence, both focused on your makeup and hair. Once you’re satisfied with your looks, you grab your bags and head out the door, excitement bubbling within you for the night ahead.
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The party is already in full swing by the time you and Mina arrive. The house is packed with people, music blaring, and laughter echoing through the rooms. You’re greeted by a wave of familiar faces, everyone eager to chat and offer you drinks.
Anton stands off to the side, trying to blend into the background while watching you interact with ease. He sees guys coming up to you, talking and laughing, some even offering you drinks. A pang of jealousy hits him, but he tries to push it aside.
Sungchan, noticing Anton’s brooding expression, decides to take action. He grabs two drinks and walks over to Anton, shoving them into his hands. “Here, take these. Go talk to her. Stop sulking.”
Anton hesitates but knows Sungchan is right. He takes a deep breath and walks over to you, hoping to get a moment alone.
You notice Anton approaching and smile brightly. “Hey! I’m so glad you made it.”
“Hey,” he replies, handing you one of the drinks. “I wouldn’t miss it.”
The two of you find a quieter corner and start chatting about your summer plans. You excitedly tell him about your upcoming girls’ trip to Tulum, and he shares his plans to go on tour with the boys before heading back to New Jersey to spend time with his family.
“I’m so excited for you,” you say, genuinely happy for him. “Touring sounds incredible.”
“Thanks,” Anton says, his eyes softening as he looks at you. “And Tulum sounds amazing. You’re going to have so much fun.”
Just as you’re about to dive into another topic, Soohee appears out of nowhere, grabbing both of your arms. “Hey, you two! Come on, we’re starting a drinking game in the basement. You have to join us!”
You laugh, allowing Soohee to drag you towards the basement. “Alright, alright, we’re coming!”
Anton follows, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness.
The basement is filled with a mix of excitement and apprehension as everyone gathers around in a circle for the game. The room is dimly lit, creating an intimate atmosphere perfect for a game of Dare or Drink. Soohee stands in the center, holding an empty bottle, and addresses the group with a mischievous grin.
"Alright, losers," Soohee announces loudly, "we're playing Dare or Drink. It's pretty self-explanatory, but here are the rules: we spin the bottle, and if it lands on you, you either do the dare or take a drink. Got it?"
Everyone nods, a mix of nervous laughter and anticipation rippling through the group. Seunghan is the first to spin the bottle, and it lands on Chaemin. The room holds its breath as he smirks.
"Alright, Chaemin," Seunghan says, leaning forward, "I dare you to kiss the person next to you."
Chaemin's eyes widen, her cheeks turning pink as she looks to her side and sees Shotaro. She bites her lip, hesitating. Shotaro's face is already turning red, a nervous smile on his lips. Chaemin quickly decides and grabs her drink, taking a big gulp instead of completing the dare.
You giggle, noticing Shotaro's embarrassment, and pat his shoulder comfortingly. "Don't worry, Shotaro. Maybe next time," you say with a playful wink.
Chaemin, still blushing, spins the bottle next. It twirls around before pointing at Wonbin. She grins mischievously. "Wonbin, I dare you to strip and go skinny dipping with me."
The room erupts in cheers and laughter, the boys howling at the suggestion. Wonbin, however, chuckles and shakes his head, opting to take a drink instead.
Soohee rolls her eyes dramatically. "Come on, guys! This game is boring if no one does the dares. Step it up!"
With a determined look, Wonbin spins the bottle, and it lands on Anton. Anton's eyes widen as everyone hoots and hollers, anticipating the dare.
"Alright, Anton," Wonbin says, his voice dripping with mischief, "I dare you to make out with the hottest girl in the room."
The group falls silent, all eyes on Anton as he blushes furiously. You can feel your own cheeks heating up, heart pounding as you wait to see what he'll do. Anton looks around nervously, his gaze lingering on you for a moment longer than the others.
Anton hesitates, his mind racing. He can feel the weight of everyone's eyes on him, especially yours. The truth is, he already knows who the hottest girl in the room is to him, but saying it out loud and acting on it in front of everyone feels daunting.
With a deep breath, he glances at you again, the unspoken feelings swirling in his eyes. "I—"
But before he can finish, the group erupts in cheers and laughter again, breaking the tension. Anton, still flustered, grabs his drink and takes a large gulp, avoiding the dare.
You can't help but feel a mix of relief and disappointment. You give him a supportive smile, hoping to ease his nerves. Anton looks at you, his eyes filled with gratitude and something else you can't quite place. The game continues, but you and Anton share a few more glances, the unspoken tension between you growing stronger with each passing moment.
As the game progresses and the drinks flow, the atmosphere in the basement becomes increasingly lively. Laughter fills the air, and the group becomes more daring with each spin of the bottle. You’ve mostly opted for drinks over dares, feeling the effects of the alcohol start to kick in. Your inhibitions are lowered, and a warm buzz settles over you as you join in the fun.
It's your turn again, and you watch as Soohee gives the bottle a playful spin. It twirls around before slowing down and pointing directly at you. The room erupts into cheers and laughter, and you can't help but giggle nervously as all eyes turn to you.
Soohee grins mischievously. "Alright, ____, I dare you to kiss the most attractive male in the room."
You scoff, feeling emboldened by the alcohol coursing through your veins. "Pfft, easy," you say with a playful smirk.
Without hesitation, you turn to Anton, your heart pounding in your chest. His eyes widen in surprise, his cheeks flushing as he meets your gaze. The room falls silent, anticipation hanging thick in the air.
With a boldness you didn’t know you possessed, you lean in and press your lips against his, the kiss soft but filled with an undeniable electricity. Cheers erupt from the group as they watch in amazement, some even whistling and hollering in approval.
For a moment, everything fades away except for the sensation of Anton’s lips against yours, the warmth of his embrace, and the pounding of your heart. It feels like time slows down, and you lose yourself in the moment, forgetting about everything else but the connection between you and Anton.
When you finally pull away, breathless and flushed, the room erupts into cheers and applause. Anton stares at you, his eyes wide with surprise and something else you can't quite place.
Soohee claps you on the back, grinning from ear to ear. "Now that's what I call a dare!" he exclaims, earning laughter and agreement from the others.
As the cheers and applause die down, you begin to realize the weight of what just happened. Your heart races with a mix of nerves and excitement, unsure of what this means for your relationship with Anton.
Anton's eyes meet yours, his expression unreadable as he stands and reaches out to take your hand, his touch sending a shiver down your spine. "Come on," he says softly, his voice barely above a whisper. "Let's get out of here."
You feel a pang of disappointment as Anton leads you away from the group, away from the pulsating energy of the party. A part of you wants to stay, to revel in the adrenaline rush of the moment, but another part knows that you need to talk, to figure out what this kiss means for your friendship.
But as Anton guides you up the stairs, you can't help but whine, dragging your feet like a child being dragged away from their favorite toy. "But I don't want to leave," you protest, your voice slurred from the alcohol. "I'm having fun."
Anton shoots you a warning look, his grip on your hand tightening slightly. "____, we need to talk," he says firmly, his tone leaving no room for argument.
Reluctantly, you follow him into an empty bedroom, the noise of the party fading into the background. Anton closes the door behind you, and for a moment, there's nothing but silence between you.
"I..." Anton starts, his voice trailing off as he struggles to find the right words. "I don't know what this means for us, but... that kiss, it felt..."
Before he can finish, you cut him off with a giggle, swaying unsteadily on your feet. "Anton, you're overthinking it," you say with a drunken smile. "Let's just go back to the party."
But Anton shakes his head, a determined look in his eyes. "No, we need to talk about this."
You pout, feeling suddenly overwhelmed by the seriousness of the situation. "Fine," you mumble, crossing your arms over your chest.
Anton sighs, running a hand through his hair in frustration. He realizes that you're too drunk to have a proper conversation, too caught up in the moment to fully understand the implications of what just happened. With a heavy heart, he decides to abandon the conversation for now, knowing that it's pointless to try to reason with you in your current state.
Instead, he takes a deep breath and gently guides you out of the room, back towards his dorm. You stumble slightly, leaning on him for support as you navigate the streets together.
When you finally reach his room, Anton helps you onto his bed, tucking you in with gentle hands. You mumble a sleepy thank you, already drifting off into a drunken slumber.
Anton watches you for a moment, his heart heavy with uncertainty. He knows that things will never be the same between you, that this kiss has changed everything. But as he looks down at your sleeping form, a small smile tugs at his lips. Maybe, just maybe, this could be the beginning of something new.
With a sigh, he turns away, grabbing a makeup wipe to gently wipe off your makeup. He changes you into one of his oversized shirts and a pair of his boxers, making sure to avert his eyes as he does so.
Once you're settled, he takes a pillow and a blanket, making himself comfortable on the floor beside the bed. He knows that he needs to be there for you, to take care of you, even if it means sacrificing his own comfort.
As he drifts off to sleep, thoughts of you swirl through his mind. He feels nervous about what the future holds for your friendship, but also excited at the possibility of something more. And as he falls asleep beside you, he knows that whatever happens, he'll always be there for you, ready to support you through whatever comes your way.
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The morning light filters through the curtains, casting a soft glow into Anton's room. You slowly blink your eyes open, groaning at the pounding headache that greets you. As you try to piece together the events of last night, memories flood back to you in bits and pieces. The party, the drinking, the kiss...
Your heart sinks as you realize where you are. You sit up slowly, the room spinning slightly as you take in your surroundings. You're in Anton's room, and the memories of the drunken kiss flood back to you with embarrassing clarity. You feel stupid for letting things get out of hand, for letting your feelings show in such a reckless way.
As you start to get dressed, pulling on your pants with shaky hands, the door creaks open and Anton enters, carrying a glass of water and some pills. You freeze, your heart racing as you meet his gaze. There's a moment of awkward silence as you both stand there, unsure of what to say.
Anton breaks the silence first, holding out the water and pills to you. "Here," he says softly, his voice gentle. "You'll feel better after you take these."
You take the medicine gratefully, mumbling a small thank you as you swallow the pills with a sip of water. Anton watches you carefully, his expression unreadable as he waits for you to speak.
Finally, he clears his throat, his voice hesitant. "About last night...," he starts, trailing off as he searches for the right words. "I wanted to talk to you about the kiss."
Your heart sinks even further, and you feel a blush creeping up your cheeks. "Oh, uh... yeah," you mumble, trying to play it off casually. "It was just a stupid drunken kiss. We were both drunk, and I... I didn't mean anything by it."
Anton's gaze softens, and you can see the doubt flickering in his eyes. He takes a step towards you, his voice barely above a whisper. "Do you mean that?" he asks, his tone gentle but insistent. "Or... do you have feelings for me?"
You feel a lump forming in your throat, and you struggle to find the right words. "I... I don't know," you admit, feeling flustered and exposed under his gaze. "It was just a... a stupid mistake."
But Anton knows you're lying, knows you're trying to brush off something that meant more to both of you than you're willing to admit. With a newfound confidence, he takes another step towards you, closing the distance between you.
"____," he says softly, reaching up to caress your cheek with trembling fingers. "I've loved you for years. That kiss... it meant everything to me."
You stare up at him in shock, your heart pounding in your chest. You're not sure how to respond, not sure if you're ready to face the truth of your feelings for him. But before you can say anything, Anton leans in, his lips capturing yours in a gentle, hesitant kiss.
For a moment, everything fades away except for the warmth of Anton's embrace, the softness of his lips against yours. As the kiss deepens, you wrap your arms around him, pulling him closer, Anton hums, his right hand slides under your hair to rest on your neck.
You quietly moan when he spreads your mouth with his and slips his tongue into your wet mouth. Anton’s fingers are tangled in your hair, his thumb resting on the side of your face. He tilts his head and deepens the kiss. He moans when he wraps his tongue around yours. He rests his other hand on the small of your back as he reclines you slowly, carefully, until you are laying down and he is hovering over you. He retracts his left hand from your back and starts to slowly rub circles on the inside of your thighs.
You slightly push him away feeling overwhelmed with all the new sensations but you know you need to tell him this before anything else happens, “I love you too.”
Anton smiles down at you and pecks your lips once more, “I love you more.”
In that moment you feel a sense of completeness wash over you, a feeling of rightness that you've never experienced before. As you lose yourself in his eyes, in the warmth and safety of Anton's embrace, you know that this is just the beginning of your journey together, the start of something beautiful and true.
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rewh0re · 11 months
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-fluff fluff FLUFF, nagi realising he might have a lil crush, just nagi falling for you. REBLOGS + FEEDBACKS ARE APPRECIATED!!
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Nagi was not the resident lover boy. Everyone knew that, he made sure of it. He garnered interest in a few things, video games and football being some examples. The latter, if not for his best friend Reo introducing it to him, maybe wouldn't even have made it in the list. Nagi found most of the things to be a hassle. It was a hassle to get up in the morning, a hassle to brush his teeth, a hassle to get ready and come to school and get through the day. The biggest hassle of all was falling in love and high school relationships. Nagi didn't really get the logic behind all that jazz but he did get confessions in the form of little notes and homemade chocolates. He hated it, all he wanted to do was ignore them and sleep and that's what he did.
But then Nagi met you. Standing under the shelter provided by the bus stop in the pouring rain, a wet umbrella in your hands. He ran there to take shelter from the rain as well and in the process got wet. Swatting away the water from his hair, he felt your eyes on him.
"This is why you should carry an umbrella," you said, nodding your head at him. You were clearly joking as there was a little mischievous smile on your lips.
"It's a hassle to pack an umbrella," he said looking straight, voice as flat as ever.
"It’s a hassle to pack an umbrella?" Your head rolled back in laughter as you repeated his words in a question. Your reaction achieved a pout from Nagi and you thought he looked absolutely adorable in all his puffed out cheek glory.
"My bag becomes too heavy," his explanation was dry, not providing much information.
You smiled in reply, not really understanding this strange boy who found carrying an umbrella during the rainy seasons a hassle. You let it be, deciding that it wasn't really your concern.
"You go to my school?" He looked at the uniform you were wearing and then at his as if to check if they were the same. They were.
"Yes Nagi Seishiro I do go to your school," you chuckled in amusement before continuing "we shared a class last year. I won't blame you for forgetting though. You mostly slept and I never actively socialized with any of my classmates."
"I'm sorry," he rubbed the back of his neck, as embarrassment slowly took over him. A pink hue slowly creeped up his ears. You went to his school, were in the same year as him infact and he didn't even know you existed before this.
You laughed again. You laugh a lot, he noticed.
"No, don't be. I wouldn't have remembered either if you hadn't confidently said the definition of socialism when the question was about the functions of the kidney and still topped the class anyway," you grinned at him and he muttered curses at himself as the probably unwanted memory creeped its way up to the top.
"I'm l/n y/n by the way. You know, a formal introduction since we never really met properly," you stretched your hands towards him.
"Nagi Seishiro but you know that already," he took your hand and shook it gently.
Sitting at a bench provided by the bus stop together, you did not realize when the rain had stopped, the gray clouds slowly drifting by to reveal a clear sky. Nagi told you about his cactus, choki and about how Reo dragged him into football. You learnt that most things were actually a hassle for Nagi and when he said that, you laughed again.
Nagi felt a sense of pride wash over him as he made you laugh. He realized that you actually cracked very lame jokes but he found himself breaking into a small smile when you shared them anyway. It was a jolly scenario. Something in Nagi's heart bloomed when you smiled, beating a bit faster than usual.
Nagi was not your resident lover boy and in all honesty, he never wanted to be but seeing your exuberant personality made something in him glow. He found people to be a hassle, but you, with all your energy, didn't count as one, even if you officially met that day itself. Nagi didn't want to admit it was a crush just yet, he was willing to wait but when your bus came in sight, some sort of dejection took over him.
"Well that's me!" You got up from your seat waving at him as you made your way to the bus.
Just as you were about to get on the vehicle, you turned over your shoulder to look at the white haired male, who's gaze widened at the action.
"Hey Nagi, talk to me in school, yea? I'll be waiting!" You gave him a grin that stretched from ear to ear before getting up on the bus as it soon disappeared out of sight.
Your beaming smile was etched inside Nagi's mind as it sent some kind of fluttering sensation inside him. It wasn't long before he found himself smiling like an idiot while sitting on a bench in the bus stop thinking about you. He got up, his smile still intact, as he began walking towards the metro station.
That was all Nagi Seishiro could think on a rainy July evening after you left, making a mental note to definitely approach you in school.
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cupid-styles · 7 months
my favorite person
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in which harry is a werewolf and he just wants to fit in with y/n and her human friends, but it's a little harder than he anticipated.
word count: 2k
content warnings: werewolf harry, smut (subby h, cum play, slight humiliation and tiny bit of impact play, dirty talk, a lil bit of dumbification)
masterlist | talk to me
fall/halloween blurb list
. . .
"Harry, you're being... werewolf-y."
"No I'm not."
Y/N turns her head to glare at him, her eyes darting down to the collar of his tee-shirt currently wedged between his teeth. She plucks at the fabric and yanks it down and out of his mouth, a quiet whine immediately sounding from his lips. 
"Humans at parties don't chew on their shirts." she reminds him, lifting her cup to take a sip of... whatever Halloween-themed concoction Lena and Remi had thrown together. 
"It's actually your shirt," he mutters as he crosses his arms over his chest. 
"You're acting like a puppy." she fires back, leaning back against the couch just as Lena walks — or stumbles, really — over in her pirate costume. 
"Harry, you're here!" Lena exclaims drunkenly, plopping down between the two. Y/N grimaces internally; it's not actually because one of her closest friends is at a sloppy level of drunkness that can only be achieved on Halloween, but because Harry is still attempting to acclimate to human social interactions. And so far, it's been painful. 
"Y/N said you were coming but we didn't actually know if you'd show," she continues, slurring her words slightly, "We've always felt there's something off—"
"Lena!" Y/N yelps, grabbing her hand from her lap and giving it a squeeze, directing her attention to her, "Did Claire make it? I know you wanted to try and make a move tonight."
"Oh my god, that's right!"
Y/N takes that as a yes as she pops back up, clumsy on her legs, but nonetheless makes it out of the living room lightning fast. She lets out the breath she'd been holding, only to see that Harry is worrying his bottom lip between his fingers. 
"Babe, don't take it personally, she's wasted." she says, scooting back over so their thighs are pressed together. 
"Your friends think I'm weird."
Her heart cracks in two and she quickly shakes her head, lowering her cup to the floor so her hands are free. She wraps her arms around Harry's broad shoulders, holding him tightly even if he's pretending not to be keen on physical touch right now. 
(In reality, he always is; he's constantly pawing at her and whining about cuddles, wrapping himself up in her warm blankets when she's not around. She's never asked if it's a werewolf thing or a Harry thing, but she knows he adores being loved on more than the average person.)
"They don't think you're weird." she murmurs into his ear, pressing a kiss to his hair, "And even if they did, who cares?"
"I do," Harry insists with watery eyes, a pout on his face, "I'm trying to get better at blending in and you're the most important person to me and— well, they don't like me, and that matters."
She sighs, but she understands. She lets go of him but intertwines their fingers together, giving his hand a small squeeze. 
"I know it's frustrating, but trust me when I say being a human is difficult," she says softly, "It's probably ten times harder pretending to be one."
Besides his pack, Y/N is the only person that knows about Harry's true form. Oddly, she had taken it all quite well, especially considering he confessed only a few months after meeting. 
(Harry had enrolled at her university, which is apparently something werewolves in their pack do — it's some reasoning about them wanting to keep people safe, but also it helped them better blend into society. They sat next to each other in a lecture and normally, Y/N isn't interested in interacting with her fellow peers, but in classic Harry fashion, he broke her down bit by bit with questions about the homework and what she'd done over the weekend. Before she even knew it, he was sitting in her living room, wrapped up in her blankets, eating the soup she'd made specially for him.)
But obviously, not everyone is like Y/N, and it isn't a lie to say that many of their peers are confused by Harry. He is very clingy with Y/N so people think they're dating, which isn't too far off from the truth — they've hooked up a few times and kiss and cuddle, but it's a weird gray area that neither of them attempt to approach. His eyes changed color frequently, he has an affinity for nosing at Y/N's neck when he's tired even if they're in public, and, because his time is split up between pretending to be a college student and dealing with whatever werewolf things he did when he's away from Y/N, he doesn't know much about pop culture or current events.
(One time, Y/N and Remi were talking about the new Olivia Rodrigo album and Harry quietly tugged at her sleeve and asked Y/N who they were talking about.)
So, yeah. He kind of stuck out like a sore thumb. But Y/N really likes all the things that make him him, and it makes her sad to see him down on himself just because not everyone gets him.
"D'you wanna go back to mine?" Y/N murmurs, their joined hands placed firmly in Harry's lap. "We can order from that pizza place you like and watch Teen Wolf. I know you love making fun of it."
He blushes (he always does whenever she mentions details about him that only she knows) and nods. It makes Y/N smile as she stands from the couch, reaching her hands out to pull him up. 
"I adore you, you know," she says, looking up at him with the most sincerest of expressions, "I think you're really, really great, just as you are."
His heart feels like it might burst out of his chest so he just leans down to press a kiss to her forehead. And because he's Harry, all he's able to muster out is, "I would never be this great without you."
. . .
When they get back to Y/N's place, she notices that Harry is being clingier than usual.
She doesn't necessarily mind it, and she can partially assume how his headspace arrived to that point. In the times that they've slept together, she was surprised to realize that he teeters on being the more submissive one in their dynamic. She figured given his whole... werewolf thing, he would have some deep primal urges to dominant her, but instead, it always seems as though he just wants to be loved on and taken care of. 
And really, when he crawls onto her couch, into the spot that she always snuggles herself into after a long day, and nuzzles his face into her favorite blanket, who is she to deny him?
So Y/N slips her shoes off and sits down in front of him, pushing her knees into the plushy carpet beneath her and swipes her thumb over his cheek. 
"You okay?" she asks softly, to which he simply shrugs his shoulders. Gently, she climbs up onto the couch and wiggles her body behind his, a confused humph leaving his mouth as she maneuvers their position. With her back flush against the couch, she moves Harry so his back leans up against her chest, pressing a kiss to the side of his head as she spreads her legs out around his hips. Harry has longer limbs than she does and there's a height difference between them, but with a little extra effort, she's able to reach out to spread his thighs apart. 
"Lemme take care of you, pup," she murmurs into his ear, hooking her thumbs under the waistband of his pants to shimmy them down. He moves pliantly, allowing her to do as she wishes in his typical quiet way. "You know you did so good today, right?"
"Not really," Harry grumbles, "You're just saying that 'cos you don't want me to cry."
"Of course I don't want you to cry." Y/N replies easily, pushing his briefs down to reveal his already hard cock, "But I wouldn't lie to you, and you know that."
Again, he shrugs, and Y/N ignores the immediate urge to gently smack the inside of his thighs.
"Don't be bratty. I'm trying to make you feel good."
"I'm not being bratty."
She sighs and removes her hands from his hips, "Do you want me to touch you or not, Harry?"
A beat. And then, "Yes, please."
Wordlessly, she takes his prick into her palm, giving it a squeeze as her other hand winds its way back around to his face. 
"Spit." she says simply.
"Do you have a humiliation kink?" Harry fires back, making her roll her eyes.
"No, but I know you do," she replies, squeezing his cock again, "Spit or I'm done here."
This time, he does as she asks, submissively drooling saliva into her hand. It makes her smirk as she slowly begins to pump his now-lubricated length in slack movements.
She can feel him becoming restless in the way that he starts to buck his hips to meet her strokes, steadily becoming desperate for more. She uses her other hand to move down to his balls, rolling them between her fingers, his chest vibrating with a gurgled groan.
"There you go, baby," Y/N coos into his ear, speeding her slick movements over his cock, "Such a pitiful little pup, aren't you? Just rutting into my hands like this?"
He moans again and it makes her smile, taking his earlobe between her teeth and biting at it gently. He winces at the brief sting, another lengthy whimper falling from his lips when she tugs at his balls. 
"You're such a sweetheart, letting me take care of you like this," she purrs, focusing her slick passes to the flushed tip of his prick, "Silly puppy. All you needed was a handjob from me to calm you down?"
Harry nods quickly, his head bobbing up and down before he leans back completely, letting it lull against her shoulder. She loves seeing him like this, completely void of his worries and responsibilities, just focusing on the pleasure she's giving him. If she's honest, it's an ego boost for her, watching someone as physically strong as Harry melt at the doing of her hands.
"Ask for permission before you cum," she murmurs when she feels his muscles tense.
"Please?" he gasps out, his dull nails digging into the skin of his thighs, "Please, I need to— fuck, please I'm gonna—"
She removes her hand from his cock, placing a quick smack to his inner thigh, "That's not how you ask." 
"Please let me cum," he mewls, his legs shaking when she returns back to slick passes over the length of his prick. "Please, please, can I cum? Please—"
He swears he's never heard such a wonderful word before and it's only a few more pumps of her wrist before he's coming, thick ropes drooling over her fist and to the base of his pelvis. He's cursing, eyes shut, and she holds him tightly as his muscles contract violently beneath her touch, shushing him softly as he comes down from the intensity of his orgasm. 
"Oh my god," he pants, bucking his hips as a silent plea for her to halt her movements. She does, knowing he always gets sensitive after coming. As he recovers, she lifts her cum-covered fingers up to his mouth, plucking his bottom lip open. 
"Lick," she instructs, waiting for him to drop his jaw open. He does and she places her fingers on his tongue, shivering as he sucks greedily. "Good job, puppy. Such a cum whore."
He groans, his skin flushed from a confusing mix of embarrassment and pleasure, and she smirks. 
"You don't ever leave any for me. Always so greedy to taste yourself," she murmurs, withdrawing her fingers when he's finished sucking on them. Lazily, he shimmies his briefs back up and flips onto his tummy, leaning up to catch her lips in a kiss. She squeaks in surprise but doesn't question it, welcoming the way his tongue readily licks into her mouth. He's always especially needy after they do things together, even if he's just spent 45 minutes making out with her pussy. She pretends it doesn't affect her, but in reality, it's one of her favorite traits of his.
When he's finally tired himself out, all traces of his orgasm gone and his breathing relaxes, he snuggles into her side. Smiling, she reaches out to run her fingers through his messy hair. 
"You're my favorite person," Harry mumbles dreamily, "I hope you know that."
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gadriezmannsgirl · 11 months
Can i request relationship habits with Gavi?
How he’s changed since he’s with the reader
Okay, this might be really short but I think I've covered what personally, I think Gavi could be in and before a relationship in some of my past works, but still here you go anon, I hope you like this, let me know!
Relationship Changes? -P.G6
Summary: Relationship habits with Pablo Gavi
I truly feel like Gavi has been kinda forced to grow up somehow, I meant it in a way of not fully acting like a 18 year old would be thanks to his work, the media and everything, restraining himself to do a few things, so he would be really serious thinking that all you want is a though guy but after a while dating you he was more open about himself and let go acting all goofy and funny. Which you loved and let him know that little fact of loving him the most when he let himself go.
Gavi often wouldn't pay attention to anything unless it was football related, until he started dating you, after that he listened everything you had to say and it was like almost every word you say gets stuck in his head. Even if you never thought he heard them because he's always on his phone.
We all know his love languague is touch, so he would definitely hold your hand whilst driving, whilst being sat in a going out night with friends or just walking ocasionally on the streets. However, at home is a whole different story and not everyone sees his clingy side with you, he perfers it to stay only in between you two.
He also isn't much of a talker, unless he gains confidence and then, out of one hundred, he'll speak a forty-five percent. Meaning he had some trouble letting you know how he feels before and when you started dating... And still does sometimes when things get too much for him. Instead I feel like he would rather show his love for you than actually say it. Only saying it when it's a big moment for either you or him.
He gets worked up so quickly, you have to step in and calm him down, what is Pedri's position inside the camp, is yours outside it. You calming him down, looking into his eyes or kissing him make his craziness for you go up and his bad mood down in an instant.
But, I feel like he wouldn't like arguing with you, so he tries everytime an argument might come up, to talk with you properly about it but that doesn't happen everytime and although it sounds bad, if the argument's really serious and you can't find a solution to it, he would be the type of if he gets angry, go to bed to calm himself down and keep on the conversation in the morning.
He's a proud guy, so if you achieved something I feel like he would be so proud of you and telling everyone and everything, until someone points it out and he's back at his usual awkward self.
He would definitely teach you football stuffs if you don't know or if you do he would talk to you about them and even go ahead and teach you a few tricks with the ball on your big backyard; it's a bit obvious he will give you all of his jerseys, so you can go and support him on his games.
He wouldn't change a lot just because of the fact he got into a relationship, he would still be the same, with of course being a strong mix of cute, shy, angry, hot, confident, awkward, smart mess but you like it just the way he is and dating him should be one of the best things ever as he would treat you like a queen.
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Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld
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andypantsx3 · 7 days
hi andie!! 🥺 i have a few lil questions for you, if you don’t mind 🥺 (you may choose to answer this publicly or privately, whichever is more comfortable for you!)
would you have any tips/advice for writing/posting on a schedule? 🥺 how do you manage to stay on top of releasing/writing parts of your series consistently? do you keep daily goals? internal deadlines? a system? 🥺
i’ve always adored how organised you are with your fics!! and how regularly you write and update too 🥺 i am currently ~~trying to write and post more regularly (esp the ones for ficsforgaza!) but am stuck on how/where to start 🥺
Hi Sellie my love!! Omg yeah of course I'm happy to answer!! Idk that my system will work for you because everyone is different but I'm happy to explain my process!
These days I do not have much time or large stores of the right kind of focused energy it takes to write, mostly due to work and other personal life things I have going on right now. So I'm all about keeping goals microscopic as hell, removing blockers that distract me, and removing any pressure to write, actually lmao. I find that I'm most enthusiastic and productive when I don't feel like it's another obligation to deliver on, in the midst of all the other thousands of things I am responsible for in my day-to-day, if that makes sense?
In terms of goals, I have a loose one of writing just 100 words a day, but I cannot emphasize enough how loose it is. I do not ever try to make up for days I missed because that just adds more pressure. I do not try to push myself into doing it if I'm not feeling it because the last thing I want is for writing to feel like anything but a fun hobby. If you intend to take the Andie approach, I would advise you to set a goal that you think is so small you could achieve it by sneezing on your keyboard. Meeting goals is like, proven to release dopamine & boost your mindset, so it's more important overall to meet any goal than it is to have an impressive one.
Relatedly, I only promise things on a schedule when I know 100% I have the enthusiasm to meet it. I don't set deadlines to motivate myself, rather I let the deadlines be motivated by me, if that also makes sense? And if I have competing fics, I will prioritize working on whichever one has an actual deadline (like I set aside all my other fics to work on the one for Lore's a/b/o collab) because I know the boost I'm going to get from delivering on that is going to help me write the other ones after anyway.
I also try to remove as many blockers as I can so that writing is easy as pie. I write when I know I can control most of the factors that would sabotage me—early in the morning. If I can help it, I usually try to write first thing before I log on to any of my socials in case there's some spicy discourse I'm going to be absorbed by. It's also essential for me to do before work because work sucks the absolute life out of me right now, and I am almost never in the right headspace when I get home. Also no one ever tries to call or text me first thing in the morning so there are fewer distractions at play and it's quick work to just sit down and bang a few lines out.
I also set up my fics so that it's easy for me personally to work through them. They are all planned in advance so I know where I have to go with my writing and I'm not stuck waiting for an idea. But they're also not planned down to the detail, so that I don't feel like there's nothing left for me to explore mentally when writing!! That helps keep things directed but still interesting to me, so I feel motivated to keep returning to them.
It's really all about finding what works for you! Reflecting on what you've written already, when did you feel most motivated to write? What time of day was it, most often? What fic was it and how had you planned that/what was the subject material? Was it when you'd had a deadline to work against, or when no one knew you were working on it? Recreating those conditions to the best of your ability is what I think will help you stay engaged.
And again I cannot emphasize how much more important it is to stay motivated than it is to deliver anything regularly or on an impressive timeline. The motivation is the key to helping you to keep delivering long term. If you write something regularly for 2-3 months but then burn out, that's not gonna help you!! And honestly, meeting small goals and feeling good is actually going to motivate you to write more and faster anyway, so it's a win-win lol.
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abravesoul03 · 4 months
A/N: I have actually wanted to make my own o/c for some time now. And now seems like the time? Wel anyways I might use this o/c for some of my fics. Hope you guys wouldn't mind. Anything said or written here is all pure fiction my luvvies ♡˖꒰ᵕ༚ᵕ⑅
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NAME: Damian Ishiriki
STAGE NAME: lil Riki
GROUP: Wolf'lo
AGE: 21
MAJORING IN: Breakdancing/Popping & Locking
HEIGHT: 158cm 5'2
BIRTH DATE: 14/03/03
NATIONALITY: -unknown- (foreigner)
-You started dancing at the age of 7
-Your inspiration was none other than MJ himself. And Les twins, MC hammer, Ciara and more.
-Since you were really interested in it, your parents had joined in a hip hop dance academy in your home country.
-Soon you become to talk of the town.
-Everyone praised you, loved you and adored you for your talent. Such impressive skills in your little self.
-You were than brought to oversea countries to participate in competitions.
-By the age of 16, you were given an offer from a dance academy in Seoul South Korea.
-It was like a dream come true, but it also meant that you had to leave your family, friends and country to survive on your own in a foreign country. Of which you didn't speak the language of.
-In the end to achieve your dreams you did it. You moved to South Korea on your own.
-After joining the academy, you become popular among the dancers. It took you sometime to get use to your new surroundings but you managed.
-When you joined the academy, that's where you met both Babysleek and Chocol. They were your first teachers in that place.
-These two, took you under their wings teaching everything you should know about hip hop.
-Soon you were becoming really popular around the country.
-You did both underground battles and dance competitions. Always resulting in victory. Which led you to earning the title '작은 리키' which means 'lil Riki'
-At the age of 19 you were already well known through the country.
-Like I've said before, You were the honoured student of both Babysleek and Chocol.
-So during the time Wolf'lo was created, Halo had a shortage of one more member to the team.
"God unnie, we're still short of one member. What do we do now?"
"Hmm, wait I actually have an Idea. What if lil Riki joins us? I know she's young but I think with the skill and talent she's got, she'll be perfect for Wolf'lo. Don't you think Gayoung-ah?"
"Yeah I definitely agree with unnie, that kid is really good and damn one my students that I'll never forget."
-And that's how you we're added into Wolf'lo.
-To say the least you were the maknae, eventhough you had an age gap between the members, you were treated both fairly but also received all the pampering and loving from your unnies.
-World Hip Hop Dance Championship 1st place (category: solo / 2016)
-World Hip Hop Dance Championship 1st place (category: solo / 2017)
-World Hip Hop Dance Championship 1st place (category: solo / 2018)
-New York Juste Debout Hip Hop Final 2018 (Top 10)
-Global Drop the Beat Battle 2020 (Top 3)
-Seoul underground battle 2016 (2nd)
-Seoul underground battle 2017 (1st)
-Seoul underground battle 2018 (1st)
-Seoul underground battle 2019 (1st)
-Seoul underground battle 2020 (3rd)
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j422m1n3 · 9 months
Golden Cheese Headcanons
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Here are some of my thoughts about the most anticipated ancient (for me at least) to celebrate her upcoming release! I started writing this a bit before any leaks came out so don't expect much about them or her new trailer.
This is a lil over 5300 so enjoy about 19 min of content.
Good stuff over the cut!
What We Know
From the bits that she's shown in the game plus some complementary materials like the art book and the kingdom jelly set in ovenbreak, Golden Cheese Cookie is shown to be just a little bit egotistical 🤏 They have an absurd number statues of herself everywhere, has holidays based off of her practically everyday, and exaggerates their achievements She is also a very organized and meticulous cookie and likes to dictate even the smallest details. She gets pretty upset when things don't go her way or when her work is messed with. She shows this through her interest in fashion (like her controlling the cheesebirds’ looks) and her maintenance of her own appearance I have to assume that her fashion style is just being covered head to toe in gold since the wiki says that she’s so bright that it’s actually hard to even look up at her Of course Golden Cheese Cookie also has an interest in gold in general. And when I say interest I mean she has the “cover your entire kingdom and yourself with it” type of interest She's also not the most honest cookie. She lies about her origins like claiming she came from a golden dragon egg when in reality she just kinda gilded an egg they found. In odyssey, Hollyberry shares that Golden Cheese is secretive and has poor time management like always being late for things Kingdom-wise, it seems like most of her subjects are birds with a few cookies which she freed from Cheedas the Mole (maybe the cookies came after Cheedas defeat?) There is conflicting info on whether or not the birds actually like her or just tolerate her. It’s said that they were eternally grateful for her saving them from Cheedas and so gave her the title of queen but it is also said that she gave herself the title of queen and the birds just let her because she is a source of wealth It's also shown that her castle is a labyrinth and is full of what looks like traps and puzzles Finally, it seems like her nation is extremely technologically advanced and it kinda reminds me of Cyber City from Deltarune.
Their Epic Origin Story
I would like to give some context on how I think the ancients met and got their soul jams because I got this idea in my head that I have no clue where I got it from and I cannot find any info that confirms it. I probably made it up, but just roll with it, ‘kay? The ancients all met on the hero’s path (or something with a really similar name, I think it’s an actual place you visit in game) and worked together to get the soul jams which were at the end of these trials. Which makes sense since these are rocks that give you magical god powers, they can’t just leave this crap out in the open. Afterwards they continued adventuring together for a bit to get used to said magical god powers.
Each of the ancients had their own reason to search for the soul jams (reasons that I just made up and that are based off the stories from the Might of the Ancients) Hollyberry wanted the soul jam to help her best the dragon she’s after as well as unify all of the Berry estates Dark Cacao wanted the soul jam to aid him in confronting the Black and White Dragons and to suppress the spread of an "anomaly” which I’m pretty sure is the licorice oozlings Pure Vanilla wanted the soul jam to help nurse and care for his fellow pilgrims(? I’m not really sure about this one) White Lily wanted to study their power and see if it could be used to make cookies stronger Finally, Golden Cheese wanted them because others wanted them. They heard that there was some legendary treasure at the end that they planned to get before anyone else. She didn’t even know that the soul jams were magical. Golden Cheese was the last to join the group and she didn’t join them immediately since she was distrustful and saw the others as competition. “I was here first so I should get the treasure >:[” She was, in fact, the last to arrive Golden Cheese was super childish back then so they taunted the others whenever the group encountered challenges that Cheese could just fly over and occasionally stole their food. Young Dark Cacao hated their ass and Hollyberry, while still somewhat irritated by their petty acts, kinda found their presence funny. Pure Vanilla didn’t really know what to think of them and White Lily always tried to convince them to join their group using facts and logic 🤓. “Logically, it would be very beneficial for both parties if you agreed to join us since together we could-” “my name isn’t logically >:/” Of course, White Lily eventually succeeded and Golden Cheese joined the party. Maybe Golden Cheese needed their help and realized having people around isn’t so bad or Cheese could’ve started helping them because they had actually grown fond of the others. But of course under a facade of them taking pity on the group or something due to her ego. Things would still be turbulent with them and the group, however, because things can never be that easy >;}. Her ass was not helpful 90% of the time. She had to be bribed or forced into doing stuff in the beginning. White Lily and Hollyberry picked up on how to convince Golden pretty quickly so it wasn’t an issue for too long but during that period of time Golden would just shove all their work onto Vanilla (he just seems like the easiest to manipulate to me). Afterwards, everyone warmed up to them minus Dark Cacao because Cacao can hold one hell of a grudge.
Surprise Dark Cacao HC: He can be petty AF and his toxic trait is that he will bring up mistakes made years ago in arguments.
Cheese would originally just ignore him and maybe even continue to mess with him, but the others would try to get those 2 to be friends or at the very least not at each other’s throats. They both refused, immediately too. Cacao didn’t even let Lily finish her sentence before he said no and then subsequently fucked off. Cheese, on the other hand, was not paying attention and just automatically said no. But Golden Cheese eventually agreed because White Lily bribed her. So Cheese begrudgingly went up to Cacao and apologized, in a very rebellious teen esque way and is clearly not sorry. So then… Dark Cacao doesn’t accept her apology and tells her to fuck off 🫢 but really what were we expecting? Golden Cheese was a little bit pissed that Cacao didn’t accept her apology but she didn’t really care outside of that, she still got paid after all After this epic fail the group just kinda shrugs their shoulders and agree to keep the 2 as far apart as possible. Over time Golden would become less selfish and more willing to help the group, without being bribed to do so! We love character development <3. She would actually become more proactive and really start to care for these weirdos. She would also start to care about how they think of her, especially how Dark Cacao thought of her because he still hated her ✨ So Golden Cheese would try to apologize to him again, on her own volition and sincerely this time …And he tells her to fuck off again 😶 Cheese tries again and again to get his forgiveness and show that she had changed but he got the soul jam of resolution for a reason so he denied them at every step. She couldn’t even actually talk to him because would do a 180 every time he saw her. I guess you can say he gave her… the cold shoulder? Ba-dum-tis (you see, the joke here is that he comes from a naturally cold environment and so his distant demeanor towards cheese is reminiscent of his homeland. The ‘cold’ of his cold shoulder is a reference to its harsh weather. You see-) I deeply apologize for my terrible joke, it will happen again. (I have been consuming too much Cyno content) Literally everyone was like “wow cacao, maybe you should give her a chance” and he’ll be like “no <3” This would ultimately blow up into an argument and because Dark Cacao isn’t known for being tactful with his words (mf is harsher than the cold of his kingdom on godddd) he would end up deeply hurting Golden Cheese. He made it very clear he didn’t trust her ☠️, didn’t forgive her ☠️, and didn’t expect much from her ☠️☠️☠️. After this she threw her hands and went “fuck this I’m out” cause who wants to be around that type of energy? White lily, however, will have none of this and would convince Golden to stay saying that she’ll deal with Dark Cacao. With some persuasion (read: time out in the corner) + some help (read: manhandling) from HollyBerry, White Lily got Cacao to agree to have a proper talk with Cheese. It’ll start awkward and slow but eventually Cacao would ask for the reasons behind Golden’s original antagonistic and trickster behavior and she would then allow herself to be vulnerable with him (aka backstory time).
For her past she could’ve gone through a betrayal akin to what Black Pearl cookie went though. Golden Cheese could’ve from a poor background or straight up just didn’t have a n y t h i n g. No family, no friends, no home, nothing. Just them, the birds, hostile moles, and colorful and shiny rocks that they didn’t know the value of. When Golden Cheese first came into existence, like most babies, they had no idea of the concept of wealth so the gold and jewels that surrounded them in their desert were just neat rocks The first time she actually met with other cookies, they talked her into giving them the treasure and in return they’ll be her friends. Of course she agreed and she searched high and low for the biggest and prettiest gemstones she could find. This would go on for a bit until one day they decide to follow them to a nearby town Where they overheard them showing off her gifts and bragging Bragging about how they got some dumb bird kid to give them so much treasure and how they’re going to get rich off of them Safe to say Golden Cheese changed after that Through that incident they learnt that money was the most important thing to cookies And through money you can get anything you want! Food, clothes, toys,… friends But they didn’t want friends anymore, they wanted riches Gold can’t lie to you, but friends can Jewels can’t use you, but friends can And treasure can do some many things cookies couldn’t Cookies don’t shine or sparkle (outside of her of course) so what the point in talking to them! DNI if you don’t shine and/or sparkle So she hoards wealth because it's the only thing she can trust and really the only thing she has. Her distrust towards others deepened because other cookies tried to trick her and when that failed even outright stole from her. And since she was still a kid at the time they took pretty much everything, forcing her to run away from the sands she called her home. This caused her to become a thief herself so she could get her belongings back as well as some extra for revenge. After that she just continued to steal because in her mind it’s a steal or get stolen from the world out there. And I think Dark Cacao would be able to relate to their loneliness and reluctance to associate with others, hell, Dark Cacao probably refused to work with the other ancients at first too Cacao would then explain that he held onto his grudge for so long because Golden Cheese reminded him of the thieves of his homeland who terrorized towns and who he viewed as selfish and dishonorable scum. But now he can tell that she isn’t like those villains and has proven that she has changed. Thanks to this conversation Dark Cacao becomes a little more empathetic to Golden Cheese’s actions, however annoying they may be With this newfound understanding of each other, the 2 reconciled and Golden Cheese was finally fully accepted as part of the group and into a found family …Which eventually fell apart because someone decided to turn into a terrorist 🙄
Their Possible Update
For this section I won’t be including much from the teaser trailer because I don’t really know how to work with it. So this is just going to be what I hope to see in the update
So both Black Raisin Cookie and Adventurer Cookie made an appearance in the teaser which makes sense, Gingerbrave and friendstm probably was sent to look for Golden for the next Council of Heroes meeting by Vanilla who also sent Raisin with them since she knows how to deal with harsh environments. Adventurer being there also makes sense because it’s the mfing Golden Cheese Kingdom, assumedly filled to the brim with treasure of course he was gonna be there. The real question is where the hell is Chili Pepper? The Cookie I really wanted to see there though was actually Dark Choco! I know he’s in some forest near Dark Cacao Kingdom but just let me have this dammit. Imagine this: Gingerbrave and friendstm are on their way to Golden Cheese Kingdom when they hear some arguing. After following the noise they come across a camp with Milk, Purple Yam, and Dark Choco! Purple Yam is shouting about how they’re lost while Dark Choco’s looking at a map and trying to decide where to go. The two groups start talking and Dark Choco explains how Milk Cookie and Purple Yam Cookie happened to find him. Of course, after realizing that Dark Choco was right in front of him Yam immediately challenged Dark Choco to a rematch and in turn Milk tried to stop him. The pair squabbled for a bit until Dark Choco just gave into Yam’s request so he could get back to his peaceful wandering. Since Dark Choco 1: probably hasn’t been training all the much during his travels and 2: most likely relied on the Strawberry Jam Sword for most of his fights as well as to compensate for his poor eyesight and is now considerably weaker without it, he probably lost the fight. He would then try to leave, completely ignoring Purple Yam’s cheers but then paused in his tracks when Purple Yam brought up their previous fight. Confused, Dark Choco would then explain how he doesn’t remember fighting Purple Yam or saving Milk. This, of course, would piss off Yam (because what doesn’t) and he’d try to think of ways to get Dark Choco to remember and Milk would suggest the idea of bringing Dark Choco into their group. Both immediately said no but Milk easily managed to convince purple Yam by saying that if Dark Choco were to join, Yam could always have a strong sparring partner to fight! Dark Choco, on the other hand, was not as easy. It really just boiled down to Milk giving him his biggest puppy eyes and explaining how Dark Choco was his hero. Dark Choco weighed his options, on one hand he doesn’t really want to be constantly asked to fight but on the other these two dunderheads could be his opportunity for redemption. After a moment, he agreed and now he’s stuck with these two for life. When asked what they’re doing here Dark Choco explains that they’re heading for Golden Cheese Kingdom as well! He knows that Dark Enchantress is going to target the kingdom eventually so he wanted to stop her before she got any stronger. The two groups combine and head to Golden Cheese Kingdom together. As seen in the teaser, Golden Cheese isn’t going to be the most welcoming and I feel like she wouldn’t believe Gingerbrave and friendstm when they explain the situation. Fortunately for her, the situation will prove itself when the Cookies of Darkness show up and start wrecking her shit (betting all my diamonds that this is what is going to happen in the update) After all the inevitable shenanigans, I wanna see Golden Cheese and Dark Choco have a heart to heart. I wanna see Dark Choco share his past with her and explain his journey to redeem himself and I wanna see Golden Cheese comfort her nephew god dammit! Dark Choco deserves a hug and Golden Cheese could give him that! After this interaction Golden will make it her duty to get him and his father to reconcile and what better place to do so than at the Council of Heroes. I wanna see Golden Cheese roll up with Dark Choco, I’d think it’ll be neat.
Leftover Thoughts
This part is just random thoughts I have about Cheese (and some of the other ancients) that didn’t really fit in any previous sections
I think Golden is the youngest out of all the ancients with the order from oldest to youngest being Holly, Lily/Vanilla, Cacao, and then Cheese. As the youngest in the group Cacao and Cheese are legally obligated to be at each other’s throats at all times, especially when they were still all adventuring together. She just brings out his immature side. Golden Cheese would do all sorts of stupid shit to antagonize him like the ‘holding their finger right next to your face but not actually touching’ thing and just repeating his name over and over. Dark Cacao could not just ignore her and took all the nonsense they said at face value. When Cacao retaliates he’s always scolded by the other 3 because Cheese has baby privileges. Since he can’t do anything himself he calls for one of the others, especially hollyberry, for help. This poor woman is so tired dealing with these two. They get into these little scraps at least once a day and one of them will always run up to her to tattle on the other She loves those 2 to death but god damn are they annoying. It had gotten to a point where the second Holly heard those two messing with each other she would hide. They always ended up finding her lmao (if you couldn’t tell, i’m pulling from experience here, lil siblings suck :] Despite her wariness of other people, Golden Cheese is a very curious person and used to be easily distractible She often wandered off on her own and unknowingly into all sorts of danger. More often than not, the other ancients would have to save her from some monster and in the end she’s the only one unscathed. So Holly would use this trait to play small pranks on Cheese. One time she made a trail of coins and pointed out to Cheese who happily picked up each one. Little did Golden Cheese know, her bag had a hole in it so she made her own train of coins. This resulted in Golden Cheese following their own trail of coins for a hot minute while Holly did her best not to laugh. Nowadays that would work so Holly just lightly pokes fun at her. One of the many things Hollyberry would tease Golden about was all the embarrassing things they did in the past Mentions of practically anything Golden did when they were younger is the equivalent of a critical hit to her ego
Surprise Hollyberry headcanon: She makes sure to remember all the embarrassing shit her friends do, she even has a journal filled with them. None of the cookies around her can sleep at night because they can’t be comforted by the fact that no one remembers that they called their teacher mom in front of everybody because Hollyberry remembers and will bring it up eventually. She doesn’t (purely) do this to tease her friends, but to record all the special moments she shares with them. And with some true queen behavior, she writes down all of her embarrassing moments too <3
One of the things Holly would bring up would be how when Golden was a wee baby bird she would always try to get out of paying for things They would do things like purposely leaving their money at home so someone else had to pay for food. (this often ended up with them having to wash dishes or just not being allowed to order because the other ancients saw through her plan immediately. Her ass was not slick) Golden Cheese had a also bad habit of… “taking things off other cookies’ hands“ and had chronic magpie syndrome in their younger years She justified it back then because they thought that they could get better use out of whatever she was stealing from someone But now as a fully fledged bird with a fully fledged wallet, she makes it a point to pay for everything. They love flaunting their riches (it helps them forget her cringefail era) and their favorite way is good ol’ retail therapy. Golden Cheese used to go through the markets of her friends' Kingdoms and buy whatever caught her eye, aka the shiny stuff. She also looks for things that her friends would enjoy like new goblets and cups for Hollyberry, interesting weapons for Dark Cacao, soft quilts and yarn for Pure Vanilla, and interesting and rare ingredients for White Lily to use Another coping mechanism of hers is just looking at stuff. Stuff of the particularly shiny variety (Which includes herself of course) Admiring their possessions, themselves, or themselves through their possessions like their reflection in a comically sized coin The mirror is practically a baby sensory video to her and she will be locked in a trance for an indefinite amount of time.
They also spend hours every day just maintaining their appearance and their possessions Golden has her own way of organizing her riches and she categorizes them all frequently. The “ Cheese Index” as dubbed by Hollyberry They take into account the standard stuff like value, size, and luster but there is one standard that is unique to Golden Cheese, taste This was just dumb elaborate way for me to say that it’ll be really silly goofy if Golden Cheese could taste the quality of precious metals and minerals. The higher quality a gem is, the better it tastes to her but all riches taste pretty good. (During their adventuring days, the other ancients had to set aside some coins just for her to snack on so she wouldn’t accidentally eat all of their funds.) When she’s not doing either of the things above, she is just lazing around, probably on top of a pile of coins which they actually find comfortable If left to her own devices, Golden Cheese could honestly spend days, if not weeks like this because they are just not very time conscious. It is also the reason why they’re usually late to things the other ancients have to tell Golden Cheese to arrive at an earlier time so they’re not absurdly late anymore, like days late When they do arrive, whether they’re late or super late, they are always the shiniest in the room In her younger years and when she was first getting into fashion, she equated beauty with how bright something was which meant that all of her first outfits were ungodly bright and hard to look at. hollyberry still teases them about how they practically blinded everyone and even sent “paintings” of their first outfits
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Fortunately for everyone’s eyes, she’s developed a less gaudy style She also had even made clothes for the other ancients because there ain’t no way they’re just gonna leave them looking like that 🫣 They don’t only care about their appearance, but also the appearance of those around them and will make sure their friends are looking their best Dark Cacao was the one she would dress up the most Every time they saw him they would pick apart and analyze every aspect of his outfit like a doctor studying a patient. She’ll be like “oh no… oh dear. it's just what I feared,.. Despite the fact that your kingdom has an ocean right next to it, it seems like you completely lack any drip whatsoever. I fear it might be terminal 😔.” She purposefully made Dark Cacao’s outfit super gaudy and revealing to mess with him. He refuses to wear it so now it sits in a closet somewhere for Dark Choco to find and have gain a whole lotta questions about what his father was up to in his younger years. When with Pure Vanilla, Golden Cheese would rant about her say. She shared their worries and strife with him and Vanilla would attentively listen to it all while occasionally giving out some advice. I just imagine the pair in Golden’s personal spa (don’t tell me she wouldn’t have one) and Golden venting about her day or them gossiping about whatever was happening in her friends’ kingdoms. Pure Vanilla would be a source of comfort and reassurance to Golden while Dark Cacao (and sometimes Hollyberry) would be a grounding force for her.
Surprise Pure Vanilla Headcanon: Pure Vanilla is a great listener. He usually doesn't add much to conversation unless prompted to and has just a very calming vibe to him. It makes people feel comfortable enough to share whatever's on their mind with him.
Golden Cheese also spends a lot of time tinkering and engineering, how else could her kingdom look like it was taken right out of a sci-fi movie if it wasn’t her doing? This is the main way they and White Lily bonded and spent one on one time together. Just working on their own projects and enjoying each others’ presence (we love women in STEM <3) Another thing they bonded over were puzzles. Golden would create puzzles just for Lily and in kind, she would bring puzzles from other nations for Cheese. Golden loved to see the other 3 struggle with puzzles as well though Cacao refused to touch one after the first time he failed. I think that White Lily would be the only ancient to know where Golden Cheese’s kingdom is, she probably just happened upon it while looking for some resources in the desert The reason why Golden is so secretive about her kingdom is because they doesn’t really view it as a kingdom They did at the beginning but over time she began to grow self conscious about it. Her kingdom is missing one crucial aspect that all their friends’ kingdoms have: Cookies to rule over I believe that the cookies arrived after the Dark Flour war with no basis whatsoever :3 It just fits with the headcanons. (also because I made this part before the teaser dropped) They love the Cheese birds but they do get a little awkward when they hear about the other ancients dealing their kingdoms’ politics (none of which she understands btw) while she just lays around with her fellow birds all day Whenever one of the others asks about her Kingdom she always says that things are going great while also being incredibly vague and leaves out any specific details.
This did lead to Cacao questioning whether or not Cheese actually had a kingdom not helped by the fact that Golden Cheese announced that she had a kingdom after seeing her friends’, but Lily would confirm that her Kingdom existed Whenever Lily came to the Cheese Kingdom she held little check ups on the cheese birds and even help Golden train them Thanks to Lily, Golden Cheese was able to train 4 of her birds to be messengers/carriers for each of the other ancients. Hollyberry’s bird is chatty and mimics words and sounds all the time. It's also the most active out of the birds and very easily led by food. Its feathers are a pretty rose gold color. PV’s crow is a bit grumpy, an angry bird if you will, as well as pretty old. It spends most of its time sleeping and is paler than the average Cheesebird. White lily’s bird is good at foraging and likes to organize things. It’s the smartest out of all the birds due to both Lily and Golden building little puzzles/toys for it. It is also almost completely white with a bit of an opalescent shine. Dark Cacao’s crow likes to collect shiny things and it preens itself pretty often. It also tries to preen cacao and spends most of its time snuggled on his shoulder. It gives everything it collects to him and is a brownish platinum color. The birds were the best way for all of the ancients to message each other seeing how birds are way faster than couriers and how the birds actually knew where Golden Cheese Kingdom is. Before they relied on Lily to send their messages to Cheese since she was the only one to know where she is but the problem with that is that Lily was always on the move.
Surprise White Lily Headcanon: White Lily used to travel a lot for her research. One moment she would be in PV’s kingdom the next she would be in HB Kingdom’s jungles or in Dragon’s Valley.
Unfortunately, all the birds returned to the Golden Cheese Kingdom after the Vanilla’s kingdom was destroyed which was the main reason why all the other Ancients didn’t talk much after the war.
Now this next bit was also written before the trailer dropped but I’ll share it anyway as a lil bonus:
After the war Golden Cheese was inconsolable after Vanilla sacrificed himself and locked themself away in their castle. The messenger birds tried to bring her out but she couldn’t bring herself to face what happened. She lost track of how many days she spent wallowing in her despair but it was long enough for White Lily to become Dark Enchantress. Since Lily, and therefore Enchantress, was the only one who knew where the Golden Cheese Kingdom was, it was the first place Enchantress went. In the state Cheese was in it wasn’t hard for Enchantress to trick them into believing she was Lily and came to check up on them. Enchantress planned on taking Golden’s Soul Jam and sealing her away but unfortunately she underestimated the strength of the kingdom's citizens. She didn’t have enough power or time to steal the Soul Jam and seal Golden away so she decided to seal Golden with her Soul Jam. This way Golden wouldn’t be able to warn the others of Enchantress’ return, and besides, she could always come back later. Golden Cheese was sealed away in a golden statue that looks exactly like the ones littered throughout her kingdom, unaware of what White Lily had turned into. …Until Gingerbrave and friendstm showed up.
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hyenahunt · 2 months
Obbligato: The Punishment of Kaname Tojo - 7
Writer: Akira
Season: Spring, two years ago
Characters: Jun, HiMERU
Proofreading: Remi + 310mc (JP) & Skyress (ENG)
Translation: Peace & hyenahunt
Jun: You're talking in third person now, huh? What's going on, your pretty lil' face trying your hand at acting or something?
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[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Time: A few days later
Location: In Reimei's Labour Camp room
Jun: (And in the end, nothing changed one bit.)
(Every last thing was pointless and meaningless, all amounting to nothing.)
(Even though Kazehaya-senpai worked himself to the bone at the cost of his own health, Reimei Academy continues to be a living hell. In fact, it feels like it's just getting worse.)
(With HiMERU as their figurehead, the Special Students have been snatching away work meant for Kazehaya-senpai, and they're living their best lives getting to perform to their hearts' desire.)
(It's plain to see how carried away they're getting. They're all kicking back and laughing, looking entirely too pleased with their success.)
(And to make things worse, they've been treating us Non-Specials even more harshly than before.)
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Jun: (It's ironic, really. All Kazehaya-senpai wanted was a future where everyone could live in peace and harmony together.)
(But until a lil' while ago, the Specials were getting their jobs stolen away by the Non-Special gang of the Catacombs)
(So they’re probably hanging onto a grudge over that, ‘cause they've gotten crazy aggressive with us these days.)
(They'll openly curse us out even in front of others, and they even get all rough and violent with us. The hell's the police even doing? This is obviously all kinds of fucked up.)
(The Specials straight up see us as enemies, now.)
(They treated us like servants in the past, but now they treat us like literal vermin. Like it's a given they'd wanna crush us underfoot the moment they so much as catch a glimpse of us.)
(But despite that, weirdly enough, Non-Specials refuse to run.)
(Do they think we're gonna turn the tables on 'em once Kazehaya-senpai recovers and makes his comeback?)
(I don't really hang around the other Non-Specials, so honestly, it beats me what they're thinking...)
(I sure hope they're not getting up to no good, though...)
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Jun: (They've been meeting up in the Catacombs just as usual, and it kinda seems like they've got something shady in the works.)
(I'm getting bad vibes from it all... Thanks to Kazehaya-senpai, Non-Specials got to experience what it's like to stand on the stage, even if only for a moment.)
(They got to learn what it's like to become an idol.)
(To have your dreams come true, surrounded by a dazzling radiance...)
(They got to know the joys of being alive.)
(But then everything changed, and everything they were supposed to have in their hands was stolen away by the Specials.)
(There's no way they wouldn't come to start resenting 'em.)
(Even those who'd given up and figured that this was just how things were — they got to realise that actually, it wasn't.)
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Jun: (It was 'cause of Kazehaya-senpai that the Non-Specials came to learn the taste of success, and lots of it. They learned that even without being a Special Student, they could achieve success, and become happy.)
(And that’s why, more than ever, they’ve started to resent the fact that we’ve got these Special and Non-Special labels forced upon us.)
(Non-Specials have started to question Reimei's unreasonable system all over again. Everyone's stress is building up from being forced to follow it.)
(This place is a powder keg waiting to blow and something's gonna set it off any time now.)
(Y'know, HiMERU, once someone realises their hard-earned gains are being stolen away by an intruder, it's only human nature that they'd resent them.)
(That's why Special Students have just gone harder in oppressing us Non-Specials, isn't it?)
(But in the same way, Non-Specials have started to resent them right back. They see 'em as the enemy who kicked them off the stage, and bear a grudge against 'em for that.)
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Jun: (Up 'til now, that wasn't how things always were. Sure, we never really liked each other, but it's not like we were straight up enemies.)
(We just saw each other as someone unpleasant who we had to coexist with. Now, however... both sides see the other as a detested enemy.)
(Even though all Kazehaya-senpai wished for was love...)
(The very opposite happened — it was hatred that built up instead.)
(For these two factions, festering with mutual resentment, Reimei Academy is the tiny cage in which they'll face off.)
(This place is a ticking time bomb...)
(And it's gonna go off with a terrible explosion the very first chance it gets.)
(It's a disaster waiting to happen — one that'll blast everything to bits.)
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Jun: ......
(But y'know, that might not be too bad. I mean, maybe this shitty dump of a school should get blown up and reduced to nothing but rubble —)
HiMERU: Hey.
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Jun: ...!? Woah, huh?
HiMERU: .......
Jun: H-huh? What're you doing here? You returned to the Special Student dorms ages ago — don't tell me you'd forgotten something here at the Labour Camp and came back to get it only after all this time?
HiMERU: Tch... So you know of HiMERU?
Well, it'd be a surprise if you didn't know of him by now.
I was the one who facilitated his rise to the top, after all. In fact, it'd be an issue if he wasn't a household name.
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Jun: His rise... You're talking in third person now, huh? What's going on, your pretty lil' face trying your hand at acting or something?
[ ☆ ]
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munkiey · 11 months
First of all, hello lmao. I just found your blog because I love lmk stuff even though I'm not very active on this social network, I've seen your amazing art on other social networks, and I wanted to ask you kindly if you could help giving me some tips to be able to promote my art or my blog in a better way or how to get people to see my content more, because I have seen that you have been very popular here in such a short time and I have been here trying for more than a year and I have achieved almost nothing, when I share my art on various sites there are no comments and I don't know what to do anymore, I am a bit desperate because I really want to work on this because I love it, it is my passion and also I will want to have some income with commissions because I need it, so yes I would like to make money doing what I am passionate about, but sometimes I wonder if my art is really good or what am I doing wrong because nobody responds to me when I post something. It was long, sorry if this has bothered you, I hope you can answer me, I feel that it would help me.
Okay so what you’re asking about is marketing. Now in the grand scheme of things bud, I’m actually pretty small. Maybe in correlation to a small fandom I might have made an impression but as the internet at large I’m a guppy compared to some of the big fish. Honestly, I prefer it that way. 
The bigger you get the easier a target you are, and the less you’re a person to the people you interact with. Don’t forget that.
The old saying, it's lonely at the top, is very true. The bigger you get the more likely people are to put expectations on you for how you should behave or what they expect. You’ll always be vulnerable to criticism and unable to reach out to your ‘fans’ in a fashion that isn’t either going to leave you exposed or looked at with scrutiny. When it comes to breaking into a fandom though, choosing what your focus is and making sure you have in mind what branding you’re going for. People like consistency and they like predictability. Think about some of the most famous Youtubers today, they’re always updating and they have a ‘theme’ to what they do. I’m a comic artist and wannabe animator, that’s what my content is. I post occasional illustrations between larger projects but as a whole people who follow me can generally expect I have something in the works. 
Looking at your message as a whole though I’m gonna give you a little bit of a hard pill. Don’t base your worth off what other people say. Yes, not getting any responses s u c k s. We’ve all been there and we all want to know how we did. In the grand scheme of things artists are a line of lil dogs wagging their tails and waiting for a pat on the head. You gotta find joy in just chasing that passion though. I see a lot of artists chasing clout and not chasing their artistic passion. They base every decision off what people want, or what they think will get them noticed. It’s very hollow. You can make a living in the comic book, illustration, animation, industry and never be noticed by the online sphere as a whole. Trust me on that, the amount of people I see that I know are published and recognized artists in the industry and have almost no following is a pretty regular thing. Again though, that comes down to your focus and what you want. If you want to have an online presence and gain a following, choose your lane, market yourself and keep your social media oriented towards that. Make a character for yourself and how you want to be perceived by people. I’m not always as cheeky in person, or horrific, but I like the humor of it and it builds a persona for me online.  If you want a career and you want to chase that dream, focus on improving yourself first. If you keep posting it online, trust me, the rest will follow.
There is no magic pill to making a social media following overnight. There are tricks, things to do to help grow it over time. Marketing classes are a thing and can help. But all and all, I’m also a believer in the fact that, if you love what you do, the rest will gradually follow.
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izfaish · 1 month
[go go loser ranger manga spoilers - vol. 6 | ch. 43-42]
i don't even know if i can be coherent here odjdjfjf
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what a way to start the volume. GOD i love the internal struggle. the imaginary dream sequence. the way it almost mirrors the meal scene with the dragon keepers, with peltrola coming in and killing that chef the way akabane killed his jfc. it's nit a 1-to-1 comparison but it just reminded me of that same old rottenness. and the fact that sakurama is d's conscience so to speak... oufjfjfjfj
it makes sense that d would resolve to get rid of both the dragons keepers AND the executives. to him, they're the same. it is heartwarming to see him regard his cadet buddies as special, so much so that d is unsettled by the idea that HE would hold such power over them. the same power and authority that he despises from the dragon keepers and executives.
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ok i just wanted to say that this made me laugh. like first nadeshiko's panacea thing was funny and then suzukiri pulls out a tv remote like HELLO????
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i love d standing up for himself like this but i can also see the slippery slope of becoming like the executives... getting what you want and forcing that onto others... i wouldn't be surprised if d one day becomes an executive and has to grapple with that. hell, maybe in the later chapters he becomes a dragon keeper AND executive... damn.
i will say, peltrola is an interesting antagonist. someone so holier-than-thou who sees themselves as a god,,, an interesting match-up to the dragon keepers' divine sense of authority, what with their divine dragon tools.
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okay i did not like blue keeper when he was introduced, but i think that's normal. i still don't like him but i do find him a lot more interesting and i appreciate his sense of self-awareness. living your life knowing you toe the line between good and evil, never committing fully to one, and feeling that your resolve wavers because of it... like damn. you did not deserve to die. you deserved to live and commit to doing better. death isn't redemption, it's just a tragedy. speaking of..
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holy hell. the way d's murder of blue keeper was actually horrifying. just... the juxtaposition between d achieving his goal but feeling empty with loss anyway just hit so hard.
also (backtracking a bit) lil hibiki and tokita!!!!!! would not be surprised if tokita modeled his look after aogama. also aoyome and aogama's relationship is sweet. i like how she sees the best in him even if the worst of him shouldn't be ignored or excused.
OKAY i didn't realize there's an image limit so here's my other fav panels:
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;u; xx,,,, they're both just trying to carve meaning out of their existence (that backstory into d was also just... ough. there's,,, probably parallels there with blue keeper. raised to be a shield, a scapegoat, a loser... god...
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the fav is alive i am JUMPING FOR JOY
NO IDEA if koguma will be like,,, a friend or ally. or used as bait or get hurt again,,, leave him alone pls. also rip sojiro, you were a real one. really symbolic that the oldest veteran cadet of them there died, kinda symbolizes the passing of a baton... damn. rest in peace.
also - suzukiri! achieved her goal once more. she's so so interesting. i wonder what sakurama is up to...
okay look. i like sesera a lot but her thing with sakurama is NOT IT DNDMFNND. i know it's a trope but the fcking body pillow was so weird, like cmon. i still like her though, she's my fav of the dragon keepers. that,, might change going forward im not sure. i do like,,, sharks,, green keeper arc is next? shark teeth a+ design heeeee.
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hyeahgaku · 6 months
The Seba brothers are precious; trying to protect and save each other in their own ways.. it shows their bond is actually real strong since they're willing to go lengths to keep the other safe.
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Natsuki's willingness to fulfil his father's dream by offering himself to go to Al-Kamar. A place of possibly unimaginable horrors that Slur's team know too well. Assumingly Natsuki also knows whatever the individuals sent there were subjected to, then all that he was doing was so that he could spare his beloved younger brother from unspeakable pain or torture. As well as further trauma to a still-developing kid. Something that their deadbeat of a father fail to realise.. So young, so quiet & stoic, yet still so thoughtful, caring & sweet. I bet young Natsuki understands that Mafuyu is still young & hasn't had his own ambitions yet so I'm certain he's making way for his lil bro to enjoy his childhood more & be relieved from the burden that their dumb dad was abt to shoulder on the poor youngling. Honestly, Natsuki's actions in chap 145 is enough to reflect how much of a doting, protective & selfless big brother he is. Young Mafuyu may not have realised it when he was upset with his aniki, but Natsuki's actions are proof of it. I bet that bladed shoe was designed specially for him cuz Natsuki knows how much of a clean freak his lil bro is.
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Meanwhile, Mafuyu deeply cares about Natsuki too in his own way. And he's also very supportive of his aniki's inventions, like he's the only one in the family to do so. On top of that, young Mafuyu even have faith in his aniki, he believes that Natsuki is capable of achieving his dream in future cuz he knows that Natsuki is talented & will be successful in his goal. And Mafuyu has a really big heart thou he was more reckless in his plan to save his brother. Young Mafuyu's main aim is to free Natsuki from their deadbeat father's unhealthy obsession so that his aniki can pursue his biggest dream. And Mafuyu's goal to free & help his aniki is so strong that he is willing to do whatever & by any means necessary. Even if that involves putting his own life on the line, so long as he can make sure that Natsuki achieves his ambition of becoming a professional weapons maker, then Mafuyu really thinks that all these efforts are worth it. What reckless selflessness!
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How young Mafuyu is able to realise the important of supporting someone's dreams, or in his case right now is to see through that Natsuki can continue to pursue & achieve his dreams, that is beyond amazing & I tip my hat to him. A little kid versus a full-grown adult. Likewise with Natsuki -as an older brother, you should protect your younger sibling & that's what he does. Such brotherly love. PROTECT! These kids deserve only the best & also doting parents who would give the world to them, respect & support their goals to the ends of Earth.
Seriously, zero respect for Mr Seba for oppressing his kids to be who HE want them to be just for the sake of getting back at those mfs who insulted his family. Saving his own face matters more than ensuring his own children's safety, protecting their well-being and encouraging them to pursue their own paths & dreams. Natsuki & Mafuyu don't deserve the toxic environment they grew up in, nor whatever he has put them through. Their mental & emotional healths... 😭 Dammit Mr Seba how could you even look at your two boys in their eyes after all that and still see yourself as their parent..? I hope there's at least an ounce of guilt now, thou i doubt. So I hope karma hits you back, aye. Hit you hard, yeah. Congrates, you have proven yourself worthy to be placed among the Worst Manga/Anime Fathers list.
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mickmundy · 9 months
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closing out this #bushmedbday with a few of my favorite little details from the comic that started it all... HEHE! i really love the cover art. like its SO good... sniper's class patch with the frayed threads, evidence of archimedes' mischief with his bloody footprints... ahh!!
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sniper and archimedes being lil blood brothers.. i mention this in my fics quite a bit, but i think it's interesting that sniper is the only one that medic has ever used his best friend's blood on! thanks for your help with the revival, archimedes!
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i have Lots Of Thoughts about snipers other scars that medic graced him with, too! aside from the Obvious Reason that scars are sexy and sniper looks good with them, here are some of my thoughts on what they could be from! ^v^ i love being a little unconventional with this stuff!
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sniper's strength after being freshly-revived was also really impressive... able to push/pull/hoist up medic (who is, as we know, quite burly! hehe!) with just one hand...? you're a miracle worker, doc!
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sniper doesn't steal the dying spotlight for too long! he and medic actually share a very similar fate! classic team sure does love shooting Two Bullets into people, don't they?! hoo!
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ive also made note in the past of some comparisons (and contrasts!) in their respective death scenes in the comics, too... imo sniper and medic have Vastly different beliefs when it comes to death (respecting vs defying it, etc), too! very fun and makes for Delicious Chemistry!
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going to close this lil thread with one of my favorite things... he's medic's Crowning Medical Achievement! ;u; sniper's revival really was a total labor of love... and classic team's money! doctor ludwig, you've really outdone yourself! who can blame him for bragging!
i just want to say thank you SO much to everyone who participated, retweeted, commented and just shared the love for this ship today! ;u; it's a pairing that means so much to me and i'm so happy to have found such a wonderful, supportive community! ;; ILYASM!!! BUSHMED 5 EVA!!
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imaginespazzi · 3 months
Hey pookie,
First off, since you achieved your goal of keeping part 2 shorter, imma try to do the same with this ask! So here goes my thoughts on part 2:
I should have already known as soon as I saw the lyric/song you chose that this was gonna hurt bad, but I still was not prepared for how bad. Side note: I listened to Happier while I was reading it for the second time – I do not recommend if you don’t want your heart to break even more.
I know I said I wanted Paige to suffer… WELL I TAKE IT BACK- my favourite blonde has suffered enough 😭
Her entire drunken monologue about what she would have done if it was her that took Azzi on a date- fuuuuuck I can’t- but oh man it was so well written and so heartbreaking.
And then oh- that last part and when she realised that it wasn’t her that Azzi was looking for (although I still believe that subconsciously, it was a certain blonde that she was searching for in the crowd)
ZOE WHEN I CATCH YOU 🫵 (you did nothing wrong, BUT STILL)
I did let out a lil giggle tho (In between my crying) at blondie running into a wall cos she was so desperate to get away 🤭
Side note: the first scene was top tier; I just love Paige and the Fudds interactions and Azzi and Drew interactions 🫂
Side note 2: Angela being chosen as one of the menace teammates, I see the vision truly, she would be that girl lmao
Favourite line/quote: “she’s who you were supposed to be…” 💔
So overall, my heart was as cracked as paige's screen protector was by the end of it, and I just want blondie to finally get to take her bestie out on their dream date. BUT I do love angst so maybe I can handle just a tiny bit more suffering (I guess I’m taking back my earlier takeback), sorry paige 🙈
Thoughts on what’s to come (potentially):
I know I said in a previous ask that in my mind, summer breaks are when it gets especially messy and seeing as we’re up to a summer break in the timeline, oof bestie I can’t wait to see what you have in store for them (and us).
Also, the first meeting between Zoe and Paige- I know that would be explosive, like Paige would just be constantly trying to prove that she knows Azzi best 👀
“you don’t even know the things I said to her before she left for LA. And she’s still here” – another teaser of that fight, ugh I so desperately wanna know, but also not know, what she actually did say that night.
As always, thank you for this incredible story. I was so prepared (well, not really but I could have been) to wait at least a couple weeks for this part cos ya know we never wanna pressure you and I know you still got actual life to deal with, so the fact that you put this out ONE WEEK later - we don’t deserve you, truly. 🥺
Ok omg lemme wrap this up now, and ignore the part where I said I’d try to keep this ask short(er) because I’m pretty sure this is my longest one yet? I’m sorry – the key word there was obviously: try.
Much love always 💗
Hi bestie <3
Please I love your long asks, don't ever stop.
Fun fact I was torn between using Ed Sheeran's Happier or Oliviia Rodrigo's Happier (does she mean you forgot about me) but also kind of wanted to use The 1 (if my wishes came true, it would have been you).
I KNEW YOU (and everybody else) WOULD FLIP THE MINUTE I GAVE Y'ALL SAD PAIGE like y'all love her too much (me af) 😭
We're gonna come back to Azzi and her searching the crowds during the game next chapter (also just gonna add here, the anon asking if Azzi knows Paige was at the game, she doesn't...yet)
WAIT okay, do we want Zoe to be a good kind gf or no? Cause I have two ways this could go lol
Poor Angela caught some strays. It was between her and Emily Bessoir and I was like nah Angela fits better, so I'm glad you agree babe
Aww babes I'm sorry to break you like Paige's screen protector 💀 (is this a bad time to tell you that it very much is not getting better anytime soon so hopefully you can handle a lot more than little)
Mini confession, I also don't actually know what the argument before Azzi left for UCLA actually was...very much a work in progress oops-
Let's see if I can actually stick to my weekly timelines (hmmmm)
Love you always pookie 💗
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thaliagrayce · 9 months
i've been talking abt my voltron playlists and @iveofficiallygonemad asked to hear them and i want to share with anybody who wants!! i know they're not perfect, i'm working on them & trying to make them better. if you have any recommendations for any of them, let me know!! there's like A Lot and i want to give a lil explanation for most of them, so i'm putting them under the cut ^-^
SO first i have my favorite one <3 it's just. all of them. it's the whole team. it's a mess and it's a bunch of different genres because it's them fighting over the aux cord on a road trip. it's them trying to make each other laugh or annoy each other or play something catchy enough it will infect everyone in the vicinity with brain worms.
Hunk: i'm pretty happy with my Hunk playlist! chill vibes. he strikes me as the kind of guy who listens to calm music to try to find his own calm, and that's what i got here :)
Pidge: this is messier and less cohesive than my usual playlist because frankly i think pidge would have a shit taste in music. all over the board. this is a mix of meme songs and 8-bit covers and vocaloid and stuff that i think pidge would genuinely connect with, and i think pidge listens to all their music on shuffle without any regards for genre or mood because they're a gremlin. nobody gives pidge sole control of the aux.
Coran hears 80's music for the first time and loses his mind. He thinks ABBA is humanity's single greatest achievement.
Lance: i have ideas about where I'm going with this but haven't really settled yet. Lance seems like the kind of boy that loves to dance (is that canon? i forgot) so most of these are Bops That Make You Move in some way or another. he likes to present an upbeat face to the world, so there's no angsting in this playlist! we are clinging to the things that make us happy with both hands until our knuckles turn white!
Keith: i'm gonna be honest. i made him a playlist but i honestly don't think he cares about music very much. it's very important to some people! he's just not one of them! i haven't cracked this playlist open in a while but i'm pretty sure it's full of songs that i think he would conceivably train/work out to.
Shiro: this playlist involves the dumbest headcanon i have for shiro that has just not left me alone since i first thought of it. most of the playlist reflects the fact that he had an emo phase in middle school (that one isn't a headcanon, you just have to look at him to know) but BUT there are a few songs on here that are on here because. little known fact. he also went through a Twilight phase that he told nobody about. (keith knows. keith was there.) he has the entire twilight soundtrack memorized. he moved past the story but the music stays forever. he used to daydream about slow dancing to Flightless Bird, American Mouth. the first time Coran mentions that they have to avoid a place because there's a supermassive black hole there, he has to bite his tongue in order to keep a straight face. do NOT ask me why i believe this so wholeheartedly.
Allura's playlist sucks right now. I think it's because in my heart of hearts i know that, were she on earth today, she would go fucking nuts for taylor swift. i have ambivalent feelings for taylor swift. i cannot do allura justice like this. if you see my vision and have recs as to what might actually fit her, PLEASE.
Klance: i haven't done it yet but i'm gonna go through this and sort it to be a sort of progression of their relationship, starting with the more combative Rivalry songs, then slipping into "oh shit oh shit" songs, then maybe ending on the more lighthearted purely romantic songs <3
(i have two songs in a shallura playlist which does not at all encapsulate how much i'm obsessed with them. the tiny cop inside my head is just constantly screaming at me that i'm going to get yelled at for liking shallura. i am going to kill the cop inside my head.)
#mj talks#oooooh i don't know if i actually want to put this in the show tag. that's a lot of people. that's a lot of people that might see this.#fuck it we ball#voltron#anyway. as i said if you like music and you have songs that you think fit please send em over#also who wants to talk about shallura? i want to talk about shallura.#i rewatched the first ~3 seasons (the best part of the show and some of season 3) with my roommate a while back and.#ngl if we're strictly talking about the show itself and not fanworks. i care about shallura SO much more than i care about klance.#oh i should probably tag#klance#in case anyone has that blacklisted and just doesn't wanna see it#BACK TO MY POINT.#rewatch seasons 1 and 2 and you will see there was a REASON everyone included shallura in the background of their fics#and it wasn't just shoving 'space mom' and 'space dad' together#there is a very real and very compelling dynamic there. the mutual respect. the connection that comes with taking responsibility.#watch shiro's whole deal after allura gets herself captured so that he can go free and try telling me it's all in my head. just TRY.#anyway i have a lot of complicated thoughts about shiro's sexuality and most of them boil down to I Don't Think It Was Planned#i think they shoved it in last minute because somebody higher up#(not the writers i don't blame u writers i know that you have people breathing down your necks telling you what you can and can't do)#some higherup didn't like any queer storylines that might have been in the works and pulled them from the show#but then there was fan backlash because... gay people are loud now? people wanted A Queer In Space? wild thought#so they had to save their ass and actually deliver on what they had promised in interviews/on the internet/idk i didn't keep up too much#because it was so clumsily revealed! there was no buildup!#it felt very shoehorned to me unfortunately. when a) they had already built a solid and compelling potential relationship for shiro#(see above)#and b) klance was? right there? like. dude. you /had/ to have seen that. or at least some of it????#backstory dead fiance was not the best move vis a vis queer representation and i reject him#if you want me to care about a relationship try going back to storytelling basics and Show Don't Tell :)#not giving you brownie points for that 'queer representation' :)#anyway. that's my shallura manifesto in the notes.
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silviakundera · 5 months
Lighter and Princess ep 3
Ah, this is where reality finally gives us a wave and departs completely. Young ML the super genius master-hacker freshman that builds an extra special genius virus in like 30 minutes while the FL watches, interfering with school property, and the entire IT department and then his professor marvel at his brilliance, not at all threatened or irritated or threatening disciplinary action. And we were doing so well.
Gotta say, I think FL isn't entirely wrong when labelling ML a poser. He's authentically not socialable and contrary, but he's trying it on a bit too hard like kids do PLUS he obviously isn't as disinterested in her as he's trying to front. She's a very pretty girl and he could simply ignore her. But he takes multiple actions to get her notice, after that 1st fateful cafetaria mistake.
Gao's fixation on ML seems suspicious and creepy but tbh that might be just my bias since I know in the future/present he's sketchy.
Episode 4
yeaaaaah he's so into her. Oh you're way too cool and counter culture to be interested in pretty girls. Everyone believes you.
I love how fried his hair looks. That's really the look of a university kid who just bleached his hair in the bathroom. And the long sleeves striped shirt under the black tshirt 👌. Kudos to the stylist.
Zhu Yun the FL and these over achiever students starting to get on my nerves now. I'm not even distracted by FL's luminous beauty because I'm buying into her student persona too well and it's not my type.
ML flipping the script and pretending (?) to hit on her at the school assembly whatever was pretty ballsy of him. Sometimes he tries so hard to be 'different' that he's actually not much more original than these other kids (just mimicking a different role) and it's endearing but a lil dorky to my 40-something self. But other times he's actually got the spirit and I'm feeling his sullen & mischevious magnetism. The type of kid I would have hung out with at that age.
lolololol pretending so hard not to care but if she had gone for it you know he would have dated her.
The invest in the band girl scene from the flashbacks! Kinda exciting to fit a piece together. Don't really know what their connection is, maybe I missed it. but nice to see him relaxed and smiling without putting on an act for once. idk maybe there really isn't a backstory. I tended to know a lot of the other counterculture people in my district, at least enough to say hi to. why not?
Episode 5
I'm so done with the past RETURN ME TO HOT GRADUATE FL 😭😭😭😭😭
I did like the lil scene with Future Villain Gao and FL where she really rejects Gao's reasoning of quitting to save face and not get humiliated. Being like, nah that's fine if we're the only 2 people and no one else wants to join us. See, that's actually dgaf i do what i want energy and you can see why she is ML's type. Oddly reminiscent of the Thousand Autumns otp - demonic sect leader realizes that the uber good, incorruptible cultivator is actually just as unbending and iconoclastic as he is... It's just that they are standing for different things.
dear asian drama writers, we truly madly deeply do NOT require female extras to dramatically fawn over a male character to indicate they are desirable. Just write them that way!! This shit is too ridiculous and knocks me out of the story.
tbh Gao may be Potentially Evil but ML Li Xun is insufferable when he starts pontificating about what a special programmer snowflake he is.
lmao I wonder if any instinctive part of him feels uneasy that he's the one in the crowd. She's comparatively going against the grain.
but kids, you obviously like each other. making all these excuses to hang out all night together smh. Just give it up and kiss.
THE PIG KEY MOMENTO from the future. another piece slots in!
I see, so mom makes every decision for FL. That's why she's so stubbornly rebellious against ML's percieved takeover of their class. She's instinctively rebelling against his leadership. She's reacting against him acting as the authority on comp sci and dicating the 'right' way to learn and be a programmer -- become she can't rebel against her mother.
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